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,~Jllllli "q, A TSTMXA~"X, IT- V. .13T,rt XIAIN, 1;. V. "Th#,~ treatment of fresh wounds and recently healed ulcers with dried tisalia oreparatioag", Yrachob. delo, 1948, llio. 12, para-graphs 1049-54. SO: TJ~-3042, 11 March 53, (Lotopis lnykh Statey, lio. 10, 1949). TSL%-.qqld,W,I, IT. Y.~ and Y=, MISKIY, A. L. "Copolymerization of 0 ,th Congress on the Chemistry 1403cow., Rubber Research Inst. sulfur a,-,.d chloropreno," a paper pjrcscrt(~d at the and Phynics of Iligla Polymers, 2F~' Jan-2 J.,'(-'b 57, 1 11 B-3,084,395 TBUKERMAN v Nikolay Yakovlevich imh.; KOKAROVSKIr M.F. 9 red.; FREGERv D.P. 9 tekhn. red. (Biading precast and prestressed reinforced concrete tanks] Opyt stfoitellatva sborrqkh i Predvaritellno napriazhennykh zl4elezo- betonrqkh rezervuarov. Leningr6do 1961. 22 p. (Leningraclskii Dom nauchno-tekhnicbeskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytomo Seriia: Stroitelinaia proryshlennost's, no.2) (MIRA 14M (Taz*s) (Reinforced concrete construction) TSUKERMAN, N.Ya., inzh. - - _d -- - Use of cold asphalt mastic to waterproof reinforced concrete tanks. Moat. i spets. rab. v stroi. 23 no.11:26-27 N 161. (MIPA 16:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno-spirtovoy pronWahlennosti. (Tanks) (Waterproofing) (Precast concrete construction) TSUKEMW, N.Ya., inzh. Tinit for vibration stamping of the precaut reinforced concrete elements for tanks by the vibration rolling method. Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no.8:28-30 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-.9) (Vibrated concrete) (Tanks) 'KLEBANSKIY, A.L.; TSUKERWO N.Ya.; KARTSEV, V.N.; LABUTIN, A.L.; TRENKE, Yu.V.; MkL?~RMA-,-r.-11-.',---BOROVIKqA, N.A.; KARELINA, G,G.; RDZHKOV, YU.F, Liquid nalrit, a new type of chloroprene rubber. Kauch.i rez. 2) no.20;1-5 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauc~no-isslaodvatallskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S.V.Lebedeva. (Rubber, Synthetic) (Neoprene) 0 15,12021 AUMORS: TITLE: 26988 S/1.38/61/000/005/001/006 A031/A129 Klebanskiy, A. L., Tsukerman, N. Ya., Kartsev, V. N.. Labutin, A. L., Trenke, Yu. V. . Mal*r_s~na, ~..Tf_oroyikova, N. A., Karelina, G. G., Rozbkov, Yu. P. A new type of chloroprene rubber: liquid nairite (This work was awarded the second prize at the VKhO im. D. I. Mendele- yev competitions in 1959) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 5., 1961, 1 5 TEXT: The high chemical stability, the gasoline-petroleum stability and ozone-resistance of chloroprene rubber makes it a suitable material for anti-corro- Sion coating and hermetic sealing. However, the difficulty of producing highly- concentrated solutions based on commercial nairite limited the application of the latter in anti-corrosion technique. It has been assumed that the use of low-mole- cular polymers for this purpose woild.enable one to obtain low-viscose, highly-con- centrated solutions satisfying the anti-corrosion techniques. One of the methods for producing low-molecular polymers is the use of the polymerization of increased concentrations of regulator-compounds able to break the chains and to form new ac- card 1/6 26988 S/138/61/000/005/001/0()6 A new type of chloroprene rubbert liquid nairite A051/A129 tive centers. Sulfurous compounds, such as mercaptane, thioacids, xanthogenesulfi- des, are widely used as regulattors. When studying the action of n-tetradecylmer- captane, diisopropylxanthogenedisulfide and bisettiylxanthogenedisulfide during the process of polymerization of chloroprene, it was established that with an Increase in the concentration of the regulator the molecular weight of the polymer drops correspondingly and the plasticity of the rubber increases. It was assumed that ffle use of greater qu3ntities of bisethylxanthogenedisulfide in the polymerization of chloroprene in emulsion decreases the molecular wei6lit of the polymer and yields low-viscosity solutions of rubber. An attempt was made to produce low-molecular polyohloroDrene by polymerization of chloroprene in the presence of sulfur with subsequent destruction of the polymer. It was shown that the action of sulfur dif- fers froin that of otherregulators. The effect of sulfur on the polymers of chloro- prene is shown by the scheme: -(CH2-CC1=CH-CH2)n-sx-(CH2-CCl-CH-CH2)m-S-xI where x=2-6. The sulfur forms linear bonds in-the polymer chain. With *an,inerease in the bound sulfur content in the polymer the molecular weight of the polymer decrea- ses in the subsequent interaction with thiurant from 600,000 to 280,000 with 0.3% of bound sulfar and from 300,000 to 43,000 with 1% of bound sulfur. The quantity of reacted thiuram increases respectively. The destruction scheme is given as follom: 1) The formation of free radicals under the effect of the thermal action or thiuram: Card P,16 26988 3/138/61/000/005/001/006 A new type of chloroprene rubber: liquid nairite A051/A129 -(CH2-CCl-CH-CH2)ri-S-S-S-S-(CH2-CCl-CH-CH2)rn-S-S-S-S- ---),-(CH2-CCl-CH-CH2)n-S; 2)--Recombination of the polymer radical with molecular thiuram and splitting off of the latter along the -S-S-bond: -(CH2-CC1=CH-CH2)n-S* + (C2~5)~P-C-S-S-C-N (C2H5)2. S ---7-(CH2-CC1=CH-CH2)n-S-S-C-N(c2~'5)2 + (C2H 5)~q-C-S- S Based on the outlined assumptions of the mechanism of the sulfur action during the process of chloroprene polymerization and destruction of the polymer under the ef- fect of the chemical masticating substances, the conditions for producing low-mole- cular chloroprene rubber-"liquid" nairite were developed. The liquid types of nai- rite can be obtained on a.typical apparatus. The sulfur can be introduced in the form of solutions in mineral oils as well as aqueous dispersions obtained in the presence of emulsifiers and protective colloids. It was shown by V. N. Kartsev, M. A. Gutman, G. G. Karelina, F. Ye. Berman, Ye. G..Malinovskaya, M. B. Shur at VNIISK, no. 2389, 1951, that for mastication the most effective system is mercapto- Card 3/6 26988 S/138/61/000/005/001/006 A new type of chloroprene rubber: liquid nairite A053/A1290 benzothiazol (captax)-diphenylguanidine (DPhG). To increase the activity of these agents, tetramethylthiuramdisulfide was s4ded.,(thturam D) or tetraethylthiuramdi- sulfide (thiuram E), Literature data indicate-that active masticating agents of polychloroprene are the piperidine salt of hexamethylenedithiocarbamine acid or ammonium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate. The order of introduction of the agents plays an important role. The effect of the type and composition of the carbon black on the solubility of.the rubber mixtures from "liquid" nairite was investi- gated. Only the thermal carbon black helps to retain complete solubility. Higher Indices of relative elongation when filllng with 100 w.p, and over are achieved with thermal carbon black. The composition and technology for preparing the rub- ber mixtures based on the "liquid" nairite with thermal carbon black as filler yielded highly-concentrated solutions (70 - 75%).. These solutions are suitable for sealing various equipment by the same methods which are used in the case of dye and varnish coatings. Tests of coatings made of liquid nairite in experimental and natural samples in various industrial fields showed the expediency of using this product as a material for protecting the metal from corrosion, erosion, cavi- tation and also as a material f or hermetic sealing. There are 4 tables and 21 ref - erences: 2 Soviet-bloc, 19 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 4 most recent Card 4/6 26988 S/138/61/000/005/001/006 A new type of chloroprene rubber: liquid nairite A05LIA129 Erglish-language publications read as follows: Corros. Technol., 5, no. 4, 107 (1958); R. B. Seymour a. oth., Plastics for Corrosion Resistant Application, N.Y., 19-55,,90; Rubb. a. Plast. Age, 39, no. 8, 684 (1958); Cor.