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~'abig Zlemente of planet a- 196= 1952 PH. Astron.teir. no.151:2 Jl 154o (mm" 8:3) 1. Geofizicheakiy institut Akademii nauk WSR. (Planets. Minor) ABATAKIN, V.I. Elements of the orbit of minor planet 164 1951 QA, ketron,teire no.185:13 0 157. (MIRIL llik) 1.0cleaska7a astronomicheskayiL observatoriya. (Planets, Minor) ABAIAKIbT, V.K. Stability of libration points in the gravitation field of a rotating, ellipsoid. Diul.Inst.teor.astron. 6 no-8:541-549 '57. (MIR& 13:3) (Problem of two bodies) ATATAKIN, V.X. Illements of the orbits of three minor planets f'l4Ij 60, and 11 02o Astron.teire n0-193:15-16 JY '58. - Mit, 12:1) 1. Odeaskayn astronoialcheskayu observatoriya. (Planets, Ninor) ATALA IN, V.X. (Odessa) Orbit of the minor planet 1954 XG. Astron. teir. ne.199:8 Ja 159. (KIRL 13:2) (Planets, Minor) ABALAKIN. V.K. Orbit -of minor planet ~ 215. Astron.tair. no.2007 Hr 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Odeaskaya astronomichaskays, obeervatoriya. (Planets, Minor) ABALain. ra. X111ptic elements of the orbit of the now Trojan asteroid 1957 M11. Astronoteir. no.207;5-6 D 159. (MIR& 13:6) 16 Institut tooretloheakoy astrononli Ali SSSR. (Planets. Minor) S/124/6o/6Kk/oo3/Oo2/o17 AOO5/AOOl Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika,'1960, No. 3, P. 7, 1 28'18 AUTHOR: Ahal K. jLin.. V TITLE: On the Motion of a Material Point Within a Heterogeneous Gravitating Three-Axial Ellipsoid PERIODICAL: Buyl. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR, 1959, Vol. 7, No. 5, Pp. 327-353 (Ehgligh summary) TEV: The author applies the theory of the mi~~erial point motion within a heterogeneous gravitating ellipsoid to studying thaV~tar motion within a star cluster. The expression for the potential is derived on the assumption. that the ellipsoid represents a system of infinitely thin homothetic homogeneous layers. A certain sphere consisting of concentric homogeneous layers is considered as L111? the model of the first approximation. The general solution of the equations of' first approximation is studied at first qualitatively by the method of singular points and further,, the solution Is presented analytically In the form of conver- gent, periodically (in time) siriss in pvwers of the eveentricity. The inclination Card 1/2 S/124/60/000/003/002/017 A005/AOOI on the Motion of a Material Point Within a H,.~teregeneous Gravitating Three-Axial Ellipsoid and the node of the ;-,I)tained solutions are arbitrary constants; th,5 periliellon is mobile, the radius-vGotor is a periodic function of th-3 polar ang16 with an arbitrary period. 0. A. Merman Card 2/2 '3, 266A S/044/60/000/003/006/012 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Abalakin, V.K, TITLEs On the motion of a material point in an inhomogeneous gravitating triaxial ellipsoid PERIODICALsReferativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no-3, 1960, 96, abstract 3059- (Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AN SSSR, 1959, 7, no-5f 327-353) TEM The author considere the motion of a material point in a gravitating inhomogeneous triaxial ellipsiod. The development of the power function for an inner point of such an ellipsoid is used which is obtained at the beginning of tht~ article. Under the assumption that the ellipsoid is little different fioin a sphere the.anthor introduces a small para-meter so that the second excentricities of the ellipsoid are proportional to this parameter. Then the author applies the method of PoincaA to the differential equa-.,.oqe for the motion of the material point in the ellipsoid. The generating periodic aolution of the simplified equations corresponding to the value 0 of the parameti~r is investigated. Then the a,uthor ceeki, the periodic solutions of the rigorous equations being neighboxing to the generating solutions. The Card 1/2 26634 On the motion of a material point ... S/044/60/000/003/006/012 C111/C222 obtained periodic solutions describe the motion of the point in a plane inclined ar"jitrarily to the equator. [Abstracter's notes Complete tranalation.] Card 2/2 ARAT-A 1~1 V-A---- Letter to the editor. Astron.tair. no.209:47-48 Kr l6o. (HIRL 13:9) 1. Odeaskaya astronomicheakaya observatorlya. (Pl&nets, Minor) I I I I v - -AELL&XIII, Vj. Xlliptic orbit. elements of minor planet ar 170. Astron.tair, no.212t 4-5 Je 160. (MIPA 13 110) 1. OdessIcava astronoaichmakaya obeervatorira. (Plubts. Minor) ABALAKIN, V. K. Cand Phys-MRth Sci - (diss) "Periodic m0tions of stars within ellipsoidal star clusters." Leningrad, 1961. 7 pp; (Leringrad Order of Lenin State Univ imeni A. A. Zhdanov); 180 coi)ies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 217) S/035/6Z/000/004/002/056 A001/A101 AUTHOR: AbalaldnL V. K TITLE: Elliptical elements of the orbit of asteroid 1956 AA - 1927 AA PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1962, 11, abstract 4A105 ("Astron. tsirkulyar", 1961, marta 2, no. 219, 6 - 7) T M The author presents the system of elliptical elements of asteroid 1956 AA calculated by him from three observations of F. Rigaux and L. Boyer. De- viations &%cosS and 63 are given for observations which were not co-asidered in. determination of the orbit. M. F. rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] L Card 1/1, S/511/61/008/003/002/004 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHOR: Abalakin, V.K. TITLE: On periodic motions of stars in ellipsoidal star clusters SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii. Byulle- tong. v. 8, no. 3 (96),,1961, 173 214 TEXT: The purpose of the present study Js de3cription of the motion of an individual star within a non-homogeneous ellipsoidal star cluster, based on the application of the theory of periodic orbits exposed by