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I, f A - k - C-. I, , , It f- I~% I- C' LI Novaya Trematoda Utki--Notocotylus skrjabini Nov. sp., "Works on HeLminthology" on the 75th Birthday of K. 1. Skryabin, Izdat, kkad. Nauk, SSSR. 14oskva. 1953, page 15 Helminthology laboratory, AS USSR &I a Saw trematode of ducks. TTudy Inst.2001.i paraz.AN Kir.SSR no.4: 137-140 '55. (RLRA '10:5) (Issyk-Kul, Lake--Trematoda) (Parasites-%eks) ABLASOV, N.A. , - 11 ___ 1. ~ ~ " _' Hymenolepidide of water birds, found for the first time In the U.S.S.R. Trudy Inst.sool.i paras.AN Kir.SSR no.4:141-150 '55. (MLRA 10:5) (Kirghisistan--Cestoda) (Parasites--Water birds) USSR/7,ooparasitology Helminths. G. Abs J,3ur : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 15, 1958, 67501 ,',,uthor : Gagarin, '.-.G. Ablao3v N.A. Chibichenko N.T. J, Inst, : tcadmW of Sciences KirLSSR, Ilistitute of zoology and Parasitology. Title : Helritnthofauna of Wild Ducks of the South of Kirgizia. Orig Pub ; Tr. In-ta zool. i parazitol. X KirgSSR, 1957, No 6, 105- 120. Abstract : When 400 dicks of 42 species were opened in the Ba=r- Kurgixaskiy rayonp Dzhalal-Abadskaya Oblast' (1954-1955), 75 species of halminths were registered (13 species Of trematodes, 21 of cestodas, 30 of nematodes, and 2 species pf probiscis worms). Described is the new nematode Diplo- triaum tinnunculi (Filariidae) and the new trematode Bra- chylecithum schanurati (Dicrococliidue). Card 1/1 - 10 - USSR / Zooparasitology - 11olmintba. G-2 Aba Jour , 11of ZhxW - Biols; No 181 1958, No- 81708 Author -"bW2yt~j Inst Kirgiz Insto of Zool. ard Paravitol. Titio Holminthofauns, of Kirgiz Waterfowl Orig Pub Mr. In-ta zoole i parasitol. AN KirgSSR,, 1957, No 6, m-144 Abstract In 1950-1956 in 503 vatorfcwl (426 wild and 77 domoatic), 94 spocies of holminthe were found; 24 species are tronatodes 47 costodoo, 21 nematodos, ard 2 skrobon spocioa. 41 holminth opooios are common to domestic and vild waterfowl. A list of parasitoo is Given by hosts aril somo inoufficiently studied spooios aro dosorlbod. Card 1/1 ABIASOV. IrSAROV. K.I. Now representative of the genus Petasiger Dietz 1909 from the co;mon cormorant, Trudy Inst.zool.i paraz.AN Kir.SSR no-7: 14 -151 '59, (HLU 13:4) (Ivsyk-Xvl-'v-Trsmatod&) (Parasiter!--Cormorants) ABlASOV-, N.A.; CHIBIGHENKO, N.T. Materials on trematodes of birds in Kirghizistan. Izv. AN Kir.-- SSR..Ser. biol. nauk 2 no.7:149-167 160. (MIRA 14t6) (KIRGHIZISTAN-THL-MTODA,) (PARASITES-BIRDS) ABLASOVp N.I.; IKSANOVp K.I.; CHIBICHENKO, N.T. Brief report on belminths infesting pink pelicans in Lake Balkhash. Irv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 2 no.71181-182 160. (MIRA 14:6) (BALKHASH, LUF-WOFM; INTESTINAL AND PAWITIC) (FARASITW-PELIGANS) ABLASOV, N.A* A now speoies of nematodes of the gemus Spyphacia Seurat, 1916, found in the squirrel Sciurus vulgaris exalbidus Palle Izv. Ali Kir. SSR. Ser.biolnauk 4 n0-4:179-181162. (MIRA 16:6) (TIE4 SILAN-NDIATODA) (TIE4 SHM-PARASITES-SQUMRM) ABLASOV, N.A.; CHIBICHENWO, N.7. Halminthe parasitic in the suborder Otides in Kirghizistan. Izv. AN Kir. SSR Ser. biol. nauk 4 no.5:115-116 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. laboratoriya gellmintologii (rukovoditell kand. veter. nauk V.G. GLgarin) AN Kirgizskoy SSR. (Kirghizistan-Parasites-Bustards) (]Kirghizistan-Wormay Intestinal and parasitic) 25 (1), 28 (2) SOV/91-59-11-8/27 AUTHOR: Ablatinov, R.I., Engineer TITLE: A Pen for Self-Recording Instruments PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 11, p 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes a new type of pen which is used nt a power plant for self-recording instruments. The pens of self-recording instruments of type EP, EPD, EMD and EPID have a number of disadvantages: they carry only a small amount of ink which must be frequently replaced and which dries rapidly and clogs the pens.The pen des- cribed by the author is free of these disadvantages. A glass tube of 6-10 mm diameter is used as a tank. Its top is closed by a plug which carries a capillary tube at the bottom of the pen which terminates in the wri- ting tip. The ink tank is filled once within 5-10 days. These pens will work reliably even with inks diluted by distilled water. There is 1 diagram. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Ablatipov, R.I., Foreman 91-5B-6-129/34 TJTLE: An Extensirn Indicator of the Position -)f a Slide Gate (Distantsionryy ukazatell poloz-herilya IT" R] ODI C A I Energetik, 1958. lir 8, PP 35 STRACT: The indicator system consists of it 111C millivoltmeter, Cel'v- ing as an indicator, and a potenti ometer, used as a pickup Its rheostat has a slide connoctecl to the cam-shaft of the travelling cut-outs of the electric drive. Tie rhocstat induces potential differences across a millivolt!. 1*Oter, The position of the needle indicates the ntst~? of the elec- trio drive and therefore the position of tho q1ide -,item reversive condenser and seleniur. rectifier are wired to the lifferent phases to prevent the electric motor from be- ing *witched on when a phase disappears. 7~,.ero is 1 wiring diaeram. 1. Electrical equipment--Design 2. Position indicator.9--Equipment Card 1/1 KATSANOVICH, G,A,0 inzh.; ABLATIPOV,--~---I-G,j,-jnzh.; KRDFMGVr A. I., inzhe - Replies t) B.IA.Bekker's article,"Industrial a.c. signaling notworks." Energetik 10 no.2s6-10 F 162. (NIRA 15:2) (Electric networks) (Bekker, B.U) ABLATIM--R.1.j-iax4,, Increasing-the re-liability of the performance of type XR-III and RR-T automatic regulators. Energetik 10 no.10:17-19 0 162. (MIU 15:12) (Electric controllers) ABUTIPOV, R.1,, inzh. Adjustmnt of the operation of MK-59 oxygen motors. Fnargatik 12 no.6:15 Je 164. (M-MI, 17:9) ABLAKATOVA, A.AG-, nauchnyy sotrudnik A new grape disease. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 5 no.7t27 Jl 16o. (KEU 16t1) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya.AN SSSR. (Maritime Terri tory-Grape s-'DijLeas e 9 and pedti)-.. (Maritime territory-Exobasidium) USER/ChenJAtry - Synthesis Card ]A : Pub.,151 - 19/37 Authors t Pansevich-Kolyade., V. I., and Ablova, V. A. Title : Investigation of alcohol oxides (1,tddols). Part 3*-Derivation and properties of 2-metliyl-4--benzyl-oxido-2,3-Pentanol-4 Periodical t Zhure ob, khim. 24/3, 49,1-498, liar 2.954 Abstract Xnventigation of 2--ettWI-4-bettzyl-oxido-2,3-pentanol-4 showed that the properties of alpha., beta-alcohol oxides am. determined not only by the pre3ence and orientation of their functional groups but also by the xv-dicals adjoining the oxidized carbon atom. Removal of the phenyl radical Pn= the tertiary alcohol group stabilizes the carbon skeleton of the alcohol oxide. Th6 difference bet,6wn this alcohol oxide and oxides of the a.U- -phatic, seritia-;-- -as- w- all-as -alcohol coddes of - 2--vethyl-4-phenyl-.mddo-2'-3-- pentanol-4 in which the phwWl radical adjoins directly the carbon atom of the tertiary alcohol group, is explained. Five referencest 4-U&SR and 1-German (1906-1954). InFititution i Acad. of 5c, Byeloruss-SSR) Institute of Ch=lstry., Laboratory of Orge Chom. SuUdtted s Octob-3r 29,, 19~3 PANSWICH-KOLYADA. V. I., ABLOVA, V.A., XMTCHII. L.A. Research in the field of oxido compounds. Part 7. Preparation and properties of phanyl substituted.Cfi- and fiy-alcohol oxides. Zhur.ob.khim. 25 no.13:2448-2453 D '55. (KLHA 9:3) 1. Institut khimii Akademii nauk Belorueekoy SSR. (Alcohos) AZANOVSKATA. N.M. (Aianouskata, N.M.I-*. OBLOVA, V.A. [Ablava, V.A.] I Autr,xidation of derivatives of cyclohemane. -i~xX ~eeie 'ofdieub- stitution products of cyolohexeue. Vestsi AN BSSR.Ser.fis.-takh.nav. no.1:7o-74 160. (MLRA 1316) (O~clohexene) 4W.,., A7411OVSKAYA, M.M. [AzanOUBWa, M.M.,11-ABLAVA, V.A. ---. Autoxidation of derivatives of cyclohene. Iffect of the nature of the substitute in the molecule of substituted cyclohexene on its oxidation. Veetei AN BSSR. Serefiz.-tokhenavs no.2:55-62 160, (MIRA 13:10) (Cyclohexene) (Oxidation) YF7 i D. D. Dis,:ertatioa: "Arterial., Oscillometric, wid Vencus Prc.,,sure; Ratc of and the I-',ass of :irculating blood in Lobar ilneurionia.11 Cand Med Sci, I:ir,-iz Stat~- %,oiical Inst, 30 Jun 54. (Sowtskaya Kirriziya, Frunze, 16 Jim 5Q SO: SUM 318, 23 Doe 19,c4 KLRA-MEt T.K.; Blood transfusion in azqloidosis of the internal organs. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no,10:70-n 0,160t (MIRA 1333A) 1.*Iz Sama kandakogg gorodskogo tubarkulps4ogo dispapsera. (BLOOD-TRMFUSION) (MIYLOIDOSISI- ABIAYE-V HA&t~&. -ury rectifier in a Measurement of the back currents of a merc single pulse network. Trudy MIN no.144:85-89 162. (MIU 15:10) (Electric railroads-Current surly) (Mercury-arc rectifiers ABLAIE'VI M.A., inzh. Study of a possibility of increasing the strength of a mercury rectifier. Trudy MIIT no.144%72-84 162o (HIM 15;10) (Electric railroads--Current SUPP17) (Mercury-arc rectifiers) AlrCr--'.qSi0N -IVR- APS000417 1, !a -b7",aS(' Of 'ead-lar, ignitrona In e Car4 ~!/2 ABLAY,~V. MI.A., kand. toldin. naWC Electric strengt1i of the IVS-3001,-. ignitrons. Vert. T'INII ITS 23 no.6- 3-4 '64. (-',a!A 17:10) --AB'LAYvlvl -- ABLAYEV., S. M. -- "The Scientific Basis of Growing Edible Pistachio Nute on the Lowland-Rolling 'bogaral of Uzbekistan." Min Higher Education USSR. Tashkent Agricultural Institute. Tashkents 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences.) So; Knlzhayn Letopis' No 3, 1956 Foreattry. Forest Bloiogy _nd TYPOI(J';~Y. 5 Ablayev, S.M. 1.1k--itnLairt Forest State Pvosorvt- Ct,!rti-v~n Otzata on I.tic Neitku-n). Re of Coi-;vooii FlIstache Olisitacle. vora L.1 at the Mountain Fjreat Prerrrve. Tr. Goruo-J;~sn. so&. 4L'_4'% IJ has boen catablished by a up on an area of 1500 tilat ta* inten- iity of p.41stache renewal after Lite pa)jturaga wAs re-Aut-ed by cattle wau 3ignificeintly in- croaaed in connection with the organiza Lion of 4 .4.he preserve. The regeneratizn of isLvips which were hardly damagod in the pehat lhaa taken place both throu&h ficrub and st-_,fUItg iudivi- du4l:3, producend by the trecs &Wng them. To spoed up the rogencration of the AcIlk' !ji truez bv. traiwpian~ud to holvu 2,0 x 20 cAi in si7e, the aftuctivvnes-~, of which has Looon confirmed by touts mads-, at the pvo6ez,-%,f;* savin ABL&TIV, Te.M. (Samm md) Blood -transfusion in pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl.tub. no.1:34-36 J&-7 155. Mak 8M (TUMCUIOOSIS, PULMONART, therapy. blood transfusion) (BIDW TRANSFUSION, in various diseases, tubere.. pulme) L 1381 .--66 owr(m)1w(y),1 0ArP(J)/T/ETC(m) 14WIlIM ACC NRi AP i-G-ODE. -t-VAjo-i9-i/66jb5b/66i AUTHORSt Kiselev. B. A.: Stepanova, V. N.; Mikhallskiy, A. I.; O?Gt none TITLE: Contraction of ass plastic made of %tartz fiber and bindiM IRE -PYMJt !~72E- SOURM Plastichaskiye massyp no* 1, 19&51 63-65 TOPIC TAGSi plastic, glass tqKtolite thermal contraction, I a It V I A ABSTRACTi The effect of temperature upon the dimensions of samploa of plass textolit prepared from phenol organosilicono binding agent K-9F and quartz-like fiber KT-U/f- was investigated at various solidification stages. The glianges in the material resulting f rom the contraction of tho binding agent and of the filler (quartz fiber) in -!