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TU Ov? I.K.
Experience in using industrial explosiom for studying crustal.
structure In the transition wne from the Siberian
the Ta7Wr trough* Geole i geofiz, no~2tl23-127 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Sakhalinskiy kompleksnyy vauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut
Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, poselok Novo-Aleksandrovka.
R! D KEV.1G I i3 yc~ .-.! . ; vl-~S i_ I. I K cIV S' KOY , U. P. ; jl~[~JYJQV 1 K
G-,~(-,rdir~atian conference on the study cf the earth'a -runt arld upper
maritle in the eai3tern regiona of the U.S,S.R. Geol. i ge-ofiz. no.2:
164-165 165. (MIFLA 18:9)
data on the multiple reflection of waves in the Wast, Siberian
Plain. Geol. i geofiz. no.9;81-02 1641. (WRA 181l)
1. Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy, institut geologii, geofiziki i
minerallnogo syrlya, Novosibirsk.
M-tim bam of deep and supou-deepk Artm! I ej ere0lo-1-0- th~e
1~,I~Iflu ci i,-~ allu, ~Tju :Tit fit illit. f-acl:lc
I '.' j , : , Iz !~~ .. , . - I .
~ , . - 1. .
.. : 1 7~ , , - - -- - - I- .. I ~ - . ~ ~ :- :_- , . - ~-- , - "~- -. I ~ . - -I--- - . . -
- --! , OLIrs- I U'lil
TUYEZOVA, Nina,Aieksandrovna; Prinimali u-~istiyei DDIINA, R.G.; BRYUZGINA,
NOL; ROSTOVTSEV, N.N., glavnyy red.; GURARI, F.G., zamestitell
g:Lavnogo red.; UMARTSEV, D.F., red.; DEa-TKOV, I.F.J. red.;
MALIKOV, B.N., red.; MIKUTSKIY, S.P.J. red.; BOTVINNIKOV, V.I., red.;
BUDNIKOV, V.I., red.; BOGOMYAKOV, G.P., red.; SISURKOV, V.S., red.;
SUKHOV, S.V.0 red.; BOCHAROVA, N.I.p red.
(Physical properties of rocks in the West Siberian Plain.)
Fizicheskie avoistva gornykh porod Zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmennosti.
Moskva# Nedra, 1964. 127 p. (Sibirskii nauchno-issiedovatelfskii
institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrtia. Trudy, no.31).
(MIRA 18:7)
- -I---- -- -.... .. , ,
Relation between certain ph7sical properties of rocks of sonthvestern
Turkmenistan and tho geological structure of the region. Frikl. geofil.
no*23:91-99 '59. (MIRA 13:1)
(Turkmenistan--Rocks, Sedimentary)
i, z~ u i/ a /V A.
vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut geofizicheskikh metodov
Prikladnaya geofizika; sbornik statey, vyp. 23 (Applied Geophysics;
Collection of Articles,, No-.23) Moscow, Goatoptekhizdat~ 1959.
242 P. 3s500 copies printed.
Ed.: M.K. Polshkov; Exec, Ed.: N.N. KUzlmina; Tech, Ed.i A. S.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific, engineering, and
technical personnel of industrial geophysical exploration services.
COVERAGE: This is a collection of 14 articles by various authors on
aspects of geophysical exploration. The material treat6d in*the
articles may be divided into four categories: the physical pro-
perties of rocks in specific geological regionso methods and tech-
niques used in industrial geophysical exploration, concepts in the
theory of electrical exploration, and the economics involved in
Card 1/4
Applied Geophysics; Collection of Articles (Cont.) SOV/2899
geophysical operations. Specifically, the authors discuss the
geologic structures of the central parts of the Russian Platform,
southwestern Turkmenia, the West Siberian Plains, the eastern part
of the Siberian Platform, and the Minu8insk basins; electrical
frequency sounding, neutron logging, gamma spectrometry techniques,
and the standard equipment and installations of the geophysical
services of the petroleum industry in the USSR. References ac-
company each article.
Vanlyan, L.L. Some Problems in the Theory of Frequency Sounding
of Horizontal Bedding 3
Kalininay R.V. Regularities in the Changes of the Physical Pro-
perties of Devonian Rooks in the Central -Parts of the Russian Plat-
form 46
,Tuyezova, N.A. The Relationship Between Certain of the Physical
Prope-r-Fi-6sof the Rocks of Southwestern Turkmenia and the Geology
of the Region 91
Card 2/4
Applied Geophysics; Collection of Articles (Cont.) SOV/2899
Zakashanskiy, M.S. Density of the Meso-Cenozoic Deposits of the
West Siberian Plains 101
Nikolayevskiyj A.A. Density Characteristics of the Geological
Profile of the Eastern Part of the Siberian Platfom 112
Galaktionov, A.B. Density of Sedimentary Beds of Ustyurt 127
Tarkov, A.P* Nature of the Anomalous Gravitational Field of the
Minusinsk Basins 1. 136
Temkin, A.Ya, Methods of Solving Problems in Neutron Logging 141
Kantor, S.A. The Effect of the Diameter of a Borehole on In-
strument Readings in Neutron-Neutron Logging 174
Nedostup, G.A., P.N. Prokoflyev, A.I. Kholin, and A.P. Tsitovich.
Use of Differential Gamma-Spectrometry in Petroleum Geology 193
Card 3/4
Applied Geophysics; Collection of Articles (Cont.) sov/2899
Voskoboynik., N.I. The Speed of Electrical IOgging in Combined
Measurements With an Arbitrary Division of Channels 202
Polyakov$ Ye. A. An Equivalent Electrical Schematic for an
Electrode 217
Abbo E.A.$ V.M. Zaporozhetsy R.1, Plotnikov, and L*A* Khutsishvili.
