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December 31, 1967
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Exiot,nce of a Hicher CO, 3 Oxide
2he 1,ossible vaillue of the frequency corresuondin,- to the ~~luetua-
tions ol' the C = O-binding can be rou-uly c&lculated accor-dinr- to
the condition of equality of the pajrer const~znts for this binding
in- 1 CO - and HCOOH molecules and amounts to approxi,.~.Iitively 1606C
c M . 'fie !UthOrS C40 110t :jve here the full e!-1-1'3_;-;,,~n .;i~ectrura of
the diCfu.3ion flauie of CO in 0, ahich wa:i oboerwed in the infra-
red spi-~troi.teter IKS-11 . In "lie frequency r~-.rjje of fvoi!1 SGOO to
400 c!:i it cont;Lino up to 100 lines and stripes w1dic-firl are due to
radiation c'L CO, OH, CC 29 F z 0 and 110- . If CO, 0 2 E . n d N 2 are dried
carefully only stripes P.A jinies of 60 and CC apz~ear in the spec-
trum of the flame. If, 'ri
.owever, the p--icture bf the flame basis
is directed to the slits of the spectroi:ieter (not hjjier than 3,5 Mm
fro:,.i the burner in the case of a full height of the visible cone
of from 15 to 17 qim) in the spectrum ap,-ears a stripe with a fre-
:.iaximum a '_1 .7"ich is no'
quency of the intensity , t Y_ 1615 c.'., '. I : - I
(-, f f e c t e d by t he rad il a t- i on o f on e o f, th e mer t i c ne d -,,- a 1- -, _J c le s . 2houCh
the autho-rs were first inclined to identif~r zhi_3 stripe -with 110 2-
stripes it does not vanish when the flame is blo-;m off ivith an-
h:;"Irous oxyr.en. On the contrary, this stripe ,becomes more intensive
b.y th-_; .41anifold. On the scrength of this anal~t~-s of the
experimental rE~.sult3 the authors concluded the carrier of 'the
I is a hiz-her oxide CO,. In i;h~! spectrum
Card " 9 t ri p e s v` = 1615 cm-
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IR~v Wit '. Kazan'St-.te Uiniv,~rsJ ty
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,os, u-nive--sitet ial V- 1',7
&:jy a
(k,~azar . ~D
21). 19W
1. Mirrors-Infrared spectra 2. Mirrors.-Reflective prope&.ies.
Tagirov, R. B. C-OV/51-6-2-2/39
TITLE: On the Cause of Infrared Emission-Band Shift in Flame Spectra
(4 voprosu o prirode smeehchen-iya infrakrasnylch polos ispuskaniya v
s Paktralch plamen)
P2;RiODj.(1L: Optica I Spektrosfcopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 2, or) 137-140 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Paschen (Ref 1) pointed out that in the infrared emission spectrum of
a Bunsen flame the maximum of the 2549.3 cm-' band of C02 molecules
has "red" snift compared with the absorption spectrum of atmospheric
carbon dioxide. A similar "red" snift was reported by Julius (Ref 2)
for HCI In HZ + 012 flame spectra, for CS2 and 802 bands in CS2 + 02
flame spectra and so on. In view of contradictory explanations of this
shift the present paper deaIs Nith the mechanism Of excitation Of C02
molecules In diffusion flamea of CO in oxygen and with the cause of the
infrared emission-band shift compared with the bands in tne absorption
spectra. The infrared emission spectra weim obtained by means of an
infrared spectrometer IKS-11. To increase the emission intensity
received by the sDectrometer the author placed a spherical mirror behind
the flame. carbon moncxido5 used in the flame was obtained by reaction
'lard 1/3 of formic acid with sulphuric acid and Yes stored over vater. It was
on the Cause or Infrared Smission-Band Shift in Flame Spectra SUV/51-6-2-2/39
burned without any preliminary drying. The spectral curves, uncorrected
for the atmospheric absorption, obtained in the region 6000-400 cm-1
are given in Fi6 I. Curves a, *4ad # were obtained using LiF, NaCl
and KBr pristas respectively. Scme of the bands shown in Fig 1 were
rooortod also by other authors. Comparison of Fig 1 with the absorption
spectra at room temperature shows that ma_*Ajzia~ Of so`G C02 bands
exhibit "red" shift while other bands have "violet" shift. Maximum of
a CO emission band is displaced to-wards shorter wavelengths compared
-with the absorption spectrum (Fig 2). To elucidate the mechanism of
excitation of COZ11molecules in diffusion flames of GO in C02, the
authors used the well-established fact that EZO molecules in hydrogen-
