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SULAKVELIDZEp B.; TETERIS, Ho[translatorl; BAHS, G., red.; ZAGARS, A., tekhn. red. [Hoisting, coveying, and excavating machinery] Celoanaup tran- sporta un zemes darbu masinas. Riga, Latvijas Valets izdev- nieciba, 1961. 241 p. Translated by H.Teteris. (IURA 15:7) (Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinery) (Excavating machinery) TETE21IV, Illikhail Flikoluyuvi-h; KL'YUYEV, Yu37-Ay VlRdimlrovich; -'V-6L-OGDIV, f-,-A7,-!-nzF- retaenzent; KOINAYEV, V...G.,, inzh~j rotsenzent; MILOrTOV, A,A., lrszh.,, retsonzent; Ue-71,~-(;-V, G,A,,, inzb., retsenzent; KEMELINITSKIY1 L.I~, inzh., red. VOIROTNIKOVA, L,F., tekhm red. [M,echanization of the intrastation conveying of documents] Mekhanizatsiia vnutl*istaxitsionnol peresylki dol-,umentov. Mo.- skva, Transzheldorizdat., 1962. 68 p~ (MIRA 15:7) (flailroarls-Stati-ons) (PnewriaticAube transportation) 112-57-7-14233D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 66 (USSR) AUTHOR: Teterkin, A. Ye. TITLE: Investigation of Compaction of Peats and Peat-Sand Mixtures for Purposes of Hydro engineering Projects (Issledovaniye uplotneniya torfov i torfopeachanykh smesey dlya. tseley gidrotekhnicheskogo stroitelletva) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to Belorus. politekhn. in-t. (Belorussian Polytechnic Institute), Minsk, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Belorus. politekhn. in-t. (Belorussian Polytechnic Institute) Card 1/1 VINOKUROV, F.P.; TF-TEIqKIN,_A.YD- Distribution of stresses in peat soils under a rigid stamp. Dbkl. AN BSSR 5 no.8:361-363 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut stroitel'stva i arkhi4-ektury AN BSSR. (Soi-I mechanics) (Peat -oilo) TETERKIN, A. Ye. TETERKIN, A. Ye.: "Investigation of the packing of peat and peat-sand mixtures for purposes of hydraulic-engineering construction." Min Higher Education USSR. Belorussian Polytechnic Inst imeni I. V. Stalin. Chair of Hydraulic Engineering Construction. Minsk, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences). Source: Knizhnaya letopis' No. 28 1956 Moscow VINOKUROV, Fedor Petrovich; TETE ~~ ~qh; PITERMAN, Mark Alekoandrovich; TSYTOVICH, N.A.,, akAdemik, red.;, BkRABANDVA, Ye., red. izd-va; VOLOKHAWVI(;H, I., tekhn. red. (Structural properties of peat soils]Stroiteltuys avoistva torflanykh gruntov. Pod red. N.A.TSytovicha i F.P.Vinokurova. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1962. 282 p. (MIRA 160) 1. kkademiya straiteltstva i arkhitektury SSSR, Chlen-korrespoudent Akadexii. nauk SSSR (for TSytovich). (Peat soils) (Soil mechaxics) .1 .. -1 . --.. VINOKUROVI F.P. [Vipakurau, F.P.]; TETERKTIM, *' rMits-*Orl,~-., A.E.] - -_ Mechanical properties of peat scil!~. S-r. fz-z.- tekh. nav. no.4:118-125 163. 17:1,21 VINOKUROVs F.P. [Vinakurau, F.P.); TETERXINj A.Ye. [TSiatserkin, A.E.] Resistance of peat soils to forcing in stamps. Vestsi.AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3:105-112 163. (KIRA l6slo) 1 VINOKUROV, IF.P., prof.; TMERKIN, A.Te., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; PITERHAN. N.A., inzh.; TMOVIGH. N.A., profes red*; RAIMANOVAt Te., red.izd-ve; VOLCEMNOVICH, I., [Peat in construction] Torf v stroitellstve. Pod red. I.P.Vinokurova i N.A.TSytovicha. Kinsk, Izd-vo kmd.nnuk BM, 1959. 241 p. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Daystvitellnyye chleny Almdemii stroitellstva i arkliitektury WSR (for Vinokurov, TSytovich). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for TSytovich). (Peat) VIRMOV, F-P-, SKVORTSOV, B-P-, TEMMIN, A-Ye. Determination of the cohesion and carrying power of peat soils by means of a spherical die. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.4:49-53 Ap 160o 1. Institut stroltel'stva i arkhitektury Alf BSSR, Minsk. (Peat soils) (Cohesion) TETERKINs A. Ye. "Computation of the Maximum Possible Magnitude of Evaporation From the Surface of Soil". Sbornik stud, rabot Belorus, Politekhn. iW_-ta No 2,, PP 106-117s 1955. For the approximate computation use is made of the formula of M. I. Budyko (Ispareniye v -yestestvennykh usloviyakh Z'Evaporation Under Na- tural Conditiong/, Hudrometeorological Press, 1948)" from which a nomogram is constructed. For conditions found at Foleslye the obtained averaged magnitude of the maximum total evaporation (764-900 mm per year considerably exceeds the amount of atmospheric precipitation. (RZhGeol., No 101, 1955) SO: Sun No 884, 9 Apr 1956 VINOKUMVO F.P. FVinakurnu, F.P.1; TLITERKIII, A.Ye. [TSiatserkin, knn4,tnkhn,nnuk itater permeability of peat and peat-sand mixtures during long timo testing for filtration. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekhn. nav. ro.2:26-33 158- (MM 11-.10) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademil stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Vinalairov). (Peat--Fermcability) 4 V1NOKMOV j F-P . LNT-m~'-.--~,v I-:, A. Ye. [T~31-1- tserkir Study of the r-ne). L;ccharical properties. of peat soile. Vestsi. Ser. Piz.-tekb. A-Av. np.3~~125-133 161o (VIRL 14--10) (1;eat soils) . TETERKIN, V., pgdpolkovnik ~ I We do it this way. But bow is it on other lines? Tyl i snat. Sov, Voor. Sili 21 no.8:62-63 Ag 161. (MA 14:12) (Rossia-Arrq-Commissariat) (Russia--Army--Guard duty) a 0 6 03 Ili#)& is 0161suflunk v is IF a II n a J4 b m a ?I so v u u It a a valoo 41 vu soot* A Q a . J., I u T I-L. T.A. AP " kc Cc Lt 8 &--1 0 A MV, '(!14fssf ..0 -Y~fflf.q;t Appashw for tom. ~Cftv"f won la"milkya tab. am op-raticift Vhe. 00 00 a 004 00 f -00 mcoo we coo -00 so 00 06 d !see Of we* too L40 Q PITALLURGKAL LIUROOE CLAWFICA14k too ti u is AT 43 is IF (I IF 00 44 0 1R K tE It t[ Ot KID n 1 '14 0d a K w u 5 a a 1 0 T !o; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 040 0 0 WWWW'W-W W Wr W W W IF W I - , , 4 a 4? III U B~m 0 14 21 it ;1 0 OR it A- J ~ iov A -1 1. jA- ft 94; LIU tt 'A A- 1- 1*14VI go Ir *0 oo Watef4dttntag inStAUtWa- K-\- 'W""n Klravhko. U'S.S.R. bgAo, jwy R. IW7. A mangtim-lit of tile Ilml-11 jJ4111.1ti"I't, a v 14'VO.'t do J., st if 00 al S 9 'M 0 1i IT IV of R Q it ct U 4AG 0 0 0 0:0 9 0 0 o e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e e 0 imito o 0 * 0 0 oo 0 0 0 : : o : 0 0 * 0 * *0 : : : i It 00 -00 -s 'k -o 0 jb* Aso "Go so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . MAX_ A Map jG#dW (a, The dotermigutilm of total hardness of--- J V. 1j.,' jV411itp, Zated,boy; b,h. It. 17; .4 Ille 41dulLui-ANI III thr I;IlAnlity Of -Up .411. JJINJ [,If III, Ittli,111"t 14 "air[ willillust .4 tlivII3111" ~ssla.llw.l for tilt- tan,Lird Aauiple-i III wAirr 4 kilov%it hAtduv~-. The ~.