Some Probtlems in the Design of a Borehole, Neutron Generator 226
Koz1ov, P.T. Basic Assets of the Geophysical Services in the
Petroleum Industry of the USSR 234
AVIALABLE: Library of Congress
Card 4/4 12-21-59
Study of magnetic susceptibility in connection with the eorrela-
tion of rocks based on their age and some other_probleow of
geological interpretation. Trudy SNIIGGIMS'hoJOt63-69 160.
(MIRA 15212)
(Rocks-Magnetic properties) (Geological time)
Flocculent Cloths ("Flocon" Fabrics). Mka ll~,oirishleriost (LiE:ht
Industry),, #10:13:Oct 154
28362 S/124/61/000/007/039/044
AUTHOR: Tuylenev,,, A, 1.
TITLE: Calculation of a cylindrical shell and ribs for a concentrated load
PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 7, 1961, 10, abstract 7V73
(V sb. "Raschet prostransv. konstruktsii. V. 5". Moscow, Goestroy-
izdat, 1959, 387-430)
T EXT : A method of calculating a thin round cylindrical shell with ribs
With an arbitrary concentrated load acting on a rib Is proposed. The shell is
taken as uniform, elastic isotropic and reinforced by a dense frame; rigidities
of the intermediate ribs are assumed to be distributed continuously over the
length of the shell. The author starts from the semi-membrane theory of the
cylindrical shell (an allowance is made for 4~%ormal and shearing forces, and in
the longitudinal section the bending moment and a lateral force are taken
additionally into account). The resistance of a rib to outside forces in its
plane and normal to it is allowed for. The forces in the shell are presented In
the form of an infinite series of products ofoxthogonal functions. An approx1mate
Card 1/2
28362 8/124/6i/boo/ow/09/044
Calculation of a cylindrical shell ... A052/A1O1
solution, based on an additional neglect of shearing strains, is also given. In
this case the solution is given in a closed form. Various cases of loading are
analyzed, a calculation of the rib is given.
E. Grigolyuk
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
TUYNILAI V. I., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Biolw:ical prov---rt-is ai.~d
economic value of the most important verieties of apples of 4- he
Lithuanian SSR." VilInyus, 19~0. 2C pp; (Ministry of Ifif-her and
Secondary Specialist Eduention USSR, Vil'nyusskiy State Univ im
V. Kapsukas); 250 Copies; free; (KL,, 18-60, 150)
. C ero Coal &--d
Efficiency of the conau--pt-ion of the r YZ
, LT
farther developing of the BurTat ;ca2 Industry. Trudy Br'jj-
no.5t23-34 '61- (~aR-A 18:2)
BMIPA11YEll, ii.h.; IIAL)NAM, G.Sh.; UMK, A.G.
of formation cf thx~
,,--22 161.
.ff-t, A.5.S.fl. Trudy BK1411 no.':"
oentt-ro, .-f *tc-
(MTRA 18!2)
TUTSK. A.G., red.: BASHKUTEV, B.V., spetered.; ZILOTIN, Tu.V.,
redAzd-va; AKHOOV, Ts.B.,
[Soviet Burrat-14ongolia; economic and geographical survey]
Sovetskaia Buriat-Mongolila-, eknnomiko-geograficheakii obzor.
Ulan-Ude, Buriat-Mongollskoe knizhnne izd-vo, 1957. 352 P.
(Buryat-Mougolia) (MIRA 11:12)
Expansion of coal mining in Bastern Siberia. Trudy Yost.-Sibs
fil-AN SSSR no*21:15-30 159* (HIPA 13:9)
(Siberia. Butern-Coal mines and mining)
~sandr Gansovi BAZAROV, BJII., spets. red.; KHANTAYEV,
!T HU YES KL, k 1 e "so -2b*
P.Ly Bpets. red.; SUMAKHIN, A.N., red. izd-ve
(Development of the mining industry in the Buryat A.S.S.R.]
Razvitie gornoi promyshlennosti. Buriatskoi ASSR. Ulan-Ude,
Buriatskii komplekanyi nauchno-issledovateliskii in-t, 1961.
86 p. 04IRA 16;6)
(Buryat A.S.S.R. -Mineral industries)
Above all labor Bafety. Art. transp. 41 no.12:4-7 D 163.
(MMA 17t 3.)
1. Zamentitell nachalinika otdola. okhrany truda*i tekhniki
bezopasnosti Severo-Vastochnogo soveta narodnogo knozyaystva.
K Dl.,:,-,",F,,
i n1 0..
ch. -,ap.
Tv /5;r) r-, 7,-
Study of ixodid ticks In the Tatar A.S.S.R. Ked.paraz. I parez.bol.
nupplement to no.1:59 157. (MIRA 11:1)
1. IE kafedry obBhchey biologii Kazanskogo meditainskogo Instituta
I Tatarskoy respublikanskoy sanitarno-apideniologicheskoy atent8ii
Vq B.N.1 PERO W KOf A.A.
Acceleration of paraffin oxidation in the presence of maganese
iceelerators employed in-Induatry. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. fiz.-
org. khim. AN BSSR no..8t4Sw3.54 160. 140)
1, 4allkovskiy pol1tekhfiich6skiy'ihbt1Uit im, V.I. Leninag i
Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy instit-qt po sinteticheekim zhirozameni-
-telyam i moyashchim sredst*6mi.*I -~ ' ""I" ' ' -
(Oxidation) Ofang'anese coxqpOvnds) (Paraffins)
Use of a vacinm in treating paradentosiB. Stomatolo 'ia 47-
no.409 Jl-Ag'63 fmIRA 17 8-4)
1. Arteml-yevskaya zheleznodorozbnaya bollnitea.
A~2ormalities in peach qnd apricot flowers associated with retarded
flowering. Bot..zhur. 1+5 no.A.:604-606 Ap 160. . MRA 14; 5)
L Ferganskiy opornyy punkt Instituta eLkad. R. R. Shredera.
