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Publication Date: 
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VZOROV, B.A., kand.takhn.nauki BUDYKO, Tu.I.. kand.takhn.nauk; KOIGSANIR, V.E.; MALITSEV, A.V.; ZATCHENKO, S.N,; SA7ARDV, V.A*; ABOLTIN, E.V. Brief news. Avt.prom. 31 no.10:40-48 0 165- (MIRA 18:10) L' 10233- 60 E 1EITTkm) P(w)/EWPMAWP(v) T- EWP(k)/ETC(M) WW/FA ACC -RRAP0003192 buUMS CODE: UR76147Tt',5-/000/004/0125/0132 AUTHOR: Shersty4,,_A. N.; Zeycheako. Ye. U.; Abolt~n_,_~.~.; Kriger, V. A. ORG: none 1'3 TITLE: Effect of the number of rotor blade on the characteristics of a mixed-flov 5~~mprest~or SOURCE: IVLrZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1965, 125-132 TOPIC TAGS: compressor, mixed flow compressor, cow pressor degign, compressor blade ABSTRAMI: A series of experiments were conducted to determine the effect of the number cfblades on the performance characteristics of a mixed-flow compressor vith an exit blade angle of 90*. The obtained results show that for a compressor with a rotor diameter on the order of 130 mm, the oDtimum number of blades is about 14. A reduction in the number of blades results in an increase in the optimum discharge coefficient A. For example, when the number of blades is reduced from lh to 4, 4 increases from 0.23 to 0.25. This Increase is due to the decrease in the angle of attack, sinee ~he latter is directly proportional to the number of blades. The pre- sented curves cmi be used to calculate compressor performance characteristics. Ori art. has: 6 figurts and 5 formulas. IASI* D : 13 / SUB) SUB 0 1 DATE: O2Dec64/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS- 14 rcl C ZAYCHENNO 1,-:, E' - ABOLTIN E.V. Pc, qr needed fcr the dp_ive of 4,hF., turboc!ompressor supercharger u: a uj-Lor--ehi,~It, eng.inp. I~vt. prom. 31 nc).9:6-) S 165. 1A-9) c-rdona Trmlovaro ;Urn.mogo '7nameni avtomobl.llivyy I airt.omt, n-,- lrnt lit or j I -it . -T iIT-',"r--V P1 W J~CG NR: AP6009726 06RCE CODE' LIR/0114/66/000/003/0026/0029 AUTHOR: Za cchenko, Ye.,.N. (Engineer); Kri er,_y A. (Engincer); Aboltin, E. V. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE- Investigation of the effect of vaneless-diffuser width upon compressor characteristics SOURCE: Energomashinostroyentye, no. 3, 1966, Z6-Z9 TOPIC TAGS. compressor, diffuser, diffuser design ABSTRAc,r: Sorne results of an experimental investigation of a centrifugal compressor with an axiradial impeller are reported. Standard characteristics of the compressor were measured at a constant speed (33000 rpm or 24Z m/sec) and at different widthe of its vanclega diffuser. Three groups of experiments with Card 1/2 UDC: 621.515.001.5 I '_N692-1-.6 ACC NR: AP6009726 CID three different Impellers (1