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AWAROV Z.,_.~Bpirant Unified automotive transportation organization is an important condition for the improvement of motor-vehicle utilization. Avt. transp. 42 no.1101-32 N 161, (MIRA 17t12) 1. Institut ekonomiki AN Uzbekekoy SSR. APATENKO, A.K.,; ABRASHENKOV, V.N.(Hoskva) Universal microprojedtor for microscopy. Arkli. pat. 18 no.1:118-120 156. (nn 9:6) 1. Is TSentrallnoy, patologoanatomichmakoy laboratorii (nach-prof. A.Y. Smolly-annikov) (MIGROSCOPB, apparatus and instruments, universal light-microprojector (Rua)) j"! '- /,j - - - ~(J" ~k' -~' " C- L'-) A BULGhPIA/Chemical T(.(~hnologyj C6=ulical Products and Their H-23 Fert 3- - TreatDiz!nt of Natwal Gases em. .,.;~criLl Oil) Motor and Rocket Fuel, Lubri- Abs Jour: Wtrat. '""=Tal Kbimiya, No 10, 1958j, 33824. Author : G. Yanlirv., G. Abra,3hev. Inst :Not Title :Stir"* 7--P Ev-).porat-ion of Tyulen-_,vo 0-1i Orig Pab: Te7hka prow-ishleranost, 1957, 6, No 7, P9-31. Abstract: laboratory experiments of one-stage evaporation of Tyulenovo mineral oil were carried out at an in3talla- tion and in accordance with methods accepted in SSSR. The results of 15 distillations at variou3 tempera- tures and residual pressures of 6 to 10 = of mere. Card 1/2 Pericdicals: YTI*'.0 Vol. 13, No.5 Stpt./Oct. ic,)58, AL)RASF~,,"J, G. Let us ise the petrole-.= frin Tiulen!-~vcn -,ort 1.'onthly List of East European Ac2ession '.1) L', V~A. ~, No. April 1959, 'Inclims. -JkBWW, G.t PANKOV, G. "Production of oil for electric transformers from Tiulenovo petroleum" Khimiia i industriia. Sofiiap Bulgaria. Vol. 30, no. 3, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EBAI), LCO Vol. 8. No. 6. Jan 59, Unclas COUNI'M Dt'IUARlA H C AUE (; 0 RI Chemical TecHiolopy, CliewicnI "roducts !md Their 2.i~,n.lictitions. Chen-~ical Processing of ~aturalll ABS. JXR. Mrinim., No 17, 1959, 3c). G."256 AUIHOR 0-inhov, C.; ---brashov. G. INSTISUM TIIIU rwhicii.en rf -r.~nsfoi-mor Oil Irude Vil (rofinory ORIG. PUB. i illd'~Slriyi! (11u,..), fro!n 111',e 'I'lulanf, ?0, !~c, 4, A13STPACT cmldiliov~' were (levvlonva ('11ant scule) for fl-,e nroduciiit; of ivirsforrver nil (T.O.) from tlo Tul:mp crm!& oil ?be yield of TO, I~nrds crii0e, vcm-,)rj7e!I 71% In its -bysico-chemi- cnl '-.nd T)rnnor-tics- TO, stai)iiizea with 0.0"5. narrtoxydi~+,-nylamine, fully weets ibe repuirc-c"Its of I'l-c RPIS - - 53 rtRndard as weil as tl,e'COST - ()P2 - 56 stRndnrd. -- Yfi. Sattmovshiy. *Gases and Petroleum. Votor atid ;?ochet Fuels. Lubricants. Card: I/I G.; IIANKOVj, G. .Lnvestij,ation of oil fractions of MucInovc, poti-cleum for production of trpmvi- former oil P. 21;1 ZI Sofia. -I-,auchnoi.-slcdovatels!d inst~tut za tc'cnoloznki izl-l~.dvani:m na Forivata. GODIC'INIt". Sofia, Vol. )j, 1~59 ..onthly List of --".,st Luropcan Accessions (~:,.AT), 1', 12, Decp.,nber IP59 Uncl. -- ABRASH.&V,G,f TSa,'EV,M.; ZAKHARIEV,Iv,; TOSBKOV,D,; DIMITROVOD.; KHRISTOZOV0 G. Operational teeting of diesel oil under testing conditions in the Zetor-25 tractor diesel engine. Khim i industriia 35 no-51 181-183 163. 0 ABRASHLT, G., Inzh. &porimenta in processing the --inc-contnining materials at the rolling mill of the Plovdiv Nonferrous-Metal Combine. Min dolo IS no-4: 28-31 4p'631, lo V-k na beltstsekha v KToM, Plovdiv. --- --- ---- ACC NRj AR6034583 SOILMICE CODE: UR/bO8l/65/0W/O2l/POl3/FO13 AUTHORS: Abrasho-v, G.; Tsonov, M TITUE: Preparation of motor oildlfron Dolnodubnishskaya petroleum (NRB). Selective refinincr of the oil distillation fractions 0 SObRCE: Ref. zh. Khiriya, Abs. 21P113 2nd report.' IREF SOURCE: Godishnik N.-i. in-t kohsokhim. i neftoprorab., v. 2, 1964, 169-180 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum refining, phenol, furfural, fluid viscosity measurement, lubricating oil ABSTIUCT: Conparison of the selective refining of DolnodubnishGIcaya potroloum distil- lation oil fractions using furfural (I) and phonol was performed under laboratory conditions. It was ostablishod that eziploynent of I in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.75 to the crude riaterial,olded high quality mot3r oils with viscosity index > 85 from oils of viscosity LIP100 7 and 10 centistokes. Increase of the ratio of I to the raw material results in super-refining of the product and also enhances the undesirable properties of the oils. Deparaffinization with acetone-,benzeno-toluene Mixturo at -28C and refining with 5% fulle---'s earth yields 68 a4d~.~2%.of the final product from oils of viscosity a 7 and 13 contistokes, reepectively.%4roTA a. suUmary. LTrans- 100 lation of abstrac2t SUB CODR 11 141 Card kEWHEV, Georgi M.., shloser A device fer the air pistol grinding. Trwisp delo 6 no./,:46 154. 1. Mekhanichaska rabotilnitsa pri obakt 889. ABRASHEV, P.P.; RADEV, R.l.; TSENKOV, TS.G.; DIMOV, N.D.; ZAKHARIYEV, I.TS.; PFNCIIEV, S.P.; TSONEV, M.D.; SHAVELISKIY, G.A. Crude oil of the Dolni Dubnik field. Xhim i tekh.topl.i masel 8 no.11:24-30 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) ),!. I 1 .1 . , ~ ; ::,, , 1- ~ ~ ; P.,V k , .' , T , ; T110 T.~' I IV' I ~l '11, of' thc electrical c-,;ndirt~~-vity ~~-f d,amcv~s cri ternreiRti,-.- ' . I- - i . 11 rer-11.7 . n-,,.2 s 1 38--M,1 1 C-5. (1.,!hA 3' . ) , Yahutskiy rmtpii Sibirflk~gr, otdclenkpi AN Sl~SRJ KRAVCHENKO, S.M.; VIASOVA, Ye.V.; KAZAKOVA, I.I.Ye.; ILYUKHIN, V.V.; ABRASIEV, K.K. Innelito, a new barium silicate. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.5:2.198-1199 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut mineralogii, gookhimii i kristallokbjzii redkikh elementov AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.V. 136lovym. (Yakutia-Burium silicates) (Minerals) ABRASH~Y,j.A.;--MLOV, N.Ve. akademik Crystalline structure of barilite (Balle01207). Dokl.,Ul SSSR U4 no.3:636-638 Vq 162. (WA 15;5) (MLnerals) (Crystallography) DORPTIAN, M.D.; ABRASIIEVp K.K. Supergene sodium phosphate in nepheline syenites of the Khibiny Mountains. Trudy Min. muz. no.14:226-230 t63. (MIRA 16:10) (Khibiny Mountains--Sodium phosphate) (Khibiny Mountains-Nephaline syenite) ABRASM, K.K. Dimentional leucophane group. Trudy Min. muz. no.14:200 163. (MIRA 16tlO) (Leucophanite) ROZHKOVP I.S.; ABRUIEV, K.K. New method and Oome re6ults of the study of diamond-bearIng kimberlite ores. Geol, i goofiz, no.2:]A(,-150 164, (MIRA 1834) 1. Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdoleniy- AN SSSR, Yakutsk. 1.-'.; K.K.; A.F. ,;O)"jo cI'll I'm: te ).!.,113 (!.) of tile hoit (!oIldoutivity ,X the ana "AyMml" depusito. (leo.l. j T;'-'. 1 (14. . .. : , " . - - I ~ ; . 1, . , 1. Yakutskiy fMal Sjbir.,Aot,,c) otdclon~y:t -"' r. ABRASHEV, K.Kt ILYUJQHN, V.V., BELOV, N.V. P Crystalline structure of barilite Br-92Si207- Use of difference syntheses for the exposure of light atoms in the presence of sufficiently, heavy atoms. Kristallografila 9 no.6.816-827 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. institut kristallografti AN S5SR. UkLEVA, R.; ABRASHEVA, P.. Experimental studies on a possibIlity of determining E-605 in exhumed cadavere and chemical and legal determination of poisoning. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 39 no.1:180-202 160. 1. Predstavena, ot prof. M. Markov, zav. Katedrata po cudabna meditaina. (PARATHION toxicol) (IDENTIFICATION MEDICOLEGAL) VASILEVA, R.; ABRASHEVA, P. Medico-legal studies on &605 poisoning in our area (according to data of the department). Nauch. tr. vissh. mod. Inst. Sofia 19 no.1:203-219 160. 1. Predstavana ot prof. M. Markov, zav. Katedrata po cudebna meditsina. (PARATHION toxicol) IW,DZVETSKIY, G.V., kand.tokhn.nauk;.-lABRASHlN,, A.V.., inzh. Condenser charge we2dimg of herit, exchangers. Svar. proizv. no.111: 36-37 0 163. (MIRA 1611l) 1. Bryanskiy institut transportnogo mashinostroyeniya. BABIMKOV, A.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; ABRASHIP, I.I., inzh. Generalization of practices in the use of electronic calculating machines for traction calculations. Zhel.dor.trnnsp. 42 nooll-.43-46 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Zlectronic calculating machines) (Railroad ongineoring) BABICHKOV, Abram Mikhaylovich, prof.; YEGORCHENKO, Valentin Filippovich. Prinimali uchastiye: NOVIKOV, A.P., dotsL_A inzh.; BABICROV, V.A., dots, KOROSTYLEV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; MOROZUYj M.A.., inth.p retsenzent;SOBAKIII,V.V.,; BOBIZOVA,Ye.N., [Train t4ation aW the use of specialized electronic computers for traOtion calculations) Tiaga poezdov i primenenic spotsializi- rovaravkh elektronnykh vychislitollt-qkh maohin dlia tiagovykh ras- chetov. led,4., dap. i parer. Foskva, Transzheldorizdatp 1962. 262 (Elotranic caloulating machines) (Loconotives) (MIRA 15t6) ABRASHIN, S.M., ranhinint-inntruktor ., -1.1. ",- "-- , '-"-ttbeBe breakdownt; could have boon prevented. Blek. I topl. tiaga 2 no.9:2q-10 S 158, (MIRA M-10) 1. Depo Barabinak, Omnkaya dorogn. (DInc-tric In~-nn,,tIvqn) A3R,LSHIN, S.M., mashiniBt elektrovoza. Scme practical recommeadations. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no. 9:3?- 40 5 160. (MIRA 13:12; (Electric looomotives) ABRASHIN, S.M., mashinist Practical advice for the operator of the recuperative V124"m electric locomotive. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 6 no.2:34-35 F 162. O-IIRA 15:2) l.- Depo Tuapse Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi. (Electric locomotives) CHERKESOVY L.V.;-ABRASHINA, N.H. Unsteady waves due to periodic pressures in a liquid of finite depth. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.9:591-593 S 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut matematiki AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BOSSR V.I. Krylovym. ABRASHINA) Development of wuvos on the surface of it .tream under the action of periodic pressures in a liquid of finite depth. Dokl. AN BSSR 8 no-8:519-522 Ag 164. (,14TIIA 17:11) 1. Ing itut matei.atiki i vychislitellnoy tel:hniki AN DSSR. Pred- stavleno akaJemikom AN WSR V.I. Krylovym. ABRASHINA, O.G. (Abrashyna, O.H.], nauchW sotrudnik Rugose mosaic of potatoes and its control in Crimewn and Kberson Provinces. Visnyk sJ-10,boop.nauky 4 no-8:55-57 Ag 161. (KW- 14:7) 1. Ukrainalkiy naukovo-doalidniy institut zroshuvanogo zemlerobstva. (Crimea-Potato mosaic virus) (Khersori Province-Pbtato mosaic virus) t/ ,AMASHKEVICH Vsevolod Markovich; NAGIRNYAK, F.I., red.; J - ~ -- ~'KOROBOGACHEVA, A.P., red.izd-va; MATLYUK, R.M., [Practice in increasing the efficiency of ore dressing] Praktika povysheniia effektivnosti obogashcheniia rud. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 21 p. (MIRA 17:2) ABRASIINEV, M.M. - "Development of the general biology problems in Russia' by S,R, Mikulinskii, Reviewed by H.M.Abr-kshnev. Priroda 51 no.2:123-124 F 162. (M3R.A 15:2) 1. Gorikovskiy meditsinst-iv.institut im. S.M.Kirova. kMIKULINSKII, S.R.) (BIOLOGT) ABnSHNIT, M.14. LA, Dladlkavekll. Selected works. Reviewed bv M.M. Abrashnev. Sov.zdrav. 19 no.l:-87-90 160. (MIRA 13:4) (DIADIKOVSKII, IUSTIN UWKIMOVICH, 1784-1841) ABRASHNEV, M.M,kand. filosof. nauk (Gorlkiy) ------ Valuable work on tho'historY of natural science in Russia. P~riroda 51 [io. 521 no-5SI21-122 163. (MIRA 16:6) (science) obrx, wiv h 1 ~,Il r ~l ,tir. r rv f liz,w 1" ZMANOV, G.B., glava" red.; 1VARE1110, 1.P., 2am.elavnoj;o red.; SYROVATaIY, S.I.,; K1UU,'NOV, B.i,.. G.-,'7UiSIMOVA, N.M., red.; HIKI&HOV, A.I., rot'.; V.I., rod.; DOMili, L.I.. red.; TULBOV, V.P., red.; ..'aUROV, V.H.; VAVIWV, Yu.N., red. -I-4RRAS=t,-A.2., red.; VL"K-U, H.I#p red.i2d-va; BRUZGULO, V.V., [Radiation belts of the earth. ]Primary cosinic radiation and its properties and origin) Radiatnionnyi polas Zonli. Pervichnoe konmicheakoe izluchanie, ego avointva i prolakhozhdenie. Moskva, 1zd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 258 p. (Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentaii po koemicbeekim lucham. no.3) (MIRA 14:2) 1. Interm tional Conference of Cosmic Radiation. (Cosmic rays) ABRASIMOV, A.T.; BAZILEVSKAYA, G.A.; SOLOVIYEVA, V.I.; KHRISTIANSEN, G.B. Extensive air showers involving ultrahigh energies. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fit. 38 no.1:100-107 Jan 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universi- t*ft-l Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR. kCosmic rays) ABRILTOVA, T.D. Epidemiological pemiliarities of dysentery. Timir.mikrobiol.epld.i imnan. no.7:23 JI '5). (MLHA 6:9) (Dysentery: YUR'YEV, Tu.K.; ABRATSKIT, A.T. Sulfamides, containing a pyrrolidins ring. Vest.Monk.un. 8 no.2:83-67 F 153. (Kwu 6:5 ) 1. Laboratoriya organicheskoy khimii im. akad. N.D. Zelinskogo, (Sulfamides) (Pyrrolidine) ALEK~;AVDIWV, I.V.j ABIUMSIMIN, ru.6. 3-Aminophenol derivativos. Part 1: D-Arylsulfonyl and U-benzoyl derivatives of 3-aminoilonol and its homologuea. Zburoob.khime 30 no.10:34(Y7-3412 0 161. (?URA IA:4) 1. Nauchno-iaqledovateleakiy inatitut organicheakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Pbenol) ABRAYTENE, L. L. Cand Med Scl - (hiss) "Trentzent of Trachoma ikith Norsulfazol and Means for Liquiusting this Ws--aL;e in the Latvian SSRI" Uintk, l9bo, 24 pp, 250 copies,, Minsk State Medical InstituteY (Up 46/60., 127) ACC NR, AP7003594 SOURCE CO"DE-:--UR/0236/6610001003/0141/0149 AUTHOR: Abraytio' .,--Abraitio, R.; Mayauskas, 1. S.-Majauskas, J. ~ORG: Institute of Power Engineering and Electrical Engincering,,Academy of Sciences 7 ~it*huanian SSR (Institut energetiki i elektrotekhniki Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR) 'TITLE: Gas eros4n of zirconium di'oxide-base refractories ISOURCE: AN LitSS9. Trudy. Seriya B. Fiziko-matematicheskiye, khimicheskiye, igeologicheskiye i;tekhnicheakiye nauki, no. 3, 1966, 141-149 ITOPIC TAGS: zirconium dioxide Irefractory, --- erosion 7- WCOA) J V ABSTRACT: A methOd of investigating the erosion resistancq of high-temperature oxides postsising high s6sitivity to thermal shock has been developed and the erosion rate of zirconium dioxide-base refractories, depending on the duration of test. temperature of specimen wallsiand velocity of the high-temperature stream, has been investigated. !It was determined that in the first 2-3 hr of testing at 2320K at a stream velocity of about 500 m/Gec, an intensive adjustment of the surface in direct contact with the high tempetature gas stream takes place. During that time, the rate of erosion de- creases 3-4 times and gradually reaches a constant value and when the test is con- tinued for 6hr, it remains constant. The rate of erosion increases when the tempera- ture of the specimen walls is increased from 2000 to 2630K. The weight losses of the material increased significantly with an increase in the high-temperature stream Card 1/2 UDC: none ACd-N~, AP706JF59-4' velocity from 370,to 730 a/sec. It was noticed that the rate of erosion depends to a great extenVonithe material composition. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 26Feb66/ ORIG REFt 006 Cord ABMYT"~ P. Of j t'll-I of the. w i Vi a 3 (.,).1 e ~16 161 ABRAZVICHj 1. V. Death I,'ollowing galvanocautery of tonsils. Vast. otorinolar.. Moskyet 13 no*4179 JulT-Aug 1951- (CIML 21il) 1. leningrad. li~ P~Iar At ion I dibult vabosylit atids d'riiltly I Khmi. 2, RA W I ").O.-The I o1 10 ~v i, 11 tot III OLI '. fI v 1, 11 . 14 [1 1 r 11, 1 S 1: -4 %,-it a 11 t1 1 C t ~ ik t I oI I I At'SO'NTC1, ivith ACOCI, which Ykids PCs, FOU " Aild .A rSOXJ- A inlxf~ rf 10.15 jr, pliflvillc add arid 2~) 23 C. PhSO,N! 110, (1) in a fl:ok- with 2 thcrum vitteri, I of mhidi k in tile Inilt., th, ('111a flightly ".he opriling .-I all oullm tub:- IL-1 ling to , chillfil rVaiver, 1, Arloll?,J)y LvIlM (Ifel evok"tiun Fit to 2'20-30* ivith di,ta of tll~ 1100, ov. r I hr., the c, IV(i %(Ilid trd'hlf ftd~!V~I ill I`~,--MMI~ 50 fill 201"'~ V11,011, chilled with i~ -, 6tim:1 2 fir ., the I ~rpd tril,jrated wij~j 7 1: 11,0. f1It(:rLA' 4111:1 ill'! i"Ittate ati'hrv~d ball TICI, % ltl'tiag M11,10ii1v tile j~lv'!. 9" (fro,:) It!()). Si'llil'u Iv w-C'Il'(C0'Il ); g Lve Ill V~11 IA' k;r.)