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On the Operating Precision of Flexible-belt Transmissions
is obtained, and it is shown that in the case of the transmission parameters
accepted in the manufacture of precision instruments the error resulting 5
when the calculations are made with this formula does not exceed 2 x 10-1
Reference is made to the satisfactory agreement between analytical expecta-
tions and the data obtained in experimental tests of instruments having a
transmission of this type.
M.K. Kristi
I. Transmissions--Design 2. Poser transmission belt5--Elasticity
3. Power transmission belts--Performance 4. Mathematics--Applipations
Card 2/2
AUTHORs (Leningrad) sov/ ,.4458-1-18/21
TITLEt On the Representation of Large Numbers by Forms of "General
Kind" With a Great Number of Variables (0 predstavimosti boll-
shikh chisel formami "obahchego vida" a bollshim chislom
PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Ministerstva vysehego
obrazovaniya SSSR,Matematika,1958,Nr 11pp 161 - 173 (USSR)
P (X) L a i' x ..4x be a form of order k.
po.,i ili2'* k ii ig
of a variables x,,...,x, with integral coefficients and dis-
criminant D. 6 Let HI be the apace.of the points h'
(h (1) h(k-2) 4..,h (k-2) and let
f6F (hI aij ...j i h~')..h (k-2)
Card 1/3 " ' )Ii il'..,Jk-2 !~ I k-2 JI Jk-2
On the Representation of Large Numbers by Forms of SOV/140-58-1-18/21
"General Kind"*-With a Great Number of Variables
be a quadratic matrix of order 9. Lot F9 T, .(F) be the al-
gebraic manifold which is defined in HI by the condition rank
4F(h') (%~_ Oplp2g.., 8-1) . Let dy be the dimension of
ro 6; As forms of "general kind" the author denotes F(x),DJO
for which dV -4 a (k-3) + V (P - 0,..., a) . In a preceding
paper [Ref 61 the number of certain integer points on the sur-
face F(x) - n was given (theorem A). There the author
anncrinced without proof some conclusions from theorem A con-
cerning the representation of large numbers by forms of
"general kind". In a very long theorem loaded with miaprints
the present paper brings the precise formulation of these con.-
clusions and a long proof based on 6 lemmata.
There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet, and 1 German.
ASSOCIATIONs Leni-ngradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad
Institute for Precision Mechanics and Optics)
Card 2/3
.On the Representation of Large Numbers by Forms of SOVA40 -58-1- 181'21
. "General Kind" With a Great Number of Variables
SUBMITTEDs October 29, 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHORs C==;ARTAXDV6K1X,-V~A. 43-7-14/18
TITLEs_---- OK the Number of Representations of Iarge Numbers by Forms of
"General Type" With Many Variables.I (0 kolichestva predstavleniy
bollshikh chisel formsmi 11obshchego vidall s bollshim chislom
PERIODICALt Vestnik Liningradskogo Universiteta, Seriya Matematiki,Mekhaniki
i Astronoxiiiv 1958, Nr 7 (2)9 pp 131-154 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the space E - let
F(x) P(xlp...Ixl i
be a form of k-th order with integral coefficients and a
discriminant DF being different from zero.
Let be the space (h(,% Ph.(O')) with Let
H be the direct sum H m (H(I),H (2),...H(r)) with r-1,2,..,k-1.
r r Mr
Especially lot H M HI and its points be hl. Let Am""'
Card 1/4 be the minors of 1,A-th order of the matrix
On the Number of Representations of Large Numbers by Forms of 43-7-14/18
slueneral Type" With Many Variablee.I
(hl i = 0 a h(l) ... h(k-2) I (i,J-192p..'s)
F T il"'k-2-1 ij 1 ... tik-21 J1 Jk-2
In HI the system of equations 16 V+1 0
11P..ri V+1
1 1,2.... S) defines for every V
an algebraic manifold rv . ry(F) of such hl in which the
rank of (hl) --v , Let the dimensions of the sets r (F) be
denoted dy M d,0 (F).
Forms of "general type" are forms F(x) for which d,(F)i!~s(k-3)+V
Let W(n) be the surface F(x) - n and Y- be the sphere
2 2 ^01
x1 +-... + x 1. et N denote the positive a-simplex xllx2l*.Xs.
