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TASHCHIN, II.V*, inshoner. i.- ~' Joining rubberised conveyer belts for MT machisox. Torf. Prom-33 no.205-36 156. MM 9W I.Kirovskiy torfotrest. (Peat machinery) (Converixg machinery) TASHCHINI V.V. 19936 TASIICHIN,, V.9. Povysit' uroven' takhnicheskogo proyektirovaniya torfyanykh paedpriyatiy Torf. prom-at', 1949, �6, 13-13 Sot letopis Zhurnal Statay, Vol. 27. Yoskva, 1949 nOVIKOV,, A.Ye:,* TASHCHEV,U.N.; MIVENKOVA, V.R., red.; SHLEPANOV, V.M " rM. - - (Work experience of agricultural technical schools; some problems of theoretical and industrial training] Iz opyta raboty sel'skokhoziaistvenrqkh tekhnikumov; nekotorye voprosy teoreticheskogo i proizvodstvennogo obucheniia. Moskva, Kolos; 1964. 220 p. (MIRA 19:1) SMIYEV, H.F.; TASHCHININA, H.V.; SATTAYXV, KOL, akadem_ik. On the possible role of carbonaceous and argillaceous shale in the localiza- tion of semimetallic deposits of the Altai Territory. Dokl.AN SWR 92 no-3: 649-652 S 153. (91-RA 6:9) 1. Akademiya, nauk SSSR (for Satpavev). (Altai Territory--Geology) (Geology-Altai Territory) BOIWT, G.P.; VMS, B.I.; PPMOVSKATA. N.M.; POXROVSXA7A, I.V.,- ROZYBAKIWA, N.A.; TIASHOPIN H SERGIM. N.G., otvetstvemvy rer red.: SUVCROTA, R. I. fe TUMOTA, P.F.. [MinerAlogy of complex deposits in the Rudnyy Altail Mineralogiia polimetallichaskikh mestorozhdenii Rudnogo Altaia; v trekh tomakh. Sost. G.P.Bolgov t dr. Alma-Ata. Vol.2. Bolgov, G.P., and others. [Minerals in the Rudnyy Altai (halides, oxides, ox7salte)] Mineraly Rudnogo Altaia (galogenidy, okisly, kislorodnye soli). 1957. 423 p. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Akndemlyn nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut geologicheskikh nauk. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk KAzakhokoy SSR (for Sergiyev). (Altai Mountains-41ineralogy) 1-4 FTv I 1 1 1 IJ ' 1`1 BOLGOV, G.P.; VZYTS, B-I*;.),~T~OYSKAyA, N.m.; PCKROVSKAYA, I.V.; ROZYBAKIYEVA, N.A.; T,-,9Hq4INIlw N.V..-SERGIYBV, N.G.. otvatetvenzU7 redaktor: SUVOROVA " iE.i.. reaak%or; ALMOVA, P-7., takhnichookly redaktor [Minor logy of somimetal deposits of the RudW Altai: in three volume:] Xineralogiia polimetallichaskikh mostorozhdanii Rudnogo Altai&; v trokh tomakh. Bost. G-P.Bologov i dr. Alma-Ata. Vol. 1. Voits,B.L, Pokr'ovskaia, I.V.; Bolgov, G.P. (Kinerals of Rudnyy Altai '(elements, sulfi(jes. sulfo salts)) Mineroly Rudnogo Altai& (elementy oullfidy, sulfosoli). 1957. 343 P. (KIRA 10:8) Akedem:ys nauk Xazakhokoy SSR, Alma-Ata.. Institut geologi.chookikh 1. aauk. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk Xazakhsko7 SSR (for Sergiyev) (Altoi Xountains--Metals) TAYTS, B.I.; BOLGOT. O.P.; PVTROYSXAYA, X.M.t PCIMOTSKAYAR I.T.; ROZ7MI7RTA, N.A.; TASHCHININA, M.Y.1 MMGIYNT, N.G., otv,rod,; MMORMA, Retes' F.Y., [Mineralogy of complex metal deposits in the RudW Altai] Xineraloglis polizatallicheakiieh matoroshdanii Rudnogo Altaial v trokh tomakh. Soot. G.P.Bolgov I dr. Alma-Ata. Tol.3. [Mineralogy of the Rudnyy Altall geological and mineralogical characteristics of complex metal deposits In the Rudnyy Altai] Mineralogiia Rudnogo Altaia; goologo-mine- ralogichs4kaia kharaktaristika polimetallichaskikh meato- rozhdanii ftdnogo Altaia. 1959. 487 p. (NBA 13:2) 1. Akademlys nau Kazakhokoy SM, Alma-Ata. Inatitnt geolo- gichoeMkb nauk. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk Ka- sakhokoy = (for Sergiyev). (Altai Mountains-Mineralogy) TASHCHININA M.V.- SEMENOVA-TYAN-SHANSKAYAp Ye.R. -- 9 Upper Paleozoic Zhantau. Volcano in central Kazakhstan. Trudy VSEGEI 98t99-116 163. (KM 17:5) 1 -1 ~ !:, ~,*~;, 11; i~ ". - i -,~ ~ -- ~ --, I -- - ~~ t, I ~ ..1 KOLTYPIN? I*S.0 inzh,j TASHCHIYANp V.V., inzho; SHATSUY, M,V,,, ir,-,h. Voltage regulator using p-n-p-n transistor devices, Rlektrotakhnika 36 no#1107-39 N 165# (N-rRA 18,11) TASIICIIIYEV, Yu.S.,; 13FUTCHIK, Wt. Blood coagulation and prevention of thrombun forrAticr in urologIcal operations. Urologiia no.6:33-38 161, (141RA 111:11) 1. Laboratorlya po iiuchaniy-u svertyvayemosti krovi pri gospitallnoy terapevticlieskoy klinike (zav. - pror. P.A. Tepper) Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta i urologich,?Fkaye otdeleniye (zav. - E.M.Shimkus) Krymskoy oblastnoy klititcheckcr( bollnltsy,, Simferopol'. DOMBROVSKIY, A.V.; ~ALIONJ, Ya.G.; TASHCHUKJ X.G Raloarylation of unsaturated componnds by aromatic diazo compounds. Paift 14: Synthesis of d- -mathylstilbenes. Zhur,ob,khim, 32 no,2.,603-607 F `62. (MIRA 15.2) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvanro7 univarsitat. (Sti.lbone) TP. KIMAP K.G.; DOMMOVSKIYj A.V. Haloarylation of unsaturated compourds with aromatic diato compounds. Part 271 Chloroarylation of styrene, Preparation of stilbenes. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.11:1995-1998 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. ChernovitekV go5udarstvenW universitet. Sutritted December 19, 1964, TAc'IIGHUKI KsGe DOMBROV.1-3KI'Ll, FEDORO-11 V.S. $1 ; I Production of stilbazoles based on 2-Anyllrfridine and aryl diazonium chlorides. Uki-.khlm.zhur- 30 no-5t496-499 164. (MIRA :L8t4) 1, Chernovitakiy gosudarst"tuiVy univermitet. I WO DCHBROVSKIY,, A. V.; TASHCILU&_K._~, Haloarylation of unsaturated compounds with aromatic dia2o compounds. Part 17; Arylation of o(-chloroatyrene and pro- duction of tolans. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.1:165-170 163. (MIRA 16:1) 1, Chernovitakiy gosudaratvennyy univeraltet, (Styrene) (Diazo compounda) (Acetylene) DOMEROVSKIY, A.V.; TASHCHUK, K.G. 0 Haloarylation of unsaturated compounds by aromtic diazo compounds. Part 22: Mechanism of arylation. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10:3353-3354 o 64. (MIFA 17;11) 1 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. -- - -- O-.-S-.,-!jA5UTK"OVJ I "YatherraticO Theory and i",lectrical-l'odel wtudy of a Eleep-";*ell Pump. If Report submitted at the Fifth Wnrld Pertoleum Congress, 30 V*ay - 5 June 1959. New York. - - - r~-, ) t, j~- -/ r ~ $ ., - - , - I - V.1 - - : -/.-- - TASHIM, Z I -.AHRIYV, As. Decree of the Presidium of the Bapreme Soviet of the razakh B.S.R. Test. AN razakh. SSR 13 no.lOtIO4 0 '57. (KIU 10t12) 1. Fredsedatell Plfexidium Terkhovnogo loveta Xazakhakoy SOR (for TashenavL 2. Salcietarl Prezidiuma rerkhovnogo Soveta razakhekoy SSR (for Amriyev), Alm-Ata. (Auezov, Mukhtar Omrkhaziovich 1897-) TASHUNEV, Zh. A. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at the Institute of the Peoples of Asia. "Development of the Economy of the Kazakb SSR." Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4. 1963, pp 119-145 13-57-5-7157 -Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Hr 5, p 204 (USSR~ 'AUTHOR., Tashenov, B. I. TITLE: Natural Factors in Gravity Systems of Open-Pit Mining (Yestestvennyye osnovy bestransportnykh sistem otkrytoy razrabotki) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr. Kazakhsk. gorno-metallurg. in-t, 1956, Nr 14, pp 325-337 ABSTRACT: Natural factors determining the use of gravity eyettme of open-pit mining are; 1) the physical and mechani- oal properties of the mined rocks; 2) the dip angle of the deposit; 3) the thickness of the mined ma- terial; 4) the thickneea of the ov6rburden; 5) the form and dimenaione of the deposit in horimontal rojectionj 6) the industrial reserves of the deposit, Gard 1/3 M phynical and mechanical properties of the rooka 15-57-5-7157 .Natural Factors in Gravity Systems (Cont.) (hardness, toughness, etc.) affect the selection of the type of excavating machine-. its output, and the nature of the productive process (use or omission of drilling and blasting operations). They also predetermine the technical and economic criteria of operation of the mining enterprise as a whole. Rocks have been classed in the following-four categories on the basi's of ease of*mining: light, dense, partially broken, and brokqn. Depoeits accessible by open- it mining with use of gravity sy~stems are classed as horizontal 0 to 50) or inclined (6 to 100), depending on the angle of dip. f Strata are classed as 1) thin (0.4 to 4 m); 2) average in thickness (4 m to 10 m); 3) thick (10 m to 20 m), for purposes of gravity systems of mining. The maximum alloviable thickness of overburden in mining deposits by gravity systems at the present level of tech- nology of open-pit mining is 30 m to 40 m. The upper limit may be #creased with~future manufacture of more powerful excavators. De- posits may be classed as follows according to their plane dimensions: U'small deposits which may be mined by a single open pit; 2) Card- 2/3 15-57-5-7157 ,Natural Factors in Gravity Systems (Cont.) .deposits ofaverage dimensions, which may be developed in two or three Pits; 3) large deposits developed in four and more pits. The author proposes a classification of deposits which may be mined by gravity systems. The classification is based on analysis of the indicated natural factors. Card 3/3 V. I. K. - -- r--r-m sflaw, - --, u -mmommmm, Activity of rumen fauna In sheep as affected by feed and keeping. Trudy Inetekmp.biol. AF Kazakh. SSR 3:7-16 f56. (MMA 10: 1) (SHW--PMIOLOU) (STCVACH-33ACT3RIOLOGT) (FMING IND 7JUDIP STUYFS) TASHANOV-0 X.T. amimom litrification In the forestmachs of sheep, Trudy Inst.ekap.biol. AN Kazakh.SSR 3:17-23 156. (KIBA 10:1) (SHNBP--FHTSIOL4mT) (STONACK-BACMIOU)GY) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) BAUROVA, N.U.; STZPANKIHA# H.LVA Method for froducing artificial ana6tomosis of Stansonla duct in ahsap. Trudy Inst.akep.bial. AN Kazakh-SSR 3:109-110 156. (KMU 10:1) (SHM-ANATOKY) (YISTUIA) (PAROTM GLOW-SURGIRY) 01~1 TASHENOV9 K. T.