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USSR/Physical Chemistry Crystals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - 1(himiya, No 1, 1957, 262 Author; Andriyevskiy, A. I., and Tryets - D Institution: Lvov Polytechnical Institute Title: Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Conductivity of the Cu2O-Ni2O3 System Original Periodical: Dokl. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, Vol 1, No 2, 13-18 Abstract: The temperature dependence of the conductivity a-of samples obtained by sintering a mixture of :25% Ni 0 and 75% Cu2O was investigated. The linear function of lg(T = f( J~Tj shows 2 breaks -- One at 14o0 and one at 2300. The energy of activation in the region below 1400 is 0-7 ev; in the region 140-:2300, 0.907 ev; and in the region 230-3000) 1.106 ev. The material is composed for utilization in the construc- tion of thermistors. Carl 1/1 8h565 S/11V60/000/016/003/003 (103rl ll,?tl 11V-3) A005/AOOl Translation from: Referativnyy zhurmal, Elektrotekhnika, 1960, No. 16, P. 31, # 5.8741 AUTHORS: AndriYevski_y,_A. I., Trettlyak, I. D. TITU.- p VY ~Temperature De endenc s of Semiconductor Thermo-Resistances of B4pary_Oxide Systems PERIODICAL- V. sb.z Poluprovodnik, termosoprotivlenlya. Moscow-Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 1959, plip. 82-95 TEXTI- The temperature behavior was investigated of-semiconductor thermo- resistances produced on the base of the systems BeO - CU20, M90 - Cu2O; Cao - Cu20; ZnO - Cu20; Mn02 - Cu2O; and N103 - Cu2O, It is found out that the specimens of the ZnO - Cu20 system have the specific resistance up to several thousand magohm at room temperature and a large value of the constant B (in the expression of the temperature dependence of resistange in k -A,, -F/r ) It the temperature range from the room temperature up to 55OuC, as well as a large negative transconductance of the volt-ampere-characteristio. The specimens of Card 1/2 84565 S/112/60/000/016/003/003 AOO5/AOO1 Temperature Dependences of Semiconduci;or-Thermo-Resistances of Binary Oxide Systems the KnO~ - Cu02 system have a specific res1stance of about 102 at room temperaT,ure. The value pf the specific resistance of the N'03 - Cu2O system is of the order of 1o5 - 100 at. room t-amperaturs. The resist&r-ce of this system is susceptible to the pressure of the surrounding air. Yu. M. Sh. Translator's nota. This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card r- In -0 4 ii I Z 4 IVA 't pas It HIM a ou go 2 Paj Ila jai 5 L iW all ill I [i;;ik Ila j LIT.,z 91 oil. -a ad! A a j 1.I A I w7 IN k~ , 7r, VI) Category : USSR/Electricity - Semiconductors G-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2) 1957., No 4192 Author :Andriyevskiy) A-P-,..n:etI , I.D. Title :Temperature Dependence of e ec ric Conductivity of the CU20-N12O3 System Orig Pub :Dokl- LIvovsk. politekhn. in-ta) 1955, 1, No 2, 13-18 Abstract :Specimens were prepared by pressing a mixture of 25% N12O and 75$ Cu201 followed by sintering in an oven for 60 minutes at 1020�~ 200. The electric conductivity(~' was measured in a vacuum at various tem- peratures with a Wheatstone bridge. The value of the activation energy, calculated froirt the temperature dependence ofcT-, is 0.700, 0.907 and 1.106 ev in the ranges of 50 -- 100, 150 -- 200, and 250 -- 30& respectively. Me therkma inertia of the specimen was measured by heating it in an evacuated tube to 3000 and cooling the tube with the specimen in 'water. It turned 6ut that the rate of change of specimen temperature, related to the tem3perature difference between the specimen and the surrounding medium at a given instant, was 0.44% per second. When Card 1/2 Category : USSR/Klectricity - Semiconductors G-3 Abs Jour , Ref Zhur - Fizilm, No 2, 1957, No 4192 the specimen was dropped into oil or vater., a voltage of unlmown origin, up to 30 mw., appeared across its electrodes. The authors believe that this specimen can be used as a thermistor to measure temperatures from 6o to 3000. Card : 2/2 t .-: /P i4 ',r--- t X~ 1 "FOP, Tretpdk, 1, D. M. (Yer--h 91- A. o' fl- 7-nC~--ReCj at not too hiqh texperat',res CY, 7_.V~yv. ITrAversvte', Prta=-,ra firylqr tverdolho tila (Problems in solid -t2.te pi-e-Ics j inc XIlLum oxide, (Aectric cond'vetivity, temperature de- TCPIC TAGS' 2: oyide, ~~r _L C- rid -? r. c e temperature dependence of electric conduc- ATOTPACT- Tlh,* auth-rs trvestlfst?d thp net' TRW 'YAK, Ivan Filippovicb; POPOVICHRM. Akim Petrovicb [Lupine and collective farm economy: practices of collective farms In Gbarnigov Province, Folasye). Llupin i skonomika kolkbozov; opyt kolkbosov Cbernigovskogo Poleslia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo salkhoz lit-ry. 1958. 39 p. (MIRA 12:1) (Chernigov Province--Lupine) USSW.Forestry. Forest Biology and Typology. J-2 Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 1957, 22549 Author : Tretyak, Yu-. D. inst : 0 Title : FTaitbearing European beech in the Ukrainian SSIR. Orig Pub: Nauch. tr. Lvov8k. lesotekhn. in-ta, 1954, 1, lo4-12o Abstract: Phenological observations and recording of fruit-bearing were conducted since 1916 in the Romanov forest collective in the Lvov region on types of fresh (?) beech and since 1947 in the Trans Carpathian oblast on types of fresh and moist beech. It 'was established that in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR the European beech begins bearing fruit comparatively early: in forests at 40-45 years of age, when in the open or on forest fringes -- 10 years earlier. From 1916 to 1951 inclu- sive there vere 10 abundant beech fruit-bearing years. Under optimal conditions for fresh and moist beech the quantity of Card 1/3 -5- USSR/Forestry. Forest Biology and Typology. Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol.., No 6y 1957, 22549 J-2 nUtS flUCtIULted between 3920 - 9132 pieces. (1951 was the most abuada:at.) The regularity of the nutfall by decades is alike on all the territory of the beech tree area. On the ave- rage, the natfall reaches a maximirn between the lst and 20th of October. The number of empty. or damaged nuts is comparative- ly small -- from 12 to 23.4%, and it decreases from the begin- ning to the end of dropping. Under natural conditions of western regions andSoviet Carpathia from November to May of the follow- ing year, from 57.9% to 88.4% of beech seeds am destroyed, main- ly because they are used as food by rodents and birds, and be- cause of rotting. A considerable part of spring beech sprouts is destroyed before autumn of the same year for reasons of an ecological and biological character, and prilagrily from late frosts. One of the measures directed toward restoration and in- crease of beech woodstands is the rational utilization of the abundance of beech fruit bearing. A number of measures are re- Card 2/3 -6- USSR/Forestry. Forect Biology and Typology. J-2 Abs Jcrur: Referat Zh-.Biol., No 6, 1957, 22-549 commended for rational utilization of beech nuts. Tables are furnished of data on blooming, fruit bearing, and the number of sprouts in'beech woodstands 100-126 years old, and a chart of fruit beari.'ag and the transition from sprouting to grovth. Card : 3/3 -7- 1. IJANK-UK, TF. k. , TIM-ITIML-ILL 2. uss'-q (60o) 4. Infants - Diceanet; 7. Treatment with svTiti-mycetin of krsentery ~md infant toxif-OsIr. VO-r nillat. re. 6 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Anril - 1953, Uncl. NAYMAU. Ye.A.;TJIETIYAK, L.K. Treatment with synthomycetin of djysenter7 and infant toxicosis. Vopr. pediat. 20 no.6:18-20 Nov-Dec 1952. (CLML 2):4) 1. Assistant, Candidate Medical Sciences.for Naymark; Assistant for Tretlyak. L NA)WARKp Ye. A.p TPETIXAK. -La--X.16 I USSR (600 A,. Dysentery 7, Treatment with syntilomycetin of dysentery and infant toxicosis. Vop. peiat. 20 no. 6: 1952 9. Monthl List of Eussian Accessions, Library of Congress, APril - 1953, Uncl. 1. NAYMA.F.K, YE. A.; TPFTYAF,, L. K. 2. ussR 6oo Is. Phamacology 7. Treatment with synthomycetin of dvsentei7 and infant toxicosis, Vop. pediat., 20, No. 6, 1952, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 4ril -1953, Uncl. TRETYAK,- MLAjL, Fanctional state of the cerebral cortex in dysentery in younger children. Pod., akush. i gin. 19 no.3:21-24 157. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Obdel profilaktiki i terapil. detskikh bolezuey (nauchnY7 rukovo- ditel - A.M. Xhvull) i fiziologichdakaya laboratorlya (nauchayy rukavoditell - Ye.S. Stallnenko) Ukrainskogo nauebuo-loaledovatellskogainstituta okhrany materinstva i detstva Im. Geroys Sovetskogo Soyuza prof. P.M. Buyko (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR N.D. Burova) na baze 2-y infektsionnoy bollnitay im. U.K. Krupelco-, (glavnyy vrach - A.A. Radik). (CMURAL CORTEX) (DYSXNTERY) y 19 1" uran and r", 1 1rtv - 21~_ u 1". R/H Ani. _bs Jour : Ref Yhur - Blol-, Nc, u %uth,~r : TretyF-k 1nst : --=-- - Title : lUe Functional .,';tat,2 the Cere-11-m! 2.~rtc-.~ iii 1-.Z.ZL Children vith -_ysentery- orig I'vo akusherstvo i j~bstr;=_-_t No abstract. Card 1/1 TRETYAKI M. A.: N;aster Med Sai (diss) --- "The problem of the functional of t1he cerebral cortex in dysantex7 of young children". Kiev, 19~39. 16 -p-p (Kiev Order of IAbor Red Banner Med Inst im Acad A. A. Bogomoletr), 200 copits M, No 17, 1959, 111) MOROZIUN, N.I.; BITEITBINDER, Ye.A.; PMVAGIILIaW, S.V.; BZRZZITITSI:mA, S.A.; LIKHTOROVICH, S.A.; MTIYAK, M.A. Seroprophylexis of influenza in childrenIq institutions and hospitals. Vop. virus. 5 no. 6:682-686 N-D 160. (MIRA 14-4) 1. Institut infektsiormykh bolezney AWI SSSR, Kiyev. (INFLUENZA) TRITYAK, M. I., Inzh. Assembling and moving headframes in the Krivoy Rog Basin- Shakht. stroi. 4 no.lOs26-28 0 160* (MIRA 1~:11) 1. Treat Krivbassrudetroys (Krivoy Rog Basin-Mine hoisting) ,2RWYAY., H.1- I.I.A.Yranko. .PhilosophicAl concepts Of n0.8:11-36 ,56. 1856-1916) (Franko, Ivan, Nauk-78P.Kiev.un. 15 (MLRA 10:7) (PhillOsOPhy) m - I--" I-- i; - I . . , 11~----- - - 1, OODIIEV, T. N., SITLYK, A. A., T13STIM, N.K. 2. USS9 (600) 4. Chromatophores 7. Role of phosphor in the structuxe of chIloroplast. Dok:L. AN SSS~~ 87, no. 3, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. 1. OODSVI T. H.0 SJILYK~ A. A., TR-PITIYAK, N. K. 2, USSR (600) .~. Phosphorus 7. Role of phosphor in the structure of choloroplast. Dokl. AN SM, 87, No. 3, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. S/169/62/000/002/002/072 D228/D301 AUTHOR: Tret ak N TITLE: ontemporary notions about the migration of the earth's poles PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 1962, 3, ab- stract W (Geologichniy zh., 21, no. 1, 1961, 57-65) TEXT: Questions connected with secular movements of the earth's geographic and magnetic poles are considered. The contemporary data of geologic, paleomagnetic, and paleoclimatic research corroborate the notions about the migration of the earth's poles. /-Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 BELYANKIN, Fedor Pavlovich(Bieliankin, F.P.1; KOVALENKOI A.D., akademik, otv. red.; TRETYAK, 0.11.1 red.; LISOVETSt, O.M.