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SZALAY, Miklos
Water jet ballistics of sprinklers. Hidrologiai kozlony 43
no.4023-327 Ag'63.
1. 4itoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Rgyetem I. Vizepitestani
Tanazeke, Budapest.
PAPP, Ferenc, dr.; BOZSONY, Denes; VAGAS, Istvan; OROSZLANY, Istvan;
Laszlo; GABRI, Mihaly; HOLLO, Istvan; KESSLER, Hubert, dr.;
WISNOVSZKY, Ivan; FINALY, Lajos; RATKY,---Istvaii; SZALAY,_Miklos-
IHRIG, Denes; KIRALY, Lajos; KERTAI, Ede
Report on the 1959 general meeting arranged by the Hungarian
Hydrological Society. Hidrologiai kozlony 41) no-4:345-348 Ag
1. Magyar Hidrologiai Tarsasag elnoke (for Papp). 2. Magyar
Hidrologiai Tarsasak fotitkara (for Bozsony). 3. "Hidrologial
koz1ony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vagas, Oroszlany,
Schulhof, Szigyarto and Hollo).
L 3-174-66
AUTHOR: Laszlo Antal (Laslo, A.)(Profeworg Doctor)(Veszpre6)-,Nemeth9 Andras
(Nemet A-. MFC_tL0~,r_,V_.s-1zpreM'); FaLY, LQSZlo (Fai, L.)(Dontor)(Veszpreii),;Szolaq,, OttO
(Salai: 0.) (Veszprem)
TITLE: Investigation of auto-ignition in a flowing system
19g -419
ISOURCE: Academia.. scientiarum hungaricae. Acta chimical V. 42, no. 4 4C8
TOPIC TAGS: auto ignition, ignition lag-, flow ratel oxygeng Methane
'Abstract: (English article] Corresponging concentration, temperature,
mition delay time, and flow rate values were determined for oxygen-methane
ksystems and an equation was derived for the characterization of the rela.
:t1onship between those factors. It was found that the relation is similar,
-to that existing In a stationary system. The values calculated from the
equatioh correlated well with experimentalIX determined -values.,"
Orig. art. Juw 19. formulas 9 9 graphs, and I table.
ASSOCIATION: , Iff-Ingarian Oil and Gas Research Institutel Veszprem
SUBMITTED: lamay6k~ ENCL: 00
NO REF SOV: 000 > OTHER,. 005- JPRS
Card IA
Production of leather uppers with a smoothed grain, p. 61, BORi~' ES
CIPOTECHNIKA, (Boripari Tudomanyos EfBesulet mint a HaVar Tudomaroros
Egyesuletek Szovetsege Tagegyesulete udapest, Vol. 5. Noe 3j
June 19.55
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress,
Vol. 4:, No. 12, December 1955
Dr Fritz Stather; an obituary, p. 63, BOR- ES CIPOTECHNIKA, (Boripari
Tudomanyos Egyesulet mint a Magyar Tudomanyos Egyeimletek Szovetsege
Tagegyesulete) Budapest, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 1955
SOURCE: East European Accessi ns List, (EEAL) Library of Congress,
Vol.4-, No. 12, December 1956
Nervous system and immunity. ir. Possible formation of antibodies
following a few seconds of antigente stimulation. Acts, microb.
hung. I no.4:371-376 1954.
1. Institut Vir Pathophysiologie der Medizinischen Universitit.
Debrecen und Inetitut f& experimentclle Pbysik der Ludwig-Iroseuth-
UniversitAt, Debrecen.
antibody form. in rabbits after afew seconds of antigen
Studies on experimental lead poisoning. III. The effects of
alcohol In acute lead poisoning. Acta physiol. hung- 5 no,3-4:
543-547 1954.
1. Institutes of Pathophysiology and of Pannscology of the Medical
University, Institute for Xperimental ftsics, Kossuth Lajos
University, Debrecen. Received June 25._12Z
eff. of alcohol premed. in rate)
on exper. acute lead pois. in rats)
L /1
IESZTYUS, Lorand; SULLY, Sandor; XOGSAR, Laszlo; MMTZSZ. Lasslo;
Nervous system and Immuoity. II. Possible formation of antibodies
after a few seconds of antigen stimulations. Iriserletes orvostud.
6 no-5:393-397 Sept 54.
1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Igyetem Korelettani Intezete so Debrecent
Kosouth Lajos Tudomanyogyatem Kiserleti Fiz!Lkal Intesets.
antibody form, In rabbits after seconds-long antigenic
Mechanism of adrenalin-cobalt antagonism. Actap~. hung. 11 no-3-4:
415-419 1957.
1. Pathophysiologisches instiltut der medizinischen univerBit8t und
atomkernforachungsinatitut der ungarischen akademie der wissenschaftin,
(WIMERINZ, antag.
cobalt, relation of selective inhib. in various isolated
organs to rate of organ uptake of radlocobalt (Ger))
(COBALT, eff.
selective inhib. of epinephrine in various isolated organs
& relation to rate of organ uptake of radiocobalt (Ger))
KOCSAR, Laszlo; SZkIAY, Sandor; UJH3LYI, Csaba; USZTYUS, Lorand
Mechanism of action of the cobaltous ion - epinephrine antagonism.
Kiserletes orvostud 9 no.5-6-1585-588 Oct-Dec 58.
1. Debreceni Orvostudomanui Mgjetem. Korelettani Intezete eB a KTA
Atommag Kutato Intezete.
(COBALT, eff.
cobaltous ion inhib. of epinephrine actions in various animal
organs in vitro, mechanism of action (Hun))
(EPINXPHRM, antag.
cobaltous ion Jn various animal organs in vitro, mechanism of
action (Eftm))
0 so 0
o 4 000
4 11 It Is w 0 to it a
1-0, A *.-A
I'D "CA.
