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A Power Supply for Automatic Telephone Offices Using Selenium ~,ectifiers
requisite smoothing circuit is described. In case of fail-
ure of the line supply, the stand-by power unit is switched
in by relay. There is 1 circuit diagram.
1. Telephone systems--Power supplies 2. Power supplies
--Applications 3. Selenium rectifiers--Applications
Card 2/2
"The Electrical Equipment of the Knyazhaya Guba Hydroelectric Power Plant."
L ,/
in book - New Developments in tehDesign of Electric Equipment for I~Fdro-
electric Power Plante) 11057. 222 p. Moscow-Laningrad, Gosenergoizdat.
(Data on the Conference on DeaLc;n and Operation., Mosoov., 16-24 May
AUTHORSa Tsetlin, B.S., and Maslov, A.M.
TITLE! Hot burr-free stamping of gear-shaper cutter blanks
PERIODICALt Stanki i instrument, no. 10, 1961, 30-31
TEM Hot burr-free stamping has been used at the Moskovskiy instrumenta1%.
nyy zavod (Moscow Tool Plant) since 1960 for gear-shaper cutter blanks. In
1961, hot stamping completely replaced drop forging in flat dies for two
blank sizes - for cutters with 75 and 100 mm pitch circle diameters. The
now technology is based on research work conducted by the VNII. The Moscow
Tool Plant is a short-scale production plant, and gear-shaper cutters are
being produced in lots of 200-300, although lots of 500 are estimated to be
more economical. The article describes the die design 4ig,3) and gives
details of the production process. The cutters are made from P 18 (P18)
high-speed steel. Serving as stock are hot-rolled R18 steel bars.45 mm 17-1
diameter for gear-shaper cutters with a pitch circle diameter of 75 mm and
forged steel 60 mm in diameter for gear-shaper cutters 100 mm in pitch
Card 1/4
Hot burr-free stamping D040/D113
circle diameter. Stock is out to lengths with + 0-5 mm accuracy in abrasi-ve
outting-off machines, and length has to be determined for practically every
rod since the standard permits 2-5 mm rod diameter deviations and ovality.
An MKn -1500 (MKP-1500) crank press is used for stamping. The preseq
shon, in a photograph, has a maximum force of 1500 tons and has a 300 mm
slide travel. Dies are made of 5)(HB(5K'iNV) steel and hardened to RC 43-
45, and assembled in MZMA design blocks. Stampings (Fig.1) are shaped by
two strokes. The first dig impression has 1-2 mm larger diameter than the
stc-Ik7 and upsetting in the first impression also produces a centering pro-
trusion. The upset blank is fixed by the center protrusion in the second
die impression and finally stamped. The punch forms the inside, and the
bed die the outside of the cutter. A 1-0-1-5mmgap has to be maintained bet.-
ween the punch and the bed die in view of possible blank height inaccuracy.
Machining allowance of 4-6 mm. on the outer diameter and 3-4 mm in height
is needed for the obligatory removal of the decarburized metal layer by
machining. Blanks are hea~ea in batches of 70 to 100 in a small gas fur-
nace beginning at 900-1000 C and heating up to a forging temperature of
1100_ 11500C for 30-40 min in slightly reducing atmosphere with a gas sII2:-
pl-as to reduoe decarbuiization and scale. Scale is removed by air blait
0 ard 2/4
3/12 61/000/010/0o3/005
Hot burr-free stamping e..* D040YD113
and lubrication of stamps is not used. Annealing after stamping is carried
out in a special crucible placed into a shaft furnace with temperature pro-
gram control. The annealing procedure is as followss soaking for 2-3 hours
at 65000, cooling rapidly to 750 0C a~d soaking for 4-5 hours at this temper-
ature, cooling in the furnace to 500 C, then unloading and finally cooling
in the open air. Rejects are possible when the stock length cut off is too
small or too large, cracks occur when cooling is too fast, and dies fill un-
evenly when not accurately placed in the press. However, the die costs are
30-35 times lower than the cost of expensive high-speed steel spared through
the use of hot stamping instead of open drop forging, and 50% less machining
work is needed on stamped blanks. Dies withstand 2000-2500 stampings before
the first machining becomes necessary, and 2-3 overhauls are possible before
complete wear. There are 4 figures.
Card 3/4
TSItLjN_s 13!�..; MASLOV, A.M.
Seamless hot stamping of slotter-ram blanks. Stan.i instr. 32
no.10:30-31 0 '(1. WRA 14:9),
BOCHAROV, Nikolay Filippovich (deceased]; DEGTYAREV,Viktor Olegovich;
KOVALEV, Anatolly Ivanovich. Prinimal uchastiye STEPANOV, N.G.;
ZAUSAYLOV, B.A., retBenzent; FEDOROVSKIY, P.Ye., retsenzent;
TSETLU, B.V,,, red.; PESKOVA, L.N., red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N., tekhn.
[Fundamentals of safety engineering and fire prevention measures]
Osnovy tekhniki bezopasnosti i protivopozharnoi tekhniki. Moskva,
Transzheldorizdat 1?12. 202 (MIRA 16:2)
(Ra lroads-wdlety measures)
(Railroads-Fires and fire prevention)
2. U33R (600)
4. Technology
7. Safety techniques in machine-building. Moskva, Oborongiz,1952
9. Moahl JJJA 21 Russ ian_.Ac cAq n i nng., Library of Congress, February, 1953. Unclassified.
TSETLIN, Boris Viktorovich; POLUEKTOV, Yevgeniy Vyachealavovich; ROZOVSKIT,
retsenzent; KUGIIIIS, B.L., inzh, retsenzent; DUVANKOV,
G.S., red.; BARYKOVA, G.I., red.izd-va; TIKHAIJOV, A.YA.,
[Safety measures in operating load-lifting machinery at machinery
manufacturing plants] Tekhnika bezopasnosti pri ekspluatataii
gruzopod"emnykb mashin na mashinostroitellnykh zavodakh. 14Dskva,
Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo masbinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 145 p.
(141RA 12:1)
(Hoisting machinery) Nacbinnry Industr7--Safety measures)
.Okhrana Truda V'Promyshlemosti (Protection of labor in industry) Moskva,
V. Tables.
At head of title: Russia. M nisterstvo, Vysshego Obrazovaniya., and Moscow.
Gosudarstvennyy Ekonoidcheskiy Institut.
Bibliograpby: P. (278)
TBIRLIN, Boris Viktorovich,; KAPLANOVICH, Semen Lipovich.; BLINDER, Ye. 11.,red.;
- TSIRULINITSKIY~ N.P., tekha. red.
[Safety moasures in the operation of industrial enterpr13eS; a
practical manual] Ckhrana truda pri ekspluatateii promyshlennykh
prodprilatii, prakticheekoe rukovodstvo. Moskva$ Voes. 1coop. lzd-vo,
1958. 345 P. . (MIRA 11:12)
(Industrial safety)
Tsetlin, Boris Viktorovich, and Semen Lipovich Kaplanovich
Okhrana truda pri ekspluatatsil promyshlennykh predpriyatiy;
prakticheskoye rukovodstvo (Plant Safety in Industrial,Rstablial;-
ments; Practical Guide) Moscow, K01z, 1958. 345 p., 20,000 copies
Ed,: Ye.N. Blinder; Tech. Ed.: N.P. Tsirullnitskiy.
PURPOSE: This industrial safety manual is intended for personnel in
producers' cooperative establishments and local industries.
COVERAGE: The manual emphasizes the safe operational aspects of
industrial equipment employed in metal working establishments.
It describes such items as the basic legislation on labor safety,
maintenance of industrial buildings, general safety measures,
and personal protective equipment. It outlines precautions that
should be taken when operating electrical and hoisting devices,
machine tools, boilers and pressure vessels, furnaces and ovens,
Card l/ 10
Plant Safety In Industrial (Cont.) SOV/1646
and gas and electric welding equipment, Measures to be taken
when handling Inflammable liquids, chemicals, plastics, and
glues are also discussed. The concluding chapter is devoted to
First Aid. Chapters II, X, and XVII were written by
S.L. Kaplanovich, Chapters III and XI were written jointly by
S.L. Kaplanovich and B.V. Tsetlin, and the~remaining chapters
were written by B.V. Tsetlin. There are no references. No
personalities are mentioned.
Ch. I. Basic_Legislation on Plant Safety
1. Plant safety concept
2. Legislation on plant safety
3. Rules and standards on safety
industrial sanitation
4. Control over the observance of
5. Responsibility for infraction
engineering and
legislation on plant
of plant safety rules
Card 2/ 10
[Protection of labor In industry; a textbook] Okhrana truda ---
v promyshlennosti;. uchabnoe poeGbie. MGskva, Kosk.gos.ekon.uliiv.
Pt-l- 1958. 275 p. (MM 12:5)
(Industrial safety)
7~. -;.
ISET i;*) I
Safety techniques in machine-buildinl-, I'oskva, "boronriz, 1952.
Monthly ilist of '.'ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UINCLASS'IFIED.
