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114 A", 0 M 'GIN % Ie- - !,, " wig- qz~ M sWe ME MN IA PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 386 Akollzin, Pavel Alekseyevich Korroziya metalla parovykh kotlov. (corrosion of Metal in Steam Boilers) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1957. 223 P. 6,900 copies pi?inted. Ed.:- Belosellskiy B.S.; Tech. Ed.: Medvedev, L. Ya. PURPOSE: This book is intended for operational personnel, engineers and technicians, for workers of research, design,~and planning organizations, and for students at power-engineer- ing and chemical institutes. COVERAGE: The book deals with the basic types of steam boiler cor- rosion and means of preventing it. Attention is focused chiefly oneorrosion by oxygen, intererystalline corro- sion, and corrosion developing under boiler sludge ("sub- sludge" corrosion). Corrosion of boilers used in the. production of heat and power is given special consider- ation. The monograph incorporates the results of the more recent investigations conducted by the Water Depart- me,nt of the Vsesoyuznyy Teplotekhnicheskiy Institut Card 1/6 Corrosion of Metal in Steam Boilers 386 (All-Union Heat and Power Institute) in the field of boiler corrosion. The author expresses hi8 thanks to the following personalities affiliated with the institute: Glushenko, V.V., scientific worker; Mikhaylova, N.M., technician; Ananlyeva, NeI., technician; and to certain personalities employed at power plants who participated in experfmental'work; Zaytseva, Z.I.; Kolodeznyy, B.A.;'*Lazareva K.I.; Akinshina, N.V.; Pushenko, M.A.; Subbotin, N.A.; Chernova, L.A.'; Shevchenko, V.I.;$ Shugayu, G.A.; and Yushin, D.A. Other personalities whose assistance is acknowl- edjpd ~Lre: Mamet, A.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Author of Korroziya teplosilovogo oborudovaniya elektrostantsiy (corrosion of Heat and Power Equipment at Electric Power Plants, 1952); Tomashov, N.D., Doctor of Chemical Sciences; and Zhuk, N.P.,. Candidate of Chemical Sciences. There are 74 references, of which 55 are soylqt.,, 14 English, and 5 German. Card 2/ 6 Corrosion of Metal in Steam Boilers 386 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 5 Ch. I. Essentials of the Theory of Electrochemical Corrosion 7 1. Basic thermodynamic and kinetic principles of corrosion processes 7 2. Behavior of cathodic areas 17 3. Behavior of anodic areas 21 4. Diagram of the corrosion process 25 5. Multi-electrode corrosion systems 28 Ch. II. Oxygen Corrosion of Steam Boilers 32 1. Experimental investigation of the conditions causing oxygen corrosion 32 2. Investigation of the role of oxygen in corrosion 36 Card 3/6 Corrosion of Metal in Steam Boilers 386 Ch. IV. Intercrystalline Corrosion of Steam Boilers 112 1. The nature of intercrystalline corrosion of boiler met al 112 2, Intercrystalline corrosion of steam boilers as en- countered in actual experience 119 3. Results of investigating the mechanism and factors of corrosion 127 4. Methods of preventing interorystalline corrosion 146 Ch. V. Corrosion of Steam Boilers Developing Beneath the Sludge 170 1. Types of damage 170 2. Results of investigating the mechanism and factors of corrosion 175 3. Carbon dioxide corrosion and methods of preventing it 195 4. Corrosion during down time of equipment and methods of preventing it 207 Card 5/6 ZHUK, Nikolay Platonovich. kand.tekhn.nauk: AKOLIZIN, P.A.. kand.tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SLOHYANSKAYA, red.; TAIROVA, A.L., red.izdatelletva; MATVEYEVA, Ye.N., [Corrosion and the protection of metals; computations] Korroziia i zashchita metallov; raschety. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 330 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) 8(6) SOV/ 112-59 -2-2517 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elek-trotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 2. p 34 (USSR) AUTHOR: Akol'zin, P. A., and Ratner, A. V. ----------------- ----- TITLE: Transcrystallite Corrosion of Metal in High-Pressure Boiler Drums and Tubes (Mezhkristallitnaya korroziya metalla barabanov i trub kotlov il *sokogo davleniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vnutrikotloviye fiz. -khim. protsessy, vodopodgotovka i vodn. rezhim kotlov na elektrost. vysokikh i sverkhvysokikh parametrov. M., AS USSR, 1957, pp 384-395 ABSTRACT: An instrument is described which is used for investigating trans- crystallite corrosion of metal subjected to pressures of over 100 atm. The instrument is equipped with chlorine-silver and nickel electrodes for electro- chemical measurements. Ten such instruments were placed in an air thermostat at 320OC; a pressure of 100 atm was created inside the samples and a stress of about 25 kg/mm2 was set up in the weakened part of the sample. Card 1J1 SOV/112-59-2.-2517 Tra,uscrystallite Corrosion of Metal in-High-Pressure Boiler Drums and Tubes The aggressiveness of the medium was evaluated by the time required for flaw formation in the sample neck. This action was compared with~the. sample bel~avior in a certainlyinoncorrosive distillate. Effect of the density of polarizing (anodic or cathodic) current on the time of flaw explained. The influence of niter and other salts as well as some organic substances upon the above process was studied. AnanalysiB of cases of trans crystallite corrosion of high-pressure boilers is presented. An inference is drawn that the transcrystallite corxosion is more severe in high--preEsure boilers than in medium-pressure; flawk are also formed in the drum body when the boiler -water has a low alkalinity (3. 5 mg-equiv/liter). Methods of controlling the trans crystallit e'corro s ion are recommended: elimination of high stresses, nitrate treatment (up to 70 atm gauge), and phosphate-alkaline purity of boiler water. A. P. M. Card Z/?. -1543 ,.AUTHOR: Akollzin P.A0, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kagan, D.Ya., -M-n-ald-a-fe-of Technical Sciences and Kot A.A., 6andidate of Technical Sciences (All-Union Thermo-technical Institute V.T.I.) TITIE: Concerning alkali-safe conditions of boiler water. (0 shchel- ochnobezopasnykh rezhimakh kotlovoy vod-). PERIODICAL: "Teploenerg2tika" (Thermal Power), Vol. 4, No. 6, pp,. 32 - 35 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The main cause of inter-crystallite corrosion of the metal of boiler drums is the aggressive action on stressed metal of boiler water concentrate. Damage is promoted by the pres- ence in the boiler water of corrosive alkalif the concentrat- ion ofvhich may reach dangerous values because of local evaporation of water. At temperatures above 300 OC, which are usually found in high p:cessure steam boilers, signs of inter-cry'stallite corrosion appear with a 57o solution of caustic soda. The most acceptable condition of boiler water v&ich ensui:,;- the absence of inter-crystallite corrosion in high and super-.'- high pressure boilers is to maintain in them zero hydrate i.e. purely phosphate alkalinity. This is achieved by intro- ducing into the boiler water various phosphate salts of sodium. The absence of an accumulation of caustic soda in evaporating water containing purely phosphate alkalinity and Card.1/4 643 Concerning alkali-safo conditions of boiler water. (Cont.) also the ability.of sodium phosphate to passivate steel make the zero-hydrate-alkaline condition a reliable means of preventing inter-crytallite corrosion. However, in practice certain aspects of this practice require to be cleared up. The maximum alkalinity can be determined on the assumption that all of the alkalinity is due to the presence of the most alkaline compound -NaAPOLL, The lower limit is set by the condition of preventi.Ag 6cale-formation and general corrosion, for which it is usually taken that the alkalinity titrated against phenol-phthalein is equal to 9 mg/l (pH approx.10). A graph is plotted showing the change in the upper limit of the alkali number of boiler water und LO given conditions as a function of the concentration of PR . A graph is plotted of the ratio of the alkalinity to phenol-phthalein to thattD methyl-orange of boiler water from the salty section against the value of this ratio in the clean section, with