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ADAKUMOV, A. %e wCvA*r-""-_ Convenient attachment for automatic loadersd Nor. flot 16 no.10:31-32 0 156. (MM 9ill) Is Vtoroy ponoshch x kapitans pramkhoda 'Tartu.* (Norway-4argo harAling) VOSKRE.SIENSKIYO M.N.,; ZAGORODNYAYA, V.G., vrach-rentgenolog; MALUNEYEVA, Z.A., vrach-rentgeziolog; zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR. Diagnosis and treatment of primary ostoosarcoma. Trudy KGMI no.10097-400 163. (MIRA 18-1) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i meditsinskoy radiologii (:spolnyayu- shchiy ob"yazannosti zav. kafedroy M.N.Voskrosenskiy) Kalininakogo oblastnogo onkologichoskog. dispansera (glaviiyy vrach zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR T.N.Mikhireva) i Ka.lininskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy No.1 (glaMv,y vrach zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR A.A.Sokolov). ABAIMOV, B*M*- - I- Transistor-type DC voltage converter for feeding a DKZ dosimetere Mod. rad. 5 no.lt73-74 A 160. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Is kmfedry rentgenolegii It maditsinskoy radiologii (zav. M.M. Mikhaylov) Voroneshskogo meditsinakogo inatituta. (EIECTRIC CIJRREWT CONMTFM) (RADIATION-DOSAGE) ABAKUMOV9 B.M* Semiconductor djo, tranaformer for supplying the cbarge device of the Dk-0,2 dosimeter, Veot. rent. i rad. 35 no. 5:58 MY-Je 160. (MIRA .14:2) 1. Iz kafedry rentganologli I radiologii (zav. - dotsent M,,M. Mikhaylov) Voroiaez-bakogo meditsiukogo inatituta (direktor - prof* N.I. Odnoralov). (RADIOMETER) (ELECTRIC TRANSFOWM) 'AUM."Ovo B.Mo Small-aiied semiconductor indicator of ionizing radiation. Vent, rent. i rad. 36 no. 1:60-61 %'P'a-P 161. (MIRA 14:4) (RADIOACTIVITY-INSTRtMNTS) ACC NRi Al-,030655 SOURCY. COF)111: UR/0126/66/0?2/GD5/0698/ry70l AUTHORS; Silanskiy, 14. M.; LoGutlco, A. L.; Frolov, G. I.; Abakumov, D. M. ORG: Institute of Physics, SO All SSSR (Institut fizilci SO All SSSr) 1ITLE: Static and impulse magnetization and reversal of magnetization of thin films SOURCE: Fizika motallov i motallovodoniyo, v. '22, no. 5, 1966, 698-701 TOPIC TAGS: mgnotic hysteresis, hystoresis loop, forronignotic film, nagnotic domin structure It ABSTRACT: The "virgiii" rmgnotization curV0 and hYSt0-1OSiS loops Of thin fill-r.3 con- tainin- 821 Ni and IVj Fe were detertunod in static and pulsating rnviGnotic fields. The effect of partial reversal of the rLignotic fiold on tho domiin structure of the specimens was studied. The experimental procedure is doscribod by T. 3. Hoffman, 1. A. Turner, and T. I. Kilburn (J. of British Instituto of Radio Engine,:-rs,1960, 20, 1, 31). Tho axperimentcl resul-~,s are presented graphically (see Fi;-, 1). Photo- graphs of the domain structure of specLmei;; exposed to different r;jgnatlzatian condi- tions are prsE!qntod. The time dependence of domain n,kcleation on the nignitude of I, the variable magn-)'Vic field was also studied. The results are shown graphically. It was found that the change in the domain structure of specimen, as a result of the application of a variable magnetic field, was analogous to that found under similar conditions by N. M. Salanskiy and G. L Frolov (MM, 1966, 21, 157). L~ard 1/2 UDC: 539,_4k.Z:538-_')4 : ACC NRs AP7ooo655 Fi&. 1. Static (1) and intpulse (3) nvl~ irgin" magnetization curves Static (2) hnd impulse (4-10~ magnetic reversal curves and diupor- sion curve Hk in terms of magnitude (11) for thin ferromagnetie film (H = 4.4 oersteds, Hc 1.3 oersteds, k angular dispersion c~ go 0.00" oersted, d - 1100 R). Duration of impuldes t inp- 4 - 500, 5 - 300, 6 - 200) 7 - 150 a - 100, 9 - 70, 10 - 50 nanoseconds z 4( Orig. art. has: 5 graphs. SUB CODE: 20,, 1l/ SUBM DATE: 28Jun65/ CRIG R17: 002/ OTH REF: 001 2/2 RA;:11VAYLV, G.A.j ABAYUMOV, G.P-; 1IFSTRIU-NICH, Structaro of the protnwilv,-A icri-rldll-il (.-A' nyd r nz I ril tun. Zhur. strukt,Klam, 5 no. 12-, 30;'~-'-309 Mr-Ap 164. ( M! R A 17 : 6 )' ABAKUMOV, G.A.; SHILOV, A,Ye,; SHULYNDIN, S.V. Electron paramagnetic resonance of the products of inter- action between dicyclopentadionyl vanadium dichloride and aluminum alkyls. Kin. i kat. 5 no#2:228-234 Mr-Ap 104. OMIRA 17:8) 1. Institut khimicheskcq fizi)d AN SSSR. I-v an, cf f-. I ei3n parw:a :me t. s t; C71 .ubmltt~ 'A Via- :Al LV,201-66 K-wr (m) T (j) ijp(c) RY, ACC NR% AP6027955 SOURCF CODE: UR/002o/66/i69/003/0579/0582 AUTHOR:__.Ahak4!~~~.; Abramova, A. A.; Razuvayev; G. A. (Corresponding member AN ORG: Laboratory for Polymer Stabilization,.Academi~ Sciences S8514 Goi4kiy -'ov-'Aka-d-e-'mii po or S TITLE: Free radicalA in kip enyl~aralk~ylami~ne'j oxidation, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 3, 1966, 579-582 TOPIC TAGS: free radical, tertiary amine, oxidation mechanism, EPR e *ON -4k i y4 n &;,*Aj r- ABSTRACT: The mechanism of oxidation of the alkyl aryl tertiary amines, diphenylbenzylamine (I) and dipbenyl(triphenylmethyl)amine (II) by 1) oxygen and 2) peroxides was studied by EPR spectroscopy. The experiments were carried out at different concentrations of the amine, usually in benzene solution at room temperature. It was found that cumene h -jin the presence of cobalt oxidation of I by ydroperoxide stearate or by Pb02 did not proceed in a neutral medium. However, In the presence of acetic acid or trichloroacetic acid, I and II were readily oxidized by Pb02 or benzoyl peroxide. Likewise, I was readily oxidized by cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of acetic acid, and by atmospheric oxygen In the presence of trichloro-or trifluoro-acetic acid, Based on EPR data, it was proposed that an oxidation of I by L h6201-013 ACC NR, AP6027955 Pb02 in the presence