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AEDUSHK,I":A:VILI, 9. G. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Effect of several exoFenic factors on hypo- and hyperplastic processes of blood circulation,and problerus of inter-relations among.-these eonditiohs." Tbilisi, 1961. 19 ~'P; (Tbilisi State Med Inst); 160 copies; pi-ice not triven; (KL, 7-61 sup, 2%) DES(ATCHIKOVO B.A.; kand. ekon. naukj GADZAILOV, G.F.p kanao ekon. muk; YJMROV, Z., nauchn. sotr.; ABDUSHUKUIZOV, T.1 KALYAKIN, P.V., kand. ekon. nauk; FOKIII, A.I., kand. ekon. nauk; BAKIYEVA, R.A.9 nauchn. sotr.; IBRAGDIOV, M., nauchn. sotr.; YJ,RDASIq A.A., kand. ekon.naukj KADANER, E,A.; NIKONOV, F.D., nauchn, sotr.; ANTONETS, G.E.; ARTYKOVj A.A., kand, okon, nauk; TRUSOV, A.1%; OVCHAROVA, X.A., nauchn. sotr.; TSOY,P., nauchn. sotr.; RMAM, F.V*, kazda ekone naukp 9tve redo; DZIUMALOV, O.B., doktor ekon. naukp red.; ARTYKOV, A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; DESYATCIIIKOIY, B.A.,, kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SHARIFIMODWAYEV, M., kand. ekon. naukp red.; DESYATNIK, F.I.I.0 red.; C4R'KOV4Cfj,, Z.P., tekhn. red. (Econorlos of the machinory manufacture of Uzbekistan] Ekono- mike, mashinostrooniia Uzbekistana. Tashkentp Izd-vo AN Uzb.SSR, 1963. 289 p. (NIRA 16:12) 1. Akademiya nauk UzIbekskcy SSR, Tashkent. Institut ekonorlki. (Uzbekistan-Fachinery industry) ABDUSHUKUROVA, R.U. Feeding habits of the grass snake In the Tashkent Fish Hatchery during fall period. Zool. zhur. 44 Tio-3i462-463 165, (MIRA 1818) 1. Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of Uzbek S,S.R., Tashkent. A-~Ilju-~iiiy I . F. 37234. ~'*-----7:,:Jl!l, P. P. i !I. iZoll sollcl-..~)rov v rcL;'..Cr.'-i zadach ratsionallnoy ranni otuki mftyarKrkh zal-7,hev. Doklad' al.-I, Nr k L,;,Zt, Novaya seriya, T. L 191l') s. 663-666. - :-Iio ?r: 6 l.,izv. J.X, No. 5, SO: Letopis' Zliurzialinykli Stabey, Vol. 7,, 19 49 C M)XSIMY(',![P,','A, Z.T.: ABWSLYANOV, V. quantltn dive erminntion of 24 159. (Potnssium--Analysia) notnasinn in the forn Of MW4. Znv.lfib. (MIRA 11:4) (Potnasium fluobornte) ABDUVAKIIIDOV, Kh. Wator balance in virgin Sierozems. Nauch. trudy Tash GU no.204: 156-172 162. (IMIA 17:9) ABDUVALIT$yq,.,A,,; X'RATRUrDInDVAg M-Kh.,, ANMTXV* A.G.; SULTANOV, A.B. Tharmosetting resiu from furfur7l alcohol and furfurola. Uzb, khim. shur. no.4:53-57 158. (MIRA 11:12) I.Institut khimli AN UzSSR. (resins, Synthetic) (Y'urfuryl alcohol) (Puraldeh7de) SULTAIM, A.S.; ABDUVALITEV A.A. W--ftw.CMNA )1, Producing furfuryl alcobol by continuous hydrogmnation of furfurolo. DokI. All Us.SSR no.7:19-21 158. (KRA 11:10) 1. Inntitut khimii All UzSSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korraspondantom Ali UzSSR Kh.U. Usmano M. (Purfuryl alcohol, (FuraldelWda) (Hydrogenation) SULTAROV, JL.S.-, ABDIJVALIIBV, JL.A. Continuous reduction under press-are of furfarole to 2-methyl- . furan. Dokl.AN Uz.SSR no.12:35.-37 '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. Predetavlono chlenom-korrespendentom Ali UvSMI lh.U.UsmaAovym. (Puraldekyde) (Furan) C- - ABDbTALITEV, A.A.; KRAYRUTDI11OVii, fl.Kh.; ANDREYEV, A.G.; SULTANOT, A.S. Method for the production of glue for repairs of wires with poly-vinyl chloride insulation. Uzb. khim. zhur. n0-3:72- '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Electric wire, Insulated-Raintenance and repair) KORSHAK, V.V.; sULTANDV, A.S.; ABDUVALITICV, A.A. Polynorization of furan and ovlvan with the aid of ionic catal7sts. Usb.khim.zhur. no.4:39-47 159. (MIR& 13:1) 1. Institut kbiall pollmerov AN UzSSR i Institut okeperimentall- noy optiki i spektroskopii, AN SSSR. (Puran) (Catalynts) (Polvmerization) SULTANOVj A.S.; AJIDUVj%LTTSV, A. --,. ~L Polynerization of sylvan and furan, Dokl.AN Uz.SSR no.6:24-26 159. (mm nnq) 1. Inatitut khIskit AN UzSSR. Prodstavleno chlenom korrenpondentom AN UzSSR Kh.U.Usipanovym. (p()lymere and polynerization) ABDUVALIYEVI A. A., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Obtaining some film- forming polymers on a basis of furfural.11 Tashkent, 1960. 15 PP with graphs; (Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR Inst of the Chemistry of Polymers); 175 copies; price not given; ~KL, 25-60, 12?) KHAYDAROV, Kh.F.,.- SULTANM A.S.; Z~~PVALIYEV; "I.A. Polirmt: 1.~ntlon of sylvan in the prtserve c-i lorill(; . i consisting of antlmony~, ttrid aozi-~mlm Cat&l'~L I chlorjj-~s and organcosialcor :,ompcmd!~. FI.*;-M. --'I fiz.-khim. pniroti. i P.011M. 110.19131-P-7 (MIRN 18CI) .11 - j -(~t POIYmerllzatioli of sY)T'an i solutien,, ISRAILOV, D.; ABDUVALIYEV, A.A.; B,M;OVI LISMY, V- Ye.,' SI;LTtj,:OV, A.S. Processing of polytetrafluo-zoethylenc, into film's by mixing with polyBylvan. KhIn. i fiz.-khim. prirod. J. sint. polim. no.l: 215-219 162 (I-111RA 18ti) S/08 621000101510361036 B1 71 X151 01 AIUTHORS,. Khaydarov, Kh. F., Abduvaliyev, A. A-l Sultanov, A. S. TITLE- Investigation of the polymerization of sylvan in tho presence of organio-titanium-ailicon halide-ionio catalysts PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 15, 1962, 632, abstract 15R35 (3b. "Yopr. izpolizovaniya mineralln. i rastit syr1ya Sredn. Azii.11 Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961, 1213-132) TEXT, The reaction of,the polymerization of sylvan under the action of complex catalysts: Ti CH 3S'12C11 0 9 Ti [(C11 3)2"12"8' Ti [(CH3)3S'12C'6 and Ti IC6H5Sij2Clj0 has been investigated. The reaction was carried on for 5 hours at 500C and the amount of the catalyst used represented 0-5-0 mole per mole sylvan. The yield of tho polymer increases with the decease of the number of methyl groups in the catalyst. The molecular weight of polysylvan ranges from 1500 to 2000. Polysylvans thus prepared may be used in the paint and varnish industry. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Cai~d I /I ABDUVALIYEV A.A.; BODNYA, M.D.; BARANOVSKAYA, G.M.; OBNOSOVA, A,D.; -.- D. Continuous method of sylvan polymerization in the solvent medium. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.6127-29 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Sylvan) A6BDUVALIYLV, A.A.; BCPHYA, 1M.D.; 13ARANOVSKAYAS G.M.; OBNOSOVA, A.D. Investigating the film forming properties of polysylvan modified with PF-?6 alkyd resins. Lakokrus.mat. i ikh prim. no.2:17-18 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Furan) (Resins, Synthetic) L 14947-60- Pc-4 FM ACCESSICN-M AP3DOMI SIO 190/63/00 510 07/1012/1015 AUTHORS: n"daroy, Kh., F, 1 Abduvaliyev A. A.; Sultanovp- A& so 17TLE: Chemical structure of Polmrivan SCURCEs %`y*s*kor*lebilym-M*ye soyedinvniya, V. 5, no. 7, 1963, 1012-10i5 7WIC TAGS: sylvan, pol7sylvany furan, polyrerization, ozonization ABSTRAM To find out the proper structure of polysylvFn, two grams of the latter were dissolved in 40 n1 of ehloroforn md subjected to o2oni7ation at CC by passing Into It oxygen containing 2.5-3.5% ozone et a rt)te of 50-60 ri/rdn. The ozoni t1on was discontinued when the fluid turned blue, and the chloroform was d1stLza1;d out. TMe ozonized product was decomposed by treatrent at 80-90C with 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide, resulting in a turbvlent evolution of carbon dioxide and leaving a brittle spongy rase. The latter was subjected to ana3,Tsis -!or car'hnvvl - 17dr=l rell as by infrai-p-d spectre- scopy. While the test for acetyl groups proved negative, the acidity 6mber was estimnted as 2~.l and the percentege of bydroxyl groups as 17.1, from which it was determined that polynerization of sylvm tat-ps place at the C-C bonds of the furan ring with the retl7lated carbon atom. 7'he infrared spectra were t6cen by Yu. T. Tashrulatov and Yu. P. Putnev at the nnelytical laboratory of the Institute.. Orig. Card I/?/ Association: Inst. of - Po.jymer Chemistry, Academy of.Sciences, Uzbek SSR ABDUVALITFV, A.A.: IMAYDAROV, Kh.F.; SAODULLAYEVA, P.; OBNOSOVA, A.D. Lacquers based on urea-formaldehyde resins modified vith furfuryl alcohol. Lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.2:67-69 164'. (MIRA 17:4) -ABDUVALIYEV# A.A.; KIIAYDAROV, Kh.F.; SULTANOV, A.S.; SIGOV, V.V.; DORONIN, N.L.; TARASOVA, A.G. Production of polynylyan from the wood-chemical sylyan. Gidrolis. i lesokhim.pron. 17 no.2:22-23 1W.' (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut khimii polimeroy AN'UzbSSR (for Abduvaliyev, Khaydarov, Sultanoy). 2. Ashinskiy lesokhimicheskiy kombinat, (for Sigov, Doronin, Tarasova). ACCESSIO*N NR: AT4040809 S/3099162/000/001/0215/0219 A., Bronovitakly, V. Yo., &Lltanov, A AUTHOR: laraHov, D., AM al S. ~v iye TITLE: Conversion of polytetrafluoroethylene into films by mixing with polysylvan SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Inatitut khimil polimerov. Fizika i khtmiya prirodny*kh i sintetichesl~kh polimerov, no. 1, 1962, 215-219 TOPIC TAGS: teflon, polytetrafluoroethylene, polysylvan, polymer film, teflon film, polymer mechanical property, dimethyldichlorosilane, polymer electrical resistivity ABSTRACT: Polysylvan, obtained by the polymerization of sylvan in the presence of ZnCl 2 and dimethyldichlorosilane in N at 50C was then used for the preparation of teflon 'J. films by two methods: (1) MiWag of ~o~dercd polytetrafluoroethyleno with polysylvan in ratios of 1:1 to V5, and heating in reactors at 280-300C; however. homogeneous products could not be obtained at'any intervals of temperature and polymer ratios. (2) Mixing Variclus 7. proportions of the polymers in rollers at a roller friction of 1:1. 2 and temperatures of 30-8 C.. i. In both cases, fUms of various thickness with different physico-mochanical indices were ,Card 7.1i ACCESSION NR- AT4040809 obtained. The beat conditions were rolling at 60-60C for 40 minutes. Part of the films were baked In presses at 280-300C and tha rest were extracted with acetone to removh the excess polysylvan and then baked at 300C. When 1:1 mixtures of polytetrafluarethylene and polynylvan were rolled at 50-60C for 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes, the rupture strength of the films obUdned was 85, 130, 162 and 105 kg/cM2, respectively. To study the effect of the presence of silicon in the polymer on the blending of polytetrafluoroethylene. experiments were I carried out with polysylvan containing silicon on one or both ends of the chain. 