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S/12q/6z/ooo/oo4/oio/olo Conference on. E193/E383 chemical and technological properties of nitrogen-bearIng alloys" by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.N. Berezhiani; "Technology of fabrication of high nitrogen-content manganese alloys" by Engineer I.B. Baratashvili (Tbilisi); "Search for nickel-free constructional steals suitable for fabrication fox, large parts" by Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor 1,~.P. Braun (Ki-yev); .Modified heat-resistant steel" by Engineer V.V. Vinokur (Kiyev); "Factors determining high mechanical strength of the 3LA437 (EI437) alloy" by Candidate of Technical Sciences V-G. Chernyy (Kiyev); ."The specific features of the effect of rare-earth metals on the structure and properties of industrial constructional steels" by Candidate o,-' Technical Sciences Ya.Ye. Gqlldshteyn; "Distribution of silicon in various phases during solidification of steels and cast irons" by Engineer F.K. Tkachenko (Zhdanov); "ThermomechanIcal treatment of alloys" and "New trends in studies of structure and properties of metals and alloys' by hot-stage metallographic methods" by Doctor of Technical Sciences N.G. Lozinskiy (bloscow); Card 2/4 S/129/62/ooo/oo4/olo/olo Conferance on F,193/E383 "The role of structure of metals in diffusion processes'l by Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor S.Z. Bokshteyn (Moscoir); "The role of the structural factor in attaining high strength in heat-resistant alloys" by Candidate of Technical Sciences Ye.Ye. Levin (Leningrad); "Study of various methods used to prevent cracking during quenching of large parts made of constructional steels" by Engineer L.S. Levin (Moscow); "Operational experience relating to heat-treatment of rolled products at the: Chelyabinsk Plant" by Engineer A.I. Komissarov (Chelyabinsk); "The criterion of reversible temper brittleness and the size factor" by Engineer O.S. Kostyrko, (Kiyev); "Reversible temper brittleness in cast steels of the chromium- manganese group" by Engineer G.N. Krukovskoy (Kiyev); "The effect of some factors on susceptibility of steels to temper brittleness" by L.G. Saltvarelidze (TbMsi); "New technolo& of heat-treatment in a complex automated line in the production of motor-car suspension springs" by Engineer &rla ~Wna; S/129/62/000/004/010/010 Conference on .... E193/E383 "A new method of determining hardenabiiity of steel during isothermal-quenching (austempering)" by Engineer Ye.K.Kovshikov; "Nitriding of tractor gears" by Candidate of Technical Sciences S.G. Lantofell (Omsk); "On the problem of utilization of high-strength steels" by Engineer V.S. Sysoyeva; "Graphitization of steels" by Candidate of Technical Sciences P.Ya. Gruzdov- (Moscow); "Incorporation of nitriding for case-hardening of motor-car components in -closed-cycle automated aggregates" by V.F. Nikonov; "Heat-treatment of tools in water-vapour atmosphere" by Engineer G.G. Xorolev (Moscow)+ Card 4/4 L 19304-63 E7e.,P(q)/-a-ri(m)/BT-'S.---ASD/AFITC--..JD "905 S/0137/63/000/007/1020/102220 i C13SPION AM ArOO00 -SoMqr,-: RM. Meta.111.urgiya,, Abs- 71129 i AUMT.- Tavadze F.. N..- Kovshikov, Ye. K. TITLE: Mechanism and structural foms of the intermediate conversions of the austenito of stami)iz!g steels CITZL)',.SOURCE: Tre Gruz. politekhn. in-t, no. 4(84),, 1962,, 65-74 TOPIC TAGS: austen!-.teJ, stamping steel, carbide, 5KhM.1, 5KhNV, 5=, hardness.. viscosityi tempered steel TRANSIATION: The mochanism and structural forms of the into'mediate conversion of austenito (A) of steels 5KhM"M,, 5KhNVr and 5MIr/were studied in the tempera- turo range 600-200C by the ERE~iib-d q- ft q Iiii~~41ysis, supplemented Ln a oroscol I number of caze.