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AUTHOR: Colovttin, N. A.; Zubov U. 11.1'166niko R. L4 ~,! A- 7.... ORG: none TITIE: Possibilities of using ange'r.anchor-6 for: 3.4 ying- Sib id SOURCE: Stroitellstvo trubop'rov6dovs'~no,, 1 19050 TOPIC TAGS: pipeline,, reinforced concreted ---A MTRACT: ----The _'itathors 'discuss; g0016~ic ~ andi _dimati6~ PrW 1(60 -II0.61*4d 1. .- 7" On ' of them laying ga~ pipe-in-Western Siberia. e layinct .' - - -i ipipe of large diameter*is to got rid of the' inherint~ Doisidve b ju'y'ahcy. i~ I Ithe Soviet Union this is commonly done by using annular 6t slad o-typs relri-i L forced concrete ballait imights of up to th~qe tone - It i~s CaL.1 u~atel th4tt i the ballast required for I IdA of 102( , ` 1311h a ial I bout of )-4= gdo elin 70 tmw i Ireinforced concrete. The cost in material ~A hbor oomp to tl re than 20$000 rubles, Recent innovations in ballast methods ifteltuide w ttarilaadU concreting and the use of reinforced concrets shells. T14 f irA tub methdt' require tempeirattAres above the erteising p*bt 09 waterj 404 th+, thikq La , I j still in the experimental stage. The authors propose thli use ot anger-tylia wid anchors such as are ely used in the Uftittd States for $Jilvin~, nq&Uve bouyancy to gas.~gW a i. johis devive is described and 111silie coWitions uz*r 110A Rim '~,which its use is applicabWare described* Resaarch and 41wel* on~ wMark now being dune In the Soviet Union to solve the varid".Miobletnis jnvd1Ytd the use of scre"W' anbhor's for,laying gas pip-6. Orig. aA4 htiai'j' gure# jk3l UB C rd 13# 11 SUBH DATM none '643 2: _A~ ar 6~1,' Od2l MffWP MIRIM What helped us decrease fuel consumption. Zhil.-kdm.kho%.5 n0.5:15,55. (KW 8: 11), 1. Direktor Chebokearskoy Zavol%hokoy elaktrostantaii (Cheboksary-Blectric power plantfi) v SHMMNOVA. Man Ivanoyna; ZUBOV, P,B.t,,Fad,; ASUMOVAs 1.1t., takhn, red, [Tzbor-i46to of W'Orkar's in commOrclo) ftudovy~'o~ pmva rabotnik&V torgoyli. Xoskm, Goo, 124-vo lurid, lit- 19Y7.! 101 p (Clark$ (Ritall: trade)T (min (Tabor laws and legislation) 447 Sftwdwv of Gels: Ptrw$IW 0( COWWW Cklatha. p ZIUIRXINA and V. A. X Amnim. Pror. AW. W. iift WYW-I globular form or platin has been prqmrtd by cooling dilutc~,~Klln IIJIVIlm" And removing thesolvent under Vacuum. I PCIAtIn Is rt~,W-cd WAiNsol" slowWin, water At 10* to WC., and to gel when this solution is theit hated 2D- to 220 C. Yoff, Abs. But/. Kodak 1W. Labs. 00 160 6 DAqudw d ON ow ci*m.'1i"U -ft"Tie "a? 11 f 46 7311947)' d!441. 9 9d *hh flioinmei ovw< 011mrs 1111soi0of oftlMin i 4.1 .1 10k 00 I " I : 0 if (is %Mur-it:7 SoAtin with 13%malittm) fintbe-! of "" oomly comm. S. timmd 70" gill Awe, the skime! t 6~vt~W at ibout 04 acki Inevengn tLmwl)p wttb ~ pmkttm, orliettils In Jbm 1. F i~llvtltvs" to lrtcmnw sole 0 ir n"mining incirlmident tA The n4c . Irm- tvto at W" With the =1 Vim dillwitil 0 flinnirts Cost I I difts t.71--olo(lo malations per nilm.) up to mbmt 30*1. MY. wkkty. The uffect of slotse 1, ill 940 of 4 t9drutod by a (0-, awvshat temp., B twcoro" depormbecit an 4. and the I at 0 - 1. Allef 11) 10(mithn, qt(waile. oN)wtd rup. qp* 'S IftWiff JAIIJI 001 Ob bUbff A to )met a. muoul at 11111'. as oVilast 411' ftw it young gtJ a#, twt~ aft Mp.,'Ibo toript OMN. iiiiii at the omln* m; it. Inwem. the ag*A I It Indiotto that, obvi" 30'. llnk.