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b_,-:L i4o?-3-65 ACCESSION- NR: AP4049004 rp Inzhefke-.,i ahs-0 -the y*v zhurnal, no. 1, 19 1 y skq the dimensions of the entropy Layer are sufficiently tar er that! the transverse dimensions of the ahOA--layer, that is, at not too 13rize Alistances from the tip of the blunted body. Thus, the region of the are,~ rule is given by the expression T where D is the diameter of the body, C is the nose drag, and d is t%e characteriittc dimension of nose bluatness. When the distance L large thac ts, the thickness of the entropy layer is inequality may be OM-- a r e ~' w i thi r h a t o f tae shock laye r , the D d ~JA C > C ", -E) - -na c cumferential pressure gradLeats appear in the entropy layer -,f 23S in thIRt rt--giOn. Orig. art. has: 8 for- Card 2i 3 SYCHEV, V.V.- International SyTnpOSjWm On the Properties and Use o' Law- temperature Plasmas. Tc-plofiz. Vs. tenth 3 no.3;491 My-Je 165o (MIPA 18:8) MEN L 23369-66_. cc NR, _X 009942 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0238/0241 AUTHOR: Sychev, Yu. N.; Vlasov, L. G.; La2itskiy. A. V. ORG: none TITLE: Use of gas chromatography in the preparative purification of niobium and tan- talum chlorides involving removal of jMn SOURX? AN SSSR. Otdeleniye obshchey i tekhnicheskoy khimii. Issledovaniya v oblasti khimii i tekhnologii minerallnykh soley i okislov (Studies in the field of chemistry and technology of mineral salts and oxides). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka,.1965, 238-241 TOPIC TAGS: tantalum compound, iron compoud, niobium compound, chloride, adsorption, activated carbon, metal purification, gas chromatography ABSTRACT: Gas chromatographic (gas adsorption) techniques were applied to the prepara- tive separation of chlorides of certain ram elements from ferric chloride. The two pairs NbC15-FeC13 and TaCIS-FeCla were investigated and BAU activated carbon was.used as the adsorbent. The preparation of this adsorbent and the apparatus employed in the removal of iron'from NbC15 and TaCIS are described. The samples obtained after the., purification were analyzed colorimetrical-ly (ir*n was found to be absent) and radio-.:- metrically (iron present in quantities of less than 1-10-6%, which is the sensitivity: limit, determined by the specific activ:1ty of the iron-59 isotope introduced). 'Ana-,, L c.,d 1/2 ACC NR: AT6009942 lysis of the chromatographic column after the purification showed that iron has a can-~-.. vex adsorption isotherm on carbon relative to the axis of abscissas, and that high concentrations of ferric chloride move at a higher rate than low ones. This behavior of the chloride on carbon, similar to its behavior on silica gel, suggests that the removal of iron from tantalum and niobium can be carried out with a high separation factor. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBH DATE: 28Nov63/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 000 COM 2/2-&dl- -L-23861-6k P /F_:RB(n) ZJP(r) - -m41q4m_ ACC N9. 1&60099W~_" '-90URCE'C6bE*. UR/0000/65/000/000/0242/02t46 -` AUTHOR: Vlasov L,_jQ. LMitskly A. V* ORG: none TITLE: Possibility of puriftinst p_iobiw during the chlorination of N'b2O5 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdelenlye obshchey I tekhnicheskoy khimii. Issledovaniya v oblas- ti khimii I tekhnologii minerallnykh soley okislov (Studies In the field of chemis- try and technology of mineral salts and oxides). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 242-246 TOPIC TAGS: niobium compound, metal purification, chlorination ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to follow the,behavior of certain impurities found in niobium pentoxide during its chlorination and to carry out a preliminary purification of niobium pentachloride during the.chlorination process. The following labeled micro- impurities were used: iron-59, calcium-45, tin~-113, phosphorus-32, and cadmium-Ile. Solu- Niobium metal was chlorinated and the NbC15 formed was dissolved in cone. KCI.. tions of the isotopes were then added to portions of the HCI solution, and the speci- fie activity was determined. The pentoxide was then precipitated with amonia and the degree of coprecipitation was determined by measuring the residual activity of -the -filtrate. Chlorination of Nb90q labeled with +I.n-113 confirmed that niobim penta- chloride can be separated from group II impurities, since the pentachloride obtaiiwa-7 Card. 1/2 2/2 I -In L4 iM2N ig! 711 7 1 c~ 1 n vE- r -a c t on n I a.-j ay e -n s e a fty -,,-7 -3 o x - n i, 1 Card 1 2- R-50- R MISS: A" AP5r,2129,~, -a-1c,ilation of the 7,~ e me ~l Car, -n im- REPF 90v! ()02 OTh--F 00'i ,-c-d 7C'~E ATD PFESS 2~- L n.34-66 E,~TU Vu .. I X.W AP6000538 SOURCE CODE: UR/0640165,[C29/006/09-971-10-0~$- AUTHOR: Sychev, V. V. (Moscow) ORG: none ZD TITLE: On the theory of strong blasts in heat-conducting gases SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 29, no. 6, ;1965, 997-1003 TOPIC TAGS: blast, blast wave, viscous gas, heat conducting gas, shock wave, asymptotic solution, successive approximation / Z&to-Q ~ o~, Paj ABSTRACT: The theory of strong blasts and the exact solution Presented by L. 1. Sedov fo5 a X ~Wg blast in an ideal gas with plane, cylindrical, and `,,~'aVe 'are discussed with the purpose of finding a solution spherical shock ~ v a uniformly valid for the entire flow field, including its core, for the case of viscous, heat-conducting gases. This means determining the principal term of an internal asymptotic expansion on the basis of matching with Sedov's solution, inasmuch as it is the principal term of an external asymptotic expansion. Flow parameters such as velocity v, density p, and specific enthalpy h in-the central region of a point explosion with spherical shock waves were calculated ona computer for y = 1.4 and Prandtl,number 0.7, using the method of successive approximations. The results in the form of functions h(yo) p(y.), v(y,,,), temperature variation in time for the entire flow field and in the center Card 1/2 AC AUTHOR: A20-e66 EWTW/EW&WLT-2 -IJP(C) AT AP6013615 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/65/OW/011~/OC)22/0025~lI Ka-rtsev, V. P. (MoscCW);..�a A. N. (Moscow); -Sychev, V. V,- (Moscadl Xozhnikova ORG: none TITLE: Optimization of superconducting magnetic systems of MHD generators 4-3 SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 11, 1965P 22-25 'Z) '4-1 j TOPIC TAGS: NHD generatori electronic computer, digital computerp- superconductivity ABSTRACT: Superconducting magnetic systems for MHD generators (with or without ferromagnetic cores) should offer significant advantages as compared with the usual systems because 1) they are', much smaller In weight and a1ze; 2) they use much less electric Power for self-consumption; 3) the size of the entire, NED general tor may be reduced by Increasing the field strength within the .generator channel; and 4) there is an automatio-damping of the current reaction within the generator plasma and the generator emf is Independent of the load, due to the properties of the superconductive circuit which maintains the current constant. The design of superconductive magnetic systems has distinctive peculiarities (the existence of a orltioal current beyond which the c9nductor.stops being superconductive; th.e..-stiperconduotor Card 1/2 UDC: 621.3-045.2:537-31-2.62 L 2242o-66 ACC NR: AP6013615 .critical current varle-s in a sharply nonlinear manner with the magnetic field strength; yery high.cost of superconductor material).