%Ip ~tsln.5. wciv prepti. by dixmIlving ulop ill ale. in clu4nii. b 00 a ril. at tics of 1-2 wt. % of wap (dried for 24 90 Z tting tbe join. stand for 1-2 d4y%, anti filserini; throtuth a ttvt Ivure f % l h k fil Th d l'. I , o e %tan At4 ter. nw paper * and r,1-1. with an athittary hiudasti,i of lot) -tltjg~ NIX In (ju4intilicIi ill .111114" I'lle wervinct-I by dilg. this water with tile required quatillitirs ul 1160. ~AtCf. Ill liCtul. It[ tilt- 113011~* 4 Wtd~r. tile .3111ple i, lilf3t(A Will) lilt MMJ) sOlu. until It ledul 6 fllftllrd 'AlliCh Ist-r-lit.1 till tile Itutfuvr 6w " luilk. The hat'llirki 14 tile faille "It. 14 deld. froln Ill, .111.traity t4 five .. I IWIll. 00. ll~ed for the thratiou in till. ituIl the calibration curve c1lu. s of variout etc- ith l d t bt i d d f w ~.nxp e rout a a o a ne tructe i ; th rtvi of hardnm. The vxptI. emir. w% ccIpnwvd % ' graviluctric don.. of autpl" with harducKs fnwl I In 15 'a'. The ailv-antax~ ot exoreIl C,,ertnan). 41-te., Ili this nirtlitul over otdiniiry ~-ap inuthod- ate - any kill,[ . of .% ii i Ii i i t WWI l. c usel suls n larl of ~4vlll call Ix . % y ty litioll of tilt: tittation cull nd accurate and r3 id rk- Oil a p sp Tilt- tinte requit"I Itx tile contructim -4 lit, -sitit 'N I * . I calibrat ion curve is one of tilt. d kadvantag" of tile 11 ll."L * I se utA 10cruian) cautiot Water with hartlnc!Is over 15 1f (without 1A prelintillary diln.) few &-tus. hy If& luelluxi. ; ' W. R. licnii - --- ------- 1-11 &$*-SLA MITALLURCICAL LITERATURE CLASSIFKAITC" 114-1 vi Ili I.. U It IT so It 9 K is C11 it i I I" 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 OrS2 0 Ole 9 0 go so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 J_ A 1,00 _60 _60 -00 =00 00 400 to a., ita-In. to rw a If N I v as 3 a Is 3 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 5,9000 .10 *00,06 o o o o o 0 0 0 *foe* T 'It 'O o 0 tlel 1 - o o : al M ~A A l 1 4 t y s 1 P a.. 25 1 l n 26 x 10 V 51 a 34 a x v Al t " 11 T b V 9_1 . f . % ' , 1 .1 )RD AND I 4' 1 00 POCCISSit A.0 "COERT'll I.WA 00 I-so I o0 Bt 90i go Ifew m*tW of dwUyIM lnd=trlsl Witter- H- =00 Tet"jtin-~--SW 8, j-,7ft'(1948).-Inclustrial tyl" Of %uspension ctari6ers, i.e.. clarifiers where the incoming h l f h re : um u pm. t e coagu "trr Lt pasmd upwaids throug VVOUS CtarifiMtiOU, tbC COSCUIUU aCtiUg IS CaACULLM, am to 0 dewribcd. M.. 110%ch -00 oo Cos 'k !100 A It. 9.1 L A TALLUACKA 1,11#441101 CLAWFKATION - - u .0 A 161004 AtI, on* aft tv S20 I __ A 0 a . . . , 2 , T q q I 1 u 4,&f to Al ; , * 9 a it IF K u It of " 0, , , " , "0 1 1 1 MIA Ilfwa 010,11W a a a 3 1 4 0 6 0 0 a 0000 6 so 0 00 .T l 004 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 o- a 0 0 :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 al 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 . 0 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' It's 9 o I l a it jai - A w l 0 v v 04 t f 11 a at is is t a D t t a a ' 4 I L ML- I T- Lj"- -iff I Isr roe 040 !s 91 0- . F9 61 al . L it a w i's a jr It 4 A A - ?&Z A i-,O-tll~ 444 ~ sacts"i AND 0" * 00 VT R ** t1 I o q IL Ti;. 00 004 =00 sea 0 00.3 '000 001, roe r:0 0 see 7100 too A .!TILIM!!ICA~~ TIN.I!!t .11WICATOM bee _ woo ImAllsa .81 ml cot -y- wi-Asil t I I I A I I u x AV so as Od flag not RKM 1914 KOO 14 0 40 6-0 0 0 0 e o 6.0 a 0 o s .0 or~ 14 - 00 ,010,0wee 00*00 so 0 410 4149.0-0.00 0 ~ so 0e0 as 000000000 ego l Im NAM Ow PUNWAM d w" III! bliedidd m IL N - (SW, 1 N4% 2 177-182, j livin aml Savi liW.,- 194& tw-mAmos ajoweAkthlufth s bad of t. PO" Of ON NdtWAMt th"Cby8tAkL8IGSO4MWW0L tian A04 ftWAWP Of 69"Odid Mgitw is Ppin. of the SWU pheas darW4 caagWa" aad mofteW". The un of MWWAM Wfarstoft mdmm an " of parikation by j or I that of slatkienj tk" Purikatift is" Rm" rantive. vuliriv, =,; wwoupre asw tm No" of cAlk-MkIlks th* 4h"Offik*4 W 410"is, owallas ct"Witia" am givoc. lba punibAUty of Impwoving tbW 9Kw-WWy by IV Vddy-amAkma to do Up W dikdaW. ft. a C"MKIL T7';"TI-"PKI;", Ye. IT, Hydr-c-1 Ic E, Mbr., All-Union Su.- Ras., Insi. Structureq, and Enginenrlng HydroCeolcC.. Cand. Technicad Sci. - L , . t nNew Method for PurifyinC Indastriqd Watar," Szalv No 2 1-946; YE. N. A 41T24 Feb 1948 Water - Softening Water - Purification "New Method for Purifying industrial Water," Ye. N. Teterkin, Candidate Tech Soil Inst VODGM, 6 pp "Stall" No 2 Settling towers for purifying industrial water can be replaced easily by comparatively compact suapen- sion separatcra In which the process of settling of the solid particles in the water is greatly speeded inside sludge. Use of this new method permits anAncrease in production.of purifiers now in use. Vortex reactors can be attached and thus-speed up the procase of aoftenIng the water. YDB RRMAV~NLTS-'Mr-~ TSTERKV~ IME. 9. USSR/Engireering Water - Purification Calciun Carbonate mfar 49 ttPrecipitation of Calcium Carbonate on the Nuclei of Cations," I. E. Apelltsin, V. A. Klyackho, Ine. N. Teterkin., Candidates Tech Sci, 2 pp "Elek Stants" No 3 Corrects number of inaccuracies in article by G. Yb. Krushell, "Preventing the Precipitation of Carbonates on Glauconite Nuclei," particularly in the design of the purifying agent and in determing condi-Itions under which calcium carbonste is deposited on the cation nuclei. PA 38/49T44 YEGO)IOV, A.I.t kwididat teldinicliessi-AU rLitk; TAUMCIL, Yc..N., kuyididat trklviche- skikh nauk. The iiBe of V.V.Piovanskii meitwiring, limper flutts for rjeusiLring qnantity conniuVtion of reagents. 10 no.12:10 J1 15'j, (ARA 6:0) I. Vaesovuznyy nauchnc-inrlptlow~tellskiy institut -,rodoEnLbzheni.,a, kanuli- zatsii, gd~wotekiiniche6dkh sooruzheniy i inzhenernoy gidrogeologii. (Volumetric appuratus) PAVLOV9 A.V.; Prinimili uohastiyes TETERKINA, L.N.1 SHOKHINAt N.K. TheMophysical properties and thermal balance of;the snow cover in tl~e'--Moscow region. M&t.k uch.o merz.zon,zemokory no.80-35 #62. (KIRA 160) (XoBcow region-Snow) TWIRIM, V. I - ~ A1103MU &Demia. 42 no.6;27-3 0 Je 156. (~UA 9:9) 1. 