=.~ Sol b bovitt" up. P1 Is tro ot the 1""P, Of Ilit ompt. 64 witotif his. (in - tbf eirtwork structum of ih* ~00 w W14% fiq 30 I;f td, the cut V a 4 mo J, 10, StM4 of W min.) Its liC64je wi*Wts to Wit 61 ilm you I a lowfadro. am MA 11no V.I.! The InOtIms lensp, tA b1oly isiodl, 100 tv - for I gel$ vim a, (Tio rtagplo tot A revitains low up 1cv3O*.wA 01: ii"t6raLstiliftlinswelial jig, 10 IMA)MY With nWh. mn only at 30'. Rdautim is= mozatwa, ouch gel% cxwbvt ft trmp. fdamomm, and, by t1w Puromidhosilift 4114M pmducrd by In"I linhailri. N. Tbm Cull It 8, t1m. faffiting due 9==79 I'two WS td is sufficktitly Amg to pertall tmR too A n d0'. Thus, retioxation rdis: Imier" Wfth 01104 rev on 4 Z IR -6, o 60 --4 0:2 0-0 0 a Ab as. SA VLA -QL 'jo 0, 0 HLA I" -j + L J M; L 00750--" IPF(CAWWO RET, T -101', ACCESS ICH MR 'AP5 T 02096 UR 6100/061001, A UTHOTI~-. 110u'bo~! P. L; Smimova, A kova M Prepdration of organodioper6ion's Gi C -TITLt: h in t hi;kdj 7 SOTJRCE:o- yinyl rbl(!r c c0 (1~PP1CFtqAq;5:j, poly I ;Oes j qk1orinated drgan pouf d~ ~hw per sipn,rbfo6k. copolymer 4);1iMeriSr*jon,r1 ;n ~ij 4i 0' -1~gTA, 1Mpr9vemqnt 'in the gttle offij!n 0111illog ca a al hhated le !WC adig - 0 qt -~d d'b me~iQ i e: PAO' llka'01, yff 4 poly W i0inik,D1 RIP pegq.10~6, were formed, ~y, ymqri t -T, 1 004 1 '*iYoqO;C4 i PV c0, p0operkie .0f. tqe, I modified PVC ware 2etermined. With a given acryionT~0,30 cillcOntration the IRtick Cl-!.Pyc: .FrA -stant, regaIdleds .N, (powncrylonitrile) in the product was coti ia Concentration. It was thus concluded that grth(t copolMq; Wejr4%i9rjd. The viscosity of the organodispersion wis reduced as thq- Card 4/2 1~!' :J i A i1 7 '4C 101 ~R: AP5020967 _qqqtqpt~ jncreased,-.while th e-6trength 431i' ;Was-is 1nowhat ,than W& r S.trd~gth dtl-pvc RIM. The],91a_stick SWAT and with:more PAN the, fil*-becama~brjtj 0 "And glass temperatures of the Materials lncreasb.d~'I _!tfi-inar'13ase in PAN.CotiWnU Th"e values of the, the rmomecha'nical pva~Ortieo of th~ gtiat ciipolyme higher than. those,.of mechanical mi1wres Of hOMOpQjy I PAN grig ~LO ".'h"-. j4 tables-and 6 A SSOCIATION; MItitut fizIChG8kOAkhh*VAX.,SSSR try.Aig SS�R) 9UBUMED: 04Sep6,4. 00 D'St hiTI, 10; ~1 ZTJBOj, P.I.; SUKHAREVAI-L.A.; SHEVERDYAYEVAV G.A.; OSTPOV, Ye.A. Internal stresses arising durii'lg film'forma~ion from polyvinyl alcohol and its derivatives. Koll. zhur. 25 i~no.4'438-440 il-Ag 163. (MA l7t2) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSRj Mosi(41aq L 18414-M R-1r(M)AWP( Rj/4r, 0), ACC.- MI.- AP6063419_ S6U'HC9! COM, t '010,UA0010 ;'~. AUTHOI ur"ZOM j ISS Ya tisynn,2 it S. zubov S. ORG: Instittite of Physical Chomistgj'A~ S&SR (rustitillt f iz 1.6eskojr k~*u 1 AN SSSr, -TITLE: Role of branch ng o po ymoric chal tin: n tie I id int! 6'! of latex ii~s SOURCE: Vy okomolekulyarnyjb so e :no~ i4 a y di~oni~~, V~ 99-103 1 1 .t'C TOPIC TAGS: copolymer, polymerization k1not ics, qcryd~ pla :_ABSTRAGTi The effect-of the-langth'and branching of: bOU6 it u n- 'the coalescence process of Parucl4q hambei 07 corx~,'Inwr -latex on *C~Aod;jn'Ah alkyl acrylate-vinyl acetat Th Icopol.