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S/781/62/000/000/025/036 'ALMHORS: Zolototrubov !. M., Ryzhov N. M., Skoblik 1. P., Tolok, V. T. TITLE: Imestigation of the properties of a plasma in a magnetic field SOURCT E: Fizika plazmy i problemy upraviyayamogo tenioyadernogo sinteza; daklady I konferertsii po fizike pla=y i probleame upravlyayemykh termoyadernykh reakts-iy. Fiz.-tech. inst. AN Ukr. SSR. Kiev, Izd--vo AN Ua% SSR, 1962, 123-127 =I A highly-ionized plassma was investigated, produced by an electrodeless 6 diisc'.'-~arge in a rmolybdenum glass tube (100 rrn. dia and 1 m long) in a vacuu:n of 10- !-,,. Hg by an alterratinc, magnetic field resulting frcem the discharge of a capacitor a-nd Droducin_- Diasra confinernent through trap geometry. 7he apparatus and the -it b eas"Irinla eQU Tyr1e, (magnetic pro e) are described. The behavior of the magne-_ic field insi'de and outside the tube was monitored, along with recording the change in -lai7-a lurnincsity by rRans of a photomultiplier. The tests show that notice- al)-le ionization does not set in until the fourth quarter of the oscillation cycie, ,,.,hen a 7L:L,-ne-cic pressure is produced to detach the plasma from the walls and con- strict it towerd the center in a radial direction. The plasma density was es- I-ACaM 1/2 in-ves-tigation of the properties of a plasma... S/781/62/000/000/025/036 -&:Lmated by p,-,*obir,-:, it with a sigral of 8 rm wavelengthThas been found that It a plawa of density not less than 1013 per cc is confined in the discharge tuna for a t:Lme comasponding to 10 periods of oscillation of the magnetic field, dum- irZ w1hach t-he amplitude of the magnetic fie)AI drops to 11/40 of its initial value. Dc~ubling the n-tagnatic field intensity gave rise - to radial oscillations - in the ~plasnza~31- the nathxi-_'of i4hich is not yet clear. Thexre area four figures. The tto references pertain to Rassian traRslations ofpapers by Colgate and alight and Dy Tuck. --- --- :S/781/62/000/010/033/036 Du--hin -L N. - --Kononenm- Au iiOR8. "r IN - T- Privezentsev, V. I., Skibenko, A I Tolok, V.,T I= Micy-10111-ave plasim diagnostics SOURCE: Fizika pla=,y i problawj uprevlyaye-ngo ter-...,oyadernogo sinteza; doklady I konferentsii po fizike pla.2my i proble-ne upravlyayemykh termoyaderniyk:-i re~ft-siy. Fiz.-teleh. inst. AN Ukr. SSR. Kiev, Izd-vo h7H Uki:v. SSR, 1962, 156-164 TDrI Several methods of plasma diagnostics are described, based on the in- teraction between the elect-mmagnietic field and the DlaWra, with the ellectnic field of the 1.-Tave -,>--ra-Llel to the external magnetic field, so that the eyteornal mavne'c 'P~ield do~--s not influence the character of propagation of the microwaves "or 'T"re --,--al aml Lrvi~~i-a-rv -,,trts of the co-~f-icipnt o' Of a `Lc--o-wave si;;nal thorugh a plassr~u- dezernine the attenuat4on and -zse Cons- f -..e -?: an-, of" zhe wave. The pla--ma :~.ens -Y s dete--Tnined by t-e r cv at whi&l the raicrowave si-n ceases to Dass tl=ug;) the plaspa. The chirac- ter~ of variation ofthe mic--o-,ave signal as a function of the pressure was also ~-Card l/ 2 Mdc--vwave plasma diagrostics S/781/62/000/000/033/036 determnined. Measurements of the variation~-of-the band attwui -p-ase- tion of the signal make-It-possible'to follo-W--- tSe VCM-i-ation of the density and the electron reauency during, the decay of the plasma. Phase measurwr4nts yielded -also data on the distribution of electron density along the radius. At the px\asent tim-2 the use of microwave diagnostics is limited by the capabilities of the micr-lo-,,cave radiation sources. Preserr-L micrrwave aenerators have sufficient Drawer to -diagnose plas-Tras with electyon densities near 1015 per cu. cn.. Once sub7i,,J:'1~ina-,er Is available, the densities car. probably raised to 1016- 0 e'/CM ~ Th is ; 3 'ere are 11 -Figures. Refere ce is made to worik by ~kkirtton (ref. 4, Mic-owav~- diagnostics for controlled fusion research, UCRL, 19S7) and by Wharton and Siager (J. Appl. Phys. 31, 428 430, 1360). Czard 2/2 0 AID Nr. 981-5 3 J=e COHERENT EM RADIATION FROM A HIQH CURRENT DENSITY PLASMA. (USSR) Suprunenko, V. A. , Ya. B. Faynberg, V. T. Tolok, Ye. A. Sukhomlin, I. Reva, P. Ya. Burchenko, N. I. Rudnev, and Ye. D. Volkov. Atomnaya energiyoL, *944-- no. 4, Apr 1963, 349 -352. S/089/63/014/004/001/019 Results are given of experiments with plasma discharges at high current den- sities. Intense radial EM radiation was detected which was coherent and close to Langmuir frequency. Test apparatus included an alundum discharge tube, 10 cm irf didineter'and 25 cm in length, charged with H2; aluminum elec- trodes, connected by a 15-~Lf capacitor bank charged to 30-40 kv and yielding a discharge current of about 100 kamp; an axial magnetic field variable from 0 to 10 kgs. Efforts to insure repeatability indluded tho use of metal vacuum seals and a titanium pump, the baking pf t4e apparatus at 300*C, and pre- ionization of the gas mixture prior to discharging. Electric field gradients of 3.00a-500 v/cm gave a high "runaway" electron condition in the discharge beam. Clard 1/2 AID Nr. 981-5 3 June COHERP-M EM RADIATION [Contldl S/089/63/014/004/001/019 This current was measured by means of a Faraday cell and a Rogovsky belt, both located at one electrQde. A typical test result at a 6-kgs field strength and a 3-4- psec plasma life showed that coherent EM radiation received by a horn antenna through the tube wall and d4~tected over the 8-14. 4-mm wavelength region was as -much as 107 times more intense than thermal radiation from a plasma of 10-ev electron temperature, and was constant along the column. Coherence was detected by two probe antennas placed U mm apart in the column and connected to an 8-mm interferometor. Variation of the magnetic field from. 0 to 8 kgs had no effect on observed radiation. Variation of other param- et'ers revedled a sharply critical value of runaway electron current, below which radiation is absent and above which it rises rapidly in intensity accom- panied by a dip in runaway current. This verified a casual relationship be- tween the two. The relation of radiation intensity to initial gas pressures and to radial distance from the plasma column are also discussed. [SH ] Card 2/2 I A."a A. Abl, o6D F i-L/?o Af/ijl ACCM5110 M AP3005967 5/0089/63/0l5/C0l/bW3/0C06 AMHOM Bakaygy, I* I*; Zaleseld Tn. 0,; Naeszov. No I.t Mmainakiy, A* M* Tolok, Ve T. W&WEN00900- TITLEs Ion cyclotron resorance in a moving plasma Y5 W6 ,,SOURCE# Atomnaya a4ergiYat v- 15t no. It 1963* 3. TOPIC TANt ion cyclotron resonanceg moving plasma, pinahl plasma densityt Dopp- ller effect :AB32RAGT iIn the heating of astationary plasma by means of an Ion cyclotron ;resonancep the time required for a oonaiderable acceleration of plasm ions Is not more than 10-5 see. Therefore for the pinches moving vith v. velocity of 10 am/sect'' 'the length of the heating section is not unreasonable (about Imo)* In the present workt the generation and absorption of ion cyclotron vaves in a moving plasm pinch has been observed. The absorption of bigh frequency energy accured at tvo fre- quencles abifted to both sides from a certain average frequency, because of Dappler affect. "Magnetic shores" are-Important for the-damping of ion cyclotron waves. By measuring the Dappler effect d the resonance frequenclesp the averagw 'el3city of the pinch vas found (6-7 X 10r.,./seo), and the plasma density (7 X 10 cm Card 1/2 L 1h939-63 ACCESUO IMs AP3003967 I / 1. a -Do alnelfulkow for diammaim of "2he authors express their deep gratitude, to,le ithe results"o Orige art. hess 5 flgwee and 3equations& ASSOOMIONs none -SMKMEDs 223eV62 DATE ACqt. OeAug63 EMU 00 SUB COM PH. NO REP SM 002 (TMs 002 Card I I V . F . I ---~ ~T 7 1- - . - - 7 -. j k ) V. , , , ~ " ) - 1 , - . , - . j . ~ I . I . ZYKOV I V G - -' T ~,Jj'ra~ A, 11. G . ; STEP A"'] , i - ' - ; . - 7 --- ---. , - hit.eractlorl of planma j-, -, t rarlav'JI,jo 'n-L i ~- "; , j " ~ - " 14-, 1, ~ . fi Z. "'~ 1 nr, .?, : i i - - - -1 A:,- I zhur. tekh.. ~"i , --- 1-4 ~ L 12862-66 EWT(l )/ETC (F)APF(n)_2/EV1G(m) IJP(c) AT - ___' --I ACCNRs AT50.22.298 S6-1- k C UR/3137/64/000/048/0001/0015 AUTHOR: 111yenko, B. P.; Lats1ko, Ye. K.; Zalkind, V. M.; Zykov, V.Gi Tolok, ~ORG:- PhVsicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR (Fiziko- I -t ekh ni cheskLy institut Akademiya nauk UkrSSR) TITLIE: Investigation of a plasmoid moving in a toroidal magnetic 5~p fi, e 1 d SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Doklady, no. 048/P- -007, 1964. Issledovaniye pia-zmennogo,ogustka, dvizhushchegosya v ~toroidallnom magnitom poleg 1-15 JOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma magnetic field, plasma density, plasma -injection ABSTRACT: The present paper is a-Aontinuation of an i"estigation of electrical fields in plas'mohh"'Wbving in curved ~%gjfi-evl ic fields. Fig. shows the ge'neral view of the experimental apparatus used in tWe inves-I tigation. The maximum magnetic field was 200 ka/m, length of vacuum F_ tube was 252 cm, effective radius of.spiral windings was 5.4 cm. The plasma was injected from conical plasma sources. Battery capacity was V Card 1/2 L 12862-66 ACC NRt AT5022298 3 uf and discharge time 6.5 Usec. Plasma density injected by the source was not less than 1013 cm-: To measur the difference of potet tials between two points in the WS plasma, two electrostatic probes were used: one grounded and local ed the wall of the chambe and the second moving along the cross section of the vacuum chambt Measurements of the V component Z of the field was taken in the mid- Fig. 1. dle~of toroidal portion. The Z- direction Is parallel to the axis through the origin of the large r'adius of curvature. It is confirmed ,that component V Z is formed due to the separation of charges resulting from the drift forces. It was noticed that in the curved section, the Components of the plasmoid-Is radial polarization were equal to the V component. Later, the V component dominated the other two componenis. Measurements confirm tbezfact.that the magnetic field of spiral type improves the passing of plasmoids by about one order of magnitude. Orig art.' has: 13 figures* SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: -00/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REP: 001 LSS~d 2 2 L 13449-66 ijp(c) JD/AT ACC NR AP6002441 SOURCE CODE, UR/0057/65/035/012/2185/2188 AUTHOR: Shvets, OA.; Ovchilmikov, D*S.; Tarasenko, V.F,jPavlIchenko,,0!S.