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TZLEK, Eva; JUHASZ, Jozscf, dr.; 1400, Kalman; KOWSHUY, Frigyas Debate about the rralning of engineers. 1-1,usz elet 19 na.'~1:2 23 AP 164. 1, Chairman Educational Committee) HungarLan tydrologin, Society (for Juhasz~. 2. Temporary Secretary General, Scientific- Asancia- tion of TelecommunAcation Engineering (for 'Mago). 3. Chairman, Educational Uo=ittee-0 Section of Constru:!tion., Scientific Association of Transportation (for Kovacshazy). TV!XK,l Eva ~ ", - Conference of road constricting technicians. ?Ajsz Plet. 19 no.21!2 8 0 164. TZLEK, J;va IIliat if3 on th,~ at.-crla 7.'L ',!kIrit~r5j r- .1 :-, !nnr,-,r&-,tir:5 P:.,~ T _nventions, of nr;fi i'c!uzttlflc,. lt3z elot 19 ro.22:2 2%, 1) 1 (,., . RZTSAGI, G.; TEIXK, K* Penicillin blood level determination after Injection of Ico Bis- mooillin. Ory. betil, 93 no- 32:933-935 10 Aug 1952. (GLIQ 23:5) 1. Doctors. 2. Second, Internal Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Imre EUWnal). Budapest Yledical University. TZLEISSI, Gezane mast, form has been most successful in supervising political schools? Munka 12 no.9:15 5 162. 1. Kereskedelmi, Penzugyi es Vendeglatolpari. Dolgozok Sza.kszervezete kulturalis oaztalyanak vezetoje. TEIEM"I,, Gesane-- Five years' experiences'at, the political schools maintained by the Trade Union of Workers in Comi rcep Finance and the Catering Industries. Munka 12 no.12-.22-23 D 062. 1. Kereakedelmi, Pensugyl es Vendeglatoipari Dolgozok Szakszervezete kulturalis osztELlya-nak vezetoje. 44:~ Muse= Month ar?.-anged by the Trade Won of Workers of Commerce, Financo and the Catering Industries. Munka 13 no.5:29 W 163. 1. Kereakedelmi, Penzugyi es Vendoglatoipari Dolgozok Szakazervezate Kultuarlis e3 Tajekoztataoi Oaztaly vezatoje. HUSZAR, Istvan, a muesaki tudomanyok kandidatuBa; TnXkU,- Blemer (Miskolc.) Shape factors of rods veakened by coupled notches. Muzzaki kozi XTIL 28 no.1/4:3-12 161. (Ew lotg) 1. Nehezipiri Mussaki Egretem, Mechanikal, TSMBzek, Miskolc. (for Teleki). (Rods) (Strains and stresses) ip MU A UTHOR t Talskig Endre, Engineer YUG /2-58-10-7/24 TITLEt Superphosphate Then and Now (Superfoafat JuSe i danas) PERIODICALs Kemija u industriji, 1958, Nr 10, pp A-59 - A-60 ABSTRAM The article deals briefly with the history of superphosphate production in Europe, with particular reference to the Yugo- slavian "Zorka" Chemical Plant in Subotica. The plant is equipped with 3 Keller reactors with a total annual output of 80,000 tons of superphosphate fertilizer. The "Zorka" Plant in gabso has a "Moritz-Staondert" Apparatus for the continuous production process with a capacity of 20 tons/hr, or a yearly output of 120,000 tons. "Moritz-Staendert" equipment vM agno be used at the new superphosphate plants at Prahovo (575,000 toile) and Trepta (250,000 tons). The "Zorka" Plant in Subotica has an American "Broadfield" mixer with a yearly output of 120,000 tons and is the only euperphosphate plant in Yugoslavia to possess a granulation Card 1/2 shop, where 70,000 tons of granulated fertilizer a year are Superphosphate Then and Now YUG /2-58-10-7/24 produced with the "Davison" apparatus. The shop was put into trial operation at the beginning of 1958. There are 3 photos. ASSOCIATIONs Hemisks, industrija "Zorka", Subotica ("Zorkall Chemical Plant, Subotica) Card 2/2 W 0 Ole *to 0*00 ST's"s"6011011 -o0 0 I N 1 if 14 It flit ah?) 4.1329 161, L, 0 v 51 J, .1 42 .1 a 4, A L J, I AA be Lt M . It 00 Bauxite OAS of the zqo(J* platomm -00 Td. ki, Amm. isid. Pub- th-1. Hax( 35, 1 -tie 11#111 41 t III(- jV. 4114-111, torni'll. 4 wc, it 0,r)), I,,. S,Irsmu. -00 K41un. awl K,mji,k,, I, S14), 11.0r,"old _~�, 14 i,11. 4%. a IN MI; %fit() trmr~. 1.111. 1.21, 1. 12. TiO, Irmt,.tract.,; 00 i*os 00 1.00 iticitticat cmispas. to th(rw of Cwtiml, that SO, I 00 average, W 12f". In-ilic thut UllitVA1.4111t. Ittr flat I.,1111tKit. 1.00 Oo um~. The invintlittatumst pruvrd 1b,it Ribijimm Wistijir , 00 mr, Are slot lAterites flut t%rrs ny", lylw,. Iml Tv,011c'.4 (16,UIVLA filnt~tutwl, Land (101ollaites. 