H. Poincar6 in his "Lea m6thodes nouvelles do la m6canique c6loste". At first the author describes the basic tenets of the theory of periodic solutions of systems of differential equa- tions starting from the existence theorem proved by Poincarb. Then he considers the general problem of the motion of a star within an ellipsoidal stella7r cluster in a self-consistent force field with gravitational potential V. It is assured that the star cluster rotates as a solid body with a constant angluar velocity n, aroixid its polar axis. The case of a n.on-rotating cluster is considered as a particular case for which all the equations derived retain their validity. From, card 1/4 1 1/61/008/003/OOZ/004 On periodic motions of stars 1n.nXlipsoidal .... AOO1/A1O1 the system of differential equations describing; the motion of an individual star, the author singles out the,so-caUed generating system of equations independent of a small parameter Y for which~a quantity is selected related to second eccen- tricities ~. and fL of-the ellipsoidal star cluster in question. Conditions of periodicity for the g;enerating solution are found 'In the following form; b (n a, + a3 , n (n al + a3 , - 111T 2k1 It, a2 T 2k27tP a2 T 2k 3n, (69) for the general case and b (a2, a3) T 2k2 TC, (69a) n (a2, a 3 ) T 2k3yt.~ for a non-rotating ellipsoid. This generating solution corresponds to the motion of an individual star within a globular stellar system w6ich differs only slight- ly from the given ellipsoidal cluster in view of smallness of second eccentrici- ties. The next problem 'considered is the determination of periodic solutions of the full initial syctem of equati6ns at a small but non-zero parameter. In view of the fact that the nystem is autonomous and the system admits of time-indepen- Card'2A I's On periodic motions or stars in ellipsoidal .... s15 i 1161 /oo8/oo3/oo,>_/oo4 A001/A101 dent integral of kinetic energies, periodic solutions are obtained which depend' .on two arbitrary constants, one of w~nich is the arbitrary initial instant. As a consequence of tho solutions found, the author derives expressions for the mean motion n of a star in its orbit: 15A PO - 1OAjrj . 2 n --~fto - 1~Ajrj [1 _ "I . TRA~_~15A'rj)2 e t ... (91) and for the mean motion of its pericenter'b as tollows: b = 42 (1 _ 15 Al e2 + (90) '17 2r, 8A0 - 15Ajrj ri, In ponclusion the author proves the existence of periodic motions of a star for certain particular commensurability relations ~etween.the mean motion of. the star, the motion of the perioenter of its orbit and the angular velocity of rotation of the stellar cluster itself. It is determined that in some cases when such pe- riodic motions exist, they proceed only in planes perpendicular to the equatorial plane of the non-rotating ellipsoidal star cluster at some definite values Cf ec- centricity. Some critical values of eccentriciiy are found for which the ques- Card 3A S/511/61/008/003/002/004 On periodic motions of stars in ellipsoidal.... A001/AI01 tion of the existence of periodic motions can not be,decided in the first approx- imation. The periodic solutions*calculated can characterize dynamic evolution of individual orbits of stars in[ellipsoidal stellar'systems. There are 1 fig- ure and 1 table. SUBMITTED; July 22, 196o Card 4A ABALAKIN, V,K. Elliptic elemrts of now atteroid 1960 UA, Aatron, tair, no,228: 7-8 Ap 162. (MIRA 16s6) 1, Odeaskaya astronosiobaskaa observatoriya. (Plamtat Kinor) 11 ARAT-ANIN., V.K. Elliptic elements of the orbit of astorvik 1961o Astron.toir. no.231; &9 N 162. (MIRA 16-*4) 1. Odesskaya astronomicheakaya obaervatoriya. (Planets, Minor) ABALAKIN, V.Ka Miptic elementa of the orbit of' the new minor planet 1961. Astron.tsir. no.231-.9-10 N c62. (MzA 1614) 19 Odeesk&ya astronomichaskaya observatoriya. (Planets,-anor) ABALAXINJ V,K, Periodic motions of stars in heterogeneous ellipsoidal stellar systems. Blul.Inst.teor.astron. 9 n .3:204-212 163. (MIRA 16:10) ABALAXDV. B.* FA WOT10 'Tun 48 Vacuum P1=s Ejectors "Setting Up a Water-Jet Ejector -to Maintain a Vacuum In Emergency Circulating Pumps," B. V. Abalskov) Magr, 3/4 p "Elek Stents" Vol XIX, no 6 Describes system, with line diagram and dimensioned dketch of ejector. Ejector saves vear and tear on electric vacuum pumps, and Increases reliability of emergency arrangements. 41bi 32/49T10 I PRAIAKOV, D.V.v inzli.; SAIrEL'YEV, V.I., red.; [Mechanics nar:ual on tho installation of equipment in the machine rooms of tberral electric power plants) Pamiatka slosaria po mont.&zlnx oborudovaniia mashinnggo zala teplovol elektrustanteii. Moskva, Gos. onerg.izd-vo. Do.l.[Installa- tion of steam turbines and generatoral Montazb parovykh tur- bin i Generatorov. 196lo 79 po (MIRA 15:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo stroitellstva elektro- stantsly.TSentrallnoye normativno-issledovatel'skoye 'byuro, (Steam turb1nos) (Turbogenerators) A -~ C, e~ 4L.101 ~:c V) V. ABATA OT, V., sasluzhenW master sports. the' "Spartacus" bawers homtkoops noo5:32-33 MY '57. (mm lote) (mountaineering) ABALAXOV,.Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich (deceased]; TIKHONOV, N., otv. redi LETAVET, A., otv, red.; BOLISHAKOV, V.P., red.; DOROKHINA, L N. , tekhn. red. [On the highest summits of the Soviet Union) Na vysochai- shikh vershinakh Sovetskogo Soiuza. Moskva, Izd-v-o AN SSSR, 1962. 489 p. (MIRA 16%10) (Mountaineering) Dissertations "Peculiarition ,ne of Dagestan," 23/5/50 ABALA , G.V. Agricultural zoning in the Daropean-people's democracies. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. to.6.