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PODW/ Physical Chemistry - Thernodpnamics. Thermo cherA s try. B-8 Equilibriu-_ 'Physicochenical Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - I(himlya, 110 3) 1957) 7453 distillation of the rdyture of the components constitu- ting the saddle-point azcot'rope. The composition of the saddle-point azeotrope is deteriuned by graphic interpo- lation. An example is given based on the results of the investigation of the systen acetic acid-pyridine-n-decane. See also RMI(hin, 1954, 28555. Card 2/2 - 88 - I'll 11 to-= The VI&O (or the "m: i 000 ' A Awd WAS.R.) 15, SZ-7(190)(b Rawfien IN. 103M to Un " w6sw fte deemew wd s at A S6.0 to. md mccurste withim 15%. rw cause. ble is us o 4 x I00 " f v k& am d k a -00 - oo - , decL-Wommefftedec.met o(Altsitaler,Z4,011- ad mfttim *kb 1 2914 A it K ow O t as Compare w . w b x to , ftth9*sO"mk*L 1%el-- &Mfirancommat &*me 00 ' so . 9o ft V..v M , "" rwkm at TdmbwA =d c-orter to obsex. 00 t 0o. 2 &984* 11dat"m of t"It =ww= w5m,U2804. - - d4paidw h mcbm., dwk was"Oents were lampefae f ,ft -d b f d i f h f 68 0 p OW.attsmadiffamthequcce mummm- arcus metic bms S 01 the 11 ew nuk CLI " " o act rt m om t emes o d% t e ordw 2 x II) g s Om-# dM thEY mcfe unawmft d the rapW decrew of the A 00 . . c 1 W 0 N Pe e , P time rdiadw wed Miss 3t* boa ft fdMMIM thm bwptim jLj' dal ,=. a# the win. N. Tbon f . I + tp"~ oboe x, h the stak mqxtm -was.- VwtOItbe w-mvi kmckm Mottles dr.'p, =d -fatiou"kWakttes =set = - d &t nocabe. Csw#. fmi. jig, - so 00 o 49 ( ' thne (spim-latuce Imcdecdom), 0 the ft*. "tb4:g=th f IU WW,j-wtgft is c~OW &.w 904(1!14~.-Wben % keld Nt, IS b aam d bmto lee W 0,0 ,3 0 CA dw quemy o IRC + dM *bC-. S*NA a OA 6= State. T2& NUO-IIM If B-- j a.' IL d.- creamelm vol. ofmare than 11)%. : Possible e* 0 L, m. wum mdo, d X, at tbe ghwu. add . by stuall tmw. wariatimms to cmvat the V in the 0 4 O * *0 obw - vefte. k VAfted a o to hs max - abut kr (is Ow &t'WbM M cm 4m GbUW wft mfii t d ) state with outy about 5c" .1 the cou= ftt Is so 0* '3 .. S e , e , Sm I"% Swo. m mrstocts fm *am Un(N%h.6rA &wwUdAk Of the 70 iiMlibrMUM. T. detd. the MIRP906 '""Wes of Ce cows. sess tbao 0.1% 40 1627Act.; *dIdMz(mdEwd'5GA_; MOW" IMAM, #4 O.M &/W k UL- smumesob kusm. total fult)(mities (SI 0.054' Fe 0.01 to 0.02%) woftb i = ' soft- at 0-9 9-A;" X U-0 iit~ U va m 0-0- cycles. c the Faft-Fanw memW. FWUMPAUGUtesequence"m mmtemp.tosquid- **I vubw of tbta jecauss tk absceptim pw muggemwe jou. Sw (m a Sulm Of MIA% Ge the at SWIL 24 111 Kv to $W'; kw the y and a states: 2W4 to Owm-NO . .. "808L 0.3", Qm Om C-Am. he I" to ", te". The fawts ure shown to Vaphe giving Fortbes 4*0 m to 15W WOWS, am" 9 4 w :!! V r come tm vww di x IrTm 19V to WK. is alwan km -Itate at IM won tem th" that found for the in "o* g g, . **a i %t (for time Ic t wd O"Sols , two 20 to r !4iwf at N vw f 71 p. j 114W NJ, 06 thf M1141Y, Ce wbkb bas Unda tm V o* W or t* 3 , wilb dilo. (at WS, time absomic" a the v ed H r 70 telmounnation has a knw macqtWit than 1. 11. = = O 0 a , 3 dm CGUMS, Am, MM-i J5.3, 19.k 51.6). TM W 0 07 a U01306 o solds d f t 0 f4m. Mee sanse nwaram When 0 Into the M bY bdn bmW to 473*K. mW canied thnmgh the g0 woo q . w or I luxupute - ,11 fda"11 it, mch comi kr H - at MOK 4 ' - 4kUm No-moux-temp. mk shosrs The Anomaly at U90 ., g./cc.. at 0.100 "a OA %p., 13, 1.% 8.4 XVII the law chowteditic of the ?w "4 ey ' ft 'ab" b d 1 d b M 0 t "0e oem, . , Im state sat ot # an o u t 1.8 X 10" w Ow ft- M4 41 th tbVrAt, I I ~ M4 X. 1166 S OUKtftftdft b4 d &UP tV "11 for 43, 7r woo Z S 0~ 0 Or 9-9 A W. 103 At If It -;96 1 1 11%-~m tm 0 is v I N Ii I a a 11 v ~W* Of 4w W-w- f two 00 00 0 0 00 d* fiw,dt temp. W. W. owl So sktd NOS. AMM Ama. ' -. t a d 00 0 Im 4d t.~ q m. go. * oba% p- n9arqui IC.A. 29. VU. Kit, 00 0 00 00 90 go 00 go 00 04 go 00 00 of so-, Os **so goes 9 00 000 0000 AL - & - A ~ & - & MA, Brno I okl, banyamernok (Lovaozi); JURATOVICS, Aladar, okl.olajmernok (Mezokeresztes); MIHALYI, Gyorgy, okl.gepesz- so olajmernok(Budapeat); -TROMBITAS, Is~n, okl.olajmernok (Bazakerettya) Well completion for bydraulic fracturing of oil bearing formations. Bany lap 85 no.1:60-68 A 162. TROMBITAS. Istvan Hydraulic blasting of strata containing oil. Muez elet 16 no.17:7 Ag 161. (Petroleum) TROMBITAS, Jozeef, dr.; BIGE, Imre, dr.; NICOARA, Ioanp dr. Data on the problem of cervical erosion and trichwonal vaginitis. 14agy.noorv.lap. 26 no-5:307-312 S '63. 1. Mtroavasarholyi Orvostudomanyi es Oyogyszereezeti Intezat SzUleszeti -NagyogWzat Klinika (vezeto: Lorinez Ere6 Andras prof., as orvos- tudomanyok doktora). TRO1413ITAS, J. dr.; VARGA, L, dr.; BEKS. G. dr. Complicated cases of pregnanc7, labor and puerperium in heart diseasee. Maa.noorv.lap. 20 no.6:334-34o N 159. 1. A maroovasarhelyi esuleezet-nogyogySezati klinika kozlemenye (Igazgato: Lorines X. Andras dr. az orvostudoman7ok doktora). (PRE(RIANCY compl) (HFAR MUSN3 in pregm) TROMBITAS. Miklos Quality level of bare aluminmm conductors marpifac,tured in Hungary. Koh lap 96 no.12:542-546 D 163. 