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SZREIBR, Wladyslaw -- --I-- Reminescences on Ndmand Bratkovski, M.D. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.25: 1177-1178 22 June 59. (OBITUARIM) -1 'SZ-REMM, W.; TAPER, H. Effect of large doses of iodine on experimental neoplasms. Acta physiol.polon. 11 ro.5/6:893-894 160. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej A.W. w Gdansku, Kierownik: prof.dr W.Szreder. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologiczuej A.M. w Gdanaka, Kierownik: prof.dr W.Czarnocki. (IODINE -pharmacol) (BEOPLASMS exper) BIEDZA,. ~IWSKI, Daniel; OBXRMULLNR, Janj SZREDER., Wla_dy,,Igw Effect ofoxygen respiration on bleeding time, blood coagulation, prothrombin and blood platelet count in various groups of patients in pathological conditions. Polskie arch.ped.vewn. 30 no-7:0,91-993 160. 1. Ze SzpItala Stoczni Gdanskiej Dyrektor: prof. dr med. W.Szreder (BLOCD MAGULATION) SZREDER, Wladyslaw I --------- L-------- 7- On achievements of the Polish school in the fic`-~ of mthological and clinical aspects of respiratory insufficiency witn special reference to respiratory Amction tests used in detecting insufficiency in internal diseases. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 31 no.9:123.4-1242 16l. 1. ~ Zakladix Patologii Ogoinej AM w Gdansku i Szpitala Stoczni Gdanskiej Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Szreder. (RESPIRATORY SYSTENI dis) SZREDER, WladysLaw; TAPER, Henryk Effect of large doses of iodine on experimental tumors. Pat. polsk4 13 no.2:205-213 162, 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej AM w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr W1. Szreder Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM v Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr W. Czarnocki. (NEOPLASMS exper) (IODINE pharmacol) -7 94 1.2 12 1) I C- JUL 1~-- 62. 1. 'llathoZonotto of the Influe. -a,tv!- 0.12 Tucol-oua :lgrsvou, , )F-Ma ;.r4- t. ttuto of General Zftthoty~,- t I- A-1- wGd3rnku),.d-'rdotor: Pr3r. Vlad7itlaw SZIRED-71. Im. P;). 2. "L-zalustlor. of Labomtor? Research in Mute Rhou 7n. to Disease," J.=!L ;:,. 209-21'... 3. ' '&l*emtlons in Basal Gongli-na of Vsnoialar Cr4.s*.n, Attackir.-. ?trtlculq:-'-v tli-j Striated 574y in t!-6 Cwlra- of Dlabo~en, ' ' '.:. to~.nnb~and C. Bukz-,-' ~z. a' tl~o War:! tor7 r."n -e Inrtltuts of of Acmd~Tj kliklu Reurojetolowil ?M:1 , directort do celt Dr. Ev,% C=- T,'V=-. pp. 27.1-213. 4. ' 'PrOTantlvQ Tromt~en' of Buer~or's Disosot, and -Cthfr 3lood Vessel Constrictin:: DiscaBoa bT lleana of t~!v St- rrjlt&.Ieou4l APPlICAtIOZI or %175ta-Ane, Hoparino urvl Pro- served Tissue," Kloct7slav lTUz=;3Ll; pp. S. "The Vidal Test IIn Pationts vItl- L;Ada--'c Pc.;,atitts, Kl.)cz7fjlfLw of t -- a DInart lcnt or lmflloll-cl.~z !2~a-rw o ---M t~ -- 5zny I sea -a Z .r- n - THo -. y vtospltml D ,rr5ltD,lu mlel~klao v mj~.u), cn~,-.c%an ~Qrd7natj,): Dr. :1 ZAOhMr~kl, F.3cPlt%,, alr~ctor: Dr. K. C'i-,lnl4vjkm; pp. 2;17-71.9-. - ' '.L-% Saw%y, on the Grahic Parroaontatian of ix Jerzy ~LZFM~--. of the Lnbarntor,7 (!Abormtorlu-) 5.% Id-intl-PT~Nfo 1 of the AZje_,L:-,, of Madiciro off :AdL OL.- I '4d--I), dir.-tor: A. 219-~22. In Visceral DI'sonneo," Barbara of DIGenrou ~f t!lo Acn- of v WblInIs), d1rootor: docent dr. V.- 71clmok- - pp. L22-221. -vo Cases of t4irner's 5~ntlr~-.a. " '.$nrlm of -t tto ?ornorze Aosde,.y of the !econd ?e3intric CjlLlnt.-__q di !nIk& PedIntr-cum A;mdvnil '!o!y2zns.- v S=czctimle) dirtoior: Irf. r--. SZREDER, Wladyslaw; TAPER, Henryk; WENT, Adam Effect of Delbet's vaccine and distreptotase on sarcomas (sarcoma 180) in R-I-U mice. Pat. palska 14 no-4:429-438 O-D'63 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej AM w Gdansku (kierownikt W'oSzreder) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej A14 w Gdansku (kierownik: W.Czainocki). SZRZODER, W. - Favaurable effect of combined treatment in a case of lung carcinoma mid abscess, Neoplasma (Bratisl.) 11 no.61.613-619 264. 1. Medical Npartment of the Hospital in Gdansk Dock~rards and tho DepRT4mant of General PaLholory nf Medical School., Gdansk, Poland. 