-~mer:waa iyntfi~plzod ib~~ 4mufst~l or- e 11011 c~ ization vit the use of gou3 series of alkyl;arrylateo- 0 0 and It 2, 4 61 an chei 1' CS. Kinetics of.,the process was.investigated, and thdj~.bysi (I m ca properties of the productj as well as.itn behavior on i &~',ing~4ii thin X Im, voro In: Fig.; j'[ t studied, liechanical:properties of variotts films are;4~mri,el was established thatIatticas from copoly~wrs of lower likylindrylates posses S, card 113 Aj~ivi !il I J- L 18469-66 RM d' lib 0~11/ 7d0 S WC NR: AP5004318 SOURd, 0D1 ~~0/6 ~06 d /a~ 9i 0;( 51 AUTHOR: GrozinskMa, Z. P.; Zubov,. P. 1. ORG: none -TITLE 171 'coa of 0 s 'mtcial SOURCE: ..:Lakokrasochnyye materlixly h n 4~--'51 p an, YCI ~Poi J i lacquiej:c, _10PIC TAGS:----epoxy plastid 1~ resia prq~eciiVs' coat ng~,.t a . a ABSTRACT: 'Experimental-data on chafige's i n the physiconn'~c~at i1cal piopert es~~ ;r c' t er ~cured epoxy coatings and films in the pradas's'! of thernal AM nj ~r~4ed ou d a cyclic conditions at 20-IOOOC in a 5000 et`hyl ~Ic6fiq.~ ~Tnedtigij ~re prep rate Changes -in ty internal stresses, elastic mo 'ulu's if and swell, ing -a oa d~ f'hlms an C .ings otED-S"epoxy resin and E-4100 epoxy lact "durint; th'~ ~mal: Ja~'ing werel ~ote~- ~mined. Films of E-4100 lacquer showed.greaie%, 'elastomeric i eformations thah1did! i I i I - ;~;4ks j',nd those of ED-5 resin, indicating a substantiaidifference hl;btruc~tvwal ni relaxation processes on swelling. The differtbnce In t4l ' ;Aion p6'ce'sses a).46 a4- counts for differences observed in the peeling of of the~p* r filj&6 f zet".ad_ U C D 7 ------ IT 'Card 1/2 ;-'r 7-- ~-,r7-~Ft,7-T71 KRYLOVA, I.A.; GOSTEV,. M.M.; KOVRIZIIKO, 1,.F:; K.A.; PASYNKOV, N.V., SOTNIKOV, I FT.--"'. Effect of surface-active agent's on the strer4,th OharacterI3 ties of the v-ulcanizates of carbon black extended SKA-30APK rubbent. Kauch. i rez. 24 no.12113-14 165. (MIRA M12) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khlmii AN~ SSSR i VoTcn,!tzht;kiy zriv!-d nintetioneskogo kauchu)m im. 3.M, Xtrova. S/0020 ACCESSION NR: AP4022721 1038910A AVZHOR: Dy,*Ilkov,, M.. B.; Sanzharovskiyj A~' T.; Zubovi!?-X,,~ TITM: The effect of temperature on long-term adhesivi strcjikh or S6urdez. IN.SSSR..I)o.kjmdy,; v. 155, no. 2, i964, 389-301 TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene., stabilized polyethylene., uni;tabilized polyethylene,. adhesive strength, absolute temperature, gas cons oemilogarithmir cooi-dinate i activation enTrgy,, linear relationshipi, plastic ABSMCT: The temperature-time dependence of adhesivi :streogtb was tedted,in a specially designed device with an air-~controllad chamber Uhich made It'potsible to test ten samples simultaneously underdifferent teij~'-_Tatutea and loads. 