-II'l-117 H-D 160. (MIRA 13:10) L'Institut geograM Ali SSSR. (lurope, 3batern-Agricultural'Geography) AELMUYEV, B.V., in~zh.; KOZHEVNIKOVA, Ye.P.,; BOGOMOLGV, S.G., ------------Icnjid-.Tfz-iko-catamticheskikh nauk Method for the quantitative speotral determination of silioon in the urine. Sboro rabe po silik. no.21l85-188 160. (MIRA 1413) 1. Sverdlovskiv goaudaretvannyy moditsinskiy institut. (URINE-AXLLYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) (SILIGOI,) SHUSTINA~ A.L.LiR~ ~urEvLDvq GORFINIU11j. B.L. V.GREBNEVA, S.V. 9 Studies of a cold MgO cathode. Radiotekh. I elektron. 7 no.9:1539- 1546 S 162, (MIRA 15:9) (Cathodes) (Electron tubes) ABALI)allN, A.A. Significance of axial pictures with prost'hesis in exact roent- genologic localization of ocular foreign-bodisa. Vast. oft., Moskva 32 no. 1:21-28 Jan-Fob 1953. (OLML 24:1) 1. Docent. Z,.' Of the Clinic for IbFe Diseases of Stalingrad Medical Institute*' ABALMIN, A.A.. lotsent (Moscow) Use of roentgenokymographlo ezaminatlon In surgery of the eacph W a and cardia, Ilin. mod. 32 no-8:31-37 Ag 154. (MLPA 7:10) 1. Is kafedr3r fakulltetakoy khtrargil'. pediatrichaskogo fakalltets, (sav. prof. B.V.Petrovskly) I kafedry- rentganologil (say. prof. V,AeDlyschenko) Il Noskovskogo zeditiinskogo instituta imed LV.Stal Ina. (ISOPHAWS. rrAiograpby. )Wmograpbr, In surg.) (STOMACH, radiography, kymograpb;r of cardla, In surg.) A1,'A1,IK';'I:", I.A. ........ ....... "Hoont-inc:lo -ical 01 i-irva -Ions Aftilr an Operati o.. -~,n portio:l ~ho 3'11-r; -I-Icl'. Dr iod ScA, 39on"A 'S ~" QWJ (Im' No 2 AT r SO- Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Diss--rtations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). ABALIKHLN, A.A., doktor maditainskikh nauk Ifunctional restoration of the esophagus and its compensatory adaptation following surgical treatment of cardiospasm [wit.; summary In Anglish). I rad. 32 no.2:43-48 Kr-Ap '57. 1. Is kafedry obahchey khirurgii ( avt - (RLRA 10:8), 11 prof # A -A -Polya niaav) I kafedry rentgenologii I radiologii zav, - doktor meditsinakikh nauk A-A-AbalIkh1n) Stalingradekogo m5ditainskogo Institute (dir. - prof. B S.Turov) iGARDIOSPASE, surgery. postope funct. restoration of esophagus & its compensatory adaptation (RUND ~-4"-Qmh- ~- Apparatus for locating foreign bodies in the eye. Vest. oft. 70 U0,107-40 Ja-F '57 (MLRA 10:5) 1. Nafedra, glaznykb bolezney (zav.-prof. T.I. Yaroshevskiy) Ku.vbyahavskogo meditsinakogo Instituta i kafedry rentgenologii radiologii (zav,.-doktor meditsinakikh nauk A.A. Abalikhin) Stalingradskogo maditainskogo inatituta. OCYR, foreign bodies appar. for location of foreign bodies) (Rua) WAR/Medicine (Veterinary) - Infectious APr 52 Diseases "Infection of Goats With Braxy," M.K. Boyko, S. A. Abalikhin, Vet Physicians, Stalingrad Oblast Vet Bacteriol Lab "Veterinariya" Vol XXIX, No 4, PP 31,32 Describes a local braxy epizootic which affected goats and occurred in 1949. Gives account of the Inumnological and pathoanatomical investigations that were carried out in this --onnection - States that on farms where the animals were im:munized with USSR/Medicine (Veterinary) infectious Apr 52 Diseases (Contd) -by&xy formol vaccine in 1949, no incidences of the disease occurred in 1950, while on farms where immunization was not carried out, cases of braxy occurred. ABALKINj-IAQnid-Ivs=drLbj VALITURHi, Konstantin Kurtovich; DOLOTENWVA, Lillya ]Pavlovnal MANDRYGINA, Faina .. , Aleksandrovnaj PLISMSKIY, B.P., red.- HATSLIK, R.V., red. izd-va; GARIKAp T.D., tekhn. red, [Stud~y of the production of the means of production under the corditiono of the general crisis of capitalism; based on the U.S.A.30oherk vosproizvodstva, v usloviiakh obshchego, krizisa kapitalizma; ne, primers SShA [By] L.I.Abalkin i dr. Moskva, Vysshaia shkolap 1962. 3-18 p. (MMU .15:.8) (United States-Economic conditions) --I LADYGIN, Boris Nikolriyevich, A.BALKZ,_Uonid_1.vqyqyLqh , Prinimal uchastlye SHIRYAYEV, Yu.S.; BAHORINA. I.Ye., red.izd-va; YEZHOVA, L.L., tekbn. red. [The economic laws of the development of the world socialist system) Ekonomicheskie zakonomernosti razvitUa mirovogo sotsializma. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1963, 84 P. (MIRA 160) (Communist countries-Economic development) -R92~07 C TV C"T VO Z 'A':--, YE, 1952. 30 P. PO Z"A-1 Y. 1.952 SE-- YA 1 !"0. 31) CHMENKO, M.B.; LUM, Yu.B.; GUSEV, X.M.; KUDREVATYKT, L.A.; MAKAHNKO, Ya.I.; SATYUKOV, P.A., red.; STEPANOV, V.P., red.; qEj'YUK, S.I., red.; SUTOTSKIY, S.B.,, red.; red.;KO23V, N.A.. red.; AVER- 4 CHENKOp D.Yee, red.; SODOIZV, L.S., red.; SIMONOV, K.M., red.; POLE- VGYp B,N., red.; GALM, B.A., red. [Heroes of our times] Geroi nashikh dnei. Floskya, Izd. gazety "Pravda," 1961. 619 P. (MIRA 24 11) (Labor and laboring classes) CAKLIII, V.D.; ABAU4AM.-&k~;-.PROCBOROVAj A.G. Analysis of causes of the progress of scoliosis. Acts. chir. orthop. traum. occh. Z9 nO-4:315-320 Ag 162. 1. Klinika dotako ortopodio a traumatologie, vedouci clen korespondent ALV SSSR prof. V.D. Caklin Ustredni ustav tra:amatologic a ortopedie CITO, roditel clan ALV SSSR prof. N.N.Prirov.Moskevulca ortopedicka vojenska, nemocnice*s naceInik S.N,Voskroscnakij, DrSc. (SCOLIOSIS) Al AT I -I i I V(~Ijl , Y7, - , M . A. ABALIMASOVA, YE. ^K. -- "Experinental, Transplantation of 1i Preserved mdar Uw Tcnpartlturo." And Mled Scl U_,~JjR, 110scui. (Di.s.sertation for tile Degree of Candidate of Madical. Sciences) SO: Knizrnava 4,totls' No ABALIKASOVA, Te,A,g GINZHURG# Ha-Le Transplantation of refrigerated bone homografte [with nummary in 3nglishl, Mcaper.khir. 1 no,2$30-35 Mr-Ap 156 (MIRA 11: 8) 1. 1z InatitutR khirurgil iment A.Y. Vishnevokogo AMN SSSR (dlr. - cl~len-korreapondent .M SSSR prof. A.A. Viahnevekiy( i Koakovskogo ortopedichaskogo gospitnlya (naohallnik goupitalya. - kandidnt meditsinakikh nauk S.N. Yoskresenskiy, nauchnyy rukovoditell prof, V,D. Chaklin). (TRANSPLANTATION, experimental, bones refrigerated homogrnfts (Rua)) eXCERPTA YEDICA See 9 Vol 13/6 Surgery June 59 2958. (806) TIIE USE OF WINE I(ONIOGI(Arrs PimsEavELIp Cou) IN CLINICAL PRACTICE (ftussian text) - Abal masova 'K. A. - 0100P. THAVNI. PROTEZ. 