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SVISTGVA, G.V. w""W%wK ~'- -- ~- Comprehensive physico-gcographic excursions with saventh-grade students, Uch. zap* ~P?J:no*159:12-16 1609 (NIMA .16:9) j:-. lip(cl 1-1276L=66 _9Wr(1 07/00 ACC NR, APS022748 SOURCE CODE: qV AUTHOR: Svistova, Ye. A.; B6kker, r. F. Li Pin-tsung 7(7 ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitetT magnetic TITLE: Transverse resistance and Hall effect in p-germaniv"n imstronp fields in the 78-3000K temperature ranlie SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, ni,i. 9, 1965, 2871-2873 TOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor, spmiconductor research, strong magnetic. field.,-A Hall effect ABSTRACT:. Magnetoresistance and-the. H~Jl effect are _crallium-dopedger-- manium with P = Y_dn-_dl8_k-_cm (at room temperature) in Pulsed maiMetic fields of up to 1100,000 oersteds between 78 and 300O.K. Copper wires 230 ii in diameter were-solder-I ed to diffused indium contacts on germanium specimens with-dimennions.of 5 x 1.5-x mm. All contacts were ohmic. The magnetic field was directed along axis [1111,,and-I the current was perpendicular to this direction. The signals corresponding to changes in the resistance and Hall emf in the magnetic field werefed to the vertical deflec- F e tion plates of an oscilloscope and the relationship between these effects and tim specime wi re was recorded. Curves are given for transverse magnetoresistance in ns *th 1/2 Card L 10761-66 AP5022748 .ACC Nk, 777- sistivity of 18 ohm-cm as a function of 'magnetic field strOngth at.'.various tempera- tures and for mobility as a function of ~absolute temperatuve,at. Various field strengths and resistivities. A linear.r.i-,Iationship.was-observed.b6tween magnetoresis.-,:.- tance and field strength in strong magnetic fields (>100 oersteds), which contradicts the saturation effect predicted in class:1cal theory. Explanations: for this are - gi ven in other papers (P. N. "Argyres, Phys. Rep. , 104, 900, 1956 . ; 109, 1115, 1958; C. Her- ring, J. AppZ. Phys. , 31 1 11, 1960). Foj~ mobility without a magnetic:field,.,the authors found that po62~_2.3. The-exponeot,was alsoclose to -2. a strong.magne,- tic field at high temperatures. However..' the eqonent decre-ases with a reduction-in. temperature and at about 2200K. the law jis pouT -5. This indicates carrier scatter-- ing by acoustic phonons alone without-scattering by optical phanonv. In conclusion'r the authors are grateful for consultatiou and constant interest in the work to A. I Shallnikovi H. 0. Kostryukova and V. 1,. Curevich.. Orige art. has 2 figures. U SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: Mpr6i/ ORIG REP: -004/ CTH REP: 003 66, _77 card 2/2 'ti -'-wrl a, P( /E'F 6 6 F4- f ! I I '0247 L:ii J, , ~.'. C' A 'f .?; CIE t- 4R- Ap6o2j,637 SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/004/00-1/0027/0032 AUTHOR: Brandt, N. B.; SvIstoya X Tabileval G. Kh. ORG: Physics D2221tmeEl of the Moscqw State Mriiversity im. M. V. Lomonosov (Fiziches- kiy fakul'tet Moskovskogo goauda3estvennogo unlirerslfet-a) TITLE: MagnetorWsistance of bismuth fields 450 kOe at helium temperatures, SOURC2: Zhurml eksperime-ftallnoy 1 11 t2oretichfaskoy fiziki. Pis 'Ma v-ziedaktalyu. Prilozheniye v. 4, no. 1, 1966p 27-32 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth, magnetoresistance., elect:r1c resistance., pulsed magnetic field., glavanomagnetic effect,.carrier density, semiconductor carrier A13STRACT: Results are reported of an investiggation of the electric resistance of single-crystal samples of bismuth in a transverse magnetic;/field of intensity up to 450 kOe at liquid-helium-Ftemperature,, with pr1mary purpose of obtaliMig- Information on the character of the carrier dispersion in bismuth. Earlier investigations at. helium temperatures were made at lower field ttrengths (up to 100 kOe). The magnetic field was produced by a pulse method and the difficulty connected with the destruction of the sample by interaction between the eddy currents and the field was eliminated by superimposing a constant field on the pulsod one. Samples of different shapes MA different thermal coefficients of resistivity were tested. In all cases the plats showed a monotonic increase of the magnetoreal.stance with the field., following a quadratic law up to 25 - 35 We.. nearly linew, from 25 - 35 to 200 k0eL, followed by Card I/ j~7 r -- - V--- -1 . . Skin - tuberculosis Unusual case of ri2nt molluscum contagiosum., Ve:lst- oft., 30, no. 5, 1951. 