TSITLIN, B.V.; DUBANKOT. G.8.. redaktor; TIM012TIff. N.K., redaktor;
""_-fta&. Te.L.. redaktor; ZUDAXIN, I.M.. takhnichookiy redaktor
[Safety Gagineering In machine-building] TakhAika bazapasnoott v
mashinostroonii. Pod red. G.B.Duvankova I N.K.Timoveava. Kooky&,
Goa, isd-vo obor.promyshl., 1952- 611 P- (IPA 9:7)
(Xachiuery--Constructiorr--Safety measures)
TBITLIN Bori I'Vi.kt rovich; NOVOSPASSKIY,V.V., redaktor; VULIF,D.A. re-
INII.S.I., tekbnichookiy redaktor
[woric safety in the proceBs of the heat treatment of metals] Bezo-
pasnost' pri protBassakh tormichookoi obrabotki metallov. [Koskya]
Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1955. 156 p. (KIRA 9:3)
(Ketale--Heat treatment--Safety measures)
Bezopasnost' truda pri prbtsessakh termicheskoy obrabatki- nietallov (Accident
prevention in work during processes of thermal working of metals) Moskva, Profizdat,
156 p. illus., diagrs., tables.
"Literatura!': P. 155
;.~- -1~~ - " .- - --
3110p-~ 1-1kV-i%%0,
.la ~% R
- - - ~,7 -.q - ",
I W -,.
Direct symthesis of alkyl-and alkenyl chlorosilanes on the basis of
1,1-dichlorethane and 2.2-dichloropropane. Dokl.AN SSM 107 no.l:
99-102 Mr 156. NLRA 9:7)
l.Chlen-korrespondent AN 35SR (for retrov),iZaInatitut organicheskor
khimii imeni N.D.Zolinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR.
USSR/Organia Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-h1iimiya, No 6, 1957, 19258-
Author Sadyldizade S. I., Tzetlin 1. 1., Petrov A. D.
Title Synthe3is of Silicon Containing Simple Elthers and
Orig Pub: Zh. obshch. khimiyi, 1956, 26, No 5, 1239-1243-
Abstract: According to the diagrams of Grignard and Darbier--
Ycvo.-.,o tci7were synthesize-1 a seriea cf ethers with a Si-
a:.-om tn f, -, V -, and :' , - Positions to the ether 2.1.-n-lage -
It is detn:,-mined, that in -silicone ethers the bond Si-
C is not broken by the action of cone. HC1 on heating, or
:Cl~ at usual temperature. With AM 3 at 5o-60 is for-
d CHa)3S' Cl (I)' The action of Dr on (CH3)3S'(CH2)3
OCH3 (11) led to the formation of (CH353SiDr. To 30 9.
Mg and 0-5 g AlC13 in 350 cc abs. ether is gradually added
Card 1/3
USSR/organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
AbB Jour: Ref Zhur-10aimiya, 1,To 6, 1957, 19258
a mixt1ire of 108.5 Cl(CH )30CH3(,,2:) (b.p. 110-20/734
mm, n42-)D 1 4133, d4% O.M?) and 108-5- 1 and the mix-
ture is stirred while heating for 5 hours. After the us-
ual treatment II is obtained, yield 68ci', b.p. 1420/746 mm,
n2OD 1.4112, d420 0.7907. Analogically werksynthesized
(given substance, yield in ~,, b.p. OC/mm, n D and d4 20):
~Cer ) Si(CH )IOCH (M) 7.2 207/746; 1.44131 0-8375
BifCr12)30C_H3 M 50, 164/752, 1.42n, 0-8059,
Z CH2)30CH3-/2 36, 105-105.6/2o, 1.4330, o.8676.
By ?htSinteraction of (CH3)3SiCH2M9 Cl and CH30CH Cl in
usual conditions is obtained (CH ) SiCH2CH OCH field 44
b.p. 48-490/70 mm, n2OD 1,4030, V 0.78672. Llogically
is synthesized (CH ) Si(CH2)40CH3, yield 8~, b-P- 590/12
mm~ n2OD 1.4243, 468 0-8213- To 34 g. Mg and 0-5g AIC13
in 250 cc abs. ether is added in drops 108.5 9- 111; ob-
tained reaction mass is added to 85 9- SiC14 in 100 cc
Card 2/3
USSR/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. E-2
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-laiimiya~ No 61 1957, 19258
ether, heated 5 hours, and filtered. At the distillation
of the filtrate is obtained C13Si (BU2)30CH3, yield 23-5~
b.p. 172-50/744 mm, n2DD 1.440, d4 1.2272. At the ac-
tion of cone. H2S04 on IV is formed gC~3~Si(CH2)30CH.17f'
b.p. 122-1240/10 mm, n2OD 1.4253, d4 o, 96 . btnaogic-
ally from V is obtained JCH3)2C2H 8'(C%30CHQ 0, b.
P- 128-1300/7 ram, n2OD 1.4312, d4g; 0.89 3. It is noted,
that 2-chlor-4-methoxybutane does not give with Mg the
Grignard reagent, but splits off the HC1, forming
Card 3/3
T- L i
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry E-2
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Qimiya, No 2, 1957y 4461
Author : Petrov, A.D., Sadykhzade, S,I., Tsetlin, I.L.
Inst : Academy of Sciences USSR
Title : Direct SynthesI3 of Alkyl- and Alkenyl Chlorosilanes
on the Basis of 1)1-Dichloruthane and 2,2-Dichloroprcpane
Orig Pub : Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, No 1, 90-IC2
Abstract : Study of interaction of 1)1-dichlethane (I) and 2,2-di-
chloropropane ( .II) with an alloy of Si-Cu (80:20) (16-
25 hours at 360-3800 under conditions of a circulation-
type equipment). From I were obtained: 4.5% SiC14,
15-2% 1, 6.4% vinyl-dichlorosilane (BP 72-730/750-5 mm,
n OD 174160, d 0 1.1222), 16% yinyl-trichlorosilane (BP
~ 20D
92-50/750,5 rm, a ;1.4295.7 d~O 1.2426); 6-5% 1 1-bis-
dichlorosilylethane kIII) (BP 165-50/750-5 icm, n~("D
j-4678, d~ 0 1-3343); 18.5% 1-dichlorosilyl-l-trichloro-
silylethane (n') (BP 1810/750.5 mm, n20D 1.4-14o, d40
Card 1/3 - 96 -
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic OrganitChemiatry E-2
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimilya, No 2, 1957, 4161
1.4310) and 18,% 1,1-bis-(t*richlorosilyl)-ethane (V)
(BP 197-50,1750~5 mm, n2ob 1,.4820, dFO 1-5059)- From II
were obtained: 2% SiCl - 15% 11; 7.;6% dichlori.soprope-
20 1.01
nyl-silane (VI) (BP 900~715"B mm, n20D 1.4310, d4 187);
10.1% isoRropenyltrichlorosilane (BP 1130/758 nim, nk~
i~4412, d 0 1.2398); 14% ~,2-bis-(*dichlorc)silyl)..propane
(VII) (BP4175.8/80 /758 mm,-n20]) 1,4709, d20 1 2635)1
4 e
11.5% 2-dichlorosilyi-2-trichlorosilyl-propane (VIII)
(BP 195.50/758 mm, ~20D 1A818, d40 1.3808); 8.5% 2,2,.
bis-(trichlorosilyl)-propdne (BP 2140/758 mm, n~?-OiD
1,4927) d?O 1.3733) and a'small amount of ri, substance
having a melting point of 88-900, and according to ana-
lytical data the composition f-sicl2C(CH3 )2 73. By me-
thylation there were obtained:
From III -- CH3CH(SiH(CH3)2)2 (IX), BP 1240/746 mm,
n2Ob 1.4252, d20 O~7597; from IV --. CH
4 3CHS"'(C'13)2'
Card 2/3 - 97 - Si(CH3)3
USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry E-2
Abs Jour Referat Z-hur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, W1
M, BP 1400/733-5 ra~~ n2c-D 1.4288, d20 0 7756- from V
-- CH 3CH(Si(CH 3)'1)2 cxi ), BP 155,70A3 n26D 1.4340,
d20 0.7821; from VII -- (CH C(SiH(CH BP 142-1430/
4 3)2 3)2)2
758 ipm, n201) 1.4360 d20 0.7779; from VIII --
.1 4
(CH 3)2 C(SiH(03)~Si(CH 3Y (XII), BP 159-1600/758 mm,
n'OD 1.4378, d~o 0-7939; compounds III and VI-XII were
obtained for the first time. From 1,2-dic;hloethane,
under the above-described conditions, vinyisilane
chlorides are not formed,
Card 3/3 - 98 -
- -- -. ,
;~ii4 " - " ~ - .. - -
'U'4 , 0
TSITLIN, lev Solomonovich; ZUBOV, V.P., otvetstvennyy red.; KILIM, Ya.A.,
_ __ . . red. izd-va; YJZM, Ye.Vi., tekhn. red.
[History of scientific thought in Russia; science and scientists at
Moscow University in the second half of the 19~th century] Iz istorii
nituchnoi mqsli v RossU; nauka i u*chenye v Moskovskom univiersitete vo
vtoroi polovine = -vekEL. Moskva, Izd-vo Akail. nauk SSSR, 1958.
275 p** (MIRA llt7)
(Moscow University) (Science-Study and teaching)
Academician Mikhail Aleksandrovich Menzbir; on the 25th anniveraar7
of his doath. Biul. 1401P. Otd. biol. 65 no. 0'.,129-140 N-D :6o.