!Il "li'll",ic licit tlv:~t'-J with SOCIJ !I kli1 r1 't fva'-t I'M 3 ltr- i~ ]'~O 3W '~ Wl ITT f:", fIj ~, 1, 175 6 -W 'I I I , 2.) [A, C,-IJ N1111011 '114 1! It o-v 6"'~ in. 3,~ti 6'. %601 cou !)~ "y k;;I1i1-j hotl fil(I'll 11;0~ Ifir'l'.'kic I- V, A I f J, -, , " I ItcH jltj 2 , -1tv k. J 'r, ~... iNn, flffh It, t'jul J j, i IT T;-tti- tl;. t I C I I,c oof a it tile I ~ i", thl, ~tilil Ililril'.. -ET it -1,.it II,I'll r,,-,t j%% X I, . . -I "I"lOxi, I ith lo, c IT 771-1 1711 1 i 7_ r- tt A rhimihs with 11COAt '1~ tv. A ~d i ArSi),Nl I P, o IN V'O.-N VC!, 0111, t' A't~ '~lf jfv !cv ':~p 1 11 1 I'll It -114 c-t III m-4 (r--t 1; 1 t-f I a:t- I A. vivi tv nml V. A:-Ab, Wk 4 1:, 1. dty CO, 4A (1'-3, JI N I Pit 5 lirs. .,ficr oi,ioll the.-Ijuwd f."'k n-, t nnp. Io-),,,Lrs,, tIlt,to A ;l:A t!;,, With CCI, Atli ~61~ Im Mr,( 0: ftl R) wt. hut 1,"(OH ghv,~ tq, t'v4i.,g !:;-' L ' f 1(4 A; Palibol bv vlyio';- !;-,Tll i "t j-,tf)!j dtAv. Cle cmdt pr-f(I'A %V.L, ext'i -Aith &-) Ill)' ~ I TX0, lA the ~-An. nli;jA-t d to s~ ovl I. lirs it 1.e,i C~c Puktu'A LN '14 J)-O i,,A). .4rSO,,'v':fIxjfl)f lin-, prVIO, ( Imli: I;S,142 4'. Tbt~: n1c. I,C,t EmR, S14CO, Iflu, tpjius"y k, (110i'mr1r, k'E06kc; tl,c~r jL44. ~,Ant~ ute i-'A ti-MA 101,11, Ifta was fridttl -I A C0,41c." Spar 6, to St'-:14 21 utc tfUVO ILI L,-~Aru4, at tfxxl Itculy - Sall 9r-, vVith N AgNO, pvc the loilowing AX -mllv I b V &W. Ln DO. 34 g I`J!:lON'-l'k.':'i ppt. C4 f* qla --MON/jr#), W. 1064, Umm OWN); Lbb t wi ; AljQo#pv% tm tbamt"tk (Axrjvv(xoAi 1 0 0. (NHS)* ilk 10 mt. H W&A W IN.1p I A W 1.9 SM, &fktrl' hrl. JnVj a VOL d M%lolk OW rltM 41 &4% 041noyl by con. 44 two, mda. wl* iA MAU =Wxf I hi dff. 141-1,011 at wtil tL&.,j. W4,erl o.01 1-1-4- Pch is ame-4 gmullially tri 10 rAl. 0.7?c L N'll"UH av;,l ~.,Je ilitte i3 obtainLd o plit. of followiag wrrv 1:.ol.Lttd (Ar shown): 11.4, 71 rn. 1 -0 o-AleC,H,, 71.T7,. ri. ICA 14'; P-Alecdf.. 67 V,:~, 1-1 144. 9 '; I - C-, v I I " C. 9.9 %, -.,, 11, 7 - ", , ~ t ~ - v ~,-, l-, c-, ): ~, .1; ~ ~ bn 11-Jrnt In -q. 'f~j. -cf ~11, 1~:: toA .1. tf. aud dcAvs. ul l4ey are S".. tinKly $111. io ":r. .-I Volts txvept w,l V1011 ~,T MOAc. 4 drT NII, whis. of AiSk~Nill'i W11 itt i-irtt C,-;~ wly At (011~ami siol,14r nwhie 1-~lwien Ar,%~N:P(NII,), and At'-;0.NIII'(:Nll) oft:-voh fhtc "Ill TIA titrAdAt to ph~ With Naoll. Thr fi~t,oc to 141C.- n0plitImitill w0j "! 2 w ~SO TOM.. M IIAL ;1(j. .11f: . lina arc S. If -1, Itl 110i 'I Ir-, M, u s s R nftx.A. 40. O-We. '4C3 ~~.USSR/Phemiqt ;~"tion r7 Card 1/1 Pub 151 - 20/36 Authors : Kirsanov, A. V., and Abrazhanova, E. A. --------------- Title : Amidation of carboxylic acids with amides of nhosphoric acid Periodical : Zhur. ob. khim. 24/1, 120-122, Jan 1954 Ab.,;tract- 1 "-The- reaction of p-nitr6enzoic acid with trianilide, tri-p-toluidide and dia-- nilide of nhosphoric acid, and with trianilide, dianilide., trimide and mono- amide of Phenylsulfonicimido Phosnhoric acid, was Investigated. Only triani- lide, among the above mentioned phosphoric acid amides, tras found to be a pheRyl-amidation agent. It was also established that trianilide of Phosphor- ic acid can be successfully anplied for d--r.-ct phenylamidation of carboyylic acids of the fatty and aroritic series. Wo 11,35H reforetices--(1949-1-953).--------- InAitution : The 1. V. Stalin, Order nf Red Banner Netallurr-,icai Institute, Faculty of Or~anic Chojidstmr, Dnaproretrovsk tted : Jun~-- 20. 1953 'tlath 0 Zc=fwr.c-9 cn Crgo..'c av,ss...d .l NO r repuSl!i tho or ta* taeoU or tlerav, ws. L.14 3. by (C,X, xharkcv) PrwsenUd ttv roe-arch of g ~.c cr "Ac~er,-anta at U. It sr*cua of Me ob-a!--.d prodtu. The Nottlon at wfctt.-tin ucrtav At J-A tj~r%* obqmt 1r*r7 dlver*q reactiote, anti evTv-ica:. jklkvla-_Lca a,,AI sc~latim Of ortmUc ae-_-xz~da ~* th, subect or Itep tq 7- (Dreanth of %to I=, Dtv%-Akl, s. v. z&,,tvaa_-,7 (wn - wis. r-~4o- gicall InstItutue. Kiev) and S. 1. B=, IZKr.-I - r"I~rw r-,%x and weir siowjItes. 11. DarofoWwko and his sxaotlat~ (~ror~n *,I ported on Us &c7l.Um o: ar~tla In Uw ~rws-c* of psrc~.Ieri-i actd; S. 1. 31_-wLvl~rev MA "j an Qu SqlA- 41k~*- an: A. yo. K.rot" - and T.. A. Abwit"ove, !,t-rvS 4ro,e,k) re;w wJ w t.- ;r- dicta of tbv roactice t~41.ooft tb* og--me if ald.0-ydo- v.,d keto-c. A. T. 1. C-uxjcl'~k T*otct:-A (MVI - ChQrCvIey ;h.movto) van 0-7ranow a&I L7 ~~d-sttw W_V., dIO.M,I.w in tb- pr."a- .: "~:-!C ~hlartdo, 11. A,raxo,'.;(0 (Branch of V=Fl - SA~Mtfle ".-ran Votim ps~.wre ld.t1t,t.; SbodU*)* T. TO. Poddr* (tZ" - wi*v 5t&~& rr.Lwr&I-.yo Slov), 11") Od "90C'Woe lows-Igst-C '14 lo^ctlcus ~....rood S.-j 2- r I-- 7 ]_- --T-, -- -- - All THOR S: Kre.ov, A. Ye. , Abrazlianova, Ye. A. 0- )o/~o TITLE: On the Reaction of Aryl Sulf!viicles With Prol,ylene Oxi,.Ie (0 reaktaii arilsul I famidoy a okis Iyu propil PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khi:iii, 1958, Vol 28, 1r lo, pp 27179 - 2782 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ethylene oxide found widespread use as raw material for many products used as solvents (Ref 1), plastifiers, varnishes (Refs 2,3), in ammunition and medical preparation industries. The reactions of pro;~ylene oxide with aryl sulfamides are investijated. 'Tonson (Dzhonaon)(Ref 5) already carried out the reaction of styrene oxide with p-toluene sulfamides, and separ;--.ted two products: C H C,H 16 5 16 5 CH SO VHCH -CH Oil "u'd CU, SO IT,(CII-CH 011) 3= 2 2 . .. 