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Tzr4luy, V. P: IAT A:, SSSR) "'Ilie Scheme and the Principle of the Gp,~,ratlon eff A Hydraulic Ubsu;~-iati~z, Mortor." WX rejort presonted at the Scientific Seminar on Pnoumo-Ilydraulic Automation, 28-29 May 1957, at the Inst. for Automation and Remote Control (IAT), Acad. Sci. USSR Avtomika i Telemekhanika, 1957, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1148-1150, (author SEMIKOVA, A. I. Eli a a v T T'lali or t;! rr, 7 m r ACCESSION NR: AP4011727 S/0119/64/000/001/0030/0031 AUTHOR: Tagayevskayat A. A.; Temn TITLE: All-Union Conference on pneumatic and hydraulic automatic devices SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 1. 1964, 30-31 TOPIC TAGS: automatic device, automatic control, USEPPA component. pneumatic automatic control, hydraulic automatic control, pneumatic hydraulic device conference, GRK-l hydraulic regulator ABSTRACT: The Sixth All-Union Conference on pneumatic and hydraulic auto- matic devices took place in Baku on October 14-17, 1963. The Conference was attended by 450 representatives of 202 organizations from 43 Soviet cities. Seventy reports were delivered. Universal USEPPA components were adopted at the Tizpribor plant, Moscow, for manufacturing over 20 various control devices made up from these components. Also, the Ust'-Kamenogorok J=trurient pl=t Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4011727 has begun producing the above components and control devices. Previous types of hydraulic jet-type regulators are considered unsatisfactory. Now control systems, such as the GRK-l hydraulic regulator, developed by the Institute of Automation and Telemechanics, AN SSSR, are based on unitized components. Sluggishness in introducing now components and "opposition +o the introduction" are noted. Orig. art. has: no figure, no formula. and no table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 102ab64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CGIP IE NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 FWi (d) /0dr (m ' __ 7 M) ACC NR, AT6021730 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/00al/0088 AU'rHOR: Dvoretskiy, V. M.; Molchanov, G. G.; Temnyy, V. P.; Titov, S. M. ORG: none TITLE- System of elements for automatic hydraulic control0 !S'OURCE*: AN SSSR. Institut avtomatiki i telemckhaniki. Pne.vmoavtomatika (Pneumatic automation)-.-koscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 81-08 OPIC TAGS: automatic control syntem, hydraulic device, hydraulic engineering, hydraul- ic equipment, hydraulic logic device, hydraulic pressure amplifier, hydraulic resis- tance, hydraulics A ABSTRACT- Modules comprising a hy!~r4Rlic control system are described. 71he opera- ional amplifier consists of a resistance-membrane summation amplifier and a power amp- lifier. The operational amplifier, shown in figure 1; operates as follows: The elas- c mem ranes 2 and 3 in the body of the summation amplifier 2 are connected by rod 4. Supply pressure P a enters through choke (resistance) 8 into first amplification stage I, and simultaneously through channel 26 into pressure nozzle 12 of second amplifica- tion stage IL The input pressure is fed through chokes 5 into amplifier I, causing an average pressure of the inputs to be generated in the membrane chamber. The pres- sure difference forces the membrane to move flap 6 with respect to nozzle 7. The size Card 1/3 L 078BL-67 ktd-Rk, AT6021 S Fig. 1. A 01. 0 of the valve opening eatablishes a certain 17 value of pressure within the middle chanber a of amplifier I. This pressure serves as in-1 01 put PI to second stage IL The displacements of the membrane 10 is transfered to valve gate 11 through rod 14. The membrane is preload- ed by spring 15. Valve chamber 12 and 23 1 connected to output channel 17 and valve 13 leads to the pressure sink. The output pressure is determined by the position of valve !gate 11. The hydraulic differentiator is constructed using two operational amplifiers$ Ian inertial element, and chokes (resistances). The first operational amplifier with the Inertial element works as a ropeater of the logging signal and Is connected to one f the chambers of the.second amplifier which operates as a su=ation unit. The in- 2/3 L 07885-67 ACC NR, AT6021730"'-'-' put pressure is fed into the choke of the Inertial element; the preaoure difference across this choke serves an tho Input to the second amplifier. The transfer function of the differentiator is W (P) The hydraulic integrator is very similar to the differentiator except that the iner- tial element and the corresponding choke are contained in the feedback loop. The hy- draulic capacitor is a single outlet chamber which can have either a flexible membrane 1 ?r a spring-loaded bellowss such that the internal volume changes with respect to the input pressure. The hydraulic chokes can either be of the laminar or turbulent flow !type. The fonner is usually in the form of a tube with a small bore. An elcctro-hy- draulic converter was designed for the performance analysis of the hydraulic modules. It is based on displacement measurement of a membrane by means of a linear differen-'-- tial transformer. The bandwidth of this instrument in 0.1 to 100 cps, Each of the described modules is shown by a block diagram and fairlX extensive performance data are included. Origo art. has: 10 figures, ODDEt 13,14/ SUBM DATEs 03feb66/ ORIG REn oos Card S/049/62/000/007/001/001 D207/D304 AUTHORS: Pletnev, V.D. and Temnvy, V.V. TITLEs Interaction of a solar oorpusoular stream with the external geomagnetic field in the first stage of a magnetic storm PE14IODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya geofizi- cheskaya, no. 7, 1962, 976 - 980 TEXTt A mathematical dissertation on the interaction of particles in a solar stream with the earth's magnetic field. it is assumed that during the first 1 1/2- hours of a magnetic storm, the solar stream compresses the geomagnetic field from 10 a to 4 a, where a is the earth's radius, until the magnetic-field energy is equal to the energy density of the stream particles. It is shown that solar protons in front of the stream are accelerated and enter the atmosphere at about 9-5 a having acquired energies of several million electron,-volts. Similarly, solar electrons increase their energy from 1/2 Card S/049/62/000/007/001/001 Interaction of-a solar corpuscular ... D207/D308 the initial 2.5 6V (correspondihg to a velocity of 1000 km/sec) to 2 keTat 9.5 a where they enter the atmosphere. ASSOCIAMON: Institut fiziki atmosfery, Akademiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics of the AtmosOere,.Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 3, 1962 Card 2/^ Talim, V.V. Puzzle of the radiation belts of the earth. Priroda 51 no,7:116- 118 J1 162, 041RA .15:9) 1. Institut fiziki atmosfery AN SSSR. (Van Allen radiation belts) TE?jNrrq V.V. High-Snergy Corpuscular Radiation Report to be submitted for the hth International Space Science Symposium (COSPAR) Warsaw 2-12 June 63 GALIPERIN, Yu.I.; KRASOVSKIY, V.I.; DZHORDZHIO, N.V.; MULYARCHIK, T.M.; BOLYUNQVAJ, A.D.; TEMNYY, V.V.; MAROV, M.Ya. Studying the upper~atmosphere with the aid of the satellites "Kosmos-30 and wKosmos-5." Koam. issl. 1 no.1:126-146 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:4) L 1 a94Z-&3 EWT~1),'EWT(m)/FCC(w)/FS(v)-2/bDS/tEC.-2/Eg(v) AF"G/ASD/ AFMC/ESD-3 PGrG Pe--4/P-1-4Pc~-4/`Pcj~~4_ G~ P ACCESSION NR: AP3007342 S/0293/63/001/001/0139/0143 AUTHORs Temny*y, V. V. ~VTITLEt Study of the upper atmosphere by means of Cosmos _3 ,YAn d Cosmos 5 satellites. 3.High-energy particleW, N SOURCEt Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 139-143 TOPIC TAGSi particle, ionospheric particle, charged particle, high energy particle, high energy proton, proton, counter, particle counter, geiger counter, satellite, Cosmos 3, Cosmos 5 ABSTRACTs The third of four articles on results of recordings of N geoactive varticlep in the atmosphere by Cosmos 3 and Cosmos 5 describes the high-energy particles registered by geiger counters. A type STS-5 halogen-filled counter was used which had 3.4 g/CM2 of lead shielding and was further shielded by the satellite's aluminum skin, so that electrons below 0.4 Mev and protons below 50 Hev were effectively eliminated. A laboratory calibration of counter effectiveness was made which enabled particle flux density .Card ~ 1/3 .-1.18947-63 ACCESSION NRt AP3007342 to be deduced,,from the count rate, providing the approximate i energy level of the particles was known. Counter response was somewhat influenced by spurious bramestrahlung caused by particles penetrating the vehicle skin and striking the apparatus within. On, the basis of-th 8 g9tLger counts two regions of hLgh-energy-charged particles were' .1oundt 1) The first was a region near the earth where the Q0.un't varied fr-om I.S./:Bec at,.the g'e,omagnetLc equator to*15-20/see at latitudes 60*.---These counts are too high to result from primary cosmic rays alone, but may be due to secondary particle showers caused by cosmic ray impacts. Also, no systematic change in count rate occurred as a function of ve- hicle motion along geomagnetLc force lines; thus these particles were evidently not trapped in the field. 2) The second region was higher (500-1000 km) * with a sharply defined lower boundary, lying between latitudes 50*N and 50*S; count rates here varied from 25 to 500/sec. These count rates were modulated by satel- lite rotation and also varied systematically along magnetic force lines, showing that the particles must be trapped in the geomagnetic field. After comparing these count rates to simultaneous readings Card 2/3 L 18947,63 ACCESSION NR; AP3007342 of other type counters o n board it was concluded that the particles in question were high-en ergy protons. The rower boundary of this capture region is below 500 km in the 15-20* latitudes and at higher latitudes tends t o conform to equipotential magnetic force lines. Plots are given which locate the points of high-energy particle count with resp ect to magnetic field intensity and geo- magnetic latitude. "In conclusion I express thanks to V. I. Krasov skiy for guidance and to Yu. 1. Gal'perin for his most direct par- - E-1-Upation." Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 09May63 DATE ACQ: 210ct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CE, AS NO REP SOV: 003 OTHERt 004 Card 3/3 L 11112 3 w F S F F-iA CZT :j2 ACCESS, S/b2i)7/5j/003/00--/=l/C ~ : 4 AUMM: !~_-asovskdy, V. I.; Gal'rn-rin, Yu. i.; Tie= T, D7_.)-4ordz_Iiio,, Y. V.; R!arcrv, Ya.; Bo ~_V-;* 4isbar~;, L.; potaaovP B. P.; Bragim, TIT!!.;: Scme characteristicz e. 6eoactive particle.3 SOTRICE: Gecmafraeti= i aeronomiya, v- 3, no- 3, 1963, 401-407 TOIPIC MG_~: Zcoa-ctivity, Cosmos-3, Cosmos-5, satellite, particle cowiter, icno3yheric particles , Nos-m-05-3, Kownos-5 f,A3STP,kGT: Three tym-es of charzed-Particlaq srznsor:~used on the Cosmo3-3'and , r N Coomos-~ flights are described cmd scme recordecl results are discussed. (~_-e tyr,~~ ,rac an al=inum tub-- which housed a fluoraseLnt screen whose Photoenissian frcm particle immpac-~ vaaz; recoded by a photmultiplier. The screcn wwi faced with al~i:-ainlxm foil of 0.4 to 1.1 m,-/'c=' thichmesf, to prevent pazsaze Of la.r-ener- r-nrticles. Gridz placed at the tubo entrance included an Grid for apDlicd ctcpp,--d volg,-al-e.3 of u2 to 11 1-.v and a bias grid at -40 v to p_-:vent ~in,,:oact of thc.-Lral electrons or the foil. The fluore~;ceat :;cree.-, *;aL made, thin (1.4 mG/=-2) so ans not to re3p=id to x-ray radiation. E.'acL ~;,ic_ Cord 111*4 1 ,opz_. L 11112-63 ACCESSION IM: P.?14000792 indicator cubtended about 1/12 istaradian and had its axis normal to the satellite rotatioaal axis; each satellite had :,everal indicatorzj. It second tubular device, acting as a trap for hi~~h-zp~ed protons and electrons, vaz similar in canstz%c-tion but had wn a=alar coillectinZ electrode placed in a per=ent-ra,,met field ra;ther than a scrcan. The bias grid in this case eliminatod electrons of leass than 5 kev. Angular coveraze of the tra-D coun.,er ,was about 1 steradian. Me third collector used was a slandc_rd Geiger co:_Znter, tYPe STS-5, which waas inside the satellite slain tLn,.d had a 3-a:a lead [;hield ,,D ninimize x-ray effects. This coiziter responded only to electrons above O.LI Mev end protons above 50 Mlev but is described an too prJmitivc to their relative contribut ions. Results -Lrc--i the three ty-Pus of recorders r-i-2 discussed as functionz of satellite altitude, latitudeP and day/night expszare. Three general energy groupinZs aprXIar to exist: 1)electr=3 of 102-104 ev at =_%in,= flux density of 10" el/am-/sec/ster, ob-3erved at lcve~lr above 500 over the USSR (50-55' 111); 2) electrc--, off about 100 kev, vitIa a density oil 2 107 el/r-11-1/acc/ster, noted =inly in srout:aern latitudes at altitudes of 600-700 Iza over t"Ine Sauth arld 3) the very high cner~f proton3 and electrons r(~~.