Ferganskays. obl. (keach) (Apricot) (Plants# Flowering of)
U , A. 1 .. -
Davolopment of flower buda in the stone fruit of Central Asia,
Trudy po prikl. bots, gen. L isal. 30 no. 3g233-260 137. (MIRA 11:7)
(Boviet Central Asia--Stone fruit)
Anomalous flowering and fruiting, in the Persian walnut. Priroda 47
no. 5:9142 My 158. (NM 110)
1, Ferganskiy opornyy punkt Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo
inatituta sadovodetva i vinogradaretva im. akademika R.R. Shredera,
Kuva, Yerganskoy oblasti,
(Kuva District-Walnut)
(Plants, 2lowering of) (Abnormalities (Plants))
USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, Nutbearing, 14-6
Abs Jour Ref Zhur -.Biologiya, No 2p 1959, No. 6437
Author Tuz SPL. 1-
Inst *98'f given
Title Anomalous Blooming and the Fruit Bearing
of Walnut
OriS Pub Priroda, 1955, No 5, 91-92
Abstrant A repeated blooming of walnut was observed
in Uzbekistan when the trees were damaged
by frost. The Fergan Agricultural Station
in Kuva produced a walnut tree which blooms
late and Is not susceptible to damage to frost.
Card 1/1
USSR / Cultivated Plants . 3~:uits, Berries - M-7
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No- 58748
Author Tuz, A. So
Inst qtf�gtion Institute im. Schroder
Title :Times of Grafting of the Apricot Tree
Orig Pub :Sots. a.-kh. Uzbekistana, 1957, No 7, 6o.61
Abstract ;b1sthods and dates of obtaining scions of good quality,
In order to Improve the acclimatization of alwicat
graftings, are reco=ended on the basis of experiments
carried out by the Foreans, base of the Fruit cultivation
institute ime Schroder." The beat results of acclimatiza-
tion capacity of eyes was obtained vhen the grafting
took place late in the season. In order to obtain a
good yield of seedlings the grafting =wt be carried
out approximately between August 20th ani September 20th.
Scions fcr grafting m-o taken from trees, on which
Card 1/2
UWR / Cultivated Plants ~ Fraits , Berries . M-7
Abe Jour : Ref Zh,w - "' o3rgixa, No 13, 1958., 111o- 58748
lpindhing has been carried out from June let to June 20th.
The methods of pinching ere reco nd d. One adult
tree cat pro%ftde 150-200 sciorA of gcod quality for
1500-2000 grdftings. -- L, V. Koblents
Card 2/2
ZHURAVLEV, M.S., kand. seltkhoz. nauk; KOVAUEV, H.V., kand.
sellkhoz. nauk; YOUAKEOV, G.V.; FLWIA~TMV, G.K.;
TATAUROVA, A.S.; TU-Z, A.S.; TL`F17SY-17, D.I.;
A.I.; V'YSOTSKIY, sellkhoz. nauk, red.;
PAVLOVA, N.M., doktor biol. nauk, red.; BLITISOV, 1,.'.V.,
kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; FYIX~-~-A, L.I*i., red.;
SOROKINA, Z.I.j tekhn. red.
(Catalog of the prospective varieties of fruit, berry,
and grape crops in the collection ofihe Central Asia
Experiment Station of the All-Union Institute of Plant
Culture] Katalog perspektivnykh sortov plodovo-
iagodxWkh kulltur i vinograda v kol-lektsii Sredneaziatskoi
opytnoi stantsii. Tashkent, Vses. nauchno-issl. in-t raste-
nievodstva, 1961. 123 P. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Sredneaziatskaya opytnaya stantsiya.
(Soviet Central Asia-r-ruit-Varieties)
TUZA A. S. Cand Biol Sci -- "Development of the flower buds of pesahes and
other *=*W n connection with their winter resistance under conditions of
Uzbekistan." Mos, 1960 (Mos Order of Lenin Agr Acad im K. A. Timiryazev).
(KL, 4-61, 193)
( Tuz, A.S.
Nectarine. Priroda 49 no. M114-115 D 160. (NDU 13:12)
1. Yerganskiy opornyy punkt Inotituta im.akad. R.R.Shredera.
AUTHOR: -LU-Z "A - 3 - 26-58-5-24/57
TITLE: Anomalous Flowering and Fruita&- of the Walnut (Anomallnoje
tsveteniye 1 plodon08heniye gretakogo orekha)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, pp 91-92 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; The author discusses his observations on second flowering
of fruit tress, especially the walnut trees and quotes
similar observations made by V.V. Pashkevich, N.V. Kovalev
and N.I. Kichunov. With respect to the walnut, the ob-
servations were made in Uzbekistan. It is stated that the
walnut tree is especially inclined to second flowering
when frost occurs in the early flowering period of the
tree. This is especially true for several species of the
walnut tree, but by no means is a common or frequent or
hereditary characteristic. The second flowering includes
both female and male flowers, or only male flowers but
never female flowers alone. A specimen is described which
flowers 30 to 40 days later and might well become the origin
of late-flowering walnut trees.
Card 1/2 There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references.
Anomalous Flowering and Fruiting of the Walnut 26-58-5-24/57
ASSOCIATION: Ferganskiy opornyy punkt Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledo*atell-
skogo instituta sadovodstva i vinogradarstva imeni akad.
R.R. Shrederaj Kuva, Ferganskoy oblati (Fergana Base of
the Uzbek Scientific Horti- and Vinicultlire Research In-
stitute imeni Academician R.R. Shreder, Kuva Fergana Ob-
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Walnut tree - Growth 2. Plants - USSR
USSR/Caltivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. M
*Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1953, 82514
Author : T,-.z, A.S.
Inst -----------------
Title 0--i the Development of 9Flower B-,,.ds in Stone Fruit
Varieties in Central Asia.