1z kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. D.I.Golldberg) Tonskogo moditsinskogo inatituta (dir. - prof. S.P.Khodkevich). Prodstavlono daystvitelinym chlenon AMN SSSR V.N.Chernigovskin (DIABNM KILLITUS. exper. causing anemia. off# of alloxan on hemopoietic system) (ANMIA. exper. caused by exper. diabetes mellitus) (MOPOINIC SYSTM, off. of drugs on alloxan in rabbits. anemia caused by exper. diabetes) (ALLOXIAN,-eff, on hemopoistic system. causing anemia in exper. diabetes mellitus in rabbits) TWMNA, M.P.; PMOV, Al.A. Infrared absorption spectra of C24 aromatic, "Procarbons. Neftekhimiia 3 no.2-.161-168 Mr-;Ap 163. (MIRA 16S5) 1. Inatitut geologii i rasrabotki gory-uchikh iskopayem'ykh gosudarstvennogo komiteta po toplivu. (Hydrocarbons--Abgsorption spectra) XCC NRi Ap7oo4768 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/67/000/001/0082/0082 INIVENTOR: Teterko, A. Ya.; Zaydell, B. M. ORG-. None TITLE: An eddy-current method for detecting flaws in,nonferromagnetic metals and de- termining their parameters. Class 42, No. 190049 (announced by the Pbysicomechanical :Institute AN Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko-mekhanicheskiy institut AN Ukrainskoy SSR)] 1SOURQE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1967, 82 .TOPIC TAGS: eddy current, flaw detection, electronic measurement' quality control ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an eddy-current method for detecting !flaws in nonferromagnetic metals and determining their parameters. Gradiometer pickup i nals are subjected to amplitude-phase analysis-and the variation in the.vector of e vertical component of the induction gradient in the field of eddy currents on the *surface of the part being inspected is used for determining the depth and size of the ~flaw on the basis of experimental diagrams. Provision is made for adjustments to eli- ~inate the effect of changes in the gap between the pickup and the part being inspected,- jand changes in electrical conductivity and to increase productivity in determining !flaw parameters. The change in the vector of the vertical component of the induction adient in the field of eddy currents is di7splayed on the scope of a vacuum-tube 9r F Card 1/2 UDC: 620.179.143 ; ACC I.. NR.,-- AP7664766 Ivectometer in the'form of a hodograph of this vector iii the complex plane. This co*- plex. plane is reproduced on the screen of a CRT vith liage persistence and the depth and size of the flav are determined from the angle of ,inclination of the linear sec- tion of the hodograph to the polar axis-and from the maximum length of this linear section. SUB SUM DM: 17Dec65 S/735/61/000/000/014/014 .kUTHORS: Yermakov, A. N., Panasyuk, V. V.~ Teterko, A. Ya. TITLE: A device for the detection of near-surficial defects in a nonmagnetic mIetal. SOURCE: Akademiya naukUkrainskoySSR. Institut mashinovedeniya i avtomatiki. Mashiny i pribory dlya ispytaniy metallov. Kiyev, 1961, 116-1Z7. TEXT: The device described serves to detect micrononuniformities or disconti- nuities, such as surficial and near-surficial fissures, cavities, nonmetallic inclus- ions, etc., in nonmagnetic metals. The device can also determine the intensity of the cold hardening of a nonmagnetic metal. The method is based on the measure- ment of the anisotropy of the electric resistance in two mutually perpendicular directions at a given point of the metal. The method is nondestructive and, hence, can be used on all production items (and not just on a few random samples); this is of value in structural parts with a small margin of safety. The device employs basically an eddy-current method (cf. Rabinovich, A. N. Avtomaticheskiy kontrol, tverdosti stali - Automatic control of the hardness of steel, Gostekhizdat UkrSSR' 1957; Mattaes.K. Aluminium, v. 25, no. 3, 1943, 106; Dorofeyev, A. L., Zavod- skaya laboratoriya, no. 7, 1959). The principal difficulty is the overwhelming Card 1/3 device for the detection of near-surficial defects ... S/735/61/000/000/014/014 effect of variations in th ap between the eddy-current sensor and the metal surface. Some other developmanten ?;ncl. McGonnagle, W6 L# at al.# Electronics, v. 32, no. 35, year not given) have minimized the gap effect, but at a loss in sensitivity. The simultaneous determination of the anisotropy of electric conductivity in two mutually perpendicular directions in nonmagnetic metals and of the magnetic anisotropy in ferrornagnetic metals appears to be most effective in by-passing the gap effect. The sensor of the new device is a quadrupole magnetic bridge, consisting of two mutually perpendicular crossed metal horseshoes, with a coil on each of the four legs a, b, c, and d. An a. c. circulating in the exciter coils of two opposite legs, a and c, p7oduces in them fluxes (assumed equal and having the same sense) which close within the metal being tested. If the metal is isotropically conductive, the energy of the magnetic field will be expended on eddy currents therein, and, since the flux from each of the exciter legs to each of the other two (detector or measuring) legs will be equals the net resultantflux in the cross legs (and, hence, the emf induced in the measuring coils wound thereon) will be zero. The e 'xact magnitude of a plane-parallel gap between the sensor and the metal surface is of no consequence. An anisotropy of electric conductivity leads to the appearance of an Omf proportional to the anisotropy in the measuring coils of the cross legs. An a. c. generator feeds the magnetic-bridge sensor with a current, the frequency f of which depends on the desired depth of penetration of the magnetic flux into the metal (the veference cited in the test is not enumerated in the numbered list of references). The emf Card 2/3 A device for the detection of near-surficial defects ... S/735/61/000/000/014/014 emanating from the measuring coils is amplified; a voltage divider permits the use of a convenient scale. A complete circuit diagram is provided. Semiconductor triodes are employed throughout. Detailed descriptions of the generators the power amplifier, the sensor, the voltage divider, and the circuitry for determining the active and the reactive component of the resistance are described in detail. The device is portable; outside dimensions are Z50x 190x 150 mm; the gross weight is 4.5 kg. Detail data on the transformers and the sensor are provided. Experimental results are summarized. On a 4-mm thick Dural sheet, a circular grove was scribed, 200 mm in dia, and an artificial cavity, 2 mm dia and I mm deep, was located within it off center. The sensor detected each of these flaws regardless of the direction and sense of approach. A plane-parallel gap I mm high was simulated by an overlay sheet of "getinaks" (micarta); a subsurface location of the flaws was simulated by a 0. 