a boiler pressure of 110 atm. In practice a purely phosphate alkalinity can only be maintained-in condensing power stations, the boilers of which are supplied with high quality condensate mrith make-up from distillate from evap- orators or de-salted water. A graph is plotted of the quantity of caustic soda formed in the salty sections of boilers with different hardnesses caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in the feed water. The data shows that the concentration of caustic soda in the 643 Conceming alkali-safe conditions of boiler water. (Cont.) salty sections increases with increase in hardn,~ss of the feed water. A table is given showing the amount of sodium phosphate which should be added to the feed water for various degriees of hardness of the water. Tests have established that if the excess hydrate alkalinity reckoned as caustic soda is 15 to 20% of the sodium sulphate content of the boiler water the water will be safe in respect of inter-crystallite corrosion. It is also shown that sulphate in a mixture with an equal quantity of chloride if their total content is 15 to 20% of the hydrate alkalinity, can also prevent the form- ation of inter-crystallite corrosion. The presence in the boiler water of chloride is useful in preventing general alkaline corrosion. It is concluded that the condition of pure phosphate alkalinity of boiler water in boilers without stepwise evapor- ation is maintained (on the basis of the index given in the a3:ticle), according to the maxinnim content of excess concen- tration of phosphates being not above 40 mg/1 reckoned as P03- 4 and a mini mim alkaline number of about 9 mg/l NaOH. Control over the condition of puiely phosphate alkalinity of boilers with stepwise evaporation is effected by analysis of the boiler watex from the last stage of evaporation. The maxinnim concentration of excess phosphates in this stage should be of or takhn.nauk; DLNILMO, D.A., kand,tekhn.nauk; .A., Inzh.; KulAkofj M.A., lnzh.; SHMUYLOVICH, I.U-., inzh. .I Prevention of hydrogen corrosion by meant of hydrazine* Teploanergetika 4 to.11:95 N 157. (Min 10% 10) (7sed-water purification) I AEOLIZIN P A doktor tokbu. nauk; GLIVSMMO, V.V,, inzh.; LLZAMA, K.I., fin-s-K-F.'OHISTTAXOT, A.L. Insh. An installatlo3 for do-oxygenation of water. Teploonergetika 4 no.12t 54-57 V 157. (Km loal) 1e Tassoyasayy toplotekhMahookly inetitut. (Pbod-wate'r Purification) 0. GURVICH, S.M.; XOTLYAR9 RvVD; KOT* A.A**, ~WMTP A*P.1t, INKO, 1-.S.-* MKHOROV, 1P.G.-, SOKOLOV, I.M.; CHEMVA, L.A.;. p ~ SHKROB, M.S.; TANNOVSKIT, I.A.; GURIVICH, L.S.; POLYAKOV, V.V. To the editors of 'Imergetik.0 'Energetik 5 u0-3TII;Ai 157. (XLRA 100) 1. Yseso"nyy toplotekbnichaskiy inatitut im. Dzerzhinskogo (for AkO112in, Kot, Yankovskiy) 2. TSentrallnyy kotoloturbinny7 inatitat (for Gurvich, HOMO 3. Teplo-alaktro-proeh (for Gurevich)ANi- nisterstva alaktrostantmiy (for Kotlyar, Prokhorov). 5. Toplovaya elaktricheak~ya tsentralinara stantsiya Ro.9 (for Mikhaylanko, Polya- kov) 6. Perevyazochnyy etapny7 punkt (for Sokolov)- 7- Moskovskoye rayounoyo upravlaniya anorgokhozyaystva (for Chernova). 8.1nergoti- chaskiy instit-ft Almdamii nauk SSSR (for Shkrob). (Boilers) AUMORS: SOV/96-,58-10-13/25 Z 2 Za3rtseT frineer) Eng Lazareva, K.I. (Engineer) TITLEt The prevention of o:xygen and carbonic acid corrosion of power equipment by means of octadecylamine, (Preduprezhdeniye kislorodnoy i ugletkislotnoy korrozii energeticheakogo oborudovaniya ff pomospWyu oktadetsilamina) PEFLIODICALs Teploenergetika, 1958, No.10. pp. 54-55 (USSR) ABSTRALCT: At regional power station No.7. of L6nenergo, a considerable proportion of the boiler feed-water is condensate returned from industrial consumers; it contains up to 2 =g11 oxygen and 4 - 5 mg11 COg. The presence of these gases gives rise to corrosion troubles, which are described. The troubles occur largely on consumers' equipment where it is not possible to remove the oxygen and carbon dioxide. Accordingly, ociadecylamine, a film-forming substanoo, la added to the steam. The main proportion of Octadecylamine are stated. It is protective because adsorbed monomolecular film fOrms on metal surfaces wetted by water containing it. At the power station, octadecylamine was added to the turbine pass-out steam by means of the measuring device illustrated in the sketch. This device comprises two tanks, one Card 1/2 of which contains the molten reagent runder steam pressure. The prevention of oxygen and carbonic acid corrosion of SOV/96-58-lo-13/25 power equipment by means of octadecylamine. Steam is bubbled through the molten mass to pick up the required quantkty,armaterial. Preliminary operating results can now be given. The method of injecting the octadecylamine proved satisfactory in service. When the concentration of the substance in the steam was 3 - 4 mg/kg, the iron content of the condensate was reddoed by a factor of 10 to a stable value of 0.05 mg/1 Fe. This occurred on the third day after the reagent was first used. There have been no unfavourable effects, except for the appearance of a little ammonia in the boiler steam. Steam without additive can be delivered for some hours without ill effect. Attempts will be made to replace octadecylamines by a cheaper mixture of polyamine homologues. This met-had of treatment will probably be useful in other applications. There is I figure. ASSOCIATIONs All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute (Vaesoyuznyy Teplotekhnicheskiy Institut) Card 2/2 AKOLIZIN,,__- !t~~i,,KOZEYEVA, L.V. [Studying corrosion under stress of steels as applicable to the operation of steam generators in atomic power plants) Izuehenie korrozii pod napriazheniem stalei prime- nitelsno k rabote parogeneratorov atomnykh elektrostantsii. Moskva3 Glav.upr. po ispolizovaniiu atomnoi energii, 1960. 23 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Steel, Stainless-Corrosion) (Atomic power plants) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5256 Gerasimov, Valentin Vladimirovich, ed., Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Korroziya reaktornyk~ materialov; sbornik statey (Corrosion of Nuclear- Reactor Materials; a Collection of Articles) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960. 284 p. 3, 700 copies printed. Ed.: A. I. Zavodchikova; Tech. Ed. : Ye. 1. Mazell. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for mechanical and metallurgical engineers as well as for scientific research workers con- cerned with the construction of nuclear reactors. COVERAGE: The water corrosion of various types of stainless steel and alloys under high pressures and temperatures is investigated from the point of view of the use of these materials for the construction of nuclear reactors. Attention is given to the following: the use of oxygen for pro- tecting steel against corrosion, the behavior of steel in high- temper atur e Card liB Corrosion of Nuclear- (Cont.) SOV/5256 water with various compositions, factors of metal stress corrosion, intergranular corrosion, the mechanism of corrosion cracking, and the corrosion resistance of aluminum and zirconium alloys. Conclusions based on test results are included. No personalities are mentioned. Most of the articles are accompanied by references. Of 238 references 97 are Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword PART L METHODS OF INVESTIGATING WATER AND ELECTROCHEMICAL CORROSION AT HIGH TEMPERATURES AND PRESSURES Gulyayev, V. N. , and P.,~ ~oVz * Methods of Testing the Corro- sion-Creep Strength of Metals at High Pressures and Temperatures Card-2j.Q- Corrosion of Nuclear-(Cont. SOV/5256 of the Environment 5 Gerasimov, V. V. A. I. Gromova, A. A. Sabinin, and E. T. Shapovalov. An Autoclave for Electrochemical Investigations 16 Tolstaya, M.A., S. V. Bogatyreva, and G. N. Gradusov. Re- moving Corrosion Products From Steels After Tests in Water at High Temperatures 20 PART H. EFFECT OF THE WATER COMPOSITION ON THE CORROSION OF CONSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 29 Kolotyrkin, Ya.M., G.M. Florianovich, P.S. Petrov, N.K. Smirnova, and L. M. Vyazankin. On the Application of Oxygen for Protecting Steel Against Water Corrosion at High Temperatures 29 Gerasimov, V. V. , and A. I. Gromova. Effect of the Composition Ca-rZ-=a~- Corrosion of Nuclear- (Cont. ) of a Solution on the Anodic Behavior of Steel SOV/5256 44 Gerasimov, V. V. 0 A. 1. Gromova and E. T. Shapovalov. Effect of Oxygen on the Corrosion and Electrochemical Behavior of the lKhl8N9T Steel 49 Gerasimov, V. V., V.. N. Aleksandrova, A. 1. Gromova, K. A. Popova, and E. T. Shapovalov. Investigating the Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of the lKhN9T Stainless Steel in Waters of Various Compositions 52 Moskvichev, G. S., and V. V. Gerasimov. Effect of the Water Composition on the Anodic Behavior of Aluminum 64 PART III. STRESS CORROSION 69 Akollzin P A. and V. N. Gulyayev. Principal Factors of Corrosion of Nuclear- (Cont.) Metal Stress Corrosion 1 69 Gerasimov, V. V. Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steels 77 Akollzin P A V. N. Gulyayev, and I. N. Laguntsov. Corro- 7_-- 93 sio~-Cracking of Austenitic Steels at Heat Electric Power Plants Gerasimov, V. V. , and K. A. Popova. Investigating the Mecha- nism of Corrosion Cracking of the M18N9T Steel 102 Akoll#n, _E-A-_, and L. V. Korneyeva. Study of Stress Corro- Vion -of Varifoi;s_ Types of Steels as Related to the Operation of Steam Generators at Atomic Electric Power Plants 108 A. AkQl-'un,__ and L. V. Korneyeva. Study of Stress Corro- sion of the IM18IN91- Steel in Relation to the Composition of the SOV/5256 car& Corrosion of Nuclear- (Cont.) Environment and the State of the Metal SOV/5256 120 Gerasimov, V. V. , A. 1. Gromova, and E. T. Shapovalov. Corrosion Cracking of the M18N9T Steel 139 PART IV. INTERGRANULAR CORROSION 145 Sarkisov, E. S. , V. P. Sentyurev, and V. P. Pogodin. Inter- granular Water Corrosion of the OKhN9T Steel at High Tem- peratures 145 Gerasimov, V. V. , and K. A. Popova. Intergranular Water and Steam Corrosion of the lKhN9T Steel at High Temperatures and Pressures 140 ,_~M PEUS I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV Akol'ziu, F. A., P. N. AndreYev, I- E- Apelltsiu, S. X. Gurvich, A. A. Kot, Yu. M. Kostrikin) 1. 1. Koshelev, A.P. Mamet) Yu. 0. Novi, M. M. Sendik, I. Hh. Manybullin. Spravochnik khimiki-eftergetika. tom 1: Spravochum materialy obehaheop nazaacheaiya (H=dbook of Chemistry in Power Engineering. Vol 1: General Reference Material) Moscow., Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 327 p. 20,000 copies printed. Edo.: V.A. Golubtsov, S.X ' Gurvich, Yu. M. Kostrikin, and A.P. Mamet; Tech. Ed.: K. P. Voronin. PURPOSE; This handbook is intended for chemists in the field of power en- gineering, personnel of laboratories, sqientific research institutes) and planning and control organizations., as well as fo), students of Universities and tekbnik=s. COVERAW: MAs is the first of a three-volume handbook of chemistry in power engineering. It includes data on the water system of boilers, causes of corrosion and methods for controlling it. It also contains general refer- ence material on measures and units) chemical compounds, water and solutions, solubility of substances- in water and water vapor at various tempeFatures, electrochemistry, gases, specifications and prices for certela reagents and materials. The book includes tables, charts, and diagram . No personalities are mentioned. There are 52 references: 39 Sov-4et, 10 English, 2 German, and 1 Swdish. S/08 61/000/020/063/089 B102XB147 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, V. N., AkoVzinP.A. TITLE: Methods for long-time corrosion-strength tests of metals at high pressures and at the temperatures of the active medium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no. 20, 1961, 264 - 265t abstract 201208 (Bb. "Korroziya reaktorn. materialov". MO) Atomiodat, 1960, 5 - 16) TEXT: Two apparatus and methods for long-time oorrosion-strength tests of specimens at high temperatures and at pressures corresponding to operating conditions are described in detail.-. The BU-1 (VTI-I) apparatus is characterized by the following features: &)'possibility of producing a high pressure for the active liquid by means of a gas or a gas mixture from bulbs; b) possibility of continuous saturation of the liquid with gas (in particular with oxygen) for production of solutions with different oonoentrational o) existenoe of a special device for selection and analysis of gases the liquids at operating pressures and temperatures. The BTVI-2 (VTI-2) apparatus differs from the VTI-1 type as to the method Card 1/2 S/081/61/000/020/050/089 B100101 AUTHORSt Ako Gulyayev, V. N., Lagunteov# I. N. TITLEt Corrosion oraoking of austenite steels in thermal power stations PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 20, 1961, 260, abstract 201153 (Bb. "Korroziya reaktorn. materialov". U., Atomizdat, 1960o 93 - 102) TEXTs The authors describe several cases of corrosion cracking in austOnite steels at heating-and power stations observed on boilw~v under overcritical operation conditions i3OO atm, 60000). 1X18H9T (1Kh18N9T) steels was found to be suited for the production of heating-and-power station equipment. It is, however, necessary to control conditions and quality of the water$ r/ and take account of the specific properties of austenits eteels. LAbstraoter's notes Complete tranalation-3 Card 1/1 s/oq6/6o/ooo/olo/o22/O22 E19V19135 AUTHORS: Marhralova, T.]Kh.9 Ako1;AiRk="t-,-q Korneyevaq L,V.9 Lipamina, K. ., and Kh1uDnov,- V,Ye, TITLE: An Investigation of Corrosionlunder Stress of Samples of Steel l1hl8NqT at-ff-igh Pressure PERIODICALt Teploenergetika~619609 No 10, pp 95-96 TEXT: Results are given of investigations of austenitic steel 1Kh18NqT in water mediacontaining chlorine ions at ressures of 200 atm, t = 364 OC, under static conditions the concentration of chlorine ions.;ranged from 100 to 16001 f mg/litre). The specimens were inveatigated in deoxygenated solution after austenisation at t = 1050 OC with and without work hardening. The tests,lasted 400 hours. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power Institute) Card 1/1 S/104/60/000/011/001/001 B194/E484 AUTHORS: A!S~zi~nPA., Doctor of Technical Sciences, XT-,-Candidate of Technical Sciences and Gulyayev, V.N Laguntsov, I.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE,. Corrosion Cracking of Austenitio Steels in Thermal Power Installations With Super-High Steam Conditions PERIODICALi Blektrichaskiye Stantaii, 1960, No.1i, PP-29-32 TEXT: Austenitic steel parts of theraial power equipment have been subject to a special kind of corrosion in service; this takes the form of local corrosion cracks under stress. This article generalizes Soviet and German published work on this subject. In a onoe-through boiler with super-critical steam conditions of 300 atm and 600*C, corrosion cracking was observed during the- conduct of speQial tests to investigate salt deposits for which purpose caustic soda, sodium chloride, sodium silicate and sodium sulphate were introduced into the feed water in amounts of 100, 200, 40 and 32 mg/litre respectively, The tests lasted for 3 to 4 hours with each solution, The steel in question was grade -3M-257 (EI-2057) Damage of a transcrystallite character appeared on sections of pipework subject to severe stress. The damage occurred after-about Card 1/3 S/104/60/000/011/001/001 E194/E484 Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Steels in Thermal Power Installations With Super:-HIgh Steam Conditions 6000 hours service, a number of other zracks were found and others continued to appear for some months. These defeats were all associated with the tests on salt deposit formation. A number of operating troubles experienced at the Cherepet' Station.are reviewed, here the rated steam oonditions at the turbine stop valve are 170 atm 5500C. Damage due to corrvsion under- stress took place in the first period of operation in the --onveotive part. of the super.