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L 4107C-66 ACC NR: AP6018619 naphtha at 410-420C and 0.75hr-I space velocity, thus reducing 8-fold the amount of required blending stocks for production of type A-66 &a, The following were among those who participated in laboratory and industrial experiments: G.-I. -- Chmutov, S. G. Prokopyuk, R. M. Kar onosova, M. N. Mukhametov, Ye. M. Varfolomeyeva. B. N. Rays, K. F. Pryakhina, M. R. Polinskaya, I:ei~~io~ya, L. F. Yevatifey and A.-S.-Kononov. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 11, 21/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0?-2 L 52729-6~ 1:MT(m)/EPF(c)/T Pr-4 --Ld-- ACCESSION NR: AP5016030 b-R/COo'5/64/000/011/OL)42/DO4'0 AUTHOR: Kalantar, N._ G.; Mae& itov, R. M.; Gal'p~erlna, M. A.; Glazunov, V. I.; Akhmets~ina, M, N't TME: Gas-stable ImsulatinS oils from extracts of relective purification SOURCE: )Qilmiya i tekhaologiya topliv i ma8el, no. 11, 19j~4, 42-46 TC?~`-- TAG-5: izzulatixkg materia.1, petroleum refiner~r product Abs'~art 71t,e basic components wnich cause a treakdown ar' the electrical ChA,-A--leristics of phenol extrnr-!~ ~-f are C-C'Mpo~ndq of -P L-,' a 6 - a L; e 0 16 C "I~ P rc e a q 1 car, !'e 'Fe'j a, .:a.-e Dse t ej---s'o gas-stable 6 7. 9 P eM b L B Ds *, a n tanc r ea s e ,ne c--,efficienra of utilization of tne raw- srkd providpo the ciectcotecnnical Induetr-y witb Jtalectrics. Orig. art, baa I table ~Ccxd -1/2 NO REF SOVt 003 i .,n j : I t~~ llcl~- ;!--* 003 --- -I I SUB COM YP JPRS I AIUMTIYEV, L.N.; NIKULISHINi K.Ye. A now trailer for heavy, loads. Stroi.i dor.mash. 7 no.100-10 0 162. (MMA 15: 11) (Truck trailers) AKHMETfNV, M.A. Nov data on the stratigraphy of Miooene sediments in the northeastern part of the Sikhote-Alin' Range. Sov. geol. 8 no.4sl33-135 Ap 165. (MIRA 1817) TEREMEYEVA, A. S,;,AKHMEVYEV, N. M. (1400kva) Carainoid of the bronchus in, a child. Arkh. pat. no-4:68-70 162. 1. Iz patologoamtomicheskogo'otdeleniya (zav. N. I. Soboleva) bollnitsy imeni Filatova (glxvnyy vrach L. A. Vorokbobov) i otolaringologichookov kliniki (zav. - prof. I. I. Shcherbatov) pediatricheskogo fakul'teta II Moskovskogo-meditsinakogo instituta. (BRONCHI-CMICER) AMMMET, [Chronic pneumonia in children) Khronicheskaia pnevmoniia u detei. Moak-va. Medgis, 1958. 73 P. (MIRA 13:2) (PNEUMONIA) AXEM YEVA. S. ; ZWNALOVA, A. Hemorrhage in placental and early puerperal staq-,es according to data from the Azizbekox, Maternity Home No. 1. Akush.i gin. no.2: 87-89 Mr-AP '55. (MIRA 8--7) 1. I-z rodillnogo doma No. I imeni AzizbekDva (glavny7 vrach Anhu- mova, nauchnyy rukovoclitel^, - prof. Gadzhi-Kasumov) Baka. (UTERUS, hemorrhage, in third stage & puerperium, hosp. statist.) (IMCR, third, stage, with.hemorrh., hoop. statist.) (HEMORRHAGE, uterus, in third stage & puerportiun, hoop. statiotJ (PUIGUIRRIL41, complications, hemorrh., hoop. statist. AKHMETZJIANOVL Ab~qlkadir-Abftra - KHLYUPIN, G.D., kqnd. I ~hmanovichj ekh~.naukj, retsenzent; CM, I.G., inzh., red.; MOROZOVAS P.B.,q red. izd-va; ORE'--TIINA, V.I.., tekbn. red. [Synchronous tracking Watems of greater accuracylSinkhronno- alediashchie sistemy povyshennoi tochnosti. Moskvap Oborongiz, 1962. 23-1 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Automatic control) (Servomechanisms) KALANTAR, N.G.; Prinimali uchastiye: MANNAFOVA, Y.S.;.GIAZUNOV, V.I.; GABSATAROVA, P.A.; KULIMURZINA, L.Kh.; AEMETZYANOV, Ch.R. Turbine oil 22 from Tuymazy crudes. Khim.i-tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.9:29-34 S 162. (141RA 15;8) 1. Bashkirskiy filial AN SSSR. (I=ulating oils) KALANTAR, Me; GLAZUNOV, V.I.; MANNAFOVA, V.S.; Prinimali uchaBtiye: GABSATTAROVA, S.A,; OKUNL?V, I.Ye.,- KULIMURZINA, L.Kh.; AKMTZYANOV, Ch.R. Composition and properties of turbine distillates from TuYmazy crudes. Khim. ' tekh- toPl- i masel 8 no-9:31-38 S 163. (MIM 16:11) 1. Bashkirskiy filial AN SSSR. L 43762-66 E".4 T ( I ACC NRi AP6029880 SOURCr CODE: UR/0413/66/000/015/0043/0043 INVENTOR: AkhmetzZanov, K. G.; Petrovichev, V. I.; Rudakov, R. F. ORG: none TITLE: A waveRuide device for concentrating an SHF electric field in a piezoelectric sample. Class 21, No. 184298 [announced by the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut)] SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 43 TOPIC TAGS; rectangular waveguide, high voltage line, piezoelectric crystal ABSTRACT; -ibis Author Certificate presents a waveguide device for concentrating an SHF electric field.--in a pie.zoelectric sample. To achieve a strong field within the R Fig. 1. Waveguide device bi~ f-0 1 - Shorted rectangular waveguide; 2 - coaxial N !~4. ic stub; 3 - flat capacitor; 4 - central conductor-, j of the coaxial stub; 5 spark gap; 6 ceramic,. rod. n=.. Card UDC: 621.372.855.4: 621.372.88 L 43762-66 ACC NR. AP6029880 sampl~,a coaxial stub (see Fig. 1), connected to the'broad side of a rectangular wave-, guide, has a broken center conductor that forms a spark gap within the waveguide; the broken ends of the center conductor are joined together with a ceramic rod. A piezoelectric sample is placed between a flat capacitor formed by the center condur*r and the broad side of the waveguide. Orig. art. has: I figure. [IV SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 15Mar65 / ATD PRESS: 5069 ~l 3 1 -65 N x7'; AUTHOPSt Irnayev, K. ke~tzhanov, 1. S. '1111-1z" i i~eazoae u atloa bry trj:buLyjphosp--aLe cracxing SOUXE: Ali SSSR. Ba5h~drskiv filial. Khimiv-a sore-dinaniv, ya v nef~yaAll i TA.),S? benzene, petroleum industry, vi 161'.L u i, I iYk p Liu ap al 1, 49 5WILLI talopasne aw albenzy~ was lnvssl~lgaraa, T ril m Cord 1/2 421011-65 sai AT50OM31 C-C! OCI Cori 2/2 ALL NM Aklt)005925 CODE: UR/0079/66/036/001/0085/0087 AUTHOR: Imayev~ M. G.; Akhmetzhanov, I. Be ORG: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fat Substitutes (V*se`sqyuznyy nauebno-issledovatel'skiy institut sintet heskikh zhirozardehiteley) hp TITLE: The reaction of trialkyl (!LMI) phosphiteNi~h wercaptans SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 36, no. 1, 1966, 85-87 .TOPIC TAGS.- pbosphite eater, mercaptang,free radical, catalysis ABSTRACT:. This work represents an attempt,to investigate the activities of a- number of-trialkyl or triaryl pho,sphite*s (RO)3P, where R = straight-chain alkyls CI-Clo, or phenyl, and to confirm a previously advanced suggestion concerning the catalytic effect, of atmospheric -oxygen on the reaction between triilkyl phosphites and mercaptans in the absence of-other-free-raclicallinitiators. It was found that the activity of the above pho Isphites in radical chain reactions with mereaptans is almost independent of the size of the alkyl group. The lower trialkyl pbosphites with an odd number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group have somewhat lower activity.. The activity of triphenyl phosphite is considerably lower than.those of the trialkyl. phosphites. It-was shown the absence of other catalysts the reaction of trialkyl,or triaryl ph6sphites is promoted by atmospheric oxygen. Orig. art. has: I table. [VS] SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 22Oct64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 006/ ATD PA.ESS: ,.