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TLHOPOLISKIT. T.G. (Tarnopol's 'kVi, T.H.] Absolutely Indefinite case for a difference operator with operator coefficients. Dop.*N UM n0-3:305-308 160. (14IR& 13:7) 1. Kiyevskiy pedagogicbeekly Institut im. O.M.Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akadealkon AN USSR M.Guedenko (B.T.Huiedenkole (Operators(Rathematice)) 88398 310201611136100410041026 14.3900 CIII/C222 AXTHORs Ya=,Qpa TITLEs The Dispersion Problem for Difference Equations PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 779 - 782 TEXTs The author considers the difference equation (1) '/2 (u J+I + 'J-I ) + aiUi X Ui where u oD 4j + oo) is the sought sequence of complex numbers, I hl < 1 Im 0 . Let the ci be real and c O(I/IjI 6 > 0. for Problem s Find a solution of (1) having the form (2) U e 9ija + V(--)) (9 - arc coo 9 - t 1) , where the v(y)(4 satisfy the radiation conditions Card 1/ 4 88398 S1020J61/13 610041004102 6 C111/C222 The Dispersion Problem for Difference Equations V(9) 1,9- '(9) 0 (1 for j t oo J+1 j (3) V(O) e igv (0) J+I i (A) - 0 (1) for j OD Theorem I asserts that the problem has a unique solution. Theorem 2 considers the inverted problem and states that if in tw 5oints j - n , n + I (n >n 0) for all ~ 9 1 X1 4 1 t the scattered wave V~ A) is known and if the Jumps of the spectral matrix for 141 > ,,1 are known then the equation (1) which corresponds to these data is uniquely determinable. Here in theorem 2 it in assumed that c 0 for IJI > no Let H be a Hilbert space in which an involution is given. The author considers (11) 1/2(u J+1 + uJ-1) + CiU,i ui Card 2/ 4 88398 S/02o/61/136/004/004/026 CIIIC222 The Dispersion Problem for Difference Equations (- 0o e- i < + oo ) , where uiE R , IA 1 4 1 and C i are bounded,eelfadjoint and real (i.e. preserving the involution) operators in H. Let C 0 for IjI >1 n0 ;or the given xeH , 11XII I , find a solution Problem S (12) u xe injo + V~V) X) of (11) , where 9 arg coo and thb sequence H satisfies the radiation conditions vol) x) - e- igv x) o (1) for + oo (13) J+1 V(") :X) - eig V(9) 0 (1) for j oo J+1 j The theorems 3 and 4 contain the same assertions for (11) as the theorems 1 and 2 for 0). Card 3/4 88398 310201611136100410041026 0111/C222 The Dispersion Problem for Difference Equations The author thanks Yu.M. Berezanskiy for the theme and advices. There are 7 references 1 6 Soviet and 1 French* ASSOCIATIONt Krivorozhakiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogiche9kiy institut (Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical Institute) PRESENTEDs September 169 1960, by S.L. Sobolevo Academician SUBMITTEDs September 14, 1960 Card 4/4 T)MOPOLISKIYP V.G. Sufficient conditions of the self-adjointneaS of difference operators with operator coefficients. Pribl.metod.resh.diff, urave no*23140-158 164. (MIRA 1884) - --- - --- T- e ---- - - - -- - - - - - --- - -- - - -- - - - x1e;p e " i- I T //w;11- TAMMPOL I SKI / Ya a ,I,*I I .0010 - - 9MMOVA011- accidents in the Conference on the prevention Of OccuPati0n&l lumbering indUNtrY In the Tatar A.B.S.R. Ortop,travu. i protes. nO.2-85 Mr-Av 155. (KIJU 8: 10) (TAM A.S.SeR--LUHBMIN(1--UM WMSUJM) TARKOPOLISKIY, YA.I.; YAUPOVA, N.S. Results of rehabilitation therapy for Tatar A.S.S.R. (1945-54) ortopetravas veterans of World War 11 in I prtes. no-5:66-69 &-o 155. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Iz Kazanskogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta ortopedii i vonstanovitallnoy khirurgii (dir. - zaalusbannyy dayatell naukri TABBR prof# L*I.Shulutko) (RMBILITATION in Russia, veterans of World War II in Tatar ASSR) (VETERANS in Russia, rehabil. of veterans of World War II in Tatar ASSR) TARNOPOLISKIY Tav.,I* ,, zang) U ..-..."Pmawgwam - Role of intermediate medical personnel in the prevention of inJuries in the petroleum industry. Pelld. i akush. 21 no.6:21-24 is 156. (KIA 9:9) (PinoLEM IOMTRT--WITY MUSURM) TARNOPOLISKIY, Ya,Ies Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Materials for the /it Study of Traumatism and Traumatological Aid in the city of Kazan. Kazan'. 1957. 20 pp.(Kazan'Stato Mod Inst, Kazan/State Sci Res Inst of Rehabilitation Surgery and orthopedics), 300 copies M9 49-57s 116) - 70 - TARNOPOLIBUT, Ta.I. Matfication of injuries. Ortop., traym. i protes. 18 no.2:16-20 Mr-Ap 157. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Iz organizatsionno-motodiabeskogo saktora (zav. - Ta.I.Tarnopoll- skiy) Kazanskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute vosstanovitell- noy khirurgit i ortopedli (dir. - zaaluzheanyy deyetall asuki Tatarskoy ASSR prof, L.I.Shulutko) (WOUJWS AND INJURINS classife) S1=TK0#--L*I*,, -prof Organization of measures to control agricultural injuries under the now conditions. 23 no.8t132-135 Ag 159. (KM 12:12) 1. Is Uzanskogo uauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute, traymtologii i ortopedil (dir. - prof. L.I. Shulutko). (AGRIMMURkI, WMUMS wounds & Inj.) SHULUTKOI L.I.9 prof.; TARNQRQ~ISKIY, Ya.I., kandomedonauk .L_ Prevention of industrial accidents in the petroleum industry of the Tatar A,S*S*R* Kazomedozhur. no.5s74-77 8-0 160o (MIRA 13M) 1. Iz Kazanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii. (TATAR A.S,S,R.--PETROLEUK INDUSTRY AND TRADE--ACCIDENTS) -- - -- - ---- -- TARNOPOLISKIYV Ye-OI*- (Xazanl)--- -- - - -- - - - - - -- ---- - - ---- - - - - - -- -- - -- --- - - Interprovince conference on accident prevention in the petrole= indizbtryo Zdrav. Rom. Fedor. 