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_'i 10 7.3
On unsteady motion in non-idea;. E032/9426
article for their contributions in this fielC There are
27 referancesL 14 Sr,-:iat--blc-, and 13 non-So-~,riet-bloi:~. The four
most recent rafararzc~ex to Engl-Ish ianguag& publications read as
Ref.83 Williams W.E. J. Fluid. Mech., ig6o, V.89 no.3;
Ref.9: Shmoys J., Mishkin E. Phyz. of Fiuids, 19609 V.3, no.41
Ref.22. Long R.R. J. Fluid. Mezh., 1960, v.7, no.1;
Ref.23s Kapur J.N. Appl. Scient. Res, 19609 v.A9, no.2-3.
SUBMITTEDg January 9, 1961
Card- 2/2
S/207/6 1/000/006/00 2/t 25
AUTHORS: Tkalich, V.S., Tkalich, Ye.F. (Sukhumi)
TITLE, On non:steady screw motions in multi-component magnetic hydrodynamics
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1961,
8 - 16
TEXT: The purpose of this work was investigation of non-steady screw mo-
tions in multi-component magnetic hydrodynamics. The authors introduce in the
analysis the analogs of electromagnetic potentials (P , rotB) and total momentum
(Pk) of the unit of mass of k-type ions. A definition of "screw" motions is
given as motions satisfying the condit:Lon:
rot P fP L!~ rot B) (1.4)
k - ak % k - amk
The present work is restricted to studying "homogeneous" screw motions in which
ak = ak(t) i.e., quantities are independent of space coordinates, Then the sys-
tem of equations given is linear with respect to the functions sought for-, which
Card 1/3
On non-steady screw motions ... A001/A101
are magnetic and electric fields and velocities V . Solving the system the
authors express magnetic field in terms of a sinX vector F depending on coordi-
nates and time and electric field in terms of the gradient of an arbitrary harmo-
nic function ~O If ak / 0, momenta Pk and velocities V k are expressed in terms
of vector F. dak = 0, momentum Pk is a gradient, and such motions represent a
generalization of potential motions in conventional hydrodynamics. Using harmo-
nic-conjugated functions the authors solve the system of equations for the case
of potential motions and find the vector fields of quantities E, H and V k* The
next case consideredis steady motions; in case of the absence of any magnetic
field,-the eqpation of motion in the steady case is reduced to Bernoulli's equa-
tion. in the case of traveling waves, energy Wk depends on magnetic field H. and
derivatives of function F. Several extreme cases of function F presenting a
special interest are analyzed. One or another form of this*fundtion is selected
depending on the mutual orientation of the magnetic field vector and direction of
propagation of traveling waves. For the case of waves traveling along the magne-
tic field Ho, which is applicable to plasma waveguide5 in which magnetic field is
oriented along the waveguide axis, the form of F-function looks as follows:
P = P (q12 q 2 . -r3x3 + Cj t) (5-1)
Card 2/3
On non-steady screw motions ... A001/A101
As an example the authors consider propagation of axial-symmetrical waves in a
cylindrical waveguide. Introducing dimensionless quantities for frequency, den-
s1ty and phase velocity the authors derive a diapersion equation and find the con-
ditions under which its solution Is a real quantity. There are 17 references,
16 of which are Soviet-bloc,
SUBMITTED, February 16, 1961
Card 3/3
SALTANOV, N.V. (Sukhumi); TKALICH, V.S. (Sukhumi)
Riemann waves. Izv-AN SSSR.Otd.t,ekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.6.:
26-32 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:11)
B109 B102
AUTHORSt Tkalich, V. S., and Seltanov, N. V.
TITLEt Waves of finite amplitude in non-4deal magnet ohydrodynamics
PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 10, 1961, 1231-1235
TEM The present paper deals with computing the properties of a wave of
finite amplitude, propagating along a magnetic field, in dependence on
conductivity, viscosity, and other plasma parameters. If V and H are
functions of time and of a space coordinate r, the relations H HO/r
V V0/rn can be derived from the known basic equations
OH == rot(VXH-9.rotfl), divff=O, divV=O,
t-vW-=VXrot V HXrot It- v rot rot V,
W F.
2 P
Card 115
287 -16, 3/057/L1/031/010/009/015
Waves of finite amplitude... B109/B102
(H0 denotes an arbitrary constant, v0 . v 0(t) an arbitrary function of
time, n _*O (plane symmetry) or 1 (cylinder symmetry), subscript 1 denotes
the components of the vectors I? and it). The energy W of the unit mass of
the fluid considered (without magnetic-field contribution) is assumed to
be a linear function of the second and third space coordinates q 2 and q 31
W - w(r,t) + Q 2q2 + Q3q31 where Q 2(t)' q3 (t) are arbitrary functions of
time. In this case, the linear equations
(D.. H, H' Vj; (D, V2
dr rN dr r" r" Jr Ut
Ho I d r"H, - (3)
-T.-p 7F Tr_
r rn;
D2m=.~- v.-
F - dt Jr
H. 110 0 V3 (D;
QS' (4)
d D I d r-_~_
7 7- r -J- -;~ 77 dr
t r r et
Card 2/5
Waves of finite amplitude... B109/.B102
hold for the second and third components of HV and 1. By adequate
s'oecializations the results obtained are identical with those obtained by
S' A. Regiver (DAN SSSR, 12Z, 963, 19591 IFZh, Z, no. 8, 1959)9
Ya. S. Uflyand (ZhTF, XXX, 793, it,16o) and I. B. Chekmarev (ZhTF, XXX, 338,
_1960; ZhTP, XXX, 920, 1960). Upon introducing the vector potential
35~ (A 2'A3) in (3), (4), the equation
d a!) (-L , ,, -L - '. -~)-2 ) -
-I.- Vo -dr- - " Ft , Ot Or Ort 47cp (9)
=H,eXQ-#-C' Q-==(Q,, Q.,), C=(C,, C3),
is obtained for a, where e is the unit vector in the direction of r.
