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VEKSISR. B.A.; ABRAGAM, D.R. Producing starch from wheat. Sakh.prom. 33 no.6:49-53 Je '59. NIRA 12:8) 1. TSentral'Wy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut krakhmallno- pa.tochnoy prorqshlennosti. (Starch) (Wheat) I ABWIAMP D,R. . Combiaing the ranufacture of grain starch with the manuCacture of alcohole Sakheprom. 36 no-5:60-63 Vq 162. (MRA 15:5) 1. TSentrallpyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut krakJ=alopatochnoy proqrshlennosti. (Starch industry) (Alcohols) ABRAGAMI D, Scientific and technical cunferunce on the new equipment &M technology in the manufacture of starch and starch procucts from potatoes. S&kh.prum. 30 ?-,.901-73 6 16,2. '%:4J*hA 16:1.1) ABRAGAM. D. R. Surface active oaccharose esters (from OZeitocbrift fur die Zuokerindustrie,l no.8p 1961). Sakh. prom. 36 no.10.*72-74 0 162. (MIFLA 15: 10, (sucrose) (Surfaoa active agents) ABRAGAM, D.R. Method for determining the content of dry substances in wheat extract. Tray TSNIIKPP no.5:47-60 163. (HPU 16:7) (Starch-Analysia) (Rafractometry) ABRAGAJ4,, D.R. PrepaxaUon of raw matek'kals for the production of wheat starch. rrudy TSNIIKPP no.6:5-12 163. (MIRA 16s12) ABRAGAM, G.N. CAND TECH SCI Dis3er,.ation: "Film-Forming Water Insoluble Materials from Albumins and Products of their Decomposition." 25 October 49 Moscow Tschnological Inst of Ligbt Industry imeni L*M. Kaganovich. SO Vecheryaya Moskv -a Sum 71 ABUGAM, K.A. (Gorlkly, ul. Gorlkogo, d.150, kv.2) Role of colpomicroscopy in the W-guosis of cancer and precancerous state of the cervix. Vop.onk. 5 ro.6:716-722 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry akasheretva i ginekologil (zav. - prof. O.K, Cherepakbin) Gortkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta Im. S.M. KLrova (dir. - prof. N.N* Milzinov). (CERVIX NWPLALSMS, diag. colponicroseopy in diag. of cancer & precancerous state (Ras)) ABRAGAM, K. A. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Problem of the diagnostics of cancer and 6 pre-cancerous state of the neck of the uterus by the colpomicro- scopic Tethod.11 Gorlkiy7 1961. 14 pp; (Gor'kiy State Med Inst imeni S. M. Kirov); 300 copies; price not giver.; %"KL, 6-61 sup, 236) AB~?AGAM KA. klinicheskiyordinator Diagnosis of cancer and precancerous conditiorm of the cervix uteri by the colpomicroscopy method. Uch. zW.014I noA:46-50 159. (MIRA 14--0 1. 1z Icafedr7 akusherstva i ginckologii (zav. kafedroy - prof. S.S.Dobrotin. (UTERUS-CANCER) (MICROSCOPY, ISDICAL) ABRAWA) ~.A.j kand. med. nauk Combination of cancer of the cervix uteri with extrauterine pregnancy and paraovarian cyst. Alnish. i gin. 39 noe4s127 Jl-Ag 163 (MIRA 16tl2) 1. Iz cnkologicheskogo otdoleniya (zav. S.I.Shuk-hman) 2-oy Oblastnoy bollnitay imeni, M.F.Vladimirskoge (glavnyy vrach Ye.I.Malltser), Arzamas Gorlkovskoy oblasti. ABRAGAM, S., inzhener; SHTMN, I., inzbener. Innovators In railroad engineering. Stroitall no.12: 5-7 D '56. (IMIRA 10.2) (Railroad engineering). (Bridges--Construction) ABRAGAM. S., inkliener. . . - Save two hundred thousand imbles. Stroitell no.5:18-19 X.T '579 (39arthmoving machinery) (MIRL lot6) - - If- I I . "i~ , /!.,' //r Ir-- /V p /f - . AB-.-iAGIM, s., int-lienor. ftftl"16~ nSJljCnj,~jI,e." Stroitell ao.6:15-19 Je '57. (Tailin-Building blacks) (RUA 1,1: 9 1 JABIM' A!,. S.. innhener. Scaffold disigned IA. Aitov. Stroitell no.8:21-?2 Ag '57. (MURA 10:9) (Scaffolding) ) , " ,,-,, ": )~'AI/. ~ -*s ,f *,,,~"? i, I~ -. II- / ~7` ~AMGAK 0S., Inzh, Now mthod of steaming. Stroitall no.12rl4 D 157. (MIRA llt2) (Autoclaves) (Reinforced conents) ABRAGAM, S., inzh. Mobile crushing and grading plant. Stroitell no-7:19 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Crushing machinery) ABILAGAR, S.R., inzh. -I- heating unit used for heating and (trying rooms. Transp. fitrol. f no.11:31-32 N '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Hot-air heating) ABRAGAM, S., Inzh. -"-"-"'ltj9v&Ltor for digging foundation holes, Stroitell no*9119 158. O-IIRA 13:3) (Excavating machinery) Smusmo Tasiliy Nikolayevich; OBUKHOT, Aleksandr Tasillyevich; BIRBSTOTOT. T9.19,insh, ratmonment; ABRAGAM, S.R.. inzh., red.; BOWtOTA, U.N.. [Welding 3nd building-up of rails and railroad frog!j Svarka i naplavka reNlsoy i krestoyin. Moskva. Goo.transp,shol-dor. isd-vo. 1959. 