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Name TSEREVJ KH. Dissertation Effect of certain neurotropic substances on the activity of acid phosphatase and the concentration of orthophosphates in the intestinal nerves; a histochemical study Degree Cand Biol Sci Defended At Moscow Veterinary Acad, Hin Agriculture USSR Publication Date, Place 1956, Moscow Source Knizhnaya Letopial No 5, 1957 TS]2'RV, Kh. Histochemical studies on the effect of certain neurotropic substances on the a ervous system of the inteatine [with Rummaz7 in lkglishl. Arkhonat.gist. i embr. 35 no.1:63-67 Ja-F 158- (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z kafedry gistologil (zav. - prof. I.F.1vanov) Moskovskoy veterinarnay akaaemii. Adres avtors: Poo. Kuzlminki. Koskovskoy oble. Ukhtomnkogo rayona, Vaterinarnaya alrademiye. (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, Innervation, Auerbach's plexus, eff. of nourotraoic substances (Rus)) ABRAMOV, R.R.; ALEKSEYEV, N.S.; ARKHANGELISKlY, N.A., prof. B-9.; rdeceased]; GUREVICH, ZAYTSEV, V.G.; KEDRIN, Ye.A.; L MI,RONOVA, L.V.; CSTANOVSKIY, T.S., dots.; PALLADOV, S.S., dots.; SERGEYEV, M.Ye.; TER-OVAKYUJI, I.A.; ILEIREVITINOVy B.F.; SHCHEGLOV, L.M.; YAKOVLEV, A.I.; BOHISOVA CA.,-~-- -td'd-.-; MEDRISH, D.M., tekhn. red. (Study of manufactured goods; concise course] Tovarovede- nie promyshlennykh tovarov; kratkii kurs. (By] P.R.Abramov i dr. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 768 p (MIRA 16:11i (Co~nercial products) TEMMITINOV, B.Z. [Decorative plants for reservoirs] Dekorativnoe tsvetovodstvo vodoemov. 14oskva, Nosk.univ., 1958, 53 p. (gookovskoe obahchestvo ispytatelei prirody. Sredi prirody, no.50) (mIRA 14:2) (Aquatic plants) (Plants, Ornamental) FEMSETEV, Vladimir Fedorovich; TSUMITINOV, B.r., kand.takhn.neuke red.; FAYBUSOVICH, A.I., red.~-F~OMC ~,X, [Rides and skins; a commercial guide3 Tovarovedenis pushno- makhovogo syriia. Moskva, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1958. 268 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Fur) (Rides and skins) VINOGRADOVI Aleksandr Petrovich; KEDRDI, Yevgeniy Alekseyevich; TaRE'VITIFOV, Boris Fedorovich; SERGEYEVp M.Ye., zaal. dayatell nau=j-pTur.-,-t~r~.~nauk, retaenzent; BUI&NOVp 1U.) prof., doktor tekbni 21auk, rot-nenzent; PLATUITOV, K.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzefit; SHVETSOVA, T.P... inzh.l retsenzent; MUINVIOZE, D.S.,, inzh.., retsenzent; YEGORKIN, N.I.; Prof., doktor tekhn. nauk. retsenzent; KASIMOV, A.N., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, retsenzent-- ARKHANGELISKIY,,N,A., prof.p red..-,BDRISOVA, --Ted4j-GROROV, A.S... tekhn. red,. [Leather goods.. shoes,, furs and pelts] Kozhevenno-obuvnye, pushno-mekhovye i ovehimno-shubWe tovary. Pod red. N.A.Ar- khang9l'skogo. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo torg. lit-ry,, 1962. 536 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Boots and bhoes) ' (Fur) (HMOs and skins) SENCHUROV, K.T., dots., DAXITSKIY, I.N., BULIN, P.P., LRBEDEV, I.M., dots. SERGDYBV. M-Ye., prof., VOZNUSFXSKIY, N.H.. dots., SXBKO, S.T., STEFAHOVICH, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk.. TSERFIVITINOT, B.7., red.; LEVITAN, I.M., red.izd-va., LEVCHUK, K.V., red.izd-va.t BRUDOUNKO, A.M., red.izd-va., IXKANCYA, I.S.. [Industrial and food products, a commodity guide] TovFlrovedenie promyshlennykh i prodovol'stvennykh tovnrov. Moskvn, Vneahtorg12dat Vol.2. 1958. 574 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Commercial products) I - , i ",_ I t ~! - ~ ".1 - -_I USSR/'Teneral Division. History. Classics. II-Personalities A-_0 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 3, .1958, Author B. F. Tserevitinov Inst Title Boris Aleksandrovich -Kuznetsov Orig Pub Byul. Mosk. s-va ispit. -)rirody. otd. biol, 1956, 61, No 6, 111-116 Abstract The 50th birthday and the 30th anniversary of the scientific-Deda-ooical activity of Prof. Kuznetsov, the zoologist who is worl,~ing in the fields of faunistics, zoo,-~eo-raphy, and clas- sification of mammals, and a specialist on furs. Sixty-four works by K-uznetsov are listed. Card 1/1 BESEVIIN, A.U%;- TSMYTINOV, B.F. Effect of repeated hair flexing on the wear of the fur. Kosh.-obuv.prom. 2 no.10:21-25 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moskovskiy institut narodriogo khozyaystva imeni G.V. Plekbanova. (Fur--Testing) TSEREVITINOV, B.F.; IGNAMV, Yu.V.; IGNATENKO, V.B.; KRUSHINSKIYy V.V. Heat insulating properties of fur hats. Kozh.-obuv prom. 4 no.41tlq-~2 D 162. RRA 16:1) (Clothing, Cold weather-Testing) TSEREVlTINOV,.-B.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; BESEDIN, A.N., kand.Aekhn. nauk Nature of the abrasion of the hair covering of fur skins. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekb. leg. prom. no.2:11-13 163. (MIM 16:10) 1. Moskovskiy Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut, narodonogo khozyaystva imeni Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy tovarovedeniya promyshlennykh tovarov. 