9. '~~"r),,.THLY IIST OF TYUSSIAN ACCESSIONS) Library of Congress, March 1952. Uncl. SVISTUKHINIA) Z.V. Gysteine in the treatment of cataracts. Uch-zap. GIIII glaz. bol. no.8:96-100163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Glaznoye otdeleniye 1-y gorodi3koy kli-nicheSkOY bOllnitaY imeni R.I.Pirogova Moskvy (CATARACT) jEIECTROPHORESIS) (CYSTEINE) SVISTUN, A.11. Stresses in the frame of a MAZ-!:;25 motortruck. Sbor. nauch. rab. Bel. politekh. inst. no.60:141-T.46 157. (KRA 13:2) (Motortrucks-Frcmes) Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Ef SVISTUN, A.S., fect ojr~treat4p goiter .n t.-he basal creatine metabolism and the antitoxic function of the liver in chUdren." Wtkachevo, 1958, 15 pp (Kiev Order of Labor Red ~anner'Mbd Inst im Acadimician A.A.Bogomol4s) 200 copien (KL, h2-58, 118) 68 SVISTUNj A.S.~ (Mukaohevo) Prevention of goiter among schoolchildren of M*aohavo. Vrach. delo no.lltl49 N 161. (MIRA 3-4: U) 1. Zakarpatakiy nauchno-issledoviltellskiy institut okhrany mat6rinstva, i detstva. .(MMOMWO-GOITER) SIIAKOVA, G..- SVISTUNT. Conference on the Problem of Hypotbarrq. Ukrobiokhim.thur. 29 no.l: 124~-125 '57 (KLRA 10:5) (94~ZMKIA) OVISTUN, T.I. Secretion of bile into the duodenjo durIng suecular activity involved In walking and running (with nummary in Inglish], Yiziol,?hu--. [TArr] 3 no.4-:54-59 JI.-Ap, '57. OfULA 10:,3) 1. Institut fiziologii im. O.O.Bo,~ .gomolltsya AN URSR, laboratortya fiziologif travlennys. (BIM) (EXERGISH) SILAXOVA, G.; SVISTUNO T.I. In the Kiev branch of the Ukrainian Society of Physiologists, Biochemists, and Pharmacologists. Vianyk AN URM 28 no.9.-77-78 S '57. (MIRA 11:11) (Ukraine-Learned institutions and societies) SVISM. T.I.[Svystun, T.I.11 SILAKOVA. A.I. [Sylakovs, A.I.] In the Kiev division of the Ukrainian Society of Physiologists, -Biochemists, and Pharmacologints. Fiziol.zhur. [Ulcr.] 4 no.1:133- -134 Ja-F 158- (MIRA 11:3) (PHYSIOLOGY) VOROBIYEV, A.M. [Vorobiov, A.M.], (doceased), MORGUN, Ye.G. [MORM, n.I.H.] ,,SVISTUN, T.I. [Sv7stun, T.I.-t, SHOSTKOVSKAYA, I.V., [SHOST.AKIVSI:KA, I.V-1 Secretory activity of the stomach and pancreas and gastric evacuation during excitation and inhibition of the cerebral cortex [with summary in English], Fiziol,,zhur. [Ukrl 4 no.4:435-441 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA U.: 1. Institut fiziologii im. A.A. Bogomolltsa AN USSR, lab6ratori ya fiziologii pishchevareniya. (STOMACH) (PANGKRAS) (CEMBAL CORTEX) MaIGUN. Te.G.; SAKUN, P.A.; SVIS71K, T.I.; STANETS, M.P. Nffect of gamma rays in s-nall doses on the secretory and motor functions of the stomach In dogs (with summary in Nnglish]. Med.rad. 4 no-1:31-35 Ja 159- (MIRA 12:2) 1. 1z laboratorii biofizi'ki i laboratorii fiziologii pishchev,arenlya Instituts. fiziologii imeni A.A. Bogomolltsa AN USSR. (CCIBAlT. radioactive, eff. of gastric secretion & motility (Rua)) (STOMACH, effect of radiations, radiocobaltv on motility (Rua)) (GASTRIC JUIGZ,.. secretion, eff* of radlocobalt (Rus)) SVISTUN, T.I. [Svystun, T.1.1 Secretory activity of the stomach in a moving animal. Fiziol. zh=-~~w-]- 5 no-1-39-45 Ja-Y '59. (MIRA 120) 1* Institut fiziologii im,~-A.A..Bogomol'tsa AN USSR, labora- toriya fiziologii pishchwirareniya. (STOMACH-SECRETIONS) (AHIML LOCOKOTION) SVIRMI, T.I. [Svystun, T.I.] Itrternal secretory function of the pancreas during animal locomotion. Fiziol.zhur. [Ukr.] 5 no.6:750-755 1-3) 159. (MM 13:4) 1, Institut fiziologli Imeni A.A* Bogomolltsa Akademii nauk USS2, laboratoriya fiziologii plahchavareniya. (PARMAS) ISIO STPTUN, T.I. [Svystun, T.I.) Periodic secretion in the --nall intestine during muscular activity of the animal. Fiziol. k.hur. [Ukr.) 7 no.1:1+7-53 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 1/,: 1) 1. Laboratory of the Physiology of Digestion 0-the.A'eA,BogomAetz Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sci*60 of the Ukrainian S.S.S.R.v Kiyev, (INTESTINES SECRETION) (EXI*ISE) In the Kievbranch of tho UkriLinian-Physiological Society. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 7 nc,,.3:437-438 My~e '61. (MIRA 14:5) (KIEV-PHYSIDLOGICAL SOCIETIES) Secretory function.of gastric glands under different conditions of muscular activity. "Trach.delo no.3s138-140 Mr 063. (ML 164) 1.1aboratoriya fiziologii, pishchevexeniya (rukovoditell - prof, N.I.Putilin) Instituta,.fiziologii imeni A.A.Bogomolltna AN UkrSSR. (STOMACH-SEUMETIONS) (EXERCISE) 5VISYUN,, T-F. T.I.] Secreticii of the gp-sr,:'I.c glands on a mixed die' during a per-lod of wus2la acti-t-lty of warious ir.7,,3nsities. Flzirl. zhiz;. [Uhr.-, 9 no.2:1-'15..220 Mr.-Ap 16-3. ~A*tlfui !8-3) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii pishchevarontya Insti%uta fizio'Logii Im. A.x'%. Rogomulltoa M Ui---SSR) Kiyev. m -- -- - - - - - --- --- m SVISTUN, V., elektrik. Reconditioning battery plates. ATt.transp. 32 no.2:34 F 154. (MLRA 7:6) (Automobiles-Batteries) 30(2) SOV/21-59-4-17/27 AUTHOR: Svistun V.I. TITLE: On a Find Df an Anomalous Mammoth Skull PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii naul: Mcrainslkoi RSR, 1959, Nr 4. pp 1-1 1G-419 (USSR) ABSTRACT: About 20 bDnes of a mammoth wei-e found in the coarse- P-rained gravelly-sands of the ravine alluvium of a D sand pit, by M.T. Bilek, in 1957. Among the bones there was a marmoth skui.11, represented by the upper and the loNer jawis and by a fragment of the occipital bone. The final site vas 4x16 m. 8-10 m deeD, located at the village of Tereshki Skv-lrskly rayon, Kiyevskaya oblast', Professor I.G. Pidoplichko establiShOCL the geological a,--;-e of the bones as being of the Middle Holocene era. According to N.L. Kornjy.-ts, the mammoth mio-ht have died at an age of 40-50 years. The author examined the find site and the bones and Card 112 in this article describes the geological st-ructtluioe SOV/21-59-4-17/27 On a Find of an Anomalz)us bi&,,imoth Skull of the find site and the features of the found bones. There are L[ photos. ASISOCIATION: Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR (Institute of Zoology of the AS UI=SSR) PRESENTED: By V.G. Kcts,lyanenko, Member of-the AS U1-rSSR SUBMITTED: December !), 1958 Card 2/2 SVISTUN, V.I. [Svystun, V.I.] Study of mammoth remains in the village of Taburishche, Kirovograd Province. Dop.All TH:SR no.8:1111-1114 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut zoologil AN USSR. Predotavleno almdemikom AN USSR V.G. Kaslyanenko. (Kirovoj!;rad Province-Mammals, Fossil) SVISTUN, V.I. [Svystun, V.I.) - Diagnostic signE Of skulls in the subspecies of the gigantic deer- of the genus Megaloueros. Dop. AN URSR no.8:1085-1087 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut zooLogii AN UkrSSR. DANILOVA, Ye. I. (Danila,ra., IE. I.]; SVISTUNI V.I. (Svystwi., V.I.] Discovery of fos:sil human bones in al2yvial deposits near the Dneprodzerzhinsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Dop.AN URSR no.5:669-673 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut ZOOIDgii AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V. G. Ka I enk . [Kaslianenkoj, V.H.]