4 no.7843-44 Jo 160. (MIRA 13:9) (PETROLEUM INDUSTRY-MCIDENTS) SHULUTKOf L.I,l zasluzhennyy deyatell naukit prof.; TMEIOPOLISKIY9 Ya.I,t kand.maditsinskikh nauk Basic principles in the prevention of agricultural injuries under nev'conditions. Ortope travms i protezy 21 no, 7:66-71 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1, Iz Kazanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. L.1. Shulutko). (AGRICULTRE-ACCIDEWS) TARNOPOLISKIYo Yu. Conference m ela3tic oscillation problems.; a review. VestIB Laty ak no.2:201-202 t60. (EEAI 10:1) (Oscillations) (Elasticity) TARNOPOLIS,KIY, Yu. Conference concerning the problamB of elastic oscillations of meabanical. systems, Veatis Latv ak no.9:177-180 160. (EFAI 10:9) (Elasticity) (Oscillations) (Mechanics) 243-14 S/191/61/000/004/001/004 L124D 0 B101/B229 AUTHOR: Tarnopol!_akiy_,._Lq. TITLEt Application of parametric methods to determine the fatigue limit of plastics PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk Latviyskoy SSR9 no. 4, 1961, 61-66 TEXTi The author treats the problem of the fatigue limit of plastics. The limit of the short-aided static strength is, as a result of its dependence on time and temperature, not sufficient to characterize the strength at constant stress with accuracy. Therefore, for the stren3th calculation of plastics, not only one curve, but a family of curves is required which, however, is not available at present for plastics used in machine construc- tion, such as K -6 (K-6), h-P -41a (AG-4V), h-P -4 C, (AG-4S) - In order to avoid a long-drawn-out experimental determination of these curvas the parametric method according to F. R. Larson, J. Miller (Ref-15, see below), is recom- mended, which starts from the function: T - f(p). (6'- fatigue limit, p parameter, a function of temperature T, and time T For this Larson- Miller parameter, it is indicated% p - T(C + log1) Q&T) ... (1). C is a Card 1/3 243,14 S/197/61/000/004/001/004 Application of parametric ... B101/B229 material constant, Q(a~) is the activation energy depending on.stress. With a, - const, p - const. Reference is made to the relative papers by S. Gold- fein (Refs.10-12, see below), and W. E. Gloor (Ref.9, see below) , and from a paper by S. N. Zhurkov (Ref.8% Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1958, 28) the function is indicated't .*t0exp (Uo - ;ST)/RT (2), where'CO,Uo, and 2r are material constants. R-is the Boltzmann constant. By taking the logarithm of (2), and substituting new marks, it can be shown that there is a connection between the Larson-Miller parameter and6 - 6'. a - kp (3). As a result of Eq. (3) it is possible to construct aar,p diagram from short-termed strength tests, and to determine from this the carrying capacity of plastics dependent on time. There are 5 figures and 17 referencess 8 Soviet-bloc and .9 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most important references to English-language publications read as follows; F. R. Larson, J. Miller, Tranowtions Am. Soc. Mech. Engra.. 1952, v. 74, no. 765 - 777; S. Goldfain, Proceedings ASTM, 1957, v. 54; ASTM Bulletin 1957, No. 224, Sept, and No. 225 Oct.; W. E. Gloor, Modern Plastics, v. 36 (Oct. 1958). ASSOCIATIONs Institutavtomatiki i mekhaniki AN Latv. SSR (Institute of Card 2/3 Automation and Mechanics, AS Latviyskaya SSR) 2014 S/197 61/000/004/001/004 Application of parametric ... B101 B229 SUBMITTEDs December 23, 1960 Card 3/3 TARNOPOLISKIY, Yu.I,; BLIOVP V.11. [deceased] Oxygen-containing heterGaycless Part, Is Alkenylation of furan with diene chlorides, Zhur,org.khim, I no,3:595-598 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut Imeni D,I, Mendeleyeva. BELOV., V.N. [deceased); TARNOPOLIIKIY, Tu.1. Reaction of butyrolactone vith organomagnetsium compounds. Zhur. org. kbim. 1 no.4s634-636 Ap 165. (MIRA Igill) 1. Moskovskiy kbimikc,-tekhnologicbeekiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva. TARITOPOLISKIY, Yu. M. TAPNOPOLISKIY, Yu. M.: "The strength and rigidity of the basic connec- tions on a velocipede." Min Higher Education USSR. Latvii;.n State U. Rigas 1956. (DisFertation for the Degree of CanOidate in Technical Sciences.) Source: Knizhnaya letopist No 40 1956 Moscow SOV/124-58-2-2214 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 2, p 100 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tarnopollskiy, Yu. M, TITLE: _ihe Three -dimensional Working of a Curved Beam in a Generalized Elastic Medium (Pros trans tvennaya rabota krivogo brusa v obobshchennoy uprugoy srede) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN LatvSSR, 1957, Nr 1, pp 111-120 ABSTRACT: An examination of the problem of the bending and torsion of a plane circular beam contained in a continuous elastic medium. The latter is characterized by its property that the reaction forces and moments developed at each point of the axis of the beam are determined by the linear combination of the corresponding displacements in the direction of the binormal and the angle of rotation of the section relative to the tangent to the axis of the circular beam. A fundamental differential equation is obtained for the problem relative to a beam having a con- stant cross section and an elastic medium having constant elastic characteristics. The author examines the stress analysis of a bicycle- wheel rim, wherein the spokes are treated as a