1. Magyar Kabel Yuvek, Budapest. TROMBOVLYA, V.I., inzh. -1- - ----- -------- - Papers published by the State Trust of the Organization and Efficiency of Electric Power Plants during-the second half of 1961. Teploenergetika 9 no.10:93-95 0 162. ' (MM 15:9) (Bibliography-Electric power plants) POLAND/Chomical Technology. Choraicca Products, ,InC. 11 Their Usos. Part III. Chemical Procossing of SoliO Fossil Fuels. Abs Jour': Rcf Zhin~-Khiniyaq Fci 159 19587 51482 Author Danice, E., Tromszczynski2 J,, Naczynski, J, Tnst Titlo Pyotoctiva Devices for Gas Burnors. Orig Pub Gaz, woda, tochn, sanit., 1957, 317 No 12, 468-0,72 Abstract A survev of protoctive devices for gas burners of municiprd anO industrial ovons used in various c,-~vntries was prosentod. The C-ovices autoriaticall1V stop gas inflovi, upon oxtinctio,'a of the A possibility of construction of similar instruments using CarO 1/2 65 POLMD/Chm.-Acal Truchmlogy. Chemical Products and H Their Uses. Part III. Chonical Processing of Solid Fossil Fuols, Abs Jour Rof Mur-Khimiya, No 15, 195US7 51482 photoolomonts, or thu phenomenon of gas ionization arou&. tho burner's flc-rqo was notod, A drawing of a simplified devicc with a bimetallic oloriont) vhich was ria- nufactured in Poland, was given. Biblio- graphy, 17 Referencos. Card 2/2 I j ro nic 7. v I I I 4-4. 1 W. j. po f In r,v t l I'. In S/0-0/62/035/007/006/013 D214/D307 '~GT TTOT~41 Turets"Caya, T.A. , Golubtsov, Tromimova, I.V. and zindrianov, 11 . .'16 . TIT=: 'I'he influence of additions of some metals on the activ-;'_ty of silicon-copper alloy in its reaction i.r* th ethyl chloride 11'E`-_I'I0D-LC_,"d,: Zhurnal ---)riklad-ooy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1962, 1496-1502 "^:'T: The ge-Leral and selective activities of Si-Cu alloys in tlae reaction v-ith --,-'tCl to give a mixture of ethyl chlorosilanes are aff"ected by the chemical nature of the ,~Iloy. The presence of 1-2:1.) 17ey Al, Ca or Ti in the alloy increases its general activity, T-fnile 211, Ca and Ti also increase its selective activity by increas- in- the yield of The increase i-a activity is more evident at C.) low Cu concentrat-ions7 The added metals are localized at -Ehe ir_ter--)hase boundaries i-zi the alloy, these being the active centers in the reaction. The influence Ca bears on the activity of the Carel 1/2 ,/62/035/007/006/013 S/030 The influence of additions D214/D30- of the alloy is af.7-ected by the presence of other metals. Fe in co-acc,:~,,_.rat.ions of up to 10%, does not influence the process. Con- ccnt-r::I'-ioz,s of Bi and Sb of the order of 0.001'1'0 influence the selec_. -- -i ty c -Lcl -Lcrease the'-yield of Et IiC12. Pb, i these con-, tivc ii 0 n. ii hifher concentrations, cezlt~_- '_-Ionsl acLs as a catalytic poison. t both 3_4 and Sb also become po3.sons and at concentratidns of 0.01c/o these netals render the ;illoy inactive. The mechanism of the action of the added metals cannot as yet be explained. There are 4 figures and 6 tables. SUB;'!17-`,-D - December 9, 1960 I j. Z, ,,ard 2/2 OIR la 16 11.11 of Of 00 A go A j!i IN i o0 00 so 00 00 '3 0 0 00 004 00 sums is it 1.. 1', p NAMI FMadeM In 00 YMkn UkTAWN Cf 190 ud 1941. If - -f ljrrtgmk *tml W. Trominer. Mbowrel. 1043, Vill. 141, 1h4,., Thn Aim-rivan. n1111 Hil"141% mil flin Vtmll 1111(k Kill Wil till stivi fulludrime to tovittwqxl. Tho hildlo. graphy mntaina 79 mforunme, As* it. 61TALLURGICAL LITERATiAt CLASIVICAPON AV o:oee*oooooeooo:o ~09 - 0000001000000000000:::Iooooooooooooocooeoo4 11 v 0 ld 16 A6 P III j9 a ll it di id dA -00 *00 I-00 1-00 -01 010 .00 ;1400 =00 goo 100 so ;Woo '-0o 1,00 It- too i a 1w 0 10 a I w so 1 -1-17 7-41", 0000000000410411" 0 S/277 5,/63/000/00 2/02 31/03 2 D405/D301 ;TITIL: Ultrasonic -quipmcnit for IaL)oratory ancl industry 0 rt vnyy 7hurnal '-'Lcktronika i cyc ?rineneniye, 27, T,~- (Ger. G=mm=ies itl ,'ur;. x-I'l L'r.)) le elc scri-)- ic,-.-~ -T-L--, --rc- -ivC-1.o a o T', 1 1) C tr nn:7 e r o~- corta'acr of 74 The ca-oaci ty o t he Bo-cher con-:a1-ae--- L5 C ard 1/2 -J127.'16:;1oac,1o021Q2Q1032 ultra-0-nic Cquipment ... ,j J? 0 1 of 'ch-, small balth i-acludes I uait w-Ltli I- t---aul-,ducer at ~31-1~~ 11 .:c diancter 400 ma and acoimtic power ~-00 wat'-. T*,ic cl,)acit, of the ,~ccllcr cotitainer is 0.125 litor. A closed ultra-s-oi-iic 4-raus- ducor -;i-(Ih a holder 400 mn, long is also producod. The fundamentals 04 ultranonic design and are set forth. "Mic main s,,)cci- ficatiozis of the ultraconic fEicId c-z-el-,tc(ll iv, bc~,-Lh are 'Listed. 3 reftrenccs. :,~>atractcr's note: Completo trans;-ation,-i ."ail , L - 0 -.0- 070 To W.-10 O*A 004 , v -ffiw- wow. low- Iw S ., o An "W 0941 1 w ib; - l --- i #b*llb*WWw 1 09.2 sod 3 at 6uw**: am glianditionsm*w1a dw;;;;;v 60. P~O. coo see COO :400 I tsof au"w6ca 'n'som aAWICAIrm illow S-1VI81swo - I view V"Anv - . ff"a"I OIASSI CK C" Ati e 1.060" - A Issaaa wit 4kv cat 00 I 1 F--r 4 I 5 - , 1 -1 It so 5 a a 3 9 0 v U 6 A a Itii&; 114ma Seed a a 0 n. a x 2 a 40a 10a of 00 00 9 000 00 0 W-0 0 S *1 0 * a a 0 0 000 0000000 Soo 0 : a 0 -0000000000000001 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #:0 0-0 e 0 0 .0 0- 0 0 a 9 9 0_0 PATOLICHEV, N.S.; TRONPCHINSKIY, V. [Trampozynski, V.) Development of trade in the interest of both countriai. (Russia and Poland). Vnesh.torg. 43 no-4:14-16 163. (MM 16:4) 1. Ministr vneshney torgovli SSSR (for Patolichev). 