Special cases: (A) vo - )) = Ym . Q' = 6 - 0. Then,
.A2=�'-sin(kr)sin(wf-4-?3), A,=- hm sin (kr) sin (ml --#- cF,),
k k (11)
Card 3/5-
Waves of finite amplitude ... B1091AI02
will be a solution of (9), where h , h are arbitrary constants,
T2 03 T20 (P3 It
~From the vector potential one obta n9 as usually and E,
H. = h,, cos (kr) s in (wt -I-
Sh (12)
V, sin (kr)cos(u1t-i-f,), (e=2, 3).
C. .,If there is a fluid layer of the thickness L between two
layers of ideal conductance at r - 0 and r - L, the dispehion equn-tion
W a amnH 0/Lf4nQ is obtained for this layer from the conditions of con-
tinuity, m being an integral number. (B) Ot the solution of (9)
is i
As . a oe expik(r + ~v dt),
.ik(Y + VM) sH Y
v _v + + 0 1 m (14),
0 __' r - 2
2 f4nQ HO
where a is an arbitrary complex constant, and k denotes the wave number
Card 4/5
28776 S/07/61/011/010/009/015
Waves of finite amplitude... Blog/B102
~m k - 0). From this follows
H,=hOe-"cos((D-+-?.)' V'- -/AN e-"COS(O
OD k r -i- J/ I
%dt], (15~
T k k
2 110
where h T are ii_,U~itrary rea-1 _cons_ta'n"t's_.______
oe (15) represents a signal of
finite amplifude in a finite conducting fluid, moving at the velocity v 0
alon& H0. In case of luoj~~H )~ (where 11 4~ 3~Qk2 (1) - Pm )2) the propagation
rate of the signal is approximately equal to the velocity in the ideal-
fluid. The -authors thank Ye. F. Tkalich for discussions. Ya. I. Frenkell
(ZhTp,* XIV, 97, 1944) is mentioned. There are 24 referencest 18 Soviet
and 6 non-Soviet. The three most important referencAs to English-
language publications read as followat 1. N. Kapur, Appl. Sci. Res., A8,
198, 1959; T. Kakutani, J. Phys. Soc.,Jap., jj, 1316, 19601 W. E. Williams,
J. Fluid. Mech.f jj 321, 1960.
SUMUTTED: Januar7 9, 1961
Card 515-
Waves of finite amplitude ...
SUMITTEDs January 9, 1961
Card 6/6
19 t1- E032/E5i4
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V.S.. (Sukhuini)
TITLE; Stationary motions of higii-temperature plasnin
PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
telthnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye,
no.2, 1962, 30-37
TEXT: This paper is concerned with the theoretical aspects
of the insulatting properties of a I'magnetic wall". The first
section formulates the equations of motion for a particle in a
stationary electromagnetic field. Terms describing the inter-
action at small distances are neglected. The second section is
concerned with a quantitative description of plasma (nonrel;ativ-
istic) in a self-consistent field. The presence of cyclic
coordinates is assumed and the generalized Maxwell distribution
function is derived. The analysis is then specialized to the
two-parametrit and one-parametric stationary cases. In the final
section expressions are derived which may be used to estimate
the insulating efficiency of a magnetic grid. The paper is
Card 1/2
Statio.nary motions of high ... S/179/62/000/002/005/012
entirely theoretical, no numerical computations are reported.
ASSOCIATION: Fizilco-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR
(Physico-teelinical Institute, Academy of Sciences,
Georgian SSR)
SUBMITTED: April 24, 196a.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V.S. (Sukhuml)
TITLE: Thn steady state problem of mRgnetohydrod7nam-1cs with
two coordinrLtes Chapligin transformation
PERIODICAL: Inzhanernyy zhurnal. v.2, no,3,' 1962, 43-53
TEXT; The steady state problom of magnotohydrodv
namics with one
cyclic coordinate 1.-3 considered. A cyclic coordins-te is defined as
a coordinate upon which pressure, entropy, volocityo.magnatic field
and Lam6 parametarg of curvilinear coordinate system are independent4
The principal symmetry integrals are deduoedo By a. transformation 1
analogous to Chapligin's transformo linear equations are derived for'
the analogn of potential Find stream functiona
Card 1/1
Fabrunr7 S. 1961
.AUTJJ0R: T!Sal~c-b--K ~_(Silklnlmi)
TITLE: On the stationary problem of magnetic hydromechanics
in the two-dimensional case; colliding streams of a
conducting liquid
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. ' Mekbanika i 'niashinostroyen.iye,
no. 5, 1962, 32 - 38
TLXT: This paper is concerned with the magnetohydromechanics
of a non-ideal conducting liquid. The analysis is concerned with
the stationary problem in the case where there is only one
Uquasi-cyclic coordinate". The coordinate (X3) is defined as
liquasi-cyclic" if the magnetic field 11 , the 3velocity X and
the metric terisor ge are independenT of x and the electric-
field-potential Eh and the total pressure P are linear
'functions of it. The analysis boginn with the Gromska-Lamb
equations. The condition!i for the fact that the x coordinate
is quasi-cyclic and the magnetic field arid velocity vectors
are solenoida.1 are-then substituted into these equations, leading
Card 1A
On the stationary problem .... E032/E314
formulae for the field and velocity components in curvilinear
-form in terms of the generalized current functions. Tt is then
shown that the g .enertil partial differential etpiati6ns for tile
system include the idenl liquid ns a special case. The ca5e
where the medium is dissipative is then considered in the general
form and again it is sitown that classical hydrodynamics is
included as a special case. A class of solutions is obtained
in the cas(. i%oieri the current functions satisfy the Helmholtz
equation anU an exprt!ssion is obtained for the analogue of the
Bernouilli equation. next, it is assunted that the motion is
almost of the po-,~ontial type and expressions are derived for the
lift force and its moment,which are generalizations of the
Chaplyg-in formulae and -Zhukovskiy theorem. The final section is
concerned witli two plane symnietric and uniform-at-infinity
streams travelling in opposite directions against each other. It
is assuii-iod that they are in-compre,5sible but conducting and that
there are no bo6y forces. Under these assumptions the present
theory and the results of T.S. Solowalchova (Vestn. MGU.. seriya 1.
