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LOZILOV, Yu.T.., kand. ekon. naak; FriniirzJi, uchAstiye: YERMAKOVA, L.A.; RESHETRIKOV, V.A.; RF.SfM'-141KGVA, L.V.; RUBLEVA, K.I.; SA-TYLOV, N.F.; SERGEYEVI,, V.S., red.; TIKHOI;OVA, red. [Manual for establishing work norms and wages in livestock farming] Spravochnik po Dnrrrdrovaniiui oplate truda v zhivotnovodstve. Moskva., Kolos., 1964. 326 p. (MIRA 18:8) AIEKSEYEV, A.V.; BOROKHOVICH, Ya.P.; RAKITINA., Ye.D.) red.; TIHONOVA, red. [Calculating machines and their use in acounting] Schet- rye mashirW i ikh prim-enenie v uchete. Moskva.. Izd-vo "Kolos,11 1964. 326 p. (MIRA 17:5) LOZA, G.M., prof.; BUzILOV, YU.T., dots.; GROMOV, m.h. dots.; NIKIFU,'rjOV, M.A.9 dots.; FEp-ELOV ip I V.P., kand. ekon. nauk.; SINYUKOV' M.I., dots.; SAL'KOVA, A.D., dots.; GRX-NDITSKII), P.A., dots.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.M., red. (Practical aid for the organization and Planning of produc- tion on collective and state farms] Praktikum po organizatsii i planirovaniiu proizvodstva v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh. Mo- skva, Kolos, 1965. 526 p. (MIRA 18:5) X.tAVCHENKO, R.G., kand. ekon. nauk; TIKHONOVA, Ye.M., red.; BELOVA, N.N.p tekhn. red. [Economics and electronics; from practice in using mathematical methods and electronic computers for plan- ning agricultural production] Bkonomika, i elaktronika; iz opyte. primeneniia matematicheskikh metodov i elektronno- vychislitellpykh mashin v planirovanii sel'skokhoziaistven- nogo proizvodstva. Moskvat Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 121 p. (MIRA 170) BOROKHOVICH, Ya.P.; ALEKSEYEV, A.V.; TIKHONOV'A.,_Ye*M., red.; MAKHGVA, N.N., tekhn. red.; BALIDD, A.I.,, tekhn. red. [Computers and programming] Matematicheskie mashiny i prog- rarnmirovanie. Moskva, Sellkhozizdatf 1963. 299 p. OMIRA 17:3) YASIICHUK, Nikolay Artemlyevich,, starshiy nauclmyy sotr.; TIKHONOVA red.; DEYEVA,, V.141., tekhr. red. (Accounting for expenditures and costs analysis on col- loctive farms; practice of "Leninskii Shliakh" Collective Farm in Vinnitsa District, Vinnitsa Province] Uchet zatrat i ana3iz sebestoimosti produktsii v kolkhoze; opyt kolkhoza "Leninskii shliakhn Vinnitskogo raiona Vinnitskoi oblasti. Moslcva,, Izd-vo selikhoz.1-it-ry, 7hurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 166 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel-skiy institut ekononiki i organizatsii sell skogo khozyaystva f for Yashchuk). (Vinnitsa District-Collective farms-Accounting) DANILANI, Anton Antor,ovich, kand. ekon. nauk; TIKHOINOVA-,~ Ye.11,11.1 red. [Capital assets and their accounting in agricultural enterprises] OsnoviVe sredstva i Ah uchet v aellsko- khozIaIstvennykh predpriiatlinkh. Moskva, Koloo, 1965. 174 P. (MIRA 18:6) RUSAKOV, G.K.. nauchnyy sotrudaik; MMYAVSKIT, 1.0.. nauchnyy sotrudnik; ARINA, A.Ye., nauchnyy sotradnik; FAHKOVA, K.I., nauchn7y sotradnik; KHARAROV, N.Y.. nauchnyy notrudnik. Prinimali uchastiye: PAVLOVA, N.G.; TYATCHIRINA, V.G.; VARFOIDWMA, M.N. TIKHONOV4, TeeMeq red,; GURSVIGH, M.N..; DRYEVA, VA., [Sconomic accountability on collective farms; regulations and methods of introductionJ Vnutrikhozisistvannyi raschat v kolkhozakh; primernoe P0102henie i metodika vnedraniia. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960- 71 P- (MIRA 14:1) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut skonomiki nallskogo khozyaystva. 2. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakly institut ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Rusakov, Milyavskiy, Arina, Pankove. Xhabarov). (Collective farms-Accounting) OBOLENSKIY, X.P., red.; KOVAL, T.A.,red.; SULKOVSKAYA, H.A., red.; TIKHOHOVA, Ye.M., red.; SOKOLOVA. U.S.. tekhn. red. (Agriculture in the U.S.S.R.) Sellskoe khoziaistvo SSSR. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. 1958. 583 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Agriculture) POPOV9 Nikolay Ivanovich;-TIKHONOVA, Ye.M., red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.R., tekhn. red. [Mathematical method for analyzing labor productivity in agri- culture according to factors involved] 0 matematicheskom metode analiZa oizvoditellnosti truda v sel'skom khoziaistve (po faktoramV. Moskvaq Goo, izd-vo selikhoz. lit-ry, zhurnalov I plakatovp 1961, 102 P** (KIRA 34:8) (Agriculture-Labor productivity) (Economics, Mattematical) -/ ;- `~ PJ0 ( -7Li " -- '~"" /1-, /., 7 -Z- rri_ 7 AIIISIMOV, Kikolay Illich; TIKHOIIOVA, TO.M., red.; YNDOTOVA, A.F., tekhn, red. (How our agriculture ban been changed in the past 40 years] Kak ismanilos' nashe sellakoe khosiaistvo za 40 let. Moskva, Goo. Lzd-vo mallkhos. lit-ry. 1957. 140 P. WRA 11M (Agriculture) BROZGULI, Miron Matveyevich; BERGAUZ, R.I., red.; TIKHONOVA, Te.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., Nown"Nown"W rOrganizing production on state farms on virgin lands; based on L data from the Dzambul State Farm in Ghayan District, South Kazakhstan Province] Organizataiia Droizvodetva v tselinnom sovkho2e; nn primere sovkh02a imeni D%hambula Chninnovskogo raiona IUshno-Kazakhatanskoi oblasti. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo sel'khoz.lit-r7, 1957. 134 p. (MIRA 11:1) (State farms) POLYNSKIY, Pavel Aleksandrovich; TIKHONOVA, Ye.M., redaktor; SOKOLOVA, N.N.. tekhaicheekiy redaktor [High-profit hectare] Tysokodokhodnyi gaktar. Moskva, Gots. izd-To solkhoz, lit-r,7, 1955- 167 P. (KIRA 10:1) (Agriculture) KOLESNEV red.4 LAPIDUS, I S.G., akademik, red,, ZAPTVAKH.L Y. A. , red. ; RAKITINA, Ye. D. , reed. .9 red.; DEYEVA, V.M., tekhn. red. [Specialization and size o# agriaultural enterpriges] Spe- tsializatsiia i razmery seliskokhozialstvennykh predpriiatii. Pod red. S.G.Kolesneva. Moskva, Sellkhoz4*dat 11963, 382 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Vassoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Kolesnev). (Form i~ansy~n%) FALLADINA, K.I., redaktor-sontavitall; PYIAYIVA, A.P., starshiy redaktor; TMONOVA,__Le.j(.. redaktor; FE)OTOTA,A.