(MIRA 14:2)
TSETI 11-T, T . S.
K. A. Timiryawi 2 dop, izd. -zc:--io Akaderiiii nauk 1952
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Auf--,Ust, 195)2. MICLASSIFM
Application of matrix co.:-,~-,;tntion tD t"-.e synthesis of relay-cor' et sc-*
- t. ~.. I. La
Dokl. AN SSSR 86 no. 3, 1Z,62.
I~onthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified.
-T"', -1.
.- ~ w- -. --
Mix -,~ N i au ~ M ~ 00 4 -1
TITLE: On the Quantities with Anomalous Symmetry and on a Possible Expla-
nation of the Degeneration (with Respect to Symmetry) of K-Mesons.
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimental9noi i Teoret.Fiziki, 1956, Vol 31, Nr 6,
PP 1107-1109 (U.S.S.R.)
Received: 1 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957
ABSTRACT: Within the limits of experimental accuracy the rest masses of
0- and T-mesons are equal and this equality is called the
"degeneration of K-mesons with respect to symmetry". In this con-
nection the examination of the behavior of the corresponding
quantities with reflections is of interest. Besides, such exami-
nations are interesting themselves. Besides the well-known poe-
Bible symmetries with respect to space and time reflections there
is an additional possibility which is here called "anomalous
It is purposeful to determine the transformations of the quanti-
ties with respect to one or the other group with an accuracy
leaving one factor arbitrary. Well-known examples for the occur-
rence of such factors are the spinors or the wave functions of
a system of particles which obey the FERMI statistics. The corres-
ponding mathematical notions are the so-called projective re-
Card 1/3 presentations of one group. Here the representation of a group
PA - 2030
On the Quantities with Anomalous Symmetry and on a Possible
Explanation of the Degeneration (with Respect to Symmetry) of
Card 2/3
of reflections consisting of the following four elements is
examined: the element of the unit and of the operators of the
time-dependent, spatial, and time-space reflections. With trans-
positions of the operators Tt (a certain projective representa-
tion of the reflection groups) the quantities transformable by
the operators of the representation have four possibilities of
symmetry. The only additional possibility follows if the demand
of transpossibility of the operators is renounced. Then the re-
lations between the operators can be expressed by a matrix. In
the simplest case, with the transformation of scalar quantities,
the operators can be written in the form of three anti-commuting
matrices of second order which are analogous to the well-known
PAULI matrices. The quantities to be transformed ("scalars with
anomalous symmetry" form numerical pairs which do not change
during the transformation proper and which transform during re-
flections according to the matrices already mentioned. The
irreducible representation of the LORENTZ group, together with
the reflections, decomposes into two representations of the
PA - 201/0
On the quantities with Anomalous Symmetry and on a Possible
Explanation of the Degeneration (with Respect to Symmetry) of
ard 3/3
LORENTZ group proper. Thereby four normal and one not normal
possibilities exist. This and other considerations permit the
subdivision of the particles into classes with normal and not
normal symmetry. Attributing the not normal symmetry to the
K-mesons and the normal one to the pions, the same normality
would follow for the particles 1% ) 7- just as for the particles
n,r---'. For thla purpose the consideration of one reaction with
strong reciprocal effect suffices. The K-meson can exist in two
different states with different space symmetry and equal mass.
Not given.
Library of Congress.
AUTHORSt Kobrinikiy, A. Ye., Breydo, 1M. C;., Gurfinkell, V.s., 20-1-20/42
Sysin, A. Ya., Twejtlin, 111. L., Yakob~on, Ya. 5-Y
TITLE: A Bioelectric Control System (Bioelektrichei~kaja s7iztema uprav-
I leniya)
PERIODICAL; Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 117, Nr 1, pP- 78-80 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs At first-aomething on the general situation of this problem is
said. The authors of the present papera wanted to work out a
bioelectric 2yQtem, which according to a certain programme con-
trolo a mechanical servo drive. This programme was worked out in
the form of oscillations of the bioelectric potential of the
muccles. The possibility of realizing such a system is based on
the results of different investigations i4which the aependence
of the oscillations of the bioelectric potential of a muscle on
its functional condition was investigated. The rezults of these
investigations briefly indicate the following: 1) The oucillati-
ons of the biopotential of a muscle are a constant and inalien-
able phenomenon of the stimulating process. 2) The penetration of
the biocurrent always occurs before a shortening of the mu2cle.
3) There is an unequivocal relation between the amount of the
biopotential and the tension developped by tHe mu~;cle, this re-
Card 1/3 lation being approximately linear to the tenzion up t* _c-~rtain
A Bioelectric Control System.
level. An added diagraLi, illuiitra-te;; ar, o-` the
currents which were deduced from different stretched finger-
joint by applied electrodes. These deduced biocurrentu develop
by the total effect of the muscle fibres of a certain muwcle
and the numerous oscillations of the fibres of the adjacent
muscles provide an additional noise-background. The first prob-
lem in the experimenta with thewe complicated signals was the
elimination of the iriformatiun2 on the orders from the central
nervous system, which regulate the level of the tun2iori of the
muscle. As carrier of the useful information in the here dis-
cussed system only one parameter of the bioelectric system is
used, that is efficiency. The authors hope for application of
further parameters. The block scheme of the control system is
illustrated by a graph and its function method briefly described.
The system is constructed so that the biocurrentg are deduced by
two antagonal mu;icles at the same time. In the case of techni-
cal application it is well possible to connect a circuit with
feed-black coupling into the wirin,- diagram of the control sy-
0 1.,
stem, which circuit is ba:;ed on the application of special, auto-
matical transmitters. There are 2 figures, and 2 references,
Card 2/3 1 of which is Slavic.
A Bioelectric Control System.
ASSOCIATIONt Inztitute of Mechanics of the AN USSR, Central
Scientific Research Iriptitute for the: Conrtruction of Arti-
ficial Limbs, IMoscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov
(Institut mashinovedeniya AkadeEaii nauk SSSR. Tzentrallnyy
nauchno-issledovatel;skiY inptitut protezirovaniya i protezo-
stroyeniya, Moskov3kiy 6osudarstvennyj univerritet im. M.V.
1957, by A.A.Blagonravov, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 19, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Con-ress
Card 3/3
AUTHOR# Tsetling Me L. 20.6-16/47
TITLEv The Matrix Method of the Analysis and Synthesis of the Ble ctron-
-Pulse-Schemes and the (Non-Primitive) Relay-Contact-Schemes
(Matrichnyy metod analiza i sinteza elektranno-impul'snykh i re-
leyno-kontaktnykh (neprimitivnykh ) skhem)
PERIODICAL$ Doklady AD SSSR, 1957p Vol. 117, Nr 69 PP. 979 - 982 (USSR)
ABSTRACTo The author investigates an electic circuit with n + s input rails
x1p #veep in" and p + s output rails fl; e.s., fP+s, any of which
may at any m6ment be in one of two states. There two Etates, ac-
cording to the type of physical realization of the electric cir-
cuit, differ by the presence of absence of a voltage impulse at the
moment to by one of the other voltage levelq by open or closed
contacts of the relay to be controlled by the given rail, eto. One
of these states (the excited one) is ascribed the number 11 the
other the number 0. The circuit is desigated as imitive here
when the assembly X t of the quantities x 5t which de-
the circuit completely
terminee the states of the input rails o
output rails of the scheme (i.e. the
determines the slates of the
!ft q+ ), In this case the relatio
a?sembjy ns
f :
Card 1/3 Xn u t apply. These function3 can be realized
f - f (X
t to t m
20-6-16/4T ..
The Matrix Method of the Analysis and Synthesis of the Blectron-Pulse-~chemes
and the (NonrPrimitive) Relay-Contact-Schemes
as contact circuits or as electron-pulse-achemes. Then feedbacks
with retardation with respect to time are introduced. The circuit
P obtained from circuit Q by the introduction of such feedbacks is
desginated as non-primitive here. The equations of the non-primitive
circuit may be obtaineilfrom the equations of the primitive circuit
and the feedbacks. The input of the circuit at the moment t+I and
the states of the circuit at the same moment completely determire
the output of the circuit at the moment t+1 and thestate of the
circuit at the moment t+2. Various possibilities of realization
are shortly indicated. Only the trigger circuit is somewhat more
thoroughly discussed. Then the conceptions "switching functions
of the trigger"t "simple vector", "simple vector of state of the
circuit" are defined and an expression for the matrix of the state
of a nonprimitive circuit is written down. Then the matrices of Ihe
reactions of the circuit are given, The method of opgration of
these circuits may be described by the matrices of the state and
the reactions of a non-primitive scheme. As analysis of the circuit
the author here designates the construction of the matrices from
the given equationst as synthesis - the redetermination af the
equations of the circuit from the given matrices. Examples for the
Card 2/3 analysis and the synthesis of nonprimitive circuits are described.
The blatrix Method of the Analysis and Synthesis of the Electron-Pulse-6chemes
and the (Non-Primitive) Relay-Contact-Schemes
There are 2 figures, and 8 references, 7 of which are Slavic.