3c> 2 2 2 The propenyl oxide was reacted by the authors with benzene-, p-chlorobenzene- and p-toluene aDifamide. Bn,,led on the Card 113 general scheme it could be assumed that the reaction On the Reaction of Aryl Sulfamides With Prop,,ilene Oxide SOV/79-28-lo-3o/6o takes place in two steps so that the mono or di- substituted aryl sulfamides were to be expected (Reaction Scheme (7) and (2)). In the reaction under high pressure and with caustic soda as catalyst in which the authors proco-Aed from benzene sulfamide the 11-p-hydroxy isol)2 Dpyl benzene oulfamide (I) was obtained ao main pr~)Lluct. When ul-ing p-toliieno, and p-chloro benzene sulfamide the reaction takes place according to the sche-ies (1) and (2) under the f ormation of subst4tuted amidess. The sirupy 11-p-hydroxy iso- propyl-aryl sulfamides (Formulae (A)) were purified in form of their crystalline sodium derivatives (with some molecules crystal water). The N-P,pl-dihydroxy diisopropyl-aryl sulfnmides (B) are of crystalline nature. The halogenation and acylation of the hydroxyl groups was carried out to prove the structure of the products obtained. Eii;ht t~ryl sulfamide derivatives not described in publications were synthesized and characterized. There are ,-, references, 1 of .%'hich is Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Reaction of Aryl Sulfanides With ?ropylene Oxi-le S07/79-28-lo-lc/~o ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologiclieskiy institut (Dnepropetroysk Chemotechnological li~stitute) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1957 Card 3/3 S/079/60/030/04/42/080 B001/BO02 AUTHORSt Kretov, A. Ye.~ Abrazhanova, Ye. A. TITLEs Aoylation of Arene.Sulfa:m:id:ojoTiith Eaters of Acetoacetic Acid and Its Substituted Compounds PERIODICALi Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, Wo~ 4, Pr. 1243 - 1245 TEXTt In addition to the papers of Refs. 1,2, the authors investigated the reactions of alkali salts of arene sulfamides on the one hand, with eaters of acetoacetio acid and its substituted compounds on the other. The initial substances were benzene-, p-chloro, p-toluene sulfamide and the esters of acetoacetic acidp and of chloro-I ethyl-p dichloro-p and diethylaceto- acetic acid. Under the participation of a mobile hydrogen of the methylene group of the eater in the reaction, the latter proved to take place under the development of the corresponding enolatet ArSO NHNa + CH COCHXCOOEt + CH C-CXCOOEt 2 3 ArSO2NH 2 31 X a H, C19 C 2H5* ONa Card 1/2 Acylation of Irene Sulfamides With Estera of Aceto- 5/079/60/030/04/42/080 acetic Acid and Its Substituted Compounds B001/B002 If no mobile hydrogen is presentt the eater group enters into reactions ArSO NHN& + CH Cool Coostmw ArS 02NHCOC012COCE3, The reaction took place 2 3 2 a in boiling, non-aqueous methanol. Due to the hydrolysis taking place readily, it was not possible to separate the final product in the pure state. The hydrolysis takes place in neutral and alkaline media, under the formation of aresse sulfamides according to the following schemes ArSO NHCOCC1 GOGH + HOE * ArSO RE and in organic acids 2 2 3 -CH 3COCC12COOH 2 2 according to a different scheme. Thus the following compounds were synthesizedi N-dichloroacetylbenzene eulfamide~ N-dichloroacetyl-p-toluene sulfamide, N-dichlp--aoetyl-p-ohlorobenzene sulfamide. These are colorless, crystall.':,-e iDrodurto which are soluble in hot water and benzene, and which may be titra'vcd sith phenolphthalein in an alcoholic solution at a low temr;sra~,ure. There are 2 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technolog SUBMITTEDs April 20, 1959 Card 2/2 KBMOVv A.Ye.;-ABRAZHANOVAP Te.A.; ZWTCMNKO., S.I. Production of hemiehloronitroso hydrocarbons. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.12t4O43-4044 D 161, (KIRA 15W (Hydrocarbons) (Nitroso compounds) METOVp A.Te.; ABRAZWOVA, Te.A.; ZLOTCENKO, S.I.; KUKHLRI, V.P. Artine sulfixmido ketones. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7t2355-2357 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Acetophenone) (Sulfamide) I- *1 1 1. .0 p IIH'1~110v, A~Yt-. APPAMO(AYA, Yo.A., KRIIAIII V.P. Oximes of alkoxy- and aroxycyclohexanones. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.6: 1021-.1022 Jo 165. (AURA 18t7) ',!, inO IV Ad ir A ov-)nny) NOVIKOV, BI; LZVITSKAYA, G.; ABRAZHZY A.Nj Reaction of the hypophyseal-thyroid complex to the action of temperature In the embryonic and postembryonto stage,of deve- lopment of certain varm-blooded animals. Trudy Inst.zool. AN URSR 10:105-123 153. (MM 7:10) (Pituitary body) (Thyroid gland) (Tempe,!