~.~ ORG% none TITLEi4 Production oi a dense plasma In a metallic chamber by a high frequency techn UW- .SOURCE*. Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikl, v. 35, no. 12, 1965, 2135-2188 ~TOPMTAGS: plasma generator, pl electron temperature, plasma donsit)h, plasma heating, h-igh, f requency discharge, 16eJ 14 3 ABSTRAM Donse (up to 2 x 10 cm-.) plasmas were produced in a 12.5 cm diameter, 2 m-long cylindrical coppefAlhamber of 2.5 mw wall thickness with glass ev.ds by ex- ctting-two 5 cm diameter, 7 cm long aluminum electrodes located I m apart on the axis of the chamber at 1.82 AUlz with a 100MY oscillator. A longitudinal magnetic field up to 2.5 kOe was provided by a suitable winding. The experiments are preliminary to a projected investigation of plasma heating by ion cyclotron waves. 7be plasm densities were determined'from the Stark broadening of H p, observed with a 1.3 m focal length spectrometer, and from reflection of 3 cm and 0.8 cm wavelength micro- waves. Electron temperatures vere determined from the Intensity ratio of triplet to singlet helium lines. Plasma densities were also determined from the Intensity of H p on the assump~tion that excitation is catirely'by electron Impact; the-densities I-Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9.07 L 13449-66 ACC NR-. - -AP6002441 so determined were in agreement with the values obtained from microwave reflection. Owing to the rectifying action of the plasma, the electrod4a-:became negatively charged_ to a potential of several kilovolts; t1his gave rise to an oscillatory motion of the electrons near the axisof the chamber between the electrodos,as a result of which the dense plasmas were produced. The dense plasma was confined to a 2 cm diameter region about the axis; at 3 cm from tho axis the plasma density was less by an order of magnitude. The plasma density did not depend strongly on thq magnetic field strenxth. The maximum observed plasmadensity was 2 x 1014 cm-j at a gas pressure of X'- .10-3 mm. Hg. The. pl-asma density rIeiImained above 1013 cm73 for 3.6 millisec, and 12 ve 10, -3 for 17 m abot Icm illisec. Electron temperatures of 40 to 50 eV were observed Advantages of the described technique ure the low input impedance, which eliminated difficulties associated with.high voltage rf systems, and the good coupling between the electrodes and the plasma. OrIg. sirt. has: 2 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUM DAM 181eb(35 ORIG. REF: 002 GWI REF: 002 L24~18-66, IJP(C) AT CODE ACC NR: AT6oo6750 SOURCE, lff/ji~~/64/000/680/000i/0009 AUTHORS: ZolototruboV,, I. M. KiseleVJ V.-. A Novikov, Yu M.. s 20_1'0~i V. Y. z? ORG: Yi Yw TITLE: Operation of a,,coaxial.plasma source in alon tudinal _o M pnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fiziko-tekhn:Lcheskiy institut. Doklady, no. 080/P-032, 1.964. Rabota koaksiallnogo plasmennogo istochnika v ..iprodollnom magnitnom pole, 1-8 i TOPIC TAGS: plasma gun, plasma Inject-ton, plasmoid, drogen 4=c plasma lasma structure, plasmold acceleration p 1ABSTRACT: To produce a plasmoid with a relatively small number of limpurities and neutral particles, the authors developed a new con- J, tui'_nal:---- struction in which the coaxial plasma gun is placed in a longi Imagnetic field ' aim of having the rotation of the plasia in ,,.the crossed electric and magnetic fields symmetrize the discharge in Card..,--- 1/3 L 24318-66 F-A'C-'C-- NR': AT600675P Fig. 1. Diagram of ~7 se tup. 1 -- Gun, 11 .01 ~2 vacuum valve, 3 field coil, i4 solenoid., 6 --.vae screen UUM I system, 7, 8 -- mag netic probes, -inlet openings.1 \7 \~I_ \'r- \1JL L d--- n-, d _r ease. F~5'1!1_r nitude, 'Lu an -Fi --,-A Tield~ transverse comp'on6nt_ icie, en6rki'l g UP c ac-Do to 8000 G was produced by:_-disakArging a; ap The working gas was hydrogen. The gun-current oijoIllogram shows the typical plateau characterizing rotation of the plasma in the crossed Card 2/3 L 24318-66 ACC NR: AT6oo6750 Tields. The rotation of the plasma was measured with external probes" and the- propagation of the plasma In the.azimuthal direction was in- byo.high-speed phot-graphy. The experiment has shown that vestigated 0 when the coaxial source is placed in a longitudinal magnetic field the plasma rotates in azimuthal direction, the discharge occurs over the entire length of the gun and Is symmetrical with respect to the periphery of the electrodes. ghis,contributes to a cleaner plasma. ISpectrograms of the discharge have shown that the magnetic field does! J,decrease theintensity of the iron and chromium lines in the plasma spectrum. A sbortcoming-of the source is the small longitudinal plasmoid velocity (107 cm/sec) and insufficient ionization. These 1shortcomings are expected to be eliminated in the future. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 2 ORIG REF: 002/ O.'VH REF: 003 014 Sam D47f-: M,%Lo Card____~3/3 jf!!i~ Af 20562 SOLRCE CODE; LIR/0000/65/000/000/0010/0014 AUTHOR; Nazarov, N. I.; Yermakov, A. I.; Tolok, V T. ORG: none TITLE: Measurement of the perpendicular component of energy and the time of plasma breakpp in high ftaquency heating IP SOURCE; AN-L1krSSR4 Vysokochastotnyye 3voystva plazmy (High frequency properties of plasmA) Kle*,'Naukovo dtoka, 1965, 10-14 TOPIC!YAGS3..-plAsmd,ddc'ay, plasma heating, diamagnetism. plasma magnetic' field, extern" al magnetic field,'electron density, plasma charged particlat pulsed magnetic field tv ABSTRACT: Theheating by high frequency generators and the breakup of pta'sma is stud- ied by making use of the dependence of the plasma diamagnetism on the perpendicular component of particle energy. The method of measuring the diamagnetism consists of de7 termining the magnetic field in the plasma and comparing it with the external field. I The measurements were made on an experimental apparatus which used either a strong ion! cyclotron wave or fast magnetosonic wave for plasma heating. The results showing the ion temperature as a function of a ratio of the external magnetic field to the plasma field (at which the gyrofrequency is 10 MHz) indicate the maximum temperature of 10 kev during the resonant excitation of the ion cyclotron wave. The density was 1013 r-4 1/ 2 N ACC NR: XfbO2Ubb2 0 electrons/cm3 The expected cooling time of the ions was observed to he reduced by a factor of ten down to 10 jisec owing to energy transfer to colder electrons and to charge-transfer collisions in the region of the cold plasma boundary found near the plasma vessel walls. It is suggested that removal of the walls would permit consider ably higher heating of the plasma. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Nov6S/ ORIG REF; 003/ OTH REF; 001 I-A1067, EWV I li-pec ML~T m46 ACC NRs AT6020410 SOURCE COD 0000/65,1000/000/0129/0136 ~AMOR: Illyenko, B. P.; Lats1ko, Ye. H.; Zalkind, V. 14.; Zykov, . G.; Tolok,__V T ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of plasmoids moving in a toroidal magnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasm..'i clusters). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 129-136 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma magnetic field, plasma injection, plasma gun, plasma pinch, helical magnetic field ABSTRACT- This work reports on three experimental studies of electric fields in plas- ma. Electric fields arising due to polarization in plasma in 1) curved magnetic fields with varying radii of curvature, 2) in a toroidal field where two plasmoids collide and 3) in a case where a plasmoid moves along the toroidal field, are studied. The measurements were performed with two probes, one near the vessel wall and the other located at a given point in the plasma. The plasma was generated in a conical pinch gun and injected into the working region. The experiments show that polarIzation fields consist of the components along the toroid's major and minor radii and along the toroidal axis. Initially, the latter two components dominate in the main part of the plasmoid; subsequently, only the axial component is dominant. Plasma density was 1/2 L 41067-66 ACC NRt AT6020410 also found to increase by an order of magnitude at the exit from the helical magnetiq 'L field of a curved toroidal section. Data for the various cases ahowing both space and time dependence of the various quantities measured are graphed. Orig. art. has- 9 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE; llNov65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH RM 001 2/2 L 080Q~'56 XCC_Mt_--AT60204l4 (N) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Zolototrubov, I. M. Kiselev, V. A.; Novikov, Yu. ORG: none UR/0000/65/000/000/0165/0171' M.; Tplok, V. T. TITLE: Operation of the coaxial plasma source in a longitudinal magnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clusters). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 165-171 TOPIC TAGS: plasma gun, plasma source, plasma magnetic field, plasma dynamics '-A-'6"-u0-vfi4 mqc_A.,-F~-rr_ C-1,GkP ABSTRACT: An attempt to develop a plasma source free of impurities by the use of a coaxial gun in a longitudinal magnetic field is discussed. The plasma gun and its operation is described, its energy source is a battery of condensers (1000 pf) working at 5 kv, the working gas is hydrogen injected by a fast-acting valve. When the gun is operated in the magnetic field, the discharge current plate appears. This, togeth- er with the observation of the plasma ejection velocity, indicates plasma drift typic- al of crossed electric and magnetic fields. High speed photography reveals that the plasma generated when the magnetic field is applied is much more uniform than in the absence of the field. Spectroscopic analysis shows that the magnetic field inhibits very strongly the appearance of electrode material impurities found in discharges without the external field. It is planned to overcome the insufficient ionization andl Card 1/2 ACC NI, AT1111414 low plasma velocity by increasing the electric power input and the modified magnetic field. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l.Illov6!5/ ORIG PEF: 002/ ON PZP: 003 2/2 ~J ~ _L 2550546. EPF(n)=UWT(1)/EV11(mJ (f ZEVIG(m) TJP (r. /M ACC NRs AP6011387 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/0364003/0443/0446 AUTHOR: Shvets,'O,M.; Toranonko, V,F,; Ovchinnikov, S,B,; Brzhechko,L,V,; .Pavl1chenko, 0,8 ; Tolok, VaTs ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of high frequency heating of a dense plaits in a metallic chamber ~SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f1miki, v. 36, no. 3, 1966, 443-446 ITOPIC TAGS: plasma heating, ion temperature, cyclotron resonance, innguetic mirr nim-.h ine, high frequency, hydrogen, helium, argon, helium pJ.;) -;-iR, hydrngen pl.- "I i:7mn charged paxticle, plasma density PIACT: This pnper appears to be a sequel to an Iearlier r-~ iv,-r V1 "Uthor-C (ZhTF, 35, 1285, 1965). IfygLome~L~elium"ails' ar;,o:, pressures In the (1-3) x 10-3 mm Hg range with charged Of 1014 rm-3 vere produced in the "Vikhro" magnetic ,0,_ted by ion cyclotron waves which were produced in the v. :-nitrnr and propagated to the center of the discharge chembf-i re mqgn#.,~ r: iwar weaker and corresponded to the proton cyclotron resonanLn. 1-it: 1-50 kW osci 1 -r :operated at a frequency of 1.82 MUx. 'rho following advantages are -laimed for -tv; !employed technique (vh1ch Is not descrAbed In any detail In the present paper): nhe momentum ini t jolly! -Imported to the Ion is porpozdlcular to the external magnetic 1101d I r.--A 11.2 -UDC: $33.9 L 25505-66 ACC NRI AP6011387 'Ind thus does not tend to drive the Lon away from the region of the magnetic mirror; the conditions for producing the waves do not deteriorate with Increasing plasma size or density; the input impedance Is low; and energy can be Introduced at two different frequencies if it is desired to heat both the ion and the electron components of the plasma. Regular oscillations at frequencies of the order of 20 1d1z of the intensities of spectrum lines were observed at magnetic field strengths close to the proton cyclo- tron resonance. These oscillations appeared when waves were being excited in the plasma and were due to eccentric rotation of the plasma filament as a whole with respect to the axis of the chambert as was confirmed by longitudinal observation with two photomultipliers mounted 3 cm from the axis. The ion temperatures were determined from the Doppler broadening of spectrum lines. The temperature of the additional gas (helium or argon) increased sharply as the strength of the magnetic field app~mached the proton cyclotron resonance value. Argon temperatures no high as 250 eV were ob- served. Temperatures of various impurity Ions were elso measured; these temperatures were independent of the mass of the impurity ion. The width of H13 interpreted as Doppler broadening, indicated a much lower temperature for hydrageniatoms than for the various ions. This is ascribed to the short life of a hydrogen atR6 in the plasma.The temperature of the plasma decreased rapidly with incresaing distance from the axis, being down by a factor of 5 at 4 cm from the axis. The ion: temperature increased rapidly with increasing bigln-f requency power, and such higher tempelvatures could appar- utly be achieved by increasing the high-frequency power and the magnetic field trength. It in concluded,that a dense plasma.containing two kinds of Ions can be 2/3 ACC NR# AP6011387 - 1!9' heated by resonance production of loci cyclotron way's In tons of one kind, but that the mechanism of ansta transfer betvisen the two different kinds of tons Is not understood, OrIS, art# has:. 3 lormulas and 4 figurese SM COORt 20 SM DAM MOO CRIGS RM 00; 3/3 h 'P-* 1, 215tu~--66 PT ACC NR: AP 08748 SOURCE CODE: UR/03q,6/66/003/oo6/0243/o2~47 IAUTHOR: Burchenko, P. YA.; Vasilenko., B. T.; Volkov, YE. D.; ~ikolayev, R., M.; jPotapenko, V. A.; ORO: F sicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR (jFiziko-tekhnicheskiy institute Akademii nauk ,TITLE: Excitation and thermalization of plasma oscillations in a stellarator SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktaiyu. Prilozheniye, Y. 3, no. 6, 1966, 243-24T l TOPIC TAGS: controlled themonualmr reactionp plasma confinement, plasma electron oscillation, plasma electron temperature, W3AM -Xcfle +.-~-r' 4&'ic- f~"t4 AMTRACT; The authors studied the influence of callective processes on the behnvior of a plasA-In_ a closed stellarator-type ;&9~~ trap (Sirius), comprising T-race- track with two trifilar helical windings placed on th toroidal sections. The stel- larator had a vacuum chamber with axial length 600 cm and minor diameter 10 cm, a maximum retaining field 110 - 2 X .104 of';) and 0 = 8nnkT/I?- - 7.5*X .10-". To excite intense collective oscillations, a long-itudinU electric held of large amplitude (E > Ek - 1.58 x 10-8 n/Te), was applied to a plasma produced in the stellarator cham- bex7by a pre-ionization jenerator. All. the experiments were made at initial neutral- helium pressures 5 x 10- __ 15 X 10-4 no Hg. The experiments consisted of measuring the plasma current and the loop voltage in the chamber, the plasma density, the x- radiation from the diaphragm limiting the plasma pinch and from the chamber walls, the ACC NRi AP6008748 microwave radiation from the plasma, and the integral amount of light. With Increase In field, the initially sinusoidal current signal-became distorted, and after build-up of the oscillations, the current decreased to a value I - U)O--200 A, at which level it remained for 10--20 psec,. although a rather large electric field was applied to the, plasma. In all the intervals of the investigated neutral gas pressure and electric and magnetic field intensities the discharge was accompanied by microwave emission from the plasma at wavelengths X - 2-4 cm. In stronger electric fields a broad spec- trum of oscillations was excited in the plasma at wavelepgths 4.6--2W cm, with the maximum radiated power in the 3.2--15 cm interval. In electric fields stronger than critical, the plasma emits also intense x-rays,f`iom which it is deduced that the pW- ma contains a group of electrons with almost-Maxwellian velocity distribution and with a temperature that ranges from 4 to 9 key. Measurements of the integral amount of light have shown that at the instant of "citation of the collective processes and appearance of x-radiation from the chamber waUa the intensity of plasma glow de- creases abruptlyp thus confirming indirectly the fact that the electrons become heated! Authors thank K. D. Sinellnikov for interest in the work and valuable discussions. Or1g. art. has: 2 figures. I 60 CODE: 2D/ SM DATE: 3ljsd56/ oRiG mw: oo3/ om Rw: ow AT6020561 N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/6 0/000/0005/0009 AUTHOR: Nazaroy, N. I.; Yermakov, A. I.; Tolok,_ V. T. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the energy of charged particles leaving magnetic traps after high frequency heating SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 5-9 TQPIC TAGS: plasma heating, HF plasma magnetic field, plasma tempera- ture ABSTRACT: This work describes the results of measurements of the f ions and -electrons are moving along the magnetic field. The heating mechanig-suseCF-1-n'l the experiments were collective excitations by ion cyclotron and fast magnetosonic waves. The characteristic waves in the plasma were excited by the spatially periodid.1 electromagnetic fields with 10 14Hz frequency. The generator power used was at the 300 kw level. The particle energy and composition was measured by the electrostatic aralyzer and multigrid probes. The plasma temperature was determined by spectroscopic: methods. Plasma density was determined by a microwave interferometer. It was found that three types of ions flowed out, namely, H1, H2, H3, all of which had the same L 46296-66 A-CC NR. AT6020561 energy even though the resonant acceleration,condition is satisfied for H, only. The ion temperature of 2 kev was reached, while the electron energy was only 30 ev. -this also indicates the presence of three types of ions. In magnetosonic wave heating, both ions and electrons were found to reach a temperature of 150 ev. The various mea-1 suring methods gave consistent results. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9Nov65/ ORIG REr: 004 2/2 afs L 41007-66 an(l)jT IJP(c) AT ACC NR. AP6018729 SWRCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/006/1040/1048 olototrubov, AUTHOR: z I,u.; Kiselev,V,A.; Novikov, Tu.K.; Ryzhov, N.M. Tolok, V. T 4 ORG; none TITLE: A coaxial plasma gun in a longitudinal magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnichoskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1040-1048 TOPIC TAGS: plasma gun, hydrogen plasiwt, contamination, longitudinal magnetic field, ABSTRACT: In an effort to improve the purity and the uniformity with regard to velocity, density, and total number of particles of the plasma bursts from a coaxial plasma gun~lthe.authors investigated the influence of a longitudinal magnetic field on the performance of the gun. It was anticipated that the rotation of the plasma within the gun,,due to the Lorentz force on the radial current in the longitudinal magnetic field, would improve the azimuthal uniformity th current sheet. The dia- 0 Zhe 70 cm long coaxia meters of the inner and outer stainless steel electrodelot 1 gun were 3 and 7 cm, respectively. The gas (0.1 cie of ydrogen) was admitted through six openings in the inner electrode near its center, and the gun was fired by the 20 kV discharge of a 12 microfarad capacitor. The plasma gun was located in the uniform portion of the field of a 1.4 m long solenoid. The magnetic field rose to its maximum strength of up to 8 28 millisec and subsequently decayed exponentially with a time constant of 72 millisec. The processes taking place within the plasma gun Corti 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L 41007-66 ACC NRi AP6018729 were investigated with the aid of a magnetic probe and by recording the discharge current, and the plasmas ejected from the gun were investigated with an external magnetic probe, a spectrograph, a photomultiplier, a monochrometer with the aid of a which the intensities of different spectrum lines were displayed on an oscillograph, and a thermal probe. The rather involved processes that took place within tho gun are discussed at some length. The rotation of the plasma gave rise to a magnetic trap within which a considerable portion of the gas was confined. Two plasma bursts were usually produced, but Vnder some conditions it was possible to obtain only one burst containing some 2 x 10,16 particles at a density of 2.4 x 1013 cm-3 and-moving with a velocity of 3 x 107 em/sec. The purity 0 the plasma bursts increased with increasing longitudinal magnetic field strength; at a magnetic field strength of 6.4 We there were no lines due to electrode materials in the spectrum, and the lines due to carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen were considerably weaker than in the spectra of plasmas produced without the magnetic field. It is concluded that with the aid of a longitudinal magnetic field one can obtain from a coaxial plasma gun pure high energy plasmas free of slow and contaminated tails, but at the cost of inefficient use of the energy stored in the capacitor bank. The authors thank O.M.Shvets, and Ya.F.Volkov for discussions and criticism. Orig. art. has; 3 formulas' &hd 7 figures~ CODE: 20/ SM DATZ: 26Apr63/ ORIG. WW: 004/ 012 RM: 002 2/2 hs r j P Cip! AT ACC NRs iT6'_0_2"0_'5_64 SOU-R-C-i'-C6D-E: UR/0000/65/000/000/0026/0038 AUTHOR: Shvets. 0. M.; Ovchinnikov S. S.,. Tarasenko, v. r.; Brzhechko Pay1ichen)~0_.,_d_._S_Tolok. V. T ORG: none TITLE: Study of the conditions for generating a dense plasma in a metal chamber and the high frequency Le~~Lin& of _pjasT~,~, SOURCE: ALI UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 26-38 TOPIC TAGS: heated plasma, plasma density, plasma generator, argon Iplasma ABSTRACT: The;2.qeratic~n YsTa in a metal container and the properties of such a plasma were investigated.. A diagnim of the experimental apparatus-is shown. Up to 100 kw can he generated at frequencies of 1.82.10G fig. The magnetic field which can be produced in several configurations, has a maximum value of 2-105 A/m. The plasma diagnostics consist of: 1) voltage monitoring across the plasma column, which deter- mines the coupling between the generator and the plasma load; 2) spectral measure- ments of plasma ions and impurity lines,, giving the density and temperature of the ions- and 3) magnetic probe to determine the field distributions. A plasma density of! 2-101 4 cm-3 and a-temperature of 4-1050K were attained. Another set of experimentr, rd 1/2 ACC NR:',AT*6020564 was performed to observe the laiLnching of high frequency waves irito the pla5ma to pro.- duce ion ncatLinlg_.`~,- The results of -these experiments show that whcn argcn plasma was used, an ion temperature of 2-1060K was reached. Since the ion temperature depends strongly on the applied voltage, it is concluded that higher voltage would result in hotter plasma. It was also shown that a mixture of two different ionic species can be effectively heated; the energy transfer mechanism, however, must be further inves- tigated. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REr: o01 SUB CODE., 20/. SUBM DATE: 19Nov65/ 2/2 vMb rd L o7ho&.67 FWT(1) IJP(c) MAT ACC NRt AT6020574 ~r4) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Sukhmlin, Ye. .; Supruchenko., V. A.; Reva, N. I.; Tolok, V. T. 62- ORG: none TITLE: Dissipation of plasma oscillations excited in a current-carrying plasma SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 126-133 TOPIC TAGS: plasma heating, plasma oscillation, plasma conductivity, plasma contain- ment ABSTRACT: The beating and gontainmgn nf.pLasma in a strong magnetic field in the presence of instabilities caused by "run-away" ere-c-trons is investigated. The experl-I ment consists of a 100 ka linear discharge in hydrogen, characterized by the absence 1 of gross hydrodynamic instabilities. The "run-away" current was monitored to study the onset of two-stream instability and the resultant thermalization of the plasma. In the absence of collisions the anomalous diffusion observed is attributed to an In- crease in the kinetic pressure of electrons in the center of the discharge. This ef- fect was used to estimate the electron temperature from the time of arrival of the ex- panding plasma at the tube wall. The heating time, measured by observation of the emitted x-radiation and intense microwave bursts, is much shorter than that which can LSord L 07408-67 ACC NR, AT6020574 be eyplained by collisional heating. The very high final temperature of the electroi (2 kev) and short heating time correspond to the postulated collective process of heating by a two-stream instability. (hAg. art. has: 4 figures. SO CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9Nov65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 005 card 2/2 ACC NRs AP6036030. SOURCE COM UR/0037/66/036/011/1971/1976 'AUTHOR: ZykovpV.G.; Stepanonko,I.A.; T0lok,V,,T, ORGs none TITLE: Volume polarization interaction of plasmas in a multipole magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal teWnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 11, 1966, 1971-1975 TOPIC TAGS: plasma Injection, dense plaium,'plasma gun, plasma interaction, non- homogeneous magnetic field, combined magnetic fiold,magnetic trap ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated the behaviol of plasma bursts with velo- 6 3 ;-3 cities of 2 x 10 cm s-~c and densities of 1012 to 10 cm produced by conical plasma guns bind transversely injected singly or simultaneously in opposite directions into the mdgnetic field produced by the inductively loaded 3 W discharge of a 2.7 ~ millifarad capacitor bank through four'parallel I cm diameter'150 cm long brass rods- -which formed the edges of a rectangular parallelepipedon with a cross i3ection diagonal of 10.5 cm. 7lie period of the loaded discharge was 4 millisec and the maximum strength of the magnetic field produced on-the injection axis by the currents in the rods, all four of whichl were in the same direction, was 1.210o. The Injected plasma were photographed and their behavior was investigated with electric and magnetic probes. it was found that a plasma burst of considerable density would bass through both magnetic barriers. From this It is concluded that simultaneous injection from Card 1/2 ACC NRa AP6036030 opposite directions is necessary for efficient entrapment of plasma. The magnetic. -field configuration recorded with simultaneous injection of plasmas from opposite directions differed considerably from the algobraic.sum of the fields recorded with single Injection of plasmas from t~e*two directions; this shows that the colliding plasmas interacted with each other. 'The moving pInsmas were electrically polarized. .The pqlarization of a singly injected plasma chang6d sign, but the polarization passed through zero not on the axis of the system, but some 0.5 cm beyond.the axis in the direction of motion of theplasma. ..When two plasmas were simultaneously injected in: opposite directions their polarizations decreased smoothly and vanished on the axis of th'e.systIem. Plasma was entrapped in the field when; two plasmas were simultaneousl injected; the entrapped plasma moved both aldng the magnetic lines of force and parallel to the axis-of the system. It is planned to investigate injection of'plasmas parallel to the axis of the system and ontrapment of interacting plasmas 'in magnetic traps. The authors think graduate student A.V.Pashchenko of the MIFI for partici- pating In the measurements. Orig. art. bass 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATEs 22jul.65 ORIG. RM 001 MH REF: 002 Card L 05917-67 EWT(1) IJP(c) AT Z ACC NR, AR6032293 SOURCE CODE.- UR/0275/66/000/007/AO231AO23 AUTHOR: Shvets, 0. M., Ovchinnikov, S. S, ;.Tarasenko, V. F.;ILrzhechko. L. V. Pavlichenko, 0. S. ; Tolok, V. T. TITLE: Investigation of conditions for the production of a dense plasma in a metal chamber and for its h-f heating 0 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 7AI67 REF SOURCE: none TOPIC TAGS: dense plasma, particle density, charged particle density, cyclotron Ion wave ABSTRACT: Conditions for product a a dense plasma o~ a "VIKHRf" system by means of high-powered frequency oscillators were investigated. Charged particle density, was determined on the basis )f the Stark widening, of the line: Wo and by SHP methods, Electron temperaturo ~ was determined by the intensity iaifios of the He lines, It was fourW that the dens ty of the plasma produced in a~ metal chamber reached 1013 cm"J at an electroq temperaWr e of 40 ev. Further action of 1/2 UDC; 537. 