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o a r -2,1 1-!. r-d c. a r, c nc an r TI r Jl r -cal in;7-ct~on i,: ere, ~avo ~2 C e PERCIC, Vinkol LIEW, Fmil; SVRAKA, Ladislay; STOJSIC, Stevan Ametional and histological changes in the gastric mucosa in cardiac patients. Med. pregl. 18 no. 3:81-87 1 65. 1. Ddeljenje za, unutrasnje bolesti. Gradske bolnice u Subotici (Nacelnik: dr. Vinko Percia) ; Odeljenje za patologiju i pato- losku histologip Gradske bolnice u Subotici (Iqacelnik-. dr. Ladislar Svraka), 1. 1. j : c *~ , I I v , I - - I i " I 1' '1% - Eviniln I , , -' '~. c~,,. ~ ', ~-, , 1'~~ik,i 1 !-,~1'7tvOl 1 ~?-, - j ; . 1 11 I'll ( litergL-irq. rao. 51) 0I-r.PjI-'(*jIv AiM) GIMIT", t,The clipati-Logenctic --i(-ni'Licance of areas- mith a ',endenicy toward cariev. p. 155 (ST(T-.'I',.'CjLCGIIA, 110. 3, 1952, Sofiya, Euloar;.a) SO: 'x,?)n-thl,-)r UsL of Eas;I- European Accessions, Vol. 2 110. 7. JuV 15953, Uncl. SVRAKOV, Dim., prof.; KODUKOVA, A.: LEVI. N. Control of pain in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Stomato- logiia, Sofia no.6:337-339 1953. 1. Iz Katedrata po terapevtichna stomatologiia, pri Meditsinskat& akademlia Vulko Chervenkov - Sovita. Zav. katedrata: prof. D.Svrakov. (PERIOWRTIU4, diseases, ther., pain control) (PAIN, therapV, In periodontium die.) -SVRAKOV, --Dim. SVRAKOV, Dim.. prof.; BURDAROV,, S7et., dots. Efficient and rapid mithod of sterilization in dental practice. Stomatologiia, Sofia no.3:184-188 1954. (ANTISEPSIS AND ASEPSIS, in dent.) (I)SWISTRY, antisepsis) -T Human ai-W An1wal fjhy~,'Aojagy, The Nfrvous SySti_-M AIN3. jotMR. AWINOP T 'I -,;,F .jjjT Rzhwlol.~ Yt. 5 1959., LY1. 22408 Svrakov, 1). -, X,&;vorkyan, K. ; A tanasova, El. An E;Ynerimental Study of the Possibility of setting up a SperAnskiy Neurodystrophic Process &I in 'the Periodontimi. 'Itonatologiya, 1957, No. 4, 195--207. ii P STP%G- T Sterile glass fragmerits Nvere plalceld, in the dental pulp al 12 dogs, and wilLhin. 5, to 6 days the gra&ual. develor.Nnent of neurodystraphic ebanges was observed in the peripdontivm of the side . on w6it':h the operation was performed; within 12 to 15 days they had spread to the opposite side, and thern to distant organs (eyes, stomRch, intes- tine, etc.) The neurodystrophic changes, as shoWn. by serological invest igat ions, were not associatedwith IL',he presence of leptospirosis. The data obtained seem to indicate that-reflex Card: 1/2 *Mateyev, D. T-92 D. YT How 1 a:-,l operating the mechanical centralization and the semi-autcmatic block systet-a Gcs. transp. 7he---dop. izd-vo, --952. 30 p. (~-takhanovskaia shkola zhe'ez--od- .%c~3kva, orozhnika(54-IP3?1) T,76,-5. 328 Ad I, PHASE I BOOK MCPLOITATION Z/6284 Jerie, Jan, ed., Engineer, Doctor, Corresponding Member of the Czeoho- slovak Academy of Sciences Zakladnl' proble'my ve stavb'e spalovacich turbin (Basic Problems In the ConstrVction of Gas Turbines [collection of articles]). Prague, Nakl. dAv, 1962. 627 P. 1600 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ceskoslovenska. akademie v4d. Ed. of.Publishing House: Marie Moravcov&; Tech. Ed.: Franti4ek Koncickj. PURPOSE: The book is Intended to fasLillarize turbine designers with recent developments in the design of gas turbines and to present some research results which may be helpful in designing more ef- ficient turbines. COVMOE,. The book oomprises articles by leading Czechoslovak turbine experts on'thermodynamio cycles, flow research in turbine components* burning of fuel in combustion chambers, axial compressors, and characteristics of turbines manufactured in Czechoslovakia. sirac ~-Li , s - Ensilage by a ACD-LOO combine. P. 472. (Eechanisme Zeniedelstvi. V01. 7, no. 20, Oct. 195 , Prz~ha, Czechoslov~kia) 57 Monthly Index cf &ist European Accessions (EE-41) LC. Vol. 7, r1c. 2, F,~bru,qry 1958 J 0: 3 VITT of; Inz, Pepo-t on the Trammot-lons of the Miming Section of the National Conference on I'Aining and Ore Preparation. Rudy 10 no.12:417-419 D 162. C OVA, J. ISVRCK Research on t1mi sanitation of production lines in the canningindustry. I)* 310e Vol* 6,, noe 6. 1955. PHWSL POTRATM. Praha. Source: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LCI VOL. 5, No. 3. March 1956. ~VRCK FA J GRO~PICOVA, A, ,_ _t_i_ ___~ Experience with the application of some fungicides and ultraviolet rays in the preservation of food. (Suprlement) p. 20 FRI]MYSL POTRAVIN. (14inisterstvo potratinarskyho rmlmysiu) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1959 Monthly List of East Eurorean Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. S. no. 7, Ju3q 1959 Uncl. SVRCULL, Milan Supply,.control, storagev and handling of raw materials and semifinislied.products. Poz stavby 11 no.5:238-240 263. 1. 4.homoravska Prefa Brno. AUTRORz Xuber Z. and 6vrdltk, 11. CZ/8/52(B2)/10-38/39 ' rine l t7 uo On of F TITLNi kll_qLwtz Apparatus for the Determinat ' istroj k by Means of Prrohydrolysia Mena$ pr t.Ov pyrobydrol7tick4mu a e fluoru) FKRIODICAL: Chamick4 Usty 1958, Vol 52(S2), Nr 10, pp 2018-2021 so vakia5 Cz,honlo ( 1K ABSTRACT: A aratus and Re was made from k. ~us a a ants The apparatus On g. On nternal diam-eter) 350 on) - _ . quar 3 u9 The tube was provided with ground glass type joiut.- at either end. The entrance is closed with a quar, 0topper. The second joint connects to a spiral roxidar.ZZr. The lenath nf tho condenser spiral is The steam required in brought from di ) a. . 