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The-effect of workhardenin- on the .... A161/AO30
The structure seen under the electronic microscope was heterogeneous
(Fieure 6) even without heat application.after coldworking. The yariations
of electric reoistance indicated very Intensive further aging, though the
dinens ons of -the second phase remained very disperse and u ih smaller
(-300 ~) than in specimens -left without workhardenine (-70r0a ~). This phe-
nomenon is apparently connected with the refining of the blocks and more
uniform distribution of the second phase particles that are located not on
the grain boundaries only but also on the lines of shearing and twinning.
The increasing number of which a phase separation is possible
results in refininE, of the grain. Th& conclusion was made that drawing
raised hardness more than rolling with the same reduction. This seems to
be due to the specific effect of different texture types and a more com-
plex stress pattern in drawing. The higher 2nd-order distortions value
after drawing confirms this assumption. It seems that the main factors
determining the high strength of coldworked and aged specimens are: de-
composition of the supersaturated solid solution with the formation of
very disperse phase particles; refining of the mosaic blocks; the usual
.-rovith of the blocks in aging at 7000 arid decrease of the 2nd order distor-
tions. 'But the intensity of th,3se processes is low, which might be con-
Card 3/6
The effect of workhardening on the A1061/AO30
neoted with a simultaneous deoomposition prooess and formatloh of phases
tht ate dplit-hing bh~ b166k� nd raining the 2nd order diotortional iadi6
with inverse proceS13es. Coagulation of phases in workhardened specimens
obviously goes on within single blocks (that stay refined for long time),
mainly on account of,additive separations from a solid solution. There are
7 figures.
ASSOCIATION; Moskovi3kiy,.institut $tali (Moscow Steel Inatitute)
SUBMITTED: Febr. 25, 1960
rigure 1: Struc 4. ure after 'qirenching from .10800C, 8 hours
holding and air cooling. X 25,000.
Card jt/6
la;RKIN, Roalld Mikhaylovich; SIVISTMIMA- GalinaLIKAlikpliLa ~1"~
PROMANSOV, D.P.., nauermu- red.; BOGINA, S.L.) red.
izd-va; IRODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red.
(Estimated cost of construction] Smetnaia stoimost' stroitell-
stvan. Moskva, Gosstiviizdat) 1962. 41 p. (1,11RA 15:7)
(Construction industry-Costs)
- EEgYL-G-N-4
Simultanewis determination of sulfuric acid and phenolsulfonic
acid in mixtures. Zav.lab. 28 no.5:548 162. (~ffRA 15:6)
1. Vladimirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh
(Sulfuric acid) (Phenolsulfonic acid)
Separate determination ... B101/B203
the normality of HC10V 119.16 is the equivalent of MVP, E is the weighed
portion. Control tests showed that the presence of the n1trile group did
not interfere. If MVP is contained in the copolymer in the form of salt,
200-400 mr~ of the copolymer are dissolved in diinethyl formamide, and
potentiometrically titrated with 0.1 N piperidine dissolved in isopropanol.
To determine the nitrile nitrogen, 200 mg of the copolymer are mixed with
100 ml of 4q'o' KOH, and the ammonia released in heating is collected in
40 ml of 0.1 N HC1. After 4-5 hr, water vapor is blown through the ap-
paratus, and the free HC1 is back-titrated with 0.1 N NaOH. Table 2 shows
tes" results in good agreement with the total nitrogen content determined
according to Dumas. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references:
6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Vladimirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintetichesl&h
smol (Vladimir Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic
Card 2/3
Determination of acetic anhydride in acetylating mixtures.
Zav.lab. 27 no.8:971-972 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Vladimirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh
(Acetic anhydride)
Potentiometric determiDation of acids in mixtures of cellulose
acetate pro6ction. Zav. lab. 27 no. 12:1458-1459 161.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Vladimirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sintoticheskikh
(Cellulose acetate) (Acids, Organic) (Potentiometric analysis)
Determination of cobalt in cobalt naphthenate. Plast. massy
no.2.1:56-57 .163o (MIRA 16:12)
Artaly.sis of isophtb;il,)yl chloriJp. Zhi)r. anal. khim. 20
no.9t!010-1013 165. (MlRA. 18:9)
1. Vladizairsk-ty nauchna-issledovatellskiy institut sintetichpskikh
"On recombination in Silicon doped by indium, potassium, and antimony. "
Report to be submitted for the Intl. Conference on Photoconductivity, IUPAP,
Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 21-24 Aug 1961.