179 p. (HML 13:2) (Railroads-Ralle-Valdins) (Railroads-Maintenanoe and repair) 25(2)- 3J'-'/100-59-5-9/14 AUTHORt. Abragam, S.R., Engineer TITLE: Mobile Crushing and Sorting Installation PD3U-75 PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya stroltellstva, 1959, Nr 5, PP 25-26 (USSR) ABSIRACT: One of the plants of the USSR Ministry of RR Transport produces In sorias a mobile crushing and Orting group PDSU-75 which has an annual production capacity of 75 thousand cu m of crushed stone; a plate type feeder de- livers the rock from the 5 ou m buriker into the feed hopper type SM-97 of the jaw crusher, type SM-11B with an opening of 400x600mm. The crushed stone falls on a screen which lets stone wider 70 mm size pass, the rest is diverted to a crusher, type SM-166A with an opening of 250xgOO mm, from which it retuz-ns to the same screen; the cru3hed stone then passes on to a vibrating sorting %achine, type SM-13, whichidivides the material Card 1/2 in three fractions, viz. up to 25 mm, 25-40 mm and 40-70 mm. A conveyor Mobile Crushing and Sorting Installation PDSU-'15 system permits to stack the crushed material. system allows the installation to OPerate for The installation can be driver. by electric power Diesel generator U-12 or from.any other power is fully mechanized. There are: 1 photo, 2'diagrams. 30-1/100-59-5-9/14 according to size, which 10-15 d.9y.5 wIthout stopping. from a mobile 100 kw source. 'nie entire process Card 2/2 ABRAGAM, S.R..inzh. I Using gas for heating and drying rooms. Mekh.stroi. 16 no.2:26-- 27 F '59. (MIRA 12:2) (Drying apparatus) (Propane) KARASIKv M.Ye,.,, inzh.,j KRONFELID9 B.D., insh,; KOIIOPIZV, V.G.9 inzh.j KHY- ZILINOVSI=p V.M,j inzli.1 ABRAGAHt S.R.; inob.p red .; BOBROVAv Ye.N.r tekhn, red, [organization of construction vorko during the ele "Ctrification of railroads; experience of the construction organizations of the Ministry of Construction for Tr4noportation) Organizateiia stroitell- nykh rabot pri elektrifiketeii zhelezrqkh dorog; opyt stroitellr7kb ,)rganizateii Mintranootroia. Moskvaq Vses. isdatellsko- 319r. obwedi- nenie H-va putei soobehobaniiag 1960. 65 P. W .4,7) (Railroads.-Blectrification) (Railroad enginoering) BARS-,2rAw; ittcbagyan Arshakovich, inzh.1 BELIKIND, Mikhail Borisovich, inzh.; ABRAGAM, S.R.p inzh.p red.; UMIKO, L.A.9 tekhn. rod. (Machinery for digging foundation holes for overhead contact- systom poles) Mashirq diia razrabotki kotlovanov pod opory kon- taktnoi seti. Hookwa, Vses.izdatellsko-poligr.obuedinenie H-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 87 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Electric railroads-4cnstraction) (Excavating machinery) GULENKOg Nikolay.-Nikolayevich; GORAp Viktor Yepifanovichj ALESHIN, V.A.p kand. tekhn. naukq retBenzentj CHLENOVp M.T.t kand. tekhn. Daukv retsenzen4; IQWAROVv V.P '#-Inzh., retsenzent$ ARAGAMp S.R.0 inzh., red.; BOBROVAq Te.Ni-t teklm. red. [Track machinery atd mechanioul Putevye mashim., i makhanimny. 14o- skva, Voes. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniiap 1961. 319 p. (MIRA 1418) (Ratlroads-Equipgwnt and supplies) (Railroads-Track) ", ABRAGAMt S,R.,__ inzh. Construetion of the first railroad lines in Russia. Transpo stroi. 1-1 no.1156-57p 59 Ja 161. (MM 14:3.) (Railroads-Construotion) SMIODINSKIY, Isaak Mondaleyevichj AHIAGAJI,, S.R.,, inzh., red.; USENKO) L.A., *--*-- [Cranes on tractors and motortrucks for railroad construction] Krarq na traktorakh i avtomobiliakh dlia. transportnogo stroi- tel'stva. Moskva) Vaes.izdatellsko-poligr.ob*adinenie Yr-va putei soobshcheniia, 1962. 79 p. (1,= 15:4) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Railroads--Construction) ALIEKSEYEEVI Aleksey Pavlovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; DISSON, Pavel Solomonovichp inzh.; SESSAREVSKIY, Aleksandr Hikolayevich, inzh.; S.'OLIYANINOV, Aleksandr Andreyevich., kand. tekbn. nauk; SHUaGIN, Vladimir Pav1lovich., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHADRIN, N.A.,, prof., retsenzent; GOLISHUKH, V.V.., in2h.; ~_,~.,_inzh., red.; BODROVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Construction operations in railroad electrification]Stroitell- rWe raboty pri elektrifikatsii zholeznykh dorog. (By] A.P. Alekseev i dr. Moskva, Transzholdorizdat, 1962. 287 p. (I-IIIIIA 15; 12) (Railroads-Electrif ic&.tion) (Railroads-Buildings and structures) ALEKSEYEV, k1eksey kand. tekhn. nauk; DISSON, Pavel Solosonovich, Lnah.; SESSkREVSKIY, kleksandr Nikolayevich, insh.; SMOL'YANINOV, Aleksandr Andreyevich, kand.tekhn. naukj SHURYGIN, Vladimir Favlovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHADRTN, N.A., prof., retsenzent; GOLISHLOCH, V.V., inzh.., retaenzent; ~BRAGAM S. inzt.,, red.; BOB?DVA, B.N., tekhn. red. 2~ (Construction work in railroad elec-,trificigtion]Stroitellnye ra- boty pri elektrifikatsii zheleznykh do-rog. Utverzhdeno Glavnym upravlaniem ucheknymi zavedeniiami YIPS v kachestva uchebnogo posobija dlia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii zhelezno- dorozhnogo transports. [By]A.P.Alekseev i dr. Moskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 287 p. (MIRA. 16:2) (Railroads--Electrification) GM S R , inzh. Now aBsembly equipment with a hinged boom. Mekh. stroi. 