continuous generalized Card 1/1 elastic footing. D. V. Vaynberg "Bending of Beams with Straight and Circular Axes on An Elasto-plast-Ic Baaiz." Voprosy dinamiki i prochnosti (Problems of Dynamics and Strength), Riga, Izd-vo AN Latviyskoy SSR, 1958, 178 PP. (Sbornik Statey, Inst. Mashinovedeniya, AN Lat SSR, vYp- 5) The book is a collection of ten research papers, prepared by members of Aaad. Sci. Lat SSR, Latvian State University and the Riga Red Banner Higher Military School for Aeronautical Engineering im. K. E. Voroshilov. Aix H o FO he rr so T, rla 0 0 20 2 F nr F-82 "'o, 1- . a *a-S. 4 t-. ~1.94 OV kA a ~G- 0; 5VI 0-H Ltz I PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5367 Muteenek, Karl Yanovich, and Yuriy Matveyevich Tarr-opollskiy Puti snizheniya vesa mashin I ekonomii metalla v mashinostroyenii (ways of Decreasing the Weight of Machinery and Economizing on Metal in the Machine Industry) Riga, Izd-vo AN Latviyskoy SSR, 1960. 111 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR. Institut mashino- vedeniya. Ed.: Ye. Savellyeva; Tech. Ed.: Ye. Piladze. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel and designers in the machine-building industry. COVERAGE: Methods are discussed for economizing on metal In machine building by reducing the weight of machines. In this connection the designing of the machine, the proper oeleotlon of materials, and vnyinua manufacturing prooesnes are taken into consideration. Card-4A Ways Of Decreasing (Cont.) SOV/5367 This booklet is an expanded and revised version of the authors' original work, published in Latvian in 1956. No personalities are mentioned. There are 25 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Authors 3 Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Reducing the Weight of Machines Through Proper Design 11 1. Present trends in machine construction 11 2. Analysis of the net weight of component parts. Rationalization of the drive arrangement 15 3. Carrying capacity of machine subassemblies and parts 22 4. Service life of machine parts 6 5. Experimental-research methods for machines 13 Ch. 11. Rational Selection of Materials for Machine Building 1551 Card-ta TARNOPOLISKIY, Yu.M.-, AUNTS, K.A.; FETROV, A.V. Use of plastic materials*in the construction of collectors of elec- trical machinery. Plast.massy no.10:44-46 '(1. (K.-MA 15:1) (Electric machinery) (Plastics) S/196/61/000/011/025/o42 E194/EI55 AUTHORS: Fish, A-Ya., Tarnopollskiy, Yu.M., Petrov, A.V., and Akunts, K.A. TITIEj Electrical machine commutators with plastic frames PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.11, 1961, 4, abstract 111 29. (Vestn. elektroprom-stiPho.4, 1961, 22-26) TEXTs The article describes two new constructions of commutator with plastic frame and copper bars having both one and several V-pieces. A structural feature of the first type is that the V-pieces by which the bars are fixed to the plastic frame are formed in the cross-section of the copper bar over its entire width. When the bar is more than 4 - 5 mm thick the longitudinal V-piece is made continuous, and for small thicknesses discontinuous. Then the cut-away pieces in neighbouring bars are so arranged in honeycomb fashion as to avoid the possibility of contact between bars when pressing the commutator frame and to ensure that the jumpers are thick enough. A feature of the Card 1/2 Electrical machine commutators ... s/196/61/000/0.11/025/o42 E194/EIL35 commutator with multiple V-pieces is that the part of the copper bar fixed in the plastic frame is made in the form of several V-pieces. In addition to the lugs at the end the copper bar may have one or several intermediate support elements. This construction of commutators on plastic frames gives an appreciable economy of copper and micanite without loss of structural strength. 5 illustrations. 8 literature references. rAbstraotor,s note3 Complete translation.) Card 2/2 ,_-TARNOPOL.ISrjX,JAj~.; PETROV, A,V,; AKUNTS, K.A.j Prinimali uchasti?el KAULINYA, R.P., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KONSHEV, A.V. inzh. Effect of compression parameters on the strength of the plastic AG-4. Plast.masBy no-065-67 162, (WRA 15s4) (Plasti"ce-Molding) FISH, Aron Yakovlevich; TAR909POLISKIY, Yuriy Matveyevich; AKUNTS, Karlen Armenakovich; PETROV, ki-ek-eii-ridr -Vasillye'vich; POPOV, K.K., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Collectors of electrical machines using plastic materials] Kollektory elektricheakikh mashin na plastmasse. [By]A.IA. Fish i dr. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 191 p. (Electric machinery) (Plastics) (MIRA 16:4) ARNOPOLSS~~, Yu.M.; PORTNOV, G.G. Investigation of the process of compression nolding of parts made of glass plastics. Plast. massy no.llsl9-23 163. (j4M 16; 12) FISH, A.Ya., inzh.; TARNOPOLISKIY, Yu.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Choice of the height of the collector plate. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no.4t66-68 Ap 163. (KM 16:10) di : ~a w - - j7 VKIR~-, N~ V X R j, T1 rL C , ;r c RM x3c__ P601 3~~i SOURCE CODE, UR10374166/ooo-T-o-02-To-rF8rOl84 AUTHORi Tarnopollakiy, Tu. H.; Fortnov, G. G. -T, I ORCi Institute of the Hechanics of Poly-mere, Academy of Sciencea, I- W polimerov A_kiJ_e___TT_ n a U Latviyakoy SSR TITLE: Change in winding tension during filament winding of glass reinforced plasti ducts $OURCZt Hakh&nLka polimerov, no. 29 1966# 278-284 TOPIC TAGS:- filauent windinge filament-wound-constructiong glass reinforced plastic ABSTRACTt A filament winding process for prestreened oriented reLn- forced plastics has been investigated, It was shown that the essential anisotropy of the properties of these materials in the cause. of a change in the initially predetermined winding tension, Based on the assumption that the materials exhibit linear-elastic behavior, the dig- tribution of winding tension was investLgated for the case of the winding of a ring onto a rigid mandrel. A calculation method is pro- posed for determining the change In winding ta nsLon and the critical number of turns above which the pressure on the mandrel remains constant. OrLe& art, hams 12 formula and 6 fLitures a Ake 0 (SKI SUB E0414 SUB DATM 300C RIG-REF1 001 OTH REFt 003 L 0214J-67 AUTHORt Tarnopol'okLyp Yu. Hs; Roze~ A. Ve ORG: Institute of-the Hechanics of Polymers., Academy of Sciences LatSSRO Riga (Institut mekhaniki polimerov Akademii nauk LatSSK). TITLEo Bending strength of oriented glass-reinforced plastics%~ SOURCE: Hakh&nLks polLmerov, no. 4, 1966p 535-542 TOPIC TAGS: glass reinforced pltaLiee, shear strength, shear resistance, stress distribution, bending failure,2k6A*& glass to reinforced 6FJ,2-3o/ ABSTRACT: A study has.been made of the effect of the low shear strangt and shear resLstance of oriented glass-reinforced plastics on stress distrLb'ution and type of bending failure. On the basis of relation- ships, derived in an earlier study (Tarnopol'skiy, Yu. M., A. V. Roze, and V. A. Polyakov. Mekh. polim., 19611, 2, 381 it was shown that the affect of shears on the magnitude and the distributLgn of normal and tangential stresses is essential only for very short beams made with materials having low shear resistance. Experimental study of the type of bending failure showed that the main cause of widening of the shear failure region of oriented glass-reinforced plastics is the low shear Card 1 / 2 UDC: 678,0539.41 L 02141-67- ACC NRt AP6032716 strength of the material. The study has made it possible to establish the boundaries of this region for three brands of gltas-reinforced plastics series produced in the Soviet Union (AG-4S, 27-63S, and ,EP32-301).~ Anisotropy of elastic properties was shown to produce a Orig. art, has: Wne-g-TT`gMe effect on the type of the bending failure. 6 figures and 2 tables, (BO] SUB CODEs 1l/ SUBM DAM 23Feb66/ ORIG REFs 008/ OTH REP: 002 S/114/62/000'/006/003/006 E194/F,455 AUTHORS: T!rn~opoll~,ski~Y~,q.Ya*.t...,Pz~gineer, Nemtsev, 4.D., Engineer TITLE:, Model blades of plastic grade, ACT -TIAST-T), ': i 62, 1. PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, n6.8, .'.9 "26747.,, TEXT: In 1959, the KhTGZ im. Kirova. commenced makin-S.-blades for turbine models of acrylic plastic grade AST-T (the initials denote acrylic, self-hardening, technical) for which the ratioiof ultimate tensile strength to specific gravity equals., 605 x 1o3 kgm/kg. The ultimate ztrength,4kg/cm2) Is: in tension 600 to 800; in bending 800 to 1200; in shear 460.. ~he impact strength, kgm/cm2 equals 0.12 and the specific gravity 1.16 to 1.18 g/cm3. The operating temperature is up to 60*C. The pattern blade is made of steel, duralumin or brass, the press mould of Woods metal. A 3:1 mixture of plastic polymer powder and fluid in pressed at 35 to 40% for 10 min. One mould can make 100 blader. The scatter of blade thickness did not exceed 0.04 to,0*06 mma The blade-surfaces were polished after moulding. One of several examples m6ntioned in a compressor runner 200 mm Card 1/2 S/114/62/000/008/003/Oo6 Model blades of plastic ... E194/E455 diameter; the T-shaped roots of the plastic blades were secured in the slots with carbonyl adhesive. In overspeed teats the blades failed at 16000 rpm which corresponds to calculations. The blades ran for a total of four hours with a maximum peripheral speed of 168 m1sec. Moisture and dirt in the works compreased-air supply sometimes eroded the leading edges of the blades and in kuture it is proposed to clean the air. For a model compressor with an external diameter of 250 mm, blades made from plastic are about one tezith of the cost of blades made of steel grade IX13 (lKhl3) by the usual works methods and cost between a half and a third that of blades cast of aluminium alloys. The saving is due to the simplicity of manufacture rather than the cheaper material. The only practIcal llwltatlon In that the operating temperature should not exceed 60*C..- There are 3 figures, Card 2/2 TAPJ-IORUDEP,, Yu.F. CorSerence Of YOUPg cyberneticists. Prircda 54 no.9.-12r,3-21 :7 165, 1. Vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Prirodall, Klyev. OVIRA 18.-g) MAJOR, Laszlo, dr.; BALOGH., Antal, dr.; S. TARNOVKY, Klam, dr.; DEVECSERI, Beno, dr. Group intoxication vith methyl alcohol. Orr. hetil. 102 no.49:2327- 2331 3 D 161. 1. Szaboloo-Szatmar Megyei Tanacs Korhaza, Ny-Irephaza, I as II Belgyogyaszat, Szemeszeti es Gyermekgyogyassati Uostaly. (AWOHOL METHYL toxicol) -ZEMPLEHI, Bela; TARNOTZKfj, Klara; EGM, Kamilla Disorders of the eye in massive poiaoning with metbyl alcobol. Szemesset 98 no.31136-140 S 161. 1. A Szabolca-Szatmar Megyei Tanace korhaza (igazgato foorros: langyel Ferenc) azemenzati oostalyanak (foorvoo; ZemplanIX91a) koslawnys. (AMOHOL METHYL toxicol) (EYE pathol) TA 7~ , L . -1 . fir, uarn in Ili River Delta ?--3ervoirs and Their M71.lizatllon." Cand Plol- Scip Inst of Zoolo~- 5 (RZhBJ.ol, Vo 2, J2n 5 .j, Acad Sci. Kazokh S31q, Alm-Ata, l-",4. 