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S.S.; ABAULINA, L.I. BATSANOV, I--.- -- - - . - - -.- Interaction of mercury halides with ~!halc:)gens,, Report No.2. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.10-67-73 161. .,,RA 14:22) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSRP Novosibirsk. (Hercux-y halides) (Chalcogens) W4Ae_iA,',4 '= -r. USSRlphys?cz, Crystallography Car,-, 1/3. ilub 146-21/25 Authcr : Abaulina, E. I., and Zavaritskly, N. V. Title : Problem of obtaining a metastable modification of thallium 3 Periodical : Zhur. eksp. A. teor. fiz. 28, 250, February 1955 Aktract : In order to clarify the role of the crystalline lattice in the phenomcwn of superconductivity it is important to investigate the various crystalline mcd- ifications of one and,the same substance at low temperatures. There are tbre metals (thallium, titanium, and zirconium) whose alpha-modification is super- conducting, but their beta-modification at low temperatures has not been in- vestigated. The authors attempted to obtain and study at low temperatures the metastable modification of thallium (Y)9.9% pure); tempering was carried out by several methods. They found that one of the usual methods does not obtain thallium in its metastable modification and that thus the problem of the possibility of tempering pure thallium rernins open. They thane: A. 1. Shallnikov for his interest and N. V. Belov, laboratory assistunt in the In- stitute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences LISSR, for roentgen(. Inntituticm: Inctitute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR Subr,itte(L : September 27, 1954 off USSR/Physics - photo counter FD-184o Card 1/1 Pub 146-25/25 Author : neykiii, M. S., and Abaulina, E. I. Title : Self-quenching light counter with regulated red boundary Periodical : Zhixr. eksp. I teor. fiz. 28, 254-256, February 1955 Abstract : The counter of photoelectrons Is a sensitive measurer of light flux. The authors devote the present vork to an attempt to create a light counter with regulated spectral characteristic, such an instrument in certain prob- lems of spectral analysis combining the roles of light receptor and spectral apparatus. The first attempt in this direction was made by V. M. Kudryatseva (ibid. 4, 557, 1939). They thank Prof. A. I. Shallnikov for his advice. Institution: Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR Submitted : June 29, 1954 -7 6A YX rs .JSSR/Electricity - Semiconducto G-3 Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, la84 Author : Abaulin-Zavaritskaya, E.I. Inst : Moscov State University, USSR. Title : Electric Properties of Geronium at Super Low Temperatures Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 6, 1158-116o Abstract : An investiption is made of ( ~ ) of single crystals of germanium (1 ohm-cm at 200) on the temperature and on the intensity of the electric field in the temperature range from 0.15 to 200 K. A very low temperature is obtained by aaabatic aemagneti- zation of iron-amonia alums. The temperature of the spe- cimens vas monitored by a calibrated carbon thermometer ,writh accuracy to 5 x lo-30 K. The resistance vas measured vith an electrometer with negative feedback and with a Card 1/2 . I .- ..., - I ~, 1 ,-y - I . -,m", my- MON m''Iffi-ROINEWMEM WINIM918 "I BOV/56-36-5 1he Electric Conductivity of Germanium in Strong -2/76 .electric Fields at Low Temperatures (u of Card 2/3 9 of from I - 6 v/cm at temperaturos of from 4-5 - 6.35 0K (7 curves~. This dependence is found to have 3 characteristic ranges: a) the range of applicability of Ohm's law, b) the range of the monotonous increase of conductivity, and c) the range of the sudden steep increase of electric conductivity (the so-called "breakdown" region). The latter is subjected to close investigation. It was found that the breakdown effect is connected with the development of a cascade in the conduction band; it is, however, independent of the conduction mechanism in germanium at low temperatures. The other figures show the various physical connections in this region in form of diagramal thus,figure 4 shows the Curves Ebr(T), (' br denotes the breakdown field strength)t figures 5 and 6 show the dependence of conductivity on E, etc. The formula A L F2I E PA _,T or E -const holds br F TT brF denotes the velocity of soundt I the ionization energy the impurities in germanium, and IL the mobility (Figure shows the course taken by the straight line). The influence LAie Electric Conductivity of Germanium in Strong SOV56-36-5-2/76 -Lectric Fields at Low Temperatures exercised by various factors upon Ebr is found to be due to their influence on carrier mobility. Finally, the connection between B br and the resistance ? on the wagnetic field stren-th is investigated. The following holdst ? (H) / ? (0) f,& kE br (H3/E br (0), k m 1 ... 4or ?(11)/ ~ (0) f:w /$-(O)//-b (11). The author finally thanks A. I. Shallnikov, B. M. Vul# S. G. Kalashnikov and L, V. Keldyah for their interest and discussions, and V. G. Alekseyeva for preparing the samples. There are 10 figurea, 2 tables, and 10 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state University) SUBMITTED: November 10, 1958 Card 3/3 ABAYArMEV, A.S.: Mpater Goolog-minoralo Scl (diss) --- "The tectonl,-e of the west-Dorets graben (the ilovomoskovsk-Mozhovava region of the western porbass)". Dnepropetrovsk; 1c)58, 20 pp (Min Higher Educ Ulcr S,9R, DnIJDropetrovBk order of Labor Red Banner Mining Tnet ilm Artem), 150 CODiOG (n, No 1, 1959, 116) AIIA)~~', A *S. Mineral raw material resources of the Dnepropetrovsk Province. 17,v. DGI 42:20-25 164. (mim 18:11) LEM, G*Lop kand*med.nauk;__gATpVj A.I. (Moskva) Use of the neuroblocking preparations gastripon and gastro- bamate. no.703-56 '61, (MIRA 1418) 1. Iz 2-y kafedry terapii (zavo - prof. B.Ye. Votohal) TSentrall- nogo institute. uaovershenstvavaniya vrachey (dir, MOD. Kovrigina) na bass Klinioheakoy ordera Lenina bollnitsy imeri SOP. Botkina (glavmy vr4ob - prof* A.K. Shabanov). (PZPTIC ULM) (AUTOPM10 DRUGS) . , ~ 1 1 :-- ~ 7- -~ -- I'l- --,I i IABAYiV,' iA.-- In&h.; PMLISKIY, L,R,, insh. (Dnepropetrovsk). 9 Squipping electric locomotives m station tracks. Slek. i tepl. tiaga no.12127-28 D 157. (KIRA II.&l) (Ilsotric locomotlits-Maintenance and repair) ABA'jTV, A.S., inAh. Ntermination of an expediency oriterion in the ohango-over of traction motors to owration with decreased field excItation, Sbor. trud. DIP no.39tll6-120 163. (MIRA 1814) pt t Pr-4/ps-4 .