2. Ministr vneshney tor ovli Pollskoy Narodnoy Respubliki (for Trompchinskiy). Nussia-Commerce-Poland) (Poland--Commerce--Russia) TROMMETER, I.F. High number yarm mule fnm a cotton and nylon blend. Tekst. prow. 21 noo 4:17-19 Ap 161* (MIRA 14:7) L Rachallnik laboratorii Ivanteyevskoy khlopkopryadilinoy fabriki imeni Lukina, (Yarn) (Spinning machinery) 1 -1 --,, (-- -1 -1 1 i- 1 1, ~ -, 1, --- . KURBANOV, A.M.; TROKPETER.,J~F..'.. - Modernizing aliver machinery. (Cotton mnehinery) Tekst.prom. 18 no.5:65-67 My 158. (MIRA 11:5) Improving the operation of combing machinery. Taket.prom. 16 no.9:37-58 S 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey fabriki imeni Lukina. (Combing machines) ;.~ Im , , - , ~,2~ -~-. * " - - , ~ , 4~ -. . . - - , M ~~ -.7i k~ , - .-.-,, . ~;:? '-r-- ~r - I e I-. i 1.~ !~~ ~k ~- I ,- .-- -- i ,, - -4 . . , -,~ ~ :-,.,, -! vl~ -,., - ~!--,. ---- -u - -.1 .- - . , rim eve ry case greater thaai Kahlbaura's. The percentage of: difference decreased as thi-exptl. tcj~p, was Increased - If. W. Hatmey-i Is IV. MicrochemicalvaUr prewu=.meas-, Gas finaj a no. JS. bchulek IS Fu and eeW-NFu1a'.-, 17 emen e O..,,.r IL v 65 t Trom le (L. v U si, liutlg.;. ma&= - I- , ; . A. Sl,* I I 174c.-A preriously was used described app. in the detn. of the vapor pressure of pure phenol and of the phenol above phenol-water mixts. between 50 and 70'. The deviation from the av. result was! :i-.I,to2%. The findings relating to pure phenol are com- pared with those obtaiacd by Kahlbaum (Z hysik. Chem. Leipzig) 26, 603(1808)) on a phys. basis. ~tle results were' I TROMSA, P.M. Introducing over-all mechanization Ln groving corn. Hekh. sil!'.hosp. 11 no.8:5-6 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kolkhoxom "40 rekov Zhovtnya," Grepenkovskop rayona, liyevskoy oblaoti. (Corn (Ma12e)) icultural machinery) ITACZYITSKI) Jerzy; PLESKACZ, Janina; -TROIA~PA~NSKI, Janusz VIAG generators after guarantee tests In Poland. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.7:226-229 Jl 164. 1. Central Gas Engineering Laboratory, Warsaw. NACZYNSKI, Jerzy; TROMSZCZYNSKI, Janusz Material and heat balances of gas installations. Gaz woda tech sanit 36 no-5:172-175 FT 162. 1. Gentralne Laboratorium Gazownictwa, Warszawa. IIACZYNSKI, Jerzy; TROMZCZYMKI, Janusz Safety devices in gas appliances. Koko 7 no.2:81-85 Vr-Ap 16A 1. Centralne Laboratorium Gamomictwal Warszawa. IT Distr: bEld ca:b-,~,-.,L;a:iun - n-sz" -a-ill ,- Z-1 ~- -T I u, , =; - c T 33 :30 . for WS Cnrr (,J of (a) pebbic heating !by dirvet contact i It 'I -r. mzct,.U,! c;,-i:,lbcr5, c varl- Ell 1 N L n C-1 Zcl: :325, a 67,, ;55 and ~J&S. in f ,c 3, 1 exit r"- ",d lmcffz,- A. 'i~tratsb 7 ~fo Z (f UVU WIA I I x eoian CATEOCRY i JABS. JOUR. t RWdm,j. Not 5 1960,j Woo 19356 ATITKIII-T j Rudzinaka, J., Lesni,9wicz, L., Kigewnki, Not. giv~.-rs MILIS An Zxperimental Grir Producer 'Using a Solid Heat 4 Transfer Agrent MI(). MO Gaz Woda i Tochn Sanit, 33, tia 4, 130-13i (1959) A '-'nree-zone gas producer is described consistLng (from top to bn!tom) of a ceramic'cylinder (zone in whi-h the heat transfer aaent (T) is heattl)? a reactor, and a distributor bin from which the solid reeidues are discharged and t-c- T is returned to the reating zone by conveyer. T'-, re T (corundum balls of iO-mm di.ack) is effected by the combustion of zas [natural?] in burners mounzed below the heating zone. Powdered coal and a card rie'- i7as are in-'ected below the reactor IQATMI 1/3 Tromszczynskis J., and Pleskatz, J. Poland RLMim,,, No,* 1960, Not 2 t current to the descending T. The T has a surface of 560 m? per n3 of reactor volume. in a fi--5t series of experiments on the heat treatment of cne ton.. of coal. (grain size 0-1.5 mm, moisture content 8,0496, ash content 9,45~7~,, Yolatile matter 32.66r~~), the coal ,vas fed in a" the rate of 20 kg/hr, the velocity of the ZaLrticles in the reactor was 4 r,"! -~ec, the T wa-= heated to 1,1000 and left the tor at 215*: the thermal efficiency in 1~he li-iatir:~7 zone waz 46.3%, and for the installation as a wi,,.>!.a AbS.-JM'R* i RZKhlmsj, No* 5 IWt No, AUTFOR 19356 AWTRACT 1 29. 4%. Stable operation could not be achieved in this series of bxperiments. An attempt to utilize the above inntallation for the production of un- saturated hydrocarbons ethylene) is noted. i 3/3 ARM UK= gulut!= in WdIntz' WIZZ par --uL. sarzi", zw 0-78 mil, heaud at ;% 604 C f,-,r 5 mia., =led. itrd tho AqwAw 1, is t!ijsted with 0~017; NAAO. in ' for tho 7:~eler!:e of -t-,Lrcl%- Tha Eduthad Is '611L4 771 7T7 771!11! L mir'.ation oi jlvfgulptuzj,; ~ctd in fh~, prcl---nce Ol Ti ~ mt; it, tn ti an ta,n sh.kei; Nith 3 ni, ut -j V bmmin-fric ~,h!orlno -attr .A!:., 60 lr..Wyp' -~3smj ~ r~ C'nl- aq KCN ,I mi~ ii; ajoed and the Inixt-ire IS for 3 of t ,ae 'tlpt~~r~ Aft~r 10 ~'u M!'. C( T) ptr crt Kiq~ o, imd 0 1 K3,fn0j) _.i th'u~jil tLe Aulactoc for 20 min. tr rcLruve li~ss Lim ~O 3n !h, ~arr' 2.~ rV. todAr-mn 4~wr%uln'ller' 01 in v4e -14) and g I, C"ro hjycyaaa u Ind by d'iLLqcrx-' by --chalck and Tmn;i).er Ada M.M. 417- - to 3, or L,4 Of H,k Peroxy campand-- V. lodiumt-f* jrju- w1nattan of MMOV05alDharfil 494 tdffl Jn the Druence of cue AM of h1gaftav'ri; ancther. itlecyan3in riMU11 F. 1`ungoz. E. Schu;ck ind I TToznl,lcr iX~ta Cl- R'S'O' an'! 