5 Survmy of Scientific and Technical Dismt-rta tions Duf#~n,~ed at MS111 lii~fter Educational Institutions (13) SO: Sm. 5olp 2~, Jul' 55 TATSINKO, I.?.. professor. rodalctor; KATSAKHOTICH. Ta.A.. kanlidat sallako- khozyaystweanykh neuk, redaktor; PUSHIN, F.Te.. iandidat sellsko- khosyayst"nnykh nauk, radaktor: inshoner. redaktor Luse of mochinery in the control of posts and diseases of agri- cultural crops; proceedings of the 21st plenum of the Plant Uontrol Sectionj Naidonizateiia bor'by a vrediteltaxi i bolesniani el'~kokho,sIaisti*'_W-Wkh kulltur; trudy XII.planum Saktaii : ashchIty rastenti. Moskys-, Goa.tzd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry. 1953. 209 p. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Tsesayussays abadentya sel'skokbosysystvanzykh nauk inent, V-1.19nina. Sektatya sashchity rastenty. (Plant diseases) (Agricultural posts) (Agricultural machinery) TARNOVICH, N.K., inzhener-melchanik; OSTROTJMOV, G.K., inzhener-mekhanik. 4 -, Imperimental examdnation of the cparation of plungers of pumps used in spraying. Sellkhosmashins, no.12:18-21 D 15). (MMA 6:12) 1. Veasoyuznyy institut sashchity rasteniy (for Tarnovich). 2. Zavod im. Libknekhta (for Ostroumov). (Spraying and dusting equipment) I / I ,1 4, ov.^. TARNOT-Id --- -Anx-he-ne- r-makhanik. H.. MIJ6, , Year Of Plungers of sprayer pumps. Sallkhozmashina no.1:18-21 A '55. W" 8:3) 1- V8eSOYuzAff institut zashchitr rastenir. (Pumping machinery)(3praying and dusting equipment) URIOVICHONOKO, kandidat sell skokhozygystvann7kh nauk Research an the process of chemical control of veeds in grain crops. SellkhozmaxhIna no~*3:V~-27 "r 055. (MLRA 8:6) 1. Voesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteuiy. (Spraying and dusting equipment) (weed control) TARMOVICH, N.K., kandidatsellskokhosyayistyonnykh nouk. - - Truck-wounted sproyer. Sellkhotmashina no.n:8-9 1 155. l.Vossoyusnyy institut sashchity rastenly. (Spraying and dusting equipment) rc r3 3 149 v-031 a ~B67AQ 5* -rm VOYXVODIN, A.V.; Increasing the effectiveness of chemical veed control in grain fields. Dokl.Akad.sallkhoz.21 ne.6:18-21 '56. (M.LRA 9:9) lJoes9yusn" nauchne-insledevatel'skiy institut sashchity rasteniy. Predstavlana sektsiyey zashchit7 rasteniv Vses9y%.zn9y ordena Lenina akademii sal'skokhezvzy9tvennykh nauk Imeni V.I.Lanina. (Wood control) (Spraying and dusting) 'idp` g PF'i EM TARNOVICH, N.K., 6nd.tekhn.nauk.-- Investigating the jet of h1gh-capscity nozzles. Sellk-bozaashina no.7:25-28 J1 '57. (MIRA 11:1) l.Vsesoyuznjvy usuchno-iseledovntel'skly institut zashchity rasteniy, (Spraying and dusting equipment) - TARNOVICHp N.K. -------------- Stagen of the development of mechanization, Zashch. rant. ot Tred. i bol. 2 no.6134-36 N-D 157. OaRA 16: 1) .(Agricultural machinery) (Plants, Protection of) Som~ problems of the pechanization of plant protection in the seven-year plan. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 4 no.5:17-18 S-0 159. (K[FA 16: 1) 1. Zavedi,,yushchiy laboratoriyey makhanizateii Voesoyuznogo instituta. zashchity rastenly. (Plantap Protection of) TARNOVICH., N. K. New machines. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 4 no.6:19-21 !;-D 159. OMU 15:11) 1,,Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey mekhanizatsii Vaesoyuznogo instituta zashchity rasteniy. (Spraying and dusting equipment) , TARNOVIGH,-X-L~ Improve the working out of specifications for agricultural machinery. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.11:20-21 N 160. (MIRA l6s 1) (Spraying and dusting equipment) CHIGARZV, G. A.; .1 H,._F_,_ ~K. , STAROSTIN, S. P.1 BONCH, H. I. Disinfecting seeds with atomized.mmpensiong. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.6:15-16 Jo 160. 1 (MMA 16: 1) (Seeds-Mainfection) TARNOVICHO N,".; -OST-RO-UMOV, G.M. Study of-'spray nozzles. Trakt. i sellkho-Bh. 32 no.503-35 vq # 62. OaRk 15:5) 1, Vsesoyuznyj institut zashchity rasteniy. (Spraying and dusting equipment) TARROUGH, N.K. Prezent state of mezhhrizatlon 1-n cbemical plant p--Otectlcn. Trudy VIZR no.179378-391 163. OCFU~ 180) -TARNOVICH; Nikoley Konstantinovich3 ZOTOVAp L.A.v red. -1 -- ~.. ..... ...-I I.- - -- - (Mechanization of the chemical protection of plantal Mekhanizatsiia, khimicheakoi zashchity rastenii. Mo- skvas, Znardev 1964. 32 p. (11ovoe v zhizni, naukej, tekhnike. V Seriias Sel'skoe khoziaistvo., no.22) (MIRA Vill) - TAMOVSKA.P--E*-- The plant tip and its role in carotin biosynthesis of tomelo leaves* Doklady BAN 15 no.5:555-557 162. 1. SWI16ted by Academician A, Popoff [Popov# A,]. W S/014 ACCESSION NR: AP4043559 6/64/607?004/0009/0014 AUTHOR: Kapustinat T. P-1 Porokhova, T. G.;.Tarnovskaya,. La V. TITLE: Structure of the surface layer of. sillcon.and germanium ground plates SOURCE: ivUZ. Priborontroyeniy'es v. 7. no.'40 1964, 9-15 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, semiconductor surface, semiconductor crys~tal, germanium surface, silicon surface.' ABSTRACT: The surface layer w th a disturbed (b grinding) crystal structurd y comprises three zones: (1) an outer -relief zone consisting of randomly arranged the thickest zone with single chips and deep cracks; and ridges and valleys; (2 (3) a single-crystal zone 'without mechanical faults but with elastic deformations. Two first zones were experimentally investigated; both probe-type profilometers and interferention microprofflometers (design suggested by At N. Zakhareyevskiy) were used for studying the flist zone; finer studies were made by optical and Card 1/2 ;ACCESSION NR.6 AP4043559 electron microscopes. The depth of each zone was determined by successively polishing off the surface and accurately weighing the specimen, ' Some results of grinding by carborundum, boron carbide, quartz, artificial corundum, glass, and polyvinyl chloride are reported. - The thickness values of the first and second zones obtained by grinding with M14-M5 abrasives are tabulated. Or g6 art& has: 5 figures and 3 tables* ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics) SUBMITTED: 07Feb64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: EC NO AEF SOV: 005 OTHER*. 