of acetic acid two competing processes occur: Pbo, (r.116),N- +CH,,GIIO, Pbo' At low concentrations of the amine, reaction (1) prevails, because the concentration of the oxygen dissolved in the benzene may be commensurate witn the (C6H5)2N- concentration. At high concentrations of the amine, reaction (2) prevails. Experiments involving II or ox- idation with oxygen confirmed this mechanism. On oxidation of I and II by Pb02 in the presence of trichloroacetic acid, formation of the ion-radical ,or of the complex (CGIII)INII ... NX (Cj 1,), ACC NR-. AP6027955 (where X may be -'I(C6H5)2 or even -CH~C61-15 may be assumed; the pr mary radical in this case is probably not C6~15)214- but rather (CGH5)2*Nii- On oxidation of I and II by cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of cobalt sLearate and acetic acid, (C6H5) '1,,,0- was readily formed. Thus, in all cases rupture of the Nlir) N-C~2n bond occurred. The effect of the acid was attributed to t3 weakening of the N-C bond due to formation of an Ionic pair: (C4llj)sN-CllaCql4A- All- ucow'.~l I This was confirmed by the experimentally established fact of the dissociation of II in an acid medium in the absence of air: + MIC001i '4- j(C~1lj)'Nll-(; (Calls)$] MIC00- I(COHB)INH-C(CIIH6)81ccjgcoo--*--*[(Colliisc)+Cclscoo-+(c4ll,),NH., Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ISM3 SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 08Jan66/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REP: 006 Card I /'I fV SLONDW, B.M., insh.; XANUEKIT, L.Ta., Inish., retsenzentl AZAVMOTI , -f- G,I.. Insh., red.; HOLYUKOV, G.A., ired,izd-va; SOKOLOTA, iekhnaed. [Assembly of equipment and plants of the food industry; a referenee manual) Montash prodprilatil pishchevol promyshlennosti; kratkoe spravochnoo posoble. MoBkvag Go9.wvuohno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960. 376 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Food Industry-lquipment and supplies) ABAKUMOV, G.I.; KONOVALOV, E.Ye. Apparatus for zone melting. Zav.2ab. 2c. no.14:1506-1507 163. (MIRA 17:1) ABAKWTP G.T, kandidat vaterinzrnykh nauk. ., Z Z ~, "I li~ lumbar novocaine block as a pathogenetic method for trelLting colic& in horses. Yeterinaria 33 no.405 Ap 156. (MW 9:7) lAeni=adskir veterinarnY7 inatitut. (Hoisse.-Disesses) (Digestive org'sne-Diseases) (Novocaine) AUTHOR: Abakumov, I.A., Engineer SOV/135-59-1-17/18 TITLE: A Pipe u _ng__Mac1Ane (Stanok dlya rezki trub) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 1, p 46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A new design of a machine for the oxygen cutting of carbon steel pipes of 200 - 800 mm diameter was suggested by I.S. Yefremov, Director of the Angarsk Plant of Metal Structures. The new ma- chine makes it possible to carry out straight and oblique cuts. Its operating principle is based on the combined reciprocating motion of -the cut- ter and the rotary motion of the profiling de- vice and the work. The machine was tested in practical use and proved satisfactory. There is 1 diagram and 1 photo. Card 1/1 BARMIV, V.V., V,017MTV, I-P-, mashinibt, ti!Arulctrw, I'VYI.T.CT, L. L. , ~!mstrWct~u Fatii-devey brake acc-eilerators on frelgit trainu are not FIeL. i tep3,, t1aga 5 ncs!'~*-45 MY 161 (111RA .14.' 7) ( Iti i lroa4-Ftnlr,~;.3) ABAMOV, 1. G. Detachable forms for winding multisection coils. Sbor. rats. predl. vnedr. v proizv. no.2:47-48 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Pervoura3takiy Novotrubnyy zavod. (Electric coils) ABAKUMOV, Ivan Ivanovich; PETRENKO, N.P., red.; PECMSKAYA, T.I., tekh~.-YeL j (Industri metbgds in sanit&ry engineering; from practices of the assemb*ng office of construction in Angarskj Indu- stri 11 q santakhnichaskikh rabot; iz opyta raboty xOnt: - OB mkeo~otory stroitellstva Angarska...-Irkutsk, Irkut- skoe. Fnicihinoe izd-vo, 1959. 86 p. (MIRA 17:2) ABAUKQ.Y,, ,. I.. i~i "O~j ~-- '! Conference on plane and reinforced concrete hold in Augarsk. Bet.1 shol.-bet. no-9:341-342 D 155. OuaA 9.-J) (Angarsk-Conarste-Congreemes) AUTHOR: Abakumov,._,;~..:~! Engineer. 207 TITLE: Crane with motor loader (Kran-avtopogruzchik.) Pi-;ItIODICAL:"Y,ekhanizia.tsi4~a Stroitellstva" (Mochanisation of Construction) 1957, V 1. 14, No. 1, p. 25 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: . V.S. Ptitsyn, whilst engaGed on assembly problems connected with the election of the new town of Angarsk, devised a new crane with a collapsible mast -which is mounted on a standard lorry Marks 4.001 and 4-003. 'phis crane is used for hoisting sanitary fittings up to a %,.-eight of 150 kgj to a height of 15 m. The lower part of the support consists of steel channels No. 8 and 12, situated alongside each other when the crane is transported. The channels are lifted into an-extended position by means of lover arms which are connected to the mechanism of the lorry. The weight of the mast is 260 kg, the arm of the crane can be extended up to 8.6 m. if the crane is permanently fixed the hoisting can be openited electrically by a winch which is situated on the lorry* When the crane is transported the-mast is loi%ered so that its total height does not exceed 4.65 m from the Ground and the arm is nearly horizontal. The a~m can be dismantled and the lorry can be used for other pulposes. There is 1 photograph and 1 diagram. 11 - - / /' .I-- ", , t il~ "s 11 ~ " -- ABAMOV. 1J., inzh. ---- T. Sizov's electria drill, Neldi. stroi. 15 no.1:24-25 A 158. (Drilling and boring maahinery) (MIRA IItl) ABAKUMOV, I.I., inzh. (g.Angarok) Taper plug. Stroi, truboprov. 5 no-312l Mr 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Pipe.