-AGS: singia crysEal, single try8tal gro-dtnp, single cryatal growinq device C T6- Qr- Scl~ntl fie Reno arch and Flanninr I n attu te o f --t tte heater with verttcal t l1tt4 which par-mit the di re et N 1 1 6 i r One t C, 6 0, 3 ot E N C'- )00 SUL CODE: S8 , IN ATD PRESS 2 13 i N . - -1 ~ ~~ , , . , i, I, ; "' C~ : ~ 6 4 1 , . . I r- I - , z - , - a ~l h I , e ~ c - , - r - k, . I ACC NRs APT009052 L I-stationary electromagnet; P.-self-adjusting needle bearing SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Apr65 Card 2/2._ QMMSMMMM~ AGkDZIU%hW# N.A. 9 mayor meditainakay isluzhbyp; A13AIIJ 4 -# .--D.V.t-podpolkovnik maditoinakoy aluzhby - _- ., Decompression disorders under conditions of dicreased atmospheric Mssure, Voen.-mod, zhur* na. 1:58-62 Ja 160. (14IRA 1412) (DF.CMPMSION SICKNWS) (ATMOSPUMC PRESSIM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (AVIATION MZDIGINS) 12(4) PHASR I BOOK ZXPWXTA?Zt)X MY/2925 Baku. A.Ze:-bA74zk.An.'kl7 Inotitut tsoftsw- b7showd. r'"Aty"7USr-chey Pror-yablennosti Imeni V. V. 104:1 3barnk wn. 2. (Collection of Works, No. 2) balm, 1958. 313 P. treats slip Lzvilrtald. 500 copies printed. LddItIonal Sponsoring 4-onfli Azzerbaydzhan. WIntatelretva neftyancly Pro"aftlenno.ti. ad. or ftt.1r.%ing 111.9e: T.11' ALl't.%n; Editorlial boards V.S. A117wv. Canoldste of Ch."l,q] V.S. Outma, Doctor or Cbmical Scie-es, wirev, D~ctor or ct-mmicai sciences. P.m zachiscow. CarAldate ':f Technl~al Sclzrneetx V.Yk. Xavumyano Candids;e of, csse-si:4i sci~r~ex, P.c. 3uieY-%n,,a, candidate or Technical A.K. t'-shirs, C-31date of ch~~Ical Sciences, N.A. All e~ Candidate ef Crinicki Scit"as, J.X. or4dtheva. Candiclate o f Technics" Sarlsesli:es, N.A. Wellk-Zads, Candidate of Chemical 1,04. PUPJ=s Thlo collection of articles is Intended for charselcal ' enfliseltrav tocwn Icl nx,and refiners evneltreitld with Advanced methods or pelrol-ast con"rejon. COVERAMt The "llectlon :)mxqnts an ianslyals or dlff*ront types 'f crudes ~;strftctod In AtortayUhm and of the pro6asets recovered rrm tp."P 'rjc~x thmuch Pet "Ituft con,armicas PrOcesaffs. 1"he de"ter!nCo desaltIng a-,Id d"w1alf7ing of trades 1. dslacrIbcd and th- suitability of these crudeja for thal d-eco,wry of 11-s-1 Nels 12 diarlipped. Results of catalytic cracking perfom.-d over a fluidized bad synthetic catalyst P=,sl that chess*061 C-pneltion of gavollne Produced by two- Ztfieo rrd~klnn are analysed. AttrItIon and dalactlws~ tIon of cata*yvto an -11 60 Cllt*17111%, CiretlatIOn In VA bjVQa- no. system are revi-ed. vari.u. iube oil lawlti,sa, as" thle Production v: dlfrerpnt t-vPvs or oils and of carbon bl&ck are mtlln*d. Ptlfe.-nzeB -T~P-ny Individual artl 8. Vollectics, of Works# No. 2 L" X.I. Perrava. Methodology of Antl"Ing -~n C&I AddItIvel- . . a M.A., A.171. V.IlArjls~.- 4, M.R" V'V~ SUbI&Aft- Oil by Means of 1"1064tIve o""7 720topes t-ih.3-rmsl Conversion or _11._A~~i~--,. 34asterI.S %4~ T-h..q.. or F**ro-.~:a-t,?4rInC Sands of K12-MakInak Car-rl&4 out o,"r a nuiax*a Bad With Spent ZuIr"It AxId "M Aliqlatlon Xmc3 , X And_4.11. At&Yc,. Syslte%n for Conceal by '11"er- 4!RON ~Tr"s"bP&r, card T/S ISFATLOV, I.K.: ABLTV, G.N. Regulating "hyperflow' conveying systmo. Sbor.trudASICII XP Ino.2018-324 Ag '58.. (NIPA (cryerijimchinery) 1 18o, l o. .100o S011/6 5 -!',() -.3 -7/19 AUTHOR: Abayev, G. N. TITLL: Concurninr thc Calcul,ition of' the Consumption of Solids Dovinj-, 11neuniat,ic PERIODICAL; KlAmiya i tolchnologtya topli. i rna-,icl, 1960, Nr 3, "8, P : -35 (USSR) P ABSTRACT: A lino-ar relat-ion wa,, Ln3tabllnhed betiqe-(ni lozno of poten- tial onergy and corimunption of' ~,olid material during pliclunatic conveying. G Where K -. Et(j 4- + The following notations were uzsed: G is the amount of circulating solid particles (kIl/nr or lqr/sec); P is Card 1/5 Concerninf; the Calculatj.ol-j of t.jj~,. C011- 7119 -JI m 'i of Solids Du 17,_ '0_.1 u, Ptiol ring Pnel IITFA t i C S 6 -v.1 "D - 19 S Conveying pressure drop in conveyor Occlm'); K is coeff,icient dimensionless); Q ~is O-on~.-'Luliptlion of transportinF niren (nI3/hr or m3/oec); W,,, j.:; I ,t2j.ocit-,y of, j.11 veyor w1) is 've1o(..i.t-.' of prticles ill Qc),I- ve-yor (111/SeC); I i:, (UOUIIIC(~ b(.AW~J~Ctl Of (111); 1, L~~ 1'riction f'actor (dimull0iolilel3s); a is Dt i:~ di'llneter of, I collcon" I id ~~od i'ud 1 ",;c I ty OF 11 ~-X p:1rt ic, i':~! CI' 011 1~; the Cro.;.'; ;Uctiun 01, trall3PI)I't Pipf_-l of' zolid the calcul'.1t, loll ()J, tjj(.~ jU,fl-,Vt:iO11 OVA 5 - 6 9 - 3) -,(/ 19 Co I Ic%,; -1. 1 -1 work:'Lng conlition", (ki-,/m'): d i.; vi.~;,co.,ity W' the tran-- ,AWC. /In K io cocVr*.1ci.Qnt K Port'i 11fr gao (1(1' experiniental 1y; K ii theoretical eloration 01, Prec. i'all 9. ace rrv,; (:~ c r ~;el".,tion Without ch'.111irc, of' tll(-. l'ollowinf, ning, f'actore, lo condit.i.on 'of' :.;im:i.Jir.JAj-, of thO 1'lUldi.,ed bect -Vlow: I It i:3 inadinisoible to appij the K data clon,;irl- oring the oimilar condition,;. The range of the accr--1- cration zone e3tabliuhed exporimentally Por sand and pellet catalysto in the range of' trariz;portinE. gao linear velocity of, m/sec ne-jer exceeds 2-5 m. The instant con3uniption 1' the :3o!id particle:,, can found by experimental-aimlytical met-hod 1'rom the -.,al--ie C,a~-d 3/5 of the potential energy I.oz;s of the gas flow L,, P. tll~j C"llculatioll of, the Con- TO 3 (a) in the c a 3 e a f I Vp-, PI; (i.e., the diffmanometric measurement, of pres-,~"Jre located above the aoccier,-OAori ,.one). All' K (b) In the c,.i,,;e ljridf-~r indiu;trial u,.;(-,d l'or dutci-mining, L;oll.(l pal-Li.c.10" conou.11-1ption fract. ional conlpb~31t v"ll ot, the c i rc ~~! I -'i t i ni, '.;o 1:1 d i lie C~,-O.culat.loll of' th(-- Dm- C, ri o I' So 11 d ~i Di I r, 1. 1 ti, P11C L)III; I t, 1. o v/6,-- - 6) cow.,c- G For controt G and W the ;uc,,estcd method can 1.)Q iil;cd Vov the ol* dii.,iLtil computero. In !A10 ciloo III Y11 i, 11 J ry 1, o d c, t o rm i I i e livlitlco~; coolTicient K from ;om(2 otht2r conditions (tilei-Inal, wil-mice, ex;implu in order 11.