22, mbittlet., "0 0 00 4, 1mvin FmAy =00 00 09 fro 0 .:Zo 0 Uo 0 1 200 "0 0 0,01 J Ilk I& %L1 hl ITALLLRGI,~Ai, LITERAT419 Ctall.06CATIC, tA 46 * .0 *0 too 1 r3 U 'A AV 10 it IN 41 0 ~ 0, 41 a a of a K It 1, 11 X ~W n 1 8 0:00000:0000000000400 000000004004 : :: 000" 0 0 0 0 0 4 00 0000 00000.000411000000000 4 _ 4 0 OI 30) AUTHOR: Teleki, G. SOV/33-35-6-11/18 TITLEt -A&pid Determination of the Declination Errors of the Talcott Pairs in the Intervals of Insignificant Changes of the Program of Latitudes PERIODICALs Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1956tVol 35,Nr 6,pp 917-924 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author presents a now method for the quick determination of the declination errors of the Talcott pairs before the annual cycle will be closed. The method is applicable in the intervals of changes in the observation programs, in particular for the SIR (Service Internationale Rapide). There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt Belgradska & Observatoriya, YuGoslaviya(Beograd Observatory, Yugosla ~ SUBVITTEDt December 2, 1957 Card 1/1 SEVARLIC, B.; TELEKI, G.; PETOVIC, Z.; DJOKIC, M. [Dokic, M.] Observations by zenithal telescope of 110 am. of the Latitude Service of the Obaervatot"j. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no.l/Z:2-3 '59- (published 1960) (EEAI 9:9) (Yugoslavia--Astronomy) TELEKIj 0. Investigation of the level of the zenithal telescope by Vasilev's method. Bul Obs Beograd 24 nool/2:25-28 159.(published 1960) (Yugoslavia--Astronomy) (Teleacope) (EEAI 9:9) TELEKI, 0. Conformity of the determination of the x1crometric constant by means of the zenithal pairs of the Washington Cataloguee Bul ObB Boo ad 24 no.1/2129-32 159.(published 1960). (EEAI 9:9) ryugoslavia-Astronomy) (Teleacop*) SEVAUICP B. pETOVIC, Z.; DJOKIC, M.[Dokic] Observations with the 110 m. zenith telescope at the latitude Ser-rice of the Observatory of Belgrade. Bul Obx Beograd 24 no.3/4:6 1959 (pub. 160) (EEAI 10:9) (Astronov7) (Telescope) (Iatitude) j SEVARLIC# B.M.j TELEKI, G. Design of a new program for the Latitude Ser7ice of the Observutor7 of Belgrade. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no.3/4,19-27 1959 (pub. '60) (EM 10:9) - ---lLatitude) SKVARLIC, B.; TELEIU, G. Program of determining the declinations of 36 stare at the zenith telescope. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no.3A:27-30 1959 (pub. 960) (EFAI 10: 9) (Telescope) (stars) ---TELEKI, G. --.- New formilaa and tables for calculating the annual variations of Benael's constants. Bul Obs Beograd 24 no.3/4:30-31 1959 (pub. 160) (UAI 10: 9) (Astronony) (Stars) (Bessel's functions) TELEKI, G.; GRUJIG, R.; DJGKIC, M. Observations with the 110 mn, zenithal telescope of the Latitude Ser7ice of the Observatory. New program. Bul Obs Beograd 25 no.2:49-55 163. I$LEKI, G.; DJOKICO M.; GhIIJIG, R. Observations with th(t 110 = zenithal telescope of the Latitude Service of the Ob6ervittory. Old program, Bul Obs Beograd. 25 no.2:56-60 103. -TELEKI, G.; SEVARLIC, B.M. Comparison between the old and the new proirram of the service of latitude of the Belgrade Observatory, bruied an -jim,iltrinecus observottions mRdo in 1960. Bul Obr, I,- ,riid -11)' no.3:7.3-80 164. TELEKII TOzse.V, dr.; LAU , Laszlo, dr. Pr'raary funicular sarcoma. Magy,, 1. MAV Korhaz sebeszet 14 no.2:138-140 AP 161. 00 Iaios). eB KOzponti Rendelo kozlem,,,, (Igazgato foorvos: Dr. (SARCOMA case reports) (SEMINAL YWICLES neopi) DINCULESCU, Tr. , prof.; BINSTOC, 0. , dr.; SDIC, L., dr.; DMITRESCU, St., dr.; TELEKII N., dr.; SLAVESCU, V1.., dr. I---- Considerations on balneo-physical therapy of vertebral lumbosciatica. Med. intern. 14 no.7:865-869 J1 162. 1. Institutul de Balneologie, Bucuresti. (SCIATICA) (LUKBOSACRAL REGION) (BAIIIEOIMY) (PHYSICAL THRWY) IRVIN'G, Rezoone; TUDOS, Ferenc; Initiated polymerization of utyrol by sulfinic acid, I. Polymerization of styrol in the presence of p-toluoln4inic acid as well as of b.,-nzcyl perox--de-p-toluolsulfinic acid system. Magy kem folyoir 66 no.10:415-422 0 160. 1. Kab--l- es liuan-jaggyar Kozponti Laboratolbpt Budapestj Magyar 'Ludomanyo:3 Akademia Kozponti Komiai Kutato Intezote, Budapest;es Budaposti I-hiazaki Zgyeten Muanyag- es Gumiipari Tanszeke. ZI Febervari ut 120)j i IRIVG' M. (Irings Marpt] (Budapest '" *:((*idapest,VII., Pusstaszori ut r/69h, LTudool Fer TIUDIESH) F . encl, dr PMLEKI P. !Telekip Firoska (Budapeati, IT., Puaztaszeri ut 57/69 Polymerization of otyrene initiated by s*,phinic acid. L Aota chimica Hung 35 no.3s281-296 163. 11 Chle% Radaktstonnaya kollegiya "Aota Chimica Academiae scientil$m Hungarioae.,w (for Tudosj. TELE klarginal rr-narks on tds Yearla g1pss and ccramc eyJd'dt--',-.)n3. Pi'110,L.11, I C:71-1.17~Er,,. (Centr,-Ine ~arzady Przr.TsIu Szklarskdego i C(' ;r,-,rj-,-..,-,F,,-o oraz Stowarzyszenie Nnukowo-Technicznp inzynierow i Technikow Przf~rjyslu Chetdcwne,m) Wz~rszvwa, Poland, Vol. 10, no. 9, Scpt. 1959. 9 Vionthly U.St Of East European Accessions (EI-A-I) LC) Vol./no. 2, Feb. lqh~. Uncl. "n u an GIN.';BIJRrj,, V.A.