7be rupture strength of these films was 51 and 170 kg/cm2, respectively. lbo authors also studied the electrical resistance of the films, with or without removal of excess polysylvan. Ile results showed a decrease In electrical resistivity with increasing temperature (20-150C), and an increase after extraction with acetone. When films containing excess polysylvan were baked i-on an hydraulio press with a pressure of 20 kg/CM2 at 280-300C, dark colored films were obtained with holes from the leakage of the excess polysylvan. To eliminate this problem, the quantity of bound and free polysylvan In the film at a 1-.1 ratio of polytetrafluoroothylene polysylvan was studied. - An average of 18% of the original polysylvan remained in the film after washing. Films (fom which the excess polysylvan had been removed were highly :V3 lCard 17 ACCESSION NR-. AT4040809 resistant to all solvents, Including concentrated nitric acid. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimfl polimarov AN Uz SSR (Institute of Polymer Chemistry, AN UGp) SUBAUTTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt OC, MT NO REP SOVi 004 OTHER: 001 3/3 Card I . - - -, . , ia ~ / -I i , C , / ;, - , a ~ - I I - - -, , " - 1 N "', .%, , . Ap"rInilia S ION N R A Fc~ 0 0 1 13 ij i'(-, file '-Izatjon of sylvan in the '7. Ivall. anu in me pr#,Fzenr~ ,f lln,,iti,ut ktiirnii Fx-)iirni~ ~t- A % -~74 rgrtzrinticn of nbffie IndiceB Of M-Ot?'71 7,(Ii I RC EMe di t ii nskiv zhurnRl UzbekistRns. nn. -11 A", FSSTON NR I _71 r q w" wag Tho I PC,. 0 [De S, JT~ OTM: 000 im TU7 SOV OW 21 I P. jor;?a [Wizd rftR . - I I --. .~ -1:-.1 q. .1 .1 . I I - . I . - " ~ - ... m --- - -- - --- - - - -- -- - - - I ---- --- -- I * AS: -1 ~AUIC-i allu ~) I- i-- MADZIUDOV, A.; ABDIJVAI,TYFVp A.; SULTANOVy A.S. Production of 2,5-diimthylolfurnn. 'Jzb.khim.zhur. 9 no.l.*72-75 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Inbtitut ispolIzoWinip toplivn Gosudnrstvannogo neftekhimicheskogo komitets pri Gosplnns SSSR. KHAYDAROV, D.F. ; SULTANOV, A.S. Polymerization of silvan an complex ionic catalysts and the use of polysilvan as a film-forming agent. Uzb.khim.zhur. 8 no.4:65- 70 164, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN UzSSR. Submitted May 4, 19&1. ABDLIVA~jWVI, A.A., I ISMATOV, N.Kh.; BARANOVSKAYA, G.M. Copolymerization of oilvan and tung oil. Uzb. khIm. zhur. 9 no.5:48-52 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. NIJXhTTS. Submitted Feb. 20, 1964. ~ - -M - - , - r --- "a " --- --- , - -- --- --- - - ACC NR, AP6008591 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/02S11/65/00/005/0048/0052 AMIJOR: Abduvaliyev, A. _L.1 Ismaton 1~. Kh. ; Baranovskaya, G. M. ORG: HIIKhTTs TITL1;: Cs!P21)mri2ati0nLf sylvanland SOURCE: Uzbekskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, no. 5, 1965, 49-52 TOPIC TAGS: copolymerization, sylvan, tung oil I ABSTRACT: The copolymerization of sylvan and tung oil in the pre-sence of ionic cata- lysts was carried out at 500C in an inert gas atmosphere with constant stirring. The Catalysts, ZnC12, (CH3),SiCl Y, and sulfuric acid etherate, were found to be complete- ly suitable for obtaining high yields of sylvan-tung oil copolyr.*rs. Lacquer films on glass and steel substrates were prepared from the solutions, and the physicomitcha- nical properties of the copolymer films were measured. As the sylvan content of the copolymer increases, the drying rate of the film, its hardness, luster, and water re- sistance increase. The optimum ratio of sylvan to tung oil was found to range from 80:20 to 50:50. The films adhere well to metal and wood. Infrared spectra indicate that the copolymerization of sylvan and tung oil in the presence of ionic catalysts forms a substance with a higher molecular weight and a lower specific functionality than those of the initial oil. This causes a decrease in the gelation rate of tile co- polymer as its sylvan content increases. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tablos. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 20Harf)4/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH RM ODD (Illy "',Oil Seiance. Soil cowimill MrA Gorign-phy. 10662 A!:T At,~wyftv. M, P. ACadft!,I:; of SeiOJ2COS, Azttrbei~azlxsr. TIT :Oynltn~w of Lhe of toils in Sastora ~~drvan -,I; N A -z. ti r TT. 4-y rn-audin. konforexitall twpir&xitov i,~ The j-.~4.ino w-,;i~ition :X l.)ij followin..t I i1fi Ur ~:tl) t :o ri S~i~rvanl 1.3 doscribA: tno d~ir'r- br,.)vii af to,--- f i., mi 3 t(01.,er- suU, drirk ahob'nut, wlth stu~)pe, meadow-bog W-0 Tcatlch~w 16 ADDHAT, X.R. Moisture regime of molls In the eastern part of the Shirvan ftoppe. Trudy lust.pochT.1 agrokhim.AN Axerb-OM 7t215-223 155. (MM 9112) (Shirvan Gtoppe-ftil moisture) R. ABDUYEV) M.. R.: "The vater-s-31t dynamics of soils of the e&storn nor- tion of Shirvan Steppe." Published by the 4cad Sci Azerbty(fthlin SSR. Min Higher Education USSR. Armenian Agricultural Inst. Baku, 10,56. (Dissertations for the Degree of Doctor In Agricultural Sciences). SO: Xnizhnays Letopist. No. 22, 1956 ABDUM , X.R. Geomorphology of the eastern part of Shirvan Steppe. 