(Kalashnikov, S. G. is scheduled to present the paper)
9,1/300 3~3 3 S11811611003100310111030
09) B102/3205
AUTHORSt Pokrovskiy, Ya. Ye. and Svistunova, K. I.
TITLEt Study of recombination in silicon alloyed vith gallium,
indium., and antimony
PERIODICAL3 Pizika tverdogo telat v. 3, noo 3, 1961, 757-767
TEXTt The electron-hole recombination in semioonductors has been studied
several times, but the effect of various impurities on this process has not
been duly considered. Of particular interest is the effect of the elements
of the third and the fifth group on the lifetime of carriers in silicon,
since these elements were used to obtain silicon of a given conductivity. A
study has now been made of the effect of Ga, In? and Sb on the recombination
of minority carriers in silicon. The starting material were single cry-stale
of silicon) which had been obtained by zone crystallization. They had a
resistivity of some hundred ohm-cm; the carrier lifetime varied from 200 to
800 psec. The specimens were cut along the growth axis (111), and had a
size of 15 - 4 - 3 mm3. Minute quantities of impurities were added. The
distribution coefficients for Ga, Sb, and In amounted to 0.019 0.04, and
Card 1/5
Study of ...
5.1o-4, respeotively~ The carrier concentration was determined from the
Hall effect in direct current. The ratio of the Hall mobility to the drift
mobility was 1.18 for n-type and 0.71 for p-type crystals. The carrier
lifetime was determined from the vanishing of photoconductivity. Within the
region of partial ionization of the acoeptors, the hole concentration, po,
PO(ND+p 0) -E/kT N
s given by N N N ve where N A is,the acceptor concentration, D
A- D-po
the donor concentration, and N. the effective state density in the valence
4. :;v e-.9/2kT.
band; E is the acceptor ion"zation energy. If N D e NA' Po~ Pc -rN
For In one obtains E w 0.16 ev; the activation energy foralmost all speci-
-amm was equal to E/2 - 0.08 ev. This indicates that N D 4 NAP Po for all
specimens. In the followings the authors report on a comparison of various
specimens concerning the dependence of the minority carrier lifetime Z on
the majority carrier concentration, and the temperature dependence of r
(Abstracter's notet The specimens studied are indioated by numbers anti
letters; their composition and parameterst howe-ier, are no~ given]. S-Peoi-
mens containing gallium in concentrations of more than 101 Om-3 had similar
Card 2/5
Study of ...
carrier lifetimes varying from 9 to 11 Asec. The recombination rate of'
these specimens was determined' not by Ga, but by unchecked impurities or
defects. In-doped specimens showed the same hole concentration but some-
what shorter lifetimes. The electron trapping cross section for In wa13 not
-19 2 0
larger than 10 cm . At temperatures below 200 K, all In- and Ga-doped
crystals had a carrier lifetime of about 5 psec, irrespective of their
impurity concentration. With a further rise in temperature, many In-doped
npecimens showed an exponential increase of lifetime; in this range, r was
proportional to 1/p . The hole capture cross section for In was found, to be
215 2
of the order of 10 cm . A study of the dependence of T on the electron
concentration in Sb-doped specimens showed that if the concentration of Sb
is changed by two orders of magnitude, V remains practically unchanged.
This is taken as an indication that Sb does not affect the recombination
rate in Si. T is determined by deep unchecked recombination centers. In- Or
Sb-doped specimens had a lifetime of 10-12 ?see, which was largely independ-
ent of the concentration of In. A study of the temperature dependence of
the time in which the photoconductivity in n-type In-doped specimens van-
ishes has shown a number of peculiarities. While Sb-doped specimens exhibit
Card 3/5
Study of ...
a.slow.dearease of 11fetime with dropping temperatureo In-doped speoimens
show an exponential increase of r,. The activation energy ef this proceaswas
0.16 ev. Thes-e observations may be described by the relation v. r 0 ~Nt/p.')p
t p
where pi is the hole concentration in the case where the Fermi lev8l coin-
cides with the indium level; Nt is the concentration of indium. The M013t
important results of these studies are the followings 1) Ga and Sb do not
affect the recombination rate in Si; the carrier lifetime in Si alloyed with
these elements is determined by the existence of unchecked recombination
centers. 2) The electron trapping cross section for In atoms is less than
10-19CM2, and the hole trapping cross section for In atoms is larger than
_18 2
10 cm . 3) n-type Si alloyed with In and Sb displays adhesion effects.
This may be quantitatively explained by the trapping of holes by ionized In
atoms. Professor S. G. Kalashnikov is thanked for discussions and his
interest in the work. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 12 referencest
4 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc.