. o8 f 'Lnepro (Romankov Dn opetrovsk Province~-Man, Prehistoric) SVISIIJN.9 V~1. [Svystua, V.I.] Age-related variability of horns in the giant deer Meguloceros giganteus ruffi 1jehr. Dop. AN URSR no.12:1634-108 161. (MMI 16:11) 1. Institut iioologii AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR A.P. Markevichem [Markevych, O.P.). SVISTUN, V.J. (SVsti-m, V.I.]; DIDKOVSKIY, V.Ya. (Didkovalkyi, V.IA.] N6~rfind of-Dinotherium remains in the Ukraine. Dop. AN MMR no. 12:1635-16:17 164. (KRA 28:1) 1. Institut zo-:)logii AN UlrSSR. Predstavleno Akademikam AN UkrSSR V.G.Kaslyanenko [Kaslianenko, V.H.J. SVISTUNEKKO, A.I. W4 Intra-arterial infusion of therapeutic substanceo according to data from an all-Union survey. Xhirargita .32 no-7:45-48 Jl 156. (MIJU 9: 1-1) 1. Iz khirargichaskogo otdeleniya Holodechnanskoy gorodskoy bollnitay (zav. A.I.Svietunenko, nauchnyy rukovoditell - zav. kafedroy khirargii Beloruaskogo gosudarstvennogo'instituta usover- shenstvovani~a vrachey prof. A.M.Boldin) (BCNA DISEASES, ther. procaine penicillin, intra-arterial admin.) (FINICILLIN, ther. use bone dise, intra-arterial admin.) SVISTUNENK0, A. N., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Therapeuticr Signi- -,IF Administration ficance of ',,;he Intra-Arterial M 1: -1 of Antibiotics with Ilovocain in Acute Inflamatory Processes and Open TraumaN of the Extremities.". Rostov-on-Don, 1957. 20 pp (Rostov-on-Don State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, 50-57, 120) 40 ;, . - -, -t- . . 5 1/ f - I it N& v, /q- T -~ I IL~ -NIXISHIN. T. (Toguchim, No7osibirskaya oblasti); LRVITSKIY, G.(LIvov); -4UASKUWA~ aviGhelyabinsk); DOLINIKOV, I.(Fladimir). They fulfill their duty. Posh.delo, 3 no.2:24 7 157o Crirs prevention) (MLRA 10:4) S.VISTUMV, A.; GRINFIV, A. (Chelyabinsk) Watch team became outstanding. Pozh.dolo 4, no.12:11 D 156. (MIRA lltlZ) (Fire departments) PIKA)ioV, A. (Aktyubinsk); VORONNDV, A. (g.Dorogo'~uzh); GRIGORYAN. L.; GRINEV, A. (Chelyabinsk)-, SVISTUNOV, A. (CbelyabinskY .On the fighting stand. Pozb.delo 5 no.7:27: Jy (1 5% a 12,:9) 1. Starohiy Inspektor Upravleniya pozharaoy okhrany Armenii (for Grigorvan). (Firemen) KHEITTTS, L;; PETRICEMO, S., GOGIN, N-; E~V-ISTMV. -A. (Chelyabinsk) Readers letters. Pozh.delo 5 no.11:31-'32 N '59. OaW 13:4) 1. Nachallnik Otdela gosudarstvennogo poz'harnogo nadzora Upravleniva. pozharno7 okhrany Saratovskogo oblispolkoma (for Kheyfetu). 2. S 'tarshiy rayonny7 pozharnyy inspektor, selo Mliwvo,. Rovenskaya oblast' (for Petrichenko)e 3. NachalInIk Ieningradako7 pozharno-tekhnicheskoy vystavki (for Gogin). (Fire prevention) (Vire extinction) ,_.ST1;3TLNOvf A.- _,__ Fire -'prevantion in Rif--torles is a public responsibility. Pozh. delo 7 no.-:2:9-10 F 161. (,~a,?,A 14:2) (Factories-Fires and fire prevention) SVISTqNCV, A. (Chelyabinsk) Competiticii Is the basis of progress. 4ozh.delo 8 no-5t15 Yq ,62. (MIRA 15:5) (Chelyabinsk Province-Fire depirtme SVISTUNOV,A. ... in order to fight vith fires. Voen. znan. 40 no.12.,25 D "62 (MIRL 18al) 1. Nachallnik shtaba protivopozharno-y sluzhby grazhdanskoy oborany, Chelyabinsk* 7-u -N- 0 V - " --- - --- - - ---- - - -- ---- - - - - --- - - - --- -- 408(.') SVISTUNOV, A. M. Sbo.:.,-nye kleenye nesushchis konstruktsii pokrytiy promyshlennykh i sellskokhozyaystvenny-u zdaniy lz shpengellnyu sistem. Kiyev, 1954, 16 s. 20 3m. (MI-vo vyssh. obrazovaniya SSSR. Kiyevskiy ihzh. - stroit. in-t). 110 ekz. B. ts. - (54-56924) SVI,')'TU?IOV, A. M. "Prafabricated, Glued Sup-porting Structures for Roofs of Industrial and Agricul- tural Buildings Consisting of Sprongel Systems.* Cand Tech Sci, Kiev Construction Engineering Inst, Min Higher Education USSR, Kiev, 1954. (EL, No 3, Jan 55) SurTey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Iducational Instliutiona (12) I SO: 110. 556, 24 Jun 55 SVISTUNOV, G.A., inzh. - -- --- ---- Unit for feeding bitmen onto roofs. Stroi. i dor. mash. 8 no.11:28-29 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 'Z- BVISTUNOV, G., Methods for working frozen ground. Ila stroi. Moak. 2 no.12: 7-9 D '59 (141RA 13:3) (Frozen ground) (larthmoving machinery) SVISTUNOV, G.A.; POKOHOV, N.S. Use of remote control in boring. LInerg.biul. no.7:28-32 JI '53. (MIJU 6:7 (Remote control) (Petroleum--Well boring) SVISTUNOV, G.A., inzh. Meebanized working of frozen ground. Gor.khoz.Mosk- 33 no.11:23-26 N 159. (MIRk 13!2) (Frozen ground) OCarthmoving machinery) STISTUITOT, G.A., lnztv. Industrial methods for making construction elements In vertical NUT molds-1,Stroi. A dar. mashnInostr. 