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I a I '~-c , - ~~ -, 7Z,-. " - , 1~ I % lcvi, T--. 7 --, L . . . I t'' - .- ~ -~ 1~ I I - - T he medrianisin or ~7r sirmili-x conditiors for cation-r-~Iyrneri,-4~uzy monomers. - *- -- 4- A-fn i-)riu -qy,t has- 2 fir-dres ;li,.d I table. ~W3 r;.11.; jIIIQ-,,1E()VSYIY, Pjl.; AMIN) A.b. I ,-!echanimr, of radiation- Induced polymerizatlon of ethylene. Dokl. AN SSSI~ 156 no- 5:1150-1153 je 164. (M I RA 17: 6) 1. Fiziko-khimicaoskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom S.S.Medvedevym. ACCESSION 11Rt AP4040956 S/0020/64/156/005/1150/1153 AUTHORs Gerasimov,'G. N.j. Khomikovskiy, F. M., Abkin, A. D, TITLE: Ethylene radiation polymerization mechanism SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dorklady*, v. 156, no. 5, 19641 1150-1153 TOPIC TAGS: ethyleiie, ethylene polymerization, alkyl radical, polyethylenep EPR, EFR spectrum) trans-vinyl bondp polymer ABSTRACTs Radiation polymerization of ethylene at temperatures below the polymorls melting point is chnracterized by the fact that the reaction rate is increased at the beginning of the process,, attains a maximum and then decreases. This observed effect is not associated with a change in the-gaj3oous phase composition but is determined by the accumulation of the solid polymer. The present work is a study of the kinetics of radiation polymerization of ethylene with the help of, a spccially-designed dilatometer in which the reaction rate was measured under rigidly constant pressure. The dilatomoter design is to be described in a special article. Ethylene whose composition was given by S. S. Modvedev et al (Vyookomolek. aoyed. 2. (1960); 904) was used in the experiment. The polymerization was carried out on a K-60000 gamma radiation source at 100-250 at.#; oil ACCESSION NR: AP4040956 25-550 temperature and dose"ge rate (I) of`9 rad/sec. The kinetic curves-are' characterized by a rate maximum Wmax. The radiation polymerization of ethylene .,'ca~. proceed in the gaseous phase and in the solid polymer owing to the dissolved ithylene contained in the polymer. Exper*ent shows that the life period of 1i ~tadiation polyethylene radicals at room temperature order of magnitude with the dark reaction Mriod. The radicals have a~heptacomponent EFR spectrum which is characteristic'of allyl radicals. The cocristallization of th, radicals with the polymer rhdicals takes place yery rapidly. The concentration of the radicals in the gaseous phase is extremely low and can be disregarded through the Interaction of these radicals with the radicals in the polrpor. The overall change in polymerization rate depends to a.large deeree upon the 1 probability of the radical transition between individual areas of the solid polymer., Two models of polymerization were examined& (1) the polymer is a homogeneous system,, and (2) the polymer is a collection of noureacting homo eneous areas which are formed at diverse times. The polymer in the initial .9 stage is fc=ed in the shape of a charged and highly-diBpersed aerosol, I. e'* the second%model is realized. The particle size of the polymer decreases strongly with degree of conversion and the "consequence" of the first model -grows. MAhematical anilysis shows that the first model is o' haracterimed. by a rate maximump but that the period for attaining this maximum is much less than L. Card ra ACCESSION NRt AP4040956 that o~s6rfed experimentally, Ac~ording to the second model, the polymerization rate should grow rithout.interruptign with accumulation of the solid polymer. The polymerization rate will be reduced with docreaser -in - , polymer particle size. Hence, the*experimontal kinetic curve will lie between the kinetic curves for the first andsecond models* Orig. art, has: 4 figures., 1 table and 2 equations. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimiobeskiy institut in. L. Ya. Karpova (Physics and Chemical Institute) SUBM&1ZDt 25NoV63 ENCLj 00 SUB CODE: OCP OF 110 REF SOV: OD6 WHERs 017 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4020709 S/0000/63/000/000/0208/02)2 AUTHOR: Sheynker,'A. P.; Yarov, A. S.; A uer, A. L.; Abkin, A. D. TITLE: Investigation of the radiation-induced polymerization of methylmethacrylate and butadiene at temperatures above and below their melting points SOURCE: Karbotsepny*ye vy*sokomolekuiyarny*ye soyedinenlya (Carbon-chain macro- t molecular compounds); sbornik statey. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 208-212 i TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, radiation polymerization, ethyl chloride, butadiene, methylmethacrylate, Isotactic polymer. syndlotactIc polymer, cryostat, low tem- perature palymerization ABSTRACT: The effect of temperature an the rate of polymerization of methylmetha- crylate and butadlene under the influence of x-rays from cobalt-60 was Investigated over a wide range (from 20 to 4)OC for mathy)mathacrylate and fro;.. Ci to -196C for butadiene). The rate of polymerization of methylmethacrylate decreased with de- creasing temperature. The molecular weight of mothylmethacrylate polymers also decreased with decreasing temperature of polymerization from )9 to -50C. How- ever, during the polymerization of methylmethacry)ate In the solid phase close to the melting point of the monomer, the molecular weight Increased considerably. cpsltyl~ata on polymethylmethacrylate showed that at -50 and -60C an-isotactic- ~e cc 2 ACCESSION NR: AT4020709 syndiotactic block polymer is formed. The rate of polymerization of butadiene under the same conditicns was higher at -78C than at either 0 or -196C. The rate i of polymerization of butadiene increased considerably In the presence of ethyl chloride. A cryostat of special construction used for the experiments is describ-, ed and illustrated. "The authors thank S. P. Trembacheva and L. G. Kry*lova for their participation In the experiments." Orig. art. bias.: 5 fIgures. ASSOCIATION: Fizlko-khimichaskly Institut Im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-Chemtcal Institute) SUBMITTED: 28jun62 DATE ACQ: 20Mar64 ENCL: 00 1 SUB CODE: OC NO REF SOV: -004 OTHER: 009 Card 2/2 7f t vw- %I A TOPIC Ti racli-,--tion PthVI-171ol. Card cammm%ugmoppum 1. - . . - '1 ACCESSION'\M: 0 9~ P. -9-7- hrptnmw Ab-sMIATIOIN: None Card 2/43 Card Chu-Huian -nng iiCE- AN SSSR I )n k 1 n ri -.r* IS7 I u A dl i An,2 I' A~u OL -Ir Lill iVVE1, A- X-. r,. r". 