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KATSNELISON, Z.S.; IZDYAYEVA, Ye.M.,- ALEKSANDROVA, V.P. Fetal adrenal cortex in swine. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.ls201-202 j1 163. (IURA 160) 1. Laningradskiy veterinarnyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Anichkovym. (ADRENAL CORTEX) (FETUS)- ALEKSANDROVA, V.P. [Automata, the technol.^gy of communIsml Avtomaty - tekhnika ko=nizmu. Wv, Vyd-vo A-kad. nauk URSR, 1962. 66 p. (MIRA 18:11) &LMMANDROVA9 V.P. Ilp" a ~6- the metallurgical - !;7,-o-*- -,--VAELre tdr w*arir4g production costs of steel in %~". -- - - , ,t- plants of the Ukrainian SeS.R. Wauk. zap. Inst. ekon. AN URM no.3t 25-37 '55- (MIRA 1113) (U11=ains-Stoel. industry-GostO I ALEKSAMROVA, Valentyna Petrivna7,- RYZHKOV, I*an Ivanovich (Capital assets and production potential of industrial enterprises and their use)Osnovni fondy i vyrobnychi potuzh- nosti projqslovykh pidpremstv ta ikh vykorystamia. Kyiv,, Akad. nauk URSR, 1957 58 P. (MIM 15:10) (industry) ALEKSANDROVA. Valentina Petrovna;-RYEk'OV, Ivan Ivanovich; SHORATQV, 0.1., ~ [Iffectiveness of advanced methods of work In Ukrainian induqtryl Ifektivnisil peredovykh matodiv.pratei v promyolovoett Ukrs4uq'kDi RSR. Kjiv'. 1958. 39 P. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyretmia politychnykh I naukov~,kb zuan' Ukrainelkoi RSR. Ser'.-4, no.9). .(MIRA 12t~) (Ukraine--Efficiency, Induqtrial)i PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4205 -_,and Mykhayl Nykolayevych Serede o Aleksandrova, Valeutj~na Petrovna nk Tekhaiphnyy prohres na pidpx7yex~stvakh chomoyi metalurhiyi Ukrayins!koyi RSR* (Technical Progress at Ferrous Metallurgical Plants in the Ukrainian SSR ).KiYtVj' Vyd-vo AN URSRJ 1959- 136 p. Errata slip inserted. 1.,000 copies printed., Srmsoring Agency: Akademiya, nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Insty-tut ekonomiky. Ed.: 0-0. Mn-amov, Candidate of Economic Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: H.O. Kovykova; Teich. Ed.., N.P. Rakhlinaa PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader interested in the economic development of the Ukrainian SSR. COVERAGE: The book is an analysis of the increased efficiency resulting from im- provements in production processes and modernization of equilnent in the ferrous metallurgy of the Ukrainian SSR, The vork vas carried out at the Donets Basin and Dfiepr plants. The author thanks H.E. Meshta and O.M. Chornovol, of the In- stitute of Economics., Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR, and Workers of the Zsporozhlye and Dnepropetrovsk Regional Economic Councils, Holovk o and Pravdin. Card 113 o 2echnical Progress at Ferrous Metallurgical Plants (Cout.) SOV/4205 There are no references. TABLE OF CON=S: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. Development of the Technical Foundation of Ferrous Metallurgy in the Ukrainian SSR 3-1 Ch. II. Efficiency Resulting Fran the Introduction of Modern Equipment I and Advanced Technology in Blast-Furnace Production 50 Ch. III. Efficiency Resulting From the Introduction of Modern Equipment and Advanced Technology in Steel-Smelting Production 75 Card 2/3 AVAII"IZ: Library of Congress Technical Progress at Ferrous Metallurgical Plants (Conto) SCYV/4205 Ch. IV. Turning Equipment to Profitable Use in Steel-Smelting Production, and Advanced Work Methods 1o6 Conclusions 134 Card 3/3 AC/edv/gmp 9-7-60 GALIPERIN, Kikhall 7akharovich [Hal'perin, K.Z.3, kand.ekonom.nauk; AIMMIGAMMOVA T ., kand.ekonom. nauk, red,, (Organization of smooth and rhythmio work in industrial enterprises] Organizataiia rivnomirnoi i. Atmichnoi roboty prOMYBlovoho pidpriiemstva. Kyiv, 1960. 33 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrounia plitychufth i naukovykh znan' Ukrainalkoi RM, Sere7j noMe (KIM 13:4) (Industrial management) ALEKSANDROVA, ValentjDg-bdrmmg4- kand. ekon. nauk, starshiy nauchMy sotrj-N=MEVA, L. (Nikolaieval L.], red.; GAVRILETSI, D. (Havryletol,, D.I., tekhn, red. (What is profit in an industrial enterprise] Shcho take rentaboll- nost' promyslovoho pidpryiemstva. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo polit. lit- ry URSR, 1961. 46 p. (YARA 14:10) 1, Institut ekonomiki AN URSR (for Aleksandrova). (Profit) SEREDENKO, M.M., kandekon.naiA3 KUGUSHEVp M.F. (Rubushev, M.F.]; PRAVDINp M.V.j-, F0141CHEV9 V.I.;(ALEKSAWDROVA V P - GORODETSKIYI N.I. [Horodetolkylp N.I.); DYAT 14 S [Kalyta~ M.S )l DARAUN, M.V. [Darabzw, M.V.]-. RADINAv Yu.M.; VCROBIYEVAp K.T: Vorolyyova, K.T,I; IASTIM, N.~.; STARODUBSLUO R.D. [Starodubsikyip R.D.]; YATSENKO, P.F.,-, MIJR%ITSEVAg G.M. [Huromtsevap H.M.]; RASNER~ S.I.; CHERNYAK, K.I.; KOBIIYAKOV, I.I. [Kobyliakovo 1.1 1; ALEKSANDROVAP V.009 kand.ekonom.naukp; DE24IDYUK9 V:F. (DerWdiuk, V,.F.]:, red*; LIBEF1*Wt TOR09 [Ways of increasing profits in metallurgic.-il industries] SbUakby piavyshehennia rentabellnosti metalurgiiAylch pidpryiemstv. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSRp 1961. 93 P. (MIM 14: 6) 1. kkademiya 7oauk USSRv Kiyev. Institut okonomiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN USSR (for Seredenkof, V.P.Aleksandrova7 KaUtay Daragan, Radina.). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy kbiml o.-tekhnologichesldy institut (for Gorodetslfty, Dyatlov). 4. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metal-lurgicheskiy institut (for Kobilyakov). (Dnepropetrovsk Province-Steel industr7-Costs) ALEKSANDROVA yajoutiza-patmnal-kand. ekonomf nauk; KWCHENKO, POF ,~~~kon. nauk, Qtv. i (Skryprjyk.. V.T r;p ea.; SKRIPNIKpV.T. . I d,; MATVIICIIUKp O.A.,, tekhnq redo [Economic results of the technological reconstruction of industry] Mconom-lohna, efekt7vnist' tekbnichnoi rokonstruktaii v pron7olovosti. Kyjv~', 196l. /,8 p. (Tovar7etvo d1la poobyrennia, po:Lityobrorkb i na- ukovykh zaan' Ukrainslkoi RSR. Ser.3j, no-9) (M3RA .14:9) (Technological innovations) (Automation) SEREDENKO M.M.) doktor ekon. naukj ALE V D.; KUGLJSHEV, M.F. kubusbev, M.F.); SHEVCMMNKO, a.O.; GLAMAZDA, A.D.[Hlamazda, A.D.]; ZABORSKAYA, Z.M.(Zaborslka., Z.M.]; KHOTIMCHENKO, M.M. [Kbotymehen3co, M.M.]; YATSKOV, V.S.; HEDVEDEV, V.M.[Medvediev, V.M.3,- CIJIP.KGV, P.V.[Chyrkov, P.V.]; KHARCHENKO, P.F.; SOTCHENKO, Z.Ya.; PROFATEDVA, L.M.[Profatylova, L.M.]; MAULIN, M.O.; GORELIK, L.Ye.[Horelik, L.IE.]; RIZHKOV, I.I. (R,yAhkov, I.I.]; ZBEREBUN, G.P.(Zherebkin, H.P.]; KHRAMOV, 0.0.; LANDYSH, B.O., red.; ROZENTSVEYG, Ye.N.[Rozentsveib, IE.N. ], telchn. red. [Economic efficiency of capital investments and the introduo-- tion of new machinery in industry]Ekonomichna efektyvnist' kapitall- nykh vkladen' i vprovadzhenniia novoi tekhniky u promyslovosti. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1962. 