19 no.10:12-14 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Hoisting machinery) ASITEKO, S.M.; VEKSIER, V.M.; KLAUZO P.L.; SOKOLOV, K.A.; IGNATOVICH, A.M., prof., rateenzent; SMIRNOV, V.S., knnd. takhn. nauk, retsenzent; KfWTICH, F.S... inzh., retsenzent; ABRAGAM, S.R.., inzh., red.; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F., tekhn. red. [Operation of road, construction, and loading &nd unloading rmchines) Ekspluatatsiia putevykh, stroitelinykh i pogruzoc4ho- razgruzoehnykh mashin. [By) S.H.Asheko.i dr. Moskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1963. 302 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Construction equipment) CHEZAVSKTY, V.P.; KIRAKOSYAN, G.P.; BELIKIND, M.B., it-zh.,, retzienzent; ABRAGPI-1, S.R., inzh.,, red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., I tekhn. red. [1-11achinery f'6r compacting embank-ments) Mashiny dlia uplot- #6 neniia nasypel. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 94 p. (MIRA 170) ABRAGAM, S.R., inzh. International exhibition of construction equipment. Transp. strol. 14 no,11:35-37 N 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Spetsialtnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Transportnoye strottel'stvo". 14URAVIYEV, Ivan Vladimirovich; OGARI, Vurly .13crgeyevich; PALt'HUN, P%?tr Savell-evich; RA.'-,L4 S.R.# inzh., red. V .1 -AL_ ., _,__ (Machinory and toola for t:-,.ck maintenance and repair] Pu- tevye i instrment. Moskva., Transport 1 1964. 3111 P. (MIRA 18:9) 92-2-34/V AUTHOR: Abragin, A. TITLE: -Physical Exercise for Oil Workers on the Job (Proiz- vodetvennaya gimnastika u neftyanikov) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 2, P 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Properly organized phisical training of workers is highly desirable because it is healthful and it; increases the effi- ciency of their work. Daily exercise strengthens the body of the worker and reduces the chances of injury during the per- formance of his duties. Several hundreds, of workmen and em- ployees of the Plant imeni Leytenant Shmidt participate in exercises supervised by Dubrovskiy. Over 350 workers of the Turkmenneftestroy trust are being trained by Kashin and 700 eople attend the course of physical training in Ishimbayevo ahkir SSR). However, many workers do not realize the im- M portance of physical exercise and believe that walking to and from their place of work can substitute for physical training which they think good only for young people. They are wrong be- cause physical exercise regulates the function of the heart, breathing organs, etc. There is no doubt that physical exer- cise is very helpful for all workers. 6VA L#BLE: Library of Congress ari 1/.L AWH;iV,, rTA - ------ UHW7EC;;r _-m~-Xw 4.314"V.. Dc9ca" to apparzitA In whiL-h the w3 Mb of a iptcimtn of ft p*kdal ut&r lucairpOw (!~rmi-T-,--- wo&);3m we n4W'90) can be kcjx a prr-;~ and No txpcrinxnl,,O results. ------ Ll 3M. T6 ABRAIL~Y, A. 'x Photoelectric properties of polyerystalline AlSb. P. 595. (CE3'JSWiL':SKY CASOFIS FRO FY5'IKU, Vol. 6, No. 5. SePt 1956. Praha, Czechoslovnkia) SO: Monthly List of East Euroman Accessions ('-"'UL) W, Vol. 6, ho. 121, Dec 1957. Uncl. I f, t~ Vj I I y -.-~ ATITHORS- Tout, J. and .Lb TITIZI -TEi-4~~tun ariciency of the Internal 39ft:otein Indlus Antizccldo (1vactovi 4AInnoot T=tfaibo lot I k1lickd1ho J*vu v ant imoradu India) PZRIODICALs GskoslovonsXj 6asopis Pro 7.vaiku, .9". Sr 6, r: 653 - 657 (Czech) ABBMC?x The quantum africioncy n of the photoelectric effect In cormanlus is approximately unity for all quanta stOot ozergy 1 9 lies betwbsn 3~ end Nj . For Xg> "' the quaatun efficiency rites above unity (Ref& 1. 215 Ind tbil Is explained by collisions bet-**= the f&st electrons produced by the absorption of L161~onarrj qu=ta and electrons in the -&lore@ band (Nor 3 ). measurements ;n germanium jLre carried out by dAtermIns-ion of tre botovoltaic effect on a p-a Aunct-ton (Ref 4). These cannot be prepared sufficiently reliably in lr-qb and therefore the photo-conductivity and the pboto-olectro- rag;oatic (M,) effect have been measured In IASb. Tlie P= offset Is proportional to the nunber of pairs of trot carriers, while the phoro-conductIvIty a" be Cardi/5 L~luqocod by barriers, traps. etc. TZ& M effect decrease& with decreasing absorption coefficient K, according to Zq I (Bar 5). On the Other band, th; Photo-conductive signal decreases with Increasing absorption coefficient according to Nq (2) (20f 5)- TbO measurement of both effects enables ozw to find Xf (20f 6) And to eliminate Its InSluence on t!'.4 no suremeat of ; . Th: monochromatic infra-red Illumination "ad for t1i. measurements was interrupted at IL frequency of 65 cps. The Intensity Of the light was measured with . thsran- Pll~ and the al al fro= the Marple was amplified with a barraw-band ampfffier and reasured with a v&lve voltastor. The Searle was Counted I= a cryostat in a ZAZWtjC fjol'i of 3 500 - 6 500 -%uss. The results ;t%Dt*d !Pr* D~tainsd from modocrystaLL, me sygej.." with 6.4 x ID 7 On-, Occ~PtOrG and 4,400bilitY 44-,91- roam at room SenWaturs P . 