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Reference manual for chairmen of collective farms] Spravochnik predeadatelia kolkhoza. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry. Vol.l. 1956- 702 p. Vol.2. 1956. 919 p. (HIaA 9-11) (Agriculture--Haadbooks, manuals, etc.) KOIAYAKHOV, Vasiliy Grigorlyevich;TIYJIONOVA, Ye.M., red.; TRUKIIINA, O.N., tekhn. red. [Organizational work is a guarantee of success) Organizatorskaia rabota - zalog uspekha. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-rys zhurnalov i plakatov, 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Pervyy sekretarl Poltavskogo oblastnogo komiteta Kommunisti- cheskoy partii Ukrainy (for Komyakhov). (Poltava Province-Commmist Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) (Poltava Province-Agriculture) KALPINt G.Z.j RUBLEVA, K.I.; ~UOYLOV, N.P.; RKEUVA, G.I.; ROMMUK, Z.A.; KALASMIKOVA, V.S., red. ;_TIKMI~TA t__XaX,.' red.; BALLOD, A.I.,, tekhn. red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.N..' tekhn. red. (Fanual on state farm 1,tates and other state agricultural enterprises) Spravochnik po oplate truda v sovkhozakh i drugikh gosudarstvennykh aellskokhoziaistvermykh pred- priiatiiakh. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov, 1962. 550 P. (YJRA 150) 1. Ministerstvo sel'skogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Kalpin, Rubleva, Samaylov, Rebrova, Romanchuk). (Agricultural wages--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) SOPOV, Grigorly Khristoforovich; TIKHONOVA, Ye.M. . red.; PROXOFIUVA, L.N., tekhn. red. 1"y (Business accounting in the state fam) VnutriBovkhosnyi khog- raschet. Moskva, Sellkhozisdat, 1963. 118 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Volgograd Fro*ince-State farue-Finance) NEDELIN, Serafim Ivanovich; TIMIXUA, X9,11., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Analysis of the economic operations of agricultural enter- prises]Analiz khoziaistvennoi deiatellnosti sellskokhoziai- stvanrqkh predpriiatii. Moskvas Sellkhozizdatt 1962. 271 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Agriculture-Accounting) BOBROVSKIY, Petr Afanaslyevich, kand. ekon. nauk; red.; FROKOF"MA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Effectiveness of the chemicalization of agriculturejEffektiv- nost' khimizataii sel'skogo khoziaistva. Moskvay Sellkhozizdat, 1962. U1 p. * (MIRA 15:11) (Agricultural chemicals) CHERVENKO, Petr Ivanovich;TIKHONOVA,-Ye.M. red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekhn. red. [Specialization of agriculture in a province] Spetsializa- teiia sel'skogo khoziaistva v oblasti. MoBk", ifellkhoz- izdat, 1962. 140 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Nachallnik Melitopollskogo territorialino proizvod- stvennogo kolkhozno-sovkhoznogo dpravleniya,rfor Chervenko). (Zaporo2h'ye Province--Agriculture) iL'IN, Serafim Andrianovich; TIKHONOVAI ye.11%) red.; TRUKHINA, O.N.39 - -4, _- - tekhn. red. (Economics of potato growing] Ekonomika proizvodstva karto- felia. Moskva) Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 294 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Potatoes--Economic aspects) KALPIN, G.Z.; RUBLEVA, K.I.; SAMOYWY, N.P.; &Dff)VAq G.I.; SAGARDA, Ye.A.; SEMEYEVA, V.S., red.;_jIKHOf1OVA, Ye.11.1 red.; MAKHOVA, N.H., tekhn. red.; OKOLEID--V-A--,-'i-.P.-P--fikhn. red. (Yanual on wages on state farms and other state agri- Cultural enterprises] Spravochnik po oplate truda v sovkhozakh i drugikh gosudarstvennykh sellskokhozyay- styennykh predpriiatiiakh. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 638 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Agricultural wages--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) KOVALOVICH, H.A., prof.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.P., Mar'kov) "Diaeaeas of the endocrine aystem and metaboliam" by V.G. Barailov. Reviewed by 14-H-Kopelovich, B.P.Tikhonova. Terap arkh. 31 no.6:87-88 Je '59. (MIRA 12:;) (IGWOLIc.14. DISORDERS OF) (ElTDOCRIO GLAlTDS--DISW,.SES) SHIFMAN, L.M.; TIKIIONOVA, Ye.P. Experiment in the use of protective inhibition in treating some endocrine diseases. Sbor.nauch. trud. Ukr. nauch.-issl. inst. Pksper. endok. 15:252-255 159. (NII-A 14: 1-1) (SLEEP THERAPY) (DIMEETES) (THMID GIAND-DISEASi-S) TI-KHOTIVA, Ye. P. Characteristics of the course of diabetes mellitu3 4,n lesions of the central nervous system of diancephn1tc localization. Trudy Ukr. nauch.- Issl. inst. eksper. endak. M120-126 164. (MIRA 180) 1. 1z klinicheskogo otdola Ukrnlnskogo institmta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologit. IDPEWICH, M.A., prof.; TIKHOITOVA, Ye.P., (Miar'kDV) "Clinical endocrinology" by N.A. Shersebevskii. Reviewed by M.A. Kopelovich, I.P. Tikhonova. Terap.arldi. 31 no-3:86-88 Mr 159 1 . (MIRA 12:4) (MOCRINOIA)GT) (SH3MHEVSKIII N.A.) KOPELOVICH, M.A., prof.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.P., ) (Kharlkov) Problems of clinical aspects and differential diagnosis of dience- phalo-pitultary forms of adiposity. Probl.endok. i gorm. 5 no.41 7!-80 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 13-2) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdola (zaveduyushohly - prof. M.A. Kopelovich) Ukrainskogo Instituts, okeperimentallnoy endokrinologii (direktor - S.V. Naksimov). (OBESITY etiology) (PITUITARY GLAND dis.) (DIENCEPHALON dis.) RAKIIAYT,OV,',, M.S.; T11KNON011A, Ye.p. Tnt,grmedinte hypophyseal forms of obFr-,ity of rheumatic etiology. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-Issl. inst. oksrir. endok. 19:386-392 164. (MIRA 18t7) 1. 'lz klinichenkogo ot-dela iniAltuta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologil. KOPELOVIGH, M.A.; TIKIIONOVA, Ye.P. Simmonds-Sheehan hypopituitary syndrome. Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.1:46-54 Ja-F 165. OIE Rh 18: 5) 1. Klinicheskiy Wel Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. - kand. med. nauk S.V. Maksimov), Kharlkav. TMONOVA, YO.F.,,aauk (Kharskov) iOle Of thalwAinitisl state of the central nervous system in the development of thyrotaxicosis. Vrach.delo no.11:1203-1207 N 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Klinicheskiy otdal (rakovoditell -,prof. M.A.Kopelovich) Ukrainskogo Instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii. (IQRVOUS SYSTEM) (THYROID GIAND--DIbNASNS) KOPELOVICH, M.A., praf~t~.,TIKH(RTOVA, Ye.P.,,-knnd. med. naul- (Miarikov). Potassium nerchlorate therapy in hyperthyroxicosis. Probl. endokr. o gorm. 4 no-5:55-59 S-0 '58. (NMA 11:12) 1. Iz klinicheakogo otdelenlya. (zav. - prof. M.A. Xopelovich) Ukrain- skogo instituta eksperimentalluoy endokrinologii (dir. - kand. mod. nauk S.V. Maksimov). (HYPERTHYROIDISM. ther. potassium perchlorate (Ilus)) TIKHONOVA,, )M, a P*_, DRAZIM, VA "Wthodical Problem of Studies on the Metabolism of the Vitamin B labeled with Radioactive Sulfur" 86 p., in the book F, -jonce in the Use of Rldioactive _T#21o NRox . - -I- - je.!_in Wdicine P. Ye. KAVEtSKIY ;~~ I.T. SHEYCHMO, publ abed lZe the GosmedRTWTUbliahing House of the UIMAINM SSR, KIEV 1955, represents medical transactions of a conference held in K3EV from 18-20 January 1954. SO: 1100235 TIKHONOVA. Ye.P., SHIFKAN, L.M. (RharIkov) Prevention of an increase in endemic goiter among inhnbitents of the Lisichanak-Rubezhnoye Industrini District. Probl.endok. i gorm. 4 no.2:108-110 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11;5) 1. 1z klinicheakogo otdaIR (rukovoditell - prof. N.A. Kopalovich) Ukrainakogo inatitutn eksperimentnllnoy endokrinologii (dlr. - knndidnt moditsinskik-h nauk S.V. Mal-rimov) (GOITER, prevention & control prev. of endemic increase (Rus) KOPBWVICH, M.A., prof.; TIKHONOVA.. Ye.P.. kFind. mod. nauk - " *Handbook of clinical endocrinolog7 4, edited by Z.A. Vasiukova. Reviewed by M. A. lopelovich, B.P. Tikhonova. Probl. eadok. i gorm. 5 no.2:118-120 Mr-Ap '59- (KIRA 12:7) (MMCI.IINOLOGY) (VASIMVA, S.A. ) I KOPELOVICIT, M.A., profeatior-, TIIOIOIIOVjt. Te.P.. kandidut meditotn"kikh nA"k (Khar I kov) [Symptoms and differential diagnosis of initial forms of thyro- toxicosis. Probl.endok. i gorm. I no.1:42-47 Ja-F '55(HLRA 8:10) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdela Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinalogii. (HYPERTHTROIDISM, differential diagnosis. early) I I kandidat meditsinskikh asuk (Kharlkov) ZaMR?V%jUPa;1. Amenorrhas as an early symptom of tumor of the pituitary body. Vrach.delo no-5:521 Ky 157. (KLRA 10: 8) 1. Klinichaskiy otdal (rukovoditall - prof. N.A.Kopelovich) Ukrainakogo institute eksperimentalinoy eadokrinologit (PITUITARY BODY--TUKORS) (MENSTRUATION) LESHCHENKO; A.G.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.P.; RAYMYLOVA, - --*-* --- Neurological characteristics of infectious emephalitis marked by a syndrome of thyrotaxicosis. Sbor. nauch. -Irud. Ukr. nauch.- issl. inst. eksper. endok. 15:260-266 '59.' (MIRA 1/,: 11) (ENCEPHALITIS) (THYROID GLAND--DISEASES) BUSLATSKIY, A.S.,; T-WOVOVA, Te.P...; 14EDRES11, R.I., Possibility of the development of clinical forms of exophthal- mos without the participation ot the thyrotropic hormone. Oft. zhur. 17 no.73423-,429 162. (MIRA 1693) 1. In otdela gistofiziologiis, klinicheskogo otdela Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii i Ukrainskogo instituta glasnylch bolezney imeni prof. L.L. Girsbmana (dir. - chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR r f I I Merkulov). (EXOPHTEAUTOJ ' ' (;IT"UTTArff BODY) TIKHONCINJI, Ye. IF. (i',.', I "-cv) Neurotruu,mat,, r cl',nbu taa me 1 tus. Pro DI.. ondok. i gra-m. ') rif, 80-84 N-lj 11:3. (111T"A v:11) 1. Iz kllnicheskc.~!o otdela (-,,av. - kand. med. nauk Lobtinov- skaya, ruj,~cv(),:'-; pz-of. m.A. Kopelovich) U'ri~-raintkogo Instituta endok-rinolof;ii (dir. - Mrid. med. nauk Q.V. I'llaksinnov/1 T( '!I -- -"AG'S . Me ~:h 37~1~ s , .1- I ~~ ~ (- F. ; TI.--- - I Q. MAVURCAT ) jj I ~ " 1 ( ~Aye - n, and n-r-rS-tIeS Of sc;15 after re!~ ~F-e~ Change in the compositio . - ". freezing. Vest. LGU 19 no.18:3r~-44 '64. (mIFA 17: 12- 1 LITUNCIIAP R.I.; VOLIF, Yo.M.;..TIKIIOrIOV, Yu.A. Developmental anomaly of vessels in the lower extremities. Vest. rent. i rad. 40 no.6:52-5i. 11-D '65. (I-Iru, 1~ : 1) 1. Detakaya gorodskaya klinicheskaya bollnitga No.2 imeni I.V. Rusakova i kafedra detskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S.Ya. Doletskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenst,vovanlya vrachey, Moskva. Ai OM USSIZ / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Agents. U-7 Antibiotics. Abs Jour : Referat Zh.-Biol., No 1, 1958, No 3592 Author : Tikhonova, Yu.V. Inst I Not given Title :A Masking Effect of Antibiotics on the Course of Acute Otitis Media, Maxillary sinusitis and Mastoiditis in Children. Orig Pub :Vestn. oto-rino-laringologii, 1957, No 3, 33-38 Abstract iNo abstract. Card 1/1 1,11-MIC~ ~ec.11.VO1.10112. Oto-Rhino-Larywt) Uec5v IrIle'l-I Al & P/,-4, V 2254. TIKHONOVAYu.V. Moscow. '-Masking effect of antibiotics on course of otitis media, antritis and madtoiditis in children (Ru~osian text) VESTN.OTO-RINO-LARING. 057. 