[Lysovets"O.M.31 tekhn. red.- [Effect of gravitation of the moon and sun on crustal tectonic processes]Tek-tonichni protsesy v zemaii kori pid gravitatsiirjym vplyvom Miziatsiia ta Sontsia. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR 1962. 51 p. (MM 15:121 1. Akademiya. nauk Ukr. SSR (for Kovalenko). (Earth-Surface) (Gravitation) i~'9'5`7', 7~-66 E~~r(M)/EWP(O/W(b) UP(e) J)DAT AA ~_C NR% AP5027445 SOURCE CODE: UR/0101/65/067 Oll 3451 3452 OR: Karkhaniny Yu. L; Tre!y4k, 0. V. U, ORG: Kiev State, Unive:rsil im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy gasudarstvannyy univer- sitet) TITM Photocurrent oncillations in high-resistance GaAs SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 11, 1965, 3451-3452 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, photoconductivity TRACT, Low-frequer ce BS fy electTical oscillations are observed when high-impedan A opecAlmens of gallluml~r.senidi'htre illuminated by monochromatic light in the 1.2 p re- gion. These oscillations arise at several critical temperatures and applied poten- tial differences. The curve for photoconductivity as a function of wavelength shows three clearly expressed maxima at energy levels of approximately 1.4, 1.02 and 0.75 ev. The first maximum is probably due to interband transitions, while the other two are apparently caused by oxygen impurities in the specimens. Current voltage curves show a clearly expressed region of negative resistance. Low-frequency photocurrent oscillations are always observed In this region. The frequency of these oscillations at a temperature of -900C Is 17 cps. A typical oscillogram of the oscillations is given. When the temperature Is reduced to -1000C, the oscillations become strongly Card 1/2 J L! It- ~_tt L 9577-M ACC NRg AP5027445 asymmetric and the frequency drops to 0.2-5 cps. The frequency of the oscillatiorm increases with the wavelength of the incident light In the negative resistance region. The threshold voltage for the oscillations increases vith temperature. These oscil- lations are apparently due to two types of centers with different relaxation times. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l4Jun65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REr: 000 ?.MPTITAK P-To. (2reenovokiy rayon. Severo-Kiqzakhstanskv~ nlj~qstq). Protecting shallow lnkes from freezing through. 7~riruda L-4, no-6:107-108 Je '57. (WIRA -!C,:7; (Ice on rivers, lakes, ate.) -;/'.'I. (_1i ,.,jI,, /. 'I ,I TRBTIYAK P a (a. Arkh ngelkn, Preenovskiy rayon, Severo-Kn%Akh- 2jL p M era n"et "ayftb 1 a at i ) The fox nnd the muskrat. Prirodn 44 no.8:114-115 Ag '55. (KLTIA 8: 10) (Kazakhstan-Foxes) (Mzakhatan-Ruskrats) PARKHOMENKO, N.M.; SHINKEVICH, N.P.; TRETIYAK. P.Ye. Curative value of Snezhinka Lake. Wop.kur., fizioter.i lech.fiz. kul't. 27 no.2:169 Mr-Ap 162 iSNEZHINKA LAKE) (MIRA 15:11) (KAZAKHSTAN PROVINCE-BATHS, WOR AND KJD) SHNCHUKI B.G.j VAYSFELID., M.I.; TRETIYAK.,_S.S. Solubilitr in the ffystems L12SO4 - Zn304 - H20 and BeSO4 ZnSO 1120 at 350. Zhur. neor~. khim. 7 no.8:1990-1993 Ag I ~ -g, 9 (MIRA 16:6) I.,Poltavskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut, kafedra kbikii. (Syatems(Chemistry)) (Solubility) KATSNELISON, S.M., kand. teklin. nauk; LYUBLIN, I.Sh., inzh.; TRET.IYAKI.T.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHIPITSIN, M., inzh. Inverter transformer with increased frequency. Elektrotekhnika 36 no.7; 3-6 JI '65. (MIRA 18:7) ACC-'N*Rt-'- -(-A-jM) AP6021791 SOURCE CODE: INVIE'NTORS: Nikolayev, G. A.; Tretlyakp T. P. ORG: none TITLE: A device for the automatic repetitive triggering of a self-triggering in- verter. Class 21, No. 182792 Lrainnounced by Ural Biranch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Tranriportation (Urallskoye otdoleniye Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta zholeznodorozhnogo transporta)2 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki) no. 12, 1966, 56-57 TOPIC TAGS: trigger circuit, automatic regulation ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for the automatic repetitive triggering of a self-triggering inverter which contains a capacitor and a controlled rectifier. The device is used for triggering the inverter and is designed to in- crease its reliability and response time. A capacitor, the-output of a rectifying bridge which is fed from a separate winding of the grid transformer of the inverter, a regulated discharge resistance, and a circuit containing the source of the negative grid bias connected in series to a thyratron (see Fig. 1). are connected in parallel to the grid-cathode circuit of the triggering rectifier. UR/O/,13/66/000/012/0056/005'7~ UDC: TRMIYIK, T.P., nzh. From duty at the station to duty at home. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no. 12:1-4 D 160. (MEU 14:1) (Ilectric railroads--Subetations) YEMIN, P.P.; TRETSYAK. T.P. Our results and reserves for further economizing of electric energy. RlekA topl.tiaga 4 no.1:4-6 Ja 160. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Glavrqy inzhener sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Sverdlov- skoy dorogi (for Yeperim). 