4.6 x 1e cma.T-1.800-1 . The Contacts were soldered on with Indlux. The sam--ploo were electrolyticall; etched (pef 7). They were 0.05 to 0.2 am thick and their revintanco at room terp*roture -00 3 to 15 0. Figure I shows the dependence of tLt q,~snt= efficiency as a function of the tnergy of tbg absorbed photons. a. measured by the M ~ffeet at Ig C. Y.1guz-* 2 aL.w. the "as m~-tlty vessured at - 64 C. -~-, crsge#s at." - measurements of the M effect, the circloc measurements of the photocurront. Both graphs are no.--al.'sod a, tb&l the quantum efficiency is unity In the 'ic"%Ity of the 4Lbsorption edge (Ref 6). Measurements of could not be made at room tomperature because the al#r ,A&lg were very small and the bolozetric affect d.1840.rt.d to. results. To eliminate a further possible error, the reflection coefficient was also studied and found to be constant oytr the range of wavelengths used. All the Mosouremants showed tLat ii remaineel. conot^At up to S' = 0 47 *V and started to rise at this va,olvoath. The rigi slo;el down and it bec"e jazlopeadozt of w&vg_ length, until at a point Zj' '= 0-6 07 It started rIeLP4 Afaln, though at a alooor and apparently const=t I I and Z' were dopondent on the sAmPla, P&xtllularl, rnrdi/S f f no Q-Tum Xffielsn4y of the 1At#rnA2 Photoelectric Iffect in ZA"'M Autim*nide *A the structure of Its surface and on the temperature. but the type of dependence was reproducible. Bocaune tbo ourves derived from. the 2a affect practically coincide with 'home derived from measurements of pbato-conductiv%ty, ose may Pefely conclude 'that indeed it is the number of pairs of bo2sa and electrons, produced par absorbed qUftntum, which is shown In the figures. TX* energy Nj - % 0- 1.6 k , Whica is a vilue ona would expect for lonleation by collision (Rtfs 9 10). The authors show a roughly estimated one-dimenalonal X(E) diagram for InOb which would *7.71stu the observed botAviour. Point 21' occurs *Lon the holes acquire sufficient energy &L" to produce ioni"ti n. lem4abers (V*f LI) ban xecantly ouggeat*d tLat a rise of the quartua efficiency with Increasing energy of the absorbs& photons sight help to resolve certain diftl.ultles. The rise found by the authors in in the right direction, but not sufficiently large. Tbore are 4 figure$ and. 11 references A, of which are zagliah. 4 Czech. 1 French. I Garman and I Soviet. Agi)~;ITZOXs datay technicki tysiky dGAT Praha (I"titut* of Technical Phy"ic a of the Czarb Ac.134, --Csxu-, 0iiPOPP thod is desaribedW-' /Z1 jn4asiA4, the relative oluanoint efficiency of the internal C, , johotoelec. LXct in oemkonductars by. YS, Met a, - win the ba!rm and OtOb a toelec W 4UOiVe - - . ~ A g m p 'VLeresWt#oln"sUMwA-Dtson1n aregivim. Thequan. ijun efficlency begito to Incresse if the wergy,4 the_photonj cauxeds 0.47,b.v. at mom temp. The quantum elWency., z4 so t function of the taergy of the photon Is analyzed In terms: 4 Impact.ionl2ation, and It Is shov;a tMt a study of the dbveture of this curve can supply L-formation on the b&nd strocture of a mmkonductor in the region of high energies of Clearon- WW Wet. A. KmmhdVs;-- ABRAHAM, A.; S1UIAVA, M. r- - Temperature dependence of optical transmissivity of melted quartz in ultraviolet spectrum. Silikaty 7 no.3t231-233 163. 1. Ustav fysiky pevnych latek, Ceskosloveaska akademle ved, Praha. 1~ ~'N I T 7C5 '/P&b r al ACCMI" JI-011 MR:! APIM6W ALTMOF.- 9", TITTZ- MmOvielectric e"ect tm cadmim antimonide SOMCF., Chelchislovats1cly fizIcberski-Y zhurnal, v. V,, no. 2, 138-,4o nj Cadai M. ZJLUaQDjdq, .;;eml r P. ~) lnj~ I e C.-yotq* Pbotoyol". I-- C;.14~rzt ABS'Mr,'1- Tne *iotocc-nductivity of C&c;b wans i!7vestig-ted. T,N~ samples, cleaved froa, a sinigle crystal along the "a" ax!s, W- rk '~Irhr, -an sj)ecimenti vitri a p:)Idshed or etcbF-d sLwface. 1 af the Enclosure shows the dependence zf the qmntum e~fficienvy of the yhoto=iducti-vity erfect- e'ffebtvastorrect- eA few reflection ateoridbg to Teferentti tited in Figt of the EncloBure. In the fl,-Ltr- the mrm-zLown valm!s meaBured at dIfferent temperatures have tbe same magni-- tudf!, iz reaUty tl,..i Vuytoemauctivitv signal R+- ~J -10 smallest. --reaAe 1-,i the qunjilm i!,Mclency Ircre-asinp ra-dlpLlon energy vat. obse~-vea C a) j 1/3 ~Mmlm Mom MY V 394ta SIUA MR 41, V~d'lover templera#=s, The i energy - gelp in an, tbv'~ a A "4bd_~~ - - - e of -us s L ._I"TdxAC*1A -TMPDG srmiconduetovs~ 3)vttezvDrbhs,-7Anaoa~1q59).- The temperature dependence tbus found' 3~or the eneri,,T g* can *6e exlwe .ssea in the temperatmv range from 1300 00" the 10 T%l ev -0*535, 3 0i'-8- M-8 th sulti lbt Wea ~by:j ~s~tdia, -for absorptioa zaessure*ente ~,LT_he_valkiel, at-Abe -0 .-art* -hw--l- woo 4 frm sa"It _~W_Sftlple- rig xSSOMIAMOM Inati-tixt4) of Bolid State Physica, Czechool. Acad. Sci., Pragiia SMMTED-. OC-ffov64 EWL: 01 SO CODE - SS, EM NO M~ SOV DOC OTELO., 009 MIMES=- lj~7 717 4 Um aflatiency of An, rAr UVIUL Affect-m-Mb incident radia-I.