2be test samples were low-pressure stabilized dnd unstablliz6d polyethylene; c4e t*peraturi- time relationship was found to be identical for both~ trphs of yolyet4le!ae. Ma i the case of unstabilized polyethylene., the activation energy used lnithe'destrua- tion of the adhesive bond amount the stabi- a to 36 kilocalories per mole, and lized polyethylene about 24 kilochlories per mole.~ 7his flis probably ! due to the fact that the additions of stabilizer tend to inhlblt tbe oxidizing process on [Card lk_____ ~ACCESSICN NR: AP4022721 the adhesive interfaces of the metal. dic~te th~at lines.3. r~iatlon- Our figures in ship applies only to stabilized polyethylene,, and no s~4 rel*timship is lainid in unstabilized adhesive. The calculation of the activati om enera of the c6hesive as well as the adhesive destruction requires that the titim (kinetic) rela~ion4hlp of these tvo methods of destruction be taken into account, OrIg. art.'b"t 3 figures., 5 formulas and 2'tables. ASSOCIATIW: Institut fizicheskoy khimii skademii nauk S6M (litstitute 0i Pbysical, Cbemistry,, Academy of Sciences 88SW SURMM: 280at63 DW Aft OSAprA-2~ No w bm~ SUB COBE:* CH 006 001 j L 2/; Card ACCESSION NR: AP4o18157 S1019116410~0100i~10005100q9 AtjTHORS:,___:6ubqXj, P.I.; Gin kaya, Z.P.; Sanzhar TITLE: Thermal aging or11Po:iy1:t1hylene ~MmGo it 5-9 SOURCE: Plastiobeskiye MLsy4' o*3,~1964 TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene,-..,Polyethylene film, poll~ethYleue coalt~nv internal stress, modulus ot dlastiol-ty,-tensile ~trenj;U,, elonaltI.Ong f I ~ thermal effect, thermal aging., j ABSTRACT; The changes in internal,,- modulus ot *e'lasticiii'o I q' tensile strength and elongation of poly,+pt0hylan4!'hlm:h3and coai~ugb with aging at temperatures fron -60~to I qb'wt~e iny'eisvigate'cl~.~ it on ing the films during forming improves Theirmebhanioiil goperties". `07%,"dil The presence of a stabilizer (0.13% neozon A,' 0' onediamine, and 1.5% gas black) in polyethylene~raides its r4ehistance to thermal aging, Uhile the mechanical ilizea* properties ot unstab polyethylene ate lowered in 20 days; the stabilizedimaterial,doe4 not ,change in 40 days. Thermal aging of polyethyl6ne is,,analagd 4 to tbxt~ it!',' cc rd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4018157 of_nitrocellulose and polyester..coatings..,:Coolin ihe'hlm stl 4'th-, ens the intermolecular interaction, increases the~odululd of eiigtia~L ty and strength, and also increases internal stresbas w1alch reti3id i.eo. laxation processes, and causinZ cracking and ~eelilig. Roating 4 ill enhance' relaxation of the internal stresses and olQ~ue u~ the detaoto of the coating. Orig. art. has 11, figures. .ASSOOIATIOX; None ..~SUBMITTED: 00 DATB AOQ: 27Xar64 ENOZ: 00 SUB-CODE: ML PH NR REP SOV: 001 '0 TIM 0001 Cord 2/2 ZUBOVA P.I.; OSIPOV, re.A. Effect of the addition of water or, globular rplyvir~T-' al:iallcl solutionn. Vysckomsooed. 7 no.1-91.~-9'7 Ja 1654:1 (MMA 1. institut fizicheskay Icnimil AN SS.SR. ANDRIANOV, K.A. kndaii-ik; YAN"C", ; ISN' I I-A. I i(NO" A, 0 LIJBOV, 1'.I. Synthesis and phyal.comechanical. pt-opertles ot I'DiU, of polpneris or regular structure. DokI. Ali .138,62 161 no.109-1W Mr 65. (MIRA 111:3) 1. Institut, elementoorganiche.-.k.1kh aolyedirwmiy AN' SSSR. .