00 tj L
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OWGVWW U. ad -00
i! MIN. of van= OW -00
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Inv a a= fatp the and uranium contents of
the rodw Hufm Ymeans oMker-Mffler
Cc= dor Magyar Aff4m-t-RO.
xxmd. Zvi -M(194SXin
Chenical Abet. Rug1lish 224+-2NA vM 10. 5
Vol. 48 No. 6 Md Geologic and petrographic ciples
for ra ictiv elements In runguy.
Mar. 25 9 1954 Ibid. 3&M(I 48Xin English 55-8).
Mineralogical apA Geological Chemist A. 43, SM. Michael Fleischer
9 0 0
Uranium- and thodum-he, rocks in H
. BdxyJiz. K s
Alexander F
and ad,
h C
,179-81(1948).-An app. equ
maller tubes was used tar lnvestigatkm. The
the zmnite intrusion lying at the tmtem side 4
Velence mountain and Meesek mountain contained
g.Th. Thegran-
ile nlid the Mtact roeks of Velcure inoun tain 91 sow definite
%inlitarity to the gtol. cogilditions a( joaciiinisthal.
Isivivi Finilly
c,-L L0101-VURN CL.%%If1C*AT1C. tie
-1 -V-W
g, tt it C( it jj
S 7-ALH~,
Application of todi"ctivv isotopes in ltu=y~
Magwr Kiwi. Lapja 6, 71-7(l it., I-Reilcm.
"101 l1r.rilmoll of allp. install(A In thv Inst. for L,'xljtl,
Umv. J I)rbrrtm. 1. Fillilv
v efErtcr rrom Uru4vf nibmte- 14 =rbuqat
ncaulmauis am
Of I'M a
vVEL turichid
i~~M= WV, du-Mle' 'Itul
F 6irat 3, 27"~ 55)._
1~1~ 1( '* cn~
was pre and p.Tid by chera. ineans. such
as absorpticV. from air,
of impurided in alkali hydroxide soln. and
silica gel and repeated distris. The heavy noble gases, Kr,
Xe. and Ra concentrate In the residue. The radioactivity:
was measured with a Geiger tube, and was found to be
D.OWD mg. Rn/kg. Kr. lialf-life and tlon'MC913ure-
~nents showed it to originate from Rn. azatT lout radiation'
was detected.
551.513 551.594.14
d I
M appears obvious flint this activity refers to the average
m o-
e fi
- valucofaWvityeftlwwholosurfacc6rp=iblyof
M (timpry) O;M
r-P ;F0::;R1 rkLt-L1NEr" the northern hemJjOicre of the carth tathur than to
'ec. 31. IM A, SZALAY AND D. BW'4YT.,-
Apr. Z7-"
the activity of air mAsses incidcri(ally drifted hem. It
Acia Pleyr. 11-gar. . 5, MVWFMFNFF"
931) apiVarS from tlx: invcstigatioiu that by uslog an
The author3 in%tstigated, by means of an end' 4quipmerit of adequate scasitivity the III sJon producas
window #-counter tube equipment the a,.tivity of of an atomic bomb wAy be rc&m--d even at vay
pmcipitation fallen in Debrecen betAven April 22 considerablo distamm - Tho authors are of the
sod December 31, 1952. At times lbe Precipitations opinion that ty; systematic find internationally
thowed radioactivity, which pro~cd to be due to organized oNmitiong of air masses to vAMi activity
fiWon prnducts deriving from ntomic explosions, had been imparted by v~3y of atoink explosloas or
These anomalous activities, with a tag of a few days, In any other way, tho prob1cm,; of p=al ci=ulatlon,
%tre in correlation of flaw with the atomic explosions the rnc%ement of air maisag and ftir IntercitanV
publiskd during t1w same pcriod. The order of between the two 4cuiisphcr= could be most cg~
'MagnitWIC of the activity calculated for a precipitation deatly studied and thcreby the xuludon of tho most
of an am of 1150&q nictres was to- " Qjric~ Cat-
culating ft 11juto to the whole surfaze of earth it recent probItm of-macorclogy appfoltCha A.
Al "dl I r& we 0
~P'0bSdf1eU&ff sue Palo" A4_1111- t6ic'llei
'in Debreceii froM April 22--to-D-ec-e-m-Yer it A-
~,Szwax and Imne jaerfn4. j[drAr Z~~=,
7WUFTs fts. T4dmdayq* Untdlydaak K&_Ieminyes 5, No. 2"
89-101(1955).-RaInwater was coacd. and Oe activity
~measured in standard flat glass containers, with a thin.
window Gtiga-Mfdler counter. The geometry iris 12.6%.
It TJX2 was used as a A-standard. A Fb shield, 4 cm. thick,,
7 Wr vented the -rray3 from entering the Geiger-Maller tube.
i e collected samples showed at certain times a consider-!
able increase In radioactivity, which could be correlated
with the detonation of atom bombs In Nevada, May au&
June. Montebello, October,, and Marshall Islandit in Novem-1
ber, 1952 Without having any precise information, It ww
surmised ihs~t the latter was a H bomb. Ile radIi)acffVitY,1
followed for a lonz time. showed several half-films. S. and
B. suggest that they are due to fission products, from thef
chain reaction, which started the bomb. The av, Intensity;
of the radimfivity was 10-1 c. In ralnivater falica ou %,,
surface of 0.02 sq. cm. From the time of observation, In-:
tensity of the radioactivity, and the distance from the site'
of detonation, S. and B. attempted to cale, the velocity of'
wind and the uniform distribution.of radioactivity in the,
SZkUY, S.; 131ERE1111YI, JR..; D.
