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TRIFUNOVIC, SlobodaniPsanitets"d kapetan dr. .. - ~ z- , - I ~- Enlisting volunteer blood donors 2~n unita of thp- People Is Army. Vojnosanit. pregl. 23 1 0-1:1.6-47 ja 16 . 1. Vojnomedicinska akademija u Beogradu, Ode1jenje za transfuziju krvi. TRIFUNOVIC, Svetislav. The problem of arrhy-thraila in Wolff-Parkinson-White synd-rome. Med. pregl. 18 no.1:23-28 1 65 1. Klinika za interne bolestl Klinicke bolnice u Novom Sadu (Nacelnikz prof. dr. Dimitrije Stanulovic). ;~vetislll~r T(9-.T, Laslo; I&NISANOVIC, Leizw- AnalysIo of eleotrocardiographic changes in patients with cerebral vascular accidents. Med. &egl. 18 no.1435-38 165. 1. Klbiika za interne bolesti KlInicke bolnice ii Novom S.,)ft, (NaceInik? Prof. dr. Dimitrije Stanulovic). TRIMIOVIC, Svetislav 11 -.1 - I Diagnostic possibilities of the fibrillation wave. Med. pregl. 18 no. 3zI03-107 1 65- 1. Klinika za interne bolesti Klinicke bolnice u Novom Sadu (Nacelnik: prof. dr. Dimitrije Stanulovic). TRIPIRIOVIC, Svetislav;. TOT.T., laslo; UPSANOVIC, Lazar Arrhyt~mia and cmduction disorders in acute myceardial infarct. Med. pregl. 17 no.10.*557-563 164. 1. Klinika za interne bollsti Klinicke bolnice it llovom Sadu (Nacelnik: Prof. dr. Dimlt?dje Stanulovia). - TRIFUNOWC. Svetislav; ROGULJE, Pavle Contribution to the pathogenesis of myrcardlal infar,~t L-I yr=,g - 164 ,nw,. Med. pregl. 17 no.10: 593-596 1. Klinika za interrie bolesti Klinicke 'balnl,-!e u Fovea, &OU (Nacelnik: Prof. dr. Dimitrije in Zavol lz~i patolov-,ku -inatamiju Klipicke bolnic~, ii lovon, SOn Doe. dr. Vladimir Plavec). ,T-RIFMovSxI-4--1m#funos1c1o J.] YOrEmer Albanian gettlOments In the nO-19tl74-177 157 (Pablished 1958). Y'a9urice "alley. C-eogr.,gjas. (Albanians in Serbia) (Serbia-History) OMAI 9:5) - -TRIMNOSICI, J. Orestije, Mrstic Is Planinski L sumski paonjaci Jugoslavije (Mountain and 7orest Pastures of Yugoslavia); a book review. Geogr.glas. no.20: 174 158 (Published 1959). (KKAI 9:5) (Kratic, OrestiJe) (Yugoslavia-Factures) xmumosaa.-.T. Ant"ropogeograPh'081 (GLASNIX, V01- 213, Btudles of Debar. P. 257 1953/54 (Published 1957) SO: Monthly List Uncl. of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC- Vol. 6j, No. 1;?, Dec. 1957 TRTFUNOSUg J. Anthropogeographioal studies of Bujanovac, p. 325 (GIASNIK. Vol. 2/3, 1953/54. (Published 1957) SO.- Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LO. Vol. 6, No. L2, Dec. 195r/ Unol. TRIFUNMFI, J. Zinzar nettlemants in Macedonia. p. 21. GEOGPAFSKI FORIZONT, (Geografske druBtava Jugoslavije. NastAivne sekcije.) Zagreb, Yougoslavia. Vol. 4 (i.e.4) no. 3, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (T,'",AT) IC Vol. 9, no. 2, Jan 1960 UnCl, JORAN Sliv ~~Prkove; antroporeocgrafska promatranja. Skopje, Yu"Oslavia 1958. 217 P. "10.1"thlY list 01' Elstern Europearl Accession lri~Jcx (E~-I) IZ vol. ti, N No-vember Igr,',g Uncl. TRIFUNCSKI-, J- A migratory process in the Skopje basin. P. 729 (GIASNIK Vol. 213 1953/54 (Published 1957) SO: MonthlY List of East European Accession (EFAL) Uncl. LO Vol. 6, NO. 12, Dec. 1957 THIMIOSKI, J. Olga Savic's Spheres of Influence of Tourns in the Horave River Valley; a book review. P. 185. (GLASNIK, Vol. 3.1, No. 11, 1956 (Published 1957) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. kJ TRIFUNOSKI, J. "Branialev Bukurovis aop~rafski pologs-i back1h nawljs (Geoexaphical Sit- uatiop-of5ettlements In Backe); a Bock Review." P- 72, (PIREGISTRATION 5EjSY,0GRAPHj;~U::S, Vol. 14, no- 1, 1954. 3eograd, Ttitoolavla.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No- 5, MaY 1955, Uncl. TRIM-C-SE'l, J. P .~ C, Consecuerces of forest devastation on the -~',-.cplc --):ack Yo-untain. p. 1?3. (ZAG -B, ' - 24/15, 395')'53.) SO: F,~-rthly List of Fast European Ac-ceEsJcns, (FF~I, IC, Vol. 4, Yo. 6, l9e5, T'ncl. TRuTuvosxi, J. I'Dasan J. Popovicls ynistva and (Serbs in Baclb uy to-the End of the Ziphteenth Century, History of Sett b aents and %habitants); a Review of Two Books." P- 73, ("I'MCISTRATIO11 SEISMOGIMPENMS, Vol. 34, no. 1, 1954. Beograd, Yugoslavia.) SO: Monthly List of Best European Accessions, (UAL) , LC, Vol. 4, ITO* 5, May 1955, Uncl- T.,aFuNOSKIp Jovan Ff dr. (SkOPJO) ----7:-- d by J. F. rrifunooki. "Has pod PaBtrikomw bY S- M- FilIPOvicP Rev'mm Geogr glas no.21: 3,21-122 '60. 1,, rilozofoki fakultet Univerziteta u SkOPJU* yugoolavia-Description & travel) lipovicp S. M.) M TRIFUNOSKI, Jovan F.# dr. (SkopJe) Votes on the Most ¢ Settlers from Macedonia in Seven Villages of the Vrsac Region in Banat" by B. Ruoic. Reviewed by J. Fe Trifunoski. Geogr glae no.21:134 160. 1. Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Skopju. (Yugoslavia-Population) (Rusic, B.) ---- - - ---- --- - -- --- - --- - - - - - --- TRIFUNOSKI,, Jovan F. The village settlements in Vranjska kotlina. Cy--ogr glas 22.,9e-101 '60 (publ '61). TRIFVNOSXI$ J; F. C:2:~~~ I "Modrica, In the Past and Present" by M. Fillpovic. Geogr glas 22:121 160 (publ 161). TRIFUNOSKI, Jovan F. -- The s-saloniki. Geogr hor 6 no.3:24-29 160. TRIFUNOSKI, Joy. F. (Skopje) Present Zinzar cattle-breeders in Pljackavica. Geogr hor 7 no.1/2: 43-" 161. TRMNOSKI, J. F. "Zemlja i Ijudi", vol. 10. Reviewed by J. F. Trifunooki. Ceogr hor 7 no.3:44 161. TRIMOSKI Jovan F . dr. (Skopje) "Serbian Medieval Village" by B. Permicie. Reviewed by J. Fe Trifunoski. Geogr glas no.21:130 160. 1. Filosofski fakultet Univerziteta u Skopju. (Yugoslavia-Agriculture) (Perunicic, B.) TREFUNOV-SM7JANIN, Risto. dr., Skolpje. Pregnancr and combiagd streptomycin and isoniazid therap7 of tuberculous meningitis. Tabarkuloxab Beogr. 6 no.4.-223-224 July-Aug 54. (Sum IN$ there use tubero., meningealf in pregn., with isoniazi(l) (PREGNANCY, in various die. tubero., meningeal, there, streptomycin with isoniazid) (NICOTINIC AcrD isoms, there use isoniaxid in meningeal tuberc. in progn., with strsp~omyoin) (TUMCULOSIS, HNNINMU, in pregn. there, Isonlasid with streptomycin) TRIFUNOVIC, D. International hemp market and Yugoslavia. p. 253. TEKSTIL Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1~55. Beograxl. SCURCE: East European Accessions Iist (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, Decemler 1955. C..~u-.,try : Yugoslavia H-22 0~~to"~Ory= : .'~_bs, Jour, : 33961 -it u t-', i o r :Arsenijevic, M., Jancic, M., Trifunovic, D., and InstltiA, :Kustudic, D. T Itlo No t given Effect of Microadditions of Products from the 'Dry Dintillation of Bituminous Coal on the Bulk Density Orig. Pub. of a Number of Yugoslav and Other Coals Tehnika, 13, No 6, (?] (1958), Item Ind, 12, No 6, 89-96 (1958) Abatract The authors have studied the conditions under which the wetting of Yugoslav and imported coals (C) with microadditions of products obtained by the dry dis- tillation of bituminous coal leads to a greater com- paction of the charEe and raises the bulk density. The effect of the moicture content of the C on the above process is noted. The followin.K increases were obtained in the bulk density of a number of C containing 8-T,.' J-~ 0 on wettine,, with the substances indicated; kerosene, 11-1%; light oil (0) 9-13%; , heavy 0, 6-8%; anthracene 0, 2-6%. The presence of ash becauae of the hydrophilic character of the Card: Country I Yugoolavia E-22 CCtOGOr7 I Abe, Jour. 39961 Author Institut. Titlo OrIz Pub, Abstract 1 latter lowers the effectiveneas of the treatment. For increased coke oven capacity, the authors recom- mend the wetting of a number of C with microaddi- tions of light, heavy, and anthracene 0. Ya. Satunovskiy Ca rd: 2/2 TRIF'UNUVIC) 11). international naar':--t of ~.rtific--'al fiber--~ -i.- :,. ;,f,. Zai',rcl~, Vol. I,, no. 11 , Jan. 1-9,55. SO: I-Ionthly 11,ist of I-,-, -:,~aropcan Acctssions, LC, Vol. 4, rio. 16, ocu. 1955, t7 ~,ncl. T-'~17NO'aC, D. ',!orld market 'or text`lo 'a' (-eof~rad, 7w:o3laviri) Vol.. nc. 1, jar. TnOe-.- o' -a,,t Dirol~c~nn Accesslcn3 SO: 7, I A' CL -11 H-34 Application. Dyes and Chemical Treatment, of Textile ~hterials. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 110 17,, 1958, 59649 Author : Arsenijevic Miro, Jancic fdodrag, Trifunovic Dusan, Ristanovic Radmila I----------- Inst : - Title : Flame-Resistance Treatment of Textile Materials with Binary Mixtures of Various Salts. Orig Pub : Tehnika, 1957, 12, No 1, Hem. ind., 11, No 1, 2-7 Abstract : Proceeding from the fact that mixtures of salts fuse at lower temperatures than do the separate components that form the liquid phase which uniformly covers the entire surface of a textile article with a flame-reeistant layer; as well as from the fact that the fLision of a mix- ture of salts gives a hiLhor protective effect than does the fusion of separate salts, the flame-resisjitace action Card 1/2 - 107 - YUGOSEAVIA/Chenical Tochnolua - Chemical Products and Their H-34 Application. Dyes and Chemical Treatment of Textile ~hterials, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 17., 1958, 59649 on fabrics of cotton, reLancrated cellulose aml herni of binary mixtures of salts in different molecular ratios was studied. The results indicate that the best effect is given by treatment with a double mix- ture ~M )2"704 (""4) 804) with a ratio between 40 to W~ o~ each componeX This mixture ber~ins to fuse at 95P, while the more stable component begins to break down at 5130. Some of the worst results are given by a mixture of W14) 2HI?04 and the NH.4-salt of sulfamic acid in a ratio of 40 to 55%2 which begins to fuse at 1150o Card 2/2 TRIFUXOVIC,- D. Parallel tests of some methods for impregnation of certain textiles to make them more water-resistant. P. 1301 TEHNM., Beograd,, Vol 10., No. 9j. 1955 303 EEALs Vol 51 No, 71 july 1956 j- r L colli em for sr)yini,. SO: ki:,nthly list, of Zas;, Earoz~ean accessi,jns, V.A.