3(33- 38) i The use of antibiotics in the treatment of acute otitis media, antr(tis and mastoidi- tis in 90 children of different age sometimes resulted in the latent course of the inflammatory process. The characteristic feature of these forms'of antritis and mastoiditis appears to be a prolonged course and indistinct otoscopic findings. At the same time the operation reveals considerable changes of the bones, small quantity of pus and profuse outgrowth of granulations. The histological ex8mina- tion of bone grafts excised at the operation from 32 patients showed osteomyelitin of the periantrum. Productive process of sclerotic type predominated with for- mation of new bone tissue, granulations and small quantity of neutrophilic cellu- lar elements. (XI, 7) TMONOVA, Yu.V. P- Kasking effect of antibiotics on the course of acute otitis me-lia, antritis, and mastoiditis in children (with summary in~Znglishl. Yest.oto-rin. 19 no-3:33-38 My-Je '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz kliniki bolezuey ukha. gorla I noes (dir. - prof. I.1. Shcherbstov) pediatricheskogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. (OrITIS MADIA, ther, antibiotics. causing.antritis & mastoiditis in child.) (AlirIBIOTIC, ther. use otitis media, causing antritis & mastoiditis in child.) (KASTOIDITIS, etiol. and pathogen. antibiotic ther. In otitis media in child.) (KA,XLLLLRY SINUS, die. sinuaitle caused by antibiotic ther. of otitis media in child) ANTIBIOTICS "The gask~ng Effect of Antibiotics on the Course of Otitis Media, Antritis and Mastoiditis in Children," by Yu.V. Tikhonova, Clinic of Diseases of the E w, Throat and Nose (Director - Prof. I.I. Shcherbatov)-of the Pediatric Faculty of the Second Moscow Medical Institute,Vestnik Oto-Rino- .Laringologii, No 3, MaY-June 1957, PP 33-38. From 1952 to 1955, the author operated on 90 children of different ages suffering from antritis and az*tdAdt%t�,who were treated with antibiotics for acute otitis media before the operation. After an extensive clinical and morphological study on the masking effect of anti- biotics on the course of the inflammatory process in the middle ear and the mastoid process, the author arrived at the following conclusions: 1. Trratumt of acute otitis media with antibiotics in children does not always liquidate the inflammatory process and sometimes results in the development of atyp- ical forms of antritis and mastoiditis. 2. A characteristic feature of the inflammatory process in the middle ear, when treated with antibiotics, is a very variegated clinical picture of the course of the disease. An autoscopic examination of the ear provides either no symptoms or symp- -3- 1/2. Lomb, of -;the process. This makes diagnosis difficult and hinders a decision re operative intervention. 3- Operations on children who had undergone lengthy treatment with antibiotics, show extensive damage to the mastoid process and the periantral region, together with the expansion of granulations, and a small a unt of exudate in the antrum and cells. 4. Histological examinations of the bone fragments of 32 patients revealed osteonyelitis with a predominance of reproductive processes like sclerosis of gran- ulation tissue, new bone formation, and a small amount of neutrophilic elements. 25636 T e mrn :10. 7j, 3' -atey, No. 1948 Tp-tonisl ZhurnalInykh St, TIK'101,1011A, Z. 25636 Repeneratsiya Dizellnykii ma-cl I lkh Ispoll zovaniyc. ~for. Flot, 19lri, No. 7, s. 33-36 SO: LETOPIS NO- 30, 1946 TT rVal I r11 Vf'V'nl V M /Engineering Jul 48 Engines, Diesbl Oil Peclamation "Reclamation of Diesel Oils and Their Utiliza- tion," Z. Tikhonova, Engr, 4 pp "Morskoy Flot" No 7 Diecusses -physical and chemical means for re- olaining Diesel fuel, ard methods to utilize it. Statistics show performance of engine operating on new fuel and one operating on reclaimed fuel. 114 25/49TL16 I'R FM 99/hQT16 137-58-4-6419 Translation from: Refe-at~vrivl, zhurnat, Metallurg;ya, 1958, Nr 4 p 12'USSR) AUTHORS: Miller, V . Ya. . VoLgin, B. P. K--.xpi%,nE:- S. L, TITLE-. Siritering of Pyr~!e Ginder~, dnd Metallurgical Assessment cf the Clinker Der;%ved From Them (Spekaniye pir;t.riykh cgarkov i metal]-tig"chesk,ya (j-L13(-nka cine r ata) .polluchennogo iz nikh .6,1 PERIODICAL- Tr_ Urai'slrc~go n '.- Vilim, iri-ta, 1957. Nr 4 pp 116-1 13 ABSTRACT: Experiments --n ~he ~J pyrite cinders (PC ) V,% PLI I verizcd-pyr;!,~ ro~~bting as an instmce of tile pcss;h1r. utilizations if PC A-e described The fue I was Kerne r c,,o c ( ke breeze cf the 0- 3 nirn clas6, having 15.30 pcrcent dsh and 0 'b percent S. The ila~,out of in experimental sintering plank :s pre- sented. It, "heat value"--coke consumption per for (-,,f Irco--,nd also in consumption Of flux in a blast-furnace heat.. the cli,!k( r (C) from PC is equivalent to --;and-clay refuse C ha~-ing file satne Fe content. PC C requires rncre flux and coke per hlast f,.,rn'Ice heat than does rnignetic irorstone C, since the ga-,gU(- r-f PC, -_-, exceptionally acid. But -A,,here ores have a low SiO?-Al 01 ratio Card 1/2 this peculiarity of PC C is a positive factor. Wher 8-10 perceni 137-58-4-6419 Sintering of Pyrite Cinders (cont. C is added to the charge, the Cu they add does not interfere with the smelting of common conversion pig irons. The Zn content of the C is appx. 0.5 percent, When the charge contains 60-65 percent PC, this will add appx. 0.032 percent Zn to blast furnace charge, and this cannot but introduce difficulties in smelting Thus, C from flotatiou tailings of furnaces and dust-catchers may lie employed with adequate effectiveness by addition to the charges of sintering plants em- ploying magnetic ironstones. Up to 10 percent of the weight of the charge may thus be added, Simultaneous addition of sand-clay refuse or ochre-brown ore fines, which speed the sintering process, is highly desirable. A,Sh. I. Minerals--Sintering--Test methods 2. Minerals--Sin`~-ering--Test results Card 2/?, GORBOVITSKIY, Ye.B., kand. med. nauk (Moskva, ul. Ke Harksa, d,220, kv. 154) ; -TIOCROVA.Z.D. Use of peritoneal dialysis in acute renal insufficiency. Vest. khir. 91 no.8tll4-1ri Ag163 (MDU 17 23) 1. Iz urologicheakogo otdolonlya ( zav. - knnd. med. nauk P.D.Ler) 54-Y Moskovskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach Ye. P. Malltseva). TIKHONOVA, Z.I.; STXPANOVA, M.Nw, kandidat meditainskikh nauk; MESHAMIN, Ye.N.. kan-di.dat meditainakikh nauk; RAOIXV, A.N., professor; GULTAYEV, A*V., pro- fessor; VOZNESXNSKIY, V.P., professor; DKITRIYEV, I.P.. professor; CNWZV. B.V., professor; VAZA, D.L., professor; PETROY, B.A., professor, predeed&- tell; DOROMEV. V.I., aekretarl. Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province of June 27. 1952. lhirargiia no-3:84-M Kr '53. (KP-k 4:6) 1. Xhirurgichookoye obshchestvo Moskvy i Moskovskoy Oblasti. (Heart--Surgery) (Cardiovascular system--Surgery) ARTSYBYSHFIV, N.A.; BELOGORSKAYA, N.I.; VINOGRADOVA, L.Yu.; GALANIN, D.D.; GURlYRTA, V.V.; ZVORYKIN. B.S.; ZORA, V.A.; LIVIMSBY, N.R,.; 14MISHMIN, N.F.; KINCM21KOV, Ye,Ya.; POKROVSKIY, A.A.; RNZHIKOV, L.I.; _TOY KUMODAROV, S.Y.; SHEYKAH, M.I.; SAIGIAROV, D.I:; T ,F YUSIKOVICH, V 7. . ..A*, Professor S.A. Arteybyshev; obituar7. Fiz. v shkole 18 no.1:95-96 Ja-l? 158. (VTRA 11:1) (Artsybyshev, Sorgei Alokeandrovich, 1867-1957) . ZORE, V.A., dotsent; TIKHCUOVA, Z.I., assistent Simultaneous spectral determination of lead, copperv and tin in fresh fish and some types of canned fish. Gig.,sanit. ~)%k no.2-'58-W 163 MA 1? %2) 1. Izz I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenava. REYSHAMIRIT9 L.S.; PUSTOSHKINA, M.P.; TIKHONOVA, i".1. Amperometric titration of some cations with trilon B on a rotating microplatinum electrode. Vest. LGU 19 no.4:122-125 t64. (MIPA 17:3) FEYSHAFIERIT, L.S.; MPRTINOVA, V.N.; TIKHONOVA, Z.I. OxIdation of trIlon B on a roulting disk platlnum anode. Vest. LGU 20 no.4:146-147 165. (MIRA 18:4) L.12246-66 EWP(J)/EWT(m) IJP(c) RM ACC Mt, AP6006493 SOURCE CODE: UR/0138/65/000/010/0027/0029 AUTHOR: Peochanskaya. R. Ya.; Eydcllnant, N. L.j.Smglyanftqkiy, ly,_Z. -, Gersh n A. 1. ; Stefanovich, V. V. ; Gallbraykh, I. Ye. ; Aleksoyeva. N. A.; Tikhonova, 2h. 1. ORG: Scientific-Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Products Nauchno-isoledovatellakly institut rezinovykh I lateksnykh izdeHy); "Red Triangle" Plant (za "Krasnyy treugollnik) lb TITLE: The use of p-alkylbenzylpyridinium chloride as a vulcanization catalyst for rubber mixtures SOURCE: Kauchuk I retina, no. 10, 1965, 27-29 TOPIC TAGS: vulcanization, catalyst, butadiene styrene rubber, synthetic rubber, rubber chemical ABSTRACT: A cationactive pyridinium compound, p-alkylbenzylpyridinium chloride (katapin): C NO- cl- "DI where R in an aliphatic rahicil containing 12-14 carbon atoms, was studied as a vulcinization catalyst. Katapin is a water-soluble dark-brown paste, now being produced on a semi-indus- trial basis. When large-scale Industrial production Is organized, katapin production costs will be close to those of captax, the least expensive vulcanization catalyst. Katapin is found to 2! C.,d 1/2 UDQ 678.044.004.14 L 22246-66 AC~ NR. AP6006493 have medium-strength activity as a vulcanization catalyst. Katapin makes possible the produc - tion of NK-base vulcanizates with higher strength properties than that pro&ced by means of the standard catalysts: captax, altax, and DFG. In butadiene-styrPnP rubberrmixtures, katapin comen close In vulcanization activity to that of DFG. Katapin may be used as an independent agent, as well as in combinations with captax, altax, and thiuram. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. SUB CODE: 07t 11 / WBM DATE: nme / ORIO REF: 003 / OTH REF: 004 2/2 R*t TIMONOVA, zoya Nikolayevna; GIL'GULIN. M., red.; MUM, T., . EPOOPle's Commissar for Health; about N.A Semashko] Marodnyi komisser xdorovlia; 0 N.A.Somashko. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 196o. 31 P. (MIRA 13:11) (-VIKA&MO, NIKOLAI ALIQ~SAIMROVICH, 1874-1949) 00 000000*00000000000*0 AVW *000,* '006000000*40*0060#000 Oa I a I 1 0 4. A )941,Uukmitif or it a of al U ad as IC 0 0 1 it a I I J_ go 's- o 009 at.(lilts ..C -&rot#, (I -t I A ii-sod M-Cam"ro-t did datiormhutift of mothyl al"hol -00 06 A l ; und"reelarlitionitioloplaollab"at"Y. i-oo ! 0 0 .4 111,111hillf. 1'row. 1939, No. -1. 21 9; Kkim. 10!f"ll 1.00 00 C /Aar. 1939. No. M. fm 1W.-Thr tucll-I of SIIIA(Irl"t-111- Which is blawli oil tilt Illeth'.1 .( 14-11vt 411,1 Poll.loW. 00 *1- Kivr-i good results. In 3 llelwAtury funnelt plit-v wl, 06 aratelt, (1) 3 nil. of CCI,. (2) 20 tul. of [).I S NAOII awl I'l) lit nlL of a soln. to PAP S. tartaric still Awl lit g ~ 00 sulfArtilic acid in 5(xl IUL of Water. To the fil'i Illillul -00 mid '.41 lial, of the isoln. it) lit Icitrit (which 5houlol ma ' so l l 411-141111 -4 i,lithilli 11M 11 lkl"'P A, 11111, 1 MI of A N Ift -00 00 e l a 9.111,; all. Nilts. of Ndlki(~. 1411AV *sit mill '111-lo 0. 000 i Liver% to sets. This tran-f-tlm the AltOll Itil') MINI ". 06 d which dr-lws in tilt CCI.. kemove the lower IL#%.t =00 00-3, 'Tit'. the tv~j furi-I. -I-- the AILAIi hv.1fo%idr nria- itil ir~ rise w4n. ault micts with ruttoul %little%. Tliln coo 00 mid the witshed wills. 1'. rise thIld fitum-1. its,- 0ow MeNth is eirsultifird aild di"oliz.6tiags 14 the milf411111, oo alid is accomplished. To the art. soln. add 11) nil. ,I a I ~llts. -4 1.11 g. a-mplithylamine + 3 tilt. of 15 N IICI it, ix 00 a0 * ,out fill, 14 wiliff, 1A.Milwit the Pill. of 1111) 41ye in ~A tilt t ! coo 00 9 o g of Aq Nm0I( oulti. attil tntil "Sir lisp 1,1410 tit is 4111,111fI14 f. r with that obtained! shubtly Itolle litrown fluottlilk- .4 ~ j o 00 1 0 1 1 McOll. A correction must be applied fur the hir.mild.i.. moo exin. of Nlr.NOj by CC4. Other a1cs. and Avoll ttict 0 R n ~nnilarly but in products obtained by the dry dion. "I zoo , : , mirol he other *Its ittay lit di-regArdt.l. W. 14. 11. afoo 1!:O0 00 j tsoo 00 Iroo t * , i 0 t . ra.,Aml too# 0 a I ar is 9, 4j q 3 0 0*0 ooo* 0 ~ ooooooeooooooo~000000000004000000 *Soo 0 000000 000 00000odpoeo0000,00000000000000000 00 TIMONOVA, Z.T., S.I. 