26o p. (MIRA 16!2) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. (Capital investments) (Technological innovations) AIZKSANDROVA, V. R. TiParenteral, Use of Fenicillin During Scarlet Fever in Order to Shorten the Period of Hospitalization." Cand Med Sci, Leningrad State Pediatrics Medical Inst, Leningrad, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 8, Apr 35) SO: Siim. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and.Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). Rrj vu PH, V". MASLOY. H.S.. proftesor, zaaluzhenyy deyatell nauki. deystvitellnyy chlen Aka- demil meditsinakikh nauk SSSR; ZATTSZVA. G.1., kandidat meditainskikh nauk, sekreturl; KURYIEVA. O*K,; BRONGHTEIN, A.Is; PVROVA, Te.P.; MALMOVSKAYIL. D.B.; ITINA, N.A.'. KAKAROVA, Me; RYBAKOVA, T.N.; OIRB]ILI. L.A., akademik; VOLOVIK, A.B.. professor; TUR, A.7., professor; BYSTROLICTOVA. G.1.; DANILEVICH, M.G.. professor; KUPICHEVA, A.G., do- teent; BIMIZWA, R.I.; ALIMANDROVAL.V.R, Minutes of the zeetings of the Leningrad Society of Pediatricians. Yop. pediat. 21 no.2:60-62 Mr-Ap 153. (Hmi 6:6) 1. Leningraciskoe otshchestvo detskikh vrachei. 2. Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Maslov). . (Reflexes) (Scarlet fever) RN-D 1-L'olcl" sec.7' ' Y61.8/10 Pediatrics Oot54 2711. ALEKSANDROVAV.R. *Intramuscular penicillin for shorten- Ink the hospTi-a-ratay in scarlet fever. (Russian text) VOP. PIMIAT. 1953, 21/3 (16-20) Fifty-nine children received only symptornatic treatment while 90 received.4 x 50.0000 U. penicillin in 1. ml. of 116 pyramidon for 6 days and penicillin ointment 5,000. in I ml. into the nose in the first and last week of their hospital stay. The acute period lasted 6.27 :L 0.15 days in the treated and 8.17 � 0 81 in the control group. The symptoms disappeared quickly in the treated group, except the rash. Desquaination was mild or absent in the treated and as usual in the control group. Complications were much lower in the treated group (7.7%) compared with 62.5% in the control group. Disappearance of streptococci after 21 days was noted in 8016 of treated and 13.676 of control cages. The antis t reptolys in and antifibrino- lysin t1tres increased somewhat in the treated and considerably in the control group. Some of the less favourable results in the treated group were due to breaks in strict isolation, so that the overall result woulO have been better if strict cri- ALEKSANDROVA, V*R.t LESHCHINSKA.Yk, N.P. Differential diagnostic and prognostic significance of the color rea tion of the bile in epidemic hepatitis. Trudy WWI /+6:3&-45 16~? . 0 4' (~IIRA 13:.U) 1, Tafedra infektsionnykh bolezney Leningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyanichookogo meditsinskogo institute. kzav. kafe'droy - prof. V.V.Kosmaohev'skiy). (fWATITIS,, IWECTIOUS) (COLORIMETRY) AIZKSANDROVA V. Re Influence of oynthomyoin on capillary circulation in patiento with acute dysentery. Trudv.LSGMI 46:139-145 159. (MIRA 131n) 1. Kafedra. infektsionnykh boleznek Leningradekogb sanitarno- gigiyeniohe$kogo meditainskogo instituta, (zav. kafedroy - prof. V.V.KosmAahevskiy). (CHLOROMYCETIN) (DYSEWERY) (CAPILLARIES) SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ya.l.; KOZLOVA, A.A.; SMIRNOVA, S.A;; KRYLOVA, O.M.; GIAZKOVAJV T.S.;.ALEKSANDROYA,_V,.R- KAPETANAKI, K.G. Viacheslav Viktorovich Kosmachevskii; on his 75th birthday. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.4;154-155 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:10) (KOSMACHEVSKII, VIACHESLAV VIKTOROVICH., 1887-). NAKHMANSON, V.M.; OSIDZE, D.F.; SEROV, M.F.; ALEKSANDROVA, V.T.; . SOLOVIYEV, S.; MALYSHEV, N.; IVANFIC~o,--'If,'M-.-';--'POTATURKIN,'- V.; CHIMOV, A.I.; MIKHAYLOV, N.N. In the Soviet Uni .on. Veterinarlia 39 no.1;88-96 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Veterinary medicine) V TiC--- AUTHOR: Troshin, A. S.,Doctor of Biology SOV/30-58-7-22/49 TITLE: News in Brief (Kratkiye soobshcheniya) The Second International Conference on the Mechanism of Stimulation (Vtoroye mezhdunar- odnoye soveshchaniye po mek-hanizmu vozbuzhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 7, PP. 103 - 104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference was hold at the Humboldt-University (Universitet im. A. Gumbolldta) in Berlin, in the DDR (German Democratic Republic)(GDR) from March 31 to April 2. It was attended by physiologists, biochemists and biophysicists, who with respect to the mechanism of stimulation, take two different views. One group proceeds from the albumin theory developed by D.N.Nasonov and his students. The other group relies on the principles of the diaphragm theory proposed by A.Hodgkin, and the Cambridge School(kembridzhskaya shkola) of physiologists. 24 reports were submitted. They are partly listed below: 1)V.Ya.Aleksandrova (USSR) on the Albumin Theory of Injury and St_i-m-u-Ea_T1-6ff -. Card 1/3 2)B.N.Tarusov (USSR) on Electrical Parameters of the Cells in News in Brief. The Second International Conference SOY/30-58-7-22/49 on the Mechanism of Stimulation Different Functional States. 3)H.Ernst,Hungary (Vengriya) showed that individual fibrils react to every electrical irritation by a distinctive contraction. 4)G.M.Frank,USSR, on Structural Changes in Nerve Fibers Caused by Excitation. 5)A.Kaladzhiyeva, Bulgaria (Bolgariya)v A. Wolf (Vollf), V. Linke,DDR, Ye.M.Makovskiy, Roumania (Rumyniya) investigated the properties of solutions of native albumins. 6)G.Vogel (Fogell)j G.Krause (Krauze), G.John(Dzhon), DDR, described the results obtained by the investigation of the influence exercisea by temperature and various poisons of fermentation on the monodular (monodallnyy) active current. 7)G. Lippmann, B.Schubert (Shubert), DDR, on the Influence .xerc:Lsed by Metabolism Upon the Process of Cell-Excitation. 8)E.Gutman, Ts.Vodichka, Czechoslovakia (Chechoslovakiya) on Impulseless Processes in Nervous Structures. 9)L.Lyubinskaya, Poland (Pollsha), K.Cheng, China (Kitay), on the Morphological Structure of Some Elements of the Nervous Card 2/3 System. . News in Brief. The Second International Conference SOV/30-58-7-22/49 on the Mechanism of Stimulation An animated discussion of the reports took place after the papers had been read. Card 3/3 , S~, ~ 1.11KIYANOVi A. I ~!--vAr!d 116'finovich Nez,:rov, 1894-1965. rso.',~629 165. Koll. 27 (M IRA -28~121) AIZKSANDROVA, Ia. A. "Functional Diagnosis of Diseases of the Thyroid Uland With the Aid of Radioactive lodine.n Cand Mod Sci, Central Inst for the Advanced Trainine of Physicians,- min Health USSR, Moscow, 1955. (KL, No 11, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) .Z I- I- 'n- k ~' -,t ~', , " V--- -1 I - I I I ALEKSANDROVAYE. At ALEKSANDROVA, E. A.: "The Plastic Bone Surgery of the Lower Jaw with a Section of Rib (Clinical and Experimental Material)." State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. 