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Inverse problems of heat conduction... There are 2 Soviet references. 27554 S/170/61/004/010/008/019 B109/B138 ASSOCIATIONt Tekhnologicheskiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva, g, Kaliningrad (Technological Institute of the Fishing Industry and Eoonomyp Kaliningrad) SUBMITTEDs March 25, 1961 Card 9/9 VINER, A.M., inzh.; TE24KIN, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; FEDOROV, V.11., inzh. Nomogram for calculating heat transfer in a furnace. Teploenergetika 8 no.109-90 Ja 161. NIRA 14:4) (Furnaces) Oloat-Tranaminsion) . I . I, -~ ~!Z'-'-;-:~ IP-4- 1 -.. S/170J62/005/004/012/016 B104/11108 41UTHOR: Temkin. A. G. TITLE: The temperature field of bodies of complex shape at regular heat conditipns PERIODICAL: I'nzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, V. 5, no. 4, 1962, io6 - 121 TEXT: General properties of body shape criteria (characteristic numbers), the temperature field near the center of a body, the mean distance between isotherms, the heat conduction equation, and errors found in various publications are discussed in the present survey which is based on publications, issued between 1933 and! 196J. 11. Ye. Zhukovskiy, A. Y.- Lykov, A. S. Ginzburg, D. V. Burdin, V. A. Krasovskiy, G. Ye. Pikus, L. S. Leybenzon, G. P. Buynyachenko, I. A. P&rkhomenko, L. V. Kravchuk, G. M. Kondratlyev are mentioned. There are 43 references: 42 Soviet and I non- Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Tekhnicheskiy institut rybnoy promyshlennoBti i khozyaystva, g. Kaliningrad (Technical Institute of Fish rndustry and Fisheries, Kaliningrad) TEMII, A. G. Apropos of A.N. Borshchevskii's articla 'Heat transfer through enclosing structures.0 Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 5 no.6:119-120 je 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Heat-Trammission) (Structuresy Theory of) (Borshchevskii, A.N.) h1316 8/170/62/005/010/009/009 B104/Bie6 AUTHORj Temkin,-A-G_. ,-TITLEt Temperature field of a multilayered wall PERIODICALt Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v- 5, no. 10, 1962, 104 117 TEXT: If k finite measurement values are available the equation of heat conduction through a multilayered wall is .1, C (r) ar The specific heat C and the coefficient of heat conduction A of this wall depend considerably on the coordinates and are piece-wise continuous. .functions. at I __: - aA (N) NA-1 & C (N) M-- aN aN 6) is obtained from (1) by introducing the dimensionless coordinate N r/r the Fourier number F a r/r2, the dimensionless thermal conductivity e 0 e Card 1/4 5/170/62/005/010/009/009 Temperature field of a multilayered ... B104/B186 A(N) - X(r)/A 0 and the dimensionless specific heat C(N) - C(r)a OX0. AME) t(Nj,F) . tl(F)"k(N2) dN . q(F) are the mixed boundary conditions. The solution is obtained as a series i (IV, F) = t, (F) I + 1; (F) V-1 I ++ If") (F) v-14 I + ... + + q (F) a (N) + q' (F) V-1 a ++ qf" V-" a + (2-4) (F) arranged with respect to the derivatives of the quantities to be measured and the radial quasipolynomials of the problem. The function (2-4) describes the temperature field at sufficiently long time values for the initial tomporature distribution no longer to influence the heat conduction. The Fourier integral makes it possible to construct tho fiold of the aftereffect of this problem. It can be shown that this field gradually vanishes and that at the initial moment a temperature distribution appears contradicting the initial value of the function (2-4)- 1f the temperatures on the surfaces N 1 and N 2 are known functior.9 of time, then the field of the action can be represented as the sum of the two seriesi Card 2/4 n 0 The series are arranged accordingly with respect to the derivatives of the temperatures to be measured and with respect to the radial quasipolynomials of the problem. The convective heat exchange with media at variable temperatures is studied with the aid,of the boundary conditions at (NI, F) it, (F) (NI, F) I B. A (NI) - 6N (4-1) c7 Vr (N,. F) t, (F)l B, A (N,) tg, F) (4.2). of the third kind. For the fieldof action t (,V, P) - t( (F) PO (JV, Nj) + tj (F) P, (JV, N,) + ... + IP' (F) P,, (IV, IV,) + . + t, (F) Pe (N, N,) + t, (P) P, (IV. Nj + ... + I."' (F) P,. (N, IV,) + .... (4.4) is obtained in a similar way. This series is arranged with respect to the .'Card 3/4 S/170/62/005/010/009/009 Temperature field of a multilayered... B104/B186 ((IV. F) IfIft) (F) P. (IV, NI) + 12") (F) P. (N, NO, 5/170/62/005/010/009/009 Temperature field of a multilayered... B104/B186 derivatives of the temperatures of the inner and outer medium. If the temperature on the inner surface is kept constant, and if the temperature on the outer surface varies periodically, then i (IV, F) - tj PO (N, NI) + + 1. [P. (N, N,) P3 (M. N,) + -11 P4 (N. Nj cos w F + +tj--Pj(1V, N,)+-'Ps(N, N,)--'P.