-Card l/;!,SYf__ upc: 546.:L83:547.269.i _01q4 YUSUPOVO I.G.,- SHEVALDIN, 1.Ye,;,.AKfJMET2,YANOV,, E.K. Evaluating rock cavitation or the basis ef logging data,, Rarenle no.3117-19 '165# (MIRA 18:5) 1, Tatarskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issiedovat,eliskly institut, AKHHETZHANOV, I.S.; ZAGIDULIN, R.N.; IMAYEV, M.G. Reaction of triethyl phosphite with hydrogen sulfide. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.2062-364 J1~165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Bashkirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut sinteticheskikh zhiroza- meniteley. Submitted January 7, 1965. ZONNER) I.E.; AKHMETZWOV, M.S. I Taking into account the effect of relief in gravimetric surveying. Goofiz.razved. no.766-61 962. (MM 15s7) (Gravity prospecting) KORZENKOp V.N.; SAYKOVSYkYAV V.A PROTASENYAq S.G.- MUM, M.F. P (Severo-Osetinskayu FEDYUf:BKTN, M.Ye.; FEYTFNG-ryfE-R, V.A., kand. veter. nauk; YAMASHEV, S.G., kand. veter. nauk? AKHMETZY WAY,oj,)W~,t mladshiy nauc-.hnyy sotrudnfk- SHVEIS33OV, 'T.-A., veterinarnyy vrach; GANIYEV, M.K., prof.; FARZALIYEV, I.A., datsent Smallpox in cattle. Veterinariia 41 no.7.-31-34 J1 164. (MM 18g11) 1. Belorusskly Anstitut epidemiologil i gigiyeny (for Korzenko, Saykovska,ya, Protasenya). 2. Direktor Severo-Osetinskoy respublikanskoy vaterinarnoy laboratorii (for Fedyushk~n)* 3. Kazanskiy veterinarnyy in8titut (for Feytongeymer, Yamashev, Akhmetzyanov, Shvetsov). 4. Azerbaydzhaiiskiy nauchro-issledove.- tellskiy veterinarnyy institut (for Ganiyev, FarzalVev). KARATAYEV, G.I.; AMffATZHANOV, Kh.S. Use of geophysical anomalies in studying the tectonics of sedimentary cover in the West Siberain Plain. Trudy SNIIGGIM no.17:70-84 161. (MIRA 15:9) (West Siberian Plain--Geology, Structural) ~weslu Siberian Plain-Prospecting-Geoph'yoical methods) AXIMTZHANOV, KhS,j MRATAYN, G.I.; KUTUKOV, A.V. Relationship between the geoph i~al anomalies and the geology .-p of folded areas on the borderd.of the West Siberian Plain. Trudy SNIIGGIM no.7:40~45 161. (MIRA 16:7) (West Siberian Plain-Geologyp Structural) (West Siberian Plain-Prospeeting--Geophysical methods) 'w o' 0 0 so* 0 6 00 0 0 0 0 *a**** 0 a 00 0 a 0:1401:00 low ;low 1) an 30 a 41 42 41 44 415 v S Tns 0 6 of X 1. a pu 4S I A f sll Uml 11!1.1 41 IU It 01 A F_ AL. 1001.11"m )40 A.0 4T. COOM P. ORCUPS MAT19"Ll MORI 90 oon of oor 00. i 0t o 4~.' 00 .Rql"ltltlfj %loll 0111 'A Ul PNP3"1) &I *dde a4s ;a Am"s 00 in 41110: '.(YjHW)9I 11 1b,411016 MA (UAIMU) st.'mis 19MAam 00 00. c (.Ws. 00 00- 1,0111 lj~N~vj jo hit 'plo.)) o 0 pe 011".Y I 101111PIM 111004C.1 wm/ vitsw v"j 'Pri 00 00. '1 ',1 TWUM 'Ul]IUV 1411 V 'ADUVAb PWIRV 00 0e 0o.. 00 00, so of if Iii-r-AeVill 00 00 11--a 'j, if-IF a- fl- 4.4-1444-1, A4 I-A-1 &-l-A"VeAwl- ~'_!s ~to. 1.01 ~uo. 'F,1K1i,M CT zYhday; VIWWly 91 y601%ft Sigel. I,. G. Nivirilkov-kil. K. e_ Vchtili$; ~pikt; Maikor hom"m ('III. Folika 74. 1 V' tkl(ll#4 11. A M. 00 YWouirirt ICIA. 39, .41741~ w4. limit. Illu A-folibb lryfindrr) %a% of Miffs. and tile lotuarv filki with a timi. of 011 and C(h; lite C milte"t of tile %1vol illd not rhatfict. dutillit all eklit. The follollola VA)II" t X IW) w.u. ImIlld lot tile Milvillatic viwolity" 'I"I "fit' 111" 'V 1 11, 0,311. hill 0.30, .14 11 (1.414if%I OARI at NOV. at Iwo-, .. paw, (C ,;i will, MII 11, U. 's 1, ji.juji, %I CI 004%) 5.7' at 14%X1', 3.0 at lfv.*I,. 0 "F91ITNI" X (I.M. Si Mlis. %III (MIS, S OJAII, I- Ni 41.12, Cr hill 11.1ml 1014 at IZON". -1, 12 at INI.%'. ic f).40. si 1_.:1k2' Mn S 11.1112. 11 11.1m, Ni Cr I 7,3o%) 6.,-N at 1165, , "U'Oi at 16.104, "HKh 12" (C 2.111. Si 41.21. Nin 11.111, S w(115, 11 ttm~'.J, N! 100, Cr 11.7.,%,) 7.70 at 1125", 6.641 ;if ],*o,:, . "ShMs 12" (C 1,40, Si (i.Zt. %Io s If.ol 1~ v om~~" NJ 11.10, Cr I.Wi? ", fill at I IM" 't ltutl'; And 16 101511 (C i1.49, s1 If.m. NIII if lot, S p 11AII-1, 0 IIAN%j I I fit 1110 1Z .41 Ww'. 1ZO ;it Vill .00 zoo Coe goo 0 :Woo tie An j 3U 'A Alf 10 It it 11 to a 0 11' -'1' 4 A, i t a III a Ab Ali a a )a a a a a a a All ji, a m a m Ah iil - - - - - - - - - - - Z I Z Z 9 Ke G* *Investigation of the Velocity of the.Propagatioa,of Ultrasonic Waves in Alcobbla and in Its Vapors for a Wide Range of Temperatures and ft*ssuros, Loluding the Critical Area." Sub 6 Jun 51, Moscov Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V, Lamonwov, Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow duriag 1951. SO., Sun. NO-* 4wi, 9 May 550 AKEMTZYAN,OV It K. G.. .':; Sound velocity in chemically active gaseous mixtures. Ptim. ul'traakust. k isel. veshch. no-13:45-53 161.' (MIRA 16:6) (Ultrasonic waves-Speed) (Gases-keoustic properties) )9 kHPIE T5-Xqp10 38176 S/058/62/OW/004/083/i6o 0 0 A061/A1O1 AUTHOR: Akhmetzyanov, K. 0. TITLE: Sound reactive gaseous mixtures PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 39, abstract 4G327 (V sb. "Primeneniye ulltraakust. k issled. veshchestva", no. 13, Moscow, 1961, 45-53) TEXT: The frequency dependence of the sound velocity in'an oxygen-hydrogen gaseous mixture was experimentally studied at increased pressures and tempera- tures. For this mixture, widely used in practice, no test results are available in the range of high frequencies and pressures. The velocity was measured by"the method of light diffraction due to ultrasonic waves. It is shown that, within the limits of measurement errors (0.4%),.the sound velocity in the kxture is independent of frequency in the range from acoustic to 16 Me frequen- cies. The sound velocity in the mixture was also measured as a function of hydrogen concentration and temperature. In the latter case, the operating frequencyowas 15.322 Mc,pressure was up to 40 atm, and temperature ranged between~ 20 and 8-5 C. There are 11 references. Ye. Romanenko [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 krjDMZANC7 K. 0. 11 1963). refradtory metajs~ compounds, and alloys (Kiev. Aor TITLE. Seminar on n'. 3, io63, 266-267 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya,-v. 15, 0 ACCESSION NRt AP1008085 Composition on thermal stfesses. T. A. Sultanyan'. -,ileciron f the~-nature -4icroscdpe investigation 6 of fract ureo I N. S. Pozdnyak,- K., G. Akhmetzinov. Heat. and alectric*conductivity, of high-purity tAWC-a-ruW-AWd'-nt-ab1-um. 00 A. 'Krayev A-. A* Stel'makh 0 Thermal \dffusivity bf tungpten and- molybdenum at high temperatures* P. Rusin, 0, S, Gurvich-. 'Heat conductivity of lodse refractory, 'd I Row %re in vacuum and inert gas. i L A. 'F. Ma 11tseva, E N I4A;rmer;, Heat and.electric'conductivity. 0 f *.irefractory.compoundso V. B. Fedorov,.,V,,- ls-'Akimov.