000 Card 2/2 L 08954-67 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(t)/'-7TI IJP(c) JD/GG ACC NR: AP6009185 SOURCE CODE: UR/0146/65/008/005/0152/0157 AUTHOR: Kapustina, T. P.; Porokhova, T. G.; Tarnovskaya, L. V. ORG: Lenin rad Institute of Fine Mechanics ~nd qp~i~s (Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki TITLE: Structure of surface layer of polished silicon slabs SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 8, no. 5, 1965, 152-157 TOPIC TAGS: crystalline silicon, silicon single crystal)W"OXAL ABSTRACT: The tentative results are reported of a study of the Si-slab surface relief after the surface has been mechanically polished; "polirit, 11 crocus, and oxides of Th, Ce, Cr, Al, Ti were used as polishing materials. The surface micraroughness was measured by a multibearn interferometer; a minimum surface irregularity of 100 could be detected. The best polishing results were Card 1 /Z UDC: 621.315.592 L ACC NR. AP6009165 0 obtained with a very fine chromium oxide. The deepest (300-1000 A*) microcheckB were formed when the Si surface was polished by a coarse chromium oxide. Polishing wheels made from pitch-colophony, butylmethacrylate, polyvinyl chloride, and caprone netting were tested- the polyv-Wl-chloride and pitch-colophorq wheels left deeper scratches (UP to 430 1) on the Si surface than other wheel materials. The absence of Si-crystal destruction at depths of 500-1000 X was proven by etching off the polished surface layer and examining the crystal on a 40000x electron microscope, Orig, art. hast 4 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODM 20,60 / SUBM DATE; 24Sep64 / ORIG REFt 001 / OTH REF: 007 not KAPUSTINAp T,P.;,POROKHOVAj, T.G.;,TARNOVSKAYA, L*V, Structure or the surrace layer of polished oil-icon plates, Iwo vyze uchobe zave; prib. 8 no.5:152-157 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekbaniki i optiki. Reko- mandovama karedroy toorii apticheskikh priborov. Is IL 00 *a. fill M-01 4S Z. 5-3 5.11 I TAMNV5K&JL, M.P., assistant ~Ali4t4z Determining the minimum size of a cam mechanism with a rotating cam and a racking rod. [Trudy] MM no.92-1108-113 '59- (j4IRA 12:10) (came) TARROVSKATA, M.F., assistant DAsigning tbq optimum profile of the a rotating, cai and an advancing rod. '59. (Cawo) cam of a cam mechanism with [Trudy] RVTU no,92:114-118 (AIR& 12110) TARNOVSM, Aj FEWSOV9 A.I., doteentp nauchnyy rakovodltell Polarization of a conductive cylinder in a homogenous electric field. IUch.mLp.Kuibgoa.ped.inst. no.37213-9 162. (MMA 16sl) (Electric fields) (Polarization (Electricity)) INAN, DOL* inzilo r, A019WAUS110; SHUU, TARWVSKI :~, .11 .- -_- of post semibriqu~ts in White RuBgjae,yorf. prose Manufacture (MIRA 13:3) 36 no.7:16-18 159. leSoynarkhoz BSSR. (White Russia-peat) I- TARNOVSKIY, A.I. _ o- - Peat industry of the Economic Council of the Uhite Russian S. S, R. and the 22d Congress of the CPSU. Torf. prom. 38 no.6: 1-5 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Upravlaniye torfyanoy promyshlenwati soveta narodnogo khozyaystva BSSR. i (White Russia-Peat industry) ACC NR: AF6018012 IV SOURCE-CODE: UR/0413/66/000/010/0126/0226 IINEMTORS: Lyubavskiyo K, V.; Llvovaj, Ye. P.; Sukhov, L. V.; Yarovinskly., L. 11.j Tarnovskiy, A. I.; R~rabchenkov, A@ Vo; Gerasimovq V. I.; Iodkovskiy,, S. A. ORG: none TITLE: Welding electrode. Class 49p No. 181968 announced by Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Hachine Construction iNauohno-isoledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya)-7 SOURCE: Izobrotoniyat proqrohlomWe obraztayt tovarWe znaki, no. 10p 19Mt 126 TOPIC TAGS: welding, welding electrode, austenite steelj, carbon,, silicon,, manganese, chromium,, nickel, molybdenum, niobium, sulfurp phosphorus ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents.a welding electrode for welding austenite stools containing carbono silicon, manganese, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, niobium'j sulfur, and phosphorus.. To increase the resistance of welded seem to corrosion, the electrode composition is taken in the following percent relationship: carbon- not over 0.05; ailicon-not over 0.1+5; manganese 2-101 chromium 19-25; nickel 33- 50; niobium 0*8-1,2; molybdonun 24-793; sulfur or phosphorus-not over 0.02 of each. SUB COM 3.3/ SUBM DAM 29Apr65 Card 3/1 UDGs 621.791.042.2 GORBUTOVICHP G.D.,, inth.1 FAIMMKIYp B.D., insh.1 TARNOVSKIYO A.L. inzh. k-------------------- Manufacture and use of peat-mineral-ammonium fertilizers In the White Rassian S*S.R, during 1961. Torf.prom. 39 no.3:11-14 162. (MA 15:4) 1, Gosplan BSSR (for Gorbutovich),, 2, GosudarstvenrWy komitet Sovet Ministroy BSSR po koordinataii nauchno-imaledavateliskikh rabot (for Parsimakiy). 