-os. Technol,*, 3, no. 3, 85) (1956). ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchu- ka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Syn-- thetic Rubber-im. S. V. Lebedev). Card 516 SOROKII-1, P.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; TSUKM4M, N.Ya.1 inzh. Prinizal uchastiye PRUD1311TOV 9 A. r.-,-I-n-zN-. V. V. , kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; WURAVISYM, N.A., red. izd-va; PULIKINA., Ye.A.,, tekbn. red. [Piling] svainye raboty. Leningrad,, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroito, arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961o 213 p. WIRA 150) (Filing (Civil engineering)) NZUKERM,-Nikojqy., X~ikpy;qyig4, inzh... nauchn. sotr. ; EYDINOV, Yu.S., inzh., red. [Using cold asphalt mastic to waterproof reinforced concrete reservoirs] Primenenie kholodnoi aafalltovoi mastiki dlia gidroizoliatsii zhelezobetonnogo rezervuara; po materialam VNIIGS. Moskva, Gosstroiizdatj 1962. ll P- (HIRA 17.7) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury S M . Nauchno- iseledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, makhanizatsii i- tekhnichoskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhniche--kikh i sanitarno-tekhnicheskikh rabot (for TSukerman). TSUMU4AN, N,Ya. . inzh. Study of new typeo of insulation for reinforced concrete tanks for otori:qt, gasoline. Stroi,truboprove 6 noolOM-12 0 161. (101 14:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauclmo-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhnicheakikh i sanitarno-tekhnicheakikh rabot. (Tanks) (Gasoline--Storage) (Protective coatings) Assembling a precast reinforced concrete tank with a capacity of 100 aubic meters. Mont. i spets. rab. v strole 23 no.7:32- 20 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Voesc)yuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhnicheskikh i sanitmmo-tekhnicheskikh rabot. (Precast concrete construction) (Tanks) 1 7- 01 27544 S113816110001006100P,1006 40514129 AUTHORS: Labutin, A. L., Klebanskiy, A. L., Tsukerman, N. Kartsev, V. N., Trenke, Yu. V. S ML112 shina, L. P., fFr~--d-vlYo-va, Fkareline, G. G., Rozhkov, Yu..P. TIM: "Liquid naiftte" - a new material for rubberizing PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 6, 1961, 5 - 8 TEXT: The authors state that in the chemioal destruction of "liquid" nai- rite, highly concentrated solutions can be produced which are applicable as a ma- tekal for rubberizing. In the USSR a safer binary solvent, consisting of 2 weight parts of ethylacetate an4.1 w.p..of gasoline is used in nairite adhesives. Experi- ments showed,._however, that, this solvent in "liquid" nairite is not suitable for many technical reasons. Better results were.obtained in using a ternazy solvent consisting of 76% solvent, 19% turpentine and 5% n-butanol. The latter component does not dissolve the nairite, but facilitates the use of the brush for painting and good coating distribution. It was noted that film vulcanization from liquid nairite at 200C does not show positive results. Thus various forms of thermal vul- canization were investigated: vulcanization with heated air, live vapor, hot water Card 116 27544 S/138/61/000/006/002/006 "Liquid nairitell - a new material for rubberizing A051IA129 and infra-red irradiation. It was established that the most suitable method was vulcanization by hot air,. . The physico-mechanical indices of niArite coatings vul- canized In air at various tomperatures are given in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 sh(ws the re- lationship between the temperature and duration of -the vulcanization. The most suitable temperatures of vulcanization in air are within tilhe range of 100 - 142PC. It was noted that the liquid nairite coatings did not possess the proper adhesion to metal. Thus certain other adhesives or coatings ensuring better adhesion be- tween metal and coating were sought. The best results were obtained with the fol- lowing three materials: standard leuoonate (organio base; n, n', n" - triisocyanate- triphenylmethane), chloronairite adhesive (organic base., chloronairite and nairite) and a primer,tentatively called epoxide primer (organic base: epoxide resin, chlo-, ronairite and. nairite). The chemical stability-and anti-corrosion properties of the vulcanized nairite coatings were studied. The conclusion was drawn that 1.2-mm nairite coatings in combination with a..water-resistant coating applied three times can,reliably protect metals from corr *o6ion due to aqueous solutions of many acids, alkali and salts. The coatings were not resistant to the action of oxidizing a- gents, aromatic and halided solvents. Rubber coatings differ from varnish and plastic coatings by an increased resistance to abrasive wear. An attempt was made Card 2,16 27544 S/138/61/000/006/W2/006 "Liquid nairitell - a new material for rubberizing A051/A129 to determine the resistance of nairite coatings under conditions of dry friction usingthe Grosselli-type machine. It is concluded that coatings of so-called crystallizing liquid nairite obtained in low-temperature polymerization are supe- rior to other rubbers in their wear-resibtance, excepting vulcollane, which has a unique resistance to abrasive wear. It was established that coatings of liquid oil nairite are superior to coatings of bakelite, polyethylene and ~caprone, when tested in rapidly flowing sea water. Tests have further shown that liquid nairite as a material for coatings will become widely used in industry in 'the ne.