1. TSCMITINOV, B. F. 2. SSsR (6oo)- 4. Fur 7. Differentiating hairs In fars. Trudy VNIO No. 10, 1951 9. monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, lebmary -1953. Unclassified. 1 . TSEREVITIN.GV, B. F. 2. USSR (600) 4. Yluskra ts 7. Change in muskrat fur in relation to its acclimatization to the U.S.S.R., Trudy VINIO, ho. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0 00 0 000**00*000*0000* 0 e-4ve-W. w~-W 0 0 g 0 a 0 o 0 0 a to to M I J1 n Z 14 b - X P A AMINS, AtIj 14n 15V now o 'J.1 "civiiii i a L Z -AL-11 P_ Q R I lt~ U T_ 9 00 c !m I AND 00 00 - 00 boamsofititrustrult during storage. S.F,'r~ejrvjjjn,jv 00 'kiwis &1pidmilris, 37, liml. 00 during Motatir I% title cloellir i,, it 1emidlim- Aimther r "l1" Of 1111411MIA-ilu al. .1"I.-fawalloo 00 admittv moveuf the io~hw ...... .. ll~ 00 S 11 cr during storusir; lite 14m 64 %utcaf, 6 tommdrrabir, -00 1:11~111hr total NOW- l'o"iVol I' lilk-IIA111111. VIUMillif fIlAl file nee thrmiffar. 11,W4 11"i .I A. 1.11 A. C(I, loul 11,411 0. In lioFflial In"llillox; flasr 11111,1 Ill'Irf"le 1. (onlivil sulmlail~t-. Ill OW (1111t, Pdrt4-li 00 lariv achl- which aff"i the tell-, Ihr tramm for thi, 9 6:0 0 Olfuwml respitaliort qcvmv it; Ise flip tenill. athipteil for 510mv at 3'. the "PlIvAiologleal" deterioration does Hot take lilact- twith Ivilmon and mandminsi. 00 :goo A &9VAILLOCKAL LITINATLAR11 CLASISPKAMN 91 Is At A ow 0 9 W W 9 ai-O 3 q -0 CWDOCIN K(I WIN KUn ICX")n ilia 0 0 010 fill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 :j0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 A 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 0 gi 14 0 06 0 0o00 0 * 0 l* : : : : : 0 TSMVITIMOV, B.Y. Boris Aleksandrovich Kuznteov. Biul.XOIP.Dtd.biol. 61 no.6:111-116 N-D 156 iKUZIS.TSOV. BORIS ALSKSAHDROVICH, lqo6_ ) (MLRA 10:8) (BIBLIOGRAPHY--ZOOLOGY) (BIBLIOGRAPHY--FUR) PALLADOV, S.S.; PAVLIN, A.V.; TER-ounmyAN, I.A.; KEDRIN, Ye.A.; TSEREVITINOV_, B.F.; BORISOVA, G.A., red.; MEDRISH, D.M.,, [Manual for laboratory and practical work in the commercial study of manufactures] Rukovodstvo k laboratornym. i prakti- cheskim. zaniatiiam po tovarovedeniiu Promyshlennykh tova~.. Mloskva, Izd-vo "Ekonomika." Pt.2.[Textile, clothing, .~Mit- ted, leather-ard fo'o'tw'ear,' and fur goods] To, rge, shveinye, trikotazhriye, kozhevenno-obuvnye, pushno. mekhovye. 1964. 280 p. (MIRA 17:4) T-5,C 0 r- \/ j'T Y New) LY /-, SMEM. M.Te.. professor; PAJAL&DOV, S.S., dotsent; NOVO IN, P.I., dotsent; KIRTUKHIN, T.F., doteent; TSNWITINOV, B.F.. doteent; GUREVICH, B.S., kandidat tekhniche,311W '71~ IGH, 1).A. , at. prepodamtell; GRANOVSrATA, I-Te., redaktor. (Science of industrial wares) Tovarovedenie promyshlennykh tovaroy. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo torgovoi lit-ry. Vol. 2. 1954. 663 p.(MLRA 7:8) (Manufactures) MERKULOVA, A.I.; TSEREVITTLNOV, B.F. Determining the content of loose pile fibers in fur fabrics. Kozh.- obuvepromo 6 no.lOt23-27 0 164, (MIRA 18:1) -yasillyevich, 1874-1947 TSMVITIX()V,.. F.149r, [Chemistr7 and the marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables] Xhimiia i tovarovedenia syozhikh plodov i Yoshchei. Izdo 3-se perer, i dope Moskvao Gostorgisdat, 1*9, ~ (KIaA 9:12) (Yrult"Chemical composition) (Vegetable'*--Marketing) (Yruit--Karkettag) Bl"BEZIN. If.; PBAREV N.; POTEMKIN. V, i T -C, I A- "Fishery products" by V,I.Vzorov. Reviewed by N.Berezin and otherv. Sov.torg. 35 no-4:37-38 Ap 262. (-Kre-A 15-4) (Fishery products) (Vzorovl V.I.) KOLESNIK,, A.A.; TSEREVITINOV, O.B. Accumulation of some mineral elements in apples during ripening. Kons.i ov.prom. 18 no.5t28-32 Yq 163 . (MIRA 164) 1. Inatitut, narodnogo khozyaystva imeni G.V.Plekhanova. (Apple) (Fruit-Chemical composition) *7 90 #0 100 6k) 11 14 Is 16 17 0 IMP A 66 e 00.3 000 Oew 34 Dal A all f2a )IN ASY 1111941 41 U41 4443go am b- . d I Atq 4~*?J4~L. 'Of I i.66 Thag ChOMICALI COMPOSitiOn 01 Wild (00d PlAnif F. V. -L$_VTvvh%'IOY. A. V, Vasilev, A. A. K-iltnik, said M. T. Shilyak,)Y. Pi'hc*9MWJ'fOm- 1045, NO. 1. 1.8-21- The f"ll-kilig 44 wild p1mitia Vrre atlalvx(41 its 111, jr..'j, mul dri"I (mm' bw ut,T, flitrt4crit. pf"16-iii, 'Jim4r, i'll. -111 -.61" vil.411611 C. said caft'lifIr I J.,"I L. 4 lite IIA111111K lictil"). Rmon, t Aftiplex Oemop4tain u1bum L. (while mmich), leg din- p4afro"'s I... L. (tht dAJ U,~tl '6 see 1,1111witt zoo All-IL METALLIsIGICAL UT91RATIONt CLASWICAIKU *low $1,101ATe 7 logow It O"woot 411131 I T T-r -us AT so is a, i4 1 0, a 't ic $g KID 11 a 04 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06446100 006 so* eae 0 a 6 0-1 * - A A 1:60 r- 19 0 r9e ; so re* 4900 zoo woo 40 9. 7. -1-Z~ b 0 0 114"1 Nowifiv jA -Lt 11 ew a 0 a .1 w of 0 do a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0-0 0 a 0 0 * * * Ala *I** * : : Ii I jTS:7'.