2. Glavnyy inzhener sluzhby elaktrifi- kateli, 1, energeticheskogo khossyaystva Sverdlovokoy dorogi, (for Tratlyukov). (Electric railroads-Cost of operation) X(ffWR,AP70OO322 SOURCE CODE: uR/0413/66/000/022/0060/0060 INVENTOR: Katanellson, S. M.; Koahchbyev, L. G.; Tretlyak, T. ORG: none TITLE: Converter. Class 21, No. 188566. (announced by the Ural Bra3 of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railway, Transportation (Urallskoye otdcleniyc Voeooyuznogo nauchno-issledovateltakogo institute zhelcznodorozhnogo transports)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyahlennyye obraztay, tovarayye znaki, no. 22 1966, 6o TOPIC TAGS: nonrotary electric power converter ABSTRAC The proposed converter contains several autonomous inverters operating in parallel and synchronized by the action on their grid con- trol systems. To simply the control system and to increase its relia- bility the inverters are self-controlled with phase-shifting RC or RL circuits in the grid control systems. A resistor is included between the connection points of elements of the 'phase-shifting circuits of neighboring inverters Origs art. has: I figure. Card ACC NRI AP7000322 71 Fig. 1. Converter .2 z I 2 z I - Autonomous inverters 2 - phase-shifting circuits 3 - resistance. SUB CODE: iOD9/ SUBM DATE: 09Feb65 Ccrd 212 ACC NR: AP6012118 SWRCE CODE: U11/0413/66/000/ffl/0028/0029 1.1u"'..?: Wlt--nollson S. M.; Trotlyak, T. F. none Za'nnouncod by All-Union Scientific "ITL---: Parallal inverter.-' Class 217 No. 180245 Research Institute of"Railroad Tran3portation (Urttl Branch) (Vaosoyuznv-j nauchno- issledovatollskiy inatitut zholo-.nodorozlinogo transporta (Urallskoye otdoloniyo))-7 SOURCE: Izobrotoniya, proqrshlonnyyo obraztsy, tovariVyo znaki, no. 7, 1966, 28-29 TOPIC TAGS: gqsrectifter., electric inverter Nx'~~ ADSTRACT: This Author Gertificate presents a parallel inverter of controllable ion rectifiers. It contains a switching capacitor, saturable reactors connected in ser1kes in the rectifier anode circuits, and damping RC circuits. To reduce '.he probability of reverse triggering and to improve the reliability of operation, the switching capacitor is connected between the saturable reactors. The reactors are of -Lhe autotransformer type to whose taps the load is connected (see Fig. 1). Clard 1/2 UDC2 621.314.572 L 08995-67 III ACC NRs AP6a2ll8 controllable ion rectifiers; Fig. 1. 1 - 2 - switching capacitor; damping 3 - saturable reactors; RG circuits; 5 - load O,ig. art. has; 1 diagram* SUB COM: ()q/ SUBM DATE: oqFeb65 not -,JRET I UK 0 T. P. Changes in the blind spot-and ocular fundua In patients with hypertnesion as a ronsequence of biotron treatment. Vrach. delo 4:21-26 AP 162. (MIF1 15:5) 1. Kiyevskaya oblastnaya bollnitsa. (RETINA-DISEASES) (HYPERTENSION) (CLIMATOLOGY, MEDICAL) TRETIYAK, T. P., inzh. (Sverdlovsk) Improving the d.c. electric traction systems. Zhel. dor. tranap. 45 no.1:34-37 Ja t63. (KDU 16.4) (Electric railroade-Current supply) TRETIYAK. T.P. Dynamics of angioscotomas in hypertersion patients treated in the biotron. Vrach. delo no-4:42-48 Ap'63. (MIR-4 16:7) 1. Kafedra oftallmologii (zav.-dotsent T.I.Gerasimenko) Kiyev- skogo instituta usoverahenstvovaniya vrachey i biotron Kiyevskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy. (M,TMTEI',-SIOV) (SCOTCRA) (CLIMATOLOGY, 12DICAL) L 25459-66 EWA(h)/EWT(l) ACC NRi APGOU213 SOURCE CODE: /000/006/0046/0047 UR/0413/66 INVENTOR: Katsnellson, S. N.; Nikolayev,-G. A.; Tretlyak. T. P.' ORG: none TITLE: A singlel-base relaxation bridge inverter. Class 21, No. 179833 [announced by rtmen -e (Urallskoye -Ural Depa Mntific Research Institute of R4ilway Transportatio otdeleniye.4-nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 46-47 TOPIC TAIGS: electric inverter, electric filter, electronic rectifier ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a single-phase relaxation bridge in- verter with an inductance-capacitance filter at the input. The inductive reactance in the tank circuit is connected between a group of rectifiers and the filter capacitor. The filter capacitor and the inductince in the tank circuit are used for switching off the inverter in emergency conditions. The emergency disconnection speed is increased and the fixed power of the disconnection equipment is reduced by using two additional controlled rectifiers. The inductive reactance in the tank circuit is divided into two sections and one of the controlled rectifiers is connected in parallel with this reactance while the other rectifier is connected in parallel with the filter capacitor and me section of the reactance. UDC: 621.314.572,025. .1i.621.3,16.9 Card 112 1*01-MM A! M -MIS-0, IN- Ma W b k ,1--input inductance; 2--filter capacitor; 3--inductive reactance of the tank circuit; 4--rectifier group of the inverter; 5--additional controlled rectifiers; 6--section of the inductivereactance in the tank circuit SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 09Feb65/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REE: 000- --Card GORGIYEV, T.B.; ROZEIZSHTLMI, A.M.;_TRETIYAK, T.T. Simplifying and improving the bacteriological diagnosil; of the carriing of Sal=nella. Lab. delo 7 no.12-34,36 D 961. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskir institut epidemiologiip mikrobiologii i gigiyeny, Zaporoobskay'algorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya i Zaporozhakaya gorbdskaya sanitarno-baktoriologichaskaya laboratoriya. (SALMONELLA) USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Silicatefl. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 2. 1957) 5281 Author: Denyakin., Z., Tretlyak, V., Ugo:Llkova, N. Imstitution: None Title: Use of Sand with Clayey Inclusions in the Production of Silicate Bricks Original Publication: Stroit. materialy, izdeliZra i konstrukti3ii, 1956, No 5, 26-27 Abstract: There is proposed the following technology of utilization of sand vith clayey inclusions: frcm clay, separated from the sand by means of a vibratory screen of special design, is produced, in a continuous operation propeller mixer, a clay suspension which is then uniformly combined, in an identical mixer, with lime and sand. Card 1/1 13MKIN, Z., doteent; TRFT'YAK, V.; UGOL'KUVA. M. . - ii~ , ~- Using sands having clayey, Impurities in the production of silica brick. Stroi.mat.. izdel.i konstr. 2 no.5126-27 9y '56.(XLRL 9:8) 1. Voronezhakiy inzhenerno-straltellnyy inatitut (for Denyakin); 2. GlavW inzhener Yoronezhakogo zavods, silikatnogo kirpicha (for Tretlyak); 3. Nacha1'nIk_qgel& tekhaicheskogo kontrolya. (for Ugollkova). (Bricks) (Sand) RUSOV, M.T., dol-tor khtm.nauk; SIDOROV, I.P., kand.tekbn.nauk; STRELITSOV, O.A., kand.khim.nauk; KURKCHI, G.A.- TEETTAK V G.- KORYAKIWL, Te.T. Macrokinatics of the catalytic synthesis of anmonia at high pressures in a recirculation system. Trudy GIAP no-7:101-120 '57. (Ammonia) (catalysis) (14IRJI 12:9) TRETIYAK, V.G., I- An appraoch to the problem of tha 17.11ging of an infinite strip in shearing. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; av.tekh. 6 no.3:51-53 163. (NIRA l6j1O) TRETIYAK, V.G. [Tretiak, V.H.) (Rharlkov) Natural vibrations of rectangular plates of variable thickness under asymmetric boundary conditions. Px7k:L. makh. 9 no-4:381-386 163. (~gRA 16:8) 1. Kharlkovskoye vyosheye inzhonernoye aviatsionnoye uchilishche. ACCFSSION NA: AP3007041 S/0147/63/0001003/0051/0053 IAXYT OR: -Tretlyak, V. G. tMjE: On one approac to e problem. of the shear-protluced buckling in camber jof a.n:infinite strip 1SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 3, .1963, 51-11,3' TOPIC TAGS: shell, thin shell, strip, infinite strip, 'thin strip, buckling, buckling n camber, camber, buckling due to shear, 'shear buckling, buckling in shear, ,approximate method, variational method !ABSTRACT: This theoretical paper attempts a gene ralization,91 Prof. S. N. Kan's ,calcx~lation method for shells to the calculation of the formation of a transverse :camber (buckling) in an infinite strip. The problem is examined in linearized form. The material of the strip is assumed to be ideally elastic and homogeneous. The usual hypotheses of the theory of thin piates are made. The. position of the plate in ,space is staied in terms of the Cartesian coordinates* X0 .Y)Iand z. A displacement the plate in th i6n of the z axis is tof the points of the middle surface of qe direct designated w. The dimensions of a plate of constan't thickness. .6 are shown in Fig. .,I (EncL). The long sides of the infinite strip ~re be freely supported, ; Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP3007041 d .~The formation of waves with inclined nodal lines, is ta, en from -experimental ~ta - jreported by S. P. Tim6shenko. The curved surlac6 id de dc ribed -by Eq. (1) whidh, r by means of the va-riational Euler equation, i (1) is employed to -develop a system of homo- Y) b b geneous differential equations with con- stant coefficients 4 d4 W, 0; ~4_'VILX) 2 i6 d'V,, b dX? b (X) Db, -41 d472 W 07., (x)+ 4q, 16 'C'T?) d7i (.;o 2 (21)' . - 2 (X) +"-. t. ~- 0, d,4 6 dx2 b .3 1rom which a cha'racteristic: equation is obtairx6d for plateswith*any desired length/ !width ratio. A solution is sought for the critical.'stress. that leads to a buckling iinstability, and an expression is obtained therefor: (5) 12 (1 ~where k=,5.37. The exact solution of the problem for. an ini.initely'long strip with Card 2 ~AC:CtSSION NR: AP3007041 1freiel' su :orted edges (Timobhenko) yieldsk 5.35. The error of the author's Y, PLP :solution amounts to 0.3716 (the error incurred in the approximate. solution provided !,by Timoshenko amounts to 6.5%). Thus, the use of the variational method affords *a substantially accurate approximate solution,- providt!d,that the boundary'conditions !of the flexure functions in the direction of the y-axi are satisfied. The method set iforth here can be employed for plates with other i~-support conditions and can -also be*used in the calculation of a cylindrical shell for buc.kling resulting from the action of torsional moments applied at the faces. Okig. art. has I figure and 5 numbered equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 30Jan63 DATE ACQ*.' '070et.63 ENG L: 0 1 -'SUB ~GODE: AP NO REF SOV, .001 OTHER: 001 Card 4 A. ENCLOSURE: .ACCE.SSION NR: AP3007041 cr -.r4 .0 e, - D L Fig. 1. 