1958. 19/2 (28-32) Four techniques of freezing have been used: quick and dcci) freezing down to-301 t( -35*C-followedby storing the grafts In a temperature between -3* and -40C. In the second series the grafts were preserved all the time at a temperature of -18' to -20* C. In the third series they were stored at a temperature of -31 to -4* C. and in the fourth series the homografts were quickly frozen down to -60* to -701C., and after betng stored at that temperature for 24 hr. they were transferred to a temperature of -31 to -4*C. The first series gave best results. This grafting material was used to fill bone defects In 9 cases. to fill a cyst cavity In P Cases, for arthrodesis in 2 cases, an a packing material !n osteomyclitis in I cases. anti as filling material In tb In one case. The results were very encouraging In the fil,st three groups: they are uncertain in infected areas. 13o)-tchev - Sofia (IX, 19") '- ARALIMSOVA9 Ye.A.p starvIdy nauchnyy sotrudnik Preoperative correction of scolioviv arki causes of its failure. Ortop. travm. I protezi 21 no. 7:13-111 J1 160. (M1RA 13:10) (SPINE-SURGERY) CHAKLUT V.D., prof.; A44&'HASQV A ,; PRMORDVA, A.G.,, 4,76, kandemedonauk Treatment of lateral mwratures of the spine in children Ortop travmA protese 23 zo*500-35 W 162* ?MIRA 0111~ ) I* Is kliniki detskoy ortopedii i travmatologii, (save - profe V.De Chaklin) TSentrallmogo institute. travmatologii. i ortopedii (dir. - doktor med.nauk H.V. 'Tolkov). (sPnm-4wmwTiw AND MnHHITIES) CRAKLIN, V.D., prof.; ABALIYASOVA, Ye.A.,; PROKHOROVA, A.G., Comparative evaluation of the use of various types of grafts in fixation of the spite in scoliotic children. Vest.khir. 89 no.S: 8-12 Ag 162. - (MMA 15:10) 1. Iz klifilkl detak07 ortopedii (zav. - prof. V.D.Chaklin) TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii I ortopedil. 2, Chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR (for V.D. Chaklin). (SPINE-4B14ORMITIES AND DMRMITIES) (ORTHOPEDIA) CHAKLM, V,D., prof,; ABAL'YABOVA.. Ya.A., kand. med.nauk; LAVRISHCHEVA) G.r,.,p Rageneration procasaas during intra and extramedullary osteo- synthesis, Ortop.., travm. i protez. no.1:10-15163. (MM 16tIO) 1, Iz klinichookogo otdalenlya detakoy ortopedil. i traimatologii (zav. - prof. V.D.Chaklin na base Moskovskago, ortopedichaskogo gospitalya (nachallnik - doktor med.nauk S.Moskresenskly) i iz-patologoanatomicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - zaaluzhennyy dayatelt nauki prof. T.P.Vinogradova) TSentrallnogo Instituta travmatologii i ortopadil (dir. - prof. M.V.Volkor), ABALIMASOVA, Ye,A.p kand.raecl.naulc Scolio,sin in the X-ray Picture and its measurement. Ortop., travm, i protez. 25 no.5349-50 Itr 164. (MIRA 1834) 1. Iz kliniki detakov o-Aopeaij, i travnatologii (zav. - chlen- korrespondent AMN ST;R .;rofe V.D.Chaklin) 7oentrallnogo institlita travwtologii i orto~c,-!'i (dir. - chlen-korren.Fondent AMII S.SSR rof. M.V.Volkov) wi blt,-e McAovskogo ortol.-cdicheskogo gospita2yt nachallnik - dok,or ;-zil.r&uk S.N.Voskroi;ernkiy). Adres avtora:* t r Mskva A-299, Novaps liatovka, d.8. T,;entralIrlyy inatitut travmatologii i ATIALIMASOVA, Yo.A., startilily nwichnyy sotrudnik (Mo.,ikva 7b-33, Rabochaya ul, d. 45, korp. 15, kv.41); KOGM4, A.V. Dysplastic scolioBis. Ort.op.p travm. i protez. 26 no.70-9 JI 165. (MRA 180) 1. 1z klinicheskogo otdeleniya (naxichnyy konquIltant - chlen-kor- re.9ponclent AYIN STS11 prof. V.D.ChRklin) TSentrallnogo Instituta trav- matologli t ortopedli (direktort chlen-korvespondent OM SSSR prof. ~I.V. VolkovNI nn bane Monkovskago ortopetilchoskogo gospitalya (ilachallnik - doktor mnd. nauk S.N.Voskresenskiy). SOURCE: M SSSR. Izvestiyat Seriya tizichaskayat ve 30, no, 5, 1966, 784-786 SOU WE CCONI UR/0048/(;6/030/005/0784/078G FA JOR: Ivanov, He Ds; Abalaffiz*Vap M. 0, Un ORG: none TITLE: A universal high-resolution electron mirjror microscope (UZEM-60) /Report, Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Microscopy hold in Sumy 6-8 July 19~57 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscope, electron opticts, electron mirror, electron emission ABSTRACT: A pilot model electron mirror m ic roscope L-cons true ted by modifying an MI-7 electron iransmission microscope, is described very briefly. The instrument consists of an electron gun, a magnetic coMensing lens with an iris nnd a magnetic stigmatort a fluorescent screen, an intermediate electromagnetic lens, and a five-clectrodo eloc trostatic objective similar to that of A. Soptior (Compt. rend. Aend. sci., 235, 13 (1952)). The electrons, after passing in order throu.-h the above listed elements, ar decelerated and reflected at the surface of the specimen and, after passing again through the objective and the intermediate lens, are brought to a focus on the Xluor- escent screen. The electrostatic objective has the fom of a cone with a cutoff angle of 300; this makes it possible to bombard the specimen with ions or illuminate it with ultraviolet light, thus considerably onheincing the versatility of the instru- Card ACC HR% AP603'1766 mont. Particular attention was given to correction of astiCmatiam; there to a magnot ~c stigmator in the condensing lens and an alectrostatic stigmator of the type descri ed by O.Rang (Optik. 5, 518 (1949)) in the region of the objective lens. Accelerating voltages up to 60 W are provided, Several Photographs recorded with the instrument are presented. On one of these separate points can be distinguished that are soparat- od by 700 9, but this does not represent the ultimate resolution of the microscope. The instrument can be operated not only as an electron mirror microscope, but also as a thormooloctron, photoelectron, or secondary electron emission microscope* OrIg4 &r has: 4 figures* SUB CM: 20/ BUJU DAM' OLI own MWg OO.V OTH MY: 003 L 19562-61: r, r i A.Ye. 