*t few years. At present tests are being conducted in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean on propellers of fishing trawlers coated with liquid nairite for protection from cor- rosion, erosion and cavitation. Mechanical plants are testing steel covers of re- frigerators and condensators coated with nairite. These were previously manufac- tured from non-ferrous metals. Certain chemical.plants have installed diaphragm valves, the interior of which is covered with liquid nairite to prevent corrosion from acid solutions, alkali and salts. The possibility of using nairite coatings in various instruments as a means for preventing spark formation in percussi6n has also been revealed. Finally, it was established that these coatings can be used in certain constructions for hermetic sealing. At the Moscow TETs NO 12 a vacuum-condensator of a mass-produced 50 thousand kw steam turbine withstood a Carda/6 27544 S11381611000100610021bO6 "Liquid nairitell - a new material for rubbertzing A 051/A129 testing period of onb and a half years with the brass pipes and steel pipe boards coated with liquid nairite. K. S. Shmurey, 0. P. Abolina, A. I. Konstantinova and G. A. Selivanovskaya took part in the work. There are 2 tables and 2 sets of graphs. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kau-' chuka Im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber im. S. V. Lebedev) Fig. 2. Dependence of the vulcanization duration of the coatings made of liquid nairite on the temperature Card 4/6 160- 7 120 Otj 5.5-6 days 031,~ -4~4eymo/f ;'1 80 - - ----------- X 40 - t 0 ~ -OL -0L 30 4' to meimyeemb f myavayg%, vany ~a ion of vu, caniza.ion, - hrs LABUTIN., A.L.; KLEBAESKIY, A.LI;,TSUMP4.~? ~-Ya.; KARTSEV, V.N.;TRC-VKL, YuS.; 14ALISHIIIAP L.P.; BOROV KOVA, N.A.; KARELINA, G.G.; ROZHKOV, Yu. P.; Prinimali uchastiye: SWRWY, X.S.; ABOLINA, O.F.; KONSTANTINOVA, A.L.; SELIVAIJOVSKAYAs G.A. "Liquid nairit," a new material for rubberizing. Kauch i rez. 20 no.6:5-8 Je 161. iMIRA 14:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintaticheskogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva. (Neoprene) (Rubberized fabrics) KARpOVq V.V.9 kamd.tekbn.nauk; MUTUSv M.1,9 kand.tekhn.nauk; TSUUZMP--- N.Ya,, inzh.; BELOLIKOV, V.N. j, inzh, 9 nauchM7 red.; ~ MWTS, B.V.,,,,)' -Ii-zh.; nauchWy red.1 KULDWY, M.G.,, Inzh.3, naucbZQ7 red,,; FEDCRTSOV, B.D.9 inzb., nauchnyy red,; GRIGORtYEVA9 I.B.9 red.izd-va; VOR014ETSKAYA9 L.V.,, [Roofing and waterproofing operations; reference manual) Krcrvellxqe i gidroizoliatsionrye raboty; spravochnoe posobie. Pod obshchei red, V.V.Karpova. Leningrady Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialamp 1961 302 p. (MIRA 24W (Roofing) iWaterproofing) M TSUKERMAN, N.Ya., inzb.; KMZHAN, I.N., lnzh. Actual testing of reinforced concrete hipped P-01 slabs for apartment houses of the 1-507-3 series. Bial.telth.inform.po stroi- 5 no.8:23-24 Ag 159- (MIRA 12:11) (Concrete slabs--Testingi TSUKF,RIAA14, N.Ya., inzh. ConstructirW reinforced concrete cooling-toworo. llov.tWkh.mont.i, spets.rab.v stroi. 21 no-9:29-32 3 '59. (RIRA L9~:Il) Oooling towers) (Precaut concreta construction) TSUKOAAH, N. Anzh. I - Designing a precast reinforced concrete cooling tower, Nov,teml. mont.i apets.rab.v stroi. 21. no-5:18-20 Nf 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Vaeso-yuxnyy nauchno-isaledovatellekly institut giclrotakhnicbs- skikh I. sanitarno-tekhnichaskikh rabO 14inlaterstva stroitalletva RSIFSR, (Cooling towera) (Precast concrete constraction) BODROV, G.D.P kand.tekbn.nauk; TSUXM4A1I, H.Ta.. inzh. Prestressed reinforced concrete supports for LIP-35 electric power transmission lines. Biul.tekh.inform. po stroi. 5 no.11:18-19 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Leningrad Province--3lectric linen--Poles) TSUMMAN) N-Yaoo,' KLEBANSKII, A.L., ZhOKh 16, 2063-9B (1946) TSUKERMAN, N-ya-, inzh. Construction of precast prestressed reinforced concrete tanks. MontA spets.rab.v stroi. 22 no.10:29-32 o l6o. (miRA 13:,?) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhnicheskikh i sanitarno-tekhaichaskikh rabot. (%nks) (Precast concrete construction) TSUHM t-TROITSFAYA, I.S. Case of movable liver, interposition of the small intestine, and anomalous development of the intestinen of the type mesenterium ileo-colicum con-ane. i red. 34 no.3:65-67 MY-Je 159. (HIFA 12:10) 1. Iz TSeatral'nogo ordena Lenina inatituta gematologii i perelivaniva kTovi (dir. - deyetvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdaearov). (IlMSTM3. abnorm. malform. & interposition of small intestine, with movable liver (Rue%/) (LIVER. abnorm. movable liver. with malform. of intestines interposition of small intestine (Rue)) A DANILOVA, L.A.; TSUKMMN, O.A.; BARAKOV, V.V. Case of chronic lymphadenosis with massive leukemia lesions of the lung tissue and formation of cavities. Probl.gematj perel.krovi 4 no.12:47-50 D 159. (MM 13:4) 1. Iz TSentralluogo ordens, Lenins, iustituta gematologii i pereliva- niya krovi (direktor - deystvitelInyy chlen AMU SSSR piof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (LIUKEMA LTM~HOCYTIC pathol.) (LUNGS pathol. ) TSUKERMAN., O.A, of changes izz the lung87 Roentgenological picture plutra and thoracic lymph nodes in chionic forms of leukemia. FrabIemW gemat. i perol. kravi 8 no.8:13-17 Ag 163. (MIk 17:8) 1. Iz rentgenologicheakogo otdoleniya (zav. - doktor med. nauk I.B. Gurevicb) TSentrallnogo ordena IAnina instituta gewWlogii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev) MiniSterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, TSUHMMN) O.A. - Problem of specific leukemia changeo in the lungs in acute leukemia. Probl. gemat. i peral. krovi 3 no.6:16-20 N-D '58. (MM 12:7) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivanlya krovi (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Ministerstva 2dravookhraneniya SSSR. (LUNGS--DISMSFS) (LEUKOTA) TSUXFaWT, O.A. IL Roentgenological picture of leukemic chan es in the l-ungs.. pleura and thoracic lymph nodes in acute ~'Slullbacute) leu- kemia. Vest. rent. i rad. 38 no.5:26-30 S-W63 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z rentgenovskogo otde"Leniya (zav. - doktor med. nauk I.B.Ourevich) TSentrallnogo oi-dena lanina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A. Ye. Kiselev). -- :',,'.-.,r. 7; _ KOMN, R.D., inzhener; FARM, B.D., inzhener; TSUKEWN, P.V~, inzhoner. The KZK-20/39 two cantilever gantry crane. Bleketa, 28 1w,3:72-74 Mr '57. (Cranes, Derricks, etc..) (HM 10:5) d K E V, 104-3-26/45 AUTHOR: Kofman, R.D. , Farber, B.D. and Tsukerman, P.V., Engineers. TITLE: Trestle-type double cantikver crane type K2K-20/3r. (Kozlovyy dvukhkonsollnyy kran K2K-20/'A0-) ,,g, PERIODICAL: "Elektricheskiv Stantsii' (Power Stations), 1957, Vol. 28, No.3, pp. 72 - 74 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Most structural and erection areas of power stations are provided with travelling bridge cranes for loading and unload- ing work and for assembly of parts of the boilers. Cranes type K 202 that have been used in the past have a span of 20 m and can lift 20 tons and the span can be increased to 26 and 32 m if the load is reduced to 15 and 12 tons, respect- ively. Additional parts have been designed for this crane so that it can lift the full 20 toils over a span of 32 m - how- everl all these types of crane can only serve a narrow area. Therefore, a new type ofcrane3 has been designed which can use either a 20 ton hook or a 3 m grab. The span between supports is 32 m and the total travel of the trolley is 49 m wide. If railway and crane tracks are subtracted the useful span is 42 m. This great width makes it possible greatly to shorten Card 1/2 the length of the assembly area and of associated railway tracks, which can be very important. Directions are given lrsijml~:, h . v. rluzaLmLmdze S. 0. and Tsu:xrman, R. V. "Russian ScientiSL3 - Llh2 .1 i.n-Lav:-s of The I%ec'..anical Vieory of heat.," V. Lomonosov, 1. 