Let N1 - N n tet 1, - w(o)
Let Rbe chosen such that V1 n L is empty.
Card 2/4 Theorems Let F(x) - F(xl,..,X,) be a form of general type
On the Number of Representations of Large Numbers by Forms of 43-7-14/18
IlGeneral Type" With Many Variablea.j
Card 3/4
with positive coefficients and DF ~ 0. Let the order of the
form be k30-3 and let a,>,s - 3- [4(k+l))'+. The a-simplex
k 4
xjq*..qx8be chosen like above. Let r(n,F) be the number of
integral points x1, ... x, on the surface IV(n)s F(x) - n.
r(n,P) - Y(n)~f-(n,r) + R(n,P).
Here v(n) is the volume of that part of N, where F(x)e[n-.i;n+-l
2 21
and v(n) - V(I) -E n + O(n k where V(I) is that part
of N where P(x) E[b,13 g-(nlF) denotes the Hardy-Littlewood's
00 q-1 2-ri -![F(.)-n3
singular series r(n,F) - Z 7- e q
q-1 q 10UAq xl,..,X,-o
On the Number of Representations of Large Numbers by Forms of 43-7-14/18
"General.Type" With Many Variables-I
a -1-S
Further R(n,F) - O(nk where is a positive constant
not depending on n which can be put - 1
In the present first part of the paper only the beginning of
the proof is given.
4 Soviet and 1 foreign references are quoted.
SUBMITTED: 3 July 1957
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress
CArd 4/4 1. Topology 2. Mathematics-Theory
AUTHOR: Tartakovskiy,V.A. SOV43-519-7-1/17
TITLE; un-TE-e-N-u-m-b-e-r-7F Representations of Great Numbers by Forms of
"General Type" With a Great Number of Variables. 11 (0 koli-
chestve predstavleniy bollshikh chisel formami "obshchego vida"
s bollshim chislom peremennykh. II)
PERIODICAL; Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, Seriya matematiki, mekhanild
i astronomii, 1959, Nr 7(2), pp 5-17 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present papllrt; the continuation of the first part the author in Vestnik Loningradskogo universiteta,
Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki i astronomii, 1958, Nr 7(2). The
H 1-7 contain the proof o 'f the theorem A formulated in the fire.
part. Finally (� 8) the author formulates theorem B without a
proof: Let F(x) = F(x llx2,'*',x, ) be a form of k-th degree of
"general type" with integral coefficients and s-:1--s = '(4k+4 )k+1
k 4
variables. Let the positive coordinate-s-hedron N be an s-hedron
of first kind for F. Then there exists a natural number P = P
so that for every n, which can be represented by the form F(x)
mod P and which is relatively prime with P, the singular series
Card 1/2
On the Number of Representations of Great Numbers SOY/43-59-7-1/17
by Forms of '.'General Type" With a Great Number
of Variables. II
J~n;F) is greater than a po3itive constant b not depending on
n. Thus every such n, if it is suffipiently large, can be
represented by the form F(x) in the'-Y.
SUBMITTED: October 14, 1957
Card 2/2
Criterion of the separabilit7 of variables near the primitive
point of rest. Part 2: Proof of criteria* Nat. abor. 52 no.l,.537-
550 S 960. (KIM 13:9)
(Differential equations)
Griterional value of separability of variables isear the primitive
point of rest. Part 1: Set of B-series. Kat. sbor- 51 no.2:155-
172 Je 160. (MM 13:9)
(mathematical atuaysis)
P uN,509.
g ~Sy
"it m -
ORA- -4--m
Im ~ M-
7 1, C
!.Via P~
r.6 n t r - F~,
'M OEM b - W M
5(2, 3)
AUTHORS3 Novikov, S. S., Godovikova, T. I., BOY/20-124-4-29/67
Tartakovskiy, V. A.