9 -2 ACCESSION NR~ AP4047949 -f M-ff(I 'he rs wr ~)f I and 11 chringed from ridirnI Mvr() r,,r-) t h, iA 4- t ive t- the C~J'A- C'HCN ~,ftf- ta were th )uzht SUB OC, GC NU REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 005 Cz.-d 2/ 2 U~V-~V, V.F.; AlIMN, A.D. of th,~ addJtlon of saturated lhydro(!irlx),-,3 (,r.. 4,1,e radintl-gn polymerization nf eth~Lene . Flast. mas.-y nc,.Iltl,1-%',4 1 6j" ([!U'al 18:1) USHAKOV, 70.- MPI'Vr-YEVA, A.V.; SLOVOKHOTOVA, N.A.; KHOMIKOVSKIY P.M.; p .9 ABKIN, A.D. Radiation polymerization of diketone In tho solid and liquid states. Vysokom.soad. 7 no.7:11.65-1170 J1 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. F1ziko--kh-'micheskiy institut imeni Karpova. ROZOVSKAYA, 11.11.; SaymR, A.P.- IT4, A.D. I-LiBIK _".- y1 acr7late In ethyl Radlutlc~n-indueed polymerization of meth- chloride solition. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.8:1383-1387 Ag 165. (MLRA 18:9) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova AN SSSR, Moskva. ROZCVSKAYA, N.N.; SHEYNKER, A.P.;.ABXIN,_A.D, Radiation polymerization of' methyl acrylate In triathylamine and tetrahydrofuran solution. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.8:1388-1393 Al 165. (HTRA 18-.9. 1. FIziko-khifnIcheskiy institut imen't. L.Ya.Karpova AN SSSR, Moskva. L 3-153-66 EWr(m)/E-PF(c)/EF!F(n)-2/WP(J)/T/EWA(c) RP WW GG FM ACUESS1 H NR: AP5022590 UR%1 5 500,11 0.111 Y6007100k9 66.095.26+6 a. 7 71" 46 C Z' AUrHOR,9t Rozovj!~a~N~,,N*j ;S)i~&~r A~. P.; Abk A D TITLEi C -'~Inid acliLonitril 0 rization 16J' uk~hZl acr ate Lth'skArqi in triethylamine solution, Third conminication in the series "Investigation of the radiation polyzaarization machanian of methyl acrylate in various solvents at low SOURCEs Vyaokomolekulyarnyye soyedinaniya, Y. 7p no. 9, 1965, 1500-1503 TOPIC TAUS: methyl aerflate,, styrene, acryloultrile, copolymor" polymer,, anionia polymerization, radiation polymerization ABSTRACT.-o-7he low temporature copolymorization of mothyl acrylate with styrene and acrylonitrile in triothylamine solution was investigated, The investigation Is an extenaion of experiments on the radiation polymerization of MtAyl acrylato in different solvents carriecf out by N. N. Rozovskaya.. A. P. Sheynker, and A6 D. Abkin (Vysokomolek, soyod., 7# 1381j, 1965). The experimental method employed wail described previously by A, Pe Sheynker And A. D Abkin, (Vyaokomolekl soyed*0 3# 716, 1961)o The results aro shown graphically isse Fig. 1 on the Enolosurs)o 1 Card 113 L 2253-66 ACCESSION NRI 'AP5022590 9 It was found that the copolymerization of methyl acrylate and styrene in trjqtNTl- amino proceo&3 via a radical mechaniam at OC and via a radical or anionic mooh- aniam at -78C., depending on the amount of styrene in the mixture, The copolymep. ization mechanism for the reaction between mothyl acrylate and acrylonitrile changes from a radical one at 00, to an anionic mochaniam at -78C# *The authors thank 9. A. Samwakayn IMd I* No Muromtsava for tho elemental composition analy.- sis or the copolywreaT orig. art. hasi 3~7xpha. V, 5 11 " . -5 d ';~ q j ,,c ASSOCIATIONs Fisiko MiMcheskiy inst JA0 L, Ta, Karpova itut institute) SUBMITTEDs Wep" ENCLs 01 BURCOM 0Cp 00 NO REF SM 005 OTZRe 001 Card 2/3 L 1153-66 ACCEWIOX NRt AM22590 b ENCU)SURE 0 r4 IV, Fig, 1, Dependence of the initial copolymerization rate of methyl acrylate (MI) and styrene in triethylamine solution on com- position of the nonomorlo mixtura. (70 rad/sac)t a- 00, 2.5 Car.d mole/literi b- -78Ct I- concentration 0,5$ 2-..2*5 mole/liter L 2927-66 _ EViT(m)/F1-F(C)/Efftn)!- WA A(l) RIL P j ACCESSION NRi AP5022 UR/0190/65/007/009/1597/1603:! 66.095.~6+678.742 AUTHORSt Popova, A. I.; Sheynker,, A. P.j Akin, A. D. TITLE: Ra4ation polymerization Dllfslobut~Zlena%n various solvents Y SOURCE2 Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, Vo 7, no, 99 1965~ 1597-1603 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, radiation polymerization, gamma radiation, isobutylonej, inhibitor radiolysiss diisobutylene ABSTRACTs The kinetics of radiation polymerization of isobutylene was invectigated in methylene chloride,, d:Lfluorodichloromethane, tatrafluoromethane, azetone, ethylpropylketons, and betrahydrofuran.. The preparation of test specimens and the experimental procedure are described. The polymerization was carried out at a monomer concentration ranging from 0,5 to 12*0 mole/liter, at -780~ 70 rad/Boo. It was found that the rate of polymerization for isobutylene in methylene chloride, and difluorodichloromethane at -78C under the effect of gamma rays is higher thigi in bulk polynwization. The'rate of polymerization of isobutylene in decreased by the addition of previously irradiated polyisobutylone. The inhibitor of car~-O L 2927-66 ACCMION NRi AP5022607 polymerization--cliisobutylone--is formed as a result of the polymer radiolysis. The initial rate of polymerization is plotted against concentration of isobutylenee, A small amount of CF2012 increases the rate of polymerization. This increase is due to the formation of Ml resulting from the radiolysis of the reaction mixture* Data concerning the affect of isobutylene concentration on the molecular weight of~. the resulting polymers in difluorodichloromethanoland methylleno chloride show that polymers of higher molocula-r--w-eTg-R--a-r-o-To-rm--eT71-n7di~luorodichloramethane. It was established that in the polymerization of isobutylene dissolved in alkyl halides, the reaction of initiation by H+ ions is highly important. The polymerization is completely inhibited by acetone, tetrahydrofuran) and ethyl propylk6tone. 