200 mm (8 am a boiling flask which is provided with three necks, ~h..u rarva I= the addition Of water. steam outlet and for the immersion beater. The passagi of ate= is artz tube opening Into the reaction tube d b serve y a qu close to the quartz stopper. The connection in Provided by a rubber tuba. The reaction tube in heated by . electric furnace (125 min long). (A figure is given) . -Card 1/5 Pure preparations of TiOa, 302 and U 0. -.rre repeatedly - moistened end dried in tl,,e furnace at 1000uC end finely ground. A mixture was made of Sio, and TiO,(X:I). A similar mixture wan prepared from Sio and U 08. 2 3 General conditions of dog-rsdation. In furnaces of small dimen-sions'Na' at losses Coo ur -Dac. steam 1. passed through. 3 cl Sondennate per m.Ln. reduces the temperature 100 C,as a result the temperature and rate 0flow should be measured. Small furnaces wound with 0 certain metal RllOYH allow a Caximum heat of 1150 r. a% a steam vOlOcitY Of 3 =1 steam condensate if the life of the furnace is not to be shortened. The dependence of speed of degradation an temperature at constant steam l d t d ifferen steam vapour spee s at constant y an supp temperature and finally the iafluenca of different activators at cContact temperature a=d speed of steam, ware found. In the main the method used was its follows; The sample (100 mg) was always thoroughly mixed with 2 Card /5 so tivator In a quartz bout and then thoroughly decomposed . During decomposition the condensate was collected in 10 - 10 - 10 - 25 - 50 - 50 - 50 ml portions. Each portion was asparately t1trated and the degrve of decomposition calculated from the amount of titrLnt required. Plotting this value against volume of condensate and time respectively gave the decomposition curves The rclumda (and times) and tem e at . r ures for p optimum conditions caLM be derived from these curves. Decomposition of klunintum Pluorids. SiO 2 alone Can be used se an activator instuad of an SiO 2 and TiO 2 mixture. The finely ground saapla (about 0 100Dg) is weighed into a porcelain basin of about 6 c~ dia. and to this is added the same volume of finely ground quarts. After thorough mixing with a fused glasu rod and the mixture transferred quantitatively to a quartz boat , the dish ialwashad out- with a small quantity Of actiVator and the mixture in the boat a cove red over with a complat:tlayer of 310 The rate of passage of vapour . in as t ml condaN;te/min th hot f e r,.-q 11 urnace (at about , i CZ/8/52(82)/10-58/39 'All-Quartz Apparatus for the Determination of Fluorine by Means of PYrohYdrolysis l0OOoC) being moved to the condenser side and the boat with the sample being moved to such a position that. after the movement or the furnace, the centre of the boat*was about 3/4 in the furnace. The tube is closed with a quartz stopper, the furnace in moved to the mouth of the reactioix tube and the condensate (100-150 ml) caught in a prepared beaker. 'The condensate is titratad with O.IN-N*OH, using phenolphthaline as an indicator, firstly in the cold and then after heating the solution to boiling. DSZ:migi.tionroof rryolite The decomposition of c I . Und to nave a marked temper8ture depen- dence, but the maximum was attalned at 900 G. At higher temperatures the decomposition rate declines again. It In the obvious Eesult of the fact that at temperatures higher than 900 G the mixture fusee so that the hydrolytic reaction is retarded. The choice of the correct temperature ic obtained from the curve given. Card 4/5 For the determination of 7 in Is A17 the authors recommend the same method as for AIF3 except that the temperature of the furnace should be rOoC and the activator a mixture of SIC 2 aw U 308 SiO2 alone given a slower fluorine release). Decomposition of refuse concentrates The decomposition &F occ a of G !ErV~aWt~V ly under the conditions give. for AlF 3but the presence of B&SO4 in the concentrates (not CaSo ) can Interfere if present. As a result, the =eUDd can only be used for process control. The method used is the for AlF but the temperature at the furnace 411*15VC. There Ue 2 table, 4 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is Csech, I idetern ASSOCIATION: Spolak pro chemickou a hutd virobu n.p., 68ti n/L. (society for Chemical and Metallurgical Products, Yational Enterprise, dati and Labe,4 lor. m7c -, s 1 M-- t sol-ven s E-os:danova. 717 n. n a Itnilk 7o. !-nq,r--tc3 an! biti-r-fl-c-Ilis In ref~.L-cd 0113 (1172zeed, r - ttr - Gr- c3 to . ) for 7,1-1-11-lction, Of !na tf~ri~l` 2 3-ai t" 1 ;= for ROSSOLDIO., O.-L.; SVEOVECHKOVSKIX, Ye.'!A. Now data on the distribution of the red-backed bank Vole (Clethrionomys gLareolus Schreb.) in Siber'ia. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nqidd no.2:61-64 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Rekomenlovana Zoologicheskim muzeyem Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo, universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosava i Institutcm geografii AN SSSR. (SIBERIA...