- besting) PHASE I BOOK UPLOITATION SOV4471 Abakumov., Mikhail Mitrofanovich Sovremennyye stanochnyye prisposoblenira (111drn Machine-Tool Accessories) Moscowo Mashgizq 1960. 326 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Reviewers F.P. kostromint Candidate of Tpohnical So!LeDces,- Managing Ed. for Literature on Metalworking and Machin6-Tool Making (Mashgiz)s V.I. Mitin, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing Houses I,I. Leenlichenko; Tech. Ed.t Z.I. Chernova. FURPOSEt This book is intended for designers, process engineers and other technical personnel concerned with the design and operation of machine-tool accessories. It may also be useful to students of machine building in acbools of higher education. COVERAGEt The book deals with basic trends in the development of molern acces- sories for machine tools. The author discusses advanced designs of mechanized actuators and accessories for machine tools and provides calculation data for these designs. Particular attention is given to the problem of the mechaniza- tion and automation of metal-cutting machine tools by using highly productive equipment. Also considered are technical and economical principles for the proper selection of the type of mechanized actuation and accessories of machine CarX::~ Mcdern Machine-Tool Accessories SOV/4471 tools fitting various productional requirements. B.A. Shchukarev, Engineer (do--eased) is mentioned as having contributed to the field. There are 21 referencesp all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Introduction 3 1. Basic Trends in the Design of Machine-Tool Accessories 7 Classification of standardized devices 13 Universal devices for setting-up 14 Specialized (group-machining-type) devices 17 Standard-unit devices 18 Universal standard-unit devices 24 11. Actuation of Machine-Tool Accessories 38 1. Pneumatic aetuators 38 iiston-type actuators 38 Diaphragm-type actuators 54 Vane motors 66 Car.d_4/_5_:' - A~~ PYI-Z.N. P Rotor drive. Mashinostrottell no.5:8-9 My 160, (MIRA 140) (Vachine, tools--Pneumatic driving) 5/027/60/000/005/001/001 B019/bO54 AUTHOR; Abakumov, M. TITLE: Machine Attachments for the Mechanization and Automation of Mechanical Treatment PERIODICAL. Profesuionallno-tekhni(:heskc-ye obrazovaniye, 1960, No. 5, pp, 16 - 19 TEXT: As is universally known from time studies, the real working times on machines are comparatively short as against the times needed for clamping, etc. More economical conditions can be attained with the use of suitable devices. These devices are, as the author points out, to meet the following demands: they are to facilitate an accurate and rapid adjustment of the workpiece, possibly exclude any errors of adjustment, increase the producti- vity of work, extend the applicability of the machine, and facilitate work to operators, The author describes the fundamentals of pneumatic and hydraulic clamping devices, and stresses the advantages of hydraulic over pneumatic devices (higher pressure, quick response). He particularly deals with pneumohydraulic clamping devices, and describes in detail the system Card 1/5 Machine Attachments for the Mechanization and Automation of Mechanical Treatment shown in Fig. 5. Finally, he discusses clamping which, according to the working oycle, are drive of the respective machine tool. Fig. clamping device. There are 6 figures. S/027/60,/000/005/001/001 B019/BO5,1 devices for machine tools coupled with the mechanical 6 shows an example of such a Card 2/5 S/027/60/000/005/001/001 B019/BO54 Card 3/5 Card 4/5 S/027/60/000/005/001/001 B019/BO54 40T t~ u S/027/60/000/005/001/001 BO"9/BO54 Legend to FiF-,~ 51 1) Pressure regulatorp 2) piston, 3) piston rod, 4) diaphragm chamber, 5) valve, 6) and 7) pipelines, 8) sleeve, 9) regulating valve, -,0), 11), 12), and 13) pistons and clamps of the clamping device, 14) hand lever, 15) back valve, 16), 17), and 19) pipe- 'Lines, 18) oil atomizer, 20) water neparator. Legend to Fig, 6% 1 Body, 2), 3), and 6) setscrews. 4) and 5) immovable and movable jaws, 7~, 10), and 11) lever arms, 12) spring, 8) roller, 9) ruler. Card 5/5 85451 ~t I 00o 1001 1 S/117/60/000/011/002./035 I.S100 Aoo4/Aool AUTHORS.- Abakumov. M. M., Gekht, M. P. 'J, TITLE: The Automation of Equipment Already in Operation PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitel', 1960, No. 11, PP. 5-7 \A The authors present a survey of the automation of standard machine tools which, fitted with automatic loading and unloading equipment, yield'a high output and are successfully employed in automatic production lines. Thus, at the Izhevskly mashinostroiteltnyy zavod (Izh(ivsk Mechanical Engineering Plant) standard multi-purpose machine tools have been turned into semi-automatics and full automatics, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of equipment, operatlng in a nemi-automatic cycle, by 15 - 30%, while the efficiency of those machine tools operating In a fully automatic cycle could be increazed by 30 -60%. The model 161A eirew-cutting lathe, e. g., was modernized and converted into a high-effloient wtomatic.' The lathe was fitted with an adjustable loading instal- lation of the gravity magazine feed type, connected to the control system of the lathe, with a device for the automatic feed and clamping of the work pieces, an automatic tool advancing and withdrawal mochanism, and also with an automatic Card 1/5 85451 S/117/60/000/011/002/035 The Autmation of Equipment Already in Operation AOOVAOOl ldngitudinal feed a,,id accelerated withdrawal feed of the carriage. The automation of the lathe was car.