(, Consequently, the author investigates the methods for the deter- mination of rational geometric dimensions of a superconducting magnetic system without a permanent core. Following the formu- lation of the pertinent theoretical relationships theact-aal optimization calculation was carried out on the electronic dlgltal~'. Computer IU'ral-ltI,. Orig. art has-: 5 figures and 8formulas. [JMSI SUB CODE: 09, 20 SUEM DATE: 20MaY65. ORIG RV: 003 OTH REF: 002 C,-,d 2/2 14RTSEW, V..P. (Moc5hrs); SOICV,11111KOVA, A.N. (Moskjs); SYCHWI V.V. (M-oskja) CrUnIzation of superconductive magnetic c-l-rcult3 of magnato- hydrodyn,unia generators. T,-'Isktriches'l,-vo no.11:22-25 N Q5. (MIRA l8zll) L 10245-66 Bjj(:L)Ayg-(m)1EjyA(j)LEWP(j jEtt W IJP(C) JDA-VIRM !A -) ~E'12 f - I- J"j ACC NRs AP5027838 SOURCE CODE: ''&/'602-01'65/165/001/0073/0976 AUTHOR: �ychev V V Zenkevfich. V.D.;* Andrianov, V.V,.,. ORG: Scientific-Research Institute of High Temperatitres (Nauchno-Issled6vatellakly Inatitut vysokikh temperatur) TITLE: lnductanc~!e of a superconducting solenoid SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, no. 1, 1965, 73-76 TOPIC TAGS: supi6rconduetivity, superconducli-g ayno iAdA-r.4..cjv ly, mag! Induction, solinoicr ABSTRACT: Earlier determinations of the inductance-of superconducting so -lenolds led to: contradictory resxiits and transient processes in superconductive magnetic systems could not. be explained by the existing ideas concerning the inductance of superconducting solenoids. The present authors enrried out experiments msing a-test solenoid with 11 72 turns of Nb-33%Zr ivire 0. Z mm in diameter, The wire Is insulated by viniflex l,!Mqeri U4110 metallic -- coatings. The inner diameter of the windings is 16 niM7 -the OUWF-51. 5 mm, and the height of the solenoid is 37. S mm. The coefficient of filling of the windings by the superconductive material Is 0. 525, The critical solenoid current is 11. 5 acorresponding to a maximum field at the center of the solenoid of 32 W. Tile first series of tests dealt %ith ~-'he solenoid carrying a weak AC current component (1 ma, 80 cps) superimposed on a DC current component. In the second set of tests, the solenoid carrying a prescribed DC current wan disconnected from the C.,d 1/3 UDC: 537.312.8 4 538.532 L 10245-66 ACC NRt APS027838 power supply by vacuum connectors and then connected across a discharge resistance (I ohm)~. The results are shown In Mg. .1. Computer. calculations of the energyof. the magnetic field IN Or- 0 j to Is AV Is.k0e Fig. 1. Results of the measurement o -the inductance of the stioerconducting solenoid.. Curves I and 2 correspond to the first and second series of tests, respectively.- within an appropriate magnetic field and the measured value.of the total solenoid inductance at liquid nitrogen temperatures yield a value of 0. 97 111 for the external inductance of the para-:~ magnetic solenoid. This Is In good agreement with the experimental results. The article con- cludes with a discussion'Of the possible reasims for the differences between curves I and 2.- Cmd 2/3 L 10245-66 ACC NR: AP5027838 ivy The paper was presented by Academician V.A. Kirfflin, 9June,65. The authors thank V. A. _At Itpv and V. G. Manuylov (who prepared the computer program) for their help durink the UL V investigatioi Ternovskiy for discussing the'results. Orig. art. has: 3. formulas ,E W(3 and I figtwe. (081 SUB COD M DATE: 08JunG5 OTH REF: 002 ATD PRMS i Card 3/3 ACC N.R: AP6033854 -SOURCE-CODE: UR/0281/66/000/004/0026/0032-,___ AUTHOR: Sychev, V. V. (Moscow) ORG: none T L' 7M Pre-sent state of and prospects for the application of the phenomenon of super- ,conductivity. [Preasented at a general meeting of the Department of Physico-Technical Problems of Power Engineering, AN SSSR, 5 February 1966 in Moscow.] SOURCE: All SSSR. Izvestiya. Energetika i transport, no. 4, 1966, 26-32 TOKC TAGS: cryogenic circuit, cryogenic device, superconductivity, superconducting alloy '3STRACT; A review of present and potential applications of superconductors, based-on contained in foreign literature is presented. Specific topics covered in zhis review are: the application of superconductors in physical experiments, electron-i ~cs zz"' cciDuter technolog , space exploration, gyroscopes and accelerometers, magneto-! V hydrocly-namic generators and power transmission systems, production of superconductor mzater.JaIs, shielding of cryogenic systems and associated problems. Orig. art. has: 1 SUL COD-~; 20/ SUBM DATE: G6May66/' ORIG REF; 003.1 OTH REF: 012 UDC: 637.312.62 Card 1/1 SYCHEV, V.V. (Krasnogorsk, Moskovskaya oblast') Vector electrosphygmographY as a method for determining local asymmetrical changes in the large vessels. 37 no.8:78-82 Ag '59. (MLU 12: 11) (VECTWMARDIOGBAPHT) polkovuik Meditsinskoy sluzbby Registration and study of pulse volume by vector-electrospbygmo- graphy. Voen.-med.zhur. no.10:27-31 0 '59. (MIRA 13:3) Unsx) (VECTORGAMOMMT) sy(;HzV, V.V., polkovnik meditainakoy sluzhbY A graphic method for registering the pulse. Yoon.sed.zhur. no.12: 83-84 D 156a (MIJU 10:3) (,PulsB graphic registration method) SYCHEV _V-V.~ Effectiveness of treating hypertension in suburban sanatoriumes. Vop, 1-nir,, fizioter. i leeh, fiz. k-allt. 2-4 no. 16365-p9 n-Ag 159. (MX*. 13 -.8) 1. Iz klinicheskogo sanatoriya "Arkhanaelt.skoye" (nachallnik- m kandidat meditsinskikh nauk K.Ye. Myasnikov). (HYPERTENSION) TEST B.I.; OSIPOVA Z V - SYCHEV V.Y& ; SOROKOV, D.S., nauchnyy red.; P P . . Y"-'- ' __ TOKAREVA, T.N., vedulsl_cff~ 're(!.;*SAFRONCYVA, I.M.Y [Mesozoic sediments of the Zhigansk region) Mazoseiskis otlozheniia Zhiganskogo Taiona. Leningrad, Goa. pauchn.rtekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-topl. lit-ry, Leningr. otd-nie, 1962. 117 p. (Leningrad. Nauchno-issledovatellskii institut geologii arktiki. Trudy,, vol. 131). OWU 15111) (Verkhoyanak Range-Geology) Itformonal treatment c-f neuritis of the facial nerve. Zhur. nevr. ps~kh. 65 no.g,.13a5-1339 '65,, (KU. 18:9) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (nachallnik - prof. A,G. Panov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademil im. Kirovay Uningrad. SYCHEV, Ye.N.; STERCHENKO, Ye.A. Provide animal husbandry with high-quality feeds. Veterinariia 40 no.11:14-15 N 163. (WRA 17:9) 1. Ministerstvo proizvodstva i zagotovok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov Moldavskoy SSR. 2. Starshiy veterinarnyy vrach Upravleniya veterinarii Moldavskoy SSR (for Sychevo. 3. Zaveduyushchiy khimicheskim otdelom Respublikanskoy, veterinarnoy laboratorii Moldavskoy SSR (for Sterchenkc). S/146J61/004/005/002/011 D221/D305 ADTHOR: 8 chev. Yu.A. TITLE: On measuring resistance idth direct current PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebrLykh zavedeniy. Priboro- stroyeniye, v. 4, no. 5, 1961, 47-50 TEXT: The author indicates one of the methods which en- sures a stabilized supply for resistance bridge measurement, and also analyzes the quantities required for calculating the arrange- Ment, shomi in Fig. 1. The direct voltage supply is stabilized by a Eerro-resonance and a barretter. Equations are derived for n7a deviation in the resistance reading. The unbalance voltage is then given by U - IrRe - IrRx When Re > 2r < P.,,, then it is possible 2r + Re + Rx to neglect 2r. If the error in the unbalance in P% with disregard of r. then 2r -4 P (Re + R.). Near the balance it is possible to 100 Card 1/4 S/146/61/004/005/002/011 On measuring resistance... D221/1)305 assume that Re Q" RX? and therefore r -Z- Re The above es- 100 tablishes the relationehip between the minimum measured resistance and the resistance that is [)ertrtanently connected in the bridge. It also indicates that it is possible to neglect 2r when the unbalance varies by less than P'/O. The voltage of unbalance is � n Re U = Ir 100 2re � n Re To The quantity 1z, can be neglected as being small in comparison 100 to 2r., a-kid the unbalance is finally represerited by lul I-r n To' It is therefore independent of the measured resistance, and is in- fluenced by the error n in % of the stand:wd resistance. This is more closely approached when R. > 2r (Twhen R., -_, Re). In practice the range is limited by the sensitivity of the zero indicator and Card 2/4 S/146/61/004/0 05/002/011 on measuring resistance... D221/D305 Fig. card 4/4 PKC.1- ~/61/004/00.5/002/011. S/146 On measuring resistance... D221/D305 the allowed leakage losses. The sensitivity is determined, by S i- -Llr. The value of r cannot be always increased for obtaining e high r sensitivity, because it results in narrowing of ihe measur_o ing capacity. However, increase of I does not affect the range of readings, but produces a greater dissipation of povmr on losses* The above method was used in designing a bridge for automatic in-. spection aryl..