1-1. Kirov. Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Medical Science) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 19, 1956. ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.AD, kand.medonauk (Hoskva) Use of reserpine in patiento with rheumatic heart diseaseo. XUD. mede 38 no.12t72-77 D 160. (MIRA 24i2) lo Iz kafedry 1-y terapii (zav. - deystvitellnyy ablen AMN SSSR zasluzhermW deyatell nauki prof. M.Ss. Vovai Cdeoeased])'Wentrall- nogo instituta usoversbenstvovani7a vrachey (dire M.D* Kovrigina). (RFMWLTIC IMT DISWE) (RLRWIR) AT ANMVA, Ye.A,v (Hookva) IM9imatic carditis. Med.sestra 21 no.ll:~-6-19 N v62. (MIRA 160) (REMMATIC HEART DISEASE) 2. ussR (6oo) 4. MMICThT - STUDY AND- TEACHIIW~ 7. Work of class supervisors. Fel(d i akusb. no. 6 (1952) Direktor Stalinskoy FelidsherskG-Alcusherskoy Shkoly 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionss Library of Congress, September 19,52. UNCUFS-SiFIED. ro y". V i e ty v ia t 1 Oil ('.'C the In ~I ii~* oil nobstvonny.m zatith-kimiyan pervo,(ro kontura) 1~58, Vol 5 (L tjjC, 4renuericy prom~vrdcs of n sy -u,-.i urldch con.-Asts Of Aed c a-cuits of dif'ul-cmt eani.."iric are 2.,;., v a n L _4 t c d . here ,. systelp with t.-.10 C.-I!%'! --,0, circ-, dt-, t! 'ir ei ally controllable nelf-t~rri-~Jng of -1 ;. st circuit -~Itv frumuency clv,r-,,ct~~rintico ~,-f the circuit- -.tice curve ~.f e doters-d-.-Ledfaii tlicbmAds !h- rQoon~ in T',ie !-,-.,cond circuit. ~~,i thi.,; oc,!-sion it is tht-A L--: the fir.~.-t circuit v. -c-rtv.-LIL t.-IL t o i)tive c ~Ir -riablp -.-,i,il)litu(:L, in ccilnocte(I L --dth invr bm:W - f lie con-putations t-iven hurc I t..t of -Lato thc first clrc~dt to ....uch c.:L- vdt!wiiii~~ of the 1),--,-iid in t-;~ ct,.:,c 0~, the tile 1."e, mulle-Y Pp-ssai7c in P. T-.-.,o-Circuit 108-13-":-6/11 'm ;it',. fiCj (,.113r CCntj-ojj%j)jo '.'Ocllf-Attenuntion of the ";J t i t -cui t iit~.m Ou~n in th . cane of inti-m"llotion of all I onzkI I-inj- Anto tho circidtAlh iirazltr;n~:Okm of the cl, fici o.' th.~ *,'he corinuh, ti -i -lo. o"f-ciunc..' o' tv.o- ro li biaid -tit%! c c-i-cidt r.. tjt~_n tile vo,t!put- tion of the co.::nletc ill'~ut 0" t1he cl-ecuit S.;4 C; :'j .clice c., c,.,: C'.:l i -von. In za-,, r t]-ic invuF;, f(,r::lcd ol* -',,-!o c--)linucted ill qc:ries, ", 10,~-' -111in r..l."Fes it '~Ossibie 'o in:L-o- ~"U c othe of a fac-Vior for the ri.;'Alactior, from thc! irivc~:ti,-a-ted cuit oysto-_ On the basio oz th~ ir- vuot.:L-ation th(.; follwiAng i~- nttitod: 1) An artificial increase :,f the ei~,en dm.,pin~, in th-V i-r-t ci_--ciiit -Alowi~ to widen the b.rmd of ,,, two-circluit syrt(;,l retention 0" c ci encv of th~.-.cj circititr, (:O.-.')'.'.rOd I-il'il b-ncl. 01) "%ill c (I on nec;--sion of the 'IMo the C:,. C 2 2) t'f .1 w Case 0-f 0. Connection of a two-cil-cidt to of trie Frequency Pnspoige in n Tvin-Circuit I t ~Ek -I 3-,e" -(,/11 '!.'Ith :,rtifieially Controllq.ble ".U-Attpnuatinn rj: ~-!!e First 01 rCIA t bLr. infinite line (Or !-to e. -tystem) th~~ rave impedancte of the line must have such a value that the factor for i,he refl-etion from the tvc-olreiiit sycttem remnins 1.11 the whole buid of the transmitted freauoricies. Thc ntqgnittide of the wave impedance is dete:?ndn~.,d from the parameters of the.two-cir,iuit system. There figures, 4 tables, anci referenoesp which are ~_-UBV'j TIPED: June 24, 1957 I I T "ibrary of'Congre-ss 1. Electric circuits--Theory .2. Fx~equency--Determination Cara 3/3 BIAGOVESHCHENSKIY, A.V.; AL*kVDROVA, Ye.G. Evolution of proteins in the seeds. of leguminous plants. Trudy Glav. bot. sada. 8:8-46 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Lelpi nnsae) (F,roteins) (Phylopmy (J~qtaa)) BLAGOVESHCHENSKIYf A.V.; ALEKSANDROVA. Protein complexes in the seeds of Astragalus. Biul. Glav. bot. sada. nd'iA605-58 162. (NIRA 16:5) 1. Glavnyy botanichoskiy"dad AN SSSR. U& '(Proteins) (Milk vetch) (Seeds) ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.l. Microanalyeis of natural waters (determining calcium and magnesium). Trudy KMI n0-15:129-134 150- [Publ. '511 (14IRA 12:12) (Water--AnalYsia) Use of the phenomena of coprecipitation for analytical purposes. Trudy XKHTI no.16:117-128 151.[Publ- 1521 (MIRA 12:32) (Aluminum-Analysis) gm ON 1 I I r 0'. m it it 1) to to pit I? to it a to Ifuu -IjInumn kiln AA 46 IX W Kft-k mmilum"AllwAl 1 ..00 00 , 1 00 W i-00 , '-0o 06 Polomitintiou and aishydritlitation of limestanem of the 0* ' * 00 fi druva. 1 rudy Nrit. GH4, Man*(. lost.. iO -2rdWOrWy k Pomimiyar libinhaevikole -00 l Khm. Refrfal. 41twp. J. N,,. 4, 40 041-6 Dw dilhomilisn) nwks ism d"1111"llrd %4'4) .410 111MVvidy lit lite tuidilt of lite lTTf hulcliumm Me lit. 00 v Irtiaily lit dolimliIIIIA11,011 ill VVty diflrtVtlt. Wtiluilt` IS funned by a secondary rounic tepLaring lintestiase. -Ilic .941 00 .3; wpa. of anhvMte sitiong the met fitnestones is alki of a =09 0 0 woudwy ustuir. 1h*vulle slid sithydiiie teplam the o Actrims of 4miluill"Ill and the rclijelit belw4vil thrin. Go* 000 a dectcaw W [fie vol. durin the chattge lium lintratuttem ti. dolutuitts and b The pairtial moln. of anhydrite and calcite. 00 Intcasivr 1wiltireill" activi(y 10 ohmaved in thibutlitiml ago 00 valictirs 0 limr-toom The funitallust u( dolumile aud $411hyddle Ig ell-141ned fly tile metlidl 44 a INISSO. Nast. ou 11111ratull'.. ullit'll SALT- plam ill a hilquill-lypt. Orwivoki 0 0 00 with an hicirva-mcd cilorls. ill Ndta. U. R. lictiti a 00 tgo tie I 4 1 tlAjjVI'GK.t 4fl(RAIFJ#l -U - -3, 1% 1 1 1 , 1 n n A I I tw 0 1 % woo N 5 *1 a Ill 0 0000 0 9 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 0 * v 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Os e too * 0 so sees 0 * 0 0000 0 0 * 0 * go 0 0 0 0 'k 0 0 0 0 0 00 a 0 000 0 go 00 col ALF,KSANDRo,/As Yc.lyl s t 6, bTklol 14 toft: m" _ _,p thi K .. . ~21 T S. Thm t~ ~ I - ~-- 7 KS R vN v - Tig~.m i - ! t Ro S . F .t I. - --- I-.- it D he Particles of al Ct 'retio la ex on 0 _k ldlraya. an d E5.1 -11 4, ZWU_r._r mr. 'M2~=Jftw' Mwcow) I'll 1 (104 ~- e(, CI. 48 of lyso Se latex otabllt;~l with it w6itutedl Na riap'lith'ale ICIU110 ate wrrD. not sorbed by as"t-less Paper urticss a salt was pment. whell Awsom, tion (e.g., for 30 his.) took Place.- Miefilialanu. d with salt conen. %; at _Pappr ='ease larger x (e.g., > 0.01TAr-NaCQ; a-lacreased also-with the a _UfD la tei , vacil. C, but at Mil X Yalu?* a had 4 Viax, at d*j"m c bep-au-qC njote coned, smble. At cowt, r and x, oms grtatmt W c!.,,. at c 0-68 9,/1. rind x O.OlAr, a wa~ 10, 8, and 6 ing. ~-XC-i-rnd-NaCl,resp. -In thin ut esence of CaCI!, not1k.