-Ion at different tibmpera- tures. 1 - at 2910F, 2 - at 2180K, 3 - at 1310K. 46 Curves ver-e can-ected for reflectivity. J? Value taken for R wm 112-:Rj~ + RC), Vhe'V Rb and Rc for raddation polarized in b and c d1rectlinns Fire 'aKpn f-.-c A. Abraham- et al. Con-f. on PhYE. Of semicona. , T--rir. 1994, 1. 454). L C wj -3/3 ABRAHAM$ A. Photoei-ect-ric effe-It in Gd3b, Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 14 no.2:138- 140 165. 1. Institute of Solic State Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6, Gukrcvarnicka 10. Submitted Novenber 6, 1964. F- i "Y HISKOLIMY, D.; CSM. 0.; VJ=G, V.;stBR&UX, Al.;.WAITSUK, P.; WAGNIM, Co. An epidemic of virotio encephalitis (transmitted by mosquitoes) at the end of summer-auturm 1955 in T9. *area. Rumanian H. Rev. 1 no.l: 53-56 jan-may 57. (MOPMULITIS~ 3FIJJr4IC, spidemiol. in Rwwnia) MAROS, Tiberiu; KEIDIEN, Iosif; NAGY, Bolal ABRAW01, Al. Contributions to the know2edge of the wehanism of production of nervous phen=ena in hepatic insufficiency. Rev. sci. med. 06 no-3A: 165-168 161. (LIVER DISEASES coAT3-icationa) (HUROLOGIG WIFESTATIONS) PORA, 30agen A.. -prof.; ABRAM# A.1exandrn; TCHAO. VirgiI The amino-said component of the extract of the thymus CIP, and the action of the said extraot upon the proteic of metabolism of the diapbragm in ruts. Studit biol Clxtj 12 no.1:127-133 161. 1. Universitatta "Babes-llo3yai" CJuj, Catedrele de~tiziologi& sainal lor si biochWo. 2. Menbru corespondesut al Ac&dwdoi R.P.R. si membru. al Comitetvlui do redactio, "Studii el cercetari blologie" (Fillala Clujp Academia R.P.R.] (for Pora). FORAI Hugenp academician; ABRAHAM; Alexandru; T(-)I",, Virgil; S11DAN, Vina % ..... Frogeoterone action on the, quantity of nucleic acid in the thymus and spleen of white rats. Comunicarile AR 13 ro.11: 977-980 V`63- 1. Univervitatea "Babes-Bolyai" Cluj, Catedrele de fizinlogia animalelor si chimia generala. PORA. Eugon A., acad.; ABRAHM-1, Llex., SILEMI, Nlna Action of the proiestorone derlvatjlve~ on the nuelvic acids in the thy7aus and spleen. Studil core blochirde 'I (,.,":15r,,-159 164. 1. Soction of Compurativo AnIrwil Physloloj-y, Rumanian Arlidorq, CIvj ~%ibmlttod October 10, 1963. ABRAHAM, A.j FORA, F,A., tvnad,; TOMA, V. Influ- e-nee of harmonag on the I-noliisior. of ina -335 In the thymun proteln.,. StudIt core b1ol s. zool 17 no.2:65- 69 165, 1. Section of Animal Phyaicilegy, " tor of 191ollogical Reneqrch of the Rumanian Acadomy, rjjj',~ ~;ubmitted f-jn~, 19, 19t-.- ACC NRi AP6003658 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0055/65/015/010/GT30/0739 AUTHOR. Taxle, J.; Abraham, A. ORG: Inst.1tute of Plasma Physics, Czechoslovak Acadeqr of Sciences, Prague TITLE : Oj;itical properties and band strue-ture of CdSb SOURCE: Chekhoslovatskiy fizicheskiy zhtwnal, v. 15, no. 10, 1965, 730-739 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium compound, antimonide, photon, valence band, conduction band ABSTRACT: In continuing tpV experimental studies of the structure of the absorption edg-3 of cadmium antimonide"Pecently carried out by M. Zavetova (Czech. J. Phys. B 14 1964, 615), the present paper deals with a detailed study of the region of direct transitions adjoining the region of indirect transitions. In the experiment the cptical constants of Cdc~b were determined for photon energies up to 2 eV from reflectivity measurements and by using: the Kramer-Kronig dispersion relation. The experimental set-up for the reflectivity measurements is described. Possible loca- tions of the observed direct transitions are found by the application of the selec- tion rules. It is shown how these resulti;, together with those regarding the trans- port. properties of CdSb, can be used to obtain information about the structure of the valence ard conduction bands. [The authors thank A. Hruby for the preparation of the samples, M. SLIh and M. Sulova for hell) with t -'-- 'ments and cowputations, "y he measure and V. Frei and B. Velic. for many helpful discussions.] Orig art. has: 7 figures, I table. and 1 formula, Blood Pressure and Peripheral Nervous System," p. 307. (Act*L Wolopf(la Sciekiarum Hurwarim, Vol-4, 110-3A) 11153~ Budapest.) SOI Month Last European Vol 2 Nod Congressy __ g3Anjp r List LE Accessions,/LNrL7 ~m.bA 53,, Uncl. ABUHAI') A, AND .jibllshed in Data on hydrobiologic conditions in Banvolgy-. p. 327. Vol. 2, 1?52. (p A 1954. A "AGYAR TUDO'WIYEGYFTEI,~,~,F DIOLCMAI SZM~,'Dj :17,,,3Z. Budapest, llungary, So: Eastern ~'uropean Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956 AYIAHA"', A.; KA"TER, A, Pressor receptors in the wall of the swim-ung bladder. In Gem.-Ein. p. 345. Vol 2, 1952. (published in 1954) A !