.~qjbj6mw State University itaeni M. V. Lomonosov
(Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova)
PRESENTED: July 19, 1957, by M. V. Keldysh, Academician
SUBMITTEDs JulY 10, 1957
Library of Congress
Card 3/3
MrTLIN, Cand Phy!3 -Lath Sci-(disrs) "Eatrix raflod of
n-y--nt-he-s--is---o-f- -~~ and e9--,;--4yt some of its applications." .0s,1958-
8 pp (;.os Order of Lenin mid 6rder of 1-.bor lied T~rmer State U im
L'.V. Lomonosov. Physics Faculty), 11)0 copies (KL,30-')8,122)
I f-~
F-TLlrqj M
Problemy kibernetiki, vyp. 1 (Problems of Cybernetics, no. 1)
Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1958. 268 p. 20,000 copies printed.
Ed. (title page): Lyapunov, Aleksey Andreyevich; Ed. (inside book)':
Smolyanskiy, M.L.; Tech. Ed.: Kolesnikova, A.P.; Eds. and Com-
pilers: Lupanov, O.B., Pillchak, B-Yu., Kulagina, O.S.,
Yablonskiy, S.V.
PuRPOSE: The book is intended to relate the interests of scientific
and engineering personnel whose work involies various aspects of
COVERAGE: This collection of articles deals with general problems of
~cybernetics, information theory, theory of algorithms and automatic
machines, theory of control systems, theory of games and tactics-,
methods of operations analysis, problems in the theory of cal-
culating machines, programming, and the application of cybernetic�
to other sciences,such as biology, economics and linguistl6b.
"Problems of Cybernetics", as a recurrent publication, will continue
to include original papers, survey articles and translations and,
Card 1/4
Problems of Cybernetics, no. 1 SOV/1128
like the present work, will contain the results of seminars in
cybernetics held at Moscow University. There are 107 references,
of which 104 are Soviet, 2 English and 1 Hungarian.
From the Editors 4
Lyapuov, A.A. On .,gome General Problems of Cybernetics 5
Tsetlin, M.L. Nonprimitive Systems 23
Lyapunov, A.A. Logical Systems of Programming 46
Yanov, Yu.I. Logical Systems of Algorithms 75
Podlovchenko, R.I. Basic Notions on Programming 128
Card 2/4
Problems of Cybernetics, no. 1 SOV/1128
Kanynin S.S., Lubimskiy, E.Z., and Shura-Bura, M.R. Automation
Of Programming with the Aid of a Data Processing Program 135
Lukhovitskaya, E.S. Logical Processing Unit in the PP-2 172
Lyubimskiy, E.Z. Arithmetical Unit in the PP-2 178
Kamynin, S.S. Re-addre8sing Unit in the PP-2 182
Shtarkman, V.S. Economy Unit for Operating Locations in the
PP-2 185
Mikhaylov, G.A., Shchitikov, B.N., and Yavlinskiy, N.A. Digital
Electronic Computer TsEM-l 190
Card 3/4
Problems of Cybernetics, no. 1 SOV/1128
Kulagina, O.S. A Method of Determining Grammatical Concepts
on the Basis of the Theory of Sets 203
Moloshnaya, T.N. Discrimination of Homonyms in the Machine
I Translation of English to Russian 215
t4efchulk, I.A. Machine Translation From Hungarian to Russian 222
Seminws in Cybernetics at Moscow University
Scientific and Technical Conference on Cybernetics 266
AVAILAB14E: Library of Congress
Card 4/4
"Review of von Newmann's Article 'Probabilist Logic and Synthesis of
Reliable Organisms From Unreliable Components'" (in the collection
Avtomaty (Automata)) (7 December 1956).
Paper presented at the Seminars on Cybernetics at Moscow University during
the 1956-57 school year.
Problemy Kibernetiki, No. 1. 1958
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnalA;Tatematika~1959,11r 9,P 43 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Teetlin.M.L.
TITLE: ~n_fm_-arimM_y;_dTYdtLits
PERIODICAL: Sb.- Probl.kibernetiki.Vyp.l.IA.,Gos.izd-vo fiz.-matem.lit.1956,
ABSTRACT: The present article is devoted to the application of the matrix
method for the investigation of the so-.called imprimitive circuits which
can be realized by relais- as well as by electronic impulse devices.
From the text of the article
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Tsetlin, M.L. and Eydus, G.S. SOII/106-58-4-7/16
TITLE: ___A-Va_f-rix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Relay-
&ontact Switching and Control Systems (Matrichnyy metod
sinteza mnogotaktnykh releyno-kontaktnykh skhem svyazi
i upravleniya)
MIODICAL: Blektrosvyazl, 1958, Vr 4, pp 41 - 48 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author g; 'ves a matrix method of analysis and
synthesis of relay-contact switching circuits together with
several examples of its application.
A relay-contact system containing B electromagnetic relays
4. , n control elements (push-buttons, switches,
contacts) Xl' ... X n and p output lines fl, ...' f P. is
considered. The sequence in which the relays are switched and,
consequently, the sequence of application of vo'tage to the
output lines depends on the action of the control elements and
is determined by the circuit arrangement. The number 1 is
allotted to the energized state of a relay and 0 to the de-
energised state. A circuit containing s relays can have,
in all 2S states. These states are conveniently written
in the form 01, where 0,,(k = 1, 2, ..., s) can have
Card 1/9
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
a value 0 or 1 . For example, if all the relays are de-
energised, the state of the circuit can be symbolised by
02 01 " 0 (01 =-- P2 ~ "' '~ 0s = 0). If the lst and 3rd
relays are energised, the state changes to 0,0,0, ... O'l'O)l
(Pl = P3 =1, the remaining values equalling 0) All the
states are numbered 0,1 ... 1 28-1 and the state numbered k
is witten in bins y form 0 s1 ... I Pl, the commas indicating
that this is a binary number a-nd not a product.
Let the circuit at some instant of time be in the state k
Due to the action of tho control elements (push buttons) the
state changes to the state 0, 1, ..., 2s-l). This
action can be represented as some function of the variables
X11 ... I xn and denoted by akL (xl' ..., X n), so that the
change-over from the k th state to the Ith state occurs
always, and only, when the values of the variables x1,
9*15 Xn are such that m(x,, ..., xn) = 1. Conversely,
Oard 2/9 if akt(xll .... xn) = 0, then the corresponding change-over
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Rela,7-contact
Switching and Control.SystemB
cannot occur.
The values akt are written in matrix form:
~ ao;o ao;1 ao;28-1
\a2s-1;o 82s-1;1 a2s-1;2s_i
Then the condition for change-over from the kth to the
th state, denoted by a ~ (xl' ...I Xn) is located at
th th column.
the intersection of the k line with e L
The elements a. S) ..olacl; P., 0641 pl(xl~ ... I xn) are
functions of the control elements X 11 ... 'Xn . The lettei
xi represents contacts which are closed when the button
Card3/9 X. is pressed and opened when it is released. Similarly,
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
xi represents contacts which we open when the button Xi
is pressed and closed when it is released. Closed contacts
are represented by 1, and open contacts by 0 Thus, if
button Xi is pressed, x i = 11 Fj- 0 if Xi is
released, X 07 1.
Functions acx sl*'*ICCJ; 0s, ...101 (xl'- X.) are f ormed
from the values xj, .. I xn by the basic operations:
logical addition7 multiplication and negation (Ref 5). For
example, if, initialiyl all the relays are disconnected and
to switch in the s" relay only, it is necessary to press
button4 X1 and "2 and not to press X 3 ' then:
aO,O, ...,0;l,0,0,...,O(xl1x2'x3) ~ (x1\k)7,
where V denotes the logical summation.
It can be proven (Refs 97 10) that the matrix of the states
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
of relay-contact systems satisfies the following
1) The logical sum of the elements of any line equals 1:
\j ak; Va. sI ... I al;os' ... 701(X11 ... 'xn)
2 Ps' ...'01 (2)
2) The product of elements in different colilmns of one
line equals 0:
ak;11 ak; t2 = 0; Il (3)
Such matrices are called ",5imDle" matrices.
On the circuits, the letter 4i denotes the winding
of the i relay, (pi - the closed contacts and Ti -
the open contacts, when the relay is switched into circuit.
Closed contacts are represented by 1 and open contacts by
0. The presence or absence of voltage on the winding of the
relay is denoted by the value of Ji 1 or
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
relay ~i but its contacts have not changed over, then
~j = 1;(Pi = 0; Tj = 1 . After an interval of time necessary
for operation of the relay, the contacts change over and
then ~j = 1; (pi = 1; ~pj = 0 . (The values ~pjj ~pj
x - Ji depend on time and in Refs 9, 10, this is
j7 Xi I
accounted for by an additional index t. For simplicity,
this is not used in this work.) -th
The conditions for switching in the i relay are functions
= 0, respectively). If the voltage is applied to the
of the states of the control elements and the circuit relay
contacts and are written in the form:
ii '~ ~i (xl, -7 'n; T11 ..*) (PS) (4)
From Eq.(4), a single-valued matrix of the circuit states
is established', i.e. the matrix elements
Oard6/c) aa., .. . 5 0~1; Osl .. . '01 (xl' ...' X.) are found by the
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of YOulti-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
formula: s Pi
a. (xl' lxd=n[~,(x, - .,x,,;cxi,-
i=l (5)
Thus, to find the element a. Sl***Icxi;pss ... 01
it is nece sa form the logical product from expressions
of the type (4 replace yi by cc i and take the logical
negation in thosecases where Pi = 0 a
If the circuit has output lines fl, ... I fp , then the
presence of voltage on the i th line is also a function
of the state of the control elements and relay contacts,
which can be presented in the form:
fi = fi('11 ... 1xn; 'Pl) ... I (P S) (6)
The application of the above method is demonstrated by the
analysis of an example circuit.