-,he direction of warp and waft were also studied. A sample curve illustrating the latter property is shown in Fig. 1. It was established that: 1) proliminar7 thermal treatment of the quartz fiber at 250C reduces the shrinkage of the glass textolite by 1/12 to 1115 dtLring its setting. In the case of thermal treatment of the fiber at 60DCp glass texbolite does not contract in the direction parallel to the fiber layers; 2) contraction parallel to the fiber layers of glass textolite at the completion of setting (200C) is 1.2% for glass textolite based on quartz fiber which was not treated thermally,, 0.1% when fiber was pretreated at 250c; 3) contraction 9:67744.01s690.192.52 ACC NRs AP6002487 , Fig. 1. Contraction curve s V. for a glass textolite sample# 0-40. resulting from setting of K-9F binding agent (contraction perpendieular to the fiber layers). n,-Ib - of phenol organuailicone binding agent X-9F depends upon setting of the resinp has a st"ise character) and terminates at 220C. Orig. art. hass 5 figirese SUB CODEs n/ SLTBM DATEx none/ oRio REF, oo4 PINIKOVSKlY, G.S., inzh.; ADIETS, V.I., inzh. Doatructive action of corrosive waters on concrate shaft slapports in the Krivoy Rog Basin. Shakht. strol. 6 no.7:8-10 il t Ua. 15-7) 1. Trost Krivlxssshakhtoy)rokhodk-a. (Mine water) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Coneroto construction) P4(4) SOV/51-6-4-25/29 AU T14 CR A b L a ko Vil-V - IL-1 TITM On the Treatnent of Spectrograins Obtained with a Fabry-Perot Interfarometer (0b abrabotke spektrogramn, poluchennykh na interferw.netre Fabri-Pero) PSRIODIC,&Ls Optiica i Spolctrosicopiya, 1959. Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 5b2-564 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Calculation of the shape and half-width of a recorded spectral interval is, in general, very difficult. If I(V) is the function which gives the form of this interval and A(x) is the apparatus function, then the intensity distribution W(v) can be written as 00 W(Y) --1 I(V-x)A(x)dx (1) where v is the frequency corresponding to one of the maxima in W(xi). Calculation of the function I(V) meets with great mathematical difficulties in many important cases (Refs 1. 2). The present note describes a simple method of determination of the half-vidth of 1(1)) in the case when a Fabry-Perot interferometer was used and a method of Gard 1/2 SOV/51-6-4-25/29 On the Treatment of Spactrograms Obtained with a Fabry-Parot Interfarcmeter finding the intensity distribution when. two spectral intervals are superimposed. Tne paper is entirely ti-iooretical. There are 5 references, 3 of .vhich are Soviet, 1 ueraan and I translation from German into Russian. SUBMITTEDs July 14, 1958 Card 2/2 24 7) SOV/20-125-2-14/64 AtTHORS: Ablekov, V.. K., Fabolinskiy I. L. TITLE: The Spectral Investigation of Light Scattered by Viscous Liquids and Solid Amorphous Bodies (Spektrallnoye issledovGniye aveta, rasseyannogo vyazkimi zhidkostyami i tverdymi amorf, nymi telami) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2., pp 297-299 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Measurements of the total intensity of light dispersed on very viscous liquids and solid amorphous bodies (clear) showed that the course of temperature and the absolute value of intensity are in sharp contradiction to the calculations anl predictions of the known scattering theories in liquids and solids, The experimental data differ by from 5 to 10 times their amount from theoretically calculated values. In order to understand the causes of the "too high" intensity of scatterin- in an amorphous bodj and for the purpose of verifying the future theory of the phenomenon, it is neces- sary to carry out a detailed experimental investigation of Card 1/14 the spectral composition of !lie scattered liCht, of the dis- SOV/2o-125-2-14/64 The Spectral Investigation of LiCht Scattered by Viscous Liquids and Solid Amorphous Bodies tribution of depolarization over the spectrum, and of the kinetics of these quantities in the transition from the liquid to the solid amorphous phase,. The present paper describes ouch an experimental investigation for which previously (Pef 1) the total intensity and the depolarization of the scattered liZ;ht had been measured. The spectral line of scattering is known to be sufficiently narrow in a vitriform body. In the preseni investigation, this line an,1 the narrow spectrum range adjacent to it are therefore investigated by means of a device with interference spectroscope. A low-prriwire mercury lamp was used as excitation source, and the scattered light was excited with the lir-e 4358 R of the mercury spectrum. In some of the substances invest-ieated (e.g. in triacetin) the Ilandellshtam-Brillo~iin-.components showed total pold=iza.- tion, and therefo;-e they occur only in the I Z_ component on the recordings of the scattered li,-Iht. With increasing 'vis- cosity, the become more distinctly marked, They incraase in width, and the maximum Card 2/4 uf their intensity moves towards the central line. A diagraza SOV/2o-125-2-14/64 The Spectral Investigation of Light Scattered by Viscou8 Liquids and So-lid Amorphous Bodies shows the distribution of the true intensity of the I X_ Com- ponent of the scattered light in triacetin for three tempera- tures. The second diagram ahows the half-width of the line in the I x-, component as a function of temperature. The third diagram contains data concerning the temperature dependence of the depolarization coefficient of the scattered light in the maximum of the scattered line and in a distance of 1.25 cm- I from thi3 maximum. These and other experimental data discussed here lead to the conclusion that the theory of light scattering in a liquid is by far better suited for the purpose of describing scattering in glass than the theory of scattering in a solid. Quantitative agreement may be considerably improved by using the correlation theory de- veloped by 3- M. Rytov- There are 3 figures and 12 refer- encesi, 9 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 SOV/2o-125-2-14/64 The Spectral Investigation of Light Scattered by Viscous Liquids and Solid Amorphous Bodies ASSOCIATION: Fizicheakiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: December 3, 1958, by M~ A. Leontovich, Academician SUBMITTED: December 3, 1958 Card 4/4 S./056/60/039/003/043/045 B004/BO60 AUTHORS; Ablekov, V. K., Pesin, 14. S.. Fabelinskiy, 1. L. TITLE: Realization of a Medium With Negativ-~ Abscrption Coefficient PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichoskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, We. 3 (9)y pp. 892-895 TEXT: The authors report on tho medium with nAgative absorption coefficient in the visible spectral range obtained by them by means of a gas discharge in a mercury- and zinc vapor mixture. The liquid electrodes of the tube had a temperature of 6 rr 150C, and the discharge current was varied between 8 and 15 a. The transparency of the mercury- zinc discharge was larger than unity for the 6362 A zinc line 1 0 - 1 (4 lp1 4 D2) , and changed between 1.5 and 10 under different experimental conditions. The transparency for the 4722 A zinc line remained smaller than unity (about 0.9). The absolute value of the Card 1/71 Realization of a Medium With Negative S/056/60/039/003/043/045 Absorption Coefficient B004//B060 absorption coefficient k fluctuated between 0.2 and 1.15. The authors made use of equation Ni = 6nlklS ~/A2Aik to estimate the concentration Ni of the eAcited atoms situated on level 4 1D, (6-0 - half-width of the line 6362 A, A = probability of spcn+a'neous transition). The value 9.10� was obtained for Ni in the case cf 10*2 elm" k - 0.2.. and the value 5.10 10 at k = 1-15, which fits experimental data as to the order of magnitude. The authors explain this effest by the 73s, excited level of mercury which is only 133 cm-1 below thi 41D~ excited level of zinc. Since this difference is in the range of therma atomic motions at room temperature, the acticn of resonance impacts of the second type between excited Hg atoms and norexcited Zn atoms is particularly intensive here. Reference is made Gf the posgibility of a similar medium with Hg, Zn, and Cd atoms. The authors mention papers by N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhcrov (Ref. 3). and R. A. Butayeva and V. A. Fabrikant (Ref. 5). They thank the latter for hIs advice and discussions. There are 8 references; 5 Soviet, 4 US, 1 British, and I German. Card 2/3 Realization of a Medium With Negative S/056/60/u:~~/003/043/045 Absorption Coefficient B004/BO60 ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy inatitut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Plqsics imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1960 Card 3/3 ABLEKOV, V.K.; UYUSEV, High-intensity tekh. eksp. 6 and merc-ury-cadmium Mr-Ap 161. U AUT11ORs kbj~gh_qv, V. K. 3`,`61 s/056/62/042/003/015/049 B104/BI02 TITLEs Some experimental studies of induced emission from a gas mixture PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 3, 1962, 736 - 739 TEXT: A medium with negative absorption coefficient for the 6362 ~ zinc line (41Po - 41D ) was described previously (V. K. Ablekov et al., ZhFTF, 1 2 892, ig6o). The change in the spectral composition of light paGaing through this medium is studied in the present paper. The spectrum was in- vestigated by a usuall interference instrument with Fabry-PArot standard slid a Michelaon split-beam interferometur. A narrowing of the 6362 1 lino r,4ulta from the light intensity distributions as shown in Fig. 2. The r-Atio of the intensities along the tube xi and per ondicular to the tube axis eds I -So (6362 23 and I 14 /1 (I-L) was measur I.L .L . 3.5 (4680 The half widths of 1 11 and IIand the intensity ratios are Card (1/2 ~O S/056/62/042/003/015/049 "'77 Some experimental studies of... B104/B102 I investigated and discussed. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy inatitut im. P. N. Letedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) a I lee SUBMITTED; October 25#1961 #1 2 01 log- Pig. 2. Intensities of the 6362 R line (curve cL and V _M and of the 4680 R line (curve 6) in second-order interference in two dis- 'Ikb charge directions. 44A V3 Legend: (0) perpendicular to ths dischargf. tube; (0) 19 - along the discharge tube. .0,0)0 405 41 415 0.1 als Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4009469 S/0051/63/015/006/0820/0822 .A.VnIOR: Ablekovo V.K. TITLXt On use of the apparatus function of a double bean interferometer for analy-' sis of the intensity distribution in spectrum lines SOURCE: Optika I spoktroskopiya, v.15, no.6, 1963, 820-822 TOPCI TAGSt spectrum line ahapeg spectrum line width, Intensity distributionj Lo- rehtzian distribution, Gaussian distribution, Voigt profile ABSTRACT: In spectroscopic work it In often necessary to Investigate the true shape and balf-width of individual emission or absorption lines. In many cases the lino shape is described by a Voigt function (profile) which is a convolution of the,, classical dispersion (Lorentzian) and Gaussian distributions. In the present paper there Is proposed a relatively simple experimental procedure for separating the Voigt function into components with the aid of a Michelson double beam interfero- motor. The analysis is based on three analytic expressions for the observed Inten-,~ sity distributions corresponding to the classical dispersion, Gaussian, mid Voigt distribution functions and Michelson's expression characterizing the distribution Card 1/2 AP4009469 in the interf erenof pattern. Analysis of the interference pattern in cases when the an&lyzed function a known to be Lorentzian or oaussian is simple. The analysis to somewhat more compilcated in the case of more complex distribu4n. " in conclu- sion, the author expresses his gratitude ID lilo.Fabellnskly for Helpful discussions:' formulas. ASSOdIATION; none t SUBMITTEDt IlMar-63 DATE AOQ: 03Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUD CODEt Pit 2/2 Card NK REF BOVt 002 OIIIIN 000 ACC NRe /EEC (k)-2/r/E*,-','P (k)A,'1A(m)-2/E1','A(h) SCTB/IJP(c) SOURCE CODE: LrR/0269/-65/0 I IN%sN,roR: Ablekov, V. K. ORO: none TITLE~ Optical resonator. Mass 21, No. 176329 1VG )22~00~'91-0-036- SOURCE: Byulleten' izobretenly i tovarnykh %nakov, no. 22, 1965, 38 TOPIC TAGS: reconstor,.pptical resonato , laser Zqj P I ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate proposes an optical resonator consisting of two pr'Isins. whose 'oases form a Brewster angle with the axis of the resonator. To eliminate losses due to reflections and to obtain both discrete dispersion values and the required path length of open circulation beams within the resonntor, one of the prisms is in the form of a tribedion with the angle between the base and one of the faces equal to *the Brewster angle. The second prism is a polyhedral pyramid with an even number of faces; opposing faces am perpendicular to each other and form equal angles with the base plane at the vertex. The.base plane forms a Brewster anglt with the axis of symmetry of t' he pyramid. The angle between a face and the base is It the range a-a + " 'where a is a constant depending on the face considered and 2k is the numher of faces of the pyramid. Orig. art. has: I figure. [JR: SUB CODH: 20/ SUBM DM: o6yeb6h/ ATD Pnss.- UDC: .375. / -~~ 627-923 Cwd 7MC-NI, AP5026511 SOURCE CODEt UR/02Lib/65/000/019/OC)41(001411 AUTHORt Ablekov, V. 1. 1 Offis nons TITLE: Turning prism for optical resonator. Class 21, No. 175136 SOURCHw Byalleten' izrbreteniy i imvarrqkh snakov, no. 19, 1965, 41 TOPIC TAGSt resonator,, prism, optics ABSTRACTi This Author Certificate describes a turning prism for an optical resonator, To eliminate reflection looses,, the prism has a shape of a modified tripole (tetrahedron), the entrance face of which forms the Brew3ter angle to tho nonworUng face (see Fig* I)* In an alternative design, one or both mutually Cavd UDCt 62l.3Z$.8*5: Y. 9696-CA .L 292o2_66_ FBpl w )LsEC(k)-2ZT/SWP(k) lip(c) Wo ACC NRt AP6005325 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/001/0060/0060 INVENTOR: Ablekov, V. K. ORG: none' TITLM A prism type optical resonator for a.laser:4~'Class 21, No. 177539 SOURM Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 60 TOPIC TAGS: optic prism, resonator, laser, laser crission ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A prism type optical resonator for a laser, The device is designed for reducing light losses through reflection and for increasing the emission stability of the laser. The resonator is TrFade from two prisms without reflection losses with their bases at the Brewster's angle to the reso nator axis. 2. A modification of this resonator designed for reducing the dispersion range and producing confocality. One prism is made in the form of a converted tr.1- pole with the base plane at the Brewster's angle to the inopertative face and with on or both ofthe other faces made spherical. The second prism is made in the form of a tetragonal pyramid with equal angles at the vertex and with opposite faces mutually perpendicular. The base plane of the second pyramid is inclined at the Brewster's angle. to the plane which passes through the two opposite edges of the pyramid. 11.41 L CRd 1/2 UDIC: 621.375.8 627*923 -AM-NRi-- AP6005325--- A(A) (B) A (A) A and B--prisms placed at the Brewster's angle to the resonator axis SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04Feb64/ ATD PRESS:~-Oq so 'OW -0 0 6 a 6 * 0 At ' a w " is It A III III a % I I AL 1 1 4 a it - I 1- L-1 -I. AO a 61 a I . A a 0 0 a 1-114 0 of. '0r!#, " " 6 " 6 , C t 4 -0 -V A Cbmictw6"'49 otkigl UW MM A", V. m h : r .00 I up .... Khm Z Rodkoov,*W T. A. Abktwn. U 0 -d. C-A 1-0 14&.-IkmWhlr (U) by pptvt. as the Ca =00 000i wit. Oood yW& at nwooM wid ;I we obWood by 14#0 h"m U for 3 hm whk A6% KOH. 5. C. A. ~ . Os" see oet !see 0 4 ' - _ ' bolo fee aj we* t1 . ..... b Od a.. It. u a At 'o it " o 4 00 00 0 000 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 m a I I w a $I IT I',' I AT jk 'A Is ..r. YK, '11,10 Ile tt,~le I.v 44"Ill "fNITIUMV13 loaktoltil IviellAnIM10 V:t @IV eop 0o:: 002 z00 0 c0 0 11 e 0 v it ow(pipAll aqI smil sullwu$" ev J"Sajol Q) PM j1Q"&jjx"sjuLi%uspAqwp4quw -WAvoqwuir~jejj M -rAi"P94T*V2 10 IMUI 1,.z v !1141A P( 'Vo)Pjj Pull " A,wldlumll-'MV '49 'Y -3 IT y 4 '1l 'A =swept#" 0 0- Ir 0 SAF v 1 9 r--2 -j T v to a to a x x a of f U., 14, 19, 1 qLA -!I W It a 1. 40 1 0 0 0 0 so 0 ABLLTSOVA, T. A. USSR/Chemistry - Potassium Oxides Jan 49 Chemistry - Potassium Hydroxide "hew Potassium Oxides,lf I. A. Kazarnovgkiy, Corr Main, Acad Sci. USSR, -",. P. Nikollskiy, T. A. Abletsova) L&,b Inorg Chem, Physicotech Inst imeni L. Ya. Kaxpovs 4 PP "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIV, No 1 Investigated reaction of ozone on potassium hydroxide, and established characteristics of the orange subrtarce forming durin.- this reaction after findin6 it soluble in liquid :mmonia. Sub-mittod 15 Nov V. PA 26/49T,0 ABLEYEV S.~. . J, . Foot-actuated-fluid pump* !=. tekh. no.6:14 Je 163. (MM 16;8) (Pumping machinery) ABLEYEV, S.A. Grip end for attaching m-anometera to presses. Izm. tekl. no.8:27-28 Ag 1634 (MIM 16t10) ABLEZIN, G.- On those who are not an asset. Sov. protbiiuzy 17 no.14:17 11 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kranovshchik zavoda "Serp i molot", Moskva. (Moscow-Iron and steel workers) :_W_W 00 0a 00 A A It I) L. A -A_J__J it A a 00 00 wo g vr ir To TZ I It 09 9 0 0 0 4 LM -W W-1111- a mogogam,ae&naoaoo 4111w 0 00-0 711'_21_1 . . . . . . 10 Is tr a pq 4u _.L_AA 0 M 0 Kiv-1.-i d A 41 0 41 Is 0 Ju 0 0 A- J40 r I (PI(cillit 6.0 of athylealt on a hydnv-uatwo . B. Ik. and x. Abkunra. Ada U. P. S. S. 1, jot) o(IIK14). ~Sugarchavtiml .9411 talysts (C. A. J4. 