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_TRWGQTT-wA.N.;.-.BALONOVp -L.Ya. Neurophysiological analysis of certain depressive syndromes. Zhur. nerv. i psikh. 61 no. 1:91-98 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii imeni I.M. Sechenova (dir.-akad. L.A, Orbeli [deceased] AN SSSRy Leningrad. (DEPRESSIONI MENTAL) Tn-[JGGTT, DI. I.; BALONOV, L. Ya.; KAUr-MAINT, D. A.; PFUE'R, I. A. (Leni.-ir-rad) K voprosu ob iznereniyakh vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti cheloveka obuslovlennykh ugneteniem voskhodya3hchikh aktiviruyushchikh sistem mozga report submitted for the First Moscow Conrerfnce on Reticular Formation, Moscow) 22-26 March 1,060. PAUGM, N.N. Specific features of the auditory function during disorders in the activity of the cortial section of the auditory analysor in children. Probl.fiziol.akust. 4:201-207 159. (KIn 130) 1. Institut evolynt8ionnoy fiziologii imeni I.M. Seehenova, Lenin- grad. (AMSIA) (OHILDM-DISUSSS) 0*000 *are 0 i1 013 $4 is 14 v . Wt; 21 ;x it U U At 4 it if 4 dt o 41 U a go A L Ilit syndlesis too I I au". fjkn V. A. Irsomm. Z. I. No. Mail lov'evs rz UsSR, Uowow). 12. 48"(19, ); Ct. C.A. 39, 066. 41. 748&.-In estre forto-tion 01 YI&M on Incubating pyri- 45 4mine in Ringer phosphoe main. at pH 741 and 87' with 0 lat-tham rlices (stmU imestlar. kidaer, Over. heart c0 0 skeletal tnumicle, Wile). In castrast to tho spolb"IV 0 0 '311 davin Adcalme dinuckotwe, phom lated pytWml is as 0 synthesized la the absence at wbo=. Mal. 5"iftedmi .4 is achileved with a cancu. of 2.4 tug. pyridodme/g. of tissue. Pyritiodne when introduced into the organism twbaves Wm tbiwahw. rilmdavia, and nicaLsk scid; in ordcr go fulM Its bilarstalytic function, it towt &u I* irassfor"Ard into IIw consynte, In This kneance. into ftimtky VO 0 1000 it A OtIALLUNCKAL tMIATUff CLAISIOCATIOP V, J-1 VW ii&14143kd~, lit U to AV to as fu 0 is It 1 0 " q it K a It u PC a 91 it og KW it I in 10... i~ 0 0 00010 600000000000000000 000*0*000*00*000000 _,O 0 0 0 0 0 0 * s 0 * 6 0 0 0 0 st 0 * Ole 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 :-*-0,*-# 0 0-0-9_0 TRAUNER, L., Dr.; MIHOLIC, S., dr., GRMIK. D.. dr. r~11.1--~.-~-~-~-,*~-,,'-F,-~--,-.....~~ -- Iodine medical bath Sisak. Lijec. vJes- 77 no.10-12: 53'1~-540 Oct-Dec 55. (BALNEOLOGY, Sisak iodine bath. (Ser)) 'I - .14-t' '!U.-, ~ ;:!: Ol : -! ~- * . v . , 't ( ;', ;I "II /I . f =f , , , .i:l I i "!'~ 't ~: . ., ~ r; ., A, Phvw -~ -- I V;~~i G o KiacW exterp Lm Croatic S. WwCd =d L. TnmEler. Gadiinjak 6ciocas. kfi=atd. inst. (Z4grc6. INZvAmky:' FY9-13-3(1952).-Chem. gtitaiyseq aisd the phytW. propertielto of 29 mincml watem ale giveu. N. PlaylV-.:- Xleetrolyle tberd (Septlelen 7) and vegetative ragula, tion in theumt1i; 711sease. L. TrAutter.. (lust. Wiloeol., ZaKreb, Yugoslavia). Z. Rkeumafarith: UNte rats were given orally 0.5 g, Sepiltleu 7 (1) for 9 days. On the third day the joints were Infiltrated with formallit and the swelling of the joints was strongly reduced as com- p3reil to rati without I treutruent. The clinical results in rheumatic disca" of m.-tit were similar to thme obtained with natural mineral waters of similar compri. I contained 35% *%arSO*, 10 %%a,C(-h, 17 ~Na pho%phate%. Na citratL~ and Wtrates. and free citrie and tartaric acid%. B. Lustig TRAMUR, R. (Graz) Corrective operation on lip & nose in harelip & cleft palate. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 24 no.6:453-458 Nov 57. (CLUT PAIATS, compl. harelip, corrective surg. on lip & nose (Cz)) TRAUUMMER, Zdzislaw Problem of- Mad,ic~al latin. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no-10:370-371 4 Mar 57. 1. Adres: Opole ul. Koanago 51. Szpital Wojewodzki. (11014MICLATUMI use of latin in mmd. terminology (Poi)) TRAMIFELMER, Zdzislaw, lek. med.; 'aDRYCH014ICZ, Adam. tl.qro--qic epithelioma ir a male subject. Pol. arch. med. ve-wne~. 35 no.2.,249-253 165 1. Z Zakladu Anatrmii Patologicznej (Kierownik: lek. med. Z.Traunfellner) i z Oddzialu "A" Chorob Wewnetrznych Szpitala Wbjewodzkiego w Opolu (Ordynator: dr. med. S. SYC). MIGH, Wojotechl TRAUNFELMR. Usislaw Unusual course of ondocarditis lenta. Polski tvgod. lek. 9 no.11.1 333-336 15 gar 54. 1. Z oddzialu, chorob vownetrznych; ord7nator dr mod. Janina Bross, I z prosektur7 Szpitala Wojewdskiago w Opolu. (INDOCARDITIS. SUBACM BACTERILL, complications, subdural hemorrh.) (CMBRAL HEMMOUGN, subdAral. in endocarditis, subacute bact.) Zdzislaw INAI-2., Given Names Country: Poland Academic Degrees: Ln-ot giveri/ Prosoctorium of the K Riarek WoJewodztwg) Hoppital (Prosektori=, 8-z-pItdI Wojewodzki. im-- K 'Xiai4kT, Opolo; Dire Affiliations iGr-(Dyroktor): Dr B Glazor Source: IWakdVi--IP-rzGFr1ad Lekarski, Vol XM, Ser II, No 9, 1961, 9 13P 348-3419 Data: "The Work of the Prosectorium of the K Miarek Wojewodztwo Hospital in Opole, 1952-1959." GPO 9816*3 Heart i njury er--! sed by --e tard e x-, looirn. Po' . LYE - 14:'k -T.-0 - 563-5:65 6 AQ 164. 1. Z Gddzialii "B" Chorob It,7emetIrmych (ordynator; dr. med. W. Pedich'i z Ana t omo-Pa tu logic 7.nej (kiero,..Tik: Z. Traunf e liner) Szj:i- tala Ivj'OjevoJzkiego im. K. Miarki, w Opolu. ..a ~vi i . ~-m i i 11147, CALCOLATION Of GA5 T11LDS FROM GUAL G&S1F,C.TI(,N. Trii4nstej, S. and Gumz, W. (Owgbau u. Uagle 1949 vol. 2, 69-75; 00 r -00 abstr. in chem. abstr., 19/,9,, vol. 4), 766*1. The 5 ap,.-roximate ealouUtion of eq#librium for gasification so at atmoaphwic pr*s ureis based on the equilibri= of the decomposition of CO~ and H20 The formation of CH4 is considered bristly. CA I j,; liss I A 09TALLU114KAL 1.171FRaTiAl CLASSIPICATION I---,-- . .1-' ' -:-'- ' -77- ------ Ioak, III1,114V 4#9 NUMCM1 &J1 All 64 '14, all is! An S i 1i; a Of 4 i, or 13 1 1 A.! 00 iv OF V pit Ovid KLI Kit Kcattut flow[ n I ling, to 40 00 0 0 T, . 4w-A- 0 0-0 06 A 00 10 7978* The Efficiency a( firm, Faxineo. W, Travel. ENO- neers' Difled, v. 12, Apr. 1951, p, 117-110; May 1951, p. 149- 152. (Trawlited and LovidensLA frum Teknisk rklikrift, v. W, Dec. 10, 1950. p. 1157-1161.) lation of thmnal J)e"bes a new nictImil for pr4aft-al tuL,ij riet operating Willi one (,r %cvcrd work- effidericy of he-at machil i Inedi . Evaluation of the entropy of reversible AM iffevris- I is tr"ted in detail. Tht! wiAlng cycles of 16 different types of licat inachln~ are analyzed and compased. and results are wwd to assem the pt"thiliti, of of the different cyck-s. A - S L69TALLIACICAL LrIIIIIATM CUSSWKAINO U AV 10, &1 v I I - I - F - 1 4 3 9 -v-m I K a a It IF Of x a It 0 0i0 *10-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 ale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *SO$ 0 0 * ge 0 9 e 4�.# $:ffi 0.00 TRAUSANTU, D. AJ.r conditioning in aim. lanes. P, 23(Revista Transporturilor. Vol. 3, no. 1, j,". 