Orig Pub Tr. po prikl. botan., genet. i selektsii, 1957, 30,
No 3, 253-26o
Abstract Under the conditions fo,nd in Central Asia many cold re-
sistant varieties of fri.At plants lose their positive
properties (Viadimirskayn, cherry, Kozlovskaya sweet cher-
ry). In 1953-1954, observations were made on the compile-
te cycle of the flower b~.:.d development in many varieties
and species of stome fri~it plants. Test specimens were
taken twice a month. The d--iration of the q..-iescc;it period
was determined. For this, twigs witli flower b~~ds were
cict off evegy 10 days and kept in a room at i'(0,
Card 1/3
USSR/C-..iltivated Plants - Fr,,,its. Perries. M
Abs JOL'r Ref 71itir Biol., No 18, 1958, 82514
In both trials, test specimens were taken from one-year
old shoots of the principal accretion from the soiither-
ly side of the crown. Varieties with a weak rate of de-
vclopment of -the flower buds d-urin," autumi-i-winter period
and varieties with a long rest period of the flower buds
proved to be thezimst promising for the selection work.
The following varieties can aseve as Cood perental ma-
terial for raisin.,, cold resistant varieties of peach:
Akshaftali No 2, Nektarin zheltyy, Sentyahr'skiv, Zafra-
ni, Ranniy VIR, Kirkma. Very promising and easily avai-
lable is hybridization of Chiiiese bAshcherry and the
wild myropalan pl-,m (Prunis divaricata) and a more diffi-
c~.-,.lt but feasible hybridization of the Chinese bashcherry
with Domestic prune. Aprioot, Chinese bushcherry and the
wild myrobalan plum (PrIui.,.s divaricata) have a very short
period of rest. The flower b-ads of these cultures diffe-
rentiate rapidly in winter months. Because of this they
Card 2/3
USSR/C.0-tivated Plants - Fr,:,.its. Berries.
-Abs Jotx Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 825111
n-,-e crac':nd every yenr ')y late or sprin,3 frosts.
They cau be recoiix~,c*.Aed for prod ctioii plaatinG only
im. moviltain regiolis ifliere tho climate is more .-.i.Uform
and the sharp contrasts of winter temperatures are abAo
sent. In the valleys it is better to plaat cherry,
sweet cherry, pench aad domestic prune. -- Ye.V.
Card 3/3
Pears should be used for roadside plantings* Priroda 50 no.4:120
Ap 161, (KM 14W
(Pear) (Roadside improvement)
ACC NR3 AP6033308.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0375/66/ooo/olo/oO22/0025
AUTHOR. Tuz D. A. (Rear admiral; Reserve); VIyunenko, N. P. (Candidate of military
sci~p'ces; Captain of first rank)
Surface vessels become true above-water vessels
so CE: Morskoy sbornik, no. 10, 1966, 22-25
ITOPIC TAGS: combatant ship, mine warfare ship, hydrofoil, antisubmarine warfare, air
cushion vehicle
ABSTRACT: Modern developments in general warfare have changed the character of naval
surface ships, the tactical properties of which have had to be suited to new types of
missions. These include antisubmarine warfare, supporting landing operations, mine-
s'Weeping, naval coastal communications, supplying ships at sea, and other purposes.
Vessels with newly developed propulsion systems, such as hydrofoils and air cushion
vehicles, have been placed into naval service. Hydrofoils in the near future will
probably be used only for smaller antisubmarine defense units and as short-distance
missile carriers. The military applications of air cushion vehicles includes their
use for antisubmarir,:! and landing operations and as missile and torpedo carriers.
They will also be employed for naval supply, transportation, and rescue purposes.
Nuclear-powered air cushion vehicles are now under design. According to calculations,
NRs AP60333o8
'for a distance of up to 50 miles a single air-cushion vehicle can transport more cargo:
than 5 conventional landing craft of equal load capacity. Besides their universal
'military use, the.main value of air cushion vehicles lies in their ability to operate
,in shoal water.
SUB CODE: 13, 15/ SUBM DATE: none
TUZ, D.A., kontr-admirtil zapasa
Role of amphiblous cneraLi= 4r, Fi ro-:ke' and rraclear w&r. Mor. sber.
47 no.6t24-29 Je 164. (KIFLA 18:7)
D. A.) kon
Ba -, t 1,A3 h i s 6 + c 17
jI 161,..
Abstracts of completed research works. Avtom. i prib. no-3:90-91
J-1-S 162. (MBA 16:2)
1, Institut fiziki AN Ukr;9SR (for all except Skripnik,
Greshchenkog Tuz. Serpilin, Gapchenko). 2. Kiyevskiy
politekhnicheakiy institut (for Skripnik, Greshchenko, Tuz,
Serpilin, Gapchenko).
MOTT, N.F.; TUZ U [Twose, W.D.); SANDOMIRSKIY, V.V. [translator);
GORIKOV, V.A. (translator); ZRDAN, A.G. [translator]
"The theory of Impurity conduction". Usp. fiz. nauk 79 no.4:
..1 691-740 Ap 163. (Electric conductivity) (MIRA 16:3)
L 1.697,66
AMZWM Us AR%08=,
1 621-317457,213
SO%=i Rot. &h. Radiotakhnika i aektrwvyast. Svodbyy toot Abs. U504
Timt new Asthod for increas1mg the sensitivity of rola-frMsency
MRtiide g!!jUars
Boom% T*- PZ2n&-- F-0-11tekhn- In-ta, V- 42, 1963g 187-190
TOPIC TAM: harmonic analyzer
TRAWMATION: The error caused by higher-arder 1-30 harmonica is equal to the
caused by 3Dt 1% or 10% of third-, fifth-, or iseventh-harmmic, respectively
As high harmnics are difficult to measure, a circxdt In suggested which
.augiunts their content in propwtion to their frequency. The circidt includes
a deep-nagative-feedback awplitier with an ridjustable workWg current. An inductan
coU In the feedback circuit ensures n-fold sugKontation, of the awpUtude of the
n-th harmonic. The measurement is nado by a emwentlowa hetwocbme analizer vh1a
receives tAe sigma from the coil, secondary. 1151odtaneowly, the entire sigrua
awl1fJfd,t&,apracti*a1 hooLaw, the 10-th husonto ampgtude Was
ad .4 the 25-th., by 80 time.