'a on -,zip -coma 180) im cr. s an. (sat e q e o mru en! tD t,hp jmi*h:-,;g-n si rf' th a, ~.i n of iesior;~7 cri ne~op~a_~-' if. Pol. an--h. 31, no.91. .,It: e a f.7 zi w G-1 a ri ~a 5~11d,L)EE, Wladyjlaw Indications for stimulation procedures in neoplasms. Przegl. lek. 21 no.9:532-533 165. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadczalnej AM w Gdansku (Kierownik: Prof. dr. med. W. Szreder). SZREFFEL. Czeslaw Review of the more important ways of characterizing the degree of continentalism. Prze-1 geofiz 6 no-3:191-199 161 . .I 1. Panstwowy Instytut Hydrologiczno-Meteorologiczny, Warls'zawa. SZREFFEL, -C,zeslaw--- Review of the more important ways of characterizing the degree of continentalism.~ Przegl geofiz 6 no.3:191-199 861. 1. Panstwowy Instytut Hydrologiczno-Meteorologiczny, Warszawa. Z 54RF-J13E.i~1 F-Ae A 52. SEALDM OF SHAn Lr-,'V,'GS BY BITUMINIZATION. ~,Zrejbqrp, -B.St (Przorl. Gorniazy (Min. Rev-d 00E. 1951, vote 7. 387). This paper describes sealing operations at the Sylvin shaft, 283 m d:ep, of the Kolugo Potassium Combine. The flow of water into ~hf 40 year old shaft was 75 cut m per 24 he A water-tL,-ht sheath was constructed round the shaft by washing out the losa and clAy from the upper gravel bedsp and filling the space thus gained with bitumon. By this means, using 36.7 tons of bitumen the inflow of water into the shaft was decreased to 35 cu. m per 24 h, at which rate it became possible to carr-~r out sealing operations in the shaft itself. In this second stage of the operation the consumption of bitumen was 22.9 tons, ans finally the flow of water was reduced to 1.5 cup, per 24 he The work occupied h months and cost 15,000 roublese 1144 d21.31&1 Sz rem owt~cz-_M~ .- Distributing Networks in Clectric Power SYstems ..Slecl rozdzJeleze w ukladaCh elektroenerptyanych". Przegl4d Elektrotechniezy No 4-5--4, 1951 pp, 149-159, 24 figs. DetIlLition of terms used in examining the problem of supply to (Wtrlcts and majr..r to,.%ns. The need, a3 a factor having a decisive "Ifluenee On tjie conception of networks for particular districts. (or clautficatIon of viinsumers according W their lznportance~ Notes on voltpe it-It,ctior, Basic diagrams for distributing networiks wu Ix)in',s for 3'xPp'In:; di~-,-n the voltage and a review of their cturAC- terisde fratures Trends of development of systems and of in= iteir-S Of equipment Admrlon of ironclad equipment of an easily rVla- t-eable type. SZMIOWICZ, Yarian, mg;r inz. camparison of UO., 220, and 400 k--,. pomer transmission liTipa'-froyn -the ecorovir pohit of viev.. &nergetyka Pol 17 no*3~~,&i4i~ Biul inst evergetylki 5 no.111121 44--416 -DI 63. &ergetyczTlych, Illstytut z-ny, Varszava. SZMIAWSKA, Wanda Audiometric studies in sclaroma, Otolar. polska 8 no.1:27-36 1954. 1, Z Kliniki Otolaryugologiamej Akademli Nedyesnej w Warssavis. Kierownik: prof. dr sod. A.Dobrxanski. (RRARING TICSTS, audiometry in rhinoselarona) (RHINOSGLEROUL, physiology, audionetry) -, - ." 1 / " WASOW:rCt,-H.-P'-SiREiiAWS-"K-I,"";A.~ '- ' Poland High quallty cast iron as a substitute for steel in gears for lathes. SO; Foundry 4ourml Poland, #5, May 1955, Unclassified. SZF IILI"e"SKI, - . A simplified way of workin.g out a formula for tht hei.ght of a column of processed char:res in a cupola. p. 129. PT-:.ZE.',.'L,I,,D ODLETTICTWA. Krakow, -Poland, Vol. 8 no. 5, Ilay, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEJ), LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. SZRENIAWSKI, Jarxui; JOPKIEWIGZ, AndMj Dur'ability ot diadi-ated'recuperator depending on its design* Problemy proj. hat maszyn 11 no.10:297-299 0163 1. Politecbnika, Lodz. IAWSKI, Janusz, prof..Ar inz. Te6tirig the imirface .-ptate and. SWWO. ji ftr of thin-walled iron castings. Przegl odlipw 12 no.8/~-.225-237 Ag-S 162. SZRENIAWSKI, Janusz., prof. dr inz,; JOPKILI-IICZ) Andrzej., mgr inz. Problems concerning the calculation and an&l:~Sis of the work of radiation cupola reeuperators. Przegl odlew 13 no.1:2-7 Ja 163, J_-rmsz, prof. dr K; !~Cdz. Przegl mec]. no . 7/83 ; 20/,206 -or, c. 1, ri ~7 -j! Tinip.~rsity, Lodz, and Head, Department of gn, University,, Lodz (for 'e.arner and Head, Departmant of' Technology De _n, Dilv~ or Is fln-,,er3l tty, Lodz. no SMENIMISKI, Janusz; JOPKIEVIGZ, Andrzej Ways of increasing the durability of radiation recuperators. Przegl odlew 14 no.11:305-311 N 164. MRENIAWSKI, Jarusz Distribution of moisture in a sand foundry mold depending on the amount of the metal remains in it. Archiw hutn 10 no.1:81-102 165. 