Mat., mekh., 1961. no. 1) are used to obtain expressions for the
comp,lex.Botential forleach of the streams.
SU13NITT May 1 962
Card 2/2
AUTHOR~ Tkalich, V.S. (Sukhumi)
TITLE; Two-parameter motion in magneto-gas-dynamics
L (Gromeka and Chaplygin transformatioW
PERIODICAL: Mcademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniya tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 26, no. 1, 1962,
TEXT* Starting with the system of equations of ideal magnetic gas dyna-
mics of adiabatic motion, the two-parameter stationary case in absence
of electric field in the given direction is discussed. The author uses
the transformations of I.S. Gromeka (Ref. 2:Sobr. soch. Izd-vo AN SSSR'
1952). To obtain the solution of equations of motion in the form of two
scalar equations in two unknown scalar functions, the first equation re-
presenting the law of change of the 3rd component of velocity vortex,
and the 2nd equation giving the law of energy change per unit mass are
given. With the help of an additional assumption of the absence of
Card 1/3
Two-parameter motion D237/0304
internal volume forces, the obtained solution is reduced to a canonical
system which is then transformed into a linear one, by means of C.A.
Chaplygin4s (Ref. 15: 0 gazovykh strugakh (On Gaseous Streams), Gostekhiz-
dat, 1949) transformation. Basic physical properties of Chaplygin flows
so obtained are deduced. Motion in a longitudinal magnetic field is dis-
cussed together with general gas dynamical properties, and finally the
motion in an arbitrarily directed magnetic- field. The last is found to
consist of several alternating zones of elliptic and hyperbolic flows.
In particular it was found that when the flow velocity is lower than the
thermal velocity, then hyperbolic flow is possible, while for the flow
velocity higher than thermal, elliptic flow occurs. Tile author thanks
I.I. Nochevkina, N.V. Saltanov, K.P. Stanyukovich, E.F. Tkalich, F.I.
Frankl (deceased) and I.M. Yurlyev for usefuLcriticisms. There are 24
referencesn 16 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. Tile 4 most recent re-
ferences to the English-language publications read as follows: J.N. Kapur,
Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 1959, no. 1, v. 51; L. lVoltjer, Astrophys. J.,
1959, no. 2, v. 130; R.R. Long, J. Fluid Mech. 1960, no. 1, v,7i M.Z.
Krzywoblocki and J. Mutant, Acta Phys. Austriaca, 1960, no, 1, v.. 13~
Card 2/3
Two-parameter motion ... D237/D304
ASSOCIATION: Fizilco-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Gruzinskoy SSR
(Physico-Technical Institute AS Georgian SSR)
SUBMIT M -~ October 0-0, 1961
Card 3/3
' ON
S/057 6~ W&2/604/622-
Tkalich, V. S., and Saltanov, 11. V.
TITLEt Nonlinear Langmuir oscillations
PERIODICALz Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v-'32, no. 2, 1962, 156-i6o
TEXT: The authors study plane, cylindrical and spherical oscillationd of
an electron plasma with allowance for the electric force, the pressure
and frictional forces between the electrons and the surrounding ions and
neutral particles. The authors proceed from the system
6V VaV 'P E
W -*- 77 -P.dr M
ME E (1)
-=4ne(n.-n), 1-41renv=o,
where n is the number of electrons per unit volume, n0 const id the
Card 116
'))1 ,04
. ~
Nonlinear Langmuir oscillations B104/B102
number of ions per unit volume, V is the effective collision fr,;
between electrons and heavy particles, k - 0, 1,2 hold for plane,
cylindrical and spherical casest respectively. Usine Lagrange variablats
the authors obtain
d2r dr -i-!2~,-+- -"P C (r`) C (,o)
W,_2 _W7 mndr iro rig m q
Oro (5)
from (1) where r is the running coordinate ofr the volume element,
R2 - 4r n e2/m (k+1 q = I, 11P, 411r, y- t,,+q n(rl)rkdrl, where anti
r are arbitrary constants. The solutions of this differential equation
are correct if the trajectories of the electron volume elements
determined by them do not intersect each other. An intersection of t!
trajectories would lead to the formation of shock waves. Several
examples vith non-intersecting trajectories are studied. For a cold
plasma (p - 0) Abel's second-order equation
Card 2A
Nonlinear Langmuir oscillations B104/BI02
-dtf -J-')V--
V C (r0) (6)
is obtained from (5) with the aid of the independent variables r and ro.
For k - 0 it is found that the oscillation period is independent of the
amplitude, the ion density and the frictional forces
C (ro) 2
r .2 -4-Re COS(04-4-B)' 4)~ (7)
V=- 2Re 2Sin (WI _4_ g _4_ a'), sin 8,
E=---2 Re2COS (Wt _f_
n= e-2
n (rj no
n(r.) is the electron density distfibution at t0. The relations
:~trd 3/6
Nonlinear Langmuir o-9cillations B1041B102
between R,,T velocity and density distributions at the time t - 0 are
v (rd = -2R sin 0-t-O'.),
n(r.) =41 - d (R cos 6)
dri) . (9).