-o find G from AL P. Thel,e 11-e i Cif"kir(" 'j, rind 10 j, Soviet, Th, S (I- ~: ;a I I C! Da i I i (2 1.,; -3 U. S. U., vt--Fcrt~fic Reftner, 11'3') '19~10); lixin, Moi~-,ttd, TLEC, 111, 1h, 11118 3", ( 19118 (!949); Voi-t, Wite, 110, F( ABAYEVI G.N.; GUSMN, T.Ya. Determination of the rate of the beginning of fluidization of some catalysts. Khim o.11:796-.798 N 162. (MIU 16:2) (,l.,d,,,t,O;Tom. n (Catalysts) DALINp M.A., akademik; LOBKINA, V.V.; ABAYEV, G.N.1 SEREBRYAKOV, B.R.; PLAKSUNOVA, S.L. - f Production of acrylonitrile based on propylene and ammonia. Dokl.AN SSM 145 no.5tlO58-1060 162. (141RA 15:8) 1. AN AserbayA"aneskoy SSR (for Dalin). (&-trllonitrile) (Propene) (Ammonia) DALIN, M.A.; SEREBRYAKOVp B.R.; MANGASARYAN, N.A.; ABAYEV, G.N.; VALLERSHTEYN, A.S. . ~ Synthesis of acrylonitrile by oxidative ammonolysis of propylene in a fluidized catalyst bed, Azerb.khim.zhur. no.4:28-33 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. VNIIolefin. Submitted August 16, 1964. ABAYEV, G.N,. Basic criterial equations and criteria of chemical kinetics. Zhur, prikl. Wine 38 no.10:2242:2252 0 165, ( KT.,IA 18 112) ) 1. Submitted Febr. 27, 1964. NAW-'ETS, Nikolay Ivrnovich, ispolryayushchly obyawnnooti prof. kand. tekhn. nauk; ZEIRKOVICH, 3argey V1.Rdimirovich, ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti prof. kand. tekhn. nauk; -ABAYEV.-I.I., inzh.; PERCHENKO, A.G., st. pepod.; dots., kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzentl YUSTINSKIY, E.A.p inzh.v retsenzent; ANTONOV, V.P., tekhn. red. [Hoisting machinery used in building) Gruzopod"emVe stroitellnye mashiny. 2-ia chast' posobiia po kursu stroitallrifth mashin. Kuibyshev, Kuibyshevskii inzhe- norno-stroite. in-ty 1962. 416 p. (MIRA 17:2) ABAYEV, H.I.; KORNFELID, M.I. Measuring the internal friction in solids. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.2:150-152 Mr-ApI64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR. ABAYEV, M. Device for measuring the normal mode and damping constants of oseillntory systems. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.2:153- 155 Mr-AP'64. (MIRh 170) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4033137 S/0120164/000/002/0150/0152 A UTHORt Abayevs M. L i Xornfelldi M. 1. TITLE: Measuring internal friction in solid-state bodies SOURCE: Pribory* I takhnika eksperisnenta, no. Z, 1964. 150-152 TOPIC TAGS: friction, solid body internal friction. internal friction measurement, internal friction electrostatic measurement ABSTRACT: A new electrostatic method for measuring internal friction is free from two shortcomings of the techniques used heretofore: cementing the specimen to the vibrator and electric contact with the specimen. The 16;x5x 1-mm specimen rests on two 0.07-mm glass filaments whose ends are welded to a glass disk (see Enclosure 1). Four Pt electrodes are cathode-sprayed on the disk surface. Two inner electrodes are Intended for generating cantilever vibrations in the specimen by an electrostatic field; two outer electrodes, for measuring the Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4033137 vibration amplitude by a variation of capacitance between these electrodes and the specimen. The device permits measuring the internal friction (from 10 band higher) in the kc range, within 100-600K, by attenuation of the specimen's free vibrations. "The authors wish to thank V. V. Sokolov who built the mechanical part of the device. 11 Orig. art. has: 5 figures and I formula.. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov ANISSSR (Institute of Semiconductors, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 09Apr63 DATE ACQ: I lMay64 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE; SS NO REF BOY: 001 OTHER: 004 Card 2/3 ACCESSION M AP4033137 ZNCLOSVRZ Device for measuring internal friction in solid-state materials Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4033138 510120/6410001002/015310155 AUTHOR*. Abayev, M. 1. TITLE., Instrument for measuring the natural frequency and attenuation ratio of oscillatory systems SOURCE,. Pribory* i tekhnika eksperin'ienta. no. Z. 1964, 153-155 TOPIC TAGS: natural frequency. frequency measurement, attenuation measurement, mechanical system frequency measurement, mechanical system attenuation rneasurement ABSTRACT: A new digital electronic instrument Is briefly described which is intended for precision measurement of the frequency and attenuation of quartz standards, tuning forks. and other mechanical systems. The measuring range is 10 -30 kc with errors of � Oa 005% and = 3%. respectively. The f requency in determined by counting the number of cycles over a standard time interval, The Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4033138 attenuation is determined by the number of cycles corresponding to a decrease in the amplitude from one set value to another. Vibrations in the test specimen are set up electrostatically; a capacitive sensor is used to detect them. The instrument is used as part of an outfit for measuring internal friction in solid- state bodies. Orig. art. haw 2 figures and Z formulaso ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprevodnikov AN SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED., 09Apr63 DATE ACQ: I lMay64 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: Cc NO REF SOV: 00 1 OTHER: OOZ Card Z/Z ACC NRi AP5022728 ~t)/W(b) SOURCE CODE: 9 AUTHOR: Abayev,.H q Y 1 5- L;- ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN SSISR, Leningrad SSSRF- UR/0181/65/007/009/280912815 (Institute poluprovodnikov AN TITLE: Pore formation during decomposition of solid solutions of bivalent ions in sodium chloride SOURCE: Mike tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 9, 1965, 2809-2815 TOPIC TAGSs sodium chlorid%~.Ilight scattering, solid solution, crystal impurity, crystal structure, S=tal defect ABSTRACT: The process of pore formation duri decomposition of solid solutions of Me2 ions in NaCl is studied. Sirwle crysta pecimens with the following impurities were used: BaC12, SrC12, CaC12, COC12, NiC12, MnC12, CdC12, ZnC12 and PbC12. A pho- tomicrograph is given of a crystal with an admixture of BaC12. "Rods" lying along the axis ara clearly visible, althougb some of them are at a slight angle to this axis. These 11rods" reach a length of 10-15 -p with thicknesses up to 1 )1. Quench- ing from 7000C completely eliminates these "rods" which indicates that they appear during decouposition of the solid solution. It is assumed that these objects are pores. While there were no visible pores in the other crystals studied, light scat- L 8850-66 -ACC-N,Ru-APS022728- tering experiments indicate that th's is because their dimensions lie below the re- solving power of the microscope. Thede light scattering experiments are described together with a brief explanation of the equipment used. The specimens were cylinder 10 an in diameter and 15 am long with polished ends. Scattering patterns are shown for some of the specimens with the light incident at various angles. Scattering pat- -terns --for-the - NaCl-SrC12 - specimen-are-giv.)n' -as-a-function-of--annealing-time-at-3400C.