'ISUKHAHOVSKII, Lesokhim. Prom. 1938, No. 5, 2-5, *!,w w ow : :~ # I I 1 6 F I a 11 11 It id it w U a M is JG V A 11 it It u m AS b V n #j 41 tj 42 a ago A F F-t- -J. It p Q or L-1 It OR Q AD tf~rt I I #--f. a AT .11 f out" 00 .I -,go 00 1.00 09 cl -09 00 fair"Opdom of Ow Frimsch type portable "Ibosixers. .00 S. I. .1kikhAnov,kil suit Z. 'r. -646mutra. iriomm. so it Pr,~m- 1039, No, 4, 410 4; KA#**. Virtti. Zhair 1939, No. DO 0 00 -3 A, II9-141-mills ot Investigations fit The *Ifl- of WINNI .-harroal and of it% quality depcricling cm tht- evl)r of ific 00 App, the propertirsof the raw material suit the varlionua. coo 00 j lion condilk"14 are Rivers. It. llruo coo 00 w L48 0 .0 Q46 to 0 too 00 A14.1LA 09TALLUM"ICAL LITINATIME CLAIDIFICATWO El- WOO "a, ~-, n An A 0, A, w WO, 0, g. m, .1 :*00*0 oo9j!Ooowowo*OOoo~oo**Oo! g 00 *0 10*:::*** : : o 0 0,6000 go*** so* g 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 g 0 0 0060090900 o o 0 o's 0-0 0-4 696009 0 0 0 0 *0 0 0 0 * 0 0 010 0 00000 6 00 a o;;;;V 0 --~i ; I I S i I Y I I "1 1; - .. 11 ' it - a j P r n 14 A b r? 1. 1 . I. 1; 11 is k V W 0, Q 1 4 r L 6 1 1 08 I-C IV Lt 004 -00 -00 00 A The PwAsslas of crisile scefic obtid"d 1 -00 d-r pe by dirlect absorption with rods olk:~ ~T. rik - 1~00 honovs. UsalIhim. Prow. 3. No. 4. 27-90 0 00 Zt-W-100. 13, 1907-HOAc can 1* exid. from pnxhKw 00 gas more clieslily with resin acids than with milk of haw -06 After the oils have been distd. off, the resinous lAwk ma~ go a terial contains HOAc 20-70%, IIC(hH 11.67 aldehyd" -00 and ketones 9.4%. saponifiable met 64 and ures .00 60 18%. It isdiffirult tor9fine or rectify but can be readily esterified. For this purpose the dil.l. crude material 6 1 goo distd. at 50-98', which gives a W-47V Yield in neutral d light ads and ethers, then brought to 70 and treated with A% 119SO. (calcd. an the atut. of water required for dilo. of the crude material) and hall of the total aml, of air. 11) goo be used (which It 160%. of the theoretical amt.). This Fr. see action mist. is then ;eluited for I hr. with the remainder of the sk. being added gradually. The AcOlft which di.- see a tills 6 wasised in "der with W% Wulfite "An., 11) NsCl 8 wAn., 3% NmC(h soln. and 141% NaCl sol theu SOO treated with city NaCl and Patti. CsCIj soln., then dried with anhyd. CaClj and rectified. In lab. ripts. I Jig. q4 i the crude HOAc yielded 4(),-6U g. of light oils and 5W g. of AcOEt; in the Lrestment of this amt. 3M S. of &k.. 21 S. liS04, 12 g. N&,CO,. 3.4 g. bisuffite. 24 S. N*&CI and L17 9. Cecil were used. M. G. Xfoore goo $LA MITALLURGICAL LITIOIATL41 CLASUPICATION 9 - --- - -------- flop" Slifil-11W S*"os'j -A itic;. A. ~11 1111 all O-V III V-9 . a I F -1 An A I V W 0 N q I V IN a a 4 3 0 V XX MW I JTA Is AV 10 AS to it w it K it 19 K It it It n 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 00000 0000 0 o 0 0 4606 :0~ 44111669064111460 Gee 0 *'~ 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 it it I: n Is tj 16 A__A_P 0. a , '4 IS, ..P 1.0 0 0 *1$ 1? is it Am M ly A HAX DR- _~SL~ 0"!"W .6 ."is 00 0 4 0 0 0 4. 0 0 101, Ads 1611 in Poe 41 41 41 41 4 -2 b 4 1 T 0 S __jL of asomadc hy4remboam to saturabid 00 Dmernsinatio" 11 gaseliatos. A. I)o1keyaritkil mind N. T. 4ikbuoa--- 00 Noftyamor Klviiiiyulttts, -Thratot. of Call@, C-1f,01,11FIAl Calls- 4 1, 4 00 4 (CIlk), dd4jFd 10 6 gasoline free Itool dirl"1114tit' CIORIP114- talks rturvLed by %Its. Isk-tic arld ourtitad. Amiardiall the vis,s' ime was brArn op Into Itactionq It. it"t UP ( T. its'n - Will, I. JMOIM). ith.11S' k"Jolurne" (9001.1111 And 12-N 00 oW v;ity ne" Irseli"ll), The Individual &(let it I he sh n. 4.1 Valliant mkolw Ili thratift've amoijkli, t4.tllt.lq 00 a 0j All.mill I it) 11V I were -old, with pictit. avid. 4114 11, ,- .4 thr fraction likTanisly"41 was pipelled Inin the -evil. pook 41-111, lAhmed by altlatkm for .5 min. The lpi-lins, osi%v. %;k- Iran4ferrird (the skedintent arm left In the dask) Into A .,-nd fisksk with 3.1 cc. of distd. 11.0; another ID cc. wa~ ti-,1 for riming the funnel. Three drop4 of phenol. phihadrin was then added anti (he mist. mutilated bw tht- 0 trAti-frf of the acid int" the m4n.. thir titraid-it laring imird slur with 0.411 N NO) I to the appearana-v 4 as : 000 ~60016.4. wmallent (4 6 inin.) raspistrty-fed cohar in the hms~r HO) lay". The result% are accurate to -11.1r19% nitit 6 114W 0 -00 -00 at** zoo z0 0 ~: =00 coo go* goo S.1440 .11 C". dat ~' Gift U a AT so is to a it 61 Or a n 14 A" 7-i___6;- as m so 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000' 0 0 46 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 28 ' 0 0 61: : V * 0 # * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 TIIMDIUVA, Z.Ye. Seasonal aspects of the development of micro-c~rgsLisms in,-the soil, Uch.Z&P.GGPI 20:120-123 158. (MIRA 130)`~' (Boil micro-organisms) TIKMNOVA, Z.Ye. t,,,. ..I'------ -1. -1. mother stand Ot pine on undergTr* ]Iffect Of the (RIBA 1~ *- -)) '58- GGpi 20:124-128 (Fine) TIKHOTIOVI-VOSI YA, Yu. V., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Masking Effect of Antibiotics upon the Course of Acute Otitis Media, Antritis--,,and Mastoiditis in Children." Mos, 1957. 12 pp (Second Mos State Medical Inst im 1-1. 1. Pirogov), 200 copies (KL, 47-57, 91) )6 TIKHTTIE, V. I.; SOFROTIOV, B. 11. ; PETROMWISKAYA, 1'. A.; 3,KIRITOIA, it. '~. ; ZALZIMAYA, V. V. ; FILATOVA, Z. V.; RUBEL, 11. N. "Special features of the microgiological twulno-epidesiological characteristics of scarlet fever treated with penicillin." .~eDort iubmitted at -'V-he 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epideriologists and Infectionistg. 1159 TIKHONOVETS, D.P., lnzh. -_"- --- -, using punched card equipment in calculating the requirements it 0 stand.-by equipment. W-skh.i avtom.proizv. 