Card 4/5
Study of ... B102/B205
ASSOCIATION: Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki All SSSR Moskva (Institute
of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: June 24, 1960
Card 5/5
0 Val 006
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ele i 01:V, G-~Xu t~.011'1 I
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-,t CT __A
AUTHOR: Svistunova, K. I.
TITLE: Attenuation of non-equilibrium conductivity in a
semiconductor that contains two.typea of recombination centers,.:
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. ii' 1963,A18-123
TEXT: For a semiconductor whose recombination centers are independent of
each other, the conductivity attenuation described by
Ae-141, Bp B,e-14, - B]Vi* Ce--10.~
is calculated in the following approximations:
Nfl, NO, n' 0.08% 0, 1% Sis .1% Mn,
0.020% S.1, 0.025% P, 0.35% V., 7% Fe, 2.5%.Co., 14.5-16.5%-Cr,.15-17% mo.(Ni base))
hdstellomir, langaloy, etc. --are used in chemidal industry in redox: media and variom
aggMs .Yetmedia. Tho'ir pripcipal shortcoming is proneness to intercrystallind cor.-
'I he well as following reliegiting
zone of the thermal influence of welding
to 650-IC0011 C, due chietly to the segregation of the ternary_ q-phase- along grain
boundarics.' Glass et al. (Metallkunde, 1960, no. 5)showed- that, reducing the ii2con-
tant of these alloys to huhdredths of a percent can retard the segregation rate of
o-p4ase in Ni-Cr-1,10 alloys of the 25% Cr:715% Mo system- In this connection,, the
Card 1/2 fir UDC: 620.17:669.018.5
L 1209o-66
ACC NRt AP6000602
the authors present the results of-a comparative investigation of the mechanical pro-;
perties (hardness, impRct strength, corrosion resistance) and Proneness to inter-
crystalline corrosion o'f three types of Cr-Ni-Mo alloys containing O'*'0_6 1*.'60%- 7
Si, 15.0-25.2% Cr, 14.7--17.2% Mo. Proneness to intercrystalline corrosion was d~tii;-
ined for sheet specimeno following 48-hr boiling in a solution of 30% R SO + 40 g/
2 4
liter Fe,!(SO4)3 with subsequent 90' bending around a frame. At the same tide t
depth ofApenetration.of intercrystalline corrosion was determined by the metallo-
graphic -of 70*C was-de termined ~7
according to weight 1038,. It was established that thp presence of Si. -in the alloys
adversely affects their properties by acceleratingc the segregation of - secondary phases,
Of the investigated alloys, the alley Khl5N65Hl5B'&irLth its lower Si content (O.n)
is recounended for pilot industrial Eeiisii. orig*.'-art# has: 2 tables, 4 (31 figures,
SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SURN DATE: none/ ORIG REP:: 000/, OrR REF:. 004
1:1), W /.:..;i
t f
A P 0 0 '2'(29 8 SOURCE CODE: Ull/0133/66/000/008/07h8/0751
AWI`011: Svi~;ti)aoya.,. Doronin, V. M.; k~ruthk Topilin V. V.; Dzugut V,
orqqn v A.
Ya. ; Vinogradov, Yu. V.; Chcrmcnskaya,_~~_,. F.
ORG: "Elcktrostall" Plant (Zavod "Elektrostall"); TsNIIChM
ITITLE: Corrosion.resistant nickel-based alloys
iSOUIRCE: Stall, no. 8, 1966, 748-751
iTIOPIC TAGS: corrosion resistant alloy, intergranular corroErion, nickel base alloy,
ifatigue strength
iABSTRACT: The authors study and compare corrosion resistance of various types Of''
Inickel-based alloys. The welded joints of these alloys are subject to intercrystillin4
corrosion in a.-gre-ssive media. Method e discussed for eliminating this phengepon.
Amon-,these methods are heat treatment of the welded joints, reduction of carbonvdn
iront,content in the alloys and the introduction of carbide-forming elements. It was
To-und that inte.-t-crystalline corrosion could be eliminated by alloying N70142 dy
1with 1.4-1.7% v. adium'Y~ This eliminates intercrystalline corrosion in welded j ~ntsl~
up to 6 m. thic:.., without requiring heat treatment. The new alloy is designated EP41)6.
lt was also found that intercrystalline corrosion could be eliminated in chromium.:-
inickel-molybdenum alloys by reducing their carbon-silicon and iron content. The-new
uDc: 669..14.018,8
L 09250-67-
ACC NR: AP6027298
alloy is desiGnated EP.5-61, Both of these new alloys havd/a fatigue limit of 5-7 kg/MM2
at 1200'C which is 3-4 times higher than that of Khl8N9T"s'teel. A new process is de-
,.reloped for melting and pressure,working these alloys to satisfactory deformability.