Thernonuclear nucleus processes and the hydrogen bomb. P. 145. Vol. 6, No. 5
Sept. 1956. FIZIM SMIZE. Budapest, Hungary.
SO.-RCE: East European List, (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 61 No. 1
January 1956,
HUNGARY/Analysis of Inorganic Substances G-2
Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, Wo 6, 1957, 19581
Author Sand Qzala , G-yula Almassy
Inst or 'j E
i0n cadoiny
Title Analytical Study of lloi-iia Coals; Determination
of Uranium. Contents.
X Orif, Pub: Magyar Tud. Akad. Kem. Tud. Oszt. K&1.,,_1256
8, No 1, 33 - 38.
Abstract: Radiological measmwomants show increasod radio-
activity in the Valeribsei and Muchek mountains as
compared with the mcan activity of the Earth' s
crust, Tho analytical study of coals of various
origins show th-it their radioactivity is caused
basically by U; the Th content is insignificant
Card 1/2 - 56 -
RRIGARY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their J-8
Application- Treatment of solid mineral fuels
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya., No 2, 1958, 58o4
Abstract : was evaporated to drynessand the dry residue oxidized
with concentrated HNO Determination of V is based upon
the f act that the relting product of oxidation is capable
of oxidizing., in the presence of oxalate ions, aniline to
products of blue-green color. Analysis of Mo in coal ash
(less than 0.01%) was conducted by the chromatographic
method of Almassy-Straube, 0.5-1 g of ash were mixed in a
platinum crucible with Ha anf hF. HC1 (acid) was added to
the resulting solution, the solution was evaporated to dry-...
ness, residue dissolved in 1 ml concentrated Ha with
addition of a small amount of distilled water, Mo was
determined in the solution so obtained. It was found that
if the ash-containing portion is separated from the coal
the coal in substantially enriched in No and V; consequently
these components are associated with the organic matter of
Card 2/2
Distr: )Mc
,"Fluoriiniter for the determination of uranium. Gyo-rlrv
-Wilff-idd-Slador.- Szala6.
247-WID57).-A 663 COMMUng of a mixt. of Up# &a
Nal? %vas irradiated with ultraviolet light. The fluovtsccnt~
light of U was projected with the 'help 61 ai'striiao'I'liMs-
through a filter, to the photocathode of an elixtrMuldplkr
tube. A standard of known U content was used to deL
the conen, of the sample. The intensity of the Bucresmxe
was found to be proportional to the U ;a=. between J"
and 10-15 g. U.
0 R, Ail'
HUNGARY/Nucloar Physics - Installations and Instrulaents. Methods C-2
of Measurement and RQsearch
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - F:Lzika, No 7, 1958, No 14985
Author :Bujdoso Erno, Medveczk-y Laszloj Sz&lay Sandor
Inst :Not Given
Title :Investigation of Radioactivity of Coal Ash by the Photo-
emulsion Method
Orig Pub :Magyar tud. akad. Mat. es fiz. tud. oszt. kozl.,, 1957, 7;
No 2, 129-135
Abstract : 9he purpose of the work consisted of determining the concen-
tration of uranium in Grains of ash obtained when burning coal
containing uraniur3. The results of the investigations, carried
out by the photoeraulsion raethod,, have shown that in riost case s
the uranium fuses with the ash into small spheres of definite
dianeter and density, and the average contents of pure uranium
in these spherical grains of ash reaches 0.65% approximately.
Card 1/1
HUM'"WIRY/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments. Methcds C-2
r,f Measurement and Research
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7P 1958) No 14941
Author :Csikai Gyula, Hrehuss Gyula) Szalay Sandor
Inst Not Given
Title Precision Autimatic Cl,)ud Chamber
Orig Pub Magyar tud. akad. Nat. es fiz. tud. oszt. kozl., 1957, 7,
No 21 137-144
Abstract Detailed description of a cloud chariber crnstructed in the
Debrecen Institute ef Nuclear Physics ( gUngary),
Card !/1
pea 'mine the difilculti
es Of producing con-
trolled fusloff4nerev. U~dar2pb F~,
m nyei -, 8, " 346- 19 );-The feasibility -of theim*~!
~_,Ocllear Or eters d1scuiW Thi
Alufalon Is that t e production,I)f continuous, regulatcd,~
ano'emnornic th
WAOMIC th ucl energy1s extmniely,
the-present ti e.- It one ell
extrem blgfi-~ds
?1Q.1Z. cc.) one obta!ns'such high lossies.lbq~,.th~l
'C 9"ous necessary for equil. am prohibitively W
4t the ptaima'ds. used In recent
expts., the
lo,~rcr but the production of fusion energy is cven-lower.;
t the diffi6itles of obtaining P~f.*
Mwdlns for a momeJii
In y high. eclull. temps. and couttolled'productiati," it
rmoduclear reactor could he planned b) ~ 1lwVP14LzrW
r PsIn
~i,j j,: jr, WWch. ~iould hav6 long life and - fuision. wou Id not occui,
pjm!Nrely.' The extretnely Large vbI. for low dq'h6wevcrl~
4~~ bi bit Ao produce COU-7
g; diffiFulty; If it is not possi
Iledi,fuslon energy, the authom -consider 'the coqditious
bt4lwiq kast detectable-ei 't of detidlmi
ffects. -.Thi Hm,
IOU condition 4ai riot beep.istablished
4-1 ju- z~ y-
t.,UTIMS; Szalay, S._, Ber4yi J, 11). SOV/48-22-7-23/26
MLE, Toroidal -'ector Type Beta Ray 6pectrometer (p-3pektrometr
toroidallno-sektoinogo tipa)
PE'RIODICAL: Izves- yu Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958,
Vol. ?~, Nr 7~ PP- 877--878 (U"'B'Ll)
ii"-"T RACT This is a 'brief note concerning the toroidal spectrometer
constructed at the Institute of Nuclear Rcccarch of the
Hungarian AcLdemy oL' .',cience-- , tile first communicition
having been made in reference 1, The focuoing p-rinciple is
given. The toroidal coil core is a ring divided into 42 seg-
ments by means of 42 gaps with parallel walls. The pole
lines at the electron entrance and exit are curved. A spherical
lens aberration wa8 avoided through an appropriate design.