-AUTHORt- h` Yovm nov tnz Ara 11 (Hoscow) Zubov, P. ~-ORGI- none, TITLE t Adhe a Lo of EDws ~esdio no 11~ I . t SOURCEs HokhanLka polimarov not! 6g,:~ 9 5 1 1 61 raw:-: -,ABSTRACT:-': tudy- revi, da th9Lt -164 nd-ljid 1PO n ALe a --Of-th aT a V; n &'M11X1_MUM_WJ6%.U MUL: &LLirdaie.: iii colftes t -throFug u' ------ L nit P_- Y'_ dV1 typ, 0 -&Sent-- tetraethy- one etitam- 'His an adhesional one at aL, car, tL ain coincentrattO 0 f t~ta I~aiden r, The d author assumes th t chaa~*G~:Ln: the: a! tur'o 0 1~;ha 1~641*er. il ba ars are the cause of'the relatlonshLp~ observed, IThe P~aranc* of f race P tures or maxima at temperatures f,rom ~80 to A1111600 the teMoarature de-~. pendence curves of the strength of adhesive i, Ointa expLa nail b 0. ar changes in the physical state of the:,Polyiae~il Or.81 !art. a I -fig-, 18~6+ ~UDCI 13t621al osl 6iM6+53906! 67 Card 7 - I AnAft -4& --ACC MRs AP6005830 AL 0 ureso* (Basi ad on. author s ttac t UB CODE '-ORI 0 10 0 1 Isir 001 ' 1 7 GOLIKOVA, V.S.; SHVET9,, V.I.j MITROFANOVA, T.K.; DOHOPEYEVA, L.T.; PREOBRAZPT,IISKIY, N.A, Spectral studies of vegetable oils and anln6l fats~~ Report N6.;2t Infrared spectra of 0~ liglycerides. Zhur.dr~g.khimf I no.31'1+39- 445 Mr 165. (MIRA 18t4)', 1. Moskovskiy institut tonko7 khlmicheskoy ta~hnolcgli im. M.V~ Lomonosova i Institut fiticheskoy khimii AN SSSR. GOLIKOVA, V.S.; MITROFANOVA, T.K.; SHVETS, V.I.;,~qAOV ... POI~;, PREOBRAZHENSKIY, N.A. Spectral studies of vegetable oils and animal fats., Report No. It Infrared spectra of triglycerides. Zhur.oxg.k4im. llno.3:433-439 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1, Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheakoy -takhnoloilii imeni M.V.Lomonosova i Institut fizichoskoy kh1m1i AN SSS11, YELISEYEVA, V.I.; ZHARKOVA, N.C.; CHUMOVA, A.V.; Daulnion polymer,zation of lower alkyl acrylates. Vysokom.f!oed. 7 no.1:156-162 A 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Inatitut fizicheskoy khimil All SSSR. DYLIKOV, M. S.; ANZHAROVSKIY, A. T.; ZUBOV, P. 1. Effect r' tAmperature on th long-time adhealon istrength of polyeth.lene. Dokl. AN SSSR 155'no. 2:389-391 Mr !64- (MMA 17:5) 1. Institut fizichaskoy WWI AN SSSR, ProdatiWen6 akademikom': V. A. Karginym. 60/64/02 05#6010 S/O 6/00VP i ACCESSION NR: AP4011308 0 AUTHORS:,Kry*lova, I. A.; Pospelova, K, A. ubc4o P#' Ji. TITLE. Stabilizingaqueous dispersions of carbon blafc"i""W"Ah: e active agents SOURCE: Kolloidny*y zhurnal, v. 26, no. It 19640.~37-60 uspen' TOPIC TAGS carbon black, channel bl4ckp stabiu%~~sd aqueous a Sion, Leukanol stabilized carbon black rubber fillet, dispersion P in channel stabilization) specific surface) NAF,carbon black, Ukht black ]-ABSTRACT: Aqueous suspensions of NAP carbon black' and.Ukhtin chancel. J,black stabilized by Leukanol and by the potassii6m, soap of hydrogen+,,.,!. ated rosin were compared. The specific.surface;area.