-ature--Physiological Iffect) USSR/Farm linimals a Domestic Birds 0-5 Abo Jour : Ref Zhur - Diols, No 11, 1958: No 50093 Author : Novikovi B,G,) Mosbkov E#O*),Aibrnzhey A.M. ILst : Academy of Sciences UkrSSR '"%mALv-*&*4wwft Title : Growth and Development of Ducks at the Presence of Various LiJit Conditione, Orig Yub : Dopovidi AN URSR) 1957) No li 96-100 Abstra,it : Test ducks of the: pekinC; breed raised at the sovkhoz imeni Chkalov in the Stalin Oblast' were kept for the duration of one year starting with the 20th clay of their lives under the followinG conditions: for the 1st series of tests the birds were subjected to 16 hours of uninterrupted illumi ion; ana for the 2nd series they were oubjected to a two-phase daylidit illumination, namely, from 10 a.m. to 6 p*m* ain! from 10 poms to 6 asm. In both series of tests no differences were detected in terms of tIn ducks' Lxowth tempi and final body measurements, or in terms of their weiL-ht) and condition Card 1/2 66 ~,j ix I APR&MOV, I V. Abreimov, 1. V. and Prikhotlko~ A, F, The interferometer for work at low temperatures. Pages 550 - 73. Inst. of Physics of Acad. of Sci. Ukr. SSR and Inst. of Organic Chemistry Acad. of Sci. USSR. SOs Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences,, Izvestia, (USSR) Vol. 1~, No. (1950) Series on Physics. t E I v1 o Okl-N, G.M.; PISAREV, K.Ye.; ABREIMOT, P.G.; GRISHIN, N.T,; SHISHKINA. A,Is Zinc phosphide. Patent U.S.S.R. 78, 450, Dec. 31, 1949. (CA 47 no.20:10816 153) ABRIHANIT. Manufacturp .-f tbr- enljirmrnt for the Tetrc:leun indiistry in Runamla, a realization of thc rr71rc of reorle I n ~, recracy. y, 310 ilITYL SI QA!~r-. (,s".1atia Stitntificia a In-Inerilor si Tehnicienilor din kninia sl Ministerul Industriei Perclului si Chiriei) Bucurestl RU7M.mla V01.10 nc,F JulY 1959 Monthly list of East Erur(-rean Accesslores (EFAI) IC, Vc-1.9, no.2 Fab. 1.960 Uncl. ABRIKp H.; IEBERI F. [Papers read by foreign exports in Committees entifto Conferenco ... ; Committee 4) Doklady nauchnoi konforentaii komissii 3j 4 1 5 ...; 1958. 157 p. 3p 4# and 5 of the Sci- zarubezhnyl--b spetsialistov Kor-issiia 4 Moskva$ iMIRA 14:9) 1e International Institute of Refrigeration. (Food, Frozen) ABRIKOSOV, Aleksandr Al_qksandrovich; ARUSTAMOV, Xh.A., dotsent, reteenzent; IYKNOV, Yu.B., inzhener, reduktor; MYELI, A.I., inzhL- nor. redaktor; MARSHNNTS, S.L., redaktor; MODEL'. B.I., takhniche - skly redaktor (Reading and executing mechanical drawings] Chtenis i vypolnenie mashtuostroitellmykh chertozhei. Izd.3-e, perer. i dop. Moskva. Goa. nauchnn-tekhn.ixd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1955. 137 P. (Machinery--Drawing) KRA 8:10) ABRIKOSOV, Aleksandr Al,eksandrovich;.,IWPIONQTAp Z.A., red.; TSIRULINITSKIY. -11,i- 1. , - Eworkbook for mechanical drawing; a manual for students in the 8th grade of the secon4ry schools] Rabochaia tetrad' po oherchaniiu; uchebnoe posobis d1la uchashchikhaia TIN klassa erednei shkoly. Moskva, Goa. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo H-va proev. RSFSR. No.2. 1938. 13 p., 40 diagre. (MIRA 12:2) (Mechanical drawing) 1~ ABRI-KOS-OV. Aleksandr Aleksandrovicb; ARDSTAMOVO D.A., profs, retsenzent; - - SAVELIYKV, Ye.Ya., red, i:Iia-Va,- ELIKOD) V.D.s tekhn. red. (Reading and drafting of mechanical drawings] Cbtanis i vypolnenie maahinostroitel'rWkh chortezhei. Izd.4., perer. i dop. Moskva; Goa. nauchno-tekbno izd-vo mashinostroit, lit-ry, 1961 291 p. iMIRA 14: U) (Mechanical drawing) ABRIi~i-)h~'V, A. A. - --- 269o4. ABRIKOSOV, A. A., k toorit gomoganny'jli a9mo,,,roIzvol'nykh orto-, pare-perpkhoaov vodorcda pri nlzkikh tamperaturnkh. (Pie 'mo v Red. ) Zhurnal eksperhL. I tooret. fizlki, 1949. Vyp. 9, 8. 851-53. SGS Letwais'ZhurnalInykh Statay, Vol. 56, 19410. ABKII~tysuv, A. A. 26905. ABRIKUSOV, A. A., ob orientntnii elektronnoro momenta qRloidno~o stomA v molekulakh tire SISN i SIS33 (pis'mo v red.) Zhur-riftl eksperim. i teoret. fiziki. 1949, vy,,. 9, Fk.853-5~, Riblioart 5 Nazv. S0$ Letopia'Zhurnal'ny'Kh Stqtey, Vol. ~6, 1949. Molecular SpectroL Qgadrupole Wments gletter to the Witocr, 'The Orientation of the zlectron Mament of the Haloid Atom in Molecules of the Type CICII and CICH-3,1" A. A. Abrikonov, Ii.Lat of. Pbys Problem , Acad Sci USSR, .3 pp ~'M=. Eksper I Tearet Fi z - Vol =., -No 9 Becent measurements of the hyperfine structure of the rotation spectra of CICn and CICH3 type molecules showed that it depends upon the quad- rupole interaction of the h-I id atom with the 62149i2A' aseelftsics. (Cmtd) Say field of the remaining- charged particlits. 'Iksameei that the field Interacting-vith the quadrupole moment of the nucleus is essentially the sum for a free'atcm as for an atom in a molecule., Be6aune.' of the binding of the atom In the molecule, ysrlouo cirleatatUfteribodf its electron vwment. with respect to the axis of the molecule,bare different pro-- babIlIties of occurrence. Calculates these Wo- bobilities according to experimental data on the b7perf ine" a tr cture of molecular rotation spectra sud the 4staLtb~: byperfIne --tructure of halolds. Submitted 7 MaY 49. 6205OW 1 Sep 49 Hydrogen "A letter to the =tor, 'The Tbecry of Haimo- goneouz Spontaneous Ortho- and P&ra-Transitions of Hydrogen at Low Temperatures, A. A. Abr1ko- iov, last of Pbys Problems, Acad Sci USSR.# 3 pp FI "Zbnr Nksper i Teoret FizII Vol =, No 9 Uplains vby the equilibrium concentration of two bydrogen modifications changes only slightly with an increase, and considerably with a de- ' crease, in temperature. Bases general exp2aDat4an 62/49Tia USMI?bqoics (Coutd) Sep 49 In ~amt par&- and ortho-zolecules have wave functions of nuclear spin tbai are of diffezvat a7metry. Submitted 7 wy 49. 62/4WICO 0 A A t - I O-j y -%,, 1~ A , ti, 0 "Drawirip of I:achincry and lihivprint RcadiriE,ll lzd.. 2, peror. (."Anlinyl redaktor 13.A.lvanov), I:oslcva, Goo. nauchno-teklin. i-d-vo v.-cishinostroit. 1950. ij,u oct 1951 AMIKOSOV, A. A. Mashinost'roitellnoe cherchenie i chtenie chertezhei. 17 por-zshchIr-roizvodstvenr:ozTj obucheniiu i mnostoiatellnopm povysheniiu proizvodstv. k-valifikatsii. II-bskva, Mashgiz, 10,50. 