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TI&401,*JROVI V.A.
-:j.1----,-- ,
Efficiency of transportation coordination. Zhel. dor. tran3p. 46
no.9:20-24 3 164.
1. Sokratarl Gorkovskogo prmyshlonnogo oblastnogo komitota
Kommunlatiohoskoy partii Sovotskogo Soyuza.
TL `Kfi!---M
2(-24 -5 164- 0 1
Kommunles f --,L vL!
VASHWWO, K.A. (Leningrad, Gatchinskaya ul., d.12, kv.19); TIKHOMIROV, V.A.
Bilateral diqlocation of the leg. Ortop. travm.i protez. 22 no.l:
73-74 Ja 161... (MIRA 14:5)
1. 1z Leningradskogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo Instituta skoroy
pomoshchi imeni Dzhanelidze (dlr. - dotsent S.N.Polikarpov).
PMROVICH. Mikhail Kikhaylovich-. IZOGHKIN, A.P,, dotsent, kand.okonon.
nauk; PMTAKOVA, dotsent, kand.ekonomnank; KOVALWA. A.M., kand.
ekonom.niqu -T=QKUL
dotsent, k6nd.takhn.uauk,.retseusent:
KOVYLIN, I.I., insh.','reteensent TEPLOV, T.V., prof., doktor skoAom.
nauk, retsenient; PEDORMO', N.P., prdt., doktor ekonom.nauk, retsen-
sent; TROITSKIY, D.A., dor-sent, reteensent; PETMISHEV, I.K.. red.;
[organization and planning of chemical enterpri~seel Organizatelia
i planiroyanie khimicheakogo prodpriiatfia. Moskva, Gooplanizdat.
1959. 547 P. I (MIRA 12:7)
.II (Chemical industries)
TIKHOMIROV, _Vjp_4p1p~v Borisovich, kand. tekhn. nauki
P-5 a B7 aV j-p-- 6. - t-' -
[Polymer coatings in nuclear engineering] PolimerWe po-
krytila v atomnoi tekhnike. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1965. 275 P.
(KIRA 18: 10)
AUTHORSt Kafarov, V. V., Tikhomirovp V, B. S0'1/64-59-4-17/27
TITLEz Plow-column for Carrying-out Diffusion Processes (Struynaya
kolonna dlya provedeniya diffuzionnykh protsessov)
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 4, pp '02-64 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The use of extractors for diffusion processes, which are based
upon the principle of a jet pump, is only of advantage with
systems which make possible to carry out the extraction process
in one or two steps. With multi-step extractions the operation
becomes complicated because of the transportation of the liquid
from one extractor to the other, and an additional installation
of several separators for phase separation after each extractor.
Experiments were made concerning the use of ejector units for
the separation of the liquids and for the purpose of increasing
the final effect when the liquid enters the column (Ref 6).
Further investigations led to the construction of a counterflow
extractor in which the phases are separated after each step,
without using additional devices for the transportation of the
liquid, after a previous mixing of the phases (Ref 9). This
Card 1/2 basically new type of a column may apart from diffusion
Plow-column for Carrying-out Diffusion Processes SO"'/64-59-4-17/27
processes of the extraction (liquid - liquid) also be used for
the rectification (steam - liquid), and for the absorption
(gas - liquid). Several columns of this type, which were of
different dimensions, were tested with the extraction process.
One of these models (Fig 1) has two steps with one ejector each.
The column was made of glass. Its dimensions and a description
is given. When testing the operation of the column in a test
unit (Fig 2), for which purpose mixtures having a difference in
the specific weight of the phases of from 0.1 - 0-4 g/cm3 were
used, it was shown that the required phase separation was
obtained with a height of the column segments of h - 600-800 mm.
The values of the "height of the equivalent theoretical bottoms"
obtained with the flow-column were almost 4 times lower than
those holding for attachment columns. There are 2 figures and
9 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/2
210) 5(2) SOV/89-7-2-0/24
AUTHORS: Galkin, N. P., Tikhomirov, V. B., Goryaynov, N. Ye., Fedorov,
V. D. -------
TITLEt The Mechanism by Which a Liquid Is Dispersed in a Plate Extractor
and Ways of Improving the Dispersion (Mekhanizm dispergirovaniya
zhidkostey v tarellchatom ekstraktore i sposob yego_intensifi-
PERIODICALt ktomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 2, pp 159 160 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The difference between the normal and the better modified
version of the extractor consists in the fact that in the modi-
fied extractor an air inlet pipe is installed beneath the inlet
for the light phase. This opening of the pipe is in the center
of the column and is directed upwards. There are no overflow
pipes in the extractor. The whole stream has to pass thru the
openings in the plate. A stable operation of the column is en-
sured when the airflow moves at 0.03 m/9 over the whole cross
section of the column. When the airconsumption increases, bubbles
form between the liquid drops and these bubbles reduce the
contact surface. The new column with the air agitation system
Card 112 incorporated, was tested with the following systemss water -
The Mechanism by Which a Liquid Is Dispersed in a Plate SOV/89-7-2-9/24
Extractor and Ways of Improving the Dispersion
nitric acid - uranyl nitrate - tributyl phosphate in petroleum.
The separation properties are approximately threetimes higher
than those of a normal column. The total liquid load can be
_j 30 m3/m2 in case of an optimum air agitation. The dependency
of the extraction capacity up= the intensity of the air agita-
tion was determined by experiment. The result is shown in a
diagram. The extraction loss caused by the air stream is
negligibly small. There are 2 figures.
SUBMITTED: March 31, 1959
Card 2/2
Galkin, NiRolay Petrovich, and Vladislav Borisovioh Tikhomirov
0snovnyye protsessy I apparaty tekhnologii urana (Principal
Proc,csses and Equipment in Uranium Production) Moscow,
Gosatomizdat, 1561. 218 P. 5000 copies printed,
Ed, (Title page): B. S. Kolyohev, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Ed,: Z. D. Andreyenko; Tech. Ed.: S, M. Popva.
PURPOSE :- This book in intended for technical personnel of plants,
scientific research institutesp and design bureaus of the uranium
industry, and may also~be used as a textbook at chemical engi-
neering and mining schools of higher technical education,
COVERAOE: Principal processes and equipment used for recovering
uranium from ores are discussed. Concise information on the
theory of uranium production processes (grinding, classification,
dehydration, leaching, ion exchange., drometallurgical extraction,
crystallization, drying, and stirrinZ is presented, and modern
C krcr~
Principal Processes and Equipment (Cont.) SOV/5823
methods of calculating theme processes are explained. Principal
equipment of uranium industry plants is desoribe4 and its pre-
formance characteristics Are given. The authors thank B. S.
Kolychev for his assistance. References, mostly Soviet, accom-
pany each chapter.
Foreword 3
Ch. I. Grinding 7
1. Classification of grinding processes 7
2. Crushing 8
3. Fine grinding 10
4. Crushing and grinding equipment
Card 2/~
AUTHORS: _l Galkins N.P., and Fedorov, V.D.
TITIX: Investigation of mass exchange in a plate extraction
column with air mixing
SOURCE: Ekstraktsiyaj teoriya, primeneniye, apparatura.
Ed. by A.P. Zefirov and M.M. Serlyavin.
Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962, 21j-216
TEXT: The object of the investigation was to study the
separating capacity of a plate column with air mixing, on a system-.'
water - nitric acid --~ uranyl nitrate - 20;0' solution of tri-butyl ; '
pho-sphate in paraffin. Columns 50-200 mm*in diameter with working
sections 1000-3900*mm high were used. The sieve plates were
without overflow tubes (at 100-mm spacings, free cross sectional lk
area 0.25 m2/m2, hole diameter 4-5 mm). The total liquid flow was
20-24 m3/m2 hour; with a 2 : I organic s aqueous liquid ratio.