*f,the. itabil-T11' ized aqueous carbon black is less than that of1the channel b1dek9l, indicating Z~~eater aggregation of the carbon black particles4ndmore'. ~y-of the! strongly coagulated structures. The lesser stabili~ ~NAF4 carbon blacks-apparently improves contact of those particles~with latex globul,3s, causing more effective reinforcing of',rubber4i Qed it A ACCESSION NR: AP4011308 latex. "The authors thank N. N. Lezhnev under whose'direotion~the carbo black analysis was conducted." .Orig. art. has: 4 Figures and 2 Tables* ASSOCIATION: Institut tizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR:HoakVa~-'In8tii%i1 of Physical-Chemistr7 AN;SSSR) ,SUBMITTED: May63, DATE ACQ.,: NOW.-:00 Web6 z :!001 SUB CODE: KA NR REF:' SOV 2004,1,; J 2/2 Card I L 'iJ L: I li 1 (Ito hictictat v it. L11ML Pa _twv 1, IM UI 'I Yi I tol No 4n) wwt tit t Ml~tljhm h ..... .. th Gel samctmr* VU Glob-Aizatlaut %1-mblirw4"f Wo- MA&u, 01 Mute solusim azd V, A, O T 49. 72&U.-The viscatity, 9, of jalcs. (e.jr- 0464%) miturRI Tubbtr (L) in CItC12 or Cltia-4 wus Itmero.4, "-9 ,Mfuld. when .10 wt. %p 1, aw added. n1jile furthm &d'.11,11 OC It h&d no eTt-" an q In the u4icucc a! Ar, the depresmou f t1 ff k,? q f phenol formaldehyde resin -> hexamethylent diamine. Them relaxation proceeds according to the equation of F. Shvedov (J. de , Physique, 8, 341, 1889). The results imply that th6 strbsses are .cause:d by -differences in the thermal expansion.4coefficients aIj between the foils and the supports. When the foils solidify in the presence or polyethylene polyamine at 110 0C, the internal stresses as well an the~microhardn eas of the epoxy reoin foils increase Droportionally to tho increasing con- centration of the solidifier, pass through a maximum with 6 - 8% poly-; ethylene polyamine, and decrease again. Hence, maximum orosslinking is inhibited by a deficiency as well as by an exceme of solidifier. WhenAhe foils form in the presence of phenol formaldehyde r6sin, the internal stresses increase monotonically with the concentration of -the Golidifier. With increasing thickness of the foils, the stress5s increase linear~ly. When the critical stress values of 120 - 140 kg/om 'are reached, the films become subject to a spontaneous~coheaive peeling-off. There are, 7 figures. The Engliah-language referendes are! N. A. db Bruyne, J. Appl. Chem., 6, 303, 1956; R. M. Mc Rintock, M. J. Hiza, h.tod. Olast., 19581 172. Card 2/3 s/069, 62/024/002 4 008 i/024/002/00if/00i) 0,1 X1 10 O~ AUTHORS: Zubovq P. I." Lepilkina, L. A., Gillman, 11. P. TITLE: Effect of lubricant and finiahing materials on.the i hternali stresses and adhesion properties of ~olyetter coatinge P PERIODICAL: Kolloidn~,y zhurnal, v. 24, no. 2, 1962, 174-177 2200 p thick, were applied t( -1 (PN-1) polyester rasin films TEXT; TTH glass parallelepipeds and polymerized at 750C in the presence of.'3A cumenel hydroperoxide and 0,1 cobalt naphthenate dissolved!~in styrene * One of~the glass surfaces was modified with a preparation, and the Internal stress wad measured optically with a self-recording instrume 'ht, Adhesion was deter- mined from the maximum (critical) stress at which the film detached from the glass. The following modifiers'were used: (1) Paraffln emAlsion consisting of stearin, vaseline, and trans f ormerl oil 4rithCO-20 (80-20) dicyana, diamine formaldehyde resin as emulgator:'~ the, film detached Alreadij after 30 min. (2)AC -i (AS-1) dioapoll a polymerization product from butyl methacrylate and methacrylamidein the presence,of dibutyl sebacinat el here, and on unmodified suirfaceal at lower internal itrese, however, separation set in after 12 hre. 3)M~-17 (UP-17) ukea. formaldihyd'e resins 0~~q 62/024/002fi0'1t'/'0'd"8' Effect of lubricant and B I OJY!