The magnet coil embraces the core segments in such a way
that the gaps for the passage of the electrons remain free.
The whole spectrometer is placed in a vacuum chamber. On
the one side of the spectrometer, at the axis of symmetry,
there is the sourceholder, on 'che other side, situated sym-
metrically, is the anthracene crystal which is connected to
Card 1/2 the photomultiplier cathode. The focusing properties were
Toroidal Sector Type Beta Ray Spectrometer SOV/48-22-7-23/26
tested by means of an Agfa Texo-R X-ray film, and with the
isotopes Th(B+C),nd CsM.!iccording to the preceding Ca137
measurements, the line half-width was about 3-4 c4', and the
luminous intensity - 2,5 ',-10. TheSe properties are shown by
all ordinary lenses. The spectrometer under consideration
has some new, valuable features, 1) As measurements have
shown, there is no magnetic field at the points where the
source and the detector ftre. 2) Operation of the speotrometer
requires very 'Low current intensities, not more than 3 Amps.
3) The design does not call for lenses separating electrons
from Dositrons. This, and especially the iirst property,
permits to investigate the P-r, e -y-, and e -O.coincidences
with this spectrometer. The equipment needed is already
under construction at the Institute, and is being adjusted.
Thor-.~ are '2~ figures and 1 refer-ance$ 0 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernykh issledovaniy Vengerskoy Akademii nauk
(Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of
Card 2/2 Sciences)
Split products in atmospheric condensation between 1952 and 1957. P. 175
budapest, Hungary. Vol. 9, no. 2. 1959
Monthly list of East European Accessions (ZRAI). 1U. Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan.,
-SZALAY, Sander
The discovery of artificial radioactivityand its effect on the
progress of scientific research. Wgy.tud. 66 no.11:565--570 N '59.
(=I 9:4)
1. Lev.tag, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Badapest.
ANGELI, Istvan;_S'Z'ALAY,,$andor, egyetemi tanar; CSONGOR, Eva, docens;
MATHE, Gyorgy, tudomanyos munkatars
Investigations on the function of excitation concerning Va2
' 26
PA'19 nuclear reaction. ATONKI kozl 2 no. 3:199-204 160.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagia; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete lgazgat.oja, Debrecon; "ATOMKI
Koz1amenyek" felelos szerkesztoje es felelos kiadoja (for
2. Kiserleti Fizikai Intozet., Debrecen (for Csongor).
SZAUY, Sandor, egyetemi tanar
Plans for meteorite research in the Institute of Nuclear
Research in Debrecen. ATOMKI kezl 2 no. 3:205-206 160.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akadamia levalazo tagja; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete igazgatoja, Debrecen; "ATOMKI
Kozlemenyek" felelos szerkesztoje es felalos kiadoja.
SZALAY, Sandor
Effect ~,f pollution on water resources due to nuclear engineering,
Hidrologiai kozlony 40 no.4s293-299 Ag 160.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezetenek igazgatoja, Debrecen.
,&k2!i1UUj. Szalay, Sa'ndor, Gyarmati, Borbala, Kova"ch, Ada"m, Samsoni~
_ffo -1t Kft_____*
TITLE: Meteorites aa means of space exploration
PERIODICAL. Fizikai Szemle, no. 8, 1961, 227-232
TEXT: The purpose of the paper is to outline the present state of physical
knowledge on meteorites. The isotope-analytical laboratory of the Nuclear
Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with which the
authors are associated, has planned to investigate the meteorite stock of
Hungarian museums in order to contribute to international research on this
matter. (I) General characteristics of meteorites: In the course of the
International Geophysical Year, in 1959, an estimated amount of 14 million
tons of cosmic substance fell on the earth's surface. Meteorites are
classed into three groups, analogous to the three principal zones building
up the earth: siderites (mainly Fe-Ni alloys), siderolites (Fe-Ni alloys
and silicates), and aerolites (prevalently silicates). H. Brown compiled
tables on the frequency of chemical elements found in the three groups.
Card 1/3
II/Oly 6 /008/001/002
Meteorites as means of space ... B122 B227
H. C. Urey and H. Craig investigated the same on chondrules, a globular
variety of the third group with a higher Fe content. (II) Isotope composi-
tion of the substance of meteorites: Elemental and isotope composition
irregularities in connection with the origin of meteorites. So far, it has
been found that most elements in meteorites have an isotope composition
identical to that found for the same elements on the earth. This fact
supports the general opinion of astronomers that meteorites originate,
without exception, from the solar system. Thus, isotope irregularities
can not be attributed to the particular origin of meteorites. PhyBico-
chemical and biological fractionating effects on the substance of meteorites
do not differ essentially from similar effects on terrestrial substances.
External nuclear-physical effects; Meteorites have been exposed to cosmic
radiation perhaps for hundreds of millions of years. Nuclear-physical
emulsions exposed to cosmic radiation presented the phenomenon of nuclear
cascade, the nucleons of which quit the nucleus with high energy, leaving
it in a strongly excited state. When thermodynamical equilibrium has been
attained, the strongly heated nucleus begins to evaporate. In the isotope
composition of elements produced by such evaporation, strong differences
of isotope composition are found against their terrestrial composition.
