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A--nv W_JL : RAZIROV, R.K.: BARITUDIN. A-B. Development of contruction In the Azerbaijan petrolenus Industr7. Azerb.'neit. khos. 3901-34 AP 160. (MTRA 13ill) (Azerbaijan.-Petroleum Industry) ABBASOV, M.A. Geomorphology of the coastal strip of Mingechaur Reservoir. Jzy. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. gbol.-geog. nauk no.4:71-7? 16o. (MIRA 14:1) (Mingachaur Reservoir--Coast changes) A3 3ASOV, 1.1 N CanLI. kyl. 5ol. (diss) "Preserto Condition of - :.!-J. - VinLeulture of Karalbakhat-dy Lov.-2arid, and Pros:)ccts for Its DeveIoD- - (Geor.-. Ayl. Inst. (150 copier. (YL ment,lt Tbilisi, 1961, 23 I)t7;. L) 3up!) 1"'-6l, Tla). ABBASCV, inzh. Dimensional accuracy and the aurface qtality of wot, bore bIts. Lit. proizv. no.1:31-32 Ja 166. (,'fJRA 19: 1) ABBASOV, M.T.; O.A. Calculatic,n-q of the flow of gacsy oil. Dokl. AN Azarb. SocH 29 no.3.19-22 16.3. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Prodstavlonc, alcademikom AN IL,&9R Kuliyevym. - --r - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ABRASOVY M.T.; KULIYEV9 A.M.; MAMFJ)O'Vt O.A.; YUSIFOV, Yu.B. Determining average oil saturation In the flow of soluticn- gas expansion. Izv. AN Aserb. SSR. Ser. geol.-geo nauk no.3s78-84 165. IMOIRA 18:9) JK _tj ACC W AP5020195 SOURCE CODE: UR/0346/65/000/009/0046/0047 AUTHOR:. Abba~M~.T~'~'!~' ORG! Nakhichevan Scientific Research Station'(Nakhichevanskaya nauchno-insledovatell. skaya s-t--antsiya) TITLE: Survival. time in the external envir9nmont of the causative agents of cnenuro- sis, echinococcosis-, mid cystic r1ocosis SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 9, 1965, 46-47 TOPIC TAGS: animal parasite, helminthology, veterinary medicine ABSTRACT: On summer pastures in Nakhichwiran ASSR the eggs of Multicgps Multiceps i and Tacnia hycZatigena remain viable more -than two months; those of Echinoooocus gran- ulvaus, less than one month. on winter pastures the eggs of M. multiceps, T. hyda- tigena, and E. gr=ulosus remain viable about two months, oge month, and less than one month, respectively. The larval fomi of the parasitesfodid not survive after three days of expoaurv to sunlight or fivi) days on--tNe -ground in the summer or 24 hours' exposure to freezing temperatures. SUB CODE: D6/ SUBM DATE: I,,- 15~ ard ORIG FXF: 000/ OM REF: 000 UDC: 619 : 616.995.1 ])ZHAVADOV,K.A.; AHRA OF.N.T.; ALITIVA.F.K. Linear congruence@ In spaces over algebras of alternione. Dokl. AN Azerb.SSR 11 no.2:75-78 155. (KIRA 8:10) 1. Aserbaydzhanskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet Im. S.H.Kirova. Predstavleno daystvitellnym chlenom Akademii nauk Averbaydzhan- skoy SSR I.G.Teelmanom. (Geometry, Differential-Projectiono) (Congruences (Geometry)) ABRASOV, N. T.: Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- I'Spinor representations of the movements of quasi-non-Euclidean Woes". Balat, 1958. 19 pp (Min Higber Educ USSR, Azerb State U im F. M. Kirov), 100 copies (KL, No 11, 1959, 114) ABBASOV, N.T. Geometrical interpretation of spinor representations of motion groups in non-Euclidean aul Muclides,n spaces, Uch. tap. AGU no.l: 31-40 '58, (MIRA 12: n) (Geometry, Differential) ABRASOV, N.T.. Line geometry application of the geometrical interpretation of spInor representations of motion groups in non-Zuelidean and Suclideax spaces. Uch. zap. AGU no*4;17-31 '58. (KIRA 12;1) (Geometry, Differential) S/044/62/000/004/006/099 C111/C444 AUTHORs Abbajov, N. T. TITLE:' Spinor ruprusentation of the motion of quasi non-Euclidian sp,ices PERIODICALs zhurnal, Matematika, no. 4, 1962, 63, abstrL~.ct 4,373- ("Tr. Seminara po vaKtornomu i tenzorn. analizu. :.Io-,k. ,in-t", 1961, no. 11, 1 241~252) TEXT: A real projective -pace Pn in which there are givens the absolute plarie xa = 0 (the indices a and b run here and further on trou6n the values from -,+I to n), the absolute cone F. (xa)2.0 where 6 " t I a a 2 a A. x and - 1 appears 1-times, and the absolute quadric U) 0 (the u U indicos u, v take the values 0 to m here and -further on), where (I un k,1 M and -1 appears 1-times, is called a quasi non-Euclidiun space Rn A motion of the space Rn has the form a a b Ixu xb + u v x U X Tu V x I b b v Card 1/3 S/044/62/000/004/006/099 Spinor representation of the motion ... C111/C444 where the matrices Ua ) and (Vu) iire orthoconal and (Tu) i. a rectangular b b CU matrix with arbitrar~~ elements. If in (1) Vu or U" then the v V b b u motion is called a motion of first respectively second kind; if T b . 