1. Submitted March 6, 1964. S.ZUNIAWSKI, Z. Affect of tissue extracts and adenosine on experimental gastric ulcers. Acta -physiol. Dolon. 3~no. 3.0363-374 1952. (GIML 23:5) 1. Of the Institute of Axperimental Pharmacology (Head-Prof. P. Kubikowski, M.~.) of Wa~saw Medical Acadeaw. MANDES, Z.; SZRBNIAWSKI, Z.; ZABLOCKA, B. Effect of Somatotropin ongrowth and glycosuria in rats. Acte, physiol.polon 6 no.1:107-114 1955. 1. Z Zakladu Farmakologli Dosviadczaluej A.M. w Warszawie. Kie- rownik: prof. dr P. Kubikowski. (URINE, carbobydrates, off. of somatotropin in rats) (SOMATOTROPIN, effects, on growth & urinary carbohydrates in rats) (CilRBOHYDRA.TICS, in urine, off. of imatotropins in rats) (GROWTH, effect of drugs on, somatotropin in rats) V (e SZRENIAWSKI, Zbigniew (Warszawa, u1. Chelm8ka 30/34, Zaklad Farupkologii rekow) Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). Folski tygod. lek. 12 no-38:1470- 1474 16 Sept 57. 1. (Z Zakladu Farmakologii Instyt-atu Lekow w Wargzawis; kie rownik Zakladu: dr med. J. Vennlet) Adres: Warszawa, ul. Chelmoka 30/34, Zaklad Farmakologii Instytutu lekow. (SBROTONIND review MID SZMIAWSKI, Zbigniew Report from visits to t)harmacOlogical centers in the U. S. A. Polski tygod lek. 14 no.43:1922-1925 26 Oct 59- (PHARMCOLOGY) SZRENIAWSKI; Zbigniew Effect of metbv1--mmoniumtm1tv an oympathatic ganglia. Avtw pbysiol. pol. 14 no.19105-1-13 163. 1. Z Zakladu Farmakologii AM v Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr P. Kubikowa)d. (MARMACOLOGY) (GANGLIA AUTONOWC) (AMMMIUM COMFOUNDS~ . ~TF-~c ,-P/053/62/000/006/008/0091. 1010/1210 AUTHORS: Halas, Andr7,ej, Moraw.,, Michaki Azrst", 2- 1 1 Zdanowski, Jerzy, TITLE; The technolo6,y of.,the Nodistron type digital' indicator tube PERIODICAL; Prze-iad Blektroniki, no.6, 1962, 336-338 TEXT: A prototype series of digital indicator tubes of the "Nixie" type has been prepared in t-he-Dept. of Electronics of the Wroclaw Polytechnic. The investigationis showed that constantan used as the material for the digits evaporates after a long operation time of one digit and it deposits on the ceramic Card 1/2 -- --;74 SZRETER, Tadeusz Adaptatim of the ether vaporizer to fluothans. Folski przegl- chir. 35 no.1:15-19 163. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w Warszawie Kierownik~ prof. dr J. Kossakowski jNHALATTON) (EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) (ANESTFlESIA, (HALOTHANE) "(ETHER, ETHYL) METER, Tadeusz knesthesiologic procedure in sudden hemorrhage from large arteries in children. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.52:1973-1975 23 D 163. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie (kierownikt prof. dr Jan Kossakowski). SZRITEIRYT. Mining ores in the Rhaetic Lias of the old Polish ore fiel6s. p.243 (PRZEMAE, mmiczy, Vol. 13, No. 5, MaY 1957, Stalinof-rod, Poland) SO:. Monthly List of East European Accessions MAL) W, Vol.6, No. 9, Sept. 1957, Uncl. Iola (MM1.5 "~-Ittem--m F Studir. On Rq,~ ~-d- Fur-,. op--" nt r -&,cd - i i ~u~ in a ioij !al-riforj fw f f:, - 11Fr, -r. 1C, 1-:1 .'n SMETTERY 11. - . ~ . -_ I - ~ . -.- -1. - ~ - "Comparative Testing of Giain Drill Furrow'Openers.' p. lo8, (itoczNna NAuK. mmIA c- NECHU=Cii, Vol. 66, no. 1, 1953, Warsaw, Poland). SO: Montjhly List of East European Accession, Library of Congress, Vol 2 noI0, Oct 1953 Un& S-7RE1,1111FIRI it. "Studies on the resistance of rubber-wheeled trailers." p. 122, (RCCZNIKI NAUK. SERIA C- I Warsaw, Poland). M ECHANIZACJI, Vol. 66, no. 1, 1953, SO! Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congrer3, Vol 2 no10, Oct 19513, Uncl. C! 7-, "Cross-se,--ding and cross-cult-4vation of --k 'pr. 219 -Dryzonty Tech,,.L _i, Uarsaw, Vol 7, 4, ~V: Ea~5tern Euron-ean ~'ccessilons List, Vil 3, :;0 10, Oct 1954, I-ib. of Congress akgt,,icz, Wisaslaw; HALA3, 'M- Studies on co'd cat"O'7e5- 4 Ap 163 1. kated-ra ~-,)litt~khnlka. ~'roclww. r ( ~r. Pv: -s aw arcl IT T,' on-' hly List f ".a-st 7uropf~ar Accf-~53~ (Trl AL) LC Vc! J, rarch 1.955, -C'ncl. SUETTER. R. "Influence of Drought on the Amount of Water in the Bodies of Crowing Animals; A sunmary." P. 70, (PRZEGLAD M-ETEORGUGINITY I HYDROLGGICZNY, Vol. 5, No. 3A, 1952. 'Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LG, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec, 1954) Uncl. 67'11:L"ftEAj 11, "The growth of POlVes ditring periods of drought." P. 4. (Gazeta Obserwatora, Vol. 6, no. 1, Jqnu,-a7 1953. Farszava.