A sufficient condition for the non-intersection of the volume trajectories
is Idv(r0)/-'.2drol( 1, 1. e., the distribution of v(r 0) milst be
sufficiently homogeneous. For 1) = 0 (no friction) and on the condition
that the motil-i of the electro! 6as is adiabatic (p -6-(r a) W)
T=2 I'max dIL
d dI-L
2-. f
110 J tL~
it MIA
is derived for the period of the motion. For k - 0 the pressure is
approximated according to S. A. Chaplygin (Izbrannyye trudy po riekl~.,nLke
Card 4/6
Honlinear LanEmuir oscillations B104/BI02
i watematike. GITTL, M., 1954) with p p0 - p,n O/n, where p0and p*
are constants. Thus the equation of motion (5) can be written as
d2r dr 2 f)2r -
A' -We- C. R-2 = _02E.
By separating the vvriables, particular solutions are obtained from
which condition3 for the non-intersection of the trajectories are
derived. The larger the oscillation amplitudes, the smaller the
inhomoCeneity in the distribution of the physical quantities must be
ri.411 tho beEinnine.- in order that the various electron volume elements do
not interaect during their motion. The authors thunk A. G. Sitenko for
hio interent. There are 21 references: 18 Soviet und 3 non-Soviet.
The two references to English-laneuage publications read as follor(si
J. M,. Dawson, Phys. Rev. 113, no. 2, 383, 1959; E. A. Jackson. Phys*
of rluids,
, no. 631 1960.
C;Lrd 5/6
AUTHOR: Tkalich, V.S. (Moscow)
TITLE: Compression of plasma cord by longitudinal magnetic
field in the presence of shock wave
PERIODICAL: Akadem,iya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye,
no-3, 1962, 11-14
TEXT: A situation similar to that occurring in the theta-pinch
installations is discussed. The growing external longitudinal
magnetic field constricts plasma with an axial magnetic field.
The plasma is formed as a result of the shock wave passing through
a stationary non-conducting gas in which there is also a
longitudinal magnetic field. The problem is formulated using the
fundamental M.H.D. equations and considering a radial motion of
plasma 7 = (v,0,0) in a longitudinal magnetic field K = (O,O,H)
in a system of cylindrical coordinates r, 0, Z. If 0 and z
are cyclic, a system of motion with homogeneous relative
deformations exists which was solved earlier by L.I.Sedo~r
(DAN SS~R, V.90, no-5, 1953). Applying the latter solutions and
taking into consideration the high degree of ionization in the
Card 1/2
Compression of plasma cord ... E202/E492
vicinity of the shock wave, t'he author derives expressions for the
various states of plasma in parametric form, introducing an
auxiliary parameter F- . This treatment is followed by a
detailed analysis of' the motion of the shock wave relating the
coordinates of the latter with the coordinates of the pinch.
The work is concluded by formulating the initial and the boundary
conditions from which the necessary desiderata for the shock wave
to be effective are also deduced.
ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Power Engineering Institute AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: may 8, 1961
Card 2/2
'SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhrilcheskiry fiziicj, v.34, no.9, 1964, 1588-159z
TOPIC TAG5: piasMaj Llif-h temperatur,3 pja3aa c-urrent carrier, st.xtionary eolutinns
ABSTRACT- The 9tationary exracLion c~.rr~--nt irom a plasma and thm stni---tii7e o,,
the Lt--nalrlon region are i,, LR 193UMVd ,hat th~!--3
a 1, ano :~Ij- -n i
(j [Iij or t h,-~f; -nd
L t~M5 1, it r1bjr jT~ -'!j j ic to
the electro
P- T d Lribution function for the ciurrsnt-
car.rylag ot'nPactit 0i th 3 plasma is asstmed to I-Lave the form
F ea f 1a)(,--xp((JV1-4T)/kT exo-a((jj?--H)/jC)
-n IS iUf, 95ntri~g t'-11TV;
or v itcagativo and H ~- H* and to vantih othervian. Hare a is a, parametur greater
--'Ch tM4 & - 4 ~ 1.,z
F-th" unilty which 46 allowed to, appr result a* z cc- t=t-'
-fact -8imVle-fda2Mell~Bo1tzM4knn tr'bution.-in as =ed-----i
-current- 67--the---Plasmx~ roug -a:--atu-96uiu -:patentlal: V
which the non-carryirg component is prevented by the potential barrier from reach-
in 0
3% It is foiwd that when V. to sufficientI7 great, the current is proportional t
VO ' Stationary stE-tes of the type discu-9scd are shown to be possible Drovided
the temDeraturs of `Uie extracted component is riot too great. Tr. tilege stilteS the
deruqity daervaase-q wiliz tnareasuLg poLenria.L.. am cousequentiy wita inar-extalug vrelra-
,:I ty . arid the uemr.>erf tur,3 i-nc~-easeG with ir4g d engity, as in ardin it ry hydro-
d yLia M-2 eb ~.rj conclision, the authorc ~~;,piosz) :heir g,-.t1tudr, to A.A.Plrutto and
fnr tha r rmrt1,-Arqtinn in dirtn.-q-31cms." 24 i.'ormula-q,
,kS OC LA T~94: norta
SUBMIT=: 140otGS RCL, 00
SUB CODE I HE RU scri, 012 MUER: 002
MINE soggy-&'!
.i - I
-3?-!: SUBMITTM: 27Mayfi3I ENCL: 00 SUB CODEI. Mr,-
. NR REF SOV: 0 15 OTHER: 000
TARTCH, Ye.F.. TK;iLl-k-li,
f, Ol ; 1? .3 , - ~.