Cwd ilk 9%Mw* M mom . r%oft
Highly sensitive self-compensating millivoltmeter for 1,0 value
of precision classes. I=. tekh. no.80o6_39 Ag 163.
(MIRA 16:10)
T~ 31572--66-
ALC NKs AT6008390 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0197/0202
AUTHOR: Greshchen1w, Ye. V.; iliz~lyu- ~M-
ORG: Kiev order of Lenin Polytechnic Institute (Kiyevskiy politekhnichesidy Institut)
TITLE: A highly sensitive photocompensation digital direct-current millivoltmeter
SOURCE: AN Ukr SSR. Povysheniye tochnosti I avtomatizatslya izmeritellnykh sistem
(Automating and increasing the accuracy of measuring systems). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 19S6,
TOPIC TAGS: voltmeter, analog digital converter, photoconductor
ABSTRACT: A new millivoltmer is proposed. It combines the advantages of compensation
conversion and the use of voltage to time converter. Fig. 1 shows the voltage to time con-
verter, (a) and the digital scaling unit (b). The photoresistor in the base circuit Of P2 Is
illuminated by light reflected from the galvanometer mirror. The theoretical discussion of
the device and its operation Is followed by a brief description of an experimental device built
at the Polytechnic Institute. The voltage-time converter showed an open loop conversion
coefficient of more than 1, 000 for an Input voltage of 1 mV thus secueIng a low error and high
reliability of the Instrument. Orig. art. has: 17 forwl!las a:d 4 figures.
SUB CODE: 14 SUBM DATE: 250ct65
ACC NRi AT6008390
I n
.0 t
Fig. 1. Highly sensitive photocompensation digital d. c. voltmeter. ph - photoamplifier,
C~,d 2/2 Z C, __ P - transistors, D - stabilizing limiters.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0286165/000/021/0032
ORG; none (71
TITLE: Photocompensation digital dc millivoltmeter. Class 21, No. 176012
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 21, 1965, 32
TOPIC TAGS: voltmeter, millivoltmeter
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces & photo compens ati on digital dc milli-
voltmeter (see figure). It consists of a galvanometric amplifier for measuring the
Fig. 1. Photocompensation digital dc millivolt-
1 - Photoresiators; 2 multivibrator; 3 - digital
counter; 4 amplitude limiter;-5 galvanometric
CO 1/2' uDc: 621.317.725:621.385
L 9891-66
1 ACC NR: AP6000334
direct component of a pulsed voltage,. a digital counter for determining the ratio of
positive to negative half-periodB of the pulsed voltage, and a voltage divider. To
increase the accvxacy and reliability of measurements, the phatoresistance of the
galvanometric amplifier serves as the driving resistance of a multivibrator. The
output pulses of the multivibrator are passed to the digital counter and through an
amplitude lim~tcr to the galvanometric explifier. Orig. art. has- 1 figure. [JR1
suB ooDE: og, 14/ suBm DATE: 15Feb64/ ATD Prms:
Electromagnetic devices for measuring high fr uencieo.
Izm.tekh. no.11:45-,V 11 161. IMIU 24--l-1)
(Prequency measurements)
Nervous changes lit peorlatic papule. Acta morph. hung. 4 no.4:507-
513 1954.
1. Klinik fur Ha-mt-und Goachlestakrankheiten (TorstanJProf. L.Stodoray)
und Institut fur gerichtliche Kedislu (Torstand Prof. S.Okros) der
Kedizinischen Universitat, Debrecen
(NERVISO in various die.
VEZEKENYI, Klara; TUZA, Klara-
Cholinesterase activity in pigmented naevi. Acta- morph. acad. sci.
hung. 1-1 no.3:327-333 162.
1. Institute Pf Dermatology (Director: Prof. L. Szodoray), Medical
University, Debrecen., and "David Gruby" Institute for Dermatological
and Venerea3 Diseases, Miskole.
"Some funfus skin and hair diseases caused ky anur-als. P. 190. n
(NEPMESZSEGUGY, Vol. 34, no. 7, JulY 1953, Budapest, '~'ungaryj
SO: East European, L. C. Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1953.
MARAXAHOSI. G.;CLAA, D. ~=- ,- --Nmw.
Relating the generalized form of infantile erythem r7potiam to lainor
disease..Orv. hetil, 94 no.14:371-3-7.6 5 Apr 1933, (GIML 24:4)
l..Doctors. 2. Skin and Venereal Diseases Clinic (Director -- Prof.
Dr, IaJos Szodoray), Debrecen Medical Univeraity'and the National Medical
Mycology. Station (Read -- Prof. Dr. Daniel Olah).
I-re re!3u,~ tetween vtszdt f~=ts~v. M-d cl!ll Mi*T
ticn. L ijara Fw.. A S,]--, an,f 1,
(.%It:,l . LotbvRV'a~ -~rR-ci .4 -d '~ I ll%'t
6.15t 9( 1950 Kin
!Iv~i'cm dell ~f dehydrogcu~~ (1) acti-ity In
gu~ the I was incr~&~i in Ole Rctual fiJimer tud in its
'k- 1.hilllTilin of -11
-PIr;A -r , de'-2- f-l-
anism U t~km-bljsw, If C'Ah-
T f
SZODORAT, Lajos, dr.; TUZA, Klara. c1r.: VICZMNYI. Klara
Waluation of 5 years material on the melanoma cases of the
Dermatological and Tenforological Clinic of Debrecen. Orv.
betil. 98 no.10-11:239-243 17 MAr 57.