-, MARTYNC4,h, L.,' .., S.11F,; TY'ELIHOM, B.I., I I TAKUBOVICH12 A.Ya, Structure of adducts of triflucronitroso methane with unsaturated Compounds. Zhur. ob. khIm. 35 no.5-c851-857 My 165. (MIRA M6) . .~ . . - - ~~ - ~'k-v,' - - - . -- I- ~~ ~~ - - -". ;, 6 ;P 4 &~ TEMIAG, A. ; ALBIJ, L. Labor prcductivity in light industry; calculating methodology. p.47. INDUSTRIA USCAPA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia si Departamentul Indus riai Usoare din Ministerului Industriei Bunurilor de Consum) Bucuresti, R~Imania. Vol. 6, no. 2., Feb. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFA1) IC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. T!'L--T!X2 'P..; ALTT', L. Dct,~rmining the adriissible wage Pind in light-industr.- enterprises. p. 123. INDUSTRIA USOARA. (Asociatia Stiinifica a Inginerilor si Tchnicienilor din HoTdnia si Departar-entul Industriei Usoarc din Yinisterului Itidustriei L'uniirilor de Consum) Pucuresti, Rumania, Vol. 6, no. 4 Apr. 1959. Monthly List of ggst- Fu'ropean AccesS, ons (EFAI), LC. Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept . 1259 Uncl. TEISMAC, A.; ALBU, L. The methodology of computing the labor nroductivity in light industry, P. 3. INDUSTRIA TEXTIIA. (Asociatia Stlintifica a Inginerilor si Technicienilor din Raninift si Ministerului Industriei Usoare) Bucure3ti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959. UNCL 1)etermintn, ti1c. fulll in the of E,VU-S I'R IA TEY',- din RO.'r-irl-, lr,--inrrilor rl. bucurrsti Vol. 1,,)l .1(). 'lay Monthl,~, lj~,,t ()f E'(jj-OPCnn ""o. IndeX Ic voj. 'rember 1959 G.2 no. uncl. , - -- . ... . - -1. -, - .- 41 .... 1.1-11'.- 1 1- -.- . -1 . ~ -,WF~ - TEUMN, C. I......... *W-- On a clas5 of Riemann symmetrical spaces. In French. p. 445. NIATI-'-U&S PURES ET APPLY,,U&ES. JOURNAL OF PUE A0 APPLIED REVUE DE MATHEA MATIMATICS. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucuresti. Rumania. Vol. 2p 1957. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL LC Vol. 9, no. 1, January 1960. U14CL A Olass of Analytic Yunctions on a Hiemann Surface# and Genera ised AbsUan Integrals $ r-.-- 9- V -Teleman C Une'cl'am'de forictions an-aly-fiqu-e-s-d Ofa -ce 7 e- e- ---t-tann, ginirallsann-es RNIVOes Offlemes. 'Acad. R. P. Romlne. Stud. Cerc. Mat. 8 (1957 163-182. 14% I(Romanian, Russian and French summari The author considers multiple-valued analytic func- tions h on a Riernann surface whose detenninations are related by linear fractional transformations and also are locally inverses of local uniformizers. It is shown that if hl and ho are such functions, (hjAdhs1 is a regular quadratic differential on R, {hl)h. being the Schwarzian derivative, of h, with respect to h2; it is skew symmetric in (hi, hj).- The h are determined for special algebraic c.urves. Geo-i metric interpretations of the functions h are Given. Appli., cations to the problem of space forms with constants negative curvature are to be given in a subsequent pa r.! AL H. Heins (Urbma, T11.1 - - - ------------ TELEW, C. --- On the maximum groups of notion of the Riamann Y. spaces. Rev zath puree 5 no.1227-57 160. - (3&U lot 9) (Groups, Theory of) (Spaces, Generalized) TEIZIAN, C., asistent Prominent Taople in -athematics; academician lhecrghe -lrsncean~;; 40 7ears of actIvitles In hi;,h education. Gaz Zat fiz 13 -c-12: 641-659 D 161. GOROIANV, Yk*. ONAGA, IT.; BRATV, I.,. Tn=49 X.; T31M, G. T .ronbles of glycoregulation eluring the preoperRtive, phase of the n1cerative disease. Romanian M. Rev. 2 no,lt27-28 Jan-)Ibr 58. (BIMD STJGILR, preop. glycoregulation disord. in peptic ulcer) (PEPTIC UIDIR, blood in preon. glycoregulation dinord.) TEW-WN, S. On the Ealer-Poincare-Hopf formula,. In French, 551. REVUE DE 1'J,.T[L=-!ATI1,''UES FURES ZT APPLI UEES. JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLI~D XATR,-~,~k TICS. (Ixadamia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucuresti. Rwania. Vol. 2, 195. Monthly List of East European Accessions (-Ii~'LL) LG Vol. 9, no. 1, Januar-f 1~)~'A,, UNCL TFIE.MAN, Silviu "The Method of Orthoponal llro,iection in the Theon,, of de Mathem,qtIques Nres. et Applionqef!, Vol j, ',Ijo. 1, 1956. TELEW, Silviu On the first problem of self vibration of an elastic body. Rev math puree /+ no./+:665-M4 159. (EFAI 10: 9) (Elasticity) (Vibration) (Boundary layer) (Sipaceop Generalized) (Group-sp Theory of) (Functions) P AUTHOR: Teleman, Silviu S/044/6Z/000/01P-/026/049 AO60/AOOO TITLE: Compact sets of summable functions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 12, 1962, 82, abstract 12B379 (Rev. math. pures et appl., (RPR), 1961, v. 6, no. 4, 659 - 684; French) TEXTz Let G be a locally compact group with a left-invariant Haar measure (k. The author studies the conditions of compactness of subsets of the space LD (G). Generalizations are-obtained of the corresponding results of Kolmogorov, Tamarkin, Tulaykov, M. Riess and Rellikh the case when 0 - Rn and ~L Is a Lebesgue measure. The set M(='LPjL(G) is relatively compact if and only if a) lim uv* f - f 0 uniformly with respect to f GM; b) f Dr every, vEB 6 > 0 there exists a compact part KgCG such that for all fGM we have f, (x) P d "/p 4 re CK0 Card 1/2 S/044/62/000/012,/026/049 'Compact sets of summable functiong A060/AOOO c) M is bounded in LP (G). Then B is a left-filterin naturally ordered set of compact neighborhoods of unity le GG, and uv W W rfL(V)]-l y v (x), where Yv is the characteristic function of the set v. The Independence of the condi- tions a), b), C) is investigated. Let DCRn be an open set, M be a bounded (in the sense LP (D)) subset of differentiable functions with Viformly bounded gradients. For every compact part of KCD the restiictions of functions from M onto the set K form a relatively compact part of the space LP (K). The prob- lem is investigated as to the compactness of sets of functions specified on 0 with respect to measure convergence. If the left and right uniform structures of the locally compact topological group 0 coincide, then the group 0 in unimodular. V.E. Lyantse [Abs.iracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 'LA S/044/63/000/001/021/053 AO6O/AOO0 AUTHOR: Teleman, Silviu TITLE: On the first problem of natural oscillations of an elastic body PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1. 1963, 60, abstract 1B282 (Studii pi cercetfiri mat..Aoad. RPR, 196~, v. 12, no. 2, 393 - 412 Rumanian; summaries in Russian, French) TEXT: The author demonstrates the existence of-.a complete system of gener- alized characteristic vectors for-the problem of natural oscillations-of a homo- ,,geneous isotropic elastic medium. 0. 1. Panich [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 1/1 i, L. N, " "I IJR L 2h122--66 LN71d)/Fr - ' 1~ "r! 11 A C C R TF -Mj 0 0 1 F SOURCE 60D-2,t UR/6j!7/63)b00/011/0G0V)/0014 AUTHOR: Bobrovskiy, V, (Engineer; Colonol)l Tolon', 0. (Enginaer; ColonO) ORG: none TITIE t Air-to-ground missile-guidanco xystems enumerated SOURCIE: Tokhnika i vooruzheniye, no. A, 1965, 8-14 TOPIC TAGS: missile component, missile guidance, missile gaidwico system, missile navigation. air to surface rdasile ABSTRACT: In an article discussing guidance systems usod in modern air-to-ground missiles (see Fig* 1), it is stated that the history of misaile-weaponry developrnnt bogan on 20 August 1939, when for the first tim Soviet aircraft arred -withimpided air-to-air missiles fleTwr into combat in the Ra-lo-hsin Rivar region (Soviet-Jaraneso border -Incident). In 1942 Soviet pilots made laree-scalo rissilo attack3 on ground targets in the defense of Stalingrad, thus introducing air-to-ground missiles. Todayts tactical aircraft are said to be equipped with air-to-.Crovxd missiles with a range of tens of kiloiwtors, Ifigh accuracy is roquirod since tactical bombers and fightor-bombers eupporting ground troops mist strike rdssi3e and artiller7 Card 1/2 L 24122-f,6 ACC NRs AP6oo6416-- I-Guidance Systems Autonomous ote Controll Homing 0 rj W -H ~Radio --d > 43 -H -H 43 4-143 M Q -f-4 43 0 U L4Au rq 0 ..4 WHI Id 0) 0 Cj U tc Vsual Automatic - Trac Tracking Fig. l.. Guidance systevL,; used in air-to-ground missiles positions, ener7 troop concentrations, and oven individual tania; and armored carriers on larA and ships at sea* In addition, the development of air-to-ground rdssiles has reached the point where wissile-carry-Ing aircraft can doliver precise nuclear b1(nTs withmt o e I Low nd I tt z entiaircraf L( L .L U J~2q P2/27j B CODEi. 16-1 SUBM DATE: lions An' IN ~n -4 ~-nt L=. ~n the -lrdlor,~~rtrm3 -;f, the FrunzonL;l,-iy 'xo& of t-o :jIlty ve Postwar Y(,,ar -~urttral ln~A for th-,~ 'r.,:; nck~l in!_n of Ph--Jcians, 30 So-IJ 1~4 r, 1,7 -1 ar YEWORKINAO Ye. I., kand. m id. nauk.; TELINCHI. karkL b ~~.M S.~4&V Pj Hygienic study and evabmtion of technical instruction in goscow school shops. Gig. i san. 23 no-12131-35 D 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1, Is kafedry giglyany detey i podrostkov TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya Vrachey Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya S&SR. (SCHOOI6, hyg. assessment of polytechnical workshops in schools (his)) (IIMMTRIAL HYGtM same) T.EIZNCHI# V.