Card 7/9
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of Multi-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
The author next considers the synthesis of relay-contact
systems, i.e. obtains a circuit which will meet given
requirements. Insofar as the states matrix completely
describes the circuit operation the problem of synthesis
of the circuit consists of finding the states matrix by
which the relay switching functions (of the Eq.(4) type)
are determined and hence the circuit itself is determined.
For any simple matrix:
A =Ila, sl- -,- ~(XJ;082- 101 (X11 Xn)11
a single valu4 circuit can be established and the switching
function of the ith relay can be obtained by the
i(xl xn;P 1 (P B) = Va(,,, (X 1; 0 s l(X Xd L
al CXs
Card8/9 UP11 yrj (13)
A Matrix Method for Synthesis of h4fulti-branch, Relay-contact
Switching and Control Systems
in which:
I(P iI Ti, [(Pilo (Pi
Application of the method is demonstrated by synthesis of
an example circuit.
There are 4 figures and 11 references, of which 9 are
Soviet and 2 English.
SUBMITTED: July 10, 195?
Card 9/9 1. Switching circuits--Mathematical analysis 2. Cpntrol
systems--Mathematical analysis 3. Relays--Applications
AUTHORS: Tsetlin, M.L. and Eydas, G.S.
TITLE: Algebraic Method of Synthesis of the Circuits Based on
Bistable Trigger Units
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyssh.1kh uchebnylch zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1958, Vol 1, Nr 5-6, pp 166 - 176 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The algebraic method of synthesis of the so-called non-
primitive circuits was described by one of the authors
(M.L. Tsetlin - Ref 2) in an earlier article. Here, the
method is applied to the systems employing bistable
triggers and the theory presented assumes that the reader
is familiar with the earlier article. The systems con-
sidered are suitable for the processing of the information
which is periodically applied to i-uputs of the device.
Since the absolute time scale is-of no particular.
importance, it is assumed that the time changes In steps
(0, 1, 2 and so on). It is also assumed that the input
signals of the system or its output signals have only
two levels (binary systems). The system has n +.s input
busbars x I, x 2 -.x n4-s and p+s output terminals
Cardl/4 fl, .... fp+s . The system is primitive if the state of
Algebraic Method of Synthesis of the Circuits Based on Bistable
Trigger Unit.5
the output terininals at the instant t is determined by
the state of the :input terminals at the same instant. Fw
this case, the equation relating the states of the input
and output terminals is in the form ofi
T, (-xt xt 2.) . . .P+'s W.
However, Eq (1) is inadequate for the description of real
systems which contain paradtic capacitances and Inductances,
and produce delays between the input and output signals.
The delays are disregArded in this work. If the output
terminals of the device are connected with the input bus-,
bars by means of delay elements (as shown in Figure 1),
a non-primitive system with s feedback paths is obtained;
the symbol s denotes -the number of d1lay elements. If
the states of the input terminals XU+ at the Instant
*+I is denoted by (P i and the state of the output
Card2/4 t
Algebraic Mpthod of Synthesis of the Circuits Based on Bistable
Trigger Units
terminals fV+' is (P i the system can be described
t+1 9
by Eqs: (2). The properties of the equations are analysed
in detail and it is.shown that an.arbitrary equation of
a non-primitive system can be vealised by means of trigger
circuits. The theory is used to design a converter which
converts an ordinary binary code into a Cirey code. The
device is illustrated schematically in Figure 3. A
binary difference counter is also designed; the system
has two input terminals and its detailed circuit diagram
is shown in Figure 5. A reversing ring counter is also
designed and its circuit is shown in Figure 6. The
circuits of Figures 5 and 6 ifere tested experimentally,
The authors express their gratitude to G.A. Levin for
his interest in this work. t
There are 6 figures and 7 Sovi2t references; 1 of the
references is translated frord English.
4 OV/01-,1 --5 -6-21/28
Algebraic Method of Synthesis of the Circuits Based on Bistable
Trigger Units
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State
SUBMITTED. First submitted to the editor of the journal
"Elektrosvyazl" - January 15, 1958
Submitted to the editor of this journal -
June 23. 1958
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Tsetlin, L.
TITLE: On Composition and Subdivision of Non-Primitive Circuit
Diagrams ( 0 kompozitaii i razbiyeniyakh neprimitivnykh
PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1958, V-31- 118, Nr 3, PP. 488-491 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; This communication investigates the circuits, which result
from the composition of non-primitive circuits and by sub-
division of non-primitive circuits in subeirouits. The
definitions and the symbols are identical to those in a
previous work by the author (reference 1). First the terms
of the united sets and simplified single vectors are defined.
The relations, which are valid between the coordinates _X'
Z of the ain.-le vectors, are written down. These relations
also can easily be generalized on the unification of 3 and
more sets and single vectors, which correspond with them.
The primitive scheme is supposed to have s feedbacks, n input
bus bars, and p output busbars. Also the assumptione for the
non-primitive scheme and the matrix of the reactions is given.
To avoid terms, which disagree with each other, retardation
Card 1/2 lines are necessary. The connection of two circuits is
On Composition and Subdivision of Non-Primitive Circuit 2o-3-2o/59
illustrated in a figure. The number of the i!:put bus bars,
output bus bars, and feedbacks, which are contained in the
thus obtained scheme, a7'8 given. Then the terms of the
direct and of the subsequent connections are defiried. Au
an instance the author examines the directly subsequent
connection of s Trigger circuits. For the elements of the
matrix of states and of t~e matrix of the reactions terms
are written (!own. The corresponding circiiit is frequently
used in experimental physics. Finally the circuits of P
and Q are given, by the composition of which the circuit R
results. The author brings here one of the possible sub-
divisions of the circuits R into the subcircuita P and Q.
There are 1 figure and 2 references, all of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION State University imeni N. V. Lomonosov, Moscow (Moskovskiy
gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova)
PRESENTED: JulY 19, 1957, by M. V. Keldyah, Acadeinician
SUBMITTED: July 16, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Problemy k1bernetlki, yp. 2 (Problems of Cybernetics, Pa. 2)
Moscow, Pizzatgiz, 1959. 323 p. Errata slip Inserted. 18,000
copies printed.
Ed.; A. A% Lyapunov; Co-pilars-Editord. 0. B. Lupanov,
D. Ya. P11-chak, S. V. Yablonskiy, and Yu. 1. Yanov-, Zda.:
A. A. Xonoplyankin, and M. L. Smolyanakly; Tech. Ed.i
S. K. Akhlamov. (f
PURPOSE: The purpose of this collection of art1clon Is to or!anize
alontific papers on cybernotic3 and to units the a ffo rt a nd
iorosts, or Soviet scientists working In this field.
COVERAGRi This Is the second volume of 'ProbleMy k1bernatiki".
dealing with problems of biology, mathematics and engineering
as they relate to cybernetim The first volume, which appeared
In 1955, considered problems of programming, machine translation_
and computer design. Future volumes propose to Include a still
greater number of subjects related to cybernetiCS. The *dItora,
list 5 recent Soviet bookL(including 2 translations) dealing
ling pe rsons for their
Ith cybernetics. They t nk the ro Ilow
help In preparing the book for pUblICILtion: 0. V. VAkUl0V3kAya,
T. L. Gavr1lovs, A. A Ptuchnlk B. Pinikov, M. L. T3etlIn r
and V. S. Shtarkman. References follow each article.
R-K. (Leningrad). On the Least Number of Multi-
-pTr-c&tfons--Y-or Raising to a Given Power
The author presents his method or computation. There
are no references.
Y" blonokLy. S. V- (Moscow). On Algorithmic Dirficultl6d
rnz .. t. mG Ln the Synthesis of Minimum Switching Circuits 75
The'authar attempts ti explain algorithmic iirficaltios --I
&rising when solving problems of cybernetics wtiiah allow
for a trLvial solution on the basis of t.-a classical defini-
tion or the algorithm, However, such a solution In ta%pract-c-
AbIabe age* of Its cumbersomeness. The author suggests two
variaticans for the solution of the problem. Ono cansista In
renouncing the minimum or circuits. The other oinslats In
renouncing invhotigation of all the functions of the algebra
or logic- There are 27 reforoncess 21 Soviet (3 t rim-lAt Ions),
5 Enallsh and I French.
(Moaa~ow). On the ~aallzatlon of Functions
Krichava y
The article consists of trime parts. In the first part
the author presents fundamental dafinItlcn3: the super-
pasItion of olementary objects, realization, and the Sim-
110ity Index. In the second part, the fundamental result
the value of L(Dh)o which in the upper bound or the indexes
ortthe $Implant constructions expressing functions or Dh) is
ob ained if the realizing constructions are superpositions or
elementary objects. In part 3. a study Is made or the cone
sequences of the fundamental theorem pertainine to multi-valus
logic and trio theory of networks. Them am ,3 rerarencest
61 Soviet . 5 English ard 2 German.
fttln n, L.M. Shokhtman (Moscow). -wo-cycle Form-
at -jYT7rg --rc---MVthad3 of TheIr Synthe*13 139
.0r.tMIL,, to eFra
The authore aim at leveloping a regular algebmic method of
synthesis or two-cycle ferro-tronalstar circuits, which re,
contly have found. rapidly Increasing application in analog and
digital c6mpator3 and automatic CantrQl systems. MathOUAtICal
nalysis to based on algebra or logic. Tne authors thank the
following persona for their help; Professors K.P. Toodorchik
and N. Yo. KabrinAkly, And q.V. Yablon3kil, O.B. Lup&nov,
M.Ya. MatyukhIn and YU.B. Pil-chak. There am 22 refdmnQ~s.