-iztcrad by the Geiger counter at of 100 Zot as--ociated t4th any -,articuJ~,.- ZcoZra',r~,_Ecal regioz]. I~rl t Card 0.,~ _"'I "~w L 10799-63 E~r' (l)/nCW/F3 (7)/BDS,ES /AFFTC/ASD/AFMDC /ESD-3/ ~~q- AFOG--P6-4/P(!-J4/pi-J4/pi-4/po-4/Pq-4--TT/C-4 G4,0VC-4. I'~ ~/ 3/0203/63/03/C6 '0/ .j: FrasovsIdy, V. I.; Gallparin, )Cu. I.; Te.=X~X, N.J.; Mulyarchik, T Ya.; D_O"")amOya, om ,L_rTM, : S=c new results of geop4ysical stuaies =do Iri Xo==3-3 and K cz- satellite[; SCU,:,,m : Gema,,nietizm i aeroncmiya, v. 5, no. 3.. 19-53j, 403-416 VE To.~JC T4S-. 4-,imw-3, F=mos-5, radllatiriL belt, pq*Aticle comter, upper atmo.sphero radiation, radiatioat upper atmoaphere C=oz-3, Corsmw-5 IC3'T7;VtrCT: Coacentratiow and intensities of qh_ar,jed jrj&jgjP_r? an me~murad by Vic KO~zlo:,--3 amad Kosmos-5 satellites are aaalyzzedq 'The satellIter. Used ccr.ibinationz of three types ot_r_Qqo-_ ~~_l) a collector tube with fluorescent Ecreen sensor arA 1~hotmultipllerf 2) an ion trap with a ring electrode collector located in a pei-marent ma,~petlc fiell, md 3) a Geiger co=ter vith a -=. lead sbIeld, wb~ich registex-ed =ly electro= above 0.4 Mav ana protcns above 50 Ile",. -Partieles rQcordeA by these sensors fell into tbzs-xe energy Cardl/3 K L 10799-63 ACCESSIC5 1: PR: -A--~130007-93 groups: 1) high-energy protons and electrona recorded by the Geiger counter, 2) elect-rons of about 100 Kev; and 7) electrms of the order of 1-10 Frl*v. 11o ebser,,able cor2-elation- appears to exist mong these groujo. Isoline contours in earth coordinates are given for groups 1 and 2 Gh(7.1mS their energy distribution over the South Atlantic region, where intensity was maxi==. T~jcse data are in the 650-bm altitude region and 3hcF; that the coordinates o' 7-aximw,i intensity areas shifted -.-ith succeedin3 passes of the satellite. SMI:- possible explanations for this shift are sugaeste,.31, which are postulated oa the lifespan of the particles relative to satellite orbit time. In equatorial latitudes at a 200--1100-1= altitude the 1.3reiger count did not averar;e over 1.8 pulses/sec. In contrast, the Geiger count record-2d by Ko:;moG-5 in the vicirLity of apogee (1600 I=) exceeded 1500 pu.1-ses/sec and ahwed a strong periodicity with satellite rotation.. indicating that these hi3h-energy particles are trapped in the gea~,agnetic field and movina normal to its lines of force. Group 3 electrcnsP which were sporadic in appearance and located mainly in the polar latitudes, varied in intensity proportionally vith. altitude. The rotarding of due to particle friction at the parigees, (200 In 'or Kozzioz-5) vaj noted to be less than for the 1953 sputniks, Ahich indicates less Card 2/3 L 10799-~3 ACCESSIal NIR: A23000793 ge=,agrietic activity during thc,pros4mt observati=3 (Ap-,il-May 1962). Orig. ax-t. has; 10 figtuns mid I table. 41 ASSOCIAT17-1- Institut fiziki atmosfery All SSSRj (I ##e__oA--4,,.h.e 2 2 2 119 r 0- fa as B SLY-M=D: Wan63 DttT"-,, ACQ: 21jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SP, AS TO BET SGV: 010 0=: 010 Card GALPERIN, Yu. I.; 'Atmospheric scale height In the 200-400 km range according to radiation belt data.O(USSR) Report submitted for the COSPAR Fifth International Space Science Symposinm, Florence, Italy, 8-20 May 1964. L 1276-66 EV,'A(h)/EIYT(I)/FS(V)-3/FCC/Ellil(d)/F,zS-2 TT/Gil/GS ACCESSION HR: ATS023585 AUTHOR: Temnyy, V. V. UR/0000/65/000/000/0209/0213 ;TITLE: Spatial distribution of various groups of trappg_d i --partiples according to 'data from the "Kosmos-311 and "Kosmos-511 satellites ,SOURCE., Ysesoyuznqya konferentalya 00 finike koamicheakago prostranstva. Moscow, 1965. Issle-do-waniya kosmR1_es-kogo prostranstva (Space research); tr_u_(Fj_W&nferent9ii.~1 Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 209-213 TOPIC TAGS: electron distribution, particle distribution, artificial earth satel- 4ite, satellite data analysis ABSTRACT: The author uses data obtained by the "Kosmos-3" and "Kosmos-5" satellite ~to 4etermine the distribution of protons with E > 40 Nev and electrons trapped by 'the geomagnetic field before the American high-altitude explosion of 9 July 1963. 'Graphs are given for the distribution of high-energy protons in Hellwain's B, L coordinates. Envelopes are plotted for studying the distribution of electron ,stveams according to maximum current signals modulated by rotation of the satellite ,about the axis perpendicular to the axes of the Indicator. These envelopes define I Card a' L 1276-66 ACCESSION NR: ATS023565 ;continuous variation In the fluxes of captured electrons alonR the orbit of the sat- ,ellite recorded In a direction perpendicular to the field line. An analysis of the t~ relectron spectrum shows that these signals are basically due to trapped eleotmns I ~with E > 40 kev. An attempt to graph the distribution of equal electron intensities! :'In B, L coordinates showed a considerable scatter In experimental data. The nature Pf this scatter was determined by plotting the camidirectional intensity as a func- ;,tion of B for seven fixed 15 from 1.2 to 2.0. If hmin above the surface of the ear-th, 4s substituted for B, then the first approximation for intensities less than 5-107 Tarticles-cm-2.sec_l gives functiona Mmin) which are nearly identical for all L, J. e. it may be assumed that the distribution of intensities depends only on h +n land longitude A. Experimental curves are given for h=n as a function of AA (313 'tance in degrees along the drift trajectory from the point where the given magnetic L shelf sinks most deeply into the atmosphere) for various stream intensities. A ~comparison of these curves is used as a basis for constructing a model for the dis- 1tribution of trapped electrons In H, 1; coordinates. This model shows a maximto flux!, I iof captured electrons close to L = 1.6. "In conclusion, I thank V. H. Smirnav for assistance in analyzing the results," Orig. art6 has: S figures, [141 ASSOCIATION!' none C.