-Doc Jand biol gei __ (diss) the p r ab I Qnm f4 - q%eettVu 'OfAphysiology of rumer6in sheep." Alma-Ata, 1957. 15 pp 22 cm. (Academy of Sciences rLazakh 3SR. Inst of Physio- logy)q 100 copies (KLI 21-579 100) -35- STEPANKINA, M.K. r Water metabolism in the canal, Fisiol,zhur, 44 no,10:991-996 0 158 (KIRA 12 z 1) 1. From the laboratory of physiology, Institute of physiology of Farm Animals, XasaWh SSR Academy of Science, Alm"ta. (WAT3Mj Metab. in camel (Rug)) (ANIXAM, camel* water matab. (Run)) -- -- -- -- --- - -- - --- -- -- - - --- --- -- - - --- - --- - - --- - - -- -- - --- -- BAZANOVA, N -U -; T&SHWOV, -K:.T W. Significance of 210=079suisms in the diet of ruminants, TrudY iust.fisiol.AN Kazakh.SSR WO-29 159, (MIRA 13:7) (MW--YMING AND YXIDING STUYPS) (DIGBSTION) (NIGRO-ORGANISMS) I- TASHINOV. K.T. Secretory activity of the parotid salivary glands of sheep in relation to the VarYiV9 character of diet and maintenance. Trudy inst.fisiol.AN Knakh,SSR 200-39 199. (MIRA 13:7) . (pARoTID GLLITDS) (SEW--YMING AM) YMING STUITS) -,-TASHIMOV K T- 596retory and fermentative activity of the Pancreas in absep, Trud7 Inst.fisiol. AN Zmakh.SSR 2t44-51 159. (KIM 13:7) BAZANOVA, N.U.;-TAMN9.Yx-X--T*,-,. Transfusion of chvms frnm +bn e!ltlvionlr" -P - fttitmOl 1-~*^ another animal. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Kazakh. SSR 515-9- % rLLnA 17: 5) TAS-,-ff,PNOV; K.770 some c~ara-,Aerlstlcs of ILn, functLon of the liver in :cheep dilring pregnari-y and 13-rtatinn. Trudy Inst. fiziol. LN Kazakh. 'Sp, Yip.-chanism rf sec.-,ition in tille -,f 3hc-p dur'Ing and lactation. Sbid.:39-47 Peflex ii,&irmlationahlp -,I,-IIiVIJy or th", T sy3tem and mrummary glani3 In ftn'7AIJ. lbld. ~ 59-73 M if 14 17: RAZANOVAI, New data on the transformation of the nature of animal organl!=. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Sor. blol. nauk 2 n0.10-12 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17: 6) BEKETAYEV, A.M.,; ROZYbAYIYFIV, M.A., kand.mod.nauk; jg-j~~IIOV, , kand.maeed. nauk All-Union Congress of Physiologists. Vest. AN Kazakh.SSR 21 no.2:-"- 72 F 165. (111 RA l&3) *-I-I Methodology of obtaining pancreatic Juice in shoep and goats. Fisiol. shur. 51 no.8tlO27-1028 Ag 165. (MIW18:7) 1. Laboratoriya fisiologii sel'skokhospystvennykh zhivotnykh Inatituta fiziologli AN Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. S U i: Given Names- Countr7: 3 i a Academic Degrees: a 0 3' OiO ici-1 Sciencen Affiliation: not :~-ilcn Source: Sofi&,, Priroda, Vol X, No 4, jujy/jtaduj;t 1961, pp 69-71 Datal Rhopalomyzue Ascalonicuts Done. (Hom., Aphid) in Bul,-aria," OPO 9516*3 TASHZVO gm 0r_ jolog.nauki. - tW- kandidat n& b SyNtgMtjo in"cticids,, Mr i swis 24 no.2slll6n f6l. (SUI IN 7) (insecticidee) . QA0~M% 9 D a [Tushevq D, I --Immmwmw- A new representative of the genus Acyrthosiphon.Mmdv. (Rcuoptera: Aphididae) in Bulgaria. Doklady-BAN 35 no./+:419-422 162o 1. Lehrstuhl fUr wirbellove Tiere an der Universit-at Sofia. Vorgelegt von Akademiemitglied I. Buresch [Buresh,, I.]. TASHas J)Lm~i~ . Godlsnnik Some notes oU the Btqgarian aphidologic literature biol 54/55 no,is193-206 959/60-160/61 (publ. 1621. Sr. ~ ~ ~ - TASHgis Dimitur Go ~ the grisenhouss Plante Plant Ur-O . (Aphididat.9 - E=CP+Am) 0" 1 959/60-16o/61 in BuUarlao Godishnik bidl 54/ 55 no,1:171-19 Epubl* 9623. TASCHE:V,, Dim-ter G. [Ta9he-yo Dimi,Wr G.1 A new opecies at' plant (Flcmoptera~. Aphidida~e)~ Bulgaria, Go-Ushnik biol .5'.'55 no.5.;;2CY7,-.213 "59/6a-160-,61 [publ. 162]. 4", TASHEV, Dim. G. Two new aphid species (Paczoskia longipes sp. n. and Periphyllus bulgaricur sp. n.) from Bulgarie k'Hom., Aphid.). Godishnik biol 57 no.1:45-58 162-163 (publ. t641. Now description of the species Aphis vitalbas Fe". 1872 (Hom., Aphid.). Ibid.159-68 A eontribution to the stlOy of plant lice (Hom.p Aphid.) from Rozova Dolina. 