Steady-3t.-Ite Cf a ~~-
c-i rrent f r: n r; j,,. gima, Zhur. te ?i, ~ f , ~;. 31~1 n c ~ `~ - -, , , 'I.: " "I
. 1. 14
I ~, p I *? -, - rj 'i
L 3640/9-60' EuPWA-wr(l) milo
ACC N" AT6016718 (N SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0045/0048
AUTHOR: Tkalicb, V. S. .1
S-t Oil
ORG: In tute of-BY.9xg&QaWw1,rs AN jjkr--19-13H-(Inst1tut giromekbaniki
TITLE: Continuous flow of a fl nu with finite conductivity around a
half body
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR Gidrodinamika bol'shikb skorostey (High ed
hydrodynamics), no. 1. Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova, dumko, 1965, 4;P-488
TOPIC TAGS: fluid flow, beat conductivity, boundary layer theory, magnetic
ABSTRACT: The article considers the steady state problem for an
incompressible nonviscous fluid of finite conductivity with a single
cyclic coordinate. Using previously published results in a Cartesian
system of coordinates, the author finds the following class of thin
ACCESS 10' N NR: AP:1003950
non-cyclic coordinates are mutually orthogonal. TI%o distribution function oo ob-
tained is said t(s enable one to estimate the rate at which particles leak thr3ugh
a barrier as a r(:sult of long range collision3 (electromagnetic interactions), but
the calculation :s not given. The above derivation is repeated for the case tn
1which two coordinates are cyclic. The special ensc! of cylindrical coordinate;; in
which the non-cyclic coordinate is the radius is &-scussed in some detail, vlilth
terms quadratic J.n the momenta retained in the exptinsion of the logarithm of ,he
idistribution function. The resulting oquations for a two component plasma art) ap-
proximately integrated on the assumption that the ion temperature is sufficioatly
low so that the space charge can be regarded as neutralized. Depending on the Va-
lue assigned to a constant of integration, the resulting solution can represent a
plasma filamant or a plasma tube. In the case of a thin-walled tube, the dennity
distribution across the wall is approximately Gaussian, and the wall thiclcnes:; must
exceed the electron Larmor radius. 35 formulas.
DATU ACQ: 07AusG3 ENCL; 00
I------.-..- I"" , - to the theory of stationary states of a high-temperature
- Contribution
pl&sma; a plasmoid with a longitudinal MagzOtic field. Zhur. tekh. fiz.
33 no.7:815-819 Jl 163 (MIRA 16:9)
(Plasma (Ioniz*ed gases)) (~agnotic fields)
A C C ES S 10-21 -'.:R kR 50 1 -2 -55
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6G90 &
AII'MIORS: Tkal Ich. Yet F h. V-
TITLE: The stationary symmetrical multicomponent plasma problem
CTITTED MMCE: Dok-L -'-y Siblrsk-_ konferentsi-i. po matem. i mekhan., !964, Tomsk)
-h 5 5
Tlomskiy un-t, 1.9t., ~ 4-355
-OPTC 'A,-,S: M.-liltIc=P,~ITIent nip.-ma, k-lnet.c eqv,;a'.!~-r,, Ma-w-11- ilstrib-ution, niamra
plamr density
T-RANSEATIONi A gystem of collIsionless kinetic equations Is in-~roducee, describing
a multicamponent plasma. 'rhe solutli~n of thr!se oauations, in tie par,,,-c~-ar case
of one cyclic coordinate, is represented in '.he of a lf(,r-~ia. 3'
0 1-1. 7r,~ o b ta 4 n t b, -j n ' s u s e d i n t ~2 e c a I c uaz n
the (,-ensity, macrosco-pic velocity, and tI-e ~emrv-;!,-ature. yu.
ETIC L, 00
A ts-3 i rLA L,'F y
h t h
,? LF, n e t f i- i
ii~k, t lia h e c-
f i
rvvt) erig --"a
m I t o t he x - a is
f-art-,i ian :,o~)rtl Inate ,vs-c-m ~Jlx: m :)1l i f U i W e i th es c~o ;,A I cv.-
p:-(-,V!(!:,' '-~ " I i i b!j - ,, n f u nc -,,-i fr t, o
-7 - - - Fn T~ r f-, r. --h,- mzi,r h- a `~Lnr t i ot) P eV +
'if or v negative and H > H* and to vaaish- othergige. Here a is a parameter greater
than mlity which is allowed rG approxch unity ,ri the result , FT* is a c~ornstant and
a a A n n ~-i 7. 1 n s7 f a (- t f ~ r A i m o I ;~ Ra :c-w t! I I t z inAn n d i s t r L 3 u t I c) n 1. s R s 1~t i j ed
vhir~h tlip- nf--,n-c-arr,7,Ir)q component is orevencea ov Lne woTentiai iiarr-ler irvu-! reacm-
X I -,a 11 ,(j 4T-a L L 1105 13 M L M lj-- L
- TLANC"~sv.LS -; (-u',hu-ri)
i~lln I ~, 0 r.
" On ste-adystate symmetric problem , f hlgh-tewer~jture - P
Herort rresented at the 2nd All-Unton Congress on Pheoretical
and Applied Mechanics, Moscow 29 Jan - 5 IPeb 64.
Line assembly of the movable parts of electric meters. Friborostlroenle
no.4:21-23 Ap 163. (01HA 3634)
(Assembl)-line methods)
TAAL, !N,_ Ivan IjIjhWIuidxh, PETROV, V.A... retsenzent;
SHTEYVISMAYDE-R, M.B., inzb., nauchn. red.; AiEwf-1_1_11;!
Ye.A., red.
[Assembly-line production of electrical instniments] Fo-
tochnoe proizvadstvo elektricheskikh priborov. Moskva,
Energiia, 1965. 343 p. (mUuk 18:7)
1. Zavod "Vibrator", Leningrad (for Shteynslriayder).
("IT. 'j 1, (1
~ 1 ..2
SEREBRII, Favel Pav, -)v-'c)!!
[Mechanization and aall.orzt,ir-ii r, wi ir, n 9 ~, Fie C8 t i On 8 e
nanufracture of elect--*cal n.-3tramcrzsj 1-lekhanizat.;lLa i
r, CR-1 a
Issuing wages to fattening canters attached to sugar plants. Den.
i kred. 21 no.9t73-74 S 163. (YJRA 16:10)
1. Starshiy ekonomist Cherkasskoy oblastnoy kontory Gosbanka.
VERFELY Jaroslav, inz.; TKANY, Zdenek, doe. inz. dr. CSc.