18 no.3s47-49 Mr '64. (NM 17:4) MARCHM, Aleksandr Ivanovich [Marchuk, 0.1.1; WIN, Yuriy Ippolitovich; SIROTENKO, Ivan Dmitriyevich; TIKHONOVICH. Aleksandra. Kikhaylovna LT~khonovych, O.M.1; F., veduBhchiy red.; PATSALTUK, P., [Streets of Kiev; handbook as of Kay 1, 19581 Vulytvi W6va'; dovidnyk sa stanom; nA.1 travnia.1958 r. Kyiv, Der2h.vyd-vo tekhn.lit-ry U-1M. 1958. 396 P. (MIU 12:11) 1. Kiev. His'ka dovidkovo-informataiine kontora. (Kiev-Streetn--Handbooks, manuals. etc.) karid. tekhn. nauk;l dots-) G.M., A) doti3-; ju,-I a.-, DESPIEVOY R. . kand. tekbn;j.,,nai tekhn. red.; VASIL""-VA' Al,nonometri- red c repi'ecolitatiOn Of "-"c tell nykII deta-101. j_,,oskvas 11Lxonom6tri *ja 16:12) cbesicie izobrazlieni mashgiz) 1963. 185 P-,tion) (vachincry-Drawing (AxonOlletric proje TIKHONOVIGH, A.V. ~ Remote results of imPlantation of the ureters into the intestines in ectopy of the urinary bladder. Xhirurglia, Moskva no.9:73 Sept 1953- (GIXL 25:5) 1. Professor. 2. Yaroslavl' Clinical Oblast Hospital. TIKHOIJOVICH, G.S.9; IMKIN, S.P. Clinical aspects of Hirachprung's disease. Terapearkho to66: 56-60 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. 1z 1--y kafedry terapii (zavo - prof. A.Z. Chernov) i 1-y kafedry khirurgil (zavo - prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovarshonstvovaniya vrachey. (COLOV-AIMOM4ITIES AND WMITIM) TMOMOVICHA-9--si& kandidat meditainskikh nauk; VARNTANNIZOVA, V.P. logo" %now ILYN I A ease of oeriarteritia nodose with affection of the lungs diagnosed during life. 35 no.6:108-112 -Te 157. (MLRA 10:8) 1. It pervoy terapeVtichaskoy kliniki (dir. - deyetvitallayy chlea AMN SSSR prof. H.S-Vovs0 i is pervoy, kafedry rantgamelogli ?Sentrallnogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (say. - sasluzhannyy dayatall nauki prof. S.A.Raynberg) na base Klinichaskoy ordena Lenia& bolinitey imeni B.P.Botkine (glavnyy vrech - prof. A.N.Shabanov) (PSHIARTIRITIS JJODOSA, diag. pulm.. diagnosed during life) (LUNGS DIS19ASXS. diag. periartaritis nodose, diag. during life) TIMONOVIC111 0. S. "Nicotinic Acid in Hevatitis." Sub 20 51, Central Inst for the .',divanced Training of Physicians. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In Mosccw during 1951. SO: Sum- No. 480p 9 I-lay 55. TIKHONOVICH., G.S.,; Treatment of ~ifiironic coronary insufficiency by intrasternal administration of novocaine. Kardiologiia 2 no.3a84-86 )tr-.Je 162, (KRA 1634) 1. Iz 1-y kafedry terapii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvo- vaniya vrachey (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR zasluzhennyy di,-yatell hauki prof. M.S.Vovsi [deceased]). (CORONARY VESSEIS-DISEASES) (?IOVOCAINE) .1 GORSLIK, B.14.,- GIIIFLlNjl,, IKjj0j.'V,i(, L.V. .L turbodrill basing the durvLbil!--y Or a 11 I (, 11~1:9) Ways of inerl I- My 61, V. Neft. khoz. 39 no.5:1(--'O I (TurbodrillS) S/138/59/000/010/003/010 A051/AO29 AUTHOR3: Gorelik, B.M.; Tikhonovich, L.V. TITLEz On the Application of Granulated Rubber Mixtures in Molding-T-e--h- nique PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I Rezina, 1959, No. 10, PP. 17 - 20 TZa. An investigation Into the technology of rubber mixture granulation applied in the molding of various rubber articles was carried out. The advantag- es of using granulated rubber mixtures in the technique of molding consist in the following facts: facilitation of transportation, automatic weighing, storage and ar accurate measurement of the material being supplied to the press-die. Granu- lated rubber mixtures would also decrease the amount of waste material from the pressing stage, which can be as high as 50 to 70% in some of the rubber article Plants. The number of stages in the production cycle are decreased. The low density between the granules would enable the air to escape in the molding of the articles. Finally, it simplifies the entire procedure and saves on material and general costs. Three types of mixtures were subjected to granulation in the ex- periments: 1) based on butadiene-nitrile rubbers [No. 4004-1, 3825, 4326,MPTI- Card 1/4 Ur S/138/59/000/010/0,')3/010 A051/AO29 On the Application of Granulated Rubber Mixtures in Molding T'?Inique Or 1068 (IRP-1068) ]; 2) basftd on QC-30 (SKS-30) and _CW6 (SKB) No. 4773, 7008;; 3) based on polychloroprenellNo. -2-54-2-14-3 (N-3), 4908). Extruders were used for the granulat7fo-n technique, fitted with granulating heads of the end plane type, with a 150 an 115 mm worm diameter (see Fig. 1). The 150 mm extruder was manufactured at the "im. Krasin" Plant. The granulating heads were designed and manufactured at the Nfl"-. The actual granulating procedure is described as well as the gran-, ulatin4 of the hard nitrile mixtures. Each of the three types of mixtures used in the experiments is dealt with individually. The technology parameters for granulation of these mixtures were derived. Table 2 is a listing of the thermal conditions of the granulation process for rubber mixtures based on butadiene-ni- trile rubbers. The mixtures considered in this group were IRP-1068, 4004-1, 3821~ with a vulcanizate hardness from 75 to 90, according to Shore, and 4326 with an average flexibility and hardness of 65 to 70, according to Shore. The ccmposi- tion of the mixtures is given in Table 1. It is pointed out here that all. the mixtures were granulated without using ashing mediums, and in order to store the granules one should apply a special packing material having an adjustment for me- chanical mixing or shaking. The granulation output for these hard mixtures was found to be 100 - 110 kg/h for the IRP-1068, 3825, 4004-1 mixtures and 250 - 300 card 2/4 A051/AO-29 On the Application of Granulated Rubber Mixtures in Molding Technique kg/h for the 4326 mixture. In the case of the second group the granulation coulal only be accomplished by using an ashing medium, namely, a '--% emulsion of kaolin and zinc stearate (prepared in a 5% aqueous solution of leuconol). The following thermal conditions for the granulation were applied; temperature cf the machinqs body 40 - 450C (at the starting moment 50 550C), of the screen r.