&d .20 L 1276-66 ,ACCESSION KR.' AT5023585 !SUBMITTED: 02Sep65 ENCLi 00 110 REF SOV: 007 OTHERi 004 Card .3/3 SUB CODE, Es re ATD PR= L 3107-66 FSS-2/EWT(I)/'FS(4.-)-3/FC~/--EiVA(d)/F-;VA.(h) TT/ JACCESSION NR: AT5023611 UR/0000/65/000/000/0406/0417 r AUTHOR: 'Bo yunovd. a,-, VWborg,'_Q~L Gal perin Yu. I E51~ov B - f~. St~ka ~a,_ F - K iTITLE:' Preliminary results of particle studies using the "Elektron-l" satellite SOURCE: Vsesovuznava konferentsiva po fizike kosmicheskogq_ppr1sranstva. Moscow 1965. Issledovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy konfeventsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 406-417 TOPIC TAGS: particle physics, artificial earth satellite, satellite data analysis, electron, proton ABSTRACT: The authprs analyze data from "Elektron-l" to determine the disstribu-~ -fi n of the satellite in Janu- ,tion of radiation~~In the Z~qomqrnntic trap along + ;_;~r;R ary-March 1964. At lower 2) close to the equator, the dominating particle flux ig from electrons of natural origin with bnergies of ZO:-2m, kev and an intensity of up to 2-109 particlea-cm-2.sec-i, an-) from electrons artificially in- jected by the high-altitude explosion of 9 July 19G2 with energies of several flev and a flux of up to 2-108 There are also trapped protons in -Card 1/2 L 3107-66 ;ACCESSION NR: ATS023611 Ith;~; same region with eneriies of tens and hundreds of Mev and an intensity of up td 7n-5-10 If pa-ticles-cm-2.sec- (E > 50 Mev). At middle latitudes (2 < L < 4) 'here is': ,a sharp increase in the flux of soft pro-tons with eni-rgies of a few hundred kev to I -cm-2.sec-l at latitudes of 30-500 and api lintensities of no less than ^~108 particles parently to no less than 'Q-108 close to the plane of the equator at L - 3. Their spectrum is softer at higher latitudes. Both protons and electrons are observed am, higher latitudes, the low energy electron component (E > 20 kev) being extremely ~ variable, especially during increased geomagnetic activity. The boundary of the I Icapture zone in the geomagnetic field during magnetic calm matches the outlines of the "momentary" polar aurora zone which reflects the diurnal asymmetry of the mag- netosphere. "In conclusion, we are sincerely grateful to V. I. Krasovski , T. M. G. N. Zlotin, 1. N. Kjknadze, I. D. Mulvarchik. M. V. Dzhordzfiio, Dmitriy_tva, T. N. Z~~Llyadimova, A. K. Nazar6Va iii~CG- T. Bordovskiy for great as- __~~istance in_Fh_~ _wor;~ an"d for- useful discussions." Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 1 table. [14) ASSOCIATION: none ~SUBMITTED: 02Sep65 ENCb: 00 SUB CODE: rs, NP RJM' '0V 1' 009 OTHER: 008 ATD PRESS 2/2_ 77, TEMOFEYEVA, A.N.; LIPSFAYA, L.A. Barbamyl-tofranil test in thf-- evaluation of depressive states. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.10:1549-1553 163, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Laboratoriya patologii rr33hey nervnoy doyatellnosti cheloveka (zav. - Prof. V.1. Butorin) In3tituta fiziologii imeni Pavlova AN SSSR,, Leningrad. 4 TEMOSHUM-, A, Constructine sliding iforms. Strcitell no.7:18 JI 157. (MLRA (Corcrete construction-Formwork) SOPOVA, A;S.; -TFI.IP-9- LA. Reaction of acetoacetic eater vith /4-nitrostyrenes. Zhur.ob.khim, 31 no*5:1532-1534 Mq 161. (MIRA 14-3) 1. Leningradskiy pedagogicheekiy institut imeni A.I.Garteenas (Acetoacetic aoid) (Styrene) ie 06*41100006 Soo So 6 4 00 0000 0 so a *00 W 14 16 to it it v a )d is a v a to a n It a id a ig v a ir a it a III:* I AA It Cc it; fe 6 so SO 00 0 SO SO The Odu&im of reactions, between the chlorides of sulfur sad ethyl akoW. I., N. I'mrient'rv And A. N ogo G.Vaddrit. Vale R.J.1 Kkim. IS, I 31111619)-ftwing t1b tile digictrist Ivacli'M'4 Eltill with them 0 a p"wilvati- of S ~hllwulv~ the :0 j. a %~mniticx llrntv%- a hich pewredviinjullanvoli4v ill ild- 1, vnt 4brt"im4- On the hasi* of the performed exilts. air lti ojmrvmjiwm% it lcliq di-ed. that the reaction lirlwrrll 1, jll.l Hj()II j. fqwrwjjjvI by =WI, + 2Etoll -f L1.1ilcl -4- 211cl + Mi.. The fivinalkwo 44 tile ill$. zoo per.- 00 vul .- i, formed It, it bratins 14-f. actinding ill (1) SCI, 4- 0 so Ltoli - SMI, + P'tCI + MI, and (2) 40CIt + Moll 08(01KOt + 211CI. At kjw temps. this reaction does zoo not proceed to complIetion, but stops at the intermediate stage according to SOCI, + EtOH - HC1 + WSW. 00 The effect of high temps. is nwrifested in Facilitating the mmple6wo( the reaction. Thi% incTesics the yield of Ett- SAJ%. Four I eferrureii. W. R. Ifenn see 04 we 0 iwo a r c:0 0 S 4 - I L a ARTALLO(ICAL LITERA 1641t CLASSIO'KADOW 64 did.- %1. 01.1. 74 -7- , ill-3.3 .1. C- Q.( u 9 At .0 is , %--I . . -F t- -4 N Or it It it K It It n Im An A 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 e of of 0004 Oros, 0 & o 0 o 0 see 0 o %, 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 S, 0 0 0 0 00 to 0 see U 0 U mums 41 v ruft uawo&x A L- 0 0 A 909f,1 )or. .-:1 ".--Ppol NO -7 d dill"DJUAtIOU 6f nit"Cea by III* top lKjgkW jw&od. A. N. Ternp and G. A, Alvk%andmv -00 I-QY Sbarmik Rat-1 Xhim. IS, 4-4(im).-The proposed directions arc similar to thow commnnly Used ru"t that it is rMom. -99 mended to take away the furnes developed by the digvs. .00 tion P"XT" by me&= of a water PlImp. R. if. 00 At w 4!0 04 not *0 too of 6*0 0 - A C A &ITALLUNCKAL UTC44turg cL&%sw*c&joas obo"- I'V1414V4 Idnova .4 ~41 age jog 'i 111.~ - " - v v- U a AV 10 It ( I I I .