11:1". S-t-pl, riliz of 0) is dillitcr! -'Ith to 29 lo -15 'r,1 in a gla'- stopper~d IW-rn! 1-riennie-fer aud acidified with W poT cent. IfS0, (~- I nil) After addition of KI (0-5 g). INHJ SO, ~4 g-) Ana on~ drop of 5 per ce-rit. ammonium rnolybdat e solution. the solution is warmcd at :~ 00' C for S min., and the liberated I iq titrated in the coolcd solution with 0-01 N NaAQ, in the prcs-ence of istarcli solution. Far the determination of H S Cil plu-j H,Og, thc sam I le measured and diluJ'afi dv~cribd al~va, i ahaM after the addition of 10 per cant HSi t n~- 0-2 ml) and 0 1 M HCNS f :~ 0-15 nil) A ft,-r I, icc K! (0-5 jz) iq add,~d and th,~ ~,hition j.4 -:1 %halwn, t-,.t" I wit!i I rlr~ )1 .5 1~r cent. arnu-innium .Iybdate wh-t-n f,ilio-e-d by (4g). -amied at 64)'(- wid cooled. Tbr titrat.ed with 0-01N in thc- In,sence f gtarch sjlution (added tr,wartjs the end n; the titr.R tion and after dilution with - ?VO in) ,f -~vvi l."), Una d~ttrrmiq,%ri,;tj q( H,5'0, drop of .5 V,-r aad I)- I Al i, is !,:,d, .111~Aluw fjz 6 I'w ~tc ~'Zlj 4 "c' out i ull; ill mid (lm,i-i i, t~.c -n:,! 's tit..tA ~o Me itt in tLic jrcjti.-T I %tis-lk mctlid ii only xl,c in after 2,1 hr thr s~iuti~i r riltaii,i :j a., t If ~% p - - iK TROMBA, Fpdor-Riko~ayevich; KHRYAS[IGBEVSKIY, V.M.[KhriashchevsIkyi,, 1_ _V.M.]p red.; NENCIENKO, I.Yu., tekhn. red. (Put the forage supply on a level to rest-new tasks] Kormom bazu - na riven' novykh zavdant. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSRO 1961. 44 P. (MIM 15-7) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni"40-letiyo Oktyabryall G.ri?tenkov- skogo rayona$ Eiyevskoy oblasti (Tromna). (Ukraine-Forage) 3469 141 127 fl 642,764 0( ral-in Trrwtj (i-. jl(Aflow- 11,P ad~' 0711~" li- itr-hi v, f;;iLle" Oar, Wr.~In i Tcch- r~lk:, ~Z,;~-Anm 1 W4 3 tv I 3u,.,I",r fcj!la that tn~. ~d' ~ t i :;I 7 r - he TRUMSUZYNSKI, J._, Rudzinska., J. Instrumentation in the'gas industry. 71. (KOKS., SMOLA, GAZ. Vol. 1, no. 2, Apr .~J*une 1956j, Katowice, Poland) SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 61 no. 12, Dec. 1957. Unel. POLAND/Chemical Technology. Chcmical Products and Their Applica- H-3 tion. Instruments and Automation Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Ehim., 11b 24, 1958, No 81912 A-uthor : 11aczynski. J;, Rudinska J InSt : Title : Control and Automatic Regulation of TechnologIcal. Processes of Gas Industry Orig Pub : Gas, Woda i techn. sanit., 1958, 32, No 3, 118-1-.1.1 Abstract : Reviewed are the basic integral parts of coke-gas industry with a description of modern instruments and apparata em- ployed for the automatic control of tmperature, pressure) humidity, 02 content, and other process variables involved. Six technological flow diagrams are attached that depict position of such instruments and indicate their inter- relation with re6ard to operation of the whole operationsl blocks or departments, as well as to operating characteris- tics of the coal gasification process. -- Yu. Skoretskiy. Card : 1/1 T R GMI S Z C Z ly Aug. 1556 P_~-Rl0DIC_l,L: FC~il-AFY., ~"'C' 'T .01A. "01 Of Cortrol autc:" uUntlion in gas TR0.*zlSZCZY_.'T'ZXl, J. The pro. 'at.c I indus 4. rj u P. 332. 1-iont'!1"; Lilt Of E-15t AccossiO'1,9 -LC VOL- 11 Anvii 1959, UIXI,413- TROMMYNSKI. J. (GAZ WODA I TECHNIVA SANITAMIA, Vol. 28, No. 1, Jan, 1954.. Warsaw, Poland) llqaantitive methods of determining beazil in gas." D. 6. SO: YONTHI:f FIST OF EAST EUPOMAN ACCESSIONS, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, APRIL 1954 TRONI, A.P.0 ~apitan 2-gp ranga Applicati on of the theory of war games to naval research. Mor. abor. 46 no.lt23-30 Ja 163. (KCRA 16:1) (War games) (Naval research) I, OR -i I f 0 - 6%,/ x,~rrv (n, 1j1-,(C j 1)/ 11 t. I!.. i G AC: NR-. All 603131 1(),5 SOURCE, CODE: U11/0137/66/000/007/1)OOD/D010 AUTIJOR.- 'Sniirnov, V. S. ; 1'ron' A S ; Aleksand- V A. A TITLE: Producing bimetals b hot rolling in vacuum y SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 7D70 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. politelchn. in-ta, no. 260, 1965, 22-27 TOPIC TAGS- bimetal, hot rolling, plastic deformation, bimetal welding .ABSTRACT: The results are presented of an investigation of the effect of reduc- tion vaiues, the ratio of thicknesses in a packet, and the purity of treatment of welding surfaces on the weld strength of Me during plastic deformation in vacuum. The results of metallographic examination of the transition zone are also given. - The investigations w~cre carried out on,pairs,of Me: steel 3-Cu, steel 3-Ti,* steel 3-lKh18N9T,' Mlo-Ni,'- and Mo-'! Cu.'~'To ensure strong welds ,io -Fe-duction of the packet, the deformat' n of 5-1016 is sufficient. With increased weld strength grows. In changing the ratio of thickness of layers of individual Me in a bimetal packet, the weld strength decreases with increased thickness of the layer of more plastic Me. At the boundary of Me contact in a bimetal, obtain, C.,d 1 / 2 UDC: 621.771.014. 2 L 08340-67 4CIC- N-Rs ARG033105 by hot rolling in vacuum, a transition zone is produced as a result of diffusional processes. The thickness of the zone depends on the temperature of rolling, the value of reduction of the packet, the purity of mechanical treatment of welded surfaces, and on the subsequent metal heat treating. N. Yudina. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 219 -,--t S/rZ!Z/f5QMO /010/007/013 JgOV1411~ 3 111~00 JAD 9-11)91 A054/AO29 AUTHORS,. Amonenko, V.M., Tron', A.S., Mukhin, V.V.; Tarasov, V.A. TITLE., Vacuum Rolling Mi 1 V\ PERIODICAL~, Stal', 1960, No. 10, pp. 920 - 922 TEXT- Some metals, such as W, Mo, V [Abstracter's note2 U in the original text is probably a mistake and should be read V1, Zr, Nb, Ta and their alloys, which are only deformable with difficulty at high temperatures when applying the conventional methcde, can be heated and rolled more easily in vacuum or in an in- ert, atmosphere - In 1953 in the KI AN UkrSSR an experimental vacuum rolling mill was developed, which, however, had a number of drawbacks. 'For instance, the can- plete mill wilh tle exception of the reductor and the motor was mounted in the vamm chamber. Consequently its size and its output were considerably limited., more- over, the ball bearings and other parts were not easily accessible for lubrica- tion, etc. In order to eliminate these drawbacks, the authors designed a new type of vacuum rolling mill, where the stand forms ar Inherent part of the vacu- um system, into which only the rollers are placed, while secondary mechan15M5 were designed outside the vacuum system. In this way a mill was designed, which Card 1/ 2 Vacuum Rolling Mill 854 9o S/133/60/00,D/010/007/013 A054/Ao^29 in spite of smaller external dimensions had a greater capacity and could be more easily maintained than the old one. The stand (CI. 3 - St. 3 type steel, with walls 41-- mm thick) has two openings arranged on either side, to which th~' vacaum chamt--rs (320 mm in diameter and 1,000 m long) are connected, The dimen:sions of the new and the old-type vaouum mils are as follows.', ithe length of the oper- ating part of the roll in the new type is 300 mm i,in t^ha oid type 150 no)- ;he diameter of the roll neck is 85 mm (30 mm), the distance between the ro"Iers is adJustable up to 20 mm (up to 12 mm); in the new-type mill specimens 450 mm long can be rolled, whereas In the old type the maximum was 200 mm. The new miU also features resistance furnaces placed into the vacuum chambers, with molyb- denum wiras (2.2 mm in diameter), in which the specimens can be hea'~ed up to 1,500 - 1,6000C, the rollers are driven by asynchronous motors ( 18 kw, 1,450 rpm), the'rolling velocity can be regulated between 0.1 and 1.0 m1sec, Jn the chambers a vacvum of 2 5:10 5 mm Hg can be obtained by MM-500 MM-c:00) and P614-20 (MIN-20) type pumps Facilities are provided for an extenair)ni" of tho va- ouum and the- f-urnace when longer wovkpleces have. -to be rollAd, moreover, pr(t- heating And cooling of the rollers is alao possible, The new-type vac,.ium mIll, on which heat resistant, alloys, molybdenum and other metals are rolled In sheets that have a minimum thickness of O.'Z mm, is described in detail, There are 2 figures, I set of fig!_lrps and 3 Soviet, referenceg, ASSOCIATION; F-Lziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN UXrSSR (Phyz1ca1.-T'P( 'Imical insti.. Card 2/2' tute of the AN UkrSSR') ACC NR1 AT'TOOj263 ItO SOURCE CODE: UR/2563/66/000/263/00)s2/004T AUTHOR': Aleksandrov, A. A.; Tron', A. S.; Ryballchenko, N. D. ORG,. none TITLE: Prod ction of nickel-copper composite material by vacuum rolling SOURCE: Len6grad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 263, 1966. Hashiny i te~hnologiya obrabotki metallov davleniyem (Machinery and technology oi metal working by pressure), 42"47 TOPIC TAGS: ;composite material, n.ickel copper composite material, composite'matierial rolling, vacuum pack rolling, composite material bond strength, composite material rolling'technology. ABSTRACT: M..!l grade copper and 99.99%-pure nickel sheets, 10 mm thick, vacuum anneaied at~ TOO and 900C; respectively, were slowly cooled, assembled*int~o 20 x 40 x 100 mm packets, pack rolled in a vacuum of up to I # 10-i.5 mm Hg at 750- 1050C with a 5- 52% reduction, and investigatedito determine the effect of the rolling temperature, depth of vacuum, and degree of reduction on the bond strength and microstruc- ture* The hi!-ghest bond strength, 24-25.5 Kg/mm2, was observed in Card 1/2 ACC NRi AT7003263 composite she~ets rolled with a 30% reduction in a vacuum of 1 1 10-4 mm lig at 105~-950C and a packed width-to-height ratio of 1:2. The surface finish of the joined sheets had no effect on the bond strength of the composite metal. The bond strength was also practically unaffected '6.Y;,. annealing at 400-600C, but slightly decreased to 22-23 Kg/MM2 with annealing .at 800,~_1000C. The metal near the interface had a finer grain. structure than the base metal. No transiticn zone was obncrved at tihe interface of composite specimens in the as-rolled condition,.but the specimens annealed at 900C for 24 hr had a 25-4011 thick interme;diate. layer, probably of a solid solution of copperlin nickel. Thisl indicated that the diffusion of copper into nickel was a predominanti process in the rolling and annealing of composite metal. Further experiments showed that composite parts can be obtained by one- pass hot rolling of composite blanks in vacuum followed by rolling the blanks into finished parts in the air. The copper-nickel and nickel- copper composIte metal, pack rolled at 950C in a vacuum of 2 * 10-5 MM HF. with a 15- 25% reduction per. pass and subsequently rolled in the air at room temper'ature, had a bond strength of 22- 24 Kg/mm2. The nickel-copper-nickel and nickel-copper foils, 0.2- 0.4 r-M thick, satis- fied all requirements for metal composites used in the radioelectronic industry. Orig. arte has: 4 figurese SUB CODE: l3if, 1l/ SUBM DATEt' none/ ORIG REF: 011 Card SMMOVp V.S.; AMONENKO, V.M.; TRONI"--A&S,,LALEKSANDROV, A.A. Effect of roUina in vacuum on the properties of metals. 