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, Vo. 2, Library of Congress, February, 1954, Uncl. INSUIMSKA, Jadwiga; SZRM]ao Eye zar d; DIDIN SFA, Mar I& Monocular vision in Industry. Klin. oesna 24 no.3:219-235 1954. 1. Z Poradni Zawodowsj przy Urzedsis Zatrudnenta w Varssawle. Kisrownik: dr mod. J.Diervacka-Diesieklerska. 2. Z Zakladu Fizjologii Zwier2at S.G.G.W. w Warazavle. Kisrownik: dr fil. R.Szrotter. (VISION, monocular, significance in work) NOW* monocular vision in) SZRUBARSKA, I 665,334-9 . 665.345.4 : (761,183.12 W IL, Snubwuka L Investigations.loto the Application ot Acfte Carbon br-~&~w~ Vegetable Fats. ,Badattfa cad z owanLetn wqgla aktywnega do odbarwianja thux- cz~w~ (Prace G?. WL Frzern- Roln. I'Spot~- No. 2), Wama, vni, 1937, PWT, ID pp, t figs, 9 tabs. The nniflis ef laboratory. tests an the pocaibillty of applying active cm-bon for decolouriz$ng oils in the fat indusbry. An varieties of active ~A~ produced In Poland were tested., ~t the, 6ame t4me, lnv~stlgations Polish Technicial Abst. were. rnade eqncerning the hpplication of bleaching earth. it ww proved ..No- 1 1954 thtLt carbon of th'- f6llowtng kinds pmess th6 highest degree of activi- L Chemistry and Chemical technology tY:. ,Polcarbon N 2.', ,Pokarban T~ and ,Polcarbon N-Extra!. Nomo-I ula (on of cDsts of bleachirki Taic-~ graphs we given, facilitating the calc t. eratton the economle aspect of :3g into consitit the prollera, It was proved that all the kinds of ocdv~ carbon meritioned above- tan IW conslder~-d a.~ s.ultable for de4-,olcurI:rJng vegetable fats. POLQ41) / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Applications. Chemical Processing of Solid Fossil Fuels. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Rhimiya, 1959, No 4, 13118. Author - Szsz(,r)ajiik, Rysz-ard. Inst --'Nc-t-g T I t I e Investigation of the Separation of Isomers of j~41onolnethy1naphthal Inc by Weens of Distillation In a Pilot Plant Situation. Orig Pub: Chem. stosow., 1953., Z, No Z~ 173-187. Abstract- Results are prescnted of investigations on the separation from raw material fractions of isomers of monomethylnaghthaline by means of distillation. It was shown that such a method can give a frac- tion enriched with 2-methylnaphthaline (1) and can isolate the latter by freezing out the correspond- Card 1/2 89 IV of I-vt--ti7ating E'Tuellss"* of Wet clas-I, NO u W4 - !L~- I - , ~ 1 1. . ; m g :.. g ~ ;.; .. - : .. 1. -.' I . LjtjjSj(-,jj Cjjj,Vf-L, irl ti!(T)I'OCCSS or ClUSSificaLion. 2, 1956 -oi 'i0 ~,Toveriber 1957 _st l'.uro E an i~CCOSSJ-Ons (AEI i) 0 0 S27TABAL, R. Tuberculosis of bones and joints. Pecliat.polska 23 P-0-7-8: 696-706 N-D 149. (CLML 19:2) 1. Of the Second Clinic for Children Diseases at Charles and MArie Hospital In Warsaw (Director -- Prof. Wl.Szenajch, M.D.). SZTABA, R. Blood transfusion into the bone narrow in infants. Pediat. polsks 27 no. 5:577-586 May 1952. (CIML 22:4) SZTABA, R. 110 chorobada koAci i sta-Aw u dziecill (On bone and joint cEseases of childrean), by R. Sataba. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksiazki), No. 153 August 1, 1955 KONDRAT, Warda;.SZTABA, Romuald Plastic repair of giant ventral hernia consecutive to spontaneous cure of umbilical hernia. Polski przegl. chir. 29 no.2:141-145 Feb 57. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgil Dzieciecej A.M.G. Kierownik: z-ca prof. R. Sztaba. Adres autora: Gdansk. ul. Swiercoewskiego 1-6. (FURNIA, UNBILICAL, case reparta, spontaneous cure in adolescent followed by ventral hernia, plastic repair (Poi)) (HOMA, VMTRAL, case reports, ' in adolescent, after spontaneous cure of umbilical hernia (Pol)) ----.SZTA4, Romuald Hydronephrosis in children. Pbstepy chir. no-5.*102-120 1958* 1, Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w Gdansku (Kierovnik: z-ca prof. dr med. R. S2taba). (HYDRONSPEWSIS, in W. & child, surg. (Pol)) CHAJECIM-PASNIM-1ICZ, Maria; SLOMOWNA-WALBJKO, Barbara; S%TM, Fommld Diagnostic difficulties in a case of perityphlic tuberculosis (~tri- typhlitis tuberculosa). Pediat. polska 33 no.8:959-962 Aug 58. 