~sorting of relay coils. The results of this operation, are in go'o& agreement with the theoretical cbnclusions of the arti~-1-,...i"-,.T"1' cle. This article was recommended by the Kaf edra radiotekhniki LITHO (Department of Radiotechnics, LITMO). There is 1 f igure. ASSOCIATION: Bazovaya laboratoriya Kharllcovskogo politekhniches-i kogo instituta im. VH. Lenina (Base Laboratory-of the laiarlhov Polytechnic Institute ime VA. Lenin)- SUBMITTED: March 10, 1961 A Card 3/4 AUTHOR: Sychev,, IV'.. V. 126-2-28/3o TITLE: Magnetic surface effect during maguetisation of flat bodies in a curved field. (Magnitmyy poverkhnostnyy effekt pri namagnichivanii ploskikh tel v1zognutom pole)'. PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye"-(Physice of Netals and Metallurgy),, Vol.IV., 705:2t 1557, PP'.378-380 (USSR)-fo ABSTRACT: This problem has been- little studied so far although it is of,considerable theoretical and practical intemest-- Surface effects are encountered in a =mber of instr=ents, for instance, in instruments for measuring the A:.C,. losses in electrical sheet steelf in induction heating apparatusl etc'. In this paper the case of penetration into a conduct- Ing semi-space-of a Pulsating bi-component (curved) field is considered on the assumption that the normal amd the tangential components of the field at the surface of the medium vary in accordance with the. following relations: Ba = Emz cos (IrIVY Cos ut By = BmY sin (IfMY,, cos (wt + a). ca,fd 1/2 The application of the' derived relation, Zq'-9, P.379, is illustrated on a practical example for approximate calcu.1a- tion of an induction heating instrument consisting of an AUTHOR; Sycliev, Ya. D,- SOV/126-6-3-4/32 TITLE Surface Effoct un(di,,-r t1ie Action of a P-,1satir.,,:- 2-Coitt-onent Field On tho S,,,trfacc of a Halfspace (Ma,-,-,r-.-LtrAyy pover1-~hnostunyy effekt pri deystvii na pover.khaosti poluprostranstva PU1'S-JrUy-L13hcheSo polyp.) 1j PERIODI'~JALf Fizi.'L:.a IvIetallov i M--tallovedeniye, 1058, Vol 69 Nr 3, -f--qp 412 ... 41'9 (USS-R) ABSTRACT-. In the proparration. of ann alternating electromagnetic C:~ cv) field in a conductinS medium a surface effect J-3 obsei-red. Th6 t"hecry o--F' A-h(-,, ia-raqnal-,ic, surface effect in flat bodies ha-s been already well developed but only for the case of sin,-,le coga)onnnt ex,,.iting fie!ds. The surface effect Tvith more comaplex exciting fields is usually studied experiment- ally aiid only for a ILmited number of special cases is an analytical solution -possible (Refs.1 and 2). The problem co-asidered in the pres~-,nt pa-per is formulated as follows: considcr a conductin- mediwri bounded on one side by a plane siir..,--ice arid' exter-diriq to infinity in all the remaining dir- The z axis is taken perpendicularly to Card 1/3 SOV/126-6-3-4/32 Magnetic Surface Effcct under thG Acuioa a pulsatinF~ 2-Component Field on the Surface of a ffalfsl_)avl~-, the plane surface and is directed into the medium while the xoy plane coincides viitlli the surface. The y axis is dir- ected along the tan,,erttial com-)onent By, and the z cLxis L) alonS the normal component B of the magnetic-induction 4 z vector B In the case considered here, only magnetic fields parallel to the yoz plane are present and currents should flozr only in the x direction. Consequently,:the current density can only have one component 6 x . The electrical conductivity and the magnetic permeability are taken to be constant. The com-oonents of magnetic induction on z = 0 are taken to be: B Bm Cos jr y Cos w t z z B B sin y Cos (wt + a) (2) y MY Card 2/3 while at infinity (z =oo) the two components vanish. These SOV/126-6-3-4/32 Ma2netic Surface Effec-t- under the Action of a Pulsating 2-Component Field on the Surface of a Halfspace ex~)ressions prescribe the boundary conditions. Using Max- well's equations, expressions are then derived for the amplitude of the current density and the power dissipation in the medium. These expressions may be used in an analysis of Lhe perform,3nce of induction heaters. Experimental studies carried out by Elie auLhor have confirined his calculatioas to a first approximation. There are 3 tables, 7 figures and 6 references, of which 5 are Soviet and 1 is English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Ural'skogo filiala AIT SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED; MlaY 7, 1957. 1. Electromagnetic fields--Propagation 2. Electromagnetic fields --Excitation 3. Electromagnetic fields--Mathematical analysis 4. Surfaces--Magnetic factors Card 3/3 'IIEV inzh. JILISjorov, K-1 - ,',Ii. -, Syl, -Y Yu--,--v dng. Str.j. J dor. mash. 10 E,,,v equipment for stone worl, (MIRA 18:10) no.9325:30 S '65. JZUSAKOV~ LL, -Alnzh.; SYCHIN, Yu.I., inzh. Using diamond toolls in eArport and road cons truc;tllon. Stroi. 'L dor. mash. 10 no.6t2l-23 Je 165. (MIRA 18tS) FUJSAKOVY K.I., inzh.; SYGHNVI YU.I., inzh.; FIALKOV, D.D., I.nzho Diamond tool for finishing and facing work. Transn.stroi. 15 no.10:30-31 0 165- (MIRA 28:22) AID F - 4212 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 13/20 Authors Drozd, N. K. and Yu. N. Sychev Title Automation of Horizontal Hobbing Machine Periodical Stan. i instr., 1, 36, Ja 1956 Abstract The authors describe some alterations of the Kollman 12-A model horizontal hobbing machine done at the Moscow Automobile Plant im. Stalin. After certain mechanical additions, this machine, which cuts teeth on gear shafts for automobile transmission-boxes, was transformed into a semi-automatic gear-milling machine. One drawing. Institution : None Submitted : No date ':~* ~) C q , I , ~1, Subject : USSR/Engineering AID P - 5169 Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 10119 Authors Voroblyev, K. G. and Yu. N. Sychev Title Improved methods for repair of steam pneumatic stamping presses. Periodical Stan. i instr., 6, 32-35, Je 1956 Abstract The authors describe several cases of repair and alter- ations made in the "Eary", "Chambersburg ,and "Banning" steam and pneumatic stamping presses at the Automobile Plant im. Stalin (ZIS). Fourteen drawings. Institution None Submitted No date .1 .1 - ~. -" 1/1. 14, 1 VCROBOYEV, K.G .; SYCIW, Yu,N. iwo- , '. - - Portable miller for machining die supporting surfaces of horizontal forging machine beds. Stan. i iustr. 