575 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 05917-67 ACC NRI AR603 2293 0 cyclotron ion waves on the plasma resulted In an insignificant increase in the ion temperature of the basic gas (H3) and a noticeable heating'up of the ions of other a sea which were present in the system (up to ^j 200 ev). The mechanism of g energy transmission by protons to other ions to not clear. Bibliography of 3 titles. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 09, 20/ kh rd 2/2. cc ACC NR; AT7008875 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/C)OO/000/0018/0025 AUTHOR: Tolok T. (Candidate of physico mathematical sciences) ORG: none TITLE:- Plasma*jet interactions ,99JRCE: Problemy termoyadernykh issled6vaniy, 1965, 18-25 TOPIC TAGS: -olasma interaction, plasma jet, plasma bewn SUB CODE: 20 .ABSTRACT: The modernv controlled thermonuclear reaction research works basically in thd direction of 1) studies of the turbulent heating of plasma (Academician Ye. K. ZAVOYSKIY and his group) and 2) fundamental Investigation concerning hot plasma trapping within large-scale magnetio traps (the group led by Doctor of Phyaloo- iMathematical Sciences I.No.GOLOVIN). The author of the article oses still another, third approaohs injecting an already pra- p 'pared plasma Into the magnetic traps. This would result In a ;fast filling of the trap and poijalbilities for the.~oleanlng and ,additional heating of the plasma. The problem splits into three ;parts: a) how to prepare a plasma of required characteristics; how to InJeet it into the trapi and o) how to keep It within ,the trap, The paper presents the results of the study of plasma ~!beam intoraotions at the KharOkov Physloo-Toohnologloal Insitutet Card 1/2 2 0~-3 - ACC NR~ AT7008875 One of the possible methods for plasma braking Is the utilization of.a collectiv(j interaction of colliding plasma jets under speol- ''-tied donditions of temperature and velocity relationships of the !plasma components. This so-called*two-jet Ionic Instability was ~.proposed by the Cor. member of the AS USSR B,B, KADOMTSEV and was ,experimentally verified by Ye. K. ZAVOYSKIY,, Another method# the .so-oalled polarization approach for colliding jet braklngt does :not impose auxiliary conditions on the plasma, and experiments ,proved this method also very effective, except that the resulting plasma was highly erratic. Subsequent research could attempt neither to 1) stabilize the plasma following the collision of the ~Jets, or 2) to search for oondItIons leading to a more quiet Inter~~ ;,action. This second method, volume polarization interaotiong was itested successfully In two real magnetio.systemst a magnetio I I: Itrap with colliding magnetic fields# and in conjunction with con-".., Iduotors carrying the ourrent In a single direction. The contin- ;uirig success of theae'and similar investigations will depend on ithe purification of plasma jets from harmful foreign admixtures& i0rig. art-. has: 6 figures and 4 formulas. [JPRS] L~qcrd SUKHOMLIN, Yo. 1 fUNA, N. I.; ~;Trilllt)!ENKO, . -, -TCJf',.K, Excitation and thpnnallzaticn of elearcron pi-mima ltftvv:!S a current gas discharge. Pis'. v red. Zhur. eksper. i tqOrel- -'1z. I no.2t45-0 Ap 165. 1. Fj z iko-tekhn I cheek! y 5natitut PN 'Ikrairtgkoy SO. 1. A~,- TUCK '1.L -41 magnetic fields. Ular. ti?~-- f.z. 35 Ic ,O0 (M.'TRA 18,.10) ILIYENKO, B.P.; LATSIKO, Ye.M.; ZALKIND, V.M.; ZYKOV, V.G.,-___-!Plk)K. V.T. Polarization of a plasma moving in a helical magnetic -field. Zbur. tekh. fiz. 3~ no.9:1594-1597 5 165. .". - ~.t Polarization of a plasma moving in a toroidal magnetic fielq. Ibid.t159&-1601 Polarization of a p1qsmoid moving in magnetic fields with different signs of the curvature of the lines of force. Ibid,:31.602-1-405, WIRA 18:10) ZYKOV, V.G.; S'LTIPARENK 0, I.A.; TCILOK, V.T.; SINEPNIKOV, K D. -Study of Plasma capture in a rm-mletdc with op csinlg fields. Zhur. tek-h. fiz. 35 no.1:62-?-l uJa 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN I;krSSR, hlartkov. 191-66 -z*w(i) /9Tc/E"(zj -2/9-M (m) /SPA(v) IJP(c)~ AT UR/C()57/63/035/008/1390/1393' kiCCESSION NRs 4P0020723 IV AV1116R.- Zykovp V*G4; Stepoinanko, 1.~61 ITITLEt - Interact -ion Of Polarized plitsma a Itregms in a Magnetic field that increases towsrd. the periphery SOURC81 zhur-nal: taklinicheskoy, flzikk V 30, no. at 1905, 1390-1393 TOPIC TAGS1 turbulent plasmas plasma confinement$ plasma injection, plasma Inter- action, magnetic trap, magnetic Mirrors cusped magnetic field IABSTRACTS The authors and collaborators. have previously investigated the interac- Ition of oppositely directed plasmastreams in a uniform transverse.magnetic field (ZITrt 32? 1050,190). The oppositely pQlarized,plasmas interacted strongly and deceleration occured; turbuleme areas, however, which led to lose of plasma. In ithe present paper the authors report. experiments with oppositely direoted plasmas lin a bi onical ousped field,, which were undertaken with the expectation that the Imore smoothly varying fiela,would not give rise to turbulence. The b1conical cusp was produced In a 30 cm diameter stainless steel chamber by the'discharge with a 29. psec period of a 2700 WA capacitor through appropriate windingse The maximum Card 1/2 L 2h91-66 ACCESSTION NR: APS020723 field R~rength In the mirror region was 8800. 0e, and in the cusp at the~chamber wall, 2250 Oe. P1 asmas were injected~from one, two# or four conical guns symmotri- cally disposed with respect to the plane,of the cusp In a meridian plane of the biconical field, the injection directions were at 450'to the axis of the field. Each plasma gun-was fired by.the 12-1.5 kV discharge of a 1.2 Pfd capacitor, the discharge period, being M psece Thei-behavior of the plasmas was observed by pho- Itographing their luminescencefrom different directions, and the plasma polariza- tion at different points .was measured'. with a double floating probe., The plasma polarization did not va nish when the plasma crossed the central point of zero Mag- netic field; it disappeared only after the plasma had,penetrated obveral centi- meters beyond this point Into the region of opposliely directed field. The oppo- sitely directed plasmas did strongly Interact without observable turbulence, but part of the plasma escaped through the cusp, and part escaped through the mirrorse "In conclusion, we express our deep gratitude to Academician SoUsSinelfnikov for his valuable advice and.interest In the work. Orig. artb hmat 4 figures. ?~Kcr ASSOCIATIONt none SUMITTED: 16NOv64 EWW 06 BUD CCONS us NR REP SOW-L-03 atugs 000 card?A Vek_ L 3614-66- P JACCESSION MR., AP5024033 'UR1065716510351009A58511589 533.9 AUTHORt ~Y"vp V, 6 Stepanenkop']:* A. i TolokL. V~~_ To T1TLEt Polarization teraction of opposed plasma streams in a composite magnetic field tra P SOURCE: Zhurnal.tekhnicheskoy fiziki~ Vo 35t no. 91 1965, 1585-15B9 TOPIC TAGS.,. -magnetic mirrorp combined",magnetic field, plasma injection, plasma je~ plasma confinement.,.plasma interaction ABSTRACTe The authors have investigated the behavior of plasma bursts colliding within a-magnetic mirror system provided with an auxiliary quadrupole or octupole magnetic field* The magnetic mirror system was produced in a 30 cm diameter stain- less steel chamber by dis'charge,of a 2700 microfarad capacitor through,suitable windings* The maximum magnetic field at the center of the system was-2800 Oe and the mirror ratio was 2*16., The auxiliary field was provided by currents in eight copper rods parallel to the main field and disposed at equal intervals on the sur- '...-face of a 1096 cc diameter cylinder., The rods could be connected variously in ser- ies or series-parallelp but the'rod.system was,always connected in series with the, main windings so that the ratio of the,auxiliary to the main.field remained con- -etjit during,the discharge, At tho surface of the 1 cm diameter rods this ratio LIA /2 L-361-4-66----- 'ACCESSION NR-- Ap5o24033 was 0.874 Plasma bursts from four conical plasma guns disposed symmetrically in the equatorial plane of the mirror system were injected transversely to the in magnetic fields The velocity of the leading edge of a asma jet was 2 x 109a 4cm/sec and the ion density was of the order of m 31 -jO13 c in the presence of the auxiliary magnetic field the turbulent plasma "protuberances" observed earlier by re was the authors and collaborators (ZhTF9 34, 1417, 1964) did not occur# and the no difficulty in assuring head on collision between oppositely directed jets. it was established with the aid of probes that the oppositely polarized colliding jets, interacted strongly. The maximum plasma density in the center of the system was much greater when the auxiliary field was present than when it was notp but the confinement time was the samein both caseso "The authors express their sincere w-, gratitude to Academician K*DsSinel1ni!%ov for his valuable advice.and support of the work*" Origj art hass 4 fliVis --R,6-6~ ASSOCIATIONt none SUBUMEM 16NoY64 ENCLi 00. SUB, CMEt'. HE NO -Rff Sovt 004 OTIZ-At 000 -COM 2/2 -3611-66-- En(l)/~M/a JACMSSION NR.AP5024030 UR/0057/65/035/009/1598/16011 7.,3. 