5-mm thick overlay sheet of Dural. Errors in the determination of the location and contour of the annular grove did not exceed I 17o. Curves of the active and reactive components and the modulus of the total resistance of the sensor vs. the magnitude of a plane-parallel gap are plotted, as are also curves of the change in sensitivity of the device vs. gap. Thanks are expressed to 0. V. Tolsto- sheyev and B. M. Zaydel I for help in constructing the instrument. There are 5 figures and 11 listed (12 cited) references, of which 8 are Rue sian- language, 2 German- language, and I English- language (the cited paper by McGonnagle et al.) ASSOCIATION: None given. Card 3/3 TETWINS Dep prof# Eliminate ind. SWR irrespensible handling of cattle processing. Miss. 34 no.500 163. - (MIRA 16tn) 1, Mookovskiy tekhnologickeekiy ixistitut myasnoy i moloohnoy 'praMvhlennosti. T E 'T I., P: I I E I D . ~f "Experinents in Visinfe(--ine Wool in its Prtriiar- :~ No. 4, 194-9. C, TXTMIX, D,, professor; ORIOV, I., professor. . ~-V' .3 : ,-*,,~vaks use of production potentialities. Mias.ind.SSSR 27 no 7-10 156. (KRA 9:9) laMaskovskly takhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy I molochney promythles- nosti. (Meat industry) PALIKINY V., IcajW* )ffiim. nauk~, TETERNIK,_P,, . p ZELIMANOV., I. Kqf.; AVSHYUKEVICH, V.; Effect of the adrenalin treatment of animals on the course of some biochemical processes. Mias. ind. SSSR -34. ho' 403-54' 163. ~ ) ~ZHA 16: 10) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut nyasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti (for all except Zellmanov). 2. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina. nyasnoy kombinat (for Zellmanov). . - - ~ ~ 1. ~ ~ . ~ . . t 4 T 069966060*0*6*0 I F a t a 11 u 11 U n 1A 17 M 0 0 I ~ 1 4 4 4 4 *Gio*606 x 11 R 0 SO is 36 it 4 6 4 4 * 4 ~ 6*060oile It 4 41 a U to 6~ 0 '-*o .010 ~60 166 1616 so .00 nsee =00 13.0 0 as* r goo goo goo r-O a goo XOO bee, Wool j004 PAPOMM Ago SOA 0 0 00 002 00 A The isfivence of the comblution of m&r and alcohol on am Iffo period of various ralcrellora to berustOgen. 008 g jVtqp,*_ YOPrOly Pjj4Xiy* 9, _& f h 907 l 9 9 I h 1 .- erna ogen n t e prepri. o I ex1r. 1 3 1, , b Hi t i s res l am. I he growth of Baa, edi commune, Hart. ewei sot and of Bad. protexi rallaris can be suppre%%ed try the com- ood blued action of sugar and a1c. Culturesof the first 2of these organisms, when Inoculated into the hentatogrii. reniiined 000 alive 12-17 days, depcndin Pon thC tCMP. 84ft. PWOMUS . Ulmlinus remained alive for 90 rultaris rived 4 cl , yrestilypsaideus aistillalive = O days and longer; arom w after 90 days. W. A. Moore 0 -V A64-1116A NOTALLAMWAL LITERAYWC CLAISWCATION RJOW #OWIAV 411AA1 W V"T Ist U I I" Aft 9 1 rw 0 of 5 IF of 2 M a 2 9 1 W 0' CrIp will W19 ;x' U 0 to ~"li 0 0 * - - - - - - - - - - - - ! RAI IT (2). 30 Kale LyUb%%hnko 3 Terent'yov, ?.A Ttttmtk U.N. MISS On ih$ OCtSSIOn Of lGrAl Years Of Work, MIMICALI 2humal lhtkmtI*IogII, opids-toloall I inceanabialoall. 1%0. )fr 4, pp 146 A037RXMt Thlo Is a brist accowt of ths 001MUtIC &CttVlty Of ?Mtossor A.Z. Plotelitla, slarob S.I~Wl%rqdWgue sM publlolst, C4rd 1/1 -FE 7-E /~ Al 17 (2). 313 (6) mm, Not. T-mt'jev, A TMA s j On the 00048ton of his Illitleth birthAal. rr 0 f 0 4 4 0 r_E~,P I!Lt ~Vj 4 a PIMIDDICA.Li ZhUMAI mlkftbl*la4LI, Opld~lolo,gli I I~abtolodll, IY4, lIr ki All,~, '11, 1a I & brief "count or Lhe life ~ul es-r at Traftesor Kh. Pis- 1 a , : Cormsponding P~qbvr of thg Akad~17& moditsLask1kh nauk 3=1 s 4 1 (A.sd4my oz X"Ical Sit-. of the USM) wA & noted ph-ologlet, bl- ch~lst " llrabl*1111st. 114 In areditod Kith the d1som,ery of astir 1, A ,: C-1 1/1 - D. TA -A -TETERNIK, I. and -GUL'N1X, M. A. Veterinary sanitation SO: TABCON Veterinariya; 24; 12; December 1947, Unclassified. TETERMX, _ D. H and KHOLEBENKOV, D. S. "Sqpplements and changes in acting regulations an veterinary sanitary insepection of slaughtering animals and on vat. sanitary inspection of meat and meat products." SO: Yet. 25 (5)p 1948p p 25 Cbmico-Ttebnological. Institute Meat Industry and OPYK (Dept. of Taterinaro- Production Controll of Moscow Meet Combine named after A. I. Kikoian, TETEMUK, D. and DIAYMUSHINA, L. "An experiment with disinfection of wool in the process of its first processing (washing)." SO: Vet. 26 (4), 1949, P. 36 TETEMIK, D. M. "For an increase of enlightenment in the work on veterinary sanitary in- spection of meat and meat products." SO: Veterinariya 27 (7), 1950, P. 31 TETEMIK, D.; C=IININ, V. "Cysts in the kidneys of cattle and their sanitary significance." SO: Veterinariya 28 (3), 1951, P- 38 USSR/ Medicine. Veterinary - Meat .Jun 52 Products "Erroneous Rejection of Liver of Animals Affected With Capillary Ectasia," D. M. Teternik, T. A. Tsyunskaya, V. G. Cbernin "Veterina iya" No 6, py 43-46 14 Discusses the rejection by health authorities of a. animal livers affected with capillary ectasia as unfit for buman consumption. Authors admit that though no actual explanation of this condition has been found, laboratory examns of the liver in 228T44 killed animals revealed no anaerobic pathogenic microflora at the focal points of capillary ectasia. Authors conclude that the current re- jection of liver affected with this condition deprives the population of 17% of wnim', liver vhich could be used for food. 4L 228T44 AGULINIK, N.A., professor; ORLOT, I.T., professor; TIT31RNIX, DoX*, professors t "~ % -7. ~' -" RIgUy qualified veterinary specialists are needed for meat IndLustry. Yeterimarits, 32 no*3:13-14 Mr.155. (MAL 8: 0 (MUT INMCTION) (VXTERDWUANS) NALATOT, N.A., professor; TMTjRNM,, D.M., professor; RIKARDD, D.I., dotsent; MaMM, BA, , deliiikilf.~~"~' *Laboratory o=wlnatlon methods in TOterinary science*. Toterinarlis. 32 ne.3:85-90 Igr 155. (KM 8:4) (I RARY LAMMATORIU) TITUNIX DmOri&,MikhmyAqAch professo , IAPTIV. Tador Pavlovich, - _h Merinamyy VFIM-,~WAN, lbriis Borisovne, inthener; IVANOVA, N.M., redaktor; CHIBYSHIVA, TO.A., takhnichankly redaktor [Veterinary inspection in the meat industry) Proizvodetvanno- veterinarnyi kontroll v missnoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva. Pishche- promizdatt 1956. 462 p. (MIRA 10:1) (isat inspection) T L L !11~ IV I_j- r GWVj I,Vs, professor; YAMO*, 114a, professor; - 11=Tr B IS professorl RYUWOTS11Y'.O.V.' dotment; UBIYA=O, I.I., dotie-At. Differentiation of TrIcbsualls, wd slullar parasites producing other Immolose In the muscles of swine, Toterianrila 34 no 5t,67-71 '57 ~Wft M16 1, Chlon-korrompondent Toomoronor Akadoxii moll skokho-yvir-ti -y1gh niui luni Lenine. (for OrlovTo 2e Mookovskly takhnologiaheskiy in- stitut zWaouoy I soloohnoy pro hlennosti, (Trichina anA trichinosiTs (Ovine-Dissases and posts) USSR / Microbiology. Hygionic Microbiology. P-4 Aba Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1958, No. 90851 Author : Teternik, D--L1L;.