~-,Heat capacity of metal .at high tam- peraturess Card 9111 E TZ /'Y 4/0 P- ACCESSION NR: AP40004081 T i, o Petrov, V. A. 5/0294/63/001/061/0156/0156 TITLE: Seminar on production methods, phyr;ical properties, and electnon structure of retractory metals, compounds, and alloys SOURCE: Teplofizika vy)'csokikh temperatur, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 156 IMPIC TAGS: refractory metal, refractory compound, refractory alloy, thernial conductivity, electric conductivity, thermal diflusivity, tantalum, niobium, tungs ten,:. molybdenum, remission capacity, thc~mal expansion, chromium, zirconium ABSTRACT: A seminar on ext.raction method 's., physical properties, and electron structure of reff'ractory metals, compounds,**and alloys, organized by the lnstitu~'m.ctallokeraniki i spetsplAvov AN U~SR (Instit*ute of Powder 'Metallurgy and Special Alloys AN' USSR) was held in 'Kiev from 25 to 29 April 1963. The of ref.ractory materials at high temperatures were discussed in the f.ollowing papers: "Inve,sti,gation of the't',eraperature dependence of heat and electrical conductivity and ther'n'al diffusivity of tantalum ACCESSION NR: AP4000408 and. niobium" (N. Z. Pozdnyall and R. G. jVkhmctzanov)-; "Thermal di-f-fusivity of tungsten and' molybdenum -it' high -E~eripe matures" (0. A. 1, r ny e vand A. A. Stel'makh); "Exi,cri-mental determination of intecral ellissivity anti monochronatIc emissivity of metals at high temperatures" (V. A. Petrov, V . Ya . Chekhovskov , anti A. Ye . Sbeynd I in) ; "The application of electron beam heating in the investii~ation of inter~ral blackness of heat-resistant alloys and compounds" (D. L. Timrot, V. E. lleletskiy, and V. Yu. Voskresenskiv); ",',easuring of emissivity of scillids at temperatures over 1000C" (L. A. Novitskiv, L. V. Trushchitsina, and V. 1. Akimov) "On the thermal expansion of ~hromium-base alloys" (N. V. Ageyev and N. S. Model); "Investigation of thermal expansion of tun7.- sten, molybdenum, tantalum,,and zirconium at hith temperatures" (V~. . :41. Amonenko , P. N. Vyugav, and A. S . Gumenyuk) : -"Deter-tination of Lhe true heat capacity of metals at high temperatures" (V. 11. Fcdorov anti V. I. Akimov); "Heat capacity of tunpsten, tantalum, and ni~)bium at hiph temperatures" (Ya. A. Kraf tmakher) ; "Reat conductivity of materials in vacuum and inert gases" (S. 1. 1"usin and 0. S. Gurvich); "Results of the investigation of electrical and heat conductivity of certain refractory compounds" (L. F, Mal'tseva and L. Ill. Horner). Considerable attention was given to the development of experimental Card 2 / 3 ACCESSION NR: AP4000408 equipment for investigation of the thermophysical properties of substances in a wide range of temperatures. k~SOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 13Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 'PH, ML NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4004155 S/0294/63/001/002/0316/0318 AUTHORS: Pozdnyak, N. Z.; AkhmetzyAnov, K. G. TITLE: Thermal and electric conductivity of tantalum and niobium 1963, 316- SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur, v. 1, no& 2t 318 TOPIC TAGS: tantalum thermal conductivity, nidbium thermal conduc- tivity, tantalum electric conductivity, niobium electric conductiv- ity, temperature dependence, tantalum, niobium, tantalum physical property, niobium physical property, tantalum electrical propertye niobium electrical property ABSTRACT: Since the published data on the thermal conductivity and electric conductivity of tantalum and niobium arb'contradictory, these quantitAes were measured by the authors at the temperature yukov range 293--1273K, using apparatus constructed by V. Ye. Mikr Card 1/~ ACCESSION NR: AP4004155 and based on the Kohlrausch,method (V. Ye. Mikryukov, N. Z. Pozdnyak;,. Collection: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya (Powder Metallurgy) Metallur-~,,' gizdat, 1954, p. 37; V. Ye. Mikryukov, Teploprovodnost' i elektro- nost', Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1956). The,results show that provod the thermal conductivity of tantalum and niobium increases 'With in- creasing temperature, and the experimental data are 20% lower than those published at temperatures up to 400K and 10% higher above BOOK..",. The electric conductivity of these metals decreases with increasing.," temperature and the values obtained agree with the published data'L The experimental results show that the thermal conductivity, in tan- talum and niobium is effected by carriers with the same conductivi tv as the host, and the electric conductivity is low. Orig. art. hasr~',,"' 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Voesoyuzny*y-zaocbny*y politekhnicheskiy institut (All-Union Extension Polytechnic Institute)* Card 7. E T, =E, L_5j,eaj-6 EAT(e U ;iT(m')/F~VP (w).1E0 (d)/ V, ATI'dolwLS: Y i ":1,v V. Ye Fc)zd kyak, 7. powder metallurgy,/,sintered mp~a riyarog-en or in ammonia atmosphere arp and e1 P- t r c(~,nductivity, cyl Lrd--. -a- ~~P~ 1 ann t T"lle tem;-cratar~- ran.- w, '3Pe-__Mf'nS v euipera r. ~-va_ a:,; .77 Z. r, ~ns of n~, 7 Y C. L 51887-65 -'S57011 NRt AP5CM269 Cord 2/2 AlU]NkZAF-YAN, A.A.; S)WQiNAZA'ffAN, G.M.; thPn!Y.N, V.A.; M.T. S,~~tbesls of ar~ids. IZV. A14 Arm. SSR.KhLm.nauki 37 no.6:656-~659 164. S,y-nt,hGsls and transforriations of Part I.: F~-eparatlon of d1lactoms of lic acids. nAlld..-660-~64 (MIRA 18:6) Is Yqr~vanr.-lr-.,.iy goozular.3tv-mityi uni-verctt~t, kafedra organicheskov. PANTEMMONOV, L.A.; NESTEROVA, O.P.; OUT3, ?.A.; SOKOLOVAJI I.G. Reaction of niobium with rathenium. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Dim. 20 no.6:57-62 N-D 165. M RA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra obshchey khimii. Sutmitted April 25, 1965. PANTFI-EMIONOV, L.A.; NESTEROVAp O.P.; AKWET-YANOV K.G.; 90.KOU)VA, I.G. - Reaction of ruthenium with tantalum. Vest. Mcs-r-L. un. Se-_ 2: Khim. 20 no.6:63-68 N-D 165. (MI RA 19: 1.) 1. Kafedra obahchey khimil Moskovskogo universiteta. Submitted April 25, 1965. L glM-66 EWP(k)/E-W(d)/EWT(m WP(h)/T/94P(1)/W(e)/EdP(w)/;-?~-.;P(A,)/)~WP(t) ACC WR: AT6008649 Ijp(c)- WW1-/XD/HW/GS SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65 38 'AUTHORS: Pozdnyak, N. Z. (Moscow); Akhmq~z, (Moscow) y iORG.- none A TITLEt A study of the dependence of the durability and ~E2aot strens-L, of metal ceramic iron-niokel-flraphite 119ye upon temperature SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po voprosam staticheskoy i dinwi cheskoy Prochnosti materialov i konstruktaip_W Kj.,~!lemqq~~j~Ei:ypokikh z RN temperaturakh. 3 Termoprochnost' materialov i konetrukts1oii&jffi i1ii6ififov e strength of materials and construction elements); materialy soveshchaniya. Kievp Vaukova.dumka, 1965, 38-42 TOPIC TAGS: iron nickel alloy, powder alloy, high temperaturealloy, tensile test, metallurgio,testing maohinep impact strength/ R-5 metallurgic testing machine, IM-12 metallurgic testing machine ABSTRACT: The results of strength tests of iron-nickel-graphite alloys are given* The work was done to determine the temperature dependence of the strength of the alloys upon the amounts of nickel added. The temperature range of the test was Card 1/2 ,~L 21820-66 I'ACC NRs AT6008649 I from normal to 1100X. Before being mixed for 6 hrs at 50 rpm, the nickel powder was reduced at 673K and the iron powder at 1100K. The tensiletests of the pressed' specimens at normal temperatures-were made with an R-5 machine Nt 673 and 1100K with an IM-12 machine. Additions of 5--3C% nickel were found to increase the strength of the alloys by 20--6C%. The impact strength of an alloy with 5% nickel islower than that of an alloy without nickel* The iron-nickel-graphite alloys hav: higher thermal stability at temperatures to 673K than those without nickel (oe Fig& 00 JAM? 20 Fig. 1. -Isotherms of.impact strength as a function of nickel content att 77 I normal temperature; 2 673K;- 3 1073X-. 