1. z niniki Terapii Chorob Dzieciecych A. M. w Warszawie Kierownik: nrof. dr med. H. Brokman Z Zakladu Radiologii Pediatryezuej A. K. w Warszawie Kierownik: Drof. dr med. K. Rowinski Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej A. M. w Warszgwie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Kossakowski. Adrei: Warszawa, u1. Dzialdowska 1/3. (TUBIRCUICSIS, GLSTROINTM TINA L, in inf. & child perityphlic, diag. problems (Pol)) SZTABA, Romuald Mechanical intestinal obstruction after the implantation of ureters into the sigmoid in bladder exstrophy in children. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.lla:1360--1363 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej A.M. w Gdansku Kierownik: zast. prof. dr R.Stitaba.- (BLADDER abnorm) (IMESTINAL OBSTRUGTION atiol) (URETERS surg) (SIWID surg) SUABA, Romueld; KAHCZ, Jerzy L%t6 complications after closed injuries of the kidney in children. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.l1a-.i44o-l/,/,3 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w Ww-isku Kierownik* zast. prof. dr R.Sztaba. (KIDNEYS wds & inj) I SZTABA, Romuald; CYNOWSKI, Luejan Acute mesenteric lymphadenitis caused by Fasteurella pseudotuberculosis complicated by parotitis. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 no.33:1303-1306 13 Ag 162. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w Gdansku: kierownik-. z-ca prof. dr med. Romuald Sztaba i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Szpitala Wojewodzkiego w Gdansku; kierownik: dr med. Luejan Cynowski. (MESENTERIC LWHADLITITIS) (PAROTITIS) (PASTEURELLA) Romuald and ZIIAMIROWSI~j, Ryszard, Clinic of Child (KLinika Chirurgli Dzieciocaj) in Gedansk (Director; As.-~oc. Prof., Dr. med. Romuald SZT.4.Bt'.') "'"R0D,_-cij1osis of 11-fesenteric Nodes and Peritoneum in Children, No 1.2, 18 Mar 63, - vsa~". Polski Tygodnik LoIcarski, Vol 18, -0 P 7 Ab .. 'Stf'acl: [Aurhors' English summary] Authors report their observations concerning 18 children with t-.tbarculosis of tho peiritoneum and of the mesenteric nodes. The atiopatho- J.enjsis, signs, and treatment are reported. In only one caso (lid the x ray examinations reveal spocific changes in lung tissue. In most cases tuberculosis of the digest- i-va -,;ract may be presumed. Authors stress the role of the tubo--culosis of the mesenteric nodes in the abdominal palii.-; of tho children. The 18 references include 6 Polish, 7 Franch.. 4 Germun, and one (1) English source., L-J/ A POLIWD SZTABA, Romuald, KRYNSKI, Stefan, MOLLARET, Henri, CYNOWSKI, Lui~j`ain",- azi&-Z',Tb1IRO!VS.1CI, Ryszard; Clinic of Child Surgery (Klinika Chirurgii Dzieciecej)"(Directur: Dr. med. R. SZTA3A) and Department of Microbiology (Zaklad Mikrobiologii) (Direc- r tor: Prof, Dr. St. KRYNSKI), both of the LAkademia na, Medical Academy] in 3dansk-, Plague Department of the Pas- teur Institute in Paris (Director: Dr. J. FOURNIER), and the Department of Pathological Anatomy (Zaklad Anatowii Patolo- .-icznej) of 1%'ojeivodztsvo Hospital (Szpital 11,.`ojeivodzki) in Gdansk (Director: Dr. L. CYNOW31KI) lt?Aido tuberculous Infection of the Mlesenteric Nodes in Child- ren.1f Warsaw, Polski Typodnik Leka rski, Vol 18, No 31, 29 Jul 63, PP 1149--f-153 Abstract: [Authors' En.-li sh summary] Authors discuss infection of the mesenteric nodes in children due to pseudobacillus tu- berculosis. Of 15 children treated surgically for it, 8 shoured infection in serological, microscopic, and skin tests. 7he grou,~ included 3 doubtuful cases, one case of tuberculosis, and in one case the other infection could not be establislied. 20 refs: One Polish, 2 2n3lish, 8 German, and 9 French. 1/l SZTABA, Romuald; Y-ARCZq Jerzy "Water intoxication' in Hirschsprung's disease. Pol. tyg.lek. 18 no.49tl855-1856 2 D163. 1. Z Kliniki Chirargii DzIedecej AM w. ~ansku; kierowniks Romuald Sztaba. SZTABA, Romuald Clinical significance of congenital absence of 1 kidney in children. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.W69-175. F'64 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM v Gdanska; kierowniki dr. R. Sztaba SHTARfill Ponma I'd [Sztaba, Roriuald] Trealu-Ment of burns in ch~-Idrer; problems of b1cod transfusion. Frobi. gemat. i perel. kxo,,,i 9 no.9:8-1-1 S 164. (14IRA 18:7) I i. Klinika detskoy khin;rgii elleditsinskoy akademi-J, Gdansk, Pollsha. SZTABA, Romuald, doc. dr.1 GROSS, Roman; TUDZINSKI, Miplev. Duplication of the digestive tract in children. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no./+-.306-310 AP165. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii DzIeclec&j Akademil Medycznej r Gdansk-li (Xierownik: doc. dr. R. Sztaba)., SZTABAp Romuald; STOBA, Czeslaw Acute pancreatic necrosis in children. Poll. przegl. chir. 37 no. 12:1273-1277 D 1 65. 1. Z'Kliniki Chirurgii. Dzieciecej AM w Gdansku (Kierownik: doc. dr. R. Sztaba). SZTABA, Z. "They Grew Up Fighting and Working" p. 14 "How Kuznetsk Founders Work and Train Themselvesw n. 17 (Wiedowsci Hutnicze, Vol. 9, No. 3, March, 1953, Stalinogrod) SO: Monthly List of East EuropeanAccessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, February, 1954, Uncl. SZTACIMSK&, I. Pneumococcal cerebrospinal meningitis in infants. Pediat. polska 2? no.2:189-198 Feb 1952, (CIj4L 22:2) 1, nf the Second Clinic for Children's Diseases (Head-k--Prof. M. Michaloviez, ?.I. D.) of Warsaw Medical Academy. SMACHELSKA, Irena, Warszawa. Keprzaka 17 IK I Dz. Treatment of suppurative cerebrospinal meningitis. Pe(Hat. Polska 29 no-11:1055-7b.Noi 54- 1. Z II kliniki chorob dzeciscych Akademii Medycznej w Varesavie. Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. X.Michalovicz. (MgNINGITIS carebrospinal,_purmlent, ther.) BIELICKA, Izabela,- LACKI, Miko1aj-,.NTACHKL Certain problems of organization of open care for infant according to the analysis of saVlea of morbidity and mortality of infants in diarrhea. Acta biochiti. pol6n. 2 no.4:449-458 1955. 1. Z Dzialu Metodyczno-Organizacyjnego i 111niki Niewmowlecej Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warazawie. Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr. mod. Yr. Groer. (DIARRHEA, in infant and child, mortal. & morbidity in Poland (Pol)). KMICZ, St.; LIS-ZIELIIISKA, R.; SZTACHELSKA, I. Case of disseminated tuberculosis of the meninges, lungs, bones, and skin in a 7-moth-old infant. Pediat.polska 30 nn.11:107S-1080 Nov. '55. 1. "" Kliniki Niamowlecaj i z Zakladu Radiologii Institutu Matki i bziecka D~rroktor Instytutu: prof. dr mod. Yr. Groor Warszawa, KaBprzaka 17, I.M. i Dx. (TUBPMULOSIS, MILIARY, in infant and child, disseminated tuberc. of meninges, lungs, bones & skin in 7-month-old Inf.) SZTACBELSKA, Irena Trials of examining the development of nonspecific akin reactivity in infants. Pediat.polska 34 no-12:1495-1508 D '59- 1. Z Kliniki Niemowlecej Instytutu Hatki i Dziecka. Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr mad. Fr. Groer. (SKIN in infancy & childhood) LACKI,Mikolaj; STOPNICKA.Marta; SZTACHXWKA.Irena Analysis of the social environment of chil&-en from narsery homes. Pediat,polsks 35 no.4;449-460 Ap 160. 1. 2 Panstwowego Domu Malych Dzieci w Warasawis, Dyrektor: dr med. K. Stopnicka; i z Inst7tutu Matki i Dziecka, Byrektor: Prof. dr mad. F. Groer. (GHILD WBUARS) ISOCIAL CONDITIONS) ,rw~, sluz')-,.r zdrowia Perspecti"re-5 OL' the Polil-sh Public Health 5ZI'i_UL';iZIZKi j. Fersp':~kt~ T Service Pols"Ki TyGodnik LeIcarski, 1949, 4/29-30 (866-F68) The Folish HealLiL Sertice has a Preat task to build up the treatment and prevention of diseases in P03t-nr Poland on socialist lines. The Health Service must be planned., generalized a-rid made avai-Lable for all who may need it. The accessibility of medical care to all concerned willl be the basis of a wide prophylactic movement as re-ards the i,,iedical side. The second task is the development and care of medicine as a science. For this purpose the state of medical clinics and institutes is or great importance, not onl~y as centres oL' teaching, but perhaps still more so as centres of research. The third task is tht:~ C'jjit against the most disseminated diseases which are of social importanco. !