0 Trudy LPI no.238t95-100 164. (MBA 17: 11) S113 6010 4Y 00IC1110091023 A05 AO 29 AUTHORSa Amonenko, V.M., Romanchenko, K.G., Tron', A.S. TITLE3 Reaction Between Heat-Resisting Alloys and Refractory Oxides at High Temperatures in Vacuum PERIODICAL.- Stall, 19609 No. 111, pp.1,002-ID04 TEXTi Mary heat-resisting alloys contain elements which enter easily into reaction with the oxides of the refractory crucible during vacuum casting at high temperatures. Consequently, the alloys are contaminated with oxygen and with the material of the crucible which affects their mechanical proper- ties. In order to investigate this phenomenon and to establish such a compo- sition of the crucible that has least effect on the alloys, tests were under- taken with crucibles containing Zr02, BeO0 MgO, A120 and (A1.203 + 1% TiO2) and nickel-base heat-resisting alloys of the QW 617 ~EI 617)-tYPe at various temperatures and with various holding times in vacuum. The tests were carried out in resistance furnaces having molybdenum heaters, the crucibles were made from chemically pure oxides, having a porosity between O-e. and which were stabilteli *ith 5% MgO or CaO. In the tests the effect of casting temperatures, of the duration of the vacuum treatment and of the crucible material on the Card 113 S/1 33-160100010-11/0-09/023 A054/AO29 Reaction Between H6at-Resisting Alloys and Refractory Oxides at High Temperatures in Vacuum &as content of the alloy were investigated while the quantity of non-metalli-c inclusions in the alloy was examined by petrographic analysis. It was found 0__1 , Ma: d BeO that the refractory materials of crucibles made from A1203,Zr, go U entered into reaction with the 0 of the casting. Al,Zr and Be reduced from the oxides was dissolved in the metal while carbon oxide and magnesium were eliminated in the gas-phase. The reduction process was accelerated by the rising temperature. The minimum reduction rate was observed at 1,450-1,5000C and the minimum amount of reduction products were found in the alloy when the vacuum process did not last longer than 20-30 minutes. The lowest oxygen content was found in alloys cast in Zr02 and BeO crucibles while the reduction process was the most intensive in Y&O crucibles. When casting in A1903-con- taiaing crucibles, an exchange reaction took place between metal and refracto- ry material, during which chrome and titanium were oxidized and A-1.203 was reduced to A1209 followed by its decomposition into A120x and Al. Petrographi.- cally it was established that CrP03 was present in the refractory substance, indicating a reaction between the crucible and the chrome of the alloy. The X Card 2P, 3/133/60/000/011/009/023 A054/AO29 Reaction Between Heat-Resisting Alloys and Refractory Oxides at High Temperatures in Vacuum tests on inclusions and the microscopic investigationsshowed spinelides of Mg (CrgAl)204 in MgO crucibles, which were formed as a result of the reaction between the d1loying elements and magnesium oxide. The higher the casting temperatureq the longer the holding time of the metal and the lower the remain- ing pressure in the chamber, the more complete was the elimination of N and H from the alloy. The refractory materials were arranged according to their degree of resistance ag4inst reaction with the alloy in the following series: MgO < A-120 3; (A1203 + lToT102) < BeO < ZrO 2' There are 5 figures and 8 referen- cest 4 Soviet, 2 English, 1 German, 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physical-Technical Institute AS UkrSSR), Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut ogneuporov (Ukrainian Scientific-Researoh Institute of Refractory Materials) Card 3/3 01, - - , - ~ ., ~ 1. z. ~ ~f~ z , !*, r4F!~ ,NA I - -:. ; , w., -,I 'N' M-Nm :9 M . - - ~. S"',~r" MMMIX ~ aR- -za-4 IV u ~4?1 ACC NRt AP7002844 SOURCE CODE: UR/0136/66/000/012/OOTB/0081 1 '.AUTHOR: Amonenko, V.M.; Trod' A.S Mukhin., V,V#; Ryballehenko, N.D.;: Kovaleva, Ye.A. ORG: none TITLE: Production and properties of vacuum-hot rolled metal composites SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 12, 1966, 78-81 TOPIC TAGS: composite metal, hot rolling,-Col vacuum hot rolling, mom"ol4e molybdenum niobtum composite, steel titanium composite ABSTRACT:6?acks consisting of two dissimilar metal plates 10 mm-thick, 20 mm wide, and 100 mm long..were vacuum rolled from vacuum-arc.melted ingots of Cup INi, Ti, Nb, St.3 steel and IKhl8N9T stainless steel under various condi- Itions. The bond strength of all composites was found to increase with !increasing reductions and deeper vacuum and, in the case of metals which -form solid solutions (Cu-Ni, Mo-Ti, Mo-Nb and others), with increasing -!rolling temperature. In the case of metals which form, brittle eutectics') .O,or chemical compounds (Ti-steel) which lower the bond strength, satis .factory bond strength can be produced only by rolling at temperatures 1/2 UDC: 669- 419.4:6 Ar-C NRt ALITUU2 -6eiow"t'h'ait *o'f the formation of the eutectics'--or' ihemi6al,_iompounds.'