11 Soviet (4 are translations), 10 English and I Geman.
Glushkov, V,M.(Xlvwv). On a Method of Automatizing Prar~ra~mAnA 181
- Mti-autnor briefly rev1cw5 existing marnols of automatic pro-
grAmmins Programs. which attempt cc make the process or pro-
grooming as automatic as that of c~,nputLng. This can be 1,ino
by creatIn$ a 'library" of pragrwamln, pm9ram. &nJ
a method of loperational pmgraL-ln&- Trera am no mroronces.
Stognly, A.A. (KI-rev). Principles or Developing a Specialized
KU&ai&tTu-?rcj;rammin& System 185
Th :Ompethod of automatic pr~gr&nntng by V.M. 01"3hkov
(a receeling article) is oulng develapel at Oie Comp"t%nr,
Center of th~ Academy of SCIvnCe3, UrSR. it C01131*tS Ir C',
tian of a library of specialir, pmgrw~!%g projram3, mtj
th~ anl of v,
- - , - ;. T- -'.hor
Prot'lemy kibirnatiki, vyp. 2 (Problems of Cybernetics, go. 2)
MOSCOut Flzm&tglz, 1959. 323 P. Errata allp Inserted. 18,000
eoples printed.
Ed.: A. k Lyapunov; Compile rd -Ed Itors: 0. B. Lupanov, (.A
Yu. Pll'chak. S. V. Yablonskly, and Yu. 1. Yanov; Ed&.:
A L. Smolyanakly; Tech. Ed.: C~
A. Xonoplyankln, and M
S. X. Akhlamov.
FURP083% The purpose bf this collection or Articles is to Organ Ize
scientific papers on cybernetics And to units the effort& and
Interests of Soviet scientists working In this field.
COVERAGE: This Is the second volume or 'Problemy kibernetiki".
dealing with problems of biology. mathematics and engineering
.42 they relate to cybernetics. The first volume. which appeared
In 195d, considered problems of programming, machine translation
and computer desiln. Future volumes propose to Include
greater number of subjects related to cybernetics. The L11toirlal 7-Z>
Its (including 2 translations) dealin
list 5 recent Soviet boo
is ith cybernetics. They thank the following persons for the
1 0. V. VakuloyakAYA,
help. napreparing the book for pUblication:
T. L 0 vrilova, A. A. Muchnik, B. 1. Finikov, M. L. TsetlLn
and V. S. Sh tarkman. References rollow each article.
MyiL~Iln A ~hdy_j_jj3jrnov Moscow). operational Cathode-ray
~16 _L
Tube Storage Device 191
The authors describe the principle or oceration of the storage
device for the Soviet computer 'Strela-l' which consists of
Cathode-ray teJoes of the -Potent* laloakopi type. with a storage
capacity or 2o48 wor%is or 43 bits. No references are given.
V.A_-J1=LLakA1', A.Ye. Kobrinskly, A.Ya,.,'~51n..
cobson (Ma -Br .Fri
jW__TAAZ_LLQ.,-Z3 Ya.S. Yalkoboo scowj. on the
3YV%WA--07 Control - 203
The art 1010 d8ala with the utilization of biological -Yoeloc-
t r'laa_nts in the operation of technical devices. It also
describesthe principles of operation And design or a zOdai or
a servo ;drive built for this purpose. Them are 12 references.
5 30vie (1 translation), 2 German And 5 English.
(Sverdlovsk). And KJL_R.=m_LPrlin).
Ststistlelty and Aaiplifier Print iple In Biology 213
Tho art Icle concerns problems of circulation of her~litary In-
formation from generation to generation and the physical process
of its biological storage In living Organisms. Tne authors
summarize investigations in that field. There are 52 references,
16 Soviet (5 translations), 18 English, 14 German, and 4 French.
rmm Moscow). Investigation of Extrapolative 229
The article deals with the physiology of the activity of the
no rvoom System In ArLtmals, The article' according to tne
editor. ". of gre at Intem.t for the study or cybernetics
since It concerns mist Ione between biology. engineering and
mathematics in the Investigation of control processes occurring
In living organisms. Them am 11 rererences: 9 Soviet
(2 translations), and 2 English,
and G.V. Vakuloyp
-Kaya_(Mosco.). Experimental
TrLh"`J,&tIOn3 From on the -3tmla' Coi,,P-t-r 263
The Programming Algorithms ror the machine translation or
mathematical texts from French Into RuSalan imiam developed by
S. Kulagina And r.A. m These algorithms as3=e the
-ral VOCab ary willch c ontaina not words but
existence Of & Spec !=
Ste= -The authors give examples of translations obta_'-4 And
choda used In eliminating errors. NO references am given.
(Moscow). Operational Description of Translation
Algorltnzus and Automatizing the Process of Their Progro,=.Ing 289
Mathematicians of the Soviet Union have developed a pmg-~jr%'
t*chnlque Of operational programimin,; based on an exterr~l eata.
tion that Is written linearly across the page. This oprratlonal
Programming was tested oil tran3lat_-,M3 frem French Into R"astan.
The author de3cribei the class or lo,,ical op-!rators ~3-1, Tho
sequence of Operators K111 Indicate their 8equence of p*rrarmalice.
The fOllOwIn- typed or 1perstora ar,- uaea: conlit-n. "s,,jtt ,g
!l1.1 neutral Zrl'Ad-ti, h4'1t, itera-lit.. -tc.). The aut-ior rxp.~jha
.1 Methll Ir ~-) pragr~ , . e .." r3. !-
At R.
A. A. Nkl--
"XiAlts 69PPRIOSUI Ya"Nal tol X f- T..p
Pr~~ PL A. 0- K V,-.
(c to am) (c A. I-C-0)
C- A. A.
1k IL U&N-w-
at r- ku- .-A
L 11.
M T~..m C-
-.V" A. JL It .. tW
X IL C.."
L L lrp-.4
PL r. ia-ur.
at uo fold"Itu f"WAID91"I awlety at.
veto ad"$%& rw 71.
R"10 Mrgimwb4 me RimsWital Gamadoolow to. A. S. blorr (-IX), Me-,
AUTHOPS: Ivanov, A.F. and Tsetlin, M.L.
TITLE: Triggered Multivibrator With Electronic Control
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 1, PP 133 - 134 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The construction of large computers sometimes requires
a pulse delay circuit whose delay time can be varied
quickly and at the expense of little 'power. Figure 1
shows a cathode-coupled, biased multivibrator in which
the coupling between the anode of dl 1 and the grid of
M 2 is elaborated by the addition of valves J1 4 and
J13 A voltage u 9 applied to the grid of J14
controls the charging of the capacitor C . The value
J13 is a cathode-follower guaranteeing high input
impedance to J12 Figure 2 shows the variation in pulse
delay with u When the latter varies from 0 to - 6 V
the delay changes from 3 "ec to 4 msec and the control
Cardl/2 is linear over a wide range. The valves are 6NlP I
TrigSered Multivibrator with Electronic Control
the diode is a silicon D204. In Figure 1, E = 300 V;
R 11 k4 R R 3.4 kiL R TL
a a2 k n 47 k
Ri 18 kJ-1 ; R2 = 110 ka 0 = 100 PF
There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow
State University)
SUBMITTED- October 29, 1958
TBATLIN. M.L. (Moskva); 8HIK'"MI 'L.M. (Moskva) and an algebraic method
rcuits 130)
-- -1- 11.,- i~6h-pull trans istor-mgn8tiO C' (Mm
for their sYUthG8i9j- Probl. kib. UO#2:139-179 159
(Transistor circuits)
BRAYDO, M.G. (Moskva);GURFINKALI V S.(Moekva);KOBRINSKIY, A.Ye. (Moskva);
BYSIN, A.Ya. (Moskv&~;iiijZ-HAI. (Mookva);YAKODSON, U.S. (Moskva)
Bioelectrical control system. Probl. kib. no.2:203-212 139 (KIRA 13:3)
(Blectropbysiology) (Prosthesis)
17(8) GOV/19-59--6-110/M
AUTHORt Kobrinakiy, A.Ye.. Broldo, U.Q., Curftnkol', V.S.,
Polyanj Ye.P., Slavutakly, Ya.L., L" A.Ya.,
Tsetl1n, 9.L., and Yakobson, Ta.S.
TITLEs A Servodrive Controlled by Uuscle Blocurrents
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izabratenly, 1959, Ur 6, p 24 (USSR)
ABSTRAM Class 30d, 1lir 118581 (602374 of 18 June 195a).