A maximum efficiency (minimitm height equivalent of theoretical.
stage, HETS) was found for each set of operating conditions below
the flooding value. With the total liquid flow of 24 m3/m2 dour
an air flow of about 65 m3/m2 hour gave maximum efficiencyl
Card 1/2
investigation of mass exchange in 5/83o/62/000/001/012/012
corresponding to an HETS of 900 jilm. At lower liquid flows HETS
values of about 600-700 mm were obtainable. Air mixing increased
the efficiency 4-5 times to values characteristic of pulsating
columns. Sampling at various levels in the columns indicated
that air mixing gives a more uniform extraction efficiency over
the whole column height.
There are 3 figures.
Designing extraction columns with sieve plates (without downcomers).
Ekstr.1 teor.,prim.,IW* no.2:294-299 162. . (MIRA l5s9)
(Extraction apparatus)
Development of new designs for jet extraction columns and the
principles of the theory of the process. Ekstr.; teori.prim*,app,
no.2:339-346 162. (M PA 15-9)
(Extraction apparatus)
V.B.) red.; FODOSHVINA, V.A., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn.
(Protective coatings in atomic engineering) Zashchitrye po-
krytiia v atomnoi tekhnike; sbornik statei. Moskva., Gos-
atomizdat, 1963. 183 P. (MIRA 16:12)
(Shielding (Radiation))
TIKIIOMIROVt V.B., dotsent, kand.takhn.nauki GUSEV, V.Ye., prof.,, doktor tekhn.
naiik- -' -
Studying the structural and mechanical properties of bonded non-
woven fabrics. Tekst.prom. 25 no.2:57-60 F 165. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut.
.7-L 255-61-66 WP (J) /T/94A(h) /KWA (1) IJP(c) WW/R~
ACC NRs ~~4769 Monograph
Tikhcm1M,,j1a4i4W isovich
P01MELC LcoatipasVin nuclear -engineering (Polimerwjye pokrytiya v atomnoy tekh7n~ike)
Moscow) Atomlzdat, 1965. 275 p. illusop biblioo 3#450 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: polymer chemistry.. plastic coating, protective coatings specialized
coatings radiation protection
PURPOSE AND COVEPAGE: The book deals with the propertiess technologyj, and applicam
tion of polymer coatings Jn the atomic industrys features of application of such
coatings when operating under radiation conditions, and also concrete exampleo of
their use in vaxious branches of atomic science and technology. The book contains
the basic Informaton on paint and lacquer coatings, as well as coatings obtained by
sTraying plaptics \5ftom suspensionss and on the basis of free films. It reports on
the most widely used types of polymer coatings-- epoxy, polyester,, vinyl chlorides
teflon, organosilicones, and athers. Much attention is paid to the endurance of
polymer coatings,. especially in liquid aggressive mediap and data are given on the
surface life of coatings in different corrosive media. The book is based an pub-
lished literature data as well as research done by the author and his co-workers.
It is Intended for scientific workers and personnel of plants# Institutes., and design
organizations of the ttomic and other branches of industry* It can serve as a hand-
book on polymer coatings,, and is useful to students in chemical technology and other
1, 25561-66
TABLE OF CONTEM [abridged]:
Foreword - - 3
Part,, 1, Use of polymer coatings in the atomic industry - - 9
Cho 1. -Features of application of polymer coatings in the atomic industry - - 9
Ch. 2. Exwnples of practical application of polymer coatings In atotnic enginerring
- - 16
Part 11. Principal types of polymer coatings - 31
Ch zpov,~:oatinge 31
Ch: ? .0, P-oWe-ster coatings - - 63
Ch. 5, Coatings based on polyviWl chloride - 80
ch. 6. Coatings made of teflonl%. - 103
Cho 7. Ccatings of po~yej ~Iene - - U6
ch. 80 qffi~~I I~ejvoatlrgs - - 128
Ch. 9. Phenol coatings - 137
Ch. 10o FUz7I coati 143
ings - - 149
Ch. U. PO uretbanMcoat
Part ni. In properties and fields of application of polymer coatIngs - - 155
Ch. 12, Radiation endurance of coatings - - 155
Ch 1~. Deactivation of coatings - -172
gs In aggressive media
Ch: 14. rAngavity of polymer coatir 182
Ch: 15. Heat resistance of coatings 24
Ch Z;;_
16. Electric - insulating *oat 210
BUD CODEt A/ MM JDATE-. 2qJu165/ ORM MWt 219/ OTH RIFj 032
Card.. ?~2
&M(e)/6k" -4)/EW'-(J)1T IJP(c) WY/RM/Mj
L 14376-6-6-
ACC NR, AP66lA215-"*- (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/167-/004/086-7-,
AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V. B.
ORG: Moscow Textiles Institute (Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut)
TITLE: 7be effect of adhesion on the strength of glued fibrous materials
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 4, 1966, 867-868
TOPIC TAGS: reinforced plastic, synthetic fiber, glass fiber, tensile strength, adhesive
bonding, bonding,property
ABSTRACT: The author contends that additional increases in adhesion values will not serve in
most instances to produce stronger glue.~ fibrous materials. Values for the critical contact
surface between fiber and bonding agentyi.e. the contact surface at which the summary
strength of adhesive bonds of each single fiber is equivalent to the fiber's tensile strength)
are usually far below the length of fibers employed in non-woven fabrics and glass fiber I
materials. Hence greater strength of such materials cannot result from improved adhesion,
but rather from a more uniform distribution of the adhesive and from improved physical and
mechanical properties of the fiber and the adhesive. The paper was presented by Academician
P. A. Rebinder 9 July 65.
SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 03Ju165/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 000/
Card 1/1 r-)9 UM: 541.68
6? FWT(m)/F'-'PQ) RM
CC NRt AF601?531 -SdU--RdE-
70 k -16 j ki -[6 6 76 6-c Vo 6 -f 66 ~fi
AUTHOR: TikhorgAEov. Ve B. (Docent, CandidRte of Technical Sciences);
1~i"V -IV --Ye -
(Profess~-r, Doctor of -Techiiical Sciences)
Moscow TeXtile Institute (Moskovskiy takstilinyy institut)
TITIZz Classification of cemented nonwoven materials
SOURCE: Tekstillnaya promyshlennost', no. 1, 1966o 84-88
TOPIC TAGSi adhesive, textile, polymer
ABSTRACT: The proposed classification for nonwoven comented materials, including all
materials obtained by physical-chemical methods, comprises five numbers and two letterset
to characterize the given material by its method of preparation and its composition.
The classification shows whether the material was made chemically or mechanically, by
what technique, and wbat fibrous and auxilliary (if any) material and what type of
binder were used. Editorial comments point out the need for a direct and convenient
index to the system, note the absence of a rigid system for indicating methods of
preparing given materials, and question some of the terminology used. Orig. art. hass
3 tables.
Card I A uDcs 677.o66ti68.2ooi.5
Performance of an arc plasmatron. Inzh. fiz. zhur. 7 no~6j
16-1.9 164. (WIRA 17:12)
ACCESSION NR: AT4016995 S/3057/63/000/000/0075/0079
AUTHOR: Khan1kin, Yu.-,V.; Tikhomirov, V. B.