-I.f assiatent Speech phonetics in cbildren of preschool age as one of the indices of physical development. GIg. i san. no. M13-28 0 160, (MIRA l3sl2) I* Iz kafedry gigiyery detey i podroatkov TSentrallnogo institute usoverohenstvovaniya vrachey, (SPEECH) TELENGAY M.A. [Telenba, M.A.]; BOYKO, N.L. [Boiko# Ia.) Reproductive system of the females of ichws=on flies and change in its structure in the process of evolution (F~rmenopterap Parasitica), Fratol Inste zools AN URSR 20s229-234 164. Z"MONB-ZLTBMSKIT, Te.T.; TXLMNGA, N*A.. profeseor. 1~1-- --.- Vs?.Poqmlovlo role In developing biological control methods for harmful Insects of the UeSeSels lauch.trady Inst.ent.1 fit. 2t7- 11 150. (MIA 9t2) l.Chlon-korresp*ndent Akadexii nxuk Ukrainskey BbI (for Zverozomb- Subovskiy. (Insects, InJurisims and benefictal-A1919 gical control) TZLUGA, NA., prof asser. Theoretical basis and principal methods of using entomephoems Insects In the biolsglc&l control of Insect posts. Kauch.trudy Instoont.1 fit* 2112-41 "0 - (MIRA 9s2) (Insects, Injurious and beneficisl~~Iologiaal control) of TauxaAs N*Av, professor, -z-'---'- , , ""; f-, ~' . t' W ~!'. Bxperiment&2 study of the role of entomophagous insects in the sass propagation of other insectoo N4uch.trudy Inst.entat fit. 2:42-141 15o. (MM 9:2) (Insects, Injurious and benefiei&2--Biological control) MUGA, N*A,, professor. Role of the parasite Casnocrepla bothynederis Gres. In the propagation of the sugar beet weevil. Nauchetrudy Insteent. I fit. 2:142-i7o '50- (MM 9:2) (Chalcid flies) (Parasites--Weevils) TIUMA, N.A., professor. , r.; .. . " . ~. I . 1- 1, ~._ " Using parasitic Aphidlidas to coubat migrating plant lice. Imuch.trudy Inst.ent,i fit.2:199-209 150m (XLRA 9:2) (Plant lice) Ochammen flies) TZMGA, N.A., professor. 1-1-p opIocies of parasitic Hymenoptera of Bracenid" faally in the U.S.S.R. Nauch.trudy Inst.ent.1 fit. 2:293-308 150. (ICMA 9:2) (Ichneumon flies) TELTENGA, 14. A. PA 71,ITI WSIt/Siology Agricultural Posts Feb 51 "Uperience Acquired in IArge-Scale Application at Smela Rayon, Kiev Oblast, of the Biological Method for Combatting Agrotis segetum," Prof X. A. Telenga. "Visnik Akad Nauk Ukrain RSR" Vol 23., Nc)4 PP 53-61 Gives detailed account of work on the applica- tion of trichogramae for the extermination of Agrotis segetum (Euxoa), an insect which damages cereal crops. 241T1 1. T-VJ MIGA, N. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Insects, Injurious and Beneficiel - Biologici-1 Control 7. Role of entonophags. in mass reproductive insects. Zool zhur Nc. 1 1053. 9. Month! List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. j- Ti MALYSEIV, S.I. Me origin and evolution of parasitism of ichneumon flies and their de- velopment in the U.S.S.R.9- N.A. Telanga. Reviewed by S.I. Kalyshev. Zool.zhar. 32 no.3059-562 wy-is 153. (VIAL 6:6) (Ichnemonidae) (Parasites) (Telenga, N.A.) Systematics of braconid ichneumon flies of the genera Chelonus Jn--, and Chelonella Szopl. (Ftvmenoptera, Braconidae). 2001-21mr. 32 no.6.-1175- 11?7 H-D '53. (MLRA 6:12) 1. Institut entomologli i fitopatologii Akademit nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (Ichneumon flies) --TELENGA, N. A. Proiskhozhdenle i evoliutsiia paraziti=a u nasekonqkh-naezdnikoy i fomirovanie ikh fauny v SSSR (Origin and evolution of parasitism in ichneumon flies and their development in the U. S. So Re) Kiev, Akad. nauk Ukr* SSSR, 1952 137 P. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7,, No. 69 Sep. 1954 OSTCHNTUX, Anna Zokharovna [Osychniuk, 11.Z.11 TX1JWGA, M.A. (Tolenha, M.A.], doktor biolog.neuk, BOGDANOTA, T.L. [Bohdanovs. T.L.J. red.izd-va; LISOVITS, O.M. [Lysovetal, O.Malt (Beat of the right-bank area of the Ukrainian steppe] Bdaholynt (Apoidea) prnvoberashnoho stopu l1krainy. Kviv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSR' 1959. 90 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Ukraine--Bees) 0(l) - f- 11 / ~ -, _ r7, '~ 9-2-25/26 - , AUTHOR: /- ' Telenaa N.A. (M.A, Telt-rza TITLE: New E,- rg Parasite Species of Zabrus Tenebrioides and Other Carabidae, Teleas Caraboides sp.nov. (Scelic- nidae, Hymenoptera) (Novyy vid parazi*L-la yaits khleb- noy i nekotorykh dru,,ikh zhuzholitq Teleas Carabo-i- T des sp.nov. (Scelionidae, Ify"ienoptera)) PERIODICAL~- Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1959, Nr 2, PP 214-216 (UbSR) ADbTRACT: In this article the author describes a new species of egg parasite of Zabrus tenebrioides and of cara- buses of Amara and Harpalus genera, found in the Odesskaya oblast', Kirovogradskaya oblast' and Sum- skaya oblast'. It breeds twice a year, is primari- ly represented on virdin and fallow fields. Its activity with respect to the destruction of the etras CDC~ of grain parasites has not yet been oufficiently Card 112 studied. TSLENGA, N. A. "Fundamental Laws of tho evolution of parasitism of the ichneumon fly from the point of data on the fwilly of bracinidae (Hymenoptera)," (p. 159) by 11. A. Telenga. SO: JgW=l gC Gen2ral Biojggy (Zhurnal Obschel BioloZi-.