DepondinG0VK. Author-. C.rtiricate Hr 110657. A
=edification or this servodrive, in which there Is
applied a hydraulic system to obtain a continuous
szooth. operation if the work element.
cam 1/1
Research on the development of bioelectric control systems.
Trudy Inst.mash.Sem.po teor.mash. 20 n0-77:39-50 '59.
(MIRA 13:4)
AUTHOR: Imt]-in 2G11/20-129-4-9 "68
TITLE: Qome Properties of Zinite Graphs Bearing on the Transportation
Problem I ('
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 129,1fr 4,pp 747-750 (UssR)
ABSTRACT: In the corners of the graph G n there are integers q,,..,q n
qi is called the charge of the corner Ai; q (ql,..,q,,) is
called the charge of G . The transition from .,(q 12 ... jqif ... I
qkP ...'qn) to 41- (qj,n..'qj-1'...qq k+10 ... fqn), where A i and "k
are neighboring corners, is denoted as elementary transport. A
.combination of elementary transports which transfers q in
xhere,Eq,~--Zp,, , is called transport plan; the number of
elementary transports in the plan is called transport price.
The plan with a minimal price is called minimal plan. The problem
of the determination of the minimal plan and its mean price is
solved for a tree and for a graph with cycles, where in the
Card. 1/2
672e 77
Some Properties of Finite Graphs Bearing on the SOV20-129-4-9/68
Transportation Problem
latter case a new algorithm is given which deviates from that
of L.V.Kantorovich and M.K.Gavurin Lr-Ref 32. The author thanks
O.B.Lupanov for discussions.
There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 1 German.
PRESENTEM: July 18, 1959, by I!L.V.Keldysh, Academician
SUBIAUTTED: Yarch 16, 1959
Card 2/2
T~ ~tlin~M.L~.. and Shekhtman, L.M~ (Moscow)
On ferrotransistor push-pull circuits with non-
periodical reading
Problemy kibernetikig no. 3, Moscow, 1960, 89 - 94
TEXT3 The paper supplements an earlier one (Ref. 1: Problemy ki-
bernetiki, no~ 2, 1959) and uses the same terminology and notations,
The authors deduce the logical equation of the operation of the
element used for non-periodical reading. The following method is
stated to be possible for the synthesis of non-primitive circuits V1/3
with non-periodical reading: Formulation of the logical equations
of the circuit, their reduction to a form appropriate for finding
the logical functions X, Y? Z for each element with non-periodical
readingg and reduction of these functions to a g-form, whose reali-
zation determines the structure of the circuit. The maximum number
of cores with non-periodical reading is determined by the number of
feedbacks of the circuit. Several examples of the synthesis of such
Card 1.12
On ferrotransistor push-pull ... D234/D305
circuits are given. There are 5 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet
bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc,, The reference to the Englich-language
publication reads as follows: Guterman, Kodis, Ruhman, IRE National
ConvQntion Record, vol. 2, 1954, Part 4, 124-132.
SUBMITTED; November 3, 1957 b 4?r'
Card 2/2
1(".9;L00 S/020/92~~Ji/06/004/071
AUTHORS: Gellfand, J. M.., Corresponding Member of the Academy of
Sciences USSR, and Tsetlin, M. L.
TITLEt Continual Models of Controlling Systems~e
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 131, No. 6,
pp. 1242-1245
TEXT: Structurally and timely discrete models are little effective
for the description of complicated (biological) systems. Therefore
the authors propose to replace the discrete models by continuous ones.
In the present (preliminary) publication the authors consider as the
simplest model an "active tissue" possessing the following properties:
1. Each point of the medium is instantly excitable, where the inter-
vals between two consecutive excitations of the same point possess
a lower bound R di-fferent from zero. 2. The excitation can propagate
in the medium, where the speed of propagation is variable- 3. A
certain time T after the last excitation there takes place a new
spontaneous excitation of the point. The authors consider three
examples of processes which can take place in a medium with above-
mentioned properties.
Card 1/2
Continual Models of Controlling Systems
The authors thank the
J. S. Balakhovski , V.
valuable discussion.
participants of the seminary, the physiologists
S. Gurfinkell, V. B. Malkin and 1"d. L. Shik for
There are 3 figures, and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 Mexican.
ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy institut imeni V. A. Steklova AN SSSR
(Yathematical Institute -'meni V. A. Steklov AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: January, 13, 1960
Card 2/2
Akadamlya nauk SZS.R
Priftenenlya logl" v nauke I t:khn1kO
(AppIIcat1cn of Loglc In
Science and Tethmology) (Mo cowl I d-vo AN SSSR (1960] 357 P.
Errata slip Inserted. 10,000 copies printed.
SPOnsorlng Agenzy: Akade=lya nauk SSSA.
Editorial. Board; Rea;__Ed_:,_. j_,V__Tav..ts, E., Ya-
0 N. Povarov and S. A. Yanovakaya; Ed. or Publishing Houses
k: Yu. No zenb trz; Tech. Zd.~ 3. T. Markovich.
PURPCSS1 'his book 13 intended for scientists Interested In exth.
ImmatIcal and By--bOUC. logic.
COVM-RACEi The book Is A collection or 16 articles In which the
author. dim cues Problems or =thematical logic and Its appli-
cation to co:-,~uterm, lIngulatics, zooloc-j, methodolarj and
varicus rields of techndlogy. No personalities are mention*,I.
References rollow all but; one article.
or the Axlom~xtlc Method lWitit
Study or Trends in Changes of Living Systems 173
Zi"v-yvv, A;-A. Deductive Mothod In Inve3tig3ting the
?=po31t_1on* of Reltionship 215
Zlnov-yev, A. A. on* Variant of the Definition Th~rY 251
povwvv, 0. X. Group Invarlance of Boolean Functions "63
3hestskcjy,_Y__L_ Double Aritt=etic Interpretation of the
S~uw_ alued Calculation of the Propovition Used in
SlaulatIng TrLLs Calculation by Means of a Relay-SwitchIng
Circuit 341
L. X. Shekhtman. 3=e Problm3 or Physical
'110TTY~Syste- lerfardIV& IZOLcal Functions 3T7
Application of Kany-Valued Logics In the
systems 394
inductive and Deductive Aspects of 1491C
Connected With Logical Problems in Technology 415
'Phsae Method' In ftmal LOZIO
Sense Theory of Gottlob Frege W2
AVAILABLE; Lib-IL.-Y of Congress AC/d"~*o 10
Card 4/4
T33TLIN, M. L.
"On the Problem of Transportation by Graphs"
presented at the All-Union Conference on Computational Mathematics and
Computational Techniques., Moscows 16-28 November 1961
So: Problemy kibernetiki~ Issue 5, 1961, pp 289-294
Use of bioelectric signals of the heart for the purpose of control.
Vop. nat. i reg. org. krov. i dykh. n0.1:33-37 161. (MIRA 18:7)
%thoutical YA&I of the Worle of the Heart.*
presented at tin M-Union Conference an CoWntatlonal Nathevistics and
Coqmtatiewl Techniques, Moscow, IWO NoTember 1961
Set ProbleW idbernaltIld, Issu 5, 1961, pp 2896-294
DO U `1117 1 3,7, 1 E033/E435
AUTHORS: Tsetlin, M.L., Gorokhov, Yu.S., Matumova, A.P.,
_ffe_f1-n1R-5-V7a`-,--V-.A., Tarantovich, T.M. and Shabanhov, Y.M.
TITLE: An apparatus for registering and diagnosing disorders
of the rhythmic function of the heart
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1961, Vol.4, No.1, pp.165-172
TEXT: A description is given of an apparatus for the automatic
recording and diagnosis of disorders of the rhythmic function of
the heart. The apparatus is a logical device utilizing
electronic digital computer elements. The initial data for the
apparatus are the lengths of the time intervals between the
electrocardiogram peaks (R) indicating-the d-epolarization of the
ventricles. The length of these intervals-is compar4d'with the
mean (normal) length averaged over t second7s. As a result of
the comparison, each interval is assigned'one of three letterst
'IS" -(short), I'Ll' (long), 'IN'? (normal). The changeover occurs
at + 25% of the normal interval length. The letters are then
ass';mbled-into "words". The "words" corresponding to this or
that rhythmic disorder (heart block, extra-systoles with, and-
An apparatus for registering ... E033/E435
without, compensatory pauses, extra-systoles followed by block,
paroxysmal tachycardia) are combined in "diagnoses" recorded
automatically by the apparatus. The disorders of the rhythmic
function of the heart thus detected'may serve for the purposes of
diagnosing and studying the influence on the patient's organism of
various chemical and physical fact 'ors. The block schematic
of the apparatus is given and the modus operandi described. The
apparatus consists ofi 1) the transducer of the bipotentials of
the heart muscle; 2) the amplifieri 3) the shaper; 4) the
"trigger ring"'I 5) the pulse tachometer; 6) two reference pulse
enerators with electronic pulse length control; 7) the memory;
) the decoder and- 9) the registering apparatus. There are
7 figures and 9 referencess 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc.
The reference to an English language publication reads as follows;
Electronic Engineering, 31, 268 (1959).
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy
institut pri Gorikovskom universitete (The Scientific-
Research Physicotechnical Institute, Gorkiy University)
SUBMITTEDt September 6, 1960
Card 2/2
1 rdoo 0 (/03/) S/044/61/000/010/003/01,;!