TITLEt Synthesis Of Organomercuric Nitrogen Compounds (Sintez
rtutlorganicheskikh nitrosoyedineniy)
PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, '959, Vol 124, Nr 4, PP 834-837
ABSTRACTs As is known, many mercury salts of organic and inorganic acids
are used for mercurization reactions, for the addition to double
and triple bonds, etc. The authors found that the trinitro-
methane mercury sallu readily mercurizes those compounds of the
aliphatic series which contain a mobile hydrogen atom, as well
as those of the aromatic and heterocyclic series. In this process
substances with a common formula R - HgC(NO 2) 3 are produced.
The authors studied this reaction with malQnic, acetoacetic ana
nitroacetic. eaters, with acetylacetone, acetone, cyclopentane,
benzene, toluene, aniline, dimethyl aniline, furan and thiophene,
Table I contains the conditions of reaction, yields and
Card 1/4 analyses of the final products. Trinitromethyl mercury aryls
Synthesis Of Orgaricmercuric Nitrogea i7cmpoun(js SOV/20-124-4-29/67
form, on the action of bromine, ccrrespording mercury brom4dez
and bromo-trinitro methane which are transformed into mercury
chlorides by concentrated HC1. It mki be assumed that the
mercurization products and the trinitro-methans mercury salts
can exist as two interconvertible tautomeric forms, depending
on the nature of the solvent. In this connection the authors
point to the fact that their ultraviclet spectra are very
different in polar and apolar solvents (Ref 2). in crystalline
state, these substances are pure organo-metallic compounds
R - Hgc(NO 2)3* The reaction of trinitra-methane mercury salt
with nitro-benzene, m-dinitro-~-qnzeno, o-nitro-toluene ard
o-nitro-anisole takes place in a very particular manner. The
substances synthesized therein are complex addition products
of a mercury salt molecule to the mo.'eculs of the respective
aromatic compound. By the action of alkalis the complex is
destroyed under formation of the nitra-aromatic initial
compound, mercury oxide and a corresponding trinitro-methane
salt. The trinitro-methane mercury salt, does not react with
any compound containing the substituents in meta-position
Card 2/4 with respect to the nitro group. A structure of the complex
Synthesis of Organcmercuric Nitrogen Canpounis SOV/20-124-4-29/67
is suggested accordingly (see Scheme). By investigation of
the interaction between Eg IC('NO2)xl 2and ethylene in an
aqueous or alcoholic solution the author3 detected quite
unexpectedly that in this case not an alcohol is foxmed bat
trinitro-methyl-3,3,3-tri-n-*.tr.)-~~-"PY"L mercury. The same
compound is obtained by the action of trinitro-methyl mercury,
salt in ethylene in nitro-benzene, ani nitro-methane. Therefore,
it may be taken for granted that the latter product is
synthesized by ditect additicr. of the elements of
trinitro-methane mercury salt to ethylene (Scheme II). This
is a new reaction. It is interesting that not only the salt
mentioned is oapablg of addit,ion reactions to the double bond
but also the compounds of the iype R - HgC(110 2)3' The addition
of trinitro-methane mercury salt 'to the double bond was studied
with propylene, styrene, 'cyclohexene, allyl alcohol as well as
with the methyl ester of acrylic acid. The reaction takes placa
in any case according to scheme II. The constants and yields
of some substances produced are given in table 3. Whereas
symmetrical mercuri-organic polynitra compounds completely
Card 3/4 resist the action of acids, halogens and halogen salts, 'he
Synthesis of Mercuri-organic Nitro Compounds SOV/20-124-4-29/67
asymmetrical ones enter into reaction with them according to
the scheme mentioned. The trinitro-riethane mercury sail. cannot
be added to olefins with isostructure (isobutylene,
3-ethyl pentene-3) which contain at least one quaternary
hydrocarbon atom at the double bond. There are 3 tables and
5 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONo Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akadem4-i
nauk SSSR (Institute of organic Chemistry imeni
K. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTEDt July 14, 1958, by A. V. Topchiyev, Academician
SUBMITTED: July 11, 1958
Card 4/4
Synthesis of organomercury nitro compoundfie Report No-3: Re-
actions of the mercuric salt of trialtromethane with nitro deri-
vatives of aromatic compounds, Izv.AN 63SR Otdokbimenauk noo3i
863-865 my 16o. (M33U 13 16)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinjokogo Jkademii
nauk SSSR,
(Methane) (Nitro compounds) (Keraux7 compounds)
synthesis of organonercury nitro compounds. Report 41 Addition of
trinitromethaz2a mercuz7 salt to linvatarated b7drocarbons. lzr*Aff 5500
OtA.khim,nauk no,6zlO42-1049 Ja 161, (MIRL 14:6)
1. Institut organicheskoy kbimli im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Nitroform) (03.efiw)
Synthesis of organomercuric nitro compouxle. Report NO-5:
Addition of mercuric salt of trinitromethane to unsaturated
alcohols. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.neuk no.2:2V.-276 F f62.