-._FU, LD MICE) CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemioal Taohnologyi Chemical Prod- H ucts atid Their A plication, Part 3. Industtial btgahU Synthesis. Abs Jour: Ref ZhUr-Khimiya, No 18, 1956, 61837. Author t A Klima, J. Jatejicek, V Svrsek J. Sedliak. Inst : Not given. Title : Newest Information Concerning Indirect Hydra- tion of Ethylene. Orig Pub: Chem. prumysl, 1957, 7, No 3, 119 - 122. Abstract: The results of laboratory and pilot-plant stud- ies of the indirect C2H4 hydration by H2SO& from the point of view of technology improvement (re- duction of raw material and energy consumption) are presented. It was found that the H2SO4 consumption dropped 7 to 17% and its losses Card 1/2 SVESEK, Ladio:'Av~ High-tempex'ature corrosion in petroleum refineries. Ropa a uhlie 5 no.6-175 -176 is 163. ~V ove yskumny u0s oar atis- _ppu,,a uh;koyodik plyny,, Br lava. CI lodo de-d-i-ativcs -Q, ~r~,Vj SUL. fit 2i. SVURKOV, V.V. (Shvyrkov, V-4*1 kandidatus Examination of the seasonality of foodstuffs in the Soviet Union. Stat szemle 40 no.6:620-629 Je 162. 1. Moszkvai Nepgazdasagi Intezet munkatarsa. 86. Production of Cadmium and Rare Metals in Kazakbatan Proposed "Unused Supplies ('Reserves') of the Nonferrous Metallurgy of Kazakhstan," by Yu. Svyadosh, secretary of the East Kazakhstan Oblast Committe6, C-ommunist Party of Kazakhstan, UBtIKamenogorsk, Promyshlenno-Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, No 54 (198), 5 May 57, p 2 "The importance of the complete utilization of raw material is being underestimated. The new zinc and lead plants at Ust'-Kamenogorsk are a typical example of this. The very nature of Altay ores imposed the re- quirement that in designing these enterprises provisions should have been made for the many-sided utilization of raw material. Then lead, zLuc, copper, cadmium, antimony, selenium, tellurium., sulfur, and rare metals coad have been extracted from the lead and zinc concentrates. Both prin- cipal types of production, that of lead and that of zinc, would then have beEin organically interconnected: after the Waelz-process the lead-iron wastes of the zinc production should be treated in the lead smelting stage, while the dust containing zinc, cadmium, and rare metals, which is obtained in -the lead production, should be returned to the processing stage in which zinc, cadmium, and rare metals are produced. If this procedure were adopted it would have been possible to extract more lead and zinc than at the old p1jints." (U) --- m 7 KALINIM, S.S.; 5VYAD03HGH,-A.H- Paychic disorders in neurinoma of the ocoustic nerve. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. Supplement:30-31 157. (mm 11:1) 1. Laningradskiy neyrokhirurgichaskiy institut imeni A.L.Polenova (dir. - prof. V-11.Shamov) (PSYCHOSES) (ACOUSTIC IWVB--TUMORS) MAR, G.I.; SVYADOSHCH,,,.A,,14--,..-.- Viruslike bodies in the cerebrospinal fluid in schizophrenia [with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. I pstkh. 57 no.9:1098-1100 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kefedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. A-M-Svyadoshch) I kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. - dotsent G-I.Mar) Iraragandiaskago meditsin- skogo instituts. (SCHIZOPHRENIA, cerebrospinal fluid In, virusoform bodies (Rua)) (VIRUSES, virusoform bodies in CSF in schizophrenia (Rua)) SIIAWSHCH, Abram Hoisayevich (Neurbses ana their treatment] Revrozy i ikh lechonle, Nookva, Medgiz, 1, '1959. 366 p. OWU 13:7) (NNUROSRS) SVYADOSIICH A.M. Perception and nemorization of speech during natural sleep. Vop. psikhol. 8 no.1:65-80 Ja-r, 162. (MIll-A 15:4) 1. Kafedra paikhiatrii meditsinskogo instituta, Karaganda. (SLEEP) . (PERCEPTION) SVYADO;' 3HC A.M. (Karaganda) 'H, Concerning history of hypnop dia. Vop. psikhol. 11 no.3:147-149 J. -e - tV-Je 165. -(KRA 18:7) L 00843-67 SOURCE-rOIY83-UR1027v6.,?-/OW/OIT/0074/0074 AUTHORa SvYadoWtcho M. H. TITLEt The effect of the configuration of the -measuring,chximber on the sensitivity of the microphonVin an optico-ac' oustic gas- Lalyz SOURCE: Ref. xh.' 'Metrologiya,i.izmoritolinaya,tekhnika -Abs. 1.1-32*625 REF SOURCEs Sb. tv. Naragandinakai- no-iop proyektao-konstrukto i-eksperim", 2. Giprouglelprmash no. 2, 1965), 261-266 TOPIC TAG.S.- test chamberp gfis anal or, frequency characteriaticp acoustic analyalA YZ ABSTRAGT: The effoct of the configuration of a measuring chamber with the capacitor microphone of the gms analyzer developed at the State Union Design Office:: or instrutients for Gas Analrais (Gosudarstvannoye soyuznoye konst-ruktorskoys byuro -priborov gazovogo iiTa~Uza -on--the sensitivity of the microphone is analyzed. It is shown that the frequency characteristics of the acoustic units of gas analyzers can be vaxied by various configurations of the.measuring chamber in conjunction with the parameters of the WLcrophone, This makes possible a wider selection of the working Ximquencies of gas iuialyzers in detensining the optimal total affectj ensuring the required value of the voltage developed by the microphonee 5 illustra- tions. M,, Makler IT-ranslation of abstraeg SUB CODES PJ~99 13v 14 Card ill UDC: 309:543.271. SVYII)OSuq~,-k.l,o~,; T6CFMNKO. I.A. X-ray therapy of traumatic cysts of the iris and anterior chamber and postoperative epithelial cysts as a result of epithelial pro- liferation [with 'summary in English]. Vest-oft. 72 n0.2-.25-32 Mr-Ap '59- (MMA 12:4) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolezney TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. M.L. Kraonov) i glaznaya klinika Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issle- dovatel'skogo klinicheskogo institute im. M.F. Vladimirsk-ogo (zav. prof. D.I. Berezinskaya). (IRIS, cysts traum., x-ray ther. (Rus)) (M. cysts epithelial, die to spithelial proliferation & anterior chamber cysts, x-ray ther. (Rua)) (RADIOTHHRAPY, in various dis. traum. cysts of iris, epithelial cysts due to epithelial proliforation & anterior chamber cysts (Rus)) KW.NOVI M.L.,- SVWO IC~ B A Prbgressive malignant exophthalmos. Vest. oft. 73 no. 4:3-11 JI-Ag 166. (MERE 14:1) (F.XOFHTHALMOS) "YADOSM,F4, B.I.. Treatment of cancer of the skin of the eyelid. Vestooft* nos3: 3-7 '61. (MIn 14:9) 1. Moskovskaya, glaznaya klinichoskaya bollnitea (nauchnyy ruk-o- voditelt - zaaluzhemyy dayatell nauki, prof. M.L. Krasnav). (EYELIDS-.