-15' - 600C, the external part of the granulating head 30 400C. Further conditions are listed. In the case of the third group, a 5% kaolin emulsion was used In the granulation procedure. A considerable drop in the strength and the elongation of the vulcan- V/ izates was noticed for the 2r-42 H-3 (2542 N-3) mixture. in the case of the 4908 mixture, there was very little difference noted in the indices of the vulcanizates obtained from the granulated mixture and from the initial one. Not all mixtures are worth using in the form of granules. This can be seen from the physico-me- chanical indices of the vulcanizates obtained from the various granulated mix- tures. The possibility of producing molded articles from granulated mixtures based on nitrile rubbers was proved, but the design of the press-die must be changed; the loading volume must be increased, there should be a pressing plung- er for the pressing of the granules into a monolithic part. It is also stressed that further work must be conducted on the selection of ashing mediums, whl~h Card 3/4 ADa: 1,/A 029 -j On the Application of Granulated Rubber Mixtures in Molding Technique would not decrease the physico-mechanical indices of "he vulsanizates. Synthetic resins, which would not melt at temperFktures developing during granUla.:i0n, but which would melt at temperatures occurring during vulcanization, would be sultabip. I.N. Popov, S.14. Mardon'yev and V.M. Burmistrov participated in the w--rk, rhere are 3 tables and 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennostl (Sci- entific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) Card 4/4 J -T end Th,~ir -p-ilications. Caoutc.,Iouc Fatural and Syn,L-Gtic. Rubbar. -bs Jour: Rof Zhur-hai.,--,iy~i, 1,-.o 3, 1,950, 10351. Aluthor : Shok'nin, I. ~., Til(lionovich, L. V. Iixt : Not r-ivrn. 0 Titlu : of Tcch,ioloAicc.1 of nc~cla`ac;d Rubbcr. Orig Pub: Loka 19,57, (5, yo 2, 24-25. .,bstract: TrmxI.-.t,A. Suu Rc;f Zimr 1956) 113(1167. ,,1 1- . " . " ":. S.A,; I I" ,~ . . I-;:, *. ": ;:( t . - - . . 2.1". i Ill. a- .. I! r~ j "f-jFt t j i -i rc.,-, i "; ! -In 'I. !.,I U," 1. 1%, , 1 I;u '. ''., 1. 1, : . i:- - I , .. i I -.I . I:f!t, t ~ ldr, "'. . 2"' li, ! , 1, - ~ [ i - ! I 1 1; " , I (! , ; ".. , 10 ., ) TIMIONOVIC11i N. Ill. D~ICEAOSED / -44* SEE ILC 00*00*****o ,A 0 a, V% % -4 ~ a a, a, Fir! f, I M a' in **A v O'Noeffiff ONO VIC016114* mots 00 0 Tke "vilibriva- TIPW414uld in the -low th I ~ W Z Is* ' : U, A. 1. Likbter &W & ~ b ~ 12UMINO); S S R ) 10 (U so . . . . , 6l -Il'be e it uil of the binar s stt A M W . . i . y . q y : s static method Jim tem il was isivessi ted b 3 4 C11 . r , y p p -116. to -118'a Tlwresult~) rtasum u tollustat d . n p p .00 an mpmented In the form of lp-s diisgmme wkkb show . ft^ th f U li id C11 l I i b t t b6 (1) a 00 e so n y. o n t atm. a : o s qu , vp CMM with temp.; (2) (too 64.5 to 73 atm. 0 Z: 000 1 then is= , on temp.. (3) abm 81) 4 6~ atm. the with dwreawng ti=p. M, 09 so 4 I&W. ISM-G.-The agall. of the ttipk Cu. . 1 " 10 -55 Cjf,r-Hs was Otodws! OW temps. from -1 6 , th dt l tt d 130 4O W9O 0 *tm erva o * w awsp e 1- 4 -6kv -Ww A t id a Em d - I IS - t h a I 1 . e n # of INCOMeass very dawly with ls=taxiae cosica joly Cd N no* . . o tbefissidd At -1064tbemm for the liquid is 2 the Cjh i see p . For high- tem ask 1 tk CIL.Cjf 4 d p$ , thedistages"emet . Since at -96-8 (temp. at which f CH6 6 30 i l li id d ) ~ am. n curvesi a an t vapos preanure o qu pa phassas must meet in the CHcomer. M400atm.the situation b rathet, sintilar. and It Is noticed that the soly. w ISO f U d idl h th fi t 10 II f C o o ecreavu mp en e rs or y w s /V o j # 5 looddedtoCB4. Tbiaeffect is" more ocstimble tac 80 o situs. Roksal"a Gamow use CLASUMAIM ASG.ILA 09TALL~At UU11061411 woo XV" woo 14"NO Wit oxv 4K s, F W NNAASI W 00 ISI low U 19 . 10 Al I, ; ; ; 4 f 4 0 41 a a it a st In ; ; ZA a Oh I I I thd a I 'I It of I A a 3 8 v am 0 0 0 0 I --v* 0-0 0 0-0-9 0 -0 --- 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 BUR=, ye.B.; D,yjKONOV. K.V.; KOLOBOVA, H.I. (doceased]; KOLOBOV, T.K.; KONOVALOVA, X.A.; FCFAISYKIN, V.I,; SKOTHIKOV, Yu.A.; TIKKqOVICH, &&4 SiMVA.14W, T.I. 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B.A. Designing developing machinft for processing black-and-white motion-picture film copies* Tekh.kino i telev. 4 no.9:41-43 S 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Kotion-picture industry-3quipment and supplies) MARKOVSKIY, Ye.A., inzh.; PM,110140V, B.P., lnzli.; TIKHO.11OVICII, V.I., inzh.; KRASHOMMIEKOVY M.M., inzh. Using high-strength cast iron in precision friction pairs. Mashino- stroenie no.4:105-106 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut liteynogo proizvodstva AN UkrSSR. PAMOMOV, B.P.v lnzh.,- TIKIlONOVICH,,_V,I.,_inzh., Using radioisotopes in investiga!ing the wear resistance of piston rings of tractor engines. Mashinostroenie no-3:104-108 lly~Jc '62. 1. Institut liteynogo proI24wstva All USSR. (IIIIIA. 15:7) fkRadioistopes-Industrial applications) (Piston rings--Testing) PAMiOYDV., B.P.; TIKHONOVICH V I Wear of nodtaar cast iron rings during the running-in period. Nauch. trudy Inst. lit. proizv. AN URSH 11:118-123 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Piston rings) (Mechanical wear) PAKHOMOV,, B. P... nauchnyy sotrudnik; - -TIKHONOVICH,-V.-I.-[Tlykhonovych, V. I.], nauchnyy sotnidnik Investigating the wear resistance of piston rings. Mekh. sill. hosp. 12 no.10.24 0 161. (MIRA 3-4:11) 1. Institut liteynogo proizvodetva AN USSR. . (Piston rings) TIKHONOVICII, V.I.; PAEROMOV, B.P. Investigating the wear resistance of the .;verhead ring on D-14 diesel engines manufactured from hieh-strengtr. cast iron. Nauch. trudy Inst. lit. proizv, AN URSH no.10- 94-q9 161. 0111RA 15:0 (Diesel engines-Testing) (Mechanical WOW-)