0, then the motions of first and second kind are called rotations; if at the u U a a =j same time there is V v V! U b ,b , then one speaks of translation. It is shown that the 3pLce ACVlRM without absolute plane is isometric to n a cylinaer which is obtained from the hypersphere of the semi-Euclidian space '-c+(n -m)R n+1 by metrisation of its plane generatrices in form of the space 1Rn+l* The terminology and the definition of k+(n-m )R n+1 are taken from the book of B. A. Rozenfelld (Rzh. Mat., 1956, 8247). A real algebra of rank 2 n' the base of which consists of elements 1, e i (the indices i, j run here and further onthrough the values 1921 ... n) and its different products, where Card 21/3 0 S/044/62/000/004/006/099 Spinor ruprooentation of the motion C111/C444 2' 2 eia ej0 1 j) ea a; OU = 0, is called i:ai algebra of semi- altern~_ons k n. in the sii-me viay its Rozenfel"d proceeds for m-n and m-n-1, one dcfineG in the 6enaral cusu ibe involuz;ion cnd the norm of the semi- alternions ancL Qontiidaru .3ome oAz.' their properties. It is provedi If to evcry point ol' the sj~ace k'1 RMone makes correspond the element - i a X .- x ei, then one is able to represent an arbitrary motion of first kind ir. the form Ix 'N' x '-Y' -1 being the product of an even number of semi-alternions aa0 and of the semi-alternion 1 + (1/2)~E a e Tu a a,u The se.,A-alternions of this kind form a group which is homomorphic to the group of notion of fir6t, Kind of the quasi non-Euclidian spaces, the homoraorphy kernel consisting of I and. -1. This group of 3ami-alternions is called the spinor Group; its representation determines the spinor representation of k1he group of the motions of first kind of the space k,l M - R 4. 'I lAbsur4oter's notes Complete translation.j L Cara 3/3 ABBASOV, N.T. Reflections from surfaces in quasi-elliptic spaces. Dokl.An Azerb.SSR 17 no.9:7169-772 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Predstavl.bno akademikom AN AzSSR Z.I.Kha1v4QVYm, (Spaces, Generalized) (surfaces) ABBASOV, N.T. Biquaternion elliptic spaces. Uch zap. AGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk no.2z 3-9 163. (MIRA 3.811) _71-67 NT /B -L_ 049 ~-t~Tbi)/A.T-ct)/=""'~kc6ce~oW,--~Oo233/63/ooo/W6/006~/0074 ACC-MI, 7M0239w," AUTHORs Akhundovaq Be G.; Askerovp Ch. M.; Aliyevt 0. M.; Abbanoyp R. Go ORGI none r__5 TITLE1 Effect of sulfurT~hlorine and (bLVr03iUM impurities on the electrical *on- ductivity Af hexagonal and liquid selenium 1% SOURCEI AN AzerbSSR. Izv. Sor fit-tekhn i matem np no. 69 1965p 69-74 TOPIC TAGSt su1fur9,ShlqPne, dysprosium, semiconductor conductivityl selenium".) ABSTRACTs In order to clarify the influence or impurities 0 th f ion of current and the jump in the electrical conductivity Cr of 6elanimm on a effect of S, Cl and DVy the a' of selenium of brand E~ an (respectively 99.999 and 99-9999%-Eare n the hexagonal modificati:n and d1nB4the liquid state including the melting range is studied. Fig. I shows the curvo of a vs. the concentration of impu- itios. It is seen that Dy increases d by a factor of 10, and that the higher the con- centration of Cl, the more slowly a, reaches a maximum. This indicates that Dy impuri- ties can be studied in the production of selenium rectifiers and can be used to ro- place the volatile C3. impurities. C1 strongly increases o' in "4 selenium, whereas S strongly d6creasos it. A study of the temperature dependence of dT showed that d in the solid state and its jump on melting change substantially with the impurity concen- trations. C1 acts like oxygen# creating acceptor levels in So, and thus increases Card 1/2 L 04971-67 ACt - Nks-AMO-23950 the current carrier concentration and hence of . The decrease in of caused by S is apparently due to the fact that the acceptor action of oxygen is partly offset by sul- fur impuritioap which decrease the carrier concentration and hence a, . 7he jump in 0~ on melting is due to the presence of impurities in selenium which after melting become inactive. In conclusion# authors thank P~-of. 0. A. Abdu.U&Y" for his steady interest and useful uuggestiona. Orig. art. has: 5 f1j;"Nsp I table- I formula. Fig. 1. Electrical conductivity of selenium 44 vs. concentration of Clp S and Dy inpurities$ I - Se+%C11 2 - So + %3; 3 - so + %Dr. SUB CODES H'20 SUBM DATEI none/ ORIG RUS 008/ M RZFI 009 erg. 0j, Card ABBASOV, R-M-; ISKATLOV, N.M.; RWADA, R.Ta. ~ Preliminary data on a study of the flora of Azerbaijan to determine its alkaloid content. Trudy Axerb.SSR 19:19-45 135. OdaL 9: 9) (Azerbaijan--Botwq) (Alkaloids) ISMAILOV, N.M.;ABRASOV. R.M.: RZAZADN. R.Ta. Nesential oils and alkaloldB in some species of Artemisla In Azerbaijan. Dokl.AN Aserb.S.SR 11 no-8:553-560 '55. (KLRA 9:1) I.Predetavlono deTat.chlenom AN AzerbaydzheLuskov SSR G.A.Alivevym. (Azerbaijan--Artemisia)(Resences and essential oile)(Alkaloids) ISMAYLOV, N.I.I.; ABBASOV, R.M. Examination of alkaloid-bearing plants in Lachin and Kellbafthar Districts, Azerbaijan S.S.R. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i mod. =0: no.6:13-20 160. (MIRA 14:9) (IACHIN DISTkICT.-BOTANY, ECONOMIC) (KELIBADZHAR DISTRICT-BOTANY) ECONMIC) (ALKALOIDS) ISMAILOV, N.M., ABBASOV. R.M. Some data on the relationship between the dynamics of accuma- lation of al W-oids, essential oils, and lactouss. Dokj.AN Azerb. SSR 16 no.2:179-183 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Alkaloids) (Issences and essential oils) %'Lactones) cc o:*rt, uf Lauro.,.,.' 2 i ii r; ili~ rl~ rizi 1 - f , I - 1,) WIFDOV, G.M., ISMAILOV, N.M.; ABBASOV, R.M. New raw m-t.erlp' --lirces -1 rTP-Ili-tine frum rjulphinium, buschianum A.Grossi-growing in the NakhIchevan A.S.S.R. Dckl.AN AzerbSSR 20 no.10:61-63 164. (MIRA 18s2) 1. Institut botaniki im. V.L.Komarovn AN AzorbSSR. 91W ABBASOV, S. A., Cand vinFC-u-ITUrRr regionB (Committee of Higher Council of Ministers Banner Agricultural 142) Agr Sci -- (diss) "Technology of wines and the of Azerbaydzhan.11 Kirovabad, 1960. 34 pp; and Secondary Specialist Education of the Georgian SSR, Georgian Order of Labor Red Enst); 150 copies, price not given; (KL, 31-60, ABBASDT. S.A.; OLUSHANOYEDYA, Y., red.; AUDCOOT, S., 11 ~~ - (Technology of Aserbaijan w1ne making) Takhnologile via Aserbaidzhana. Baku, Agerbuidshanskoe gOB.i2d-vo. 1960. 89 P. (Axerboijan-Vine and wine making) (KMA 14:4) -ABB.LSOV, B.I. ~, ?AS therapy of tuberculosis of the peripheral lymph nodes. Probl. tuberk., Moskva no.4:76 July-Aug 1953. (cia 25:4) 1. Of Fergana Oblast Taberculosis Dispensary (Head Physician - Gorshunov) and of the Surgery Division of Tergaza Oblast Hospital (Haaa Physician - Xhudaybardyyera). MAKHMOV, Yu.A.; '1IYEV, T.A.; ABBASOV, T.I. Features of using computers for intrafactory accounting of petroleum and petroleum products in petroleum refineries. Trudy Vych. tsentra AN Azerb. 80 L46-58 162. (MIRA 15111) (Petroleum refineries-Accounting) ABBASOVY Ya., naucbnyy sotrudnik Faspalum digitaria and dodder in cotton fields. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.504 165. (KMA,18t6) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno.-isoledovateliskiy institut khlopkovodstva. rp-%am.p-ml EON Irm-159211 am *:RgTI:5Mif IWOTA. L.K.; ABBASOT.-)~,,J, Absorption of declustric waves in alcohols. Dokl. AN Azerb.SSR 13 no.5:475-480 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Institut fiviki I matemattki. Predstavleno skademikom AkAdemii nauk AzerbVd%banskoy SSR Z.1. Khalilovym. (Radio waves) (Alcohols) (Absorption) rWOV. L.M.; A93ASOV, Yn.M. Absorption of microwaves in alcohols. Trudy Inst, fiz. i mat. AN Azerb. SSR. 9:85-96 158. (MMA 12:2) (microwaves) (Alcohols) IMAJIOV, L.M.; ABBASOV, Ya.M. Tbermocontroller for low temperatures. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser.- fiz.-mat. i tekh.nauk no.5:79-82 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Low temperature research) (Dielectric constants) Dwfovy 4. M.1 ABBASOV, Ya. M. Dielectric Velwmtion in butyl alcohols. Izv. AN Aserb. SSR. Ser. fiz,-rAt, i takh. nauk no.209-46 162.. (MIRL 15910) 1 (Dielsotrics) (Butyl alcohol) DWOV, L.M.; ABBMOV2ja_*Mv Dielectric relaxation In propyl alcohols. izv. JkN Azerb. SSR.Ser. fiz.-mat. I tekh.nauk no.3:59-68 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Propyl alcohol) (Dipole moments) NOIDRTNIO T.M.; ISMAILOV, H-Gej TIMCHSVKO, V.I., aspirant;,*-* ABBASO a.H., aspirwA-, EMOSTELEVA, Z.G., entomologj "I 4=09vi .1., ka.M. sell skokhos. nauk Brief reports. Zasbah. msf~ ot vred. i bol. 7 no.2:53-54 r 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Agronom po sashabith riwtoniy Kbarlkovokogo rayo for, Nozdrina), 2o Azerbaydzhanshy institut zashchity rant 7, UrOTTLbad Qtar Ismailov). 3. Ukrainskiy institut ovoshchevodetva i kartofely~a, Kharlkor (for Timchenko). '4. Azerbaydzhanakiy institut khlopk-ovedetvar Kirovabad, (foi Abbasov). 5. Tambovakiy entomofitauchastokj, SovXhos "Koasomolets" (for Korosteleva). 6. Kamenets-Fodollskiy sallokokhosyayetvonnyy institut, Khmelinitokaya obl. (for Agarkov). (Plautol. Protettion of) IMANOV., L.M.; ABBASOV, Ya.M. Dielectric relaxation in propyl and butyl alcohols, Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.7t1510-1514 J1 163. (HIRA 17:2) 1. Institut fiziki AN AzerbSSR. I MARDZHANYAN, G.M.; ASATRYANq E.V.; MARKOSYANp A.A.; USTIYAN, A.K.; AVRAWNKO, I.D., kand. biolog. nauk (Gomel'); MISKO, L.A.; AGAPONOVAP Z,ya., kande biolog nauk.1 ABBASOV _Ya.M., aladshiy nauchnyy sotradnik; SADYKHOV, L.M., i-sp-I-MWt 1-- information. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.10t 55-57 0 163. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Armyanskiy institut zemledeliya (for W-rdrhanyan, Asatryan, Markosyanr Uotlyun). 2. Poltavs~dy sellokokhozyayatyennyy ingstitut (for Misko ). 3. Kurskaya sellekokhotyaystvennaya opytnaya, stantsiya (for Agafonova). 4. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut khlopkovodstva, Kirovabad (for Abbasoy). 5. Vaesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy (for Sadykhov). ACC NRI AT6033658 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/6611000/00010400/CA061 AUTHOR.; Travina, T. S.; Abbyasov, Z. ORG: none TITLE: Certain properties of film diode structures based on CdS under d-c and a-c voltages SOURCE: Voprosy plenochnoy elektroniki (Problems in thin film electronics); abornik statey. Moscow, Izd-vo Sovetakoye radio, 1966, 400-406 TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting film, semiconductor rectifier _7fi7,o.-*ee CH19,ePC 77E-,ejY7_1C'_ , .0WCW00e0,0e_ I c4Qo1771vfn azF,,Dr b1,r1_ec;r,,etC zoS.S ABSTRACT: Dielectric Au-CdS-Te-Au film diodes obtained by tfle vacuum-method evapor- tion (at 5 x 10-7 mm Hg) were tested in a wide range of frequencies (100 cps' to ' 200 kc). It was found that the direct branches of voltampere characteristics depend on current variations, which are limited by space charge in the presence of a large number of deep traps.' The relationship of the reverse branches of these character- istics is more complex than that of the Schottky emission. Capacity increased in photosensitive diode samples, probably because of the presence of a photo-dielectric effecc in the semiconductor layer of CdS. Cadmium sulfide in such structures contains 1 many traps which sharply increase capacity and dielectric losses. This, in turn, limits th range of operating frequencies of such diodes, and impedes tests of their operation. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 09, 201 SUBM DATE-. 27Jun66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1 UDC: 539.216.2.537.311 ABBASOVY ,.K.; SULTANOV, D.D. Epidemiological and ImmuologIcal. effectivenass of scarification vaccinations with STI vaccine in enterprises procetising raw material of animal origin. Azerb.tried.zhur. 42 no.1:77-81 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:5) AM-WI - -AR6022384 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0397/65/000/024/0051/0051 UTHOR: Abbasova., A. Do ITLE: Pharmacological investi gation of medicinal forms and prepar rom the roots an leaves of the Transcaucasian burdock grown in ation zerbaidzbon 4 2 Rof a zb. Parmakologiya, Toksbmicri-ya-0 --*ber- 24,54,34- EP SOURCEt Sb. Vopr. vnutr. retseptsil i fiziol, aktivne vesbobestvo aku, AN AzerbSSR, 1965, 52-57 FIG TAGS; pbormaeognosyt pbormacologyo genitourinary drug, drug effueo BSTRACT: Aqueous decootions of Arctium transcaucasicum Do Sosne (A. to ompositse family) roots are used as a strong diuretio-preparation in. zerbaidzbanian folk medicine, The diuretio effect of administered queous decoctions (1-5 and 1:400; 100 to 150 ml) of A. to roots and eaves and boiled down liquid alcohol extract (1:1; 1 ml in 150 ml of ater) from A, to roots woo investigated in 82 experiments on 4 dogs itb drawn out ureters. A. to pr.epsrgt~,ons increased diuresis (over the br, observation period) by 11,6 to rM%; t-h. wo"QsLoaa- an rom A, to roots proved more aotive than those prepared from A, to Card 1/2 UDC,. 6-15-3-f--M ---I, ACC NR- AR6022384 0 eaves. Chloride levels of the urine increased$ but the urea. level did ot changes A. t, preparations are not toxic and are recommended for linical testing, A. Gladkikhe ZTranslation of abstraoto ,UB CODE: 06 I''-- . .. Card 2/2 IUGITEV* K*Fe;_A~OV,4x--B&G.; KULIY3VA, Y.G. Using hydrogenation mothod,s for deterwIning the bVdrocarbon group composition of petroleum products containing unsaturated compounds, Aserb,khim.shur. no.24.17-27 159. (um 13:6) (Petroleum products) (Wdrocarbons) NAGIYEV, N.Y.; KULIYXVA, V-G-; ABBASOVA- B-0- *. _.UV-U~O Using the nonselective hydrogenation methods for determining the hydrocarbon group,ccmposition of bright petroleum products contain- ing nonsaturated compounds. Azerb. neft. khoz. 38 no-5:33-35 MY '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Hydrogenation) (HVrocarbons) XAGIYEV, M.P.; ABRASOVA, B.G.; XULIYZVA, V.G. Using the selective and nonselective hydrogenation methods for studying the hydrocarbon group composition of the kerosene fraction. Aserb..neft. khoz. 38 no.6-.36-39 -To '59. (MIRA 12:10) (Hydrogenation) (Hydrocarbons) (]Eerosene) I 14"711,Fv R~G. VOMIT,!. V.,.