-CPNCER) (X RAYS-TIMWEUTIC USE) SVYADOSHCH, M.M., inzh. Noise conditions in coal mines, 1zv*vys*ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 7 no.12tlO9-113 164. (MIRA 18.12) 1. Karagandinskiy pol:itekhnicheskiy in5titut. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomatizatsii proizvodstvennykh protsessov. Theoretical analysis of the characteristics of sound propagation in mine workings. Izv. vys. ucheb; zav.; gor. zhur. 7 no.11:1"- 152 164. (14IRA 18:3) 1. Yaragandinsk-iy politekhnicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana sektsiyey avtomatizpt,sii proizvodstvennyk-h protsessov, obshchey i gornoy elektro- telchnik' i gornoy mekhaniki IX nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii 0 prepodavaLeley Karagandinskogo politekhnicheskogo instituia. SVYADOSHCH, S.A. Role of nurses in treating children suffering from intes- tinal toxicoses. Sov. zdrav. Kir. no.3: 52-56.lDfy~063- MRA 16:9) (LUESTUIES-DISEASES) (ITURSES AIM NOS11-F.) (GHILDPX&-DISEASES) GURVICH, D.B.; SVYADOSHCH, Ye.A., student An elongated spheroid in hydrodynamic fields of elementary sources. Trudy LKI no.28:187-197 '59. MRA 15:5) 1. Kafedra fiziki Leningradskogo korablestroitellnogo instituta (for Gurvich). 2. Konstruktorskiy fakulltet Leningradskogo korablestroitellnogo instituta (for Svyadoshch). (Hydrodynamics) GURVIGH, D.B.; SVYADOSHCH,_Ie.A., student Diffraction of spherical sound waves on an ellipsoid of rotation. Trudy 1XI no-34:199-207 161. OURA 15:8) 1. Kafedra fiziki Leningradakogo korablestroitellnogo instituta (for Gurvich). 2. Konstruktorskiy fakulltet Leningradskogo korablestroitellnogo institute (for Svyadoshch). (Soundiwaves) (Surfaces) GURVICH, DO.,, SVYADCSE:CH, Ye.A., diplomant Streamlined prc,jection an an Infinite plabs. Trudy LKI no.38: 237-244 162, (MMA 16:7) 1. Kafedra fiziki Loningradskogo korab:Lestroitellnogo instituta (for Gurvich). 2. Konstruktorskiy fsAul.ftet Leningradsko korable- stroitelinogo instituta (for Svpdoshch)o lied. (Mechanicap A p GURVICH, Dmitriy Porisovich, kand.fizikp-matemat. nauk,dotsent; Yevgopiy Aleksandrovich, Inzh. Degen~ratiprljn.spheroid coordinates of the magnetic field of a given c.urrent di.stribution. Izv.vys.ucbeb.zav.; elektromekh. 7 no.ltl3-17 164- (WRA 17:9) 10977-56 F,,, P_ /Earl ill') A CC NR; AP6002438 SOURCE COM UR/0057/65/035/012/2160/2166 AU771OR:Gurvich, D,B.; Svyadosh4,h Ye A ORG: Leni d Institute of Aviation Instrniments (Leningrndskiy Institut avintsionbgo priborestroyeniya) TITLE: CnIculation of I-ow frequency electromagnetic fields-in coordinates in whic Lavlace's ecluatioll separates _FSO&U-na., Zhurnal teldinicheskoy fizilti, v. 35, no. 12, 1965, 2160-2166 TOPIC TAGS: m*thoma4l-e~-~d, boundary value problem, electrodynamics, a"*bftt-kc Laplace equation, v-ax1-fAYl-c-sep%rraA;Jj=, t." -7 4 6) ABSTRACT: The authors present a technique for solving certain boundary value problems! involving two vectors F and which satisfy the diffcrential equations curl F Q and div F = curl Q = div Q 0. Such problems arise in the qunsistationary approxi- mation to electrodynamics. The vector Q Is expressed as the gradient of a scalar V which satisfies Laplncel 9 equation. LapInce's equation is solved by separation of variables and V is expressed as an integral (or a aum) over the separation parameters of the product of an arbitrary function of the separation parameters by the corre- sponding solution of Laplace's equation. -An expression is given for the correspondingf. value of F as a similar integreil (or sum) Juvolving the some arbitrnry Nuction of the separation parameters, derivatives of the corresponding solutions of Laplace 13 C.rd 112 ACC t~R.----AP--6--0'02438 1equation, and certain functions of the coordinates which depend on the coordinate system employed to separate the variables in Laplace's equation. These functions are listed for 11 different cc-ordinate systems in which Laplace's -j-,quation separates, The relat'ion between the boundary conditions on F, Q, and V is discussed. Not all possibl I lboundary conditions can be treated by the present technique; only solutions In which F lis everywhere perpendicular to Q can be obtained. This technique has been previously I !employed by the authors (ZhTF, 33, No. 5,636,1963) to calculate magnetic fields of distributed currents. The authors thank G.A.Grinberg, corresponding membtr of the AN SSSH, for discussing the work. OrIg. ar'Z-U~S~6'4'7~~ulas. SUB CODE: 20, /J- SUBM DATE: 150ct63 ORIG. REF; 003 OTH REF, 001 Card 2/2 IEWP(b) JD L 20354-65 FAT W P (t /r ACCES91OR NR: AP4049077 S/0136/64/000/011/0007/0008 AUTHOR.