1956, Ducuresti, Rumania) Vbnthly Index of East Eurovean Accessions (FTAT) W. Vol. T, no. 2, February 1958 TRAUSANUp D. Anodic mechanical cutting of metals. P.62. (ELECTROTEI-INICA, Bucuresti, Vol. 1, No. 112-31 Jen./Feb. 1953) SO: 'L-Aonthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LGp %1. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. TQ,I,J;5~ ( ~ 6 e R, 0 Tuua4nm 0. p t anti3asm i protozoarnih Wakoija dJeaso a' ,,Mjg be2r - tt'n8t'h*Wjjs ana protozinsis in cUUdrog7Idjeo* v3686 = 72s2 Fab 50 p. 62-4. MAX TRAUSMILUM, 0. , H,e-I.rIn-lath.i.a-sis and protozoiasis in childrer. Lijec. vjea. 72 no.2: 62-64 P 150. (CIAM 19:2) A ISO ..0 At- CaUff 'Goct sas fectfords .091 us 0 0 UAW fununary of favostigatifts for Me you Im Go the offectilsom of =o6wis In oombedati losoct posts ax4 dissam 9,,bkb sn"is Plasts. 41.0 D. Ucannov TRAvT Uda6remt# i Urosk4i (Feriwuri oxd Crops) 2, 46-MI930).-Tbe au #0 results of exptx. on the Methods 01 treating grain against wtt mut. extermination of rodents. wW Q-,Ums against limet PestL g With the mut it was found that the order of effectiveness of the various substances 00 was: us Polsons triusatin), tonnalin. Cu sulfate. aracnafts, Pub S." #0 j CIS carbonate and T=te. For the exterm'"t of ro&nts chlocopicrin gave betw reaWts than CS, In most at the regions. except Siberia. Ca cyanide gave two 00 j WUtr ranks thm chkwopicsin. was used successfully against 00 03 At" in the nub of the rodents. 71 sultate, F prrpn!L and strychnine wen used Wt- Int was most effectirt. The TI sulfate gave good results with r, Is. 9 a oomspdL of P proved even better than As cmpds. against hued pestL A serks of (ate was mede with pollysulfides and the fix malt proved to have higher so ing ve IL 0' U r 0-0 0 be to bet re a h I M~,-Wpc- A i a 1: the is A54.1LA AttAttURCICAL UTINATURE CLAIVOKA1100 0#9 10311JI(siC W (110, $11 - - --------- An A 1 4 ad a N 0 1 9 DO As at 1 6 1 or Kit Its 0 1 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 'G 6 0 0 * * $ 0 0 0 0 : ; 6 :1* * * 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 * a 9 0 : : I* a 41 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 6 .00 i zoo .00 I-so 'As b too se 40 1 1 0 11 UIjI4 ism IIIII "JI)PUZIA d 25 ld V IT IT -A? 11 V LI R 0 ft V M P -t a -1 64 41.V h A b - 0 1-, , a at C=baftg Of 511saW MUMOIL 1, 1 udobrewif i if Uroski (Fertiliters and Yields) 1929l 41-4.-The use otchkprip In 1114cro(C-Slin %,theriterminati,)o of the Marruots Is rremoserstfird as the bral nselhod. Thenrlatbest Northjul is the title M bait, 4 9. hUckwhtat Rtvuf with A Mg. of stryVisnine, Tile In placra whetv the bidek swat h Waid ottroid bY the "WrM04 100 thdorneotasivriploded will, CS.. This me shod aliki ourtininatts I ht Ilea s which spread 0 the IIINAW. I .00 zoo Lo 0 j It 64TALLUNGKAL tITINATUNIF CtAMPICAIJON 9 z tlo 0 show vM11111. F--F-F u a AT to is An I C~ ;r IT If ot a I T-t It 0 0 0 0 is! IT 0 0 0 0 0 : * : ISO 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 16 0 0. 0 00 0 * * 0 o1, Ijeowwwo.- . . -F 'i~% ~~ -'5. --- , 0 0 0,10 0 0 L I -a M a as v 40 $1 4) A.I. r. 2 A Joe lee (to a' of 0.0 -3 =00 .090 cbena4a M"bO& 'n coo VOCIONS son wWCb attack *0 aad die 1.00 Udal r go -4 ; go* T-D ~- U, effectiv= Lbe 10 Joe ;50"h; 1230. 