27 no,11:39 W '56. (K12A 10:1) (Milling machines) kForging machiner~--Repairing) VOROBOYLIV, K.G.; SYCHEV YU.N. v rl ~ ~_ - ;; mum-w-H ~ zz, Now metbods for repairing steam-pneumatic stamping hammerg. Vest. mash. 36 no.9:58-61 S '56. (MLRL 9:10) (Machine-shop practice) (Forging macbinery--Repairing) AUTHOR: Sychev, YU.N. 122-2-15/23 TITLE: ld_~anced m thods of repair of cold headed automatic machines (Progressvnyye metody remonta kholodnovysadoch- nykh avtomatov) PhRIODICAL: "Vestnik Mashinostro7en~Zal.' (Engineering Journal), 195'7-, No',2, pp. 64 - 67 ~U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Detailed description with illustrations of typical repair schemes under the following sub-headings: fixing of a replace- ment plate on the vertical guiding surface of the machine bed; renewal of the fit between the crankshaft and its bearing sleeves; surface flame hardening of the crank pins; fitting of antifriction plates and strips in the carriage unit. Card 1/1 There are 11 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress ~ Y(- ~l 2;::'V 1/t, /-~/ SYOHNV, Yu.N.; VOROB'YEV, K*G., lnzh. Modernizing the 12-0A automatic trimmers. Nashinostroitell no.9s26- 27 S''57- (KLRA 10:9) (Punching machinery) SYCHEV, Yu.N. - WL Faperience in modernizing automatic meehine tools. Stan. i instr.' 28 no-5:28-30 MY 157. (mm io:6) (Machine tools) k- MELE VICE, P.S.; VOROB'YEV. K.G Attachement for cuttingracks on gear shapers. Stan. i instr. 28 no.5:37 My 157. Mu io-6) (Gear.-cutting machines) AUTIMR: MHEV12U.N., VOROBITNIX.O. PA - 3622 TIM: itoaernization of an Internal Grinding Machine. (Moderaizatsiya vnutrishlifoval%ogo stanka., Rus sian) PERICDIGAL: Stanki i Instrument, 1957, Vol 28 , Nr 6, PP 31-32 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Such a modernization ms oexrLed out in the Moscow I.A.LIKUCHU automobile factory in oxder to increase efficiency md to diminish wiste. The grinding machine used for this purpose me me made by the firm of Braillant, mod. 112 A.N. Beforemoaernizatida, It was necessary to check the grinding diameter several times during grinding in order to warrant the required accuracy. If cheoking ms oarried out too late thin frequently cou ed mzte. In the course of modernizing this m&chine a device was constructed which permits autcmatio control of the grinding diameter during the process of grinding in that, as soon as the desired diameter is attaineds, the grinding wheel is autmatioally withdrawn from the workpiece. By fitting an automtio control nechanism. and by interrWting the work of grinding an soon as the desired diamL'4-vr is atte-ined, waste was eliminated, and by the reduction of working time (measuring time hitherto needed) a considerable increase of output VMS attained. Such a modernization can be carried out with internal Cax-d 1/2 V D AUTHOR SYMV Y'U.N., in-T-22/26 'TITLE The Surf-a-c-e--Torch Hardering of Equipment and Machine Parts. (Poverklinostnaya gazoplamennaya zakalka detaley oborudovaniya -Russian). .PERIODICAL Stanki i Instrument, 1957, Vol 28, Nr 7, PP 38 - 38 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The surface hardening of steel parts with a carbon content of from 0,3-0,7% by means-of an oxygen-acetylene torch is widely used in the "Likhachev" aiktomobile factory.The hardness of the parts after har- dening according to SHORE is Hs-70-75. Formerly this these parts used to be produced of alloyed steel and were then subjected to a chemi- cal-thermal treatment.Usually. a torch welding apparatus is used for torch hardening; here a special hardening tip is fixed in place of the torch tip.A torch burner is shown on ill.1 which is used for the hardening of cogwheels; the outlet openings a) and b) serve for the a) outlet of thetoboh and b) for the cooling agent (water).The stead- ness of the surfaces hardened this way (A and B) all.3) was increa- sed 2-3 fold.Parts of steel as well as of cast iron can be subject to this hardening although experience showed that the best results were obtained with steel~and with steel 45 a hardeness of Rc-55-57 was obtained.The depth of the hardening is,depending on the process employed.from 2-6 mm.The heating temperature should not become hi- gher than loooO in order to avoid overheating and the develipment of cracks.The ratio between acetylene and oxygen should be 10,2 - 1:1,3 and the intensity of the torch should remain constant.The water sup- Card 1/2 ply on the occasion of quenching should be 0,4 - 0,5 L/Min on 1=2 The Surface Torch Hardening of Equipment and Machine Parts. 121-7-22/26 of the hardened surface, the water temperature 15-180.The distance of the torch from the surface should be 8-12mm, the velocity of mo- vement ao-16o mm/Min. The control consists of an exact outer inspec- tion as well as of an etching with a 2o~ nitric acid solution. ASSOCIATION Not Given. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 j 12. 121-8-13/22 AUTHOR Volto1mv, K. G. SYCIMV Y, u. N. TI TLE From )Works' Prx6tToe. The-1-d-ffernization of the Forging- Press Equipment. (1z zavodskoy praktiki. Modernizataiya kuznachno - presso- vogo obarudovaniya.-, Russian) PERIODICAL Stanki i Instrument 1957o Vol 28, Nr By PP 35-36 (USS,,R) ABSTRACT The switch-in mechanism as well as the brake of the opera- tion of the horizontal forging press model 3" (76,2 mm) were modernized. The switch-in mechanism, which is fitted to the crankshaft, was replaced by a pneumatic coupling on the driving shaft which excludes the constant ftee- wheeling of the driving shaft and reduced. obnsumption and noise. An illustration shows the coupling, which is des- oribed. The brake was shifted from the pivot of the crank- shaft to the extended driving shaft. On the stand next to the brake drum a pneumatic control cylinder of the brake is mounted which is blc--ked by means of the pressure pipe of the switch. Control of the brake is carried out by means of an air-dist-ributlng device which is operated by means of a duplica-Llln6 device at the end of the crank- shaft. In consequence of this rebuilding the stress as well as the consumption of the crankshaft and of the CARD 1/2 -1. - ---- SYCHEV, YU.N. - , Laid on zink alloy guides used in heavy-duty metal cutting tools. Stan.i instr. 28 no-9:39-40 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Machine tools-Attachments) SYCHEV, Yu.N. Brake ringB made of ferrodo inetead of textolite. Stan. i Instr. 28 no.12:36-37 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (lathea) (Packing (Mechanical engineering)) SYCHET, Yu.H... Efficient methods for rapairing cold upsetting automatic machines. Vest.mash. 37 no.2:64-67 IF '37. (Mr.RA 10:2) (Power presses--Repairing) AUTHOR: Sychev, Yu.N., and Yoroblydv, K.G., Engineer 117-58-5-3/24 TITLE. Modernization of Metal Cutting Equipment (Modernizatsi-ya m3tallorezhushchego oborudovaniya) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell 1958, Nr 5, PP 7-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The clamping, unclamping, chamfering and cutting-bff wDrk on stock was formerly done by hand on the turret lathe (model 1338) at the Izhevsk Plant. To increase the efficiency of this machine the transverse support was replaced by a special pneumatic gear connected with 2 copying devices. The rotation of the driving spindle is transmitted by a worm gear to the distribution disc fitted with a number of cams loqated on 2 different levels. The pneumatic gear consists of a series of valves, pipes a-ad cylinders in which the pistons are setu in hydra:ulic pressure, regulated by the opening and closing of valves under the action of the cams of the di- stribution dis,,,. In this way the operations formerly exe- cuted by hand have become mechanized. One copying device controls the chamfering and the other the cutting-off process of the blank. On the internal grinding machine "Bryant" (model 112 AN) the dimensions of the opening had to be checked Card 1/2 frequently. This work is being done automatically since the Modernization of Metal Cutting Equipment 117-58-5-3/24 installation of hydraulic gear for automatic checking. Figure 2 shows the automatic measuring device mounted on a lathei figure 3 shows the details of the mechanism. Figure 4 gives a general and sectional view