--i 'j Y - 611111 OA 4., An A I I W 0 N v I or As 2 a 4 It it of 'I t fin Ilo wn I'm 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 *so* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 so 0 00, 0 0 As 0 0 a Aso 0 gi 0 0 649646 - 0 0 0:8 0-6 (a 0 6 is is a ti I,j a is of U 4 so I i, L I 4-0 cuas) 60 t 6 X 00 Tke "inat am a an V details of the A Warts and i rrdv I Lb,k Tr P= (;4#w&rj4. va... .4~wik 9,44 Kum. 15. tit 2-N 9XIIJ). -The vipts. gwfortard ronfirrit the "nirlalhsl~i- lk-tthest4by nwsinso(whichit tipt~qIvIr toundn. a 0 8 Kwms taking place during the Wofts and Prc Fittig r"clion and to expWo the inechanism of the foruts- 00 tion of free radicals and the anoinaluits phrnoutens of the reaction. In the Investigation% the effects of Na an a mixt. of PhICO with (Oll8r)l and of Na on a mixt. of (011- 9r), with PhBr and PhCI were investigated according to the fwtkw" (CH,Br), + 2PhCO + Wit - PhtC(ON&)- 0 j CHvCH#C(ONa)Pbe + 2NARr. PbBr + (CH,Br), + R l C O, 4- 2NAs - PhRr + CsHo + 2NaHr. and Ph l + (C Iv 'a - PhCl + C,114 + 'NsHr. resp. The extits. .1towrd % 2 j hat M.C0, lhl1r and PhCl can 1w u-ird a% rataly-i- Gw 00 w fritioving the halide atoms by weans of Na from a,#-4bhahtk 00 der!". There is no definite tiplaution of the nature or the blue substances Which arm always formed during the 0 Wtirts-Fittig syntheses. The "metalWorenrl" by- Zs- g 8 potheds agrees with the view that the blue sul"lancet o tis with etallic N and It is saim i . m s n Orr. C emp mp po that the blue substances art the initial products of the 0, addn. of Na to the halide derivs. No special invvstiga- tions of these substances were carried out. Five reler- J ,7 enreq. W. R. lienn 21' i4 A I a. S L A NIULLUROICAL LiTtRATU'RI CLASSIFKATMOS 41 If, U fA AV so -T- -,~ A V-11 I v W 0 o OF P(TO 01,6( on it a K M IT It 01 No n I u 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 & 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 AS bill 169 nM!j,1 vii aAS ro 1 t -00 0 -00 -00 -00 11: = 40 0 =00 zoo 71 lie* zoo x00 No 0 .. 90 too too .:m 1 a 04 13 At a 311 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 e a o 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 o 0 a It I I "T".-LL OA Met go to. so 00 Pool .IIQ, --it-so . 1. A, The scoot of 0410 (A GAMAR-P rop"I I N. limill, Lod R. lismit'IL41,1v Awl 61K lto.( 4 I rsedy L&t4A,A,, 1;4W.. Ifie Usse kW Pt(IlliSh 'L'A.". Alice the d-mitm and AS IrrAtment an (A) Was ubtailled Itex" which toeVilo- S&wvsk Xjk~,: Nksom. 13. VS--7(IW9). -T. and G. re- p0" ~-4110 So at joralr4l 'tic rNpi, ~,l Logriev (C. A. 3j,,"W) in order to brd,? -ter and small items. 4 In-n:,)Ph,,noxir wri, ' _ l t h , vrn its vinw hr IrIMAMIng lJoAtl j t%). I iminto that the Griguard marlim be. ON& (a3 animnalmis prixlut y and Iwimphamigger is acermpoinigrel got the (lit it a ".1111ki 114lutil inist. Uhl. it lvtvtl~ locivicell 0 411 .1 an inlrelsivv red coolkor anki that he wide Irml, IMUl- t(62 N,- At Ul MM I Atilt Wilkie -.1-1 1 a d 0 d rtain4r cm. 11.1 rtp(, a craloir mints. betwopbeoucte and lmn&Q. ISO( tic WS'd. flot" %(- Ill it[, 2 mps I jjy~jt,o lit. V11,141flis fjjlq ft"Itectigign of cartomyl ctictile,14. d6ruble &evil. 'of I.P.1110 seat IAL'n its ARJ,f (" dcr it. so 1 0111-, ptim,,o, Awl "w,"uLty 41,-* hr flisr (act that liorte'ra. tif".1 eal the 4 lit.- tra, INPIS I It, .4,111 - 4 lorns" XOO so I)Ilen.'M And Met JILIStel. for $ -4-4 mrigpdo. whielo new plirn-mir app-I IorotjAjlr.Ir,4 rsirr Imura-4 it) im,l-olloths *0 ; U11-1111olt 4134 4t%U1%lUIAtr Ito '00o"t"I Milit.) 410CUMP. 11, T. .911110. .001 ILS& 111A JJJV jv~.J~jl IlIg 111I.C.-I tolkle jolit'i, .** 0 limit tile A,Imll ,I 041,f kill. 14-Itt'-phel"ic slid benju. without An rstvs4 44 Stit And thAt tile tr&6 tuot I- twt I : hydrul ac,wolitill I,, ~. pji,CU + Mt - PbrCUMs0CFh,, to coempletiort under the influcom td the im-c- 11 the 0 i i halide saItt col Ms. lout 1rad4 ta the tominAtion of lwnsu- I llboc() 4- J,h,cli(jll + hv.lrL4 riter. The gwit.griaw.1 expi.. are n,,t cutsiplet.1 &it,$ it I. I,, the m-hAsil,m .4 tli- (Temb"ItlAti"It, lh,. 1. glut th~ AISM1111 At 4 I'l-4 "I oil, It A 111.66(t I 1"41tlq I .. ...... 0" ItAit, 41,01 "1 - '40.0flyl . ..... 1A. t. d"I'l ~ml* I-v the flifid4t that see 4 file, 'all-Ityl And 11"I Ak-1.10 "'. Ill, *64 towittel (mily whro all vagA.. ,I %!I Wis. IdLcll. 111 1 smonxi- i b 1** r ri r a 14.111, phyp. 1 their rep, V ogre-1 0. 1,nictJ thAl tile visible, claurw 'of Ill'* Irest-Is."I lerf-ril stoco-PIN11cl And N-Imn,hervomer 1. utell- I Most it 11 JUSIAIJ Mrloil 14 1.1-I'llol 1% Pitsellit VVISM-11 iS 11MC41- l f M ff ri - ove the .,"wiplete dit-olving o il. The gotly tli 1000 sme IL A ct*o -,t U 0 AV 03 As,; to re It a 49 01 a It M 9 a it It 4111 4ml 1 411 1 An I S N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so see a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 o1 ..'06*000*0000**0600 A A,f-A t .t a RZ I,. MITI: a I Ty 00 Kriallitit" and days from the frkiaity of Samarkand rrift - C Deb t sl t f r dt* d h dr tift f Akabels U V I . . a i o e a o s Ys j y tim at lwpV, IeA*qI and Iflawstyl &kebab. A . N. I d n y Temp, Vul. . . Shyabe anil K. A. Agantiva. Vshekiketo Girs"AriC ~Qloeaik R4" Kkoxi Is, A 197-AMM.-Itio-PrOff and iM~-BUO)i art llC1lY11rA(l,11 nearly compWrty with the Agalyk kittifinitev. Fill, mirawid can he used (at the prorluctilm 4 pl,,twne and * : O l O livet Ilf( ,tpt,, with i.)-Am l huiykile in large amis. I-, Ir" *41fiJarl"ry rr~ult. into the taribiwl i. nits millable ' _ I ' 0 1 1 6 r- * M P%1) SO)Y he Pfndik'tkM 44 lAtjV *11318. (1 ,i e lik. i 4 fi r f l le vitIMMS L . ssed o liatimnit f through a tithe fined with Isieces of the cataly4t and *31 heated to a definite temp. In the r%pts. with ilo-AmOll the amirle" were produced in the pure state by di~tn. A liquid b. W-40'. conu.,itins of a mist. of i"rrssylrn~, trimethy5elityk7w, and etbylinopykne. we* ilbtfuried. The untold. nature of this mixt. was dttd. qualitatively by firrolorizing fit water find Wk. KMW. sain. The ytrld~ of the products of The dehydrstino o( k,,o-Proll with AWyk kAxiliniors &I "f. 4-M, 4.511, 4011, 410f, 4M, W) slid 5*0 tit, mp -.,.41, MI-fit?. 140.17. 0, 49.42, A1.1111 and The yield- o( the j it~ products of the dehydration of tio-BuOlf at 4441, 401. 515. XV. %4 and 511 * were, vesp.: 49.07, 94.1411, 94-04. :fi 1fi INS,72. 7RAI lind 79.10%. The yieldi of the products of S O the dehydration of 14o-AttiOll at VJO, 4fOs 4%). NO. A ill fill 441011 And 71) 10 31 14 d - - . an were. ",p.: , . . 