1. -~-clzunov and OL:,ers,)," Ko tlo turbo stroyenlye, 1948, :,'0. ~--, ~)- 1-4 SO: U-3'1`50, 16 June 53, (Ile-.opis 'Zhurnzd Inylrh Statey, No. 5, 1949). TSUKE,1~4AN, R. V. and KUTATI, M-%DZZ, S. S. "An Outline of the DeveloFement of Lhe Theory of Heat in the '.cork of Russian Szientists of the 18th and 19th centuries" (Ocherk razvitiya teorii teplotq v rabotakh rus3kikh uchenykh XVIII i XIX stoletiy)o Gosenergoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad 1949, 156 pp, 9 ru-)les. TSVETKOV..,L.A., zasi-uzhennyy uchitell shkoly RSFSR w, Teaching organic chemistry in the 11th grade by using the new textbook. Khim. v.shkole 18 no.4-.19-31 Jl-Ag Of33. (MIRA 17-1) TOKAREV, V.V.; TSVETKOV, V.I. (Moskva) Optimum for of gamma radiation shielding. PMTF no.1-90-94 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:41, TSVETKOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; KORNILOVA, M.I., red. (How we conduct educationnl work] Kak u nas vedetsia vospitatollnaia rabota; zapiski predoodntolia mkoma. Moskva, Profizdat, 1964. 92 p. (Bibliotachka prof- soiuznogo aktivista, no.11(83)) (MIRA 17:6) , 17. V. and -;.. L- 11, - 07 ~:n~ ~ '.,~ i !1..! . .. !113 h, n * (, 1, C-)y f,;7- f7) r' j j " 1. 1 1 t ~,I' 1.1 1 kyP u (,- ~.R - ,-I, ri,,(~CVOT (~- . I .. X i I If ~.Ocientists arci thr.- Fmncla-rLi (J' Tj~,~ciry of' iicat), i~otlotur:jostroyeniye, 1949, 411'o. 6, pp. 1-4. TSUNE-IMUll, R. V. "Sourci!s of Prese-nt da~, tngintering (for the 200th annivorsary of tho,- birth of Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov)", Prioroda, No. 8, 191,9 TSUMU4AN, R. V. I 27713. TSLr.KMWI, R. V. --U istokov sovremen~oy pa~otekhniki ( 1:220-leti-zu so dnya rozhdeniya i, i. polzunova). ~-rziroda, 1949, No. 8, S. 77-99 So: Letopis' Zhurnalinykh Statey, Vol??, 1949 TSUKEINANi R, V.) jt. au. Survey of the work of Russian scientists and engineers in the field of boiler tech- nology. Leningrad, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1951. 226 p. (52-44644) TJ285-K88 TSUKDRIIAN!, R. V. VentIlation. First axial ventilator. Vest. mash. 32, No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 19542, Uncl. MOTATEIADZE, S. S.P TSUKERMAN', n. V. Heat. Contribution of Russian scientists to the study of heat. Fiz. v shkole no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, DeceEber 19512- Uncl. - I 1. TSUKETWAN, R. 2. TissR (6oo) 4. Stea:,~Turbines 7. From the history of the steam turbine in Russia, Mor. flot, 13, No. 4, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. April, -1953, Uncl. ~Card 1/1 ljik -Periodicai Abstract One- -ok~-thd--d6w& ent-of-steam-engineo-in Russia---- Vest. Mah. 34/3, 85-88p Var/1954 Fdght from the beginning of the manufacture of reciprocating steam enginse,the idea for the construction of an engine with e, direct r-Aa- t-ional. movement originated. in such engines, as vmv first Invented, the power was obtained not as in the turbine but on the same principle as In the reciprocating engine. Many patents were taken out on this principle in the 19th and 20th centuries, but such engines never attained great application. In 1829 Smirnov took out a patent. In 1882 Tver- skoy and Veiner took out patents. Illustrated explanatians of the working of these machines are given. A later more efficient engine was patented by Maevakiy. The history of invention is useful In avoiding a repetition of the methods that have proved inadequate. Drawinge. rnstItutl= -Sv-%ndtted~r ONLITH". A.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; WILYRY, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; TSUEIRW, R.T.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. the development of Soviet heat power engineering. Znergomashinostroonie no.3:1-6 D '55. Ouk 9: 5) (Power engineering) f /I /7- GILITMAN, A.B.; kandiclat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KANAYEV, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; TSMRWI, R.Y... lo%ndidat takhnicheakikh nwJc. Tasks for technical progiess In boiler and turbine manufacturing. Energomashinos*oenie no.12:1-5 D '56. (MLRA 10:1) (Steam turbines) (Boilers) f an date of Teolmical Sciences and 637 an Tsukerman, R.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences (Central Boller-TuUfUi-ne Institute). . TITLE: On the design of new thermal power equipment. (K proyektir- ovaniyu novogo teploenergooborudovaniya.) PEHIODICAL: "Teploeneipzetikall (Themal Power), 195?, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 3 - 6 (U,S.S*R*) ABSTRACT: A~recent article by M.A. Styrikovi& (Teploen6rgetika 195? No. 5, Pp- 3 - 6) considered the future changes in the fuel balance of the Soviet Union and the tendencies in'power engineering arising therefrom. The present article gives further considerations about the selection of futurse types of power equipment based on work carried out in the Central Boiler and Turbine Institute (see 'Energomashinostroeniel 1955 No.- 3 and No. 12, 1956). Until recently, it was of prime importance in Soviet power engineering to achieve the ma standardisation of equipment. This ensured rapid growth of output but led to some loss of economy and occasional oper- ational inadequacies. At the present time in designing new types of power equi ment serious attention is devoted to reducing the specific heat consumption which is mainly achieved by increasing the initial steam conditions making the thermal circuit more complicated and by the use of deeper vacuum. This naturally increases the cost and complication Card 1/8 637 On the design of new thermal power ejuipment. (Cont.) of the equipment. Present plans for very extensive development of power engineering, including a number of new industrial districts in Siberia, is creating a greater variety of opearating conditions for power equipment. There will be a great variety of fuel supply conditions and load curves on power stations in differ- ent power systems and also differences in water supply con- ditions. Up till now the actual conditions of opration' of equipment in future power systems in different districiz of the country have not been sufficiently studied. It is now possible to increase considerably the number of types and sizes of boiler and turbine equipment and standard- isation will be direclo-ed not-so much to coiiplete sets as to particular items and assemblies of equipment. Consideration is then given to conditions of operation of thermal power stations in future systems. In the European part of the Soviet Union, fuel costs are relatively high. Fuel costs are much less in Siberia where the Kuznetsk, Karaganda an Kansk coals, wl-ich together make u 1? 