of the automatic measuring unit. The operation is illustrated on a kinematic diagram, figure 5. The modernization of semi-automatic turret lathe of the firm "Monforts" is shown in Figures 7,8 and 9. It provides for a change in construction of the head, as a result of which the four-positional machining is replaced by an eight-positional one. Modernization of the machine increased the efficiency, the variety of machining processes and the speed of operations. There are 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva (Moscow Automobile~.' Plant imeni Likhachev) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Cirtting tools-Automation 117-58-6-3/36 AUTHORS: Sychev, Yu.N., Voroblydv, K.G., Engineer TITLE: The Modernization of Forging and Pressing Equipment (Moderni- zatsiya kuznechno-pressovogo oborudovaniya) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 6, PP 5-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the steam-air p~inching hammers type "Irill and "Banning" the wedges for regulating the distance between the frames on the anvil block and the method of their fastening had serious drawbacks. The constant vibrations of the frames loosened the wedges at their connections and often cut the strengthening bolts. In order to increase the reliability of the fastenings, rectangular grooves were out into wedges (figure 1). A blocking comb was fitted to the frame for fastening the wedges (Figure 2). The new method for fastening the wedges is shown in figure 3. The flanges of the protective and working cylinders in the hammers type "Irill were fastened by bolts. Weakening of the bolts caused a leaking of the copper packing. In the flanges of the casing of the protective cylinder a groove was bored Card 1/4 (Figure 4). Another groove was made in the working cylinder The Modernization of Forging and Pressing Equipment 117-58-6-3/36 and both were closely fitted together. Steam pressure during the working of the hammers type "Iril' and "Chembersburg" reaches 9-10 atm, the temperature 270- V4. 2600C. The best stuffing-box packings have only a short life under these conditions. In order to remove the stuffing box of the couplin- rod from the zone of high temperature, the construction Of tite lower cover of the cylinder has been - changed. The u,~;-Qnsnj; was enlarged (Figure 5) and a transi- tional bush pres.sed into it. This change in construction moves the stuffing-box packing 100 mm from the zone of high tempe- ratures. Steam condensate no longer gets into the working place. The sub-cylinder plate for the installation of the working cylinder in hammers of various types has a flat surface. Weakening of the cylinder fastening caused a displacement of the casing. A lock 25 mm in height was therefore fastened to the sub-cylinder plate of the hammers "Irill, "Chembersburg", and "Banning" preventing the cylinder from displacement. Hammers of the type "Massey" with a power of 1-5 and 5 t have been modernized, to increase rigidity of construction and to reduce wear of mcving parts. Two cast iron supporting Card 2/4 plates which were fastened in a concrete foundation, were The Modernization of Forging and Pressing Equipment 117-58-6-3/36 replaced by a single steel plate (Figure 7) rigidly connecting the frames. Each frame i3installed between supports and is fastened by a special bolts. The construction of the coupling rod was also changed to facilitate its replacement during overhaul. The coupling rod was designed without reinforce- ments (Figure 8). Its working diameter was increased from 115-140 mm. The stuffing box was made non-detachable (Figure 9) with 142 mm as the interior diameter of the axle bearing. After modernization the method of shock absorption was also changed. On the working cylinder (Figure 10) a pneumatic protective cylinder was fitted in place of the upper cover. In the connection between the frames (Figure 11) and the cy- linder casingshock absorbing springs were fitted. In the frictional falling hammers type "Billing i Spenser" the method of lifting was changed from the mechanical to the pneumatic principle. In the former hammers, the heavy beats against the pivot bolt often destroyed the frame and caused many parts to get out of o3:der. The hammers were therefore fitted with a simple pneumatic device for lifting the ram (Figure 12). This device, simplifies hammer control, reduces cases of frame Card 3/4 breakage iprevents accidents, and is reliable in operation. The Modernization of Forging and Proocing Equipment 117-58-6-3/36 There are 12 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni I.A. Likhacheva (Moscow Motorcar Plant imeni I.A. Likhachev) AVAILABLE: Library of Cohgress Card 4/4 1. Forging equipment-Modermization 2. Pressing equipment-Moderni2ation SO-VI. 22- 58-?- 21129 -AUTHORS: Sychev, Yu..N. and Woroblyev, K.G. Methods of Factory Plant TITLE: Improvements in (Sovershenstvovan-L,ye tekhnologii remonta zavodskogo oborudovaniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostrojeniya, 1()1-8; Dr 8, PP 57-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Several repair fixtures, procedures for the replacement of scarce materials and for increasing the service life of major machine-tool components adopted at the motor- car plant "imeni Likhacheva" in Moscow are described. A universal grinding fix-ture for the slideways of metal- cutting machine too-'s J_s illustrated (Figure -1). Set-ups are shown for ~windir;.g the flat slideway and the V-slide- ways starting from the reference planes, namely the mounting faces fcr the headstcck and the tailst6ek. Planing machines are repaired with the help of the same grindir- fixture. A portable milling fixture and head are shown (Figure 3), developed for the milling of horizontal forging machine bed. This fixture -4-s claimed to have reduced the period of unservi-leability due to repair by up to 10 days. A new fixture (Figure 4) has been developed Cardl/3 for cutting, by the generating method, the racks of tooth-- SOV/122-58-8-21/29 Improvements in Repair Methods of Factory Plant shaping machines. The fixture consists of a base., a table, and a rack in engagement with a pinion. A dynamometer designed to measure the stiffness of metal-cutting machine tools is shown in Figure 5- It is based on te ring element-, measurillg the distvorzion transversely to the pull by means of a d4al gauge. Vibration pads to isolate steam-air hammers are mentioned. A new method of restoring the dimensions of broiL-,e bearing 61ceves in diameters above 100 mm has been adopted. The sleeve is cut along the generating line and the sharD edges are removed. The slee-o-a is then clamped by two yokes and brazed with brass along the --uts. After turning the 0 outside, a coarse thread is 13ut and the sleeve is metal- lised with annealed, low-car~bon steS1 wire, ensuring that the t-emperature does not exceed 70 C. Suf)sequently, the sleeve is machined inside and outside. Surface flame hardening has been extensively applied. Both steel and cast-iron oomponents are flame-hardened a" a burner speed of advance of 80-160 mm/min. Hollow, slotted boring tcols wit--h a sing-le-Pcint cut-ter are used for the machining of plain ')I-,e&rings line,~ with (.ast antjifri~7,tion allcy. Uard2/3 SOV/122-58-8-21/29 Improvements in Repair Methods of Factory Plant The boring tool has a front collar to bore size; the remainder is relieved to leave a clearance of 0.6 - 1.0 mm. The tool is mounted in the tailstock of an engine lathe. Z;plit permanent moulds (Figure ?) for the casting of bearing sleeve halves in a zinc alloy have been adopted. The alloy is poured from a ergeible into the mould which has been heated to 200 - 250 0. Zinc-alloy pads in heavy machine tools