_ The deeper vacuum is especially important in tolling composit6 from titaniuml niobium and other chemically active metals. For example, Mo-,Nb composite .rolled with a 30% reduction at 1200C in a vacuum of 1.10-1-1.10-2 mm Hg had a bond strength of 5-8 kg/mm2 C'-ompared with_32 kg/mm2 for the !strength of composite rolled in a vacuum of 2-10 5 mm Hg, other conditions; being the same. No visual changes were observed in the interface struc- ture of Mo-Nb, Cr-W, Cr-Mo, Cu-Ni and other composites of metals which :form solid solutions. But at the interface of joiaed Ti-Mo, Cu-steel, Ti-lKhlBN9T steel, and other composites of metals which form a eutectic or chemical compound (e.g., Ti-Fe, Nb-Ni), a transition zone formed whose thickness depended on the temperature and reduction of rolling. In all these composites, annealing brought about the formation of transition ,zone and the growth of the existing ones,.which was-associated with the iinterdiffusion of-.contacting metals. [MS] SUB CODE: 13* 1l/ SUBM DATEt none/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH HEY: 001 ATD PRESS: 5114 Card 2/2 LUKIYANCHIKOV, V.P.;_TRON.1, Y2_,~ mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KHASANKAYEVY Ch.S.; ZLOTIN, A.Z.; GEVLIGH,eV.P., m--zhrayonnyy lesopatolog; DAVIMNKO, L.K., nauchnyy sotrudnik; SATEM, A.F., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Brief information. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.3a 53-55 164. (MIRA 17-4) 1. Biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Numbibirsk (for Lukiyanchikov). 2. Ternopollskaya sellskokhozyaystvannaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Tron). 3. Tatarskaya lesnaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Khasankayev). 4. Grakovskoye opytnoye pole, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh sredstv zashchity rasteniy (for Zlotin). 5. Borovaya lesnaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Davidenko). 6. Karagandinskiy botanicheskiy sad Pal KazSSR (for Sateyev). EXCERPTA IEDICA SEC: 8 Vol 12/2 Neurology Feb 59 .091. DISLOCATION SYMPTOMS ON THE PART OF THE VISUAL PROJEC- TIONAREA(Russiantext)-Tron E. Zh. -VOPR.NEIROKIIIR.1957,5(51-56) Dislocation symptoms of the vis.`al_~ 3th-.y.~,ound In 18 cases, should be consider- ed as rare phenomena. They were seen in tumours of the convexity, which caused a downward pressure. Most frequently they are parasagittal brain tumours, located in the frontal, parletal or the temporal lobe. Of these, 13 were meningo- t1eliomas, I gliomas, 2 aslrocytomas, 1 Iigodendroglioma and 2 of unknown orig- in. Pressure symptoms occurred as a result of either Increased intracranial tension or pressure on the cerebrum. Two stages were noted. In the first stage, only papilloedema was found, while In the 2nd stage chlasmal symptoms became apparent as bitemporal, or less commonly as binasal,hemianopsias accompanying the papilloedema. Out of 570 cases in which the diagnosis brain tumour was con- I B", firmed subsequently, only 3.16% showed these phenomena. Optic symptoms were also found to be associated.with other cerebral signs, thus causing still greater diagnostic difficulties. Dimitrijevid - Sarajevo -. I ' ~ L .., ~0. - . ,~~0-11'2 , 'Ye'. *'' . antl Kutuzoval 11. on the nonotri,billity of the cry,7,t,,.'Uirif-% leno c-~vity,lf Sbcrn'.!~ nauch. rabot, posvya,,.,heh. pLinyati akad. 41berbakh~a. LeninF,-rad, 1948.1 o. 202-13 SO: U-3264, 10 t1pril 1953, (Letopis 'Zliurnal Inykh Statey, 110. 3, 1949) TRON, Ye.2h. - 11 .-- I I . I . - Hodificatione of the optic nerve in sclerosis of the internal carotid artez7. Vopr. kline eksper. oft., Moskva no. 1:71-94 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Professor. 2. Leningrad. TRON, Yes Zh. [Diseases of the optic tract] Zaboloyaniia zritallnoge puti. Leningrad. Medgiz, 1955. YP? P- (MLRA 9:0 (OPTIC IMU~.-DISE=S AND MECTS) TROIT, Y,~Ah.,; PRESSMAN, Ya.M. Glinical significance of electroencephalography in homonymous hemianopsias. Probl. fiziol-opt. 11: 155, (MLRA 9:6) .L. Hauchno-isBledovatellskiy neyrokhirurgichankiy inatitut imeni professora Folenova. (HEMIAIIOPSIA, homenymous, ]MG (Rua)) (ELBOTROFANORPHALOGROHY, in various diseases, hemianopia, homonymous (Rua)) TRON, Ye.Zh. ell --, ~., Hereditary elemanto in the optic apparatus of the eye. Probl. fiziol. opt. 11:88-94 '55. (KLRA 9-6) (REFRACTION, OCULAR. heredity, (Rue)) (GMTICS, in ocular refraction (Rue)) TRON, Ye.Zh., professor; TARTAKOVSKAYA, R.N. Mffect-~f certain hozmones on the or7stalline lens. Test.oft. 34 no.2:30-35 14r-Ap 155. (KMA 8:7) 1 1. Iz Leningradskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta glazrvkh bolezney imeni prof. Girshmana ( B.P.Kalashnikov). (CRYSTALLINE MS. affect of drugs on, hormones) (HCRMONES, effects, on crystalline lens) TRON) Yeozh*p prof* Dynamics of postoperative ce-tral homonymous hemianopsia in brain tumorse Vop,neirokhir, 28 nce4t22-27 JI-Ag 164, (MIRA 18:3) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy neyrokhirur icheskLy institut imeni A.L.Polenova (dir. - prof. V.M,Ugrywwv~ . I TROH, Ye.Zh. Effect of X-ray therapy on the vision of patients with chromo- phobe adenoma of the pituitary gland. Mled. rad. 9 no.2:8-14 D 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy neyrokhirurgicheskiy institut imeni prof. A.L.Polenova. . Diseases of the optic tract during brain tumors; clinical statistical analysis based on 1000 cases. Vop.neirooft. 