oxygen flames are excited thermally (Ref 4). The author studied the
temperature arid other dependences of infrared amission by H20 molecules
in diffusion flames of H2 in 02 and by G02 molecules in flames of 00
in 02- He found that 002 molecules are also thermally excited in
flames of GO in 02 or in air. The relevant experimental material used
is given in Figs 3 and 4: Fio- 3 shows the frequency dependence of the
ratio of intensities of HzO and GO, bands in aDectra of H2 and GO flames;
Fig 4 shows the pressure dependan-o of COZ (curve 1) and H20 (curve 21
'F~ 1-d :,/3 bands emitted in GO and H2 flameE. 1'he shifts of the G02 bands in
On the Cause of Infrared Zmiszion-Ran~ Shift in Flame Soectra, SOV/51-o-2-2/39
flames are due to asymmetry of these bands and formation of edges. The
latter is shown in Fig 5 for 2349.3 cm-1 band Of C02. Curve a shows the
spectrum at small concentrations Of C02 (atmospheric conditions) and
curveb shows the band under conditions of high concentration of cO2
(in fiames). Increase of the C02 concentration produces an edFe and
displaces the band as a whole towards longer wavelengths (Fi- Ft.,
The observed shift of the 2349.3 cm-1 C02 band in flames of GO and
hydrocarbons (e.g. Bunsen's flame) is also due to superposition of a
21,12 cm-1 CO band. The "violet' displacement of the CO band shown in
Fig 2 is due to asymmetry and temperature broadening. Acknowledd-aents are
made to V.N. Kondratlyev and V,V. Voyevodskiy for their advice. There
are 6 figures and 11 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 5 English,
1 Gannan, 1 Dutch and 1 translation.
SUBMITTED: April 19, 195-7
-lard 3/3
TAGIROV, Salikh Mikhaylovich; CBMWY.AGIN, B.M., kand.telkhn.nauk,
retsenzent; ITKIN, I.M., inzh.. red.; AKIMOVA, A.G., red.
izd-va; CHER OVA, 2.1.,
(Construction and assembling of watches] Konstruktsiia i
tekhnologila Bborki mekhanicheskikh chasov. Koskva. Gos.
nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 243 p.
(MIRA 13:11)
(Clockmaking and watchmaking)
,9 9-3 C/ / 0 69836
//1 / 00 0 S/051/60/008/03/006/038
AUTHOR: Tagirov, R.B.,
TITLE: an-tffe 'Problem of Participation of H20 in the Reaction of
\\Combustion of Carbon Monoxidellin Oxygen
PERIODICAL: Optika_i spektroskopiyal 1960, Vol 8, Nr 3,
pp 312 314 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Kondratlyev et al (Refs 1, 2) and other workers (Ref 3)
reported that water molecules take active part in the
process of combustion of carbon monoxide in oxygen at low
pressures. Inside the combustion zone the following
reaction occurs:
OH (+CO) H (+02), OH (+CO)- H (+02)
As a result of this reaction the thermodynamic
equilibrium concentrations of OH and H in the combustion
zone will no longer be obtained. The present paper de-Is
with the problem where the reaction given by Eq (1) takes
Card place in hot diffusion flames of CO burning in 02. For
1/2 this purpose the author investigated the infrared emissio:,-
of flames of CO in 02 and of H2 in 02, using an infrarad
On tho Problom of Partic,-Ipatiori of H20
of Carbon Monoxide in Oxygen
in the Reaction of Combastlon.
spectrometer IKS-11:V A. spherical aluminized mirror was
placed behind the flame at a distance equal to the radius
of curvature of the mirror; this nearly doubled the
emission intensity of the flame. The results obtained
(Fi-s 1 and. 2) show that, in the flames of CO + 02
containing moisture, the water molecules are dissociated
to a considerable extent (much more than In H2 + 02 flame-~,)
and take active part in the process of combustion of CO
in 02. Acknowledgements are made to V.N. Kondratlyev
and V.V, Voyevodskiy for their advice.
There are 2 figures"and 11 references, of which 5 are
Card Soviet, 2 English, 1 Dutch and 2 translations from English
2/2 into Russian (Ref 5 is missing from the literature-c-ited
SUBMITTED: May 21, 1959
- ------
B~virrors for t~e IKS-11 infrared spectrometer. Frib. i tekh.
eksp. 6 no.2:149-1-11C Mr-Ap '61. (,,-!IRA 14:9)
1. Kazanskiy roeudarstvennyy universitet.
AUTHOR: Tagirov R.B.
TITLE: --On the variation in the integral sensitivity of
~P.)Cr- -)/10 (FESS-UlO) photoelements with time and
PM-IODICAL: Pribory i telchnika eltsperimenta,Xno. 1, 1963, It
120 - 121
TEXT: Use of the LA~