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S"imple Waves in the Chew, Goldberger, and scv/56-37-3-25/62 Low Approximation interesting case in which hydrostatic pressure is considerably lower than magnetic pressure. In the ranges with expansion the density gradient decreases, and in the ranges of compression it insreases. In the ranges with expansion (f'>0) and in the self-simulating waves (f - 0) density decreases. In the ranges of the compression (fl---O) density increases until a certain expression written doym by the authors becomes negative. As soon as this expression equals zero, a compression shock wave is formed. In a fast magnetic sound waveg the quantities po 9 pj. 9 H 9 p.L/pjj change in the same way as in the magnetic sound wave. The authors then investigate a slow magnetic sound wave. There are two possibilities: (1) In the normal case, density changes in the same way as in a fast magnetic sound wave. Shock waves are formed especially in the ranges of compression, and the self-simulating waves are expansion waves. Card 3/4 Simple Waves in the Chew, Goldberger, and sov/56-37-3-25/62 Low Approximation (2) In the abnormal case the density gradient decreases in the ranges of compression and increases in the ranges of thinning In the ranges of expansion a shook wave is formed. In contrast to magnetohydrodynamics with scalar pressure, expansion shook waves may form in this case. The authors thank A.I. Akhiyezer and G. Ya. Lyubarskiy for useful discussions. There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONg Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physical-technical Institute of the Academy of Scienceay Ukrainskaya SSR) Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruz. SSR (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the GruzinBkaya SSR) SUBMITTED: April 3, 1959 Card 4/4 AKHnEZER, I.A.; POLOVIN, R.V.; TSINTSADZE, N.L. - [Simple waves in Che0s, Goldberger's and Low's approydma- tions] Prostye volny v priblizhenii Chliu, Golldbergera i Lou. Kharlkov, Fiziko-tekhn. in-t AN USSR, 1960. Page 57. (MIRA 17:3) TSINTSSADZE N.L. Passage of a charCed par'Ldcle t).rougb an electror-ion bc-=- Trudy Inst. fiz. M" Gruz.6;'1;SR 7:127-133 160. (MMA 14: in') (D~ymamics of a article) (Electron beaM (Ion beans) S/749/61"/ C'07,, AUtHORS: Tsintsadze, N. L., and Lominadze, D. G. TITLE: Determination of the shape of an electron-ion beam In rnagnetohydr: dynamic approximation. SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut fiziki. Trudy, v.7, 1960, 187-19Z (In Georgian, with 2-page Russian rla'sumfl. 4 'ne. xl--L~:- TEXT: A theoretical determination is made of the shape of a :It- symmetrical electron-ion beam, the cross-section of which varier. along itu Earlier papers by othcr authoris had established the possible existence of a -ion beam with an uncompensated electric c ary state of an electron harge, in the electrostatic repulsive force of the electrons (partly compensated by ior;.) tht- pressure force is balanced by the Lorentz force. The present probleTn in a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approximation, assuming the conductiv;-,; _11' mediumto be infinite, the viscosityzero, the longitudinal force considerabli I than "he transverse force (beam radius much smaller than internodular dii;La;__-_.'i and the motion of the conducting liquid to be adiabatic (iris -Agnific ant procez;ses). Syrovatakiy's system of MHD equations (Usp. fiz. nauk, iG solved in the form of power series. A second-order differential equat"-cn Card 1/2 Determin3tiOn of the shape of an electron-ion ... S,170/60/00 found relative to the effective radius of the beam. The integral thereof be evaluated for arbitrary oscillations of the bean-, rtlati.-V, tcj i-,,- a qualitative assessment shows that the elact-.con-i,-;i~ !)r:;!-n ;~j puLteraial weil; the period of oscillation of the bearn AS exprvt r ISCO lil total energy and the geometric beam p-Aram eters. Thert zre I EgL'rf: ences (5 SoAet and 2 Engli sh- language, namely: Beanct, W. H.. Phy!i. F_~~ 1-934, 830; v.98, 1955, 1584; and Peaae, P. S., Ph. Soc., Proc., v. 19 70~ .AZSOCIATION- None given. 