-.tak ower--~A'roc law SO: 1-ledical I-:iicro'I)io_Lo,rI--,- and 11ty-giene, Section !IT, Vol 3, No 1-6 SZTACHNLSKI, J., Min. dr. problems of health service in rural areas. Zdrowie pub., Warez. ZLO-5:337-338 Sept-Oct'54. (PUBLIC HMALTH, rural areas in Poland, objectives) (RURAL OMIDItIONS, in Poland, health serv.) SZTACHELSKI, J. Dr. i- Activities of health services during 1955. Zdrowie pub.,Warss. no.4:253-273 July-Aug '55. (PUBLIC HRALTH, in Poland) SZ'rACREJ.SKIt J. The problem of tuberc-alosis control in Poland. Gruzlica, 31 no.61487-490 Je163 i I SZTAFROWSKI, Pawel; KOTULSKI, Boleslaw Studies on the electrochemical oxidation of cyanides in sewages. Przem chem 39 no'.6:339-341 Je 160. 1. Zaklad Naukowo Badavezy,Zakladow Chemic-znych, Oswiecim KOTULSKI, Bolealaw, agr.; SZTAFROWSKI, Payal, -mgr., -inz. Research on the removal of anion-active detergents from sewage with the use of lime. Gaz woda tech sailt 36 no.5:192-195 yq 162. 1. Zaklad Naukowo-Badawczy, Zaklady ChenIczne, Oswiecim. KOTULSKI, Doleslaw, mgr;.PZTAFROWSKI, Pawel, mgr inz. Purification of separated sewages of the individual divisions in the Oswiecim Chemical Works. Ft. 1. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.8:261-264 Ag '63. 1. Chemical Works, Oswiecim. Poleslaw, mgr,, -~3'ZTJAFRXSKI, Pawel, rTr inz. Furification of &eparated sF ages of the indiefduel~ divisimi - . W in the Ouwiecim Chcgdcal WoIks. Pt. 2. rte-? Wcda " no.9-.290-292 5 163. I. Chemical Worksp OT,;iec.,m. MMUMIA2 11.9 GANSZIM$ W. uremia -vith convulsions Wlowbig allergy to mafon. amides. PolsId tygoda lek. 5:8p 20 Feb. 50. pa 2&t-90 1. Of the Surgical Departmmt of the Hospital IMUMA PneWdaw 11. in Kalisz. (Director of the Illospital-Zarol Pictroveld, 1.1, 0,; Head of the Surgical Departmub-4-aoft. Ganazer,, M, D,; Head of ChUAren's Departnent-4.1. F:Lszer,, K. DO. CUM 19, 5. Nov.,, 1950 ~-JPWAW Fm g6f& ACCESSION NR: AP5019800 PO/0084 /6-5/000/007/0919/0020 AT'THOR: Sztaie-T-wald. J. (Enai-neer). 13an-iLikiev'ricz, E. S~eijniak, S. Weglewski, J. (Eag~ineers); Stanuvski, Z. (MasTer engineer) TITLE: Ionic fire prevention sensor ,q,T PrzeTlad poza-riLieLv, no, 7, 1965, 19-20 7YOPIC TAGS: fire prevention, fire alarm, ionic ffre sensor ABSTRACT: The article describ-,. an innic sensor for detecting the outbreak- of a fire fr)r whi0i a Polish patent (Paten, No. 4-fi 1-77 Class 74?1 301 was, is-mied on Sept. 22, 1958.i The owner of the patent is the Panstwowe Przedsiebiorqtv~, Po-L-zta Polska Telegraf i Telefon (Polish State Postal, Telegraj)h, and Telephone Service) in Warsaw. The sensor is activated during the very early stage off a fire by th6 presence of mird al cruantitites of ff-11-piol nj;4ffPr in the- Mr. sueh an-inke, dust, and eitv gas. When activated. the de- L- Ppa atals, i n. tn C ~hc ACCESSION NR: AP5019800 of the dicAe sensor is a very thin pb1tintim -cvixe and th-- anode is made of plates or a sniral. The diode sensor Is located in the ai-- sittre? m, qlowing from the apparat-as under control. The cathode is heated to a certiin fixed Potential. -Recistor R controls tre 2 dovice, sensiJUAty. Azir change in the oathode temperature (e.g., clue to the burning of fine particles or some gases in the air stream) imme-diately cha."4es the diode current and thus energizes the device. Orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIA 1110N- Panstwowe. Przedslebiorstwo Powzta P(,,sV,,:,, TetegTaf i Telefon, Warsaw, (Polish State Postaql, Telegraph, and Telephone Serv!ce) ,SUBM17TED: 228ep5g ENCL: 01 SUBCODE! IEI EC Tt'l Cara 21/3 (-ES~40N NR- AP-5019,900 T7 -L Cl 7r 4.i 2A ENTCLOSURE: Card "P Figure 1. Circuit diagram of an ionic fire gunj. s fc--r -i ific lrjvcstic~aticr a-rdl 'hE: ','crl- cif -ta (Ian~-zatcr ir 5, ic. '/5, r !~Clltl!-"!", 31A --.f 1:ast !-,uropcan m-" vc, I-C. m MARVURT, ". .I eforks,rsl inventiveness in the phamaceuticil industry. 1 p. 154. Vol. 8, no. 5, "ay 1,355. CITT !TF. Katowice, Poland. So: Eltstcrn '-.uropean Accessi,,m. Vol no. 4., April 1956 RIGHTER, Andras, dr.;_SZTANGSIK, Janosq technikai munkatars Effect of the water level of the Danube and the precipitation amount on the total germ count and the colon bacillus content of the water of the 1kida. hot springs. Hidrologiai Kozlony 37 no.2-.1?8-:L83 157. Acs 2 W- !o "'o T301C. WoMM chamba W Foumok =a"*. J. JAHMMMI ANII :NAf with itcoctwtuicul factuft which influrnm th t-bttt..