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33661 S/058/6 1/OW/0 12/015/06.3 72. 0 112 A058AA101 AUTHORSt e 1=ayev ~Sh -, Generalova, V.V., Starodubtsev, S.V, TITLS- Concerning gamma-dose measurement from variation in optical activi- ty of carbohydrates MRIODICAL: Referativn5y zhurnal. Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 70, abstract 12B230 (Tr. Tashkentsk. konferentsii po mirn. ispol'zovaniyu atomn. energil, 1959, v. 1, Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961, 159 - 163) TEXT: Radiation effects in sugar and glucose solutions were Investigated 4- 4 in tae dose range 0-200 million roentgens. The coefficient of oplical activity was monitored by means of a sensitive polarimeter. Results showed that the anglti of rotation of the polarization plane decreases linearly with irradiation dose. The offect of concentration incident to this variation of the specific rotation was investigated. Glucose solutions are recommended as dosimetric liquids in view of their long preservability, the constancy of the changes that take place In thEtM and their insensitivity to temperature. [Abstracter's note: Complete translat!on] Card 1/1 33100 S/63 61/001/000/025/056 (000 B 1ZB 138 AUTIIORSt Ablyayev, Sh. A., Yermatov, S. Ye., Starodubtsev, S. V. TITLE: Variation in adsorption properties of silica gel during gamma irradiation SOURCE: Tashkentakaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispolIzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy, v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 174 - 177 TEXT: The adsorption properties of industrial VCV%(KSK) silica gel were determined from the amomnt of gas absorbed, and by measurements with thermocouple and ionization manometers. fefore the experiments, the samples were carefully heat-treated, sealed in evacuated ampoules, and exposed to gamma rays. Radiation dose was 150 - 350,000 r/hr reaching a total of up to 2 million r. The adsorption propertiescf silica gel , increase considerably during irradiation, and differ for different gases. Some gases, such as argon or hydrogen sulfide, are hardly adsorbed at all. Amou.nts of gas additionally adsorbed during irradiation: Card.1/3 33100 s/638/61/001/000/025/056 Variation in adsorption ... B1U4/BI38 Gas Additionally ad3orbed gas amount, moles/g Hydrogen 12 Nitrogen a X Carbon dioxide 18 Ammonia gas I Ethylene 0-5 When the silica gel is heated to 1000C, its properties return to their initial state, i.e. annealing occurs. The increase in adsorption power remains practically constant at room temperature. The lower the temper- (down to -1500C), the more rapid the adsorption process. The ad- sorption power of silica gel increases with decreasing temperature, but the! increase is greater during gamma irradiation. Results are explained as follows: (1) The hydroxyl group is destroyed by irradiation, and free valences are formed; (2) electrically charged active centers are formed; 3) the bonds between free radicals are ruptured. A. N..Terenin et al. AN SSSR, 66, 885, 1949) are mentioned. There are 3 figures, I table, R and 6 references$ 5 Soviet and I non-Soviet. Card 2/3 33100 S/638/61/oCl/000/025/056 Variation in adsorption ... B104/Bl58 ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Ali UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS Uzbekskaya SSR) V~ Card 3/3 22970 B116 611000100210011006 B1 12YB217 AUTHORS: Stap*Odub'tsev, S. V., Member of de Academy of -Sciencoo Bul.. ramov., P. , U- SSR, Ably~!~S~h. A Keitlin, L. I., 'Yusova, E. 'N. TITLE: Study of molecular gonversions in a nLtural gas, pxroducf~-.-i by high-frequency electric dicchar-es PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akaderlii haiik.UzSSR.. Seriya nauk, no. 2, 1%1., 3-11 TEXT: of chemical convercions is to continue studies of ~,ifferent radiation effects on methane. A high-frequency device of the typeirE-36 (LGE-ZB) was used for heating the dielectrics. The experi- mental arrangement is schemittically represented in Fig. 1: A is a gas tank, B a rheometer, T a discharge tube,P (L) a trap, P a reservoir, K a manometer, TH a b311_,-Mfd-D'j -an4-D2 are catarrhometers. The reaction products were analyzed spectroscopically. The MKC-14 (IKS-14) spectra- graph u~dd has a measuring range of 600-10000 am -1 and prisms of LiF and Card 1/5 22970 S116 611000100210011006 12YB217 Study'of molecular conversions i'n a ... B1 KC1.