3. Sovvarkho3 BM (for Tarnovskiy). (White Russia,--Fertilizers and mamwe) (Peat) PRASZ I BM ZXFLOXTATION SOV/5053 TB"Qyuznaya konferentslya. pa tre" I. izaasu v sashIna" 3d0 1956. Izaas I 1=0602toykoat.. Antifriktalonny" waterialy (Wear and Wear Resistance. Antlfrictlan Materials) Moscow. rzd-va AN SSSR. 1960. 273 p. ' Irrats slip Inserted. 3,500 copies Printed. (Series: ItsZ Trudy. V. 1) Sponsoring Agency% Akadenlya nauk =R.. Institut mashinovedenlya. Rasp. Zd.: X. X. Khrushchov, Professor; Ed*. of Publishing XQUAG: X. Ta. lasbanov. and 3. L. Orpl1c; Tech. Zd.z T. ftlyakova. 'PURPMI This collection or articles in intended for practicing engine,mra and research scientists. C Imbed by the Inatitut xsshLnovedenlya. OVIRAaRs The eollec%loc6 publ' AX SaSR (Institute of Science Of 31achines, Academy Or Sciences USSR) contains papers Prevented at the III VsesOyuzna7a, KOO- fermatelya DO trenlyu I itnosu v mashinakh (Third All-Union Conference On Friction and Wear in Machines) which was held A ril 9-15, 1958. Problems discussed were in 5 main &ream: 11 RYdr0d7OAXlO 220cry of Lubrication and Friction Ba&rings (Chalretent To. K. outlyar. Doctor of Technical 231021ces, &44 A. X. Dlyachkov. Doctor or Technical Sciences )1 2 Lubrication and Lubricant Materials (Chairwans 0. V. V1nogradave Doctor of Chemical Soleness); 3) Dry.and Boundary Friction (Chairment X. V. Der7agin, Correspondlo%nember Of the Academy of Sciences WSR . and 1. V. Xrogel'sidy, Octor or Technical Sciences)i 4) kar and Wear Resistance (Chalroani K. M. Krushchov. Doctor of Technical Sciences); and 5) Friction and Antix'rlc- Una FlaterLalm, (ChaUment X. V. Xrapl*nki7, Doctor or Tech- mical Sciences, and X. M. Xrusbehow, Doctor of Toch"cal. Sciences . hairmw of the general assembly (on the first and last day of the conference) was Academician A. A. BI&SOnravov. L. TO. Prushan2kiy, Candidate of.Technical Sciences. was act- entifle secretary. The transactions or the conference were published In 3 volumes. or which the present volume Is the first. This volume contains articles concerning the veax~ and war " Istanc f antifrittlon materials. Among the topics I overedsare: :Jern developments In the theor7 and experi- mental science or wear resistance or materials, specific data On the wear resistance of various combinations of materials. methods f r Increasing the wear resistance of certain materials. the *rrev:: Of frl-t1on and wear on the structure of materials. the uschaniss or the seizing or metals. the effect of varricus types of lubricating LimterLala an seizing, abrasive wear or 4 wide variety of materials and components under 7jLny different condition$. modern developments In ant.1frIction materials. and the effects of finish machining an wear resistance. Many pet- sonallties Are wentlon*d In the text. References accompany most V- Influence of the Direction Of ftthj,~ '91" W0rnVV'ttb* Cbaraeter and Magnitude or the wear or Friction ftir* During the Period or Running-In (5b. "tachestwo Poverkhoostj dec&1ey mashu" XO. 4, lad. AX 1959) Chastnoy A I Meat Or the Finishing Treatment of ~~~ Wear Resistance Of Plain Bearings and JQurnKI BOALrIOCA (3b. 'Trelys I jznO~ vjiLgbjr,".. v7P. 15.lid. AN SSSR) 270 ff~tjft S.11% (d d) A. is pirnoTskiv. .k - ::d 0.0.. VakhORS 17, Forms tion or Profiled 3teal Wlr* Used In Cables (-V,,t,.ma*h1nO4tr.1, X0. 7. 2959) 270 and Damage to the RollIng Surface of .t .r I 8 ("VGstn-VA8hin0str.', Xo. 7, 1959) 2T1 Card 11/13 '7 TkitNl~ 'S". , F-- ~ y ,A . ~-.4 I, -- - ~ rn F'..o,KrjpIj-rrjwt3 articIA "On tile proft.-m-ntial Use -f the Irt5.1rnatiorlal 3yetom uf Uril,j (S1') In teaching a.ccurse in ,ije,:!trIcjty4*-' U!.heb, Z.-core; fiz. 8 no.3C.54 165o (MI'14-A L8-.9) 1, Kuybyzihevskity padagogi:;hesk,.y instlltuL. OSTRDVSKIYP Fe, inzh.-,_j4RjLjOV�KIY, E., inzh. i Pressure vessel used for Antiseptic compositions. Stroltell no,6:30 JS 158- (MM 11:7) (Pressure vessels) ACCESSION NR: A?4027924 S/0137/64/000/002/BO06/BOOS SOURCE: RZh. 11etallurgiya, Abs. 2B38 AUMOR; Kaybichava, M. N.; Tarnovskiy, G. A. TITLE.- Refractories used for making crucibles for high-frequency vacu= induction furnaces and causes of their war CITED SOURCE& Tro Vosto in-ta ogneuporov, vy*p. 4~ 1963, 106-126 TOPIC TAGrSs rotraotory, oruoible, magnosite, sy-athetio corundum TRANSLATION: Results are given for"an investigatioA of'tho causes of intensive vear of refraotories under vaouum-maltirg conditions in high-frequonoy induction furnaces 6900 mm high and 2900 = in diamoter with a vaou= doim to 10-7 MM Ug. The orucibles were rammed out of 70-75% fused magnesito and 30-25% synthetic oorundum No 100 containing 1-2% CaF2 and 3% moisture. The ra=ii;g was in layers (20 to T 55 mm). 1he thicliness of the crucible vralls was 60-65 rz6 at the top, and 75-60 at the bottom. Th,e crucibles were studied during the period of developmont and operation. The~teizperature of the 60tal was 1500-17000, amd the latter remained in! 'the crucibles for 2 to 5 bro The life of the cruoibles amounted to 19 meltingse GFd:112 k t - .0 P-M-P-M. MMM "'ACCESSION NRs AR4927924 ,''The chief cause o4 wear were trxr~ve~se cracks# whi are attribut!ed to the In grease in the-size of pr4oiblei during tite Pirs.t wash heatipga A" to the healing of the cracks* It is reo,*=andad that aprupdum be add*4 In,amouAts not omeeding 16%, that , ra=ing In layers land repressing ~m forsaken In makipg t~e. oruoibleap that the, addition of 003 1~*, *x~luded fr* thp charge'. that the ~blstvre of the mass be:- reduced. to - 14-4, and that tht -oruoibles be drIe4. with air.heatod. to 110-220 to Z to &5 hrs thO iprtloal tsmpsr~tw# ok the oruoib~44 should bt amstamts'and.