BP496 and EP567 alloys are melt_~14 in oDen induction furnaces with 500 and 1000 kg ca-
The ingo's are worked~o'n snagging m
achines until all defects are removed from
pacity. U
their surfaces. Both ailo-ysai-e difficult to machine, nevertheless, they can bd -
iroughed with much less difficulty than Khl8NlOT steel. Deformation temperatures'for
both alloys are given. Both of these alloys have excellent corrosion resistance in
hydrochloric and sulfuric acids at various temperatures and concentrations. The'~.
welded sesins of these alloys are not subject to intercrystalline corrosion and there-
., re can be recommended for welded sheet structures and tubes,,used in the chemical and
10 * 6 figures 2 tables.
petroleum industries. Orig. art. has:
L 10707-67
ACC NR: AT6026~49
Fig. 1. Micro-
structure of
alloys after
uenching from
2150C in water
nd annealing
at 800C for,
100 hrs. X
a N101427;
Y b
N7 7B.
decreases the corrosion stability of-the alloy. The intercrystalline analysis method
was developed by G. L. Shvarts. The phaseand chemical analysis was carried out bk.~-*
Ye. F. Yakovleva and I. M./Dubrovina. --The x-ray analysis was performed by_j- A-
Belyayeva, Orig, art. hass -3 tables and 4 graphs.
SUBM DATEa nonef~-. OTH IUF.- 003
SUB CODE-. l1/
Card 2/2
SANDLER9 N.,L,; QYISTUNOVA9 V.I., vrach-ordinator
.Peculiarities in the clinical course of influenza in the period of
outbreak in 1957 and 1959 as revealed by material from the Mogilev
Province Hospital. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 5:31-32 My 160.
(MrRA 13:10)
1. Iz Mogilevskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - waluzhemw
irrach BSSR S.T. Illin)* 2, Zaveduyusbehiy infektsionn7m Weleniye
(:for Sandler). 3. Infektsionnoye otdleniye Mogilevokoy oblaotnoy
bollnitay. (for S-ristunova).
SNEGOVSKIY1, F, P., kand. tekhn. naukp- POTAPKINA, N. P., inzh.
,SVISTUNOVA, V. P., insh.
New materials used in friction units of machinery. Vent.
mashinostr. 42 no.12:36--37 D 162. (MIRA 16--l)
S'.7I`TUN()VA Z.11., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Effect of cold
.iarrening n the structi-ire and properties of the nickel-chrome
heat- resi.--tant alloy EI-h37.11 Mos, 1956, 10 up incLuding cover
(vin of Higher E&.tcation TSSR. !.'os Order of Libor Red Banner Inst
of 'itell im I.V. Stalin) 120 co!-~ies (YL, 27-58, 112)
- lhi -
AUTHORS: Svistunoila, Z.--Y-, Chaporova, I. N., SOV/32-24-9-21/53
asillyeva, N. P., Sultanyan, T. A., Kiselev, V. Ye.
TITLE; An Electron-Microscopic Investigation of the Structure of
Powder-Metallurgical Hard Alloys (Elektronnomikroskopichesk~je
issledovaniye struktury metallokeramicheskikh tverdykh splavov)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 9, pp 1093-1095
ABSTRACT: In this paper experimental results obtained by employing new
methods of producing replicas for structural examinations of
hard alloys are given. Furthermore, the conditions for
polished section etching are determined. The polished sections
of hard alloys of the types BK 6, BK 8, BK11, T15K6 and T30K4
were produced as usual, the method of polishing by etching
being employed. The reagents used and the conditions are given
in a table. It is observed that satisfactory results are
obtained by titanium and collodion replicas. Quartz replicas
have the disadvantage of being non-resistant. Among other
facts the results mentioned show that the alloys of tungsten
Card 1/2 carbide with cobalt, a normal carbon content provided, consist
An Electron-Microscopic lnves~tigation of the Structure SOV132-24-9-21153
of Powder-MetallUrgiCiLl Hard Alloys
of two phases- the tungsten carbide and the solid solution
of tungs-.en and carbon in colyalt. The fine-#ained alloy
BK consists of tungsten carbide granules of 0,4 to 0,74.