-Svvadoshch, Yu_. -N. TITLE - Technical progress in thei production of cadmium SOURCE: Tsvetny*ye metally*, no. It, 19G4, 7-8 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium productiaa, metal diffusion resistance, centrifugal reactor separator, zinc potential, cadmitan potential ABSTRACT: Under certain condMons, a process based on a decrease In diffusion resis- tance, particularly on the diifferen~~e beetween the normal potentials of zinc and cadmium, can result in a 100 times more rapid reaction for the isD"ation of metallic cadmium from a solution of zinc and cadmium sulfates, compared to the usual manufacturling process. T he new process was developed fo~- the direct production of metallic cadmium from the sulfate soluff on in centrifu-al reactor-separators with continuous separation and discharge of the reaction products; this pem-Ats reactions with stoichiomet.~-ic ratios of the starting materials. The rapidiLy of the process and low reaction volume made possible the crea- tion of compact automatic equipment controlled by the p:rocess of cadmium cementation; ~Cdrd RUSAKOV, G.X., Imnd.sel'skokhoz.nauk-. SUBIBOTIN. Y,,P., kand.ekon.nauk; LIPATOTA, V.A., kand.okon.nauk; ARINA, Aje., kand.seltakokhoz. nauk; KOREYMIN, G.T., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; PAHKOTA, K,I., aspirantka; KLADCHIKOT, S.K.,; KOLTQW, L.I., red.; STYADOSTS, Tu.I., red. [Accounting on collective farms when business accounting in in use] Bukhgalterskii-achet v kolkhozakh pri vnedrenii khozrasche- ta. Moskva, 1960. 246 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Moscow. Tsesoyuzn7y nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva. 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom ekonomiki i orga- nizateii proizvodstva kolkhozov Tsesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledavatellsko- go instituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyayistva (for Rusakov). 3. Otdol ekonomiki i organizatnii proizvodstva kolkhozov Tsesoyuznogo nauchno- is~iedovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki sollskogo khovaystva (for Subbotin, Lipatova, Arina). 4. Kashirskiy opornyy punkt Ysesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatelli3kogo institute ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Korenyugin). 5. Tsesoyuznyy nauchno.-isaledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Paracova). (Collective farms-Accounting) PEMUK, M.V., kand. sellkhoz. naukj UDOVENKO, Ye*Yaop otv, red.; 'KUYAZEVI N.I., red.; TASHCHEV, Ye.N., red.; SVY~P~ "yUlief red.; SMIRNOV, N.A., red. (Problems in increasing the number of sheep and the production of nutton]Voprosy uvelicheniia pogolov*lia ovets i proizvodstva baraniry. Moskva., Wes. nauchno-isal. in-t ekonomiki sell. khoz., 1962. 93 p. (sheep) I (MM 15:11) SV!CAGIN, B. K. "Structural Drawing" (Stroitel'nQve ChercheaLyme). Mashgiz. Moscow, 1955. _~'.ur~~ Cont, sturc. mpa,7ur- n-, i,! [RA 17: 10) nnyy tovc.:, vr, pol-)GITTC11 S-ov. med. 0,~jcoses Of ITIfItl-C Use of I'sinLon~yc;71" roung children. 17 LL~t of Russ' -i AccessionS Tbi,a-- of Congress, June 1953. Uncl. Jul L 27522:&6- ACC MRs A%oiew &MRCE. CODEt /OIOIOMIIO"/IOW AUTHM Hakorov, Pe Oe; S"atayst Lo Pe ORGt Soil BioloF F,2=_ k6 Maw (Biologid-, rtVA S14t ILMoitg As A W AL060 untre tat pochvenM fakal TITIEt Adequacy measurement of the human olfactory analysor SOURCEs Blofisike, vo 10, no 6, 19659 log-1.1098 TOPIC TAGS s olfaction, man, electrophysiolog1r, vision, gustation The response of the olfactory afi-4-0br t6 idequite stimulation ABSMCT: jan odoriferous gas) follows the same pattern as that observed with the ,other andlysors. - The relationship m1t u f(t) is a "force-duration't curvv 'characteristic of the olfactory analysor. There are-stimuli with ths.'parameters Q to 40 4 60 a0/secs :0 JO-407 45 0-590-10-6,g/=3 for 4171 alcohol and Q = 30 -~, 60 cm3/seco 1C 0.09 zo- 0.14)-10r-9 g/63'for the fumes of isoa=Vl alcohol to, which the I I I:.'. ..' J- receptor responds maximaUye, This confirms the theory of adequacy measurer Ment developed by Halcarov that the excitability of any pliysiologirua- system 1s a c0 ex funation of the parameters *of the relevant atJimilus. The pro- mpi ~aence of adequate stimuli for the various humma analysors - visual., acoustics ;tactile, gustatory - vas.demonstrated by 14akar)v on the basis of many eleZo_ W. ipbysiological and neurodynamic_investigationa-:~ The presence of adeq lbas now been demonstrated for the olfactory ania ist L Ori art* 9 4 figures mA 2 tables Sam 5Dsc64:-1; bRIG PzP: oo5 OM 001 FaBdCMf' T_'/ q " I -W .-d SVYATCRENKO,,-A~I. commini t labor is winalng.- Mashinostroitell ;io.9:8-10 S 161. 1. Sekretarg partiynogo byaro Kheisonsliogo zavoda kardannykh valov. (Kherson-Machinery- industry) WOVOZ, B., arkhitektor-, SVTATGfMP,-Te,, arkbitektor Kharkov. Zhil. stroi. no-11:22-23 N 160. I( M rkov--Apartment houses) (KIRA 1313.1) SVYATENIKIYt N.N.; KAZIMAN, O.M. Comminication workers of the Far Eastern r-ailroad. Artom., telem. i sviaz' 5 no.6129-31 Je 1616 (MMA 14:9) 1. Nachallnik sluzhby signalizataii i sv-.razi Dallnevostochnoy dorogi (for Svyatenikiy). 2. Glavnyy inzh. sluzhby signali- zatsii i svyazi Dallnevostochnoy dorogi (47or Kazhdan). (Soviet Far East-Railroads--,~mployees) ;w SVYATENKOP L., vrach Take care of your heart. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.11:38.-39 N ,62. (WRA .16: 1) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSM~-DISEASBS) t M tA 1. SVYATENKO, N,-~. 2. USSR (600) 4. Beets and Beet Sugar Problems of comnercial beet sowing in areas around the great construction projects of communism. Sakh. prom. 26 no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congresi;, -1953. Unclassified. 1. IA. M. SWAM40 2. ussit (600) 4. Beets and Beet Sugar 7. Increasing sugar beet yield and widening the beet growing zone in the fifth five-year plan, Skh. prom. 27 no. 1. 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. YAPASKURT, V.V.; YEPISHIN, A.S.; SH AKI N, A.N.; SILIN, P.M.; ZHIDKOV, A.A.; KHELEMSKIY, M.Z.; SHRMYAKIN, P.N.; NOVIKOV, V.A.; POPOV, V.D.; BENIN, G.S.; NAYDENOV, A.K.; KURBATOVA, V.S.; KARTASHDV, A.K.; TARMOLINSKIT, A.K.; ZIBOROV, D.K.; VAYSMAN, M.L.; ZAM13ROVS:KIT, V.A.; SVrAT11M, M.M. IUlii Markovich Zhvirblianskii; obituary. Salch.prom.29 no.6:48 155. (Zhvirblianskii, lUlU Markovich, 1894-1955) (MIRA 9:1) SVTATENKO. M.M.; VAYNSHTZYN, L.B. -0 , -4~ Potentialities for increased sugar production. Sakh.prom. 30 no.5; 34-35 W477 '56. (KERA 9:9) l.TSentraliny7 nauchno-insledevatellakly institut makba noy pro- mrshlenosti (for Svyatenke). 2.UNIIPP (for Varnahtsyn). (Corn sugar) SVYATMO M. ZIBOROV D.K. Increase the raw meterial resources of Sw region sugar plants. Sakh. P;'Om,..31-,no,4:40- . -- ..43.4~157p (MIRL 10:6) i._'T_'S_~ntral'ny.y nauchno-isal-edovat-el-I.skiy.inatitut..sakha=oy promyshlen- nosti. (Sumy Province--Sugar industry) Il.l.; S:LATElrXC._EX,.- PULGAYM, S.I. _111k Construction of sugar factories in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Sakh.prom. 31 no.8:31-35 IT, '57. (~JT,RA 10!8) i.TSentrallny.v nauchno-looledovatellskir institat sakbskrnoy pro.myshlennosti. (Uloaine--Sugar industry-) SVIATMKO H.M.- LITVINOKO, A.I. Imrove the planning and cAlculating of Inbor productivity. Sakh.Drom.31 no-9:37-39 S 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. TSentrallnyy naucbno-isoledovatellskiy institut eakharnoy promyehlennosti. (Sugar industry) (Labor proiuctivity) tl -1 TI: v - /~. SVYAIiNL. i.H'.- nnYAN. Me. Prospects for increasing the production of trugar in the U.S.S.R. Sakh. prom,', 32 no.1:11-13 Ja 158. (MIR& 11:2) 1. TSentralln" nauchno-issledovatellskiy irtatitut sakharnoy proWsh- lennosti (for 37yatenko). 2. Goiplan RUSR (for Fridman) (Stigar industry) SVYATEIIKO, 14. M. Distribution of the sugar industry in the U.S.S.R. Sakh.prom. 34 no-1:52-54 Ja 160. NUUL 13:5) (Sugar inclustr7) -- -SVYATENKO, Yes Se - - ---- -- --- -- --- --- -- -- --- - - --- -- - --- ---- - -- ---- Dissertation: "Innervation of the Gall Bladderell Cand Med Sci,, Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, 6 SeP 54- (Vechernvaya Moskva., Moscow.. 19 Aug 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Feb 1955 SPEFLAIT KIY, A.P.; SVYATENKO, Ye.S. Mechanism of the analgesic effect of ultrasonics. Mcsper khir. i anest. no.6:3-6 161. MRA 15:5) 1. Kafedra fizicheskny meditsiny fzav. - prof. V.A. Militsyn) TSentrallnogo instituta usoversheiastvovaniya vrachey. (ULTRASONIC WAVES-THERAPEUTIC USE) (ANALMIA) SIVYATMKO, Ye.S. 1% Effect of ultrasound on reparative p.10aes3es in the ner-m7us sy~Lztlem im traiwm of a periphartil nervia. Tiudy TSIU 72!35-L,, t 61'. (MTRA 18-11) 1. Kafedra F'.-I.z-l.s'neskoy templi (ww. dot.~ent A.F. 3peranskiy) W-antrallno-~-(j institufa usovershemstpiolraniva vra~ney. SVYATETS, 19 Ye., gornyy inzhener Ways of increasing the productivity of scraper conveyerse Vop. rud. transp, no.3:45-46 1959. (KM 14:4) 1. Trest Aleksandriyaugoll. (Conveying macXinery) Ey"~;RRTA i%--_.DICA Sec. 17 Vol- -3/9 Public Health 3u;-- - -57 2636. SVYATIKIIIN V.i%l., Moscow. " D u t i e s o f ni e d i c a I s c i e n c e i n t h e b t h f i v c --y--c-a _r_-pT -an (R u s s i a ii t e x t) SOVETSK. ZDRAVOOKIL 1956, 3 (3-7) Soviet hy lenists have concentrated on working out the following problems: (a) The h'. S new growing towns and inhabited places, particularly the newly estab- !Aied agricultural areas, the East and the North. (b) rhe hygiene of the work and prevention of occupational diseases in connection with wide application of electric power in agriculture and industry, and complex mechanization and automatization of industrial processes, as well as the use of atomic energy. In this connection it is extremely important to study: (1) genernl rules governing the physiologic state of exhaustion and other changes in the organism developing undertheinfluence of various kinds of work; (2) physiologic basis for training and retraining of workers in various occupations; (3) limiting concentrations of harmful substances occurring in industrial chemical processes; (4) effective anti-dust measures for underground workers in mining industry. Particular attention should be paid to workers and employees dealing with radioactive substances, as well a-,i to the decontamination of wastes containing radioactive substances.The next hygienic problem of the plan is related to the study of the physiologic basis of the rational nutrition of the healthy and the sick man. Here physiologic standard of nutrition should be worked out for: (a) the inhabitants of various geographic and climatic regions of USSR; (b) the in- dustrial workers occupied in establishme'rits of atomic energy; (c) the pupils and other age groups of the population. A large place in the plan is occupied by the problem regarding treatment and prevention of more widely spread diseases. Vavilin - Moscow MYMUMbNA" d OUR 1"= b(OSMAMOMIC PUMSOM". Y- Y 1952. 