* 1~, rl(). 1 .")'5, Uncl. Jan. 19' 4r'; . - , I I I . . . ti : ~ f , i , 1 11 ~ 1 i t ; I( : ~ , f, ! I i - ~ ~ .. - r, ;T: -, : I * t h ~ h % m - ,, ~ r -, : . : *.! ~; ~: I I :: - . :;: '),- -. " I ~ I , I . ( - I f-. !, . c i A n madc or A IA-~ p r 7 - U- 1~ PA 0 q "', ~j ... isI Vs 0_,t. 13 11. rl,qsirrs n1i Accid~nm:; of Vt-~ff in ArtificiAl Trru=iiv.- j . c Cen I. 1P. of -a rma I% l*rIao,,tt-- :nsip!duq in a 21t~hl n, ClInical Cent~r of the V~tl~rl~,,ry of (.,bbv. not Idimtlfle4) LJ~Ujnnn; ;p 1-~~7-101'9. 14. -Fwilro F--otoptosis, K. ~n,j -,--7 Ile t . institutt -~cplcfs Rcbuplic of pp of Patl":.10~-c ch~--rcs In 1-5 .17~toTinn-., ttttiut :,-(.lo; in tht~, An InA 'It tor ;I,& In t~-,e CUX:7C.'It pro~r=n 1. pp IN5-lus. I-J."Utut 11 n"ki-I.- u ~tyu I j~v~,.~ '. 1-v,1- 3-7nrt1tv-t 1la tn~,sn- titut 2a cm--lx. 7-7 titut u4. ~t-tci. - P/11 - TRIGp D. AGRICUI TURE TRIG) D. Some particulartles connected with Via reduction of fish-oroduction costs. p.23. Expert planning of fishing implements,, a problem which is not yet completely resolved. p.25. Vol. 7. no. 16,, Nov. 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC,, Vol.. 8,, no. 3 March 1059 Unclass. TMIGaW. V-N- Siviple design of profilog of gear cutters used in vAchining, straight- aided slotted rollers. Stan. i instr, 29 no.2:8-12 1 158. (Cutting tools) (MIRA 11:3) TRIGALEVp Vassian NIkalayaxi6h: CHZBOTAlMVICHt Veevolod Osipovich; SKOHOBO_ --TrTb7g ~Semen Kak~jevich; BRAILOYSKjy, M.I~, inzho, ratee'nzent; BYCHKOVp M*Iwt kand, tekhn, nauk# retsenzent; MARCHVIKOV, I.A.v tekhn. rod. (Reinforced-concrete beds for machine tools] Zhelezobetonnye staniny metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskra, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1960. 93 p. (MIRA 14.6) (Machine tools) (Reinforced concrete construction) ",'R I (j ~,,!Z91).Ya.0 iiall. r -,. ir-1. I'll 76:! t . I t 1, L!,~e r i *, . ~:: -, . ~-e - ~, 1 1, 0- 'T. - U I sveciall-Iti;in " '~,e ~. -, .1 . I ,-, 0 I ~ i 1. 6) Mashinostr. 45 ~-,e USSR /Engineering - Hydraulics, Jul 51 Structures "Complex Mechanization of Extraction and Dressing of Fillers During Construction of Hydroelectric Pc%,er Station," N. L. Triger, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 7, pp 10-14 Extraction, transportation and processing of rillers for taakiug concrete lve power station on upper Svirl River rel--esent entirely mechanized complex, in which manpower is used only for serv- icing rechanisms. Work is conducted during varm season only from 15 Apr to 10 Nov with proposed USSR/Engineering - Hydraulica, Jul 51 Structures (Contd) production of 300,000 cu. m of rocks per season. Presents layout and description of quarry, rock crushing plant and sorting-vashing facilities and 3ummary of 2 yrs' operations. E- TFIGER, X.L. uwpftngineering - Hydraulics Nov 51 Onguction S e S A F.-eliminary Construction of the Forms for Suction Pipes," Y.L. Triger, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 11, pp 12-14 Describes exptl procedure of using pre- fabricated form for curved concrete por- tion of penstock during erection of large hydroelec power station in 1950.' Forms vere delivered to asqembly site in 7-ton sections. Rigid supporting members of form permitted immediate installation of lower metal cone of penstock directly on form, -considerably decreasing amt of labor. h, 1"13gineering - Eydraulics, Concrete Dec 51 Works "Experiment for Concrete Placing under Winter Conditions," N. L. Triger, Engr St--oi" No 12, PP 3-7 ~~Describes 2-yr experience in winter concrete VCwks during erection of dam, powerhouse and ~Uavigational sluice, employing such measures as ~us& of steam in concrete-making process and for ~prepn of blocks, application of elec-air beaters Tor maintaining proper temp in blocks during ~placlng concrete, heated trucks and conveyers, 2OM92 IPSIM/Xngineering - 'qydrPnIIvs. Concrete Dec 51 Works (Contd) ertc. AdAn! costs of winter works are over 10% I of expenses for regular conditions. z g;~, ,~ ,N.L.. inzhener. ZV ,#A. 'N4%. " ~, ~ Wintertime concrete constriction work at the Kuybyehey Hydroelectric Power Station site. Cridr.stroi. 