--7TITDr7, S. .5. Vs All offs M I aR 1jiji gig Ul pu You 11111 10111 J qq 1? VASIL,yEV, V.I., Ko~IELIKOV, V.S., SKVORTSOV, Yu.V., TBEREVITINOV. S-S- Stable dynamic current flux. Zhur. tekh. fiz- 30 no-7:756-768 ii 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Electrical discharges in gases) --I p ztz.. !I EF 4 lia !I H-l; Q-p-,g LI 1. v tr Ic -,tr 4-gTa 19a 2 'T o ;o I P~7 w v v 0 9BEREVITINOV. S. S.. VASILIYEV, V. I., ARETaV, G. N., KOMELKOV, V. S., PERGAMENT, M. I., "The Structure of Plasmoids of Coaxial Injector," report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France, 8-13 Jul 63 A=SION NR: AT4025288 S/0000/63/000/000/0010/0020 AU.-,HOR: Pergament, M. I; Vasillyev, V. I.; Kcmellkov, V. S.; Tserevitinov, S. S. TITLE: Investigation of infection and pinching of a plasma with the aid of an electron-optical time magnifier SOURCE: Diagnostika pla2my*.(Pla=a diagnostics); sb. statey. Moscow, Gosatomiz- dat, 1963, 10-20 TOPIC TAGS. plasmoid, plasm injection, plasm ccnfinement, electooptical effect ABSTRACT: The injection and pinching of a plasma was investigated by means of ap electron-optical "time magnifier" technique which was developed by the authors earlier (Trudy* 2-go vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po vy*sokoskorostnoy fotografii i kinematografii, Moscow, 1960, AN SSSR, 1963). A series of photographs wiLs taken at a rate of 10-5 _ 5 x 106 f s per secon frame d and an exposure of 5 x 10-3 - 5 x 10-6 sec. The series ccnsisted of 4, 8, or 16 frames spaced 0 __ 10-4 sec apart. Each frimm measured S x. 5 n-.n and the resoltrtion time was 30 pairs of liaes per millimeter. The adjustment necessary to obtain optimal conditions of the "time magnifier" are described in detail. Sow of the data obtained in the photographs are compared with oscillographic data. On the basis of an analysis of both the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4025288 'Dbotographs in the oscillograms it is suggested that the plasmoid consists of thred princihal parts: non-glowing highly ionized region, a region of intense impurity emission, and a region detached from the two walls, with bright deuterium lines, having a conical front. The latter region should have a low temperature, (i.e., weak ionization), because it does not crowd out the magnetic field well. These conclusions are confirmed by a study of the time variation of the intensities of the individual spectral lines at different points of the plasma loop, using a mcnochror.ator with a photmultiplier. The pinching of an injected plasma by ra- pidly growing fields and a study of a plasma injector based on the "gushing pinch" U. S. Kcmlkov et. al., Proceedings Fifth International Confe-zence on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Munich, 1961, v. II. p. 2190, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1962) were also investigated by this technique and it is shawm that it provides infoina-, tion not readily available by other means. Orig. axt.'. has: 5 figures. ASSOCLATION. None SUBMITIED: 190ct63 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 DIU: 00 SUB CODE: ME Card 2/2 NR REF SOV: 004 =R: 001 ACCESSIoN NR: AP4040296 S/0057/64/034/006/0965/0973 AtM(oR.. Skvortsov, Yu.V.; Komellkov, V.S.; TITLE: Structure of the magnetic fields in a plasma jet with internal currents I SCUnCE; Zhurnal tuhhnichuskoy flziKl, v.34, no.6, 1964, 965-973 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma jet, plasma magnetic field interaction ABSTRACT: This paper reports results of investigations conducted from 1959 to 1961 concerning the magnetic fields and currents in plasma jets. The jets were produced by discharge of a 130-microfarad capacitor bank at 5 to 30 kv between two coaxial cylindrical electrodes 2 cm long, 3 cm in external diameter.,and 18 cm in inter- nal diameter, respectively. The period of the electrical system was 22 microsec.The electrodes were located at one'end of and coaxial with a glass bibe 1 m long and 19 cm in dtAmeter containing hydrogen at a pressure of 0.5 to 10 mm 11g. All three compo- nents of the magnetic field were measured with movable probes, and higIrspeed frame and streak photographs were made. Extensive data were collected and are dis- cussed in considerable detail. The velocity of the plasma jets was about 7 x lo6 cm/sec and, did not vary greatly with changing gas pressure and discharge potential. .Cerrd- V2 ACCESSION NR: AP4040296 The current in the jet was limited to a region within 4 cm of the axis of the tube. A remarkable leature of the current distribution was the appearance within the jet of a helical filament carrying a considerable fraction of the current. The radius and pitch of this helix were both about 2 cm, and its existence was shown both by the behavior of the magnetic field and by the high-speed photographs. Optical pheno-, Imens. due to this helical current have sometimes been misinterpreted as indicating ;the formation of a number