(N. N.)+...jsinwF, (5.20) is valid for the field of action. ASSOCIATIONt Tekhnicheskiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva, g. Kaliningrad (Technical Institute of the Fish Industry and Fisheries, Kaliningrad) SUBMITTEDi July 23, 1962 Card 4/4 MKIN, A.G. Phenomenological equation of transfer processes. Doki. Ali BSSR 7 no,2-.92-94 F 163, (MIRA 16:7) le Tekhnichoskly institut rybnoy promyshlonnosti i khozyay3tva, Kaliningrad. Predstavleno akdemikom All BSSR A.V. Lykovym. (Heat-Trammission) (Mass transfer) TEMKTIU, A.G. Solution of a Schrodinger type equation. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.4:240-243 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Energeticheskiy institut AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR A.V. Lykovym. TFKKIN# A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk,, dotsent; TI)NnV, A,G,, aspi-mit I Useful bock on refrigerating enginee'ring, KhQl,tekh. 40 DO,C'! 554-55 N-D 163. ( -.' -, : !. ) 0 0, j:1 insi-4-tut rylono% 'L &9-66 UR/017'/65/009/003/0305/031 ACCESSION NR: AP5022384 7 536.76+536.24 AUTHOR: Temkin,- A. G. A& TITLE: Determination of the parameters of Internal heat and mass transfer using! the characteristic functions of the thermodynamics of Irreversible processes SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 3, 1965, 305-317 TOPIC TAGS: hea transfcA Ithass transfer, thermodynamics, Irreversible process., mathematic matrix, thermal diffusion A13STRACT: The article presents a theoretical development starting with the de- termination of the parameters of internal transfer first with multiple point changes in temperature and then with two point changes in temperature. The j methods of matrix mathematics are applied to a determination of trimsfer criteri4 a using a local measurement of the moisture content. It is demonstrated that, starting from any given set of experfi:nentally detbrmIned parameters, the rest can be determined by use of the characteristic thermodynamic functions of irreversible processes. This Includes the caafficients of thermal diduliivity and 1_'Card 112 L 3639-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022384 the criteria for inertial and thermal diffusion and phase transfer. Examples of typical calculations by this method are presented in tabular form. Orig. art. has 74 formulas and 3 tables ASSOCIATION: -Politeklinicheskly Institut, g. Riga (Polytecimical Institute, LUgaji SUBNMED:00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: TD ~R REIP SOV: 019 OTHER; 002 card 2/2 Russia (1923) Manual on planning preEtreEserl reinforced concrete struct-urea *141,--,2) TA444. R8 1. Concrete, Pre8tresfled. I. Temkin, A. I., ed. II. Moscow. TSantrai'uj~ i-iX.0- latilecLovaLei'skli institut promyoniannykh sooruzhenii. Manual on plannint pr6strassod rainformi concroto structures (1-1.0-52 14slyri Razrabotana Tgentr. nauchno-is5ledovatellskir-, in-tom promyshl. sooruzhenli. Utverzhdena 10 okt. 1952 g. Moskvn, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po otroitellstvu i arkhttekture, 1953. 