~mo Abrupt Gooling qhould be allom4k# 1~is"vill make. ItI"Possible to szkond,the 14o to meltizge 0 X* molohanov DATE ACqi lQMot6Q iWOLS 00" 'I ySIMIYCV t.Gale; FILATOVF V.P., BAIIYASO -P. I FREyr)ENBERG, :SEHMNKID P.P.; BA't G.A. -TOYS- . 9 f . -... Ilurg GI]DOV, V.I.; A.S.; - -nace hearths* Msta Raming the,Ipper working layer of OP"-n-hearth ful ()URA 1817) 10 no.4%14 Ap 165. TARVOVSKIY,w G.N. --------- Heulandite from pagmatites. Zap.Vost.-Sib.otd.Vses.min. ob-va no.1:97-100 159. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut geologii Voatochno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR. (Heulandite) (PegrAtiteB) MOGAROVSKIY, V.V.; TARNOVSKIYj G.N.; VASILIYEV, Ye.K. Hypogene hydrozincite. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.4:929-931 Ap 165. (VJRA 18:5) 1. Institut geologii, Dusha-ibe. Submitted December 19, 1964. LOGACHEVI N.A., red.; 1-~JNFJEV, I.K., red.; ODINTSOV, M.M.0 red.; POGODIN, Yu.V., red.; TARVOVSM G.11.,, red.; TWOLISKIY, ~:-' - ~-' . . MQ L.M.) red.; PERLOVICH,~". ZONS11 V.D.0 tekhn. red. [Surnaries of the reports of the Conference on Mineral Re- Dources and the Geology of the Siberian P-latfo=)Tezisy dokla- dov SoveohchanJia,po geologicheskorm stroe#U i miner&llripa resursam Sibirsxoi platforv7. Irkutsk, Akad, nauk SSSR, Si- birskoe otd-nie. No-4- 1960. 138 p. NIRA 15M) 1. Savoshobvniye po goologichookonu stroyeniyu i minerallrWm resuream Sibirnkay platforray. (Siberian Platform-Goology) (Siberian Platform-Mines and mineral rerources) TARNOVSKIY, G-N-; VAS.TLIYBVO ye.K. --- ......... Bavenite from the pegmatitea of Easten. Siberia. Zap. Vnes. min. ob-va 93 no.,1929-36 164 (MIRA 18&2) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheaki7 institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. TARNOVSKrr,--I.-, sale Kelosefts, Omsksy oblasti. .11111~ A re ,delver whivh can use battery or electric line power is nogded. Radio ne.8126 Ag 156. (KMA 9110) (Radio-Receivers and reception) we GO 8 Got 0013 000 O*w 0 Mi;" 0 0 0 0 0 A dkk A Ah a AS v a AS NO COWL_ I-L-.rl-;*o 1-00 THE EFFECT Of FRICTION Of TU CRAM OF SHAPE OF FORGINGS. IL TXMqvdj7_Vsstnik Inshemerov I Tehatkoy 1946, No* qA0 pp 291-295 Abridged translation engineers d6g4mt londom, 1946, vole 9, 106-1000 .'06 &SO-ILA METALL~AL LITINAT600111 CLASIVICAT 01; U IS AS 00 111, SO It If St ofa It a 4 000000000000 000000 0000000:000000:4 - 4 _: 010001 a 2.8100 as* COO COO EGO Soo 900 400 00 : 00 WOO tooo slow #"Ifwv- apt[ as A 1 0 ad 0 0 w I mr 0 9 go 4 1 1 00.0 000000 000 ::::::009000:061A -- -- - TARKOVSKIT, -I. YA., Docent - - - - -- - - - I "Widening in Yorging and 2olling." Sub 27 7eb 47, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Inst of Steel imeni Is To Stalin DItsertations presented for degrees in science and engineering In Moscow in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 a*,* too a 0 0 0 *-o 00010 0 0 0 001 bl,*AOC 006-AxLat opus$ Tw n I A-2 a ii u bl a At u 43 14 al %I Ol AV Is n 0 &,A Am li'lls Ma 6.0 4 11 -101 Ako,"Ol -Alle.ALS 1"O12 00 00 0: son Ook so, 00. see son C, 00 go* 00. coo eaw ~ r:0 00- 00. *(tXC ad Alur 16fix "JOA 4$t6j 461*6 V" "I #UZnOf 002) r go 09- ; 4 A -2(j! add *OX 9161 TV%$ is pejv"ft StolvA .10ftd v ;0 U01101suvil MITIon F 0 0 00. el em *(?Li 'QX 4891-199 uuT%lT9uv4 '6tl6l *OSSMoul 10949 M 90-11) 00- A 'Ork6aft -,r4- 11 '011mag CSTJ Jtl X014onm Sm AO Solvammo n& '00 %Odf) 44 1- it 1 00 T r O'rA*'K- T-I v- 1)*-j to it too n of if ti It OF iiiiiiw al vi It u of If 11 if M0 '0 1* 0 0 o 0 o 0 -00 to o 0 W10900000000000060 exit IL P-A. A 0 0 00 oe 00 *9 a W 00 43 00 o0 a 0 9 111 It 0 111 v III p- 41- #1 d a 4 41041 TIMP Effe" of rtictlatt on Ow Ck_wo S&A of Y. Tarmy, SlIgilleers- Digest (r.,.,- moo, IO&A Edition), v. 5,09s.r.-Apr. 1949, P. 142-144. Tr-npl&W and condensed from Yedmik ImAevvemu 1 TeAnikor coo (Bulletin Of Engillecrinir and Technol. 09Y), 11011. 9-10, 1940, V. 291-295. A t)-rctical, mathematical developmenL wo MITAMMAIChL LOCIPAILON CLAWICATICIN 141040 "Ir eAr oat a --l-, --, u AV so .1 It it it a 0.0 0 00 0 o *-48 010 : : : ** : : ago age see we too ho 0 be 0 I I -4w I - FL, 1400 fm 4 it lp 1 0 tw I** o 0 0 00 0 0 0 4 0 : 0 - a 0 a 0 0 00 0 FA 19/49T50 TARNOVgKIYP L YA- oat 48 Rolling "Orovan's Work on the Theory of 11olling," 1. T&. Tarnovskly, CaVA Tech Solt Ural Polytoch Xnat, K. N. Sherchenko, Cand Tech Sol, Inst of Mach, A6eA Sol ussaj, A "Bull" No 10 Attao'ks'vork of Za Orovam, Ragilah jwt&u=,9l8t-P mking frequent reference to aftlevenante of Barlet scientists in this field. 19A9M- TARNOYMYj I.Ya., doktor takhnichookikh nauk, professor. a miffilm-, - Zqatlibrium-of forces during rolling with lateral spreading. Trudy Ural.politakhJust. no.":97-120 153. WaL 9:11) (Rolling (Metalwork)) I GAUGO, O.A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; ZAAMOVSKI.1 I.Ya., professorg C. MSOVS11T. N.11-1, Iggnimer. doktor tekhnicheskikh nau), tiz= blank Bh&Pes for forging gear-tYPI products. Designing OP (MM 9:11) Trudy Ural.'politekh-inst. no.45:137-151 '53. (Yorging) TAMOYSLIT, I-Ta.., professor, doktor takhaicheskikh muk. Distribution of spreading along the length of the deformation focus. no.48:64412 153. (KM 9: 3) (Rolling (Ketalvork))(Deformations (Nechantes))