* by ik zeasuremeR -of tHehardness 6a ak; the basic attention was paid to the transformations/that occur in the lowor (375-275C) temperature region of the inteniediat?',~onversions. In the lower temperature region of intermediate conversions,, the structure represents a mixture of the tempered C(-phase,, dispersed cbrbides of the comentite typo (Z -carbides). the unteapered Card 1/2 L 193o4-63 ACCEWIC)IN NR: W005905 cf -phase., and A. Th4)-Z -carbide is coherently bonded t6 the initial matrix, a -he' simple 01-1 entation bond in this carbide existing only with the lattice of It 4 -phase. A mechaniqm is proposed for the decomposition of A in this temperature region of intermediate conversion* In the upper temperature region of inter- rediate conversion, A,~he structure consists of alternating plates of ferrite and i enrichod A., the i6itpmpored cf-phase,, and dispersed carbides. The use of a ure ran ,ge (of the order of 500) in the lowe t erature region narrow temperat r emp of intemediate conversions (300-3500) is reco=ended for the production of the lbeat complwc of mecha~dcal properties of stamping steels. A. Nefodov. DATE ACQ: .12Aug63 SUB CODS: M ENCL 00 Card 2/2 37473 s/129/62/000/005/004/011 E073/E535 AUTHORS: Tavadze, P.N., Academician AS Georgian SSR and Engineer TITLE. Influence of thermomechanical treatment on the tomper brittleness of chromansil typo ntool I PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 110-5, 1962, 23-24 TEXT: Tho investigated steel was produced in an acidically lined induction furnace and had the following composit 'ion: 0-31~~ C, 1.100% Cr, 1.14% mn, 1.12% Si, 1.40% Ni, o.o26% P, o.o24% s. The thermomechanical treatment was carried out Drior to the ordinary quenching and tempering. The blanks were heated to 1050-1100*C, forged and then the influence was investigated of the degree of doformation, the temperature of terminating the forging, the cooling and the annealing condi'tions. After forging, all the blanks were subjected to the same annealing conditions and then specimons were produced which were quenched from 9000C and tempered at 5000C. A aharp drop in the impact strunfth.was observed for tho range of tempering temperatures 425-625 C- Card 1/0 . Z- Influence of thermomechanical ... S/129/62/000/005/oo4/oii I E073/E535 Prelii.-iinary for,3ing improves impact strength after quenching and tempering only If the reduction exceeds 25-30%. Fig.2 shows the influence of the temperatu Ee at.the end of forging, OC, on the impact strength, a k kgm/cM 2* Fig-3 shows the dependence of' the impact strength a k kgm/cm , . on the time of tampering at 5000C icurve 1 - without thermomechanical treaLment, curve 2 - after forging). Fig.4 shows the change in impact strength of the annealed steel as a function of the tcmperin~~ temperature (curve 1 - without thermomechanical treatmenc, curve 2 - after forging). Fig-5 shows the influence of th-2 tempering teinpe.rature on the impact strength (curve 1 - without thermomechanical treatment, curve 2 - after forging). Thcre are 5 figures.. Card 2/@.-Z ASTAFIM, A.A.# kandtakhn.nauk; KGVSIIIKOVP TSIKIA inzhoj TAVA*E, P,N,t akademik Rapid beating of forging dies for hardenlAs Metalloved, i tam, obr.1net. no.10:/+1-44 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1* AN Orusinako SU (for Tavadxe). TZ1 steel-Bn-dening) TAVADZ9, F.Ito; TSKITISHVIU, M.D. Daterm:LUnF the solubllity limit of aluminum,, titenlump and niobium. in iron-chromiun-mwganese-mickel-ttmgotsn-uolybd austeni"We and their effect on its heat-resistance* Trud Instemete AV Gram, SO 12:119-128 162, THIn 15:12) . (SUelj, Beat-resistant-Testing) (Solubility) 9 P N ; SrAVIDZE, Sh.G.1 HANDZHGALAMR, S.N. . Effect ol' copper on the corrosion-resistance of chroaim-mugmess- Silicon vteel* Trudy Inst,,mets IN Graz, M.12s129-136 162, (Chrmium-mangarese steel-Corrooion)' (Copper) (MIU 15912) TAVADZE. F.