Sinking of uncased ditches at tue Nechranice Waterworks.
Inz starby 12 no. 2: 54-62 F 164.
1. Geologicky pruzkum, n.p., Brno.
TKANrj, Zdojwkp iJ7Z,,., C.SC.
Percuasion drilUng of deep boreholes, Rud,7 21 no.4.-)10--
u6 Ap 96_3.
1. Geologicky pruzkum., npo.,, Brno*
J~ ~, Zdenek, dr. Inz., nositel cestneho odznaku "Nejlepsi pracovnik
geologicke sluzby"
Technology of boring by diamond bits. Geol pruzkum 5 no.9;
262-265 S 163. -
1. Geologicky pruzkum, n.p., Brno.
TKANY., Zdenek., doe. dr. inz. kandidat tachnickych ved
Work of ths btt In percusaian boring. Geol prazkum 6 no.Us
325-327 N 164.
1. Higher School of Technology, Brno.
JEDLICKA, Miroslav, inz,, TKANY, Zdenek, doc. inz. dr. CSc.
Statilizing sliding slopes by draining them by horizontal
boreholes, Inz stavby 13 no.3:107-113 Mr 165.
1. Geologicky pruzkum National Enterprise, Brno (for Jedlicka)
2. Higher School of Technology, Brno (for Tkany).
From the editor's mail. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.15:22 Ag 163.
(MIRA 16:8)
1. Neshtatnyy instruktor gorodskogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy
partli Ukrainy, Krivoy Rog, Dnepropdtrovskoy obl. (for Tkach).
2. Predsedatell rabochego komiteta lesoptomyshlennogo khozyaystva
"Glavleakhoza", Maykop, Krasnodarskogo kraya (for Samsonov).
3. Neshtatnyye korrespondenty zhurnala "Sovetskiye profsoyuzy" (for
Borodiko, Logachav).
(Socialist competition)
"16"- 72.
L 1906-66 WT W/DIA (h)
i ACCENION RR: AP5020263 m;Vo367/65joo2/ooi/Oi2h/oxV
.-AUTHOR: Me Le Lo L, D. Strokschi PG so
shSheala~ov Vo A.; Nemenov., golovoyev.
TITLEt Mechanism of emission of hard 7, quanta in the reaction x + n -+ X + 7 + N
SOWME: Yadernaya, fizikal v. 29 no. ly 1965p 124-1N
TOPIC TWS: photon emission) pion proton interaction., nuclear interaction# pion
pion Interaction
ABSTRACT: The authors wia.3,yze the mechanism of hard-photon emission Vhen pions In-
teract with nucleons, The contributions of different Feyroan diagram to the cross
section of this process are first analyzed) and it is shown by comparison with ex-
perimental d&ta -that various contributions and interferences of the high-order diem!
grams can be neglected. Mrom the experimental data on the reaction e + p -4. Jr
+ 7 + P the authors determine the interaction constant for the reaction 7 + it "* X
+ it., and find it to be equal to 0.9 � 0.5. On3,y the single-meson diagrams
are taken in-to account, and the contribution of diagrams with rescattering are
ineglectede Diagram in which I quanta are emitted by nucleons are likewise neg-
lectedo The solution of the dispersion equation for the amplitude of the-process
IA-qu6stion-ia--obtai"-in-thia--paper--ao- a function of only a single constanto
Card 1/2
fL 1996-66
AccEssioN m Ar5m263
which facilitates the anaUsis of experimental da-tap inasmuch as they are too
peanty for the determination of two constantse "The authors thank B. M., Ponte-
,~-SlgacaLfor interest in the work and Lo I* Lapidus for valuable hints. "--O-r-lg-. art
_~as: mulas.
3 figures and for,
ASSOCLATION't, Gb"yedinentVy institut yaderqft issAedovanly (joint Institute of
Mmlear Research)
RR MW BOYs 003 OTHER: 005
Card 2/20
Case of osteoposcilia. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no. Z:68 Mr-Ap 161.
(MIRA 14:1+)
LeiOmVOma of the eso-Phagua. Vest.khir. 82 no.2:89-91 F 159
(MIRA 12:2)
1. Iz khirurgicheskoy kliniki usovershonstvovaniya vrachey (nach.-
prof. P.A. Kupriyanov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii
imeni S.M. Kirova. Adres artora: Leningrad, pr. K. Marksa, d. 7/8,
khirurgicheskaya klinika usovershenstvovaniya vrachey Voyenno-me-
ditsinskoy akademii ordena Lenina im. S.M. Kirova.-
(BSOPHAGUS, neoplasms
leiomyoma. (Rua))
(IBIOMYOMA, case reports
' (Rus))
Perforation of the wall of the cecum by ABcaris. Vest. kbi 84
no. 2:125-126 F 160. (MIRA 14:1)
(Asmus AnD AscuRiAsis) (cmcum-Disnsm)
On the first Soviet electric locomotive. Ille3r. i te-pl. tiaga no.11:
22 N 157. (KCRA 10:11)
1. MaBhini8t-instruictor depo Khashuri Zakavkazakoy dorogi.
- (Alactric locomotives)
Fracas* reinforced concrete double-curvature shells for roofs of
medium size. Trud7 nauch. korr. Inst. stroi. dela AN Gruz. SSR.
no.2:121-124 '58. (MIRA 12:7)
(Roofs, Shell)
, P-AV~t-
Zffect of an altrshl&,-~requenc7 field on certain liver fimotions
hepat!t1s. Vop. kur.f iz Inter. i lech.fiz,kullts
irs oxperimental
23 n0-31268-269 My-Je '58 (MIRA 11:7)
TKEIWADZEE, L. M. -- "The Effect of an Ultra-High-Frequency Electrical
Field on Certain Functions of the Liver in Experimental f1epatitis."