1. Chair of Invertebrate Zoology of the Faculty of Biologv, Geography, and Geology of the University of Sofia, Sofia (Head of the Chairt Prof. G.Kozarov). AS11, Dimitur G. A new description of the species Protaphis earl-inae C. B.19 Protaphis anthemidis C. B., and Protaphis dudichi C.B. (Hom., Apli(Q. Wiahnik biol 56 no.ltl5l-178 "',1-162 [publ. 1641. P, Some new leaf lice (Hom., Aphid.) for th( fauna of Bulgaria. Ibid..-179-190 T-o now species of leaf lice of the genus BrachyungulB ,Hom., Aphid.) from Bulgaria. Ibid.tl9l-203 1. Chair of Invertebrate Zoology of the Faculty of Biology, Geography, and Geology of the UnLversity of Sofia, Sofia (Head of the Chair: Prof. G.Kczarov). TASHEV kand. na biolog. nauki Myzodes varians (Homoptera., Aphididae).. a now peah-tree pest of importance in Bulgaria. Priroda Bulg 12 no. 5: 80-83 S-0 163. a t --- - _TA4nV,.- D..--- -- - A new aphid species (Capitophorus bulgaricus sp. n.) from Bulgaria (Homoptera, Aphididae). Doklady BAN 17 no.3sZn-302 164. 1. Submitted by Academician I.Bouresh (Buresh, I.]. TASHEV., D. Paczookia brevlpilona op. n. (Ramoptera, Aphididae)p a nev aphid species from Echinaps microcephalua. Doklady RAN 17 no.6:589-592 164. 1. Submitted by Academician I. Bouresh [Buresti, Id AP661 ~~ -------- - -3-0-0- -C- -1~' 03 COW: FU OQ11/65 01.8/0W/0,?65/();M7 AUTHOR: Tashev. D. ORG: Faculty of Biology, Sofia University TITLE: New aphid species.of Euphorbia L. (homoptera, aphilliadne) SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 9, 1965, 865--s67 TOPIC TAGS: entomology, animal parasite ABSTRACT: The' author reports the discovery of a now species Iof- Suphorbis L.. Aphis psaudopaludicol2 op. n. is similar to Aphis ,poludicola H. it. L. 1959 described by Boerner (Neuet Blettlause sus 1~itteleurops., 'Salbstvarlag, Naumburg, 1940, 4 pp) as Pargandeius polustric C. B.* 'rhe paper describes the morphological characteristics of the Aterous and Alete viviparous famales, the host plant (Euphorbis cypsrissies 1#*),end place of discovery. This paper was submitted by Academician I. Buresch on 17 May 1965. Orig. art. has: 1-figure and 1 table. LJFRS) . SUB CODE: 06 SUBM D~17% none OTH REF: 003 - -cc" -!A :z .A MWA~ WX-10AMPA 55?-,;~R,0,-M-1*, HIM 4-411, !X% 5 0 1 XIRMV, P,; TASHIV, 1. Studies on hypersensitivity to penicillin and atreptoMain, Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.5:37-45 1958. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolinchna terapiia pri VM1 I. P. Pavlov - Plovdiv (zav. katedrata: Prof. P. Nlronov). (ALLIMGY, to Denicillin & streptomycin, intradermal test result statist. (DIM (PENICILLIN, inj. eff. hypersensitivity, Intradermal test result statist. (1)ul)) (STFIRPTOMMIN, inj. eff. same) , -fl-- ".. "Let us Plan Correctly the Repairs of Tractors and Other Farm Machiner-.,-I p. Ii (Mashinizirano Zemedelie, Vol. 4, No. 3A, 1953, Sofiya) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 3, Library of Congress, March, 1954) Uncl. TASHEV, Petur, dots.arkh. An urban analysis of the housing blocks built in Sofia. Arkhltektura 8 noAM4 161. TASHE;V, S.; SOTEV, M; TSURVULANOVA, I. "Tho time schedule of the section foreman in cotton spinninE." INKA PROMISHLENOST. T1,7ASTIL., SoMa, Bulgaria., Vol. 7, No. 11, 1958 I onthly list of EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAL), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959, Unclas M BULGARIA KRUSTEV, L., Institute of Nutrition, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences "Ultroatructural Changes of the Liver In Experimental Lipoidosia' Sofia, Doklady Bolgarskoy Akedemii Nauk, Vol 19, No 9, 1966, pp, 859-862 Abstracto /English article,7 The connection between nutrition and arteriosclerosis and the part played by the liver were emphasized earlier by numerous authors (Sao, e.g., F. A. Abdurakhmanov, Bopr. pitDniya, 1954, No 5, 50). The present paper reports on the study of fine changes taking place in liver during experimentally induced cholesterol lipoidosis. Results are presented in the form of four electron-mieroscopic. pictures. They indicate that loading with cholesterol probably injures the cell organelles of the hopstocyte, thereby nffocting on one hand the systems taking part in the synthesis of cholesterol and on the other hand those related to lipid and protein metabolisms. Other morphological changes (changes in lyaosomos, mitochondria, and endoplaametic raticulum) are relatod not only to changes in lipid metabolism but also to a considerable derree to changes in protein metabolism. There are 1 Bulgarian, 6 Soviet, and 4 'Western reforenQea. (manuscript received, 26 May 66.) TASM T.A.; VASILV, K.; LOMOV; FILIPOTA, 7. Comparative evaluation of flocculation tests. Mod latopisi, 41 no-IO.