0 .5 Orig. art. hast 2 graphs and.2 tables. :SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE: 19Aug65/ ORIG REPs 012 Card- 2/2 L 21991-- 1 66 EWP(e)/ZWT(m IJP(c) JP1WW1P1JG11NH SSION NR: AP5025983 I~ACCE IJR/0294/65/003/005/0695/0699 Da J) 546. 3-19172t 56L 536. 212+537. 311. 31 AUTHOR: Pozdnyak, N. Z.; Mqy,_X~_G TITLE: Thermal conduct Vit electric resistance, and mechanical properties4f an Iron -copper cer SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 3, no. 5, 1965, 695-699 TOPIC TAGS: high temperature cermet material, iron base alloy, copper con- taining alloy, nickel containing alloy, heat conductivity, electric resistance, ten- sile strength, impact strength, thermal expansion, ductility ABSTRACT- The object of the wo-1- was to investigate the results of increased ... additions oi4ickel to iron.~ copp - -Termets. The initial composition of the two alloys investigated was. (in -No. 3: 0.98 carbon, 9.90 copper, 0. 13 silicon, 0. 18 manganese, traces of sulfur, traces of phosphorous, 21. 4 nickel, remaindei~-- iron- No.' 4i 1. 02 carbon, 9. 87copper, 0. 14 silicon, 0. 13 manganese, traces' (if sulfur traces of phosphorous, 29. 80 nickel, remainder iron. The samples were prepared by methods of powder metallurgy. The iron and. copper powders were I &V/5educed in a hydrogen atmosphere at 1100 and 700 K, respectively.. The.' L 21991-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5025983 powders were -mixed for 6 hours and thesa mples were pressed on a 100 ton hy- draulic press. Microstructural analysis of both alloys showed a complex homo- geneous four component solid solution of iron, copper.. nickel, and carbon. It was found that addition of 21. 4% nickel increases the hardness of the alloy by approximately 30-40% compared to, an alloy without nickel. Addition of nickel up to 30% does not increase hardness further, but mechanical properties ensile (t 4nd compression strengths.. impact strength) are increased by 15-30% co pared m r No. 3. Sintering in an atmosphere of dissociated ammonia, othe condi- -to alloy tionB being equal, decreases mechanical strength and impact strength by app mately 10- 15%, and somewhat lowers ductility, compared to alloys sintered in a hydrogen atmosphere. At 673, K tensile strength and impact strength are decreas ed only insignificantly. With an increase in nickel content, thermal conductivity and electric resistance decrease by two times with additions of nickel up to 15% and by 30-401o more with nickel additions from 15 to 30%. The coefficient of B ar thermal expansion rises only slightly at,the start with an increase in tem r a, arting at temperatures from approximately 600C it rises sharply ture, but st Wjth an increaseln the nickel content, the impact strength at first decreases (at v an 516 nickel), and then rises slowly; at 301o nickel, its alue is the same as for .':Card. 2/3 L12LT5_66 EWT(m)/EkYP(t)/ETI IJP(c) WH/M/JG/Cb ACC NRt AT6013550 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0048/605, j AUTHOR: Pozdnyak, N. 02LetzLano ORG: All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute ~Vs"qyuznyy zaochii -46'litekhni- cheskiy institut) TITLE: Investigation of temperature dependence of thermal and electric conductivity of tantalum ond niobi SOURCE: -AN-Ukr SR. I stitut Droblem materialovedeniva, Vysokotemperaturnyye neorga- nicheskiye soyedineniya (High temperature inorganic compounds). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 48-51 TOPIC TAGS: niobium, tantalum, beat conductivity, electric conductivity ABSTRACT: The thermal (A) and electrical Q) conductivities of tantalum and niobium, were examined in the 2730-15730K range. The metal samples were 4 mm. in diameter and 10 mm in length. The tantalum samples contained 5.0%-Nb and the niobium samples con- tained 0.5% Ta. Both samples contained small amounts of c, re, Ti, Si, W, and Mo. The thermal conductivity of tantalum and niobium was found to increase with temperature- lbelow 4000K the values were 10% higher than the corresponding values reported in ihe' literature. The electrical conductivity of Ta.and Nb declines with increasing tempera- ~ture; the values found In this work well agree with those reported in the literature. Card 1/2 L 29605-66 ACC NRs AT6013550 6) It was found that the thermal conductivity of Ta and Nb depends upon their electron conductivity and upon conductivity of their crystal lattices. Data on thermal conduc- tivity (A), electrical 'conductivity (X) and the A/X ratio for Ta and Nb ars given in atable. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE:, 03Jul65/ REP: 006/ OTH REF: 003 card 2/2 EWT(m)/r/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NRt ArbuiJUX4 (N) -suUMUL WOL: Ul(/UIUU/b.-~)IUUU/UUD/UUD/IUUD; AUTHOR: Panteleymonov, L. A.; Nesterova, 0. P.; Guts, Z. A.; AkhmetUanov K. G.- Sokolova, I. G. ORG: Chair of General Chemis State University (Kafedra obshchey khimii, _!a, Moscow Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet) TITIX: Interaction of niobium and ruthenium SOURCE: Moscow. Uni.versitat. Vestnik. Seriya Il. Khimiya. no. 6, 1965, 57-62 TOPIC TAGS: ruthenium alloy, -niobium alloy, alloy phase diagram O.V%AtcLk~ crN'.-~CLk kaA'%'te_ S-60 -I 4L 0~^(X\u 1 '16 0 "g ABSTRACT: Alloys of th4V h obium-n~thenium stem were studied by methods of micro- scopic and x-ray analyses, hardness and microhardness, and determination of melting point, electrical conductivity in the 50-7000C range, and thermal conductivity in the, 25-SOOOC range.. Homogenized specimens were q nched from 15001 in water after beingI kept for 10 hr at this temperature. Anneali was carried out for 1500 hr at' ~q evacuated quartz ampoules. The phase diagram of the system is given. Visual obser- vations of the start of fusion of homogenized specimens established that the compound KbRu melts at 19000C, a eutectic equilibrium tak---; place at 17600C (the eutectic point corresponds to 66% Ru) and the minimum on the If solidus curve is located at about 40% Ru and 18000C. X-ray analysis of the alloy cor're'sponding in composition to the compound UDC: 669.017.11 Ca,d 1/2 L 30231-66 ACC NRs AP6013824 NbRu and quenched from 15000 showed the presence of a primitive rhombic lattice with, lattice parameters a=4.351'0.005 A, b=4.226'0.005 1, and c=3.36510.005 A. The alloy with 47% Ru has an ordered tetragonal lattice with a=3.09010.005 A, c=3.292'0.005 A, c/a=1.065. The alloy with 40% Ru has a body-centered cubic lattice, and the one with 42% Ru, an ordered tetragonal lattice. The alloy containing 76% Ru I Iuenched from 17000C, has a hexagonal lattice with a=9.340'0.005 A, c=13.440'0.005 , c/a=1.537. Hence, the high-temperature modification of ruthenium has a hexagonal lattice (the low-temperature one having a hexagonal close-packed lattice). Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: .11$Z0, 1-5/ SUBM DATE*. 25Apr65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 L 45805-66 P,4-- (1)/T/EVrP(k) JW ACC NRs AR6023302 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/003/HOT1/RO71 AUTHOR: Akhmetzyan .;Petrea, I. K. locity and abU9rp&ion of ultrasound in a binary mixture of-#tW alcohol TITLE: and water at relatively low temperatures SOURCE: Ref zh. Fizika, Abs. 3Zh495 REF. SOURCE: Tr. 1-y Mezhvuz. naucl!u.. konferentsii issled.