-2syunskaya) T. A.; Froydlin, Ye. M. Inst : bioscav Tecianological Institute for Meat arxi Dairy Industries Tit-le : The Probleu of Detection and Survival of 13rucelia In the ~bat of 3hoe L p Which React to Brucella Orie, 2ub : Tr. Mosh. -'U-ok,inol. in-t mya-qn. i molochn. prom-sti, 1958, ITYP- 7, -,,-6 Abstract : No abstract Gi-ve--.i Card 1/1 "' I aiul ,TN-j-N1 rV -J 1-3 A I n . ,I Ful AA- T -nI a D. M. ~- 171 X-MAIII KU ' : - - I ". ;. I'l,lieurogenous tumours in cattle." Veterinariyao Vol. 37, No- 5, 1960, P- 56 --- Q 4- Y)\J-j ua F41 " I &kffid< - Aw catu TtA - ohol - NA_LETOVj N.A.; LYUBISRENKO, S.Ya.; TERENTIM, F.A.; TETERNIK, Dome- KALUGINt V.I.; KORNEUV, I.P. Professor A.I. Metelkin;, on-the 40th anniversary of his career. Zhur. milkrobial. epid. i imram. 31 no. 4-.146-147 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:10) (METELKIN, AFATOIJI IVANOVICH, 1894-) FALIM, V.V.; TETERNIK,_D.M.; AVSYUKEVICH, V.S.; ASLANOV, V.G.; GOLIDMAN, Ye.I.; ZM444NOV, I.S.; S7EFANOV, A.V.; KHOLODNOVA, O.S. Studying the possibility of applying preslaughter adrenal treatment in the-meat industry. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.1:66-71 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti i Moskovskiy myasokombinat. (Adrenalin) (Slaughtering and slaughterhouses) SHCHENNIKOV, Stopan Toront 'yovi ch, prof retsenzent; MIRC1111OV, A.N., prof., rotoonzent; ZYAB.'-')I'A, S.M.) red. (Veter:Lnary,sanitary inspection at poultry process --g enterprises Veterinarno-sanitarnyi kontroll na ptitse- pererabatyvaiuahchikh predpriiatiiakh. Izd.2. Moskva, Pishchevaia promyshlernost', 1964. 163 p. (MIRA 17.9) -- - - - - -- --- - T TETEPIUK D.M. KAMIGIN', IT.T., ~ iD L,--:-, t Founder of Soviet ~,retcrl-ary Lyj---.~rje " /~ no.,".On98-9r) o Ic"6. (MIRA .18:10) KHAPIVM, L.M. "Veterinary control in the meat industry" b D.N.Teternik=L__ F.P.1aptev. M.B.Zogan. Reviewed by L.M.Krajivner. Veterinarlis 35 no.12:74-76 D 158 (MIRA 11:12) (Keat inspection) iTeternik, D.M.) (Laptev. F.P.) (Kogan, M.B.) TRMADOV. A.N. g _-r Case of enteroplasty in rugose tuberculosis of the bladder. Urologila*22 no.4:61-63 Jl-Ag '57- (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz urologicheakogo otdaleniya (zav. - kandidat med.nauk S.D. Goligorskly) Rempublikenskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy i gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (2av. - prof. P.V.Ryzhov) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (TUBERCULDSIS, UROGINITAL surlai7, bladder, enteroplasty ~Rus) (INMSTIMBS, transplantation, in tubere. of bladder (Rua)) - TET2R-7-Vl--Lr-QV, V. ~,. - - UCHASTKIN, P. V., Kandidat Tekhn. Nauk i TEETEI-MIUMV, V. Ii., Kand. Tekhn. 4.auk Leningradskiy institut okhrany truda 'ITSSPS TipovM agregaty liot dlya tsentralizovanykb sistem isl,.usstvennogo Klimata Page 51 SO: Collection of Annotations of Scientific Research Work on Coris~rtwti2n, corluleted in 1950. I-loscmi, 1951 1;4:;- i0.__ i-i ", /~~ TEMIN,"V.A., starshiy leytenant ,.-~ =vidT`ng_k6'r_ f iring on rif le ranges. Arti 11. zhur. no. 1: 22-25 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Artillery drill-and tactics) T e7 j ;7_ -. al. 7- WMOITT~OV. A.G., red.; ZBNMELEV. L.F., red.; PANTELEPWA. P.G., red.; SHIRNOV, V.L. red.; BELOZIMOV. K.S., red.; TEVERONA- Xq red.; fta t FLIMOV, A.H., red.; KRARIKOVA. Ye.I.i red.t red.; VCRONTSOVA, Z.Z., [Rconomy of the Udmurt A.S.S.A.; a statistical manual] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Udmurskoi ASSR; statisticheskiy abornik. 1zhevek, 1957. 135 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Udmurt A.S.S.R. Statisticheakoye upravleniye. 2. Rachallnik, S,tatisticheekogb Upravleniya Udmurskoy ASSR (for Vorontsov) (Udmurt A.S.S.R.-Statistics) ORIOT, I.T., prof.; 32TMIK. D.M,, prof. Improve the veterinary and sanitary inspection of meat. N&ukEL i pared. op, v sellkhot. 7 no.10:66 0 '57. (MM 10:11) 1. Moskovskiy takhnologichookly lustitut iWasnoy i molochnoy promysh- lennosti. (meat inspection) BADAYAlls A*Am; ILWMIKOVA-BUAYANO D&X* Devel%mnt of plWWpatholoa and r*mology in Ax=ia. Trudy VVR no~23s279-287 064. OW-h 19:2) TBMVOV. M. Siberian sanatorium. Mast. uel. 8 no,7:24a-24b Jl 159. (KRA 12-.10) (Prokoptevok--labor rest homes) 30798. TETEROVSKAYA, T. 0. I - Vliyaniya vlazhnosti substrata na raepredeleniya v nem lichinok Muska domestica vicina. Macq. Parazitol. sbornik (Akad. nauk SSSR, Zool. in-t), XT, 190, s. 262-77. -- Bibliogr: s. 277- FIDDIR, R. L:StfMPVA, A. G,-TSTMVSKAYA, T. 0. Hibernal reproductive of Husca demestica L. in living quarters in cities. Gig. sanit., Roskva no.4:52 Apr. 1952. (GLHI 22:2) 1. Of Mr)scow Municipal Disinfection Station. STEPANOV, I.R.-.SHMLEVA, A.G.;,TEMOVSKAYA. T.O. - Use of hmachlorane in eradication of fly larTae in cesspools of .latrines. Gig. sanit., 140BL-Ta n0.7:56-57 JulY 1952. (CLKL 23:2-) MDPbR, M.L.; TETERUVSKAYA, T.O. Resistance of Moscow domestic flies to DIYZ. paruz.bol. n0.2. 160-165 Mr-A-p '53. (MLRA, 6: 6 1. Tsentralluaya kontrollno-inaledovatellskaya laboratoriya Maskovskoy gorodskoy dezinfektsionnoy atantaii. (Moscow--Yliea)(OT (Insecticides SUKHOVAY M.N.; GVOZDEVA, I.V.; MIISNIK, Yu.N.; TLTIROVZUYA.,_~~._Q..; BOLOTOVI) T.A.; KHOLODOVA, G.K.; STOIROZHEVA, Ye.M.; SAMSOEOV-1--, A.M.; MOSUVICV, V.B.; NEESELOVSKAYA, V.K.; GOLIDIN-a, G.S.; SM~FIMGV'k, A.M,.; BIRALO, T.I.; VASILENKO, L.N. Sensitivity to chlorophoss trichlorometaphos, DDT, haxachloro- cyclohexane and polychlorop-Inene in housefly populations fol- lowing the use of these insecticides for several years. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i irmun. 42 no.8:7-14 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. TSentralinyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy dezinfetsionnyy in- stitut, Moskvap Mytishchinskaya. i Tashkentskaya. gorodskiy sanitarno- epidemiologicheskiye stantsii, Tashkentskaya i Minskaya gorodskiye dezinfektsionnyye stantsii i Brestskays. gorodskaya i Brestskaya oblastna~a sanitarno-epidemiologicheskiye stantsii. t '213405-~66 wtt) IT HWK ACC NRs AP6014013 SOURCE CODS: UR/0016/63/000/008/ mTfrl?l- 2 AUTHOR: Sukhoya. K..&; Gyg&deva, It V,.,,1asnik, Yu. N kaya T * 0 ,;; Teterovs r 2 Bolotova,To As; Kholodova, G2-K.; Samsonova, A.-.N,;.-- Wn&- G, S. -Gbldifia, Go so; Storogheva. Ye. K --Storozheva, E. M.; Mosunov, Ve B.; SQ fjmovz A, M.; Biralo. T, 1, 'Wsi2enko. L. N. ORG: Central Scien=ic ReagUgh 121sillfurijon Tnn+_j+iitAF Ma-six" (Tsentral'rXyy nauchn issledovatel'ski i- y dozinfektsioraW institut);-Ittishchi City SgaLtusrZ Epidemiological St&tion. ~b~tishchi (Wtishchitsskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-opidemiologichoskaya stants- iya); - Tashkent Q~Z $aDjt,:,a= BRjdQMiQ1Q9i=1 Station. Tashkent (Tashkentskaya gorod- skaya sanitarno-epidoriologicheskaya stantsiya); Tashkept City DiplnLe Tashkent (Tashkentskaya gorodskaya dezinfoktsiahnaya*stants tion S sk (Minsklaya gorodskaya dezinfektsionnaya stantsi.Ya);.b22LxMzC___ Sanitary EpidemioloEdwal "alig1j, Brest (Brestslmya gorodskaya sanitarno-opidemi-olo- gi&'ies a stantsiya); Brest Oblast Sani&= Epidemiological Station (BrestskVa. oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya) Sensitivity of the house fly population to chlorophos, trichlorometaphos-3, TITLE. DDT, hexachlorocyclohexane, end pol~ychloropinene after many years of application of -.these insecticides SOURCE: Zhurnal rd-krobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no* 8, 1965, 7-14 TOPIC TAGS: entomology, insecticide, organic phosphorus compound, chlorinated organic compound. Card 1 UDC: 614.57: .777127f:/5 !893.2n.0 -.11 76 25 7 ACC NR: AP6014013 to. of a 0 er- ABsTRACT: Tha'sensitivity Iliei t j6se~tigideW was studied in a numb .,*ofciti*es-. 