- The gue conlained,98 ~fo methane. The amount of energy absorbed on pansage through the gaq discharge tube mas-determined from the temperature differcnce T T1 at the ends of the discharge tube. E - 2.6 1o19M C (T Tl).ev, p 2 nhere M is the mass of the gas, and C p the opqcific'heat 'at 'constant pros-3ure. Fig. 2 shows the absorption spectrum of the gas. The dashed line (1) refers to a cas not subjected to electric discharge, Tshilst line (2) refers to' a gas subjected to electric diocharge. The effect of electric discharge on the C~is resulted in the formation of liquid producfs vhich turned out to be derivatives of alkyl benzenes'. The basic products tire formed vs follows.: CH + + CH4 --p.. CH5* + CH, 4 CH: CHi + H2 CH+ + e CH* - CH., + H 4 4 CH++ CH, - C,H++ H2 Card 2/5 3 22970 Sl16616116001002100II204 Study of molecular conversions in a...' B112iB217 1"21 'a+ + 0 -- CH3 + CH2 CH+CH-qH2 CH2 + CH2 C ,tH4 CH3+CH3 C2H4 + H2. There are 3 figure's and 26 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 18 non-Soviet- bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-t6khnicheskiy institu.t AN UzSSR (Instituite of Physics and Technology, Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: January 7',. 1961 Card 3/5 Study of molecular conversions in a ... .22970 S/166/61/000/002/001/006 B112/B217 a I FL6-';~- I h i, " i.x - * t pit:. 1 Card ~,/5 Z, lt~ N *e NX 31W 3bw 22970 s/i66/61/ooo/002/001/006 Study of molecultir -onvereions in a ... B112/~217 Fi;,. 2. LeAend: a) abwrntion; b) f=equency. I'M Card 5/5 SH- A. PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/6176 Konobeyevskly, S. T:, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR, Reap. ild* Deystviye vadernvkh izlucheniv na materialv (The Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials). Moscow, Izd-vo ANSSSR, 1962. 383 P. Errata slip inserted. 4000 copiea printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya. nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye tekhni- cheskikh-nauk; Otdolonlye fiziko-matematicheakikh na*. Resp. Bd.: S. T. Konobeyevskiy; Deputy Beep. Xd.~ S. A. Adasinskiy; Editorial Boardi P. L. Gruzin 0 V. Xurdyumovj B. M. Levitakiy, V. S. Lyashenko (DsoeasedI*/,iu. A. Martynyuk, Yu. I. Pokrovskiy, and N. F. Prsvdy~k; Ed. of Publishing Houae3 M. 0. makarenko; Tech. adva T. V.Jolyikova and 0!" I.' N. Dorokhina. jCard 1/14 The Effect or Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) sov/6i76 PURPOSEt Thia book is Intended for personnel concerned with . nuclear materials. COVERAGE: ThAs is a collection of papers presented at the Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials, held December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects certain trends In the work being conducted in the Soviet scientifio renearoh orginitation. some or the papers are devoted to the experimental study or the arrect of neutron Irradiation on reactor materials (steel ' ferrous alloys, molybdenum, avia3,graphite, and t1ohrome ,;). Others deal with the theory of neutron irradiation fecte (phyaloo- chemical transformations, rela~mtlon of internal stresies, internal friotLon) and changes In tfie structure and proper- ties of various crystals. Speolal attention is given to the effoot of Intense Y-radiation on the sleatrioal, magnetic, and optical proportion of Isetals) dielectric&, and semiconduotors. Card 2/14 Tha Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) sov/6176 Starodubtsev, S. V.p!M. M. Usmanova, and V. M. Mikhaelyan. Change in Certain Eleotrinal Properties of Boron and Amorphous Selenium Under the Action of y-12-radiation 355 StExodubtsev, S. V., and Sh. A. Vakhidov. Lumineseenae of Crysta-'11"le Qi,.,;,.rtz Subjected to uV- and Y-Rays 362 Starodubtsev, S. V.,