preserve the service life of slideways. These pads can be cast into special permanent moulds. There are 8 figures. Uard 3/3 1. industrial eqdipment---~Lslntenance SOV/117-58-11-28/36 AUTHOR3: Sychev VoroWyev, K.G., Engineer TITLE: A Device for the Protection of Electric Bridge Cranes and Electric Telphers From Overload (Prisposobleniye dlya predo- khraneniya elektromostovykh kranov i elektrotellferov ot pe- regruzki) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 11, PP 39 - 40 (USSR) ABSTRACTi At the Moskovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod imeni Likhacheva (Mos- cow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev), a device has been developed for protecting eleatric bridge cranes and telphers from overload. The device for electric cranes is shown in Figure 1. It is installed on an immobile cable of the crane (Figure 2). The cable is connected with a spring (17). The spring is set for a certain load by the nut (13). If the load surpasses 10~o of this value, the spring is tightened and the electric motor is switched off. The device for elec- tric telphers (Figure 3) is similar in-operation and construc- tion. It is installed on a branch of the telpher cable. There are 3 diagrams. 1. Mobile hoists--Protective devices 2~ Mobile hoists..-Per- Card 1/1 formnnce 3. Electric wtors-.-Control systems SYCHKV, Yu.K.; VOROB'-fFV. K.G. Modernizing semiautomatic turret lathes. Stan. i instr. 29 no-7:31-32 JI '58. (MIRA 11:0 (Latbes) VOROB YHV, K.G. inzh.; SYGHRVP -Yu.N. Experience In modernizing automatic machine tools at the Idkhachav Automobile Plant. Vest. mash. 38 no.4:45-40, AP 158. (MIRA 31:3) (Machine tools) (Automobile industry) SYCEMV, Yu.N.; VOROBIYEV, K.G., inzh. - ------ Iurproving the technology of repairing plant equipment. Test. mash. 38 no. 8:57-60 Ag 158. (MIRA 11-8) (Haebinary-Maintenence and repair) SYCHEV, Yu.N.; VOROB'YLT, K.G., inzh. I I ~ ~ ~ _-~, - _1A.I. Improving the technology of repairing plant equipment. Mashino- stroitell no.1:25-32 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) (Machine tools--Maintenance and repair) VOROBIYEV, X.G. ; STCMWO YUSN. Mechanization of heavy, labor-consuming operations for the repair af press-forging machinery. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. I no.8:3&-41 'Ag 159. (KCRA 12:12) (Forging machinery--Maintenance and repair) 25(2) SOV/117-59--3--8/37 AUTHORS: Vorob 1yev, K. G. , ald Sychev_~I. , Yu TITLE: The Modernization of Shaping Machines (Modernizat- siya Doperechno-strogallnykh stankov) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1959, Nr 3, pp 15 -- 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The described modernization, i.e. design improve-- ment, concerns the "735(Sh-4)" and "736(Sh-5)" shapers at the 1.11oskovskiy avtozavod !m. I.A. Likha- cheva (Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev). The design improvement consists in the use of new mechanisms for the mechanical d-is-Dlacement of -the machine table, which until now was done manually and was arduoin work. The idle-run speed of the table with the new feed mechanism is between 11.5 and 2.25 m/min, depending on the rpm of the motor. There are 4 dia-rams. ZD Card 1/1 SYCHEV, Yu.N.; VOROBOY37. K.G. nization of automatic machine tools. Maohinootroitall no.10: 11-14 0 '59- (MIRA 13:2) (Machine tools) (Automatic control) t VOIIDBIYEV, K.G.; SYChW, TU.N. Modernization of press forging ~quij~f;~nt at the Likhachev Automobile Plant in Moscow. Kuz.-shtam.prolzv. 2 no.1:27-33 Ja 160- (MRA 13:5) (14oscow--Automobile irdustry) (Forging machiner7) SYCHEV, Yu.N., lnzh.; VORCB'YEV, K.G.. inzh. Mechanizing heavy and labor-consuming operations in re- pairing forging machines. Mashinostroitell no.3:4-5 mr l6o. (MIRA 33:6) (Forging machinery-Maintenance and rspair) S11 17/60/000/005/005/0 13 A004/Ar,02 AUTHOP-S., Voroblyev, K. G., S chey, Y!j, N, TITLE: Friction Disks With Cerampt Layer PERIODTCAL: Mashinostroitel 1960, No. 5, p. 21 TEXT- At the Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva (MoScow Plant imeni Likhachev') ceramet-reinforced steel disks Instead c.1 bronza one:3 are used in rnulti-di .sk friction__~~~,i ~Ooperating in an oil medium of tt- mjlti-spindle semi -automati cs "Krasnyy proletariy" and "aallard". The steel disks are copper plated in a cyanide solution. with subsequent annealing in a hydrogen atmosphere at 950 0C for 2.5 hours. The cerame-, lay~_- has the following composition (in electrolytic ~_opper pa~,.der -0, powder 9, lead powder = 6, graphite = 4, iron powder = 4, sand 4, fiber 3. Metal powders and asbeztos fiber -are mixed in a mixer dG-Iric ho,.irs. The2 ceramet mixture is pressed in press-molds with a spe,~ifi~ of 2,2 t/om . The basic copper-plated steel disks and the caramst disk_z a_nz- baked together in a spet~ial furnace in a hydroger. atmosphere a. C ard 1/2 3/1 i-31 Fric~ion Di4zks With Ceramet Layer A004/AO02 in the range of 760-7800C during 2.5 - 3 hours. The disks are ther, ctcoled Ln a reducing atmosphere where the same pressure is maintained. The life of --..h=-s=- ceramet-reinforced steel disks exceeds that of bronze diskz by 5 'Wnf,-~h resulted in savings of 50,000 rubles per year. There are 3 figur-:-s and 1 table. Card 2/2 S/117/60/000/008/022/022/XX A033/A133 AUTHOR: Sychev, Yu.N. TITUTP: Friction rings made of "Ferrado" PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, no. 8, 1960, 25 TEXT: The Moskovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (Moscow Automobile Plant im. Likha,chev) has replaced the textolite rings of tapered friction reversing gears by Ferrado rings manufactured by the method of hot vulcanization. The rings are made of a mixture composed of 50% asbestos fibre, 25% pulverized bakelite, 18% white spirit and 7% brass chips. The latter can be replaced by small pieces of copper wire. The press mold for the manufacture of the rings is made of 45 grade steel. The height of the blank being pressed is calculated for two rings. The outer blank diameter is fabricated with a 5 mm tolerance for the tight fitting of the rings. The press mold parts are fabricated with a loose fit of the 4th class of accuracy. The finish of the working surface should not be less than of the 8th class according to rOCT (GOST) 2789-51. The rings are molded at a specific pressure of 300 - 500 k&/cm2 and a temperature of 135 - 1450C with 20 - 25 min holding. Final pressing takes place on hydraulic or mechanical presses of 35 - Card 1/2 S/117/60/000/008/022/022,/)(X Friction rings made of "Ferrado" A033/A133 40 tons capacity in two operations. The friction coefficient of the Ferrado rings on steel amounts to 0.4 compared to 0.16 of textolite rings. The wear dur- Ing testing was 0-15 mm/h. Water and oil absorption of the specimens should not exceed 6% in the course of 4 h, while the specific gravity amounts to 1.7 - 2 kg/cm2. Brinell hardness is to be not less than 13 (at a load of 500 kg of a ball 10 mm in diameter during 30 sea). There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 SYCHEV, Yu.N., Modernizing automatic four-spindle machines. Mashinostroitell no.7:25 f61. (MM 14:7) (Machinery, Automatic-Tecbr~logical innovations) -"J.-V, Yl,,.I'.; F.G. t lL,yji-c-,ring cil-fcedi~ colLirs. lmashinostxoitall no. 2:12-i3p -'~` 161. C - - ill . ..?N - I (Lubrication 4nd lubrict.~ntu) .