14L 86).-Wben working with high-purity Mamcuitm the greca syM returned to second th%dof 85.-N%. To r4duci thki. the gnen syrup in admen to * a 42--0% crop of crysmo and to bring to After Centrifuging. this syrup was rrt=-t.P= P. S. Anur. SVYATISHENKO, A.S. In French sugaz! factories. Aakh. -prcm, 35 zwAb66-618 Ag 161. - . - (MIRA 14:8) (Fiance-Sugar industry*,vEquipment and supplies) LEBEDEV, V..A., inzho, (Sverdlovsk); ZYKIN,.,B.D., inzh, (,Sverdlovsk); KODYAVTSEV 'A.Te. inzh. (SverdJovok);'SVYATETS A inzh. sk5; ' , .9 25j, VI ova (Sverdlov SrROMYATKIKOV VIII., inzir.-T91* P - Conversion of the uoutrol ffyotem of the AN-25 turbine to hydraulic operation, Energetik 13 no.10:11--14 0 165. (MIRA :L8:10) BUNCHUK, Vitnliy Aleksandrovich; SVYATITSKAYA -1,,L , ved. red.; TROFIMOV, A.V., takhn. r-e-d-. (Atlas of working drawings of vertical and horizontal steel cylindrical tanks for petroleum and petroleum products] Atlas rabochikh chartezhei v-ertikallnykh i gorizontallnykh 3tallnykh tsilindricheakikh rezervuarov dlia nefti I nertio- produktov. Moskva, dostopteikhizdat, 1960. 277 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Tanks) KONSTANTIPOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; YC,LYUFOV, G.A., red. LMATITSKAYA_K,.P., ved.rod.; FOLOSINA, A.S., tekhri. red. (Controlling evaporation losseis of petroleum and petroleum products] Bor'ba a ooteriami ot laparoniJ.a nofti i nefteproduktov. Ffoskva., Gos.naucIuio-tekhn.izd-vo neft.!. gorno--toplivnoi lIt-ry, 1961. 259 P. (MIRA U+: 12) (Petroleum) KOZLOVSKAYA, Asys. Aronovma; NIKOLISKII!, K.K., red.; SVYATITSKAYA, K.P., ved. red.; POIPPINA, A.S., 1-.ekhn. red. [Insulating'materials for protecting pipelines from corrosi6n) Izoliatsionnye materialy d1la zashchity magistraltnykh trubo- provodov ot korrozii. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 150 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Pipelines-Corrosion) KRYIDV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; RABINOVICH, Ye.Z., red.; 'jVYArT", KAYA, K.P. ved. red.; VORONOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. I (Single-screw pumps]Odnovijitovye nasosy. Moakva,-Gostop- tekhizdat, 1962. 153 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Rotary pumps) SOLDATOV, Konstantin Rikitich; SVYATITSKAYA, K P ved., red.; - _ YAKOVLEVA, M., tekbn. red. (Pumps for pipelines for petroleum products; design2 instal- lation, and exploitationINasosy magistrallnykh nefteprodukto- provodov; konstruktsiia, montazh, ekspluatatsiia. Moskba., Gostoptekbizdat) 1962. 155 P. (KRA 15:12) (Petroleum-Pipelinos) (Pumping machinery) SOROKIN, Aleksey lvanovich; GROWN, Nikolay VaBillyevich; STEPANOV, Alekeandr Makarovich; SUROSTIN, Yevgeniy Illich; CHERNYAK, Lev Mikhaylovich;__g~lKAYA,,K,P,, vedushchiy red.; BOKSERMAN, Yu.I., red.; T&KOVLEVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. [Liquefied gases In England; their transpor-ta4on, storage, uses) Szhizhennye gazy v Anglil; transport, khranenip,, ispolizovanie. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 140 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Great Britain--Liquefied petroleum gas) ANUCHKIN, Mikhail Pav~ovich-, SVYI,TITSYATA, K.P., val. red.; VORONOVA, V.V.,, tekhZ.--3%T.-' ~ -.7-- [Stab--'Llity of gistrallnykh 195 P. (Gas, Hatural-Pipelines) (Corrosion and q;~Aicorrosives) welded pipelines] Prochnost' svarnykh ma- traboprovodov. Moskvaq Gostoptekhizdat,, 1963. (MIRA 16gil) STRIZHEVSKIY, losif Veniaminovich; TTTSKAYA. K.P., ved. red.; VORONDVA, V.V., tekhn, [Theory and design of drainage--andcatiaodic protection of main pipelines agairst stray current corrosion) Teoriia i raschet drenazhnoi J. katodnol zashchity magiatiallnykh tru- boprovodov ot korro:jii bluzhdaiushchimi tokami. Moskva Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 236 p. (MIRA 16:9~ (Pipeline:s-Corrosion) GINZBURG, D.B., doktor tekhn. nank, red.; SVYATITSKAY .A:):,. K.P., ved. red.; YAKOVLEVA) Z.1., tekhn~ red.: - ~ (Use of natural and liquefied gases] Ispollzovanie p--i- rodnogo i szhizhennogo gazov. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 241 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Gas burners) MOLOKANOV, Yuriy Konstantinovich; KHARAS, Zakhariy Borisovich; ZILIBERBERG, D.L., inzh., retsenzent; SVYATITSKAYA, ved. red.; POLOS121A, A.S.., tekhn. ~ [Assembly of aFparatus and equipivint of petroleum and gas refineries and petrochemical plants] Montazh apparatov i oborudovaniia neftegazopererabatyiraiushchilch i neftekhimi- cheskikh zavodov. Moskva, Gostop-'Uekhizdat, 1963. 342 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1 STOTSKIY, Lev Rudollfcvich SffATITS AA'_ red.; _,k _ - FOLOSINA, A,S., tekhnred. [Stoker of boilers operating on liqaid and gas fuel] Kochegar ko-Dellrqkh na zhidkonk i gazoobraznom toplive. Izd.2., ispr. i dap. Moskva, Izd-vo "Redra," 1964. 