81 P. (54-33025) TA4J~4.RS 1. Concrete, Prestressed. II. Moscow. TSentrallnyi nauchno-isnledovnteliskii institut promyshlennykh sooruzhenii. NEVYAZHSKIY. I,Xh; DRAMIN. Y.F.; TRUBNTSKOY. V.F.; TENMIN A.S. Use of ferrite-core lnductnnce In the high-fraq7ency nower otmga circuit of the proton synchrotron. Radiotekh.l elaktron.1 no.7.1954- 9&1 J, 156, (MIRA 10:1) (Sywhrotron) I I uo, (7 S/l2o/62/OOO/Oo4/oi6/o47 E192/E382 A6TI10115: Lebedev-Krasin, Yu.,-!. , Gutnor, B.M. , Pizarevskiy, V.Ye., Temkin A.S. Barabash, L.Z., Xuryshev, V.S. and 41-0-T S' =~ O`v~~'- ~,- TITLE: The accelerating elements of the proton synchrotron and the system of their high-frequency feed PERIODICAL: Pribory i telchnika eksp-orimental-no. 4, 1962, 94 - 97 TE-M The description, principal characteristics and the results of the control of the Ii.f. accelerating, system'of the 7 GeV proton cyclotron are reported. The acceleratin- elementz are in the form of drift tubes situated in 11 compensating magnets. Each of the 11 electrodes is fed *from a separate system of high-frequency amplifiers consisting of a 7-sti--c wideband amplifier and an automatically-tuned resonance output ai-ziplifier. The inductances of the resonant circuit in the output stages are in the form of coils fitted -with forrite cores. The amplitude of the high-frequency field of each accelerating electrode is 2.5 kV + 100% over the frequency range of Card 1/2 S/l2o/62/OOO/Oo4/oi6/o!.17 Tho acceleratinE element-, E19--/E382 o.65 - 8.5 Mc/s. The phase-shift between the output voltages of any two channels is less than 30 0. The overall power used by the supply system is 400 I-,VA. By using tuned amplifiers in the output stages the power consumption was reduced by about 30 titacs, as compared with a non-tuned amplifier. There are 11 figures. ~J~z SUBMIWED: March 29, 1962 Card 2/2 Ed'- (m)/E','IA (m)-2 IJP(,.) GS ACCrSSIOM MRi ATS007965 6/0000/64/000/000/0932/0936 312 "M AUTNORz Vodoplyanov, r.-L.;.ZhukqvskIV. 16. $.t Zalwanzon. V. La Ivanow Yu. S. S 'it 0 1A lzervina. Ye. V.t KuzmIn, A. A e, Prokop'yev, A. 1.1 Temkin* A. 6.1 hin. y. TITWi System for the generation of the accelerating field of a 70-Gev proton chrotron T SOURCE, International Conferengg an High Energy Accelerators. Dubna, 1963. Trudy. Moscow. Atomizdat, 196%, 932-936 TOPIC TAGS: high energy accelerator, synchrotron, particle beam, magnetic field ABSTRACTt After the development of a high-precision "stem of frequency control of the accelerating field of the proton 50-60 Gev synchrotron with critical energy compensation (Mints, A. L.,-et a1.$ Proc. International Conference on High Energy Accelerators and Instruments, CERN 1959), It was decided to achieve an alternative Jaccelerator with transition through the critical energy , which wakes it possible to. increase the energy to 70 Gov. In this moodification of the accelerator serious dIfL ficultied a" tacountered with the "NIISSti0ft Of d q2tON for generating an acce- lerating field with frequemy control only accardir4g to the 11-p egi . Therefor*# Card 1/3 1. 3778,66 ACCESSION KR: ATS007965 it was decided to achieve a system with twin frequency controll rough, according to the R-program, and precise. according to the Information an the radial-and phase position of the accelerated particle beam. The present report discusses the prin- cipal characteristics governing the achievement of a programmed M-generator, a system of frequency control according to Information of the position of the accele- rated particle bunche4, and accelerator Installation. The programmed M-generator consists of the usual elements: transducer of the derived magnetic field strength (inductive coil In the gap of,the measuring electromagnet), electronic switch tube Integrator, modulator, Moacillstor, phanoy manipulator, amplitude modul;tor of accelerating voltage, amplifier-distributor. and a system of cable contacts. Toll obtain energy Increase pTr revolution of Air 2 166 Kev for a rate of change of mag- netic field dtrength of H r 550 oersteds/second and #, 2 300., provision In made for the application of 53 accelerator stations with rated Input of 7 kilovolts and 6 kilowatts power. Provisions am also made for the short-duration Increase of this voltage, 1.6 times up to the time of beam h6ching (around 15 Microseconds), and Ito slow decrease to about 2 times leas toward the end of the acceleration eycle with the aim of pv4serving constant equilibrium phase during the fall In the magnetic field growth rate. Thd system of frequency control of the &cc-4IsrdtI"g field ac- cording to the Information an the seetlerst6d p&rtlela beam position Is similar In Cord 2/2 L TnB-66 ACCESSION PRI ATSO07965 I principle of operation to a systsom described by To. S. Ivamov and A. A. Kwslmln (Pribory i tekhnika ekspdrisienta, No. 04, "Go (1962)), which was Intended to stabl.' liza the position of the center of gravity of the bevis according to radius and phase. Orig. art. host I figure. AssocIATIONt UdiotokhalchookLy Imatitut AN GGARAMML2 SWIPMEL"A Ustitutso AN SSSR) ROMITTEDo MaO4 EXCU OD em I W No nr sovi on OMILI 001 Card 3/3 NZSTEWV, S.M.-, VALETOV, V.V.,'Inshener. redaktor; TMIN, AX,redaktor; GINICH, V.A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, ret-sewn"x"S'n; VAWYA, A.F., tekhnicbeekly redaktor. Cletablisbing norms for use of materials In machine building plants; method of determining consumption rates of basic and subsidiary materials for plants engaged in mass and large-scale production) Normirovanle makhoda materialov nA mashinostroi- tollnykh zavodakh; metodika opredelanila nom raekhoda oenovVkh I vapomogatellrqkb materialov na xagodakh massovogo I krupno- seritnogo proixvodstva. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tskhn.1zd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 187 p. (Microfilm] (MLRA 8:12) (Machinery Industry) Inv 1 11 < ) V, BARAY)V. A.I., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; KUZIMIN, Y.Y., inihener-, OOgM, Y.B.. k-andidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsensent; XDTIIDT, K.D.,tazhener, retsenzent; TKACHIWKO. V.V.. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, redaktor: TWIN, A.T., radaktor; UVANOTA, A.Y., takhnIchankly redaktor; SOKOLOIX, ?".. wftkhntcheskiy radaktor. [Setting standars and norms in machine building) StAnAsk tizataija normalizatstia v mashinostroanit. Izd.2-oo. parer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroitellnoi lit-ry. 1955. 202 p. (Machinery industry) (MI;RA 8:11) SHZVBLZV, H.L.; TIKWHOV, A.S., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk dotsent, retaonzent; SHAROT, N.V., inzhener, retsenzent; PGfMLINTSU,Y.A.,inzhonsr,lotesament; TEMKIN, A.V., rodaktor; MATVZYUA, U.N., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Fire prevention in machine building] Protivopozharnaia tekhnika v mashinostroanii. Izd.2-0s, perar. I dop. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo maohinostroit. lit-ry, 1955,208 P. (KWA 9:6) (Factories-Fires and fire prevention) ASVALIDOV,M.Ya.; TEMKIN.A.V., redaktor; UVAROU,A.F., tekhnichaskly redaktor [Complex improvement in the operation of metal cutting machines] Komplekenoe ulucbAhanie ispollzoraniia metalloreshushchikh stankov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1955. 229 p. (KM 9:2) (cutting tools) ZUBOK, Y.N., inshener, redaktor; UMNTAGIN, M.G., inshener, redaktor; KASSATSIER, H.S. inihener. redaktor; SHIFRI11, S.M., rodaktor; TWO, A.To, redaktor; TMONOV, A. Ta,, taimichaskiy rsd^kter. ~- ----t [Bxporience In introducing advanced technology In factories engaged in heavy machine building] 'Opyt vnedreniia peradovoi telth- nologil n& savodakh tiashelogo mashinostroeniia. Noikvk,' Get. naudhno- takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1955.3o6 p. (MIRA 9:4) l.Koacpw. Vessaiusn" proyaktuo-tekhnologicbeekly Lastituts 0(achinery--Construction) IVANOV. Nikolay Filippovich; GORINSHTM, B.I., rateehpent; BYKHMALID. A.T., k-andidat okonomichaskikh nauk, dotsent, redaktor- MIA A -V --- redaktor izdatelletva; PWOTA, S.K., tekhatchesirly redaktor [Operational planning; planning machine inspection every ton days at machine building plants producing in lots] Operatlynoe planiro- vante; podakadnoo. mashinokowplektnoe planlrovanie na mashinco- strolteltnykh zavodakh seriinogo prolsvodetva. Moskva. Goe. nauchno- takhn. isd-vo mashinostroit, lit-rys 1956- 105 P- (HUA 10:3) (Keehiaery Industry) GANSMK, V.I.; BWINSKIT, I.N., iRzhener, rodaktor; TMIN, A.T., rodaktor; UVAROVA, AJ., tokhaichoskiy rodaktor. (cost of production in machine-building) Baboltsimost' produktsii v mashinestrosaii. Isd. 2-os, porer. i dep. Xaskya. Ges.asuchno-takha. lzd-vo mashimentreitalluoi lit-ry, 1956. 153 P. MRA 9:6) (Kachimerjr industry-Vests) V 'r '66 A / - ) - - - IVANOV, Rikolay Vasil4yevich; MALYUTIN, Hilrolay Kuzlmich; FLEYSHKAN, Abram Llvovich; BURSHTAYN, I.I., ralsenzent; LOBODIN, P.V.. retsenzent; MOROZOT, A.H.. retsenzent; LYUBOVICH. Tu.O., kandidat ekonomichookikh nauk. rodaktar-.-2MIN, A-V.. tedaktor izdatelletva; UVAROVA, A-F., takhnichookly ra Victors. [Suproly of materials and equipment In machinery manufncturing] Material,- no-takhnichaskoe sn~bzhenie v mashinastroanii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- takhn.izd-vo maahinostroit.lit-ry. 1956. 275 P. (KLRA 10:4) (Machinnry Industry) BOCHAROVI Grigoriy Ortgorlyevich; YMOYBYO II.P., Japht-"r, ratesinfent; SHWXYVAS, P.9h., reds kt or;, TAWN, A.V.. :--4sictor, BLIKI=. V.D., tekhnicheekly radaktor Olvaluating and calculating production in the asph"nery industry] Uchet prolsvodstva I kalIkulietalls v masbinostroanti. Izd. 2-",. parer. Koskwg Gosevauchno-tekhrksird-vo mashinnstroit, lit-rv, 1957- 309 P- (KLRA 10: 10) (Machinery industry) ANDREYEV, Tevgeniy ]Dmitriyevich; GORSESHTSIS, B.I., reteensent; KUZNETSOVe B.R., retsenzent; TA=I A.V., red.; SALTANSKIT, A.A., red.izd-v&; UVAROVA, A.F.,, COperational and production planning in machinery plants with piece and small-scale production; organization by work schedules] Operativno-proizvodetvennoo planirovanie nn mashinostroitellnom zavode edinichnogo i nelkoseriinogo proizvodstva; rabota po grafiku. Izd. 2., dop. Koekva, Goo. usuchno-tekhnaizd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1938. 218 p. (MIRA l2s2) (Kochinery industry) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL- -22 0 T9mkin A. (Moscow) Mechanism of the Radiolysis of Solid Oxalic Acid Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp.-2503-2505 3/07 60/034/011/012/024 B004YB064 TEXTi The purpose of the present paper isto prove that the radiochemical processes in solids take place along tracks. Usin the experimantal data of Refs. 1,2 the following relation is writtent V7t) = (wv/a)ln(1+aQt)(2)~ V(t) is the concentration of the radicals; w is the number of tracks per unit volume and unit time; v is the volume of the track; Q - n(t 0) is the initial condition for the density n of the radicals; and a is the coef- ficient of recombination. This equation is in good agreement with the data of Ref. 1. Since a long lifetime of the free radicals must be assumed for solid substances, the overlapping of the tracks was studied, and a cor- rection X(t) was calculated for equation (2). It is found to increase with t, so that saturation is achieved after a long time of irradiation. Thus, Card 1/2 Mechanism of the Radiolysis of Solid S/076/60/034/011/012/024 Oxalic Acid B004/BO64 the radiochemical processes in solid oxalic acid proceed along tracks according to a radical mechanism. This is assumed to hold also for other solid substances which are neither conductors nor semiconductors. L. S. Po~lak,.N. Ya. Chernya~, Yu. N. Molin, and A. T. Koritskiy are thanked for a discussion. LAbstracter's notet The experimental data on which the calculation is based are not given.] There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza academy of Sciences USSRf Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis) SUBMITTED: February 19, 1959 Card 2/2 FILIPPOV, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich. Frinimali uchastiye: GUMMAN, SH.A.; LEYRJNSMA,_D.I., nauchnyy sotr., red.; BESPALOV, D.F., nauciuW sotr., red.; SREMODOLIMM, D.M., r-auch=ji sotr., red.; SHIIIELEVICH) YU.S., nauchnyy sotr., red.; TU%111. A.Ya., red.; MEDER, V.M., red. izd-va; PRUSAKOVA, T.A., to~hn. red.; MAKUNI, Ye.V., tekhn. red. (Applied nuclear geophysics; us- of sources of nuclear radiation in geology and geophysics]Prikladnaia iadernaia geofizika; pri- menenie istochnikov ladernogo izlucheniia v geologii i geofizike. Pod obshchei red. L.S.Polaka. 1.1o:3kva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SM~, 1962. 579 p. (HIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Filippoi. 2. In- stitut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikli iskopayerWkli (for Ley- punskaya, Bespalov, Srebrodollbkiy, Shimelevich). 3. Institut neftekhi.irdcheskogo sinteza Akaderii nauk SSSR (for Temkin). (Nuclear geopl:~rsics) USSR/Nuclear Physics - Meson formation FD 429 Card 1/1 Pub. 147-15/16 Author : Temkin, A. Ya. Title : Conversion of two photons into a -meson, and the production of Ir0 -mesons in the Compton effect Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 645-646, MAY 1954 Abstract : A letter to the editors. Computes the total cross-section of meson production, and finds it to be very small (10-46 cm2) even at 21-22 Bev. Refers to various related works., appearing in 1950-1951 of: A. M, Baldin and V. V& Wkhaylov (ZhETF 20, 1057, 1950); B. Ioffe, A. Rudik and 1. Shmushkevich (DAN SSSR 77,403,1951); V. B. Berestet- skiy and I. Ya. Pomeranchuk (DAN SSSR 77,803, 1951). Acknowledges the interest of Yu. M. Shirokov in the present work. Institution Submitted October 15, 1953 SUBJECT USSR PHYSIC5 CARD 1 / 5 FA - 1774 AUTHOR TEMKIN,A.YL. TITLE Un-the Theory of the Slowing Down of Neutrons. PERIODICAL turn.ekep i teor.fis,31,fasc-5,893-895 (1956) Issued: ; / 1957 The integral of collisions between neutrons and the nuclei of the slowing down material or be written down as follows: r1a, ) T( us I I dut dptf ao( u-ul) A(U 6(to-r ) r, a op a f-1 T o Aa (ul a a Ka 3a A u dl~uIKa (6AL u-u') Ka (o dul fao(u-u')( A(u')/ A,(ul)) 2n 2_ 12 2 ~. (_tj)-112 Ka (I-eu. ~G a - 2 Ba 60 P) d�1 0 Here 7 denotes the distribution function of these neutron collisions, a - an index which denotes the individual elements with the nuclear mass M a occurring in the slowing down material, A and the spherical tingles of the vootors -? -f p/p, p the momentum of the neutron, it- radius vector of the neutron, u ln(2mE O/P2 E0 the initial energy of the neutrons, m the mass of the )~rn.eksp.i teor.fis,.~1,fasc-5,893-895 (1956) CARD 2 / 5 PA - 1774 neutron, A a - the partial length of the free length of path of the neutron in consideration of the elastic collisions with nuclei with the mass 11 a) ~L - the total length of the free length of path of the neutron in the medium, m - the mass of the neutron. It further applies that: f (u)sr. [(M. + m) e -u/2 _ (M a - m)e u/2 ] / 2m fa (u) = [(M. + m)2 /4mM,,,] e-u or f. (u) = 0 at u,< qa or u > q a- qCC 2 ln [(Ma + m)/(M,,, M)] e4o ex e'k, I + Cos (01 - 0) In the onedimensional problem 7 is independent of 0 and consequently 3 a7 - 7 It is then easy to develop Ka into a series according to LEGENDRE polynomials: 00 Ka Z: (21 + 1) P 1 a) P1 ? P, 1=0 -4, Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,~1,fesc-5,893-895 (1956) CARD 3 / 5 PA - 1774 Ka ~u,~Lf,u) denotes the angular distribution (on the angle in the labora- tory system of the neutrons scattered by the nucleus. It is shown that even in the case of the scattering of neutrons by hydrogen nuclei the sum of some (n +1) initial terms of the series(which is here denoted by KO) plays the main 0 a 0 part. The remainder of the series K a - Ka - K a is written down in form of a finite expression. If all functions of u and ?-t are considered to be points of the metric spaoe L 2' the norm of the function V(U,14) is defined as follows: ~u due-u/2 de, V 2(u'r), and if the denotion E 11 1/2/1,o 111/2 0 a a is used, the value f OP33 < 1 is found for M - m and no Now n 0 is chosen in such a manner that 1. Instead of the punctiform kinetic A ^ ~% 0 AOA equation L 7 KCE BaT + S the equation ALT 7- K aB aT(O) + 3 is now investi- a a gated, where 3 denotes the density of the neutron sources and Lr(U'Zot-,P)~ A (u)CJ V + 1. The influence exercised by 'K' can be looked upon as a perturbation. For this purpose one puts 7 - 7( 0).ix T(1)+7(2) + V Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,-~1,fasc-5,893-895 (1956) CARD 4 / 5 PA - 1774 + ...+,(n)+... . By inserting this series into the aforementioned collision integral an equation for the determination of the n-th correction is obtained. The solutions of these e uations can be written down with the help of a GREZINIS ~n) 4 (n-1) 4 function G as follows: 7 (r,u,eL,P) S (r ul,,~'.101) -;P 4 4 G(r,ri,u,u 1 P,Pj)dr,du d ("Idpl where 5(-'~ a S. The aforementioned series converges towards I - 1~0) and a formula is givon for the error. ^ 0 K The GREEN'S function G satisfies the equation Ly -0~ T(O) + 5, if one cx a puts SW6(r-rj)6(u-u,)6(P-P1). If this equation is multiplied from the left with the operator L - 1 and if GREENS function of the operator L is denoted with g, GREEN'S function can be put into the following shape in consideration of the boundary condition: G - T -011 19(A _(d~- -B. g(r'-, P) G (r , ri I U U, it P, 01 ) + a a + g (-> 4 U, r,rl, e. j P) 6(u ud 6 (P Pl). The first part on the right side of this formula actually contains Go, the Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,~I,faao-5,893-05 0956) CARD 5 / 5 FA - 1774 no sum of the first L (2n+l) (in the onedimensional case of the (n D+1)) n=o spherical harmonics of the function G. Therefore determination of GR=13 func- tion is reduced to the determination of Go by the method of spherical harmonics, i.e. to the solution of a system with a small number of integral equations. These integral equations can be solved by taking the dependence of ~ and ?L-a(n) on u into account. The GREEN'S function G as well as the functions T(o) and T are then determined in finite form. This is of particular importance for the computation of neutron distribution in media containing hydrogen (waster, mineral oil, etc.), because the con- vergence of the usually used development of the distribution function according to spherical functions in t1jis case is bad. INSTITUTION: Institute for GeopbypLeoal Prospecting Methods. Ministry for the Mineral Oil Industry of the USSR TZMKIN, A. )method for the approximate solution of the neutron kinetic equation. Prikl. geofis. no.17:211-230 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Neutrons) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) (Nuclear geophysics) ZLPGROZHBTS, V-M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; TZHKIN. A-Ta. ,--i- Using charged particle accelerators In investigat oil wells. Pri- rods, 46 no.1:79-81 J& 157. 115fM12A 10: 2) 1. Taeaoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatel'ski7 institut geofixichaskikh, methodov razvedki Ministaretva neftyano7 promyehlennosti SM, Moskva (for Temkin). (Petroleum research) so t E I a, N 0 1 Am u d J,3 .9 *boos M, 4.4 -0 :R U i in '0.4 a 14 ocu c 17. 1 0 0. S 0.4 21 0.4 -I C :1 ma ZARE .0 1. A. 0 ha .- x8 10H A re 0 TZMKIN, A.Ta. Some methods of solving problems in the theory of neutron logging. Prik-l. geofis. no.23:141-173 159. (KIRA 13:1) (Oil well logging, Radiation) C. On Uhr) Tboory of ;-Ai-AJon rlionlstr-i (K toorii PI.IRIODICAL: Dokl-aJy 'kpdoniii nauk 3'~',R, Vol 125, ':r Ji, pp 5`i-r-5~37 (US311R) !,-I3T-?ACT: Tho pror;ent paper dot!18 wIth two problemn: The takinp Jnto account of thd Ifi-braction of the tracks ani tho nothod of calculation of IV-he quantity of the free radicals approximante . zv.01 final ptoducto of the and 5-) radiolysi~3. The taking into account of the track structure, of its volume distributi.-)n and interacti,)n J-3 importRnt for tl-e investigation of the radiation-chenicr-,.1 rr~,action:~ %-,,ith lo-a yields (.-.!C molecules per VIC, ov). The reicticno of chain charactor aro b,,,r far less i,--.-,crtpnt. 'In the invcstig-ktion of radintion-chemicn.1 react-icn.3 of non-cl-,.-in ch,~racter, (to which belong, for instalic-~, the rai-7iation cr~-.cking of hydrocnrbons, some kinds of -a-lation -olymerization, nitx~ition, and many other reactions) hir7',. Acnqiti:2s of th,7~ ionizing raliation ;nU3t- be applied in to obt,iin a yield 1/3 of the final product per unit of ti.ri:). r-di-tion densit~c:-,, o,' nLturally, cause t1hr intorrtction of tile 7t i:3 thereforr, , to take into necount Lhe r.mhv~l Lnflu~m )f tracks of wirious ionizin,, wirLicleri If th (Ilens'.~-,- ioninin.- ra(lintion is hiCh. -,i thitc, mu:., th~-or- nl' chomistry ctin br, wi J. 0 r:,- to fine !f.,jr the ir.,: L nt of ti:.ic t %h', o,P t h i ;,~ t r i *b u '. i a n o f t h e ir -.~ i r,,,0 ilo6ium) v.-h1ch .'s, 1),,, thu tr.-.c% of 7iven initial distrl')utioa of tho ion-; in Cho lnstant of tino t t'. In equatic.,. !`i- 'on- cmem. - of th-. d(mzsity of pr.rtir~lo.-, :)f _P-iF, r-7,4 4 C-.-, I or L,,n:, 4~n ".nio cqvr.~,i-on, how~,~vr!r, b-imolL~cul--ir revctions and ~oc~. not tike into r.ccou~-, th, -)o3,,ibi1!1%,,, of 3econ.,Iary r,~,,l.r41-i-ne. Tho authorr~ th-.~r: jo.-ie snecial cases: If a r~.clllrtion of high density -.cts )n ,)olymcrs, there is n(%arl:,, no of the pol,:-.icr fn th- cn.,,o of ro-gctiono with yield of ntomic !Irm,,itios the c,)..,rr.,:3uonding qy.,Ac~i )f U st contain aari equation vihLch -itescribeo the diff,,izion n~! various typos of reactionr, of h, drogen atoms. The ,-bovo- Y On the Theory of R~idiation Chemistry mentioned oyotg-,j of equations is then npecializel :rril adapb-d for the cusc of low radiation densities, and tho authors discuss a nothod for the approximate solution of this nimplifiod system of equations. Thp formulne deduced then, p!~!.-:nit tho computation of the nariber of free radicals Find finol prod-Act!,, of the radialysis. The method discussed in the uresent pr,.p,~r bn applied also to celculation.-i by of an electronic computor of discrete action. There ar- 3 references, I of which is Soviet. 3CCIATIGN: Institut neftekhimichoskogo sintnzr. 'knrlemii r-W: for Petroleum-cliemical Synthesis of 4.'1e tC.Ldi.-n-, of ,;cinncr111 U3SR) E:7T-D- 11.11TTED: Card December 11, 1953, by A. V. Torchiyov, Acplnmicip-n December 10, 1959 TEMKINs A.Ya. Machaniam of the radiolysis of oolid oxalic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no. 11:2503-2505 B 160. (MM 14:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR9 Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza. (Oxalic acid) (Radiation) !;.Lj'S00 1~ (.a 20 AUTHOR; TITLE: PERIODICAL: 1142p 12.13-1 1)- 97 10t43 Temkin,_A._Ya. 86397 S/020/60/135/002/028/036 B004/BO56 Theory of Thermalization of Hot Hydrogen Atoms and Their Effect Upon the Dimer Yield in the Radiolysin of Alkanes Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No. 2, PP. 373-376 TEXT: The present paper deals with the problem in which under the action of ionizing radiation upon gaseous organic substances part of the energy is converted into the kinetic energy of the fragments formed. In this case, kinetic energies may occur which are higher than the average energy of the thermal motion at the given temperature. In the radiOly3iB of alkanes, hot fragments, above all hot hydrogen atoms, will be formed. The action of these atoms upon the course of reaction is studied by an approximation method, the method of energy groups, auxh as is applied in the theory of slowing down and thermalization of neutrons. In the present case, i.e.9 the transition of hot H-atoms into thermal H-atoms, two kinds of particles Card 1/5 186397 Theory of Thermalization of Hot Hydrogen S/020/60/135/002/'02,3/036 Atoms and Their Effect Upon the Dimer Yield B004/BO56 in the Radiolysis of Alkanes are concerned, which may go over into each other. For a track process the system of equation is written which describes the diffusion, recombination, formation of free radicals, and thermalization of hot H-atoms: M ~ni/Dt = Di 6ni - F_aij,i,j - aiEninH + Ainh + Si (1a); j=1 M )n h/at - Dh An h - A nh + Sh (1b); gn H/) t- DE,6n H iein H X - a n 2 + (A + S (1c). Di is the diffusion coefficient of HE H Id'h + H i-type radicals; a is the recombination coefficient of i- and J-radicals; Si is the number of i-radicals formed by the ionizing particle per unit time and volume; ki is the macroscopic cross section for the formation of an i-radical by the hot H-atom; -A is the macroscopic cross section for the collisions of the hot atom with gas molecules, in which the hot atom becomes thermal; ni is the density of i-radicals. The subscript h refers Card 2/5 86397 Theory of Thermalization of Hot Hydrogen S10201601135100210281036 Atoms and Their Effect Upon the Dimer Yield B004/BO56 in the Radiolysis of Alkanes to hot, and the subscript H to thermal hydrogen atoms. If the terms aiH'i'H are neglected,, only the system of equations (1a), (1b) need be studied. The following example is given: At the instant to of the formation of the track at the point with the radius vector ro, hot atoms are formed. Within the'sphere of radius R and with the same centert there are free radicals of a single type. The author develops a system of equations (2) for the dimer yield, using definitions taken from Ref. 3, which are not menti'oned in this paper. If the intensity of radiation becomes so great that the tracks'overlap and the reaction takes place within the entire volume, the'group equations may be simplified. The following denotations are chosen: ni: steady density of the hot atoms of energy Bi; N: number of molecules of the initial substance per unit volume; ai: elastic scattering cross section of the hot atom of the i-group from a molecule, the atom going over into the (i+1) group; a ik' aj.: summational cross sections for all nonelastic collisions of a hot atom of the i-group, which cause its transition to the k-group (k >i). The following relations are found: Card 3/5 Theory of Thermalization of Hot Hydrogen Atoms and Their Effect Upon the Dimer Yield in the Radiolysis of Alkanes 86397 S1020,1601135100210281036 B004/BO56 + Si(l,