1xv. AN Aserb.SSR no.4:59-68 Ap 156. (KLRA qtlO) (Shirvan Steppe--Geology, Structural) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 2908 Author : Abduyev, M. Inst :------------, Title : From an Attempt to Reclaim &-ilt Lands for Gardens aiid Vineyards. Orig Pub : Sots. s. kh. Azerbaydz"'Iana, 1956, 'No 10, 19-21 Abatract : Description is given of the salt land conditions of the soils occupied by Gardens and vineyards in the sovidiox near the city of Min~;ecliaur in j%zerbaydzhan. The aCTo- tecliny is indicated which is needed to increase the salt resistance of the plantings. Card 1/1 ABDITYEV, M.R. oil moisture cycle awl conditions for the devil) i. -t of agricultural .p crops In the eastern part of the Shirvan Steppi: i4i ~zqrbaijani with sunrary in Russian). Izv.AN Azerb.SSR no.93-11, .' '37. (Y,;Lk 10:8) (ShIrvan Steppo-Crope and soils) (Soil moisture) AHDUYICV, M.R. Salinixation conditions and types Of saline soils in the eastern part of the Shirvan Steppe. Trudy Inst. pochv. i a4grokhim. AN Axerb. SSR 8:47-82 158. (MIRA 12:10) (Kura lowland--Alkali lands) JLBDM,V, M.R. Specific nature of the deluvial. type of soil salinity in the Kura- Aran Iowland. Izv.AN Lzarb.SSR.Ser.biol. i sallkhoz. nauk m.1:81-94 1 59. (Kura Lowlancl-Alkall lands) (MIRA 12:1) ABDUYEVP We Chemical aW geographical characteristics of soils with a taluo-~ypti salinity in the Siazsn'4umg--,it Massif. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.bial.i. med.nauk 307-64 161e (MM 140) Siazan'tregion-Saline and alkali soils it'rsgioD-%BalIne and alkali soils~ = ALDUYLV, M.R. Solonetz soils formed from talus deposits and conditions pverning their Improvement in Azerbaijan. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR Ser. biol i mod. nauk no.8:77-85161. (1-ILtA 16:8) (AZERBAIJAI~-SOLOIWM SOM) (RLCUWATION OF LUD) ABDUrEV, M.R. Significance of diffusion in the migration of salts, Izv,AN Azarb.SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no.6:49-57 162. (MIRA 15t12) (MINERALS IN SOIL) (DIFFUSION) 14, F, I A BDU I%V i Sol'. ~!ord-'Ltons and tba dAveloptreriL ~;f the i,-,,)t syrtsim Of L&A-tWorts. Tzv. AN A.-Prb. Sh'411, Ssr, b.~ol, i xr.A.01. riliuk nc,2t69-'.,8 '63. WIRA I?t5) ABDUYEVp M.R. Amounts of vegetative bulk under the conditiona found. in the western Caspian Lowland of Azerbaijan. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no.5:31-34 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya i agrokhimii AN AzSSR. Pred- stavleno akademikom AN USSR G.A. Aliyevym. ABDUYEV, M.R. Roct spLem of wormwood In thn 1,:wani of 17.,. IN Aterb. M. Ear. blol. 1 mod. nRuk n~:.~74,5-?4 '6.3. 1 r! p t, " I " 5) ~ B11" M; I :1.R. Types of the salt prcfile..9 of ~io~lls wJ12, ti.e diluvilal frz.r,-, of nal,..,,cy in the lowlands of Izv. AN Azexb. SSP. Ser. biol. nauk no.2t73-80 11.)4. 1 " \,-..LP.A ~7;10) ,ul)1frx, Formation and ovaluation o." ~urfnct- :;I. f"..? I uf Azerbaijan, Izv. -iill A:,(-i-b. fX-r. lJoi. lt"ri. . .. t ~-.l I 18t7) ABDUYEVSKAYA, K. A., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Investigation of couiple)r fluorides and oxalates of germanium." Moscow, 1960. 7 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of General and Inorganic Chemistry im N. S. Kurna- kov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 141) ABDUZHABAROV. Mk. Nuriddin's ice cave, Priroda 52 no*4sll5-116 163, (MIRA 16s4) 1. Samarkandskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Alishem NaLvois (Zeravshan Range-Ice caves) ABDUZHABBAROVA, KhJu. Stratigrapby of Silurian sediments in ths Shurab region. Vop. gaol. lJzb. no.3238-41 162. (MIRA 16&6) (Shur-Ob -ftleontology, Stratigraphic) SIMAKOV, V. N.; ABDUZHALALOV,.4, Comparative study of the effootiveness of soil claying in the "dry" and "wet" sands of Leningrad Province. Vast. LGU. 16 no.21,. 121-130 161. (MIRA 14:11) Uningrad Provinee-Soil fortility) Clay) ~ ABDUZHAMIL,OVP,,Sh.; AZIMDV, S.A.; CHERNOVA, L.P.; CHERNOVp G.M.; CIIUDAKOVp V.M. Azimuthal angular distribution of shower particles producted by cosmic ray particles in a photographic emulsion. Zhur. ekep. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3WY7-414 S 163. (MMA 16tlO) 1. Inatitut yadernoy fiziki AN Uzbekskoy SSR. (Photography, Particle track) (Cosmic rays) I ACCESSION NR: AP4042364 S/0056/64/047/001/0024/0029, AUTHORS: Abduzhamilov, Sh.; Azimov, S. A.1 Chernovas L. P.1 Chernov, G. M.; Chuld TITLEt Angular distributions of secondary particles in pN colli- sions at 24 BeV energy SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 1, 1964, 24-29 TOPIC TAGS: pion scattering, angular distrLbution, nucleon scat- tering, dispersion analysis, nuclear emulsion ABSTRACT: The research was undertaken because asymmetric emission of particles was observed in nucleon-nucleon collisions at energies of several hundred BeV (V. V. Guseva et al., Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz..' v. 26, 549, 1962. N. A. Dobrotin et al., Nuclear physics v. 35, 152, 1962). The statistical method of dispersion analysis (the F test) is used to check the hypothesis of independent secondary-particle 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042364 emission angles in inelastic pN interactions involving primary pro-- tons of equal energy E and equal numbers n of charged secondary particles. The experimental values of F for pN interactions at 24 BeV and for 4-9 charged secondary particles conflict with this hypothesis and indicate nonuniformity of the angular distributions in the laboratory system. This nonuniformity cannot be accounted for by momentum conservation in knock-oqcollisions and is associated with the particle production mechanism in peripheral interactions. The efficiency of the F-test for determining nonuniform angular