-1017-1037 D 149. iGUC6 19:2) 1. Of the Clinic for Internal Diseases ~'Director -- Prof. K.Chi- lov, M.D.), University of Sofia, Sofia. V TASHE T - - , CUD td itudieW tho car *!tP=b*- Z==Oda F ~ G ni asp 0 &Ch". Awaxairrliw.~M W ar. stlentoi whose blood-ou J:t 50 b li 1) was o meta sm ( g p cooteq ranged ftom 90 to Z10 mg. - The results of toler- d 1 - T-ent types of bloo ence tests with 50 x. glucose astre 4 curves: normol,rewrthme diabetic and neyrovepta- rtlr After treatment, ;I the pailents abowed no ' h I l I V ObaNioal Abet- ncrease whi e n 40% t e chante in bkod-suSsr lewt in U was accompanied with a fil In basal metabolism. It i k d i th bl Vol. 4g Ito. es s was oc e ne Syn seems that durfuji treatment tWax lacressIng the th)rotrople Intoxicatim and dis- thereb Apr. 95s 1954 y turIxace of 1. Pathogmtkally'all Cases a grouped Into Biologialil Obeiiistry thyroxinemic (having nonnal tolerance cmv ), t~~ ' d di f B sestse. xnese, ase ow s (ropic and combbsed tam o groupings were substan4ted by the expd. results. SeweraL ent doses of thyroid ext. or syu-t thetic thyroxine; the eontinis gained wt. and hbMasq_d the k-t hil th I t d b i t ai e ru n ivers w e e r flycogen content of the Ost wt. and decreased thtk glycogen remw . Theb$ood- sugar level In all rats wait unchanged. The Coc&Smnd mrfhod was used for the detn. of sunar. 0. Megualan- TASEU, T. A.; LIPKIII.A. Ye.L. Effect of experimental hyper and hypothy"onis on the course and pathochemical peculiarities of tox1pathic hepatitis, Arkho pat., Moskva 13 no*2t25-30 Kar-Axp 1951, (OUG 21:1) 1. Prof. Tasbev (Sofia); Idpkina (Moscov). 2. Of the Experimental Laboratory (Read. - Prof. S. M. Leytes) of the Clinic for Therapeutic Nutrition (Director - Honored Worker in Science. Prof. He 1. Powner). Institute of Nutr1tion of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR* TABH1V# T. A., prof.; NIODROVA-BRATANDVA, N.; SHARANKOV. 1b.. dota. Determination of the hIgber nervous system In peptic ulcer. Nauch. tr.. ISUL, Sofia 2 no.1:3-21 1953. 1. Katedra po, vutresbul bolesti sue stonashno-chroyni zabollavanli& I lecbebno kbranene I katedr& po nevrologii& paikhtatrila. Zav. katedrata: prof. T. A. Tasbev. (PIPTIC U1601R, physiology higher nervous funct.~ (CENTRAL NERVOUS STSTIN, In'varlous diseases, peptic ulcer, higher nervous funct.) TASHTCV, T, A., prof.; MEOVL-BRATANDVA, N. Sleep therapy of peptic ulcer. 'Mauch. tr, ISUL, Sofia 2 U0.1; 23-35 1953- 1. Xatedra po vutrashul bolesti one stomashno-chrevni i chernodrobnI taboliavanita i lechabno khrinene. Zav. katedrata: prof. T. A. Tashev. (FMIC ULCIM, therapy, sloop tber.) (SLMW, therapeutic use, peptic ulcer.) TASHMV, T. A., prof.-, LOZIMV, St.; GOSPODINOVA, V. Water metabolism in Basedov's disease. Nauch. tr. ISUL, Sofia 2 no. i:179-209 1953. 1. Yakultetska terapsytichna klinika pri mod. alcademila v chervenkov - Sofia Direktor: prof. 1. Chilov. (WATIR, metabolism, in hypertbfto1dism.) (HYPXRTHTROIDIS?4, metabolism In. water.) POKEERISTOV, P.; TASOV, T. Medical science In the People's Republic of Biaoyarlas Vests ANN SSSH 11 no.5:62-75 156. (MIRA 32:10) (NOICIB in Bulgaria, progr.) TASHIVO T.AG-0- profs --- - -- - - - - - - - -- Anon Zlatarov and his contributions to nutrition In BmUaria. Burremo mode$ Sofia 3 no.3;.15-17 1954- (NMITION& historre in Bulgaria, contribution of A.SlataroY) (BIOGRAPHISS, vlatarov. Assn) - - --- - TASEZVOT " prof.6,-DOINOV, KO Progress In the field of therapeutic nutrition. Surrema. zed.. Sofia, 5 no.5:18-25 1954. (DMS, in various diseases) TASHIT T.As,- professor Neutrition and Its relation to protein metabolism in pathogenesis of certain systendc diseases. Surrem. mad* . Sofia 5 no.5:35-42 1954. (PROTNINS, metabolism, disord. in pathogen. of various dis., nutritional aspects) USHIT, - T.A.-O - prof Therapeutic effect of strawberries In certain Internal diseases. Barren. sod., Sofia 3 no.5:49-58 1954. 1. Is Irateilrats, na, vutreshni. bolesti sus stoomhno-chremni I chernodrobul bolesti I Ischabno khranane Pri ISUL Nave'shUshch: prof* T A.Tashey) strawberries, there properties) TASIMV, T., Prof.; GRUNCHAROV, Ves. Venous cholac7stocholangiograr-hy with biligra ,no.3:54-63 1957. 