221016 of all power fuel, cost together vrith trans ort 70 to 80 oubles per ton of "conven- tional" (7 000 icaB fuel as against 100 to 150 in the European part of the Soviet Union. In addition, im a number of Eastern districts the use of opencast working ',3 extending, giving fuel costs of 20 to 30 Roubles per ton and less at the source. In future the proportion of expensive fuel will dim- inish, and that of cheap coals will increase. On the design of new thermal power equipment. (Cont-) 637 The shape of the load curve is determined by the type of consumer. Districts having industries that consunne a great deal of power have a smooth curve, for instance, in the Urals and South and a number of Eastern regions. Although there will be some increase in communal and domestic power consumptions of these systems in 1965 to 19?0 the daily load factor will. be about 0.9 and the number of hours of utilisation of maximum load about 7 000 hours per year. In regions with relatively expensive fuel where it is not advantageous to develop industry consuming large amounts of electric power the communal and domestic loads are relatively more important.. The power system of the Centre and North West are typical in this respect where for the period 19065 - 19?0 the daily load factor will be of the order of 0.80 to 0.85 and the maximum load will be used for about 5 700 hours per year. The presence of other types of power station in a system affects the extent to which thermal stations meet the total load curve. Hydro, stations affect the amount of reserve plant required in thermal stations because their installed power is based on conditions in dry years. During periods of h*Lgh water power stations should cover the base load and the:rmal stations the peak. During the winter, when little water is available, water power stations should carry the peak load and thermal Card 3/8 1537 On the design of new thermal power equipment. (Cont.) stations the base load. During a large part of the year, the load on heat and electric power stations is governed by heat requirewnts. Tb-refore, in winter, variations in electrical load should mainly be taken up by condensing stations. In the future an ever increasing number of condensing power stations will by built with super-high and super-critical steam conditions. Because of the high capital investment in su~.--h stations and also because of the sensitivity of austenitic steels to temperature changes these power stat-ions shiould carry the base load. Atomic power stations should also have a smooth load curve. Therefore, the conditions of operation of other thermal power stations will deteriorate. The varied climatic conditions in the Soviet Union and special features of power station sites will involve a wide range of cooling water temperature. Mean annual water cooling temperatures for different regions of the Soviet Union with different0systems of water supply are tabulated. They range from for run of the river schemes in Sverdlovsk to 22.5 Z61fo,r cooling towers in Baku. ConseVently the mean annual prassure in condensers will cover the wide range of 0.025 to 0.07 atm. The selection of parameters and characteristics of turbine and boiler sets for large condensing stations is then considered. At the present time it is planned to manufacture new power equipme4t for two ranges of steam conditions: up to 130 atm. at 565 "'C using mainly pearlitic steels and 220 to 300 atm. at On the design of new thermal power equipment. (Cont. 600 to 650 00 with comparatively extensive use of austenitic steels. The stations with the lower conditions will be comparatively cheap and flexible. Those with higher conditions are more efficient, more expensive and more sensitive to changes in working conditions. The need in a number of regions for thermal stations to work on a varying load will have a great influence on the selection of steam conditione and eneig characteristics of turbines and boilers. In the Centre and North West, where loads will be variable, the use of sub- critical and super-oritical steam pressure is not-specially advantageous. If the base load isallotted to these 'critical piessurel stations the operating conditions of the other stations with high steam conditions is impaired. It follows that even in regions with expensive fuel the scope for base load power stations which are not adaptable to a variable load curve may be limited. As has already been shown, in regions with cheap fuel it is abo7e all necessary to reduce initial outlay. It follows that a most important and immediate task is further perfection of power equipment based on pearlitic steels using the highest poasible steam conditions that these steels permit. The power of units with these steam conditions should Card 5/8 be of the order of 200 to 300 M It follows that where On the design of new thermal power equipment. (Cont. austenitic steels are used in power stations there must be a considerable increase in efficiency in order to justify the initial outlay and the enforced limitations on working con- ditions. The question of the rational scope and scale of application of power stations with steam conditions that nece- ssitate extensive use of austenitic steels requires detailed study. In view of the wide range of cooling water conditions the use of a single standard vacuum leads to considerable losses. Approximate technical and economic calculations show that increase in the dimensions of the low pressure section of turbines, with reduction of the specific steam load of the annular area of the last stage from 33 to 22 kg/m see, can be justified (with an average fuel cost of the order of 100 Roubles per ton of "conventional" fuel) only w;th cooling water temperatures of the order of 10 to-15 0 and less. VVhere the average temperature is higher such a development of the low pressure section, which also necessitates corres- ponding increase in condensing facilities, is not economic. It is obvious that the vdriety of conditions of water and fuel .supply that exist cannot be taken care of economically by a sii~_glb series of tux!bines with standard vacuum for all conditions. It is also inadvisable to design for one constant temperatuie of gases leaving the furnace whatevsr the fuel cost. The present standard t~,,aperatnre of 120 C, recommended when fuel is dry, is apparently near to the optimum value for 637 On the design of new themal power equipment. (Cont. the mean cost of fuel. However, this temperature is affected by the cost of the fW1 and if, for example, the cost of a ton of conventional fuel is 120 Roubles the optimum temperature dif9erence on the hot end of the air heater is about 30 to 40 C whilst if the cost of