'Card 4/4 52" i-leri ver, allu t t"0 I reletionships her si my ~-d and the ot TRF,TIYPX, V.G. (Khartkov). Effect of boundary conditions during the lose of stability of structurally orthotropic cylindrical shells. Prikl. makh. I no.5ill-20 165. (WRA 180) 1. Khartkovi3koy-eV7aahoy9komandno-inzhonernoys uchilishche. ACC NIN A?16032391 SOURCE, WDE: AU7HOR: Tret'yak, V. G. (Khar'kov) -,ORG: Khar'kov Higher Commanders Engineering School (Khar'kovskoye Vyssheye kohandno-inzhenernoye uchilishche) .TITLE: Natural frequencies of orthotropic plates MURCE: Prikladnaya makhanika, v. 2, no. 9, 1966, 44-52 !TOPIC TAGS: orthotropic plate, natural frequ~2ncy, natural plate frequency, ortho- :tropi.c plate frequency, plate vibration, orthotropic plate vibration, vibration mode, 1plate vibration. mode ) 0X7-,o,-1,n7;FV0i01C 37, ABSTFACT: The effect-of boundary conditions on the natural frequency of orthotropic iplates is investigated. It is proposed that the modes of vibration and frequencies iof arbitrarily supported rectangular plates be determined by means of variational successive approximation techniqiies and determining the roots of a traascendental equation (to the soitition of which the problem is reduced) on electronic; digital computers. The' vibration of rectangular plates with the long sides simply Isupported and the short ones having a different type of support is analyzed first by i isolving the known differential equation for the motion of a vibrating plate. A system, of algebraic ho'mogeneous equations is obtained for determining the constants of ince- 7gration from the boundary conditions. By equating its determinant to zero (which 1.9 LCord 1/2 ACC NR: AP603239j_ ';a conditIon for existence of natural vibrations) , a transcedental. cquaLLori is obtained 'from whose roots the rigidity characteristics oil the plate are established as well as !their relationships witch' the plate dimensions and natural frequency w, for wh-i'-h '3111 !-exact expression is derived. The determination of w in practice for a given lf:inda- !mental pitch is outlined; methods for obtaining the transcendental equations for rectangular plates with simply supported long sides, and clamped, and simply supported' ishlort sides are discussed; the known formula for w in these cases (derived by S. G. 11,ekhnitskiy) is obtained as a proof of the correctness of the proposed method. The idetermination of natural frequencies of plates with boundary conditions different ifrom those discussed above involves considerable difficulty. A more peneral method i for solving this problem by an energy method through minimization of a work functionai,! !which accounts for bending and torsion, is proposed. The course of solution is !analogous to that used in solving the differential equation of motion; a transcendentali ;equation, .-Iii.-i4dity characteristics, anti an expression for the natural frequency w of ,the plate are obtained, and a table for calculating the necessary coefficients for ideterM4 ning w for plates with various support conditions is given. A sample deterrlina-; ~tion of the fundamental pitch of natural vibration of an orthotropic rectangular platel iwith mixed boundary conditions, for which a transcendental equation was established !is presecuted. The method proposed here can be used to solve the stability problem; !of rectangular plates. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 tables, and 44 formulas. ISUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Dec65/ GRIG REF: 007/ Ont REF: 001 _C a METTAK, Yu.,D, Owww- Types of Transaw-pathian broadleaved mountain forests. Dop. AN LIM no.1:18-25 154. ()WU B14) 1e Institut agrobiologii AN TMSR. Predstavleno dey~st7itellnym chlenom Akademii nauk USSR P.S.Pogrebnyakom. (Transearpathia-Foresta ancl foreetry) USSR / Forestry. Biblogy and Typology of the Forest. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-3-1ol., No 13) 1958, 5~663 Author Inst : L'vov Forest Technical Institute Title : Carpathian Beech Groves and Their Reforestation Orig Pub: Nauchn. tr. Llvovsk. lesotekhri. in-t, 1957,3,173-193 Abstract: Several ecologically based types are found in Car- pathian beech groves. A description of ex-perimentnl areas, established in these forest types, is given. Temporary plantings frora beech groves of D2 We to those Of C2 are particularly rich and variable ac- cording to the composition and growth of -ks and beeches. Height limits of various planting ty-pes Card 1/2 USSR / Forestry. Biology and Typology of the Forest. K-1 to 1~ Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., N 131 195"1 58363 vary in accordance with exposure and steepness of slpes and the processes of soil formation. The great soil-conserving role and the high qualitative and quantitative yield of the rock-oak growing in groves of the tYPes.C2) C1, B2, Bl are notices. All typGs of forer:t areas composed of trans-Carpathian beech groves regenerate satisfactorily within the limits of 62-165 thousand young growths on 1 hec- tare. Different forestry managenient measures are rp, commended for an increased yield of Trans-Carpathi- an beech aroves. Bibl. 19 titles. -- V. V. Proto- Popov Card 2/2 3iM I Yu. D. Docent Ivan-Frankivslke-lumbering Ivano-Frankivslke experimental lumber camp. Nauk.zap.LPI no. 1, 191-7. Monthly List of Russinn Accessions, Librnr-, of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified I Y,~I, Te, Z, , j 1 4 -A~-ni'Jcnnt comao-x cf, 0;' r f kov, tation: t'Investiration st'i'tc -a Disser Chen! c i in knrlytical Ghemi5tl. . SO: sul, 284, 26 Nov 1954- 6635 SUS 1--k ';Llk!4 YL 'Lit. hyd-IF311 f TUT I YAK, Z. A. Calorimetric method for determining iron in quartz using dioulfo- pyrocatechin. Trudy KhP1 31 no.lil53-158 159, (MIRA 13:10) (Colorimetry) (Iron) ("rtz) LUTSKTY, A.Ye.; TRSTIYAK~ Z.-",.-, Dtl-,V-STROV, Fle~~trr,rir,-Iil"rjrat-'-Ori,,ii :;,pp:~tra -,-f III- jand ('~--ub~tlt~;.tea VUlf,amide and -.,toluerie 35 rio.12.,2090-2099 D 165. :9 - 3. . 