-ted out using a pneumatic p&th system, i. -a. the subsequent order L3 given to the lathe after an operation has been terminat i according to -Figure 4: Figure 2: the prece'ding order. Figure 1 A shows the universally adjust. able gravity magazine feed system of the 161A lathe, while Figure 2 shows the operation of + the tool advance with thr- aid of the pneumatic cylinder 1, stationary bush 2, double-arm A wedge 3, rapidly displacing the slide 4 towards the work- p4Lece. Furthermore, a horizontal milling machine was converted into a high-efficiency automatic, by equipping it with a standard loading deviceP feed hopper, magazine and drum-type -jetting device operated by a worm reducer. This automated milling machine yields an output of 14,000 machine parts per shift. The authors distinguish between forced, semi-automatlo and automatic oonvoyer eyatems. Card. 2/5 85451 S/ 1 17/60/GW/O 11/002/035 The Automation of Equipment Already in Operation A004/AO0l While the two former are driven by electric, pneumatic or hydraulic motors, the latter convpy the blanks and workpieces by gravity. Figure 4 shows a distributing chain-conveyer which feeds the blanks to several machine tools operating In parallel. The blanks are put on the conveyer by a chute 3 and are fed to the machine through the chute 4, which is fitted with a discharge mechanism by which the*blanks are adjusted on the machine tool for machining. The authors state that at the Moskovskiy avtomobil'nyy zavod (Moscow Automobile Plan highly efficient automatic production lines have been developed by combining auto- mated machine tools with automatic handling equipment.. Figure 6 shows an automatic line, developed at the "Frezer" Plant according to a design of the "Orgstankinprom" Institutd. This line, composed of modeitized machine toolsis designated for the tachining of 16 different sizes of Y hand-operated and mechanical taps with ground and non-ground thread profile, Card 3/5 Figure:4: 5/117/60/000/011/00R/035 The Automation of Equipment Already in Operation Aoo4/Ac)ol Figure 6t -7 4 The line is composed of 6 automated multi-purpose machine tools, which have already been in operation for 10 Ix - 15 years before being incorporated in the line,, and are connected by automatic conveying devices. Each machine tool is fitted with an individual adjustable multi-purpose feed hopper loading device, which makes it possible to set and readjust the machine tools subsequently, without stopping the operation of the line. The tap blanks, preliminarily turned on automatic lathes, are loaded into the hopper of the centerless grinding machine 1. After being maohined on that machine, they are oonveyed by the chain conveyer 2 Card 4/5 85451 S/1 17/60/000/011/002/035 The Automation of Equipment Already in Operation A004/AO01 to the hopper of the sooond centerless grind-rg rnac*ti,.~-ae 3, from there onto the lining-up and sorting mechanism and then Ini.o the magazine, A pne-,imat.1c, i'eder places the tap in the machining position. The ground tap is Acnveyed by a chute onto the recolving part of the chain oonveyar 4, wbloh transports the tap to the lining-tip unit of the eccentric press 5, where the sqiare ofthe tap ~~-,nd pleoe Is stamped with two strokes of the press. Over th~~ chain co:iv-!)rF-:, 6 thc- taps a-re conveyed to the U-shaped chute 7 and, by gravity teed, g-~t intt7 t1he hopper of the branding machine 8. The branded taps are ahuted Lntc, the recelyirg part of the conveyer 9, by which they are lifted into the hopp'er oP the threadirg machine 10, After the thread being cut, the taps are placed on the _Ir~r"!a corveyer 11, which conveyes them to oenterless grinding machine 12 where the w~)rkirg part of the tap is ground. The labor productivity of a worka~r has increased bv 6 times alter the introduction of this automatic li_rwi~. Thg~ m3demmiza+~Ion costs arl~ c:,.-Dpeknsated in the course of -two years, There are 6 figures. Card 5/5 ABAKUMO-Vp Mikhail Mitroftno UCHEVp -- -vichl KUZIKINp V.V., 4aucbky red.1 ROG r .; Ows -p L*M.t tekbn. red. [Attacbments for lathes] PriBWooblenila dlia tokaMkh otm*ovo Moskva, Vass. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Proftakhisdat 1961. 101 p. IKIRA 1418) (Lathes.-Attacbments) t IABAM.W,_L4jkji4jj_ U-trQf-gnOj_qh; NIKOLAYEVA, T.D.., red.; GAADAp T.D., takhn. red. (Now metbods for the automation of machine tools) Novye metody avtomatizataii metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkolaf" 1961. 112 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Machine tools) (Automation) ABAKUMOVI k6kh 11 jj&j~Qr-gQh,.DALI5KAYAO-A., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; YXS.")HXOVSKAYA, M., red.; SHLYK, M., (Automation of machine tools) Avtomatizatsiia metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1963. 214 p. (MIRA 1W) (Machine tools) (Automatic control) ABAKWOV, W~il ilitrofanovich; KUZIMIN, V.V., nauchn. red.; MAKSIMOVA, Yu.M., red. (FurAamentals of gear cutting) Osnovy zuboreznogo dela. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 270 p. (MIRA -17:12) ABAWROV) WIG A 4IT5 -7 Vd6i6tlanp 'Astronmic "Determinatim-i of Latitude by the Talcott Method frm Several Pairo Connected y~th the Same Position on the, Talcott Levels," W. Abaklmov, Zagreb Astr Inst, 18 pp j "ABtr Zhur" Vol XXV, No I Describes errors comonly made when determining lati- tude, discusses effect of the refraction anomaly, and suggoste that prolonged periods of observation are beat means of obtaining accuracy. 41T.5 AEAKVP,(3V, It. Yu--)s!Fv'r 030) Scl-nc- - S-rlvls G,old. p. 17.'. AIJ.I"Al- dr.cII-vo) Zpl;,-vmb. (Annurl )n Pvtronom.-. ~C; o-tv ~,r 1951. S Erst- Firo-Ij, Act-stijoLs Li,,.t, Lib.-ri,-!)f C Vol'. 