a ton of conventional fuel is 60 Roubleg, this temperature difference should increase to 60 to 80 0, i.e. the temperature of the gases leaving the furnace should be raised by 30 to 40 C. Therefore, in Siberia where fuel is cheap it may be advisable appreciably to raise the temperature of the outgoing gases to economise in metal in the end heating surfaces and to reduce the house service power consumption. It will be necessary to alter the present practice in designing boilers and turbines of making the main design condition,,that corresponds to guaranteed efficiency figures, coifteide with the rated power. In a number of future power stations rated output will be used for Only 5 ?00 hours per year. With allowance for spinning reserve in the system and periodic load reduk:tion, the long term load on sets in such power systems may be much less than the rated value. The economic operating conditions of turbo sets intended for such conditions of operation should therefore coincide witb the value of mean load that is used for the longest time. !8 637 03i'%"-1he design of new thermal power equipment. (Cont.) SimiUrly, boiler equipment should be designed so that the maxildm efficiency coincides with economic operating conditions of th* turbine. The.~-n,ain conclusion from all this is that in the new stage of deve4opment of thermal enginGering the necessary variety of requZoements cann be satisfied by single standard identical.types of power equipment . It will be necessary to design th:o. equipment in respect of steam conditions and main characteri#ics to suit the particular conditions of operation that are eAcountered, No figares,~2 literature references (Russian). Card 8/8 GIOLITHAN, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; ICAWA 0 A.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; c R.T.. kand.tekhn.nauk; BULANIN, V.I., kaud.takhn.nauk, ~`Sa'e; VLADIMIR T, D.M.. red.ia'd-va; GUEMMYNTA, A.M., [Heat-power machinery manufacture in the oixth five-year plan] ToploenergomashiuostroerLie v shestoi piatiletke. Leningrad, Obi3hahestvo po rasproetrananiiu polit.i nauchn.snanii R.9FSR.- Lenlugr.otd-nie, 19581 29 p, (KIRA 12:3) (Turbines) (Boilers). . 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2179 Gelltman, Aleksey Eduardovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Andrey Andreyevich Kanayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Rudollf Vullfovich Tsukerman., Candidate of Technical Sciences Tep'Loenergomashinostroyeniye v shestoy pyatiletke (Heat Power Machin- ery Manufacture in the Sixth Five Year Plan) Leningrad, 1958. 49 p. Errata slip inserted.. 9,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Obshcheetvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR, Leningradskoye Otdelaniye. Scientific Ed.: V.I. Bulanin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: D.M. Vladimirskiy; Tech. Ed.: A.M. Gurdzhiyeva. PURPOSE: This pamphlet is intended for the.general reader. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the important role of the machin- Card l/ 3 Heat Power Machinery (Cont.) SOV/2179 building industry in providing power stations with power-generating machinery, in order to fulfill the Sixth Five Year Plan in accord- ance with directives of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. They also comment, in general terms, on the capacity of Soviet electric power stations, power-generating systems, and describe steam turbines, boiler Installations, aux- iliary equipment, and equipment for small electric power itations. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TJ 255.G4) TABLE OF CONTENTS: None given. The book is divided as follows: Capacities of Power-Generating Systems, Electric Power Stations, and Power Plants 5 Steam Turbines 9 Boiler Units 20 Furnaces 31 Card 2/3 Heat Power Machinery (Cont.) Auxiliary Equipment SOV/2179 40 Equipment for Low-Capacity Electric Power Stations and Gas-Turbine Plants 46 GO/ec Card 3/3 9-21-59 GILITHAS, A.1-o, kand, tekhn. nauk; TSUNKRNO, R.V., Imud. tekhn, aauk, ItStatistics In induotrial power engineering" bv A.A. Rodshtein, Reviewed by A.B. Gelltmau, TSukarman. Teploetergetika 5 no,4:95~- 96 Ap 158. (MIRA ll.-5) (Power engineering) (Rodahtain, A.A.) GELITKAN, A.Z., kand. takhn. nauk; PUKEMS, Y-V. j kand. teldm. ~nauk; MMYAKHOVA, G.V., kand. telchn..-- nauk-;-BUDftTSI:IT, D*Mv, inzho Selecting a rational vacuum for high-capacity condensation turbines. Elsk. sta. 30 no-3:4o-45 Kr 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Steam turbines) - TSUKE1VALj",V,,-kELUdO tekhn. nau ; BULANGV, N.G., kand. ekon. nauk; SHIFRIN) I.B., inzh.; BRILI) A.R.,, inzh.; NAZARENKO, S.S.y inzh.; BIZINA, N.S., lnzh. Auxiliary equipment of steam turbine electric power plants. EnergomashinostroerLie 11 no.9:40-42 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) M:W1,-R.V., kand. tekhn. nauk5 DC)YNIKOVA,,Ya.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; _I~U-K ARASHKINA, 0.1., inzh. Rffeo'. of cost indices on the choice of the parameters and unit power ratings in power installations. &ergomashinostroanie 10 no.Uz29-33 N 1644 (MIRA 1W) I TSU'Kip!4110. A.Y... kand.teklin.nauk; 111KolloV, A.P., kand.teklm.nauk; D71YOV, -1 and.tekhn.nauk I ... k, Operational reliability of high-pressure boiler and turbin-a equip- ment, Energomishinootroonie 9 no.6:27-30 Je '63. (141TV, 16:9) BULANOV, N.G.; KUPRIYANOVA, L.V - IMERMAN R.V.; BUDNYATSKIY, D.M.; GELITMAN, A.E.;KOSTOVET5K1T-,-U.7-., PISKAREV, A.A.j TARANIN, A.I.; KOR!&'YEV, M.I.; MOISEYEV, G.I.; KENDYS; P.N.;KIRPIGHEV, Ye.F.. RUBIN, M.M.; SOKOLOV,N.V.; SHCHERBAKOV, V.A.; KOVALEV, N.N.; BELOV, A.A.; SEREBRYAKOV, G.M.; SATANOVSKIY, A.Ye., red.; RODDATIS, K.F., red ; KORKHOVA, V.I., red.; GIIEREPENNIKOV, B.A., red.; KOGAN, F.L... tekhn. red. (manufacture of power machinery abroadl Energeticheskoe ma.- shinostroenie z .a rubez~om. Moskva, 1961. 583 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moscow. TSeArallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy in- formatsii mashinostroyeniya. (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplies) TSUKUMM. R.V.I, kand.tekhn.nauk; NAZARLNKO, S.S., inzh. Cost indices of high-capacity stew boiler manufacture. Energomashinostroonie 7 no.10-.33-36 0 161. (MIRA 14: 10) (Boiler-making industry) TSUERMNS R.V... *ind.tekhn.nauk,- NIKONOV, A.P.y kand.takhn.nauk; PWVP Y.N., kand.tekhn-natik Use of the boiler-turbine equipment at electric power. plants with high parameters. Blek. sta,32 no. 50-12 My 161. (KIRA.14:5) (steam pou-qr plants) S-.:;,1/1221 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Taukerman, Samariy Aronovich Poroshkovaya metallurgiya (Powder Metallurgy) Moscow, jzd-vo AN SSSR 1958. 