42hL S/749/60/00-1;';j,')U,') AUTHOR: Tsintsadze, N. L. T1 T LE: The passing of a charged particle through an electron-ion SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut fiziki. TrudV, -i-.7, 19'C" 193-199 (In Russian). TE'rr This is a theoretical investigation of the energy exchang(-s b-.~tweej! electron-ion beam and a charged particle passing through it. Such inte raction h - been employed in the generation of RF microwaves and in particle acceleration FcDovdng an examination of the stability of an uncompensated electron-ion relaLive to small longitudinal electromagnetic oscillations (Polovin, R. V., anc! Tsintsadze, N. L., ZhTF, v.27, 1957,'2615), the present study examincs the pa j- of a charged particle with constant speed along the axis of an electron-ion be-,,, atso the passing of a charged particle through a beam. The beam is assume,: t':; axially symmetrical and contained within a cylindrical wave guide with ideally dacting walls. A;-dal mobility only is stipulated for the electrons and ions, may be achieved by a strong longitudinal magnetic field. Thus, only longitudin.~' oscillations are possible. The equations describing the interaction betw~-en tk'~~ charged particle and the beam are shown in linearized form. The energy t~qua''. admits a resonance condition which corresponds to the Cherenkov glow, anrl i'.z_ Card 1/2 The passing of a charged particle ... 5/749/60/007/000/0i wav~~ guide radius for the maximum interisity of Cherenkov glowis an,,, given frequency. An expression for the energy losses suffered hy a pafi-icle dur"'tig passing through the bearn is deterti-killed for the C-Ls". (if 1, f;pf7t-ctrum, inciuding the Cherenkov-glow condition. Thanks dre express-i Y-'r(-_)f. A. 1. Akhiyezer and Ya. B. Faynberg for valuable advice and guidani;!:. arc. .2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: None given. Gc~rd 2/2 B/057/60/030/008/005/019 B019/BO60 AUTHOR: -Tsintsadze, N. L. TITLE: The PassiLge of a Charged Particle or of a Charged Disk Through an Electron-ion Beam p PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 913 - 919 TEXT: The author studies the energy loss of a charged particle and of a cluster of particles exhibiting the shape of a disk with uniformly distributed charge density, on its moving at constant velocity along the axis of a relativistic electron-ion beam. The problem is solved in hydro- dynamic approximation. The author proceeds from the linearized differential equation system (1) which describes the interaction of a charged particle or of a charged disk with the beam. The following cases are studiedt 1) the passage of a charged particle moving along the z-axis at the constant velocity u', through a relativistic electron-ion beam enclosed in a cylindrical waveguide; 2) the same for a waveguide with a radius tending to infinity; 3) the passage of a charged infinitely thin Card 1/2 The Passage of a Charged Particle or of a S/05 60/030/008/005/019 Charged Disk Through an Electron-ion Beam B019Y13060 disk with a radius equaling the diameter of the waveguide, at a constant velocity along the z-axis; 4) the same for a disk with the finite thick- ness h. Condition (24) is given for the appearance of Cherenkov radiation, moreover an expression is obtained for the intensity of Cherenkov radiation, and the frequency spectrum is examined. Maximum Cherenkov radiation appears at a given frequency if the waveguide radius obeys to formula (16). The author finally thanks Professor A. 1. Akhiyezer'and Ya. B. Faynberg for valuable advice, as well as N. A. Khizhhyak for discussions. There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN GSSR Tbilisi (Institute of Physics of the AS Vruzinskaya SSR Tbilisi) SUBMITTEDs February 18, 1960 Card 2/2 8/057/60/030/010/005/019 azl. Alcko B013/BO63 AUTHORS: Tsintsadze,, N~ L. and Pataraya, A. D. TITLEs Production of Hyd romagnetic and Magnetic Cherenkov Waves in a Dilute Anisotropic Plasma PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol~ 30, No~ 10, Pp. 1178-1185 TEXTs The authors determined formulas for the power of Cherenkov radiation from mobile sources. A charged filament and several circuits moving with a high velocity served for the production of waves, Equations by Chew, Goldberger, and Low (Ref. 1) were used to derive the above- mentioned