25 no.11:1-7 D 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Kuybyshev gydroelectric Power Station) (Concrete construction) TRICEP, N.L. USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Structures, Apr 52 Corrosion "Corrosion of Sheet Files and Metal Constructions During Long-Term Service UAder Water," N. L. Triger, Engrz "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 4, PP 7-12 Investigates damage inflicted by corrosion to sheet- pile wall which was partly submerged under water for 11-13 yrs, Discusses characteristic appearance of each of 5 2o-~-_z along height of sheet piles. Parti- ally corrosion vas attributed to activity of iron bac- teria. Pacressed content of P In metal offers no pro- tection. Suggests stable protective coatings on the basis o4' fatty petroleum products. 21M5 USSR/Engineering - Construction, Equipment Aug 52 "Application of Tower Cranes in Construction of Hydroelectric Power Station," Engr N. L. Triger Gidrotekh Stroi, No 8, pp 1-6 Describes large traveling tower cranes of 10-t load capacity and 40-m. boom. Analyzes crane op- erations during erection of sta and dam, and mokes suggestions for improvement. All mechanisms of cranes are driven by electric motors. 24Tr5!; 1. TRIMp N. L. 2. USM WO) 4. Drainage 7. Experience with repeated drainage of the foundation pit of a hydra center. Gidr. stroi. no. 11 21: 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. TIM-ZE-1, :~% I- Cranes, Derricks, Etc. Operation of cable cranes in hydrotechnical constructicw_ Gidr. stroi. 21) no. 3, 3-9 Mr 1052. 19~,2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. J Unclassified. 1. TRIGERt N. L., ENG. 2, USSR (600) 4. Cranes, Derricks, Etc. 7. Use of "tower" cranes in the construction of hydroelectric power stations. Gidr. stroi. 21 nO.8, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar7 -1953. Unclassified. 1. TRIGER, N. L. , -~ Eng. 2. USSR (600) 3. Locks (Hydraulic Engineering) 4. Filling a ship lock from below the gate Gidr. stroi-,v-No. 10 '~- 1952 9o Monthly List of Russian Acessions, Library of Congress, February, 1953. Unclassified. ...' ... ..... .. .... ....... - 1- 'MIGEIII, N.L. 2. USSR (600) 4. Dams 7. Closing a river Tdth a rock f4 1, Stroitel I 34-Vo no. 11 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. TRIGER, N.L., inzhener. Concrete work in construction of a large hydrodevelopment. Stroi.prom. vol. 31 no.9:11-16 S '53. (MLRA 6:9) (Concrete construction) (Dams) TRIGER, Naum LIvovich; TISTROVA, O.N., redaktor; VORONIN, K.P., tekhni --- - - - cheekly, redaktor. (Damming a large river by means of stone fill from a floating bridgej Zakz7tie krupnoi reki kamennoi nabroskoi 9 naplavnogo mosta. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo 1955. 37 P- (MLRA 8:8) (Dame) lim ~', Damming the 11folga at Zhiguli. Hekh.trud.rab. 9 no. 12:14-18 D '55. (MLIRA 9:5) 1. Zamestitell glovnogo inzhenera Kuybyshevgidrostroya. (Kuybyshev Ifydroelecric Station) ALEKSEYEV, G.P.; ANDONIYEV, V.S.; ARNGOLID, A.V.; BASKIN, S.M.; BASHMAKOVf N.A.; BEREZIN, V.D.; BERMAN, V.A.; BIYANOV, T.F.; GORBACHEV, V.N.; GRECHKO, I.A.; GRINVIKH,-G.S.; GIRLMV, H.F.; GUSEV, A.I.; DEMENTIYEV, N.S.; DMITRIYEV, V.P.; DULIKIN, V.Ya.; ZVANSKIY, M.I.; ZENKEVICH, D.K.; IVANOV, B.V.; INYAKIN, A.Ya.; ISAYENKO, P.I.; KIPRIYANOV, I.A.; KITASHOV, I.S.; KOZHEVNIKOV, N.N.; KORMYAGIN, B.V.; KROKHIN, S.A.; KUDOYAROV, L.I.; KUDRYAVTSEV., G.N.; LARIN, S.G.; LEBEDEV , V.P.; LEVCHENKOV, P.N.; LEMZIKOVv A.K.; LIPGART, B.K.; LOPAREV, A.T.; MALYGIN, G.F.; MILOVIDOVA, S.A.; MIRONOV~ P.I.; MIKHAYLOV~ B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSTAFIN, Kh.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk; NAZIMOV, A.D.; NEFEDOV, D.Ye.; NIKIFOROV, I.V.; NIKULIN, I.A.; OKOROCHKOV, V.P.; PAVLENKO, I.M.; PODROBINNIK, G.M.; POLYAK01, G.Ya.; PUTILIN, V.S.; RUDNIK, A.G.; RUKYANTSEV, Yu.S.; SAZONOV, N.N.; SAZONOV, N.F.; SAULIDI, I.P.; SDOBNIKOVO D.V.; SEMENOV, N.A.; SKRIPCHINSKIY, I.I.; SOKOLOV, N.F.; STEPANOV, P.P.; TARAKANOV, V.S.; TREGUBOV, A.I.; T2IGE& -TY, A.D.; FOKIN, F.F.; TSAREV, B.F.; TSETSULIN, J.1. ; TROITSK N.A.; CHUBOV, V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; ENGEL', F.F.; YUROVSKIY, Ya.G.; YAKUBOVSKIY, B.Ya., prof.; YASTREBOV, M.P.; KAMZLq, I.V., -prof., glav. red.; ~ALYSHEV, N.A., zam. glav. red.; HELINIKOV, A.M.9 zam. glav. red.; RAZIN, N.V., zam. glav. red. i red. toma; VARPAKHOVICH, A.F., red.; PETROV, G.D., red.; SARKISOV, M.A., prof.., red.; SARUKHANOVI G.L., red.; SEVASTIYANOV, V.I., red.; SMIRNOV, K.I., red.; GOTMAN, T.P., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) ALEKS',-'YEV, G.P.-(continued). Gard 2. (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station; a technical report an the design and construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Sta- tion (Lenin), 1950-1958] Volzhskaia gidroelektrostantsiia; tekhnicheskii otchet o proektirovanii i stroitel'stve Volzhskoi GES imeni V.I.Lenina, 1950-1958 gg. V dvakh tomakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.