Card 2
H/016 "61/000/008/001/002
Meteorites as means of space B1227B2'27
Investigations by Paneth and co-workers (1953), Nier and co-workers (1958)
have evidenced that helium isotopes are produced in meteorites by cosmic
radiation. Gentner and Zihringer (1955) first traced back the presence of
argon in meteorites to cosmic radiation., Besides cosmic radiation, other
radiations may be present in the solar system. The authors do not think
that, tile neutrino flux from the sun could have affected tYEisotope composi-
tion of meteorites to a larger extent than it has affected the substance of
the earth. Simple estimates also show that the presence of neutron radiatdon
the sun is improbable. Internal nuclear-phyaical effects: The simpler
history of the development of meteorites in relation to terrestrial condi-
tions has led H,. Brown to suggest a method of estimating the age of
elements by isotope analysis of certain elements in two different phases of
meteorites (metallic Fe-Ni silicate, or metallic Fe-Ni sulfideq etc.)~ There
are 1 figure and 3 tables,
ASSOCIATION; MTA Atommag Kutato Intezet, Debrecen (Hungarian Academy of
Scien,~es. Nuclear Research Tnstitute, Debrecent
Card 3/.,
BRUCHER, Erno; NALAY, Sandor, dr., agyetemi tanar; VFRESS Zoltanne,
intezeti onillo laborans
Linkage of quadrivalent uranium U/lv/ on hinnus substances.
ATOMKI kozl 3 no. 1:11-15 161.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atonnag Kutato Intezeta igazgatoja; "ATOMKI Kozle-
manyek" felelos szerkesztoje es felelos kiadoja, Debrecen (for
SZALAY, Sandor (Debrecen); SZILAGYIq Maria (Debrecen)
---- -- T...
Investigations of the adsorption of some uranium fission products
on a humus preparation. Mat kozl KTA 11 no.1:47-55 161. (EEL:: 10;6)
1. AMagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete, Debrecen.
(Adsorption) (Uranium) (Fission products)
(Humus) (Radioisotopes) (Cations)
DEZSI, Zoltan; SZALAY, Sandor,, dr... prof,; BANHA-Ull, Jozaef
An emanometer for determining the radium emanation content of
natural waters. ATOMU kozl 4 no.1:51-55 My %2.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja., es a Magyar Tu-
domanyos Akademia Atommag Kutato, Intezete igazgatoja, Debiecen
(for Szalay).
Discovery of &Lrtificial radioactivity and its ~3ffect on the develop-
ment of scie4tific research. Fiz szemle 10 no,3:67-71 Mr 160.
1. Magyar Tudcka~yos Akademia levelezo tagJa.
,gALA~a~ dr. (Debrecen)
Radioactive subatances in the atmosphere and in the natural waters.
Fiz szemle 10 no.4:101-105 Al;, 160.
SZALAY, Sandor., dro.9 egyetemi tanar
Binding of nuclear fission products on humic acids and the
possibility of applying this phen=enon in nuclear engineering.
AT%= kozl 5 no.1:3-16 My 163c,
1, Magyar Tudomanyoo-Akademia leveleso tagja; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete Igaoatoja., Debrecen; "ATOM
Kcalemenyek* felelos'szerkentoje es felelos kiadoJao
SULAY., Sandor., pruf.
Role of hunic acids in the geochemistry of uranium and their
possible role in the geochemistr7 of other cations. Mat kool
MTA 13 no.3:253-268 163.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Atommag Katato Intezete,
Professor GYulaa-. as teacher. Fis szemle 13 no.5:143-3-44 My t63.
lo loosuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem, Debrecen.
SZALAY,-- Sandor... egyetemi tanar; AIMASSY, G~,ula; PESTY, laszle;
---*----"- LOVAS, Istvan
Surevy of certain more important coal fields in Hungary for
locating.uranium traces. ATOMKI koz1 1 no. 1:7-26 '59.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia. Atommag Kutato Intezet igazgatoja, Debrecen; IIATOMKI
Kozlemenyek" felelos szerkesztoje es felelos kiadoja (for
';,undorp egyeterd tanar; PUSKAS, Emil; KOLTAY, Ede; Janos
Van de Graaff generator with two million voltage. ATMIKI kozl
2 no.1:3-14 t60.
1. Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem Eiserletti Fizikai Intezete,
2. !,'aLyar Tudomanyos Lkadeiria livelezo tagja; Vagyar
Tudouianyos Allademia Atoimrag Kutato Irtezete igazgatoja;
"-'TCI,!',J Kozlemenyeek" felelos szerkesztoje es felelos
szorkesztoje es felelos kiadoja (for Szalay).
SZALAY, Sandor; SCHERF, Emil
--- - - -
Uranium traces in the waters of the foreground of the Tokaj-
Epetjes Mountains. ATOMKI kozl 2 no. 2;71-98 160.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja; Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezetenek igazgatoja, Debrecen;
IIATOMKI Kozlemenyek" felelos szerkesztoje es felelos kiadoja
(for Szalay).
.S7ALAY, Sandor) egyetemi tanar; ANGELI, Istvan
Laboratory experiments for the pre-encrichment of uranium in
coal ash. ATOMKI kozl 2 no. 2:145-154 160.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja ; Magyar Tudoma-
nyos Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezetenek igazgatpjax Debre-
cen; IIATOMKI Kozlemenyek" felelos szerk-esztoje es felelo
kiadoja (for Szalay).