-heater made of steel EI-257~ The feed water conditlons have since been modified and the trouble has now been overcome. The most serious cases of failure of tubes of austenitic steel under stress occurred in the West German Chemical Works of Huhs. Details of this case obtained from German published work are given. It is concluded that austenitic steels work quite reliably provided that proper allowance is made for their specific features includIng the tendency to corrosion oraoking In aggressive media, low thermal conductivity, and high Goefficient of linear expansion. Caustic soda and chlorides act as oorrosive Card 2/3 S/104/60/000/011/001/om B194/E484 Corrosion Cracking of Austenitio Steels in Thermal Power, Installations With Super-High Steam Conditions medium during boiler operation,, The Action of chlorides is intensified if the amount of oxygen in soluti.on is increased, The weakest places are those with unrelieved remanent stresses, particularly bond's of small radiua, welded joints and the like, and so these should be carefully heat treated to remove, the stresses before use. In the operation of water purification systems, the instructions should be stricAly observed and in particular correct regeneration 6f the anionite filters is essential. If caustic soda or other non-volatile alkalis get into the feed water they will cause corrosion cracking of austenitic steel in a very short period of time, To avoid corrosion cracking, the stresses on the metal should not be excessive, particularly varlable stress6s. and the i%!orking atedia that comes into contact with the metal should be of appropriate purity, Austenitic steels can also be subject to cracking in acid solutions but this question is not yet fully understood, There are 1 figure and 6 references, 3 Soviet and 3 German, Card 3/3 PROKHOROV, F.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; 4KOLIZIR,_EA.,doktor takhn.nauk; SHKROB, M,.S. Basic problems pertaining to the treatment of feed water for steam power plants during the current seven-year ylan. Teplo-_ energetika 7 no.3:3-8 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Minisilrstvo stroiteltetva Plektroetantsiy, Vaesoyuzny7 teplotakhnichaskiy institut i Energeticheakiy institut All SSSR. (Feed-water purification) (Steam power plants) - AMLIZIN, P.A.. doktor tekhn.nauk; MIKHATUWA, N.K. Treating water with hydrazine for protection of the metal of boilers against acid corrosion, Teploenergetika 7 no.71 59-64 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Vuesymnyy teplotekhnicheakly institut. (IFeed-Water purification) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) GULYAYRY, V.N"-AKOLIZIN*-XA.; IVANOV, Ye.N.; GROMOVA, Ye.S. Use of rapid method of determining the tendency of metals to corrosive cracking. Zav.lab. '26 no-3:34o-341 160. (MIU 13:6) 1. Vaesovuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inst,4tut im. F.I. Dzershinskogo. (Metals Qorros ion) ml AUTHORSt Gulyayev, Vi N.p Akollzia,.E&A~_~ S1032160103610310341064 fv&UOTI Y09 Gromovat re. be BO1O/B11T TITLEs On the Application of a Rapid Method of Determining the Liability of Metals to Corrosive Cracking ki PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960P Vol 36, Nr 3, PP 340-341 (USSR) TEXTs A method used to estimate the resistance to corroBion of steels was suggested by the TeNlITULSh. The deterioration of the plastic properties of the metal in liquid corrosive a-uSetances is compared with the deterioration established when tests are performed in air with the state of the sample slirface after the toot also being considered. As this method given no specific data concerning the type of corrosive substance, corresponding to to were performed in this case with an austenite steel of the type lKhIONMU substances with a weak corrosive action. Experimental conditions and results obtained are given (Table). The samples were submitted to several preliminary thermal treatments before testing. It was found that the afore-mentioned toot method cannot be used in substances with a weak corrosive action in which the extension of cracks formed by corrosion is very small (as compared to the elongation rate of the sample). There are I table and 2 Soviet references. Card 1/2 SHKROB, Mikhail Samoylovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; PROKHOROV, Fedor Georgi- yevichf kand. teklm. nauk, Prininali uchastiye: AKOLIZIN P.A. doktor teklm. nauk; APELITSIN, T.E., doktor teifii~ ~1) Yu.V.~ kand. tekbn. nauk; KVYATKOVSKIY, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; EZACHKO, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; GURVICH, S.M., inzh.; ORZHEROV- SKIY, M.A.,, inzh.,- STYRIKOVICH, M.A., retsenzent; MARTYNOVA, 0.1., retsenzent; VORONIN, K.P., tekbn. red. [Water treatment and water systems for steam-turbine electric power plants] Vodopodgotovka.i vodryl rezbim paroturbinWAh elektrostantsii, Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo) 1961. 470 po (MBA 14:9) (Feed water purification) (Steam turbines) sA96/61/ooo/oo2/008/014 Bill/Elg)+ AUTHORS:. Ako"ZIB&T-6,37 Doctor of Technical Sciences7 and 'K"neyeva, L.V.7 Engineer TITLE: Influence of Chloride Ions on Stress Corrosion of Type 1% 18 H 9T (lKhl8N9T) Austenitic Steel PERIODICALs Teploonergetika, 1961, No.2, pp. 55-60 TEXT: The authors give examples of rapid cracking of stressed austenitic steel boiler tubes irt contact with water containing salts (Refs 1-3). The object of the present work was to find the chloride concentration limits at which cracking of type lXl8Hg'r (lKhl8N9T) stainless steel in the austenitic and work-hardened states is either eliminated or greatly retarded. Specimens were contained in sealed 190 mm long stainless steel capsules together with 100-110 ml of the test solution. Specimens consisted of rolled 75 X 10 X 2 mm plates which were assembled in pairs2 clamped together at each end and separated in the middle by a rod (Fig.2), to give the required Stress (somewhat over yield-point strength), clamps and rod being also of lKhl8N9T steel. The filled capsules, which had been de-aerated and sealed) were kept at 370 OC in an air thermostat Card 1/3 S/096/61/000/002/008/01)+ Elll/Hlq1+ Influence of Chloride Ions on Stress Corrosion of Type lKhl8N9T Austenitic Steel (Fig.1). Each capsuie contained tvo pairs of specimens, one pair being of non-work hardened, the other of 30% work hardened steel. Pressure (200 atm) was directly measured in one of the capsules. Test duration was 2000 hours. On completion, specimens were subjected to metallographic examination, one of each pair being further bent through 900. One series of tests was with chloride ion concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, 0.11 107 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000 mg/litrei and a further series with 100, 200, )+oo, 6oo, 800) 1000, 1200 and 1600. In these pH was 7 and the initial oxygen content 0.02 mg/litre. Both these were varied in a few of the capsules to find their influence. Results are tabulated and typical microstructures are shown in Pigs 3-6. F19.3 shows Initial microstructures of the work-hardened steel; Fig.4 those obtained with various chloride-ion concentrations. In Fig.5 (extreme left) the microstructures obtained after testing at pH = 11 and with different oxygen contents are shown. A faulty capsule produced evaporation of the solution, giving particularly severe cracking Ca.rd 2/3 S/og6/6l/oOO/002/Oo8/oV+ Bill/Big'+ Influence of Chloride Ions on Stress Corrosion of Type lKhl8N9T Austenitic Steel - (Figs 6 and 7). The work showed that stress corrosion is stimulated by both chloride ions and alkali and that work-hardening is a major factor (the 30% work hardening used in the tests would be quite inadmissible in practice). A chloride concentration of 1000 mg/litre produced stress corrosion of the work-hardened material, further concentration increasing having no further accelerating effect. Cracks formed both in stretched and compressed portions of the specimen. The authors emphasise the importance of metal quality and design factors in preventing stress corrosion in power-station plant. There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 German. Card 3/3 28566 S/137/61/POO/009/070/087 A060/A101 AUTHORS: Akoltzin, P. A., Korneyeva, L. V. ----------------- TITLE: The study of stresa corrosion of vwrious grades of steel as applied to the operation of steam-generators of etomla electric power stations. PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 9, 1961, 53, abstract 91361 (V sb. "Korroziya reaktorn. materialov'. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960, 108-120) TEXT: It was attempted to determine the role of the salt composition and heat-treatment ~(Cl- and 02) in the development of corrosion under stress in steels of various grades, among them also in specimens of welded steel. Cracking of austenitic stainless steels as result of corrosion under'stress takes place in the water containing Cl- and molecular 02. The intensity of corrosion under stress depends upon the pressure (temperature), increasing considerably with the temperature raise. In media with increased Cl content the welded specimens of austenitio stainless steel are more sensitive to corrosion under stress. Welded joints of austenitio stainless steel should not be used in the direct flow Card 1/2 28566 3/137/61/000/009/070/087 The study of stress corrosion ... A060/A1O1 circuit of the steam generator, where high Cl- concentra-tions in the zone of end vaporization are unavoidable. A safe method of preparing additional water for steam generators for the purpose of lowering the Cl- ooncentratioil is complate chemical desalting of the water. Before the water is fed to the heating surface, its complete deoxidation is necessary. It is rsoomnended to rapply feeding water into the steam space for Its complete deoxidaticn, before proceeding Into the water space, I.e.,into the boiler water. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] V. Tarlsova Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Akolizin, F. A., Korneyeva, L. V. 28567 ,9/137/61/000/009/071/087 A060/A101 TITU: Study of stress corrosion of steel IXIEN9T (lKhl8N9T) as a function of the state of the metal and composition of the medium PMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 9, 1961, 53, abstract 91362 (V sb. "Korroziya reaktorn. materialov". Moscow, Atomizdet, 1960, 120-139) TM(T: An investigation was carried out upon the limiting admissible concentrations of Cl- and 0 in water P'.1 which the absence of cracking will be ensured for specimens oFaustenitio siainless steel 1Khl8N9T testued at one and the same rated stress under conditions of high temperature and pressure of the aqueous medium (pressure2OO atm, temperature 364 0). The Cl- and alkali hydroxiie contained in the water are stimulators of corrosion under stress In steel grade 1Kh18N9T. The simultaneous action of the Cl- and the 02 contained in the water causes the corrosion cracking of even the austenized steel 1Kh18N9T. The state of the metal (heat-treatment, oold-hardening, etc.) Is of decisive importance in the development of the process of corrosion under stresa: the sensitivity of A Card 1/2 28567 S/137/61/000/009/071/087." Study of stress corrosion of steel 1X1849T ... A060/401 cold-hardened specimens Is higher than that of those without hardening. A 30% cold-hardening is inadmissible. Taking into aooount thos unavoidability of some cold-hardening under the oonditions of the steam-genorator manufaoture, the limiting admissible oonoentratlon of 01- in the water In the region of the vaporiZatiOn 20n* is 1,000 mg/liter. The quality requirements upon the supply water fed into the steam-generator, operehing aooord:Lag to the direct flow system, are enumeratund. As oomplete deaeration of the supply water as possible is recommended, as well as the maintsnanoe of a weakly alkaline medium in the steam generator. [Abstracterts note: Complete translation] V. Tarisova Card 2/2 AKOLIZIN,_-LA., doktor tekfin.nauk; KOROLEV, N.I., inzh.,- LAZAREVAP inzh.; ZAYTSEVA, Z.I., inzh.; POLDVINKINA, T.A., tekbnik -Use of fiba-forming amines for preventina corrosion in condenser 0 systems. Teplooner n gatika 8 'o.3:49-52 Iir';4 1610 (MIRA 14:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy inatitut - Lenenergo. (condensers (Steen))-Corrosion) 0 25666 S/096/61/000/009/003/Oo8 E193/EI83 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Akollzinj P ., Doctor of Technical Sciences, _ A. Gromova, Ye.Scj Engineer, and Ivanov; Ye.N., Engineer. TITLE., Stress-corrosion cracking of Steel IUN9T (lKhl8N9T) in sodium hydroxide and sodium chloride solutions 19 1 PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1961Y No-9, ppz 50-55 TEXTa Stress-corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel tubes that has occurred at several P*ower stations (both in the Soviet Union and abroad), where they'are used in the steam' generating plant operating under Particularly severe conditions, prompted the present authors't6 undierthke the investigation described in the present papers' The'experiments were carried out on tubular specimens, tested on equipment designed to simulate conditions obtaining'in'industrial"practice. The'compdsition of thin'steel vatled~*ithin the following limitst~ 0.09-0.11% C; 0;85-1.24% Mn; o.46'o'.56% si; 0.02% S; 0,015% P; 18.3-20.3% Cr; 9.7-10,2% Nil and 0,5-o.6% Ti. In the actual tests the specimens, 25666 Stress-corrosion cracking of .... s/o96/61/000/009/003/oo8 E193/Ei83 filled with the appropriate solution (hot or cold) under pressure of up to 120 atm were stressed in tension# and either time-to- rupture was determinedg or the extent (if any) of cracking was periodically measured. The concentration of NaOH in the test solutions varied between ki and 40 000'mg/-I., the Cl- concentration in the NaCl solution varying between 0.3 and 150 000 mg/t. (In some tests hydrazine was added to the NaCl solution). Solutions, both deaerated and saturated with oxygen, nitrogen or argong Were tested. The effect of stress concentration was also studied by using specimens with a sudden change in the cross-section area. Finally, the effect of exposure to the corroding medium alternating with dry periods was studied. The results can be summarised as follows. 1) Under certain conditions, NaOH solutions can cause stress-corrosion cracking of steel lKhl8NqT, even when the latter is in'the fully austenitic state. 2) A 4% NaOH solution (pH = 14) can cause cracking of this steel or cause the development of leaks in faulty portions of a component in a time as short ap several hours. 3) No stress-corrosion cracking was observed in specimens stressed for 900 hours at Card 2/6 25666 s/o96/61/000/009/003/008 Stress-corrosion cracking of .... E193/E183 30 kg/mm2 In contact with NaOH solutions of pH = 11, 1Z or 13, at 310 OC and under a pressure of 120 atm. This means that failures due to stress-corrosion of steel lKhl8N9T components in heat exchangers are most likely to occur in the regions of high NaOH concentration. 4) The rate of stress-corrosion is decreased when large quantities of oxygen or nitrogen are present in the NaOH solution. The time-to-rupture of the steel studied, subject to the action of a 4% NaOH solution with a nitrogen content of 1100-2000 m9/0 is 3-20 times longer than that in a solution with a nitrogen content of 15.8 mg/t only. The effect of argon Is similar, but not so pronounced. This is illustrated in Fig.4, ahowIng the strain/time (mm/h) curves for specimens tested under a stress of 35 kg/mm2 in a 4% NaOH solution, non-deaerated (curve 1), aaturated with argon (curve 2), and saturated with air (curve 3). 5) Chlorine ions cause stress-corrosion cracking of steel lKhl8N9T only in the presence of oxygen, the rate of corrosion at a given oxygen content increasing with increasing Cl- concentration. When both oxygen and depolarising action of the H+ ions are absent, no stress-corrosion of steel lKhl8N9T takes place in aqueous Card 3/ 6 25666 Stress-corrosion cracking of .... s/o96/61/000/009/003/008 E193/E183 solutions of NaCl, with the Cl- content of up to 150 000 mg/f. 6) In the presence of traces of oxygen, Btress-corrosion of the steel studied can occur at both low (100 mg/,E) and high (150 000 mg/V Cl- concentrations, but only if other contributing factors (such as non-uniform stress distribution, local'dam-a-ge of the protective oxide skin, etc.) operate. 7) At higher oxygen r,ontentB, stress-corrosion cracking of steel IKhl8N9T can occur in water (at 310 OC and under a pressure of 120 atm) with a Cl- content as low as 20 mg/ Thus, specimens simultaneously subjected to stress (3510. kg/mm2) and to the action of a sblution- (at 120 atm and 310 OC) containing 20 - 100 000 mg/t Cl- and 4P mgIC-02, can fracture in several hours. 