1, no. 13, November 19,52. INCLASSIVIED. ABAKLYIOV, N. AUKU1.10) N. Gobfficients and indeVendent remlx-rs of cordit-ional polc equations. p. 195. Vol. 9, no. 5/6, ;-lay/ June 1955. CFODLETSKI Zagreb, Yugoslavia 0 .do: Eastern Ew-opean Accession Vol. 5 No. L April 1956 C/C P"a T"Is."On ssorzvz.-vm 'I J? J0.0 OOTWT"jd 0 All P.%plo. On _s v 0.0-5.0 is avzq2 OR p :Tv" pow.10 ml 11"4.00.81 00 Ong is -#"Ivq *IRS F". 4490 of 119darvow Oq$ 'su wql qlla 11M. ~Trvqorw Fm 0-0 oql ty PW TVTJ.S- oql ;0 P-61 -it SWI 'd .1 %*vINS*_vA v -a-dolwas aws $I On Xlyt-b p.zT#op Ong -q- suommO oqs 0 "T -dxt-*p -tq*ltll V 0$*1 lT*j '"R'. P" A*dva v is -- In ."*,V 24146TV 0 .10T S42-04% 0l 43 ROTR.40jj lmlv ftluxa* 10 T.TjO$_ qt , 1.1"rloj S .1 .-SRA. Ong is qj -(DTA) Rd-P Ong jo ..I*,Is :01 -94 0"1 : I Ong SI- or -.0.,Op Ong P" Oft 'Q'q' TO. I P'x..O ...02",xv &Rj, ."..% 11"lu" " s , ' q - .qO9 "I is 1042900 Ong rus 4two sv;2zw" C .. , q :* '. ..: p*dv!#_jvjd . jo 0".4 'C't owvq -Szwqv Oq* is P"j .4 % po.0 V.; PUT4210. 14 a4- a ;0 "41- OR& T"TIJUTMOO Jap"d O"P"d Ow Pe- 91 R.". .2-92 A"llf .q4 jo &stq2lo. ollm*%" Ong Jj podol*Aop V.. OWTA.P I Z271"a (XISC) Zf&t 4 *6jl 15Z I.A 16"t **,"Z0%.30AVt WOONO"AW2 :7"taorm Orvii Sx asod-es-pm : 1421.6 OTS-SUT -14joi j.qfj*X %Tv.% jol 1. 2 :jm$za .7-1 (4/op-C-l;Z-Zi/Aoc ..1 .0 ."",X, I tswxzal (V)98 K7- MR KROYTER, H.K,j.,KATKOV, H&Ts; Physiological foatures of various breeds of sheav and their crosees baned on the data of the electrophoretic study of Berum proteins and b-amoglob:Ln# Trudy Inot, ekp, blolo AN Kazakh, ssi nrI13-123 165, (MIRA INIO) KORCHUNOV, S.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; MOGILEVSKIY, I.I.; ABAKUMOV, O.N, Determining the coefficients of moisture by the method of a constant overflov on the surface of the sample. Trudy VNIITP no.18:156-166 161. (NIRA 17:1) KORCHUNOVj S.S., kand. takhn. nauk; ABAKUMOVO O.N. Portable tensiometric apparatus for measuring the mechanical stresses in peat machinery parts and the power transmitted by transmission devices. Trudy VN11TP no.18:186-195 161. (MIRA 17:1) GIkoULIMA, Nikolay Robertovich; IOCOR07, Alak-aey Stepanovich: PrInimall uebaftlye: BMISOT, A.P., insh.; ZHIDIIIHj, I.A., lush.; VOUOOT, A.?., lush.; SHABALIN, L,A,, insh, KIIHIM, NoPo, kand.tekbn.nauk*. rateensent; ABAXUMOT, S.F.,- lush., retsfizent; ZASTPKIN, A.G,q lush., rers-en~zsnt-~- ZALOZMW, G.N.p insh.; retBousent; KLOTSKATO M.I., insh., retsenzentj IMMOGOROT .S.M., lush., retsensent; BLAW, N.M., lush., red.; WGrNA, N:A., [Making models] Kodellnoo prolsvodetvo. 3. parer. lxd. Moskva, Mae 1961. 2,95 P. (MIRA 14:12) V;ineertng models) (Molding (7vanding)-l%aipment and wapplies) 10 ABAMOVI so 00 2, TJM (600) ,4. FArthwork 7, Speedy method of unloading clay from trucks with sideboards. Gidr. i mel. 4 no. 121 .1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. KOZIIIN, p::-of., glav. red.; ABAKU-'lOV V.A., zair. Glav. red.; BLINOVA, Ye.N., red.; MAKSIMOV, S.I.p red.; OJADOVSK.TY, S.G.., red.; POIJJLYAK, S.I., red.; VELICHKO, Ye.M., red. [Papers of young schclars] Trudy rnolodykh uclictivkh. V,oskva, Pishchevnia proryshlennost', 1964. 261 p. (1-111HA 16:1) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut morskolp r;~bnogo klio--yaystva I okeanografii. V:3eso),uznyy nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy inatitut morokogo rybnogo kho- zyaystva i okeanografii, Nosh-va (for Abakumov, Blinova, Bykov) . ,~RWRPK"Awwwu, Life of the Baltic migratory IaWoy. Top.ikht. zo.6:122-128 156. (Kju 9 . 8) 1. Moskovskiy tokhniehoxkiv institut r7b&oy proaWshleanostl I kbo%Mstva iveni AJ. Mikoyam -- Xosrybvtut. (Baltic Sea-Lempreyes) ABAKUMOV, V.A. Causes of similarity in the ecology of Salmoninae an& Petroo7zo- ninae. Nauch. dokl. vye. shkoly; biol. nauki no-3:25-28 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy ikhtiologii i syT'ycvoy bazy lalinin- gradskogo tekhnicheskogo instituta. rybnoy prou7shlennosti i khotyaystva. (Salmon) (Lampreys) ABAKUMOV, T.A. Systematics and ecology of the Par Bastern brook lamprey from the Amur Basin. Vop. ikht. no.15-.43-54 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moukovskiy teknicheakiy inatitut rybnoy promyshlonnosti i khozyaystva im. A.I.Kikoyana. (Amur Valley--Iampreys) '-ABAKUMOV, V.A. Local breaks in the reproductive isolation between salmon arA Galmon trout. Trudy vNm 42:167-170 6o. (MMA 13:9) (Baltic Sea-Salmon) (Baltic Sea-Trout) ABAKUMOV, V,A. L---- -- Methods of s-k'ad:-ing the dynamics of growth in sioight and length in fishos. Trudy sov. Ikht. kom. :no.j3:11,,/,.-201 161. (MIRA 14;8) 1. VoesoyuzW nauchno-isslodovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i(okeanorafii - VNIRO. (Growth) Fishes ABAKUMCIVj V.A. Seasonal strains of migratory fishes. Vop. ikht. 12o.17:1'79-190 161* (KIRA 14: 5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauoh,no-iseledovatellskiy institut mo4kogo rybnogo Wozyaystva i okeanografii (VNIRO). S, (Fishes-M-4gration) ABAKLIMOV, V.A. Sea life of the Pacific Ocean lamprey Fntosphenus tridentatus (Richardson). Trudy VNIRO 49:253-256 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vuesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografli. ABAE-1111-j"J, V, A, problem,.s connouted with det-ormInf.-tion ol" fj!,Ung in- tenoity. Trudy VNIHO 50:178-192 16,14. (MJRA 17:12) of tbe stored input. fmc-tion. is h~ znstw at-, nmiiT-W_ The tine intervp-l bet-WEen the berinning of the Yertical sween rmri th~- P- narkor ru1sr- at tht- moment of L 3634-o-65 F. S F N "I F ATF periodlically,--ril4ch results i:l the Fi A-+,,minv(i bi t h e t- F t -7 -r t f r Pon p w- of the A,',,: A7 nor p 2/P FEMENKO, A.I., kand.tokhn.naukL_A~.AKUMOV,_V.