~B 110 showed better results: film'adhenion to glass exceeilod 12 lira. ('01The beat results were obtained withlT83-3 (PVE-3) polyvinyl acetate emulsion with and without chromolan additions (a cation-activip pre aration)' p internal stress increased after 30-60 min but was moderatiO by 0-7 chromolan. Then, gradual relaxation followed. The Xilm did not det4chi from the glass. Teats for the effect of film thickneas on its separation from the glass yielded similar results from the diff;~tont~pteparation's:, from glass modified with paraffin emulsion, a film t~innet -than thatifro'M i unmodified glass detachedy whereas with,MF-17 thicke.~ filds'showed good adhesion. Data are given for glass reinforced plastics with a 5 ontent of glass fiber: the bending strength Ka) and internol 1) otiose (brobtained, with paraffin emulsion were 2200 kg/cmz and 10.0 kg/am-, teopectivel;j with MP-17 a - 2880, b . 28.6; with AS-1 a 2596s b - 3-0p and Itith -PYE-3 containing 0.7% chromolan, a 3300t b 2.8. Therb~are 4 figures, table, and "9- Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Ot4ol PlAimerov (Institute of Fh~_siaal Chemistry of AS USSRo~ Department of; Polymers).. Vresoyuznyy nauchno-lauledovatellikiy proyOtnyk inatitut ugvllnogo mashindstroyaniyu,~ttook~~:(All-Uni6I ttfic Researchp Dasi4n and Planning Ino'bitute of~Coai! Be * --Card -2/3. 431116 S106,Y62 BI 8~91241/005/609MO Bill AUTHORS: Pospelovaq K. A., Voroblyeval T. A.j Zubovj P. 1. TITLE: Improvement of the antifreezing properties of synthetic latices' and their oft-wdter emula~onjogde17 PERIODICAL; Kolloidnyy zhurnalvvo 249'no..5o 194,29 602-6os TEXT: Attempts were made to.improve the aritifreeting pr4ertiee ot CKG-65 (sys-65), latex produced by the'Voronezhekiy zavdd,SK (Voratiezh.' Synthetic Rubber Plant) and of polystyrene latex 14ntheiiied in the laboratory of the Institut fizicheskoy khimii-jal:SSSR (institute 0 f Physical Chemistry AS USSR), It has been establiAedthat addition of emulsifiers alone does not'make SKS-65 froutproofa -.190 and that irreversible coagulation (coalesc "ence) takes place'at this temperaitu~e. :Such latex willp however, be completely frostproof at this temperature if aqueous solutions of acetamide, ureaj some ammonium salts, or especially ammonia are added. The improvement is evidently pelated1o the osmosis of sufficient quantities of a non-freezing liquidi'as was observed by V. V. Vollkhin and V. L. Zolotavin in the case of,iron hydroxide and Card 1/2 S/069 62/024/005/PO9/010 Improvement of the antifreezing B117YB106 electrolyte (Kolloidn. zh. 23P 1341 1961)0 The antifreezing properties of polystyrene latex are easier to improve because the addition of emulsifiers alone is sufficient for temperatures doirn to'-15"C- B Iyadding ammonium caseinate the latices under consideration can be rendered frostproof down to -50OC- Complexes of ammonium caOoinate and soapils teen form a protective layer at the particle surface whibh prevents the mutti,al adhesion and, consequently, the coalescen.ce of partiolee~that are com-' pressed by the growth of ice crystals. Similar re 1si'ilts have been obtained for water emulniona of benzene atabi~ized by soape.' Thareare 6 figurde and 2 tables. ASSbCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR,, blookva (Inatitutip of Physical Chemistry AS USSRp Moscow) SUBMITTED: October 3# 1961 Card 2/2 ~9 .4 ~,500 B/030/62/000/003/004/007 AUTHORS: Zubov, F. I., Lepilkina, L. A. TITLE: Device for investigating polymeric coats PERIODICAL: Lkademiya nark SSSR. Vestnikv no* 3t 1962, 49-50 TEXT: A recording device developed at the laboratoriVa polymernykh pokrytiy Instituta fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (taboratory for Polymeric Coats of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of' Sciences USSR) is described. It serves to measure internal stresses and, adhesion in polymeric coats during their formation and aging. The internal stressea are calculated from the intensity of the tranomitted light... The light intensity is automatically recorded by a Photocell and an electvonic potentiometer. The light from the lamp 1 (Fig .1) passes through the, condenaing lene 2 and the polarizer 3 to the DaMP10 41 thell 'through olit,5 and objeot lone 6 to the analyzer 7 (crossed with pollirizer 3)f and finally to the measuring photocell 8. The compensating photocell 9 is switched in, parallel to 8. 9 is reached by light from the light source'll (over a system of diaphragms and the neutral wedge 10). The internal stresses on the various planes are measured by automatic shifts (4 mmlmin)V Card 1/2 8/030/62/000/003/004/OOT Device for inveBtigating ... BiWB1041 of the stage with the sample on it. The film is prepared In a chamber at a certaintemperature (20-1000C). The temperature in~the chamber in. electronically controlled. Increase and relaxation of internal stressesi during formation of gelatin, polyester, and other fiimn have been studied with the device described. Experiments showed that tho internal stresses depended on the conditions of film formation, the concentration of the initial solution, the backing, and the percentage of initiator and accelerator.of the polymerization. The adhesion of tho polymeric coats 1 is determined from the critical stress which automatiballyAetaches the film from the backing. The maximum critical stress correspond to the; adhesion. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet referenods. Fig. 1. Electrooptical diagram of the device., A r*1 V2 Card 2/2 PJ101/4144 A UI,Hk)Ra I Zvorov, St. P., Ruchinakiy, S. P., Xuboy, P. 1. TITLE': Dependence of the heat WOCUS o*i1imirrilij; JtA polytliolr dkSOOlu- tion on the nature of the 9olvent FS211 ODICAL: Alcademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149, wq- It 196A, 11213 -130 f ~ TEXT: The dissolution hoat of Ct