9 AUMOR: Il 'yeako, B.P.; Lats Iko, Ye.K.; Zalkind, V.H.; Tolok, V.T. TITLE: Investigation of the polarization of a plasma moving In a toroidal magne- tic field SOURCE: Zurnal takhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 9, 1965, 1598-1601 TOPXTAGS: inhomogeneouB plasma, electric field, toroidal geometry, longitudinal magnetic f ield ABSTRACT: The authors measured the polarization of plasmas moving in a toroidal magnetic field. The magnetic field (up to 200 kA/m) was produced in a U-shaped I copper drift tube (diameter not given). The large radius of the toroidal section of the drift tube was 42 cm and the straight legs were 60 cm long. Plasmas with -ion densities exceeding 1013 cm-3 were injected at one and of the drift tube with a conical plasma gun powered by the B-12 W 0.5 g sec discharge of a 3 gfd capacitor., The charged particle density of.the injected plasmas was not less thau 1013 CA-3. The electric field polarization in the plasma was-measured with probes at the exit from the toroidal section. The polarization field had components in the,direction Card L 3611-66 SION NR: AP5024036 e large radius of the torus and in the direction of the aximi of the torus. The axial component changed sign when the direction of the longitudinal field was reversed, and the component did not. The distribution of the polarization field across the section of the drift tube and the variation of thb polarization field with the longitudinal. magnetic field strength were measured and are presented graphically.. By -comparing the time of maximum polarization with that at which a 3 cm wave cr(yosing the drift tube was cut oft by the plasma , it was established that the polarization was confined almost entirely t.o the more rapid, less dense 'leading portion of-the plasma burst. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. ASSOCIATIONI none. SUMMED: laDet64 ,ENCL: 00 SUB COUSt HE RR FM SOVI 002 OTHER: 002 ACCMION NR2 AP5W4037 UR10057/65/035/009,/1601/1605 - 5/ 533.9 WIS157 WHOR: Ilt ko, B A P. Latalkos Ye# Me; Zalkind, Ve~ Me; Zykovv Ve G.; Tolokl_ .-V, T. tion of plasma ving in magnetic fields or TITLE: Investigation of the polariza opposite curvatures SOMEt, Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v- 35, no. 9, 1965, 1601-1605 TOPIC TAGS.- inhomogeneous plasmas electric field, toroidal geometry, longitudinal magnetic field., ABSTRACT: The authors measured the polarization of plasmas moving in a toroidal 'magnetic field, using the apparatus described in the two accompanying papers (ZhTF _35 -1598, i6ol,, 15,65 fsee abstracts ILP5024035 and AP5024036,7) and, in addition, a 70L c~m-diameter: S-shape, - coppe - dr - ft tube consisting --of two half4ori of 35 c d r :L m large radius joined by a20 cm long,istraight sectlone A longitudinal magnevie eld of 200 M/m was maintained in both drift tubes, Plasmas could be injected at f i -either or both ends of both drift tulma by means of conical plasma guns* The pol.- arization of the plasmas was measured with probes located at the center of the tor-- -the straight section joining the U-sha ed drift, tube and in card 113 ACCESSION NRt Ap5o24o37 two half-tori, of the S-shaped drift tube, The polarization is analyzed in terms of .three components'Vzq VR# and Vr: VZ Is parallel to the axis of the'torus, VR is in the direction of the large radius of.the torus, and Vr is in the plane of Vz and Vit and is directed away from the axis; of the drift tube(along the small radius of the'torus)* it weis found that Vz cheinges sign when the direction of the magnetic field is reversed but not when the direction of motion of the plasma through the U-sbaped drift tube is reversed without reversing the field. When the direction of motion of the plasma through the ")'-shaped drift tube was reversed, however, the Vz e6mponent of the polarization measured in the straight section joining the two half-tori changes sign. When two oppositely moving plasmas collided in the center of the U-shaped drift tube the value of V. was approximately the same as when only one plasma was present, When two oppositely moving plasmas collided in the strai- ght section joining the two half-tori of the S baped drift tuber the Vz polariza- i tion components of the two plasmas canceled each other and only Vr was measured* The distributions of VZ and Vr across the drift tube are presented graphically. 1~ i was found that V. and Vr are of comparable magnitude in the fastleading edge of the plasma burstp but.that V2 predoudhates. in the tail* orig* arto has: 8 figures-1 ZYFIGV) V.G.; STEPAI-10,110, I.A.; E-USHIN, L.A.; NIKOI SKIY, 1.K.; PAVLICIIEENKO, O.S.;_,TOIf)K., V.T. Spectroscopic s- dy of plasm-a clots in ColliS40n. 7hUr. te' . uu - fiz. 35 no.1:56-61 Ja 165. 18:3) SHVETS, O.M.; OVCHITINIKOV, S.S,; TARASLNKO, V.F.; TGIk)K, V.T. . ..... - " - Study on the properties of a plasma in mutually opposed electric and magnetic fields. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 35 no.4:717-722 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) Q MOM, Ion cyciolron wave. inagneto- IL!75-0- In O-Lt 7 t;zj-, -,~?st ing Ceird 1/2 ACCESSIOF N'R' A15-)0609S -~P~q on rpsonant excitatj(-,r;, prop-a- A:r /4/p eleeLric fie-lds !;-ffaa 1.1, was foLmd that with strong orgfde~rable nar#~ ni, 4 i- - :_ -.- ! e~ I ~?~, i- , - i., i- 1 1- ~ W-a", 06 ~- C t SOUFoCE: Zt1urnal te~haicheskcy L t-~ t t,~hl I itv. Dlasma confinement hydrogen t 250- -"e 7f- -tr-3 IN* Ova I Ml- I-= so MINIM T ~~Ub 'CUE: gs N7, IP M-n S7 WE I, _i jw.5~ --Mk --ZIP t-27597-:65 E'gr(l)/EPA(sp)-2/EPA(w)-2/tgC(t)/T/EM(m)-2 Pz-6/Po-4/Pab-l0/pJ_4 S/0057/65/035/001/0056/ooc ACCESSION XR: APS003237 q3, AUMOR: Zykov,V.G / OteyAnonko.K.A / DushIn& ffikollskiyj, ./ Paylichanko, TITIZ- Spectrqscopic invsstigation of the plasma in colliding burats SOURCHt Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, V.35, no.1, 1965, 56-61 TOPIC TAGSs plasma Interaction, plasma spectral line, charge exchange ABSTRACT: This paper reports a continuation of work by some of the present authors and others (ZhTJ 35,62,1965 Zziee Abstract AP500323g) concerning the confinement of 1 plasma injected into a cusp magnetic field. The present work was performed without the magnetic field, and was undertakiia to Investigate the processes taking place " colliding plasma bursts. Plasma bursts were injected from one or more of four coni-; cal plasma guns equally disposed about the periphery of a 20 on diameter stainless steel tube, and the spectra were observed in both the longitudinal and tranaTerst directions. The ti -integrated spectrum was recorded photographically In the ransal from 2000 to WOO r anti the time dependence of the intensity of certain limes was i dettrained with a ;~otoelsctrlc Instrument. The plisms bursts had a maxi=m density- tcar.4 INN L 27597-65 ACCESSION NFtj APS003237 of 2 x 1014 cm-3 and the electron temperature was 4 to 4.5 eV. The velocity of the! fast component of a bursts was,1.4 x 107 cm/goo; this wan followed by a mlo-wer Itall". The collision of two plaarj& burats led to an increase In the intensity of all spectrum lines and the appearance of lines that were not observed in single 1 bursts. Velocity measurements performed with the photoelebtric instrument using the, VP 4861, C 1 4371 and C 11 4267 lines showed that both the carbon Ions and the by- drogon atoms moved more rapidly than thocarbon atoms. The presence of excited ions in the plasma burst at a considerable distance from the source in discussed, and it! is suggested that these are continually formed by a charge exchange mechanism. Thai Ion temperature was determined from the Doppler broadening of the C 11 4267 line. Collision of the plasma bursts was found to be accompanied by an increase of the I ion temperature. After brief discussion it is concluded that the strong interaction between plasma bursts observed in this and the previous work can be accounted for by Coulomb Interaction. "In conclusioni, the authors expriss their gratitude to lo, _Ly,gahagbko, A.P.Dolir nd A.A.Kute for technical assistance In performing the work." 6 figurem. 2/3 [Card ACCESSION NR: eAT4036054 8/2781/63/000/003/0164/0168 AUTHORSs Nazarov, N. I.; Yermalcov, A. 1.1 IKS:kok -.:V...T.; Sinellnikov,, ..K. D. iTITL~: Investigation of instability in the cyclotron method of 1plasma heating j SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plasmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravIyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza,(Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen- taii, no. 3, Kiev, Izd-vo AM UkrSSR* 1963, 164-168 TOPIC T.AGS: cyclotron resonance phenomena, plasma instability, plasma heating, plasma ion oscillation, plasma decay, microwave plasma, gyromagnetic resonance ABSTRACT:- To clarify the question of the effectiveness of plasma heating by ion cyclotron waves and to study the influence of the Ond 'ACCESSION NR: AT4036054 level of the high-frequency'power on the plasma heating in the ion e region, an experiment was performed with a setup de- f scribed in detail elsewhere (ZhTF v. 32, No. 5, 1962). The results of the tests indicate that there exist two distinctly different modes of plasma behavior, one in which the plasma exists for a reld- tively long time, and one in which the plasma begins to decay even before the termination of the high-frequency power.pulse. A radical Idecrease in the lifetime of the plasma occurs at a definite critical ,power level supplied to the plasma, and the smaller the pressure the ~smaller the critical power. The critical power depends on the icleanliness of the system and increases for a poorly preconditioned isystem. This dependence on the pressure and on the purity of the system suggests that the observed instability is due to the appear- iance of ion currents with large directional velocities, At the '(present time the nature of the obnerved instability cannot be rocan- 1ciled with the existing theory. "In conclusion the authors thank 'Ya. B. Paynbeig and V. 1. Kurilko for interest in the work and for a Card 2/5 ACCESSION NRs AT4036054 the resulter and also ,th thl. L'i, Ldbko, Ve he Dondarev, w. :and Ye. S. ghokhlov for help experiment. Orig. art. has& 5 figurese ;ASSOCIATION: None ;SUBMITrED: 00 DATZ MOO, 2lKay64. ~ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: PM NR REP SM 003 OTHERs 002 3/5 MEOW 77,"73011 ACCESSION NRs AT4036054 IUCLOSURZ: 0l 6W T, tLeea Power., kW Dependence of the