5 no.6:28-31 Je 160. - .(MM 13:7) (Coucrete slabs) SVISTUNOV,-.A-A--, Lash,; CUKA 19, TV.G., inz:h. Butt welding of reinforcement by means of frictione Stroi. i dor. mashlnostr. 5 no.8t33-34 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Ilectric welding) (Reinforced concrete) SVISTUNOV, G.A., insh.; CMKUIN, Ta.G. Pneumtic wrench of a new type. Mont.i spets.rab.v stroi. 29 no.8:30 Ag 160. (91" 13:8) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye by-uro goastroya. i TZISI. (wrenches) SVISTUPOV. ,k.., -:nzh.; MMKYAR) M-K... inzh,,; POLUENEVA, V.I... inzh.j. ,-Q- red.. (Heating frozen ground with devices operating on diesel flaell Otogrev merzlovo grunta, ustanovkami ma dizellnom toplive; opyt organizatsii Glavmosstroia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.) arkhit. i stroit. materialami 1961. 16 p. (MIRA 14-.12) 1. Akademiya stroitellst-m i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organiza- tsii, iaekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'Btvu. Byuro tekhnicheakoy informatsii. 2. GlayMy nauchMy konsul'tant po me- khanizatsii i energorabotam v stroitel'stve Moskovskoy vystavki novoy stroitel'tnoy tel:bniki 1960 g. Vystavki dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Svistunov). 3. Rukovoditell gruppy Spetsiall- nago konstruktorskogo byuro "MosBtrvy" (for Manukyan). (Frozen ground) w SVISMOVY G.A., inzh.; SADOVSKIY, L.A., irizh. New machines. Stroi i dor. masb. 8 no.12tV-29 D'63 (14IRA 17:7) SVISTUNOVY G.A. New road machinery. Avt. dor. 27 no-9:30-31 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) svis p- G.A.,_ inzh. --q--Zuxov MRchine tool for puri "0 ruberold. Makh. stroi. 20 no.10:20 0. 163.. . (MM 16:10) -AVISTUX0,Vp_~~A_p, inzh., CHERKASOVA, V.P. I Cutting and drilling concrete and reinforced concrete* Stroi, I, dor. mach. 10 no.S125-28 Ag t65. (MMA 1819) SVISTUNOV, G.A.9 41-nzh. Hiw transformer substations for the power supply of construction nites. Elek. Sta. 36 no.10:82 0 16!;* (W PA 18-- 3.0) STISTUNOV I. A. "Generalization of the Fmperience Gained in the Forced'Execution of Ho:..~.-izontsl Workings in the Copper Pyrite Mines of the Urd1s." Cand Tech Sci,, SvL-rdlovsk Mining Inst imeni V. V. Vakhrushev, Min Higher Education USSR, Sverdlovsk, 1954. (KL, No 5. Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Edacational Instiutions (12) SC: Sum. No. 556., 24 Jun 55 SIVISTUNOV, 1. A. 6305. Svistunov, I. A. Obobshcheniye opyta forsirovannogo provedenniya gorizontalInykh vyrabotok na medno-kolchedanny',ch radnnkakh urala Sverdlovsk, 1954. 16 s. s graf; 1 1. Rraf. 21sm. (YI-vo Vy,.lsh. obrazovaniya-SSSR. y in-t i khrusheva). 100 ekz. B. Ts. - Z54-581627 Sverdl. Forn3r im. v. v. va SO: Knizham7ya Letopis' 1, 1955 SVISTIMOV, 1.1131. Zffr-c'. of Peripheral inflammatory pmeasses on monosynaptic 3-efle.C13. Trudy Inst.norm-..i pat.ftz-lol. ANY SSSR 7! ~.79-n, 164. (MIRA 18&6) 1. Lsixtzti tc----;ya nksppr-bnFntall-ioy patologii -nervnoy sistemy (Zav. - prof. S.:(.F~~-ai'-kshtsyn) Instituta nomallnoy i patologicht-'skoy AMA SSSR. L 09277-61 - EWT(l) SCTB Db/Gb---- ACC NRi AT6036474: _SOURCE CODSt UR/0000/66/000/000/0025/002 AUTHOR: Altukhov, 0, V-;- -Yq9QK2yj~. A. D.; Polyat2val A. Pot Svis-tunov,. L DO; Skuratoval S. A. ORG: none quantitative evaluation of changes In the Intent period of conditioned motor reflexes as a function of the number of stimuli and the intervals between bUUXU;: Yonferentslya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmichaskoy meditstiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentslit ~bscow, 1966,, 25-26 TOPIC TACS: conditioned roflax, space physiology, human physiology, behavior pattern 'QuantitatiVic eva1uhtion of tile length of tile lafent period in human ADSTRACTt :conditioned motor reflexes was made using different ilght and sound stimuli*wLth intervals of 0. 