[Organization and execution of constrution and assembly work] Organizatsiia i proizvodstvo stroitellno- montazhnykh rabot. Red. toma: N.V.Razin, A.V.Arn olld, N.L. Triger. 1962. 591 p. ~MIRA 16:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSR (for Razin). (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)--Design and construction) TRIGIR, N.L., inzh. Relforcing operations In conetru,cting the Volga 4droelectric Power Station. Gidr.stroi. 30 no.8:12-18 Ag '60. (MMA 13..8) (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station) (Reinforced concrete) TRIGIM, N.L.. insh. Casing and molding operations on the construction site of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station. Gi&r.stroi. 30 no.l: 15-18 Ja 160. (MIR& 13:5) (Volga H7droelectric power station) TRIGXR, N. L., Insh. Concrete constructions. Energ.9tori. no,5:152-164 158, (JGRA 12:5) B78MY Eamestitell glavnogo inzhenera KiWb7shevgidrostroya. Volga Hydroelectric Power Station--Concrete construction) 11 /,~ .. L-' ~ - -1, 11 - TRIGERS NOLO,- inzh, Rate of concrete vork at the Mqbyshev Hydro Project. Gldr. strol. 27 no.1:12-18 Ja 158. (KIR& 11:2) (Kuybyshev Ilydroelectric Pover Station) (Concrete construction) A HOR: Triger, N.L., Engineer 98-1-3/20 TITLE# Progress in Pouring Concrete at the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Plant Construction Site (Dinamika betonnykh rabot na Kuybyshevgidrostroye) PERIODICALs Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1958, # 1, pp 12-18 (U33R) ABSTRACT: The article contains tables and graphs showing the quantity of concrete used for the different installations and the continuity of progress made at the construction site of the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Plant. Concrete work was started in 1953 at the lower sluices and at the station buildings, in 1954 at the spillways and the upper sluices. Of the 7,366,550 ou m of concrete used by 1 July, 1957, 6,898,200 cu m or 93.6% was used for the con- struction of hydrotechniqal installations, as shown in table 1. It took 40 months to pour the concrete for the station build- ing and 24 months for the upper sluices. Both the maximum and average monthly figures as well as the daily volumes of con- crete poured at the Kuybyshev construction site compare fa- vorably with other Soviet or foreign hydrotechnical construc- Card 1/2 tions, as shown in fig. 7. 98-1-3/20 Progress in Pouring Concrete at the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Plant Construction Site .. I*- There are 2 graphs and 9 tables. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 212 .4 L J_3206-oo ACC NR, AP6002358 SOURCE CODE: UR/O:!07/65/000/006/0058/0064 AUTHOIL- A, -(Moscow); S4V9dghMk Rukhadze 9,_Yjj_(TvToscow); Triger,. . SA,(Mos cow) ORG: none TITLE: Method of geometrical optics for fourth-order differential equations relevant to low- frequency plasma oscillations SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i teklinicheskoy fizikl, no. 6, 1965, ~1;8_64 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, differential equation, geometric optics, approximatioi. method ABSTRACT: The authors investigate a general fourth-order equation arlsingfor small oscil- lations of a nonhomogoncous plasma in an external magnetic field without consideration of dissipative processes in the first approximation of geometrical optics with red coefficients. Asymptotic solutions of this equation with an accuracy up to the first-order terms are obtained! and quasiclassical rules of quantization are establ.shed for various specific cases. A new vibration spectrum characteristic only for an Inhornogeneous plasma in a magactic field is determined by the theory developed. In conclusion, authors thank Y,_P, , h %JILI w o aided in the development of the concepts on the Joining of tho quasiclassical solutions, as well as YR, N. Dnestrovski-v and D. P. Kostomaroy for a discussion of the work and critical comments. Orig. arf. lim: 3 figures and 21 foE-m-ulas. SUB CODE: 12,_ 20 / SUBM DATE: 03Mar65 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 004 TRIGER V.A.. SYNCMK, A.N.; PLO7111KOVA, D.V. Activity of transaminase and protein fractions of the blood in-.myocardial Infarction. Vrache delo no,1:13-17 Ja'64 i (MIRA 170) 1 jGo italinaya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. V.A. s 35 Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo instituta. TrIger TRIGERp V.A., prof. Angina pectoris syndrome in bronchial asthma. Vrach. delo no.12: 37-40 D 161. (KI i-A 15: 1) 1. Goopitalinaya terapevticheskaya klinika Chernovitskogo meditsil;- skogo instituta. (ANGINA PECTORIS) (ASTHMA) JRI'!