- A curve is given for intensity of scatteted light as a function of temperature in the specimen containing strontium chloride. It is shown that pores are responsible for the scattering pattern. Subsequent experiments showed that large pores are formed by p-.vtracted annealing near the temperature corresponding to maximum scattering. Analysis of the experimental data shows that crystals with admixtures of BaC12, CaC12, SrC12, COC12 and NiC12 form pores along axes , while those with WC12 and HnC12 form pores along axes glOO>. The pores forined by decomposition of solid solu- tions of lead and zinc ions are small and. their shape is uncertain (the scattering pattern is a.circlel. Sharp spikes on the patterns indicate that the pores are con- siderably longer than a wavelength of 311ghtt howaver they must be considerably smal- ler in diameter thLn a wavelength of light since they are invisible under the optical microscope except for the case noted above. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, I table. SUB ODDE.- 20/. StMM DATEt 23Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH PXF: 004 If".. V k" ABAYEVVIloy~at.Abayevich; SHNEYER, M.S., red,; IVONTIYEVA, G.A., ... - ie'k6. red. (Development of cotton growing in 5:)Yiet Turkmenistan] Raz- vitie khlopkovodstva aovetskogo Turkmenietana. Aabkhabadt lzd-vo AN Turkm. SSR, 1963. 167 p. (MIRA 16.11) (Turk7seniatan-Cotton growing) SHUKAKOV. V.F., inshanar; PRASOV. H.R., Inshaner; ARAyw Lj~inzhener Po tru4u; VOLIPNER. Z.V., inshener-teplotnkhn kAWIOVSXIY, L.A.; NIMO, 17:- B*P9 Mechanizing slag removal from slag pockets In open-hearth furnnese.Metal- lurg no.9:14-19 S 156. (KLRA 9:10) I.Stnrehiy inzhener teknicheakoge otdela Metallurgicheakege saveda iment Voroshilova, (for NRlakhovskiy). 2.Stftrehiy k*nstruktor royaktnoge otdola HatnllurgichaHkoge savada imani Voreshilava (for Mikhn*3. (Matnllurgical plants-Equipment and supplies) AUTHOR - Abavey~? (Gillef C)I, L*'-e llkl!'eail 04, H'Ile SC"1-- 0 f Open-Hearth Shop NP 2 TITLE: Pototit tal. 1nol-ease of Labor Pvc) litv Stlop PERIODiCAL: 140'Lallurg' 196'0' Nr 1, pp 2"-211 (us3y,) A B S T R~ A C T Since 1,950, steel output ~jt, a C oni b I ne (Magn It ogovsi~ I v Me 1-.i I UVj! 1-CL-- !:,k i V110~~i W v.lovker increased by 54. The ~13 iesult.. of: (1) convertltIL7' ol'-Ien -heat: "'L '0 ne~iluyn chrom-lde roof,.:,; (2) Changre of fw't~ace e Increaseing char,,,e ay-cl I-a-zile management at stock.Var~l anA DOLIVIM- b~11'; (~ I i., (? to Ynazut f Iring (pJroleum resIJLU-~ P.11na bz.-iclk foil (6) using, higl--alUr re'-enerator size; (B) meclian,Z-qtion oi' (9 mechanization of cloilrg, tap 1:01e; 16) Cird from large ladle with two sz-oz~oe-,~z-, Pot (3,;,, off' Labor Pralli- t, I v I Ir mamine; l.')) us!~~,~ equlp7it-,-- f'o:, i! 'i 1 1, ilwt I on of' ;~ tee 1 n the lalles; 1 1:-: 11!~~ot mold volorne i,vo!F, I to I .11f,:~ Irl". liy tile o f' o rem an I . N' . K,,~ tnN 7 n Z3 2,-. 1 o- ' o Oil, C) - J~i 1 In a s I El g p o C K e s, -a: e 1, w ~: F i r s r a e a ellintnatine, !'ouv wori~ers SenlQl' r~aO T e -ind electrioll,w, F I , ~-, - -e A. 1. Ku,,ochkin ; 0 the service area for elect r. cla-io zind extended, reducIng the number of* el ,,,-, e. -!.r T-ovemen t s vccz u I ed In ~~e 1!; e o a 1, o., av.,j t fie de - ro -ise o' ,-Jove 1, ~,C- In St.eel_ outpj~~ -C ~or%(,e- y e To ASSOGIATIO;', Magn1togorsk Metal lurgleal Cornblne ti.etalurglcheskly kombinai.) Card ABAYINO YU.I., WCUCHANSKOV, MI. %Mm Cond 1A.1 ons for the surviva I of yc,;rtl, roo cn,~ ---- *--~ lus rutilug be-kel-1) in ths Beyoug and mothods of the affi.-lency cn the Beysug PC! --lp9wning and Peur'Mg Farm. Truay -?o.NIIRKH no.66,119-325 163. (MrRA 27-.8) r ABAYI.V, Yu.%, KRYLOVA, A,G. Feedtng habits of young roqch (Rutilus rutilui hockeli) in the Beysug spawning ground and liman. Trjdy Az-KIRFII, no.6027-131 163. (MMA 1718) A v ;o I c L19. C-~ntnxl itas Inst 0c :'Viat7cli -'usls SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 - - --- - I - -- t I ~-, - -w:P, 11 - I I- -'l t ! - , . ~ .1 . I M i N 0 m I W., I m W, M!, OF Cracking of high molecular Romashkinsk crude oil using silicate catalyst. (Cont.) hydrocarbons from the a natural alumino- are given in Tables 4 and 5. Structural characteristics of individual groups of hydrocarbons (in %) - components of asphalt free starting material and its cracking products are given in Table 6. The composition(in wt %) of both starting materials and their cracking products is given in Table 7. 7 tables and 12 references, 7 of which are Russian. Card 2/2 65-2-8/12 The Cracking of Individual Groups of Hydrocarbons of Romashkinsk Goudron in the Pressence of Natural Aluminosilicate Catalysts. with an activity index equal to 18.5 at a temperature of 45000 in a mixture with n-pentane (ratio 3:1). Table 2 gives the ahemical composition of the deasphal- ted goudron and its fractions and Table 3 the chemical composition of the cracked petrol; tables 4 and 5 the properties of the fractions obtained after the crack- ing of individual components of the deasphalted goudron at 200 - 35000 and 350 - 4500C respectively. The proper- ties of the cracking residue boiling above 4500C are shown in Table 6. The highest degree of decomposition under catalytic cracking conditions was observed in the heavy paraffin-naphthenic hydrocarbons which had a com- plex structure, The degree of adsorption of these para- fftns on the surface of a catalyst is high, and they do not poison the catalyst which can be further used for the kerosene gas oil fractions. There is also a high degree of decomposition of the light aromatic hydro- carbons, but the surface of the catlLyst is poisoned by the hydrocarbons used as starting material, and also by the kerosene gas oil fractions, which leads to a decreased formation of cracked petrol and of the gas. The light aromatic hydrocarbons undergo the highest Card 2/3 degree of conversion. The main characteristic of the 65-2-8/12 The Cracking of Individual Groups of Hydrocarbons of Romashkinsk Goudron in the Presence of Natural Aluminosilicate Catalysts. decomposition of high-mblecular compounds are the splitting off of the side chains, the rupture of the aliphatic chains, the rupture of the sulphur - and possibly other links, which is followed by a decomposi- tion of the formed middle fractions. The dehydro- genation of the naphthenic ring is clearly shown, but is of no great importance. As a result of this reactiont middle and heavy aromatic hydrocarbons are formed which possibly partly undergo condensation reaction with a formation of ashphaltenes and colke. During the crack- ing of the paraffinic and light aromatic hydrocarbons the hydrogen atom is transferred. When highly aromatic or tar raw material is used the surface of the catalyst is blocked, and a very weak reaction is observed. Results of investigations show clearly that it is advan- tageous to use selective catalytic processes for the treatment of high molecular crude petroleum raNy material. The processing of the residual fractions'on natural catalysts should give high yields of kerosene gas oil Card 3/3 fractions. There are 7 lables and I Russian R;10erence. ASSOCIATION-.VNII NP. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. SOV/81-59-15-54832 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurna-1. Kh1m1ya, 1959, N~: 15, p 423.(USSR) "AUTHORS. Agafonov, AN, Abayeva, B.T., Okinchevich, N.A. TITLE: The Catalytic Cracking of High-Mole-cular Pe-trodeum Raw -Material on Natural Catalysts as a Possible Source of Raw.Material for the Production of Oils PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta po percrabotke, nefti I gaza 1. poluchehiyu iskusstv, zhidk. topliva, 1958, Nr 7, pp 181 - Z-02 ABSTRACT; The results of research work on the problem of rational processing of the high-molocular part of petroleum to engine fuel and lubrication oils are laid down. Pjaple material on the analy--I,% and the material balance of products of cracking of petroloUm, mazut, and asphalt petroleum on ! .. natural Al-Si catalysts Is ppesented. The experiments were oonducted at 11500c, the volume rate of the raw material of 1.0 per hodr, a frequency of the circulation of the cataIY3t 5:1.- The fr~fltlbns boiling at up to-*-- 200, 200 - 350, 350 - 4500C and the. residue were subjected to deta.Ued. analysis. It has been established that under these conditions the Card 1/2 asphaltenes and resinous substances as well as medium and light aromatic 1 SOV/81-59-15-54832 7he Catalytle Craoking of High-Moleoular Petroleum Raw Material on Natural Catalysts as a Possible Source of Raw Material forAhe Production of Oils compounds, naphthene and paraffin compounds are transformed by 85 - 90%. The principal direction of the decomposition is the rupture of-the side chains, the decomposition of the isoparaffin and paraffin hydrocarbons, the rupture of.the naphthene rings and the dehydrogenation of bi- and polycyclic hydroaromatic hydrocarbons. The fractions 350 - 4500C'dohtain u*p to 35% naphthene, isoparaffin and light aromatic hydrocarbons suitable for the production of commercial oils. The process is strongly affected by the presence of low-boiling components in trie initial raw material. In the cracking of petroleum the components boiling '.'~P 450qC are transformed in the most intensive manner; the fractions boiling 3500C are little affected. S. Rozenfelld Card 2/2 SOV/68-58-11-11+/25 AUTHORS: Vorozhtsov N.N. $ Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science of the USSR, Doctor of Chemical Science, Lijit,yn V.N., Candidate of Chemical Science, Agafonov A.V. and Krasivichov V.V., Candidates of Techpical Science, and A OVa * . , Candid.ate of Chemical Science TlTLLI: Transformation of Higinor lio;-iiolo-ues of Phenol into Lower Ones (Prevrashcheniye vysFhikh gomologov fenola v nizshiye) PEaIODICAL: Koks i Khiraiya, 1958, Nr 11, p1) 42-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results of all investigation on the dealkylation of technical xylenol with simultaneous alkylation of benzole in a pilot plant of the All-Union Scientific Researuh institute of the Petrolewii Indus~'ry in which bead ,aluminosilicate was u!;ed are doz;cribed. This was a continuation of the previously published work (Ref 1) on the transformation of xylenols (oil interaction with benzole) into phenols and cresols on cracking under mild conditions on an alu,ninosilicate catalyst. The experi- ,ental plant used (Fig 1) is outlined. lt was established Card 1/3 that,on passing ~:ylonol in mixture with benzole sc)v/68-58-11-14/25 Transformation of Higher Eomologuos of Phenol into Lower Ones (1 : 3.65 by weight) over aluninosilicate catalyst at 0 tem:)eraturos in the rang-e 300-1WOoC and volume velo- lg I cities of 0.42-1.471u. .up to 60/~ (on weight of starting xylonol) of phenolic compounds (phenol, o-, m- and p- cresols, xylenols),includinf- 20_22- of phenolic-cresolic fractions =e obtained. Simultaneously 11-19,% of benzene homologuej with a boiling temperature of 100-1850C and 13-18% of neutral compounds with boiling temperatures above 1850C are formod. 8-25,~ of coke is deposited on the catalyst. The influence of the temperature of the reaction$ the volume velocity of reactants (Table 1), additions of water vapour and various proportions of benzole (Table 2) on the transformation of xylenol and changes in the activity of the catalyst with time of operc It was found that ation (Table 3) were o3tablished. at tampYratures 300-'~200C and volume velocities 0.92- 1-47hr- more phenolic-cresolic fraction and less of neutral com,)ounds and coke on the catalyst is obtained Card 2/3 (taking into consideration the transformation of xylenol). At 3000C and a voliunne velocity 0.921ir-1 330k9 of sov/68-58-11-14/25 'D Transformation of HiEher Homolo,.