-deteeted in;tht: resencc, of At e deermed. when p1l 1;ZZil rom -2~ to, the-, electrokluctic potential r-(from electrophorctic TACIsure- Mclits) of lat" W the pre3ence of vviou, sdts was compari-xi with the corresponding a- values, only 2 curves rcsitIttd" one was common to NH,, Na. K, and Rb sadts, and tlic other to Big, Ca, and Ba salts; at a given C, tbe a in the presence of bivalent cationa wa.5 e.g., twim , as with us rt ea Univalent. C'.1tiong btcaw:e Afs !'+, Ca+ ", and Ba -~ 1. ;iot Only affected the &Am. la0buity of the particles hilt also tv- acted with the emuls-itier., The emulsificr alio was sorbed 131kerman RMIR-4-Mm'- .1 v K, T MIG HIRE ow T "'. - i- Z~ ,.... .-11 --r 54', vial ra ~m, -a :,-, 'N=l w ED ., - - Aormam V3 -911,R vi",rMaU!-j Ww I a V VSBFL/Che~dstry Physioal chemistry ()ard .1/1 Pub.- 22 - 26/45 _Aleksandrova., Ye. M.p and Kertes-lhuashanp Yu. Authors 'Pitle, r, Effect of 6tabilizer characteristics on the stabili-ty of positive charged polystyrene latex Periodical Dok. M SSSR 103/2, 26c)-271, Jul 320-1935 Abstraot- j Experiments - showed that only__semi-collo1ds__or1 high molecular --compoundepan serve. as suitable -stabilizers -for latex. Th6 different colloidal-ohemica1. properties of latex obtained from one and the same polymers (polystyrene) " were determined by the properties of the stabilizers employed. The stabil- ity of latex against haterocoagulation and coagulation by negative charged latex is discussed, It is shown that latex with positive charged particles can be obtained directly by the polymerlzation-emalvion method by uvlng an approximately cation-active stabilizer. Four USSR references (1936-1955). institution i Moscow Chem-Techn. Inst. im. D. I.-Mendeleyev Presented by i Academician P. A. Rebinder, February 17, 1955 .AWANDROVA, Ye.M.; 16IDINA, N.G. -*&VM2*aQ"W Optical propertlev of humato solutions aid sols of huxic acids. KhAm.1 Ag 156. (Yin 9:10) l.Keekovskiy khtmike-tekhavlogichaskil institut imeni D.I.Mende- leyeva. (Humic &aid) (Solution (Chemistry) Y~7 9p Vlj~~Q VT conomfition oi the ALIKSANDROVA, Ye.M.; RAZUNIKHIRA, H.S. - Sorption of polystyrene latexes in relation to the sign of the particle charge and of the sorbent. Koll.2hur. 19 no.2:148-153 Mr-Ap '57. 49-RA 10:5) l.Khimiko-tekhnologichookiy institut im. D.I. Mendeleyeva, Moskva. (Latex) (Styrene) (Sorption) stlu-ri I, I wd a, r~,IJM m sz~an addns of inOT9 fitcl rol) -stru-c-t-ir o1 tht. ;.,j, 1:,,m thr M1101 S OV/156- 58 - 3-14/52 Razumikhina, N. S., Aleksandrova, Ye. M. TITLE: The Adsorption of Polystyrene Latex on Cotton Ti3vue (Sorbtsiya polistirollnykh lateksov na khlopchatobumazhnoy tkani) PE'RIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 3, PP- 460-464 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The adsorption is regarded as heterocoagulation, i.e. coagula- tion of the particles on the adsorbant. The adsorption of L'-oe typea of positively charged latex (polystyrone lat-ex VA, polystyrene latex OOM and polymeta- cryl latox OOFKh.) and of two types of nc;,atively charged latex (polystyrene latex with "Nekal" and a 'mixed polymer of butadiene with polystyrene and ammonium o"teato SKS-30 as stabilizer were investigated. The influenci~, of the latex concentration, the occurrence of a free stab4lizer, the sign of the charge of the adsorbed particle r-nd of the sorbent, as well as of the nature of the particle from the disperse phase on the sorption were also investigated. The adsorDtion o~* the latex deDends not only on the concen- Card 1/3 tration but alea to a high degree on the excess stabilizer Thu,Adsorption of Polystyrene Latex on Cotton Tissue ~,~.'-V/156 -58- 3-14/52 which humpers the adsorption. In the ease of a simultaneous effect of the two factors the adsorption isothermal lines .each a maximum as the sum of two curves which express-the effect of the latex concentration (increase in adsorption) and of the excess stabilizer (decrease in adsorption). Mien a great excess stabilizer is lackinp.- the adsorption isothermal lines take R COUrSe cli&racteristic for typical adsorption processes. The adsorption shows the greatest effect for a 6 of the latex of 46 to 64-65 erg/cm. When the quantity d is greater the adsorption increases; however, an unequal ad- sorption layer results, as the adsorption is acc(xpanied by homocoagulation. Positively charged.'latexes ara adsorbed by cotton tissue without electrolyte Fiddition, while neCatively charged types are adsorbed almost not at all without electrolyte. The dispersion phase of the latex does not have any noticeable effect on the adsorption; however, it influences considerably the properties of the adsorption layers obtained. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references, .7hich are Soviet. Card 2/3 scjV,'3-56-3p,---~- u, 'I'hO `dz?o!-i:tion oi- Polystyrene Latex on Cotton Tissue ASSOCIATION: r"Ira olloidnoy khimij r "IcOvalkor.0 kh;~,--;ko- t011f11J0L0g,CJjo,,,~-o,q0 Jyjqtituta iM. D. (Chair for c'* I. 0110ida.1 Chemitry 'of the Mo~cojv Chemic,,11 all, Technological institute imeni. 1). 1. 1,1~~ndele.vev) CC U 13 Ir -- TfE D October 24, 1957 k;ard 313 AUTHORS: Aleksandrovat Ye. Mop Kryukovaj A. So SOV-156-56-3-27/52 TITLE: A Method for the Quantitavive Determination of the Ailinoi.'Iethyl Qun,ternary Salts of the Polyglycol Estero of Alkyl Phenols (Metod kolichestvennogo opredeleniya elletvertichnylch soley aminometilirovannykh poliglikolevykh efirov alkilfenolov) PERIODICAL-. Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 3r PP- 510 - 512 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two new optical methods for the determination of the concentration of aqueous solutions of the cation active auxiliary agents in the visible and'ultraviolet spectrum were suggested. This determination is based upon the fact that the cation active auxiliary agents form colored complexes with some aqueons acid dyes. Acid blue-K was used as the acid dye, since it exhibits an optimum sensitivity with cation active auxiliary agents at 610mg.The analyses were carried out in highly acidic media, especially in sulfuric acid soultion. This inethod may be applied to concentrations up to 0,3.10-4 mole/1 (0,03 a/1). Smaller concentrations of cation active auxiliary afflents are determined in the ultraviolet range at a wave length of 276avvithout the Card 1/2 use of acid dyes. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 8 references, A Method for the tWantitative Determin4tion of the SOV/ bi 6-58-3-27/52 AmInomethyl -Quaternary SaItB of the Polyglycol Enters of Al~y~ Phenols 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra '-olloidnoy khimii MoskovskoCo khirtiko- tekhno'L'oeichesl-o-o institiata im.D.I.IIendeleyeva (Chair of U Colloidal Chemistry ant the Moscow Che-mical and Technological Institute imeni D.I.Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: November 11, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Tsvetkov, V. N., Aleksandrova, Ye. M. SOV/64-58-5-5/21 TITLt: The Coagulation of Polystyrene Latex in Mechanical Mixing (Koagulyatsiya polistirollnogo lateksa pri mekhanicheskom peremeshivanii) -11 PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya, promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 5, pp.28o - 284 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Pror the study of the rheological properties of gels in castor-oil soap as a stabilizer in polystyrene latex the possibility of an electrolyte-less coagulation by mechanical destruction of the stabilizer's adsorption layers on the solid latex part~,cles was assumed. Since Peskov (Ref 8) had already mentioned coagulation investigations without electrolyte effect the authors of the present article carried out experiments with different amounts of castor-oil soaps (castor-oil soaps KM), with Ot4 to 1,2 parts by weight being used for the stabili- zation, and with the latex being correspondingly termeu KM-0,4 KU-1,2 etc. An apparatus with a plane disk mixer was used and the end of coagulation was determined according to the viscosity of the latex. According to Maron and Bowler (maron i Bouler) Card 1/3 (Ref 9) a heated latex needs more electrolyte for the coagulation The Coagulation of Polystyrene Latex in Mechanical SOV/64-56-5-5/21 Mixing than one which is not heated; the latex 131-1,2 showed a maximum stability at 8-120. In connection with the observations made by Freundlich (Frayndlikh)(Ref 10) and Willer (Myuller) (Ref 11) the authors carried out experiments on various in- fluences on the coagulation of latex and stated that an in- crease of the latex concentration as well as of the rotational speed of the stirrer increase the rate of coagulation so that in the formation of the polymer a partial coagulation begins. It was found that the addition of a polymer coagulate in the coagulation process exerts an autocatalytic effect on the course of coagulation. The experimental results in the inves- tigation of the relativeresistances of the adsorption layer with the addition of a stabilizer and a subsequent mechanical coagulation were in agreement with those obtained by Rebinder and Trapeznikov (Ref '13), as Heller (Geller)(Ref 14), and Yurzhenko and Guoyakov(Ref 15). According to their resistance the anions may be arranged in the following order, sodium oleate sodium stearate n-octylnaphthalene-sulfo ac id- sodium,) c-tcd -him ricino?eate. There are>8 figures and 16 referencesp 9 of Card 2/1 wh,;kbh are Soviet. bl~ - - - -- - - ALEMANDROVA, Ye. M.; METKOV, V. N.; RAZUMIMIRIA, N. S. --- VIConcerning Non-Electrolytic CoagiLlation of Polystirole Latexes." report presented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959- (Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP- 509-511) 50), 15(8) AUTHORSt Grudinina, M. X., Alsksandroya, Ye.M# SOY/156-59-2-35/48 TITLEz The Influence of Some Factors on the Formation of Fine-grained Polystyrene (Vliyaniye nekotorykh faktorov na obrazovaniye mikroblochnogo polistirola) PERIODICALt Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya i kbimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Nr 2, PP 354-357 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The fine-grained polystyrene formed during the polymerisation depreciates the product to waste. The authors investigated a large number of materials, partly inhibitors of the three- dimensional polymerisation, partly emulsifiers, concerning their capacity to suppress the formation of the fine-grained structure. The results are as follows : The contents of up to 1% of divinylbenzene in the emulsion is not the reason for the formation of the fine-grained structure. A dilution of the styrene-mater-emulsion reduces the portion of fine-grained structure, especially when adding sodiumoleate as emulsifier (Fig 1). Of the oleates wbich were analysed (sodium-, ammonium-, potassium-), potassium oleate is the most effective (Fig 2). Increased addition of the emulsifier reduces the Card 1/2 formation of fine-grained polystyrene and changes all qualities The Influence of Some Factors on the Formation Soy/156-59-2-35/48 of Fine-grained Polystyrene of the latex. The addition of electrolytes destroys the stability of the emulsion and encourages thereby the formation of the fine-grained structure (Fig 3). There are 3 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED BY: Kafedra kolloidnoy khimii Moskovskogo khimiko-tekhnologicheskogo instituts. im. D. 1. Mendeleyeva (Chair for Colloid Chemistry Moscow Institute for Chemical Technology imeni D. I.Mendeleyer) SUBMITTED: July 8, 1958 Card 2/2 5 (4) AUTHORS: AltkA!an~~~ Xryukova, A. S. SOV,176-33-6-15/44 TITLE: Determination of the Length of the Polyethylene Glycol Chain and of.the Mean Molecular Weight of Quaternary Salts of Aminomethylated Polyglycol Ethers of Alkyl Phenol (Opredeleniye d1iny polietilenglikolevoy tsepi i arednego molokulyarnogo vesa ohetvertichnykh soley auinometilirovannykh poliglikolevykh efirov alkilfenola) PERIODIjAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 6, pp 1263-1268 (USSR) ABSTRACT: New surface-active su*jstances were investigatedj that were first synthesized at the Institute mentioned in the Association. With respect to chemical structura they represent quaternary salts of dialkyl aminomethyl derivatives of polyethylene glycol ethers with polyethylene glycol chains of different lengths; they are used for equalizing in wool dyeing. An optical method was applied, by which the light absorption is investigated in the ultraviolet spectrum. Measurements were made on the photoelectrical spectrophoGometer SF-4 in the wave range 240-290 m/ quartz nuvettes (I cm) in con- Card 1/3 centrations of 0-5 g11. The solutions were found to obey Determination of the Length of the Polyethylene Glycol SOV/76-33-6-15/44 Chain and of the Mean Molecular Weight of Quaternary Sait5 of Aminomethylated Polyglycol Ethers of Alkyl Phenol Beer's law (Table 1). The quaternary ammonium group does not disturb the benzene sulpho acid spectrum in the wave range applied (Table 2). Measuring results (Table 3) show that the absorption spectra of the substances investigated obey the law of additivity. On the strength of those resulta an inverse proportionality could be assumed between the optical density and the mean molecular weight (MW), and the latter could be determined. On the basis of equation (5) as well as the method (Ref 9) the length of the polyethylene glycol chain was determined, and results obtained were compared (Table 4). The results obtained by both ways agree well with one another. Also data are supplied concerning the quantity of benzene sulpho acid in the equalizing agents (Table 5). There are I figure, 5 tablest and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Determination of the Length of the Polyethylene Glycol SOV/76--33-6-15/44 Chain and of the Mean Molecular Weight of Quaternary Salts of Aminomethylated Polyglycol Ethers of Alkyl Phenol ASSOCIATIONt Institut organicheakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley im. X. Ye. Voroshilovs, Xhimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva Moskva (institute of Organic Semiproducts and Dyes imeni K. Ye. Vor3shilov, Chemico.-technological Institute imeni D. I. I.Tendeleyev)Moscow) SUBMITTED: October 31, 1957 Card 3/3 _67 j 0012 1 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: G Aleksandrova, Ye. hi. S/153/60/003/01/048/056 BO11/BOO5 Some Problems of Emulsion Polyme 1by the Method ization~ of SjXj~ene of Tagged Atoms Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Xhimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologi5,a, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 176-178 (USSR) TEXT: The authors assume that the distribution of the emulsifier causes the forma- tion of microblock polymers. A microblock polymer which contains only 1/3 - 1/4 of the emulsifier quantity is formed by drop polymerization of the monomer. The dis- tribution of the emulsifier during emulsion polymerization is complicated. At the initial stages, styrene is emulsified in water; a sorption of the emulsifier on the surface of the disperse monomer drops is also possible; finally, a coupled dissolution of the hydrocarbon in the soap micelles (Ref 4) occurs. The mode of redistribution of the emulsifier during the production of polymeric particles is unknown. Polymerization styrene in the emulsion may be assumed to consist of 3 stages: 1) Styrene-water emulsion; the emulsifier is absorbed on the surface of hydrocarbon drops; 2) heating of the emulsion, desorption of the emulsifier, dis- integration of the emulsion into layers, increase in the amount of "non-emulsified" monomer; the micellar soap passes over into the adsorption layers of the polymeric particles; 3) at the end of polymerization, the system consists of solid polymer, water, and free monomer. To clarify the influence of emulsifier leso=ption on the Card 1/3 69681 Some Problems of Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene S/153/60/003/01/048/058 by the Method of Tagged Atoms BO11/BO05 weight of microblocks, the authors investigated the quantitative distribution of the emulsifier among the phases of thetaysi3m by a tagged emulsifier. Tagged sodium oleate was produced from oleio acid vi h C in the carboxylic group. In aqueous solution, the cleats retains its ability of forminj mioelles, and possesses surface activity. Some experiments were carried out with c 4 nondecanic acid sodium. The activity of all samples was measured by a radiometer of type B-2 (end window coun.. ter of type T-25-BPL). The relative activities of the microblock-polystyrone- and polymer-coagulate samples were compared by the authors' methods. The absolute molar activity was computed by the formula of V. G. Vasiltyev (Ref 6). For this purpose, all samples were burnt in a "wet" state, and transformed into barium carbonate. The polymer-coagulate samples showed the highest activity. Table I shows the re- sults. Hence, it appears that the sorption of the emulsifier is inversely propor- tional to the dilution modulus of the initial emulsion. The weight of the micro- block polymer increases with the prolongation of the coupled dissolution of styrene in the aqueous emulsifier solution. The activity of the microblock poly- mer is higher than that of the polymer coagulate (Table 2). In all experiments, the intermicellar liquid showed the lowest activity (Table 3). The authors arrive at the conclusion that in emulsion polymerization the solubilization of the bydro- carbon in the soap micelles must not exceed a certain optimum limit. To protect the styrene miorovolumes from coalescence, the strength of the absorption layers of Card 2/3 69681 Some Problems of Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene B/153/60/003/01/048/058 by the Method of Tagged Atoms BO11/BOO5 potassium-, sodium-, or ammonium cleats is insufficient. There are 3 tables and 7 referenoest 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut im. D. 1. Mendeleyeva Kafedra kolloidnoy khimii (Moscov Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev; Chair of Colloid Chemistry) SUBMITTED: April 10, 1959 Card 3/3 GRUDININA.0 M.M.; ALEKSANDROVA, le.M. Importance of eolubilizat~an and phase conversion in the emdsion polymerization of styrene*-. Plut.masey noe5111-14 161, , (Styrene) (MIRA .1414) ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.M.; TOK, N.D. Preparation of colored polystyrene latexes stable in a state of aggregation. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.lt25-27 162. (KRk 15:4) (Paint) (Styrene polymers) ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.M.- SHITS L.A.; LOBACIIEVA, S.P. ---~ I --- --- Y P Effect of certain factors on the aggregative stability of polysterene latex. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.2:31-34 162. (MM 15:5) (Iiatex-Testing) SHITS., L.A.; ALEKSANDROVA, ye.m. Evaluation of the aggregate stability of synthetic latexes. Vokl. AN SSSIR 142 no.2s413-415 Ja 1.62. -(MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskly institut im. D.I. Mendeleyeva. Predstavleno akademikom PoA.Rebinderom. (Latex) *- S/02 63/148/003/034/037 B101YB186 ..AUTHORSs- Aleksan'drova, Ye. M.# Shits, L. A.p Romm, I. P* TITLEs Effect of non-ionogenic, surface-active substances on the aggregative stability of polystyrol-latex stabilized by sodium' cleats PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, 'no. 3, 1963, 637 640 T EXT jThe-study deals..-with the change in stability of polystyrol latex e At__i sodium oleate per 100 parts of monomeirr~ stabiliz d by 0.6 parts by weig 0 with addition of the following surface-active substances (SAS)3 OTT-7 (OP-T)l CH 6) H, R - C8_10, RI - R or H, nF:07, mean molecular weight'! H 2 2 n (M;I) - 531, dipole moment D - 3-50; OIT-10 (OP-10), ditto, nc*10, MI w.563 D - 4.41; OIT-20 (OP-20), ditto, n,,~i20, MW - 1125, D - 5.36; OC-20 (C~-20)) R.-O(CH CH 0) Hp R C 8, n,20p IN 1185, D - 5.661 dispersing agent 2 2 n 16-1 Jb-80 (TV-80), Card 1/3 S/020/63/148/003/034/037 Effect of non-ionogenio ... B10!