-S=HEVI,. Yu.N. Moderniiing t4a engaging gear of an eccentric press. Mashinostroitell no.3:15 Mr 161. :~ * I (MIRA 240) (Power presses-Teebnological innovations) S/189/62/000/006/003/006 D214/D307 AUTHORS: Vlasov, L.G., Sychev, Yu.N. and Lapitskiy, A.V. TITLC: Preparative separation of titanium and iron chlor-, ides by vapor phase chromatography PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Ves tnik. Seriya II. Khimiya, no. 6,1962, 55-57 11 TZXT: aeparation of the chlorides (95'j'O TiG14; Y16 FeGl3) was conducted on a silica gel column at 380 � 10C using C12 as the carrier as. The Fe content of the emerging- TiGl found radiomet- 4 rically MFe), was < 5.10-8% (limit of detection5. After.4-5 hra, 10-15 g of Fe-free TiC14 were obtained.. The adsorption of ZeC13 on silica gel follows the Langmuir equation. The authors poiTtt out the value of gas chromatography both in analytical.and ih prepara- tive inorganic chcmistry. There is I figure. ASSOCLMON: Kafedra radiokhimii (Department of Radiochemistry) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1961 Card 1/1 SHORIN, V.D.; CHEKIN, V.F.; SYCHEV, Yu.V. Diawnd-tipped ln8tniments in stomatology. Med.prom. 16 n0.6: 29-30 Jl 162. - (NIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy meditsinskiy stomatologicheskiy institut I Nauchno- iseledovatellskly institut eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov. (DENTAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) so 0 ago Solf, a W7,, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 oje A N 77, It W 0 a 81 a 41 40 0-40 L 9 CZ it 00 _0 v r r r 00 0 DO.,ad"flon of volatito COMPOund3g With this 'J.1 Of R. S. Pil-nik and A. A. ~;Iry gaseous diffusion. Zatt*dskaYd Ub. 14. 710-13(lUINI-ju thlj-~Ijt1l place 2 ml. of test soin. contir. fl... - 11. Nil 1) aig. Nil, and cover hermetically will, is g1j%j all whijill i,# 1,, .04 0: of it satd. &(tilt. of 16110s In KlYcvru~. After 21irs. ist t,* i j! ternp. remove tile glass wash the Ll)-ccrul dralls with cold 0 water Into a tube, anti tIltrate with 0.1 N IIQ in premetlev :90 0 0 00 of 2 drops of tilitatl Indicator collig. 1110thyl rVd and 0 furthylene blue. I11# total Vol. of liquid should healloul '41111111111 0 2o--_16 ml. In the dein. of COI, plate 10 jul. of 0.1 X .00 0 E Naoll seta. and 5 ad of 10c' HaCle in an Erb--timeyer - HAYk. Suspend a ;Q1 cup 2 ml. of t1w ti-st soln. age from the end of a tube passing through the stijij;K-r of the tl;tsk and add 10 drops of 18 N TfVSOs. Let stand for 2 hri., carefully rotating the flask from time to time. I Rej q. gr go J i move the cup, stopper the Auk, and rotate apin "tilt. Titrate excess alkall with 0.1 N HC1 In presence of phenolphihakin. It the sample Is a solid coull. much to 0 Coll use 0.1 g. Ili (be cup anti molstell with .5 drops Water and in the fissic place 40 mi. of 0.1 N XaOll sofa. anti 5 ml. 10% BaCl,. Clow the ILIA. add 2 Mi. f 4 N ttCl wee- to Ute cup, and leave for 2 hrs. at room tealp. Then proreedasabove. lothedetn.GliftS.plitceacupeontg. Sat 10% NzOlf soln. (depending on theamt. of IItS ex- goo peeled) In 4 larger cup conig. 1-2 mi. of the test sofa. Cover the outer cup hermetically witha glass intraral with is seWalary funne), add 6 ml, of 0 X IlCIj keep fur ;X) it in. at 85-120'. Remove the inner cult, W;t3ll the out side with water. pLace it in 21) mi. of acidified titrAted 1, soln., dil. to 160 mi.$ and titrate with Na.~ Ass-*ILA -tP-1VOCKA. LITIRATL01 It. Z. K. ti Woo .).A), C~l lit E)Uss AV ~Q it, a 3 2 V i " "twit :V44 No Via Plan ;Ant so.-WO N. I W M 0 a it o 0 0 to 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 SOV/65-58-5-2/14 AD TI H'ORS: Bakhshiyan, Ts. A. and Sycheva, A. M TITLE: e ~ea- Exchangers for Working t Selection o-F Tubula: Under Optimum Cond t ons. (Vybor kozhukhotrubehatvlr-h Q teploobmennykh apparatov po optimallnym pezhiyriam,,r"oty) PERIODICAL-. Kh1miyan i Tekh-nologiya Topjjj i blasel, 1959, Nr.5. PP. 5 - 11. (USSR). ABSTRACT: One method of intensifying the efficiency of heat ex- changers lies in increasing the velocity of the current which is linked on the one hand with inareasing the coefficient of heat emissio-,, and on the other hand with increased pressure losses. lalues for the optimum ratee were determined by technical and economic analysis. The values of the rate of the movement of the current, the quantlit7 of transfer heat, and the ooefficient of heat emission were compared with values for pressure losses, as well as losses in efficiency and capital losses. The heat exchanger was calculated for the follow- ing conditions: (1) the transfer of cold petroleum along the tubular space (inlet temperature 1000, heating)) (2) transfer of heated petroleum along the tubular space (inlet temperature 12800, heating), (3) transfer of lig- L' roin along the inter-tubular space (inlet temperature Card 1/3 1200C heating), (4) transfer of petrol along the tubular A SCYVA5--!5&5-2/14 Selection of Tubular Shell Heat Exchangers for Working Under Optimum Conditions. space (inlet temperature 160OCp cooling). The calcu- lations were carried out for the tubular and Inter- tubular space. The dependence of the value of unit heat and the velocity of the current - Fig.!, and the dependence of the optimum velocity and the viscosity of the product - Pig.2. These figures show that the optimum velocities are in inverse proportion to the viscosity of the roducts. For cold petroleum the op- timum velocity = 8.8 - 0-9 m/second. For heated petrol- eum and light products 1 - 1.2 m/sec6nds, a d for the light fractions themselves (petrol) = 1.5 Psecond. The efficiency of a heat exchanger can be increased by L Increasing the velocity in the tubular and inter-tubular spaces. In the tubular space the velocity can be in- creased by increasing the number of runs. In the inter- tubular space by (1) decreasing the distance between the transverse baffle plates, (2) by decreasing the space in the transverse baffle plates between the openings for the tubes and the tubes themselvesp and also between the transverse baffle plates and the body, (3) by de- Card 2/3 creasing the segmental cuts, (4) by fixing longitudinal sov/65-%~-5-2/14 Selection of Tubular Shell Heat Exchangers for Working Under Optimum Conditions. baffle plates, and (5) by selecting heat exchangers vith a smaller diameter. Recommended constructions are shown in Fig.4b and 4g. The following methods are recommended for increasing the surface of heating andfor intensifying the heat emission: (a) increasing the length of the tubes from 6 - 9 m, (b) decreasine: the diameter of the tubes to 20 mm (for pure products), M ribbing of the tubes, (Fig.4A), (d) the distribution of the tubes in an alternating order (Fig.4B). The dependence of the optimum diameter of the apparatu,CM the ra t e of the consumption for tubular and inter-tubular spaces is given (compare Fig.3). The required diameter of the heat exchlanger-can be found (for heat exchangers working cr. one run having segiental baffle plates, two runs, one run with a longitudinal vertical baffle plate along the body of the heat exchanger r11+4, inclAred tubes). There is l.Table, 5 Figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Giproneftemash. Card 3/3 SYCHEVA 'P A.M.; YEGOROV, U.N. - Resistance of a large packing layer in a nonisothermal stream. Khim.i takh.topl.i masel 8 no.8:10-16 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya i Moskovskiy institut, khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Scrubber (Chemical technology)-Fluid dyarmics) (Packing (Mechanical engineering)) SYCHEVA, A.M.; YEGOROV, N.N. Heat transfer from a gas flow in pipes with large fittings. Khim. i tekhn. topl. i masel 9 no.5.53-57 5 lfyt64 (MIRA 172-7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauelmo-issledovateltskiy i proyektnyy institut neftysnogo mashinostroyeniya i Moskovskiy institut khimicheskogo machinostro7eni-yao - I PYCHEVA, A.M.; YEGOROTI, N.N. Heat transfe:-- from fluid in pipes with heavy packing. Xhim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.6:14-18 Te26/, (MM 1717) I. Gosudars-tvennyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy i proyektn7y institut. maehinostroyeniya -4 Moskovskiy institut khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya. YAGOROV, M.N., prof., MISHCUNKO, Te.D., SYCLMVA, A.N., KRASNOVA, A.M. Chemotherapy of diabetes 9 of dietotherapy& Terap. arkh. 30 n0.7:18-25 J1158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is kllniki lechebnogo pitaniya (save prof* YAP Men'shikov) Instituta pitaniya AIN SS~'R~ (ANTIDIAECTICS, therapeutic use, (Rus)) (DIETS, In var. die, diabetes mellitus (Rua)) (DIAMTES MBILLITUS, therapy diets (Rua)) SYCHNVA, A.V. Dai17 course of nutrition of Coregonag peled(Gmelin). Vop.ikht. no.4:173-177 155. 