~ . I t ? % Rsuction of hydrogen ristr."bv"on dwring -1-mmatographic sp.raroUnn on tluminon!aIc-ite ~!atslyet-.. Aterb. kMit. thur. no.5;65-72 164. (KRA 18:3) i - - - - - t--- . . - . f I ~ ,y, t --- I -f . , A, A. ; I r'.G. ~ Alkali metliGd of synthesizing niobates withuut f,.igin,-. Ucil. zap. AGIJ. khim. nauk rio.4:3-9 t63. (1,11RA 17,11) ABBASOVA, F.G. Sodium perniobates. Zhur.VKHO 9 no. 3:350--)51 164. (MRA 17:9) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy sellokokhozyaystvennyy institut. KHALITA-ZADRO, Ch.H.; ABBASOVA, WWIAMO~ A.G.Saidov's critical article "Lithological and mineralogical characteristics of clays in pay formations of Azarb~Lijan.* Reviewed by Ch.M.1halifa-Zada, S.M.Abbamova. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser. gaol. 22 no.3:9~-102 Mr '57. (MIJU 10: 5 l.Otdel regionallnoy geologii I minerallsogo syrlya Dagestanokogo filial& AN SSSR. (AzarbaiJan-Clay) 3(s) AUTHORS: Khalifa-Zade, Ch. M., Abbasova, 3. M. SOV/20..125-5-43/6i TITLE: Chamosite Clays From the Kimmeridgian Stage Sediments of the Southeastern Caucasus (Shamozitovyye gliny iz otlczheniy kimeridzha yugo-vostochnogo Kavkaza) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5, PP 1110-1113 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. The sediments mentioned in the title have a siliceous appearance and a green-gray and olive-green color. The rocks of this stage are developed in the axial and near axial parts of the Dibrarskaya geosyncline. They lie trams- gressively on various Dogger-horizons. Upwards in the section the Kimmeridgian Stage is abruptly overlain by a red Tithonian- mass. The thickness of the Kimmeridgian Stage fluctuates bet- ween 180 and 200 m and is lithologically represented by sand- stones, "aleurites" and "aleuritid" argillites. These sediments have a Aflysch structure here. They belong to the facies of sediments from the coastal part of a shallow sea. Results of the microscopic study are given. The green color (Ref 2) is said to be duc to a chloritic substance. In order to explain Card 1/3 the nature of the green scaly minerals found (residue after Chamosite Clays From the Kimmeridgian Stage Sediments SOV/20-125-5-43/61 of the Southeastern Caucasus treatment with 5 % 01), the content of soluble iron was determined acoordino to the method of reference 3 (Taliel Since the majority of the total iron (approximately 80 %~- is represented by soluble iron (10-12 ~ in the minerals) it can be asserted that 35-40 % of these clays consist of chamo- site. Its extraction was not successful. The fine fractions (after HCl treatment) were investigated thermally (Fig 1), chemically (Table3) and with X-rays (TableR). Thus it was determined that the argillites of the Kimmoridgian Stage in the southeastern Caucasus consist of hydromica and chamosite of various origins. The bydromicas are apparently related to the clayey rocks of the source areas which consiot of shaly, Do,,,-ger argillite and Lusitanian limestones. Consequently these hydromicas are related to the Middle Jurassic claystones. Chamcsite originated from clayey sediments by. a chemical process in the diagenetic sta0e. The small amount of organic carbon indicates a spongy sediment of a neutral Or weakly reducing medium (Tablel). This favored the formation of a leptochlorite facies. The iron came into Kimmeridgian waters Card 2/3 from the adjoining mainland in an oxide form as a mechanical chazosite Jlays From the Kimmeridgian Stage Sediments SOV/20-125-5-43/61 of the Southeastern Caucasus suspension. The clay and silica required for the formation of --hamosites are of volcanic origin (Ref 1 ). The Kimmeridgian sediments were systematically enriched with volcanic dust, which fell from volcanoes of the adjoining mainland (region of the Kura depressioO..which were active at that time. There are 1 figure, 3 tables,and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Geologicheskiy institut DagestanBkogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR ( Geological Institute of the Dagestan Branch of the Academy of Sciencea,USSR) PRESENTED: December 26, 1958, by N. M. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED; December 15, 1958 Card 3/3 AQ ImmV. mi 0 a KHALIFA-ZADE, Chingiz Muzafar; ABB oyna, ALIYEV, Abdul Gadzhi 'Wil , Irv. d VA.