2f 40-95 163, (MLA 16:8) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy neyrokhirurgicheskiy institut imeni prof. A.L. Polenova (dir. - prof. Y.N.Shamor) (BRAIS-TUMDRS) (OTTIC IMT-DISEAbES) MON, -Ye Tranoitional anatomical structures in the leaves of Hippuris vulgaris L. Report No. 3: Transitional Anatomical structures and the developmOht of leaf tissues in ontogenesis. Bot zh 47 no.8:3-100-3.1-07 Ag 162.. ~Hff15;10) 1, Leningradskiy neyrokhirurgicheskiy institut. (Marelp tail) (Leaves-Anatomy) TRON) Ye Zh prof.; BROUNI R.G.; KUT,IVZOVA, N.I.; ROLMANOVA-BOKHON, O.A.; --~~~~OVSKAYA . R. t. Fermeability of the crystalline lens and its capsule. Vop. klin. i eksp. oft. no.2:17-66 '59. (MIRA 14;3.1) (ORWALLINE LENS) - TRON, Ye.Zh. Diagnosis of paralysis of the oculomotor muscles by means of double- image toots. Vest. oft. 73 no. 5:12-16 S-0 160. (MRA 14:1) (EYE--MUSCLF,S) TROIT, Ye.Zh. Transitional anatomical structures in leaves of Hippuris vulgaris L. Report No.2: Transition from aerial to aquatic leaves. Bot. zhur. 45 no.9tl271-1282 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Leningradskiy neyrokhirurgicheskiy institut. (Mare's-tail) (Leaves--Anatomy) IM OIT, Ye . Ti ,,,cs of HPnuris imt Jtut. 0.1hr. TRON, Tevgeniy Zhanovich. red.; BMBLI, I.B., red.; MUSTA, M~S,, tekhne re " [Problems in neuroophthalmolog7l Voprosy neirooftalmlogii. Eleningraal Goa. Izd-vo mod. lit-ry, Laningr. otd-nie, 1958. 126 p. (OPMHAII40LOGY) (MIRA 11:7) TROII, ye.Zh., prof . - I -DophysiB Rnd hymaphyseni region" 'by N.A.Popov. "Tumors of the hy- - (mIRA 11:4) oft.zhur. 13 no.1:62 '58. (pITUITARy BOI)Y--TUMORS) TROM, Ye.Zh, professor Dislocation symptoms in the optic tract. Yop.neirokhir. 21 n0-5: 51-56 S-0 157. (KIR& 10:11) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy neyrokhirurgicheskiy institut imeni prof. A.L.Polonova. (OPTIC TRACTS, diseases, disloc. by brain tumors (RU13)) (BRAIN NEOPLASMS. complications, optic tract disloc. (Rue)) Y;,7 IRON, Yeop prof esaor~ "New methods for studying the optical system of the eye and the development of refractioO by A.I.Dashevskii. Reviewed byiNeTron. Oft,zhur,, 12 no.2:124-125 157. (MIRA 10:11) (2Y4) (DASHBVSKII, A.I.) TRON,. Ye.. professor On two articles by A.A.Valinovskii, concerning problems-in refraction. Oft.zhur. 12 no.3:149-153 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. 1z Leningradskogo aauchno-issladovatellskogo neyrokhirurgichookogo instituta im. prof. A.L-Polenovs (dir. - prof. V.N.Shamov) (SYS-ACCOMMODATION AND REFRACTION) Tnolliln'A I it. A. "Transformations catalytiques des camposes heterocycliques. YVII. Application de la reaction de transformation d65 heterocycles contenant l1azote et 1e soufre a la determination de la structure d1un. oxyde cyclique.6 by Jourjev, J. K., Goussev, V. 1. Tronava, V. A. and Jourlin, P. P. (p. 344) SO: Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1941 vol 11, no 1. EYCERPTA "'MICA Sec.12 4o1.10 /1Z Oprithal., Dec 50 1851. TRON E-,. 1,eningrad. Inhu- r itance o" the e lenuents vf tile optic apparatus of the eve (Russian textj Pilo Bl,. F 17 KA.. OPT. (Moscow) 1955. 11 M-~141 Tables A The reiraction was tested by ineans of atropine in tile parents and children of 3 families; besides the depth of tile anterior chamber, tile thickness of -e lens and the radiuses of its surface curvatures were measured bv means of Tscher- ning's ophthalmometer. In addition, tile radius of the cornea curvature was de- fined by Javal's ophthalmometer. On tile basis of these measurements the refrac- tory power of the cornea, lens and the whole eve were calculated, as well as the length of the axis. Comparison of the elements of the optic apparatus and of the refraction in parents and children resulted in the following conclusions: The optic apparatus irs not inherited as a whole: in all of the 3 families investigated the refractory power of the eye and the length of the axis were inherited separately. The refraction of the eye was not inherited as a whole, either. In each illdividual case the refraction of the child's eye is dependent upon the particular kind of combination of the elements of the parental optic apparatus. Tron - Leningrad (XII. 1) ~111z~- TRONCHUK, I. S.: Master Agric Sci (diss) -- 'The effect of the number of feedings on the metabolism and productivity of sows". Kiev, 1958. 16 pp (Min Agric Ukr SSR, Ukr Acad Agric Sci), 120 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 139) TRONGZYNSKLI J. Result of studies of hearing In long distance telephone operators. Wed. pracy 5 no.3:209-216 1954. 1. Z KlinW OtorlaryMologicsnej Akademli Redycsnoj w Lodsi. 119rowniki prof. dr.A.Radziminski. (EMABING TESTS. in telephone operators)