1. A debracent Orvoetudomarqi Ft7etem Bor- as Nemikortani
klinikajanak (Igazgato: Szodoray, Lajos egyatemi tanar, &z
orvostudonnyok doktora) koslemer7e.
OMANORA, thar.
follow-up (Run))
HNIMZI, XAJ08, 13r.; NARA ZTI, Antal, Dr.; TMA, 10ara,.Dr.
Clinical observations in connection with fonr cases of dermaton7ositis.
Orv. hetil. 99 no.14:467-473 6 Apr 58,
1e A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi. 74getem Borklinikajanak Ogazgato: Szodoray
Iajoa dr. egyat. tana ) es Xorbonclani Intesetenek (IgaWto: I:Udes
PoWaox dr. egyet. tanar) koslemeVe.
(DMMTOMTOSITIS, case reports
M.-MLER, Iran, dr.; TUZA, Klara, dr.
Pretibial myxedems. Ory..betil. 97 no. 15:410-412
8 Apr 56.
1. A Debreceni H. sz. Belklinlka (igazgatot Petranyi, Oyula dr.
egyet tanar) as a Debreceni BorkllnikEL (igazgeto: Szodoray, Lajos dr,
egyet. tanar) koslemenye.
pretibial, case report. (Hun))
(LEG, die. '
myxedema, pretibial, case report. (Hun))
SK M A, Arpad, dr.,; TUZA, Klara, dr.
Autoplastic transplantation on the chloropbyll-treated areas.
Orv. hetil. 96 no-36:99&-999 Sept 55.
1. A Debreceni Orvastudomanyi Effetem Bor-se Nemikortani
Klinikajanak (igaz: Szodoray Lajos egVet. tanar, oryostudomanyok
doktora) kozl.
autoganous, on chloropbyll-treated areas)
(GHLCR LL. effects.
autogenous skin transpl. on chlorophyll-treated areas)
SZODOUT, lojon, &r.,; TUZA, Mrs., dr.
Histological and biochemical differentiation of pemphIgus from
deru&titin herpOiformin Duhringban. Boig7ogy. v6ner. oxemle 9 no.4.-
110-115 Julv 55
1. Ztorecani Oryostudomanyi Ygyaten Bor- as Namikortani
(igazgsio: Szodoray Lajoe, dr. affetext tanar) kozlmenys.
(PA M IGUS, defferential dia#noois
dernatitis herpetiformis Dahringban, histol. &
(AMWITIS, HZUWIrMNIS, differential diagnosis
peaphigus, histol. &,biocham. aspects)
NAGY, Xudre, dr.,; TUZA, Xlara, dr.
Perspiration ddereasing action of atebrin. BorgyogT. vener. ozemle
9 no.4;133-135 July 55
1. A Debreceni OrvostudoamWi IlgVetem Bor- so famikortani Klinikajanak
(igazgato: Szodoray lajos dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemanye.
byperidrosis, ther. quinacrine)
QUINACRM. ther. use
TIJZA, Sandor
Raw material problems of manufacturing peeled tomato products
in Hungary. Konzer7 paprika no.5tI65-166 S-0163
1# Orszagos Mezogazdasagi Fajta - es Termeleatec M-ikai Minosito
TUZAp Sandor
------fv-al-uation of tomato varieties on the ground of their
productivity and quality, produced for the amned industrys
Monzerv paprika nc,.5:171-174 S-0 1~2,
1. Orezagos MozogazdaBagi Fajta- 9s Termelestechnika-i
Minosito, Yu.tdzet.
,T rva _ZP!, (YL~--22A-24/1-~-,I--Lm
INVENTOR: Illuzankin Yu. M.; BelyVev, L. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Molecular vacuum pump. Class 27, No. 174314
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 53
TOPIC TAGS: vacuum, vacuum ejector pump, vacuum pump, vacuum technology
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a molecular vacuum pump incor-
porating a rotor. To create a radial stream of evacuated gas for increasing the
evacuation speed, stationary vanes are mounted in the housing along a concentric
periphery parallel to the pivotal axis of the rotor, and interspersed with the
rotor's working blades (see Fig. 1). The following variants are given: 1) to de-
Fig. 1. Molecular vacuum Dump
1 Housing; 2 - pivotal axis of rotor; 3 - sta
rotor disk; 5 working blades,
tionary vanes; 4
6 - spiral channels.
um 621.521
L 0409-bb
ACC NF, AP5026770
crease the clearance between the rotor disk and the housing, the latter can be pro-
vided with spiral-shaped channels directed from the center to the periphery; 2) to
evacuate with two radial streams, double stationary and working blades can be used;
.3) to increase pumping efficiency, two or more rotors operating opposite one another
can be provided. Orig. art. has: 1 figure.
L I 15361Z!4 EWT(d) IJP(c)
NX: AP5020382 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0088/65/000/004/0324/0332
AUTHOR: Tuzar, A.
ORG: Institute of Information Theory and Automation CSAV, Prague (Ustav teorie in-
formace a automatizace CSAV)
TITLE: Transformation of the Laplace transform into a discrete transformation
SOURCE: Kybernetika, no. 4, 1965, 324-332
TOPIC TAGSt Laplace transform. digital computer, function theory
ABSTRACT: A method of computing a discrete transformation function when -the Laplace
transform of the system is known fs- given. ethod is based on the relation-
ship between the system response and the expansion of the transform in powers of
a 1. The transform is expanded into partial fractions and a subprogram for divIding
polynomials and computing the remainder of the division is given. A flow chart of
the program for this method, as developed for the Ural I computer, is shown. The
original prcgrarn was developed for a computer with a floating point. Since the
Ural I uses only a fixed point, the program requires approximately 1500 instructions.