'Tabulated data show the inhibiting effect of GF4 on the polymerila- I ti.on of isobutylenee The experimental data confirm earlier theories of the protonic mechanism of the initiation of iaobutylane polymerization under the effect of nuclear radiations.' Orig. art. hass 3 figures and 4 tables. ASSWIATIONs Fiziko-k-bdmicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-Chamical Institut!) SUBKITTEDi l9Oct64 ENCLi 00 SUB CODEt 0G) 0C NO REF SOV 010 OTHM 2 013 Card _2/2- ALrlliopi; Fi lishte-sm. Ye I.- Abkint Ap Da -m~ - - Ake - & - u '. -U', ~ I Ui~ LnAl - ru'j-.; elin; ilv~,%j ~VZzn: ,.'I vu- . I -I .:. -.~ 5uuiuuilQL; Cz,-J 2/2 . ~ j1phIN, D.E.; I tOrT Im I, rld yl ow: I. cri toni tis in k1dr. llo-3:42-4t') 6r,. 18:0 ot('-~c~n~ya Dotsi*oy balln-Asy imeni. Raukhfilon (zlav. - kami miod. I ..i.j~vloon I V.1"'.8olovskaya) , Imfedra khirio,'gii detAocc (zav. vq-of. G.A.Balrov) Leningrad- skogo pediatrichcFiv,ro jrit"~t~lnokcr..o instituta. L AEKIN,D.E. (Leningrad) V-53, V.O.p I-ya liniyap d. 50, kv.31) Cystic formations of the mesenteries in children. Vest. khir. 90 no.5:113-118 My'63 (MIRA 170) 1. 1z khirurgicheskikh otdelsniy detsko) bollnitsy inenA Raukhfusa (zav. - D.B.Avidon i V.M.Solovslm- ya, glav-iyy vrach - Y.N. Speranskaya); khirurgicheskogo ot- deleni)-a detskoy bollnitsy Jmeni Pastera (zare - I.Yao Podoprigora [decease&bglavnv..v vrach - M. Y%. Sadikova) i b.iz kafedry khirurgii detskogo vozrasta ( zav, - profo G.A& Bairor) Leningradskogo pediatrich-3skogo maditsinskogo in- StitUta. AA A 11 %ooialum mod theit *uft. (tz 1. .67170M)'-usta lut gl"u .17ff WUpw of diying an UW twow"im. 0S LICI&MOUCat tIVIIJAWNI CVMWKAT*% 00 see see 4:041 woo use lbU611 0 11, 41 0 0 re LZI P900141.1% WDIR 04 664 : 00 t 00 -L-A-A -A- A-A-J- IL M. 00 awlas c as ultrafter. a F. H. It. Ik It 0-0 an u s 4, .0 mil F-r- - o ,It all a, TM 41 IV *so 00**60 090 :00 00 0 0 oo**0 0 **.LAY Ow aw. 0I - I Is 'Pot so woo me* eve Xoe So* '00 al "o I- Ls T Tam m ##SKI 6SNG7;i-;iip1 00101411,11. ; Wc', 0 x1_ ZZAJ. _C rrom tin L At Kepawkbe 1061. Na. 2. 1M-1 00 f I Tbf" 'am . re(oll h a " o'dim. fradims W platin verve Asevved: (1) Od. at is', 12) KA. ad 32'. and (3) mol. at a Mober t"Op. TW Idebw the i temp. kit vibich it diwilm. Otr greater is the mumptW 00 a AW putht, PlIfOrb. (341111till 10 Id 11W 4701114. Of a m(m), t. 11M X 10 & wftbmt plittim to eq i INO X 10 6 at a qviatin v"m. of IMS nit, sw 1. Tbm j-s was so dillermw in tkv WAvior W tbr vatims bactims of mcimin in " t"Port. 11W conw. of mA altralkhrme Ocamo. -3 The kmw* of elm tend. by rUtim k mitriloosd tomt 060 fit* brlwwm the rklin and fm Cl 4" 11 kw 1 tin 00.1 the pff(MI), mWomimm. TU Oftstor irfed m the shirs. filtvale is r , I , I bw thee amm"Iews that In the Sam- 0611 96M Mo* go tho Pdatift at , , W" Silicon" ef pok- *a a (ON), and avown hap air eher #dab V*b Jim tons. Obita t% dw W 1" 11131 Ad OA 11111112111 Is trwe to ~ I*b an Imm. Gelatin iftor"W" UO PH of the otl mW of #I* WW*ADUo*. of 64 MVW Ibm mm 0601111 0011M 400 gdmk. *b %M&OAN FOOH)a an sgftd k7 I M 0 71-4" Ms.. S 1b-111 t.;ZW by I%WOM M 4 1'. or (8) :1 :i 710-9= mg. per 1. Rml~,Omob`,. I A cavulallan Tbm. the tam 'A frardeft Is an total a 1i Iwo , I two" plailk mien into 11 . 1=61.00 Om the 2 Itisdis al n6COMM4 a town. "WOW an t 41 INIUMOOKAt L"Ithlutt Ct&%WK*Vmu 6-7-1 J-r U 0 if 40 ft 0 A It x 0 a A m .0t.34- -,JIL...A _A - A ~ 0 Ab -4 -4,A' ati-ii -A m 4wpWtd MWd. Watla CONN"W It Albillm tb thaw with Dabs grotqo at the ftmh. T% blaw OW41. Pend lrwtkm art aditartwd an the bw vm%ci of The by-' TIM with the hydmcwboo St. out. decOmobe vabolit embim &keg that by4romrbm cbsims favd%g a d- protective No. The kagrVaed pbtin bacdm mastot ;mm a dew so. wv odmbrA Is %bo by- Itimpbobe c In the tam a loote lay" toww"am k7m of an &deortftt PA. Ttick protmOve MOM IS theMope Im. S. M. LkWov. Md. 117-W.-The nockus at a r4owdod oob*W Pattick is " 0011111 TU!vQG" from the Lansm"Ir GAWWim Imotherm'. a SS $KtAI + T* stability at a Wicle Mo be dArmet"tard by )I - X/5. Won x 1. *A mabilley is estate. When x - 0 Stability b at Sales. Omim"* 0 is twta"m %OWAI. ekhw by ken or by potactive partiche vmUvW samPla- Mom would be tme wift. and not op. Wbm Od- Won I betw"m protitctittl mmis lot Um Pwtk*o Will rwbmW. Thr pankiam will act a"repte mbm as un- the cted am al mw cma6da with a lt~ cm 61 only wbon two UnpMected arna QdMk will the pill. The I . reaction I - - ON 13110- &W the kes has no proamethl oft" #Ad me- so "t . it do" not 1"W" the PA" how t6w One ed the cwkw VA cob imm the mdatin. The secoe etap lavchn stimptim of be- partkim an the trov mwtom of the 11pbobe adwrtion tabu vNim only an by lems- V I", fW JA 4-V '&SV T er was 690 Re 090 goo Co a No* MO 0 ABKIIU, G.L. (Moscow) Subject matter and forrmilation of certain concepts in atom ic-mole,.-Ular thoory. IChim.v Phkole 10 no.2-.Al-65 Hr-Ap 155. (VILRA 8.7) (Chomintry, Physical and theoretical) ABKIN, G.L, (Noekv&)~ Rztent and methodo-og 1104y.of Oxidation-reduction reactions In high schools, Khiz, v shkole 12 n0.3:26-29 KY- '57. (WLRA 10r6) (Oxidation-Reduction reactionle ABKIN, Grigorly Iazzarevich; SAVIL'YEVA. P.N.. red.; PONCHARINA, A.A., tekhn. - -.:-- . red. [Methods for calculati problems in chemistry; manual for students ILI of intermediate schools Metodika resheniia vyehislitellnykh zadach po khimii; posd'D'Le dlia uchitelei arednei shkoly. Moskva, Goa. uchebn-upedagog, izd-vo M-va proev.*RSPSR, 1958. 157 p. (Chemistry--Problems, exercises, ate.) (MIRA 11:9) ABKIN, G.L. (Moscow) Dimensionality in solving chemical numerical problems. Xhim. v shkole 13 noa4:17-22 Jl-Ag '58. (MIRA 11;6) (Chemistry--Problems, excercises etc.) -ABKIN,,_Grigqriy.lazvxevich;.-MAKMOVA~ V.V... red.; SHLIKHT, A.A.., tekhn, red.; KORVEMA, V.;., tekhn. red. (Problers and e~wrcises in general and inorganic chemistry; manual for the studints of pedagogical institutes] Zadachi i uprazhneniia po obahchei i neorganicheekoi khimii; posobia dlia atudentov pe- dagogicheskikh institutov. Moskva, Goa. uchebno-peda 0g. izdA-Vo H-va proov. RSFSR, 1960. 198 p. PRA 3~il) (ChE--%istry-Problemop exercisess etc*) ABKIN, Ye.D.. inzh. Business accounting on consty-action sites. Strol.prom. 27 no.8:7-10 A Lig. (MIRA 13:2) &n'structlon in4ustry-Accounting) 28-1-10/42 AUTHOR: Abk1n, Yu.A., Engineer, and Go~dberg, Sh.M., Engineer TITLE: Parts of Geologic Test Drilling Strings (Detali burillnykh geologorazvedoohnykh kolonn) PERIODICALt Standartizatsiyal # 1, Jan-Fab 1957, P 48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On 1 January 1957, the state standards listed below were put into effect for the first time in the Soviet Union: 1. ,rOCT 7909-~56" for geologic test-drilling pipes and pipe couplings, which will include the formerly used pipe steel 1136r2C" and "A" , steel grades 1140XI'and 1130XrC"(,,roCT 4543-4899 as well as heat treatment by quenching and high annealing (which is practiced abroad). * 2. 'TOCT 7918-56" for core-drilling pipe locks, which in- cludes two types of looks,"A:11 and"B", of slightly different design (it is yet to be seen which of the two types is practical). 3- ,rOCT 8004-56" for transition couplings of the two most extensively used types - one type for switching over from the drill string to the coring pipes and the other type for swit'ch- ing over from the drill string to the string of rods and also Card 1/2 to the sludge pipes. Parts of Geologic Test Drilling Stiinga 28-1-10/42 With the previously approved state standard for casing and coring pipes and their nipples ("roCT 6238-52")g only cutting tips and sludge pipes remain unstandardiz6d. Until now, many Ministries and organigations used the norms of the Ministry of Geology, but these norms were only obligatory in the latter's system. It is stated that test-drilling is spreading to various other regions, and enormous sums are being spent for it. The maximum depth of drilling is &t the present time 1200 - 1500 m, and it will soon be increased to 2000 m. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 14(5) SOV/1.52-59-8-6/18 t'1.UT11ORS: AbkLn,_XR.A.,and Veselov, V.F. TITLE: on the Standard for Shot Bits PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr B., pp 25-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Komitet standartov, mer i izmeritellnykh priborov pzi Sovete ministrov SSSR (The Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Equipment at the USSR Council of Ministers) has introduced a new standard, GOST 6250-59, replacing the old GOST 60-50-52, for shot bits used in test core-drilling. The standard was developed by the Tsentral"no e konstruktorskoye byuro (Central Design Office~ of the Mlinisl[xy of Geology and Conservation of Mineral Resources of the USSR. Preparatory work and testing of different types of steel vias carried out by the Urallskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (Urals Geological Direc- torate) together with the Sverdlovskiy gornyy insti- tut (Sverdlovsk "Jining Institute). As a result, Card 1/3 steel of the marks U12SL, G-13L, 30KhGSA and 40 Kh SOV/132-59-84-6/18 On the Standard for Shot Bits was recommended for the fabrication of bits. The Committee also took into consideration the results of tests carried out by the Moskovskiy geologoraz- vedor,hnyy institut. (the Moscow Geological-Prospec- ting Institute) in the trest ArtemuGlegeologiya (Artemuglegeolo-iya Trust), by the Fiziko-tekhniches- kaya laboratorlya tresta Altaytsvetmetrazveclka (Phy- sico-Technical Laboratory of the Altaytsvetmetraz- vedka Trust),and by I.A. Ostroushko. No unanimity was achieved in regard to the choice of the mark of' steel, so supplementary industrial tests were carried out with bits produced by the Deotyarskliy melthani- cheskiy zavod (Degtyarka 1.11cchanical Plant) from steel of 4CKh, 30KhGSA and 45 "marks" by the Ural'--- sko,yo Ceoloricheskoye upravleniye (Urals, Geologi- cal Directorate)pthe Sredne-Ural~'skaya i Balf-lal"- skaya partii (Middle-Urals and Bakal Parties), the Goologicheskoye upravleniye t3entrallnykh ray- Card 2/3 onov (Geological Directorate of Central Rayons), SOV/132-59-8-6/18 on the Standard for Shot Bits the Belgorodskaya i Llgovskaya ekspeditsii (Belgorod and Llgov expeditious), the South Kazakh-- stan Geological Directorate ~he Sayakskaya partiya (Sayak Party) and the West Eberian Geological Directorate (the Rudnyy Altay EXDedition). Finally, the Committee approved GOST 6250L59, according to which shot bits must be made from steel of 30KhGS and 40Kh marks with a heat treatment up to 240-300 N Hardness. Their basic construction characteristicS Rre,, 1) thickness of walls - 10 mm; 2) inclined gro8ve of a constant width, angle of inclination - 70 ; 3) width of the groove 1/6 of the middle circum- ference of butt; 4) height of the groove - 150 mm. The new standard will come into force on I January 1960. ASSOCIATION: TsKB Ministers4va geologii. i okhrany nedr SSSR (the TsKB of the Ministry of Geology and Conserva- tion of Mineral Resources of the USSR) Card 3/3 ABKIXA, A.H., ingh. -.,. Ioningrad Oil Combine. Hael.-zhir. prom. 23 no.llt36-38 157. (Ioningrad-Oils and fats-History) (MIRA lltl) (latilngrad--Hargarine--Histor.v) ABKIIIA, N.A.. inshener. Increasing the productivity of the continuous-action screw-type kneader. Masl.-zhir.prom. IS no.6:30-31 is '53. (KLUA 6:6) 1. Lon2hirkombinat. (Mixing machinery) BZZUGLOV, I-Ye.; EJRDrUMOV, V.N., inzh.; V rabote prinimali uchastive: GABRILEIIKO, I.V.; GRABOVSKIY, I.I.; YESHCHADIM, A.G.; BEWBORODOV, V.V.; VISHNEFOLISKAYA, F.A.; MATSU, Tu.P.; GAYTSKHOKI, H.I.; USACHLY, A.S.;'ABEINA, N.N.; R'uJMYANTSXVA, A.G.; KOSHELEV, A.P.; GRIGORIYYY, F.L.; .LUKASkiiICH, A.M.; STTAZHKINA, A.G.; MIKRAYLOVICH, A.R.; YEDXPSKIY, P.M.; MASWV, F.Y.; 'KUDRYASHEVA, Z.P.; FROWSHKIN, R.H.; SHTALIBIRG, V.A.; BOYTSOV, R.I. Operational experience vith a new17 introduced oil-extraction line equipped with the DS-70 belt-conveyer extractor. Yeal.-zhir.prom. 26 no.3:29-31 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut zhirov (for Beguglov, Gabrilenko. Grabovskiy, Neshchadim, Beloborodov, Vishnepol'skaya, Hatsuk and Gaytokhoki). 2. Leningradakiy zhirovoy kombinat (for Kurdyumov, Usachev,.Abkina, Rumyantgev&, Koshelev, Grigor'yev, Lukashevich, Styazhkina, Mikhaylovich, Yedemakiy, Maslov, KiAryasheva. Prosmushkin). 3. Leningradskoye otdeleniye tresta "Prodmontash' (for Shtallberg and Boytsov). (Iieningrad--oils atd fate) (&traction apparatus) LEYKIN., I.M.; LEHEDEV, Yu.I.; ANDREYEV, I.I.; BEDA, N.N.; Prinimali ucha-w- tiye: LIVSHITS, G.T..; TERENTIYEVA, Ya.K.; FILONOV, V.G.; G014CHAROV I I.A.; NAFTALOVICH, S.M.; KUPRIKOV, P.Z.; ABKINA, R.I,; ROSHCHINA, A.A.; LUPYAKOV, A.G. Steel of the 18G2-grade. Sbor. trud TSNIICHH no.35:92-101 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1 80 8 3_0 -6 6 'ACC NR: AP6005166 SOURCE CODE; UR/0340/65/000/011/00010043 AUTHOR: Abla!katova.., A. (Research associate) ORG: Biological-Soil Institute, Vladivostok (Biologo-poctivennyy institut) TITLE: Diseases of oleaster in the (Soviet] Far East SOURCE: Zashchita raateniy ot vrediteley i bolezney, no. 11, 1965, 43 ITOPIC TAGS; plant injury, plant parasite, plant disease control , fungus ~ABSTRACT: Diseases afflicting the oleaster and measures for combating them are die-, ;cussetl. Elneagnus multiflora, native to Japan and China, is a rare bush with whited blossoms and elongated droopirg leaves. On the island of Sakhalin it is cultivated q! 'for its fruit and for decorative purpo4es. In recent years, this plant has been 'found Infected with _path;:)geniC fungil,~J'*Phma elacagnelta pr-oduces bark. cancer. The bat+ splits, dries A-d-Nff-soff, eTosing th-- underlying wood which bcgins to rot. q1tonpora elor'lani call,-res cytosporosts, which is characterAllzed by the drying 6uL . !of shooto and ?)ranches. In -LLI probability, this fungus attack-s bushes Only after 'prior weakening by other agents. 'Species of Pusart= infect the tips of- shoots, UDC: 632.4:634.743 lCard. L 18830-66 ACC NR.- AP6()05166'- making them blnnch and dry out. This disease appears to be associated with ndvarse~ Iclinatic corditions, such as unsensonal, frost. Phyflosticta a:ijrj=a causes spot- i ~tjrjr of tb,!) I-edves in'lich leadr. to their prematum shedding, Rcmaval of discased ants and rprayinglare recommended as control measurcs a.-ainst Vicso diGeases. .SUD CODE: 06/ SUBM DAM 00/ ORIG REN 000P OTH Rut ooo Card 2/2 'A- k3 1- A ~~ (~ T /~, ) A - A , USSR/7-ant D13ca-,cs - Dilsca!'~e-, of Cul~.-.*-vated ll--anl~s. 0-2 Alis Jour llcf 2JIur - W-A), -, No 3, 1953, 11256 Author Ablahntova, A.A. Inst Far Eastern Branch of the Academy of ~'clcnce7 U2~'-'l T.1tie The Reasons for Gum Exusion in P-,wji and A,.)ricot Trees of the Primorskiy Ki-ay. Orig Pub Soobshch. Dallnevostoch. fil. Akad Naul~ SSM, 1,056, No 8, '(8-8o Abstract A description is given of Lhe disease's zyrmtons and of L' measures which can be used in combating it. It is caused, in the author's (1p.'Ln-*uzl, by Pseurlom-)nas cera:;l (L.F. Sm'.th). Card 1/1, ABLAKATOVA, A..K. ! 10usarium vilt of Chinese magnollayine shoots. Soob.DV?AN SSSR ,10 - 11: 83-P5 159. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Dallnevostoohnyy filial iment V.L.Romarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Schisaudra-Diseasev and pests) i ABLAKATOVA, A.A. mycoflore. of berry crops in the Maritime Territory# SoobfDVFAN SSSR no,1301-96 160o (MIRA 14:3) 1, Dallnevostoohnyy filial im. V.L.Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR* (Maritime Territory-Pwigip Phytopathogenic) (Berries--Diseases and posts) _A4_ A.A., WVALI . 2. Z. The new fungus Phyllosticts. actinidiae. Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rest. 13:243-244 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Soviet Par last-Dauteromycetes) ABL&KkTOVA, A.A. New species of fungi on Actinidia. ?ot. mat. Otd. spor. rast. 33:244-246 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Maritime Territory--Douteromycetes) ABIAKTOVAv A.A. F=Sus diseases Of Schiaandra chinensis and Actinidia species in the Maritim Territory. Hat. k isuch. zhen'shenia, i lim. no.4&184-190 160* (MIRA 13:9) 1. Dallneyoutoohnyy filial Sibirskogo otdoloniya AN SSSR. (MARITIME TERRITORY--GINSENG-DISEASES AND PESTS) (MARITIME TEPJUTORY-4CTINIDIA-DISEASES AND PESTS) (FUNGIt PHYTOPATHOGENIC) ABLAKATIDVAI.A.