3149) -Mfg. 0.01. 0.03 &lilt (1.10% * 36 A . . . NQQ by jhr _bod W it is"Id. Irm ak. avrr AIM . ---I i k1 " 14 .00 c u. qu y r by rc td Old ever Itom + zu .111111mly - ll t c *6 s o he 1 01 yo ; Iong thne wilhout change %If ~rainl icuM be md . 00 tivityalibecatidyel. t to buill It and C.11, in the troll, h . T"Pw 104 vVit -606 to +1W'. Tba vdmilY coast. is SPINul. w l m b go um a r Pt emount, follows the Arr wik%W to the a . ran -bul to +211 . thro ismam through a max. &till Idh ,g: sa in the wook of Whuster on Cu mind NI 00 mial. U"Wo Ilt 1-6rk frout 14CI. 1111111 1616 1~ tlrdtt%l 1116t the ad"bed If don out leact with Wit and lite, I wilb If . adomption of I!* IsItef 6 toduted to I0% of Icam of -is mw value. After rVacuatiou The catalpt is Again te. wd" to mists. tic to elm followed by W INNAR)k ri. '00 planations we that If can r~t ouir at the moturnt of Its 00 adsorption. at lady at kas "activv* 1xvint.. F. It. R. ' 'Go 0 0 to 00 Is 11 It a it it AA A a , m I k! " " 1 0 It I a 9 0 0 0 V a a at a a Ix at it -1 A I.- a JL t A A A-A-L..AA III ID&W W" of PrOMWI-W- Abkwva and S. Z. I. Comm. re1w. ". so. (U. it. S. S.) I, 00 a G"UsAx 4M-W)(105).-Thin W60 of pt ants -00 A IP - died to a sun Mulacte by evve. ia wjtb a WAIC d Parity that ibey :: 0 The hydrup"" of C,114 I= it 0. IN or H at very small par tW pream" w" i 6WIM4 tbt IVSPU. the FCMUMS CGIalySt readily "d the hydrop"11M al C111'. Ills Promoter see of the adwdm4 pt Is 67recim" even when the Of 3 t t a u of beW by the cotalys I One $a "1111. 004 ArItICIA stems. Gas admitted to the metal fi,11 Goo a the evips. plot bas no promoter action, goo Of -3 w W. It. Rmmet I coo tv ' 00 COO goo ;zoo woo INIC41 04, 464 $1 W~wt I., a I A. J~. , I ?A" an I a aw C I Iff IN 2 is a 3 1 It &V MI a, I F u v If v ft It Of a 41 It .1 a n It AD a 4-P .00 0011+10,4100 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * ~O 0 : 0 ~* 0 0 1010,0 0 : : *:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : :J0 00 00 40 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sow Q. 1) H is to it v u III Is b a v IS Is a IL-' A -L to so r Q it, 00 cc m U~&- I t 9 ..!to -AR" proarsigidim sof sticktot layism b astysta. k _-~Jj sumf f. .4,14 00 8 n211-111111 Av.. 00 9.26,11-430071; d, C. A.zq.4mf16.- ; ~ Itktng us, of ihc~ otur- a prounmer III attotilmlord to, she ; IUTV of the Inriat lattom St Ihc "WmWu1 III it, f-srumill-I -00 and "of to the hormatinn Of any definfIr I hru'. - .0 loom W No and U. 1 hr prinniquig wilm I% rsporsw4l low 0 orutoiq stith a Insist. of O.r MI. Wheir v 014 ~109 he vainest. of the p* aboortorliest by tho- lawri, as is the tuaml t if the nvortal WW it is a -vapt. Poe sonalAIIIA are d the j "not order of ""Waitusit boir both H alml (). Folf 0 the zoo 00 all cows. is ',,. as lourp- basis the outs. s-dijobo,"i. rho~ " inclot-at" that Ilov Ittairtillude uf the orthi-I dclu-iod, ut \ 00 t br"ItIsts W, Lk'.X~ NIL. 1fj * ~ 9 v * * 0 j to S oil, ' 4A I 1 0 'a I s 9 1 9 As zi I 11 n It 1 -1 A a of It if it x NO 4 f 1! is I 444 4 o 0 40 111 0 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 9 0 1111 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A I A I I I L.1-a too 1.1 00 olocitill tub 06"4610%. 0: A 0 at 6a -00 Go -00 go .0 4t A&MMS" -46090dwimll" .00 00 a U&M md T, PC. lvmlmamzl U. A. S. J. A 11"10941) (in ft 41HOO.- .00 TIO W&M XWbe=,,. ,4 W *kW:t:%en t .0 bad "Y c 1=14cl the pmwttc (w itte 000 cbm 00 most is nqwp" w Wkvt. J. It. Reedy Noe to I as St too goo 1.00 06 A too to At 411 , *-A - Noe I L A 1111TALLUftICAL UlapAlull CLASUMAIMM 9-3-- we 0 - it-so, 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 at 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 ABLICHANKOV, I..I. Decontamination of mercury in laboratory buildings. Gigisna i Sault, 1153, No.4' 48. (KUU 6:4) (OA 47 no:21:11602 053) ABLIG,WO=V I I %wa Method.of control of harmful effect of mercqry in laboratories, Gig. sanit., Kooky& no.4:48 Apr 1953. (CLHL 24:4) 1. Of the Scientific Institute of 7artilizere and Insectofungicides imeni Prof. Ta. V. Samoylov. I r. i , ; '10TVIKOV, N.N. 11 llh~iiltaneoiu; production of yellow phnphorn-is ard arjillafeollo cemi(ant. Klilm. prom. no.6;431-,06 Oe 16.1. (MI'll."i 18:7) ADL i . . . . p ! j*,,,".,. . ",.R-:~C , T.. ,,~ . j. -Ir.,*:i. ) ;.;*!,';! KS' , -. -'j . , I A'Irlk ~ 1~~ ; :i - "tl.ol of tho vanf~- wz--, Ter o" ptic~q horus plants. Vod. I san. L ' ;'fil, no-9;J---.'l '~ 165- ~ 18:rj) - '. .11. T: Pvlil I eton i. r CY A A T IIN N~iuchno- iss led~va te I 's i,,, r P Card 112 L 65098-0-5 .......... :3UMMITTED: 2?Jan614 ENCL: 00 SUB CODLE: IGO M No RUT' SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 X. - - -- - -- -- Ab34% L. K. - mHeavurement of the Mechanical Wo# of Tractor Assemblies." Min Wture UM,, Chelyabinsk Inst of Mechanization and Klectrification of Agriculture, Chair of t1v Exploitation of Machines,, Chelyabinsk,, 1953 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SOs XrLizhnaya Letopis', No 24, 11 June 1955p Moscow, Pages 91-104, A-II" V. (and ROMMOV. V.) i'ak mllu;," dt' ~*~bole*vnnj,.rlt -'el I :~hivotnv,,.h to 7'r-vo!nt in f~~mi !I;", _112 .."th il- .1 9 l ~ _, . - lu!5tr,tionn. "l-'-2 5~~ - air rpiaemo-iogy, IST. MOSCOW MeG. i-,S' ABLTNTS-E-V, X. R. 4782. ABLINTSEV, K. K. oanovy dozimetril ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy I., medgiz, leninbr. otd-niye, 1954. 288 s. s chert., 1 1. tabl. 23 sm. 13.000 ekz Ir. 90 k v per. -- bibliogr. v kontse blav.----(54-58104) P. 615.8494-539.16.04(016.3) SO: Letopial Zhrunall nykh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949 ABLITSKAYA, YE.A.; SOKOLOV, YU.L. "Methods of measurement of electric fields and of conceration of the 'hot' component in plasma." E I I Report presented at the Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research S&17.burg, Austria 4-9 Sep 1961. X-7 V GLADISHEVSIXIY, Ye,L.111 T.Tv---. -- It ,,,student III karsu; VASILOTEVA, M.P., student III ku U. Kinetics of substitution reaction of nickel and copper powders. Npuk.zap.L1viv.un. 21:105-109 '52. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Xqfe&ra neorganichnoi khimit. (Substitution (Chemistry)) (Nickel) (Copper) ABLIVIN, A.- P.-I RWPMMI P. .X..0.and LEONT-YEV, A. 1. "Investigation of Heat Transfer and Resistance at Motion of a Heated Air in Diffusers and Confusors." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk) BSSR, June 1961. ABLOB ; CHAPURINA, L.F.; BELICHUX, N.I. L2- y -I. V - Tnfrared absorption spectra of metallic derlvitlves of diacetyloxime hydrazone. Zhur.neorg.khim. 11 no.102-75 A 166. NnA 19el.) 1. Tnstitut khimii AN Moldavakoy SSR. Submitted June 8, 1964. AUC,'T', L.A., inzh.; Drilling roc',cs Transp. stroi. VL'I'LICIEV, V.P., inzh. for embedding pole foundations of 01UPI.crt's. 11 no.2QU, '2- V 161. ('. 1. 4', Ili,: 7 ) (Bri-ii-,,s-Foiindatican and viien) VELICHKO., V. P. j, inzh.; APIOP _E-.A. Sinking reinforced co=rete shells in removable guides* Transpe strcio 12 no.2;20-23 F 162o (HIRA 15:7) (Bridges-Foimdations and piers) PLOGIX, E.A., inzh. Filling the boreholes and shellm of the foundations of bridge footings with concrete underwater. Transp. stroi. 12 no.8: 17-20 Ag 162, (NIRA 15:9) (Bridges-Foundations and piers) (Concrete construction) AELOGIN, L.A. Temperature regulating device. Energetik 10 no.4t2-4-25 Ap 162. (MIRA 15W (Temperature regulators) Sov/100-58-6-10/11 1MCHOR Pullmanov, N.V.,Caudidate of Technical ScienceS. Ablogin, X.A.lEggineer. TITLE: The 'Breaking up of Frozen Soils and Materials by means of Compressed Air. (Razrushentre smerzshikhsya gruntov i materialov szhatym vozdukhom.) PERIODICALs Mekhanizatsiya Stroitel'stva, No 6 1918 USSR p 30-31 .5 p ABSTRACTs The authors of this artiole are dis--,usaing the problems of the application of compressed air for breaking up frozen soil and othor materials. The Ametican, and French examples in applying this blasting method for use in the coal mining industry led the authors to investigate the possibilities of applying this method for breaking up frozen ground (see A.D, Ignatlyevand D.I. Adanidze - "Blastinp ., by means of Compressed A~r"-"Vzryvan.]ye szhatym. vc?7,dukhom vysokogo davleniyal, published ifif1Zarubezhfi&ya te'-hnika"t-~ U.-letekhizdat in 1956.) A blasting hole is drilled in the ground and a prioumAic cartridge is inserted in the hole to which compressed air is supplied. The impact of Card 1/2 Sov/100-56-6-10/11 The Breaking up of Frozen Soil and Other Materials by Means of Compressed Air. the compressed air provides the blasting effect. The prototype of the pneumatic blasting equipment vas constructed in the TsEIL of N11%11T. Figure 1 illustrates details of the pneumatic cartridge; it resembles a cylinder and is 11500 mm long and 65 mm in diameter. A detailed descrip- tion of its various parts ana how it operates is given. Tests have been carried out vith this machine at temperatures of -5 to -120C. Figure 2 illustrates the results of a series of three tests. Very g -3od results were obtained vhen frozen sand was blasted. A volume of lm of sand vas broken up using compressed air of 80atm and a blast hole of 70cm depth. These teats proved very satisfactory and the machine could be recommended. If highly compressed air is used the output of breaking up increases accordingly. To improve this machine further it must become mobile and a diesel-compressor must be added of high compression (DK-2 and DK-10). There are two figures. 1. Soils--Processing 2. Construction equipment--USSR Card 2/2 3. Compressed air--Applications ABLONCIO Pal; FUREDI-SUB0. Marianne Studies of the 13lood proteins in pernicious anemia. Orr hatil 95 no.13:348-35IRr 154. ("AL 3:8) l.ADebrocani Oryostudowzyi Ygyatem I. oz. Balklinikajanak %igasgato: Fornet Bela dr. egyat tana ) keslemanys. (AREM. PUNCIOUS, blood in *proteins) (BLOOD PROTNIFS, In various die. *anemia, pernicious) ARLONCZY, Pal, dr.; GTONGTOSI, Andor, dr. Case of hemostransfusion shock with direct diaso reaction in Eh-incompatibility. Orr. hetil. 95 no.32:881-883 8 Aug. 44. 1. A Debracent Orvostudomamyl Iffatem I. as. Belklinikajamak (igazgato: Yornet Bela dor. egyat. tanar) as Szulo as Robeteg Ilinikajanak (Igazgato: Array Sanlor dr. eg7et, tanar) kozlemerqe. (RH FACTCRS inoompatibility, blood transfusion causing hemolytia reaction) (BLOW TRAMUSION, In various die. Rh-incompatibility, causing hemolytic reaction) (HIMOLTSIS hemolytic reaction to blood transfusion in Rh-incompatibility) A-11LONCZY. Pal. dr.; URI, Jossef, &r. To which protein fraction is vitamin B12 bound? Paper electrophoretic studies in normal and pernicious conditions. YAW . belory. arch. 8 no.6:183-187 Dec. 55 l.A Debreceni Orvostudomarqi Zgyetem I. ez Belklinikajan (Igazgato: Dr. Fornet Bala egyetfti tanar) an G7og7szertani Intezetenek (Igazgato-. Dr. Valyi-Nea Tibor egyatami tanar) kozl, (VITAHIF B12 protein binding in normal & pernicious anemic blood, determ. by now combined alectrophoretic & microbiol. method (Hun)) (BLOCD PROMINS vitamin B12 binding in normal & pernicious anemic blood, daterm. by now combined electrophoretic & microbiol. ,method (Hun)) (AHMIA, PUNICIOUS, blood in vitamin B12 protein binding (Hun)) ABLONCZY Pal dro "MW Zi6o;irg"W& Tboorstical, and practical considerations on basal metabolism in narcosis. Orv. betil. 96 no.1:9-13 2 Jan 55. 1. A Debreconi Orvostudomanyl lastem I. oz. Balklinikajanak (igasgato: Pornot. Bela dr. egyetaxi tanar) kotlemenye. (ANXTRISIA, ~ basal metab, in.) (BASAL XNADOLISM, in anestb.) LBLONGZT, Pal "*~~Vpsmon, emoptyais. Magy. belorv. arch. 12 no.1:19-23 Fab 59. 