&I MANDZHGALADZE, S*N.; NABICHVRISHVILIO M.A.1 DASHRIANI,, T.S.; WIDZE, I.N. I Cheohical properties of cast iron in the system iron - cbromium - nickel - silicon - carbon. Trudy Inst.met. AN Oruz. SSR 121-137--144 162. (MIRA 15912) (Cast iron-Themal properties) (Corrosion and anticarrosives) SAKVARELIMB,, L.tao; TAVADZE, F.K. Effect ojr thermcmechanical treatment on metal nsceptibility to temper brittleneos. Trudy Inst.met. AN Oxus, SSR 121159-165 162, (MA 15S12) (Alloys-Brittleneso) (Tampering) TAVADZE. F.N.: SAITARKLIDZE.. L.G. Electron vt$eroseopy and electronography of alloys on a pure iron baso, Truely Instzet,. AR Gruz. SSR 12z167-172 f62,, (MIRA 15312) (Iron alloy$-Ketallography) (Electron microiscopy) ACCESSION NRs AR4OZ7683 S/d276/64/000/0Q/GO09/G0" SOURCE: RZh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniyao Abso,*IG66 AUTHOR j Tkiradze,-F,. Us iTakitishvills M, D6i Bagdavadzee Do I@ TITLEs The effect of additions of nitrogen, borois, "A *arban an the heat resistance of chromimm-nickel alloys (with 10$ nickel) CITED SOURCEs Tr. In,*ta metallurgii. AM GruzSSR# v- 13~ 1962(1963)t 37-63 TOPIC TAGS: heat-realstant alloy. chromium-nickel alloy. alloy, additive TRANSLATION: The addition of up to 0.3$ niirogen noticeably increases heat resistance. Increasing the nitrogen content in alloys is desirably, but limited due to thelcamplication of sample smelting technology& The addition of boron up to its solubility limit gives even better results. The addition of boron with the separation of the excess phases decreases heat resistance. The addition of up to 0.,25$ carbonincreasos beat resistance by an insignificant amounte Increasing the carbon content to 0*3$ results :in a sharp deterioratim of beat resistance , ~o the, separation of the unstable oarbidese Card- 1/P TAVADZEO F.N.; PETRIASHVILI, B.V.; LANCHAVA, M.D. Pinch effect phenomenon in direct action electric resistance furnaces. Trudy Intit, met. All Gruz. SSR 13:65-69 162. O-IIJLA l'Itg) TAVADZE,,,.F..N.; KHUTSISHVILI, N.L. Use of Karadag naturall gas for the c6mentation of steel. Trudy Inst. met. AN Gruz. SSR vol. 13:71-74 162. (Mliffi. 17:9) TAVADZE) F.N.; Lr,2;HAVA, K.I. production of silicon-freep killed pipe steel. Tru,jy inst. r4,t. )JI Graz. SSR vol. 13:75-88 162. (MI?-k 17:9) TAVADZE, F,11.; LISHKIII, T.A. Polariz-ability of certain metals in grape vim. Trudy Inst. met. AN Gruz. SSR vol. l3t89-98 162a (RIRA 17:9) of Falit and varnish cca- Trudy iiisz. me-L. Ails Gruz. S.S.R vol. 13:99-10031 TAVADLE) F.N.; N , I W 11") Z.T. -1 . . I- X-ray -nvestigation of residual atresses in bitt-weldpd joint,!3 In petxoleu.Tquality, following variouq kinds of heat treat- ment. Trudy Inst. met. AN Gruz. SSR vol. 13:247-254 162. (MIRA 17:9) -TULDZE-r~, FEE TRIASHVILI,, B.V.;,-tA'NMVA, M.D. Sldpftbea~tlilg of cupola cast irono Tekhnika Bulg 11 no.4:147-149 162. TAVADZE, F.N.; SHARADZENINEs, S.A.; BARBAKADZE., D.F. Core saz4aing from mold walls for the study of and of the mold metal properties. Stall 22 162. (Ingot molds--Testing) their structure no#4s374-375 Ap (MIRA 15:5) ekademik; TISKIUSHVILI,~ M.D. Effect of nitrogen on the beat resistance of =IticoPponSnt Chr-ey- miurk-mariganese alloyo of a certain composition, Soob.All Gruz.SS.;~ 28 no.3.&73-78 Ja M2. OUPA 15:4) 1, Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Ynstitut metallurgii, Tbilisi. 2, Akadcimiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Tavadzo). (.Chrondum-manganeee steel-Thermal properties) (Nitration) S1251 /62/029/006/00.5/00,5 D204/D307 ANHORS: 24~~F.N~- Acadcmician and Simonishvili, T.V. TITLE: A:study of tfie effects of Ti, .11 and W on the equil- ibrium and refractori-,=~ of alloys based on the gamma solution of the system re-Cr-Ni-Mn-Nb-V-Si PERIODIC,~~: Al-cademiya nauk Gruzinsl;oy SSR. Soobshcheniya, v. 29, '6, 1962, 703-708 n o. T VMT The present article is a continuation of earlier worle. (MVN SSI 'R, v. 145, no. 1, 1962, 112). The percentage compo- sition of the basic alloy was Fe 58.5, Cr 15, Ni 15, 1'n 10, N-b 0.5, V 0.59 Si 0.5 , and C < 0.03. Ti, iU and W ~!ere added individually or in pairs. The limiting solubilities in t'he basic alloy ;.xre found to be 3 - 'j') for Ti, 4'-,,., for Al, and 676 for W. When added in excess of these'limi ts, the above elements gave rise to compounds of type Fe Ti9 Fe.:U, R zw d Fe 'U The required phase analyses were directed by ' * ~ K. . Doliashvil .it hin the limits of solubility, hardness and i. microhardners were increased, particularly by Al, V1 + Al, and Ti + Al. Card i/2 S/)51/6)/029/006/005/005 A study of the effects ... D204/D_307 T1 Resistivity was sintilarly affected, cs-pecially by W + -U. The ref'rac- toriness was lowered , combined additions of Ti and _V1 slightly in- DY I C~ creased by Ti and Al (added,.separately or together in amounts close to the solubility limits) and considerably raised by W and by d + Al (close to the solubility limits). The combination W t Al is thus' to be Dreferred. ~Xtcr exceedin.H the solubility limits, further addi- tions increased the hardness and lowered the.refractoriness. The microhardness remained constant and the resistivity chaiged in a manner depending on the c-.,.cess phase formed. Particularly pronounced .1 effects were obtained by adding the alloying elements in pairs. Study of the constructed part of the equilibrium diagram Z-Abstrac- 0 _7allowe(I a co-mpo- ter's note: Apparently given in the earlier paper sition to be determined which was optimal w.r.t. refractoriness and technological pl-ODerties. This alloy contained relatively little Ni and no Co or Mo,, but was as refractory as some austenitic steels con- taining the latter two metals and rich in nichel. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: .141cademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut mtallurgii, Tbilisi Uicademy of Sciences, GSSR, Institute of Metallurgy, Tbilisi) SUMUTTED: October 26, 1962 Card 2/2 TAVADZE, F.H., itkademik; PRYAKHINA.. L.I.; SIMONISMU" TIV.- Equilibrium of alloys based on 11"-solid solution in the system Fe - Gir - Ni - Mm - Nb - V - Si. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 no*ltLl2-114 n 162, (KIRA 1527) 1. Institut metallurgii imeni A,A.Bavkova. 2. Akadwdya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Tavadze). (Iron alloys) (Phase rule and equillbrius) TAVADZE, F.N.., akademik; SIMONISHVILI, T.V. Investigating the effe!::t of Ti, Al,, and W on tke equilit '.,= and heat rosistance of alloys on the basis eif a gazma-aolid joluticin in the system Fe - Cr - Ni - Mn - Nb - V - S. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 29 no.6t703-708 D 162* (MIRA 180) 1. Institut metallurgii AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. 2. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Tavadze). KEBADZE, N.Lfdiweased); Prinimal uchastiye BULEISHVILI, D.A., kand. geol,.-miner. nauk; TAYADZE, F.N., otv. red.; RUBINSWEIN, M,M,,, kand, geol.--piner, nauk, red.j FEVZNER, G.79,, red.; KONDILATIYEVA, V.I., red.;.BWVITSER,, A.L., red.1 ASTAFOYEVA, G.A.,, takhn, red. -1 1~ . - , , I [Natural resources of the Georgian S.S.R.] Prirodnye resursy Grux:LnakaLSSR. Mookva,-V1o1.5.[Fu&1 resources] Toplivnya I resursy. 1963. 271 p. (MIRA 16z8) 1. A:kademiya nauk Grusinskoy SSR. Tiflio, Sovet po izueho- niyu proizvoditeltnykh oil. (Georgia-Coal'geology) (Georgia-Peat) (Georgia-Petroleum geology) TAVADZEp L4.j KANDZHGALADZE, S.N.1 ROZENFELID, I.L., doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; GORSHKOV, G.B.9 redAzd-va; DOROKEINA, I.N., tekbn. red. [Corrosion and corrosion protection of metals in natural mineral waters] Korroziia I zashcbita metallov v natural'- nykh lechebrykh vodakh. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 246 p. (MIRA 17:3) ACCESSION Nitt AT4030796 81000016310W10001011010118 AUTHORS Tavsdze, I.M.; Bayrawashvili, I.A.; Khantadzep DeVel Ordselishvili" V.As TITLEt The influenc-a of boron on the outface tension of nickel SOURCE: AN Ukr9SR. Institut metalloker,amikL L spetsial'ny*kh splavov. Poverkhnost- ny*ye yavleniya v raisplavakh L protsessakh poi6shkovoy metallurgii (surface phenomaw in liquid metals and processes in powder metallurgy). Kiev, lad-vo AN VkrSSR,l963, 110-118 TOPIC TAGSt surface tension, boron, hickel, beryllium oxide. aluminum oxides nickel based alloy, boron containing alloy, hydrogenIhelium ABSTRACT: The authors investigation was conducted by the lying-drop method on an instrument designed and constructed especially for this purpose. The fundamental diagram of the instrument is presented in a figure. The drop was magnified four .timess The surface tension of the metal was determined on a flatjsupport of alumin- um oxide and beryllium oxide. Special experiments were performed to study the effect of the materials, of the beater and the supportip, as welleas the medium (hy- drogen, helium), on the surface tension of nickel and its alloys with borous The CGfd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4030796 results of the investigation were presented in micro-photographs, tables, and figures. The values of the suz-facd'tension of nickel in a hydrogen and helium atmosphere were pratically identicaV. Borons an inactive element in relation to nickel, did not effect the value of its surface tension and the grain size. :The calculation of the generalized moment ard thi static generalized'isioment of nickel axA boron atoms con- firmed the inactivity of ~130ron in nickel-boroti alloy systems"o Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ingtitut "tallurgil AN Grua=# TifUs *,(Institute of Metallurgy AN -' or SUBNITM: 23Nov63 DATE ACQ: lfiApr64 ENCI't 00 SUB CODRt 'ML NO RV SOVI 006 OTMM: 003 Card 2/2 s/2,%'/63/oc/)/oo2/o i Vo;. 4 AC1061AII01 AUTHORS: Ageyev, F. X., Tavad2n P. M., Kartvelishvili, Yu. M. TITIE: PreparatJ.on of chromium chloride PERIODICALt Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 2, 1963, 88 - 95 A method of preparing chromium chloride is proposed which ylelds metal with a low content of gaseous and metallic impurities. The method consists In chlorinat-Ing orre, ctrotme oxide, or chr,~rnf- metaal vr1th subs-equent puriflcat'_or e~j n Ar nrcm-iuct b-v dislillation in a c,!-Iiorline current, and r %~-tio I r n a r, o ~ r-- C t: r 0 1 Y+- 1. C C r a t 7-1 f, r a - t or, apa - citur was oated with &5L~est.7,s at I.,-Ie j;,)" ~~,CPCI this made it possible to mintain a temperature in the capacitor (500 - 6000c) exceedin,3 the melting point of volatile chlorides but not attaininZ, the melting point of Cr chloride. In such a manner only pure Cr chloride was deposited in the capacitor. The Or-chlorides obttalned were Vurified at 900 - 9500C by dia- tillation In purified chlorine current. A spectral analysis 6f Cc chlorides Card 1/2 s/226/6Vooq/ooZ(OiP_/o14 ----,--Preparation of - chromb tm - chloride A0061AI01 obtained from Cr wddo and electrolytic Cr rdiows that high-purity chlorides can thus be obtained. Tho maxnesium-thermal reduction of Cr chloride was performed a- :5h~ws Ein !_