40 4 It I- R lierm W , , , ko L-2 -" 8'12.~__ i if 40 is'; 1 0 a rw to CO X x a It a R 't it Is Of UP .00 -4141 *0 -00 014141 ZOO* 0 coo a** 000 a** I ; I !see -01090000!0000000000000* 000000*0 WO-0-0-0 WO 0909009000 000 109 0 0 0 0 00 so TW, A.H. Q. Gomel I ) Simplified soldering burner for glass blowing work. 61-62 MY-Je 153. Khim. v shkole n0-3: (MLRA 6:7) (Burnes) TW, A.N. (g. Gomell) Improved apparatus for the dry distillation of wood. Xhin.v shkole 9 no-3:54-55 My-Je 154. (NM 7:6) (Distillation, Destructive) Gomel, TW, A. N - Homemade high-temperature kerosene burner. Zhiz.v shkole 10 no.3: 55-57 yw-Je '56. (KLRA 9:8) (Burners) . I , 5~ I. 1 11,,, , il- ; 'i " 51 "l -~;- ~ - --, , " .~ F~I; J, . -:~; - TIMPA.A.2"LaF, Ye.v. (Gomel'). Decomposition of live in chemistry classes. Ehim.v shkole 11 no.6:33 11-D 156. (NLRA 9:53) (Line) Time A.N.,(g,GomelQ; TEMP. Ue.V., (g.Gomell) Nov apparatus for studying cracking of petroleum products in chemistry classes. Khim. v shkole 12 n?.2:46-48 Mr-Ap 157. (MLRA 10:3) (Cracking process TW, A.N.; TW, Te.V. (Gomel'). Decomposition of line In chemistry classes. XhIv.v shkole 11 no.6:33 W-D 156. MU 9:33) (Line) TW. A.N.,(g.Gomell); TJW. e.V., (g.Gozelk) e.V.. g.'Go Kov apparatus for studying cracking of petroleum products in chemistry classes* Ihim. v shkole 12 ny.2:46-48 Mr-Ap 157. (KT.RA 10:3) (CrackiM process TEMMY, M.; OBI-F.OL-, S. For n correct detc v!nI nz: tion of tb(, effiviency rf p. 51. (Pr7.Pj',lP-? .1 Budour3any, Vol. 20, No. 12, Feh l-,57, %nrsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly Lint of E3-.-tt Furon-an Aceeqrionx IC, Vol.. 6, No. 8, Lug 1057. Uncl. T-t,%Tr,zyy, F. For improvement in the trnnsportntlon of nrtlcles of frmipht lnrVer than frnlrht cars. n. (PRZFOLAD Vol. f, No. Is, Arr. 1954, 'dnrB7.AV!,-., Polind) ,50: Monthly List of T-?--i-t European Accessi-ns, ("TAL), W, Vol. 3, ~'n- 1~', Dec. JP54, Uncl. Fuc I co n 3~ I.; If c- cnc~- ofi- stc.~-n r,!- ovc` Vol. 2~1, No. Juric ioi~-iid) .0: Li:-,- o" st Ic-cco-orin, OAL), 1-?" V-1. 1Y.C. 1~ - u 1954, unci. TMUM-M- For a reasonable management of lubricants used in heavy building machinery, P. hl. (PRZEGLAD BUDOWLANY, Warszawa, Vol. 27, no. 2, Feb. 1955.) SO r Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. h, No. -6. -41026- 1555, Uncl. Is ~ - -' U, -z - ~: '. ~ m4l,cZYK, m. Utilization of liquid fuel in the excavatinf,, And pushinj- M-2chines. P. 27 FRZEGLAD IFUDavIA111Y. (Ilaczclna Oreanizacja Techniczna i Polski Zwiazek Inzyniermr i Technikow Budownictwa) Warszawa. Vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 1956 SOURCE: MT LC Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1956 TEMICZYK, Marian - - Typization and industrialization of the apartment Wilding industry. FrzegI techn no.48:4 X N 160. TUPCZYK, Marian Not 80 thousand bu+ 86.5 thouaand dwelling rooma to be built during the period 1961-1965. Przegl techn no-51-s4 21 D 160. TEKPr,ZY'K, H. BkUlding machiners. P-5 PpasmAD TMNICZIIY. (Naczelna organisacja Techicina) Warszawa, Poland Vol.00, no.41, Oct. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (FEAI) LC, Vol.9, no.1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. TR,IPCZY9, Marian (Warszawa) Trade Union of Construction workers and the %ildirigy Ma t~-- r Ia! s Industry, and the Polish Union of Constructi(,rx &elnee-3 and Technicians, the problem of their cooporation. Przogle budowl. i bud. mieszk. 33 no-5t269-274 RyI61 TF2,UPCZYK, Marian (Warszawa) Development, organization, and technical progress of apartment building In the Czachoslovak Socialist Ropublic. Przegl budovi i bud mieszlc 33 no. 10:,594-602 0 161. 7714FCZYK. Marian MDvement of employee inventiveness on the basis of typical cases in the construction Indu try. FrzegI techn n0-35:5 2 S 162. TEMPCZYK, Marian (Warszawa) Realization prospects of the plan of transportation and Icading works during the years 1961-1965; machinery and equipment for mechardzation. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 34 no.2394-101 F 162. STACHOLIIAK.-Ye%imierm (Szczecin)j TEINZYKp Varian (Warsmawa) The eleven-grade public school in Szczecin-Klucsj a building placed on a spot of very difficult geological conditions. Prwgl budovl i bud mietzk 34 no*8s467-473 Ag 162o TIN M V. [Tempea, V.] Diseases of interest to the oculist and otorhinolaryngologist. Vest.otorin. 22 no.2:36-46 mr.-Ap 16o. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Is otdaleniya bolezzxey ukha, gorla i nosa klinicheakoy bol'aitay imani I.K.Fri= (Bukharest). (OTMRINMUYMPLOGY) FLORIAN, Petru, prof. (Dej); MARUSTERU I St., (Baia Mare); HERLING, C., student; PIRSAN, L.C., student (Ducuresti); IMSCU-TIU, C.; COSTACHESCU, C.V.; LA-MBA, Stellan (Constants.); LIVIU, Petre (Pucioasa) STRATESCU, Ion I student; BRINZANESCU, V., elev (Constantai KLIM, Bratu, student (Bucuresti); TEMPEANU, C. Ofunedorara~; CALINESCU, Aurelian (Braswr); MUNTEANU, Valentin (Cluj); OPREA, Miron (Ploiesti); MIHAILEANU N.; TIGANOIU, Al., Inginerl Moliu, Gh.; POPA, Eugen 1. (Iasi~ Proposed problems. Gaz mat B 14 no.8t481-485 Ag 163 1. Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti (for Herling). TZIU3SLIt"YoGe (L'vov) mi,61 ~-- Determination of maximal production of gas wells. lash.ebor. 15:191-194 153. (ML" 7: 1 ) (Gas, Natural) 111.1 ~r TEMPSLI, F.4. I Method for calculating storRge capacity of gas mains* Gazoprowe no*3:29-32 Mr '56* (KIRA 10:1) (Gas pipes) (Gas--Stornge) ~- 1'f /'- - C"- Modeling the process of gas accumlation In a long pipeline. Uz prom. no.7:32-36 Ji 156. (MIRA 11;1) (Us, Natural-Pipelines-Models) (Gas flow) TZMMI, F.G. Method for calculating bottom water drive and pressure changes in a dome gas pool during exploitation. Gas.prom. no.4:5-7 '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Gas, Natural) r )r T",P7,T,l -1 P. CF. 3 - i ;~O, 4-i in.-!t of 1.70 TY.M. L', F.G.; FILIPPOV, N.V.; KARFIY, MT.; BOBAK, V.11. -1 Apparatus for odorizing gas undar conditions of varying rate r--f flow. Gaz. prom. no.3:51-53 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Gas, Natural) TEMPUI, FIG., Rffect of the location of the connection of a loop system on the storage capacity of the main gas pipeline. (kz. prom. no.5.