1, Debraceni I. Sz. Belklinilm (Igazgato: Dr. Yornet Bela egy. tanar) e& a soproni Allami Szanatorium (Igazgato foorvos: Dr. 11agy Uszlo) k0216MOUYS. IIHEMOPTYSIS. etiol. & pathogen. h.vperteuuiou-(Hun)) (HYPIMTJMIDN, manifest. hemoptysis, stiol. & pathogen (H=)) ABLONOZY.Pal,dr. I Clinical problems and recent studies onIbIUMMIM' Orv. hetil. 101 no.18:629-634 1 MY 160. 1. Soproni Allami Ssanatorium. (BILIRUDIN) CH Complez dipolar salu A INV I 1),uf. 1Wr,-,,d 11-1 . Imir. IPL,A,A,l .4 ilad. Atsiek S.,%.S k Nit. 21, !.1!, ='tlt4s, TIw I I it, . ItItir I k -uggvAC41 Im I tic 111 of Imw CII .111-1 41%111101111 ...... 41111-11LOWACIII, IN y 4-fa.clH. kild ..,W, IX - ON) V Cit ' '(()At I i. .,it,[ Ow -It -I lm,i- C.i quit Im, - i,tillmist at j.1 I X - CII , (or I N - V M ll.,wh CA In to metal in tomstion of metals. A.1 V. AI,IQ%-., I Ki'liellev StAte Univ. 1. btr,t. Spittoon Malisly i IT';-C'TA Blappod. Mda). livil. Obohikrl i Xm,C. Ki)on.. Mid .V,jwk S.S,S.R. Mu, 25. 27 34(19501~ Th~ i,mic-,IiI-I,tr ~irivtxirv 4 uniiiwittiAt" is vich ittat %hen the ticta .'Irr f,wtned the change In the derrmn %heII4 of the srigin.0 .%unubv mifipwinwt 6 wi slight that tb~ -niginal twoU. e.kit lw taken to elliq III the tiva. LV-1 fir,omm-nisl--f hival~nt nwtal UMe- h..%c (lie %finplto --unt-turr I" 1h14 funilly tit evinI.1%. The enurly chanxi s liking Awe, A% a trioult oil cluallr% ill Ow Lillic r Own th" USSR/Chemiatry Card III Pub. 151 - 9/33 Authora t Ablov, A. V., and Popovich, G. A. Title : Complex Cu-salte of alpha-hydroxy acids. Part l.- TritartratotetraculmoatAs of complex Co and Cr cations PericKUcal : Zhur. ob. khim. 24/6, 974-978, June 1954 Abstract : Experimnta-conducted for the purpose of obtaining hardly-soluble-in-water crystal salts with volumetric cations are described. The derivation of crystal salts of the Cat. Cu4T3 composition from a neutral solution contain- ing bivalent Cu and a surplus of ion tartrate through the addition of volu- m:hinua complex tri-charged Cc and Cr cations, is discussed. The content of larger amoimts of H20 molecules in the obtained salts was determined analyti cally. Ten references: 6-USSR; 3-USA and 1-German (1899-1950). Institution s State University, Kishinev Subndtted t November 30, 1953 tM/OhsWastry - Configuration Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 20/14 Autborp Ablov, A. V. Title Spatial configuration of cobalt dioxy1mines Periodic*L Dok. AN &M 97/6p 1019-1022,, Aug 21, 1954 Abstract I Critique and diacusaion on the dioxyimi e9 -tte(!, - The experimental part i the are presei (DH) of -T ----- ----- 21402!] and chloronitro-bis-dimethylglyoximeco-b-a-l-t P as well as results obtained, are described. It wa3 concluded, on the basis of comparisons of results of various other authors, that Co-dioxyimine has a positively trans-configuration. Nine references: 5-USSR; 3-Japanese and 1-German (1906-1948). Draving. Institution State University, Kishinev Presented, by 1 Academician 1. 1. Chernyaevp April 15, 1954 - - .- .. I I . I , . I ~f' I Jut e DUlamuts In the btlisviin of vatIms #III L Itteistdor, of t1aft pu- jJ0M..1=-1Lt with the IT--n-ob3mov. fererf. Srktora Fkhmy --kgmw. -Mtkkd i Nforg. xhim.. AW. Nato). S.S.S.R. 20. (NCh)W)Br is obtained by Intvactiom of 6d. 1113t (abol't with JCo(NlT.),(NO6),)JINOj; with 2.% ttBr m xckd yield of jQ4NH.4(N")BrjBrj is oMuintd, and with 4717,. hDr. crystalsof the (Co(NH~.)613rl)Brsitrecvbti%ined, Prelm. details are given. Tbr brown-black ayttah (brown-yellow Under tbt mktowDp-0) ate practically Instil. in 1110 conig. ex- cem 111)r; 14 HDr-tree water they radu&lly decomp')m wilb rvolu!ion Cd Bre, and fom a " "n. chamorristic for The ~Ahs. With aminembalt, I ~ 1 11137 pmducel the nOC01---at tTil)TMidt; with 1 2 1111r, jCc~ Nil, ~.(K'O~)Brj Br is fcwmrd. III pm'uces from tl~e carrt-qw,ndirg &iks only CdJv with be 671,'0 111, With 1:3 111. a mixt- of polyizKfie~A ('lvaTjiDjCmPnAs(>blak)H. Whvithztroiluct3obtained I;itb tht 1:3 111 an.- brated to the c=pIett cunversi.n o! the Cloctle Wt. dark-brown jCc4Nl1,L(N&AjI, is Zahird it] g,wA yirm ri,~ poiriwiae is pjrti.dly dr-mpo-1 ABI,OV,A.V.; SYRTS07A,G.P. . Complex compounds of Report no.2. Bromo no-30:76-85 155. trivalent cobalt vith dimethylglyorime. derivatives. lzv.Sekt.plat.i blag-met. (KLRA 8:8) 1. Kishinevskly Gosudarstvennyy univeraitet. (Cobalt organic compounds) ABLOV, A.V.; WBANOV, N.I. , Diversity and behavior of geometric cobaltskamine isomrs. Part 1. Isv.Sakt.plat.i blag.met. no.31:95-100 '55. (KIRA 015) (Cobalt compounds) (Isomers and isomerization) USSR/ Physical Chemistry - Crystals Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Mum, No 4, 1957, 1095~ B-5 are predominantly covalent. Tetrahedral structure, according to the au- thors, must be attribured also to other blue-colored products of COX type. Authors contend that alpha- and beta-mDdifications of complex 2&2 compounds of Co (2+) (blue and purple) are not cis- and transisomers. To the purple modifications should probe-bly be ascribed a chain structui,e vith coordination number 6. Card 2/2 AYILOV, A.V.; BATYR, D.G. Complex copper salts ofa~-oxy acids. Part 2. Trimesotartratotetra- cuprates. Zhur.noorg.khim. 1 no.2:251-256 7 156. (MLRA gslO) 1. Kisbinevskly gosudare tyenW. universitet. ('opper tartrates) (Compounds, Complex) Cute&ory: U SSR Abs Jour: ItZh--YJ-,, No 3, 195Y', 7779 C C00,111-) 14C -j -15H,0, andL r- S173 Z Cu C 0 U' L CulOC261116042 5 iTt" j 25 1120. In the opinion of the authois thS complex '~ 1 H 0 11 consists of two anions - 7, - and a r,,oleculTC28u- 6') 1 7 4 Or 11 I CU4C12H 013 _/ 2 11-2 6 whicli are held together in the crys'ia laj~ice by hydroGen bonds: L-TCuj;C F 0 )11CUC 'XI 0 Cwi(c if 0 Cu) In aqueous solutions where A3d~tll 0~ ns do'lngt6favoAli~ AF-mahion of hydrogen bonds, large end comlex ions such as II probably are not formed. Card '2 / 2 -13-