1.Sibirskoye otdelaniya Vasso7uznogo mauchno-issledovatellskogo institnta ozernogo i rechnogo r7bnogo khozya7stva VNIMICal. (Whitefishes) (Fishes--Food) SYCHEVA, A*Ve Now larval forms of Thndipedidae from lake Sovetskoye. Zam. po faune i flore Sib. no.18-'39-42 155. (MBA lltl) (Turukhau Valley-Chironomidae) (Iarvae-insects) SYCHEVA,,,-,A.Vp,,, Arkhitaktor New forms of organization of group rest and the coastruotion of rest zones. Zdrav. Bel. 8 no.6:50-53 Je'62 (MIRL 16;8) 1. Beloruaskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy Institut (direktor M.A. M6roz) i kafedra arkhitektury Belorusakogo po3-itekhni- cheakogo instituta (zav, - deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSW. - prof. A.I.Voinov). (MUZK-REGREATION AREAS) (NIIISK-REST) SLOBODIN, V.I,'.; IWITYUK, YU.I.; KUZOVIEV, P.P.; IlAcu4m, MES11CHANINOV,S. 1. ;BRTU-MOV,Yu.A.,- ff OCTTJ`~Z~A- ; Y-C,'IIAKOV,P.O.* red.; ZADIOVfi., E.11., red.izd-va; TAVIKOVA, 3,.F., [Distribution and specialization of,agriculture in Chelyabinsk Province) Ra=eahchenie i spet-sializatuiia sellskogo khoziaistva Cheliabinskoi oblasti. Sverdlovak, AITI SSSR, 1963 204 p. ~MIRA 16:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Ural'skiy filial, Sverdlovsk. Otdel ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy. (Chelyabinsk Province--P-griculture-Eccnomic aspects) 33159 S/120/61/000/006/030/041 E035/E435 AUTHORS: Yegorov, Ye., Sycheva, G. C____~ TITLE: D.C. Stabiliz'er PERIODICAL-. Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no.6, 1961, 130;-131 TEXT- The circuit diagram is shown in Fig.l. The main components of the circuit are,. V14A (P4D) - a powerful regulating transistor, M201 (P201) - an amplifying transistor, A808 (D808) - a zener diode, giving a reference voltage at the base of the P201, A7 P(D7G) - a thermo-compinnsating germanium diode, Assume the load resistance RH becorw%s smalleri as a result, current through the load, the regulating transistor and the resistance (RI + R3) in the emitter of the circuit Increases, The negative potential on the P201 ba3e increases and the current passing through the emitter-base, reference diode D808 and diode D7G is increased. This caus,es an increase of the amplIfying transistor collector current and a reduction of the- base current of the regulatIng translator P4D with a correspondi-ng increase of the voltage drop across the transistor (theiemitter- collector resistance of the AD increases), The current through the load RH and the regulating transistor is reduced-thus Card I/ 33159 S/120/61/000/006/030/041 D.C. Stabilizer E035/E435 leaving it almost unaltered, The operation of the circuit is similar if there is an increase of the load resistance, By varying RI a definite current can be established to the base of the amplifying transistor and also sets the necessary current passing through the regulating transistor and the stabilized load, The circuit effectively stabilizes currents,up to 400 auk at a load resistance RH Of 20S1- By varying the load re5istance RH = 20rL by + ln-, the stabilized current varies by t 0.03 mA from 300 mA., The stabilized current as a function of load resistance variations for three current values of 200, 300 and 400 mA. is shown in Fig.2. The internal resistanc-e of the. stabilizer is calculated by the approximate formula Ri ~ AR Ic//,'Nll by substituting the data taken from the-graphs for stabilized current values of 200, 300 and 400 mA. The. internal resistanc-Le is respectively 10, 7.9 and 6,6 k-S~11, The variation of stabilizer supply voltage by + 10% from 32 V causes variation of the stabilized current by -it 23 mA from 300 m.A. The presence of three semiconductor element3 makes the circuit sensitive to ambient temperature variations~ For reducAng the Card 2/0 33159 S/120/61/000/006/030/041 D.C. Stabilizer E035/E435 influence of temperature on stabilizer opera:t on, tfiermo'_ compensating elements may be introduced - a germaniur-ii diode A 7 (D7) - into the reference diode circuit. The results of incorporating the compensating diode in the circuit is shown in Fig-3. Without temperature compensation, the stabilized current fell by 3 mA from 300 mA when the ambient temperature was increased from 20 to 40*C, but with the inclusion of the compensator D7G only by 1 mA.. The described stabilizer is used for stabilizing the supply voltage of a tharmoconductometric. gas analyser. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. (Abstractor's note: Abridged translation-] SUBMITTED: April 5, 1961 Card PIVENI, P.K., red.; BARYSHNIKOVA, N.I.. red.; PROTOPOPOVA, V.M., red.; IVANOVA, Tu.I., red.; GEOMWANOVA, N.A., red.; KOSTKO, R,P,, red.; PETROVA, O.Ye., red.; S~G~ red.; CH=OVA, A.K., red.; POZMEYEV, A.P., (Economy of Tyumen Province] Narodnoe khoziaietvo Tiumenakoi oblasti. Omsk, Goa.stat.izd-vo, 1958. 198 P. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Tyumen oblasti. Statistiehaskoye upravleniye. 2. Naabillnik ztatiaticheskogo upravleniya Tyumenskoy oblasti (for Piven'). (Tyumen Province--Economic conditions) KHOIKIIILOVA Z.V., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHAKHNAZAROVA M.Sh., mladshi'--- nauchnyy sotrudnik,- VIRNIK, D.I., inzh.';..,,2t~QVA,~Y.I.,-inzh.; SYCHEVA G V. inzh. Determining gelatin yield from various types of raw materials. Trudy VNII14P no.11:110-177 162. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Mfoskovskiy zhelatinckw zavcd,(for Virnik, Guro7a, Sycheva). KONYAYEV, B.V.; RUDNEVA P.A.- VIYUSHINA, O.P.; NEKLYUDOVA, V.I.; Y I SYCHEVA., I.K. Moskva) Some indices of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation system in myocardial infaret and coronary insufficiency. Kardiologi'La no,1:16-22 164. (MIRA 17:10) SYCTIFVA, I. M., Card Med Sci (diss) -- "The permeability of ei-jthrocyteE; to the radioisotope phosp'norus-32 in certain internal di3eases". Moscow, 1959. 1.2 pp (Acad Med Sel USSR), 200 copies (K-r, To 10, 101~0, 137) SHISHKIN, Sergey Sergeyevich; SYCHEVA. I.M., red.; MATVEYEVA, M.M., tekhn. red. [Recurrent infarcts of the myocardiuml Povtornye infarkty miokarda. Moskva, M~dgiz, 1963. 181 p. (MIRA 16:9) (BBART-INFARCTION) DOBKIN, I.Ye.; GUSHANSKATA, P.G.; SYCHUA, L.F. -- Production of C5 - C9 low molecular weight synthetic fatty by the*oxiation of soft parafflns. Proizv.smar-mat. no-5: 34-44 '59. (KRA 13: 4) 1. Ieningradakiy opytnyy neftemaelozavod imeni Shaunrana. (A.c ids, Fatty) (paraffins) GUSIIANSKAYA., P.G.; SEIffVA, L.F.; DOBKRT~ I.Ye.; LEV, L.I. Using partition chromatography for the separation of low molecular weight acids obtained in the oxidation of soft paraffins. Ehim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no.8:31-36 Ag 161 (MIRA 14-8i 1. Neftemaslozavod im. Shaumyana. Organic 'A tographic analysis) Paraffins) A+-L-F, ALITMAN, S.S.; GUSHANSIUYA, P.G.; SY F Manufacturing synthetic lubricants from oxidation products of the Ozek-Suat kerosene. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel. 6 no.10:22-24 0 161. (MIR& 14 1. Neftemaslozavod " Shaumyana. (Lubrication and lubricants) (Ozek-Suat region-Kerosene)