~L.; BUDNYAK, A.A. 0 Generator of complex-shape pulses. ivtom.i prib. no-4:41-43 O-D 162, (MIRA 161l) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) ABAKUMOV, V.G.; PETRENKOp A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; DENBNOVETSKIY, S.V. Functional graph converter with a vidicon. Avtom. i PrIb. no.4t47-51 O-D 163* (MIRA 16t!2) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. FJLRAUSIIEV, A-V-J_~BAKUMOVLY.Ij MAP%KUSr Ye.K. Method for approximate naioulation of the sedimentation rate of gets. Trudy Okean.kom. W09-113 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Gosudarstven~nyy gidrologicheskiy institut Gidrometaluzhby SSSR (for Karaushev). 2. Proyektnyy institut No.1 Ministerst7a stroitell- stva ROSR (for Abakumo-v., Markus). (Sedimentation and deposition) 1jAqkI.11710I:1t KAI, ABAKUKOV OXIO.*,; ZIATOMXHOVNIKOV, L.r , kand.takhn.nauk. 111--"POW Calculating the general stability of hydraulic structures by the limiting states method, Trudy TSNIIMF no.12i4o-44 11 1 '57. (KIPA11W (Hydraulic engineering) (8tructuree. Theory of) 16 MIRONOVO S.t Ioktc)r takhn. nauk; KRILOV, B., kand. takhr.. nauk; MMA, V.. kand6 tekhno nou.k; ABAKUMOV, Yu.0 inah. improved mi~thad of sealing ~olllnts or large-panel bLdldinga in winter# Zhile strols noo9t*-25 '65e MIRA 18111) XOROZOVA, M.G.-.TROPIXOV, K.A.;MMIKOVA, T.K.;TURONOK, L.7 -ABAKUK pj.; GUMM, T.G.;UKDMKO, X.L.;KUMTSOVA, Y.I.;DUSRK -1WSTA44. IN, L.S.01KHTTARI, S.M. , I v1saheelar Vasillevich Aliakritakii. Arkh. pat.. Mookra 15 no-2: 95-96 Xar-4r 1953. (OLML 24:3) 1. Professor Vyacheelav Vasillyevich A3,va) a Doctor Rodiag.1 Sciences and Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy at Voronezh Medical Institute. KUIAKOV, P.A,, insho; ABAKUMOVA., A.S., inzhe The concrete of the hydraulic stmetures of the Volgograd hydroelectric developi4ent. Gidr. stroJ. 32 no.12311-13 D 161. (MIRA 3.5s2) (V)Iga hydroelectric power station (22nd Congress of the CPSU)- 1,zdticrete)) h 14263-q WMASM-3, SCTB DD/RD AW M; ATDWJ1540 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865/65/004/000/0107/" AUTHORt Abakwam L-Aos Akhlebininskly, X. S.; Dychkov, V. V.; Demochkina, 11. G.; Kondrat'Ev-,Yia. ~.'js~"i~kovo A. S. ORG: none Hq TITLE., Some data on the animal link in a closed ecological sy-stem SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheiskikh nauk. Problemy koemicheskoy bioloj&iip v. 4, 1965s 107-118 TOPIC TAGSS closed ecology system,, space nutrition, commercial animal, animal husbandry ABSTRACTS, Data on the animal part of a closed ec.0logiCal System'such as might be used (based on unicellular algae, high in spac er plants. animals, and man) are presented. Most of the information concerns chickens and 'ducks, good choices because they mature fast, produce a sufficient quantity ,of nutritious food, and have a high yield of meat and eggs per unit of feed. 'Comparative' analysis shows that to produce 1 kg of meat and fat, cattle require approximately twice as.much feed, and pigs L 5 times as much Card 1/3 L 14263-66 ACC NR: AT6003846 feed as broiler chickens. Furthermore, now generations of chickens and ducks are easily raised by incubating fertilized eggs, and their offspring. (taken together) weigh more than the offspring of other animals. The meat of chickens and ducks has more protein and is han the protein of other animals. Calculati;ns are made of the number of ducks re- quired to provide a cosmonaut. with his daily requirement of animal protein (40:-45 g), and tables showing turnover of the flock are listed. For instance,, it was concluded that 9 Peking ducks (40 days old) will feed a cosmonaut for 1 month. Fifty eggs are needed for food and hatching in the same period. The daily food and water requirement for this duck population is computed, together with the amount of respired C02. Analogous comparative data are listed for chickens. Charts of the nv.tritive content and caloric value of -the i-food-vi~o-du-c-ed-Wv--cb-i-ck-er-ia-aiiCdu-a i-n-qluded, -kcal of this food, 25. 4 kcal of eed is, expended. It is cbLlculated that for 1 4 -for a duck, and 22, 2 kcal for it chicken. Of course, the needs of other links in the closed system will determine whether, chickene or ducks are finally chosen. Both animals have advantages: ducks, for instance, can be fed a Card 2/3 L 14263-66 ACC NR: AT6003846 -higher percentage of green fodder, and they both mature and gain weight It n ustbe emphasized that these are only pr faster than chickens, I eliminary calculations.' Moire informatiiin'm~st be Collected about these and otther animals, and ninny experiments must be conducted with each in aeclosed system. Orig. art. has: 9 tables. [ATD PRESS: 4091-F] SUB CODE: OZ.. 06 SUBM DATE , none OR IG REF: 013 GTH REF 1 002. ABAKUMDVA,__~!Fj,, - dotoent -, IL-dicinal preparation of Polygonum. Trudy AZVI 9:256-257 156. (MPA 15:4) 1. 12 kafedry farmakologil (zav, kafedroy - kandsveterinmMkh nauk dotsent L.F.Abakumova) Alms,-AtIm.skogo smveterinarnego institutae (Polygonimm-Therapeutic use) BULAKH, A..G. ~JVJWMVA, N. B. Sebl' -Tavr massif of ultrabasic and alkalle rocks and earbonatites (Kola Peninsula). Sov-geol- 3 no-5:47-6o Yr 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Vi!,osoyuznyy nauchmo-iseledovatellekly geologichaskiy inetitut. (Kola Peninsula--Rooks, Igueous) NEXRASOVI S.G.; SACITO, ADAKTIMOVA, N,V, "" '': ~... ... -' "'' ok rev lpwr, . Tzv. vyu a I iche b, ; c I ic rr . T..,!,.* 8 no.8:194-20", IC*5 (MIRA -78:2) 1. Slbirsklymatallu~girjheskiy Inst1tut.. Dls7,rrtatAo!, con-oct'Inn of' TIA*Imlop-~v Iliti, "'!'o ~,:i;Qo (71, ti,o Plot. of C,00--r. jan Aca( Vachurn-,--.- a jan, 1 47 (Pro,lact AB&IBMA, I.I., LE0110Y. 1.D. Public Henlth Public Health measures on collective forma. Sov. zdrav., 11 no. 1. 1952- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952 _W, Uncl. A Jh A OMM -, NIC RZY SOV - 000 no SYCHPV, MM.; ASUKHOVA, M.A.; Prinimali uchastiya: ABAKUMOVA, V.N., actudent; VO'.IOBIYFVA, A.A., student Burning mixes contalning coarse-grained quartz. Trudy Giprotse- ment no. 2609-28 163. (MIRA 17:5) ABAMOVA, Te.A., kandidat meditainskikh nauk F, !L~:, Roentgenologic diagnostic examination of the permanent teeth and of the periapical tissue in children 6-15 years of age. Stonatologita no-3:9-11 MY-Je '55- (MIRA 8:9) 1. Is k-afedry teraparticheskay stomatologii (sav.dotsent T.T. Shkolyar) Leningradekogo meditsinskogn stomatologicheskogo instituta, ( R.I. Gavrilov) (PSRIODOMIUM, diseases, In child & adolescents, x-ray diag. of peri-apical die.) (TXM, diseases, permanent teeth die. in child. & adolescents. x-ray diag.) ABAKMIOVA, Ye. A., kand. med. nauk X-ray data on the normal state of the periodontium in children from 6 to 16 years old. Trudy Kali no.2:63-88 '60. (MIRA 15t7) 1. Iz kafedry terapevticbeskoy stomatologii. - zav. kafedroy dotsent T. T. Shkolyar. (PERIODONTIA) (GUMS-RADIOGRAPHY) ABAKUMOVA, Ye.A.,; DRANITSYNA, V.B., assistent e-- ---- -.- Fluorosis and caries lesions of the teeth in Kalinin schoolchildren. Stomatologiia 41 no.4;7-10 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Iz kafedr7 terapevticheakoy stomatologii (zav. - dotsent T.T. Shkolyar) i kafedry obshchey khimii (zav. - doteent V.S.Malinovskly) KaUninskogo meditminskogo iswtituta. (KALININ-TE-:,TH--DISEASZS) (KALININ-FLUORINF,-TOXICOLOGY) AUKUM3VA.-Ye.A.. dotoent; ROZHNOVA, R.A.,, assiatent Results of planned-tqgiene of the oral cavity in children of the city of Kalinin vithin a 5-year period. Stomatologiia 41 no-5t17-20 S-0 162. (MIRA 1614) 1. Iz kafed terapevticheakoy stomatologii (save - dotsent T.T.Shkolyarl Kalininskogo meditainakogo instituta, (KALININ-STOMATOLOC;Y) (KALININ-CHILDREN-CARE.AND HYGIM) ABAKUMOVA.-YQJ., dotsent; ARTE2.10NOVA, R.N., asBist6nt; DRUITSOA, V.B., asalstent; SHUTOVA, T.N., assistent Interrelation between decay of the teeth in children and the fluorine content in the vaters of some districts in Kalinin Province. Trudy KC19 no.10:74-75 163. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Iz kafedry terapavticheskoy stomatologii (zav. kafedroy - dotsent T.T.Shkolyar) i kafedry obsbehey khimii (zav. kafedroy - dotsent V,S,Malinovskiy) Kalininskogo gonudarstvennogo medi- tsinskogo instituta. ABAKUMOVA, Ye.A., dotsent; SEM-NoV, N.V., PI-of. I Temperature of the teeth in health and in the dynamics of.the course of caries and pulpitis. Trudy KGMI no.10:403-407 163. (MIRA 18:1) Is Iz kafedry terapevticheskoy stomatologii (zav. kafedroy dotsent T.T.Shkolyar) i kafedry normlinoy fiziologii (zav. kafedroy - nrof. N.V..Ij'emenov) Kalintnskogo gosudarotvannogr, medit8inskogo instituiA. SHKOLYAR, T.T., doteent ABA kandmed.nauk; TSLTROVAO N.D.; TUROBOV, V.A.; 'b9 ~VAP. NROI.; IVANOVA, A.I.; WKSHINA, V.Ye.; ROZHNOVA, R.A.; VINOGRADOVA, V.G.; DAVYDOVA',~L.P. Aanalyals of patientst visits and therapeutic work ii the therapeutic section of a stomatologic polyclinic. Stomatologiia 41 no.5:25-29 S-0 162. (KMA 16W 1. Is kafedr7 terapevticheskoy stomatologii (ispoln shchiy obyizannosti zaveduyushchego - dotsent T.~.Sl~kolyar Kalininakogo gosudarstvennogo moditainskogo instituta. (STOMATOLOGY) (DENTAL CLINICS) Ofil KU 1A 0 v ly c4c L~ C, LctopJm Zl-.i:rr.23 Inv':I-, :'o. ----- ------- Vt U-SSR DIU dISA, 0, N. =Um1rM.2tP&lUV'A ' Yu. %f. "dur, E. Med. lost.). Ukrails. BhUhn. Aar. 12, M-WCIM); a 130yo-1 inaieg-jote protan diet caLms virious 'Z= distur antes Ifived"S newo4~unwzl tr4ulation. M.-qunte q1UDtjI)'=d qU131Vr4 prottin must be fed both heslt%y " sick people -with protein dLid-nty. With M rats It *-as foL=d tLgt in both liver and muscle w.etone hwl" 6zromse cn!%%L&mb~,r, 1146M In liver aj 4--aiust the ncrm (33 rats). Lc. .19.2 mg 151~ as rwdnst 2 0,16 m2.%; in InlIK-le 3 04AM increase (3A mg.% In Dorm wzi 3P 9 ms. in cxpll.). Duricg prold"t&,Jera dirt the contrnt 3- atetone btdlas %a3 coc-6drrably blobtr thin dwiuf Mama- don, da&pItt crrup)cw sbAwe cf crrbDhydrate suppl:r. wW even t4oft strIkkg)y shaven was the deart3se in S13cWn . during star"tko. The core. exlAts3wS ratio A *;ide Pirkoit3terol was OM (10) rats) in the norm, "13ch incmawi to 1.11 (M rat3)on a lo-;r-p4xYub diet. 14 dc*d. by quan- tity of "I by simultaumms denmm In -cWc%Ux% content. -Tim rvvcrw -pbtirr*:noa wai ruA-rd- dwinS ownpIrle i6tuvatfna, the ratio timn-asing to 0,70, ileptaDs P11MV14 UA)n Phwq1APM.-j' cwmlaol Inetpatle-'sts welti Lomal. Total bS*Dd &tathiaaQ re- Mals"Inthe tionnalrazSt,but thtimiabovemits iwkw ftym Yw;sd the ox)JIAd lom inmablaS,awl 0~* vidaced ~U '9~ "Po. rats, 17 a tholl ("warou:1. NQ~' $u. r" we" .3th It Won procv&ws did not A rantt quAl. disturbances durks complete starvation. A study of various metabolic. Indketm in humans suffering fr,>rn protein defickticy and showing Mvoprottlatmla (extensive burns, inflammatory aste"myelltis. and othtrsl has shown various disturbanc-". Morin, carWhydiate. and other indexes of miabolk dis- turbancc3) which have an effect upou the nervous skyatern slid upon neuro-hurr~,rsl reSulation, by acting on rwre ra"tors and centess whkh control physiul. roctise.4. Clayton Hokway ABAKUI-',OVSKIY, D.D., inzh.; VIKIRIJ1,41, Yu.L., inzh.; VL:1)0\C)ZOV,A.I.jinzh.j* R.P.P - L;KIY 1-1. E. , J nzh. inzh.; IGNATCMIKO,Ye.A.,inzh.; LITII S~~01'0v'il,inzh.; TRITUIk,V.A., inzh.,; 1'0I'-!A7Z":Ov.,Z.A.,irzh.; FRUIUr-iEYE,L.I.,inzh.; SAPOZK-,r~-;I;OV,N.M.,inzh.; VASYUK, A.I., inzh.; YAIIKv-LE;V,L.F.,inzh.; DAS)iILOV'N..ij'.,otv. red.; IATINSKIY,M.E.,, red.; POLOSIYA, A.S., tekhn. red. [FandbDok for buidlerv and assemblers of the petroleum industryl Spravochnik stroitelia-montazhnika neftianoi proTi7slilennosti. Po- skva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1946. 