'Tests were carried out on female flies by applying an acetone solution.of the insecticide to the back and determining the LD50- At r Rinsk and Brestp where sprinkl-*-g of walls with a 2-3% aqueous solution of chlorophos was applied for 7 and 6 years, respectively, increased tolerance of flies t6 this insecticide was observed., At Yqtishchi, where chlorophos baits were used, particularly in the fom of mixtures containinLy ammonium carbonate, the.. j.. Sensitivit~~t Ilies to thisAinseicticide remained undiminished. No increase in the tolerance of southern house flies (Musca dome'stica vicina Haeg.) to chlorIophos.after application of this insecticide in Tashkent for 4-5 years was duseived. Use of trichlorometaphos as a larvicide reduced th(, sensitivity of flies to this insecticide to a small extent in t1ytishchi,.Minsk, and Brest., but not to a degree which could be regarded as an increase in tolerance (do- _!fined as a decrease of sensitivity by a factor of 2-4). The sensitivit'! of flies to trichlorophoo was unaffected after use of this insecticide in Tash- -kent. Flies at YIinsk and Brest which had developed a tolerance to chlorophoe also showed an increased resistance to DDT and hexachlorocyclohexano (this crease in resistance also developed to a minor extent at Yqtishchi). HOW n a .1ever.. the increase in the resistance to hexachlorocy ohe3mne was presumably :not related to the use of organophosp-horu oomn=mii1ntdjjaj due to the appli- cation of polychloropinene in thebe localities. Existence of a relation between increased resistance to DDT and tolerance to chlorophos was more Maly. southern flies in Tachkent#- which retained sensitivity to chlorophos to t1he IND extentj did not, wdAbit. an increase in the resistance to DDT!k__,A4fter a Gad Ob kc NRI AP60140113 6 to ~-Year*discont'inuance of the use of chlorinated Wrocarbcna in Tashkento a moderate tolerance to DDT that was on the initial lev rmLained. while.the el re "i ' fi-- ch16 -filohexane decreased by a fsctor of three. The sistance 0 wa ro Cyc Most expedient mothods for the extermination of flies are used of chlorophoo ammonium carbonate baits to exterminate imago and application of larvicidesp I specificaUy those containing trichlorometaphos 3 in optimm doses, so that-i development of tolerance will beproventedo Origo art. has: 4 figure s arA 2 tables, SUB CODE t06. 07 SUB14 DATE: 24SeP65 ORIG 4,vF: 004 ODI REFt oo4 TETERS., 0. . Compound loading of materials in the bulging of shells in the plastic range. Izv. AN Latv. SSR no-5:45-50 163. (MMA 17: 1) 1. Institut arkhitektury i stroitallstva AN Iatffiyakoy SSR. TETERS, G.. A. f CANo TECH SO-1 AND 4901DITY 1 0 Of COMPRESSED AND CURVED ARMORED GAS-CONCRETE ELEMENTS." TALLINV 1960, (STATE COM FOR HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED Of THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERs ESSRo TALLIN POLYTECH INST). (KL9 2-61v 212). _188- SMRBELIS, K.K. [Skerbelis, K.J. kand.tekhn.nauk; KhIjIAYS, A.A. [Kalnajs, A.], inzh.; TOM , G.A., inzh. St-ength and rigidity of reinforced aerated concrete elements. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.4:185-189 Ap '60. (KIM 13:8) (Latvia-Idghtweight concrete) TETERSI G. W&WAWWAMMORM Stiability of plates working beyond the elastic limit under combined lo~01ng. Izv. AN Latv. SSR-fio.3:43-419 163. (NIRA 16:5) Is InBtitut stroitellstva i arkhitektury AN Latviyokoy SSR. (Elastic pXtes and sbells) L_ 9626-63 -AMSSICK NR; &9003171 S/0197/63/000/005/0045/00-90 AUTHOR: Tetersj, G. TME: On complex loading of shell material In plastic buckling SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izv.j, no. S. 1963P 45-50 TOPIC TAGS: complex loading., unj:roportional loadizig., plastic buck3ing., buckling stress MUMVICT: -The stability of tbln shells In the region of pure plastic strain is axwlV,--d by utilizing a local-stability theory suitable for solution of unproportional-strain-path problems developed by A. K. Valmeyster. Before buck-ling, the shall is in a merbrane-stress state produced by a simple (proportional) strain path. The instability phenomenon is marked by occurrence of bending-stress states caused by a complex (unproportional) strain path. The theoretical expressions obtained to describe the buckling behavior of the shell material are compared with experimental data by urans of stress-strain-parawter cm,ves, with fair agreement of the results. The solution to the plasti c- stab il-i ty problem for a long, circular, cylindrical shell mabjected to axial compression 61015 ces is given, and an expression for critical stresses is dariveA for tha ------------------ L 9826-63 'ACC.MII(N NR: AP3003171 Of aXISYMMtrical buckling,. with the complex strain-path and woft-hardening effect taken into account. orig. art. has: 2 figures and 16 formLias. ASSMIATICK: Institut arkhitektury* i stoitellstva AN Latv.SSR (Institute of Architecture, and Construction AN Latv.SSR) smmum: P-6Feb63 Dm Acq.. P-3jui63 ENCL: 00 SO WDE: 00 HO REF SCV:: 006 OIW: 002 Card 2/2 - --------- /EWP(v)/T/EWP(j)/EVIP(k) IJP(c) - WW/NM/RM, Acc-t4vz --AF6024705 buUd" L;Lwt;t UA/V.