KOVACH, Adam; S7ALAY, Sandort egyetemi tanar
Determination of the point of time for experimental atomic
bcr.ob explosions on the ground of atmoapheric radioactivity.
ATOMKI kozl 2 no. 3:229-236 160. 1,
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagJaj Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete igazgatoja.. Debrecen; IIATOMKI
Kozlemenyek" felelos szerkaszloje es felalos kiadoja (for
SORORJAI, 1kcire; SZA;9,-8gudor dr. prof.; RAKOSI, Miklowe, dr.#
tudomanyos Tmmkqtars
Determining the thickness of carbon films on the basis of
measuring optical density. ATOMKI kozl 5 no.2s 103-106 163
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Atomag Kutato Intemete igan-
gatoja., Debrecen; Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia levelezo tagja;
IIATOMKI Kozleinenyek"'felelos szerkesztoje es felelos kiadoja
(for Szalay), 2* Kosauth Lajos Tudomanyegyet-em Szer7es Kemiai
Tanszek, Debrecen (for Rakosi).
SZALAY, Sandor, dr., egyetemi tanar; SCHAIEK, Janos
Crystal cutting device.ATOM koz1 5 no.2t-123--124 163
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Atommag Kutato Intezete igaz-
gatoja, Debrecen; "ATOMKI Kozlemenyek" felelos szerkeaztoje
es felelos kiadoja.
- --- ~W&11-111
Retardation of' fission products by peat h=a~c acids, a Pew
passibUity for sewage water control. Fiz szemle 15 n-),,12:
388-391 D 164~
1. Nuclear Research Institute of the Hungarian Acadamv of
Sciences, Debrecen.
GEHER, Kata-Un, dr..~_ SULLY, Veronika, dr.
------- - -
Chylothorax and chylous aBcites secondary to a retroperitoneal
tumor. Orv.hatil. 102 no.30:1421-1422 23 JI 161.
1. Borsod megyei Semmelweie Korhas, I. Belgyogyassati Oastaly.
GEHER, Katalin, dr; SULAY, Veronika, dr.
Paradoxical embolism originating from peripheral thrombi.
Orv.hetil. 102 no.36:1705-17o6 3 S ":')I.
1. Borsod megyei Semmelweis Korbas, I. oz. Belosztaly.
(EMBOLISM case reports)
(THROMBOSIS case reports)
SZAIAY, Zoltan
Development of gas service in our cities having g#s supply.
Epul,,etgepeszet 11 no.5:163-165 0 162.
BALINT. Peter,; IASZLO, Katalin,; SZALAY, Zouzoanna.
Nervous regulation of tubular sodium reaboorp ,tion. Kiserletes
orrostud. 7 no.6:610-623 Nov 55.
1. Budaposti Orvostudomanyi %yetem Jilettant Intezete.
(KIDNEYS, physiol.
nerv. regulation of tubular reabsorp. of sodium &
water in innervated & transplanted kidneys in dogs
(SODIUM, metab.
tubular reabcorp. in innervated & transplanted kidneys in
dogs, nerv. regulation (Elun))
(YAM, metab.
BALINT, Peter.; FMTE, Agnes,; SULLY, Zouzoanna.
Nervous regulation of the adaptation system of kidney function.
Kiaerletes orvostud. 7 no.6:624-635 Nov 55.
1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem Blettani Intezete.
(KIDNEYS, physiol.
nerv. regulation of blood cire. & urine flow, eff. of
axper, hypotension in innervated & transplanted kidneys
in dogs (Hun))
off. on verv. regulation of blood circ. & urine flov in
innervated & transplanted kidneys in dogs (Hun))
6'z"..LAY,Q-!.~V,6,b1jJ 11.
Investigation of the relationship between nutritive plants and t~e vitality
of Hyphantria cu-nea Drury. P.1145.
111-27LEHENYLI3 Budauest. Vol. 8) NO. 1/2, 1955
SOURC,E : EEPL Vol. 5, 'No. 7, July 1956.
BALINT, Peter; KISS, Rva: SZALAY,-Zsuzsanna
Data or- the measurement of glomerulue filtration in dogs.
Kiserlmtes orvostud. 8 no.5:539-,447 Sept 56.
1. Budapasti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem. Elettani Intezate.
andogenous & exogenous chromagen-16 creatinine & inulin
clearance tests, measurement methods in dogs. (Hun))
KISS, Eva; Zpuzoanna
Determination of alkali-resistent inulin. Kiserletes orvostud.
8 no.5:552-553 Sept 56.
1. Buclapesti Orwastudomarqi Zg~etss 310ttsni Intezete. JA'4
(11MLIN, deterLa.
alkali-resistent inulin in blood & urine (Hun))
The nervous regulation of sodium reabsorption in renal tubules.
Act& pbysiol. hung. 10 ao.2-4:247-262 1956.
1. Institute of Physiology, University School, Budapest.
(KIDNLYS, physiol.
tubular rcabsorp. of sodium, nervous regulation in
(N3RVOUS SYSTEM, phy5iol.
regulation of sodium reabsorp. in renal tubules in
E:CC,-q---TA MEDICA Sec.2 Vol.10 7
/6 PhY.Biochem. J'Jne 5,
2598. BALINT I-,., FEKETE A. and ~~~Inst. of Physiol., Univ. Mctj.
Sch., Budapest. *The nervSus regulation of renal adaptation
ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD.SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1956, 10/2-4 (263-276)
Tables 6
The response of innervated and dene rvat ed- transplanted kidney to a decreased
blood pressure has been investigated. The innervated kidney responded to bleeding
by vasoconstriction, while the denervated kidney remained unaffected. However,
they both responded to clamping of the aorta. Dicker - London
11 1 1 - v I I ~ I - . . . . I - I - ~. - - .,. . - - I ~ -
~ 1~
HUNGARY/Human and Animal Physiology - Excretion. v-6
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 18266
Author : Peter Balint, Eva Kiss and Zsuzsanna Szalay
Title 7he Amount of Blood Flowing Through the Kidney in Dehyra-
tion and Osmotic Diuresis.