'r T of oc a cont mmi nan t f i I b am~-ssion, oic-ctron mic!-oscorlv 11 . " - -gLri,, ,,, - 7, Vz;' Du P r F; ur fFir(,N Llle S r~rb, i w n o t ci i -k a s ENICL: Jo ABALOV. A.T. Nature of the chowicea boad in products of the addition of amonla and of amino@ to metallic *&Its. Zhur.nsorg.khin. 1 ne.10:2374-2377 0 1560 (KIRA 10-.1) 1. 11shinevokly geoudarety9unyy universitot. (Salts) (Chanical bonds) ABALYAN, ~,; ASATURYAN, V.; RAIAYAN, J.; OVCHIYANP V. A map of corrosiveness and its use in planning protective measure# for underground metal oonsUVb%idns. 11rom.Arm. 4 no.10:56-59 0 161, (KTRA 14: 11) 1. krmnil%ftorejakt, (Corrosion and anti-corrosives) ABLLYAN, N.; CVCHIYAN, V. - ~ . _-1-11.1 ......- Dapth of underground pipe laying under the conditions of the Armenian S.S.R. Prom.Arm. 5 no.8:18-21 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Armniikhimproyekt. (Armenia-Pipelines) SOURCE CODES AUTH6R1 &82yan' NO-P. (Engr.); Xmivnitskaya, A. A. (Engr.) OROS none TITIES Corivsionteats of some eltructur&I metals in an ammonium alum medium SOURCES' Xhimicheskoye I neftyano" mashinostroyaniyep no. 5P 1966t, 17 17/0017 TOPIC TAGS1 alump corrosion resistant sted, load ro'k ABSTROT t t the Arm LO~T 2Kh13 ,VXkhiMroys.ktv Sorrosion tosts of metals ( stools* topper, AOrinumimm, and SMead) most frequently employed inths conatructior of cbemical machinery were carried out In a 45% siolution of ammonium alum at 20'*C and at the boiling point of the aaturated solution urder statio conditions for 720-1440 hr. The corrosion rate was determined gravimatrically-. All the mtals tested except alumi- num wors found to be corrosion-resistant. As expectodp chrmium-nickel Stes as Nora resistant than chromium steelap and load vat) more resistant than copper bee a of 46 formation of a lead sulfate film, The corrocsion resistance of lead increassivith ri:s- ing temperature. It is recommended that Xh1,8N9T isteel be used for making equipment op-- orating at nozvml tempooraturos in the production of corundum (where ammonium alum in used as the raw material)# and that S2 lead In usod for the construction of units oper- ating in the range of 1000C. Drig. mt. haiTs'l table. SUB CODES 11/ SVEN DAM none Card I /I a"FM UDCt 620.193,4 ABALIYAN, T.S., and KALININ, G. P. Influence of Relief oh the Quantity of Precipitation. Meterol. i gidrologiya, No. 6, 1953, pp 22-24 Nonuniformity of distribution of precipitation over a territory depends upon the roughness of the locality and altitudinal position of the region of obaervations in relation to the surrounding territory. In accordance with data of observations in Central Asia, Stalingrad and Smolensk regions, and south Ukrainsp correlational dependences have been found between the quantity of fallen precipitation and a locality's roghness and altitude. In the first case the coefficients of correla- tion were from 0.56 to 0.82; in the second case tile correlation turned out to be but slightly satisfactory, The authors consider that if the roushliessts influence is excluded -the distribution of precipitation would possess the same pluvial character as the distribution of the fac- tors forming them (moisture content, thermobaric rerime of air currents). (RZhGeol, No 5v 1954) SO: Sum. No. 568, 6 Jul 55 KAWNIN, G,P ABAL'TAX T Determining the subtarransaafeed!Ing of rivers. X*"or i g1drol. no.5:12-20 Ky 157. iKLUA 10g:8) (Rivers) (Vater, Underground) AUTHOR: Abal Iyan,t SUV/50 -5b -13 - I -/18 TITLE: (Review and Bibliography) A. N. Vazhnov "Averaj~e Dincharge of the Rivers of the Armyanskaya SSR fcr Sevural Years axia Its Div- tribution Within the Year" (A. N. Va7hriov "Sruaniy ttinogoletniy stok rok Armyanakoy ISSH i yeLgl> vnutrigodovo~e raspredelvniye") PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, '1958, Nr 8, pp, 58-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Power engineering and agriculture demapd the investigation of all water supplies of Armenia and in the first place of the numerous mountain stream,,; above all of the main part of the drought region. From this point of view the discussed book is completely topical and up-to-d.ate. It consists of 4 chapters and comprises 140 pages, 10 pagee of ta-blej, and 29 figures. Chapter I~ "A short description of the natural conditions of the region of the republic". It gives the basis for further hydrological regional distribution and fcr a generalization of the laws for the calculation of the average discharge, its distribution within the year and the 1,ariability froLii yeax to year. Chapter II.- "Average discharge of many ~;earsll analyzes the calculation methods of the discharge of tile mountain Card 1/3 streams and contains suggestions for the application in con- SOV/ 50-58-8 - I 1q/ I a (Review and Bibliography) A. N. Vazhnov "Averagt~ biachurp,-: of the Rivt~,-D r)f the ArLVanakaja SSR of Several Alears and Its D43tribat;'cn '4ithin t~e Year" crete conditions with respect to the republic. Chaptcr III. "Variability of the arinual dischtirge". Tho author zju~;,gv3tv re6ional formulue for the com.putation of the variation co- efficient of this discharge, taking into account the r6le of the subterranean feeding (by (iround water). Cha2ter !V. "ThQ average discharge distribution within the year". ~~arac teristic features of the varinbility of the discharge within the year and of the facturs which influence it ire analyzed here. At the en(I of each chapter examples of the aischarge cal- calation are given. The author of the book triod to solv(~ the difficult problem of worlking out such --A method of dischar6e calculation which is able to ~.eterrjine the discharde chsrac- teristics of the rivers in uninvestigated regions in the mountainous Armenia (Armeniya) with an accuracy suff,-cient.for planning purposes. The reviewer thinks that the author solved this problem. fie completed considerably and in detail the map bj B~ D. Zaykov (1946) for Armenia The investigations by Vazhnov showed that the geological structure of the drainage area influences considerably the discharge under the ocndi- Card 2/3 tions of the mountainous Armenia, The monograph dinou;3aud hore SOV/50-56-6-15/18 (Review and Bibliography) A. 11. Vazhnov "Average Discharge of the Rivers of the Arwyanskaya SSR of Several Years and Its Distribution Within the Year" may serve as device for hydrological calculatione. ASSOCIATIONt lzdatellstvo Akademii nauk (Yerevan Publishing House SSR 195~ Armyanskoy SSR. Yerevan. 