1L0 P. Mechanical drawing and draft reading. sn: Manufacturing and Mechanical EngineerIne in the Soviet 'Union, Library of Conpress, 1953. JURIKOSOV, A. A. - #Distribution of Particles in a Ronuniformly Heated Ionized Gas.* Sub 23 Jun 51, Inst of Physidal Problems imeni, S. I. Vavilov, Acad Set Tm. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SOt Sum. No. 480p 9 May 55. WV W V-W;V ;W;W ;; W_VIRFW_W-~-V i i i i - i A a 9 a 9 1aL ~_JL_f_2 2 1 1 A , F 10"t 0 IIAMATION CORMINCTIONIN FOR DUtAC'S XQUATION3 LN A NOMMKILATIVOI C APP*MhtATM. A. sad 1. M. KMWAlkar. Uvr. RaWl'. I TooM. Fit. 81-750611) IS& On Russian) A calculation Is made of the ablit to the toorty levels of an electron in an saternal fteld produced by the trAtraction ear- with the electron's own rathation (told Diver ences a . g pp ing In the calculation are removed by discarding terms zoo witich are Indepandent of the outer neld. A new -nothod for ad re - 6# derivation oi radection relations to employed . quirlag the WW of the Paoli equation. (Auth) Xq# NCIALLUINICAL LITINATUIR CLASSIFKA1109 [.I- - ------ tooopi it oiv 4-aT- 4114110" *A I 111 3.1 0.1 it, * I F 1 0 10 V IA AnAIa FW 0 N 6 1 Ir bi 0aaI v U n &I to it If up 'a 40 a, I 0 M a 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 was 0 :100 000 0 0' 0 0Wo 0 0 6099990 00 a& 0 0 00 see got "to '90 to 4 b Wes 777 900*0666000*900609 so 000 ~ 0 w w W-W-W-- v . 29 . " . u id x is v 0 0. L 41 v w$,a 0 itj 'A Is &I &1 1, J, IL L .1 a, FU 6 1 9 it I., I m is lo Q u I'a 190 Ar vc, 1 $11 00 00 a 1-00 00 so 00 00 t 00 4020 RADLATION COOtRZCTXHG IN THE PROBLEM Or THE 96 a SCArrgNM Or AN ILICCTRW IN AN RUCTRO. 0 * a MAGNITIC MU). A. A~ Abrilmsov sW 1. M. KMI&talkgv. 00 r Zbw. KkspU'. I TMr*.'ta-. tur. (In .00 00 Rm"imal see A r*ktiviat"Hy-mysir" amtkw of calmlittioa of --o0 00 j radialift torrottlas (JA tW &WqxljutbO qI/be) for &A 00 0 lht*rSctWO b1tw9ft RA tltttrOM &M U eiderml field is ce 0 age 0 * j 9ft- ThO PrbcW ItWe"loam are formuLated for afturartly Lact flems. ror tm 011MIAmbe of wimus re 0 00 terms not cormpmIft to observoil effocts, a proco&r* 0 * Involvft cot -on 1"Mrs of a very .080. 1 ty" is too 00 1 lslvudmd~ IvAh) '00 0 041 114 0 #0 Wj Igo 0 '00 0 tsoo 0 A AIIAMOGICAt 1,1110001 CLAII06CLIICII 01, )a., Sol- woo 0 0.0 An I s a 0 u IV vt a x a 91 a 1111181 It"Or, 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 ~ 0 9 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 ISO 0 0 0 0 0,9 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 o es a -0-4- -0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4-0 0 00 0 00 0000 0 0 oi~ 4m wide &*&*" Is 0 b"*w m@, ---) jimmijimid OL A, A. A-0414"Wrv. zk. JAqW. r"W. fig., A 316 in XMAAW in vmvrjjq~ the pmnd IWGIIWA Of fvWLvJ% v"L in " Hm tm &Wm maims thm a P-4 forinisia (W the mro."Wkin has bm evolmd, it Ity of WMPWICIY the "micei OW t by Cowling tAbstr. 2301 sew w" 194M 14% r. 794 (1950)1 and. by a ~11-)45)1 LarAdiod W WNW, ins"Wil. bY tC~~ 1019 119sm bal 11111 QUWiM 01 OW Me pot Y" bm in k*irA it &Smw aws ,.Uh.WA" the imolm whkh is VIOW Of go fW imt this ra"WINIOr" Can actuaft WW in Dow* AW cw% in ptr"64 pwy " 046, I in tm ramaLion o(lbe stam Whith"" =110 contribute to the " of pp- In 1"Wi0ion is mmtkw to to cm 11 Ott= 6WAMOM 1bg &MOY* IS b"W On tho Wn,, khW1, equatkma Id (of & U'LiLlum Of two msww pm WA the *Wton SW wo C-Iomb WA tj~m~rjc for"gi &AW4 bM*m In &"tk)a to The form UWN (MM xd" to evolve Use co- betwm thsm In ( loco( ( thwmoaffuskiii, a matiOnNY ScWt the systan of thm cQuallom is Wushl on do &SUMPL -tion dm not dift lion that dw distribOtion furv. Ibc mpi%*cll quillbrWim dMti- OL ML r" Woull" of Ow" kahwen spa . .&&6W= In as ulmi ub WWO w A, A. Asahtuaw. ZL MVw. nw. pb.. 2:. 321_v ft Rabool, clowbustion Ot tw mom's promn. p4w Oftoeft AWWO id wbkb the coo of a cc mg jme~ "J."4 so we 006960A 7u alialylls Is now "w4w 10 a am MM Fe ill an wh" im "llatim Is IMMOft In the Am pism a wXIM ofsomwithdallmIll.dw orim"Jonoratcewk but no UNAWINIAll 400#W* DrAnd Moos. Is ooj~. WMIML no bovin ften the Ptownest diftivi ly Whited mom it is thm witgod out tbm the Ni* "ustim an sul"m to thow vbtakW in the pwAaw ; IS - &W irao thm "Istioiti4a the ftftb ft tM Ortiarkm ratio b WroduDIA 11111M fbt the Kit of drowca. Ow At (Ild that thl WWEAWN wav bv& on Which Ab eRallibrita 1106 - Iffifft 4*eod'6 1110 so (&r disum Oar dkffma pus sw a" pw coo to C-Ww" "PON* as a Mixture of me IM vd ,q 6, M HQvMw. was Vkh " sirmbficatim I On wahmAdca pme to bs too kbwjMM for Ow thaft N"bw b he conmPtration o( one of IN cowfoom is fdath* my MOL Evw Own do ftwks M" to be rubw IaWriow rw a" lakm* kni'mcatim *( thm "PAb is tM, le) Z) r-I -~I "4 USSR/Physics - Superconductors I sep, 52 "Determining the Magnitude of Dielectric Perme- ability and Normal Conductivity of Superc6nduc- tars," A. A. Abrikosov "Dok Ak Hauk SSSR" Vol 86, No 1, PP 43-46 Investigates superconductors in a high-frequency field, which permits one to observe a number of properties of great interest from the standpoint of the microscopic theory of supercond. ()btains a f Ormula for Z - R + iX, the surface resistance of superconductors in a high-frequency field, 234T103 vhich quantity Z can be measured experimentally and which thus permit one to find important parameters cond sigma and permeability epsilon contained in the formula. Thanks Acad L. D. Landau for proposing the problem worked out aere. Submitted by Acad Landau 4 Jul 52. no. U3 234T163 ABRIKOSOV, A*A. Influence of size on the critical field of superconductors of the second group. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 86, No.3, 489-92 152. (HLRA 519) (PA 56 no.66B:5475 '53) AIMIKOSOV. AaA- AO"OOWW Internal structure of hydrogen planets. Vop.kosm.3:11-19 154. (Planets) (MLRA 8:3) ABRIKOSOV, A, A. AID - P-227 Subject USSR/Astronomy Card 1/1 Author Pbrikosov, A. A. Title Equation of State of Hydrogen at High Pressures Periodical ABtron. zhur., v. 31, 2, 112-123, Mr - Ap 1954 Abstract Equa ion of state of solid hydrogen at pressures above ~ 2xlO gtm is examined. It Is found that at a pressure of lo 2.4x atm a change from 8 molecular to an atomic modi- fication takes place, which Is followed by a sudden chanEp in density from 0.621 to 1.12 gr/cm3. Limits of applica- tion o" the calculations made are studied. The molecular L hydrogen energy net of Kronig, de Boer, Korringen as modi- fied by the author was used, and the method of the atomic hydrogen energy net was replaced by the author's own method of single-parameter electron wave functions modu- lated by functions having the necessary symmetry. Five graphs. Three references. Institution : Institute of Physical Problems im. S. I. Vavilov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR Submitted : November 1, 1953 WSRtthysics Quantum electrodynamics- -__Card- 1/1- 116 Authors Abrikosov, A. A., Pomeranchuk, I. Ya.; and Shmushkevich, I. It. Title "Quantum Electrodynamics" by A. 1. and D. B. Berestetskly. Gosizdat, 1953, 428 p. Periodical Usp. fiz. nauk 53/3, 41t2-444, July 1954 Abstract A monographical work by two 3oviet scientints is reviewed. The mono- graph deals with quantum electrodimamics and is considered to be a unique and very valuable work on theoretical physics. Institution Submitted Zii RIM - USSR/Physics - (~uant. slectrodys-ummics 0 crd 1/1 Autbors Landau, L. D., Academician; Abrikosov, A. A., Khalatnikov, 1. M, i Asymptotic expression __ oirthe-Grton -photon- funation-in-quantum islootrodynsavii-- of the Acade. of Scs;,~of.the USSR 95v 6,, 3.177- n80,, 21 Apr 1954 Abstract :--An asymptotic expression for the Orton photon Danotion (D uv&d in quantu olectrodynadoe is dorived, The article contains a diagram. Institution i Aced.-of Soo. of the USSR Submitted t 25 Feb 1954 USSR/Physics Card 1/1 Authors I Landau, L. b. Acade-miciati; Abrlkoscw, A. and :1 %Iatllih-v, Title Electroit irass in quatLtu.-. clectrodpaatcs Periodical I Dokl. AN SSSRj X-), Ed. 2s 261 - 26~, ~"Y 191-:4 Abstract The problem of electron i;,ass ajid particolarly the problem con- corning the role of the eluctro-majietic and natural i.,iass of V-ic electron is oix of the most interesting problmns of quantwir, electrodynainics. Of basic importaace in solving this problezii is the characteristic of the Green function of the electron G(p) when prvim. Equations- enabling one to solve such a problem are given. Three references all USSR. Institution ....... Submitted I Larch 6, 195h L USST!,'Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 10/48 Authors Abrikosov, A. A., Galanin, A. D. and Khalatnikov, I. M. Title Green's functions in the theory of mesons with weak pseudo-scalar bond Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 97/5, 793 - 796, August 11, 1954 Abstract A method, successfully used in the theory of quantum electrodynamics, is described in connection with its applica',ion to the theory of mesons with weak pseudo-scalar bonds. The method is intended to show that,-by appii cation of Green's function G(p), the affective constant of weak bond becomes a strong boncl, provided the p is sufficiently large. Two refer- ences (1951). Institution Tnstitute of Physical Problems im. S. 1. Vavilov of the Acad. of Scs. of the U3SR Presented by Academician L. D. Landau, June 15, 1954 ABRIKOSOY, Aleksey Alekseyevich ABRIKOSOV, AlekseypAlekseyevich - Academic degree of Doctor of Physicomathematical Sciences, based on his defense, 23 June 1955, in the Council of the Institute of PhysicRl Problems imeni Vavilov Acad Sci USSR, of his dissertation entitleds "Research on quantitative electrodynamics in the presence of great energies." For the Academic Degree of Doctor of Sciences SO: Byulleten' Hini5terstva Vyshego Obrazovaniya SSSR,, List No. 2, 21 January 1956 Decisions of the Higher Certification Commission concerning academic degrees and titles. .1towsion Annihilation reaction Uard 1/1 Pub. 22 - 16/54 Authors I Abrikonov, A. A. Title The muli-photon annihilation of high-energy povitrono and electrons Periodical I Dok. All SSSR 102/5o 915-917., june n. 1935 Abstract I An analysis of the multt~photon annihilation of high-energy positrons and electrons is presented. The first *two photons formed in the an- nihilation are considered. The others are called the additional photons, The following probability fomula is given for determining the number of additional photons that-may be formed in the annihilation: d6(n-2) . da (2) 0 vhere d 0 is ibe cross section of the double quantum annihilation. ---.Three r erenoeav--1-USSR and-2 LISA (1953-1954)0 A6ad____,f S U,1 Institutiob 0 0 ,).g SSR) S. 1. VaVilov Institute of Physical Problem Presented by t Academician L. D. Landaut rebrwu7 28, 1955