-Yea-hehestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent, 1 64, molekul. akust. k TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound absorption, ultrasonic vdlocity, ethyl alcohol, aqueous so- lution, optic method, light diffraction, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: An optical diffraction method was used to measure the velocities and ab-,- sorption of ultrasound in aqueous solutions of ethyl alcohol with different concen- trations, at ultrasound frequencies 15 -- 20 Mes and at temperatures from -20 to +20C. The results obtained confirm and supplement the known published data. In the concentration region 14 - 16%, the temperature coefficient of ultrasound velocity rej verses sign; here all the velocity vs. concentration curves in this region(ana not atl r1_,A 1/2 NR, AR6023302 0 17% concentration as given vith decreasing temperature, the absorption of ultra- sound in the solutions increases; the increase is especially strong at concentrations! 42% -- 48%. In the entire temperature range, these concentrations correspond to an absorption peak which becomes smoothed out with increasing temperature and shifts slightly towards larger concentrations. V. Shutilov. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 2/2 L 30229-66 SIT (m)/T/E*WP (w)/EWP (t)/ET 1 __ 1,P(c) JD/JG ACC NRs AP6013825 SOURCE CODE., UR/0189/65/000/006/0063/0068 AUTHOR: Panteleymonov, L. A.; Nesterova, 0. P.; --&.-K. G - Sokolova, I. G. ORG: Chair of GenerIlSlemistry, Moscow State University (Kafedra obs~'&Y khimill mosk~oigk-iy gosudarstvennyy un_1`ve`F-s1t_e_t_T_ 10 and tanta T TITLE: Interaction of ruthenium lum SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet, Vestnik. Seriya II. Khimiyaj no. 6, 1965, 0-68 TOPIC TAGS: ruthenium alloy, tantalum alloy, alloy phase diagram, -x val O"IcAls i's V1Cv-'*&X-'e'SS 'CT-45to-k le'Akice -,krucAuil ABSTRACT: Alloys of the ruthenium-tantalum i tem were investigated by microscopic and x-ray analyses, measurements of hardnessNisd microbardness, and determination of the melting point and electrical conductivity in the 50-7000C range. Homogenized spe- cimens were quenched 1 /water from 1800, 1500, and 14000C after being first kept at these temperatures fo;2 0-15 hrs. Annealing in evacuated quartz ampoules lasted 1500 hr. The pha e diagramNof the system is given. The crystal structures of cast, quench- ed, and annealed alloys of various Ru contents are described. The microhardness curve showed that the solubility of ruthenium in the compound TaRu at 1800 and 8000C is 21 and 18%, respectively. Visual observation of the start of fusion of homogenized spe- cimens showed that the compound TaRu melts at 20500C, a eutectic equilibrium takes I place at 19500C (eutectic point at 70% Ru), and the minimum of the solidus curve is UDCt 669.017.11 -L 30229-66 ACC NR: AP6013825 located at about 44-45% Ru and 19700C. The lattice constants of the various alloys were determined by the powder method. It was noted that in the 0-50% Ru range, the minimu-n of the solidus curve, maximun, of the hardness curve, and transition of the body-centered cubic lattice to a tetragonal lattice correspond to the same composition ('14-45% Ru). Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 11,10,0/ SUBM DATE: 25Apr55/ ORIG RErt 602/ OTH REr: 003 c.,,j 2/2 (V A19MMANOV, K, T. and SHUUMMCH., M. G. "Propagation of Ultrasound in Ethyl Alcohol Vapors." report presented at the 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the Investigation of MRtter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education RSFM and Wscow Oblast Pedagogic Inat. im N. K. KrupsRnya. . AKHMETZYANOV M. (34vIinskiy rayon, Tatarskaya ASSR) ~~ ~ Cooperative work. Pozh.delo 3 no.4:21 Ap '57. (KLRA 10:7) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Petroleum Industry--Fires And fire prevention) ALRM&NMOV, A.Ya.,P-rof.; AMMTZYANOV, M.Yb.,inrh.; VASNOV, L.A.,inzh. Using the photoelastic method for investigating triple hinged plated disk-shaped arches. Trudy NIIZHT no.14:53-98 158, (MM 12:1) 1. Novosibirskiy institut inrhenerov zheleznodoroxhnogo, transporta, (Photoelasticity) - (Arches) I I S/207/61/000/006/012/025 A001/AlOl AUTHORS- Aleksandrov, A.Ya., Akhmetzyanov, M.Kh. (Novosibirsk) TITLE- Investigation of plane elastic-plastic problems by means of photo- elastic coatings PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, ig6i, 99 - 110 TEXT: This article deals with investigations of elastic-plastic problems by the polarization-optical method using photoelastic coatings applied to metallic bodies being investigated. The authors propose and experimentally test some gene- ral methods for separating strains and determining stresses in both elastic and plastic regions of the bodies being deformed. Stresses in the elastic region are found by means of the optical difference of polarized-light beams passing normal- ly through the coating and by using the Hooke law. To separate main strains, various methods can be employed: the method of transverse strain (in case of in- vestigating bodies being in the plane strained state), methods of graphical inte- gration of differential equilibrium equations, and the method based on using equa- tions for joint strains. The elastic region of the body being investigated can S/207/61/'000/006/012/025 Investigation of plane elastic-plastic problems ... A001/A101 be distinguished from its plastic region by using the phenomenon-of change of Poisson coefficient, associated with appearance of plastic deformations. In plas- - tic regions stresses can not be Inferred from the knowledge of patterns of strain- ed state without one of the assumptions following from various theories of plas- ticity, such as deformation theory and theory of flow. The authors then list the basic assumptions made and describe the methods of determining stresses when each of them-is employed; they are as follows. 1) directions of main normal stresses and strains coincide; 2) intensity of stress Is a known function of strain in- tensity, independent of the form of the strained state; 3) volume strain is pro- portional to mean normal stress, and 4) main tangential stresses are proportional to main shears, TechniqUes of experiments are described. Epoxy resin 3A -6 (ED-6) wa's applied as a material for photoelastic coatings, and its properties and methods of application are enumerated. Two devices of one-sided arrangement were iised for polarization analysis of strains in the photoelastic coatings. Their principle of operation is described, As an example the authors present graphically the results of investigating a strip with a circular'aperture subject- ed to tension, employing two of the mentioned assumptions. It turned out that the assumption of coincidence of directions of main stresses and strains is unfit, for this case, whereas the assumption on a functional relation between Intensities S/207/6 I/000/006/b 12/025 Investigation of plane elastic-plastic problems A001/A101 of strains and stresses yields satisfactory results. The conclusion has been drawn that with development of plastic deformations, directions of main stresses turn relative to directions of main strains. There are 7 figures and 23 referen- ces, 13 of which are Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: August 15, 1961 Card 3/3 - - . m AKHMETUANOV, H,,Kh., inzh. Separation of shresses without using an isoclinal line. Trudy NIIZHT no.24%153-161 161. (Kn 16: 5) (Strains and stresses) AMMTZYANOV, M.Kh.9 inzh. M9asur;LiW elastoplastic, deformations using photoelastic coatings. Trudy,fIIZHT no.24tl63-173 161. JMIRA 1615) (Deformations (YAchanies)) (Photoelastici~y) S/179/63/00o/ool/022/032-~ ~UTJIOR. Aklimetzyanov II.M. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Investigation of the stress concentration'in the plasticregion with -the aid of photoelastic coatings PERIODICAL: AI(ademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye nauk. Mokhanika i mas1iinostroyeniye, no.1, 1963, '159-162 e previous wor T EXT The pap r is a continuation of k '(A. Ya. Aleksandrov, M.Kh. Akhmetzy'anov, PINI no,6, ig6l),. M _0 Preliminary experiments were..carried out to assess.the effect of non-uniform strain distribution in the photoelastic coating on the .,results, obtained.. The errors.were found to be small, except in regions of high stress concentration. The main experiments were carried Iout on .Dural -A -VT (D-lT) in tension and Dural A-16 AM (D_16AIQ in bending, the photoelastic coating was of the type M (ED-6M). The stress concentration factor is plotted as a function of'stress,in the plastic region for specimens containing circular holes and semicircular notch;s-of varying radii.. The general, picture is one of constant stress Card 1/2 !ACCESSIOIT NR: AP4018"6 S/0179/64/000/002/0199/020i !AUTBOR; Akl=otzyAnOV, M. Xh. (Novosibirsi) ITITTU: Application of the photoolastio oosting method for determination or stress*&, and-defozzmations in plates &ad shells ..Somwm LN sSSR. Izv. Otdo tokh, nauko Makhanika i mashinostroyaniye, no. 1, 1964, 199-201 10FIG TAGS: Photoelastio coatings photoolasticity,, photoelastio stress determins.- ion, photoolastio stress analysis, phot alastio stress determination method,, w Vo e.001astio shall investigations photoolastic plate investigation, elasticity, ph ;elastie shall, elastic plate, stress analysis, stress, strain, deformation STPACT. The use of existing methods for determination of stresses in flexible 'Plates and shells according to the data of normal x-ray examination of modols made ':of en optically active matorial through their entire thiokness (See Aban. Mi. Ko and Saks, E. G., Opticheskiyo yavlaniya pri proevoohivanii oboloohok, Sb. "Polyarizat- ,sio,ar-o-optichoskiy metod iseledovaniya napryazhauLy". LGU, 1960) or through their. iniddle surface (See 1-lonch, E.s Photoelastio Investigation of Shells by Ueans of a '3XIOdal in vhose Middle Surface a Semitransparent Uirror Layer is Inbodded. Actes ACCESSION NR: AP4018446 IX ConSr.. Internat. 119oan. Appl.* 1957, vol. 8) is complicated by the necessity for t&inz into account the affect of rotation of the quasiprinoipal axes through the ~hidkae3s of the model and is possible only for purely elastic problems. In the prosent work there is an examination of a method for studying these structures with 'the help of photoolastio coatings* It is shovin that the problem of dotermination of, stresses and deformations in flexible elastic plates and shells according to thedaU of a polarization-opttoal study of the coatings is solved quite simply and oca- pletoly# The samples examined vere made of brand D16AM duralumin with a costing of ED-6*11 material. Photographs of the surfaces under loading are given. "The author expresses gratitude to.A. Ya. Alaksandrov, for,setting up Us given problem@* Origo 'art* has: 2 figures# 20 foz=ulu.,. ASSOCIATION't none SUBIMITIMM: ISAv&82 DATE ACQ1 23M&r64 EXCLs 00 SUB COM A? '10 REF SOV& 004 OTMS 001 :Card. 7T' AP6OM322. SOURCE CODEI UR/0373/65/000/006/00&./OM AUTHORI Akhmetzynnov, M. Khe (NovonibIrak) VS ORG: none A12 TITLE: On application of p-hotogInatic f13w for investigation of aholln '2, SOURCEt AN SSSR, Izvestlys. Makhanika, no. 6, 1965p 8446 TOPIC TAGS. . photoelasticity, elasticity theory, shell theory, shear stress, banding stressp error measurement ABSTRACT: It is shown that errors introduced by rotating the principal deformation direction alongthe film thickness depend on the relative shell and film thickness and can be reduced by reducing the film thickness to permissible levels$ The angle between the direction of the principal deformation on the outside and the inside of the film is giTen by h sitt 20 d where d is the film thickness.. It is shown that the maximum rotation > W (S < 0) Mal Ct9 P occurs at k + Vzo. To determine the rotation-introduced errors, it is assumed Lc-ard ------ 13343-66. ACC NRI AP6=322 ~-that~the characteristic direction coincides with the direction of the principal axis of deformation that rotates vith it. Expressions are then derived'for the relative error In determining the difference between longitudinal bending and shear deformations -EX - i~)n A-(LI"X - E7)M where subscripts n and a M indicate membrane andbanding deformationog respectively. Vnder maximum,rotation conditions, these expressions are approximated by 9v), A'(sx (i - N-')-.. correct to ordor N -2 The percent errors in the membrane and banding deformations for N = 10 are tabulated for several values of.k and Orig. art. hast n. equa-s tions and 1 table. SUB COLE: 13p 20/ SUBM DATEt 29.Apr65/, ORIG REF: 003 L Curd 2/2 L 29829-66 EWT(d)/EWT(M)/DiWrtwl/Plffr%v~,frl--N't IjFk 0 j ACC W AP6011327' SOURCE CODEt UR/0198/66/002/003/0-0Oi/000-9 AUTHORSt Aleksandrov, A. Tas (Novosibirsk); Akhmetzyanovp X. Kh.1 Rakjzp,A. S. ~3 ORG: Novosibirsk~y Inatitate of Railroad Transport Engineers (Novosibiriskiy insti-but inzhenerov zhele-doro 'transportft) TITILEs A study of -elastoplastio deformation of shells with openings and reinforcements by the method of 1FRo-toelastio coverinsm BOURCEs' Prikladnejm makhanikap v. 2y n9- 3v 1966, 1-9 TOPIC TAGSt shell, cylindric shellg photoelasticity, stress measurement ABSTRACTs Experiments were performed to study the stressed state of cylindrical shells with reinforced and nonreinforced circular, square, and rectangular openings in tension and in torsion. The experimental method used is the one of photoelastic coverings$ in which the surface of the shell is covered with a thin covering of an optically active material.' Shell deformations under loading are transmitted to the pbotoelastio covering and are mmi ested in the covering as the dual wave radiationg Aich is measured with the aid of a polarization device for reflooted light. The equation 2C aj dz,' expreanes the relationship of the optioWi difference of shift 8 with the difference of Card 1/9 ACC NR; ATNU210.5 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0196/0205 Kh. AUTHOR: Akhm~~t7 ORG: none i TITLE: The study of complex slape work pieces in elastoplastic equilibrium by p%otoelastic coa~in& method SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po polyarizatsionno-opticheskomu metodu issledovaniya napryazheniy. 1~h, Leningrad, 1964. Polyarizatsionno-opticheskiy metod issledovaniya napryazhen:*.y (Polarizing-optical method of investigating stres- ses); trudy konferentsii. Len:ngrad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1966, 196-205 TOPIC TAGS: photoelasticity, ,tress analysis, nondestructive test, test method I ABSTRACT: Peculiarities of ap1jication of photoelastic coating method in the study of work pieces with complex sh:..pes characterized by curved surfaces are described. Special methods of applying bi-.