8) Addition of up to 15 mg/t, hydrazine has no harmful effect, no crack-1;_ng having been observed in specimens tested for 3590 hours at 310 '.C and under 120 atm in a solution containing 100 mg/t Cl- and 15 mg/t N2H4. 9) Other factors (the Cl and 0 concentration) being equal, the rate of atress-corrosion cracking of steel lKhl8N9T is increased approximately twentyfold under conditions of exposure to the corroding medium alternating with drying. 25666 Streas-corrosion cracking of .... S/091/11/000/009/003/008, It was conbluded that, if there is a possibility..of steel lKhl8N9T into contact with a corroding medium of the type studied, the bends in coiled tubes should be subjected to, an austenitising treatment, and that no surface defects with residual tensile stresses, not removed by appropriate heat treatment, can be tolerated under these circumstances. The results of the present investigation indicate also that metal-liquid-gas and not metal-liquid systems should be investigated in studies of stress- I ~corrosion phenomena. There are 9 figures,.5 ta.-Jes and 4 references: 2 Soviet and', .2 non-Soviet. The Bng~ish language reference reads as folXows 7 Ref-3: W.J. Singley, C.H. Welinsky, S.F. Whirl, H.A. Klein. t'Stress corrosion of stainless steel and boiler water treatment at Shippingport Atomic Power Station". Pr6c. Amer. Power Conf. 21, 1959. Chicago III, Illinois Inst. Technol-. 1959. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut, (All-Union Institute of Heat Engineering) Card 5/6 AKOLtZIN, P.A., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHREYDER, A.V., dotsent, kand. `z~-e~--;hauk- "Theory of the corrosion and protection of metals" by N.D. Tomashov. Reviewed by P.A. Akoltzin. Zav. lab. 27 no. 4:503 161. (MIRA 14-.4) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Tomashov, N.D.) *qW. 3' SrO32~61/027/008/007/020 B107/B206 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, V. N., Akolizin, P. A., Gromova# Ye. S.-9 and Ivanov, Ye. N. TITLEs Rapid method for testing austenitic steel with regard to its cracking tendency in aqueous sodium-chloride sollations PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 8, !961, 9813-984 TEXT: For the rapid determination of the corrosion-racking tendency :,-of various types of steel in aqueous chloride solutions, a boiling 42 solution of MgC12 is sometimes used. As to its composition this solution does, however, not correspond to the media in which many devices operate; these are affected by aqueous sodium-chloride solutions. V. M. Ni.kiforova proposed a rapid method (Ref. 1: V. N. Nikiforova. Sb. TaNIITMASh, kn. 77 (1955)) by which the corrosion-oracking tendenoy of steel can be estimated from the variation of plasticity during elongation of the specimen in a solution. However, this method is not generally applir;able, and fails if the formation of corrosion cracks is much slower than the elongation Card 1/3 26.384 S/032/6!/027/008/007,1020 Rapid method for... B10-0/B206 of the specimen (Ref. 21 V. N. Gulyayev, P. A. Akollzin, Ye,. S, Gromova and Ye. N. Ivanov, Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v, 24. no_ 3 (1960)),- A new method was elaborated by the authors. They 1:rcceedel from the f act that at a higher temperature and a higher oxygen content in the s-.-~lution, the formation of corrosion cracks proceeds more quickly. In addition? the rate of formation also depends on the ohlorine-ien ooncentraTion. Stand BTM-1 (VTI-1) (Ref- 33 P. A. Akol'zin, V. N. Gulyayev. Stend VT.rL-*l d1ya ispytaniya metallov na dlitellnuyu korrozionnuyu prochnos!' pri -;-ysok.Lkh davleniyakh i temperaturakh raboohey aredy, tema 20 W-59-475/1"17 (1959)) is used for testing tubular specimens in a solution which is continuously saturated with oxygen. In order to accelerate the formation of corrosion cracks, the following test conditions were chosent constant load on the specimen, temperature 3100C, pressure of the medium 120 kg/_M2 concentration of ohloring ions 100,000, of oxygen 450, nitrogen 1050 mg per liter of solution. Specimens of 1 X18 H9T 'OKWON9T) steel were tested. At a load of 35 kg/mm2, the specimen was destroyed in 24 hr 35 min, and at a load of 40 ki/MM2 in 16 hr. When the load was reduced the time up to destruction increased accordingly (Fig. 1). The eiaborated method per- mits a comparatively rapid estimate of the cracking tendenoy of various types Card 2/3 26384 S/03-2/61/027/008/007/020 Rapid method for... 11107/11206 steelln sodium-ohloride solutions, There are 2 figures and 3'sovlet references. [Abstracter's notet Essentially complete translation.3 ASSOGIATIONs Vsesoyuznyy teplotek-hnioheskiy iiauchno-issledovatellskiy (All-Union Scientific Resear-.,h Institute of Heat Engineering): x I I fill I 1 1145 fill I I jo J6 al Itj 4 j 6 a I Ix .&V 8PO"j?, vat 2 :L6gend to Pid. 12 (x) Time in hrl (y) load in kg/mm'j (9) divided ens (12 by 2.0 mm); (+ specim undivided specimens (13 1;~ 1.5 mm)- 'Card 3 ".4 7 23561-65 EWT (m) /EWA W194-F (t),)'VgP (b) JDI!fJIWB AM40)WT31 BOCK EXF-IOITLA710r, s Akol'zin, Pavei Alekseyev-ich; Gul)myev, Viktor 1171kolayievich Corronion C --a.8 tr-egk-i vrwily)- (~-Os e aergo " Zda - ,I MOPTr ~'irq: &ust.F!-njtjc steel, r-Al: --r- corrovillon cracking, steel vcrrosi,-~,n crpcy~-inizz. s-r-ss -orz--)sion i F, 1. an c., nac k'~: L~- pr F-ve r. t 17. 14JRF%,T ME clw-7-plzF - 'It! 0 r Z, Z. z inveatigations v on of corr-:-elun cnak~L-l er=emj both Boyiet arA nou-bgyict, Card 1/7 L 23561-65 AM404-0731 TAMZ Cg? CON I?Grevv;rd -- 3 Ch. 1. Chsracteristics of met&l and water condition In heating pmmr tO -- 7 plan 1-1 Laymta of electric power plants and units -- ';7 1-2 St-yuctural zmterials of equipment elements -- 10 1-3 Chaincterf-sties of vater and vapor Ch. Ii Corrosion-crrc~g cbaract-ristica -- ~: 2-1 Classification of corrosion damze In Fuietenitic, atalnleas st~-Itlis. Big= of corrozlon-cr"kjuag daru-.ges. -- 53 2-2 Corrosicx aracking of auntenitic staiulesa-steels under ope--ational canditions -- 56 Card 2/7 Cho In Medh&nizm of corrosion cracking of steel 67 3-1 Electrochemical theory of corrosion 67 3-2 Film theory of corronion crackin 3-3 Theory of decompoiUtion of metastable phases under the effect of stresses -- 74 3-4 Generalized theory of corrosion cracking -- 77 M..IV. Effect of intexmal factors on the corrosion-cracking pvccas -- 79 4-1 General characteristic -- 79 4-2 Effect of cbmdcAl compovition and atructare of austenitle stairaesa steel -- 80 4-3 Effect of stresses on the corrusion crarking of metals U3 -Carcl 3/7 L 2i56!-65 A14404D731 4-4 Effect of plastic deformation. on ccrrzotion cracking of austraitic eta~ess i3teelB -- 133 4-5 Effect of the eize fwtor on corrosion cracking of metals -- 140 Ch. V. Bffect of external factors on the corrosion-cracking procesis -- 147 5-1 General claxracteriaticB -- 147 5-2 Role of oxygen -- 148 5-3 Role of chlorides -- 155 5-4 Role of combined preBence of ch:1crides &ad oxygen, -- 116 5-5 Role of concentration of 1,,vdroge-n ionz -- 16~O 5-6 Role of corromion pro~cts r-nd other tyjyea ol, depoaite -- Ibc 5-7 Role of acid media -- 170 Card 4/7 5-8 Corrosion cracking inhibitors -- 171 Ch. V1. ?*thod-a of preventing corrosion cracking -- 186 6-1 General characteristics -- IB6 6-2 Selection of metal made in accorAame vith conditions of th next part operation -- 187 6-3 Heat treatment. Surfrxe hardening 6-4 Selection of the optimal design of the unit lq'~ 6-5 Probl- of welding two dissimilar mrteriala 199 6.6. ~vf zeed vazer -- 2o3 6-7 Methods Of lWeVeUtIng the uacking 'of cooling vater iuto turb1ze, coll. &ewers -- 2D7 Cord 5/7 L 23561-65 Am4o4oT31 6- 8 Preparation of vater az-d of va~er contarni-aants 206' 6-9 See alk,&Ii condition of I>oi-jer water -- 6-10 PrecautionB ag&inst the accumalation of cormsion prvducts on heating mulaces -- 2"33 6-11 Chemdca.1 cleaning of -pover equipment -- 217 0-12 Prouising precaution,%:ry meamires -- 22-~ Ch. VII Methods of studying 7-1 Units and methodz for trbst-'7w behavior of met~-Is -- 225 7-2 1,L-thodz of electrochendeal investigations -- 256 Bibliogm-ThY -- 263 Card 6/7 L 23561-65 Sn COM -. ML, MA o=R: o69 SUBMITMD: 19SeP63 rvard 7/7 NO FZF SOV: 113 a,41016089 BOOK EXPLOITATION s/ z,-~avel Alekseaj~kqb-,_(Dootor of Technical Sciences), Oerasimov, Vla&L mir VladimlRov-16-h-U66-tor of Technical sciences) Corrosion of structural materials of nuclear and thermal power plants (Korrozi-ya konstruktsionny*kh materialov yaderny*kh i teplovv*kh onargeticbeskikh ustanovok)~ Moscow, "Vysshaya shkola".. 