AUTHORS: Tsetlin, M.L., and
Shekhtman, L.M.
TITLE: On some questions of the physical realization of apparaba
which carry out logical functions
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1961, 41,
abstract 10 A 290. ("Primeneniye logiki v nauke i tekhn." M.,
AN SSSR , ig6o, 377-393)
TEXTs The authors consider some pecularities of the realization of
logical nets being connected with the consideration of the finite re-
tardation time of the signals. Because of the scattering of the re-
tardations of signals at the inputs of the network there appear intervals
of incorrect dependences of the states of the output buses on the states
of the input buses. In the interval of the .incorrect dependence the
put signal may cause an incorrect switching of the following nets. In
order to avoid this, a part of the output signal must be separated so bhal
the durance of the incorrect dependence becomes too short for the
switching of the following nets. Here the durance of the correct output
Card 1/2
On some questions of the physical ... C111/C222
signal is smaller than the maximal durance of the input si nal, therefore
sometimes an enlargement of the durance of the output signal is necessary
(formation with respect to the durance). It is essential that the qu[:~k-
ness of the nets is not bounded by the maximal retardation of the inp,j~.
signal but by the scattering of the retardations over the inputs.
[Abstracter's note t Complete translation.
Card 212
Method for electric stirml tion of the heart, Biofizika 6
no. 1:125-126 161. (MIRA 14:2)
23" 9-51
06 0 fi/0 3, ) 6 S/103/61/022/010/0 10/018
AUTHOR: Tsetlin, It. L (1110:;C0,01
TITLE: On the belinvior of rillite juL011111tt, ill random mer!,,u
JERIODICAL: Avtomatilca I tellemeldinnika, v. 222, no. 10, 1w;1. J!
'IUXT: It Is shown that under certain assumPtions tile behavior of' 11
finite autcmaton in a StiLtionary random medium is described hy ft finite
Markov chain. The magnitude of the mathematical expectation of tile disap-
proval is a measure of the convenience of automaton behavior. It is a.9-
sumed that the input variables can a.3sume two values only: s = I is
termed disapproval and s = 0--approval. Examples are given of automn.ta
with convenient behavior. In particular, an automaton (with linear tile-
ties) is described, for which the mathematical expectation of disapproval
decreases with increasing storing capacity, reaching (in the limit) tile
mini;;nm possible.for the given medium. Nrther, automaton behavior in
time-dependent random media is considered, this dependence being deter-
mined by Markov chains. Let the finite automaton A be described by its
Card 1/6
On the behavior of...
canonical equations
S/103/61/022/01 0/ U., 0/018
,P (T +
F (2)
It is assumed that the output variable f (t) can take different,
f1jeso, fk ; these values are termed actions of the UlltfflLatOll. 11.0
of the variable y(t) are called the state.,i of the nutnm.atcr. It
assumed that the automaton can have m sLut-es; m is termcf!
capacity of the automaton. The state matrix A(s) describt-s
tions of the states cp into themselves. The state transitioyt,; C4ti 1,
repiesented by the state graphs. The state matrix can be uniquely deteL-
mined from the state graphs. Further, the operation of automaton A i n
the random medium C - C(pll .... p k) is defined. The probability p ij
to the state
of transition of the automaton from the state
isgiven by formula
Card 2/6
On the behavior of...
- :'i 'I
If- '- ~~
S/103/6l/0L'2/0-((j ij
. P a (1) + q (0) 0, j
i.i e~ i ij O~i U3Lj
The matrix P of transition 1)robabilities is a stochastic matrix. De-
noting by r, the final probability of state and by 11', rul;
I CP i c5c-~
of the final probabilities of such sL:Ltes for whi ch P i
CP i
one obtains for the mathematical expectation M of disapproval
At (A, C)
The notations
At max ( _M min I
P19 ... I Pk min (P19`9 pk)Y Ato k
are introduced. The operation (behavior) of the automaton is cnuvc--t(-ii-
if the value of If is reduced; this convenience can be defirled Ulf"
Card 3/6
2 ) 25 1
On the behavitor of... D274/D301
closeness of At to hi An automaton for
venient operation; on the other hand, 5! < M
venient operation. Several types of iii)tumat:i
being alinear-tactics automaton L2n, 2*
v-hj,.!h M t~ Mn--
for tal ;Iu
--L :11 W-1
1 im M (L 2n,V C 11 min
n - --a
where n is the storing CRIMCi Ly. Au tomaLo i'or W1,11 CAI
are called asymptotically optimal. Purther, an automator %v- ui JkL
tactics is described. It is found thuL .3;icli an .ik1t01:JLL-
ient than a linear-tactics automaton. Whereas th(f ;tic, i
dealt with automuta which operated in modin iyiLh
bili ty characteristics, i ii the fol 101fing., vu tuciata in rutndw-.: I
media will be considered. It, ik; -sumfw that the
is composed of stationary riuidnui ~--onstituents: K = K(CP C 21 r, -D - -
presenting a Markov chain with the two states CIand C2 ; t 11 e s e f"`v'-) t: L~q
Card 4/6
On the behavior of...
correspond to the stationary
(2) ... (2)).
C2 = C(pi , 9 pi
medium K is defined.
of switching of states
(1) (1)
random media C I = C(pl 9... 9 % ) and
The operation of automaton A in the cowl 1-!-,
The parnmeter 0" represents the mean fr,_.(jutnc3
in the complex medium. The mathematical expecLu-
tion 11 of disapproval is given by
M (A 9 K) (p (1) M + P (2)6 (2) (15)
where p and (5 are analogous to the notations of formula (4). Furtl~,,rp
the operation of the linear-tactics automaton L 2n,2 in the complex
medium K, is investigated. Formulas are derived for linear-tactics auto-
mata of most convenient operation in a given medium. Curves are plotted
expressing the dependence of M on n for various 6 and p = 0.33.
The minimum of the mathematical expectation M is reached for n
Card 5/6
On the behavior of...
A table with the values of p, 6 9 n 0 and d (d - 1/2-m) is given. 'I"Tic
are 6 figures, 1 table and G Soviet-bloc references.
SMUTTED: April 1, 1061
Card 6/6
GURFIW%ZLI, V.S. (Moskva, A-319, 1-y TSvetkovski er., d.19, kv.43);
Roentgenography of the heart during phases of the cardiac cycle
selected at random. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no.6%25-28 N-D 161.
(Y'I!iA 15:2)
1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo
otdeleniya AN SSSH i Matematicheskago instituta imeni V.A.Steklova
?,7000 B104/B212
16, 1 C-O 11
AUTHORS: Gellfand, I. M., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR,
and Tsetlin, M. L.
TITLE: The principle of the non-local scanning in automatic
maximizing systems
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 2, 1961, 295-298
TEXT: Hereo an automatic maximizing principle is treated, which has
been suggested by I. M. Gellfand. It is based on a special non-local
scanning, and it has proved very efficient in finding the minimum in a
number of numerical problems. The output function of the automatic
maximizing device in question is given as F (x1' "' xng Y1 ... 9 ym)t
where xi denote the operating arguments. The values of these arguments
will change due To automatic scanning. The y. are called the latent
parameters of the system and they are a function of time. Therefore,
the output function may also be written as P 7
Card 1/5 (x1, ... I xng Ylt ... * Ym)
The principle ef the non-local ... B104/B212
= ~(xl, __ t). It is assumed that the maximizing working
parameters ca--nnot be expressed analytically but have to be determined
experimentally. Since 'i is a function of time the scanning has to be
done with respect to the maximizing value of the arguments. But this
time dependence of ~ is not known and, therefore, the scanning rate is
very imPortant. Automatic scanning can be done by various methods.
These methods can be divided into three groups: The first group is
based on blind scanning, here, the pick-up of the parameter values to
be maximized, is done independently of each parameter. The second
group uses local scanning. Here, the result is evaluated after each
scanning operation and it furnishes initial data for the subsequent
scanning operation. A. A. Felldbaum has described this method in his
papers. The third group uses the so-called non-local scanning. For
this method it is characteristic that the operating point in the
parameter 3PI--e is not moving along a continuous curve. This increases
the region of the parameter space, which is investigated per unit of
time, considerably. It is possible to use singularities for the
Card 2/5
S102016il-,371'u-'cj2l'0051'rj'2 -0
The principle of the non-local ... B104/B212
construction of ~ and the maximizing process will be sped up considerably.
The simplest non-local method is that, where the local method is combined
with thn "homeostatic" principle. This method, which is widely used in
the computing technique, is described in details. The following
disadvantage is mentioned: increases considerably after each trigger
action. The description of a non-local method follows which the author
calls the "dip" method. This method is suitable for the case where the
parameters x11--9 xn can be divided into two groups. The first group
comprises nearly all parameters and consists of those where any change
will lead to a considerable change of t. These parameters are called
unessential and the adjustment has to take place very fast for these
parameters. The smaller part of the parameters (2 to 3 parameters) is
formed by that group, where a change leads to a small change of ~ -
They are called essential parameters. The automatic scanning is done
as follows; Starting from a point X 0 the trigger operation is done
according to the gradients; it is coarse, If this trigger operation
decreases I by less than 5-15%, then the coarse scanning is stopped.
Now, the system is in a zone where the parameters of both g-roups are J~l
Card 3/5