-efringent materials are described 'Which differ if tests are to be conducted at r.)om or freezing temperatures. In the former case ED5 epoxy resins with polyethyline-polyamine hardener are applied at temperatures-of 18--20C permitting maximum deformations of 1.5--2% to be measured. in the latter , the same coating is applied at temperatures of 120C. Two types of polariscopes suitable for these tests are (.escribed: a 6 degree-of-freedom oblique-incidenrce and a direct incidence polari.,; cope (model PP-1). Since the normals to the work Card 112 ACC NRt AT7002105 piece surfaces differ at different points the observations must be-carried out point-;' by point. The deformations are then divided into appropriate coordinates using Cauchy, Saint Venant, and other methods based on superposition of deformations. Ma"hematicAl equations are also given for differentiating between plastic and elastic deformation regions. The design of the polariscope discussed was developed by Engr. A. S. Rakin. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas and 6 figures. SUB CODE: 14/ SUBM DATE: 14Jun66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001 2/2 a ~YIMYEV, G. b conomic efficiency of intercollective-fam production c:pperatives. Vop. ekon. no.8:151-155 Ag 161. (YJRA 14-7) (Ukraine--Collective farms-Interfirm cooperation VARSHAVSKIY, K. (Leningrad)JI40NOPWYA, V. (Moskva); ADDEM, G. (Cheboksary) Study of the problem of the transition to communi=. Sots. trud 8 no.9tl49-155 S 163. (KRA 16:10) AKHNEYEV, Guriy Nikolayevich, kand. ekon.nauk; KOGAN, Ye.Lov rked. (Labor cooperationl Kooperateiia trudae Moskvap Znanle, 1964. 3.1 P. (Noyce v zhizni, naukep tokbnike. III Seriiat Ekonomika, no.21) (MIRA 17:11) SUKHANOVSKIY, S.I.; AMMINA, Ye.I. Effect of the chemical composition of hydro3,ytic ligni4.on the ,physicomechanical 'properties and structure of granulated coals. Wur.prikl.khim. S5 no.12:2754-2760 D 162. (KRA 16:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno-spirtovoy p onysh 3nnosti. (Coal) SUKHANOVSKIY, S.I.; AKHMINA, Ye.I.; MIWVANOV, A.V. Granulated coal from the hydrolysis lignin of cottonseed hulls. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 16 no-5t24-26 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti. SUKHANOVSKIY, S.I.Y- AKMI,MIA Ye.J.; PODGOIUIAYA, T.A.; BEZ12ZGIN, E.S.; NEMCHE"NKO, A.G.; YUD U. Contact pyrolysis of the settled tar fro.,.q the thermolysis of hydrolyzed lignin. Gidroliz. i lesokdiim. prom. 17 no.5;3-7-18 164. O-UF~A 1?: 10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sulifitno-spirtovoy prmy-shlemosti- (for Sukhanovskiy,-Akhmina, Podgorixy). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslealovatellskiy institut topliva (for Beamozg-in. Nemchenko, Yudkevich). S. I.; ~LKR JINA q,~.; YEWSTIFErEVA, E.B.; KJJARLAMOVA, Me SIJKIIANOVSKlY) L__,_X_ Chemical composition of the organiLc and ash parts of hydrolysis lignins. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 18 no.5:15-17 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchrio-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sulffitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti. AM-=SKAYA, V. S. "Soviet Fine-Scale Maps and Atlases." Cand Geog Sci, Leningrad State U, Leningrad, 1954. WhGeol, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended At USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No- 521, 2 Jun 55 of OKHM11JF-_~E:V, (~.Ya_ %40- ~' ~ IS, G.L.; AIMINWN, G. Y&. [Hardening tool stool-in electrolyte I Zakalka v alektrolite in- strumentalliqkh stalei. Moskva, Goo, nauchno-takhno izd-vo %a- shinostrolt. lit-ry (Urolo-Sibirskoe otd-niel 1952. 25 p, (Tool steel -- iLLectrometallurgy) (MIaA 8:5) AKHMMVSKAYA, V.S. A good te3dbook of geodesy(f Geodesy" by S.A. Murashev., N.A. Paizanskiij, K.P.Pano-va. Reviewed by V.S. Akbmylovskaia). Good. i kart. no. 4:75-76 Ap 161,, (MIRA 14:5) (Surveying) (Murashevp S.A.) (Paizanskii, N.A.) (Paftova., K.P.) ~ICGESSIOR NRs AR4023282 .5/0270/64/000/ jl~:SOURGRj RZh. (Isodeslya. Abs. 2.52.39 V. S. I;'AUT9ORs Akhrw0lovskaya TiTrz s on the problem of the accuracy and ultboate accuracy of scale MTO SOURCEI Uch. zap. Dallnevost. un-t, vy*p. 6. 1963, 53-56 Topic TAGss geodesy, topoloij7p trigonometry NSLATION:1 A deftnit~on of the concepts of "accuracy of acale" and "ultimate ,accuracy of scale" is glyen, The first term occurs only in the use of graphic ..!(linear and lateral) scales, but we apply the second to all scales. Accuracy 04 scale is a linear quantity in a localitv correspomling to the least division 0:01 the given scale, Accuracy of scale is a variable quantity even for one and ,the same numerical !3cales and depends upon the method of constructing the linear, ..,and lateral scales* - Ultimte accuracy is the length of a line in a locality correspondUW -!oR graphic. accuracy (OoOZ This qwntitr is constant for the IVANOV? n.0., kontr-admire.1, AKHMYI,OVSKTY, I.Ye., kap-Itar. 2-go ranga For close cooperation of navigatora and hydrographers. Mor. sbor. 48 no.709-61 J! 165. (MIRA 1M) . I . I I % - , , . z" ; I , ~ 1 , ,~ r . i ; , , ,, . II , . . . . , - . , t, ~ 1, - " - , 0 . - Analysis of awmonia and a-=onium nitrate 2osses during neutrali- zation in the production of amonium nitrute. lniim. prom. 41 no.1- 15-18 Ja 165. OITRA 18:3) AKHNAZAROVA, S.L., inzh.; KAFAROV, V.V., doktor takhno nauk Automatic control of the neutralizer usee In the production a=cn4-um nit-rate. Pakh. i avtom. proizv. 19 no.8,25-27 Ag t65. (Mou 18-.g')' L 1�287-66, LW(n)/M(n)_2/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD ACC NR: AP6002507 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0286/65/000M~/0016/0016 AUTHORS,: Akhnazarova, S.:L.;.KAfarov V. V.; Ordyati, V. A.; Kalashyan,-V9 M# ORG:- none TITLE: A method for automatically regulating the process of neutralizing nitric acid in-the production of ammonium niter. Class 12, No. 176572 SOURCE: -Byulloten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 23, 1965t 16 TOPICTAGS; niter, nitrogen corapoundi ammonium, nitric acid ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for automatically neutral- izing nitric acid in the'production of ammonium niter. The method involves adjusting pH of the alkali by changing the feeding rate of nitric acid and or- c recting the concentration or nitric acid, To optimize the process., the pressure of the liquor vapor is also adjusted. SUB GODEt OV SUBM DATEt 13Mar65 Card UDG.i 66.-503.51:661.525.3 WEVALIM, Yu.G.; GUSEYNOV, M.M.; MKHTIYEVA, F.A.; AKHIUMOVA, Sh.S. Production of chlorinated hydrocarbons by ethane chlorination in a fluidized catalyst bed. DokI. AN Azerb. SSR 18 no.5:11-15 162. (KMA 15:7) 1. Institut neftekhimicheakikh proteessov AN AzSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Chlorination) AMWAROVA, V. D. Dissertation: "On the Question of Suprarenal Inflammation During Experimental Diphtherial Intoxication." Cand Med Sci, Acad Yed Sci USSR, 22 Jun 5h. (Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscow, 11 Jun 54) SO.