5, 2. 5, 5, and 10 see between them. ~Series of stimuli with equal or different probabilities of provoking a I .reaction -%vere used. Tests were conducted on an "Emotsiya".apparatugol ~Tiqelve subjects, men and women aged 20-35 yrs, were used in 320 experiments. 'Results showed tliat- increase in the number of stimu _J :.,d 1/2 L 08277-67 ACC NRt leads to Increase In the average length of the latent period, with stimuli of1equal or different probability. This statistically reliable Increase Is described by the equation of the second ordor parabola: a)Istimuli of equal probability- tip:= 0,2136 + 0,1832 x - 0,0173 x'; b) stimuli of different probability -- tip = 0.2525 + 0,1545 x - 0,0140 2?, vhere tiis the length of the latent period, and x is the number of stimuli@ The length of the latent period also changed d6panding on the intervals between stimuli. Uie shorter the interval, thf; shorter the length of the latent period (on the average), This relationship is expressed by a ;inear equations ;eq = 0~4053 + 0,01.16 z, where z In the length of the interval batv~ven ablinull. EW. A. No. 22; ATD.Kapor~', 66-116] SUB CODEt' 06,05 SUBM DATE: 001-tay66 C.,d 2/2_ vmb 3V13TUIXI A, 4505. RA'fo,*,ICIV. A. N. Ratsiona-liatsiya protesson kovki. (opyt kuznetsol.r lenin:Ir. Vorovskor-o zavoda). L., 1954. 163. S chert. 21 sm. (Useso9az o-vo po rasprostraneniyu prohit i mauch faniy. Lenigr. Dom- nauch L,,eni.~-r. Gto-niye usespyaz. nauch. inzh. teckhm. O-va tc-khn progagendy . T MIshinostroitel-ey. hom. kuznetsov n shtampovshchikov listol, navatora. No. 28 (267). 3.800 EKZ. 50K. --Sost. ukazany v kontse: terIksta. -- (34=15076zh) SO: Knizhaya Let-opis, Vol. 1, 1955 SVISTUITOV, IVRn Mikhsy1oj.-,k4. kuznets , YEMELIYANOVA, Ye.Y.,red.-, RCODCHMTKO. [Honorable profession) Pochetnaia professiia. [Leningrad] Lenizdat, 1956. 62p 1.1:9) (Forging) SUBKITTED: 260ct63 ENCL! 01 SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV- 000 OTHER, 000 ~S7 CA rd 2/3 SVISTUNOV, N.I. "Apparatus for Controlling Rate of Blood Transfu&.ion," by R. I. Svistunov tLeningrad)., Chair of Medical Supply (head, A. Khrenov, Colonel of Medical Service), MilitaryMedical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Vrachebroye Delo, No 11, Nov 56s p 1207 An "indicator" apparatus for controlling the rate of blood trans- fusion is described. It consists of a penicillin.flask and two needles for the transfusion of blood. The rubber cap of the flask is pierced by the two needles in such a manner that the Up of one of the needles re- mains above the fluid level while the tip of the second needle is sub- merged. The cannula of the first needle is connected by means of a rub-, ber tube with the upper tube of the flask and the fluid is forced through it, while air is admitted through the second needle. As the level of the blood in the flask Oecreases, the vacuum which- is formed in the "indicator" will absorb air in the form of bubbles pass- ing through the fluid of the "indicator," From the number of bubbles one can judge the -rate of the blood being transfused into the recipient. The app~aratus can be used in rural -areas.9 anc41 it is easily washed_, disinfected, and sterilized. 4 M SVIISTUNOV, N.I. (Inningrad, Vyborgskara nab., d.9/16, kv. 18 oval I V`-~ A device f1Dr the removal of remaining blood from the Filatoy blood transfusion set. Yest..khir- 77 no-7:D3 Jl '56. (KEMA 9:10) 1. 