Georgian State Publishing ffouse for Medical Literature. Tbilisi
State Medical Inst. Tbilisi, 1955. (Dissertation for the Llegree
of Candidate in Medical Sciences).
So.: Knizhnwja Letopis', No. 2, 1956.
[Fundamental Principles of bioenergetical osnovnye polozh,eriir
bioenergetiki. Tbilisi, Gos. izd-vo nSabehota Saka-Itveloq" 1961,
(MIRA 14.
124 P.
TKEMALADZE, N.M., prof.; APRIDONIDZE, L.I., gorriyy lnzh.
Performance of the X-52-m cuttear-loader on an i-31 --ned zcal seal=.
Ugoll 39 no.11:38 N :64. (MIRA -18:2)
TKF14ALADZE;, Nikola-y 14arkozovich
" t --. w I calculations of Mine
[PrinciPles of the theory ana
I (OSnovy teorii J raschety r11-
)n equiPmOnt Gos.jzd-vo
transportati( Isportnykh ustanovoke Tbilisly
nichnykh trax - [In Georgian]
"TSodna"] Ft-l . 1963. 333 P
PA 1[41-,T7F-2
my 48
Mining Methods
rA Past Method of Excavating the Main Drifts of the
.'Yugo-V6stochnayal Mine in Tkibul," W. M. Tkemaladze
Ugr, 2 pp
"Ugoll" No 5 (266)
Subject mined are being worked through two main
EftIleries. Describes dimensions of two drifts and
above bow they have aided in the exploitation of
this mine.
-FDB -1&W6
Results of st4dying the compaction of loons by heavy tampoi~s
in the city of Rustavi. Trudy GPI [Gruz.] no-1:139-144 163.
04IRA 18:2)
Cancer of the lar-jnx in a 15-year-old girl. Veat.otorin. 20
no.2:125 Mr-Ap 158. (MIR& 12:11)
1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof.S.N.
Khechinashvili) Thilieskogo institute, usoverBhenstvovaniya
---- L., ordinator
Experimental stud7 of the wound healing process following laryn-
gectomy. Vebt. otorin. 22 no-1:55-59 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14-5)
1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - prof. S.N.
Khechinashvili) Thi-liaskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta usavershonetvo-
vaniya vrachey i kafedry topograficheskoy anatomii i operativnoy
khirurgii (zav. - prof. Sh.S.Toidze) Tbillisskogo meditsinskogo
Technic of stuture of pharyngeal defeat in total laryngectomy. Test.
oto-riu. IB no.3:49-51 My-Je '56. (HIaA 9:8)
1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i aosa (zav. - prof. S.M.
Khechinashvili) i kafectry topograficheakoyanatomii i operativnoy
khirurgii (zav. - prof. Sh.S.Toidze) Thilieskogo gosudaretvennogo
insituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
(URYNX. surgery,
excies, total, pharyngeal suture (Hus))
TKEMALADZE,- Sh-. G.-,- Cand. Medic. Sci. (diss) "on Question of
Healin- of Wounds After Complete Removal of Larynx, (.Expe-ri-
mental and Clinical Observations," Tbilisi, 1961, 26 pp.
(Tbilisi Med. Inst.) 160 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 289).
- 0 2 , e I
red.izd-va; GIORGADZE, O.N., rod.izd-va; TODUA.. A*R,., tekhn.rede
[Continuous and automatic lines iwoome enterprisoo of th3
electric machinery industry in Georgia] Potochrqe i avtomati-
cheskie linii na nekotorykh prodpriiatiiakh elektromashinost-roi-
tellnoi pron7shlennosti Gruzinskoi SSR. Tbilisi., Izd-vo Akad.
nauk Gruzinskoi SSFLp 1960o 162 Pe (IURA 150)
(Georgia-Electric machinery) (Automation)
, I, - :3 e
TKL;3 HaITJLS~HV I.Lrj IY,., kand.tcl~,r..Pauk, do. -rt
Concept of total pover in a multipLase currant not-
work. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; onerg. C) no.8:33-38 Ag 163.
O~Ml 16:9)
1. Gruzinskiy politeldinicheskiy in-,.,-.itut imen-i V.I.L-enina. Prod-
stavlena kaf,-,droy elektriclieskikh ,ituantsiy, sr,-t--y i sistem.
(ElacLric natwo,ks)
, 1 ~ ~ ~ ~. -, '. t'. :,
I ;, 'T ._ 4 ' ' .
. ~ Li , Ir' .
'IT',,!- oi' Cer'ein 7ermitcErs id"neral --+-.1f
Vestnik verprolo,~ii i (.Iermatolo.~,,ii (~,ulletln of lveneraloCy
11,10 1. Januin:-':lW..,m-ruar: 19~7)1.' ~~, . ""Oscn,"I.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal., Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 72 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Tkeshelashvili, G. K.
TITUE. Computing the Stream Distri~ution by Successive Approximation Method
(K raschetu potokoraspredeleniya metodom posledavatel'nykh priblizheniy)
PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Energetika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 25-29
ABSTRACT: A modification of the successive approximation method is presented
suitable for determining the stream distribution in a complicated closed circuit
neglecting losses. To reduce the number of corrections and to quicken
convergence of the problem solution, a set of equatio'ns is considered that ties
the numerical values of corrections in various meshes. In a practical
application of the method, the calculations can be restricted to the third
correction. A numerical example is offered.