Orig Pub Kiserl. orvostud., 1957, 91 No 2y 191-197
Among dogs which were oliguric after 12 to 48 hours with-
out water, determinations were made of renal. clearance of
inulin, creatinine and PAH and of the extraction of these
substances from the blood flowing through the kidneys.
The calculated effective flow of Dlasma through the kid-
neys according to the clearence value was less than when
a direct determination was made in the presence of polyur
ria produced by an infusion of mannitol. The differencc
obtained in the case of oliguria is expained the accumu-
lation in the kidneys of the substances used to determine
clearance during oliguria.
Card 1/1
V, ~Zs -
On the measurement of glomerular filtration rate in the dog. Acta physiol.
hung. 12 no.1-3:125-136 1957.
1. Physiological Institute, Medical University, Budapest.
(KIDNEYS, physiol.
glomerular filtration rate, measurement in dogs.)
BALINT, Peter;- FXWB,Agues; STURCZ, J028ef ; SWAY, Zsuss 9 tedhaikai
Flood circulation and renal function in post-hemorrhagic
hyrpotonia. Kiserletes. Orvostuaomany 12 no.1:20-26 r 16o.
1. Badapesti Orvostudomanyi 31gyetem Alettani Intezete.
(KIMIS physiol)
Data on the habits in Hungar-y of Cryptorrbyncus lapat L. and the protection tests
against it. p* 314*
AZ ERDO. (Orszagos Erdeszeti Egyesulet) Budapest., Hungary) Vol, 8j No. 8, Aug. 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (UAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959.,
Natural insect enwdes of aphids. Term tud kozl 7 no.3:110-113 Mr 163.
1. Novenyvedelmi Kutatointezet, Budapest.
AUTHORSt Chrz#szczewskag A.; Szalecki. W.; Kirkor, W.; Dawid, W.
TITLE- Esters of Carboxylic Acids of 2-Hydroxydthyl-Amines and its Dq-
:rlv-atives. III. Synthesis of Hydrochloride of Triethanolamine
PERIODICAL: Societas Scientiarum Lodziensis Acts. Chimica, 1959, Vol 49
pp 85 - 87
TEXT: While investigating the action of acid chlorides on triethanol-
amine'l a new compound, the hydrochloride of triethanolamine of tri-o-chloro-
benzoate was obtained. It was not described yet in chemical scientifical
literature. It cristallizes in the form of colourless plates with 97-9800
melting temperature. It dissolves easily in acetone, methanol and ethanol,
sparingly in benzene and in water and is not soluble in ether. Quantitative
analysis and molecular weight are in agreement with theoretical figures.
ASSOCIATION: Katedra Chemii Organicznej Uniwersytetu L6dzkiego (Lodz Uni-
versity, Department of Organic Chemistry),
PRESENTED: March 14, 1959
Card 1/1
-7;~ L: _-
3. A -1 b i n a
me ati-Lity o: :--ainsa -~'as 'o noUce
L I -
Department of Azimal Psychology amd Pthology of the Jagda-lionian, Krakov. Head, prof ft. -T.;,Toj -lust ak
X+jproton scattering in a case of scalar coupling. Bul Ac Pol mat 8
no. i/12:807-810 160. -
1. Institute of Physics., Polish Academy of Sciences, and Institute
of Theoretical Physics, University, Warsaw. Presented by W. Rubinowicz.
(Prot'- -10)
PIAACADWSKA, Hanna and S halina, Laboratory oC the
Veterinary Sanitary Inspection Service (Laboratorium t,.'ete-
ry-naryjnoj Inspekcji Sanitarnej) in '..arsa-w(Science direct-
or: Prof. Dr. Jan RAY)
"Rate ofI
Multiplication of Brysipelo~hrix Insidiosa in
Kusclo Tissue."
'v.c.rsaw-Lublin, Modycyna U`etervnj_,rv_; Vol 19, No 3, Mar 61
A 11) S t Ir a %e 'k Authors carried out in invosti~ation to deter-
::...LnP_ the rate of spread of 13rysipelothri`7~ insidiosa on con-
,act and the rate of its pen
etra4-jon into muscle tissue.
T~iey found that contact uiti-,c infected muscle produces con-
tamination within the hour, and idth infected animal or,~ans
in halC this time. Depth of penetration reaches 20 mm in 24
nours, results being unaffected by tem-perature.
~_;tron: ly recom;uend all possibic- sanitary and storilization
!)Cut--utions in all phases of _Iiandlin~,, the ruaat~ There are
S7UUSIr.IQ R.S MC-1, Lnz.
Yeasurement of the light flux of a fluorescent lamp by
indixect method. Pomiary 8 no.8.*399-401 Ag t62.
517RIE'ArIc7t B.
"Land allotment for protective forest strips in the Soviet Union.! p. 19.
(Przeglnd Geodezyj . Vol. 9. no. 1, Jan. 1953. WarszEnra.) I
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress,
Feb, 1954, Uncl,
SZALI NS KI , Antoni , Lek. wet. , PZLIZ LPanst--eowy Zak-lad Locz-
.41czy d1a Zwlei,zat, St4to Anitual Hospitaij in malbor,,c
"Case of Displaced Abom,)Lsum in a Cow raward the Laft ~ida."