1z kafadry meditainskogo snabzhaniya (zav. - A.P.Khanov) Toyenno- meditainakoy ordena Lenina, akademii im. S.H.Xirova. (B100D TRANSFUSION, appar. and instruments device for removal of remaining blood in blood transfusion system fater A.M.Filatov) BR,",rfDO, I.S.; SVISTUNOV, N.I. IMM~ - My 111gh o raf on 7ohe abdominal aorta. Zdrav. Bel- 5 no.3:58 '59 (HIM 12:8) 1. Iz kchirurgicheakogo otdeleniya (zaveduyunhchiy - P. A. Klin- diikhov) Leningradskoy bollaitsy imeni S. Perovskoy (glavrqy vrach K. A. Shelomentseva). (ABDOMISL AORTA--DMASHS) SVISTUNOV, 11.1. Fourth conference of young Leningrad surgeons. Vest.khir. 82 no.4:147-151 Ap '59- (MIU 12:6) (SMORY-CONGRMS3S) AVIDON, D.B.,; BAIROV, G.A.,; BUTIKOVA, N.I., dotsent,; BOYKOV. G.A.,; VIOLIMCHAGINA, L.N.,; GONCHAROVAI M.N., prof., doktor md.nauk; ZHOLOBOV, L.K., vrach; 2EMSKAYA, A.G., kand.umid.nauk; KAYSARIYANTS, G.A., dotsent,; XCLESOV, A.P., daktor med.nauk; KOHDRATIYSV, I.P.,; KORCHANOV, G.L.; KIJTUSUV, F.Kh.,; LEVINA, O.Ya.,; LYANDRES, Z.A., prof., doktor modenauk; MOROZOVA, T.I.,; KIRZOYEVA, I.I.,; PANUSEM, V.S.,; - RASTORGUIEV, A.V., vrach; RUDAKOVA, T.A.,; '.UVITSKAYA, ,,A -YesVoo kandomed.nauk; SVISMOV, N.I., vrach; CHIETOVICH. G.T., YAK0VUTA,-T-.9-.,-v-r-e`cK; MARGORIN. Yevasniy Kikhaylovich. prof., red.; DOLETSKIY, S.Ya.. red.; VMESHCHAGINA, L.Ke. red.; MJLBVA, H.S., [Operative surgery on children] Operativnaia khirurgiia detskogo vozrasta. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Redgiz, Leningr.otd-nie, 196o. 475 p. (MIRA 13:12) (CHILDRIW--SMGKRY) 3 v 16-1 UN 1) V - 9. 1 ~1. - ---- - - _- - -_ _- - - __-- - -___ - S-Uatuno:iE,_N,I.; Lazareva, K. N.; Fedoroveldy, S. M.; KII:romov) B..M. (13rof . );. __ --- Kazantsova, N. D.; Miodneva, E. A.--Leningrad "Th!) Treatment of Burns According to.Data of Leningrad Hospitals. report submitted for the 27th Congress of Surgeons of the USSR, Moscow, 23-28 %Y 1960. Svil:;TUNOV N. L(leningrad, D-25, Nevokiy prosp., d. 90/92, W. 35) Surgical anatomy of the corona77 arterles of -the heart in subjects of different age. Grud. Mir. no.2:21-25 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheakoy anatomii (zav. - prof. Ye. M. Margorin) Laningradekogo pediatricheskogo maditainskogo instituta i khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Leningradekoy ob"yedinennoy bollnitsy imeni S. Perovskey (glavnyy vrach Z. A. Nakhimova) (CORONARY VESSUS) Svismig"LLM01W Treatment of infqctious mastitis in sheep. Yeterinarila 33 no.6: 16 Je '56. (MI-RA 9:8) .3 1. Glavny7 veterinarnyy vrach plemennogo ovtoevodcheakogo sovkhoza, "ProletarskiyO. (Sheep-Diseases and pests) (Udder-Disei.Lee,s) SVISMffOL,-R-.I,I. (Chief Veterinary Surgeon of the base-model fa:rm "Proletarskii", Rostov oblast') "Experienc* in rendering the fam sanitary in respect to sheep brucellosis" Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 7, July 1962 P. 38 SVISTWOV.11 ~H.M. Practices in ridding farms of brucellosis in sheep. Veterinariia 39 no,,7:3F,39 J1 '62* (MIRA 18:1) 1, GJavnyy veterinarnyy vrach oporno-pokazatelinogo khozyaystva OF role UArs1ciy It, Roctovskoy oblusti. AUTHORS: Ageyenkov , V. G. BOV/149,-58-4-15/26 ROMAMOV, A.S., Svistunov, N. TITIE: Matte Smelting as a Method of Recovering Gold from. Rich Sulphide Goncentral;es (Plavka na shteyn kak sposob izvleaheniya zolota iz bogiLtykh sullfidnykh kontsentratov) PBRIODICAL::.Izvestiya Vysshi4h Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya,. 1958, Nr 41 pp 109-118 (L'SR) ABSTRACT: As a result of the growing practise of unriahing the gold-bearing ores,. substantial quantities of rich 4~ilphide concentrates, often containing a large (10-18%) proportion of copper, exe produced by viirious mining concerns of East Siberia. Since recovery of gold from this -type of material by the conventional methods (i.e. amalgamation or cyaniding) is difficult, these concentrates are sent to various coppex-smelting works in the Urals, where gold is recovered by copper matte smelting. Although no objections can be raised to this process on technical grounds, the practise as such is very wasteful and uneconomical owing to: Card 1/7 (i) Very high costs of transport; (ii) considerable SOV/149-58-4-15/26 Matte Smelt-Xng as a Method of Recovering Liold from Rich Sulphide Concentrate s losses of the concentrates in transit (while loading and unloading) and (iii) increased proportion of gold lost in the waste slags produced in large quantities when the gold-bearing concentrates are imalted with a much larger proportion of copper bearing material. It has been suggested that