~ ~V.Aq prof.; ZIATKOVSKAYAt G.I*p kandomed*nauk Liver fimetion in choleo7otitio. Vrach. delo no.23-53-56 F 161. (MIRA 140) 1. Gospitaltnaya terapevticheokaya Winike Chernovitskogo medito. sinskdgo instituta. (LIM) (ULL BIADDER--DISFASES) goo 00 see 0 00 9-i-9 i"'i 0 0000 10400, 0 03; M v;j Ult Jim up Njon't at) a a I a An AiWj4k41 EvahzUen of K"-ftning Tompriatur". K. I. T2rj -K-- T IN . , V 73, so a!. 57 014). 11- with-torn p""411 a "-0-1 P,r IN.J. "W414tell hy as-4416'r IN, flu 4 11"Idwil J,qI"g ill "WAS 4 A-21. I% AMwtI. TIK- ".Illai our- *.-If With 1116W. -114 ltill"I IW WWT IIWtI"0A WO IIW 11M1.141.01 111141).4% hw "It. 11111.00tit phtili"A U111,11 pff-I "SMIJI. 1-4-rollf,~L r. :I~ ;71 AA L 1 0 CM 0 0 9 1 9 Ill I A3 0 3 4 1 U 9 to I, It it K U it Kw la 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4D 0 0 41 0 0 010 0 Is to 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 STIM610600000:49 oooo::*Oo 00o00 : 0 logos 000 00 4 0*94 0*004 so 6 0 -00 -010 -00 -00 see zoo roe co 6 go Is 400 so$ us 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 4 1y U It a) 210 a X ig P - 20 V It U 0 N I V 1 s , -- A 0 X 1 im # J M 0 A 1 4 7 . _ 00 A[ - - __ . , ~ IxP A~! 0 A fj ~#Vj!j _ - - ~ 1 r !A1 : -.- -_ ! -00 ~ *0 00 .00 0* 2 Olleftflnil rr"WrUft of Crown Dinjis Brick. Experi. -so A 0 -111 10-uOtI411 Od F01`11119tiOn G1 ThMAs VurinX O h ti Di i : ver ea nsis Bv ng of cli. (in Russian.) 1. S, K&j~ 0 narskii and V. D. TO ter. Ogneacpary (Refractories), 1 14 19 M '1 I -00 of g : V. .22 1J. ay 9 41). p. , -00 . V oo Describes simple experimental methxi for deter- 1111111110 . mining tendency of above refractory to el.ngstv so a during heating to a temperature of 1720'C. Speci. mens from 13 different Soviet factories were tested for relative elongation. Effects of different coin- ponents and of temperature Increase wert. thor- see oughly investigated. Test data are tabulated. it* 0 zo 0 goo A I X - I L AMETALLULIGICAL LITERATUR11 CLAIIW&CATICid 14144i) kit 0- 0411 T V F__iF U 9 LV g' 1% W trivet* Men gig 01"n Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 :10 : 0 0 * * a 0 0 * 0 0 0 OT440 0 0 ~ 0 * * 0 too too* toes Aft a If 2 1 )IF M 9 A 0 3 0 V Ila A I is Is 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 4 a a ACC NRI APG026986 SOURCE: CODE: UR/0084/66/000/008/001.210013 AUTHOR: Arbuzov, N. (Candidate of technical sciences); Tr jgqni,-.'V..' (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE-: The vi;llage airfield-what it should be like SOURCE: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, no. 8, 1966, 12-13 TOPIC TAGS: airfield, agriculture, helicopter, aircraft, chemical spray, rural airfield, village airfield ABSTRACT: The tasks of agricultural aviation for the Soviet Five-Year plan are outlined, and two types of airfields designed to serve as bases for agricultural aviation aircraft and helicopters specialized in chemical spraying are described. the first type is a permanent airdrome with facilities for stationing, servicing, and supplying agricultural aviation aircraft; the second is an airstrip type of airfield designed for seasonal operation only. Both types were designed by the "Aeropro'yekt". Diagrams showing the dimension layout of airfields, runways, .lCard 1/2 FACt NR AP6026986 approach obstructions, and chemical safety zones are presented. The source quotes the state plan as calling of 25, 000 agricultural airfields of which one third will be permanent airfields and two thirds seasonal. It is estimated that by 1970 i35 million hectares of cultivated land.will be serviced by the agricultural aviation. Orig; art. has: 5 diagrams and 4 photos. [KP] SUB CODE: 01 /SUBM DATE: none/ ICard 2/2 GORETSM, L.I.;.TRIGOHI,.V-jp,-. - Experimental study of the effectiveness of panel hGatir,,- in sections of industrial enterpriseB* Vodo! manstekhe no*4: 8-10 Ap 160, (MIM 13: 6) (Radiant beating) WRETSKIY, Leorild I-asid. t-~rkhl.. rlaLLki IIIM-Ti I KOVY I A . 1 0-1 V.Yf, . ka-Al naui, pa,.Ichn. red. 71.r -G NIP [Theory and of cfvimtccnevrAo j--nvrjmtmLo sub,joct to teriperall,uri~ ne-,tJoril Tjorliti i raschet toewerfto- .TTij Tia betcn%vkii poj~j- Transport, 1965. 283 p. 1 -0 TRIGORLOV, G.I. Device for the repair of* the barlast section. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.10:28-30 163. (MIRA 16312) 1. Zamentitell nachallnika distantsii, Tomsk. -..pIG0RIY`% Y.F., Treating tuberculosis of the cervtcal lymh nodes. Khirurglia Supplement:60-61 157. (MM 11:4) (LYMPHATICS-TUBERCULOSIS) LIVA NOVt M.N.1 TSYPIN, A.B,,- TRIGORIYUL-1114A.; KHRUSHCHEVI V.G.; '~, --,-STEPANOV, S.M.; ANAN1iii,--V.M. (Moskva) 1, Effect Of an a-lectrcmagnetic field on the bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex in rabbitoo Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no. 63-67 my 160. (MIRA 13;12) 1. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR,,V.V, Parinym. (ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES.-PHYS IOL40GI CAL EFFECt) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) TRIGUBOV, I.V. Characypristice of1he direction sensitivit7 method in summation having nonlinear cophasal axes. gaz 2 no.12:11-17 159. of the controlled directional of recordings of seisriic waves Izv.vya.ucheb.zav.; neft' i WIRA 13:5) 1. Moskovski7 institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovo3r promyshlennOBti imeni a)mdemika I.M.Gubkina. (Seismic waves) TRIGUB2 A.A., in?,h. Modernization of the powor supply system for the A-547r nemi- automatic equilment. Svar. proizv. no.9:39 S 165. (MIRA 18!9) 1. Kazanskiy zavod "Serp i molot". SOV/ 1,35-3 0 -11-16/26 AUTHOR: Trigub, A.A., Te,-hni,---ian TITLE- -9-1--~Iliau~omatic Welding of Bod) Suspen4ions PERIODICAL- Svarochnoy,~.- proi-7vod.-3tvo, 1959, Nr H, , I)p 35-16 (USS11) ABSTRACT: At the Kazan" Plant, "Sr~rp i molot" inanufacturing suspension cable ways, the process of i(-miautomati-- *e1ding of body suspension Vras developed (Fig 1). Fur this ptirpo~;L, Wiv su-spansion is placed into the gra-sp-~; of' an cdging macbme (Fig 2). Th-71- wt~ldln-, is pcrfonned by EL 8PMir.1Ut01T1at4 machine, Type PDSIA11-500, which ii fed from a rl..r,. generator PS-300, Conditions of welding are: Curront intensity 300-3501 a (reverse polarity); are voltage 34-40 v; electrode- wire brand Sv--08, 1.6-2 imn in diameter; flux brand AN-348A with 0.25-- 1.6 iran corn size., At the Plamt, a number of other rLinufactured units such as ti+-6 for four-wheel vehicles, rockirg shoe pivots, deviating shoea et~:-, are mechani~-ally welded. At present, prE.- Card 1/1 paratory work for introducium the automatic welding of four-wheel vehicle body is ~,arried out. There are 3 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Kaznnslciy zavod "Se-rp i molot" (Kazan' Plant "Serp i molot") -A'RdMMCHIUV,~'~.-, TRIGUBM,11~,__ In the struggle for economv. Stroitell no.11:19-20 N '57. (MM 10:12) l.Nachallnik Upravleniya nachaltnika rabot - 774 CUM-774] tresta Sverdlovskpromstror (for Artemehik). 2.Nachallnik planovogo otdila Upravleniya nachallnika rabot - 774 [UNR-7741'tresta Sverdlovskpromstroy (for Trigub). (SverdlOVBk--Construction industry--Accounting) BiiitHKO, A.; TRIGUB. I. Business accounting is the basis of success. Sov. profsoiuz.7 6 no.1:65-67 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) l.Predsedatell postroyechnogo kom1teta stroitellnogo upravleniva NO-774 (for Bareshko). 2. Nachallnik planovogo otdola stroitelinogo No.774 (for Trigub). (Bricklaying) TRIGUB I A Some suggestion8 tonaerning a further irerease in the efficiency of construction. Trudy MIEI no-15441-W 161. (IAIRA 14.- 12 ) 1. ITachallnik planovogo otdela stroitellnogo upravleniya No.774 tresta No.89 Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhoza. (Sverdlovsk--Zonstruction industry) ARTHKCHIK, N.A.; TRIOR. I.A.; SWMIN, Ye.A. [Accounting in the construction industry; practices of UNR No.774 Building Trust Ho.69, Sverdlovsk Economic Councill KhodaistvenAyi raschat v stroitelinom upravlenii; is opyta raboty'UHR No.7.74 Stroitresta No.89 Sverdlovskogo novuerkhoze. Hookya, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhit. i stroit.materia- lam. 1960. 67 P. (HIRA 14:4) (Construction industry-Accounting) S nELEV, N.P., inzh.-,; TRIGH, M.Yu., inzh.; POPOVA, I,X., inzh. Economic efficiency of the use of multiple-pin-pose attachments with interchangeable parts. Sbor. at. NIITIAZIIMASHa Urtilinaahzavoda no.4:134-142 164. (MIRA 17i12) ZHELYABIN, Ae;,TRIGUB, N.; RUSANOV, S. Striving for the title'of the enterprire of commmint labor. W4kers of the Bolshevo Mixed Feed Plant. Workers of the Orenburg Sack Repairing Shop. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.120-6 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Momkovskoye upravleniye khleboproduktov (for Zhelyabin). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Bolshevskogo kombikormovogo zavoda (for Trigub). 