of successive plasma bursts (i.F.Kvartskhava, R.D,Meladzo I ;and K.V.Suladze.ZhTF 30,289,1960). "In aDncluaion, the authors thank D. r.vasillyev jand M.V.Zol'nikov for'assistanco in performing the experiments, and V.Strizhanova j,for laying out the graphs and drawings., 7 formulas, 9 figuresjand 12 tables. -ASSOCIATION: none ~SUBMI z 09Ju163 ATD PRESS: 3082 ENCL: 00 SUB COM ME NR REF SOVz 014 OMER: 007 ACCESSION NR: AP4041993 AU711OR: Areiov,G.N.; Vasillyev;V.I.; Komelkav,Y.S.; Pergament,M.L;,T~emvitinovs S. S... TITLE: The structure of plasma. bursts from a coaxial plasma un SOURCE-: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.7, 1964, 1191-1198 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasmoid, plasma gun, plasma diagnostics ABSTRACT: The plasma bursts ejected by a coaxial plasma gun were ex~mkned with a battery of diagnostic devices, and the results are presented and discussed in some d6tdil. The plasma gun was similar to that described by J.Uarshall (Phys.of Fluids 13 134,1960) and employed electrodes 3.2-and 7.0 cm in diameter and 31 cm long. Deu-; terium was admitted through openings in the,inner electrode located 17 cm from the I i:output end of the gun..The gun was p6wered by a 50 microfarad capacitor bank charged in most of the experiments to 5 W. The inductance of the sys tem was 40 cm, tho,os- cillation period was 11.4 microsec, and the peak current was,110 M. The plasmas were observed in a 10 cm 80 cm long glass drift tube. The energy distribn-. tion, both transverse and longitudinal, was measured with calorimeters. The thermal c6AY3 ACCESSION KI: AP4041993 probe for measuring the longitud.inal energy distribution employed a 6 micron'thick platinum foil. .The distortion of a local 100 to .200 Oe-magnetic field by the passage of the plasma was observed, and in other experiments the longitudinal magnetic field ;of the plasma was recorded in the absence of external fields. The condudtivity was i nal estimated from the rate of diffusion into the plasma of a longitudi mngneti., field filling'the drift tube. The plasma was probed with 4 mm microwaves. The total, radiation in the visible and near ultraviolot-was recorded, and the time variation of the intensity of separate spectrum lines was observed. High spead photographs :were made at~ the rate of 106 frames per second. These photog~raphs were made both 'with the general radiation and with DO radiation. The plasmoids werefound to con-': sist of three distinct po rtions which became spatially separated during the drift r because of their different velocities. The most rapid po tion (velocity up to 3 x x 107 cm/sec), in which the particle density reached 2 x 103L5 cm-3 and the electron 'temperature reached 6 ev, was non-luminous and consisted of pure almost completely 'ionized deuterium. Following the pure deuterium region was a less dense'less rapid impurity zone in which line of carbon and copper were observed. Finally came a slov.- er (6 x 106 cm/sec)i dense, intensely luminous -region containing considerable un- "The' ionized gas. The charged particle dens.ity in this region was 5 x 101 r -3, 2/3 Card 7: ACCUSSIOM AP4041993 authors express their gratitude to,Yu.V.91cvortsov,-for valuable discussions, to G. I.YevstratoV, F.Ya;Nikolayev, V.V.Somigjazov, P.T.Shevtsov and A.I.Yaroslavskiy who part-icipated in the experiment, and also -to T.I.Sakolo~va and V.D.Strizhanova for assistance In thd*prosentation of the results." 7 flikured., ASSOCrATION: none SUBMITTED: 31jul653 ENCL:- 00 NR REP 006 SUB CODE: ME SOV OTHER: 003 3/3 Card L ~632_14-66 IJP(c) AT ACC NR: AT6015887 SOURCE CODE: UR/3136/65/000/Ml6/0001/0015i AUTHOR: Vasillyev, V. I.. Komellkov, V. S.; Tserevitinov, S. S. ORG: Institute of Atomic Energy im. I. V. Kurchatov (Institut atomnoy energii) TITLE: Longitudinal motion of pl~rsmoids in magnetic fields SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomnoy energii. Doklady, IAE-1016, 1965. Prokhozhdeniye plazmennykh sgustkov cherez prodollnyye magnitnyye polya, 1-1.1, TOPIC TAGS; plasmoid, pulsed magnetic field, plasma gun, electron temperature, ion temperature, plasma density, deuterium~p_!=_ma. ABSTRACT. The structure of deuterium plasma generated in a coaxial gun and injected longitudinally into a pulsed magnetic field is studied with the aid of thermal and di-I agnostic p.-obes, a mass spectrograph and a monochromator. These probes are used to I determine the velocity of the plasma, the sum of the electron and ion temperatures, I spectroscopic diagnostics and particle energy distribution. In addition, 4 mm micro- waves were used to determine the boundaries of the plasma. It was found that pulsed fields of 15 kG are sufficient to stop plasma of up to 2-1015 cm-3 density moving with!