2, of smut, roallont", of Uasa&" j4ut With varie" an 0 lawts, sod WAIMO be" fwW& JWAL AWUACtd' lee if too too A64-1 a NILIALILL11016K&L LIMAILVE CLAUWKATIO 9 1 too 4.01040 WAR 4MV 414C *njabias CNIF Asa 0 L U 19 AT 10 AS In I I IA p 2 a a 3 4 V 14 * * 9 TRAUTo -G-6- No OVOMMIKOV, B- I. The 0oastruction'of natal aircraft moskva, Goo. isd-vo obor. promyshl.p 1944- 439 p- (49-43270) TL671.2-09 T11 Engineering M. Konstriiirovaniy M~, tall iche, 5kikh jwuol,~tov (Construction of Vetal Airplanes) 11)111 (Co-Auti-or) Soviet Source: II-)3tra.cted in U-AF "Treisurp Island", on file In Librawy of Congrg7m, Ur InCormation DI-vision, Report No. 77~05 TRAUT, G. N. M: Konstruirovaniye rr.,etallicheskikli samoletov (Construction of rjetal eirplanes), Moscow 1944, (Co-author). Soviet Source: Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island1l, on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 82365 -TITCLAZZIFIED. T Knostruirov~7*--i,,e ZU" "The cons truct-dor, of moltal airolancs), 1-11~, '.~oscov.,. Abstractcd in "Treasure is!ancl", on f'ilo in I,-l-D.--"l.-,7.f 0-11 D-TVl3fO.-!, ~,--Iport 'No. TTCIZ~SSEVUD. TRAUTMAN) Andrzej Galilei's general theory of relati-ii-ty. Postepy fizyki 16 no.l: 19-23 165. 1. Warsaw Univeristy. T)-a U 'V Al ii W 14, Poland/Theoretical Pify'sics - Quantum Field Theory At;ft,:Jo*r4ft1, Ik6ierat Zhur - FizikL, No 12, 1956, 33775 Whor : Trautman, A. Institution : Institute of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences Title I Note on Truth of "Inverse Acting" Uniqueness for Certain Non- conservative Fields, Described by Differential Equations of the Hyperbolic Type Original Periodical Byul. Pollskpy AN, division 3, 1955, 3, No 6, 305-310 B-6 Abstract j 'A uniqueness theorem is proven for linear differential equations of the hyperbolic type, describing vector and scalar fields. Included among the 6 conditions needed for the proof is, in particular, the requirement that the field equations result in continuity equations for the sources of the field (current). The uniqueness of the solu- tion to the Cauchy problem is related by the author with the finite velocity of the propagation of the interaction. Card 1/1 25 4 11 It 12 w to 41 a a I A I-,t 41, M Op Uk4 Z 00 U94orgmund psificatim of coa as a b4sla for direct 00, ^ducdaa of iron on. Podsimmaya 'Gassfikabiyu I'llei 1935. 7 .4. 0 00 9 -00 0x -00 -i j, -00 0 13 goo o not no* .00 r *0 :Os .00 =00 000 TOO 1 illoo 1.01 0 Noo to not not PCIALLUSGICAL UTINATURE C.01WICAT'WN 000 00 .100 woo *0 1 0o *0 j u q a T"V -MI-L tv ado #-%wmgad n '0 IT IN of a it 01 Ft a it it K It it0010a 0 * 00000 0 00 0 #0 of 0 fie 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 q 00 040,00 0 00 :1 0 0 * 0 a ojo 0 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0!0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 o 0 * : 00 : : : I rautmH6,&Z~-, Proof of the non-existence of periodic gravitational fields iepresenting radiation. Bull, Acad 'ST.- .7 -1117, XCII . P Too n. i CT TIL 5 (1957), 1115 (Rus 'sian summary) Main Theorem: The mean value of the power radiated by a periodic, asymptotically Minko%vskian gravitational field is equal to zero. The field is assumed to be produced by an isolated matter distribution. The radiated power is defined to be f (TGk+jOk)",tdS, over a 2-surface at infinity in a hypersurface xO=constant. "Asymptotically Min- kowskian" means that there exist coordinate systems in which jg~,- i1p,j