*L) 'Zoliune II No. 1, 1941. TFLENGA, 11. A. A manual on the multiplication and use oftrichograyLmas in the farm crop pests Kiev, Izd-vo akademil nauk ukr. SSR, 1949. 97 DA 1. Insects, Injurious and beneficial Biolo7-ical control M -11-177 V TMOGA, N. A., professor. Winter dispense of the comon trichograma (Trichogramma evanacens Westw.) Mauch.trudy Inst.eut.i fit. 5:34-54 054. (KrRA 9: 1) (Chalcid flies) TUMA, N. A., prof essor. Importance and ways of using psrasites of sominivorous Insects of clover. Nnuohotrudy Ine,ent-i fit. 5:55-72 154. (Km 9:1) (Clover--Diasesses and posts) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial-- Biological control) TELUGA, N.A., professor. Biology of the San Jose scale and its parasites In the vestern Ukraine. Nauch. trudy Ine.ent.i fit. 5: 91-105 154. (921 9:1) (Ukr&4u&-8m& Jasi scale) (Parasites--Spin Joni scale) TILING1, H. A., professors ------ Parasites and predactors of plum and acacia scales In the Ukrainian S.S.R. Nauch.trudy Inst.ent.i fit- 5: 110-128 154. (MLRP 9.-l) (Ukraino--Scale insects) (Parasites--Scale lasocta) TZIANU, N.A�_L PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N" almd'amik' glavnyy redaktor; BYKHOVSKIY. T. =8.. redalctor; VIRWRAIM, BeSo, redaktor; STMOT, A.Ao, re- daktor; MAIMI' , AvAe, redaktor; BORXuMUS, N.S., redaktor; NMEEUOVSKIT, O~Lej, radaditor; SMRNOTA9 A.Vot tekhnicbgsk:iv redak- torsi Hymenoptera; family ]3racozddae, subfamily Hicrogasterit", Su'bfamilY AgathinAe. Ymma SSSR 5 no.413-312 155. WIRL 8:5) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo Institata, Akademft wwk SSSR (for PaTs- lovelar). (Uymenoptera) TURNGA, N.A.; ZHIGAYXV, G.N. Preseeding treatment Of sugar beet seeds with 12 benzene hexa- chloride duut in controlling sugar best vaevils. Hauch.trudy Inst ent,, i fit. AN TJRSR 7:88-95 '56. WRA 10:3) (Benzene hexachloride) (Seeds-Disinfection) (Sugar beets-Diseases and pests) ,ZMNGAO H'A. Study of Trichogramm evanescens Westv. wA T. pallida Meyer (Hymenoptera, Trichogrmmati&s) juid their use for controlling harmful insects in the U.S.S.R.Nith sumnary In Inglish]. Xnt obox. 35 no-3:599-610 156. (KISA 9:10) I.Institut entomologil I fitopatologii AkFidemil nffuk USSR, Iriyev. (ChAlcid flies) USSR/General and Specialized ZooloLW - Insects. Abs Jour' : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 40057 Author : Tclenga, N.A. Inst Title The ~Empj~oyman ~O~cardine Funai in the Contral of the Sugar-bect Weevils Orig pub Zashchita rast. ot vredit. i bolezney, 1957, No 3, 29. Abstract Maize serves as a basis for tho mass propagation of ms- cardine. After the [;rovtuh of the fungus, the seeds are dried and ground into flour, This biological preparation (BH) preserves its effectiveness for at least a year, and is used as a dust or suspension, The weevils dded from rauscardine: 46.6%-55.2% in the control. On the introduc- tion of BM (5 kgAectarc) into the soil - 65.7%. On the introduction of hexachlorocvololiesane (HCCH) - 70.0; on an introduction of BM and HCCH with humus in a cultivator- Card 1/2 25 F ~Z' ~ M,K USSR/General and Specialized Zooloa - Insccts. P. Abs Jour Bef Mur - Biol... No 9, 1958, 40057 82.6, Bm and RccH (with seeds) - 83-3%, at a dustinG with IN of the beet seeds prior to planting - 85-89%. A sharp increase in death from rmscardine r s observed at a soil density of more than 24-25 kg/cm p which was attained by rolling a heavy roller thrice immediately after planting. As a result of this rolling of the soil when the processes of o;:idation in the beetles were distur- bed, the use of BM and HCCH sharply increases the death of the beetles from muscardine. -- A.P. Adrianov. Card 2/2 T=FGA, N.A. Aphidius species *rasitic on plant lice In Central Asia. Uzb. biol. shur. no.2:51-56 158. (KIRA 11:10) l.Institut entomologii i fitopatologii Akademii mallskokhozya7stvan- ny,kh nauk USSR. (Soviet Central Asia-Ichneumon flies) (Phrasites-Plant lice) NIKOFOROV, A.M.; TBIMMA N.A. 4;~~ Problems pertaining to the biological method. Zaahch. r&st. ot vred. i bol. 3 no.4:57 Jl-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Insects, Injurious and benoficial--Biological control) TILENGA, N.A. [Telonha, H.A.3 New species of eM parasite of Za~rua ton-9broidna and otber Carabidae, Teleas caraboldes op. nov. (Scolionidae, Ersenoptera). Dop.AN URSR no.2:")14-216 159. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Ukrainakiy nanchno-lealedovatellakly Inatitut zaahchity ra;teniy. Predstavil akademik AN USSR A.P.Markovich CO.P. Ma kavycb]. (Ukraine--Parneitee-Ground beetles) Wkraine--Scelionidae) TZLENGA, N.A. Materials on braconide and ichneumons (1,7manoptera) of Armenia. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. -Siol.- nauki 12 no.6:85-88 Ja '59. kMI73A 12:10) 1,Institut zemladeliya Minieterstva sel'skogo khozyaystva ArmSSR. kArmenia-Ichneumon flies) TZIZNGks N.A., prof, Froblm of the biological method at the 4th Congress of the AU-Union Entomologic Society. Zashch, rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.9.'5-" 8 860. - (MIRA 15:6) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial-Biological control) VASILIYEV,, T.P.9 akademik- TELENGAI N.A., doktor biolog.naukp prof. 2 - What the scientists of the Uzbek Institute of Plant Protection are working on. Zashcherastoot vred.i bol. 5 no.2t33-34 F 160. (MM 15:12) 1, Ukrainaka7a akademiya sallskokhoz7aystvennykh nauk, direktor Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institats. sashchity rasteniy (for Tasulyev). Uzbekistan-Plants,. Protection of-Research) TELF14GA, N.A. "Le probleme de, l'utilisation des micro-organisrir-s entomopatholgenes combination av.-!c les Insicticides.ft Report submitted to the 2 nd Intl. Colloq. on Insect "atholoI7 and Microbiological Control ParJs, France 16-24 Oct 1962 ----REM TELEMA, N.A.; GULEVATYYJI Ye.F.; RADCBERKO, T.G. Dates -for dusting pea fields against the weevil. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. '7 no.5:26-27 My 162. (141RA 15:11) (Pea weevil--Extermination) (Sprayizvr and dusting in agriculture) 7rnM EM prof Use and develop methods of biological control. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol, 7 no,60-1-13 Je 162, (MMA 15:12) (Inoectop Injurious and beneficial-Biological ciontrol) ~I V4 fi _~Vamy~j~%VIA T T5' ,_,x _T9LENGA,A1.A.,,.doktor biolog. nauk; SIKURA, A.I., kand. biolog. nauk; DUID, V.Yu.; SMETNIK, A.I. Using beauverin with DDT for controlling the Colorado beetle. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.4t48-49 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nachallnik Zakarpatskoy karantinnoy inspektsii (for Dulo). 2. Direktor Zakarpatakoy oblastnoy karantinnoy laboratorii (for Smetnik). (Ukraine-Potato beetle-Biological control) (Beauveria) (DDT (Insecticide)) TBLNNGA&, H.6 kand. takhn. muk; TANSIIGIWAKO, A*, insh, --'~a~irain mills during 40 years. Muk.-elev. prom. 23 no.11:26- 27 If 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Vsoooyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy inatitut zerna i proUctoy yego pererabotki (for Telengator).Z. GosudarstvennAqa planovaya knTdssiya Soveta Ministrov.RSM (for Tereshchenko). (Grain milling) .. . - ... , ~'. , -11 - - - . - I ;. , , :, ~,J, 'P E, T ',"I I" Trlr~ , V I - _ I - - ;, . Preparation and repaik of the working suffaces or grain milling machines 1947 DA 3. Milling machinery - Maintenance and repair. USSR/Gonorrl Froblons of Pnthology - Tumors Abs Jour i 11of Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958p No 32594 Author : T Poysrkhovich I.M. Inst : Not Given Title s AntibIrstic Activity of Iniline-N-oxy~Uothylanirdn-phosphine (Drug A-4). Orig Pub . B . rrchobn. dole, 1957, No 7, 717-724. Abstrrat I The -.nti-tm-or retivity of A-4 wrs, tasted in sono streins of trrnsplrnted tumors. A-4 wrB Introduced hypodorrdcally 4-10 times, through r ciry, in doses for rrbbits 01,3,5, rnd lose ct, 10 rg/kg, for rrts 10 r-glkg, for nice 5-7.5 r-.E/kE. After trectmont, for oxrrple on the unrcorin 45 of rnta, ratcrdrtion wrs observer-' on the tenth rnd fourth dry rftor its trrns- plr.-itntion; rospcotivoly 96-98%. Under ricr03COPiC oxpnin- rtion of the twors, necrosis of the tumor found. An rnnlogous picture wpe observed in the tumors of other str-inat %Ath the Krokor serconr, Goren arrcinonc, rne, during leukovir Crrd s 1/2 20 USSR/Gencrel Froble-Lus of Pethology - Tumors U-4 Abs Jour Rof -Zhur - Biol.p No 7, 1958, No 325',4 in hens. The growth of the Brown-Piorco wpitholiomr is r1ro rotcrded. Accoriing to the gonerrl retion of A-4 in the or- gcnian It is anslogous to other ethylenininoe. It exerts n influence first on the hoortopoietic argrns, by crusing in c,-scs whore toxic doses cro given rplesit of the onrrow, r- trophy of the spleen rnd laukopenic. Cerd 2/2 TIUNGATOR, Ta.M., starshlY nauchnY7 sotrudnik; XORMMVSKIT. L.I., starshty uauMY7-Gotru.duIk (11yev) Symposium on problems of drug and hormone therap7 of malignant tumors, Trach.delo no.11:1215-1217 N 159. (MM 13:4) (CANCRR) (Rown TmApr) (CHENDTMWAPT) 0 PRYSAKROVICH, I.M.; TM290ATOR, Ta.M.