~A.; KOVAL', E.Z. - - Fungi of Aotinidia and Schizandra in the Maritime Territor7. Bot. mat. Md. spor. rast. 14:150-158 Ja'61. (MJRA 17:2) ABLUATOVA, A.A, Studying pathogenic fungi of Schisandra and some species cf Actinidia. Biul, Glav. bot. sada no.42:90-95 161. (HIRA 17:3) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR,, Vladivostok. ABLAKATOVA, A.A.; KOVAL',, E.Z. New species of fungi on llanaa In the MarltA916.0----, tory. 163. Ukr. lbot. zhur. 20 no.6:92-94 1. Dallnevostochr47 filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSRj laboretoriya sporovykh rasteniy, I Institut botaniki AN Ukr-SSR, laboratoriya mikologii. FTi - r"'FINKO, A. Yti Y6. tr,~.vs in cf the Fur Fb r. V. AN S""R. Ser. blo], no.Z:60r'a-6212 Jl-~g 16Z. (IMI-M 17:10) 2. Trictit.u.te of Mictobiology, ~,,:aJev 0 c j q f S ien,.~es of tht, U.S.S.R., -ABLAKATOVA, A-Leksandra Aleksandrovna, VASILIY.~,VA, L.Ji., otv. red. [Mycoflora and the basic fungus diseases of fruit and berry plants of the southern Far FAst) Mikoflora I nsnovUe grib- nye bolozni plodovo-iagodriykh rastonii. iuga Dallnego Vostoka. Moskva, Naukaj 1965. 145 P. (MIRA 19:1) 1'-57-7-14973 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, pp 126-127 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ablakov, E. B. TITLE: Soil Reclamation in the Fore-Mountain Plain of the Merkenskiy Collective Beet Farm (Poclivenno-meliora- tivnyye usloviya podgornoy ravniny v predelakh Merkenskogo sveklosovkhoza) PERIODICAL: Tr. Un-ta poclivoved. AN KazSSR, 1956, Vol 6, pp 153- 179 ABSTRACT: The collective farm is located on the left bank section of the Chuya valley. Its soils are light chestnut, meadow-chestnut, meadow (both leached and solonetz-type), meadow-solonetz, meadow-swamp, and swamp. In some places there are found soda-solonchak soils. Where capillary moisture rises, meadow soils Card 1/2 are developed. Meadow-swamp, soils are formed where Soil Reclamation in the Fore-Flountain Plain (Cont.) 14-57-7-14973 the above proces5 is augmented by periodical saturation of soil with fresh alkaline waters which concentrate toxic amounts of soda and alkali. This process produces solonetz and solonetz-containing soils. Saline soils are found only on small highland areas of the collective farm (0-4 in to 0.8 m relative altitude), and only when ground waters lie above 2 m. The alkali-forming stage of salinifi- cat,ion of slightly elevated meadow soils is quite extensive. The author recommends reclamation measures and includes a bibliography of 17 titles. Card 2/2 A. G. T. '.L U L C2 1 ! iiy!! I-L nLL:_I of Soil. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1956, 29472. Author : Ablakov. E.B. Inst : -Not given-.- Title : The Nature of Alkalinity in Excessively Moist Soils. (0 prirode shchelochnosti izbytochno uvlazhnannykh pochv). Orig Pub: Pochvovedeniye, 1957, No 2, 50-58. Abstract: The dynamics of soil alkalinity under rice cult- ivation is studied. Anaerobic conditions are created when the rice fields are flooded and re- duction processes take place; the reduction of Fe and S is espuoially noted. The change in alk- alinity with watering is caused by exchange reac- tions between the salts of tile irrigating water Card 1/2 is BOROVSKIY, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; AB14KQL-Z=az-g-akmich;.,..PZE3VNIKOV, lonstantin Ytikovlevich; kUflVfYANSKIY, Konstantiu Dmitriyevich; BUSONOV, A.I., otv.rei,.; ALEX ANDRIYSKIY, V.V., red.; SHRVCHUK, T.I., red.; ROROKINA, Z,P.*, [Ancient S~7r-Darya Delta and the. northern Kyzyl-Kum; possibi- lities of agil improvement and problems of land reclamation] Drevnisia dnllta Syr-Darli i Severnye Kytyl-Kumy: pochvenno- maliorativnye naloviia i problema sel'Bkokhoziatetvennogo oevooniia. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nank Kazakhskoi SSR. Vol.2. 1959. 418 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Chlan-korrespondent Akademli nauk Kazakhakoy SSR (for Bezoonoy). (SyT-Darya Delta--Soils) (Kyzyl-Kum--Soils) AMU= ., assistant X-ray picture of diseases of the jeints in bracellosia. Med.zhur. Usb, no.1200-56 1) 158, (MIRA 13t7) 1. IZ Wad rentganologii i meditsinskoy adiologii (Sav. - prof. Dlurasulov) Tashkentokogo gosudaretvennogo instituta Ae A usovershor.styovatiya vrachey i kafedry rentgenologif i maditein- skoy radiologii (zav. - doteent G.S. Xrazuetsov) Sawarkandelcogo gosudaretvennogo maditsinskogo instituta. (JOIRTS-DISUSICS) (BRUCUWSIS) ABLAKULOVA, S. B. Cand Med Sci - (dies) "Materials for the roentgenological study of changes in the connective-motor apparatus in brucell.osis." Samarkand, 1961. 15 Pp; (Ministry of Public Health Uzbek SSR, Tashkent State M;ed Inst); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 256) ARLAMMOVA, S.3., ketnd.m(-d.ix&tIk Dynamics of X-ray charaiteristins of bone and joiat lesions in brucelIcsis, Nauch. trudy SamK 21i23-29 Ib2. (MURA 17,5) I It. Iz kafedry rentgenolcgii i meditsinskoy radiolcgi-4 SRmark,sunigkogo meditainskogo instituta i kafed.-y rentgenclogli i meditsinskoy radiolog-Ii. Tashkpn'.skogo instituta usovershenr.-t7ovaniya -rachey. AMMULOVA, Z.B., _qR~pmt Treatment of bronchial asthma. with neobenzinol. Vauch. trud7 sammi 230.7-21 163 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz kafeid,77 fakulltetskoy te.-apii Sararkandskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. V_.r. NRi AP6013995 SOURCE CODE: UR/'Cr?