lifetime r of a plasma with n % 1.2.x 1012cm-3 after termination of the hij6h-frequenc puloep on the power, ror two prdesuress 0.99"t and A card 4/5 ACCESSION MR1,AT4036054 'ENCLOSURE 02 V-v*v low Duration of hf bulse,- ~Lse ion.o Dependence of v on the durat f the high-frequenoy pulse, CAC4 5.19, ACCESSION NRz AT4036070 S/2781/63/000/003/0273/0282 AUTHORS: Zy*kov, V. G.; Stepanenko, I. A.; Tolok, V. T.; Sinel'nikov, TITLE: Injection of plasma through an annular gap of a trap with opposing magnetic fields SOURCE: XonferentSiYEL PO fizilze plazmy* i pro1blemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Miarkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of cont-rolled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen- tsii, no. 3. Kiev, I-.,.d-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 273-282 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma source, plasmoid plasma interaction, magnetic trap, plasma confinement, plasma injection ABSTRACT: With an aim at reducing the particles lost when a plasma is injected into the trap through one of the axial magnetic mirrors, Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036070 the authors investigated the injection of plasma through the annular gap in the magnetic field from sources distributed around the gap periphery. The report describes the first experiments in which in- jection' was investigated both in a stationary gap in the magnetic field, as well as in the gap existing during a certain time ("mag- netic valve"). To simplify the initial experiments, the injection gap was produced by a constant field, with the coils connected to buck each. other. A 20-cm diameter and 180-cm long cylindrical stain- less steel vacuum chamber was used. Eight conical plasma guns were distributed uniformly around the periphery of the chamber in the mag- netic gap plane. The synchronization circuit permitted simultaneous swit6hing of all eight guns or a fraction 9f them. The plasmoids injected by each gun had a density 2 x 1014 cm73 and a velocity of 3 x 104 m/sec. The working va-cuum. was 6.6 x 10-4 n/m2. The maximum magnetic field intensity, equal to 2 x 105 A/m, was located 40 cm away from the magnetic gap. The experimentshave shown that a plasma injected into a gap between opposing magnetic fields moves subse- card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036070 quently along the system axis. A strong interaction was observed between the opposing plasma streams, even in the absence of external magnetic fields. The nature of this interaction, and the time of confinement of the plasma in the trap when such an injection method is used, will be investigated in the future. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: ME DATE ACQ: 2lMay64 NR REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 01 OTAER: 002 Card 3/4 ak~ ACCtSSION Nk: AT4036070 FNCLOSURE: Ol 3 3 14 z Diagram of set-up; I.- coil of opposing magnetic field, .rj 2 - coil of main magnetic field, 3 - plasma guns, 41- protective shield ACCESSION NR: AT4036048 S/2781/63/000/003/0117/0124 'AUTHORS: Shvets, 0. M.; Tarasenko, V. F.; Ovchinnikov, S. S.; To10k,__V-_T . . ....... TITLE: Supply of high-frequency power to a plasma situated in a .metal chamber .SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo ,termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Miarkov, 1962. Fizika plazMY* i prob- .1emy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen tsii, no. 3, Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 117-124 TOPIC TAGS: plasma heating, microwave plasma, plasma magnetic field interaction, plasma rotation, plasma confinement, ionized plasma, plasma density ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to study t'he possi- Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036048 bility of feeding high-frequency power to a plasma contained in a metal chamber, and the behavior of the plasma under the influence of this power. It is possible to obtain in such a chamber a rotating plasma in crossed electric and magnetic fields, with high density, high degree of ionization, sufficiently lone confinement time, but low ion temperature. The article describes the first stagelof the experiments, which carried out 'without reconditioning the plasma in the working volume. A coaxial geometry was used and 3.3-Mc power was applied either through a blocking capacitor or without one. It Wa5 found that much more power can be fed to the plasma without-a capaci- tor. The experiments have shown that high-power high-frequency generators can be used to produce a dense plasma in a metal chamber at relatively low voltages. The densities attained were 1.2 x 108 cm-3 at a generator voltage of 205 V, and 1.7 x 108 cm-3 at 220 V (approximate magnetic field 105 AM. A low load impedance can be attained by preconditioning the plasma. The high-frequency power readily used for effective generation of waves to heat the Cord 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036048 plasma. if the generator frequency is lower than the ion cyclotron -frequency, the bigh-frequency gonerator can be used to produce a .rotating plasma more-effectively than in crossed electric and mag- netic fields (using a radial capacitor discharge), since no arc is produced to contaminate the plasma with wall-chamber material. 'Plots showing the relations between.the different plasma parameters ,,are included. Orig. art. has.- 8 figures and 2 formulas.' :ASSOCIATION: None .SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 211,4ay64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: ME NR REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 003 Card 3/4 ACCESSIoN n:AT4036048 C FNCLOSURE 01 )er insulator, central rod, K - copper vacuum cbaTnt h-frequency - bigh-fl,,equency thermocouple IL- hig - probe, BT for coupling to higb-frequency r.- P - disconnect, M - 00il netic field choke, g a homogeneous Mag generator, solenoid producin Card 4/4 If T Schematic diagram of set-up ACCESSION NR: AT4036069 S/2781/63/000/003/0262/0273. AUTHORS: Zy*kov, V. G.; Stepanenko, 1. A.; Tolok, V. T.; Sinel'- nikov, K. D. TITLE: Investigation of plasma capture in a magnetic trap SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizi'ke plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Khaekov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyaye-,-nogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and prob- lems of con--rolled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* kon'Lerentsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 262-273 TOPIC TAGS: plasmaid, plasma source, plasmoid plasma intar~iction, magnetic trap, plasma confinement, Coulomb repulsion for~:;e, plasma injection ABSTRACT: The -first reports are presented of experiments on the con- finement of a plasma in a trap with bucking fields, with simultaneous Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036069 injection of plasma in the opposite direction. The apparatus con- sists of a cylindrical vacuum chamber 20 cm in diameter made of stain- less steel and placed inside the field-producing coils. Each coil is connected to buck the neighboring one, so that three traps with .1 are produced, with a 15.6 cm dis- sharp-angle magnetic field qeometn tance between magnetic gaps. Conical plasma guns were used. The 2 plasma was injected into the apparatus pumped out to 6.6 x 10-4 n/m The central trap was the principal one and the outer ones served for injection of the plasma into the central trap. Double electrostatic probes were used to measure the ion density, the electron tempera- ture, and the time dependence of the density. The plasma propaga- tion in the trap was investigated by using targets of photographic paper, the surface of which burned out after several impacts by the plasma. The apparatus and the probens are described in detail. The interaction of the opposing plasma streams is confirmed by several of the results of the investigations. Estimates also show that Coulomb interaction exists between the plasmoid particles. It is Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036069 poir,tecf out that both the appa=atus and the method are preliminary and this affects the accuracy of the final results. Orig. art. has: 12 f ig-ares - ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED; 00 DATE ACQ: 21MayG4 ENCL: 01 S'LM CODE: ME NR REF SOV: 003 OTRUR: 003 Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR::AT4036069 Diagram of setup: electric probe, 4 - ENCLosuRE: Ol 1 - magnetizing coils, 2 - .plasma gun, 3 - double diamagnetic probe, c.,d 4A ACCESSION NR: AT4036051 S/2781/63/000/003/0144/0156 AUTHORS: Suprunenko, V. A.; Faynberg, Ya. B.;,Tolok, V. T.,- Suk- homlin, Ye. A.; Reva, N. I.; Burchenko, P. Volkov, Ye. D. TITLE: Coherent interactign of runaway electrons in a pinch SOURCE: Konferentsiya p0 fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo j termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i problemyk upravlvavemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 144-150 TOPIC TAGS: plasma pinch, plasma radiation, plasma ion oscillation, Plasma electron oscillation, plasma compression, discharge plasma ABSTRACT: The coherent radiation of trailsverse electromagnetic waves with frequency close to &D0(me/mi)1/3 (W0 frequenzy of longi- Card 1/6 ACCESSION UR: AT4036051 tudinal oscillations, m.e -- electron mass, M ion mass) excited in a plasma by a beam of "runaway electrons," was investigated. The experiments were carried out in a straight tube (alundum, 10 cm dia, 25 cm long) usually filled with hydrogen at 1.3 n/m2, tl~rough which a 15 F capacitor bank was discharged from 30--40 kV. Prelim- inary experiments with the setup were reported elsewhere (ZhTF, v. 30, 1057, 1961). in the present experiment the formation of the cur- rent of runaway electrons was investigated along with its correla- tion with the electromagnetic radiation of the plasma; some charac- teristics of this radiation were also investigated. The measure- ments have shown that an electron current, with energy equal to the maximum energy, constituted a small fraction of the total runaway electron current, the bulk of the current being due to electrons with energy somewhat higher than thermal but much lower than maximal.' *Part of the runaway electron beam goes to the development of electro- static instabilities in the discharge, which give rise to the occur- rence of the electromagnetic radiation. The radiation was found to Card 2/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4036051 be coherent in the entire range of investigated initial gas pres- sures, with an intensity which is constant practically along the entire discharge length. The frequency of the electromagnetic radi- ation was found to be close to the plasma frequency and the power to f th exceed appreciably the power of - ermal radiation from the plasma. The transformation of the longitudinal electrostatic oscillations into transverse electromagnetic waves can be attributed to-the non- linearity.of the oscillations in the plasma due to the large ampli- tude, and also to boundary effects on the surface of the plasma pinch. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00. DATE ACQ: 21May64 E'.fC~: 03 SUB CODE: 14E NR REP SOV: 006 OTHER: 003 Card 3/6 ACCESSXOX NR. AT4036051 a .200 100 0,01 10 A ENCLOSURE: 0, Dependence of runaway electron currerit on the critical field at constant electric field in a plasma, E - 400 V/M Card 4/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4036051 Plasma rad. rel. un. U" OMB, ca. -4 3 2 I - - ENCLOSURE. 02 lpf, aRunaway elect. 120 r10 90 60 65 V V 80. 85 104,xa Tot. cur. Dependence ot plasma radiation and of runaway electron current on the total current in the discharge, at hydrogen ,:,ressure p = 2.6 n/m' and magnetic field H!= 0.6 Tesla t Card 5/6 ACCESSION NR: AT4036051 P& 60 50 40 30 20 40 - I , 0 41 0,2 43 44 45 Card 616 ENCLOSURE: o3 Dependence of hf oscillation power at the receiver on the frequency ZOLOTOTRUBOV, I.M.; RYZHOV, N.M.; SKOBLIK, I.P.;-T-OLOK,,V.T. Plasma injection into a magnetic trap with opposing fields. Zhur. tekh.fiz. 34 no. 2:382-384 F 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSSR, KharIkov. ACCLSSION HR., AP4042928 AUTHOR: -Zy*kov, V. Go; Sinitsa, No Go; Stepanenko, lo At; Tolok Vo To; Sinel'nikov, K, Do TITLE: Investigation of interaction of plasma fluxes in a transverse magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 34, no. 8, 1964, 1417-1423 TOPIC TAGS: plasma thermalization, plasma interaction, plasma flux collision ABSTRACT: This article is a continuation of experimental investiga- tions of the possibility of complete alow-down and thermalization of fast opposed plasma fluxes in order to convert the kinetic cnergy~ of their directed motion into thermal energy. The investigation was carried out with apparatus consisting of a plasma source, a plasma guide,' ,a magnetic screen, 8 magnetic coils, a vacuum chamber, a double ;electric probe, and a collector probe. The chamber, which was~20 cmi in diameter, was placed in a longitudinal magnetic field produced .by coils driven by a d-c current generator, The field could be ,,Card 1/2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ACCESSION UR: AP4042928 varied from 0 to 0.5 T. Eight plasma guns were distrLbuted along the inner circumference of the central part of the chamber. The discharge period was 6 uacc. The plasma consisted of fast and slow [ .1,components with velocities of 8 X 104 and 3 X 104 m/sec respectively !at 4 kv potential in the gun and contained hydrogen, carbon, oxygent land nitrogen ions. High-speed photoptraphy was used for recording. ;The experiments show that during head-on collisions of the opposed i:plasma flows in a transverse magnetic field, a strong slow-down hto a complete stop of their motion in the initial direc- i I ,tion occurs. Contrary to Coulomb interactions, this interaction I'does not occur in the volume of plasma streams but in their forward kfronts and is of a turbulent character. It is important to note I'that such an interaction should take place even when there is 1~no Coulomb interaction. Orig. art. hast 12 figures and I formula* -7ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDt 27Nov63 ATD PRESS: 3074 ENCLt 00 SOD CODE: NPI EH NO REF SOVt 004 OTHER: 004 VOLKOV, Ya.F., PAVLOV, Yu.S.; ZOj~QK,,,.V.T.q- SKIBENKO, A.I. (A plasm in a variable magnetic field] Plazm v peremen- nom magnitnom pole. Kharlkovp Fiziko-tekhn. in-t All USSR 1960. 255-266 p. (MIRA 17:31 VOLKOV, Ya.F.; TOLOK, V.T.; KRIVORUCHKOf SIM. O-pinch plasma in a magnetic net. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.9.*1093-1097 S 163. (MIFLA 16; 11) -ACCESSION NR.- AP4013436 S/0057/64/034/002/0382/0384 AUTHOR: Zolototrubov, I.M.; Ry*zhov, N.M.; Skoblik, 1. P. Tolok, V. T. TITLE: Plasma injection into an opposed field magnetic trap (Letter to the editor)! Zhurnal tekhn, Me$ v.34, no.20 1964, 382-384 ITOPIC TAGS: plasma, magnetic trap, opposed field magnetic trap, magnetic trap in- jection, magnetic trap escape, x-ray, x-ray burst _'-ABSTRACT: The injection of plasma into an opposed field magnetic trap of the type discussed by John E. Oshor (Phys.Flov.Latters,8,305,1962) and others was investigat-, a ed experimentally. The trap was formed in a 70 cm long 30 cm diameter vacuum ch m- ber by the discharge of a bank of capacitors through two windings, each about one ;half of the chamber. The rise time of the magnetic field was 4.4 millisec and the subsequent decay time was 16 millisec. This behavior was achieved with the aid of a $shunt circuit. The maximum magnetic field was 5 kOe in the mirror regions and 4.2 k0e~-in the gap. The plasma was injected axially through the magnetic mirror at the; time of maximum field strength by an ordinarycoaxial plasma gun. The gun was opera- ted in two different modese In one mode ("short delay) the plasma was 'emitted In Card ACCE SS ION NR: AP4013436 -rsts several bL 'having different velocities. The velocity of the most rapid of thos ,J` bursts was 8.8 x 107 cm/sec, corresponding to a hydrogen ion energy of 3.9 kev. Them X-rays produced in the apparatus were recorded with a cesium iodide crystal, shield- ed from light by aluminum foil and located in the magnetic gap. A short burst of x-rays was always observed at the moment of injection. When the plasma gun was ope-,.,~ rated in the short delay" mode there was observed, in addition to this, an intense' emission of x-rays beginning 840 microsec after injection, reaching its peak at about 1500 microsec, and decaying with a 3 millisec time constant,. The spatial and energy distributions of these x-rays were investigated with a photographic film and: a stop absorber. The x-rays were found to originate within the magnetic gap. The mean one rgy of the x-rays was 3.8 keV, corresponding to the energy of the injected hydrogen ions. It is concluded that the x-rays were produced by impact with the ',wall of the chamber of charged particles that were imprisoned for a time an d then through the magnetic gap. 3 figures# "ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tykhnicheskiy inalitut AN EkrSSR,,Kharok0V (Physical Technical AN W& SRR Institut ---- J.: SUBUITTEDS 041u163 DATE AM-26M64--w" ENCL: 00 -k MR MW 80Vt 000' BUD CODRI IM a On=t 003 Card 2/2 DVSHIN, L A [Dushyn, L.O.1; KONONENKO, V.I.; KOVTUNj R.I.; SKIBENKO A:I: [Skybenko,, A.1.1; SINELINIKOV, K.D. (Synelinykov., K.D,1; ~~W4, EVOLU Study of a plasma using a microwave interferometer. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.7:740-746 J1 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy !Lnstitut AN UkrSSR, Khar1kov. (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Interfarometry) ZOLOTOTRUBOV, 1.14.; MKOV, N.M.; SKOBLIK, I.P.; _TOWK, V.T. [Properties of a plasna in a magnetic field] Issledovanie svoistv plazray v maenitnom pole. Khar1kov, Fiziko-tekhn. in-t MT USSR, 1960. 269-279 p. (14IRA 17: 1) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Magne-tic fields) DOLGOPOLOV, V.V.; YERWOV, A.I.; IIAZAJIOV, N.I.; STEPABOV, K.N,; TOLOKI V.T, I - Experimental observation of Landau damping in a plasma. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no./,:1260-1261 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. HEIZOV) N.; TITS, Yu.; TOLOK, V.V.; ?,W-11AY1-V, Ma~EYEV, L.I., dotsent; RYBOCHKIN, G. Eliminate unnecessary 1c;ad testing of bridge cranes. Matallurg 10 no.8:33-35 Ag 165- (MIRA 18:8) 1. Glavnyy mekhanik Magnitogorskogo rniatallurgicheskcgo kombinata (for Reizov), 2. G-lavrivy mekh".ik Zhdanovskogo metallurgichiesko'co zavoda im. Illicha (for Tits). 3. Inspektora po la-arovomu khozyaystvu )1-etallurgicheskogo zavoda im. Dzerzhinskogo (for, Tolok, Mamayev), 4. Giavnyy mekhanik Kuznetskogo metallurgichesk-ogo kambinata (for RybochlkLq). ACCESSION XR: AT4036057, 6/2781/63/000/003/0184/0192 AUTHORS: Shvets, 0. X.; ovchinn"ov, S. S.1 Tarananko, V. F.; Tolo'k, TITLE: Investigation of the properties of a plasma in crossed electric and magnetic fields SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike pla~my* i problemam upravlyayemogo- ter,moyadernogo sinteza. 3d, XharRov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and prob- lems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentsill no.'3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 164-192 TOPIC TAGS: plasma research, plasma rotation, plasma magnetic field interaction, plasma electric field interaction, magnetic mirror, ionized.plasma ABSTRACT: Tests were made on a rotating plasma in crossed fields, confined by a system of magnetic mirrors. The installation consti- Card 1/4