Card 1/2
L 15361-66
ACC NR: AP5020382
The use of a computer with a floating point would cut the number of instructions
!in half. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas, 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DATE. l3Nov64/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003
Card 2/2
T'JZHIK,,.4,K., kand.tekhn.nauks dotsent
Mathematical modeling Of transients in a generator with a
self-exciLInt_r system of excitation. Izv.v-ys.ucheb.zav.;
energ. 8 no.12:87-91 D 165. (~,L?A 19:1)
1. Leningradskoye vyssheye voyenno-mors1royu inzhenernaye
uchilishche. Submitted November 28, 1964e
m! a!-! ~ . - . z
I a - . I , I, I . - "-
717111f'T~ "IM ME ~Imml t-R.
C~j I p r T7
A f't U'CC I;- IN 1,.:
i ao an rne a j cc rne L i lix
A 114 "1 11 U-
Mars Q WE Wa ME "
Equations of a self-exciting i~ L t, r 11 -1. -r(E:.
., synchrcnGu3 1~ .
ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 7 no.6z665-673 364. (MIRA 17,7)
Studying th-~~ varlability of che.-r- ---"e
chamor,'Illa ). B110. Ivit. sr-cia no.57:102-l"-:3 165. (i*!:-,1`,,,~,)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnc--*-.~-.-sic-.dc,-,ra"~el'3k-*~y instItut leir:ar tven-iykh I
aromatielieskikh rasteniy, Yloskva. /i
XMWr---AP502506l SOURCE COS.- UR/0266/&5~/000 61-676i-o-5/(-)i6`5-j
AUTHORs Tuzhilkin, Yu. 1.
ORG: none
;TITLE.- Device for measuring the normalized correlation envelope function. Class L21
No. 17009
SOURCEt Byulleton' izobreteniy i tovarnykii Znakovs no* 16, 1965p 105
TOPIC TAGSs correlation function, logic circuit
M A.
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for measuring the normalized
oorrelation envelope functions containing a corrolator operating on the principle
of sign coincide-noe,,.To increase the reliability and to broaden the :&imits of
possible application, the undelayed signal is fed to a coincidence circuit through
a goo-phase shifter and amplifier-limiter. The delayed signal from the amplifier-
limiter output of the correlator is fed to the other input of the coincidence circuit
(see Fig. 1)e Integratorss detectors, a summator of the datector output signalas and
a total signal integrator are connected to the outputs of tho correlator and the
coincidence circuit, The detector characteristic is quadratic in the initial portion
U D C v - 0-1
L 8171-66
ACC NRs AP5025061
Fig. 1. 1- variable delay line; 2 and
'plifier-limiters; 4- coincidence -.ircuit,-,
5- phase ishUter; 6- aVlUier-I Wter;
7 0 f 7- coincidence circuit; 8 ad 9- integrators;
10 and U- detectors; 12- summator; 13- output
and linear for values close to one of the envelope,, Orig, art. bast 1 diegram.
NR:_ S/0299/64/000/002/MO15/MO15
SOURCE:, RZh. Illologlya, Abs. 2M76
, AUTHORt Tuzhllkova, T. H.
TITLE., Effect of x-ray's on regeneration of skeletal muscle after single
It or repeated Irradiation
iCITED SOURCE: Tr. Kafedry* normalln. anatomil chelo.veka. Chelyab. med. In-t, vy*
p. 2, 1963, 194-198
'TOPIC TAGS: radiation, muscle, muscle regeneration, radiation sickness, radiation
ABSTRACT: Sixty adult rats were divided into three groups. In the first group,
regeneration of the shin muscle was studied following transverse section at a
depth of 3 mm (controls). in the second group, the same operation was carried out
24 hours after the last of a series of daily irradiations of the limbs of 100 r
each for I month (totcl dose 3000 r). In the third group, transverse section of
the muscle was carried outlWhours after a single Irradiation of the extremity
with a dose of 3000 r. The Irradiated and non-irradiated extremities were ex-
amined at'5, 10, 20 and 30 days after the operation. Repeated or single Irradia-
Card 1/2
tion of the shin with a dose of 3000 r Inhibited regeneration of the traumatized
muscle. Thus, In the extremities of non-irradiated controls, the degenerative,
Inflammatory, and proliferative processes were completed by the sixth day, whereas
in extremities receiving a single x-ray dose, degenerative processes were pro-
longed, and resorption of decay products was slow. After a single x-ray dose hea)-
Ing was observed 10-20 days after damage, and consisted of splitting of muscle
fibers and enlargement of their nuclei, without subsequent fcrmation of muscular
buds. There was no regeneration of muscle fibers. A similar healing pattern was
observed In extremities Irradiated with repeated fractionated doses, although here
the inflammatory reaction was less Intense. On the 30th day, the site of the de-
fect In Irradiated extremities was filled with a connective tissue scars but not
with muscular tissues In the author's opinion, x-irradiatlan suppresses muscle
regeneration whether In single or In repeated fractionated doses, V, Sidorova
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AR4027242 S/0299/64/000/002/PO69/PO69
SOURCE: -Rzh. Biologiya, Abs. 2P436
AUTHOR: Tuzhikova, T. N.
TITLE: (21`43~) Injury to the thyroid gland caused by ionizing radiation
CITED SOURCE: Tr. Kafedry* normalln. anatomil cheloyckas Chelyab. med. in-t,
vy*p. 2, 1963, 181-187
TOPIC TAGS; radiation, thyroid, radiation damage, tissue regeneration, mitosis
---;7ABSTRACT: The thyroid glands of rats were x-irr~_diated with doses of 1000 r. On.
the day afte? irradiation there was decreased mitotic activity in the epithelium
and fragmentation of the nuclei. The central folliculi were decreased in size, but
the tall epithelium was preserved. Three days later the changes were of a degenera-
tive type , some folliculi in the zone of injury contained a viscous vacuolated
colloid, while others were filled with desquamated epithelial cells. On the fifth
day the degenerative c6anges occupied a large part of the thyroid. After 7-10 days'
---the fol.11-cull-en.larged,in size, the epithelium was flattened, and the colloid was
thick. On the 15th-20th day there was restoration of structure and of colloid for-
niation. Around the 30th day normalization of thyroid structure was noted. How-
ever, in some animals, thyroid function was increased'at about 2 months. a.