-, PRMS121KO, L.D. (Kiyev) Antiblastomatic affect of 1.4-dioxypbonyl-O,O-ble-dietb7lenediamlde of phosphoric acid. Arkh.pat. 21 no.6:67-72 159. (MIRA 1.2,12) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo 'nauchno-iseledovateliskogo eanitarno-khimichaskogo (CYTOTOXIC DRUGSP Offe 1,4-bie(O-diasiridinylphospho)-banzone, antiblastomatie eff. in rats & chickens (Ras)) (HROPTASMS, exper, eff. of 1,4-bis(O-diaziridinvlphospho)-banzene in rats chickens (Rae) -S V PEYSAKHOVIGHp I.M., professor; SOLOGUB, P.Ya.; TE1211GATOft, Ya.M. (Kiyov) Influence of thio compounds on the antitumor action of some ethyleninene's. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 4 no.3:43-46 Mr4e 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo sanitarno-khlaicheskogo instituts. (dir. - Frof. N.I. Luganskiy). (CYTOTCMIC DRUGS) (THIOIS) PEYSMOVICH, losif Hironovich, prof.; KOLIVER, Rakbill Yullyevnaj- KOREM- SKIY'- Leonid Ivanovich,- LEVCHUK, Goorgiy Antonovich; MAZU[MIKO, Ni- kolay Petrovich; POLMSM , Boris Leonidovich; SAVITSKIY, Vasiliy Niko2ayevich;,-T~I!M'(~A Rj--jakq! ois ch U14AIISM Yu2iankleksan- drovich; GLOWT, F.A., red.; Wt. A.L., tekbn. rod. (Drug therapy for rAlignant tumoral Kbimloterapiia zlokachestven- rykh opukholei. Kiev, Gos. med. izd-vo, USSR, 1961. 304 p. (MIRA 14: 11) (CANCER) A AUTHOR., Paysakhovich, I. M, (Kiev), TeltS~~~(Ktev)i Sqlo u r) P. Ya. (Kiev-f ITITLE, Dynamics of histochemical and morphological changes in animal internal organs shortly after total X-irradirtion 1,111 SOURCE: K voprosam ranney diagnostiki ostroy luchavoy bolazni; sbornik nauehnyYn rabot. Kiev, Medgiz USSR, ig6a, 62-77 ~TOPIC TAOSi c~tochamical changes, morphological changeso internal organs, X-Irradiation, nucleic acids, alkaline phosphatase activity, sulfhydr,.rl groups, liver glycogen., ascorbic ao-Id !ABSTRACTi Changes in nuoleic aoidag alkaline phosphat-ase aotivit7, sulfhydr-yl groups, liver glycogen, and ascorbic acid ware investiga- ted shortly after single dose irradiation and compared with the struc- tural changes takiAg- place in the organism. White rats were exposed to singlo total doses of 2,000, 1,000, 500 and 200 r. Then the spleon, liver, small intestinep and adrenal lande were tested by histoohomioal methods (of Fallgeng, Brashe-BeyLrp Gomori, Zhiru an- Lablono Shevremon and Pred8riokj and Bauer) and other methods. Card 1/3 L 17561-63 ACCESSION NR: AT30023614 :Results show that 10 to 30 min after large doses of X-irradiation cytochemical and structural changes take placo- in the form of dis- turbed nuclooprotaid contents in the spleen and in the mucosa of tha small intestine, A similar process takes, place in the radioresistant! organs (liver) but less intensely. Decreases in DNA and RNA contuant in the spleen and in the small intestine mucosa are also obser-7ed for ,small doses (500 r), but they start much later and Drcceed more s1cw- I 1y reaching their lowest lirait. on the third day, For large irradia- ition doAes phosphatase activity is characterized by two change phases: j the growth phase and the decrease phase replacing it. Alkaline iphosphataso activity increases shortly c-.,L'-Uor irradiation reaching it 3 lhighest point after 3 h.-s. The histochemiaal increaso in P-11calino Iphosphatase activity precedes or accompanies the destructive changes .in the karyoplasm and e-y-toplasm of the parenchymatous elements of the spleen, ldiver, and small intestine mucosa. Shortly alter large doees ~of irradiation ascorbic acid In the adrenal glands quickly disappears land there its a decrease In the sulf'hydryl groups in the liver and the t3 leen, but the glycogen content in the liver -~-ells ohanges very P little. The varied cytochemical and structura:L distu--bances appearfng shortly after irradiation Indicate that the action o~~ X-rays initiates Cord 2/a *' 1756! r- ACCESSIC~N hrR: AT3002364 01- numerous pathological processes wti'oh greatly weaken the orgenism's reactivity and lead to radiation siollaiess. OrLg. art. has: 18 ~ (f iguros, ASSOCIATIO11: None J SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: ?-8Vay63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER- 002 C,,d 3/3