158 P, (Series: Akedemiya nauk SSSR. Neuchno-populyarnaya seriyai 7"000 copies printed. Ed.: Bal'shin, M.Yuj# Ed. of Publishing House: Silayev, A.F.; Tech. Ed.: Guseva, A,P, --- PURPOSE: This book is Intended for laymen interested in industry and science, but may also be useful to metallurgists and metallurgical engineers, COVERAGE: The author traces the development of powder metallurgy,, describing the technology, properties, and application of compacted metal powders and articles fabricated from them. He also discussothe economics and future growth of powder metallurgy, No personalities are mentioned. There are 47 references, of which 42 are Soviet, 3 English, and 2 German. Card 1/4 Powder Metallurgy TA13TZ OF CONTEM: Introduction Ch. I. 11istorical Data Ch. II. Scientific Basis of Powder Metallurgy Ch. In. Metallic Powders Ch. IV. Preparation and Compounding of the Charge Ch. V. Pressing Factors in preasing Eqxdpmnt and technology Pruperties of compacts Ch. VI. Sintering Phenomena occurring during sintering EqiLtpment and technology Card 2/4 SOV/1221 3 9 19 26 40 48 50 56 67 71 71 82 Powder Metallurgy SOV/1221 Ch. VII. Hot Pressing 89 Ch. VIII. Variants in the Technology of Powder Metallurgy. Additional Processing 97 Technological variants 97 Additional processing 104 Ch. IX. Properties of Powdered-metal Compacts 108 Ch. X. Materials Used in Powder Metallurgy. Products and Their Applization 113 Products made of refractory metals 113 Sintered carbides Diamond-and-metal products 3.23 Heat-resistant alloys 125 Antifriction materials 129 Peiction materials 136 Porous powdered-metal products 139 Machine parts and mechanisms 142 Magnetic materials and products 145 Materials for electrical equipment 149 Card 3/4 Povier Metallurgy SOV/1221 Other types of materials used in povder metelli, gy 152 Ch. XI. Economics and Future Growth of Powder Metallurgy 154 Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 158 Card k/4 GO/mas 3-3-19 A! n'HOF -Tpukemsn, -S. A,; Wvln, v~ Tr~- at lo 9 -W 1, M OM-03 M~ ~ I ~ W, j TSMRMAN. S.A.; DUBROVSKIY, A.P. Graphite press molds for manufacturing specimens of high-melting com- ppunds. Zav.lab. 25 no.2:242-243 ' 59- (MM 12:3) 1'. Institut metallurgii Imeni A.A. Baykova AN SSSR. (Molding (Founding)) .18(5) AUTHORS: Tsukerman, S. A., Dubrovskiy, A. P. SOV' 2-25-2-64/78 /3 TITLE: Graphite Molds for the Production of Samples of Refractory Compounds (Grafitovyye pressformy dlya polucheniya obraztsov tugoplavkikh soyedineniy) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 2, pp 242-243 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The heavily strained parts of molds used at high pressing temperatures (25000) have to consist of compact, densely packed graphite. The graphites ARV and A (according to the nomenclature of the Moskovskiy elektrodnij zavod (Bos.-,,ow Electrode Plant)) are highly suitable for this purpose, since the ty ARV has a compression strength of at least 250 kg~:qu. cm, and the A type a compression strength of at least 350 kg~squ. cm. moreover, a mold for pressing cyl-'-Pdrical samples (Fig) is described, having, as a special feature, an interlayer below the piston as well as t'ie thin-walled cylinder which represents the mold proper. For prism-shaped sample5 another mold without interlayers is used. Molds of the described design have been used for manufacturing cyl3.ndr-ical Card 112 samples with diameters ranging from 7 to 30 mm, and heights Graphite Molds for the Production of SOV/32-25-2-64/78 Samples of Refractory Compounds between 5 and 20 mm, as well as prism-shaped samples of the dimensions 5 by 5 by 40 mm. The temperatures during the pressing operation ranged from 2500 to 26000, the specific pressure was 300-400 kg/squ. cm. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Bay1cov, Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 DUBROVSKIY, Aiftem Petrovich, inzh.;,TSUKERMAN, SamarijM Arong-yich, kand. tekhn. nauk,- KORNILOV, Ivan Ivanovich; MINTS, Rakhill Samuilovna; SHOBIK, L.Ye., inzh., ved. red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. [Laboratory press for hot compaction. Vacuum dilatometer for the study of metal powder sintering processes] Laboratornyi press dlia goriachego pressovaniia. Vakuumnyi dilatometr dlia izueheniia PkOtBeOft spokaniiametallicheaklkl&,-poroah- kov. [Bv]I.I.Kornilov i R.S.Mints. Moskva$ Filial Vaes. in- ta nauchn. i tekhn.informatsii, 1958. 9 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Toms. 4. No.M-58-64/1) (MIRA 16:3) (Powder metallura~,--Equipment and supplies) TbIJKERKAN, Samariy Aronovich N15 61.5.3 TS Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya Power Metallurgy Moskva., Izd-vo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958. 158 (1) P. Illus., Diagrs., Tables. (Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Nauchno-Pr?ulyarnaya Seriya.) "Literaturall: P. 158-159 15(2) AUTHOR: Toukerman, S. A., Candidate of Technical SOV130-59-9-8139 Sciences TITLE-. Products of Iron and Steal Power Metallurgy PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 9, PP 42-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Powder metallurgy permits mass production of parts of complex shape without or with only inconsiderable subsequent treat- ment. There is no, or at least ahi&ty reduced loss of material. This method allows production from various components which is very difficult or even impossible by conventional methods. Powder metallurgy disposes of almost unlimited sources of raw materiaL as e.g. the refuse of metallurgical and metal- processing works (scale, iron borings). The scheme of a technological process characteristic of powder metallurgy is the following: preparation - pressing - sintering - additional processing - control. Chemical regeneration of iron from oxides is regarded as the most economical production method of iron powders. A table shows the properties of ordinary ingot steel and iron-materials produced by methods of powder metallurgy. Herefrom it may be seen that the properties of Card 1/2 metal ceramics are equal to those of ingot steel and rolled ~X Products of Iron and Steel Power Metallura SOV/30-59-9-8/39 iron. Metal ceramic steel has similar properties. Furthert the various products are listed which may be successfully produced from metal ceramics. A figure shows parts of a tractor made by app3.yjng powder metallurgy. Finally, the material, machine work, and working hours are listed that are saved if powder metallurgy is used. The employ- ment of this method is recommended to various branches of industry. There are 1 figure and I table. Card 2/2 TSUKEWAN, S.I.; VEKLENKO, V.D. Semiautomatic equipment for feeding the molding mixture to the flasks. Lit. Droizv. no.12:32 D 161. 041RIL 14:12) (Molding (Founding)) (Feed mechanisms) TSUKKLMAN S A --IRALISHIN. M.Yu, otvetatvenWy redaktor; RAKOVSKLY, V.S., reftffto"r izdatel'stva; NIVRAYNYA, N.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Powder metallurgy and its industrial application] Poroshkovaia metallurgiia i ee pr:omyehleanoe primenenie. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1949 87 P- (MLRA 9:7) (;;Wier metallurgy) i TSUMMW#,.