TITLE: Experience in the high-frequency welding and attachiug of polyvinyl-
chloride masticated rubber, formula 57-40, under the conditions of construction
and assembly operations
SOURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy takhnikd (Shielding in nuclear engineer-
ing); sbornik statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 75-79
TQPIC TAGS: masticated rubber, vinylehloride masticated rubber, 57-40 rubber,
corrosion resistant -material, 'nigh-frequency welding, rubber welding, polyvinyl-
chloride, radiation shielding, nuclear shielding
ABSTIRACT: Polyvinylchloride masticated rubber, a material capable of resisting
the prolonged effect of corrosive materials, is widely used in ant' corrosion
engineering as a protective covering for the surfaces of floors, walls, calials,
pipeline sections apd metal structures and as fettling for chemical equipment.
HoVaver, the effectiveness of this masticated rubbed depends to a large degree on
the methods of welding and attachment employed. The authors describe the advan-
ta eG of welding thA masticated robber with HP currents (using An LGS-1.5 generator
Cdyd 112
of i Soviet manufactuTe). The technical characteristics of this and other generators
arii compared and re"dommendations:are'made, and a'description given of the welding
technique the authors prefer. For Ustening the'madticated rubber, ihe authors
recommend dowel pihi with metal washers placed ufider a head from 18 to 20 mm in
di4'meter. For pro" :) cting the me'al beads of the;pins, the authors u
t sed high-
fr~quency welding AAd a specially designed welding unit--the ROU-50 ta lightweight
maiiual "iron" witM'n electrode diameter of 50 mm). The dowel he-ad,.together with
th~_, fastening collat is protected- by a ring of masticated rubber which is welded
to',the facing. Thel,authore claim that this method can be used in conjunction
with gluing. Orig." art. has: 1 table and 3 figures.,
SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: .,20Pab64 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2"
ACCESSION: NR,: AT4oI7003 S/3057/63/000/000/0144/0147
-B."; Panevkina, Ye. A.
AUTHOR: Tikhomirov,
TITLE: The use of epoxy shieldings for protecting metal and concrete surfaces
SOURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding in nuclear ongincer.
t ing); sbornik statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 144-147
TOPIC TAGS: epoxy resin, corrosion, nuclear shielding, atomic reactor, shielding.,
epoxy shielding, radiation protection
ABSTRACT: Shieldings made of epoxy resins are the most widely used protection
against corrosion for buildings, communications, and equipment, including nuclear
devices. In the U.S*A-0 epoxy ghieldings areused to protect steel and concrete
surfaces from a radiation of 10 rad and the simultaneous action of boiling water*
Of the resins being manufactured in the Soviet Union, the high-molecular epoxy
resins can be used for nuclear shielding. This type of epoxy resin has the best
physical and mechanical properties. Different compositions of epoxy resins and
solvents are listed In the article. Both air and heat drying can be used for them.
An addition of 1% of melamino-formaidehyde resin is used to lower the surface
tension of the epoxy compound, thus improling the coating. The viscosity of the
-esin is als important for the coating method. Common spray guns can be used
Crd 1/2
for epoxy spraying. Orig. art* has: -3 tables.
Card 2/2
DATE ACQ: 20Feb64
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 001
AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V. B.; Shigorina, X. I#; Sidyakin, P. V.
TITLE: Gas-flame atomization of plastics onto large metal and concrete surfaces
SOURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike.(Shielding in nuclear
ftngineering); abornik statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 148-153'
TOPXC TAGS: atomization, plastic ideposition, atomic xeactor shielding, shielding,
nuclear reactor, atomic pile shielding, atomic reactor, nuclear shielding
ABSTRACT: Gas- f lamq'atomization is the best method for obtaining shieldings of
thermoplastic materials. The present investigation worked out methods' for gas-
flame atomization on construction materials. (See Fig. 1 in the Enclosure.) It
was.found that three 15-20 mm layers of M5-25 lacquer should be applied to metal
or concrete surfaces, which are first cleaned of rust and dirt. Defects in the
concrete should first be filled with a cement-polyethylene compound (water:cement:
polyethylene 1:3:1),, after which the material is moistened periodically for 10
'elastic is dried for-1-2 hou's it 18-20C. The model U`PN-4
days'. Each layer ot r
VNIIAvtogen sprayer can be used for gas-flame atomization. For polyethylene
coating on metal., the GLN-4 burnei moves at a spaid of I-I.S m/min. The con-
Card 1/3
sum tion of compressed air (2 atmi is.0.2 cu. m/min."and that of acetylene is
0.5'cu m/hr. The untilt price for 1sq m of metal'suiface coating is 7-8 rubles.
The.pr9blem, of obtaining a shielding of the loweA possible porosity can be
resolved by addition' of graphite io the polyethylene; Oiig. art. has:'3 figures.
SUB~ITTED: 00 20ieb44 ENCL: 01
Car~ 2/3 A' F
W. t 0~vj THIS~ LINE:*
Fig. 1. Diagram of installation for gas-flame plastic 'Soiaying (thick line
pompressed air for spraying; thin line compressed air; thick dash line
~acetylend; thin dash line polyethylene powder auction)
1 - from compressor, 5-6,atm; 2 -t oil-water separator; 3 reducer;
4 - UPN unit; 5 - feeder,tank; 6 - acetylene; 7 GLN-4 burner
Card 3/3
ACCESSION NR: AT4017005 S/3057/63/000/000/0154/0157
AUTHOR: Panavkina, Ye. A.; Tikhomirov, V. D.
TITIX: Investigation of the vortex method for applying polyethylene ahialdLu6
to metallic objects
SOURQ.E: Zashchitny*ye pakry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding in nuclear an-
pgineering); sbornik Btatey. Moscow, Govatomi.zdat, 1963, 154-157
WOPIC TAGS: polyethylene, polyethylene shielding, vortex coating method,
nuclear shielding
ABSTRACT: Polymers and low-molecular resins are widely used for shieldingB,
obtained by the vortex coating method. V. S. Shifrin and N. Nk. Samosatskiy
published an article about this method (Polietilen, pererabotka i primeneniye.
L., Goskhimizdat, 1961). However, the laws of vortex atomization were not clearly
specified in the article. The present investigation showed that the hydrodynamic
laws for common suppension layers are applicable. Low-pressure grade T-085
polyethylene was used with particles of 200-300 mm and a moisture content of not
over 3%. The surfaces ware first cleaned of rua , scale and dirt. The parts
were heated in an dlectria oven to 350-400C a malt the polyethylene. (See
Card 1/3
Fig. I of the Enclosure.) Siallgr a9ticles were he4ted to higher temperatures,
due to the higher cooling rate. .,For a 200-25Q,&, coating the article was lowered
into the bath for 7-JO seconds. The.,polyethylene coating resisted tp-mperatures
as low as-50C., as well as 207. nitric,,acid, 30% hydroghloric acid, 36i sulfuric
aced, 35% hydroflu?,ric acid, 907.. formic acid,at .20-69C, and alkalis of various
concentrations. T~P, tests were performed for 2 to 12 months. The authors
conclude that the )(Qrtex method widely used for coating polyethylene on
chemical equipment,, tools, instruments, and materials used for construction.
The apparatus required for coating suspensions' can be made at any factory having
a machine shop. has: 3 figures and 2 equations.
SUA CODE: 0~3 NO R8F SOV,. 000 OTHER: 000
Card 2/3
i-cFSSION Np,. AT4017005 ENCLOSURE: 01
6 20 40 69 10 W
Duration of suspension, sec.
Fig. 1. Relationship between T-085 polyethylene coating surface,
the duration of sunpennion and heating temperature.