- a velocity of 2-107 cm/sec. On the basis of the experimental events, the equipment was programmed to sever the tail-end of the plasma which carries most of the impuri- ties; this resulted in the production of plasmoids of high purity and relatively high density. Some limitation on the rate of rise of the pulsed magnetic field was requir-, Card 1/2 L h6.124-66 ACC NR: ed to prevent wall breakdowns and this increased the impurity content of the plasma. The experimental results were found to be in good agreement with theoretical estimates Orig. art. has: 4 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 006 Card 2/2 KC14ELtr ,()v3, V.S.; Tt-Z .. ~RVITTIOV,, S.S. I ......-..... ~ ''. ~. -,.;. Mgl---opood photogmplru, of owerful disd=goo in gasa--, UC9.n=h-fot, 91184-191 '64- (Mr A 18111) WALIMMM - i~~)/T: Ijp( L 15283-66 &T- ACC N"' AT6001405 SOURCE CODE: UR/318'0/64/009/ooo/ol84/0191 AUTHOR: Komellkov, V.S.; Tsereviti ORG: none TITLE, H-igh speed pjk9togrsphy Of strong gas discharges SOURCE: AN SSSR. Komissiva f0tografli I kinematooraffl. Uspekht nauchc~- V. 9, 1964. VYsokostC6rostnaya fotografiyaf-kiiiiWa: (Ifigh-speed phoiag- fotografii, raphy and cinematography), 184-1191 and Inserts facing pages 184, M, 192, and 193 TOPIC TAGS: high speed photography, gas discharge, clectrooptic photography, Kerr cell ABSTRACT: For the study of pulsed current discharges (up to 2. 10P. A) with opcillation fre- quencies from 10 - 100 psee the authors made extensive use of fast-electron photoregisters and Kerr cells. 4 eAe=ribes devices, auxiliary equipment, and methods used during lAd-temner ' 'e asma Investigations by means of Soviet instruments. A discussion is given on photography by means of high-speed photoregistering devices incl6ding light generating, synchronization, and registration devices and their operation; and Kerr cell photograpby, Including various optical systems and Kerr cell control circuitry. Authors thank their research associates G. N. Aretov. Ye. V. Borisen , V. 1. 'VE#Yev, D6 S.' Parfenov Yu. V Skvortsov and B. P. Zurnin who partizi In iVe-eii~~rfments and in -~ve oji~~~eni;t's~~ oMtlo equipment used. Orig. art. has: 13 figures. SUB CODE: 14, 20 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 005 Card s 1+ ;'.echanizinr- the clean-:?E cf ~,ond3 wate::- l'onthly List cf, Rtssian Jfxcessicns, Library of Congress June 1951-3. UNCL. T;-a E I ~ ~,~l . ~, . i r aw c. o o n la y a, i t,"-i i'o red (-.cnvect~on of pa! re Izv. PN 'Ir-r. fAz.-~Tat. tviuk 9 no.4-6-,~-~)9 165. 11 A f n-:;t AN ACCESSION NR: AT4045851 8/2648/64/000/018/0077/0086 AUTHOR: Toerfas, K. E. TITLE: Dependence or the strength of the electric field on the concentration and character of dust particles In the atmosphere SOURCE: Tashkent. Bredneaziatskly nauchno-isaledovatellskiy g1drometcorologicheakiy institut. Trudy*, no. 18(33), 1964. Voprosy* aktinometrii I atmoslornogo clektri- chestva (Problems of actinometry and atmospheric electricity), 77-86 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric dust, condensation nucleus, atmospheric volume charge, aerosol ABSTRACT: This article discusses an investigation of the dust component of the free atmosphere over Tashkent in the summer of 1962. Specifically, parallet measurements were made of the characteristics of atmospheric electricity (field strength, volume charge), as related to dust formations and condensation nuclei, on clear days In the period June-September, 1962. Data are given on the concentration of dust particles, their particle-size distribution and their origin to a height of 6 Ian. A close relationship Card 1/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4045851 was established between the strength of the electric field and the dust concentratIA, and a less close relationship between strength of the electric field and condensation nuclei. It was found that fine dust (10p) makes up about 5% of the total; and particles of intermediate size (1-10p) make up 18% of the total. A considerable part of the total dust quantity consisted of quartz particles or dust of organic origin (10-35%). The curves shown in Figures I and 2 of the Enclosure show)the close dependence between the dust content of the atmosbhere and electric field strength. The correlation coefficient between the dust concentration and electric field strength (r ) is 0*06, while that between condensation nuclei and T %d distribution of the density of volume cparges with electric field strength Is 0. 83. height is similar to the distribution of the above mentioned characteristics. The increase In the strength of the electric field with an Increase In the dust content of the atmosphere can be attributed to a decrease in electrical conductivity, since atmospheric dust hinders the motion of Ions. In addition, dust particles and aerosols In general, by acquiring charges and under certain conditions.becoming separated, can themselves create considerable electric fields. Orig. ar~t; has: 3 figures and 3 tables. card 2/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4045851 ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-iss'ledovatellskiy gidrometeorologicheakiy Institut (Central Asian Hydrometcorological Scientific Research Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL.- 03 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 005 4tord 316 AGG&WICI; M AT4045851 MCLOSUREt OIL ................ ...... Fig. 1. Changes In dust content, condensation nuclei, electric field strength and density of volume charges with height. Observations of July 1962. 1 - dust-, 2 - condensation nuclei; 3 - electric field strength; 4 - volume charge density. Card ACCESSIM NRs AThoh585l ENCLOSURE 02, itrAfIlyalcm IIC141 I/cm) 0.,v Ov ~- im zoo 4 ro ox 0 0.70 -%Oes - &V -0.3s - SM 0 0,25 - #00 else - 10-V 0.43-0 ,#o 950 eOnTInUea .10 to Mom - 10 zomm - 10 IL - 19 - - 10 - in enClome ff.TJ Card '514 ACCESSIM NRt AT4045851 45 4700 ..4# - 1,00 -*600 - jo Op - 0.00 _Oko - 20 Liao _4#00 -to 4 70 [Wo 0 0 10,00 #200 ENCLOSIMES 03 0 6 .11 It volt A Fig. 2. Diurnal changes In the concentration of dust. I - condensation nuclei; 2, field streagth; 3 - and volume charge density~, 4 - at different heights In the summer of 1962. Card 6/6 contimation of eoclosure #2 859313 S11691601-cooto I OIC07A i - 91 AOO5/AOO1 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1960, No. 10, p. 147, # 12703 AUTHOR: Tserfas, K.E. . ........... TITLE; Comparisons of the Observations of the Electric Potential Gradient and the Intensity of the Atmosphere Electric Field PERIODICAL: Tr. Sredneaz. n.-i. gidrometearol. in-ta, 1959, No. 2, (17), PP. 233-237 TEXT: The comparison is presented of measurement results of the electric field potential gradient, which were performed with the Benndorf electrometer in connection with an ion collector, and the measurement results of the electric field intensity with the (PNP)- device of the rro (GGO)-system. The observa- tions were carried out at Tashkent in 1957-1958 daily independent of the meteoro- logical conditions. It was stated that the diurnal courses of both devices were similar. The correlation coefficient calculated for average values is equal to 0.99. The absolute values of the field intensity are lower on the average by 7% than the values of the potential gradient. The average ratios of these magnitudes Card 1/2 85M S/169/60/000/010/007/oi-4 A005/AO01 Comparisonsof the Observations of the Electric Potential Gradient and the Intensi- ty of the Atmosphere Electric Field vary during the total period of measurement in the limits from 1.00 to 1.17. In some hours deviations from monthly mean data were observed amounting to 30.40%. N.V. Krasnogorskaya Translator's note: This Is the full translati:~n of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 .63 11) /BX/ES (v) AF.FTC/ASD/E.SD-3 Pe-h P-3 5/169/63/000/0041013 AIMOR:, Tserfas, K. E. 62 TITLE: Electrical characteristics of the atmosphere in a vertical c section at indicated by observations during the PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizikaj no. 4, 1963, abstract 4B237 (Sb. materialy konferentsiy po itogam, ~ Y (1960) 1 mete ol LG or izuch. Antarkti~Y (1959), M. Gidrometeoizdat, 1961, 260-274) TEXT: The strength of the electrostatic field B in the free atmo uD to n altitude of 6 kilometers was measuredin 1958-1959 at Tashkent b oi an4lectrostatic flw=eter installed airplane's The observations conducted chiefly at 3 and 15-hours Moscow time. The results of 174 verti Poundings taken in cloudless weather were analyzed. The distribution of t density_of-stereoscopic charges ( P)--and-of the electric potential with al tude were calculated by means of data from measurements. Changes in the a agesfor E, and V cae be represented by the following formulas: ar d C L: 1215M3 :.3/169/63/000/004/013/017 Electrical characteristics of the atmosphere... -0.001H'- 0.38e-O'.00024H v E 0.5a3 + AM io 6-00154e-0.001H + 0.00024e'-.00024H el.-,,m units/m3 -0 0 58000 1=2411i volts V 216ooo - -580007- '00"H - 1 e where. H . is-the.altitude- inmeters. In the first-half-of 1958 E had a nega- ti46: -value (anomalous .6ourse) be inning at ii certaWaltitiide.and. positive 9 Ivalues at all altitudes (normal course) through theiremaining period of obser- vations. The anomaloui; course is explained by the influence of stereoscopic charges connected with intrusions of dust which were particularly intense in 1958. Due to the increased dust content. in the air in the summer at certain altitudes, beginning at an altitude of one kilometer, the annual course of E has a maximum in the summer, a minimum in the winter, and an in4erse course at the ground surface. Stereoscopic charges reach their most significant maxi Card 2/3 TSERFAS, K.E. Effect of clouds on the elecrric field of the free altzaBphere a--4 the electric structure of clouds. 11rudy Sred.-Az.nauch.