1963, 373 P*P 11lus.0 biblioo, 2.500 copies printed. TOOIC TAGS: corrosion, nuclear power plait# thermal power plant,, carbon ateel, steam generator, steam boiler, low alloy steel, steel EI 257, steel M13, steel KU7, 11Qil8N9T . electrochemistry TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged]: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Features of the corrosion of thermal power plant equipment 7 Ch, II. Methods of corrosion and electrochemical research at high temperatures and pressures 56 Ch. III. Effect of external and internal factors on the corrosion and Card 1/2 761 IME 7 ;'s~ U1 ~V_' Z e OR electrochemical behavior of structural materials 94 Ch. IV. Corrosion of steam-boiler metal 233 Ch. V. Corrosion of striietural materials used in reactor installations 281 Ch. VI. Corrosion of metals used in steam generators 339 Ch. VIL Methods of inspecting the condition of metal in thermal power-and reactor installations 356 Bibliography 364 ~M~ AKOLIZIII,-,P.A...,doktor tekhn. nauk; GULYLYEV,, V.N., kand. telffin. nauk,- TAWVV It.F., in7,h.; IVANOV, Ye.N. Corrosion and mechanical properties of steel substitutes for 1Khl8N9T s4%-:eel. Tepl6energetika 10 no.8s54-59 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1, Voeso;,uznyy teplotekhnicheskdy institut, (Steel) AKOLIZIN,j,A,4-doktor tekhn.nauk; GULYAYEV, V.Ne, kand,tekhn.nauk Testint of a p-lpeline with protective sheathing. Teploenergetika 1-1 no. 1:32-36 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. ,IAKOLIZIN,,..P.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; PROKHOROV, F.G., kand. tekhn. nauk Polymers and their prospective use in thermal.power engineering.. Teploenergetika 11 no.5:31-35 M-y'64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vaesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. AKOLIZIN, F.A. Corrosion of the equipment of thermal electric power plants. Vodopod., vod. rezh. i khimkont. na parosil. ust. no.103-41 164, (MM 180) 1. VaesoyuzW ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamenio AKOL ZIN P.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; PROKHOROV, F.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; _' MA14 - AM, N. N. , kand. tekhn. nauk Problem concerning the water cycle norms of thermal electric -power.plants.. leploenergetika ll,no.4:77-79 Ap 164. (MMA 17-6) 1. VseBoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. AKOL*,ZIN, P.A., doktor tekhn. nauk) LAPTINA, L.N., inzh. Corrosion effect of phosphation conditions of boller water. Teploenergetika 11 no.lOt7-ll 0 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Voesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. AKOLIZIN, P.A.,-_GERASIMOV, V.V.; KASPEROVICH, A.I.; MAMET, A.P.; MWKINA~ N.N.; MARGULOVA, T.Kh,; MARTYNOVAj 0.1.; MIROPOLISKIY, Z.L.; Prinimaii uchastiye: DYATLOVA, N.M.; BIKHKM, B.I.; STYRINKOViCH, M.A.j, retsenzent; KOSTRIKIN, Yu.M., red,, [Water-HY'Stem I thermal electric power plants (ordinary and atomic)] Vodnyi rezhim toplovykh elektrostebtsii (obychnykh i atomrqkh). [By] P.A.Akollzin i dr. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 382 p. (MIRA 16:3) U . 4, 1) , .-I i WLI'11140 Y'.A,Y doktor tekhn. nnuk- KAGAV~ I .7a., kand. t ekhn. BALA BAN-IRK"'NIV, Yj~.I.V. , - ~; rjK- - -- - - d I .11~ . I . t" i , ,r ~*~ "'. - nn, .IX Protection of the heavy duty boiler units using nitrogen. Teploenergetika 12 no.3:17-21 Mr 16.4. (MIFA 18:6) 1. Vsesoy-u7nyy tepl-~t.-?kl-nlche9kiy An3titut. WOLIZIN PA . ARAKELIYANTSP N.M.; BUYANOVA, O.A.; KIFtNOSOV9 T.I.; `,~~~SKIY, S.L.; TARAPIN, V.N.; SHCHEDROVII&HI'S.S.; EYDELIMAN, R.Ya. - Unifie.d series of strain gauges for the automation of con- struction and road machinery. Priborostroenie no.8:11-12 Ag '62. (MM 15:9) (Strain gauges) Lila 'i032. Field of a C42jr !W mulfl4am _" _ L A. k4ntl?w~ Ele I ejnw7WX,. Klootrical &gineering Abstracts The field of solenoids used for miagnefic Ma 1954 men% partimlarly In the invWtiptions of masne6o, i i f l i va r cs o matcr propcit fi s s ztqulr to be as bomo- Reactors and Relays gentous and po-AWN as possible, thus muk[4&ycr,. solenoids have to be used. Mw niqW of dW"S solenoids with thin cous or finite lengh Is vxfl )mown- the author generalizes It by snaking tM simplo ;j;1 pennWible assumption of c 'wmfrical solenoids the radil ofwhM incrom in an aritb=*W promovnli. obtaining fortnutac for solenoids of Infinite and finite length and, in the second case, determining die poke of both bTes. IU results represented, in relath units are plotted and endblo the field distributiou In practical Q= to bo found rapidly ising 10 1 - elementary calculations. ,M11- W.-MS -j" A Maw 9W AUTHOR: Akollzina, L.A. SOV/55-58-2-15/35 TITLEt The Effect of Radiation on Preconduction Current Pulses in Tubes 1,11ith Exterior Electrodes (Vliyaniye oblucheniya na predrazryadnyye impul'sy toka v trubkakh s 7neshnimi elektro- dami) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universitet8. Seriya matematiki, me haniki, astronomij, fiziki, kbiYali.9 1958,Nr 2,pp 115-120 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In tubes exterior electrodes there exist two discharge stadiums: a stable and an unstable stadium. In a series of tests with neon tubes it was investigated with which processes the formation of current impulses is connected for unstable discharge. It was stated that it essentially concerns processes on the tube wallao Furthermore the influence of radiation with red lines of the neon spectrum on the current impulses taking place before the discharge was investigated. It appeared that the origin of the current impulses for small voltages essentially depends on the metastable atoms while for high voltages the metastable atoms are not important. The authar thanks Professor V.A. Kaptsov. There are 2 figures, and 11 references, 1 of which is Soviet, 5 are German, 4 English, and 1 Dutch. Card 1/2 T h (-, Effect of Radiation on Preconduction SOV/55-58-2-15/35 Current Fulses in Tubes With Exterior Electrodes ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra elektroniki (Chair of Electronics) [Moscow univ.) SUBMITTED: June 19, 1957 Card 2/2 AKOL'ZINAp L. A., Candidate Phys-Math soi (diss) -- "Investigation of precon- duction current impulses at reduced pressure". Moscow, 1959. 10 pp (Moscow Order of Lenin and order of Labor Red Banner State U im LomonosovP PhYs Faculty), 200 copies (KL, No 24, 1959p 124) AKOVMHAVWj V.R., kandemedenauk Regularities in the reconstruction of the long tubular bones in children during various periods after a fracture. Ortop. travm.i protez. 23 no.6:24-29 Je 162. (tau 1'5:9) 1. Iz-2--go khirurgichookogo otdeleniya detskoy bollnitsY im. II.F. Matova go Moskvy (glavnyy vraoh - L.A. VorokhobDv, kon- maltant chlon-korrespondent P10 SSSR prof, B.V. Ogner . (FRACTURES) Subject :.'-USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub.. 78 - 19/26 AID P - 834 Author : Akonov, A. (Foreman of the Kirov Oil Well Drilling Bureau) Title : Resources for high speed drilling Periodical : Neft. khoz., V. 32, #9, 84-87, 8 1954 Abstract : A review of the application of variouts technological im- provements and advanced methods of turbo-drilling for Increase of the speed of oil well drilling. Institution: None Submitted ; No date L hO347-M Djr(m)/E1%T(t)/RTI IJP(c) JD ACC NRs AP6019436 (A SOURCE CODC; UR/0007/66/000/003/0281/029a3 AUTHOR: Lavrukhina, A. K.; Kolesov, G. M.; Kalichova, 1. S.; Alcollzina L. D. -I! r ORG., Institute of Gooohomistry and Analytical ChemistEy im. V. I. Vernadskiy, M1 SSSR, Yoscow7Institut geokhimil i analiticheskoy khimii AN SSSR) i TITLE: Activation determination of Cop Eus So, Ba, U, and P in dark and clear varie- ties of Kunashak and Fervomayskiy vi2_1age chondrites SOURCE: Geokhimiya, no. 3, 1966, 28i-2go TOPIC TAGS: neutron activation analysis, meteorite, radioisotope, cerium, europium, scandium, barium, uranium, phosphorus ABSTRACT: Neutron activation analysis was used to determine various elements in Kuna- shak and Pervomayskiy village chondrites. The samples were irradiated Trith a neutron flux of 1.2 x 1013 n/cm2 see. The content of Eus ~c, Ba, and U in the clear varieties of chondrites of olivine-hypersthene composition generally corres-oond to the average content previously found in chondrites 5f this type. The concentration of Eu, Ce, and So in hypersthenic chondrites is higher han in enstatite chondrites. In noyLiapetic fractionu of the invpstigated meteoritesMas compared to their unseparated samples, the content of Ce, E-_ an,- So is higher, owing to the lithophilous character of these ele- ments. The con-z-entrr'%'1ion of EV, So, Ba, and U in the dark and clear varieties of Kuna- shak meteorite is approximately the same. The P concentration in the dark varieties ofl R -____A-,140TiT4 386 ZI/Ol 95/61. ~`005 1/t)-,,~ i AUTHOR: Akopdzhanov, R. G; Vaynahteyn., E. Ye.; Keyer, N. Fs; Kefeli, L. M.; Rukhadie, TITLE:;.X-ray K~-absorptlon spectra of copper ln~soma catalytic chelate polymers SOURCE:! Kinetika I kataliz, V. 5, no. 4, 1964 616-623 1, TOPIC TAGS: copper, K-absorption spectrum, chelate, sodium bis-dithlocarbamate,, chelate polymer,:copper chelate polymer, catalysis, X-ray analysis ABSTRACT: Polychelates of copper synthe3lzed:from sodium bis-dithlocarbamates containling a Cu,(SS) chelate unit were Investigated by X-ra*y spectral analysis. The optimal conditions for the study of the fine structure of the principal K-region i absorpt,ion of copper In ~olychelates are obtained by working with absorbents having a density of 3:5-5 mg/cm ; for the study of the fluctuation In an ultra fine struc- 2 ~ ture this should be 10 mg/cm . The data on the: K-region absorption of metallic copper,obtainedi'in these experiments were in good agreement with the spectrum re- gistere~ by a dc?uble-crystal spectromet Ier. The' reproducibility of deta,l 'n three paral]61 experiMents (tile nts lay on a single curve) for polychelates with two different radlc~ls R H ~21and 5-(C6 R3Z(C"f)6 was,also plotted. When the structure of the X-ray absorption 5pectrum of a uZ~ on In aqueous solution was compared with argtlof'copper I.n some oxygen-and sulfki.y-containing Inorganic compounds. ~h (CuS,Cu20)1 Card /3; AE~~SSIOIN NR: the general form of the long-wave strupture of,the spectrum was found to be essen- tiallyiiinlependent of the change In he Ionic charge* It depended rather on the nature ~of the bond of the electrons in:the abs rbing atom and the atomsAn its. close v;icinity:ln the metal or Its compounds,,especially on the*participation Un this bond of th? electrons with p-symmetry. Upon transition from the spectrum of the mei6l to that of the oxide, there is a regular shift (- 1.5 e.v.) of the spec- trum toward theishort-wave side. It can be assumed that the valence of copper in the polymers st6died is close to unity. Analyiis of the long-wave fine structure of the'X-ray K-S'pectra of copper In po.lychelatiDs In comparison with the spectrum of the~metal revealed a change In the valence !of copper atoms in polychelates de- . pending. on the organic radical in the polymer chain. This change can be due to change in the degree of overlapping of the sp-functions of electrons producing the bond between the copper atom in the chelate and additives, such as sulfur atoms. in polichelates containing R4 and R5 aromatic radicals In the polymer chain, the absorption spectra show a decrease in the Initial and me- dium regions, as compared to those of metal. in the spectra of polymers contain- ing 112''and R3 organic aliphatic radicals, the Intensity of absorption Is Increased in the5e regions. The difference In the effect of aro'matic and aliphatic radicals in the, polymer,chain on the nature of the reaction of copper with the.additives In a' chelates Is also revealed by the change in the catalytic activity of these ychelates. ','The authors thank V. It Petrosyan for supplying the copper fol I." 'j2-14 y Card ACCESSION NR: AP401111386 Orig. art. has:. 8 figures and I chemical structure. ASSOCIATION: thstitut kataliza SO AN SSSR (Inisititute of Catalysis, 50 AN SSSR); institut neorgahicheskoy khImll SO AN SSSR (institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SO AN SSSR) 'SUBMITTED: i6oct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODd: 00, OF NO REF SOV; 017 OT!';R 002 ,Cardi .3/3 F, M'17~lq- MENEM R R-N- IX Wfll~ ~Vm cr, tk ft 12 L 43868-65 EWA(k)/EWT(1)/EEC(t.) LIM ACCE-SSION NP: Ai-m609 wq!C4O"/")50Cl A'1_71"H&i~: A-kopazhariav, R. G.; TITT~F: A metho.,~ of correctirW, x-ray gneCtrR/~nr -,-IT-. _~4;, C 4 ~F, ~q-' arM 11 1 st 0? SCkWE: OTtlka 1 spektroskopiya, Y. 18, no- -Y-5 40c-~.r MPTI' TAGS: x ray spectnnn, forusirs gDectro;-rgt~) 4'_nr*!or.. I dl'ston ion ABSTRACT; It is pointed out In the introduction that the ILBSUMption frequently made in accounting for apparatus errors in x-rav spectra, Ttanel~v that the distor- tion funrtlon has a dispersion character, ~--s -.o' K".wr-"s -T7.f. I r. 'y' h r tkr it is shown that when x-ray focusing spectrographs are used with bent crystals. the app&ratuF function does no+ &lways have the for- of a cu,---vF- and 's more readil,y approxinated by a k7perbolic seca:-t. "me-oe cipr~V-RtJVFIR." f'lrlZt ~z Y Card 1/2 L 4~B68-65 AccEnion im, Ap5oo6439 ment&lly obtained x-My spectra. The p-ocedure proposed is verified against sev- eral model curves and Is used to correct K-absor-ption spectra of copper in meta-1 fi~;c i~ -r-c~rice -Ine authors th&rA M. A- sac~,el" :Df 'he rpepr;' fonnulasp and 1 table. ASSOCIATIOV: None SUMMIM : 03Feb(>4 MiCL i on SUB CODE: OP NR JW 107~ -3- 0111M~ o~A- ~jrd e12 f,~l IVI-Aw- : .--~ .- I Z, A !.L1 .~, -r-, AKOPDZHANOVA, V. R. AKOPDZHANOVA, V. R. - "The Treatment of Slaw-Healing Wounds by the Intra-Arterial Introduction of Medical Substances.0 Sub 27 Fob 52) Acad Med Soi USSR. (Dissertation for the Degree oil Candidate in Medical Scieuces). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 ;,fL R T., "W- IM "'23 M 1-1 .i -I-- 7 . IN. : - I I I . I k -'a "Oll-R-Ho SO 5~-W% IN Z T V IM AP3 )/BDS AFPTC/ASD AUMOR t Barshteyn, R. S. Akopd2hanyan, X. A., Ima: Wth6di. of, enbanafte the wid-rvelstance of orlde Plastic 13- SOMM: Plastichesklye massy*, n651 196.3, 64-65 ;TOPIC TAG3 i wld-reelstan6e, polyviny1chloride plastic, dimeth hyl esters, polyester:~ plasticizers, methoxy groups PF-special resin., plaotico ABSTRACT: Studies vereveavied*out.on the selection and synthesis of fungicides to !be Incorporated in the plasticizer for pirevpnting%told fungus daUlage to polyvinyl,- !chloride pipes, coatings, packaging *terials, etc. The following compounds,-_-pre- surwd nonutilizable as nutrients by molds. vere selected for teating: dimethyl estersP including dimethylphthelate (DW), ~dimethyladipinate (INA), and &-mt-kyl. sebace6te- (M), -and, polyester -Dlasticize;;~containing te=inal rieth M--- (prepared in ~collaboratiori vith V. 0. Gorbunovab . SsMles of plastics obte4ned frm pol7vinyl. arate a2 !chloride resinU"FF-speclal" brand) using these plasticizers and calcium ste stabilizer vex-v- exposed to the action or spores of 7 species of =old funaus In die- Itilled vater at a relative humidity of 98-100% and a tenTerature of around 30C- A iDIV, DMA, and 124S plactics showed adequate long-te= resistance (24 inonths' obser- I va ion re -t )'to fungus attacko and the plastics prepared with thb.:polyester.plasticiza LCard PALEY, M.I.; TREPEMOVA, L.I.; AKOPDZHANYAN, E.A.; GOIDDUAYA, S.L. Investigating the resistance to fungi of the acoustical materials based on poly7iiWl chloride resins. Plast. massy no.2:68..69 164. (MIRA 17:8) PESINP L.M.; DERKOVSKAYA, I.L.; GOLODNAYA, S.L.; IIUIOIOVITSKAYA, A.N.; AKOPDZIIANYAN, E,A. Removal of formaldohydo from the waste waters of tho production of carbamide resins. 11-IRst. massy no-8:58-60 164. (1-1111A 17:12) ADONTSp G.T.; AYRAPETYANq G.A.; AXOPMRANYANs, G.D.; GAMBURYAN, K.A. .,Investigation of the stability of the Transcaucasian Electric Power System in conjunction with the introduction of Mingechaur-Atarbokyan intersystem electric power transmission. Izv. AN Arm*SSRoSeratekhe nauk 13 no.6:19-38 160. "MIRA 140) Is Institut elektrotekhaiki AN AruWanskoy SSR, (Traaacaucasia-Interconnected electric utility systems)