-42/65/000/007/0075,?66~3 AUTHOR: Ablakulova, S. B. (Candidate of medical sciences) ORG: Department of Roeritgenology and Hodical Radiolo&yg 5ainarkand Medical Institute (Kafedra rentgenologii i meditsinskoy radiologii Samarkanskogo meditf3inskogo instituti); -L - Tashkent Institute for *bho Advanced Training of ysicians/fleaded by Prof. D...... M-. Abdurasuloy/ k Tashkent s I-,Ly in5titut usovershenstyovaniya ;irachey) --TITLE,.- clinical laboratory investiEatiane of Brucellosils pati ts (winotation) ~j %49 SOURCE: Meditsinskiy zhurnal Uzbekistanap no. 7. 19615, 75 TOPIC TAGS: brucello5isp radiology ABSTRACT: Data obtadnod,in roentgenological, clinical, and scrological inve3t-igation3 of 226 brucellosis patients) 47 of whom suffered from acute and subacture and 179 from chronic forms of the disease) were compared by the atithor. The results which were obtained indicate that in cases of acute and subacuto forms of brucellosis) the symptoms of -the disease are not al,,raya accompanied by roontgenologically expressed bone and joint modifications) although in moat of the cases (15 of 22),'such modifications did occur. They' -wore --raanife6ted -in- the-form-of-osteoporMiS -Or - Soft- -(calcification), a symptom characteristic of brucellosis. Modifications of the osseous-support apparatus were roentgenologically established in 75 of the 179 patients suffering from the chronic fom of the' Card 1/2 L 23472-66, ACC NRt AP6013995 disease, that is vdth greater frequency than in patients suffering from acute and Gubacute fonns of brucellosis. This difference j6 particularly evideat when aza analysis i,,,, made of the data obtainG\1 in investigaLion of patient3 compla-kning of spiral pains- spinal modifications were discovered roontgeno- logicallY in 18 of 59 chronic cases and'in only one of 12 pati,~-nts sufferini from acute and subacute forms of the disease. The indicated diffcrcncc may be explained as being due to the fact that many bracellar affections of the spinc, despito their being acute from the. beginning, can be roentgunologically 'revealed only in the course of the further development of the process in which the transition of the* acute to a chronic form of the disease takes places It should be pointed out that a positive fluddloson reaction was estab- lished in all of the patients in whom modifications of the support-motor apparatus were roentgenologically revealed- Bone arid joint modifications were roentgenologically established in patients with negative as well as positive Burnet tests; in the latter,, however., modifications of the support-motor -appar~tus_were roentgenologically determined with greater frequency. SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE., 17SeP64 ABLAKULOVA) Z.B., dotsent; KHAITOV, M.N., dotsent; KRASNYY, B*A., vrach Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, according to materials of the Therapeutic Department of the Samarkand Medical Institute. Nauoh, trudy SamMI 23:22-24 f63 (MIRA 1723) 1. Iz kliniki fakulttetakoy terapli Samarkandskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ABLAMONOV, P., kapitan 42-go ranga Grow of M-st-class men. Komm. Voomah. Sil 46 no.1g167 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products. Refin- H ing of Natural Gas and Petroleum. Motor and Rocket Fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 20, 68730. Author :.Ulamo;~Uz' A. Inst : NOV-gTVM. Title : Investigation of an Oil Refining Process Utiliz- ing Bleaching Clays. Orig Pub: Nafta (Polska), 1957, 13, No 7. Abstract: An increas-Bd effectiveness of bleaching clays (BC) was noted on oils that underwent preliminary re- fining and drying. By contacting an oil with BC the improvement is not only reflected in its color Card 1/2 ASLAIZ1,11CZ,.A. "The technIqi.:e of hoverinf" p. 13 (Skrz-,rdlate Polska, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan 53, '*'arszawa) SO: Montbly List of Ea�t European Accessions, Vol 2 No 9 Library of Congress Sept 53 Uncl acia lotnlcl~:.,. of an' tic ABLAMOWICZ, A. "Truth a! out the test flying of airplanes", p. 823, (-5KR'ZYDLATA M, LqKA, Vol. 10, No. 52, Dec. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European AoceFsinns, (EEAQ, LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. ABLAMWI CZ v A. How we pilot bydroplanest p. 13. (MZYDLATA POLSKAv Warszawa,, Vol* 11p no* 1. Jan. 1955.) SOt Monthly Li3t of East European Acceasionst (EKAL),, LC,, Vol. 4,, No. A Ian. 1955, Unclo IT"Z "The Vi-ctmla River is 7reel", p. 79--), (SE Vol. lop No. 50p Dec. j(,jr, Tolvnd) SO: I:onthly IA,;" of Ezist Euror(,.n Acccsr;l'.)n,,, (F Lrt Vol. 4, I'o- 1' Y lc ~,r 1)- 1, Uncl. ABLAMOWICZ, Andrzej, ins. ?V 20 years experience as test pilot engineer. Przegl techn 85 no.340 23 Ag'64. ABLAYIOWICZ~LEDWON, J.,-Ar inz. "Handbook of architectural acoustics" by Friedrich Bruckmayer. Reviewed by J.Ablamowics-Ledwon. Inz i bud 20 no-4:4 of cover Ap 163. A UTHOR: Ablamskiy, V.A., EnFineer SOV/91-59-1-4/26 TITLE: Conversion of an Electric Power Plant into a Gas-Fuelled Station (Perevod elektrostantaii na azhiganiye gaze) PERIODICAL: Znergetik, 1959, Nr 1, pp 12 - 13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The coal-fuelled steam boilers which haveso far been con- verted into gas-f"elled boilers at a power plant were: one Garbe-YuMTI, one Garbe-Navall, one Babkok-Villk?ks and one TS-30. The boilers had 400,540,400 and 32q.5 m heated sur- face, respectively. All were equipped with mechanical fire grates. Conversion was carried out by the "Ukrgiprokommun- energo" Institute. The natural gas burned at the plant is gas from the Poltava oblast', having the following oompon- entai 85.2% of methane, 13-0 of nitrogen, 0.30% of carbon- ic dioxyde gas, and 0.60% of other gases. The TS-30 boiler was equipped with turbulent burners, the rest with chink Card 112 burners. Conversion costs amounted to 4,000 roubles per SOV/91-59-1-4/26 Conversion of an Electric Power Plant into a Gas-Fuelled Station ton of steam. The efficiency of the plant rose. The tem- perature of the exhaust gases dropped from 173 - 1890C to 132 - 165 degrees. There are 2 diagrams and 1 table. Card 2/2 ABLAMSKTY, V.A., inzb Design of seamless forged rotors. Vest. mashinostr. 