dis-, tribution in the laboratory system was checked by investigating the random stars cbtained~from a somewhat diffekent model of NN inter- actions at 300 BeV, by obtaining the spectrum of meson cloud veloci- ties in the center of mass system and the secondary-particle energy spectrum in the rest system of the meson cloud. An accelerated on-- track scanning of plates bombarded with 24-BeV protons in the CERN accelerator has shown that for the stars observed in the emulsion the most values of F exceed unity, meaning that the emission angleEl of the secondary particles are not independent at least for some 2/3, 9 ACCESSION NR: AP4042364 values of n. The nonuniformity of the angular distributions is similar to the asymmetric c.m.s. particle emission observed in NN collisions at -10 1 eV. The peripheral interactions at E-24 BeV remains dominant up to a multiplicity n - 9. "The authors are grateful to W. 0. Lock for collaborating in the acquisition of the photographic plates exposed in the CERN accolerator." Orig. art. has; 2 figures and 19 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences, Uzbek SSR) SUBMITTED: 23Jan64 ENCL.- 00 SUB CODEt NP NR REF SOVt 003 OTHERt 001 3/3 ABDIUPIAMILOVp Sh.; AZIMOV, S.A.; CHERNOVA, L.P.; CHERNOV, G.M.; CHUDAKOV, V.M. Angular distributions of secondary particles in pN- collisions at an energy of 24 Bev. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.lt24-29 J1 164. (MIILA M9) 1. Institut yadernoy fisiki AN Uzbekakoy SSH. I i - . I.; *- ft ~. * I I 1 1. 1 ~. - In. I I ASSMIATID11i Inatitut rtdernW fiviki " UZBSR (institute of ftclear ice. AN- I I _- i , ~J, -1 ~ - 7 . - 1~7 .~y 7r, - RP T I ,,j L_z -%i4-b6 ACC AP6023083 14/y) SOURCE CODE,: UR/0367/66/003/004/0657/0662 AUTHOR: Abduzharriilov, Sh. ; Azirriov, S. A. ; Chernova, L. P.; Chernov, G. M.; Chudakov, V. M. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences, Uzbek SSR (Institut yadernoy fiziki akademii nauk uzbekskoy SSR) TITLE: Coherent interaction of high-etiergy prot nb ~,ith complex nuclei SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 3, no. 4, 1966, 657-662 TOPIC TAGS: proton, high energy protin, photoemulsion, nucleon, particle interaction, proton interaction, inelastic interaction ABSTRACT: The authors use a method proposed in a previous work [Sh. Abdu- zhamilov, S. A. Azimov, L. P. Chernova, G. M. Chernov, V. M. Chudakov ZhETF, 47, 24, 19641 to find and analyze in detail the differences between the angular distributions of secondar particles in showers formed by high-energy y protons and satisfying the necessary selection criteria for pp and pn collisions in 1/2 L 4531b-66 ACC NR, photoemulsions. These differences are easily explained by the inclusion of coherent interactions. The method of research is also explained in detail. Experimental data are presented and discussed. The results are discussed of processing the showers formed in photoemulsions by protons with 24 gev and satisfying the necessary criteria of selection of pn collisions. Measurements have been 'made previously by the authors, the number of particles being n ~~ 4. The differences found indicate the possible existence of coherent interactions of protons with complex nuclei among the showers with three and four secondary charged particles at 10 and 24 gev. The authors also used measurements made at the Laboratory of High Energies of the Joint Nuclear - Research Ins itp_tV.JQjYqj) during investigation of inelastic pn interactions of rotons with an energy of 10 gev with p free and quasi-free nucleons of the photoemulsion. The authors are grateful to V. I. Veksler for permission to use the experimental data obtained at the LVE OlYal, and to M-1- Podgoretskiy for discussions of the work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 15 formulas, and I table. [GC] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12Mar65/ ORIG REIF: 002/ OTH RE F: 001/ 212 ABOUAZIMV, Kh.A.; SMIRNOVA, L.S.; YUNIJSOV, S.7u. Interconversion of the alkaloids hippeastrine, ungerine and unsevino, DokI. AN Uz. SSR 21 no.8:24-27 164. (MlRA 19:1) 1. Institut khimli rantitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. ADDIXTAI'v', Do'% Somo restilLs of the study of tho distrihitim of athorosclerosis nmong different population groups in the AzertGAjan S.S.R. A-zerb. med. zhur. 42 no. 7Q-8 Jl 165 (,miu 1911) A , -F V.I.; S31C1J1-;DRTNSKkYAy ' y I Z.M.; GAMA, ,:* AYRAPETYAN, M.T.; AbDULVEVA2 G.A.; TIMOUINA, ki!Dlp A.A. Catulysts ror oxidation processes of natural gas to forr. forma3dehyde and methanol. Zhur.prikl.khim. 38 no.3:643- 649 Mr 165, (,),UR-!, 1Q,:U) 1. Submitted Febr. 27, 1963. ABDMULYKOVA, F.D. - KATSISAN., Ya.N. P Treatment of dermatomycosis in Semipalatinsk Province. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.5:9-10 ,61. (141ILk 15:2) (SEI,IUALATINSK PROVINCE.-DEAMATOMYCUSIS) ABDYLAYEV, A.A. TheiTial conditions or semiconductor diodes in a.c.circuits. Izv,vys. uchob.zav.;prib. 7 no.51W.-150 164. (MIRA 17132) 1. Azerbaydzhanskoy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut elaktro- tekhnichesko~y promyshlonnosti. Rekomendovano m-ozhNruzovskoy konlaren- tsiyey po teplovym rezhlrrmi radAoelektronnykh ustroystv (detaley i apparatov). TURUSBJUOV, H.; ABDYLDAYEV, A., red.; ANOKHINI, M.G., [Dictionary of physics terminology] Fizikalyk termindardin sozdugu; doolboor. Slovarl fizicheakikh terminov; proakt. FruU28, Aked.nauk Kirgizakoi SO. Terminologicheakeia komisaiia, 1960. 