~!L, inzh. Obtaining malleable cast iron b7 mixing It with steel. Lit.prroizv. no-3:47 Mr '59. (MrRA 12:4) (Oast iron) NOSKOVp BsA9; jsu*'!~ . .... Metallurgleal oharacterlation of remIting oast Ir., scrap, Lit, proizv. no.20-5 F 165. I MIPA I'M' 2/25 AUTHOR: Tcuklerman, ~'.T., e.nd Rozenberg, Yu.(., 7,7n,-ineers TITLE: Coke-Gas Cupola Purnace PERIODICAL: T!iteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1059, 1r 79 pp ?~,,-31 (TT"! ", T1 ABSTRACT: Experience gathered while working 1xith coke- cu- pola furnaces (according to Titeirnoye Proivwo~qtvo 195C, Yr 11) furni'-;hed practical date. permitting corrie improvements and comparisons ,-iitli t'~e of cc-,~-.~,on- ly used coke heated curnla furnaces. Already ~, col:e- cupola furnq.ces work PA t'~e foundry of tle r1nnt FbEMZ. (Vne Sovnarl(hozesof VhaA-ov end pos-~Ov have put such furnaces into o-,eration). ml,.e teFit -:ork hf-A been concen-",-rated on V~e compIete combistion, of the natural gas, on ti-e operntion of t-e grps b-i-Irnpr, on t1le temperp..'Wre of Vne cast Jron anl. of tl~- eyl-ni~,~t E~:ases, on tl-e cbeTnical analysis and tle properties of V, 'P cast i.ror, --nP on Vie sl~-,- of tl- Card 112 cupola furnace. 91)1ey h,-,d been done un~'er tl-e: super- n./7 :7 Coke-Gas Cupola Purnaces visiol-I of P,k. MOS',COV, naneii of Tecbn4- c -;. 1 Q C j e -!-., c e 2- -An factor of tl--e melt-'-rr, procps~! 4-1.S tl,e position of the gas burner at Ve cupolrn. 1111~1ii.'ce-I (!-t- bout in 70(l to enn mm distance). ",our ta'bles the rem)lts of ti-e Pxperiments made ,!,it~i ~-oth of cupola -IL7urnaces. Tile results 'have confirr~e,' +'-~e. vant'a-es of V-e coke-g,-ie type furnp.ce. qix mcrt~, ;nf- ter putting into operation 41-11e new ciypola furr.1ce Ine Plant 7~EMZ alreaOy 7nn cons o-l" coke, ~~70 'ons of liE,qestone, 1rn tone of refractor, trio's, more -!-' an Y Ic n' 70,000 cubic meters of *' oxyEen, and '90 stsn,~are. .,,O~- kin- )-iours 'I-aO been S!.,ve-j. lemi-pnnual 'net snvirj7p: 250,00r) ru'bles. T"erp Pre, 4 ta'hles, 5 A 9ov4et re-er~,ncec Card 2/2 TSUKEW40, S. I - .5:38-39 11tr '62- Cupola furnace with a heated mixer. Lit, proizv. no (MIRL 16:3) (Cupola furnaces) t30V/128-58-11-8/24 AUTHORS: Noskov, B.A., Rozenberg, Yu.G., Tsukerman, S.I., Den'gin, I.N. TITLE- A Coke-Gas Cupola Furnace (Koksogazovaya vagranka) PERIODICAL: Liteynoje proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 11, pp 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of natural gas in cupola smelting leads to reduced coke expenses. Experiments carried out at the Kharlkovskiy elektromekhanicheskiy zavod (Kharlkov Electromechanical Plant) proved that the successful use of gas and coke de- pends on proper gas burning conditions, i.e. on the design of burners and their position in the cupola, It was stated that good results can be obtained by placing the burners above the tuyeres. Further investigations will be c6ncen- trated on determining the optimum dimensions of the distance between the burner axes and the tuyeres. The information includes a description of a cupola where normal conditions for gas burning and reduced coke expenses were obtained by reducing the number of tuyeres from 6 to 4. A new improved C4rd 1/2 A Coke-Gas Cupola Furnace SOV/128-58-11-8-24 cupola design, now being installed, will make possible a further reduction in coke expense by a change in air dis- tribution. There are 3 diagrams and 1 photo. 1. Blast furnaces--Equipment 3. Natural gas--Performance 2. Blast furnaces-.Operation Card 212 TSUKERMAN ; MELAMED, B.D. Gas-fired titlting furnaces. Lit.proizv. no.2:40-41 F 62. (MIU 15- 2) (Foundries--Equipment and supplies) GONTOVENKO, N.P.; IWZENBERG, Yu.G.; ZA14ALIN i P-S.; TSUEERMAN, S.I.; -GONTAWK0., I.F.; SYTNMSpyo V.D.; MAIMAN`7. -%mlting Of Pig icon in a coke gas cupola furnace. Prom. energ. 15 no.8:14-16 Ag 160. (MIRA 15:1) (Cupola furnaces) (Goke-oven gas) TSUKRRMRII, S.T.,prof. New instr=ent for me&auring speeds of air and gas flow* Izve vyaoucheb.zav*; prib. no-3:73-78 158. (MIRA 12:2) ,1. Leningradekiy institut tochnoy melrbaniki i optiki. (Flowmatere) 14 it w $6 14 A A 11 u 0 4 16 a 'S'J'Aut 7ALILAI-M a YQ U, I 0114#601 AhO PIC01111.0% t# 14 b dd h d i 00 so a - 4flu s w th y e, %C, the Stmkor met ad ald Acid b d Is droe . herpme, an y p y Of a V Lyubmudray And S.. V, Tsukvrrpan~ Dmim. X'~rm. zhur. 12, 4.2 0. of 04 ?'Ic1CIfCII(OH)CII,NH,.1ICI (t) with 3.2 9. of Wit and * S of PhCHfCN)%'tICIf,CI(- ielded 4 KCN 0 2 . . . g. y ' ' " 9" i *( N see - Y 2 n a . The and m. 24 (011)CHMer, ra, MA 00.3 caled capillary, the IICI m1t, m, 164-5*. Condensation A =00 Soo &LK of I with 3 F. tit (CIl')4:CO and 2,1) X. KC.N f (Cifi)&C(CN)NIICII,CII(Olf)CII.Nict. licit ;1.3 g 004 HCI salt of the nitrite. in. I 1'-'- 17'. in M. Mi-60.. iz ' 09 a -maled capillary; the 14CI salt of the arid, tn. " .34-S , coo tn vacuum. It. Z. xamirls 0*0 are 0 Is 0 - S L AOtIALLUPrKAL LITEIVAYL49 CLAISWICAIPCO tie 0 Me 4 Y u is AV to I CIK 0~- L11 i ikr t, oe -MIA 0*0 OAP 0 0 0000 4 6000 0 0 0 0 0000000 00 Co 0 9 e 0 0 0 000100 0 0 0 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - l -M M U 'R r at it. Mut". affri lp~ to T; I v x Whim 191A, mo, - h Ct l V 1 1 t Mr ptun- as condmi-mi with sq~akrak e y~ 4 ) w ( (11), aMsalcfehydle III). sificrhidehyde (IV). a-, in-, P- r;ftTotx-nra1d--h den- V, V1. and VU), -, -, and P--hi- benraldehFdc Vill. M. and X), and ftufurnl (11). Pie Cordea.&VIOn I With arMMUC Fddeflydel PI'MCCCIS appltCi- ably faster Min JT doe* with allphatk- aldehydes. 4g- (SCHICHIN111 ), m. 181-2', rzas obtained by the adlti. 0i 3 motes MrD, to 2 'moles nt 5-phthatimidoethyl tntrcap- an after SapCee. with Cotmi. ff':1 at 194 1W' 25 product wms suspended lit 4GO mi. of hot liz ~d ~4- flitered ith fl q t t S th i th~ f t f 11 t w n. o e m . e x o cvmp . , u e pp 0 fiftratc coned. to 50 mi.. and the ppt. dried in ~-zwo to give 11 tt~msparent ~ystl, ;-,,. 6~1 71 t. T. 1.5 g. I in 1.5 mi. %itO was add*d 6 nil. .1 11 in m]. EtOff, the ~oln ktpl, 2wcet-j, t~.en ev~apd. to 24% 2-1- bvQy"iaxohdinL-FJC1. ~- 19Q-5'- To 2 g. ~4 I i- 15 -1. rA HO wus ildi!d 4, mi rf UI in 15 tal. of EtCjff; after I days the mbt, yk+," 48%, Idine. tn. 92-'- * MCI 3:211. m 1 1(2 g.). 4 mi at 111, and 15 ini. ik. kq)* 1 ~'A 4 yteldzdl the diii amin-thy! ' Mereaptal-2fiCl of Ul f(37%), in. 192'; free L-ist, oily, -1. in a1c ' a~d [.wt. i. U~O. T,, 3 L. I in 13 mi. 11,0 ~as added 15mi. ale. and 5 ml. IV. After 3 days yellow ~y~tab ' , ;epd. c! 24o-hydrui)rphcnyt)thizizulitiine m. 7" 1 (2 g.), 4 g. IV, and 15 mi. a1c., kept 3 days and ether added.' ,mided an oily subzstanc~ whirb an tt%~atrncnt with N14, 66% di-&-amino,thyl rnercartid of IV, m. 58'. To I I C C w Aj~ wa, I g~ V in 10 ml 1;f i"1'): 1 ttr y~ ht-Tr '~Pd cry-o-d-, of 49q, -nit" !'..' ~%' ri. t7fl 1.41 !.d-mup'l hydr'd, -- I fx)aing 11,0 t ) V Simil-ly from I mid III vrt3 ~daaiq,A 57% ni 19.V (decu!iqii witcli fmjt~l witi, 1-110. I'ma I and VII -, '." Wntd 3B61 I 2-