AUTHOR: Orzhakhovskly, M. L.; T I kh0.MJ_rqY.,_Y.!_
TITLE: Laboratory methods for determining the durability of polymer shieldings in
aggressive liquid media.
SOURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tlya v atomny tekhnike (Shielding In nvclear engineer-
ing); sbornik statey. Moscow, Gbsatomizdat, 1963, 165-172
TOPIC TAGS: atomic reactor, shielding, nuclear shielding, polymer shielding,
I shielding durability, reactor shielding
1 ABSTRACT: A testing method is described for determining the durability of polymer!
shieldings under the influence of acids, alkalies, and soaps. Shieldings working
under these conditions should protect the underlying metal or concrete against
corrosion. The testing conditions should be even more severe than the working
conditions. Thus, the testing Is performed at higher temperatures and concentra-
tions than those under working conditions. Since the electrical resistance of the
film shows, to some extent, whether it will remain as a protective coating, the
testing device consists essentially of an ohmmeter (see Fig. I of the Enclosure).
The tests show that the logarithm of the life of the shielding is directly pro-
:L ortional to the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. This Is also true for
0,d ...1/3
epoxy shielding. The main phenomenon.showingdeterioration of the shielding is
the dissolution of the protected metal in t aggressive media. Orig. art. has:
2 figures and 10 equations.
DATE ACQ: 20feb64
ENCL.- 01
OTHER: 000
ca.rd. 2/3- - -----
Testing device for determining the durability of polymer coatings in aggressive
liquid media. I - glass funnel; 2 - platinum wire; 3 - aggressive medium; 4 -
coating; steel plate; 6 - acid-proof Putty; 7 - coupling wire; 8 - mom-4
Card 3/3 device; 9 - coupling wire; 10 - terminal
-ACCESSION NR: AT4017006, S/3057/63/000/00010158/0164
APTHOR: Tikhomirov,'V. B.; Orchakhovskiy, M. L.
TITLE; Dagic principles of rapid tooting of polymer shieldings for
SOURCE: Zashchitny*ye pokry*tiya v atomnoy tekhnike (Shielding in nuclear; abornik statay. Moscow, Gooatomizdat, 1963, 158-164
TOPIC TAGS: atomic reactor shielding, polymer shielding, shielding, atomic
reactoV, nuclear shielding, shielding durability, oxidation, corrosion,
ABSTRACT: In a previous publication (LaboAtornaya metodika. opredeleniya,
dolgovechnosti polimerny*kh pokry*tiy v zbidkikh agreosivny*kh eredakh.
.Sm. Nast. ob., atr. 166), the authors designed a tast to determine the rated
life of shielding in aggressive media. In the present paper, the principles
behind such detergainations are reviewed. Accu-(ate,estimation of the practical
value of polymer shieldings can be made *on t~e basis of durability. Chemical
reactions such as polymerization and depolymerization. change
of polymer shieldihga. In addition, oxidation" corrosion, and chemical de-
Card 112
composition lead ~0' similar resu'lts Physical processes acting in the same way
include liberatiofi of the oomponentsj cracking; w"r, and sorption'and de-
sorption'of radioa"ctive substa6cee.' For the desi6 of tests, all the above-
mentioned factors &ust be included In the test-cycles in order to determine
the rated life of"the shielding6.
SUB ED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Peb64 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AP4o4lo6q S/M70/64/000/006/oc)16/00-19
AUTHORSi Tikhomirov, V. B.; Varlamov,, I. V.
TITLE: A study of arc plasmatron operation
SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnalt.,no. 60 19640 16-19
TOPIC TAGS: plasma temperaturep arc; plasmatron) energy balance, temperature-
distribution, radiation loss, ambipolar diffusion, heat conduction
ABSTRACT: An approximate analysis was made to determine the plasma temperature
on the axis of an are plasmatron, using tho energy balance
Eldt = Ldl+ dF0
ere E arc voltagej. I current, i- arc length, L - arc energy loss per unit
length 2 'and dF " energy absorbeil'by the gas. To calculate the temperature-
distrJ:bution To from the above heat balance,.H. Maeker's analysis was used (Ze fo
Physi1c, 157(1)o lo 1959) where it has been assumed that radiation losse's and-losses
due to ambipolar diffusion are negligible* This given rise io the simultaneous
equations ~Ss 1�,7L is
+:i; Y. S# J~qgwfvl Y.
-,and .S %dT?
where So heat conduoti~p funotion along charalol,axis, W -,energy content of gasp`
Vo - gas volume flow,,-and f 7 space factor. The simultaneous solution of these
two equations leads to an, expression for To which seem to agre6'fairly ipmll with
experimental measurements' (11 000 to 13 OOOK n
Ysing sp
nctroacopic techniques o
argdn for'va~lues of I from 40 to*250 amps and.26.4 cm; /see flow rates. The
ca.Lcu]Lations also inclu ed the determination df i (the current disttibutiorO along
;the channel length* Orige-arte has; 3 formulaso 3 figures# and I tables
1 SUBMITTEDs '12Aug63
ENCM 001
'BUD ODDS: ME 'NO PSF SOV-, 003 OTHER:- 03.1.
; ~ i 1 1. A - , 1 : ~ - I ! 11 ~ , . . . ,-
---L -04609:~j EWTI%I) GW
SOURCE CODE: UR/0167/66/000/002/0045/0049
AUTHOR: Kokonkov, Yu. N.; Tikhomir-ov,- V. D.
ORG: Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (Tashkentskiy politekhnichoskiy institut)
TITLE: Seismic stability of flexible structures and the effect of the associated soil mass
SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Izv. Ser tekhn n, no. 2, 1966, 45-49
TOPIC TAGS: seismicity, structure dynamic stability, soil mechanics, soil property
gEAjt"RfiA_ 5revc7ve,-9,_
A13STRACT: A flexible structure whose foundation rests on an elastic base of the thickness
H is considered. Since the foundation does not get displaced in the horizontal direction, It
may be assumed that displacements in the elastic base due to the movements of the foundation
alone are directed vertically. The equation of motion of the foundation is derived with the aid
of Hamilton's variational principle and on assuming that any earthquake-caused horizontal
displacements of the flexible base vary little in depth. It is shown with the aid of the Laplace
transform and the Bubnow-Galerkin system of equations that earthquake stresBes get re-
distributed over the height of the structure as a function of soil pliability; an increase in soil
pliability leads to a decrease in the torque acting on the structure's base. Given a fixed type
L 04809-67
Att NR, AP6023012
of soil, the stresses acting on the structure increase with Increasing rigidity of the structure.
As the pliability of the soild and rigidity of the structure increase, the frequencies of natural
oscillations decrease. As the mass of the foundation and the associated son mass increase
and the mass of the structure decreases, the frequencies of natural oscillations decrease.
7be torque acting on the base of the structure may be determined on assuming in the corres-
ponding structures that c= 0, Le. on disregarding the mass of the foundation and the assocl-'
ated soil mass. Orig. art. has: 2 figures,. 7 formulas.
SUB CODE: 13, 12/ SUBM DATE: 1ODec65 / ORIG REF: 004
BEIYAYEV, YU.N. [translator]; KOHOUV, P. G. ( translator] TIKHOKT~-OV,
V.D.[translator]; PIMENOV, B.K., red.; MILITARkAl-yT.T.-) -red. -I
":MMOVSKAYA, L.M., tekhn. red.
(National economic development of the Korean People's Democratic
Republic after the liberationlRazvitie narodnogo khoziaistva Ko-
reiskol Narodno-Demokratichoskoi Respubliki pools osvobozlxleniin.