190 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Physics--Dictionaries) (Russian language-Dictioneries-Kirghis) 3/003 640,1000/009IN11a0l IC19Y.054 A,J-Ha, TITLK. DI *, Plo blo., or Ryd--dy-l- hA K.1h.-II.., Ity.. TILSIODICAL. Y.Oh.y U. 9. pp. 47-41 . ....... -- of Net I at to. . . ..... 1 111 1 1 1 1 11 1 .: .1 . : 9 t:% : . my f "' r-b 11 11 1%, % e , * ?-v I. at reports were doll-rel at the C-f.1%,: , l r t.otll~te- of .I 1-tit'l.. of U. N:r-.h... ;f With L.-I 3.p., ... t, Z. I.c 1. ....... Card 1/4 6i 31.C~I.r P.ioti .. the P.r.b6lid Sew- k_41ZL~~ of Klrglzoaly -tv-Slat (Kirgiz C-a-Lty) an "he the to certain 1111A., ....... Prib Th ry of Tr ...... to C.r;. Pr: b1... of d...t tt�l 1. the -;.rt by "" of "Y"C'. ..I Kett. ... ti..l of the * D r a .. a lAstit,ta, prialla,incy geoflz:kl 'Ll, (Kabardtfto-Balk,r~.. Iran h of the IhAt ,I,t, of 3..; lpill.1 1 c of U.. a~.t- , ' * F r A o r t ;.h. C : I%,. To Noi. l.. y Stl..t of the lab Str~.t- -k ....... ?.at- ! We .: ..ty. E._,If h.%at'... of C~..l; -d -h. V.-I of St., Carl 2/4 St-47 Radial 711- ?articles a.hd Photon Ga.'. A. Ah, 'd f , , z -- d m t-lr4dt. ,t. a- f "be, I lolk.ria.. rn N. & j, : 1. 4..It tth -So.. prl... of, the ?I.. of F-7 Lsq.11. 1. 3..Ior T. T. f Y - rj of Scott- I t Not ' lr ll*,, of 6.2nevis,14.1 are deal& .1ti, l ;. % % .r T..ah.r 7. ff. r.-- f tte rakh,11.0- : . b; 1. y I " le tort" U.11-1%y, !A- 1 t1 ut (lortb 08,L1 % L~ N." .. : , . th wropole pedagocit&I Doe..t T- a- r1lb of th Od .. kly P.1 Jt.ih.l.h..kLy It Lt he theory of oscillation do. to O.So-t.4 Cr.,.-ly L.p-C..d r port hy Prof ... or .1 amic c rr Mb.4 of tr- is, to a report by f-lossor : , tin Intl- -0 "a of the -net I.;Z77Z= ; 0l a 1.. 1*1 * ond to I at on an _2,kbey , ho gave a ..PI- I of art Cord 3/4 ph .... .... A=OCIATION: Kaba.rdino-541karakly (K 86174 S/140/60/000/005/001/021 C111/C222 AUTHORt Abdylayev, A.A. TITLE: The Theory of Flow in a Channel With a Low Triangular Hindrance at the Ground PERIODICAL3 Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1960, No. 5, PP- 3 - 11 TEXTs In the z - x + iy-plane let OX form the ground of the channel, lot QP be the free surface, ABD be the hindrance. Let the fluid flow In the direction of the positive axis (Cf. fi e) Fig. 1 0 For x oo let the veloolty 0 and tRe depth h be known. For suberitical velocities, at the right side of the hindrance there appear waves the amplitude of which depends on the hindrance. By usual arrangements (con- formal mapping) the author determines the field of velocities and the freo surface with a consideration of the small terms of first order, and the Card 1/5 86174 The Theory of Flow in a Channel With a Low 5/140 ,/60/000/005/001/021 Triangular Hindrance at the Ground C111/C222 wave resistance with a consideration of the terms of second order. Under consideration of the fact that the height h I of the hindrance is very small, for the mapping into the plane of the complex potential w + i the author uses (according to Wien (Ref. 1)) the formula (2) As .1 (w_. ) -I- (W-a )_ 2- (w-a ) __3 - dw 0 1 2 3 1 1 + (w)] where a, a2 0 a 3 are points of the T -axis corresponding to A,B and D, + Ok + 3 h' and fl (w) is given by the boundary con- 2 3 h ditions (3) Im (w) w 0 for 0 oo oD (4) Sl(w) - 0 for tf co O.S \p,4_q and (5) Re >) i k In w_a2 + r In w-a 2 + + k+r k - r + I I w-a w-a 3 w-a 2 w-a1 w-a 3 Card 2/5 +S11(w) 0 /1, 66174 The Theory of Flow in a Channel With a Low S/140/60/000/005/001/021 Triangular Hindrance at the Ground COI/C222 I - 0'-3 f or I+.- q , where k r -V ((5) follows from C 3 the Bernoulli equation for the free surface). If F - Vcgh > I , then ..CZ(w) is sought by the arrangement (12) SL(w) - T [ A(A) a xp (i ~ w) + T (A) exp (- i A w )] d~ + A0 where A 0 is a real constant, A(A) is unknown. 1 (A) is conjugate complex to A(X). It results: Sl(w) - (9 +A) exp(- ~Q) [(k+r)coaX (w-a or X 0(h) 2 - k cos A(w-a,) - r coa A(w-a 3)] dX , where Q(A) - ~ch Aq - )?shAq . If F4.1 , then the expression for -CZ(w) is supplemented by the summands K + B sin \ 0 (w-a 2) + 1) sin ~ O(w-a I) + E sin A O(w-a 3) , where from (4) Card 3/5 861174 The Theory of Flow in a Channel With a Low 040/60/000/005/001/021 Triangular Hindrance at the Ground C1II/C222 7qk+r)()~ + AO)exp(-. Xoq) it follows that X - 0 B AO QI(A 0-T Tk (y + A 0)exp(- q) r (.-.) + AO)exp(- A0q) D 9 Q,( A ) . Now the free 0 AO 0 0 surface is determkned with the aid of the Bernoulli equation by substituting dz into ji (17) y - h + and restricting to resistance for F 41 (35) R - -Tc2 2 Re dz ( dw c terms with e in the further calculation. For the wave th? author finds h I h h f T ' 72 ( Y1 where f in given explicitly. Card 4/5 66174 The Theory of Flow in a Channel With a Low S/14 60/000/005/001/021 Triangular Hindrance at the Ground C111YC222 The author mentions N. Kochin and K. Chadayeva. There is I figure and 3 referencest 2 Soviet and I German. ASSOCIATIONs Kabardino-Balkarskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kabardino-Balkarskaya State University) SUBMITTEDs October 16, 1958 Card 5/5 USSR / General Problems of Pathology. Transplantation U of Tissues and Tighue Therapy. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958, 51576. Author :__&tMtjdAyev, Ke A. Inst :Kirgiz ffe-a-ItE-D-e-pl. Title :The Reaction of the Organism to Tissue Trans- plants by the Method of Filatov* Orig Pub: Sov. zdravookhr. Kirgizii, 1956, No 6, 42-46. Abstract: Rabbit skin, preserved for a peridd of 6 days in temperatures of 2-500, was inserted under the skin of the concha auriculae of rabbits. Degen- erative changes were noted already during the first days, but no complete destruction was noted during the course of the experiment; the reticu- lar layer (-M) of the dermis of the graft sur- vived. All the epithelial structures, and also Card 1/2 USSR CATEGORY t Gonoral Biology. Individivil Ekwolopment. 1"'pan3plantation w-1-1 Union B ABS. J01M. , 1,,0. 2,1959 No. :~7:11.t7 t RZhBiol. Ab"MOR Abdy1da7ev, re A* ij~tblz State Mn,,UcAl Lnst-!1'-.ut,)- TITLE The 11~roblen of !Llstologieai Changfis of Skin Implants. A ORIG. pUD. a1r, Cos. mod. In-ta, lc?5)6, S, V-80 A.--S T Wi C T Pieces of rabbit 3kin, k x b- --n ill Sizo, wi-J. ell Nvere preaerve~A accordinS to thlo mothod. of FllatoY at a tempe-r-ature, of -2 - I,:-) for 5 - 0 days .-iero imnlant6d tulder the olin 7)f 1~2 rabbii-:!. 'Nithin tho firtt fi-ra rli4yr, aft or Im- ~Vezlc 003~:,, I( plantation deepnerativc, chwri~-7,:St -IV,, I In the epidermis ~md derml- o! 'fie hMn(n-"- r1ants. On the It - 5th day In some rabbits., howe-vor, the apitholilum Jr, oitlacited on tho edge of the transplant p:,osorvo~- not only CARD: Country IUSSR category I I Abn. JoLir t Author T ItIc OrIg Pub. Abatract bo conplotcl:r Itoratini,-A ill nonxly all of tho canes, an-I the -apper laycr~i of tho clormis iintlervbnt, nocro3is. Only the nac-1-ianical layer of t-no derm.-Is prenonta,~ a norm-n! apnearance, which, accor-',frrr to th,~ tcuthor's on!nlon nrq be exp?,t~lnc.,! by tht'.. fact- V-int t1i., colls of tae ),.Ost it ,.,I ,Is I)-,r formation of normn)., ~ienso connocti-.,.-i Lisnue. Tho local ronettol-I of tho hovt to 1, (IIIIIIIIE: ths~ first fow days vias hy an Jn- f1tumatory IMIC11tr-ition of' the dor.-nis at t1ho Card: 3/k ABDnDAYEV, K.-A.; ARESTOVA, S.T.; MAKOVA, S.y.; ZliARK'IMBAYEVAy A.Zh. Morphogenesis of experimental h.,Mertennion under high-mountain conditions. Trudy KirgNOAGE no.2:60-62 165. (MIRA 18:1.1) 1. Iz laboratorii patomorfologii (rukovoditell - K.A.Abcbrldayev) A. patofiziolo ft (rukovoditell - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik M.A.AliyeV5 Kirgizskogo instituta kray-voy meditsiny AMN SSSR. Nauchnyy konsul'tant - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. B.F.Malyahev. ABDYLDAYEV, K. A. Cand Mod Sol -- (diss) "Histologioal changes of homoimplants - ILA e f "." in the akin or rabbits~snd the reaotion of the hostl~organiwo. to the4*--4hsAZeft;;P A Frunze, 1957. 16 pp 22 om. (Kirgit State Mad Inst), 120 oopies. (KL, 13-67, 100) -4-3- S/179/60/000/006/019/036 E022/ EJL07 AUTHOR: Abdyldayev, M., (Osh) TITLE: Investigation Of a Thin Film of Liquid Flowing on a Three-Dimensional Surface PERIODICAL* Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdoloniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mckhanika i mashinos troy eniy c, 1960, No. 6, pp. 120-124 TZ'XT: The investigation of the problem of thin liquid film on a flat pliNte has been described by F.I. Frankl' (Ref.1). The present article deals with a similar flow of a thin film over the surface of an ellipsoid. The author starts by introducing curvilinear cc-)rdinates x1, x2, which are taken along the lines of curvature of the surface; the third coordinate X3 = h is taken along the normal to the surface. The pressure on the free surface of the liquid is assumed to be atmospheric and consequently the velocity of the flow w0 is constant and is set equal to unity. For the limiting case when the thickness of the film tends to zero, the velocity potential of the flow is Card 1/3 S/l79/6o/ooo/oo6/oi9/o36 E022/E107 Investigation of a Thin Film of Liquid Flowing on a Three- Dimensional Surface introduced which is then employed to express the pressure on the surface of the ellipsoid in terms of kl and k2, the two principal curvatures of the surface, and h0 the thickness of the film (this can be deduced from the continuity equation). The flow is restricted to the bottom half of the ellipsoid, the stream of liquid approaching the ellipsoid having a constant velocity which is perpendicular to the boundary of the bowl and parallel to the tangential surfaces. Next the elliptic coordinates X, p, %) are introduced, X and 1L being along tY-e lines of curvature and for the case considered N) = 0. The relations between these coordinates and x y z coordinates are then established and the equations for the Lame"s coefficients are developed. Since these coefficients grow indefinitely as X -> a2 and p .. ) b2, new coordinates ~ and n called pseudo-cartesian are now introduced, which give finite values for Hk and H-,,. By introducing differential equations of characteristics, as explained in Ref.4, it becomes apparent Card 2/3 S/179/6o/ooo/oWol9/036 E022/E107 Investigation of a Thin Film of Liquid Flowing on a Three- Dimensional Surface that the stream lines of the flow do not coincide with the lines of curvature, except along the central line X = a2. The flow along this central line is then considered at the end of the paper; the ellipsoid is assumed to have semi-axes a2:b2:c2 = 3:2:1. The results of the analysis are tabulated. There are 1 figure, I table and 5 references: Soviet and I translation from English into Russian. SUBMITTED: May 5, 1960 Card 3/3 ABDYIDAYETY 14. SymotrIcal flow of a jet onto a nf revolution. Uch, 7-Ap. Oah. goo. ped. Jnst.. no.5M..97 163. Thinly laminated two-dimensional jet flow of a li-quid.. Ibid.%99-107 (MJRA 18,2) I ABDYlAJV? A. Activity of the Perseid meteor stream in 1964. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. khim. i geol. nauk no.3:113 165. (MJRA 18;12) 1. Otdel geofiziki i seysmologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. Submitted Dec. 10, 1964. "Mativibrator With 8mleonductor Point-Contact Triode,n by K. S. Rzhevkin and M. A. Abdyukhanov. Radiotekhnika i Elek- 7Er`onika,~~.. Dic__5~pp ~- M*- The article describes the analysis of transient processes and the method Df-engineering calculation of a multivibrator with one point-con- tact semiconductor triode,, operating in the regime of self-oscillation. Oscillations close to rectangular in shape are obtained, with pulse amp- litude at the collector load almost equal to thefeed voltage, Calculation is based on the principle of solving the reverse problem# i.e., with the given pulse parameters the elements of the circuit are de- termined. An equivalent electric circuit is worked out, which greatly slaplifies the process of calculation. (64t~~ / J"~A) rA~ ~9 2 09-9-9A5 ATTTHORS:Kaptsove V.N.r Abd34Uchanovv M..A.- and Kashin, A.A'* TITLE: Applioation.of the Quasi-Linear blethod to the Analysis of a High Frequency Oscillator Employing a Transistor (Primenaniye kvazilineywgo metoda k analizu 97sokochastotnogo generatora na poluprovodnikovom triode) FERIODICAL'so Radiotekhnika i Blektronikao 19579 Vol.IIt Nr 91 pp. 1170 - 1173 (USSR) ABSTRAM A simple oscillator circuit containing a parallel RC network in the emitter and employing a single point-contact transistor (see Fig ,.1) is considered. The system is assumed to be operating at a comparatively high frequency so that the equivalent circuit of the transistor can be represented as an inductance L T and a negative resistance Rr . It is assumed that under these conditions the waveform of the oscillations is sinusoidal .. The circuit can easily be analysed by determining its RT - f, (u_,, )J., = const I -and its Lr _~ f2 NO )I a,- coust I where u.)O is the amplitude of the first harmonic of the transistor input voltage. It is more convenient, however, to replace the function L, by a Card 1/3 function CT such that Cr =_l/a?LT . A -set of funbtionB 109-9-945 Application of the Quasi-Linear Method to the Analysis of a High Frequency Oscillator Employing a Transistor. and C for various frequenoies was determined for the 1,0,4et poiJ contact'transistor, type ClAy operating at the emitter ourrent of 0.1 m& and collector voltage of -20 V (see Fig'.3)'-From these curves it imcasible to determine R and C 'and the amplitude of the osai ations f6r..a given frequen- cy, It is-found that CT decreases as a ftinction of the amplitude (of oscillations) for increasing frequencies while R. increases with increasing amplitudes. At compaxatively low frequencies B1. is practically independent of u.0 . It was also observed that oscillations of the sinnsoidal form can take place only above certain minimum frequencies,,, fmin The values of frain are of the order of 15% f0L p where f is tile cut-off frequency of the transistor'. There are 5 figures and 1 table. There is I Slavic reference. Card ?/3 109-9-9/15 Application of the Quasi-Linear Method to the Analysis of a High Frequency Oscillator ftloying a Transistor. ASSOCIATION: Physics Faculty of the Moscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov (Fizicheskiy Fakulftet Moskovskogo Gosu- darstvennogo Universiteta im'. M.V.Lomonosova). SUBMITTED: February 200 1957'. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 1 L3DYU.MA',L"7, H. '... ADRYUjJLI~',.*OV: "On the limitii of L,.1licability ol' onall oi,7nal theory for serodconductint triodes.'' Zcientific Sessic-n Dpavut.-ed-to "Radio Dayll, May 1958, Trudrezervi-.6at, I:ojcov,,, 9 531,. 77- Analysis is presented of criteria of the applicability of small signal theory, obtained by Rittner; a new formulation of the problem is L:iven --nd a solution of the probler. is obtained in the stationary case and for slowly varying signals. U 4 A t a C4 T. IL IL tn- IL a tw- P- P- AL lj~ 0 (c Is as Rk AL A.~ IL of rw~ -0 w0,". Immum of me soMmUse 11"ll"Pal"I 11"U%7 at M111A MwImaim MA SUsWal OsommiftUaw Is. A. 4. PWW MPUZ), ft-, T- W- -"""d ML P. R.M & w a- ft my- -nwwuw-an ru."Ou II No" 10 IN Is AUTHOR: Abdl!!~~nq-v. ,N.A... ... . ..... SoV/log-4-7-3/25 'A -- - TITLE: Limits of the Applicability of the Sinall-signal Transistor Theory PERIODICAL: Radiotelclinika i elehtronilca, 1959, Vol 4, Nr,7, pp io94 - 1102 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theory proposed by W. Shockley (Ref 1) is valid for small signals and is based on the assumption that the concentration of the minority carriers injected into the base of a transistor is much lower than the concentration of the majority carriers; this is written as PIN d