-'AG'~.t.71 9T-I,rX;IAI FVYOqm-. S'~71r'EDT RF33. Budapest, "ungary. So: Eastern '--~twopean Acoossion. Vol 5, No. 4, April 1,)56 SZOLLOSY, 2,; ABRAHM, A.; ALTOLDI, L. isolation of Influenza virus in connection with the spidemio In. Staged during the year 1952. Acts, microb. hung. 1 no.1-31111-114 1954. 1. Institute for Microbiology of the Medical University. Szeged; received July 21, 1953- spidesiol. *Hungary. virus isolation) (INFLUAKU YMUSIS *isolation during apittemic in Hungary) ABRAH&R, A.; SIN, L. Hicrosconic innerVAtiOn of fixod vascular grafts. Acts. morph.hung. 5 nool-2:103-112 1955. 1. Institute of General Zoolarv and 'Biolcq-,v of' the University, Szeged (Diractor:' Prof. A. k)rakhan) and. let Department- of Surgerr of the Medical University, Steped Pirector: Prof. Gy. J'aki). (AORTA,,innervation, microscopic innervtttion of fired grafts) (TW.SPLkTTAT10j' aorta, microccopic innervation of fixed graftn) U`11HJU, A. The. proldem in th,~- histolo,--h of th- ver.,!tativ,~ nervoun In n. 111. (ATI'A P10D)l',jGA. -,'el. 2, no. 1/b, 1!ac. 1Q.56, llunf-~ary) SO: Yonthly tist of Ea3t Luropean Accessions 0`,14AL) W. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. ,Jncl. A-P, A, , aivi othmrs !~,Orobiologi.c and taunal studies in, sout.,-,wrestern part.of the Bukk Eountains. In German. P. 137. (AGT.~ PICILOGICA. Vol. 2. no. 1/4,, Dec. 1956, flun:,,ar-y) SO: T'ontlly ilist of Fast -luro-ean Accetsions (F.,AL) 1,(;. Vol. 6, no. 12, DOC. 1957. r Unc 1. EXCERPTA 3/7 I .. 1.'~ *'DICA See 18 Vol Ca,rdio. Dies July 59 V566. The it-ticture of cardiac ganglia AURMAm A. Init. of Zool. and DOI., Univ. of Szeged A Oa Wt. A cad. scient. hung, (B-ssd4-Fei7TFJ'5TT%ippI. I (It - 12) The authcr investigated the -mrdiac ganglia in different vertebrates and human subjects with the mothods of Bic1schowsky.-Grom and Ble1schowsky-Abrahim. He stRtes they constitute an essential part of the intracardiac nervous system. They vary in position, numixr, and size, but in respect of structure are largily the same. The differences are the following: in fish the cardiac ganglia are really plexuses of loose texture, without any isidividual ganglia in them. In amphibians, sauropsida and mammalians they are agglomerations of nerve cells in well-defined connective tissue capsules. In the lower groups the nerve cells are for the greater part unipolar, in amniota and inammals they are multipolar, but un,ipolar and bipolar forms also occur. Thu cholinesterase activity and other histochemical studies of the cardiac ganglia are also described. (1.18) ABRAHAM, Ambrus, dr.,. Analyzers. Elovilag , , !r .. . ;1 Ti,'MIit & ---- 111-licroscopic innervation of a bird's heart." Yn German. p. 247. ACTA LMIWISITATIS SUGIDIENSIS. FAIS BTCLCG!oA SCLPITWUM NATtFFALTUM. AGTA RIOLOGICA. Szeged, Hungary, Vol. 3, No. 3A~ 10157. Monthly list of East E-,wopean Accessions (FLAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. "On the structure und the inpervaticn of the coiiducting system of the heart of vwrmals." In German. p, 275. ACTA LINIVITSIT-ATIS M 1 S SZ) (TDIENSIS. F.,JS BICWGICA SCI!-NTIAI;Ul-l N I TUF! LIUM. ACTA ]:.TOLOGICA. Szeg9d, Hungary, Vol. 3, No. 3/4, 1957. Monthly list, of East European Accessi3ns (1--EAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August :1959. Uncla. MARDS, T., Conf.; URIAN, Letitia, dr.; KDONT, B., dr.; LUKAGST. I., dr.: ABRA]RAM A chipiet. Charges in dysproteinamia tests in certain mental and neurological disorders. Had. int., Bucur. 9 no.2:210-219 Feb 57- 1. Lucrare efectuata la Catedra de anstomie-embriologis at madicina operatoare a I.M.F. din Tg. Mures (conducator, couf. T. Yhroo) a Sectiet de bolt norvoase a Spitalului unificat din Tirnaveni (conducatonre, dr. Letitia Urian) at a Catedrai do chimie biologics, & I.M.F. din Tg. Mures (conducator, conf, A. Kovacs). (LIVER WNCTIC-N TZSTS, in various diseases cadmium reaction, tlWmol, Takata-Ara & Weltmann tests In ment. & neurol. die.) (1aNTAL DISORDERS, physiology liver funct. tests) (BWOD PROTEINS, in various diseases meat. & neurol. disord., causing changes in dysproteinemia tests) ABRAriAm, A. Microscopic Innervation of the kidney of the Lmarta lizard (Varmus FrIseus Daud). p. 265. A MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKkDFY1k V, OSZTALYA FITODY.rAl C.-A';1O.1r,'JA1ZAX K07U,M,1-?jyr--T. Budapest, HwWary. Vol. 2, No.,e, 1958. Monthly List of Fast European Acce3sions (EFAT). LC., Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. Irmervatien of the intestinal canal )f the medical 3eech, (;11)-udo rpd. 1.). P. 139. A MAGYAR TUVRAIMS AFADEMMI 1. N'IMIA -!tTO.IkI('JAI CISONIMM!"AY' Fludapest, ',Iungary, Vol. IC, no. 2, 195F MenthlyI,istof ~'-.a.-~tEijr(ippatiAcceqsiori (i. IRAI)p I.C. Vol. 1.), no. 2) Feb. 1P60 Uncl. ABRAHAM, A. Morphologic bases for afferent conditions in the kidneY3 Of M&MImlians. p. 217. A MAGYAR TLTOMANYOS AUDEMTA V. OSZTALYA B1010GIAI C80FORIVANAK K0ZLFj^-;IFfEI. Budapest., Hungary. Nol. 2, ro. 3, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEkI). Lr,) Vol. 9. Noo 1, Jan* 11060 Uncl. 1 EXUPPTA MMCA See 4 Vol 1218 Med. Micro. Aug 59 2473. ISOLATION OF COXSACKIE VIRUS LAI POL1014YEPTIS CASES - Cox- sackle virus holitisa poli6myelitises betegekbtil - Abrahim �, and L 0 r i n c z P. Marosvisdrhilyi Virus kutatO Lab. 4_sWr_f6z_0_FetegsSgek Klin. KOM. - ORV. SZLE 1959. 