-,,uos of Phenol into Lower Ones phenolic-crosolic fraction and about 200kg of benzene homologues with a boiling temperature 100-1850C can be obtained from 1 ton ol' Xylcnol. There are 3 tables, 3 figures and 6 references (L~ Soviet, 1 English and 1 German) ASSOCIATION: MTI im. Dj. M-endeleyeva, VNII NP Card 3/3 sov/65-59-4-4/14 AUTHORSt Agafonov, A*V#j Aba eva, B~T*p Andreyevat A*S., Eygenson, AeSol tor, I.I. and Ivchenko, Ye.G. TITLEz Catalytic Cracking of Crude and Hydro-Purified Vacuum Gas-Oil from Arlan.. Petroleum (Kataliticheskiy kreking iskhodnogo i gidroochishchennogo vakuumnogo gazoylya arlanskoy nefti) PERIODICAL: Xhimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1959, Nr 4, pp 18-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Vacuum gas-oll from Arlan, petroleum contains 3.2% sulphur compounds, 0.11% nitrogen compounds and 24% tarry substances; these quantities are larger than the corresponding quantities in heavy gas-oil from Tatar*~& and Bashkix*iA petroleums. These components block the active surface of the catalyst during cracking, prevent the access of hydro-carbon molecules and therefore decrease the degree of conversion of the crude material. Considerable amounts of coke are deposited on the catalyst which inhibits secondary reactions and leads to decreased yields and inferior quality end-products. Hydro-purification was carried Card 1/5 out on a continuous apparatus in the VNII NP by SOV/65-59-4-4/14 Catalytic Cracking of.Crude and Hydro-Purified Vacuum Gas-Oil from Arlan Petroleum N.A.Chepurov and R.N.Yudinson; a stationary aluminium- cobalt-molybdenum catalyst was used at 380*C, a pressure of 50 atm and space velocity of the supplied crude material of 0.7 hour-1. The properties of the starting material and of the hydro-purified vacuum gas-oil are tabulated (table 1). The octane number of the end product was appreciably higher then when using fractional distillation (58.5 as Lompared to 41.0) and contained considerably less sulphur (0.013 as against 0.17%). The properties of the gas-oil fractions are liated in table 2. Cracking experiments of both the crude and hydro-purified vacuum gas-oil were carried out on a pilot plant with a synthetic bead catalyst at temperatures within the limits of 430 to 520*C, atmospheric pressure and a space velocity of 0.65 to 1-5, calculated on the volume of the catalyst per hour. The ratio of the catalyst to the crude material was constant Card 2/5 in all experiments and equalled 5tl (table 3). Optimum sov/65-59-4-4/14 Catalytic Cracking of Crude and Hydro-Purified Vacuum Gas-Oil from Arlan. Petroleum yields of petrol were obtained at temperatures between 450 and 475% when the optimum space velocity of the supplied raw material was within the limits of 1.0 to o.65 hours-1. The hydro-purified vacuum gas-oil could more easily be processed; an optimum yield of light components at the same space velocities was achieved at 50*C. The authors concluded that the presence of a considerable quantity of light fractions boiling up to 3500C (37.6 as against 19.4%) influences the yield of the light components. The optimum yield at this temperature reached 66 to 67% by weight as against 58 to 59%. Results of the cracking experiments indicate (Fig 1) that the hydro-purification of the crude (by separating thetarry substances, metals, sulphur and nitrogen) improves the process conditions and also the yields and properties of the cracking products (compare table 4). The gasoline obtained by this process is less unsaturated, contains more aromatic compounds and has Card 3/5 higher octane numbers (80 to 81.5 as compared to sov/65-59-4-4/14 Catalytic Cracking of Crude and Hydro-Purified Vacuum Gas-Oil from Arlan Petroleum 77.7 to 80-7) (Fig 2). A lower content of unsaturated compounds renders the gasoline more stable. Its induction period exceeds 600 minutes. The light catalytic gas-oils, obtained during the cracking of hydro-purified crudes, show improved properties. Their cetane number is 34 to 38 (as against 30 to 33) and they contain 0.21 to 0-38% sulphur (as against 2.6 to 3.3%) (Fig 3). These light gas-oils can be used directly as components of diesel fuels. The heavy catalytic gas-oilt (fractions boiling above 3500C) can be used for the production of lubricating oils or re-used as recycles. In both cases 2 to 376 of the tarry (tail) fractions have to be separated. The gaaeous hydrocarbons produced by this process are of interest as starting materials for petro-chemical syntheses. The influence of the temperature on the ratio of unsaturated and saturated Card 4/5 hydrocarbons in gaseous reaction products, and on the sov/65-59-4-4/14 Catalytic Cracking of Crude and Hydro-Purified Vacuum Gas-Oil from Arlan; Petroleum content of unsaturated hydrocarbons in the gas, is shown in a graph (Fig 4). There are 4 figures, 4 tables and 2 English references. Card 5/5 SOV/65-59-4-7/14 AUTHORSi Agafonov, A.V., Sookind, D.M. and Abayeva, B.T. TITLEt The Operation and Methods of Re cons t ruc t J-o-n-o-f-1C7a-t-a ly tic Cracking Plants Where Bead Catalysts are Used (Opyt ekspluatataii J puti rekonstruktaii ustanovok kataliticheakogo krekings, a sharikovym katalizatorom) PERIODICAL:Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1959, Nr 4, pp 34-44 (USSR) ABSTRAM Investigations were carried out in the VNII NP which made it possible to work out conditions and make recommendations for the manufacture of high quality petrols. Heavy distillates, boiling at temperatures between 300 and 500*C, can be used. The process is carried out in one stage and, therefore, the efficiency of the plant increased by 30 to 35%. The properties of the gas-oil fractions of Romashk6ya petroleum are given in table 1. It can be seen that the heavy crudes differ from the kerosine-gas-oil fractions by their high boiling and solidification points, by their high content of tar, sulphur and aromatic compounds as well as by Card 1/3 appreciable content of polycyclic aromatic compounds, sov/65-59-4-7/14 The Operation and Methods of Reconstruction of Catalytic Cracking Plants Where Bead Catalysts are Used asphaltenes and metal salts. Various investigations carried out in the Novoufimka . plant during 1954 to 1955, and modifications of the plant carried out at the time, are discussed in detail. The reconstructions, carried out at present, aim to increase the efficiency of the plant 1-5-fold (first modification) and 1.7-fold (second modification) without altering the principal layout of the plant. A further reconstruction is to achieve a considerable improvement in the conversion process which will increase the efficiency of the plant by 100% (third modification). The first modification is based on recommendations made by the authors, the Novoufinka factory Giproneftemash and Giproneftezavod. This type of reconstruction was carried out on one plant of the NUNPZ and three plants of the Salavatskiy factory. The various modifications are listed in a table on page 40 and the most important of these discussed in detail. Table 2 shows the improvements achieved during 1956 to 1957 and the first nine months Card 2/3 of 1958 in various plants where the recommended sov/65-59-4-7/14 The Operation and Methods of Reconstruction of Catalytic Cracking Plants Where Dead Catalysts are Used reconstructions have been carried out. The second modification was recommended by GrozNII and Giproneftezavod and the third by VNII NP and Giproneftemash. The lay-out of the last plant in given in Fig 3 and the authors suggest that this last modification should only be incorporated in newly- erected plants. There are, however, various drawbacks e.g. the circulation time of the catalyst is rather low, the generator is not completely efficient, the cooling pipes of the regenerator are unsatisfactory and this leads to an increased catalyst consumption. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. Card 3/3 V -- V PEME I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4659 Osnovy tekhnologli neftekbimicheskogo ointeza (Fundamentals of Synthesis Technology id Petrolem Chemistry) Xoscov, Gostoptekhizdat, 1960. 852 P. 3,800 copies printed. Eds.: Diutecs, Arkadiy Illich, Professor, and Lev Aleksan&rbvich Potolovskiy, Profeesorj Executive Edo: L.A. LIvova; Tech. Ed.: B.A. Mukhina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and chemists of petrole= refineries and chemical plants, for councils of the national econcmy, planning organization4 and scientific research institutes engaged in chemical processing and large- scale utilization of petrolem stock for the production of synthetic products. COVERAGRi The book describes important commercial methods of producing hydrocarbm petrolem. and gas stock and coal stock for the manufacture of alcohols, aldehydeq ketones, acids, detergents, synthetic fibers, an& synthetic xubber. Flow sheets axe included, and the badic equi];ment of the petrochemical industry is described. The pbysicoebenical properties and use of intermediate and end synthetieproducts are also described. The state of the petra~hemical industry outside the USSR wad prospects for its develolment are covered. No personalities are mentioned. Carl= es follow each chapter.' Fundamentals of Synthesis Technology (Coat.) sov/4659 TABIZ EW CONTMM: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Development of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Processing 7 1. From straight-run distillation of petroleum to the petrochemical industry (raw materials for the manufacture of petrochemieslB [A.I. Dintses] 7 II. Petrochemical processing industry abroad [L.A, Potolovskiy] 15 Ch. II. Processes of Raw Material Production for the Petrochemical Industry (B.T. Abayeva and AN. Agafonov] 40 I. Destrue ve sUllation of petroleum, the main source of raw materials for petrochemical processing 40 II. Thermal cracking 41 III. Pyrolysis of hydrocafton gases and liquid petroleum products 47 1. Chemical nature of the pyrolysis process 48 2. Pyrolysis of liquAd raw materials 51 3- Pyrolysis of gaseous rev materials 60 4. Tube heaters for the pyrolysis procesR 69 IV. Cooking of petroleum residue V. Catalytic cracking of petroleum products 1,6 cant-21" Fundamentals of Synthesis Technology (Cont.) SOV/4659 1. Development of the catalytic cracking process 76 2. Chemism and kinetics of the catalytic cracking process 81 3. Effect of basic parameters of catalytic cracking on yield of desired products 83 4. Hydrocarbon composition of liquid cracking products 85 5. Composition of catalytic crfLcking gases 87 6. Yield and quality of products obtained by cracking on micro- spheric catalysts 89 7. . Catalytic cracking of residual types of stock 92 VI. Catalytic aromatization of gasoline fractions 93 1. 'Development of the aromatization, process 93 2. Chemical conversions of hydrocarbons in the aromatization process 95 3. Industrial development -7f the catalytic reforming process 100 VII. Prospects of utilizing products of destructive processes of petroleum refining for the petrochemical industry 105 Ch. III. Refining Processes of Hydrocarbon Gases for Acetylene and Hydrogen Manufacture 113 C erd--44 AGAMNOV,, A.V.; WMM9 B.T.; OKIMHEVICH9 N.A. Distribution of sulfur in the cracking products of heavy charge stockne. Mm.sera-i azotorg.soed.i3odv neft.i nefteprod. 3a83-192 160, (MIRA 14:6) 1. VassoyuzMy nsuohno-issledovatel'skiy institut po parerabotke nefti i gam i polucheni-yu Ukusstvennogo shidkogo toplivae (Petrole= jx~oduots) (*Llfur organic ccmpounds) S/065/63/000/001/004/005 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Morozov, V.I., Agafonov, A.V., 'Abaveva. B.T., Ryabov, V.A., Karpenko, L.P., Gilyazetdinov, L.P. TITLE: The preparation of feedstock carbon black In thermal cracking units PERIODICALt Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.1, 1963, 39-42 TEXT: A threefold increase in the production of carbon black is scheduled in the current 7-year plan. New feedstocks suitable for conversion into carbon black are therefore required to dupplement green and anthracene oils used at present. Catalytic gas-oils and lubricating oil extracts (phenol extracts) were subjected to thermal cracking to produce oils suitable for the production of carbon black. The cracked oils (43.5, 36.o and 54.4% yields of the feedstock for light gas oil, heavy gas oil and phenol extract respectively) contained from 70 to 80% of aromatic hydrocarbons, of which at least 50% were heavy aromatics. The cost of these oils was about half that of green oil and a quarter of anthracene oil. The yields of carbon black from the oils ranged from 47 to Card 1/2 MOHOZOVO V.I.; AGAF(M()V., A,V,; ABkYFVAO B.T.; FARP12.1m, Results of the Jndustrls-l of the produatic-n of crudcl for carbon black in thermal cracking devices. Neft'spere i neftakhim. no-4aM-M t63 (WRA 1737) 1. Diaskly neftaparembatyvuyuabchi-.,r zav,.,d 1 Tsemayumnyy naueb- no-i3sledovatelinkly in3titut po pererabotke neft! i gaza i poluobeniyu iskusstvennogo shtdkogn topliva. GONSALES, A.A.; KURGANOV, V.M.; AGAFONOV, A.V.; ABAYEVA, B.T.; POLETAYEV, V.B.; VIVIYERp A.S,; RJJDOVICH, M.A.; BLILYAYEVA, Z.Go; RUTMAN, G.I. Results of redesigning an industrial catalytic-cracking device. Nefteper. i neftekhim. noi9:6-10 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Salavatakiy kombinat i Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iraledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti. AGAFOICIVI A.V.; ABAYEVA, B.T.; OKINZHEVICil, N.A. Catalytic cracking products for petrochemical syntheses Trudy VNII NP no. 9s27-51 163. ( MRA 171g) ABAYEVA, B.T.; AGAFONOV, A.V.; GILYAZETDINOV, L.P.; GYULIMISARYAN, T.G.; V.P.; MOROZOV, V.I. Testing thermocatalytic gas oil In the production of furnace black. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.12:17-19 163. (KM 17:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut, po pererabotke nefti i Nauchno-issMovatel'skly institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. s/o65/63/000/001/004/005 The preparation of feedstock ... E075/E436 56.7%, which compares well with the yields from green oils. The carbon blacks satisfy the roCT 7885-56 (GOST 7885-56) specification. There are I figure and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Omskiy Neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod VNII NP (Omsk Refinery VNII NP) ti Card 2/2 AGAFONOV, A.V.; ABA,YEVA, B.T.; OKINSHEVIGII, N.A.; ANDREYETA, A.S.; mojlozov~ V$f'o - . Developing extraction methods for obtaining carbon black stock from cata:ybically cracked gas oils. Khims i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.5213-16 5 W'64 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inStitUt DO pererabotke nefti i gaza i poluoheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo toplivao ,ABAYEVA,.B.T.; OXINSHEVICHp N&'A.; AGAFONOV, AJI.; SIDLYARENOKO F.S.; KAZINSKIYO V.L.;-GrULIMISARIHANp T.G,; SUYEMNK09 L.P.;' GILYAZETDINOV, L.P* Using extracts as stock for the production of active aud semi- active carbon black. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.500-33 164. (MIRJ 17:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut po pezerabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva, Kuybyshevskiy nauctino-iaaledovatellskiy institut neftyer,oy pronyahlennosti i Nauchno-issiodovatellskiy inBtitut sHnnoy prozkyshlennosti. c--rIcUt-n bla,. )C-11n;1q; raw su.c~~ I ol. k 1,Y wit,- the selec"Ve C, 1'. ~D A B C) f a yL c -Voe I i-o f t. !J. -; I '- -; % , . z! topllva,~ L 12e-07-66 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/EWP(t)/LWP(b) IJP(c) JD/RM C1E NRi -5-028680 SOURCE COD,E_Uk_/6SfV657OO0/Oll/O02 5 /0028- AUTHOR: Gyul'misaryaaL T. G.; Oilyntotdinov, L. Pt,-Ak E. I.; Shmeleva R. L; )Giokhlov, B. P.; Byatrov, k.' M.; ~Qka!9va,_V V,* Okinshevich, N. A. jORG: NIIShP; VNIINP: Novo-Yaroslavl Carbon Black Plant (Novo-Yaroolavokiy aszhevyy .zavod); Volgo r0-froubon Blac Plant (Volgogradskly -a&zhavyy xavod); Scientific Research-Y-cclinological Design Instf-tute (Mauchno-iseledovatel'skiy konstruktorno- -t--t-ekhno fo-sif-EF"kii- Fn-iViTut) TITLE: Industrial tests of new types of petroleum stock in the production of activated PM-70 furnace black SOURCE: Naftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no. 11, 1965, 25-28 TOPIC TAGS: activated carbon, petroleum product, gas oil fraction, phenol ABSTRACT: In order to confirm and develop the results of earlier studies which indicated that catalytic and thermal gas oil could be used in the production of activated furnace black, experimental batches of initial sulfur and hydrofined phenol extracts of catalytic and thermal gas oil were produced. The physicochemLcal characteristics of the now types of petroleum stock are compared with those of green oil; in the 3egree of aromatization they are identical, but in fractional composition, molecular weight, and viscosity, green oil is slightly lighter, in- dustrial tests confirmed that hydrofined phenol extracts of catalytic gas oil, the Card 1/2 UDCt .66.095.21:547,21.001.5 L 12807-66 ACC NRt AP5028680 initial sulfur-containing phenol extract of catalytic gas oil, and also mixtures of thermal gas oil and green oil (in the ratio of 60:40) c&n be used in the pro4uction of activated PH-70 furnace black in plants equipped vith cyclone reactoral a dry system being used for trappIng the black, Orig, am has: 2 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODIs 07 SUBM DATII now ORIG RVI 006 jw L Card 212 SOV/137-58-12-25541 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 12, 1) 205 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abayeva, M - M. TITLE: Functional Con iti n of the Liver An-Long Lead-shop Workers at tliz "Elektrot sink" Plant (Funktsional' noye sostoyanive pecheni u rabochikh svintsovogo tsekha zavoda "El ekt rot sink-) PERIODICAL: [Tr.] Sev-Osetinsk. , med. in-ta, 1958, Vol 7, Nr 1, pp 119-124 ABSTRACT: As a result of the study of initial insidious stages of Pb attack on the liver among 100 practically healthy workers with over 5 years of service, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) 60% of lead-shop workers with over 5 years' service, who are considered to be practically healthy, displayed some symptoms of chronic lead poisoning; 2) 77% of workers who are in contact with Pb for long periods of time exhibit symptoms of chronic functional insufficiencv of the liver; 3! Regular observation of the functional condition of the liver among lead-sl-op workers is neces- sary. Yu.S. Card 1/1 BOTFINIX, M.N.; ABAYRFA, S.M.; ZOISHAROVA, L.M.; OLADKIRA, V-A- Synthesis of 0-dipentidyl derivatives of acylserine and glycolic acid. Zhur. ob. khts. 30 no-120877-3883 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Noskovskiy goeudarstvenW universitet. (Serine) (Glycolic acid) ~4-- W w vr;l w W see No d &*L We 90"M' 4 in " tem p Z, W A eft %ft . it. it a IA a a 0 4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 41 0 6 0 0 0 0 a -Sol lo, see too goo go* roe see *09 goo u9o WO: -Of -1 -W8. v a ql 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 A USSRI./Cultivated Plants - Comercial. Oil-Bearing. Sugar-Bearing* M-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 29879 the cotton wool output by 15-23%. Soaking the seeds for 12 hours in a 0.005% solution Of CuS04 boosted their ger- mimtione The highest cotton wool yield occurred with 12 hour seed soaking and the further spraying of the plants in a solution of H3BO3. Card 2/2 - 8 - Country : U35R M Category: Cultivated Plants. Co.-marolal. Oil-Bearing. SuSar-Bearing. Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 22, 1953, No 100367 period from. the 3 of June to the 23 Of JulY chanSed from 0.5 to 0.75 YnilliSrams/k3, In the horizon of 30-40 centimeters from 0.05 to 0.4, in the horizon of 50-60 centimeters from 0.17 to 0.4 and in the horizon of 70-80 centi- meters - from 0.17 to 1.5 milligrans/kg of the soil. It Is -oointed out that the content of mobile B in t6 soil Is quite sufficient for the normal development of the cotton plant. Determinations of B content In the plants showed that in different periods of the select- 41 Ion of test specimens, the B content In the Card 2/4 Country : US3R m Cate3ory: Cultivated Plants. Commercial. Oil-Bearing. Sugar-Bearing. ~'.bs Jourl UhDlol., No 22, 1958, No 100367 62%, in the upper - by 130%, In the buds and flowers - by 42%. -- B. P. Pleshkov Card 4/4