+. red. izd-vaj GUSEVA, A.P., tekhn. red. [Siderite deposits in Daghestan] Sideritovye salezhi Dagestan&. Moskva, 12d-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 133 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Azerb.SSR (for Aliyev). (Daghestan--Siderite) SR Ato`/4c IiJ%jrdl '~nAMMUIPhyolc~-' Liquids D-8 ~ Abu Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 819 Author Bagdaeryan, S.S., Abbas-zade A.K.- Tnet Azerbaydzhan Pedagogical Institute Title On the Structure of Liquids Orig Pub Me'ruzeler. AzerbSSR, elmle akad., Dolk. AN AzerbSSR, i957, 13, No 5 481..485 Abstract A clear model is proposed, according to -which the liquid consists of two groups of molecules -- "statistical groups" of closely related particles, and. "free molecules". On this bases, a qualitative explanation is given for the simplest propr7ties of liquids. Card 1/1 At-t- NKt ATbUJJ0)f Soma CODI.': UP/0000/66/000/000/0384/0389 AUTHOR: Zhdan, A, G.; Abbyasov, Z.; Yelinson, M. I.; Chugunova, 14. Ye. ORG: none 'LA ill TITLE: Studies of thin-film field-effect transistors based on CdS SOURCE- Voprosy plenochnoy elektroniki. (Problem in thin film electronics); sbornik statey. Moscow, Izd-vo Sovetskoye radio, 1966, 3814-389 TOPIC TAGS; field effect transistor, thin film circuit, volt ampere characteristic ABSTRACT: Operating characteristics of thin film FET's were measured, with particular interest in the effect of temperature extrf2pes on trwiBient response. Samples were vacuum-deposited, and consisted of WS-Al Hurces and drains, with SiO(CaF2)Al gates. Film thickness was from 2 to 5 mm; gate widths were either 9 or 18 V. Response to square wave pulses varied widely, depending on both pulse length and differences in the crystalline structure among samples. Fig. 1 shows the different responses to 100-sec pulses obtained from three samples. alie uction of "fait" and "slow" trapping iB described as governing the observed rise and decay effects. Temperature tests, Card L 07360-67 ACC NRt 06033657 Fig. 1. CdS FET response to 100-sec pulses ACC NRt A/6033657 done at 20-2 mm ,g from 20C to 230C, showed general improvement in characteristics with increased temperature, including ail increase In gain. This indicates that at higher temperatures the deeper lying traps play a predominant part. Volt-ampere characteristics as functions of temperature are also given. Orig. art. has'. 5fi&lreB. SUB CODE; 091 SUBM DATE: 27jun66/ ORIG REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5101 -Card 13 afs ACC NRs AM6036119 -Mon'o'gra*ph-- Bkvortsov, Mark vanovich; YUkhovp Ivan Vesillyevich; Zemlyanov, Boris Ivanovich; .,Abchuk.' r Avramovich; Mrykhin, Oktyabrl Aleksandrovich Principles of sh4 maneuvering (09novy manevrirovaniya korabley) Moscow, Voyenizdat M-Va obor. SSSR, 1966p 269 p. illua., biblio., 1 fold chart. Errata slip inserted.' Number of copies printed not given. TOPIC TAGS. nayd~ operation, marine engineering, ship navigation, naval tactic PURPOSE AND COVER~AGE: This book is intended for naval officers and students of naval schools;lit can be also used by the.scientific and engineering staffs of research institutes and the marine industry. Probleme of ship navigation, hand-ling, and inaneuv~rlng at sea am discussed with particular applicevion to military purposes, such as approach to target or changing position of the ship Isong. epecif~c object. Theories of probability, detection, and in relation to' errors am usea extensively in the text, particularly for the theoretical and practical anal~mis of problems of maneuverability. There are 16 references,, all Soviet. TABLE OF- COMSWS:, [abridged]: Introduction -- 31 r-a 1 /2 UDC: 359:656.61.052 ACC NRo AM6036119 Ch. 1. Principleslof the general theory of ship maneuverability -- 9 Ch. 2. Sea searcWfor enemy -- 38 Ch. 3. DetermininZ elements of target motion -- 91 Ch. 4. Changing stance and position in relation to an object -- 133 Ch. 5. Special c2es of maneuvering by a single ship -- 170 Ch. 6. Principlesifor the evaluation of maneuvering accuracy 196 Ch. 7. Joint mane4ver of ships -- 209 Ch. 8. Solving madeuvering problemi with electronic computers 234 Appendi x,, Maneuve4ng tables (19 tables) -- 252 Bibliography -- 266 GUB COIZ: 15*17/ SWM DATE: 03May66/ ORIG REP: 027/ OM AM OOV lm-lz- itiMl-l 1~ m ., ". - . "1 1. . 1 11 1 .- -, 11 1 -i;l I - . . a - . I ~I ~: ~ -- 1, , , I . I-, --m, ":-: 1. ., - . ."! .- ~ I. .. ...~- 1. 