-45-W MY '58. (MM M7) (ftes Natural--Pipelines) fit TJDMI, F.G.; KHODANOVICH, I-To. Calculations for gas mine under nonotationary conditions of gas flov; discussion. "z9 proms 4'no*2:49-54 I t5g.. , (MIRA 12:3) (Gas pipes) KHODANOVICH, I..Ye.; TIMM', Y.G. Model analysis of noustationary processes of gas flow in a main pipeline. Gas.prom. 4 no.8:34-39 Ag 159. (KIRA 12:11) (Gas, latural-Pipeliues) (Gas flow) TE M LIP F.G.; KHODANOVICH, I.Ye. Self-"lar drop 31quid flow in pipelines. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.8:50-58 160. (KIRA 15:5) (Pipelines.-Hydrodynamics) 1,111 1. - - I- , .. - I 9 L.--hir . -11 - -1C... . . . ': - 7-c,,N. ` --, - .-. - . r, : " - !",~- - - KHODANOVICHP I.Ye.; TEMLIP F.G. Approximate computation for high pressure circular system of gas pipelines. Gaz. prm. 5 no. 12:39-42 D 160. (KMA 14: 1) (Gasp Natural-Pipelines) TEMM I p F.G, Exploitation of a gas pool with a eonstant ntmber of wells. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.llsl7l-174 161. (MMA 15:2) (Gas wells) KHODAIIOVICH) LY9.; TEMLI, F.G. Metbod of calculating the acci=ulatim capacity of a gas pipelins-, taking Into account the propagation rate of a pressure wave froW.. Trudy VIIIIGAZ no.13:50-56 161. (141RA 14:12) (Gas, Natural--Pipelines) AUTH (;R: S/167/62/000/002/002/002 D237/D302 TITLE: A method of solving a class of non-linear partial dif- ferential equations I'M IODICAL: Akademiya nauk UzSSR. Izvestiya. Seria teklinicheskikh naulcp no. 2, 1962, 81 - 82 - TEXT: The author proposes a method, called by him the method o'k, cliaracteristic indices, for solving the following class of non-li- near partial differential equ,-.tions: azn a* m Ox C, dz t, ,, 3-t 67 where a* and n, m are constants, and m, n Replacin.-I some terms by their mean value integrals, and introducing a new variabie and introducing necessary and sufficient conditions for the system Card 1/2 -0/167/62/000/002/(O~/W)~ A method of solving a class of ... D237/D302 io be reducible to the parabolic type system, the author succeeds in transforming (1) into 66) Fy 06) N OY which can be solved by known methods. The author notes 'hat when 'the time interval (-r 2 - Ir1) ---~,O, the solution of (8) --- ~- tile Golu- tion*of (1). Solutions of (8) compared with computed oolutions of (1) deviate by not more than 5 ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatskiy filial VNIIG aza (Central Asia Branch of VIIIIGaz) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1961 Card 2/2 f S/167/62/000/006/002/003 ~~ ~ 4 D234/0308 AUT HORS Abutaliyev, F.B., BW-.hantseva, R.S. and I-',osolov, B. TITLE: Some self-modeling problems of gas motion in a pipeline PERIODIOt~L: .1-tademiya nailk UzSSR. Jzvestiya. Seriya telchniches- kilch nauk, no. 6,Z'1962, 35-40 T;D-(.T: The authors give self-modeling solutions of the equations of motion for a semi-infinite.pipeline for the case of constant presGure and that of constant flow rate at the beginning of the line. The self-modeling transformation is 2a xt _2/3 (5) 02 V The solutions.were obtained with the aid of a c6mputer. Graphs and Card 1/2 . S/167,/62/000/006/002/003 Oome self-modeling problems ... D234./D308 numerical results are given for several values of Pn/po. There are 3 figures. ASSOOLVION: Institut matematiki M UzSSR (institute of Mathem- atics %.S UzSSR) SUBMITTED: June 21, 1961 g ~ Card 2/2 a6005014 SOURCE COLE : UR/0208A6/oo6/001/0175/0178 AUTHOR t ~Lemp2l Ij F. G. (Tashkent) ORG: none TITLE: Method for solving certain quaaillnoar equations of mathematical P-qnics SOURCE: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matemati~i i matomaticheskoy Mikip v. 6, no. 1, 1966) 175-178 TOPIC TAGSz parabolic differential equation, differential equation, approximation calculation, separation of variables~ analoguo computer, mathematic physics ABSTRACTt Tho author treate 0z" == TKI'. - ax < 8z d(P ax using separation of variabloa on separate intervals, on each of which tho problem is appro.-c3zately reduced to the solution of a system of linear partial differential equations and a functional equation. He claim that this method has been found ex- perimentally to yield correct results and that it is suitable for analogue machines. Orige art has: 6 formulas and I table* Card l/:V?UB CODE: -12/ SUBH DAM 16Dec64/ CRIG REFi 003 'JDC: 517.9:53 Private and branch transportation in the buiading industy. p. 276 (Motoryzacja) Vol. 12, No. 11-!, Oct. 1957, Warsza,.,a, Poland SO: FIONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, 110. 1, M. 1958 ROJEEK, Karol; TEMPELHOF JeKZI.7 Trends of tealwological. and organizational progress in the automotive transport of the construction industry. Przegl techn no.43:4 26 0 160. ROJEKY K.; IVIPELHOF.,_ %J~.-I, Mechanization of loading in the transportation of building materlals. PrzegI techn no.51s..I+ 21 D 160. TEfeELHOF, Jerpy (Waz- ~- ra-~%) -......- UtilIzation of bazf,. bu~Iding ma:h~.rerj ~m enterpr-fis rf -- 0 -4: the building admJnjstra~lon in 1960. Przogl Wdo;..' .' bud m1o~izk 2's Aj?3f,7. TEMPELHOF, Jerv-(Warszawa); MODRAKOWSKI, Aleksander (Warszawa) Tasks and development of branch transportation in the construction industry. Przegl budowl i bud nieszk 34 no.7084-388 Jl 162. .TEMPELHOF,,qe~F;T_(Warszawa) Linear programming in tranaportation, Przegl budavl i bud miessk 34 no.7;399-401 Jl 162s N 06 A A Transactions of the Sixth Conference (cont.) SOV/6371 47. Rayevsk4y, S. Ya. Analogue of A. Ya. Kh~nah~Als'*Theorem on the Spectral Representation of the Correlation Function for Nonstationary Random Processes 239 48, Raybman, N. S. Correlation Methods for Determining the Approximate Characteristics of Automatic Lines 245 49. 'Sveshidkov*'A. A.- Probability,Methods foi, Investigating the Swell of the Sea,and the Rolling of a Ship 251 50, Tempellman., A. A. Ergodic.Properties of Homogeneous IMMM'FI-61do-Over, Groups 253 51, Tfmofeyev, D. V., and A. S. Frolov. Application of a Method for Statiatical Tests to the Calculation of Certain. Regimes of Electric Systems 257 TraMjaCtiorx of tho 6th Conf on Probability Theory and I-flat-hematical statiz-,,ics and Of the Sympo6ium on Distributions in Infinita-Dimensional Spaces held in Villnyus, 5 -10 sap 6o. Villnyus Mospolitizdat Lit 5SR, 1962. 