3. Orenburgskoye oblastnoye upravleniye khleboproduktov (for Rusanov). NIZIOBIN, M.; TRIGUB, N. ...... Expand the production of mixed feed to meet the growing devands for livestock. Muk.elev.prom, 23 n0-9:17-18 S '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Upravlaniye mukomollno-krupyanykh i kombikormovykh predpriyatiy Hinisterstva khleboproduktov SSSR. (Yeed mills) TRIGUB. It. I. Treatment of children with Dhthirazid and PAS during the early period of primary tuberculous infection (with smmmaz7 in Yreachl. Probletub, 35 no-7:60-66 157, (HIRA 11:2) 1. Is detskogo otdalaniya dispensernogo sektora Institute tuberku- laze AMN SSSR (dir. Z.A.Lsbedeva) (TUBERCULOSIS, in inf. and child ther., isoniazid & PAS in primary complex) TRIGUB, H.I. V,- Symposium on early chemotherapy and chemoprophylexis of tuberculosis in children and adolescnetse' Probl,tub- 36 no;6su5-ll9 158 (KIRA 11:10) (TUBERCULOSIS) F'r,)--,cnged Ith first siGns of 1.ube~-,~u,Jn 3163. 5) 1. lz dlsFan:3c-,,n,.;g,) e:~, A ~J; te t PARFEINOVA, I.P.j. doktor med.nauk;-TIRIGUB, N.I.,, kandoted.nauk Early drug therapy and chemical prevention of tuberculosis in children and adolescents. Vop. okh. miat. i det. 6 no.]D:23-29 0 161. OMM 14:11) 1. Iz dispansernogo selctora Instituta, P14N SSSR (dir. - chlen- korrespondent AM SSSR trof. N.A.Shmelev). (TUBERCULOSIS-PREVENTION) Al P.. 0/0139/64/000/003itOO03/0006 !ACCESSION NRt AP4041842 'AUTHORSs Trikbanova, No Vo r Sbdhanint Pe Mo TITLEx Simulation of particle motion in crossed electric and maV netic fields ISOURCE: IVUZ. Fizikat no. 3, 1964,' 3-6 IR .7 lv~; TOPIC TAGSt accelerator magnotic.fields particle accelerator# cyclic accelerator, analog.,computer,* particle trajectory 4 ABSTRACT: The crossed field's in question,arise when it im desired netic field on injectedi to compensate for the effect of the stray mag particles by applying an electric field. since the action of the croosed field in difficult to evaluate analytically, the particle ri motion was simulated with the aid of an IPT-5 analog computer* Both: electric and magnetic fields" are variable along the direction of mo.- :I ition of the particles. The;choice oUthe scale factors# initial con-"- 1/5 7 ACCESSION NRs AP4041842 ditions, and transfer coefficients is discussed. Attempts to im- particles by varying the die- :Prove the output parameters of the !.-,,~tribution of the electric field are described. The analog computer was also teed to determine the tolerances for the stability of the. lelectric field and I.-he particle energy. These were found to be 110 7' for the energy and �001%tfor the field. Trajectories of the I particles which have different initial conditions at the input are determined. it is noted in conclusion that in spite of thq errors due to the instability of operation of the analog computer' elements it is possible to rapidly obtain with the computer data on both the particle parameters and on the optimal input unit-.parameters. origo ::w art. hass 4 figures, 4 formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt NIX Yadernoy fiziki pri Tomakom politekhnicheakom iinstituteimeni B. M, Kirova'(Scientiil. lic Research k"titute of Nuclear' cs at the'.Tomak Folytechnic*Ynstitute) hysi 2 ACCESSION NRt lisUBMITTEDs 03jarqT* ENCLt 02 I.SUB CODEs UP UR REP SOVs 003 OTHERt 000 . ftm=,o!m MOR,"Y"if I I -: NEW= Mr n jWMI(M NRI AP4041642 Block diapxwn of Rm&l > anplifiers 19-2 opezuticnal 39 40 6 - variable coefficient blockq plocks congtant coeffiaLent 1 69.7 remaiction block 4/6- -TtTIA7 -~- -~, A'PCUSICN SRI AP404 1842 02., PuticU trajw4=y aM of PartlcU anguiw-djreciUnvwatfg" of ard 29006 S/020/61/140/004/005/025 C111/C444 AUTHORt JLZAh~-~ TITLEt Approximation of functionB by polynomials with integral. coefficients PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Doklady, v,. 140, no, 4, 1961, 773 - 775 TEXTs Considered is the approximation of functions by polyno- mials k Qn(x) ckx k=U with integer coefficients. Theorem 13 If f(x) is continuous on jc-~', 1 - then for 2 arbitrary n it holds e (f, I S) inf T 'axjf(x) 0 + 2n n, (x)1 En En a _ jso-"j 0 where max (1, 1 2t~ Card 1/5 2 1 + 2 cS '(1 2 9u06 S/020/61/140/004/005/023 Approximation of functions.- C111/C444 and En being the best approximation by arbAtrary polynomials. This theorOm improves a result of Kuztm4-n - Kantorovich (Ref.6: L. V, Kantorovich, Izv, ANSSSR, MEN, !163 (193!). 44 Theorem 2: If f(x) possesses on [a, b) (b - a < 4) a continuous derivative of r-th order (r inte qr >, 0) with the continuity modulus L,;(h).,, and if its derivatives f(Vq )(x) (v - 0,,,..,,r) vanish in all on fa~ b) zeros cf a polynomial X(x) (max IX(x)l 4 1). then there a~. xi~ b exis-~s for every n a polynomial Q n(x) with integer coefficients such that for x C la,, b] and v = Oj- , f M (X) - 41C0) (X) C, n n %-,,here Crdoes not depend on xand n. Theorem 21t Assume that f(x) possesses on a contLnuous deri- vative of r-th order with the continuity mo~ulu'.9,.,(h). In order E,(f;1L-1,,1j1)