4/3-4 (214 -219) Tables 2 Coxsackie type A viruswas laoiated from faeces and CSF of 20 cases dlagnt~ied ai poliomyelitis, and the relationship between virue and disease 1v&B confirmed k3y neutralization tests with the patient's serum. Croised neutral!aation tests avo negative results., 4, Z.i Al",i Alf V: t A % Problams of Huno,&ri*m blology; an opnrielng tAr-ess MAY D, 1958. r. 49. A KAGTAR 7oT0VANYkki ArAj -MIA 7. t-L.TALAT %d*ptst, Arnpry. V01. 2, rl*~. 4, 1~~, Moonthly LItt of L-.4t Lumpean, AccesviOng ;Z 70'A . 1)f 0 Uncl. AKIKNA.1111 A, An i%c--klunt of 'he 15th International hoik-~ .7 A "OTAR TUU~MAJTU', AYk Y.IiIIA V. ox; 1 1, A~ Dudxp,%,-,t, Uungary, Vol, 2, n4.1. J,, 1911~) ;-,1011Y List of &art 4uropoqn Accepplons Vif( Und . VINDAD. V. I WViHTj I.; A-MHAH. A. Ma.sases of vegetal origim; o~serv%tlorw & Investigations on th* virus reservoir. RuAA61AU R. Rev. ) no.1:11-13 An-06r 59. (MM DISIASM, trawn. plant viruses p4thogenic for was & sinlaRls) kBRLKAX. Ashn", akadeaUva W*m --- Data Gn the knowledp of tt* st4-*etw,* of tM retinA rLth comAideratLon for the iortax of murms am th* ce"tral comeettons. Biol wv kotl XTA; 11 tio-2/31211-68 ' 60, (VW 1015) 1. Magyar Tudo%wV*s Akedexial A ft*g*41 Tudcr%M*ff#t#* AlWamos to Blologial Inteaste. (RITUA) (Nmm) ABRAHAM Ambniss dre*. STARM, kr&rAa, dr,,, rOUMS. Istvan, dr.: LIMP L. Neurchistolorical. studies on tho orrano and, tht Ma of t"berculia-trastod tuVortulcus r)Insa plov. Ntoorkaotio I! no.9:257-258 S $60. 1. A Ster"t TudowLnyoffetse AlIftlanas Allattant to PialegInt Intesets jIr,.t Abraham Am'brus dt&. akodestivis) @a all OrNfILFIA Koranyl VC Intoset (i(- _,.: DoevotwAyl Miklos dr. k-xrAIdokUjo. tutioverq0" Igall'"tol Fuld@$ 11tva-h dr. Imbdidatus) ko:levenyt (TURZICUMSIS o"r.) (TUBUCULIN RXACTI(X %spor.) (KUTVUS SYSTO pntholj LIVINIU, lAsalci dr.,,.AbRAHM, &Arue, it,-. nlAj, Ist-wn, 4r.; YXIMI. t^4911'. Wf Imp* Cowarative no%trohistolorical &ad *MwImttl~fO on allergic rtaetiono canted 'hy t,iltor-Als. ruba.-kAtlotle 1) na,9:259-2tl S 160. 1. At Ostagoo torarWI T%. ',top#% (14t.t Vf*ff-rf*A;rI P0100, its kandidmus, tudowamWoe Igo* fa'Joo lotvas 4r. oteWS TiAno&Vogyatos &lIAlsb** k1lateal to PI1mI(,t(j%I T%tetsts igat Abraham AWOnm dr,, hPielitue, of,"I~vt tanar) " as T Cynkopathologtot gistato sot (tst.t Coll*er %*Is dro, *IrjMvq4%-4*) MMUCULIN RUMOR otror.) (NUTWS Syn= WhOIJ ABRAILAX0 Avbmv In c '1----rPno ratiot 4. hfa *a UO 1~5tk. arr','"rpar) Cal Ma birtb, Idol koal 8 w,211U-11Z 060t PORA, tMen A.1 SCXVAXnp Mdocssmedh KiM. 1.1 MMOUSU, P.1 W, 1.# ru=GHY, r.1 ABRAUX, A.1 IDUCSO V. Aotion of insulin &w 11taikin k an the twtabolle protosm*a of UO Isolated dtaphmgu of rat. StAll c*rt b c1 ants 1;~ IcI. 1. C~-'.vdrtis do tiblologto ankmals- #I biveMmit 4o 14 Unt"roltAWe 'Babes-Dollaig, Cluj. 2. Vomh-u etimpotigont al A,#,44emJ*1 P.P.& (f" Pora). "' ". , ; . i . I . I A. 0" IM j in .1 q ~ I -~ rp At i jy . C , "o jai - r: . ~ w "A , i I. I rl V- +Ball-. I t^ . - , , :91 "o r~ , .,~ I ; 4 , 6-0 ". '?l -1 . 0. _ , a I,.,- . 1, 1 , - A.. ,.I f (" 0 4, 1 4 . . f LMARAM, Ambru#, otyetwd t&Aar Tho ld IU&or&At ssoUmg of 'Aw ltftorl&A 01*1 koal 7 w. I/Jjlal7-IZ9 'It.Q. I* V44yar gloloetal TaroAsag orivageo elftAr. LASZW 0 1. 1 MUR 0 1A. 0 FW j Y. I 4',-AtX4, i. I AL*16 l. ; xmuv. 1. 1 KASU, L.1 ?4&L,, Gyorlyl I AtOb, A. lxperia~ntal investigatimi of --pliomit A4t#an;t*k %,-, the virus. 3tud. cerast. infr&nlar-ablial. 13 no.)t !I I.- ''Is- %,~. (WATIM3, W14TIlYZ) (T 115-11 "60*r-l ,,-In, -- ) (VIM~ CUVITAT.ON) (' LFAINII '~S 71- ~. ;43) 0 F-0 -14,040,1 (Cc IIn a m 1-to or h!t IrL A 'K -A Asi L. A A pAI - 1,4 lAy4rS of UII V*11 of Vhlm heart rl*,~ P: t t, f r I InA., to Ve, v &gal sorw~r-j, s I %n the A~ rial oi~ I - it f-1; it c a vd a it s i -i I I a r t0 It '4S C '10 11 - 0 141 ft ~d oil '10 1; Lr t !-,,e gau"4Z 1 1, 4, 0 f ~h* &rjl4c yessols Oro I`- t1i ) comrAry Art*!-;r Or* 1--i L.~tto;--vq 4,.ng ,1080 1.0 U10 Irwt*r j Ott CO t~-A a "I -t u~s r- Qopt-ors or tho t,urvnary voirs aro ~o-OrI1,1- r a i f for a large surfooo, arrJ teriIn&tIn4 vl.Uil fino f0lito In ev-,olvo AHRAXLK, Axbras .. ..&k%Wo*lkvs 0 *o-r4r^rT wrtorlot of u* nov 10 $44 1 ih~ 0 *# plolw4taj VASASS, 9.1 ADA,14.9.1 AW.A."4P.A. Corr x !A kn rA t I *1 0 ro t 1~0 ?~ 7 ' ~i ll~' 0- ' - 1 - r, 1 - It *4 It- - " ' - ~' "'I I , !# pftvhlir),*. P,-Itr v A%!.vwr. "' r ~ W-.:Mk 9: YMZZGRY,19.1 CHIIUCUTA, lei ANUFAM. A.1 WILW, C. Influen,:* of' bums aft tht, W?;o a-14 a-t4bftII~* In rstp# ?1.,I. Studia Uhly b-S 8 Ch4a 0 ac-.lv3rf-Y* 10 lo 'B&b4*-Bbly&A* Miyoraltt, wn.