7hur I I? ov okiy poli ti,.- k tin i r-Y j v A I C. I ubmitted Ap-ill 28 196L. TRETIYAK, Z.D. of track conditions under a moving load* Improving the inspection 161. (Yd?,A 15:1) Put, i put-khjz. 5 no.lZ;zg-30 D 1. Nachallnik vagona-puteizmeritelya, g. Sverdlovsk. (Railroads--Track) TF'Ji',-i "YAIK"J, A . Tretlyal-ov, A. - "Or-, tlm-fojr-~,nr -aril (on the g~r-iin s%atc f'a--m Uzbek 3SR) , 11 zvr~zda- Vostoi-,al 1',l!. ", "o. !'I , p. 66-8,1. SO : U-3850, 16 June 53, (Letapis 'Zhi-irrial twjkh Statey, 'fo. 5, 1949). T(-(',;~' "(4(-50j/ /1- AUTHOR: Tretlyakov, A., Flying Instructor of 85-58-3-9/26 .L Orlov Aeroclub TITLE: Instructor's Tribune (TribzLna instruktora); Cockpit Model Yak-18 Ground Trainer (Trenazher Yak-18) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 3, pp 11-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author presents a detailed description of a model of a Yak-18 cockpit of his own design and construction. Built to facilitate ground training of student pilots, it can, in his opinion, be produced at any aeroclub. The~re are 8 drawings. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 TRIVYAKOV- A- coal - ctivity and production costs in the Machinery, labor produ (MIRA 13:1) industry, Sots,trud 4 no.9:9-17 s 159. (coal mines and mining) TRETIYAKOV, A., direktor-polkovnik tyagi. ~ I~iwi~~ering-'the costs of locomotive repairs in.roimdhouses. Zhel. dor. transp. no 1:31-36 147. (MIRA 13:2) Hocomativea-Repairs) BOXASII, Ta.F.; KANAYEV, N.N.; LIKIINITSKAYAt I.I.1 PARILOVA, V.A.; TDMSKOV, I.S.;_LFXT!~AK A.F.; MDMAH, S.Ya. fdooeasedjj RYNKKVICH, V.S. ~ - . Gyl_ A [Methodological fundamentals for using functional studiea in practical expertise] Matodicheskie oanovy ispollzovaniia funktsionallnykh issledovanii v ekspertnoi praktike. Leningrad, Yeditsina, 1965. 228 ps (MIRA 18:12) TRETOYAKOV, A-.K., kand. takhn. nauk; FILONIDOV, A.M., inzh. Using ultrasonic waves to test solid concrete at the Dnepro- dzerzhinsk Hydroelectric Power Stationi. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.3: 20-21 Mr 162. (mmA 16:7) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial appli'cations) (Dneprodzerzhinsk Hydroelectr;lo Power Station-Concrete-Testing) KOROLEV, Konstantin Nikhaylovich, kand. teklin nauk; TRETIYAKOV, A.K., nauchn. red.; BMEZOVSKAYA, A.L. . ved: red'.I [Mortar-mixer and mortar-pump operator] Mashinist rastvorosme- sitelei i rastvoronasosov. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 4239 P. IS: 11) ET YAKOV, A. U i UMI AS' Itepali ~ --4602 00330 Jaiv 1947 'Reducing Costs of Loccmotive Repairs in Depots," _-"A. Tretlyakov, Dir-Col Rolling Stock, 51 pp ".Zh-?L Transport" No 1 Table showing four railroad lines, their repair depots and amount of rubles expended on minor repairs and washing. Table showing seven depots and amount of rubles spent on average repairs, minor repairs and washing. Rx-amples of depots spending in excess of allotments for repairs and those econ6mizing on re- pairs, Names kinds of costly'repairs. Suggests am* ways of lowering rqpair costa. 19G68 too 19W TRST I WOV, A. A. TREVYAKOV, A. A. --"Piping Arrnngement Reclamation Pump Stations.', Min Agriculture of Water-Supply System imeni V. P. Williams, and Stations, Moscow, 1956 (Dissertation for the degree of Candiate in and Installations of land U8SR, Moscow Inst of Ebgineers Chair of Pump Installations Chemical Science.) KNI2-HNAY 11TOPIS No. 41, 0.1tober 1956 TREMAKOV, A., Ocherki Razvitiya ZheIeznciorozhnom Nauki (Essays On The Developwnt Of Railroad Science Collection Of Articles, By) A. Tretlyakov (1). 322 p. Illus.. Diagrs., Tables. Bibliographical Footnotes. N15 755.1 I T*ekhnik-'; Sbornik Statey.T3 And Technology; Moskva, Tranazbeldorizdat, 1953. ~'4.: I. "~ ~ - TULYEV, B,7.; 'BAKALDINA9 N.I*; LIVOVAg NoYeo; TRETIYAKOV, A.A. Herriew of three criteria in Borbov's complex hemotuberculin method and considerations on possible errors in determination of erythrocytes sedimentation time and In formula of leukocytes, Probl. tubark., Moskva no. 5:51 Sept-Oat 1952. (CLML 23:5) 1. Docent. 2. Of the Department of Faculty Therapy (Head--Prof. A. V. Selesney) of Molotov Medical Institute (Director -- Docent A. N. 4.shnev) and of Molotov Municipal Anti-Taberculosis Dispensary (Head ft-voician -- M. V. Tarasova). __IYHKOV, A_F)_ YN&I TRETIYAKOV,-ji. A. 1. IIIAYEV~ B. V.'! fr. 1.: LI)VA, b. "0.: 2. USSF (600) 4. TubetrculosiB - Diagnosis 7. Checking three criteria of Bobrov's complex hemotub.-rculin test and the deter- mination of the probable error of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and of the leWwcytal f ormula. Prob. tub. no. 5., 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. THETIYAKOV, A. A. ,iaccurate method of quantitative determination of sosinophils i:a Kikhailov's tuberculin-sosinophile test. Probl. tuberk., MDskva no.4:55-56 July-Aug. 1950, (CLML 20:1) 1. Of Molotov Tuberculosis Dispensary (Director -- K. V, Tarasova), Molotov. TRRTIYAK -AA,,, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk IXO Water outlet structures in pumping stations of drainage s7stems. Na-ach.zap. KIIVKH 20:353 '58. (min 13:6) (Pumpinig stations) Al~ -~- T'Y h K 0 V, m F) - 71,,TlYAKO'J~ A.A. 3'u r a n rZ 1e s Use of the preparaLion ASD (antise,-ituic stijrulant of Dorr'ov) in ti-catirr- s~ran;;Ics. Veterirari'La 29, no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A l!:iUjT 1~52 4:95.j~, Uncl. TMIYAKOV kand. tekhn. nauk; CHURILOT, M.P., inzh.; YAKOVOT, T.F., kand. tekhn. nauk. Experience with maintenance of switch boxes. Pat' i put. khoz. no.10: 27-30 0 157. (MLRA 10:11) (Railroads-Switches) TRET tYAKOV,,, A - Tbere is a need for close contact. Okbr.trucia i sots.stralcb. ro.9:28-32 S '59. (14IRA 13:1) 1. %challnik upravleniya vrqchebno-trudovoy ekspertizy. chlen kollegii 141nisteretva eotalallnogo obeepachaniya RSFSR. (Disability evaluation) TRET I YAWV p A.. Siberian peoplets vacations. Sov.shakht. 