Pod red. I B predisl. B.K.Pimenova. Moskvap Izd-vo inostr. lit-
ry) 1962. 337 p. Abridged translation from the Korean.
(MIRA 15:12)
(Korea, North-Economic conditions)
TIKHOMIROV, V.G.J. kand. tekhn. nauk
Voltage stabilization on the inductor of an electron-tube oscillator.
Elektrotekhnika 35 no.9:52-53 S 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
Tectonics of the convergence zone of structures in the Chingiztau and
Lake Balkhash region (central Kazakhstan). Sov. geol. 8 no.4:90-102
Ap 165. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy
Now data on the Devonian stratigraphy of the Saryw-Su - Tengiz,
watershed (central Kazalch tan). [Uch.zap.) Mosk.un. no.192:20-25
161. (MIRA 15:7)
(Sary-Su Y&I-ley--&eology, Stratigraphic)
(Tengiz Lake region-Geology, Stratigraphic)
TIKHOMIROV, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk
Step-up transformer for induction heating. Vest. elektroprom.
33 no.7:19-20 Jl 162. (KIRA 15211)
(Blectrio transformers) (IndUction heating)
"The Geological Structure and Paleozoic Geological History of the
Sarys-Teniz Upheaval." Cand Geol-Min Sci, Moscow State U, 24 Dec 54. (VI-1,
14 Dec 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR
Higher Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sumo. No. 556 24 Jun 55
- 1; " ~-
Method of using aerial photographic data in geological surve7ing
in central Kazakhstan. Sov.geol. no.42:45-64 '55-
MRA 8: 6)
(4sakhatan-Photography, Aerial) (Geological surveys')
Do.qlgn of' an induution heWag tran3former. Trudy NIITVCII no.
4sl3l-l' 6 103. (MlfU 17!","
T:eJ,lkllft0V, V,, V, ,a r-*i., rilm 1 ~
Ind u c ~~i on rc-;,, -, i r -1 ~i or.r.0 r, ~ . 1". a,~y N." ~Cl V"1.71 r,-. .;"; . -, "e.-. o ,
160. . - '' ~.i 7
(:., i il,~ I " . ; I
Z.jtonic regionalization of a PaleoMic, maggif in central
Kazakhstan. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 4t Gool 18 no.5:8-20 S-0 163.
OMIRA 17:2)
1. Kafedra istoricheskoy i regionallnoy geologii Moskovskogo
Consonance in the development of Palsozoic structures in the
Sar"u-4angis upland (Central Xazakhabm) [with summary, In English].
Sov. geol. 1 no.4:18-32 AP 158. (MIRA 11:6)
i.Roakovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. M.Y. Lomonosova.
(Kazakhstan--Geology, Structural)
-1- - ~ '.. -
Varieties of volcanism in the large tectonic zones of central
Kazakhstan as revealed by the basaltoid ronls of the Zhaksykon
series. Izv AN SSSR Ser geol 29,no. 5:56-66 my 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet,
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheakiy institut
Goreniye dvukhfaznykh aistem; abornik dokladov na obahchemookovakom seminare
po goreniyu pri Energeticheakom institute AN SSSR (Combustion of Two-phase
Systems; Collection of Reports of the All-Moscow Seminar on Combustion at
the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Power Institute) Moscow, Izd-vo AV SSSR,
1958. 123 P. 3,200 copies printed.
Reap. Ed.: Khitrin, L.N., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences;
Ed. of Publishing House: Meleyev, A.S.; Tech. Ed.'-, Kashina, P.S.;
Council of the Seminar: Khitrin, L.N., Corresponding Mdmber, USSR Academy of
Sciences (Chairman); Knorre, G.F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker
in Science and Technology, Professor, Deputy Chairman; Sbehetnikov, Ye.S.,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Deputy Chairman); Vanichev, A.P.,
Doctor of Technical Sciences; Voyevodskiy, V.V., Corresponding Member, USSR
Academy of Sciences; Golovanov, N.V., Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Zhuk, D.S.,
Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Inozemtsev, N.V., Doctor of Technical Scienc'es,
Honored Worker in Science and Technology, Professor; Kantorovich, B.V.1 Doctor
of TechnicalSciences; Kogarko, S.M., Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Iebedev, B.N.,
Card 116
Combustion of Two-phase Systems (cont.) SOV/1572
Candidate of Technical Sciences; Nikitin, K.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences;
Sokolik, A.S., Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Golovina, Ye.S., Candidate of
Technical Sciences (Secretary).
PURPOSK: This collection of articles is intended for scientists vorking in the
field of combustion.
COVERAGE: This is the first issue of pro;:eedings of the Moskovskiy seminar po
voprOBOM goreniya (Moscow seminar on problems of combustion). It Is devoted
to problems of ignition and combustion processes in two-phase liquid-vapor
fuel systems, and to the general characteristics of combustion in a fuel streem.
The papers published in this number were presented at the seminar in 1955/5).
Klyachko, L.A. Experimental Study of the Combustion of Fuel Droplets
(June 17, 1955) 5
Card 2/6
Combust.ion of Two-phase Systems (Cont.)
The paper discusses the combustion of fuel droplets from the point of
view of the diffusion theory of G.A. Varshavskiy 121. The following
characteristics are determined: rate of combustion, radius of the
combustion zone, droplet and combustion zone temperatures, temperature
areas and partial pressures around the droplet. Two methods were used:
1) combustion of large model droplets in a spherical burner (Fig. 2),
2) combustion of droplets suspended from a filament. Data were cal-
culated for the following fuels: kerosene, benzene, isooctane, and
ethyl alcohol. It was determined that the rates of burning for benzene
and isooctane are similar. The rate for kerosene is on the average
25 per cent lower than for benzene, and the rate for alcohol is lower
than for kerosene. The theoretical and observed temperatures of the
droplets show close values, with the observed temperatures lower than
the boiling potnts of fuel for all pressures of air. Photographs of
isooctane droplets burning at various air pressures show that the pressure
drop results in the fleme front receding from the droplet surface and in
the change of the flame form to spherical. Natural convection for droplets
100 - 200 is negligIble. There are 9 figures, 2 tablesl' and 5 references,
2 of which are Soviet and 3 English.
Card 316
Combustion of Two-phase Systems (Cont.) SOV/1372
Tikhomirov., V.G. Fundamental Combustion Characteristics of a
Two-phase Fuel-air Mixture (October 14, 1955) 19
The paper discusses the fundamental combustion characteristics of
two-phase fuel-air mixtures In EL turbulent flow. A method was
devised for the study of a predetermined sector of the flow with a
given droplet size, and mixture composition. Flame propagation in
such mixtures is due to heat flow from the burning droplets towards
nonburning droplets in a medium which does not necessarily contain
a combustible fuel-vapor concentration. It was determined that in-
jection of atomized fuel into the air stream adds to the turbulence
of this stream. The rate of flame propagation is modified by the
turbulence of the flow. The time of combustion of the two-phase
mixture, which is the time during which the components of the mixture
remain In the combustion zone, has a higher value than that for a
homogeneous mixture, especially for low turbulence of the stream.