- SUM 31811 23 Dec. 1954 ArMIA AROVA,,,Y-.D-. The effect of high temperature of the environment on the resistance of animals to dysenterial toxin. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 27 no.2:76-78 F 056. (MIRA 9:5) 1. 1z laboratorii fiziologii, immuniteta Instituta normallnoy i patologichaskoy fiziologii AM SSSR. (DYSMPMY, exper. eff. of high temperature on resist. of rabbits to dysenterial toxins) (TFJOUMTURE. eff on) (HUT, eff. on resist. of rabbits to dysenterial toxinB) AIUASAROVA, V.D. Iffect of environmental high temperature on immmmological reactivity In animals; author's abstract* Zhure-mikrobiol. spid. I immun. 29 no-7:109 Jl 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. 1z Inatituta normallnoy i patologicheakoy fiziologii ANN SSSR. OTSOMT, BACILLART. immunology, off* of heat in animals (Run)) (HEAT, effects, on dyeenterial immunol. in animals (Rua)) AZHHAZAROVA, V.D. Role of the pituitary in the mechanism of de7elopment of structural tissue lesions in diphtherial intoxication; preliminary communicatione 2hur.mikrobiol.spid. i imun-'30 no.1:102-105 Ja 158. (MIRA 12-3) 1. Iz Institute normallno7 i patologicheskoy fiziologii AMN SSSR. (PITUITARY GLAND, effect of excision. on histol. reactions to diphtherial toxins (Rus)) ORTNKBACTERIUM DIFHTFMI 9 toxin histol. off in hypophysectomized animals AYJUWMOVA, V.D. Influence of hypophysectmy on the reactivity of the body in diphtheria intoxication. Biul. eksp. bial. i med. 52 no.9:32-36 S 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii immuniteta (zaveduyushchiy - doktor biolog.nauk D.F. Pletsityy) Instituts, normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (direktor - deystvitellnyy chlon AM SSSR V.V. Parin) AM14 SSSR, Moskva. 1-1-redstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AHN SSSR V.V. Parinym. (HYPOPHYSECTOKY) (DIPHTHOIA) WMUNS M.T.; AKRNAZARYAN., A.A,; KAZARUN.. P*A* Syntheois of eoum now barbiturates and thiobarbiturates. Report No.l: Production of 3-alkyl (ax7l)-5-CF-methoxywtbyl-Y' chlorocrotyl)-barbituric and thiobarbiturio acids. Izv.AN Arm. SSR,Xhim,nauki A noolz63-65 1619 (MRA .1515) I* Yerevanskiy gomxdarstvenn~7 universitet, kafedra. organichoskoy khi"44. - (Barbiturie acid) 88406 S/020/61/136/004/014/026 B016/BO75 AUTHORSt Mikhaylov, B. N., Akhnazaryans A. As, and Vasillyev, L. S. TITLEt Synthesis and Properties of Tetra-n-propyl Diborane and Tetra-n-butyl Diborans PERIODICAM Doklady Akadsaii nauk SSSR, 1961, vol. 136, Ko. 4, pp. 828 - 831 TEXT: The authors studied the reaction of diborane with tri-n-propyl boron and tri-n-butyl boron in otheric solution, and determined the following facts$ 1) When passing 1 mole of diborane through a 4-mole solution of boron trialkyl at room temperature, tetraalkyl diboranes are produced in a yield of 70-85%, i.e., tetra-n-propyl or tetra-n-butyl diborans. 2) When using an equimolsoular quantity of diborane, an asymmetric di-n-propyl diborane is isolated by distilling the reaction products. The second synthesis method is based on the reaction between diborane and olefins (Ref-4). This reaction is catalyzed by different others. Reaction of diborane with propylene-1 and butene-I (ratio 1 1 4) at -70 to -300C in an etheric medium resulted in a 48% yield of totraalkyl diboranes. The latter Card 1/3 88406 Synthesis and Properties of Tetra-n-propyl S/020/61/136/004/014/026 Diborans and Tetra-n-butyl Diborans B016/BO75 are completely stable up to 1000C and can be distilled in vaouo. In benzene solution they are partly dissociated into dialkyl borane. Tetra- alkyl diboranes spontaneously inflame in the open air. They are highly reactive and react with alcohols under the formation of dialkyl boric acid eaters. With aniline they form dialkyl ph*nyl amino boron. Under the action of mercaptans, tetraalkyl diboranes are converted to dialkylthio- boric acid. Such reactions are convenient preparation methods for synthesizing organoboron compounds, since only small quantities of side- products are formed. Tetra-n-butyl diboranes more difficultly react with glycol. In this case, almost equal quantities of glycol esters of di-n- butyl boron and n-butyl boric acid are formed, and, in addition) tri-n- butyl boron. From the formation of the latter, the following was con- oludeds The action of nucleophilic reagents causes a substitution of hydrogen atoms by tetraalkyl diboranes, and also a disproportionation of tetraalkyl diboranes into boron trialkyle and alkyl boranes. Under the action of a nucleophilic reagent, the alkyl borane thus forming results in an organoboron compound with a radical on the boron atom. On the other hand, boron trialky.1 remains either unchanged (e.g., in the reaction with glycol), or enters into'reaotion and, *.go, with morcaptan, forms an AYHNAZARYAN, A.A., SHAKIRIAZARYAN, G.M.; KAZARYAN, ;,A., DOGYAN, M.T. Synthesis and transformations ofeL-substitlit- S--metbyl- g-hydroxy--r-caprolactones. Zjhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 5:14'3-1419 My 164. (IMIRA 17:71) 1. Yerevanskiy gosudarstvenriyy uzdversil-.-~.t. -10 AKh'NAZARYAN A.A.; KAZARYAN, S.A.; SHAKHANAZARYAN, G.ML; D-4NGYAN, M.T~ I I Syntbesis and transofrmations of diethyl esters of substituted 6-methoxymethyl- N'klilorocrotyl malonic acids. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.11:3561-,'-565 N 164 (MMA 18:1) V x a it u a go is a-irn a F a- , I A-1 -11-1 1~ j -7,;- ~* -a a Ott? nf, Rates M, of "headed "M rbC-"tg COMOUIA 0 !* Vistfick Mfl"~ ,M~Khl M. Althoas -Tit &U-11w =11stry of the mmentl ~, if. can tv P%prm-4,d fly the rqualk"ll. 3p#,+ 2CO - flefe + e(k. C1h + C IMI, The Wirt IO&VIS III-k-e 411-IY In IIIP SIWVlk-t of 160. which trairls with LI) to ai%v Cth *oAt If.. Flo- activity of nvientatkas incteafte with file C0 content .11 :he gas. To prothictO C0j, 16-301*~ NafC0i Is added to he CIPRICHIAti"It 1111111., 11111 (IM01111013. Of high IVIMP. IdK-f- atird C01. 111W fricrorristion of lite rithatolled Illixt. i~ liftert! on of N*A) fit lite air; to thi. rod It it, Withily Incolirt" and allow"I tit NIMMI In III, Olt until thr nuuma is cut red with a white cosiluit of Njt,C4h cgirstab. Worr use. the reffrurritted mitt. is drW and mixed 61th III-IA% sawthott or chatroul. Cer"rotatin" llfixt%. couts. K*C0, (or IIOCO& hvitrad of Na.01,van Iw wrMcnet. sit"I In Otte "fill- feet. A. tit I, jk S aj L I, S(IAJLU"., 1111411110111 CLASIVOCAVIC u 1111 &V IQ is 0 " a 9 11 00 10,n 0 0 0 ejo * 4A a 00 D 0 a 1 19 Its 543 0 3 6 V to it se 111 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .9ple a 0 0 * & 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 * 0 .00 .00 00 00 os 4:1111411 coo Zoe 00 -00 AKHNAZARYAN.. N.G.; MESCHYAN) S.R* A factor affecting the consolidation of loam. Izv. AN Arm, SSR. Ser, fizo-nat. nauk 13 no.3:115-125 162. (NIRA 15;9) 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Loam soils) KAZUKOV, N.B.; AIAVIRDYAN, K.B.; AKIHNAZARUN R.-N.- Madeirizing wines of varied composition. 1xv.AN Arm.SSR. Blol. i sallkhoz. nauki 9 no.9:103-107 S 156. (MIA 9:11) 1. Institut vinogradarstva i vinodeltya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (KADNIRA WINS) NIKOLAYBV, 1.A., doktor khimichookikh nauk; AMUTAURITANTS, N.A.. assistant. 94--,,=,Q-1~ -~- '- ~- Investigation of foam inhibitors. Trudy MIIT no-82/83:88-93 '35. (KM 9t8) (Locomotive boilers)