-issl. g1drometeor. inst. no.18:59-76 164. (MIRA 17:10) Dependence of the intensity of the electric field on the concentration and character of dust particles in the atmosphere, Ibid.s77-86 L 878o-66 -rEC(k)-2/EWA(h)/EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/F-dP(b)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD ACC NR; AP5OZ76Z6 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/010/011/2037/ZO45 . '11 'Id 1~ AUTHOR: Avak'yants p Go M.; Atakulov, B. k; Dmitriyenko, 1. L. Murygin, V. I.; Iserfas, R. A. ORG: none TITLE: Problem of the forward branch of the cur:rent -voltage characteristic of gold-doped-base silicon diodes ::SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10. no. 11, 196S, 2037-2045 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, silicoAiode, current voltage characteristic ABSTRACT: The results of experiments with (50-300-kohm-cm) Si-d-Aodes doped by Au (0.15a Sb admixture) are reported, in some cases. the n+ -layer was obtained ' by phosphorus diffusion. Six varieties of experimental I-V character*iatics had a segment of negative resistance followed by a segment of independent I/V relation; ;Card 1 /Z UDC: 621.-382.2:546.Z8 L 878o-66 ACC NR: AP5027626 .the latter segment occupies a large current interval and starts from 1. 5-7 v. As. .neither M. A. Lampert's theory (Phys. Rev., 1962, 125, 126) nor R. Hall's ~theory (Proc. IRE, 1952, 40, 1512) can explain such a shape of the I-V character-' the authors offer a new theory based on the kinetics of carrier transitions anear deep levels and on the formation of space charges in the dielectric-like semi- ~conductor material. They also offer an empirical formula which describes both :mechanisms behind the above I-V characteristic. Additional experiments with the, 'diodes at -59-Z4- -4+49C corroborated the now theory: the negative -resistance ~segment vanished at higher temperatures. 11E * 0. Pell arried out the lifetime ;measurements. " Orig. art. has; 7 figures and lZ for- Was. 'SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: O5Jun64 ORIG REF: 00 1 OTH REF; 003 jW CGrd 2/2 J4 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) lr'P(c) JD .,79 _66 " ACC NR: APS027631 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/6.5/010/011/2074/2077 ..AUTHOR: AyAk'yants, G, M.; Alimova, L. L., M ARW. ~Skripnikov, Yu. S.; Taqvias, R. A. ORG: none TITLE: Selective properties of silicon diodes with gold- oped base SOURCE: Radiotekhaika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 11, 1965, 2074-Z077 TOPIC TAGS: silicon diode, semiconductor diode ABSTRACT: Results are reported of an experimental investigation of an Au- doped-base silicon diode used as a parallel oscillatory circuit thanks to the falling-off branch of its I-V characteristic (N. Holonyak, Proc. IRE, 1962, 50, 12, 2421). Biased to the negaiive-resistance region, the diode behaved like a f high-Q oscillatory circuit; biased to the edge of the positive -resistance region, it Card 1/2 UDC: 621.382.2:546.28:621.391.8 L 7794-66 ~ACC NR: AP5027631 I exhibited the characteristics of a low-Q oscillatory circuit. In addition to the fundamental resonance curve,- a number of resonance peaks at various multiple _f frequencies were observed; higher applied voltages resulted in distorted (asymmetrical) resonance curves. A compound peaked high-Q resonance curve was exhibited by some specimens. As a rule, the resonance frequency increased; with the bias current. As a parametric amplifier the silicon diode developed a voltage gain of 15-25. A transistor circuit, in which the resonant silicon diode was connected in lieu of the collector load, could be operated as an amplifier from, a-9-12-v supply-voltage source. Orig. art. has: I figures. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: O5Jun64 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 001 nw Card 2/2 I I WZ65 EEC (b 2/EP-C k 2/t-WA (h /S' M!k/EYr I /.-ffr ISW b /T/FWP t pm-4/ w/m RF6 C AP5000859 S '0166,/64/000/005/0053/0057 AUTHOR: AvaWyants, G. M. 7 Zaugol' nikova, Ye. _G - 7 Murygin, VJ-7 Teerfas, R, A. TiTLE: Some properties of inductive selenimn rectifiers 3- SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Izvestiya S riya fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk, no. 5, 1964, 53-57 "tif .ie/ TOPIC TAGS: selenium ree audio, frequency generator, semiconductor, inductive rectifier, semiconducting inductance ABSTILACT: T-he present work continues the investigation of the previously reported inductIve effect observed in selenium rectifiers (Avak'vants et al * 'Radiotekhnika i elek- , and 1,?13~ Measurements have shown that tronika 1962. 