(HIPA 15:2)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zolinskogo AN SSSR.
(Mercury organic compounds)
Synthesis of organomereuric nitro compounds. Report No.6:
Mechanism of the direct addition mercury salt of
trinitromethane to the double bond. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.
nauk no.2.-276-281 F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Institut organicheskoy kbimii im. N.E,Ze3.inskogo AN SSSR.
(mercury salts)
(Unbaturated compounds)
Synthesis of organomercury nitro compounds. Report No,7:
Problem of tautomerism of the trinitromethane mercury salt.
Izv.A11 SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no-8:1400-1405 Ag 162. (MRA 15:8)
1, Inatitut 0 anichaskoy kbimii im. H.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Ritrofo:ml (&rcury organic compouWa) (Tautomerism)
--- --- 0
On the existence of aci-foms of 1,1-dinitros3kanes and
trinitromethane. Dokl. AN SSSR. 3.46 no.1:104-106 S 162.
(MIPJ, 15:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
Predstav2eno akademikom M.I. Kabachnikom.
(Paraffins) (Nitro compounds)
I -
Synthesis of -(-mercuridinitrohydrocarbens, Izv. t2lf SSSR. Ser.kld-m.
no.7:1328-1329 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Inatitut organiaheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zolinskoge JUI SSSR.
(Mercury organic compounds) (Hydrocarbons)
Addition of a mercury salt of 1,1.3.3-tatranitrobutane to ethylene.
Izv. All SSSR. Sor.khim. no.7tl330-1331 n 163. (WRA 16:9)
1. Institut organichaskey khimii im. N.D.Zalinskago AN SSSP.
(Butane) (Mercury organic compounds) (Ethylene)
',ACCESSION NR: AP4025017 S/0062/64/000/003/0583/0584
AUTHORS: Tartak_ovgK~~, V.A.; Chlenov, I.Y.e.; Smagin, S.S.; Novikov,t
TITLE; Nitrocompounds obtained by 1,3 dipolar addition reaction
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya khimicheskaya no. 3s 1964, 583-584
TOPIC TAGS: nitroQompound, 1 3 dipolar addition, addition reactionj
phenylnitromethane, acrylonitrile, diazomethane, trinitromethane,
initroisoazolidine series, trivalent nitrogen, covalent bond, dini-
IABSTRACT: This addition rea*ction between the aciform and unsaturated~
Initrocompounds, such as between theo-methyl ether of phenylnitro,-
methane and acrylonitrile, may proceed as follows:
CjH,-CJi Cth 6H&
+ NC
CH-bariul cSthode on
the experimental conditions j
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnlcheakoy f-i-z-lki--v--36,-noi-3i-1966,-D66- 68---_
TOPIC TAGS: electron emission, barium, ultra high purity
ABSTRACT: The authors have Investigated postdischa emission from high pyEit
barium films in order to determine whether postdischarge emission is due In the case
of barium, as in the case of less active metals, to the presence of nonmetallic
impurities. After the apparatus as cleaned by the usual high vacuum techniques it
W88 sealed off at a vacuum of 10 mm Hg and barium was depositel on a molybdenum
substrate. Xenon, purified by a high current glow discharge and containing less than
one part per million of active Impurities, was admitted from another part of the ap-
paratus by breaking a glass partition, and the postdischarge emission of the barium
ilm was recorded 7 The emission current one minute after cessation of the Initiating
isebarge was 10-1 A; this is less by a factor of 1000 than the postdischarge-emission
reviously.observed by the authors (Hadiotekhniks I elektronika, Vill, 7, 1246, 1963)