1956 of the Academy of SciencesArmenian Card 3/3 8(6), 14(6) soy/iiz-sq-s-s6sq Translation from, Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 38 (USSR) AUTHOR- Abal'yan T S TITLE: Forecasting the- Chu-River Basin Runoff PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. in-ta prognozov, 1958, Nr 67, pp 3-41 ABSTRACT; For forecasting the runoff of rivers flowing In the Northern slope of the Kirgiz range, a relationship between the runoff and the precipitation from November through April Is used; the relationship proved to be fairly conclusive. Materials of snow survey in the Malaya -Almaatinka -River basin have -been used. Ye.A.I. Card 1/ 1 ABALITAIR, T.S. "r, ~ . Runoff of the River Chu above the Orto-Tokor Reservoir. Trudy TSIP no.67t42-67 158. (MIRA 1116) (OWRiver-Runoff) ABALIVOI, T.S. Short-range Trud.y TSIP discharge forecasts for the Ami Darya River. no,90;39-116 059o (MIRL 12:8) (Amu Darya River--Hyxlrolog7) ABALIYANp T.S. Streamflow distritution in rivers of Central Asia durizg the growing period* Trudy TSIP no*99i8O-98 161, (KERA 14:5) (Amu Darya Valley--Hydrology) (Syr Darya Vialey~--Ijydrology) ABAL'YAN, T*56, Monthly streamflow forecasts for rivers of Central Asia. Trudy TSIP no.113:3-59 161. (-~O AIRA 14:9) (Soviet Central Asia--Rivers) EM-c'z, of tbe ot a m,unt-ain drainajs beiedn ,71 t'he courtio'l if zw.(,fj., d?lr.'xs tlle period. gl:L-A no.~.z ll-17 (M RA 1~: e8) T ABAI.!,-AN, T.S., kand- Reograf. nauk Role Of VArlous high-altitude zones In thb formation of the floc-3 flow of mountAin rivers of Central Asia,. Wteor. i gidrol. no 8s13-20 Ag 165. RRA 180) 1. Tulentrallnyy institut prognozov. ---AIWYA-wvs Ii3 loss R Ma At%mR%-4,jQ6 MY Ift I VolUnjetdo poDOOMMOM Ci mWpeDMkXV^ IA V*aU' i In MVWC units equal to X B. Kolupails,URA ABAWTANTS, S-Kh. kandidat tekhnichoakikh nauk. --, Movement of clayvy suspensions In chanhels. Vop.gldr. ho.1:93-" 155. OMU 9: 12) (Sedimentation and deposition) ABALOYANTS, S.Kh., kand.taklin.nauk, red.; ALIHOV, R.A.,red.: ALTUNIN, S.T., red.: VTZGO. H.S.. red.; ZAPRO)G.'TOV, S.G., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.-, KUKHAWMOV. A.M.. kand.takhri.nauk, red.; NIKITIN, I.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; POPOVA, K.L., red.; POSLAVSKIT, V.V*, akademik. red.; ROSSIIISKIY. K.L.-Und.tekhn.nauk. red.; URAZBAYLIV, H.T.. doktor tekhn.nauk. rod.; IVAIMKO, T.A.,; GORIKOVATA, Z.P.j [Channel processes and hydraulic engineering; papers of a coordination confornneel June 7-12, 19551 fluslovye proteesey i gidrotekhnicheakoe etroitellotvo; materialy koorclinatsionnogo soveshchanita 7-12 Uunia 1955 g. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1957. 416 p, (KIRA 11:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sekt-stya po nauchnoi razrabotke problem vodnago khosiaistva. 2. Sredneaziatskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (for Aballyants). P. Hinisterstvo vodnogo khozyaystva U%$SR (for Allmov). 4* Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy inutitut irr,.0,teli (for Vyzgo, Nikitin)o 5- Institut Gooruzheniy AN UzSSR. (for Altunin. Eaprometov, Mukhamedov, Urazbayev). 79 Chlen-korrespondent AN U%SSR (for Alimov, Altunth, Vyzgo). R. Akademiya nauk UzSSSR (for Poslavskiy) (Hydraulic engineering) SOV/124-58-4-4310 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr4, p89(USSR) AUTHOR: '--Abal'yants, S.Kh. TITLE- On the Suspensoid-carrying Abilities of an Open Flow (0 vzveshivayushchey sposobnosti otkrytogo potoka) PERIODICAL: DokI. AN UzSSR, 1957, Nr 3, pp 15-19 ABSTRACT: The author's basis is an assumption of the following possibili- ties: 1. The stream which carries the alluvium chn be divided into zones of upcurrents and downcurrents; the pressures in the downcurrent zones are higher than the corresponding hydro- static values by the increments equal to the velocity heads of the downcurrents, whereas the pressures in the upcurrent zones are correspondingly reduced. 2. The suspended material being lifted in an upcurrent, zone increases the density of the mixture; this effect compensates for the decrease in pressure. These assumptions, however unproved, give the author a formal possibility to connect the vertical projections of the velocities in the upcurrent and the downcurrent zones (which the author considers to be mutually equal) with the concentration of alluvium, its hydraulic grading, and the mean velocity of the Card 1/1 stream. Biblioaraphy: 9 references. V. N. Goncharov 1. Inland wa4enrays--Sedimentation 2. Inland waterways--Velocity 3. Pressure--Performance ARAIIYANTS, S.1h., kRndidAt takhnicheskikh nAuk. Transport of bottom me4teriRl in in open cheinnel. Gicir.strol. 26 no.6:48-49 Je 157. (KLU 10:7) (Hydraulics) 124-58-9-9862 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 56 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ab~~l TITLE: The Transport of Sediments in Small Irr' ;ation Canals (Transport nanosov v malykh orositellnykh kanalakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Sredneaz. n. -i. in-ta irrigatsii, 1957, Nr 89, pp 3-9 ABSTRACT: A report on the results of observations on the transport of sediments (in two small irrigation canals and in the laboratory) for specific Amu-Dar' ya sediments in Yu. Khorezmal s irriga- tion systems, The empirical findings obtained have local sig- nif icance. V. N. Goncharov 1. Inland waterways--USSR 2. Sedii-nentation--USSR Card I /I ABAL'YATM, S#Kh., doteent, kand,tekhn,nauk Transportation of suspended sediments in open channels. Trudy SAIIIIHI no.91:77-104 158 (MIRA 14:1) (Seclimentati;n and deposition) (Irrigation canals and flumes) ABALIYANTS, S.Kb. - Tlirbulance of t be flow in the bottom region. Dokl. AN Irz.SSR no.7:47-50 158. (MIIIA 11110) 1. Srndneaziatskiy politakhnichaskiy institut. Prndstavleno chlenom-korrespondenton AN UzSSR S.T.Altuninym. (Turbulonc4) (Hydrodynamics) ABALIYANTS., S. Kb., Doc Tech Sci (diss) -- "The movement of suspenAions in open streams". Mbscaw-Tashkent, 1959. 28 pp (Min Agric MSP. moscow Inst of Water ZconouW grigimers im V. R. Villy=s), 150 copios (KL, No 23, 1959, 100 ABAWYANTS, Sargey Khristoforovich for Doe of TechrAaal Sci on the ;)I bmale of dissertation defended 5 Jul 59 in Coureil of Moscow TnW*tri~e F044~"~ of Engineers of Water4sa"W im. Vil'ysms, orrtitleds 'So Movomont of fittwe 44-,me" in open Steams." (IIAVISSO USSR, 2-61, 30) A 394 ABAL'YANTS, S-Kh. Hydraulic resistance in earth canals. Trudy SAII11RI no.lr8'3-70 ,6o. (MIRA 14:8) (Canals) (Hydraulics) ABALIYANTS, S.Yh. InvestigAting hydraulic el.e!-.Pnts in irrigation canals of Central Asia. Trudy SANIIRI no.10471490 160. (MIRA 14t8) (Soviet Central Asia--Irrigation canals and flumes) ABALIANTS, S.Kh., prof. (Tashkont) Settling basins of the Takhia-Tash Headworks on t1jo kma Dnrya River, Cidr. I mal. 1.6 no.1:44-47 J& 164. (M1RA 17:2) KRACHATRYAN., A.G., doktor tekhn nauk; A_B.AL'.YANTS.,_S-.Kh., prof. (g.Tashkent); NURIYF:V, Ch.G., inzh. (ZBaku) - Calculating the sedimentation in irrigation settling basins; concerning F.Sh.Mukhamedshanov's article. Gidr. i mel. 16 no.3:57-62 Mr 164. (MIRA, 17:4) 1. Vaesopxznyy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy inatitut gidrotekhniki i meliorataii im. Kostyakova, (for Khachettryan). TSVEU'IK(JVjl, N.F.; YEFRI-I-IMI. A.V., ksnd. tekhn. imuk, -tv. red.; AIV%YYAlrrS, C,i 0 Kh., doktor teklm. nauk, prof., red.; CORWHKGV, 1-1., kaml. tekhn. -iiauko red.; MOZOROV, G.I., redo (Technological -onditions and norms in the designing cf irrigat-Im sottling basins] TeRhnicheaklo usloviig~ t normy p-1) procktirovanilu lxrigatsionnykb ctstioinikov. Ta.,.Ihkt~rit, "Nauka" VzOSR, 1964. 66p. (Voprosy gidrotekhnWo no.19) (!Ilj~%A 18:r) ABALIYANTS, S.Kh., prof. (Tashkent) Now method for protecting the banks of the Amu Dni-ja RJver. Gidr. A, mel. 17 no.1.006-42 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) ABALYATIV, A.B. (Yladimirskaya oblast'). Compoblag problems based on local material. Hat.v shkole no.l: 57-58 JA-F 154. (MLRA 7:1) (Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc.) '-e AMLYAYIV, R.N. Ovanovo) Arithmetical excursions- Mt. v Ibkols no.5-.43-46 S-0 154. (MLYA 7:11) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) (School excursion) AML`AYEV~ 1:(. 11. Abalyayev, It. 11. -- "Arithmetic Problems on Local Material in the Elemen- tary School." AcadevW of Pedagogical Sciunces RffSrL. Sci Res inst of Teach- ing Methods. moscow, 1956. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopis,, No. 11, 1956, Pp 103-11-L I 1-_x lpn Z Truu U-n. T%C 11.1 'N KID MN244- fT -.m r. 'um I 0 LIE known r N~~ Wr2a boride shomad t1u)t alkyistion of the salt io more rapid than isomerisation of the triathylthiottq phoophate. -ri-g. art. has. 4 foxwul". L T ~W T,, I iy-"[ T~ t e, CZ P MASTRYUKoVit., 'A.~ !~Hlj-OV, A14hLYAY'E:VA,, V~V,j 11 1 KhBA1.Hr,Tr4 tAkrd c; m' k Reac'-.iv!,ty of aynb-'.dent nrian-s. Alkylattc~r. of F!odju:~,j dcrjvai-,~-veq of ak,'.aacet4~c and 17y r~'e,.-hyl cxonium ft.uobo-jc1d,--. Drki. Ali SFZR 16~1 ,C).4-~!340-343 S 16 .5. (MIRA 18-9) soyed~nenly AN SSSR. j ~106UO Pent Remarees 'or 'w"alp A, hkov, A. A.Wa, jymy, SiW i Ogorod, and Y- N. 1034, no. 3. hisr., P. 2S-33- inineral ferU6111- Ocrimt, U,,IrT mixturri of QtPnic! Rod I.T.I., Pimov-pl' ABALYSMWVA, L. M. "Some Results of an Iwestigation of Electron Tube Perfolmmance in High- Speed Electronic Cosiputers." The author presents statistical data on the causes of breabdovn of electron tubes in high-speed Xbmdmndx emputers vith respect to :p operating conditions. In conclusionp the author states that: 1. the 6 MS and 61ft tubes suffer breabdow either during the first 1;000 hours of operation or they last 5POOO-TIOOO hours. 2. the most frequent defects vhich develop in tubes under any operating conditions are a decrease in plate current and a change in ebaracteristics. There are 2 Boviet references. im Voprosy vyschislitellnoy matesatiki i tekhniki (Problems in Computor Mathematics and Technique) Kiev, Izd-vo AS Ukr 888, 1908, 97 PP- (Sbornik trudov, VYP 3) This collection of articles issued by the cowLMtor Center of Ukr SSR Aced Sci is intended for scientists and engineers in the field of computor mathematics and techniques. The collection is devoted to the programing of mathematical problems on electronic coupiters and to the design of units and components of these machines. L. H. and POM=nG=, S. B. "Investigation of a Flip-Flop With Ametion. Triode Transistors." The authors discuss the circuit of a flilpl-flop, using junction type transistors,, vhich ensures stable operation at frequencies up to 400 ka. They also explain a mik method for approximate calculation of circuit parameterB and provide results of ex;erinental investigation. There in 1 SovI& reference. Voproffy vyschislitellnoy astewsktiki i tokhuiki (Problems in Computor Mathumatics and Technique) Kiev~ Izd-Yo AN Ukr SSR., 1958, 97 rp. (Sbornik trudow, vyp 3) This collection of articles issued by the computor Center of Ukr 6M Acad Sai in intended for scientists wA engineers in the field & computor wthewtics and techniques. The collection is devoted to the programming of mathematical problem on electronic computers and to the design of units and components of these machines. 