Pictures of the microstructures obtained are given.
There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 8 references., 6 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuziiyy nauchno~issledovatellskiy institut tverdykh
splavov "All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hard-
Card 2/2
SVISTUNOVA, kand.tekhn.nauk
sTexper and strain aging of carbon steelsm by K,Mq Po'godina-
Alekseeva. Reviewed by Z.Svistunova. HTO 2 no.7:62-63 Jl 160.
(MIRA 13:7)
(Pogodina-Alekseeva, K. M.)
AUTHORS: Berrtahteyn, M.L.; Svistunova, Z.V.. Candidates of Technical
96-370 n c a a
TITLEi The Effect of Cold Hardening on the Structure and the Proper-
ties of the 9W437 W437)drads float-Resisting Alloy,
PERIODICALt Stallp 1960, No. 4, PP. 358 - 362
TEXT: The structural changes of the E1437 type alloy during cold
treatment, aging and the mechanism of strengthening are discussed. A nick-
el-chrome alloy, E1437, with the following composition was tested. C 0.075A
Mn 0.22%; Si 0.47%; S 0.0047%; P 0.009%; Cr 20-52%; Ce 0.04%9, Ti
2.62%; Al 0.56%,',; Cu 0.02%; Fe 0.001%; Ni res. The alloy was rolled
and drawn to harden it, quenching was started at 1,0800C, cooling was car-
ried out by water, air and in the furnace (between 1,080 - 7000C, 125CC/h
and up to 500OC: 40 - 50OC/h). After quenching and deformation the samples
were repeatedly heated up to 5000C, 6000C, 7000C and 8000C for holdingtimes
UP to 50,000 min, with compressions of 5%, 25%, 50- and 75%. The effect of
various factors on the hardness and the electrical resistance of the alloy
Card 1/4
The Effect of Cold Hardening on the Structure and the Properties of the
N437 (E1437) Grade Heat-Resisting Alloy
were analyzed in detail. It was found that the hardness of the alloy grows
in each case of deformation in proportion to the degree of hardening, on
account of the desintegration of the blocks, the increase in secondary dis-
tortion and the decomposition of the solid solution. The changes in hard-
ness and electrical resistance observed at 5000C indicate that the decompo-
sition of the solid solution starts already at this temperature. The in-
crease in electric resistance is more pronounced in the samples deformed
than in those not deformed due to the formation of atomic segregations in
the solid solution. This increase depends on the rate of previous deforma-
tion, its accumulated energy contributing to the development of heterogene-
ity in the solid solution upon repeated heating. The electrical resistance
is stabilized after a holding time of 5,000 min indicating two simultaneous
procesaess the decrease-in electric resistance during the decomposition of
the solid solution will be compensated by an increase upon the formation of
heterogeneity, similarly to the phenomenon observed in "natural" aging. At
6000C the formation -of heterogeneity in the solid solution and aging is more
Card 2/4
The Effect of Cold Hardening on the Structure and the Properties of the
9W437 (E1437) Grade Heat-Resisting Alloy
intensive thar, at 5000C. At a compression of 75% a decrease in hardness
could be observed by a partial recrystallisation (luring a long heating in-
terval. At 7000C hardness and electric resistanco display a change which
is characteristic of*dispersion hardening. In samples considerably de-
formed high and stable values for hardness were observed. At a compression
of 50% the hardness does not decrease, not even for a holding time of 5%000
min. According to X-ray analyses, the secondary distortion partially de.-
creases when increasiag the heating time at 700()C,. When heating for 50,000
min, these distortions, as well as the indices for hardness, are identioal
for samples treated b,:r rolling and drawing. Elecl;ron-microseopical tests
pi~oved that the high degree of hardness in samples compressed to 50% after
a long aging is due to the maintenance of a highly dispersed condition of
the second phase. The drop in hardness after 50,000 min is not only due
to the coagulation of the second phase, but also to the beginning of re-
crystallization which is mainly remarkable in samples compressed to 75%. At
8000C decumposition, coagulation of the second pnase,and the recrystalliza-
Card 3/4
The Effect of Cold Hardeniiig on the Structure and the Properties of the
aR437 (E1437) Grade Heat-R,3sisting Alloy
tion are still more pronou,iced. The decrease in hardness due to coagula-
tion and recrystallization sets in the earlier, the greater the compression.