formulas. These equations, which are similar to the set of equations of magnetohydrodynamics, are, however, only valid for a plasma moving across the magnetic field. In the present work, they were used to study the production of waves in an anisotropic plasma by means of circuits and a charged filament moving both across and along the magnetic field. It is noted that the results obtained possibly do not hold for the case in which the circuits in the plasma move in the direction of the Card 1/2 Production of Hydromagnetic and Magnetic S/057/60/030/010/005/019 Cherenkov Waves in a Dilute Anisotropic Plasma B013/B063 magnetic field. The greatest difference between an isotropic and an anisotropic plasma is that hydromagnetic waves are strongly excited in the latter plasma. This phenomenon is caused by the appearance of aniso- tropic Alfvgn waves in the medium under consideration. A similar problem was studied by A. I. Morozov (Ref. 4) for an isotropic plasma the circuit of which moves along the external magnetic field, The data obtained by the authors are in qualitative agreement with Morozov's results~ The authors thank N. M. Poliyevktov-Nikoladze, Ya. B. Feynber , A,G. Sitenko, and D. G. Lominadze for discussions. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Gruz.SSR, Tbilisi (Institute of Physics AS Gruzinskaya SSR, Tbilisi) Card 2/2 27165 &2 17,, S/05 61/031/009/005/oig a ~11 6 B109YB138 AUTHORS: Tsintsadze, N. L., Lominadze, D. G. TITLE: Interaction of an ion beam with a magnetically active plasma PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v- 31, no. 9, 1961, 1039-1048 TEXT: The authors study the interaction of a cylindrical beam (radius r 0) of charged particles, whose velocity i s subject to a thermally condition - ed scatter, with an infinite homogeneous electron-ion plasma in the presence of an external constant magnetic field H 0. They give conditions for the excitation of oscillations. (1) Determination of the dielectric tensor s ik: assumption: beam parallel to 9 0. From the Maxwell equations and the formula F (v'r,t) . f + f I JfJ4f (A) for the distribution a Oa a 0 function, one obtains, by integration of -the-plasma equations of motion, the tensor en (_fefil ':, '00 0 0 (B), Card 119 27165 S/05 61/031/009/005/019 Interaction of an ion beam with B109Y1,138 where (w ku.) W wff. - ku. w wa. ku. kuJ 2w2 w - wjy. - ku. w -+- wu. - ku. 1 (7), 1 02 -q= I ' 2 V_~_ (W - ku.)2 IL k component of the wave vector along 2 Oce 2na (C) a 1,2 type 0 a m a of particles in the beam, a 3,4 type of particles in the plasma, 1,3 ions, 2,4 electrons, r'ir wave, 63 Ha eaH/M a c, n 1 . n 21 n3 ' n 4 beam and plasma density, u a (U 1 , u 2 90,0) . (2) Dispersion equations: assumption: components of the electromagnetic field proportional to exp[i(kz - Wt)) . From the Maxwell equations and the conditions for continuity of the tangential components at the interfaces beam-plasma, the following results for-the Card 2/9 27165 10 S/057/61/031/00:~)/Ul':~/01' Interaction of an ion beam with ... mM. 1m transverse oscillations of the plasma: 11 -(Y1'0) KI (Y3rQ) 11rolo (71r0) 73roKo (73ro) where 2 2 2- W2 (N2 t)2 g2 2=_ W2 (N _C.?-90 T1-72 N2 - 73 C2 N2 - to (16), 0 !q, (N2 - z) c.2 110 (NI - ac) 2 2=_ 72 _2 ..Ti C 2 g 0 N2 c2 k2/tO2 (3) Ion-cyclotron resonance: (A) Assumption: only ion beam, rr 0> 1, temperature distribution of particles isotropic. Designation: beam com onents without index, plasma ions index i, plasma electrons index e. (a5 If the heat motion is neglected, the following results from (7), (17) for the increment of the wave increase: Card 3/9 NMI' 27165 S/05 61 /031 /009,1005/019 Interaction of an ion beam with B109YB1 38 V4 a - V C4 V C2 (U V)3 2(u - V) + V e2 V 2 U2V (25), VAI where V w1K phase velocity of th e waves, VAi Alfv~n velocity. Result: Oscillatory excitation occurs if u > V. (b) Considering the heat motion in the plasma, the following holds: (28)- Result: oscillatory excitation if u > V. (c) Ion beams of low density, with thermally conditioned velocity scatter, interaction Y)ith "cold" plasma: (31). Card 4/9 27M S/057 61/031/009/005/019 Interaction of an ion beam with ... B100138 Result: oscillatory excitation at u > V, V VA,. (B) Assumption: tr0