DATE AtQ: 14Feb64 SUB CODE:. LS ENCL: 00
Carcl 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4 0 54 (USSR)
AUTHORS: T uzanki Gorin, V.K., D'yakonov, A.I.
TITLE; Car-bottom Slag Pockets for Rapid Slag Removal Regardless of
its State of Aggregation (Vydvizhnyyc shlakoviki dlya bystrogo
udaleniya shlaka pri Iyuborn agregatnom sostoyanii)
PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurg. in-t 1957,
Nr 11, pp 77-84
ABSTRACT: The design of car-bottom slag pockets for open-hearth furn-
aces developed by the Magnitogorsk gornometallurg. in-t (Insti-
tute of Metallurgy and Mining) is described. The receiving ele-
ment (RE) in the form of a lined metal box is mounted on a car-
riage, and is rolled out by a crane onto the pouring platform.
The tops of the slag pockets rest an horizontal beams borne in
turn by metal columns fixed into the foundation. Reinforcing wed-
ges 50-90 mm high are provided between the carriage and the
RE. After they are pulled out by a crane, the RE, which has
fU5ed to the roof of the slag pocket pulls away tinder the effeo
of its own weight. The RE is calculated to take 250-270 heats.
Card I/Z The weight of a full RE is 200-250 t. The force to roll it clear
Car-bottom Slag Pockets (cont.)
from the roof is 3-5 t and the time required for replpSement during repairs
,wheir, the furnace is shu+ down, is 3-4 hours. For future open-hearth furn-
aces. a sunken type of dag pocke+ is proposed, with the RE removed to the
slag dump along inclined tunnels, below the pouring platform. Tlic benefits pro-
vided by car-bottom slag pockets are: elimiiiation of the need to drill dnd fire
charges to clean slag pocke*,s. complete mechanization of slag removal elim-
:nation of the partitions between gas and air slag pockets, and redu(tion in
4 -
repair time and in open hearth furnace down tir-ne.
1. Equiprrent--Design 2. Equ Lpment ---Operation 3. Slags--R,2rr~o,ia.1--Procp-3r~es
Ca rd 2/2
TUZAR, Antonin, prornovany riatemetik
Examples of sciertific and technical dale-ulationj r-ade or the
automatic conputor Ural 1. Tech pra.-A -U, no.3:196-IS~ Mr 1,'2.
1. Ustav teorie informace a automatizace, CeskoslovenBka akademie
ved, Praha.
I - -- I -
TUZAR, Antonin, promovany matematik
I*thod,o of preparing programs for automatic computers, Tech
prace 14 n0-8095-597 Ag 162.
1. Ustav teorie informace a automatizace, Ceskoolovenoka akadande
ved. Praha.
AUTHOR: Tlitar- AntoLla., Graduate Mathematician
TITLE- Examples of scientific-technical calculations with the Ural I
automatic computer
PERIODICAL: Technicka prace, no. 3, 1962, 186-190
TEXT: `A Soviet Ural 1 aiitomatic computer has been operated since 1959 and 1960 at
the Vypottov4 stfedisko Ustavu teorie informace a automatizace &" (Computation
Center, 7.nstitute of Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak AS) and the
Ozkumny' ustav technicko-ekonomick� chemickeho pr&wqlu (Chemical Industry Technical-
Economical Research Institute) in Prague, respectively. The Ural I is a =all,
uni~rersal, electronic, automatic computer, capable of 100 operations per sec. It ic
de3igned for scientific-technical calculations and is not suitable for more compli-
cated tasks, such as machine translations, large systems of linear equations,
strategic plays, etc. The computer has so far been used for calculation of nearly
200 specific problems in the following fields: (1) Automatic regulation.; (2) design
engineering (e.b,. gas-turbine characteristics); (3) construction engineering (e.g.
Card 1/2
Examples of scientific-technical.... D006/D102
calc,-ulation of exothermic effects in concrete setting); (4) transportation problems;
(5) nuclear reactor engineering (e.g. calculation of neutron-flux distribution in
a homogenous rea-,tor); (6) astronautics (e.g. calculation of the path of an arti-
ficial satellite); (7) biochemistry (e.g. calculation of carcinogenic effects of
certain organic substances); (8) pure mathematics; (9) statistics. There are 4
figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION:- 4sta-v teorie informace a automatizace CSAV (Institute of Information
Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak AS), Prague
Card '212
TUZAVA, R.V.. kandidat vaterymarnykh nayuk.
- I I ~ - - - -, . -'j, - ~
Methods for combating tuberculosis In birds. Testai AN BSSR Ser.
biial,, 156. (KIRA 9:9)
(Tuberculosis in Voultry)
Therapeutic properties of TSaishi mineral vaters. Vop. kur.,,
fizioter. i lech. fiz. ku-11t. 27 no.5:449-450 S-0162.
(MIRk 16:9)
- TUZEIIKO, A.K,, inzh.
51~~U the field of creating underwater tankers abroad.
Sudostroenis 25 no.6:45-46 Je 159. MaL 1~,:q)
(Tank vessels) (Submrine boats)
TtIZIM0, A*Xv, Insh.
I .
Growth of shipbuilding in the people's Republic of %l9dria.
Sudostro6nie 24 no*8:70-73 Ag 158. (min 11:10)