493 pi. 250C) copics printed AUTHORt Tempellman -A. A. S/020/62/144/004/005/024 B172/BII~2 TITLE: An ergodic theorem for random fields homogeneous in a broad sense PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 4, 1962, 730-733 TEXT: Von Neumann's ergodic theorem in the theory of random processes states that a mean value which is invariant with respect to'displacement 8 exists for each continuous process and is st3tionary in a broad sense. (1) for random fields,' Here this theorem is generalized in two directional homogeneous in a broad sense, over the Euclidean space Rm and (2) for random fields, homogeneous and continuous in a broad sense ovcr groups. For this purpose the author defines the concepts Ilp-ergodic generalized sequence" (for functions from the space K of the finite functions differentiable any number of times) and "left-hand ergodic generalized sequence" (for functions over a local bicompact group G or for measurable sets over G). Left-hand ergodic sequences are a generalization of the ergodic sequences of sets as defined for unimodular groups by BocI6 and Card 1/2 S102 62/144/004/005/024 An ergodic theorem for... B172%112 Calderon. Varioua examples for p-ergodic and left-hand ergodic sequences are given. The theorems fDrmulated in the paper generalize the results obtained by Wiener, Calderon, Lyubarskiy and Struble. PRESENTEDs January 19, 1962, by A. H. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTEDi September 25, 1961 Card 212 GOLOSOV, Yu,le; TEMFELI,~4~_A.:A, Likelihood ratio for the hypotheses covering the trend of certain Gaimmian processes. DokI. All MR 153 no.6s.1242- 12" D 163. (MIRA 1731) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Utovskoy SSR. Predstav- leno akademikom A.N. Kolmogorovym. 7 T N Ct ZhuravLev, ~7. F. , ly~sokli-i, 1. 6. ~.,nd T--~mp--Lnan, Kinoluics of th,a fonnation reaction3 of slumin.t;s -..nd tfv~ rol-~ of tho minerali.-er-3 in this r--ocass. !~. eC7 The p,='po3e of this work was to investlg--e 1) the rate of binding in li-me in the process of caking of the mixture of calcium carbonate and aluminum oxide; 2) the nicroscople and x-ray determination of the character of the compounds which form initially hrin- calcination of the mixture of calclum carbonate and aluniniza oxide, indepenlently from the ratio of the components of the in-'tial batch; the influence of the addition of CaF 2 upon the foraiatLon rat-? of calci,un alLiminla-tes in the process of caking of lime and aluminum o4lde. The Lensoviet Technologic:-.1 Institute, Leningra4. February 9, 19LVD SO: Journal o" 'wlied Ohe.-niist-r, y (U,'39.Z) 21, No. 9 (11~47~) 1jz1),':,VL%emistry j1u:minates AlurAM;m 4-? "Problem of tho Chemiotry of Some Ifigh-Aluminum Content Aluminateal" V. F. Zhuravlev, R. G. Tempellmanp Uningrad Technol Inat imeni Lensovet, 4 PP "Zhur Prik Khim" vol XXII, No 7 Clinkering of alumina with fluorides of soditmpotassium, caleftim, magnesium, barium, calcium chloride, and cryolite at 900-1,2000 C along with a change In the ration of the components of the original mixture from 1s4 to 1;9 results in the formation of aluminates with a high aluminum content. Includes a table of such sluminates. Submitted 23 Nov 48. PA66/49T17 'N C USX 07 PEOMTAWINO TO DWORATS GLASS UAM WITI CURV $MACAO* ad A. 1. fikhowwo LeCkWa FM*# U[4]26-29 methods for copying an image directly &M by mesue of a fler- Itle film, for conicals spherical, and cylindrical obqwo "a described* A device with mirror strips Insures uniform exposure of shape to the light* Illustrated* So Zo Ks U14PELIMAN, R.G. Effect of titanium dioxide on characteristics of silicate glasses. Legkaya From. 12, No.8, 34-6 '52. (MI-RA 5:7) (CA 47 no.18:9581 '53) 21,4TER, A.S., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; BOKHA110v) 10. , mayor meditsingkoy -------------oluzhby; ZAGRANICHM, L.A.,, mayor moditsinskoy oluzhby; YEZHOV, A.S., podpolkovnik meditainBkoy aluzhby; KATASONOV, S.T., podp6lkornik meditsinskoy sluzhby Role-of prophylactic additions of vitamins to food in the decrease of.morbidity. Voen.-med.zhur. no-3:49-51 Mr 161, (MIRA 14:7) (VITAMINS) (SOLDIERS-DISEASES AND HY%IENE) USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Analeptics. V Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958, 85128. Author : Temper B A Sukhanova., G. I. Inst :"t g I ~ e Title : The Use of Ginseng in Hypoacidic and Anacidic Forms of Chronic Gastritis. Orig Pub: In the collection, Materialy k izuch. zhen'shenya t limonnika, No 3, Leningrad, 1958, 100-103. Abstract: 40 patients aged 20-50 years and over were studied for the influence of a liquid extract of the gin- seng root (G) on the course of chron.jc ga3ti~ltis. G was given in doses of 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day. A course of therapy lasted an average of 20 days. in chronic hypo- and anac1dic gastriti5, G facilitated elimination of pain, increase in ap- petite, and normalization of the stool. Less con- Card 1/2 TZKPIM, B.A., prof.; MOROZ, R.I.,; CREWSHEYA, A.V. (Ehabarovsk) Course of Botkinle disease in pregnanc7 (with sMwl&z7 in Nnglighlo 37 no.2:67-n F 159. (KIRA 12:3) 1. Is kafedry goopitallnoy terspii (zav. - prof. B.A. Temper) lhaba- rovskogo seclitsinskogo inatituta (dirc- dots. 8.K. lechapayeva). (HEPATITIS. INYECTIOUS in pregn. case reports (Rusb (PMNANCY, compl. infect. hepatitis (Rus)) TEMPERY B.A. Lambliasis; based on clinical materials for a five-year period. Trudy no.20:49-56 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. B.A.Temper) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (GIARDIASIS) TEMPER, B.A.; VASILEVSKAYA, N.P.; MOROZ, R.I.; SHYSHLYAYEVA, A.P. Characteristics of the arterial pressure in young people in the city of Khabarovsk; report No. 1. Trudy,inst. no.20:162- 170 160. (MIRA .1-5.-10) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. B.A.Temper) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (KHABAROVSK-BIDOD PRESSURE)