2090 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Aussia(1923- U-S-S-it-"Narodnyy koninsariat reftyanoy pror7sh- lennosti. Glavnoye uprnyleniye. 2. ParodrW)- koid.9,gariat neftyanoy promyshlennosti SSSR (for all except Bas:dlov, Latinskiy, Polosina). (Petroleum indostry) 3/184/60/000/004/018/02,*./XX AIOVA029 AUTHORSi Rozengard, Yu.A.,* Abakumovskly, D.D.; - Graduhte Engineers TITIE; Properties and Use of Magnes um Trcln~V PERIODICAL: Khimicheakoye Mashinostroyenlye, IS160, No. 4, pp. 12 - 14 TM. The authors state that at present the use of magnesium Iron in oil refineries is limited to media with temperatures nct exceeding 2001C and a Pres. OOC sure of 16 kg/cm2. Jr;stallations oReratlng In non-corrosive medle UP to 45 , .2LOMand 25n (Rj~)%Iearbon steels. Kh are made of 20A ~2 Y5AI Q 5MQ Mn (Kh5VL)t and X88A (nL8VLPchromium-mo1ybdenum and chromium-tungsten steels are usg'd-In corrosive sulfuric med at 550 - 5750C and l\A18HqTJ1 (jpL8NgTL)\16tee1s in the same medium at 6000C.'Wl RjRUjr,"pmaQh carried out a number of tests with a view to replacinF. steel-cast oil installations by hlghly-~Peslstant. magnesium iron parts. Tes,s proved that db and 60.2 of magnesium Iron is higher than that. of 25L steel. After graphitization temperin cast m3gnesium iron valvee showed the following values at normal temperature: S's - 11.0 -* 14.0% and db - 49 k&/mm2. Accerding to Reference 1,4,000-h tests at 4250C established db - 20.8 kg/M.M2 and 5 - 22.4% for steel and 22.2 k&/mm2 and 6.2% for ferritic magnesium Iron. respec- Card 1/3 S/184/60/000/004/018/021/XX Properties and Use of Magnesium Iron A104/AO29 tively. Long-11fe tests w,~re carried out on fev-,ite-perlite. class, tiagnesium irm at 400 and 450C'C, and 40, 35, 30, 25 and 20 kg/mm~ strf s6es. Tf-sted samples showed no signs of destruction at db - 30 kg/mm"! and 4000C aft.(-r 1,300 h, at db - 25 kg/mm2 and 4000C after 1,700 - 2,000 h, at d = 20 kglimr'-~' and 400 - 5,000C after 1.,050 - 2,100 h. These results satisfy rOa (GOST) rt:qu1rt%,ne_nts in respect of carbon steel equipment. Corrosion-resistance tests were~ carried out In the Moskovskiy neftepererabatyvayushchly zavod (Moscow Oil Refinery). Samples were placed In th3 upper rectifier column valve and exposed t:~ ga-soll-ine gasos, solar oil, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen sulfide for 2,000 h At 370-'C and a pressure of 5 atm. Increased corrosion-re si stance of ferritic Magnesium Iron is due to the absence of perlite and decreased inner strers. This type of cast iron shcwd a*higher resistance than all other types as well as 30JIOOL~*_cast steel. Pro- longed exposure to corrosivis media results irA thp formation of a porous coating on steel and cast iron surfaces which ahceleratses their zorrosion. The removal of this coating slows down considerably the corrosion of ferritic magnesium iron and steel and to some extent also the corrosion of perlite magnesium iron. A number of experimental magnesium iron shut-offs with. a 100-mm passage diameter and 40 kg./mm2 pressure were substituted for carbon steel part-n in three not spec- ified oil refineries In 1955 and ehowed no defects. At-the same time the TsKB Card 2/3 S/184/60/000/004/018/021/XX Properties and Use of Magnesium Iron Alo4/AO29 'E armaturostroyenlya (TsXB of Equipment Design) in cooperation wlth the Leningrad- skiy politekbn1cheskiy institut (Leningrad Folvt-echnical Institute) tested the suitability of magnesium Iron for steam fittings. Tests showed that cast Iron containing spheric graphite is close to cast carbon at-eel and can b,,-~ u6.ed for steam fittings operating at temperatures of up to 4250.., at 40 cm' pressure. There are 2 tables and 2 references: 1 English and I Soviet. Card 3/3 ABAKUI.',OVSKrY, D.D.; ANASTASIO, V.F.; IUTS, P.Ye.; SOKOLOVSKIY, S.M.; SULUATUVO K.N.; VROIISKIY, L.N., vedushchiy red.; TROFIVIOV, A.V. tekhn. red. (Few equipmont used in the petroleum industry; 19611 Novoe neftianoo oborudovanie; 1961 god. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-rys 1961. 154 P. (MIRA 3-4:12) (Petroleum industry-Equipment and supplics) ABAKYAN, A~ A.; MKOTSM, A. F. - - -- "Sovreiw-yjnye pred.,Arrilunlyn ob anatomll. virui;ov kuk razvjti.-1(- I'ley 'ri, 1. Ivanovskogo o M korpuskiLlyarnosti." report presented at Symp on Virus Diseases, Moscow, 6-9 Oct 64. Institut epideiniologii i mikrobiologii Im N. F. Gamaley AMN SSSIR. MSRN, eta,13 Aluminum. Welding, Dee 51 Properties "On the Effect of the Composition of Alu- minum Alloys on Their Tendency to Crack Formation in the Process of Gas Welding," S. V. Abakyan, N. F. Lashko, Candidates "Avtcgt~n Delo" No 12, iv 7-9 Investigation of AI-Cu, Al-Si and Al-Sn systems revealed considerable decrease in tendency of alloys to cracking when alloy of same system but with increased amt of 200TIOO tMilketals - Alumint='. WeldiDg, bec 51 Rroperzties (Conti) alloying element is used as addn in veldin 1wocess. In this case, temp of complete It- ing is lower and mixing of weld metal with base alloy is less intensive, keeping cam-;n of weld metal more const and preventing farmation oi . crystn cracks. Article is continuation of vork by the authors in "Avtogen Dalo" No 10, 1951. 2007100 ABAKYAN V.S. Alitizing of steel castings. Lit. proizv. no.9:48 5 '61. (MIRA 14-9) (Steel castinps) .-h.p 2f1 -wMw 2nd 6~ and D..~-- 00953) 6 AZIZOV' M.; A13A ITANTS, G.M. Theory of the origin of the photoolectromotive force at the p - u junction in semiconductors, Isv.AN Us-SSEt. Ser.fix.- mat. nauk no.1:15-22 160. (xiBA 13t6) (Semiconductors) (Photoelec;rioity)