(,( Irawing of shert SLt". Qtualitative data are Simi. The m- flormv J .1writle smoso. nx)lijtg, heating, atid khalm of nouir ma thr laic "(df..inx arc dLwit~l. A wgwkinx luttaim. %hevi 6 in- 011,101, .1. regur". .1, triefrucr%. A t 1 1. 3730 M.1.035 621,74041, 01 41~4_0 SAM Sitandera W. The:'Minu(acture *t Glass Gutters. I.WYM-Flonle, rynien dachQ .wych ze szk1a'% Szklo I'Ceramlka' No. M 1951, pp. 119-2-n!5 figs. Me author describes the manufacture of gutters and window-91113 from glass. Thege items -can be made with a, simple machine, Like that used for making armoured glass, comprising a tank,,,n roller and a tun- nel oven, but modified as follows: - the outflow opening, of the tank S ,reduced In width from 1200 mm. to about. 150 rnm~; the 3 pairs of rolls jad'acent to the tunnel furnace removed and a special castAron mouldi introduced In the Interval thar created. The annealing of the glass takes t ween 520 and place in the 4J0 metre-long oven at a temperature of bet 5500 C. at a speed of I metre p. min. The moulded gutters, about jQ m long, are cut Into secilM.,9 of 2 to 2.5 rn. by means of a glass-cutter dis- 1 Ynond. The weights of I m. of gutter, In diameter i2f], and 160 nim., are 2.8, prid 3.5 kg. respectively. In order to moke them stmngat, the gutters are armoured with r nvrnber of thin vilres,.ple-ced at InterOals of 20 mm. SZT,11,~K,11 , Gy. "Trends in the technical development of the baking and farinaceous products industry. (To be contd.)II Elelmezsi Ipar, Budapest, Vol. 8, No. 11, 1 ... .,Ar. 1954, P. 84. SO: Eastern Eur,-.pean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, tiov. 1954, L.G. SZTANKAY, GY. "Trends in the Technical Development of Baking and Farinaceous Products Indust "J. P. 170, (ELELMEZES1 IPAR, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 19,C4, Budapest, Hung:~rT SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. SZTAYKAI, Gyul;L -I.. Eew ways of breadmakirg. Melm ipar 18 no.1:5--10 .1164. 1. Blelmiszeripari Berendezes- es Gepgyarto Vallalat. oLTADIMY A. and -OLTAI N. A Szegedi Tudoman. Seb. K-lin. Ko7,-.em. frazai toxicitasi irz-9 atok alfanaplltliylthiocarbamiddal, a korszeru patkanyirtoszerrel, Toxicity assays with a-naphthylthiocarbamide (a rat poison),'Nepegeszsegugy, Budapest 1950, 3111 (36-41) Tables 4 So: Medical Yicrobiology and Hygiene, Section IV, Vol 3, No 1-6 WWII, G.; VAJDA, J.; 17TICUT, R.; SZTA!Xff. Ce Asphy.-da. sympathico-adrenal & va--o, insular systr-em ipMr!ocytosis of leucocytes. Acta neuroveget. Wien. 2 no.3-4:z6i.9 'ju~v 51. (CUJM 22:3) 1~ Of the Experimental Laboratory (I!ead-Prof.G.Lr .&r:VIMODG) of the Second Surriczal CiAnic ( of Budapest University. r,*)L A HNDRI. Indre dr.; KOKAS, ~erenc, dr.-, HITTNER, Imre, dr.; CSILLAG, Antal: d.r.; SZTANKAT, Csaba,dr. '11-~~~ Surgery of severe exophthalmic goiter in hypothermia. Orv. hatil. 95 no.34:931-932 22 Aug 54. 1. A Budepesti OrvostudomaxWi Ig5retem II. oz. sevesseti klinika- jAn (igazgato: Hedri Indre dr. egyetemi tanar) kazlemeny (HYPARTHYROIDISM, surgery artif. hibernation in) (IJIBERNATION, artificial, in hypertbyroidism surg.) SZTA M Y, Ceaba, dr. p4s~~' WNOAIAAO-~~ SurgM of riding embolism of bifurcation of the aorta. Orv. hatil 96 no.29:805-807 17 JulY 55, 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi laetem I. Sebeexeti Klinikajan (iga'zgato: Redri Andre dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (AGRTA, diseases, embolism of bifurcation, surg.) (IMOLISM, aortic bifurcation, surg.) SZTAITKAY, Cspba. lkr.; KOXAS, Ferenc, Dr. ; CSILIAG, Antal, Dr. Shock and hibernation in practice. Orv. hetil. 99 no.ll-.375-380 M Mar 58. 1. 'Buda-nesti Orvostudoilanyi Egyetem I. sz. Sebeezeti Klinikajanak (Igazgato; Hedri, 3ndre dr. egyet. tamr) kozlemenye. (SHOCK, ther. hibernation, artif. (Hun)) (HUMMATION, ARTIFICIAL, ther. use shock (Hun)) M-34STER, Endre, Dr*; SZTAI-TKAY, Csabo, Dr. Diabetic gangrene of the upper extremity. Orv. hetil. 99 no-50: 1745-1746 14 Dee 58. 1. A Budapesti OrvOBtudomarqi Figyetem I. sz. Sebeszeti Klinikajanak (igazgato: Hedri Endre dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenve. (DIAB3M HEILLITUB, compl. gangrene of band & forearm, case report (Hun)) (HAND, gangrene diabetes mellitus complicated by gangrene of hand & forearm, case report (Hun)) (FORIUM. gangrene same)