The X-ray analysis of elactrolytical deposits discovered in samples compres-
sed to 50% and 75%, after aging for 30,000 min at 8000C, showed that hardei-
ing with the accumulation )f surplus energy promotes the transformation of
the cubic face-centered, matastable VI-phase into a more stable-t)-phase
(N'3Ti type) with hexagonal lattice. It can be concluded that the recrys-
tallization of the cold-h&rdened E1437 alloy results at a long and repeated
treatment at 7000C in the iecrease of heat-resistance at this temperature.
When heat treatment is carried out at 600 - 6500c, where the strengthening
effects of tempering can still be maintained, the heat-resistance of the
metal increased after the thermo-mechanical treatment. There are 7 figures,
1 table and 9 references: 8 Soviet and 1 German.
Card 4/4
Distribution of snow cover in the.complex semidesert conditions of
the trans-Volga region. Trudy GGO no.36:137-141 152. (MIRA 13-:1)
(Volila Valley-Snow)
Y Y.
Experience in g1ving service in agricultural meteorology to a
basic model macl2ine-tractor station. Yateor. L gUrol. no.9.,
38-39 S '57. (K= 10t:9
(Meteorology, Agricultrual) (Machine-tractor stations)
USSR/Cultivated Plants .. Grains M
Abs Jour Ref 71iur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53541
Author Svisyuk,-'[.I.
Inst Petrovsk AL:ricultural Meteorological Station
Title : Agrometearolorical Coalditions of Development of Winter
Wheat in Petrovskiy Rayon of the Stavropollskiy Krai
Ori,~- Pub : Materialy po izuch. Stavropol'sk. kraya. Vyp. 8, 1956,
Abstract : The results of observations made at the Petrovsk Agri-
cultural Meteorological station on the chief stages in
the development of winter vheat. The article examines
the problems of the sowing periods, conditions of win-
tering, spring-summer conditions of vegetation, ag7icul-
tuxal technique in 1943-1946 and in 1947-1955,and the har-
vesting of the crop.
Card 1/1
- - - ------- ---.
In ommemoration ot M. V. Lomnosov; on his 250th birthday. Fiz
szemle 11 no.11:33'7-340 N 161.
1. Magyar Tudomanym Akademia Muszaki Fizikai Kutato Intents,
-SV=T-. Pal
In commemoration of Academiclan A. F.:Eoffe. Fiz szemle 12 no.2:
43-46 F 162.
Some remarks on tiie photoeleo-troluminsscence of ZnS single
c.rystals. Aota p:iys Hung 14 nd.2 3:121-125 1620
-1. Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian
of Saienws, Budapest. Presented by G. Szigeti
-------- I,
Narrow bands of the %Llminepcence of CuBr and of alkall halide
phosphors activated i~ CuBi. Acts. phys Hung 14 no,..2 3:283-294
1, Research Inst!.tute for Techineal Physics of the Hungarian
Academy of sciences, Budapest. Presented by G. Szigeti
(Gyorgy Szigeti]
Ultraviolet irradiation of Zns single crystals kept in the ptmosphere
of various gases. Chekhosl-fiz zhurnal 13 no.2:88-90 163.
1. Research Institute for Technical Physics, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, BudapBst, Hungary;
01- the darkening of ZnS single cr-Istals by light. Acta
physica Pol 26 no.~/4:823-827 S-0 164.
1. Research institute for Technicinl Physics of the Hungarian
Lcademy of Sciences, Budapest.
Straight.-Mir knitting machines. SAM P)(fil?. 684,245,22.11.49.
Czechoslov " :10.12.48).-Thc macliffie-EUMprises an indep"dent
shaft, for cl.trolling the weit, bars and a. dra,%v-off roller shaft for
winding up, u-Awinding, and discharging I tie sets of hosiery -articles
into containcis arranged underneath thi.-, rollers and for simul-
tancons y refu,ning the draw-off hooks to their basic position. The
two shafts operate automatically and indt-pendently of each other.
0. Po-r7rFR.
GALAKTIGNOV, A.Tj, kand. tekhn. nauk; SVIT, P.P., inzh.; FOFUOV,
A.A., kand. tekhu. nauk
Modernizing the ASIF-25 machine. Svar. proizv.(no.8:38-39
Ag 163. MIRA 17:1)
1. Urallskir politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova.
.SV.ITP. "P..P.,. in..z1h.; FOFANIOV, A.A., kanci.tak-bn.,nauk; ZHURAVLEV, L.G., kand.
~~khn. nauk
Batt welding of higY---opeed steel. wire during drawing. Svar.proizv.
no.~.-25-26 Alp '64. (MIRA 18
1. Urailsk.,Y poiltekhnicheskiy Jt.nstitut i-m. S.M.Kirova.
ALEKSEYEV, Nikolay Sergeyevich; Wq, '!; SIICHEDRINA~ N.,L.,
tekhn. red.