Warsaw-Lublin, VoJ 16, No 11, ;Nov
6 2, ,) 6 5 -J , - I
Abstractl Symptoms are described for a cow which led ro a
dia.,,,nosis of susp. raticula -par! toni tis, foc w,iioh surgery
was reconm,.enOted. 'Die laparotumy revoaled a displaced
ibomasum, distented and twisted. Att3mi~,Cs tf.% correcc thu
cond.itloji failed. No roferencas.
Mechanization of repairs of Martin furnaces." p. 25, (IWTNIK, Vol. 29, no. 1, Jan.
1953, Katovdce, I~oland)
SO: 7.7onthly List of East -European Accessions, Vol. 2, TTS, Library of Congress
Augusto 1953, Uncl;
SznllAskLJ_ Time Patter Improvement In Operating Open-Hearth Far-, A A
-.1?avcsy ~fittlng Down the Time Taken up by rcrladlcal Repalra anAT.1 "16.4
(,eneral Overhaul,
,Zwlr,4mzenIe wap6lezynnika wykorzyrtania czasu Dleca martenow-
sklego przez przyApieszente remcnt6w okresowych I kapitalaych".
flutnik. No. 12, 1954, pp. 385-390, 3 tabs.
Classification of repairs to open-hearth furnaces, review of means
to curtail the time Involved In such* repairs, and plan for oiganising
repairs. The author quotes effective Polish standards for: classifying re-
p2irs to open-hearth furnaces, harmonograrn of complete overhaul and
of Interinittent repairs carried out between shifts. The author considers
It advisnble, with a view to curtailing the time Involved In repairs and
overhaul, to mechnnise the tasks of breaking down the furnace lining
n d the chtpping away of slag, as also the transport of rubble and retrac-
t eies, A problem given special attentlvn Is the call far classifying the
Wlojjs types of furnaces - which Involves atandardisallon of the shapes
df refractory bricks.
Application of standard dd4gne. Magy ep ipar 10 no.8:339-342 161.
SULKAI. Ferenc
Our new Kosauth-prize winner physicist. Fiz szemle 12 no.9:290
3 '62.
1. "Fizikai Szemle" szerkeszto bizottsagi, tagja.
SZALKAI. Geza~ kozegeszesegtan-jarvanytan szakorvosa
~ - , i
Cooperation between the Public Health and Medical Clinic for
Contagious Diseases and the County Council of Trade Unions,
Munka 13 no.8:19 Ag 1',63.
1. Nograd megyei allami kozegeszsegugyi felugyelo.
e,~;Lzltd 13V !~ltake
c[ t:ic thcde:--criL---d it.-teri cond~:Ller
'?Recon3truction of Thermoelectric Plants",, P. 291, (MAGYAR ENERGIAGAZDASAG,
Vol. 7, No. 7, July 1954, Budapest, Hungary)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ERAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12,
Dec. 1954, Uncl.
. j 1-1
New We6t-Geman power plants and some technical astab3iabdmnts applied there ani
worthy of our attention. P. 580
ENERGIA ES ATOMTECHNIKA. (Energiagazdalkodaasi Tudomanyos Egyesulet)
Budapest Hungary
Vol. 11, no. 9/10, Sept./Oct. 1958
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC., VOL. 8, no. 7, July 1959
"Handbook for engineersu by Dr. W. Kretschmer. Reviewed by Gyorgy
Szalkai. Faergia es atom 13 no.1/2:65 Ja-F 160*
I%conoirdc trends in the electric power production of the Edison
system in Detroit" by G.A.Porter and D.E.Hart. Reviewed by
Gyorgy Szalkai. Energia es atom 13 no.4/5:155 Ap-My 160.
Application of gas turbines in peak-load power plants. Energia, es
atom 13 no.4/5:169-170 Ap-Yq 160.
"Thermodynamical properties of water and water vapor" by
M.P. Vukalovi-ch. Reviewed by Gyorgy Szalkai. Energia es
atom 14 no.3:141+ Vx 161.
- SZALKAIL, GZorgy,-okleveles gepeszmernok
Eduction-nondensation turbine with damaged vaouum. lpari
energia 3- no.8:174-176 Ag 162.
S',AI-YA1, I. FPthods for calculatinE raterial stuid~-,rds in, making. wocd patterns.
Vol. 1C, i~o. 8, Aug. 19-1'5.
Eudepest, Hungary
So: Diropeen AccerEicn, Vol. 5, No. '51, M-,v 1956
Computing methods for subsidiary materials used in foundries. P-43. (Koha3zati Lapok.
Budapest. Ontode. Vol. 7, no. 2, Vol. 11, no. 2, Feb. 1956.)
SO: list of Fast European t-ccessions (EE.J,) LI. , Vol, 6, no. 7, iialy 1957 Uncl.
SZALKAY, iozsef
Elements of plants. Elet tud 16 no.29: Supplj Tarkatudomany 2 no.15:
116-117 16 Jl 161.
njmaI87 Blot tud 16 no-35:1095-
Are there still M:LIMOwn sPeci6s Of a
1097 27 Ag 161.
37,rjWY, Jozaef
.1 /
Evolution of blood circuDatione Elet tud .115 no.42:1320-1323 !-I' ()
nUnderwater life" by Dr. Gyorgy Lanyi. Reviewed by Jozoef Szalkay.
Elet tud 17 no.7:205 F 162,
Ant liop: a strange animal of prey. Elet tud 17 no.30s949-952
29 J1 62.
Gopher. Elet tud 17 n0-43:1376 28 0 162.
Pictures from the life of African insects. ket tud 18 n0-10.311-314
10 Mr 163.
SZALKH, Jozsef
The Persian cat. List tud 18 no.41:1306 13 0 163.
Lemur in the Zoological Garden. Slet tud 18 no.4321376
27 0 163,