'AT(j pages 121 VrI, vol 7, 4 the properties of seienitun recni)ers are related to the exponential current- ,~olta-e ~~endence reportod b%, ilzvestiya AN ',~zSSR, Seriva 1~,~ ::461 2 vnit-ampere curves of the snalxii in Fi-4 I of the L"I C: C, - s 11, a!, j) vp ohasti 3"if? for iarge values-an inducwe pi-a-se :-t iil* ~t~rs iJlased in tne re~~i;)n )f large 'inverse currents possess a sernicanducting ind~ictance. i e. t-hey can .9tore the enerky M of an electric field and transfer it to other parts of a circuit. Although the impedance oi the Card 1 /4 - r L 21348-65 ACC&MON bM- AP5000859 rectifier is found to have an appropriate frequency dependence, the element cannot be used as a choke filter, because of its high DC resistance. With the addition of external circuitry to proviee compensating negative resistance. the selenium iectifier can be used to generate aadio frequences Undez- certaia conditions the depp ievel's do not act to impede the carriers and give an inductive effect. but, as a resuit of die inien8e ionization in Lhe presence of a strong electric field in the contact reorm, they form a region with an in- creased concentration of ionized impurities whl'ch lleads to ar, anomalous frequency-dependent growth of reverse current and capacitance. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: rashkentskiy gosuniversitet im, V. 1. Lenina _(Tashkent State Univarsity) SUBMITTED: 12Nov63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 L M4-116-65. ASD(a)-5/AFWL/ESD(c)/FSD(t) . ACCESSION NR: AP4038647 5/,0,109/64/009/005/0868/0875 AUTHOR: Avak'yams, G. Y, B.. Mury*gin. V- I.; Teshabay~ev, A.; Tsexfaa. R. A. T-~TLE: Some patterns in the current -voltage characteristics of long diodes SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 5, 1964, 868-875 TOPIC; TAGS: diode, semiconductor diode. current voltage characteristic, Ge diode, Si diode ABSTRACT: Ne- approximate f-)rmulas are offered which describe the linear S 0 17 f- T-- f t 1- 1?C S C 'I 19 1 od e w i h he a,3 8'-' r n~1'14 C 7- P't formillas a-r-- val.(j a'o,- 11'jcat:on was performea with n-Ge ior--ba6t 3-t-' Mn, -A-r' a resiativ*~*.y Card L 2oo16-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4038647 characteristics of a 3.5-n-im-thick base were also measured at +20, 0, -20, and -60C. Generally, a good agreement between the theoretica1 and experimental curves s noted The of an 7,-S, base -,G. I mm) dioce was a.a(, rneas-r,--r- 0.-.g. ar-~ rLas 5 igur,~s. o iorrr-.,,Las, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Tashkent*skiy gosudarstverzny*-,r universitet irn. V. 1. Lenina (Tashkent State University) SUBMITTED: 18Feb63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: zr, NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 00 1 Card 2/2 AVARIYANTS, G.M.; ZAUGOLINIKOVA, Ye.G.; MTIRYGIN, V.X.~ T'3ERFAS, R.A. Some properties of induction -geler-Ium rect-4-ftera. lzv. AR Uz. SSR.Ser.fl.z.-mat.nauk 8 ric.19t5-3-107 '64. (MIRA 1812) 1. Taahkentskiy goBudarotvennyy, univor~litet Imeni Lanlna. L 7 93-66 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD ACC NR: AP502763Z SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/010/011/2077/2091 :AUTHOR: Avak 'yants, G. M. j Zuyev, A. V. I Murygin, V. 1. Skripnikov, Yu-S. _54rov, V. P!j Tserfas, R. A. ORG: none TITLE: Amplifying and oscillating pro?ertles of silicon diodes with gold-doped base POURCE: Radiatekhnika I sleidronlk~.,v. 10, no. 11, 1965, 2077-2081 I TOPIC TAGS: silicon diode. sen#/C-ductor diode ABSTRACT: The results of an experimental investigation of the operation of a silicon diode an a voltage amplifier and as an oscillator are reported. A simple amplifier circuit consisting of a capacitor in series with the diode developed a voltage gain of 16-20 and a power gain of 200-300; its resonance frequency and Ila UDCs 631.342.2t$46.28&631.375+621.373 L 7793-66 ACC NR: APS027632 passband depended on the bias current; Its maximum sensitivity was 5-10 my, and in some specimens, 200-300 mv. The noise In such a circuit was incoherent, sinumbidal, and had a maximum coinciding with the resonant frequency. As an oscillator, the silicone diode developed a practically minusoidal! waveshapei both its frequency and amplitude depended largely an the bias current and external capacitance. Orig. art. bast 7 figures. SUIB Comt 09 / SUBM DATIM OSJua64 / ORIG RZ]rt 004 1 -0TH RMr: 00 1 AW C.-d vf tii- -t :.r; re nip, 0 4 To ut., ; V JAPOVAq lP.lFxFtS, A.I. Cf _114 -Vn d~eeoa i ale-ktzrin. .10 TSERIKH, F. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study and use of semiconductor thermo- resisters for remote control in incubator equipment." Lenin- .-rad, 1961 19 - (Ministry of Agriculture RSFSR, Leningrad 3 P , Agricultur;1 Inst~l 250 Copies; price not given; list of author's works at end of text (10 entries); (KL, 6-61 sup, 227) TSERIKH, F.A., inah. Study of the stability of heat-sensitive thermistors, Nauch. trudy VIESKH 11:93-109 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Thermistors) (Farms--Electric equipment) (Temperature regulators) A T H OR LITLE! 7-srmal inertia ~-f C-171ED -f-OURCE. TOPIC TXG.~',- themistorL --'-rmal zner~.;a TR All 31-A T !ON -a-l 'n-er"a are :.nvesti-73*e:~. vni'~n 'hp lun~~.ia' differ9mc- --w- ei7ne r a ti xp. a ri-mu r, Ta-L rjuLii7. i or aerlerniri~rg- or ar,, al t-ti.-mrstat -