11 no.6:35 je 162. (MRA 15:6) 1. Prodsedatell Prokoplyevsk.ogo gorodskogo, komiteta profesgionallnogo soyuza ugol'shchUcav. (Siberia-labor rest homes) TRE'T 'Y."I-K(.j,V ) A. Ll. ~ Stu d,~n , I vLkur a a Disneraination of 72:74-75 ,63. (1,11IFLI.. 17:4) !. Kaf~!dra r I.en-ingracts'rk.op mt!dD.S!i,3k3go in.3titilta,. RYCHAGOV, Viktor Vasillyevich, dots., kand. takhn. nauk; 71!~Y .Aleksey-Aleksandrovich, dots.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; FLORjjjjSXjy' Mjkfia'i.1-140~4'16-iich, prof., doktor tekhn. naiik; YELIZAVETSKAYA, G.V., red.; SOKOLOVA, H.N., tekhn. red. (Manual on the designing of pumping stations and the test- ing of pum#ng equipment] Posobie po proektirovaniiu na- .P sosnykh stantsii i iBpytanliu nasom7kh ustanovok. Mo- skva, Sel'Ichozizdat, 1963. 350 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra ItNasosy i nasosnye stantsii" Moskovskogo gidro- meliorativiiogo instituta, (for Rychagov, Tretlyakov, Florinsk_i,y). POIFARENKOV, Sergey Dmitriyevich; YOROSHUN,, Aleksey Sergeyevich; RETIYAKOV 7e POTOTSKIYI G.L. inzh., T Aleksandr DmiLtri 2 7ich, retsenzent; SatumizvAl A.I., inih-.-red.; HITROVA, N.A., tekhn. red, (Maintenance and repair of the railroad track] Soderzhanie i remont zholeznodorozbnogo puti. Moskvao Vses.izdatel'sko- poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcbeniiap 1962. 374 P. (MA 15.3) (Railroads-Track) - --TRWVIYAKOV, A.F.v Disability and its indearas. Trudy LINTIN 2:7-22 159. (MM 13:7) (DIUBILITT BYAWITION) TRET'YAKOV, A.F. Treatment of radiculoneuritis with so-called radioactive bandage; radioactive Isotopes of tborium B, C, G.' and G': Zhur.neyr. I paikh. 55 no.9:689-694 '55. (KLRA 8:11) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo Instituta kurortologil (dir.kandidat meditainskikh nauk G.R.Pospoloya), Hoslcva. (THORIUM, radioactive ther, of radiculonaw1tis,'plaster technic) (IMRITIS, therapy, radiotharium, plaster technic) TRETIYAKOV, A. F. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "A New Form of Alpha- bG4-.O- (,- Therapy - Radioactive Bandages - and Their Treating M Radiculoneuritis Patients," MOB, 1957. 16 pp 20 cm. (Min of Health RSFSR, Central Inst for the Science of Health Resorts), 250 copies (KL, 27-57, 110) _ 80 -~ TRETIYAKOV, A.F., red. (Disability evalmition; a collection of legal and practical material] Vrachebno-tradovaia ekspertiza;-sbornik zakono- datellnykh i metodicheakikh materialov. Moskva, Redgiz. 1959. 445 p. (MIRA 13:2) (:DIS"U.ITT IVAWATION) SERFOKRiLY Nina Vasillyevna; AVERDM Fanni Abramovna; OSTROVSKAYA, I-lariya Naumovna; IRE-_IYAKOV , -A.F., red.; TIKHONUROV, A.Ye., red. (Methodological fundamentals of medical expertise on the capacity for work in diseases of the visual organ; manual for ophthalmolegists of therapeutic institutions and I-ledical Expert Commission.9 on Working Ability, and teachers of medical institutes] Metodicheskie osnovy vrachebno- trudovoi eksFertizy pri zabolevaniiakh organs. zreniia; po- sobie dlia oftallmologov lechebnykh uchrezhdenii i VTEKI prepodavatelei meditsinskikh institutov. Pod red. A.F. Tretliakova. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 129 p. (MIRA -17:6) TRETIYAKOV, A.F.; SHCEMI.WIY3VA, Ye.S.; CHKRNTKH, G.A.; FRINUM, Kh. (Moskva) New method of therapy using alpha-radiating radioactive isotopes (thorium C, thorium Cl). 37 n0.10:105-109 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz radiologichookoy laboratorii (zaveduyushchly - prof. Ye.S. Shchepotlyeva) TSentralgnogo institute. kurortologii (direktor - kaud. med.nauk G.R. Pospelova). (THORM radioactive) TRWITAKOV A.F.; BOGMVPOV, N.Ko; ZINKINA, A.H.; SPIVAK' T.N.; 0, V.K.; AURBAKH, A.Ta.; LITSHIN, AJO; Ann, Lo Go 9 red.; BALDIU, :9.1%, [Principles of disability evaluation; theory, methodology, organization. Guide for physicians of the Medical Uperts' Commission on Workers' Disability, medical and prophylactic and other institutions, teachers and students of medical institutes] Oenovy vrachobno-trudovoi ekspertisy; teoriia, matodika, orgarIxatslia. Rukovodstvo dlia vrachel TTU, lachabno-profilakticheskikh I drug1kh uchroxhdanli, pro- podavatelai i gitudentov meditainskikh Institutov. Moskva, medgiz, 196o. 326 p. (MIRA 14:12) (DISABILITT XTAWATION) TRE-TIY-kKOVt_._Aj.; SHMEP01"IYEVA, YO.S. Treatment of neurodermatitis c'krozispil,- vitl- radioa.,tIve bandages (ontaining ,n active coating ot' .,aughter products cf v ' '63 thorium (alphatheraly'. lleut. derin, I on.,7/na.9-,3L-38 S 1. Radiologicheskaya laboratoriya (zave - prof. U.S. Shchepotlyeva) TSentrallnogo inatituta kurortologil i fizioterapii (dir, - kand, med. nauk. G.N. Ilospolova). TIMTIAKOV, A.F. Information on evaluation of invalidity in R.S.F.S.R. Soo revue 8 ~no.1:18-27 162. 1, Vedouci odboru pracovne lekarske expcrtizy ministerstva sacialniho zatszpeceni R.S.P.S.R.