1. . , -l-K , " , - i~ - L ,-.1 -. - ----I ~, ~~ ABCZ)TSKI, Jan Mgr.inz. Selected problems in the construction and production of automobile body dies. Tech motor 11 no.12t407-410 D 161. EAST GERMAYMNITED ARAB REPUBLIC BOE10,', Karl Heinz, Dr., of the Institute for Nicrobiology and Anima. Diseases at the University for Veterinary Sciences (Institut fuer Mikrobiolo,'%e und Tierseuchen der Tieraerztlichen Hochschule) in Hannover (Director: 1144ENER, K., Professor, Dr.), Sayed Ahmed, Dr., of the Faclt'..ty for Veterinary Medicine at Assuit University, United Arab Republic, and IXUSS, Ulrich, Dr., of Oldenburg, Oldenburg. "Comparative Antigen and Antibody Identification in Hog Pest with tte Aid of Agar Gel Precipitation" Leipzig, Archiv fuer Experimentelle Veterinaermedigtn, Vol 20, No 5, Nov 1966, pp 926-933. Abstractz Diagnosis of hog pest was made in more than two-thirds of over 100 animals from various areas which had contracted natural L~i- fection,lby means of antigen and antibody tests employing agar gel pr.!,-.i- pitation. In most pancreas samples it was possible to identify the p~:.!cipi- tinogen and/or the precipitin. The reaction, described in some deta.L, was found to be quite specific. 17 references, including 8 German, 1 Hun~arian, and 5 Western. (Manuscript received 7 Jan 1966). 1/1 G!1ITSYK, V.I., inzh. (Chelyabinak); .:3D;,1i1.(',VA, 0.1., Inzh. Chq1yab1nsk, Use of grass planting for the stabi lization of dimon'. :311de slopes. Put' i put.khoz. 8 no.6:26 164. (MIRA 170', ABDALYAN Petr Grigorl -y-i h; KMMCHENKO, Illya Alekseyevich; I ap 2c KHARUMVp P.G., insh., retsenzent; VULIF, V.V., inzh., red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N.j tekhn. red. (Unit method of repair of the TE1, TEM1, TE2 diesel locomotives] Agregatnyi metod remonta teplovozov TE1, TEM1, TE2;*opy-t,,.O" Likhobory Moskovskoi dorogi. Moskva, Transzheldorisdat, 1969* 67 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Diesel locomotives-Maintenance and repair) -- ABDAZIMQM, T.D.$ aspirant Spinal sensory innervation of the kidney. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.10; 43-46 161. (MULk 14:10) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii s topografichesk6y anatomiyey (zav. - prof. B.A.Stekollnikov) Tashkentskogo gositlarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (KIDNEYS-INNERVAT ION) ZUFAROV, K.A.; ABDAZIMOV, T.D. Soma data from histochemiml studies following unilateral nophrectoray, Trudy Inst. kraev. ekspor. med. no.3:91-96 161. (MLI 15:5) (KIDNEYS-,-SURGERY) ABCIffMS, Alens, a a real queen. Rab. i sial. 35 no.10:6 159. (NOIRA 13:2) 1-Zven.vevaYa po kukuruse kolkhosa "Ohrrvonvqa zmena," Irubanskiy rayon, Hinskays, oblast. (IoYuban' District-Corn (Maize)) ABDEINBEKOVJ!, A.A. New species of ichneumon flies (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from the Nukba-Zakataly zone of Azerbaijan. Do~I.AN Azerb. = 17 no.9:825-827 161. (MIRA-1533) 1. Institut toologii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR V.R.Volobuyevym. (Dzhary region--Ichneumon flies) ENDOCRTBOLOGY HUNGARY/UNITED ARAB RETUBLIC ISMAILt A. A., EL-RIDI, M. S. KAMEL, G., TALAAT, M., El Mofty Metabolic and Endocrine Research Unitp Biochemistry Department~ Faculty of Medicine$ Cairo; and TAPOUZADA, Salwa., National Research Centre, Dokki, both in the United Arab Republic. "Interrelation Between Thyroid Hormones and Essential Fatty Acids" Budapest, Acta PhysioloAica Acadeiniae Scientiarum 11ungaricae, Vol 29, No 3-4) 8 Jun 1966, pp 225-234. Abstract: (English article) Since both fatty acids and thyroid hormones are frequently used as hypocholesterolacmic agents, the authors investigated the effect of thyroid hormone administration on rats maintained on a synthetic diet deficient in essential fatty acids. The deficiency reduced fer- tility in both sexes; fetuses were absorbed in som- cases and the females failed to lactate. Triiodothyronine, in doses of 1.0 pg /rat/day markedly enhanced the essential fatty acid deficiency; thXosine, in doses of 10 pg /rat/day showed no such effect. The symptoms disappeared upon treat- nvnt with highly unsaturated fatty acids in doses of 0.1 ml /rat/day. 26 references, including I German and 25 Western. (Manuscript received 21 Jun 1965). 1/1 r HUNIARY KELLER, Laszlo, Dr, RETSAGI, Gyorgy. Dr A ADDEL, Hay, Dr, YADARASZ, Faria, Dr, MUIER, Yagda. Dr; Medical Universi~y Clinic (director; !SRO, Sandor, Dr) (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi rgyrtem, III. Bel- klinika), and National Institute of Food and Nutrition (directorl TARJAN, Robert, Dr) (Orszagos Elelmezes- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet). "The Fatty Acid Composition of Serum Upid Fractions in Sclero8is of the Coronaries and in Cerebro3cleroais.11 Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, 11o 47, 20 Nov 66, paCes 2216-2219. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The fatty acid composition of the total lipid, phospholipid, triglyceride and cholesterol ester fractions of the serum was studied, by means of the gas chromatoi,,raphic method, in 15 patients with coronary sclerosis, 13 with cerebrosclarosis andin 12 normal controls. The palmitoleic and stnaric acid fractions of the total lipid as well as the arachidonic acid fraction of the phospholipid were found to be lower in both of the atherosclerotic r!roups than in the case oil the controls. In the cerebrosclerotic group, the palmitic acid content of the phospholipid fractions was found to be considerably higher than either in the coronary sclerotic or in the normal group. No characteristic deviations were found among the groups examined with respect to the ratio between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. All 9 references are Western. 1/1 A.FIELI-ZANIJ, A.Sh.; CIMMUKIN, V.I. Propulsion of solidified oils from pipelines with a saw cross sectlon. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neftl i aaz 4 no.8:99- 103 161, (MIRA 31+:12) 1e Moskovskiy institut, neftekhmichaskoy i gazovoy promyshlannosti, imeni akademika I.M.Gubkina. (Petroleum-Pipelines) ABDELI GANI, A.Sh. I-- - Spacing of pipeline pumping stations for transporting hot mazuto and highly viscous petroleums. Neft. khoz. 40 no.6:56.-59 Je 162. 0 (14IRA 15:6) (Petroleum pipelines) MEL' GANI, A.Sh. Heat insulation of underground pipelines. Trudy, MINKHiGP no.45t4O-49 163. (Pipslines) (Insulation (Heat)) (KERA 16t7) A13DELI GANIp A,Sh, Inorease of t4m CapacitY of main POtrolftuM pipelines during the transfer of non-Newtonian crude oilo, Trudy MINKHIGP no.45s 50-59 163. (KM 16:7) (Petroleum pipelines) IGUIII A.Sh. -- - -AM tk~', - WAW 1~11M-t Paraffin depadt forwtion on the wal-Is of petroleum pipelines when their capacity is decreasing. Trudy HINKHiGP no.45:155-164 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Petroleum pipelines) M ABDELI GANI, A.Sh. Ejection of sol.1dified petroleum from pipelines NINXHIGP no*45:165-176 163o (hRA '1"76.7) (Petroleum pipelines) ABDILI GAVAD SAYED: IAPIUY.IY, A.V.; RUDENKO, N.P. Fxtraction, of thorlum by means of benzolqdroxamic acid. Radiokhimiia 5 no.3:290-294 163. (MIRA 161l0) (Thorium) (Benzohydroxamic acid) I; ~ zi r! ' * - , A . v . . Rud-,, i ~i , ,, , 1. : I . . . . "I.- - -- ~~~ T vann IT% ]n%TIbl I I TV. -IMP allrrinrc w1 sm Tn pxorevic~ rripi r nrAt I I tiCe Tn M- V- ", ,'~: , ." -I an,, -'. V'asov fo, , , I I A' . ... 1. , - . I " . . 1-1 . L ;." I . 1. ~ V; RUI M-op N.1.,- ABDFV GAVAD SAYFD; LAPITSKIY~ A.V. 1~xtr" otion sepAration of thori= and protqctini,,-. Radiokhlmiia 7 nvel:32-33 '659 (MIRA 18:6) LAT11,71i'My, ISIV. [ducenjed]; Extraction cf thorium, protactinium., wid uran-ium by m-~ans of neocupferron. RadiokhImliu 7 no.2:139-142 165. Behavlor of thorium, protactInbim, and urunlum during extraction by -means of bL-nzohyJrLx--i7,!.c acid and 1.1 bi d. : 1421-14 5 ABDEL'-LATIF., R. A. ; VYSOTSKIY, G. L. ; MAKMCD, Kh. F - "D "Polarization Phenomena in the Direct Nuclear Reactions in the Resonance Region." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy) Thilisi, 14-22 Feb 6h. Atomnaya Komissiya OAR ADDELI-MALEK, S.A. Feeding habits of adult three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) In the Kand&laksha Bay of the White Sea. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3:31-36 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Rekomandovana kafedroy Ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstmennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Kanelalaksha Bay-Three-spined stickleback) (Fishes-Food) ABDELIMALEK SJA - --- -- Fisheries in Egypt (United Arab Republic). Vop.ikht. 3 no.ltl98- 202 163, (MIM 16:2) 1. Kafedra ikhtiologii Mookovakogo gomudarstvennogo universiteta. (Egypt-Fisheries) ABDELI-MAIEK, S.A. One day's feeding rhy-thm of the three-opined stickleback (Gasteroo- teus aculeatus L.) in the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea, Vop;~ ikht. 3 no.2:326-335 163. (NIRA 16:7) 1. Kafedra ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (Kandalaksha Bay-4hree-spined stickleback) (Kandalaksha Bay-Fishes-Food) ABDILI VAKHABg Ye,H, Effect of corticosteroid therapy on seram proteinsp blood cholesterol and eosinophil count in various allergic diseases. Arobl*endok.i gorme 7 no,2256-62 161, (MIRA 14:5) (ALUMGY) (AMMOCORTICAL HORMONW) (BLOOD) ABDEYCIIIKOV. V. V.; BCGATIN, V. L; LOZHKIN) 0. V.; PERFIWV, N. A.; YAYOVLEV, Yu. P. Y "Concerning the Possib!lity of Investigation of 14ulti-Nucleon Clustering in the Periphery of Nuclei by Reactions with Fast Particles." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. Radium Inst.