3/+2 p. (MIRA 17:2) MIROLYUBOVA, Ye.L; SVYATITSKAYA, V.V. Fermi's vaceine against rabies wLth a lowered amount of phenol. Zhur.mikrobiol. spid. i immun. no.11:46-48 N 154. (KLRA 8:1) 1. Iz Gorgkoyeiogo instituta, vaktain i syvorotok (dir. A.A.Golubev) (RABIR'.';,*prevention and control, vace., Fermigs vaccine with decreased amount of phenol) (VACGINES AND VAGGINATIOR, rables vace.. Fermi's vaccine with decreased amount fo phenol) SVYATITSKIY. S.I. "r-~ 'Geological excursion in Gorik-Ity Province.0 N.K*Shomrsoy.. Revieved by- S.I.Sviat-itakii. Geog. v shkole 18 no.l.*74 A-F 155. (Gor-Okir Province--Geology)(Shomysov,N.K.) (MLE& 8:3) STATKIN, B.K.,, hand. tekhn. muk Efficiency of the use of-precisicj!: Mashinostroitell no.."10; 40-41 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) MITKIN B K - SVYATKINA. U.P. J, ,~~ of molds uAder high specific pressures. Vibratioa squeal Lit. proizv. n0',-12:17-,20 D 61. (MIRA 14:12) (Machine molding (Founding)) SVYATKIN, B..K.; SVYATKI*, M.P. Improved drives on molding machine, with high specific #queeze preosure. Lit.proizv. no.7sl7-18 J1 162. (MMA-16:2) (Foundries-Equipment and supplies) SVYATKD, B.K. Planning the produotion of castingve Idtoprolzr, noontn-i2 N 162, (KM 15d2) (Youndries-Management) - SIIYATKIN, Boris Konstantinovich; 1-UTENS, S. L. 3, inzh. 9 red. j- ------ . .- - . -. .. :--6 ELIKIND, VbD., tekhn. red. - - ; -Z. 4 [Making foundry molds under high pressure] Pressovanie liteirqkh form pod vysokim davleniem. Moskva~ Mashgiz,, 1962. 166 p. (KERA 15M (Foundries-Equipment and supplies) K"- ll~ 11 , , . , I , , f , , ; , , . - , , 1 7 . I.- - . ". ; ;'~ S.~:. I I . - libr,~'i~-,n pickirig r-,f foundry nnolds undex hip'li pressu-,-.~. Lit. Prolzi.r. no-3:31-34 R, 164. (mlPA 18:n) SVYATKIN, B.K., kand.tekhn.nauk Car.ryinp. out complex work for promoting the standardization in 47 Moscow enterprises. Standartizatslia 29 no.10-63-64 0 165. (W FU 18: 12 ) 1. Glavnyy inzh. proyekta Proyek"-4o-konstruktorskogo i takhnolo- 0 gicheskogo instituta mashinostroy--niya Soveta narcdnogo khozyaystva Moskovskogo gorodsko.go ekonomicheakogo rayona. SIVOKONIP V.P.; SWATKIN. I(IS. Use of waste heat instead of steam. Prom.energ, 18 noo2ta-9 F 163. (KMA 164) (Boilers) Mid~OV, it.F.; OBOROTOV, I.Ye.; KkLYADIN, I.I.; FELMO, L.I.; FJUWBLITSA) V.R.; HECHi%-YLrV, B.H.; DitVYDOV, A.M.; IWNOV, N.G.; CRUTAKOV, F.F.; FILIKOV, P.V.; LARIKIN, G.D.; SVI&W LJN~_ T.Y.; SEhRIFULLIN, M. Railroad workers address metallurgists. Put' i put.khoz. 4 no.8:14 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kovylkinskaya distantaiya 'puti i putevays, mashinnava stantsiva No.66, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi. 2. Hachaltnik Kovylkinskoy distantsil puti kfor Makarov). 3. Sekretari partbyuro, stantsiya Kovylkino, KVbvahevskoy dorogi (for Oborotov, Necbaiyev). 4. Predsodatell mestkoma, stantaiya Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Kalyadin). 5. Sekretari Vsesoyuznogo Leninskogo kommunisticheakogo Boyuza moloclezhi, atanteiya Kovylkino. Kuvbyshevskoy dorogi (for Felanko, Ivanov). 6. Nachall- nik putevov mashinnoy stantsii No.66, stantsiva Kovylkino, kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Perepelitsa)- 7. Chlen meatkoma, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kx7byshevskoy dorogy (for Davydov). 8. Rukovoditeli brigad i udarniki kommmistichoskogo truda distaixtsii t putevoy mashinnoy stantsii No.66, stantsiy Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Chuvakov, FilIkov, LarIkin, Svyatkin, Sharifullin). (Railroads--Rails) 4 R T' 1) 5 V f Tj i- 511-6ki!,idiiA, K.Lavdiya Andr!2yevna SWAT'UNA, navidiya Andreyevna (Kazan' State Medical U), Academic Degree of Doctor '-~:--Tlledical ~Scie~ces, based on her defense, 10 May 1955, in the Council of the Centrai inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians, of her dissertation entitled: "On the Pathogenesis of Rickets" (a clinical and experimental research). For th,~a Academic Title of Doctor of Sciences. SO: 5yulleten' Ministerstva, Vysshego Obrazovaniya SS5R, List No 19, 24 Sept. 1955, Decision of Higher Certification Commission Concerning Academic Degrees and Titles. SVYATKIN ar,,ged.nauk Pathogenesis of rickets [with surmary in Inglishj'e Pediatriia 36 no.10:9-14 0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. 1z Irafedry fakul'tetskoy pedistrii (zav. - doktor maditainakikh nauk K.A. Svyatkina) lazonakogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent R.A. Veselev), (RICKETS, etiol. & pathogen. parathyraid gland disord. (Rue)) (J'ARATHYROID GLAIMS, dis. relation to pathogen. of rickets (Rus)) WTATKINA, K.A.: GUSAROVA, V.F. Severe intoxication connected with ascarias is in a'bnep-year- old baby. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 4 no,2:76-77 Kr-Ap '59. (MIU 12:5) 1, Iz kafedry fak-i4'tetskoy padiatrii Kazanskogo meditainakogo instituta. (ASCARIDS AND ASCILRIASIS) SUATKIM, K.A. , prof. Main steps in the study of rickets in Kazan. Kaz. med. zhur. no-4: 103-106 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra, fakulltetskoy pediatrii (zav. - prof. K.A.Svyatkina) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ~KAZAN-RICKETS) SVYATKINA K.A. - ------ ---- ~ it Some data on pathogenetic therapy of rickets. Mutriia 42 no.9: I 48--51 S'63. , (HIRA 17-5) 1. Iz, "Icafedry 'Lakul'tetskoy pediatrii (zaveduyushch-iy - prof. K.A. 3vatkina) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta.