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Now Instruments and Means of Automation for 3/119/60/000/008/003/006 Nonferrous Metallurgy B010056 measurement is between 1-320 mg/l. A temperature measuring Inotrument of the type ~T13-275m (ITV-275m) is provided for the continuous temperature measurement of the surface of the rollors of cold-rolling plants having a diameter of 160 mm and more. Hore, tba air Wmporatura is meanured by means of thermistors in the Immediate nalghb'-)-!~hood of the roller surfaces. The hygrometer of the type H8(1V) for determining air and gas moisture operates with a sonsitive element or microporous ebonite, a high-resistance bridge having been developed for titevLauring the transmitter resistance. The instrument of the type 11~491`11r-445 (IKRP-445) for measuring the concentration of mercury vmpors Im air consists of a two-part cell, One part of the cell Is filled vil-lb pure 11ir and hermetically sealed, while air passes through the other part. In both parts, the absorption of the light of a mercuxy vapor lamp il determined by means of a photocell, If mercury vapor occiurs in t'ne alr4 the photocurrent receives an alteiTWAiig-curront ocmponcrit which A.3 electronically amplified, There are 1~ figures. Card 3/3 WLffLUU_LM WE- U13.1011 G. A., in zli. H-1 'I U-IT ,, i , nzil. Review of the boo's '6y D.S. Ulaidqn and otharia on and auto.mation of iridl-wtrial proceos~,-,ri in "'11r. no.7:76 '1. 164. 17-10) ACCESSION NR: AP4033683 S/0118/64/000/004/OODI/0007 AUTHOR: Zubkov. G. A. (Director) TITLE: -Automation of processes in nonferrous metallurgy i SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. 4, 1964, 1-7 --TOPIC TAGS: automation, metallurgy, nonferrous metallurgy, automation in nonferrous matallurgy ABSTRACT: The introduction of automation in some Soviet nonferrous -metallurgy- plants is reported. At the Chirnkent Lead Plant, the charging of shaft farnaces 'was automated, covering all operations of preparing, handling, and charging the mixture; an error of �3% for the automatic batcher involved and a. 5076 reductiqn 'in personnel are claimed. Also, cloth dust collectors (bag filters) were 'automated at the same plant. At the Ural Aluminum Plant, an experimental KUA-670 system of central supervisory control of Al electrolyzers w4a tested; Card :-l/Z !ACCESSION NR: AP4033683 'the system was developed under the direction of KB TsMA (Design Bureau of Non. 1;ferrous Metal Automation). At the "Severonikell 11 Combine, an aixtomatic call- ivoltage monitoring system "Nikell " was placed in operation in 1963; the system is able to s can up to 300 points. At the Kanake r Aluminum Plant, an expe rimental system of automatic hauling and distribution of alumina is being readied (Apr64) ;for operation. At the Elektrotsink Plant (near Ordzhonikidro), automatic control Of the rotary furnaces used for producing Zn and Pb oxides was inijualled. Tho 1'n-dx-preparing departments "were automated" at the ChimIcerit plant, Yuzhuralnikel' Combine, Elektrotsink, Ukrtsink, Y enakiyevo Metallurgical Plant, i and other factories. A few components used in the automation of the above plants -:are briefly charactertzed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. none ;SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 07May64 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: M NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Cord 11 N11 V 111 1: 1N1~-Il ZUBKOV, G.A. New autornatlon equiprio4t. Clor. zhur. oo.IsU-49 Ja '64 1. Konstruktorkoye brailo TSvotantawtowaUkay lbskva. 1 lli~ 11 11T MII- I F - FII 1,, IF I Pl', F fil ZTJBKOV, G.A. Mean5 of automal.lon for crimhlng and dresiing plants. Gor. 7.hur. no.502-1,55 1,65. (MIRA 13: 5) 1. Mrekt(x KrinitruktorAngo hyliro I Jim J,Jjj, I IllullL I.IbUlialLpful jj L-C if i 7 -7 OFT 7 fit DIOMIDOVSKIY, Dmitriy Aleksandrovich; ZUBKOV, G.A., red.; BIJ'~WV, A.I., red.; KORENDYASEV, (Control and automation of processc3 In nonferrous rr~~tal- lurgy) Kontroll i avtomatizatsiia protsessov v tsvetnci metallurgii. Moskva, Metallurgiia. Pt.l. 1965. 376 p. (141HA 1.8:7) ZUBKOV G.A., inzh.; FEYGM, v.j., inzh. Over-all mechanization and automation is the decisive factor in the future growth of labor produtivity in mines. Gor. zhur. no.6:3-6 Je 162. 0,11RA 15111N, 1. Konstruktorskoye byuro TSvetmetav-tomatika, HoAva, (Rining engine ering-Equipment and trupplles) (Automation) (Labor productivity) IT ZUBKOT, G. A. lev instruments and equipm-ant for antomatIc control in the nonferrous metallurgy. Priborostropute no.8:9 12 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Electric controllers) (Blectronic control) (Yonferrous metals---Ketallu;Tj!7) 11 ~ H1 :~&Idil I -1-6-212t AUTHORS: Burov , A. I. , _iubkol GA. and Shtereriberg, Ye.I. TITLE: Automation of Some of the Main Processes in von-ferrous Metallurgy (Avtomatizats.1ja nekotor5,kh wBnovnykh tekh- nologicheskikh protsessov v tsvetao3f metallurgii) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 6, PP 5 - 14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Although the bedding system of chaq-e proportionitS has been adopted at some works, most re-ly on a bunker system,. The KB Tsvetmetavtomatika is concenti-atii%i its efforts on the automation of bur~ker systems, One of the require- ments for this, state the authors, Is lovel indicators and the KB TsMA have developed three types: type UEM-151 electromechanical tuhree-pcsituion indicator (experimental batches of this are beiiag, produced)~, types ES-1000 and ES-1001 in a dusk- and rao,.'L,.s1,ure-proof caije and in ii light portable case, respective1j, whi~,-h .-,i:ve based (Figure 1) aMpjjf4 on the electronic -cation of' a cu:~rent passing through the charge if present at the given level and have been successfu."Lly tested; type URP radioactive level indicators based on the installation of gamna.-relays at different levels aiLd lirjr!--ed %,iith the buaker-charging system. The KB TsMA have also devf1iloped a belt weigher, Cardl/4 type VL-58m, for feed ranges of 0-30, 0-75 and 0-200 t/h 1i 83-6-2/2 Automation of Some of the Main Pi*ocubses in .40n.-fe-I'VOU.9 Metallurgy (Figure 2); for smalLer ranGes (0-300, 0-1000, 0-3000 and 0-5000 kg/h), type VL--150 has been developed. For summing the feed rates of iseveral belt-weighers. the JCB TsMA have developed, (FiEp;Lre *,')) and IMS-260 summing solid flowmeters based on electronic, alatomat.-Itz: bridges. For reguiatijig the feed rate or a r2aJo:z, component directly while keepliw~ tl,.e rati.~.s of the c-thers in constant ratios to this, a standard (1,.ja.ntity-.otgulatcr (type IR-130 or ERK-..'?',)) is connected. to the RS-31 instru- ment used for the major component. RRS--,!C-,,O meters with standard ratio regu.lators (lype ERS-6/) are used for the other components. The major feed rate r-an 'ce controlled by, e,g. a suitable signal related to the productivity of the sinter strand via a type BO-264 transducer block. The authois mention the woric at the Chimizent Lead Works in which compressed- air nozzles are provided at three levels in the bunkers for preventing sticking of rrckte~rial4i in bunkers bj blowing for 0.~;-I sec ititc sLi,~,ces8Ltte ltqers until the sticking has been eliminated.; if this fa.lls, the whole Card2/4 feed system automatically d1ops. At that. works, the SOV/136-55-6-2/2t .ftutomation of t;ome of the blain Processes Jn iion-ferrous Yeta"Lurgy productivity of the sinterj.nG machinte iii said to have increased by 6-8~'u and a saving of at 2.5 million roubles is said to have been effected 1; Ii-ro a Eji the wato- mation (costing 0.8 million roubles) carried out in 195'~ by the KB TsMA. The automation of c.ruj-.Ih.InLi; and sintering operations at the old plant, at YuZhuxa.I.'aik-(il' is now being completed and plans have been drawn up for the integrated automation of the new plant; at the Severonikel' plant, the planning of the autumation of the char[!;inG sector of the electric smelting plant has been compie~ted. The authors list the requirements for the inteq;rated automation of sintering and describe the decisions made by the KB TsMA for the automatic control of tae following units ., (Figure 4); of the new Yuzhuralnikell plant; bin charq;ing - mcisture additions; charge -lie i Slit on cut-of f plate (Figure 5); ignition temperature; strand speed (in relation to peak windbox ~eiiiperature); fan-motor power; materials flows. Dealing with th(-, int-egrated automation of shaft furnaces, the authors mention e.'Cp(~-ri_mental work by the KB TshIA on a small experimental furnace at the Oard3/4 Yuzhuralnikel' Combine; the reaultS and those obtained 8-6--2/21 Automation of Some of the Main Processes in lion-ferrous Metallwrgy- by the Gintsvetmet aad Gipronikel' Institutes showed that with open-top furnaces only some operations could be automated. The KB TsMA together with the Giprotevetmet and Uzbekgiprotsvetmet Institutes are torking on charging automation at the Chimkent Lead Works and with tho Gipronikell Institute on designs for the, smeltinE-plant reconstruction at t1a Yuzhuralnikell Combine. An automatic, stockline-depth indicator has been designed (Figure 7)., A-n automatic system for closed-top furt-a-ace chargling (Fig.. 8) has also been devised based on experieni:,it in ]Dast Germany; work on this is being Carried. out by the Kavkazgiprotzvetmet and the Gipronikel' Institutes for the "Blelitrotsink" and. the Novo-Ufaleyskiy Nickel Wcrks, reErce(:Aivelr. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: KB Tsvetmetavtomatika Card 4/4 AIIFILOV, A,,A.y inzh ; BAKALEYNIK, Ya.M~, in'01--, inzh.; bi D11,101Vt A.I., inrh.; ',':I`ZHU!Irj,, I.L., RIA, BI.S.,. inzh.j 1, Inzh.; ZAbELIN, V.L.. inzh.i Zj'kPLVCI[21'Cy, IDzh.,,X,3AYEV, D.V,, inzh.; KLIMOVITSKIY, A.M.: inzh.; IMYUCT'K(AT, V.V., InA.; KOTOV, V.A,,, Inzh.; DIMI-10, A-Ye., -'nzll.; r-ODWYKIS111Y, 14.L., inzh.; SAZPAY:d,"I, V.C,., iijzlh.; SEVASPPIAEOV, V.1i'.j I.m..h.; y 1,11jD1 NJ. S. FILIFPOV S.F.p imb.3 ITM,'t3ER(.'j- A~B.t in-,~h.5 I I T P' inzh. ; ERLIKH, GA-11. p 'Anzh., VERKEII(I'SKYY , 13. 1 ~ t re'd .; 1a.Ya., :ved.; G.~.., red.; MAAIIA, T.O., red.; ,6TONOV, B.I.,. ved. red. New meano of automAti!, mad centralized con-,,rol for nonfer- rous motal mines] Tlmye sredstva -avtnmatizats4l. i ditipetchar- skog-) upra-vleniia d1la rudrdkcv t;,.;vetr1oi metallux-gil. Mos'kvat Nedra, 1965. 93 P. (VIFIA 32:4) ZUBKOV, G.A. Automation of technological processes in the nonferrous metallurgy. Hekh. i avtom. proizv. 18 no.4:1-7 Ap ,64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Direktor Konstruktorskogo byuro RTSvetmetavtomatlka." ZUBKOV, G.A. Now de-icea anj memns for aunc~arlt-c -:7ontral. P- bn n no.12-21-21 I ilk! I I !111! 3GV/l 36- 1 AUTHORS: Averbukh, M.A., Burnashev, A.A., BirgiDr, Gr.l., Baysh, L.G., _Zub1mv_,_G,,L__, Zhiryakov, Ii.I., Isajev~ D.11., Ovcharenko, Y'e.Ya., Fromberg, A.B. and Shneyerov, M.S. TITLE: New Means for Automtic Testing a-rid Control in rion- ferrous Metallurgy (,Novyye sredstva a-vtouiziticheskogo kontrolya i regulirovaniya v tsvetnoy metallurgii) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 6, PP 15 - 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Many processes in non-ferrous metallurgy involve corrosive media and the Konstruktorskoye byuro (Des*1E;n Bureau) Tsvetmetavtomatika (KB TsVIA) have since 1955 been working on pneumatic control methods, which axe ei;,pecially suitable for such conditions. Other organisatiom named by the authors as some of those working ia the same field are: Institut avtomatiki J. telemekhaniki AN.880"IR (Institute of Automation and Telemechanics of the Ac. Sc.USSR), DIITeplapribox, TsLA of the "Energochermet" Trust and the "Tizgribor" Works. A zlide range (Table 1) is covered by the pneumatic transducors, produced by the KB TsALA (Figures 1 and 2) in whic.,h use is m3le of a corrosion-resistant Soviet plastic. A series of corrosion- resistant valves have also been produced (Table 2), Cardl/4 including a diaphragm type with a position indicator SOV/136-58-6-3/21- vew I-Jeans for Automatic Testing and Control in -Non-farrOus LletailurE;y (Figure 3). For the continuous analysis of hydro- metallurgical solutions, the KB TsMA in 195,~ developed (Figure 4) an automatic polarographic conce.atration- meter, type KAP-225, with a tranotducev type DAPK-226- this device has been succesbfully used at tLe "Blestrotsink' Works for analysing for cadmiwn in zinc electrolyte and is based on alternating-current polarogra: 'phy. The KB TsMA have developed a series of radioactive ir?,hods, particularly for level indication over a wide (type UPW) (Figure 5) and a relatively narrow (type 1)RPR) (KiSure 6) range. A radioactive density-meter, type PR-150, independent of the aiineralo6ical and size composition. of pulp over a wide range has been successfully tested at- the Zolotushiriskaya obortitel1naya fabrika (Zolotusli k a Beneficiation 71orks (ranges 1.5-2.5 and 1-2 kg/litre 1: Work is proceeding on other radioactive nw!ters including a moistur meter, for concentrates and sijiiil:-;,r material-s. Based on/gorrosion-resistant, differential, thermo- electric anemometer (electrical circuit proposed by engineers V.A. Droz4ov aad A.M. listov), a flowmeter for Gard2/4 pure or air-diluted ,'chlorine has"been developed by the SOV/136-58-6-3/21 New Means for Automatic Testing and Control in oon-ferrous Metallurgy KB TsMA; they have also developed an analyeer (type GAKh-239) for chlorine which is accurate to + 3% and these two instruments are to be used in an IntegrJed automation system being devised for the magnesium industry. The KB TsMA have developed an automatic installation for (Figures 7 and 8) controlling a singla pusq) in relation -to the liquid level. Another recent activity of this organ- isation has been the development of the type ATV-229 over- heating protective device (Figure 9) and a twelve-point temperature signalling devf,.ce (Figure 10). The ATV-229 device is to be produced by the Tavetinetpribor Workr>- In collaboration with the Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabo- levaniy AMN SSSR (Institute of Work Higione and Occupational Diseases of the AN USSR), the KB ToUl have developed a device (Figure 11) for continuous racasurenent and recording of mercury-vapgur concentration in air in the range 0.1 - 0.6 mg/a.? . This instrument (1KRP-1445) (Figure 11) also gives an alarm signal if the COIXCentMtion becomes excessive and its range is being extended in both Card3/4 directions. 8()'Vll3c:)-- 1-28-6-3121, vew Means for Automatic Testing and Control in 1.4on-ferrous Metallurgy There are 11 figures. ASSOCIATION: RB Tsvetmetavtomatika Card 4/4 ZUBKOV, G.A. New.mcans of autonitic canixol and traffic c,-~nIxi-)i pi-nduced by 1117,,3 testing establishments of the Constructicn Bureau of Automatic Control in Ponferrous Metal Rines. Gor. ZhUr. 110.8:46-48 Ag t63. Ourui 16:9) 1.*koye bywo I'Svetrintavtor-AtUica, Mulwa. (Autoriatic control) (11ine communications-Equiprient and s-uppl:Ict3) I I IN; 111 011 iiili~ k1p ;1"! 1!11 it I -1; 11i11 ZUBKCV G 1, Result of the introduction of automation and cotitrallsed contr*1 at the )Zegtyarsk Minee Gor,uhure no.4;49~-~2 ? 161. OURA 24-94) 1. Direktor konstruktorzkogo byuxo TSvetmietart(imatilat. Wtomatic control) (De4yaralt.-Cor4wir mines imd mining) ZUBKOV, G.A.; FZYGIH. T. 1. ~ -, Automatization and dispatcher control In minIng enterprises. Tor, zhur. no.11:64-72 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Mining engineering) (Automatic coutrol) AVERBUKF, M.A.; BURNISHIT. A.A.; BIRGtR. G.L: BATSH. L.G.: Z*42KOV, -10 ZHIRTAKOV, V.I.; ISATXV, D.Y.; OYCHARMO, To. To.; SWARMOT, H. S. New means of automrtic controi and regulation in nonferrous metallurU. TSvot. met. 31 no. 6:15-2~ Jo '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Nonferrous metal industries) (Automatic control) 111!11, ilkl 11) 1., 111 1 11 11 ~ 1, .. .. . .. II t I -BUROV, A.I.; ZUBKOV, G.A.; SRTNMRMGo To. I - --- --- - Autounatizirg certain basic technologleal praceemas iL, f he nonf erroua industry. TSvet. met..31 .no. 6:5-14 rlj '5i~. (IfIRA 11-7) 1. Konstruktorgkoye byuro TSvetustavtomattka. (Nonferrous metal iddustrips) Glutonstic nontrol) c t/ 6. -AUTHORS: Zubkov, G.A. and Feygin, V.I. 127-11-10/12 ITITLEi Automation and Dispatching in the Ore-Mining Enterprises (Avto- matizatsiya i dispetcherizatsiya na gornorudny1ch predpriyatiyakh) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1957, # Ilt pp 64-72 (US511) AD3TRACT: The authors describe the work performed by the Designing Bureau of the "Tavetmetavtom'atikall Trust ( KE ~IYIA ) on the automation and dispatcher control of processes in the ore-mining enter- prises. Designs and sohemes of the developed equipment are briefly described. A set of signalizatiolit coittralization and blocking equipment for the control of underground transport, CUB , has been contructed. The set incl%tdea:~.: a dispatcher panel, relay-cases, inlet-distx_~buting boards, devices for communication with portable and'stqtionary objtcts, switch drives, traffic lights, relay and cable cases, pulse indicat- ors, etc. Thelarge-scale manufacture of thin equipment has begun in the "Tavetmetpribor" Plant in 11allchik. Automatic ventilation doors for the mines of non-ferrous metallurgy have been designed to operate concurrently with the CUB - and dis- patcher systems. The door is moved by a 180-w electric motor. New communications means have been conotruoted for dis)atcher Card 1/3 controli loudepeaking communication apparatus of'the t]FCR Automation and Dispatching in the Ore-Mining Enterprious 127-11-102 3-120 type for underground operation which contains only semi- conductor elements; high-frequency installations for loud- speaking communication of the BU -lm typo high-frequency in- stallation for information, search and communication of ihe BCO -124 type, etc. High-frequency equipment with semiconductor elements for communication with a moving shaft cage has been constructed and put into operation in one mins in Dmgtyark4. At the present time, a system of automatie and remote control of shal't mechanisms is being designed; only one workerp the cager, will be needed to operate mechanisms in all horizons of a mine. As soon as television sets are izistalled in all the horizons, the operation of shaft mechanisms an4 the mine car- exchange will be carried out automaticall:r,-even without a cager. In 1955, Tevetmetavtomatika and Gintsvotmet designed standard installations for the automation of mining pumping. Since 1956 these installations have been nanufactured by the Tsvetmetpribor Plant. Tsvetmetavtomatika has denigned ATB -229 apparatus for temperature protecting of electric motor windings and bearings by means of thermistors connected with relays. "he relays can be fixed for various critical temperatures from 800 to 1100 C with intervals of 100. Experimental consignments of Card 2/3 these devices with TP -33 thermistors are being manufactured F715 and Dispatching in the Ore-Mining Enterpriseit 127-11-10/12 by the Tsvotmetavtomatlka, and beginning from 19519 their mass production is planned in the L'vov plant "Termopribor". Tovet- metavtomatika together with the Degtyarkh Mining Administration are developing a system of electric locotaotives remote control from a switchboard located at a loading (or unloading) point. Tsvetmetavtomatika carries out desigqing, nianufacturing and introducing dispatcher control systems into operational mines. Standard devices manufactured by industry are used for this dispatcher control. However, some special indicators have been designed and are being designed for the coiatrol of ooze Parameters, In particular, a special gamma-relay has been de- veloped for the control of the ore level in hoppers. The re- lay operates on semiconductor dlements and cobalt radioisotopes. The article contains 10 photos, I figure and 10 Slavic refer- ences. AVAILABLE. Library of Congress CatId 3/3 ZUBK(.',Vy (;.k. ..?,rk of the r.,cntstru,,,!Voa barriact "Trwitircte~vLommlikall na thn iulto-mation. of technologIcal pracesises at nonfer.-oun metallurgy Plaptn and factoricn. T:'~vi*,,l%l. -tiet. )8 no.6el-5 Je 165. (141PA. lq-10) i ZUBK Autcoation should meet the twhalleng-o of new ,~bjectiveij. Gor#Zhur, no.8:3-6 Ag 165. (MIM 18:10) 1. Direktor koristruktorskoga Irjura TSva tine tavtairva Uka. 11' H 1111i d I 1- 11 1 I~iil ii !~H ii I i I II II lii---HI II If III II II II j,I GREBENNIKOVP O.F.; NffASY1FOV1 S.I.,, KARF.L.111, Yu.A.,, ZUUOV, G.A. Attachment to the 163-2 "Kiev" motion-PIcture ew-cara l'or semiautoinatic control of the lens diaphragm. Tru&v LIKT no.11,35-318 164- (MIRA 18:10) 1, Ka-fedra kinofotoapparaturv Leningradskol7o bistitu-tAt kinoinzboneroy. 4 -t :j MEDYINSKIT, Te.O.,, ZUBKO, G.I.1 TOPCHIT,M.G. (Kiyev) Treatment of peptic ulcer patients vith serum OF". Tracb.delo nD.10.# 1079 0 159. OwIn 1332) 1. Doroubnaya ob"yedinentaya bolluites, No.2 Yugo..Zapadtqkh %heIe!tnyI& dorog. (PMIC ULCIR) (SMM TMLFr) WIDVIIISKIY, Y8.0.,; ZURYO, G.I. (Kiyev) Treating gastric and duW&o"'nia'A--oeptIc ulcer ii1th LiV7 blood combinpd with bromine pnd novocnine. Yrnch.delo no.2:195 Y 15, .9. 1. I)orozhnAYA ob"yedin"nnnyn bollnitan No.2 fuga-it-tpltdnoj, zholernny dorogi. tPEPTIC UWSR) kBLOM AS YOOD AND 143DICI-1111) .. ......... 28(5) SOV/32-25-8-36/44 AUTHORS: Druz', B. I Kulagin, V, D. , Magula, V. E. , Rasskazov, Ye. V., Tsukerberg, B. I. TITLE: Determination of Internal Stresses sLecor,ting to tho Method of the Control Poinis PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratorlya, 1959, Vol 25, Wr 8, PP 1005-1006 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The moot reliable determination methods of the absolute internal stresses of sheet metal constructions are the trepanation me- thods based on cutting out smaller sections of the struoture. The wethod described in this article is of this type and is suitable for the determination of otresees of the first order which are of the greatest importance in large ;sheet metAl structures. The designed instrument conitiats of an opti(~al comparator and a special puncher (Fig 1). The puncher is a i3ol- id disk of stoel with three cones arranji-od to foria a delta- rosette and made of a hard 4110,Y (from *ilie Rockwell iniifxumf~nt), Under a 2-3 kg preosure three microooop.1,aal iinilrintz3 av,~ made on the surface to be investigated and oil the alandard l3i.mple. The latter is made of the name material ns thal of the I.csted Card 112 sheet metal structure and both are kept itt the sume tenpo~rature BOV/32-25-8-36/44 Determination of the Internal Stresses According to the Method of the Control Points during several hours. Then they out out utrips (90-100 mm wide) from the sheet metal structure (the stresses of the first order developed at . cutting-out are remotred) and the dis- tances between the imprints on the strips and on the stands.rd samples are measured in three directions with the optical comparator. The comparison with the standard sample is necas- sary because of the'temperature deformation of the metal. The distances between the imprints are indirectly measured (Fig 2) and the dimension and direction of the Btresues is determined by means of an equation. This method wao used for stress determination on two large seagoing vessels and can also be applied at reservoirs, bridges, and other structures. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 I -3a ZUBKOV, I., prepodavatell (g. Omsk) P nIng activities on one subject, Prof -tekh.otwo 13 no.1;20 Ja 158. 1141) l.Takhnicheako.ra uchilishche N0.2. (TechrAcal ediwation) Id: VASILIVV~ A., arkhitektori, ZVBWY, I*, lnzh.; CHUMMY, U., inzh. Apartment houBee built of vibrorolled panels. Zidl.stroi. no-7: z-5 ji 16o. (MIRA 1317) (Kolph"Partment hounes) (Concrete slabs) ZUBKOV I sourc6--of strength and good spirit. So*. protooiusy 17 no.1:33-15 A 161. (Km 1/,: 1) 1. Predsedatell Vaesoyuznpgo soveta Dobrovollnogo sVortivnogo obohehestva profsoyuzov. (Callisthenics) (Industrial hygiene) d iAVROVA, 1,,, kandidat tekhnIcbenkikh finuk; DIMMOVA.A., ipladishiv naucbnyy sotrudnik; POLSTATEV,T.-, ZIJBKOVFI. Diagrams for salting haris by injection with a hollow a-eedlo. Hiam. ind.SSSR 26 to.4:16-17 155. (KtBA 8:10) I.Vr4soyuznyy nauchno-Isaledovatel'skV inetitut myasnoy prouVehlen- nosti (for Dergunov and Poletayev). 2. Haster I-go k1mosa Moskovokojo myasokombinata (for,Zubkov) (Pork Ind"try) (Heat--Presorvation) 22 (1) AUTHOR: Zubkov, I., Instructor TITLE: An Experiment That Deserves Attention (Opyt, zasluzhivayushchiy vnimaniya) -liov/27-59-3-6/37 PERIODICAL; Professio-nallno-tekhnicheakoye obrazovap-iye, 1959, Ir 3, p 6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author suggests a change in the organization of the teaching process in technical schools of metal workers. In training turners, grinders, milling machine operators and, fitters, these changes will reduce the cost and increase the training quality. The author mentions several themes taught to the students in groups of about 25. He sugges.ts that these themes be presented to several groups of students by the lecturing method, which will be more wieful than lessons delivered at individual classes. The author examines the pros and cons of his suggestion and pointo out that this question should be discussed by the methodological commia- sions to determine the subjects and method of conducting Card 1/2 seminary exercises* A similar diacussioti an'd correction of -7 ---------- FRFT . F. 1, ,in Experiment That Deserves Attention the training programs was carried out uchilishche Hr 19 (Technical School Ur (Director Voskoboy-nikov). ASSOCIATION: Tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Nr 2, Omsk Nr 2, Omsk). 1. JOVj /27-59-3-6/37 at the Teklinicheskoye 19), Novosibir3k (Technical School Card 2/2 27-1-9/19 AUTHORt Zubkovp I., Teacher at the Omsk Technical School # 2 . . . . .....................I TITM Planning of the Teaching Procedure on one Particular Subject (Planirovaniye zanyatiy po odnoy tome) PERIODICALi Professionallno-Tekhniohiekoys Obrazovaniye, 1958, # 11 p 20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article shows how the teacher at a Soviet technical school is teaching hie students (future mechanics for industrial equipment repair) within 28 hours the "General Knowledge of Industrial Equkment Structure". At first the teacher begins to acquaint hie students with separate machine parts, ass axles, apindlesp pinional bearingst etc. Then comes the study of certain standard mechanisma,like crank-connecting rode, link type and cam type mechanisms; tooth, friction and belt gearings; sorew-nuts and others. After having familiarized themselves with these mechanisms, thp students will better understand the working principles of mechine tools, Special attention is drawn to the study of the screw-cutting lathe Ill A 62" (or"l D 62-1). Afterwards the atudents get Card 112 acquainted with the peculiarities of the machine tools "I K 62", I 1 1, ,I 1 11 ItII I , it I .;. ., . . - II '..I ~ ,r'L. Planning of the Teaching Procedure on one Particular Sabjeot 27-1-9/19 ,162011, ,l m 62011, stoop then with the milling machines 1161211 and 1168211 and subsequently with turret lathes, drilling, boringt planing, grooving, polishing, gear-cutting, 1jear-grooving machines and finally with automatic and a9miautomatic latnee. Concluding, the author expresses his opinion. that it is slao necessary to familiarize the future repairmen with internal oombuation angineal cogs with the auto engine "GAZ-51"- AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 zuaKOT, I. For collaboration In work. Voen.onan.32 no.12!16 D 156. (WIL 10: 2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom fizkulltur7 I sporta TSentrallnogo komiteta Veasoyuznogo Leninqkogo kommmisticheiikogo ijoMa molodezhi. (Military aducation) AlWaMOV, KA. ZUBKOV, J,A, . _; GRIMICH, K.P.; SHASPI(OVA, Z.S,,; KLEMOVSKAYA, H.A. Mothylfluoroarylehl -osilanes, Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no,.,1033380- 3382 0 161, (RTRA 14:4) (sil=e) SHCHERBATEIIKO, V.V.; IUKULMKAYA,, L.R.; BFGAMKAYA.. GRIBEVICH, K.F. Testing organosilicon compounds for -the glamiui~ of bre-ad zaolds. Trudy TSNIIKRF no#8:80-69 160o (HU'A 15:3) (Bakers and balwries-Equipownt and supplies) (Protective coatings ) -ore al-.-7t 'I;--- "Ast cf Rusf-jall ZUBEDY, I.A. Production of hammer mark adamelso Pla9temsev no-5140-41 160. (HIU 13-7) (Enamel and ena0eling) 79-2_'tVrf, ;.UTHORS- -Andrienov, K. A.; Zubkov, 1. A,; Krasovskaye, T, A,,; Kleynovskaya, M. A. TITIEr Derivation of Polyethylsiloxanes of Unear Stnipture (P61ucbeniye polietilsiloksonov lineynoy struktur7) PERIODICAL- Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1957, vol 27, No 2, pp. 1.91-1,94 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Report describes the method emnloyed in the syn"houls and separation of ethylsiloxnne polymers of linear atnicture vIth '3 to 5 k atoms In the molecule. The catalytic regrounLng method in the preannce of aluminum silicate was used in the derivation of ethylpolysiloxanes of linear structure, Hexnethyleyclotrisiloxane, octaf%thylcyclo'~e4~,rp-siloxane and hexaethyldisiloyane, were used as the basic substances for the -glithenis. The separption of the Individual polymers from the hydrolysis products was accomplished by fractionation In a rectificttlon Lower with an effec- tiveness of 20 theoretical plates. During the fractionation of hexaeithyl- disiloxane, the rate of flow of the liquid waa '200-251) MI/hr and the reflux number was 10-15, Rectification of' the i::yclic polymers was con- Card 1/2 ducted at the snme rate of flow of the liquid bat the reflux numbers were Derivation of Polyethylsiloxanes of' Linear Stmicture 79-2-47/58 25~0. The properties o' the products obtained itire 11jArd In the tables. 2 tables. There are 6 references, of which I io Slavic ASSOCIATTONs PRESENTED BT: SUBMITTED: Februnry 17, 1956 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Cord 2/2 ANDRIANOV, K.A.; ZUBKOV, I.A.; KILkSOVSUYA, T.A.; KIZUNOVSKAYA, M.A. Proparation. of polyethyl ailoxanes of linear structure. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.2:491-494 7 157. (mm lovO (Siloxanes) (Palmers) 50) SOV/60-3/2-4-32/47 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K.A., Zubkov, I.A., Semenova, V.A,. and Mikhaylov, S~I. L-------------- TITLEt The Arylation of Methy1dichloranilane- by Arotwitic Hydrocarbons (Arilirovaniye metildikh1oroilqna aroma ticheitkimi uglevodlorodami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, pp 885-688 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As the reaction of arylation of alkylhalidasilanei3 is of extreme technological importance, the authors investigated the arylation of methyldichlorceilane by ben7ene, toluol, diphenyl and naphthalene, in the presence of boric acids The interaction of tuluol, diphenyl and naphthalene with methyidichlorosilane in the preaence of boric acid resulted in the formation of toly1methy1dichlorosilana, diphenylmethyldichloroailane and nrAphthylinethjldichlorosilane. Some physical constants, such as boiling points, densities and Card 1,12 refraction indices, were determined for these synthesized compounds sov,'60-32-4-32/47 The Arylation of Methyidichlorosi lane by Aromati,-. Hydr-ccai-bona and ghown in the tables~ There are 10 tables and 8 zeferences, I of whLch lis Soviet, 4 English and 3 American. SUBMITTED: December 19, 1957 Card 2/2 I I , : I I 1 11 11 . I , " . ZUBKOVP I.A,p inzh. Compaction of the trunnions of the giLte Inechanian or hydraulic turbinev. Energomanhinoatroania 10 no.4:37-39 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) SWHERWFMOS V.V.; 14IKULIZEKAYA,, L.R EMANSKAYA, L.31,- ZU1311OVY I V GRI=ICH., K.F.; KOTHEIZV, V.U:*- VMODINP PsAn I Use of organosilican compounds and fluoroplant In the Inking industry. Trud~r TSVITJW no.8t85-88 160. (140A 15:8) (Bakers and bakeries-Equipment and sapplies) (Protective coatings) -,.ZUBKOV, I.A.0 inzh. Present-day packing materials and packing tachniques. Energama-ohinoutroonle 10 no,4:46 Ap 164. (11111A 17:6) S. GRINNICH, K.F.; ZHINKIN, D.Ta.; ZUBKOT, I.A..- POPOTA, S.L.; VOLKOT, A.H. Polymer naterials in the f ishing industry. Plast.nasery no.11: 18-19 16o. (DURA 13:1;2) (Polymers) (kimbingT-Implementg and ap'liancoo) .p S/191/61/000/00 1/006/0 15 1110 I/B?05 kUTHOR5i Grinevich, K. P., Zubkov, 1. A., Odishariya, 11, N. TITLE: Synthesis of GKZh-'10 and GKZki-11 - hyd~i-ophoblng organosil icon liquids PERIODIC&Lt Plastichaskiye massy, no. 1, '1961, 21-212 TEM Commercial synthesis of methyl and ethyl chlorosilanss is performed by reaction of methyl and ethyl chloride with elemittritary silicon %n the presence of a catalyst. The residue (6-10%) from Tractfonal distillatlen of the reaction mixture has different compositions, A vuggestion han now been made to use the residue for synthesizing P69-10 (GIM-10) (oodium ethyl silioonate) and (GKZh--Il) (sodium methyl alliconate). T h ,e distillation residues were hydrolyzed with wati,.-tr a.01 45-5(10C. The powdery methyl and ethyl silanols thus obtained were trent8d witt) 3olid k:,sU9tJ.C soda and ethanol at 76-800C and gave sodium-ne-.hyl and aodium-ethyl siliconates, respectively. GXZh-10 was obtained with q,qual oompositior., no matter whether ethyl chlorosilane or a Isl mixture of ethyl chloro,silane and ethyl trichlorosilane was hydrolyzed. By calculating the addition of Card 1/2 -7 0 C3 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 12 13, 2 2 L) S 0/021 /030 pool./n66 ~.. In e vi Andrianov, K, A, _7,ubkov, I, G' Shaahkova, 9;,t0(:1 A~ Fluoroaryl Methyl Silane Chloridet Zhurnal ob In6o, Vol, 30, *0. S12hey khimii., pp. 3380 - 3382 TEXT: The authors of the present -paper synthesJ'-,it)d fluoro:L--yl silane chlorides and sfudied thei r relactionsi ivi~h e-rhy! a] cohol, Theoe fluorcaryl silane chlorides wqre obtainad a~,crd'-ng to ths; followir.E.7 Scheme, FRBr + Mg I'MICBr FR.MgBr + R'SiCl FRSiRICII) (F a alkyl, R! w aryl). Accordintr -.0 3 this reaction, p-fluoropheny1magresium bronldAi.nd o-, and D--fluoro- benzyl magnesium bromides were obtaired. Irrescectvre :1 the high yield of the organoi-,iagn~:jsium compound (9~3-96,' tkp~ yili!.143 ('~f thcl. end produ~-ta (p-fluorophenyl methyl ailane dichlo.ride, p-fluo~r~phenyl mathyl tjilo-ne Card 1/2 Fluoroaryl Metliyl Silane Chlori.dus S/07 6 0/0 30/0 10/0 2 1 /0 3 0 BOOI X066 monochloride, p-fluorobenzyl methyl silane dichlorlde, o-fluorobenzyl methyl silarie dichloride) were orlY 40-45~o., A large auanti~-Y of di--(f1u- oroaryl) methyl silane slloride3 and other rea,~~ti-n prcilucts fo.rmed in this process could not be separated, Table I presents -:,he separated and identified compounds alone with their constants. Methyl ethoxy silaries were obtained from compt:)unds synthemized a~,.~~Ording the Scheme FRSIRICI 2 + 2C9 1~5Oil ---4 FRS:L ROC 211,)2 '1 201; This reaction took place when passing the reactants through a coZu=n. billed witi-i Raschig glass rings at 6000. This ex.perimental. set.-up hampered the de. velopment of side reactions occurring when alkyL and aryl halogen silanes are esterified, and gJvine ivater- IffCIj and al~~..ohol- The ollarietj of p-fluorophenyl methyl dietho:cy, o-fluorobenzyl mothyl clitithoxy, an4 pzfluorobenzyl methyl dietboxy have thus been (up to 151,4 yield). Their properties are opecified in Table- 2~ There %vj tqI.,,Ie3 and 6 referonces: '.1 Soviet, 2 1 and, 1 Canadian, SUBINUTTED: October 21j. 1959 Card 2/2 ARTITAMY, X.A.1 ZUBKOV, I.A.; SINENOTA, V.A.; MIKHATTA7, S-1. Arylation of mqtb)rldI ch loro o i lane b7 itramittit, Iy;,drn-- carbom Zhur.prikl.khim. 32 no.4:881-8R8 Ap 159. (MIIIA 12: 6) (SlIane) (Arriation) ZUBKOV) I.A* Arc 2 3 no. 50 g. Ou"I.A. inl ti, GRINEVICHl I.P.; ZUBKOVe I.A.; ODISHA w At S.N. Synthesio of the GKZb.