There are 4 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and
1 English.
Card 4/6
Combustion of Two-phase Systems (Cont.) SOV/1372
Rud,ko., A*K* Concentration Limits of Flame Propagation in a Laminar
Two-phase Mixture (November 25, 1955) 26
The author presents the approximate ablution for the problem of
normal propagation and concentration limits of fleme propagation
in l=1nar two-phase fuel-air mixtures, The results are compared
with experimental data obtained from the study of concentration
limits of flame propagation (with spark ignition) in air-alcohol
droplet mixtures with a flow rate below 0.5 m/sec. It was deter-
mined that there exists a satisfactory agreement of the experimental
data with the theoretical. The two-phase mixtures show an expanded
concentration range of the combustible mixture. The deterioration
of dispersivity over a certain limit in mixtures with a low content
of vaporized fuel results in a nonflammable mixture for any summary
concentration of the fuel. The concentration limits of imflamma-
bility become narrower during the cooling of the mixture and during
a temperature drop. There are 13 figures and 5 references, 4 of
which are Soviet and 1 English.
Card 5/6
Combustion of Two-phase Systems (Cant.) SOV/1372
Kantorovich, B.V. Problems in the Theory of Combustion of a Fuel
Stream (June 13, 1956) 50
This paper presents theoretical and experimental considerations on
the combustion processes occurring In a stream of fuel (pulverized,
liquid, and gaseous). The essential differences betveen the streams
of various fuels are indicated in the article. Solid fuels: coal
ARSh from the Donets Coal Basin, coal from the Kuznetsk Basin,
Chelyabinsk Basin and the Moscov Basin; peat, petroleum coke.. Liquid
fuels: Id:esel oil, ethyl alcohol. The basic equations describing,
the combustion process are: 1) the stoichiometric equation of mass
transfer 3) the equation of atate of the gas medium 4) energy equation,
and 5) the kifietic Oquation. Atomized liquid fuels require an additional
.equation for the eveporization of fuel particles. There are 53 figures,
223 equations, and 40 references, 37 of which are Soviet and 3 English.
MrLABIE: Library of Congress
Card 616 TM/mas
Twq types of banded structures in acid igneous rocks (Karkaralinsk
District in central Kazakhstan). Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 41 Geol.
18 no.3:25-30 MY-Je 163. (MIRA 16t1O)
1. Kafedra istoricheskoy i regionallnoy geologii Moskovskogo
S1 124/6 1/000/002/W5/007
0 A005/AOOl
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1961, No.2, pp.79-80, # 2B508
AUTHOR: Tikhomirov. V.G.
TITLE: The Main Characteristics of Combustion of a Two-Phase Fuel-Air-Mix-
PERIODICAL: V sb.; "Goreniya dvukhfazn.sisted', Moscow, AN SSSR, 1958, pp.19-25
TEXT: The author investigated the combustion zone of a two-phase fuel-air-
mixture, located in the core of the free turbulent stream. The two-phase mixture
was produced by spraying-in the fuel (Kerosene T-1) against the stream from a
sprayer placed at various distances from the out of the tube (its diameter is 260
mm). The developing flame was stabilized by a ring-shaped burner which could be
displaced over the cross section of the stream. This made it possible to single
out the sections of the mixture with relatively constant parametersg diameter of
droplets and composition of the mixture, The rate u of the flame wa6 determined by
measuring the surface of the straight cone of the flame on the ring-shaped burner.
The time V of the combustion of the mixture was determined from the mean rate and
width of the combustion zone, which was fixed according to the data of the measure-
Card 1/2
S/1 24/611/000/002/005/007
The Main Characteristics of Combustion of a Two-Phase Fuel-Air-Mixture
ments of temperatures, total pressures, and on the basis of the chemical analysis
of composition along the flame axis. The effect was investigated of t1ne sumnial-i
coefficient of the air excessQO (from 0.65 to 1.85), the speed of the stream (from
20 to 84 m1sec), the content of the vapor phase of fuel in the mixture (from 18 to
70%), the size of the fuel droplets (from 50 to 110 micron) on the prcpagation rate
of the flame end the combustion time. It turned out that the sprayed fuel inject-
ed by the sprayer into the air stream leads to an additional turbulnnee of this
stream. The propagation rate of the flame depends only on the Intensity of the
turbulence of the inflowing stream and may exceed the value u in the homogeneous
mixture. The time V of the combustion of the two-phase mixture in the turbulent
stream exceeds the combustion time of the homogeneous mixture. The value T de-
creases with increasing Intensity of turbulence and Increases with increasing
size of the fuel droplets, The air excess coefficient shows under the conditions
of the two-phase mixture a smaller effect on T in comparison with the homogeneou3
mixture. S. Gol'denberg
Translator's note- This is the full translation of the original Russian ab3tract,
Card 2/2 ,
AUTHORS: Lebedev, B. P., Tikhomirov V G.
TITLE: An Experimental Study of the Combustion of Two-phase
Mixtures in a Turbulent Flow /
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 19609 Vol-30r No-8, PP-994-1005
TEXT; Results are offered of an experimental study made of the propagation
characteristics of a flame and the expansion of the combustion zone of a
two-phase kerosene-air mixture. The investigations were carried out in
1953 - 1956. The first section of the present paper deals with experimental
methods, and in this connection the jet diagram af Fig. 1 and the tempera-
ture field diagram of Fig. 2 are treated in greater detail. A report is
further made on visual estimations of the flames made with the aid of
photographs, and Fig. 3 shows the burning-out curves, while Fig- 4 offers
jet photographs, and Fig- 5 is a graph illustrating the temperature of the
gas neLr the nonburning drops as a function of the air exce - The authors
finally examine the turbulent propagation rate of the flamel,fand with the
aid of Pig. 6 show the propagation rate of the flame and the pulsation rate
Card 1/2
An Experimental Study of the Combustion of Two-phase S/057/60/030)608/018/big
Mixtures in a Turbulent Flow B019/B060
of theflow as a function of the air excess. Fig- 7 shows the reduced
velocity of the turbulent flame propagation as a function of mixture com-
position and oxygen concentration. Fig. 8 illustrates the reduced velocity
of the turbulent flame propagation as a function of the mixture tempera-
ture. In the diagrams of Figs. 9 to 12, the combustion times are drawn as
functions of different parameters and burning conditions. It is noted in
the summary that, unlike homogeneous mixtures, the fuel drops can be ignit-
ed by heat waves which propagate from burning to nonburning drops. The
burning times are relevantly dependent on the size of the fuel drops and
on the temperature of the mixture. There are 12 figures and 3 references:
I Soviet, 1 German, and 1 British.
SUBMITTED: July 22, 1957
Card 2/2
____T1KHO14IROVP V.G. kand.tekhn.nauk
New system for cooling the magnetic circuit of an electric trans-
former used In induction beating* Vant.elaktroprom. 32 no,8:29-
30 Ag 161. (KM 1/+: 8)
(Magnetic circuits-Cooling) (Induction beating)
fir-w form of relation-ship between extrusions and intmaion3 'IL
central Kazakhstan. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 19 no.4:
13-21 Jl-Ag 164. (14IRA 17:11)
1. Kafedra istorichesko-y i regionallnoy geologii Moskovskogo uni-
TiKH(Jll,lIH0VJ? V.I.
0bucbenie novykh rabochikh na potoke; ,rvodn3i proizvodstvennyi instmAnh.
(Moskva) Moskovskii rabochii, 1946. 8! p. illus.
Training of new workers in assembly-line methods
DLC: T60. A75T5
SO:: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library
of Congress.
Chashkin, 1. 14. and Tikhor~iroj V. I. "Breeding i-ork ~.W, t~r! Fjor, i-.r;rce In
Kirpiz1vi," Trud,' Kirriz. nauch.-issled. in-ta ~.hivotrinvo(Intva, ~Smle Q, 1511p,
p. 3-33 -- Bibliog: 6 itcms -
So: U- 3566, 15 14,--rcb 53, (L,--topis 17hurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949)
TIKHOMIROV V TARASSVICH, R.M., dotsent, reteenzent;
!.A., dotsent, reteenzent; NOVITSKIY. Y.F., inzhener,
ret'senzent; GILIBIUW,, L.A.. redaktor; NUZNNTSOYA. A.G., izdatell-
skiy redaktor; JABXDXVA. L.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Organization and planning in aircraft plants] Organizataiia i
planirovanie samolotostroitelinogo predpriiatiia. Moskva. Goo.
izd-vo obor. promyshl., 1957. 61o p. (mw 10:11)
(Airplane irAustry)
Polymerization of isobutylene on bentonite clays. Izv. v7s.
ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.5:63-65 159. (MIRA 12:8)
I.Azerbaydzhanski7 institut nefti i khImii im. M. Azizbekova.
(Fropene) (Polymerization)
Molecular 0 vr
-kinetic nature of the phenomenon of salti Rkst
teor.,primo,appe no#2:34-36 '62v MIRA 15:9)
(Extraction (Chemistry)) (Salts)
"Setting of norma for track maintenance work and its technologyn
by L. M. Illinp M. G. Riabinov. Reviewed by V. I. Tikhomiroy.
Put' i put. khoz. 6 no.9:43 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Starshiy prepodavatell Vessoyuznogo zaocbnogo instituta
inshenerov zhelesnodorozhnogo transporta.
Railroads--Maintenance and repair)
oduction standards) (Illin .9 L. M.)
(Riabinov, M. G.)
00 A
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Imt 0t ctude on product* St
%sipwatwo, , X. TmAommy and V. P.
Zmem (weft. Cbm. 1"9, 1
vain" Note Obtained: keftiwne distillate, b.p. 2#1-84-
144.1(f, 0.4418-0-5935. gas oil, d 0-8649, 29-67-
W4.0ir, 0;4M-0-6293; gas oil, d 0-Mb. M-11-
Igo-3r, o-nx--o-6w; Ku oil,d f)-891a. 21-13-
8 at"
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06 clll~ LHOusicie of gam usder prilevicit. V V. IFAVXV, IN , A1491 V.
of -A i Gril, c". (U. S. S. R.) 1. 130- U(193 1) -The saint app. as ated for detg. voy. of
saw* in liquids under pressure was used to clet. diffusion of taws in liquids umkr pres-
99 %urr. The diffusion coeff. of If, in 11,0 under 100 atm. and at 25 - 3' was foun4~1~
00 A (in the ay.. 3.02 W sq. cin per day. This diffrn little froin Tamman's value for ordinary
pecoure. Igiven as 3.10 W sq. cm. per day. At IW* this coeff. wall found to be, on the
06 av.. 20-04 per cm. per day. DiffusiPm of If, through 2070 sq N&OIf soln., McOlf and
was cktd- *it?' the 1011""'mi Mults (or the cGO.: U.M. I I, an ) 1. r
!h 9 PC
sq. cin. per. day. at ~23
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IN-13MIM"s aft ilcrimt to Cole. the drIttv of alw141.1i4m of
N oildes in each vAunto tit IINO# systems cc in tiny pirt
of the absorption system. It is also pussitAe to det. the
qumitityat Noxiciciin thecoodensAte If the gas coadect.
sers arc regarded as an abcwption reginu of the system.
U, R. f(enn
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- 7- 7 1-7 .1-1 :.~ -11 -/j -I" --I e-- v - ~-- .- 1 11 -
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~=, mmim. -mra-mmorsoms
IMEN-0- ;
On the theory of the rate of oxidation of iron and iron alloys at
high temperatures. Part II: Oxidation of iron with formation of a
triple layer of scale. Uch.z&p, 154.
(Iron) (Oxidation) (min q-.6)
ouwff." lm-~ h
'I 'T . r t .,- - ~ . ~ 1. ,
I k . I
SOV/1 37-58- 10 Z1300
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958. Nr 10, p 1?2 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Tikhomirov, V. I. , Ipat' yev, V. V. , ll'inskaya, 0. V,
T IT LE: Effect of Water Vapor and Sulfur Dioxide on the Rite of Oxida-
tion of Iron in Air at Elevated Temperature (Vliyaniye parov
vody i sernistogo gaza na skorost' okisleniya zheleza v vozdukhe
pri vysokoy temperature)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. LGU, 1957, Nr 227, pp 126-142
ABSTRACT: The investigation of the rate of oxidation (R) of Armco Fe
by the method of periodic weighing at 920o C showed that an
increase of the amount of water vapor in the air from 0 to 40/0
considerably increases RO; the RO constant increases from
7. 2 with 0. 950/o of water vgpor to .33. 2 with 5. 10/6, while the
relative thickness of the wustite layer in the scale increases.
A further increase in the moisture content of the air to 42. 40/0
has practically no effect on RO. Investigation of RO of Fe
at 7200 in moist air (with a moisture content >40/6) with addi-
tions of S02 have no appreciable effect on RO. The chemical
analysis of scale formed in the oxidation of Fe in air contain-
Card 1/1 ing 5/o SO? showed that it contains practically no S. G, M.
1. Iron--Oxidation 2. Iron--Temperature factors 3. Water vapor--CheX14 cal
effects 4. Sulfur dioxides-..Chemical effects
SOV/ 137-58-8-17379
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 170 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Tilchomirov, V.I., Il'inskaya, ON.
TITLE: The Role of Diffusion of Iron and Oxygen in the Formation of
Scale on lron(Rol' diffuzii zheleza j kisloroda v obrazovanii
okaliny na zheleze)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. LGU, 1957, Nr 227, pp 143-150
ABSTRACT: It is demonstrated that in the oxidation of specimens of
Armco-Fe, Wu"stite, and magnetite coated with various inert
substances, such as Ni, Cu, Ag, and Au at 960-980'C, in dry
air and air containing 10% water vapor, the WU"stite layer in-
creases mainly owing to the diffusion M of Fe, the rriagnelite
layer increases by approximately 78% owing to the D of 02 arid
only by 22% owing to D of Fe, the hematite layer increases ex-
clusively owing to D of 02 in the direction of the inner surface
of the hematite layer.
1. Iron--Scale 2. Iron--Diffision 3. Cayger- M.
Diffunion Di-:fusi-or-~*oisture fac'tors
Card 11
SOV/1 37-58--10-21299
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10. p 122 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Tikhomirov, V, 1. , Ipatyev, V. V. , Lagutina, A.G.
T IT LE: Investigation of the Range of Homogeneitv of Wustite dt a
Temperature of 9800C (Issledovaniy., obldsti gomogennosti
vyustita pri temperature 9800)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. LGU, 1957, Nr 227, pp 151-162
ABSTRACT: The range of homogeneity of wustite formed on Armco Fe at
9800 was investigated with the aid of a method based on period:c
weighing and passing through the reaction tube of the furnace
during oxidation of a mixture of stearn and H2 of % arious com
position. A relationship is established between the composition
of the gaseous phase and the equilibrium composition of the
" 66
wustite. The range of homogeneity of wUstite obtained at 9800
lies within the limits of 75. 3 - 77, 95% Fe, The experimenttl
data are generalized by a single approximate equation:
loglo (Fe3+/Fe2+) = -3. 7 + 8500/T + 0. 25loglOP02.
1. Iron oxides--Analysis 2, Iron oxides--Temperature factors
Card 1/1 G. M.
SOV/ 137-58-8- 16376
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 21 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Tikhomirov, V.I.