7,01V S/123/60/0DO/015/004/607 2s2q6 AOO4/AOO1 Translation. from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyanlye, 1960, Ito. 15, P. 221, # 80154 AUTHORS: Abalyshnikova, L. Progrebinskiy,_0,_jL_ TITM An Investigation of Junction Transistor Fllp-FlopsO PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Vychisl. taentra AN UkrSSR, 1958, No. 3, PP. 76-83 TEM The authois investigate a Junction transi3tor flip-flop circuit which, without special triode selection, ensures a steady operation at frequencies up to 400 kilocycles. They give a description of a method of approximate calcula- tion of the circuit parameters, utilizing in one version of the method the family of collector characteristics of the triode, while in another version the rated m&gnitude of the static current-error constant are used. A calculation example is presented and results of an experimental investigation of the dezeribed circuit are giver.. There are 8 figures and I reference V: Ye. a. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 89049 S/044/60/000/009/020/021 C111/C222 AUTHORs Abalys,hnikova, L.M. TITLEs Some Results of an Investigation of the Work of Electron Tubes in Quickly Working Computers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.Matematika, 1960, No.9, p.211, Abstract No-11051- AN USSR, 1958, vyp.3, pp-911-98 TEXT: The author gives atatistical data on the cause of the failure of tubes of computers in deper.dence of the method of operation of the device. The operational utilization of electron tubes in the device m.9cm AH YCCII (MESM AN USSR) was considered. The time of observation was 12000 hours. In the device H-9CM (MESM) there operate 3790 eletron tubes, among them 2299 tubos of the type 6148 C(6N8S) and 1491 tubes of the type 6 HqC (6N9S). The causes of the failure were subdivided into 5 groupas the fusing of the :.,ieater, a greazz!-..r diminution of the anode current of the state of operation than it Is admissible according to the technical specifications, electrode short circuit, change of the characteristic and mechanical damages. The change of the characteristic means the deviation of the anode current or its slope by more than 25% from the initial ones; that is particularly asEential for the work of Card 112 89049 S1044J601000100910201021 C111/C222 Some Results of an Investigation of the Work of Electron Tubes in Quickly Working Computers the trigger schemes which do not admit the asymmetry. The author gives statistical tables on the failure of the tubes in dependence of the causes. It is stated that the essential damages appear by the diminution of the anode current and by the change of the characteristic. The damage expressed as percentage for tubes working in a normally closed method of operation is greater than for tubes working in a normally open method of operation. For tubes of the type 6X8S working essentially in the trigger schemes, A the damage expressed as percentage is greatest because of the change of V the characteristic# The tubes 6N9S fail mo:re frequent than the tubes 6NBS because of the fusing of the filament and electride short circuit. The author gives diagrams of the life of the tubes. By these diagrams it is stated that the tubes of the type 6N9S and 6N8S either fail during the first 1000 working hours or operate 5000-7000 hours. Furthermore it is stated that most of the tubes of the type 6 X6C (6Kh6S) (in the de7ice of 2400) fail after 7000-8000 working hours. [Abstracter's notes The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.3 Card 2/2 DASHEVSKIY, Lev Naumvic~hp kand. teklhn. nauk; FOGITMINSKTY, Solomon Beni aminovich. lnzh.; LIIIKAIIARA. Yekaterina Alekseyevna, kand. te~hn. nauk- Prinimali uohastlye-, LOSEV, V.D ABATYSHNIKOVA L.M.; ZORINIA. Z.S.; ZU15ATrRAL), PAVIMKOp ORLOVA - I.A Yu.sop inzh.,, retsenzent; GLTTSIIKOII, VAp akademik., red. fthe "Kiev" computer; its design and operntlonl Vvehisll- telInala maahina "Kiev"; proektirovanie i ekspluaiatsila. Kiev, TekhnIRa.. 196'4. 322 p. (IMIRP, 17;13) ~_~ALTSHNZOTA, V. 1. _._. Uire of mathematics and electronic computations in the development of loug range high quality standards. Ugol' 35 no. 12t45-47 D 16%, (MIRA 1411) 1. Khartkovskiy gorVy institut. (Coal mines and mining--Standards) U=/r.eology Jan 49 P8trOI097 Stratif ication "The Petrograpb7 of Noo-Intrusions Near Tkemlovani (Georgian SSR), " V. R. Hadiradze, Ye. M. Alumelik, pp "Dok Ak Hauk SSSR" Vol LnT. 110 1 CY Descriptioa and diagram of geological construction around Tkamlovani show volcanic. layer, bediied '11 stone and -rls, calcareous sandstones, belded tuffaceous formation, coar3e-stratified tuffaceous formation, gabbro-diorite lntrusl6np, intrusion UWR/Geology (Conta) Jan 49 of alIcaline rocka, magnetite scarns, and upthruste amd overthrasts. Submitted 2 jul 48. 26/49T57 BUKlYA, 8.UG.;..A8AlELIKq Yeoms FAtallogenctic forecasting map of Abkhazia. Zakonom.rampolem iskop. 7:351-352 164. (MIRA l7s6) 1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovate ministrov Gruzinskoy S9R. ABAN, A as orroutudomanvok kandidatusa. Trachoma; a review. Szemeszot 92 no-3:116-129 Sept 55. 1. Budaposti Orvoutudomanyi laetem 1. stamu Steiklinikajanak koslemenye Igaxgato: Raftot )ULgda egyatemi tanar, as orvostudommWok doktora. (TRkOHONA, review)