[Struggle against juvenile delinquency in the German
Democratic Republic) Bor'ba s prestupnostliu nosoverBbenno-
letnikh v Germanskoi Demokraticheskoi Respublike. Moskva., Gos.
izd-vo, iurid. lit-ry, 1959. 1'.;1 P. (MIRA 15:3)
(Germany, East-Juvenile delinquency)
CHIRKIN Veniamin Yevgenlyevich~ SVITj YaJa v red.; TAIWOVA, N.M., tekbn.
[Reorganizing industrial management in the peoplelp -democracies] Reor-
ganizataiia upravleniia promyshlennost-liu v stranalch narodnoi demokratii.
Mosk7ap Gos. izd-vo iurid. lit-ry, 1961. 161 p. (KIRA 14:8)
(Co=mnist countries-Industrial organization)
After the reorganization of the district link of the public health,
system* Zdrav* Belor. 6 no.3t13-15 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:~5)
1. GlavW vrach Zellvenskogo rayona,
SVITA, M.N., Insh.
vmer7 machine with a dust suction fan. Torf.prom, 36 no.2:34-35
' 59. (MMA 12-.4)
1. Torfopredpriyatiye Osintorf.
(Grinding machines)
Present conditions and trendo In ore preparation in the United Statea
and Canada. I'ludy 10 no.9z334,-336 S 262o
"BiblioEraphy of the Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels on Religion and
'gays of Overcoming it." P. 419,
(CESKOSLOVENSKA ETM40GRAFIE, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LCj, Vol. 4
No. 5, May 1955, Uncl.
I -w-mv I I * Nag 0 WA - --
29326 K voprosy of spetsifichookcs antigene rakovoy kletki. Voprosy onkologli
i rentgonologii, No. 1-2, 1948, S. 29-34
SO: Letopsil Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Mookar, 19/+9
Internal conversion from the fluorescent to the phosphorescent
level in naphthalene derivatives. Izv.A1I SSSR.Ser.fiz. 2.4
no -5:492-495 IV 160. (MM 13.5) -
(Naphthalene-Optical properties) (Luminescence)
L 22Q14-6!j EYP MEt jJR(c) JD/JG
"t.' -iP6 657
UH~0181/66/0 661T~
0 W07616
AUTHORS: Rzhanov, Matova, ye 6 V
A. V.; Svitasherv
Shepe .11 7
V. M.
ORG: Institute of Semiconductorsog-AN SSSR Novosibirsk
poluprovodnikov SO AN SSSR)
TITLE: Investigation of t'he surfacte photoconductivity of germanium
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 3.1 1966, 758-766
TOPIC TAGS:. germanium, p bo to c o nd u c ti vi ty, surface property., semi-
conductor conductivity, semiconductor impurity, forbidden band,
1spectral energy distribution
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (FTT.v- 3, 1557,
1961) dealing with Impurity photocOnductivity and the concentration
of photoactive surface defects. The present.investigation was.made.
with p-type germanium doped with gallium, and having as ecific
resistivity 20 -- 30 ohm ci, mand.a lifetime ft,800,4see The
Isamples were placed in a etryostat:ln vacuum 5 X 10 torrand exposed:
.1 Card
--L 22914-66
ACC NE; Ap6b0651
to monochromatic radiation from the IKS-12 instrument. Masurement-
were made of the temperai,-;ure and spectral dependences of the surfaced
photoconductivity and alj:jo of its time lag. The impurity photocon-
ductivity of a thin sample of germanium was measured with light
.modulated at 12 cps. No Impurity phot conductivity was observed at
room temperature and at dry ice tem erature, but was observed at
liquid nitrogen temperature 1707.9 at which all other measurements
were made. The results demonstrated onc6.more the existence of a
specific photoconductivity in germanium, connected with excitationof
surface defects. The experimental reasons for this.conclusion are
presented in detail. The results also show that it is possible in
principle to obtain data, on the energy levels of the pbotoactive sur-
face defects in the forbidden band of the semiconductor by analyzing
the surface -photoconduc t ivi ty spectra. Further data canb6expec,ted
from these results if the surface potential can be determined by an
independent method and the spectral resolution Is improved. Work is-i-
1continued in this direction. Orig..,,art., has: 12 figures,,,,3 formulas
and 1 table.
ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DA'PE:'..-2Oju.165/- -.-.ORIG REP: 0031 OTH,~REVV 005::
ACC'NR, A116018-~6-
AU711OR: Hzhanov, A. V.; Svitisbev,_
K. X.;.Shepell, V. M.
ORG: Institute of Physics of Semiconductors, 80 AN SSSRJ, Novosibirsk (Institut
poluprovodnikov SO AN SSSR)
TITLE: Influence of capture of nonequilibrium, carriers by surface defects on the
spectrum'of the intrinsic photoconductivity of a thin sample of_g_~mni~u4,/j
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela2 v. 8p noo 6p i966s 1955-195T
TOPIC TAGS: photoconductivity., germanium semiconductor, capture cross section
ABSTRACT: The authors compare the pulses of intrinsic photocond tivity of thick and
thin samples of p-type germanium at liquid-nitrogen temperature.07he shape of the
photoconductivity pulse of the, thin sample exhibited singularities characteristic of
the presence of traps. It is shown that the total change of the conductivity of the
sample under the influence of the light consists of three factors (photoconductivity
proper, change in surface conductivity as a result of change in carrier densitys and
change in surface conductivity as a result of change of the surface charge),, and in
the region of 1.64 p the contribution of the third process is comparable in magnitude
with the contributions of the first two. The additional! illuminationp which normally
eliminates adhesion of nonequilibrium, carriers on the germanium surface at low tem-
peratures, reduced the photoconductivity of the thin germanium to approximately the
same value as that of thick gfizmanium (5 Vs- 0-5 mm) and eliminated the peak at 1.64 p
Changes in the acoustic and vestibular anal~mer in hypertension.
Cesk. otoleiryng. 14 no-5:309-313 0 '65.
1. Klinika chorob usnich, nosnich a krcnich lekarske fakulty
University J.E. Furkyne v Bime, (prednosta prof. dr. R. H]Adky,
In memoriam Prof. dr. Xarel Greif. Cesk. otolaryng. 14 no.l.,
53-W F'65-
Pharmacological influence on experimental emotional disorders caused
by large doses of Dexphenmetrazine. Activ. nery. SUP. 4 no.2.*213 162.
1. Psychiatricka lecebna Horni berkovice, Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy
lidu, Praha. *
Industrialization of housing construction. P. 59. POZEMNI STAVBY.
Ministerstvo stavebiaictvi) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 1955.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress,
Vol. ,, No. 12, December 1915P.-
SVITCRENK0_.,__G_. -
New rreans of sealing well equipment. Razved. i prom. geofiz.
no.4o.-64-65 161. (MIRA 15:7)
':Oil well logging-Equipment and supplies)
Protein hydrolyzates as soup seasoning. Kona. i OV* 13rOM* 14 no.11:43-45
N '59. (KM 13:2)
l.Poznan'skiye fabriki pishchevykh kontsentratov.
(Proteizis) (condiments)
PS, J~U:P. 19505, No. 1.1220
ITITIJE I'D fer tfic Deotru-ctior- of
in Lac Flax and Grain 6owln-as.
10TIf G ,FTJq- Lan 4- kortoplyan, 1`18, 1'.1e). 5t 46-1,3
!A !~-STP. A C T The preparation I'dikatex-30" (.30tb potash salt of 2-matk1
ly-ohlorophenwxyacatic acid) (1) made in Czeohoulo~rald.a
for the cont=1 of weed.- in nax and arfain souings is oh~
11-;~t1ris-1 by means of the chlorination of or+Zqo3i-aso1 and by,
ce-,,id'Gnsttion of t1--e c.-f On-lorimited ct.--sol
,2`th monceJmloroacetata of potassilmrl. cruln'tr to -tile U.96
1 of flax are re- -
(I t'-p ay,)anditures for tie wTedinu
1-aced Vpjr gljl~' and the yield of straw is increpsed b~y 30%.1
Tile of the dellvi~rcd e,r%w -,4as mlsed frora -m-ldci
31 to
grade 6; the mark-a-bable la-ngth of tha straw increas-'
Sums J.
Now 'tractor plcnm for beavy soilz. P. 430*
NECHANISAGE ZEVIEDEISTVI* Praha* Vol, 4s no* 22p Novo 1954o
SOURCEt East Europeum Accessions Idst (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5., no* 3. March 1956
---SVITEKS- Je--- --- - --- - -- -
New tractor-plows for lu,-avy soils. p. 449.
MECHANISACE ZIMDELSTVI. Vol. 4., No. 23s Dec. 1954
SO: Monthly East European Accession (EEAL),, LC, vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955., unci.