TITLE: Determination of the Coefficient of Diffusion of Iron Through
WUstite (Opredeleniye koeffitsiyenta diffuzii zheleza cherez
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. LGU, 1957, Nr 227, pp 163-176
ABSTRACT: On the basis of data on the oxidation of Fc in water vapor at
high temperatures the coefficient of diffusion D of Fe through
Astite in the process of scale formation is extablished and the
equation for the D is obtained, It is established that in the oxi-
dation of Fe in water vapor the D is 6-10 times greater than
that of the oxidation in dry air. The energy of activation of the
diffusion of Fe in dry air proved equal to 39,600 cal/m. ol, which
corresponds to the energy of activation of self-diffusion,
M. G.
1. 2. 3. 11..
--`r~)Per tlie~';
Card 1/ 1
SOVI 137-58-9- 19467
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 189 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Tikhomirov, V.I., Illinskaya, ON.
TITLE: Rate of Oxidation of WUstite at Elevated Temperatures (Skorost'
okisleniya vyustita pri vysokikh temperaturakh)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. LGU, 1957, Nr 227, pp 177-191
ABSTRACT: Starting from the diffusion concept of the mechanics of oxi-
dation (OX) of Astite (FeO) with the formation of a layer of
magnetite (Fe304) and hematite (Fe203) a formula of the rate
of growth of the layer of Fe304 and Fe?03 in the oxidation of
FeO was developed: K, = (B + G -qZ)LI, where KI is the con-
stant for the rate of the growth of the layer Of FeZ03 and
Fe304; B and C are the coefficients of the growth of the layers
of Fe304 and FeZ03, respectively; 117 and Ll are constant
quantities. It is demonstrated that the rate of OX of FeO fol-
lows a parabolic law and that the ratio of the thickness of the
layer of Fe304 to that of FeZ03 for the duration of the process
of OX should remain constant and equal to C/B On the
Card 1/2 basis of experimental data on the rate of OX of Fe the
SOV/ 137-58-9-19467
Rate of Oxidation of WU"stite at Elevated Temperatures
relationship between the rate of scale formation on Fe and the rate of OX of
FeO to Fe304 and FeZ03 is expressed by the following equations:
KI = K-4.78'( 12 + -f3M 11 + 12 + 13), where K is the constant of the rate
of OX of Fe; 11, 1z, 13 are the respective thicknesses of the layers of FeO,
Fe304, and Fe203. The rate of OX of FeO in air humidified to 10- 15 mol %
in the 800- 1 1000C range and in dry air at 860-9000 was determined experi-
mentally. The growth of separate layers of FC304 and FeZ03 was determined.
It is demonstrated that the humidity of the air has no noticeable effect on the
rate of OX of FcO and that the experimental data agree well with the theoreti-
cal conclusions.
G. M.
1. Iron oxides--Oxidation 2. Iron oxides--'femperature factors 3. Mathematics
Card 2/2
,-I,,,,doktor khim. nauk; GORBUNOV, S.A.. inzh.; FEDOROV,
-I.K., inzb.; BOGDANOV, V.N., inzh.
Character of nonmetallic inclusions during the butt. we---d.~v-g
of pipe heated by high-frequency currents. Svar. proizv.
no.11:10-12 N163. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyy universitet
imeni A.A. Zhdanova (for Tikhomirov, Gorbunov). ". Nauchno-
issledovateltskiy institut tokov vysokoy chasto,y ~i;i.
V.P. Vologdina (for Fedorov, Bogdanov).
ACCESSION-ANR: AP403l*6 B/0186/&/006/002/0173/0181
AMOA: Tikhomirovv Vo I.; Ku7metsova,, A. A.; Batorovskayaj, E. D.
TITIE: Extraction of uranium (VI) with n-trioctylamine (TOA) in the presence of
cartain cations. 1. Nitric acid solutions.
SOURCE: ---okb4Vn4y&* ve 6. no* 2j 19&j 173-181
TOPIC TAGS: uranium (Vr), extractionp trioctylamine.. salting out agent, nitrate,,
cation cbarge, cation radius, partition coefficient,, distribution coefficient,
nitric acid
ABSTRACT: The effect of different concentrations of nitrates in aqueous nitric
acid solutions containing uranyl nitrate on the extraction of the U(VI) from these
solutions vith TOA was Investigated* A o,537 H solution of TCA In CC14 Vas
used as the ormnic extractant; OoO5-8 M aqueous nitric acid solutions., less than
,0*02 M uranyl nitrate., and different concentrations of potassiump amoniums
lithiun, strontium, calcium,, cadmium, zinc,, nickel, cobalt,, Tuagn giUM and Altim4nM
;nitrates were used. The U(11) in vater was dete=ined colorimetrically vith
arsenazo, I or arsenazo M and in the organic phasq vith arsenazo =0 In the
Card 1/2
extraction of U(VI) tram HMO solution vith TGA,, as In extraction v1th o3W&en-
containing extractants., the larM; out action In a constant concentration of
nitrates and WO Increases with an Increase In the charge of th6 salting apat
cation and lncrelZ as the cation raUus decreases* The effectiveness of the
salting out agent decreases as -the covalmay of the reaction of the cation With
the vicinal water mol cules decreases. As the acidity of the aqueous phaim
increasesj the effect of the nature of-tbe salting agent cation is less definite;
at nitrate concentrations above 7-9 ga9ions/1 the partition coefficient
decreases Independent2y of the nature of the cation of the salting out saent and
independently of the EX03 coneAmtratione Orig. art. h": 3 tables., 3 figures
and 1 equation.
SURMITZED: 2hfiov,62 n= AM: ')O~ ENCL: 00
mm cm: NO mw SOVI 035 022
AccEssioN NR: AP4031097 6/0186/64/00,6/002/0182/0167
AUMOR: Tikhomirov, V. I.; Kuznetsoval A. A.; Batorovskaymp E. D.
TITIE: Extraction of uranium (VI) vith n-trioctylamine (TOA) in the presence
of certain cations. X1. Hydrochloric acid solutions..
SOURCS: Madio-Irthimlya., v. 6., no. 2., 1964, 182-187
TOPIC TAGS: uranium (VI) extraction, trioetylamine extractions salting out agents
chloride, cation radius- cation charge, salting out agent. concentration, partition,
coefficient, bydrocbloric acid, distribution coefficient
ABSMCT-. Th6 authors continued their study (Wiokhimiya, 6, 2, 173, 1964) of
the extraction of uranium (VI) with TOA from acid solutions and the effect of
salting out agents using hydrochloric acid solutions containing different eoncen-
trations of potassium, ammonium, sodium, lithium, strontium., calcium, magnesium
and aluminum chlorides. A 0*10 M solution of VA in CC24 was used as the
extractante. The behavior of-the chloride and nitrate salting out agents in the
extraction of uraniun (VI) with TGA fr= HCl and RHO solutions, respectivelY,
is analgouss- i.e. the salting out corresponds to a -~acreasa In the ra4ius Of the
ACCE='CK IM-. AP403U)97
cation and increases with increase In the cation charge. However,, the nature of
the cation of the salting out aZent is more distinct in the case of the nitrateso
Increasing the RCI concentration to 4 M~increasea the partition coefficient
of uranim (VI). With increasing concentration of the salting out agent, lg
deviates from a straight line.' This is attributed to a decrease in the conceatra-
tion of free extractent (TOA-HOl) became of the extractim of RCJ in Qtq*
organic phase. Orige exte bas: 4 figures and 3 tables*
SWUM 24NovQ DM AM: VApr& =C;L: 00
C=: NO sm; 003 001
Card 2/2
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