1. Iz ICatedrata po vutreahni boleati sus atom zaboliavanlia i lechebno khranene (Zav. kated (OHOLBOYSTOGRAM 0 cholecystocholangiography with bil (CHOLANGIOGRAPHY, flame) Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 hno-chrevni L chernodrobni t&: prof. T. Tashev). aftne (Bul)) TASHAV, T.; GUMOV, T. ...... Treatment of some internal diseases with Bulp ,Arlan biomycin. &=ea. med., Sofia 8 no.8t12-21 1957. 1. Iz katedrata na gastroanterologita i dietettka - Isul. Zav. katedrata: prof. T. Taahey. (CHWRT3MGYGLM, ther. use ) BRATAW)V, B., Prof.; TASHIVI T.; G3NOV, Go Ifrequency and clinical aspects of hepatic fasciolissis in humans inV Bulgaria. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.lt3-8 1958. 1. Iz Institnts, za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lakarite v bulparita-Sof iia. (DISTOMIASM, epidemiology, liver, in Bulgaria (Bul)) (LIM DISMSMS, epidemiology, distomiasis in Balgaria (Bul)) TASHEV. T.A, Some properties of cabbage and its use in the treatment of internal dineases, VOP*Pit,, 17 n0.3:53-61 My-Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Is kafedry vnutrennikh bolesney i lechebnogo pitaniya (zav. Prof. T.A.Tashav) Meditainskogo instituts, Softya. (VNGEMIBS, cabbage, ther. of'colitle & peptic ulcer (Rua)) (PEPTIC ULCER, therapy, cabbage (Rua)) (COLITIS, therapy, cabbage (Rue)) TASHEV, To; BRAILSKI, Khr.; GULUBOV, To; OBRETENOVA, No Therapeutic activity of ulcosin in peptic ulcer and cnronlc gastritis. Suvrem med., Sofia no.10:3-12 160, 1. Iz Katedrata po gastroonterologiia i dietstika pri ISUL (Rukov. na katedrata prof. T.Tashev) (PEPTIC ULCM ther) (GASTRITIS ther) TASHEV, T. A.; TODOROVI R. D. ------------ On the clinical aspects of taerniaala. Surrem zed., Sofia no.1:31-37 161. 1, Katedra po vutreabni bolesti sus stomaebno-chrevai zaboliavaniia i lechabno khranens. (Rukov. na katedrata prof. T. A. Tasbev.) (GrSTICERCOSIS) TASHEV, T.; BRAILSKI, Kbr. Cardlospam Suvrem mod.., Sofia no.3259-65 161. 1. Natedra po gantroonterologiia i dietetika,, Inatitut za spetsiali- zataiia i usuvurmhonstvavane na lekarits. (Rukov. na katedrata Prof. T. Taehev) (CARDIOSPASM radiog) TASMIS, Tasho A. prof. I M-1-11PEVIi 14. Vitamins in the food of the poDulation of the i~urgas District. Izv Inst khranene 2:5-12 163, 1. Chl.-kor. na Bulgarskata akademiia na, naukite, chlen na Redaktsionnata, kolegiia, i otgovoren redaktor, "Izirestlia na, Instituta po kranenell (for Tashev). TASIIEV Tasho prof.; GOSPOD1110VA, V. Nutrition and some indexes of protein and lipide metabolism in patients with arteriosclerosis. Izv Inst khranene 2:61-81 163. 1. Chl.-kor. na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, chlen na Redaksionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktoro "Izventiia na Instituta, po khranene" (for Tashev). 2. Chlen i sekretar na Redaktsionnata koleiiia., "Izvestiia na Instituta. po khranene" (for Gospodinova0 TASIIEVY Tasho A., prof.; STORNOVA, Zh.; MLIDEVOW , 20 ~I~mkmftww Dietetic regimens in case of experimental animals irradiated with sublethal doses of roentgen rays. Izv Inat khranene 2: 83-94 163. 1. Chl.-kor. na, Bulgarskata akademiia na, naukite, chlen na Redaktionnata kolegiia i odgovoren redaktor, "Izvestiia na Instituta. po khranene" (for Tashev). TASHEV, Tasho A., prof.; ArtGELOVA., Ze ,11, i"i,i"I at.o,chemical studies of the activity of lifase and alkaline n the digestive tract of cats subjected and acid phosphatase i a dietetic to sublethal doses of roentgen rays in variOu regimens* Izv Inat khranene, 2:95-108 163o 1. Chl.-kor. na, Bulgarskata akademiia na naukito, chlen na, Instituta, po khranene" (for Tashev)o TASHLV, Tasho A., 1)rof.; 1-11ADEE'OVA, Z.; MILEV, D. ........ Application of Iyophilized royal Jelly (preparation Apitonin) to adult individuals. Izv Inst khranene 2:10,~-225 163. 1. Chl.-kor. na Bulgarskata akademiia na naukite, chlon na Rodaktsionnata kolegiia I otgovoren redak-torp IlIzvestila na Institutapo khranene" (for Tashev). TASHEVI T.A. on some current problems in gastroenterology. Suvr- med. 14 no.12: 3-21 1639 4 _ _ TkSHEV, I - -;- -T,.ks pF~I-DOINOV, M.; ZOGRAFSKI, B.; PIPER!'OVA, S1. Atherosclerosis clinic in the Pleven District. Izv Inst ~hranene BAN 3:85-99 164. 