44 no.11t 37-38 N 164 (MIRA 18:2) A BLAW , V Y o" OIC3 cx-pan~, turf- i in lurb!nen wJth I L fow stftges. lzv~. vyg. licheb. orel.g. 8 6 5 . MIRA 113:6) 1. KiyevBkiy ordena, Lenina ilnstlwt. Prodstavlenft kafedroy pnrc,-vyi.l~. i f~~.izovykli turl,in. _ACC"Mr-__A_P6 SOUROE CODE: UR/0096/66/000/002/0043/0047 AUTHOR: Ablapokly, 141 (Engineer) ORG: Kiev ,Fqlytechnic Institute (Kiyevskly politekhnioheskly In8titut TITLE: Special characteristlos of heat calcu'lations for gas turbine plants with free piston gas generators SOURCE: Toploonergetika, no. 2, 1966, 43-47 TOPIO TAGS: gas engineering, gas turbine engino, electric power prod- uction ABSTRACT: In gas turbine plants with free piston gas generators the parameters of the gas depend on the combined operation of the turbine and the gas generator. The present article Is an attempt to construat a simplified scheme for overall calculations Including both units. Results of the calculations aro'compared with existing experimental data and graphs are presented which can be used in actual design calculations. The accuracy of the calculations is said to depend on the accuracy of the measuremonts of the Initial operating parameters of the gas turbine plant under standard conditions. Orig. art. boo: 27 formulas, 5 figures, and 2 tables. Card 1/2 UDO: 621.438.001.24 'L 1588M6 ACC NR' Ap6oo4170 0 SUB CODE:/O/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 008/ SOV REP: 000/ OTH REP: 000 0, Lclrd 2/~ - I~ik - /. I I . - T~ izi- --- ~ - - I If. 14 J~~ - -- - 4 - --- - -t ABLLNOV, A.D., kaDdIdat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Nov method of reprocessing polymetallic natte. Vast. AN Xasakh. SSR 11 no.5:49-51 My 154. OffJU 7: ?) (Metallurgy) SOV/ 112-57-6-12486 .Translation from., Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 6. pp 126-127 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abdeyev, M. A., Sergeyev, P. V., Ablanov, A. D., Platonov, G. F. TITLE: Prospects of Using Electrical Energy for Nonferrous -Metal Production In Altay (Perspektivy vnedreniva elektroenergii v proizvodstvo tavetnykh metallov v Altaye) PERIODICAL: Vestn. AN KazSSR, 1956, Nr 2, pp 59-66 ABSTRACT: The low cost of electric energy at the Ust'-Kamenogorsk and Bukhtarma Hydroelectric stations makes it economical to use electric, energy in the nonferrous metallurgy of the ore-producing Altay area. At present, development and testing of electric furnaces for melting lead agglomerates, electrically heated settlers, refining boilers, etc. . are being conducted. Induction electric furnaces, which have a number of advantages over resistance furnaces (lower thermal inertia, lower heat loss through the masonry) are being planned for the Ust'-Kamenogorsk Combine. The use of cheap electrical Card 1/2 SOV/11Z-57-6-12486 Prospects of Using Electrical Energy for Nonferrous -Metal Production In Altay energy in the nonferrous metallurgy of the Altay area will expand in the future, making it necessary to consider the problems of complex mechanization and electrification, remote control of large sections and departments producing zinc and lead. L. Ya. L. Card 2/2 SOV,l 37- 5Q- 1-5477 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiva. 195Q, Nr 3, p 77 (USSRI AUTHOR: Abdeyev, M. A., Ablanov, A. D., Khan, 0. A TITLE: Study of the Process of Conversion Of MUltimetal Mattes With 131o"ving of Liquid Fuel Into the Melt (Izucheniye protsessa konvertirovaniya polimetallicheskikh shteynov s vdUvaniyern v rasplav zhidkogo topliva) PERIODICAL: Tr. Altaysk. gornornetallurg, n.-i. in-ta 1958. Vol 6, pp 147-156 ONAYEVP I.A.; ABLANOV, A.D. Development5in ft science of the metallurgy of copper during the 1+0 years of Soviet Government in Kazakhstan. Trud Inst. met, i obogashch. AN Kazakh. SSR 3:21+-31 160. THIFLA 14:6) (Kazakhstan-Copper-44etallurgy) ABI"OVI A.D.; KABANOVA, L.M.; TKACHENKO, O.B.; YERMILOV, V.V. Processing of Nikolayevka deposit ores. Trudy Inat. met. i obogashch. AN Kazakb. SSR 3190-104 f6Oq (MIRA 14r6) (Nikolayevka region(Kazakhstan)-N6nferrous metals--Metallurgy) TSEFT, A.L.; ABIANOV, A.D.; SUSHCHENKO, S.N. ------ Deposition of lead and zinc in the form of sulfides from high iron solutions. Trudy Inst. met. i obog. AN Kazakh. SSR 5:49-52 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Lead-Metallurgy) (Zinc-Metallurgy) RATYtfl3U',',V! , *~. ~,. .- T.!:* :. ' , - . - . f opp.,:- r(7:r -. f- , --- - t),,;. -. !,: '.ie Tracy 'Irst. ulet. , Jing. (..', " -, , L, . - .. : Z~ s 1 %"1 ~ I - - 1 11 fM'lU 3.793) TSM, A.L.; ABUMOV, A.D.; TKAGHITKO, O-B.; Y!-:iA',VJ',!OV, T. Ye. Pro.,tessing of copp3r concentnates after ren~,ival of leart and zinc.. Trudy Inst. met. i obog. Ali' ~3-"R 81lCr,-'112 (NIIA 17:3) TSFPTP A.L.; TKACHENKO, C.B.; BATYPHEKOVA, S.A., TULF]SKOV, L.N.; KARTASHEVA, L.A. Treatment of complex metal sulfide ores by solutions of Iron chloride; results of enlarged labortitory tests, Trudy Inst. met. i abog. AN Kkznkh, SiSR 1041-47 165. (MIRA 18:10) (OINK YHIW) oqq, 6-91 M H,"'j, 0"029X NV l5o-jo T 04ow o4gul Sprul aquolinjos opTjol.,;) uojf-qSTq taoij uojT ;o uoc4v.Lvdald oTjAToj,4osjq OU*V 'AONV19V IQVF3 'YAUX3qULIV9 foloV ',LAJ-,l