A. A. K.
Card 1/1
ACC 1,11.4 A770088M
SOURCE CODES URI 01t)510010001008/0095 j W95
AUTFOR., Abolishvilit L. G.; Alltgauzen, A. P,; Baychor, M. Yu.; Cabashvill,
N. V.; Dididze, M. S.; Yefroymovich, Yu, Ye,; I~otlyav A. K.; Kupradze, G. D.;
Yurdiani, 1. S.; Norushil, A. V.; Nikollskly, L. Ye.; Raz=adze, Sh. M.;
Svenchanskly, A. D.; Smalyanskly, M. Ya.;
ORG! none
TITLE: Professor Grigorly Artemyovich Sisoyan (on his 70th birthday)
SOURCE: Elaktrichestvo, no. 8. 1966, 95
TOPIC TAGS., electric engineering personnelq electric furnacal academic
ABSTRAXT. G. A. Sisoyan graduated from the Yoscow Paver Engineering Institute
In 1931. In 1932 he went to work at the Georgian Polytechnical Institute in
the theoretical and general electrical engineering department. Sisoyan has
worked and published many works in the area of electric furnaces. He has
also worked in the area of Investigation of electric spark action. He has
published over 50 scientific works. He has also been active In university
FSt 38,336
level teaching. Orig. art. hass I figure. Op
VDC1 621.36
TKNSHELASHVILI, G.R.. kand. tekhn. nauk
e-~~ -,
~Galculation of current distribution by means of consecutive
approximat ions. Izvo vyat uchob. zov.; energ. no. 1~-,25-29 Ja'58.
(HIRA 11:7)
1. Grurinskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zaament politakhnicheakiy
inatitut im. B.H.Kirova.
(Electric networka)
a e ~ e a c e a a
0 0 0 0 e 0 o 41 1 * 0 0
It a 5 A- 17 X-NIX 11 Ian No
It a
IX 0 U -V 4 1, j
00 A /7 i :.WW
so r !
00 Kaw an low cave"las plan".
00 Far**Wys INC, No. 2/3.21-4.--Gum tr4kaut can be .09
eMWacd from A 0 Is Pau, a can,,8014n
cocaparistively rkh
shrub. IWIsb 1,: H;=:"x) is A 0
OG in vitatnin C and whkc Its berries aq poLtalms a COIN
i0shtak gumle from them Is vM whokmome &M has a
mild t%xfflve efect. Julian P. Smith
*0 w 7 too
slow 11'
-SWO49 -j solos') WN 'w- Tat
USATIOLSI;, 1 0 no I a Od 0 0 1 x P 9,a a 3
to 0' 1. a at 09 it Kin
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TKESHELASHVILI, L. K. -_ "The Quantitative Diffusion and Rate of Res-
toration of Phosphoryl Choline and Phosphoryl Ethanolamine In the Animal
Organsim." Goorgian State Publishing House for Medical Literature.
Tbilisi State Medical Inst. Tbilisi, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree
of Candidate of Medical Sciences)
SO: KnIghnaya 1glopla', No. 4, Moscow, 1956
L, Ke
"Quantitative Distribution of Phosphorylcholiae and Phos-
phorylethanolamine in the Animal Organism," by L. K.
Tkeshelashvili, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Insti-
tute of Physiology imeni I. S. Beritashvili, Tbilisi,
Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi, Vol
17, No b, 56, PP 711-717
The author describes the methods used and results obtained in ex-
periments conducted to determine the quantitative distribution of phos-
phoric esters of choline and ethanolamine in the cerebrum and internal
organs of the animal organism. The experiments which were carried out on
rats, rabbits, and dogs established that phosphory1choline and phosphory-
lethanolamine were present in the animal organism in considerable quanti-
ties, with phosphorylethanolamine predominating. The quantity of phos-
phorylcholine in the brain and internal organs of the animals varied from
2.2 to 14.35 milligrams in 100 grams of fresh tissue. Largest quantities
of it were found in the liver (rats and rabbits); lesser quantities were
found in the heart and kidneys. It was equally distributed in all parts
of the brain of the dog, with the exception of the cerebellum, where
phosphorylcholine was present in smaller quantities. Phosphorylethano-
lamine was found in considerable quantities in the spleen of rats and
rabbits, the grey matter of the cerebral hemispheres of dogs in
quantities varying from 14 to 40 milligrams in 100 grams of fresh tissue.
EXCERPTA. MEDICA See 11 Vol 12/4 O.R.L. Apr 59
CLINIC (Hussian text) - Tkes a s h v I I I L. K. - SBORN. THUD. TBIL.
MEDANST. 1957, 1 (173- 4)
3,462 case histories of patients suffering from inflammations of the middle ear are
analysed. Sinus thrombosis constitutes the most common intracranial complication.
It occurs 2.5 times more frequently in cases of chronic otitis than In cases of acute
otitis. The administration of sulphonamides and antibiotics has brought about a
lowering of the number of cases of sinus thrombosis but this does not exclude the
possible need for surgical treatment. References 40. (S)
USSR/Ifumn and Animl Physiology. (Norml and Pathological)
Metabolism. Metabolism of Lipids -
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17., 1958) 79275-
Author Tkeshelashvili, L.K.
Title Rate of Renewal of Phosphory1choline and Phosphoryl-
ethralolanine in the Animal Organism
Orig Pub: Soobshch. AN GruzSSR, 1957, 18, vo 4, 413-laq-
Abstract: The rate of renewal of phosphorylcholine (I) and
phosphoryl-othanolaLiine (II) was studied in the
brain, liver, spleen, kidneys, heart and skeletal
rmscles of rats and rabbits, and in various sectione
of the brain (grey and white matter of the cerebral
henispheres, the cerebellun and myelencephalon) Of
dogs to which Na-IIP32 04 was introduced subcutaneously
Carcl 1/2
USSR/Ifumn and Animal Physiology (Nonal and Path6loadaj),
Metabolism. Metabolism of Lipids.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 17; 1958; 79275.
or suboccipitally. It waB shown that the I and 11
are renewed in aninal organism at a rapid rate,
but differently in different organs. Relatively
the most specific activity (p32 in I and II) of p32
in inorganic phosphate war. found in the brain and
kidneys; the least, in the skeletal Lmscles. Fron
investigations of sections of the brain, the greatest
rate of turnover was noted in the white natter of
the brain.
Card 2/2