1. Corresponding Member, Bulgarian Academ~ of Sciences. -TAS11EV,,-T.,.prpf#; ZOGRAFSKI, B.; GRUNCHAROV V.; STAIKOV, G.; 14ERETEVj At. Incidence range of atherosclerr is in the Pleven District. Izv Inst khranene BAN 3:99-112 164. TASHEVI, T A.; OBRETENOVA, N.; MLADENOVA, Z. The problem of the saturation of the population with ascorbic acid. Izv Inst khranene BAN 3:145-151 164. TASHEV., T.; GMICHAROV, V.; 7AhEV, V. Incidence range and the clincial forms of obesity. Izv Inst khranene BAN 3:153-163 164* BALKANDMIEV, R., Inzh.; TASHKOV, T., inzh.; KHTEBAROV, V., Jnzh.; 514LOS~'.R, B., inzh.;-O01fEV, Al. New rectifier for welding in - iarbon dioxide protective gas medium, Mashinostroans 13 no.9112-17 3 164. 1. Central Scientific Research lnstitpte of Technology and Machinery (for 411 except Dachavy' 2. Scientific Research Institute for the Design, Development, and Manufncture in Flentric Industries (for Dachev). TASHEVIj~i BRAILSKII Khr,-; GRLABOVP -T.; OBRETENOVA-1 -No Therapeutic effect of the preparation,, ulkozin in peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. VOP, Pitw 20 n0,4140-45 JI-Aj 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Iz kafedry gastroenterologii i diyetetiki (zav. - prof,.T.Tashev) Instituta spetsializatoii i usovershenstvovanlya. vracheyli Sofiya, Bolgariya. (STCRACH-DIREA F.S) (SF-WV-TIMRAPEUTIC USE) Oske I creentero- anj 1v. ISONIT, Department of Car. ('Vattdra po 3astroei-terolasiya i dietetilka) [lead dit:,.j reoz :,. 'L~SIICIMV, and Dtrartmcnc of Plus , ric. 1 7 1, m n 0. y of ya ptl ISM.), Ile-ad ProE V. U."A07 "ClInfeel CA!, I.; Szt!dle3 widi t!;e New "Jil,,arian rrpfaratlon nnffj, ^uyr,.!ijnnz Vedit slina, Vol 13, *"n '2, 196ZI pp 3-11). stmary nodified)i Studies In rits an'; dOp, and "Bilict-vi7ir." cfollerutic rreparation containing U V, vitcr~ct,v.A acravbE.:r-, caL)b.A,',,f.,, bl.~ck tu.-TiIFI 11 Upocnine" (Iijorrorfr, dehydrocholic acid, -luco3e and s catch ':,il(: ac-cretior. upon peroral rdministration, vov-.-. Tabl-2, 5 diagrum.-, 6 Bulgartan (incl. thesis) Scvict unpr'. 1 :zec~, 2 V---terr rE:fdrenCES. TASHEV, Tasho _ _ Nutritional and medicinal qualities of Bulgarian popper. Priroda 54 no.8:119-120 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk, Sofiya. TASHEV, T,j. GRUNCMOV, V.j TSONKV, IV., Clinical and experimnirtal studleo on the nev Bulgarian preparation mBiliregulin% Simr. med. 13 no.12t3-10 162. CHOLEGOGUM AND CHOLERSTICS) LIM DISLUNS) (BILE DUCTS) BILLM DTSKINESIA) CHOLANGITIS) I TASHEV, T. 1 Menghlni'B method of a5piration pimcture biop3y. Surr. med. (Sofiia') 15 no.8z40-4,8 164 - TASIIEV, T. Academician Josef Pelnar (1872-1964). Suvr. med. 16 no.12: 707-710 1 65. ;TASHEV T prof. Organization and trends in the field of medical scientific research in England. Suvr. med. 16 no.4t240-253 1 65 ~i '. TASHEVY Tot profe; KHADZHIDEKOV, Go, dotsent;T50KOVA, Do A31captonurik arthrosise Klinomed. no.1029-131 162. (MIRA 15:1) L Iz Instituta spetsializataii i usavershenstvavaniya vrachey (Sofiya,, Bolgariya). (UR17W,ANALYSIS AIND PATHOLOGY) (JOINTS-DISEASES) (ACETIC ACID) TASM, T Conditionad*reflex action on body temperature, Buvrsm.medf, Sofia no.6:30-33 155. 1. 1z Psikhiatrichnats. klinika. pri Tivehiia zeditsizwkil Institut I.P.Pavlov-Plardly (director: Prof. K Cholakov) (RIUM, CONDITI01M, conditioned body temperature changes) (BODY TDaMMUO, conditioned reflex variations) RASM, M. professor; SMONOV, Ts.1 TASHN, T. TrAumatic heart block with neurogenic pathogenesis. Suvrem. med. Sofix no.609-93 '55. 1. Is fakultetskats. vutreshma klinika (dir.t prof. K. Rashey) I Neryno-palkhtatrichnata klinlka (dir.t prof. 1. Cholskov) pri Visshils. meditsinski institut I.P.Pavlov. Plovdiv. (KUM BLOCK. etioloff and pathogenesis, trann, nourogento pathogen.) USHEV. T. G. W'e~- Protective inhibition and parablosts in clinical aspects and t1lierapy of diseases of the nervous system. Suvrmomed., Sofia. 6 no.1:69-76 1955. 1. Is Noryno-paikhtatrichnata klinikEL pri Visshiia medits. Institut L P. Pavlov - Plovdiv'(direktori prof. K. Cholakov). (MVOUS SYSTEM, diseaseso protective tnhib.& parabiocis in) TASHIV, T. Case of dystrophla aVotonlca. Surren.ned., Sofia 6 no.7.011-1-114 1955. 1. Ix Paikhiatrichnata klinflm pri Visehlia meditsinski institut I.P.Paylov, Plovdiv (direktor: prof. I.Cholakor). (MYOTONIA ATFDPRICA, case reports) TASM, Tod.; WZRMY, Iv. A come of congenital anhydrose ectodernal dymplam4a. Owr*w. mod., Soft& 7 no.10:124-i26 1956#' 1. Is Katedrat& po paikhl&trii& (Zav. Imtedrata: prof. K. Cholakov) 1. Katedrats po, kozhni i vener. bolesti pri YXI I.P. Paylov -.Plovdiv (Zav. kated-rata: prof. Buc~varov). (SKIN, abnorm. anhydrous ectodermal dyspl&sia) Bulgaria/Pharmacology, ToxicologY. Chemotherapeutical V PreDarations t-bs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., Ho 8, 1958, 3?697 Author : Tashev T., Bratanov A. Inst : a givefr- Title : Correlation Betvreen Albumins and Globulins in the Fluids and Blood of Patients Suffering from Tubercular Meningitis when Treated with Strep- tomycin.(Cootnosheniya mezhdy albuminami i glo- bulinami v likvore i krovi bolInykh tuberkuipznvm meningitom, lechennykh streptomitsinim) Orig Pub ~)Iovrem. med., 1957, 8, No 5, 46-54 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 03 /lot TASRRVj T,;.BMTAROV, A. Diagnostic significance of sedimentation Inder of the blood and cerebro- spinal fluid in meningitic and other diAeases of the nervous system. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.1:74-84 1958. 1. Iz Nevronsikhiatrichnata klinika pri VHI P. Pavlov - Plovdiv (Zavozh- dashch: prof. K. Cholalwy). i Katedrata po bioxhimila pri VH1 I. P. Favlov - Plovdiv (Zav. katedrata: prof. I. P. Kitev). (MENINGITIS, diagnosis,, blood & CS? sedimentation index (Bul)) (O]ENTRAL MVOUS SM;TZM, diseases, same) (BWOD SEDIHNNUTIOV, in var, die, m Wi 2kiftr OHS die. (Bul)) (ORM R ta sedimentation in *aro, patholo' coudi, of CYS (Bul)) IONGHIV, V.; TASMIV, T.; HOLDOVAIISKA, P, Therapeutic effect and complications In largactil th*rapy of mental disorders. Suvrem. mod., Sofia 9 no.5t28-36 1938, l' Is Natedrata Do poishiatriia pri YXI I. P. Pavlov -- Plovdiv (Zav ~a*tedrata: prof.'K. Cholalwv). (CHLORPROMAURN, ther. use# ment. disord., results & oompl. (ftl)) rl)I:' A Sec 6 Vol 11 /? IntprnAl I .ed. .~ii 1y ~O 3895. LAWRENCE - MOON- BA RDET-BIEDL'SOPTICODIENCEPIIALIC SYN- DROME. REPORT ON 5 CASES (Bulgarian text) - T a a h c v T and V a a a I I e v V. Dept of Psychiat., Sup. Med. Inst- r-v.-Pavi~v% Plovdiv - SXVH. MED. 1958, 9/5 (94-102) Illus. 9 Three patients presented the complete and typical picture with obesity, hypo- genitalism, oligophrenia, tapetorctinal degeneration and polydactylia. The first atypical case presented nanism. debility, and tapetoretinal degeneration. the second a gigantoid complexion with katatonic schizophrenia and tapetoretinal de- generation. It Is concluded that the LMB8 syndrome to rarely presented In its complete and typical form. The atypical cases present a rich variety of symptoms and signs so that the right diagnosis Is often missed. An atypical case In which oligophrenla was replacedby katatonic schizophrenia to reported. It is suggested that on the basis of the phylogenetic and clinical connection which exists between the diencephalon and the eye the syndrome be called opticodiencephalic. (V1. 8, 10, 12) TASHKVq T,,G*; TODOROVI, S.N. Bilateral simultaneous thrombosis of the arteria, calearina with visual and mental disorders* Suvren nod., Sofia no.]-1:108-112 160. 1. Iz Natedrata po psikhiatriia pri VMI "I#P*Pav1cvgR Plovdiv (Rukov. na katedrata prof-* XeCholakov) (CE REB HAL EMBOLISM AND THROMBOSIS compl) (MZNTAL DISORDERS etiol) (VISION) 5/196/62/000/024/004/014 q, jq0-r) E194/El55 AUTHOR:. Tasheva TITLEi al solution of a plane-parallel steady-state edge field PERIODICALs, Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrote'khnika i energetika, no.24, 1962, 12, abstract 24 A 63. (Godishnik Khim.- tekhnol. in-t, v.7, no.1-2, 196o (1961), 281-'296). (Bulg., summaries in Russian and English) TEXT:. The system of electrodes illustrated in the figure is .,of practical interest, for example in the design of bushings, and power and instrument transformers. -A fairly simple analytical solution employs a conformal reflectionon the real,axis of an auxiliary electrode system-formed as a: result of symmetry of the initial field relative to the x-axis. The reflection is constructed by means of a Christoffel-Schwarz integral which in this case gives an elementary reflecting function. Numerical valuegy or conversion constants are tabulated in detail for different geometrical proportions of the electrode dimensions, Card 1/3 An analytical solution of a, plaitle- s/196/62/000/024/004/014 E194/E155 Thickness of the electrodes is allowed for approximately by Maxwell's method, which replaces the actual electrode surface by a curvilinear equipotential surface in a system of infinitely thin electrodes. For the system illustrated, the field intensity is constructed as the derivative of complex potential and is also expressed in elementary form: a detailed numerical ' calculation of a grid of power and equipotential lines is made for one particular case. 1 reference. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/3