-I %f- ltptltutoe Cluj , .0 * * - k I r I F'- ; A A. I p Ap,, r~ I o tin 'btR . j., r Ir I -,I t -11 o) I ~ 0 is ~ , I, , U." , 4 ik ~ ~ , ) A , f q I I r. I I , , r 14 . I . , , r. I -., I-. ti , ~ , -feo: ') , t , ?~ * , 0 " . f,j) Co 7 c(; Mv, hilt 10 lky"A Y~ F"T Ij H. (11,ctcrN, 1~ b re~ A. ('Pv-tor); W, t, 11Y, Tlrr~t 'Urel TITILt Etluloglenl r,-,1"' of itypicnI Each. er.)l~k (of tw,".1ytic type') v-11noric enl erocolitis (This pAper was x*etlnr nt :1-ntion of -M.. Hures-Autonomm PrAnchk llurkKt~~,vn P Nto'b-r SOURCE: Kicrobioloi-Irt, pnrAzitolorlA -I r-pidemloltyi.-Wo v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 4146 TOPIC TAG..')' ipedlatricn, FAvtroentervlqf7, blotA, chealst", battk-rlA VA6BLTRtCTl In a atu,11 of enterocolitis In childmn, ho.-molyzing strstirim of F-sth. cAA , percent of ',%D cam,e. A rel:Alvvly lArg,~-r amc-Ant of hmolyvis solnted in J1.04 waB produced in young,*cultures. The autbare vuMst that the hew:)lyvIh Isolate.-I from supernatant cultwes In alkalint broth is of tyr- 4 W. probtibly A protolts The hemolysin was fouml to be themolabils, CTIg, xrt. h4st 3 thbloss Used on 'outhoral Eng, abet.] [JFWl 35,81,41 V SU13 COM 06 SUM DATE: 260ot64 CRIG REN 007 50V Ffft OrH REFt 010 Cord Wt 616-348~',-'--QZVVAm2il4ML-l kw,~AIIAI'I, Inttnjn Method of refloctivity wastiremento Ca colt rys 1.4 no. I 164. 1. ustav ryziky pevnyvh ItAtsk, Ceskopleven3ka akh4s=io v*vAp Pratm. ABRAMp A., Inah. Uslag ch-Alno chlorldo in vAxwd foods arod alneral-vitaxin mixturea. Muk,-eltv. prcm. 29 no.7tl2 J) 109 (mAmA r,:1) 1, Rithakiy kombikormor" mvid. -AARARAM IIT _ __ momom .',)ne nrobl*um of Inothliti-ml ftro. '!Ysor.~-0^st, ~:1 -,. gar-Anr 57. 1, A doobrotont Oryostuioamnvi jkyetv" Itc. . . 1,n:-, ~ 1,-Atoontj; Pv,neor rar-ono dr,,) to beh-ost,lyarw PITLYc"k IT, ther. inoittiMl.-P! e- --.,% in lhrii-nr-, , - (AIAIA ABR&HM XMXW9 Dr. 119moptysis in non-tuberculous Inilmorary diseasts, Nbork%olosis 12 no-7:156-158 July 59 1. A Debramil Oryostudomarvi Ygyatem TDC. Klinikaja (mb. 1,r,4apto: PoW,or Yereno dr.) L beloostial7amk koslemars. (MOMSIS, Gtiol) "~'XCLRM '.ZUICA Sec.); Vo".?IS ".V:irvb;4,;,IofX ;,ug 5-; .420. ARLUVIAM k,,, KOVII A. an t IVA',140VICS G, 1-1.0. --t Mi '~i( Ili, 0 On I h r k :r (- I i r 1-14 U I I i p I t r a I 1 41 n ot h ~ A u) r a t & va d 1 1; v a s r v i r u s AC FA NIA C1101110L. AVAD. SCI k-N I . it I vi) it,)54. 1/4 (423-436) Graplvi 3 Uablvs A 01, tile hasis (if previous Investigation% Into the tultivalifln of tile virus if Uivalky*6 ,jistase on ChiCken embl'scWlic Minim. and of thr (at:( that multiplicatifirl II (hr virur may be determined by Mears nf linits (persfmal observatomp), !hr virg" was cultivated on chicken churip-allaritiAc membrinc. When the irellIL-1-amrs wcrr cut in only 3-4 par,s (each part weighing 200 m1g.) and waslif-d af,er kn(voic", the culture serive showed that the culture, initially cciniatnu only a, P-.inligpiontity of virus, and even this disappe arm tiller 10 hours* incuWtion. Vir,-a mull iplicit I(m In appreciable. however, after 14-16 hr. Hapid multiplicatinti is seen aqer 22 hr. #Ad cultilinates after 28 hr., wLereupon it rapidly decreases to culminate Lgeth artgr the same ~nlervals i.e. after another 29 hr. This cyclic phenomenon was: seen in near'.y all of the 13 experimental sories. A( a number of these cycles. the virus disat ptars almost completely; this is attributed to dissociation. Between the Und and $27 '~11 d,.;, C .A- eomr 1 111rd, and between the Wrd and Wth cyclic. wave every 28 hr.'~n intermedlary sl> of less marked multiplication was seen. Completely crushed membrane, washed after infection, showed a similar cyclic type tit virus multiplication. The cyrlrs were not demonstrable in a t4saut. culture of unwashed chorio-allAntoic membr&nt and In a tissue culture or a 13-day-old embryo. Methods are described in detitil. Nikolich - Nvvi Sad 41 Ott Wx#&k 0.114"~rrk t~rz N, 1, I tf t4 St%idies on the nctnc,~rf-~-,ce olf 1.1 !.'k Vol. 30 Nof 10,6, "C"'. ~UTRRJICA. ~JRC'--: FAqt EL~Poan Accoesiems List, LIbr lioe I Jcxnuary 191"6 I3M, :T~'.-Al, M. M. Grcwth of N't virus in huran c7-~)ryunic Usnue. In En Jis1h., p. 1401-, Ilo. 4 1956. AUDI. IGROVICA. lhidapestj, Mint-,-xy SOURCE,- Eant Eim-,pe-in List., (EUL) Library of Co;,,greso Vol. -- No, I Jarmar.r 1950 PIRM, Kiklos, dr.; ARRANAK. Indre. dr.-, RAMT, Karta, dr. Isolation erneriments Pad aerological studios vith poliomyelitis virus in tissue culture-. Orr. hatil. 97 no.15.*393-397 A Apr 56. 1. A Stagedi OrvostuAntanyt Iffetem Mtkrobiologial Intesetenak (Igargato: Ivanovics, Qyorgr dr. egyec. tanar) koslemanye. (POLIOMTELITIS VIRUS, culture Isolation & type determ. In human embryonal tissue L ,ulture. (Huu)) (POLIOMYT.LITIS antigen deters. in normal blood serum. (Hun)) (AWTIGgNS AIM ANTIBODIES polio. antigens, determ. In normal blood serum. (Run)) (TISSUE CL1TURZ cultivation of polio. virus in human embryonal tissue culture. (Hun))