-10 and GKZb-n org=aaUAr,4w liqlibla ba.'vb4r bydrophobic properties. Plast.mesy no.101-22 161. OURA 11.:2) (Silicon organic compounds) 111 N! -1-411 T ZUBKOV I.A.s starshly inzh. Improved circuit for connectIng nignal lilrbt r~I.P,rztern. AVtcm., telf-M. i zviazv 5 no-4:37 Ap 161. (MM 1416) 1. Kcrvellskaya distants[ya signalizateii i swjai~l. Llvovskoy dorolgi ZUBKOW9 I.A.0, insh. Power characteristics of a now machsmice for reitatiq.- -the blaus of a raplan-type m=ar. [Tray] IN no,'4:369-,377 157. (KLU 11910 (Eydraulle turbines) (Servomobanioms) Tra ini n,- of 1, 1; ]-a j; c-, t "o--j I. 1 24 -511 65. institut shinnny vro v~--*,--'.t--;7-=-Sl.-!,? ZITBKOV, I.A., inzh. Structural fentures (if the snal urdto of bydraulla tilrbjntts. [Trudy] LW, no.101253-261 I Q.. (MDLA 18112) ZUBKOV, Ivan Ivanovich, kandidat tekhnicheishkh mauk-, UGRYU1CV.A.K.. "liMI-dat tekhnichookikh nauk; BGROVOT,N.Te., redalctor; VXRINA,G.P.0 te)&Acheukiy redaktor [Organization of traffic in railroad tra-amportation) Orga- nizateiia dvizheniia na zheleznodorozhnom transporta. Moskva, Goe.tranep. shel-dor. izd-vo, 1955. 443 P. (KRA 9:4) (Railroads--Traffic) ' ' i - J ' WP6031748 SOURCE CODE:' U*it'/"0191-/66/o'b'ii/-dd~')1'00'2'3-/O'(JI 3 P AUTHOR: 4hinkina, L, Na; VishnevskLy, F. N.; Zhinkint D. Ita,j Zubkov, I. A. ORG: none TITLE: Reaction of butyl orthotitanate~with J)h_ ~n!_.IAALh2~,~F chloridate r phosphorus oxychloride SOURCE: Plastichaskiye massy, no, 7, 1966g 23-25 TOPIC TAGS: butyl orthotitanate, phenyl methylphosplionocliloridate# phosphorus oxychloride, polyorganophosphorustitanoxana, -rl 7) PV #9 -r PWeAj,L1z- eo,~,)poojDy Rd-yrnele CWPInte4A. Vee)4!;r;,0A1 ABSTRACTs A study has been made of the reaction of butyl orthotitanato M with phenyl methylphosphonochloridate (11) as with phosphorus oxychloride (III). At up to 90C, I and 11 taken in a 1/3 ratio react as follows: T1(0C,H,)4 + 3CHsP0(0CH,)C1 i Cj3n(OC4Hj) + 3CH3P0(OC4H#)(OCjffj) At above 100C the reaction products undergo condensation to form a polymer with a titanoxaneTackbone. The presumed structure of the Card 1 / 2 Unr2 67A.A5+67A.A68.24 kand. tekhn. nauk; UGRYUMOV, Arkadiy Konstantinovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; HERNGARD, K.A., doktor tekhn. nauki rateenzent; BDGDAHOV, I.A., inmh., mtsemunt; ZHURAVLEV, M.M.P inzh., rateenzent; KOZAK, V.A., i.nzh.,, retsenzent; ROZENBERG, A.D., inzh., reteenzent; RYAZA117SEVA, Yu.A., inzh., retsentent; SKALOV, K.Yu., Icand, tol-Im.nauk, retsenzent; PREDE, V.Yu., inzh., red.; KHITROVA, II.A., tekhi. red. i.. [Traffic organization in railroad transplrtationlorganizataiia dvizhaniia na zheleznodorozhnom transporte. lzd,2,, pomr. i dop. Moskva, Transzholdorizdat, 1962. 399 P. (MIRI 16:1) (Railroadet-Traffic) ZUBKOV. I.I., karld-tekhn.nauk .1 Computation of empty csr mileage. Sbor.LIIZHT jot170:87-90 160. %HIRk 13:8) (Railroa4s-Treight cars) ZUBKOVP I-I-, kand.tekhn.nauk In Specification of calculationa for the plaan' g of emlyty car tranefers. Sbor.LIIZHT ao.17001-94 160* (PIEUL 1,3: B) (Railroads--Gars) ZUMOV, I.I., kand. takhn. nauk; ROITAWY, A.P., kand. tPikhn. mauk; TITMV, M.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; TJCR7fU)K)V, A.R., Itand. takhn. nauk; KMIMIN, N.N., inzh. (g. Leningrad) ffAspects of railroad operationo Zhel. dor, trmnsp. 41 no.1:9"6 Ja '59. (min 12: 1) (Railroads) I I I F1 ! F i "I ZUBKOV, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Remarks concerning the operational requirements for the autcMation of oporations in classification ym-ds. Sbar.t.-vd.LII.V-IT no.1891 140-159 162. (WRA 16:7) (Railroads-Hwup yardn) (Autoinatti.-)n) I.I., kandotekhn.nauk, dotsent Uporience in working out the technical pronedurm at the Leningrad railroad terminal. Sbor. LIURT 110.M-.10-42 158. Oum 11: 8) (Leningrad-Railroado-Tards) 1 ZUBKOV, I.I., kand.tekhn.nailk$ dotigent Ntermining empt7 car runit. Sbor. LIMIT no415):IIA-123 158. (MIRA 11*18) (Railroads-Kanagement) SMUMOV, Mikhail Vasill7avleh; BAXI, I.S.; ZUBKOT, I.I., wic?,myy red. EOn Soviet military science] 0 novetokoi Yoennoi naulm. Moskyao Voen.izd-vo, 1960. 333 P. WU 13:11) (Military art and science) 111111 111H1 III i, ZIMIN, V.I.; ZUBKOV, I.I 'r takhnich~sskikh nmdr. Technological process of operating a rail jumetiom. Zhal der.tranup, 37 ne.4:55-58 Ap 156. iKIBA 9:7) I.Glavn:rr inzhenar'Oktyabriskey deregi (for Zimix) (Railroads--Station service) I Ai. 1, 11'. It it 11 1j, I U! 1: HU M11111 11 mmu~.. mrmwl~tr u 'U'1. r1 I III I r N! 1! Z'If 71 0.3 KOHNITENKO, Dantil losif ovich, general-wayor, ; UBKOV, jj,, ganeral-ma.vorp nauchnyy red,; KAPLUNOV, A.B.. red4; BIMWY# A.P., t,3khn4 red* [Role of the morale factor in modern wnrl 0 roll morallnogo faktore v sovremennoi voine. Mopkya. Izd-vo "Znanie," 195B. 47 9. (Yeesoiuzhoe obsbchentvo po resprostramenitu politicbeskikh 1. neuchnykh znanti. Ser. 1. no. 28). 11:11) Hiil~ ~11;111! h III,d! I fi;~ 11 1' ZUBKOV, I.I., kand.tekhn.naulc (LeninFrad) Interaction of freight and clao5ification yard-9 5n juntition stations, Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no.4-53-55 Ap 162. (IURA 15:4) (Railroads-Traffic) IT ZUBKOT. I.K., Inzhs Unit for making reinforced concrete ceiling Blabs with two oval cavities" Mul. tekh. inform. 4 rio,5:29-30 MY '58. (NM 1118) is Stroytrest 96,67s (Oonerato slabs) T j.K.9 insh. Unit for making reinforced concrete coiling slabs ~;ith two oval cavities, SWested by lol.Zubkov. Rateol isobrtyTedlor stroi* n0-14:59-61 160, (HIU 1316) 1. Stroytrost NO-87 Glaylaningradstroya, Zeningrad, uloftrogowaf (Congrete-slabs) ZUBKOV. CHELROXOT. Ye*L., inzh, Experimental apartment house built of rolled panela In tho'cit:r of Kolpino. Biul. takh. inform. 5 no.3:3-7 Mr '59. (HIRA 12:7) (Kolpino--Apartment hounes) (Concroto alabn) HI: 11*.!; .1 I-111H Hillidi , Hid! di[Ill", H 11:11i I]d 11 1 1! 1 1.11 '', - . . ~ . I t -, GORUSENIN, V.I.; ZUBKOV. I.P.; BRUK, r-S., chlen-korrompondent. Increasing the stability of synchronous generatorm by conLrolling the excita- tion followed by rotor slips and accelerations. ):%v.A,)i SSSR Otd.telch.rauk no.9:1262-1281 S 153. (KTRA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nau-k SSSR (for Bruk). (Djnam-os-Alternating current) TIT' 4. YdIns, Potary 7, ProbLe= conceming uie furtliur ivprovt---71mt C'l roual'y Fam' T-Sement 18 No. 5) 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessiens, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. A A- ZUBKOV. K. The complete cowrersion of traction substatioms to alternating current. Zhil.-kom.khaz. 7 no.9:16 157. (MIRA lorlo) l.Gl&vny7 inzhener Upravleniy& trolleybusa g. Kalugi. (Blectric railroads-Substatioms) I I jjjj~ :'I I I ~j ~ jj~'J, 111111].1i Ill ~j I I ill.:. W~ ZUBKOV, K., inzh. Automatic tray with pneilmatic hoist. StroitalO n0-2:12 F '58. 04IRA 11:2) (Hoisting machinery) il ~~KOV, X. Controling mercury vapors in the operation of traction substations. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 6 no.4:24-26 156. (KLHA 918) (11actric railroada-Substations) 10 511MCV01 P. P't -?Tj. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Glass manufacture 7. M--chanization of laboricus pmesses In the production of inedical glAIMMIreop X. E. ZuVAov, P. P. Surnovo ~ V1. V. Mishenin., Med. -10. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 113b"IfIrY -1953, Unclassified. 15(2) SO V,/'12-59-6-i 1 AUTHORS: Vladychenskaya, V. V., Zubkov, X. Ye. TITLE: Improved Cjnstruction of Molds for Pressing Plungers and Bushings (Uluchshennaya konstruktsiya form dlyn trambovaniya plunzharov i bushingov) PERIODICA,Tt Staklo i keramika, 1959, Ur 6, PP 43 - 45 AB 'ST i-UC T: In a number of glass-works the feeder pliuigerij of autonatio glass-molding nachines are hand-made by the method of plastic molding although pressed plungers featuro cartain advaritaps. The authors of this article developed a new construction of molds for pressing plungers and bunhinkra, i.e. the two-wing construction was replaced by a thrae.wingz construction from which the product can be easier removed, Figure I illustratos the steel mold for pressing plungers, amd figurs 2 shows buohings, followed up by corresponding descriptions. The experiments were made with fire-clay-, kaolin-, and mullita lVers, the com- positions of which are given. Duo to thi) introduction of the pressing method the output was increasad by 1.5 times and the Card 1/2 ntunber of defective spacinens was reduced. There are 2 figures. Improved Construction of golds for Pressing Plungars all'! SNY72-59-6-1 1 Ills Bushings ASSOCIATION: Solnechnogorskiy stokolfnyy z,,Lvod (Solna c1hnogai,sl: Glass-Works) Card 2/2 I TF-7~!111[wt WI!t! 111,11 1~ 1111! 1!i1,. !! I ;: :., 1 5 '11, ;3. 11 " 2MOV Ze To. UAW 6 -Yf,. Use of machinery in finishing the neck of glaosware-with ground glass stoppers. Ked.pron. no-1:38-39 Ja-Mr 055. (MLRA 8:5) 1. Vsssoyuzmqy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut zedItsinskogo instrumentariya I oborudovanlya. (GLASS BLOVrNG AND WORKING) In the world of polymers. IUn. takhn. 2 no.'1:7-12 JI 158. (Plauticu) (HI RA 11:10) 1111: :11111. H:11 I IiIII ~Ii I Ii"I. ~`i, '11 U1 1. , t 11 1 -n 'this POPLILLIr 1*011, "1 C ar tic e rin L,~ t I t Iv, ith -v. b e u jd i n a z-i oC a-ppli~-atinn. h- 1. ty bI I urlb 1 o~- h i ,- ; e I v C ac p na a r -L r n r a -11) -i I' i u i d s .~-)ut after ectenAve theoretical z t.u,-,icts thu c i e r, t i s t ci I, are be -in,", iric, tc, :Ave pla-ming orrd~-, IL --~, e rc t0 n rs 6 a ifovoki.-. 4-n thc e,,i a n d. I a r !c n t', ar ia ;4113,) Ji,-~, d,airy indu'.3tvy. Xov::i. pron-i'i oh t i t, ,hrii r ~JI'LlyticIL! of -,~at ~,:Ln,i ..,al I I 11R.Ij i,~) -;-'usy :i(,rker:; zjimpit.. d--Vico that prevorit!i t!~v MLIk. frm'. o ri I t f:, 1~ a 1, e a 1. 1; ,-; u zi i L - i i. rL r? ~e f 1 a e it e t -, ,, i b Ic , 1 it i I no vuen and ir.!ov. o LI;-? r~j . I E I I r j T n t i t, h j i n f c t t oil, w 1:4. e - In i c a ro d ~ Ic- t 'i 1 w :nerve for tilk, v a fh i IS 0 t 0" 1 c) I' in e tal lurgic!~! s o k i3 !i h c! y C 1,-."-L 11 :-c..; )I I id U t .;.,a te r , thus L) r e 13 1, v 11 t h f I il '..i t, o t 11 p 0 name al I fi;~ Ids :ni t -, -J 1-,r'kt bein;;, i;, n z h q i; i --~ t i o n i te s r e a I y a r p polyme r.~, , i orl - exc han,-2 re J i.,i a :-u-,) IS n I a r -,~-~yJ v i-n of t j Z,-_ i i cal .3ubztarices. oxch,~mgc. polymero liLe !,h(~ !1-1 hl I'!-' r1r klL.'- (11: jj~t j t Busy Workers propertie,.i: the.V 1VC MOChArIi(,,-11,v ii.!ry arid ir~hemtcitlly rii~,siotant, By thelie prop,trities the iowill-e!) vorvala pritctically !it tho Hit, of Ioriitoo Ir, oome-nivit, h4-00.riki Lw W the war. ",III, ill recenL yeuri~ th,iS 11115%o I)eorl -viiildi~ Up 1'or. 711 t1w labort:Ltori of I~. WiZO Iiloii~, about 1 11 t e d . io ~1 i il~~ 13 ,Lit t' 1-~~ 1. Gthil '110171: d("110 S- t011! A", C) j, k a v a k i y k h i tit i1r:tk h r, o I o g I (t h e n ~ ly i --,I s L i vt f i me n i e n d e I ey e v a ( M ojc o wIt o M i c a I -T a C. 111, o I o g 1, Q R I I r 113 f i t it t o i 1-v? 1, o n d e I e Y e vP-3 woll as numi~!vaus univer.,iiities and research centers; of the country. rioiv great the Amport-ance of ionites is can be seen from the fact that their ap-,licat;Lon in power econoffi,y can bring to the '.Aate yearly profits anounti-rig to billioiiis. i'doreover, the iorlites - becatlue of 11 nio:~t simple equipment of appavatuu - cian be introduced inLo industry much mere eagily than any othFtv achievDmetit of' mad(trn sciene~e- jIv.)rp, is 1 figure. -,"a r d 7- of r. K r L, GURVICH, S.I.;j~Kg,-.L.B.;...GAE~T3KIYj L.S. I Genthelvita from silicified synnitoo. DokI. IM S&IR 150 no.5t1123-112J., te 163. (MIRA 10,0) 1. Predstavleno akademik,pm D.I.Shcherbaltovym. (,%ranite) (Genthelvite) ZUBKOV, L.B.; KNYAZEV, V.N. Radlometric methods In prospecting for rave notAl carbonatite deposits in Siberia. Sbor. at. MGION no.l165-77 '(52. (HIRA l6t~) (SIberlem-Trace oloments) (Radioactive prospeoting)