~Y'+/Do/VW/VV-L/VVY~1/VV ALTIMU-1t: Teters, G. A.; Pelekh, Be L. OTIG: Institute of Polymer Mechanics, AN LatSSR. Riga (Institut mkhwdki polimerov All LatSSR5; VVov State Univer'sity im. -1. Franko (Llvovskiy gomidarstvanrU7 univers: TITIZ- Creep stability"'of orthotropic sheUs with regard to deformations caused by shearing 30UQV~: Nelchanika polimerov, no. 1, 1966, 93-99 TOPIC TAGS: orthotropic sholl, shoU deformation, creep, reinforced shen structure. shear &;trength, shell buckling, reinforced astic, fiberglass AP,,3'TLWT- In fiberglass-reinforced Elastic, an orthotropic material whose deformative properties are described by a.Jinear rhoologic relationship, creep 'may be disregarded in the direction of the reinforcement. In studying benaliij- and stability of plates and shells made from this typo of material it is necessary to take shear deformation into consideration, since the -shear .5trength of fiberglass-roinforced plastic is low and is reduced still more by creep. When shearing is not accounted for, i.9. when the YUrchhoff model is used, even a qualitative description of the development of buckling with time is impossible in many cases of plate banding since only an elastic .zolution is obtained in-this-case. The authors use the refined theory of r-A -1/9 UDC: 678:539-374 FA&C NR: AP6024705 j shells for studying the stability of a fiberglass-roinforood-'41indrical shell.' Momontary and permanent critical forces are determine4 It is shown that in -some cases the use of the Kirabboff-love model (used in this paper only, for determining the nomentarycritical force) results in can siderablo qualitativeI AM quantitative errors Orige art, has: 25 formLLIas. ~Lji~st 35,()W SUB CODE: 20, 3.1 / SUB14 DATE: 3OJun65 ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REi; 003. 0 j2 TETF,RSKIY, T.B. NX~6 of geographical observations in eight-year schools; grade five* by M.A. Otkalonko. Reviewed by T.B, Teterskii. Geog, v shkole 25 no.6:85-86 N-D 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Geography---!Audio-visu~tl aida) (Otkalenkop M.A.) TLTMSKIT, T.B. Solar observations and their utilization in socially useful vork. Geog. v shkole 23 no.4:47-58 J1-Ag 160. (MM 13:10) 1. 51-Ya zhele2nodorozhnaya shkola stantaii Pechanovka Yugo-Zapadnoy zhelesnoy dorogi. (Sun-Observations) -TE= - --Iv= Nikitovich; GLUSECHENK09 S.M. 9 red.; KOPITKOVAq N.K. , [Kopytkovat 9 9 N.4.,] t tekbno [Work elevates man] Fratsia zvelychuie 3-tudynu. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd- vo polit. lit-ry U&9Rp 1961. 77 p. (MIRA 3-4:9) (work) TYNIMP AON.; -CHAYEVSKIY, M.I.; TETEPSKIYL V.A. Possibility of the Use-of liquid metals as lubricants* Naucho 'Wf."IMA AN URSR.Ser.mashinoved. 9141-46 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Liquid metals) (Lubrication and lubricants) 'IC52 S/676/&VO09/000/005/0110 A006IA101 i o AUTHORS: Tynnyy, Aj. N., Chayevnkiy, M. I., Teterz%4y,_V,._~._. TITLE: On the possibility of using liquid metallic melts as lubricants SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Institut mashynoznavstva i avto- matyky, Vviv. Nauchnyye,zapiski. Seriya mashinovedeniya. v. 9, 1962, Voprosy mashinovedeniya i prochnosti v mashinostroy6nii, 0 no. 8, 41 -i 46 TEXT: The authors suggest the use of liquid metallic melts as lubricating- materials. When salt melt3, containing sulfur and chlorine, are used, modified wear-resistant surface layers are formed during the,operation of the parts, as a result of friction. This leads to the suggestion thA conventional structural and alloyed metals might be used for units operating at high temperatures. Ex- periments were carried out with a special worm reducer and Wood's alloy (50/a Bi 12.5% Cd, 25.0% Pb, 12.5% Sn) as a lubricant. The bearings in the reducer as- semblies were designed in such a manner that the liquid metallic melt greased. only the worm thread and the teeth of the worm gear. The bearings were greased Card 1/2 M S/676/62/009/000/005/010. On the possibility of using... A006IA101 with mineral oil. The tests show that the use of Wood's alloy as a lubricant prevents galling of the operational surfaces. The new method will eliminate spe- qial devices for the cooling of friction parts in units.operating at 500 to 1,OOOOC and will raise the efficiency of friction pairs. There are 2 figures. SUEMITTM: June 22, 19061 Card 2/2 SOSHKO., A.I.; 1--ITERSKIY V.A.. TYNNYY, A.U.; KHOMITSKIY, Yu.N., STEFYUK, T.Yu. - Methods of investigating the effect of ionized gas atmospheres on the properties of metals. Vliian. rab. sred na svois. mat. no.3:40-47 t64. (RI RA 17: 10) 1-1 -_ a z , - ~ .- - r ,I , 'Pr-~--- i I TETERUK, G.I.; 7-AVYAZKIN, P.G.; ALIYEV, T.M.; ALIYEV, A.G.; 1*:!,lK-S1lJ,.KllflAlAPOV, -1 -----'-t.'M~-~ ARMS, B.K.; BARTFIIEV, G.M.; YELIKIN, A.I.; KOSTTN, V.I.; mikRAM)INY S.I.; SERGEYEV, A.I.; VAPTAITOl, S..".; L.T.; MOLODTSOV, A.A.; SHMEME, N.V.; ROVINSKIY, M.I.; ABFI~?C-V, NAN.; YEROFEYEV, L.V.; RYAKHIN, V.A.; ZEIENIN, A.N.; BERKMAN, I.L. Patent certificates for Soviet inventions. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.5: 35-36 I~V 164. (MIRA 17:9) t ~807'5-66 EWT(m)/tW"A(d)/r:W~(t)/M- IJP(c) JD ACC NRs Ap6ol5252 SOURCE CODE: UR/Ol25/66/ooo/oo5/OO72/OOT3 AUTH OR: Gurevich, S. M.; PpdolaiN. N.'; Tetervak, A. F. ~ORG: none TIT LE. Pulsed-arc welding of AT3 titanium alloy SOURCE,- Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 5, 1966, 72-73 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, alloy welding, MIG welding, pulse, welding, we* eval Ld uation/AT) titanium alloy ABSTRACT: Experiments have'been made with semiautomatic pulsed-poqer MIG welding of AT3 complex titanium alloy, thedoining of which under field conditions is usually done by manual,TIG weldingiland is particularly difficult in the vertical position. In the experiments, AT3 alloy specimens 3-5 mm thick were MIG welded in the downhand and vertical positions.vith bLn arc current of 150-300 amp at an are voltage of 24-30 v. Powerful current pulses at a frequency rate of 50 pulses per second were superimposed on the main current. Depending on the main current, the pulse amplitude and duration were varied so as to ensure transfer of one drop of metalwith each.pulse. The use of superimposed current pulses improved weld formation, sharply reduced spattering, and stabilized the are. Well-formed vertical welds were obtained at a current as low as 150 a. The weld had a f ine-grained Card 1L2 UDC: 621.791.89:669.295 L 28075-66 Acc NR1 AP601525-0 structure of, the low-alloy a'-phase, a yield strength of 50.4-51.7 kglm2, and S4 A en Ae strength of 62.0-62.3 kg/=2 as compared to 52-T and 62.0 kg?mm2 in welds made by conventional MIG velding ' The pulsed-arc velds also had a somewhat higher elongation ('19.5-21.9%) and reduction of area (55.6-58.5%) and a higher impact toughness (T.3-7.8 kg-m/cm2) as compared with 14.4 and 53.6% and T.5 kg-m/cmZ in the conventional HEG welds. Thus, pulsed-&rc MG welding of titanium alloys yields high- quality'.-welds in various positions. Orig., art. has: I f.igure.and 1 table. (MSI SUB CODE!~~., 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: -003/ ATD PRESS: Card 2/2 -- TWERYAl A. g insh. Device attached to the 4AU-15 amoula compressor. Khol-tekh. 37 no.5:51 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Sevastopol-Compressors) FZTERSONJ N. V.; MWA, G. K.(Teteria,, H. M.] Biological activity of some soils d " nding on the methods of their tillage. Mikrobiol. sbur. 23 no.3:19-24(~61. RA 15:7) 1. LIVOT kiy sel'skokhosyaystviennyy institut. (SMLS-KCROBIOLOGY) (TILIAGE) -1-TETEUOTI-K~ --------- Day, in the vorkers I club. Sov. profsoiuzy 16 no'621:46-48 N 16o. (Ramenskoye-community centers) (MIRA 13:10) TETERYAICHEDIY,O, K. G. \zz Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "FDrmation varieties and hybrids of (Ministry of Agriculture 200 copies; price: free; of resistance winter wheat." Ukrainian SSR, (KL, 6-61 sup, to downing in Odessa, 1961. 22 pp; Odessa Agricultural Inst); 232) 4 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIOX SOV/2932 Konferentalya pa voprosam raschatat konstruLrovanlYU 1 looledommmly zubohatykh perodach I peradach gibkoy "yazlyu- Massa, 1957 Raschat, konstruirovanlya i isaledova:Lye perodacht truly konforentail....L vyp. 3 (Design, Ctructicat, amd Analysis of Transmissions; Transactions or a Conference cc Problems In Design. Construction A f Goa" and Flexible Transmissions, No. I Gdeaskogo polltokhm. In-ta, 1959. 124 p. 3.000 copies printed- Sponsoring Agencless Odenskly poll takhalchookIr institut. and Nauchno-takhnicheakoya obahchostro mashizostroiLel-My pravaMennosti. Odsaakoye oblastnoye prawl-I 9. Ed.Cal.IP.tNikiforov. Engineer; Editorial Boards L. S. Borovicit. nft do a of Technical Sciencenj M. S. delyaM",. Engineer; M. D. Genkin Candidate of Technical Sct&ncesl X. 1. Ublonakiy. (Reap. Ed.) 8.didete of Technical Sciences; P. S. Zak. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ya. G. Klxt*yam. Caadldxto or Technical Sciences; V. N. Ku&ryavt~sv, Doctor of Technical S7.1ences V. P. Mal-twev, Candidate of Technical Soloncent S. tskly. Candidate of Technical 5clances; and- Poko L. B. Erlikht Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Rd.t A. R. Komlasarenko. k1[ (> PURPOS2: This book in Intended for design anglieverm in the %.- machine-buLlding and automotive industriess. particularly gom~r designers, COVERAGE: The technical papers contained I= tkd, book wars crIgtnallylpresanted at a conference On fear design.bold I= Odezza In 957. A number of papers deal with the causes or failure In modern gear drives under such severe am-vice conditions as IZing and ja mmIng. To detaradno these c astudy aoad:e.f he wear resistance of contact surfaces and the walgidity of gtoar teath under load. Various gear drives and systems of angagemdmt, Including the NovIkow-type Sears which Are claimed to have many superior c hmractarl sties, and tha$ dou ble-enveloping type of worm gear drive am compared. A study In made of the rigidity of gear drives. partioularly the rigidity of opline4 gear-to-shaft jolata. A number or samr- testing methods and devices are also listed. Xc pe"Onalitto. Grlahel% 1. N. Load-bearing Capacity of & Goar System b7 Frgnke1!__1,_1L Experimental Determination of the Rigidity of --jT-_da9Mo Spur Gear Tooth And2~2~ZL114aav. Nothod of Cogr Testing cc "ollor chino S. Study of Gamr Wear of Boductite, flochani a in Electric Ho-c-RITrTno and !;_1.t_Z_&b,1:cnakIy -&.t woor Basis m W1 h_S ____U .5 Coca. pp. _t Of -- -1 Lo ad G;~rs With eppe ad Incraeuve Study of the Big Auto bile Transmissions IdIty of Certain X19macts of 49;MM1R--1';k 34 " Design of Tooth for the iq. 1, xovlkov ~Psviea Features Of Composite Gear DrIvop v,% Tafas, 3, S- RelAtiOnshlP Between Load Distribution in & Spliced Joint Of a Gear and Shaft and the Rigidity of Conponants in th. Joint 0 0 P MAXIMUm Value of the Coefficient of Dwrl.p In -S:-1rr__4Wr_T9In5 With External Engagement Tooth and Angular Correction With Straight Involute -Z&b1QhAklr, K. I Goor-test Img Installation "I 4- .11 (4) PHASE I BOOK EXPWXTATION 3.0v/2m Baku Arer-boyd%hanakly nwohno-15sledovatelfakJ7 institut Dort*- P;rersbatyVayua1-.0*y promyahlennontl Imeal V. V. Xuybysbays. Sbornlk trudav, vyp. 2. (Collection of Vorks, No. 2) Baku, Asnertolsdat, 1958. 373-P- Errata allp Inserted. 500 plan prlnt:d. Addeo n I Itic a Spon orinZ Agencys Azerbaydzhan. Kinloterstwo neftyanor Pronyahlennost. Ed. of Pub-',rhing Hiuser T.B..Alltmsn; Editorial Boards V.S. Allyev, Candidate or Chemical S-11-ncrs, V.S. Gutyrya~ Doctor of Cbeftleal Sciencea) A.M. Killytv, Doctor of ChevVlcal 3clencess U.N. Indukovv Candidate of Tachni".1 Sciencesp V.Yh4 Masu%yanp Candidate Of- Chemical Sciences, P.C. Suleyrmnovh, Candidate of Technical Sclencenj A.M. LevvhInap CAndIdate or Chemical Sciences# N.D. All tman, candidate or chemical sciencen* I.M. Oj-.Idxbevaj Candidate or Tachnlcal Sciencens M.M. Melik-Zade, CandIdate, or chemical MRPOSZ: This "il*aiti6n 6eaAi~le~i-33ntendod for chemical 4 engineers, tock-ilclanx,and refiners concerned with advanc9d methods or petral~u= ccnveralon. COVERhazzo ThLeallectian presents an analysis of dIfferent t)Tes r c J aa treated In Arerboydshan and or the products recovered trom theve erulps thrcu6h petroleum conversion procesuea. The devatering, denalting and deauleifying or crude* to doserltmd and the sultabIlity or thus* crude* for the recovery or dIPbP1 fuels 13 discussed. 7tevults of catalytic 11 cracking pertom~d over a flu!dl=ed bed synthetic catalyst and the chemical compnaltlon of gasoline produced by two. stage catalYtic crarking are analyed. Attrition and deactIvia. ti0n Or catft'Yets As well as catalyst circulation In a hyper- flow system 6" rPvlewd. Various lube all additives and the production or dirferent types or oils and of carbon black are Outlined. R,r,:,~n-a ncccmpany IndIvIdual articles- Xasu ryan, V.Ta., X. an!-elyan, X.I. JLnt and A.S. far ROCIIT~~ A VA 3 V V T=Jlov Va, dcc*~Ased) tcr~7~n. en)aydzh&= Cruces as 4 sauna ror ft-toel rueTa- ,grov. Cut,., and D.j. zul-rug&rly. trr*at or V~[.Jn Co 'ot. YtIe Cracians Fer?orato Over a nuldlawd Synthetic SILIcA Alualn& Catalyst On the POT"AtICs Of Aneostlc Hydrocarbon* In Gasoline card 3A ILIDISKAYA-TSENTILOVICH, M.A.; TETERYATCHENKO., K.G. Characteristics of the anatomic structure of the stem of winter wheat as related to lodging. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. 28 no.lt105-107 TaF'63. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Kholkovokiy ordena Trudobogo Krasnogo Znameni sellako- khozyaystvennyy institut. (WHEAT) (LODGING (PLAIITS)) CIMITILRY USSR F GATEGORY 2, 19,55, ~10. lools 1 Lu'l7au."R Alikhanyan. S. 1. , GoIldat, S. Yu. , Teteryataik, A, F. INST. Academy of Sciences USSR. TITLE MatagerAc Affect of the Cornbimed Action of Ethylenimine and Ultra Vi*let Rw Lf a on A ctinomycetes G-Ric. PUB. DokJ. A~I 1957, US~ N* 5, 10J65-1017 A N TF~i CT susipepsiods- of eporem, of Na I= ;Arain of Streptonyces aureofaciens (a~treonw,.-Jn zroducer) and strain Of :1-1-"ILIIIDM' lubisporlis ~~Ca K. -*-'- - -Cinl -myc', ~Fu strepto m ur