/B186 0 0 O(CH CH 2)~11 I H Fol RICH 112 1 2. H2 _C _C H-CH-H 2COC04 17H33 O(GH CH 0) 2 2 nItH nt + n" + nlllc~~20, MW -1308, D - 5-87. The SAS were added either to a latex~. not saturated with s,odium cleats or to a latex that contained an amount of sodium cleats such that its adsorption shells were fulli occupied. The stability of latex was determined by measuring the time -r after which'co-. agulation set in between,two coaxial cylinders during mixing. S" -r/-[ wae~--' 0 calculated, where is the 'coagulation time without SAS. With saturated 0 latexI the SAS effected a sharp iporease of S', even with admixtures of ofily. ^J0.02 mg-equ/g. With unraturateti latex, S' first fell stepwisej then it increased slowly with small additions, and sharply with.large additions (0.06 -.0.12 mg-equ/*g). Is to-* the"ir destabilizing effect, the SAS con- stitute the- following order: TV-8O>OS-2P>6P-20>OP-10>OP-7-- Iu un-. saturated latex, the SAS screens off.the sodium cleats molecules or ions, thus deteriorating the proteotive~effect of the moholayer. Further additiov -Ird ~2/3 B/020/63/148/003/034/037 Effect of non-ionogenic... B101/B166 of SAS effects brittleness of the monolayert causing the second drop Of St*1_ Pot before a polymolecular adsorption layer has formed, S' inoreaseel-in saturated latex, S" rises immediately. There are 2 figures and i tablev The English-language reference isi''R. J.'Orr, Rubber and Plasto Aget 41,', no. 9, 971, 1027 (1960). ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imi D. 1. Men- deleyeva (Moscow--Institute of Chemical Technology imeni Mendeleyev) FRESENTEDs October 3,'1962, by P. A. Rebinderl Academician SUBMITTEDs' September 10, 1962 Card V3 SHUTOVAY ~A.L; ALEKSANDROVA.-Ye.M. Studying the modifying action of sodium oleate on the hydration degree of anatase titanium dioxide. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.5237-39 162. (MIRA 16il) (Sodium oleate) (Titanium oxides) ANMOVA Ye. M'; SHITS.. L. A. Structure of the protective atborption films of synthetic latexes stabilized by aodiu% oleate. Kon. shur. 24 no.6: 641-W H.-D 162. (NIRA 26 & 1) 1. Moskovskly khImiko-takhndlogichaskiy institut imeni D. I. Mandeleyeva. (Rubber, ftthetio) - (I~rotective coatings) (Sodium cleats) SHUTOVA, A. I.; ALWANDROVA, Ye. - Interaction between mineral pigments and components of the dispersion medium studied by veans of sedimentation analysis. Kon, shur. 24 no.6t752-754 N-D '62. (MIRA l6a) (Pigments) (Conoids) (Sedimentation analysis) A19DPDVA Ye H SHITSP L.A.; RM, I.?.; Prinimala uchastiye MaMohise'of nonionogenic surface-activ# vubstanees on aggro tive vtOdLI-I-t7,of polystyrene latex stabilized by sodium 0-leat4of glkl,~ AN SM W noJs6~7-640 Ja 163. (MIU 102) 1. 14oakovskiy khImiko-tekbnologicheskiy institut im. D.~. Ykade- le7era. Piedstarleno akademikom P*A* R3binderam. (Surfac&-aotive agents) (Styrene polymers) KHROMOVAJI IIII.S., kand. tekhn. nuuk, dotsent; AUKSAl4'Dl-"O'JAI Ye.M.) inzh.; PAVLOV, S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Use of condensation resins for the production of porous coldred rubber. Nauch. trudy MTILP no.27:99-103 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii isk-usstvennoy kozhi i plenochnykh pokrytiy Moskovsiogo teldinologicheskogo instituta legkoy promyshlennosti. 1--nei ic;l c,,- ou:% I I 7,-.i- r imen; !Jcn(lel~nreva KUZNETSOV, V.V.; ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.N. I.. Adjustment of the Salmonidae young in the Lena River at the early stages of their development. 11~riroda 52 no.ll:3D&--10S ,63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Yakutskoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo Instituta, ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozvaystva. ALEKSANDROVA$ Ye.N.; RUMTSOV, V.V. Natural hybridization of whitefishes. Priroda 53 no.8.10,10.5; 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut nn fologii zhivotnykh im. A.N.Severtsova AN SSSRI Moskva (for Aleksandrova). 2. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. Lomonosova (for Kuznetsov). MOUHAHINY MIDIEKEP, S.N.; IIFFU'~OVSKFff V.M. Flavirie- na-~alysls of hyd-zogen fr,~-.Ti d,-hy.J yr-dines and sinilar compounds. izv. AN Sor. khim. 7o.93~c.,W- 1&?4 '65. (MTRA 18. 9) 1. ~"r2`-'Itut kh4imilcheakoy fizil-l' ~,N' 1; MOISEYENKOY.VasiUy Stepanovich; ALUSANDROVA, Yelizaveta Pavlovna: NF.VFLISHTEYN, V.I., vedushchiy r~-d. _-- --.- -, (Valday key well (Novgorod Province)) Valdaiskaia opornaia skvazhina (Novgorodskaia oblast). Leningrad, Gostoptakhizdat, 1963. 119 P. (Vsesoiuznyi neftianoi nauchno-issledovatellskii geologorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.221). (MIRA 17:4) ALEKSANDROVAP Ye.Vi; VIKTOROVA, A.V., nauchnyy rukovoditell, assistent - Mixed sawing of zarly and late varieties and hybrids of corn. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. sellkhoz. Inst. no-1901-55 162. (MIRA 17:1) ordinator VIMOMINI"W'"m- I - Central fibroma of the mandible. shomatologiia 35 no.2::Ig Mr--Ap 156. (MIAA 9:7) 1. Iz stomatologicheskogo statsionara Moskovskogo gorodskogo otdola zdravookhrananiya (glavnyy vrach-kandidat meditainskikh nauk A.A. Kovner, nauchnVy rukovoditell - doteent G.A.Vaaillyev) (JAWS--Tumcas) ALSKSANDROVii, Ye.V. Metastasis of pulmonary cancer in the mucous membrane of the alveolar bone of the superior maxilla ana the boay of the mandible. Stomatologiia 36 no-1:50-51 Ja-F '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz Stomatologicheakogo statsionere Mostorzdravotdela (glavvy vrach A.A.Kovner, nsuchnyy rukovo(litell G.A.Vasilleyv) (LUNGS--CANCER) (JAWS--CANCICR) AT.R"ANDROVA, Ye.V.; DMITRIYZVA, I.A. Necrosis of facial boneb after X-Ay therapy. Stomatologiia 36 no.4: 47-50 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki khirurgiche8koyestomatologii (zav. - doteent G.A.Vasil'yev) Moskovskogb,meditainskogo-stomatologicheakogo institute (dir. - dotsent G.N.Beletakiy) i Moskovskogo gorodskogo chelyustno-litsevogo gospitalya (glavnyy vrach - dotaent A.A.Lovner) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (BONES --DISEASICS) SHARMAK, A.B.; BOBYLITA, V.R.; GOROZRANKINA, L.A.; ALIKSANDRDVA, Te.y. Method for inducing experimentaldental caries in white rate. Stomato- logiia 38 no.60-9 N-D 159. (MMA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry blokhtmii (zavedvyushchiy - prof. A.B. Sharpenak) Mos- kovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheekogo instituta, laboratorii biokhtmit (sav. - prof. A.B. Sharpenak) Institute, pitauiya AHN SSSR I kafedry propedevtiki khirurgicheskoy stomatologii (zav. - dotsent G.A. Vasillyev Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologichaskogo insti- tuta (direktor - dotsent G.N. Beletskiy). (TIUM-DISHAS3S) SHAUENAKp A.E.j BOBVMA, V.R.; GOROZHAMNA, L.A.; ALEKSiNDRbVA,, Ye.v. Method for producing experimontal carieo in cotton rilts. Stomtologiia 1+0 no.ltl2-17 Ja-F- 16CL. I (MIR& 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry bioWAmii (zav. - prof..A.E.Sharpenak), kafediy propedevtiki khirurgichookoy stomatologii (zav. - dotsent G.A. Vasillyev) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta (dir. - dotoont G.N.Beletskiy) i la.boratorii biokhimii Instituta pitaniya AWS&R. (TEETH--DISEASES) SRWEXAKI A.E.; BOBULVA) V.11.; GOROZHANKIYA) L.A.; ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.V. Role of the alimentary factor in the origin and prevention of dental caries. Stomatologiia 40 no.4t3-7 Ji-Ag 161. (MIRA 3-4:11) 1 Iz laboratorii biokhimii (zav. - prof, A.ElSbarpenak) Instituta pitaniya AMN SWRy,kafedra biokhimii (zav. - prof. A.E.Sharpenak) i kafedry propede~tiki khirurgicheskoy stomatologii (zav. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk G.A.Vasillyev)-MoskovskQgo meditsinskogo . stomatologicheskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent G.N.Beletskiy). I (TEETH~DISEASE- S-) ALEKSANDROVA, Ye.V. mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Changes in the argyrophil. system of the pulp of human teeth in different stages of a carious lesion (in noncomplicated and complicated caries)6 Teore i prake stomt no-5:198-205 161 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz kafedry propedev-tiki khirurgicheskoy stomatologii. (zar. - prof. G.A. Vasillyev) i nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii (zave - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik A.A. Pro- khonchukov) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta. ZAZHAROV, N.N.i- Ta. Vitamin 0 contfmt in Japanese persimmon. Vop.pit. 17 no.6:63-64 N-D 158, (MIRA 12;2) 1. 1z onnitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantaii Petrogradskogo reyona. go leningradae (IFRUIT'S, Japanese persimmon. vitamin 0 content (Rua)) (VITAMIN 0, determ. in Japanese persimmon (Rua)) 50), 5W AUTHORS: A HUMg Y6.1i SOV/2o-123-6-2o/50 Pravednikov, A. N., Medvedev, S. S. Academician TITLE: Reactions of Oxygen-Containing Radicals of the RO'Type (Reaktsii kialorodsoderzhashchikh radikalov tipa ROP) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 6, pp 1o2q - lo32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The reactions under review were carried out mainly on model systems ih Aiich the W-radicals were formied from the decompoei- tion of dialkyl peroxides. The authors found that at the decomposition of ditertiary-butyl-peroxide, dissolved in hydrocarbons, in addition to methane at 1950 the resulting amount of acetone is about 12 times that of tertiary butyl alcohol. This is indicative of a higher activation energy than had been found by J. H. T. Brook (Bruk) (Ref 2). Proceeding from scheme (1), (11), (111), nearly all tertiary butoxy radi- cals are likely decompose under cleavage of the C-C bond as can be assumed from the results obtained. This is, however, in contradiction to the data published on the "thermal-oxida- Card 1/3 tive" destruction of the carbon chain polymers (Ref 4). It Reactions of Oxygen-Containin.- Radicals of the RO,Type SOV/2o-123-6-20/50 can be concluded from the results that acetone here is not only formed as a consequence of the reaction k (CH 3)3 CO. ) (CH 3)2C - 0+'CH3 (I), but also in consequence of some other reaction the velocity of.which considerably depends on temperature. Such a reaction can be that of the W-radicals with one another-At low temperatures the con- centration of the RO- radical -s is lovi and the reaction pro- ceeds slowly (Ref 2). In order to prove the acceleration of this reaction at increasing temperature or at. a considerable increase in concentration of the peroxide, the authors have investigated the decompo:3ition of the di-tertiary-butyl-peroxide in an isopropyl-benzene solution at 12o - 1500 and in the concentration range from 4 up to 16 percentage by weight. Figure I shows that the ratio of the concentrations of acetone (a) and. tertiary butyl alcohol (b) a/b increases with an in- creasing concentration of the peroxide. Therefore the reaction order of the formation of these compounds with respect to the peroxide concen4r,.tion is not equal to 1. According to Card 2/3 various computations ta'ia authors conclude that the acetone Reactions of Oxygen-Containing Radicals of the RO'Type SOV/2o-123-6-2o/5o formation under the above conditions at temperatures of about 2000 is largely related with the bimolecular reaction: k (CH3)3 CO-+(CH 3)3 CO. _~4CH 3)2C - O+CH3- O-C (C11 3)3 (-IV) and not with the monomolecular decomposition of the RO- radicals. In the case of high-polymers the reaction (IV) must lead to a rapid variation of the distribution regarding the molecular weights. This occurs indeed in the radical sta6es of the poly- ethylene oxidation. This variation is accompanied by the occurrence of ether bridges between the macromolecules.There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauemo-inaledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Physical-Chemical Research Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: September 29, 1958 Card 3/3 ALEKSANDROVICH) Yu.13.., inzh., red.; CHEWTIN, L.A., inzb., red.; kand. tekhn. nauk, red., BELYAYKINA, LV., inzh., red.; NIHOLAYEVj, A.A., inzb., red.; SDSBNIKOV, G.F., inzb., red.; FILD40NTSEV, A.V., inzb., red.; POPOVA, V.V.p inzb.p red,; IFTOKA, G.A., red.i?,d-va; RODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red., [Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitellnye normy i pravila. Moskvat Gosstroiizdat.[Heating s-ystemst materials, equipment, fixtures, elements, and structures] TeploVe sati; materialyg oborudovanie, armatura., izdeliia i stroiteltATe konstruktsii (SNiP I-G.7-62). 1963. 22 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Aleksandrovich), 3. Mezh- duvedomstvennaya komissiya po peresmotru Stwoitellrvkh norm i pravil (for Chernin, Naydich). 4. VsesoyuzM7 Gosudarstvenwfy instit-tit po proyektirovaniyu teploVkh elektrostantsiy (for Belyaykina, Nikolayev, Soshnikov, Filimontsov). 5. Vsesoyuz- rVy nauchno-issledovate.0skiy i proyektny7 institut po teplo- tekhnicheskim sooruzheniyam (for Popova). ALEKSAIMROVA. YutM- Frequency and anuses of Dnrtlal defects of the teeth And their I alignment in children. Yrach.delo no.4:425 Ap 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kafedra ortopedicheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. A*Iv Betellman) Xiyevskogo maditainBkogo institutes (TIOTH-ABROPWITINS AND DEFORMITIES) AUKSANDROVA Yu M . I KURI LENKO, V. S. frequency and character of traumatic lnjur7 of the teeth. Trach. delo n0.5:531-533 MY 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. lafedra ortopedicheekoy stomatologii, (zav. - prof. A.I. Betell- man) Kiyevskogo medit sinskogo instituta. (TIMTH--MUTILLTION)