this problem could be solved more economically by building (e.g. in the Chitin region) a special, small smelting-works for pxocessing the Siberian concentrates with the siliceous gold-bearing ores from the Taseye-vodeposits (at present also smelted in the.Ural works) used as a flux. However, before realisation, of such a project could be considered, a number of technical problems had to be solved and tba object of laboratgry experiments described in the present a:rticle was to evaluate (in terms of the maximum. attainable recovery of Sold) the practicability of matte smelting process Card 2/7 for treating the Siberian concentrates,, determine the SOV,/149-58-4-15/26 Matte Smelting as a Alethod of Recovering Gold from Rich Sulphide Concentrates -.ase of gold from 85 to 9?.9%). Howevert under these conditions variation of the matte yield was accompanied by variation of the composition of the slag which in turn affected the degree of gold recovery. Consequently,, in the next series of tests in which vaxious quant1ties Of MELtte of known composition were added. to the charge, the composition of the slag was maintained practically constant while the matte yield varied between 14 and 25%. Under these conditions recovery of' gold increased from 9?.l to 99% and its content in the slag decreased from 3.8 to 1.6 g/ton (Table 3, Fig.2). Yi.9.3 shows how recovery of gold and copper varied vrhen both the yield and composition of matte were varied: In this case the relationship between recovery of gold and the matte yield was quite-different. When the yield decreased (i.e. when the copper content of the matte increased from 14 to 55%) recovery of gold increased Card 4/7 from 97.1 to 99.06%. (This effect was attributed to SOV/149-5-3-4-15/26 Matte Smelting as a Method of Recovering Gold from Rich Sulphide Concentrates tbAa fact that the richer the matte, the la:cger proportion of metallic copper it contains. Since go:Ld is easily soluble in copper and since it is bq'Lieved. that no gold is present in the sulphide phase, enrichment of the matte results in higher :mcovery fi,vres.) In the last series of experiments the effect of the sulphur content in the slag on the magnitude of go' Id losses was examined (Fig.4). WIjen the amount of sulphur present in the slag increased 1rom 0.2 tc 1.0%, the losses of gold increased from 2 to 12 g/ton of slag. These results indicated that practically all gold lost in the slag was contained in the matte inclusions, the presence of which - in the form of large globules or emalsified particles - was confirmed by mi,=oscopic exELmination (Fig-5 and 6). The highest coacentration of the matte inclusions was observed near -the matte- slaG interface and near the slag surface. Matte inclusions in the lower portion of the slag layer were Card 5/7 attributed to insufficiently long duration of the SOV/149-513-4-15/26 Matte Smelting as a Method of Recovering Goldfrom Rioh Sulphide Concentrates slag and 0.9-l.U ton of the Taseyevoore could. be treated with each ton of the Siberian concentrates. There are 7 figures, 3 tables and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:: Severokavkazski-y Gornometallurgicheskiy Institut. KAJ'e~*Lra Metallurgii Blagorodnykh i Redkikh Met~'llov (North Caucasian Mining-Metallurgical Institute, CW~ir for Metallurgy of Noble and Rare Metals) SUBMITTED*. 'C',!lst April 1958. Card 7/7 AGMNKOV, V.o,.; SVIS 7*-W.l I Recovery of gold and arsenic from unyielding ocherous ores. Izv.vys.ucheb,,zav.; tsvet.mat. 2 no.4-.88-96 159. (MIU 13.11) 1. ;3everokavkazekly gornometallurgicheakiy institut. Kafedra metallurgil blagorodnVkh i radkikh metallov. (Gold--Metallurgy) (Arsenic-Metallurff) MIKHIN, YA.Ya.; SVISTUKOV, N.V. 0", Present i3tate and ways to further improve flowsheets for gold recovery-from ores. 12V. vys. ucheb. zav,;- tavet. met. A, no.5.- 133-139 161. (MIRA 14-.10) 1. Seve:rokavi*zskiy gornometal-lurgicheskiy inatitut., kafedra metallurgii, blagorodnykh i radkikh (Gold-Metallurgy) ANISIMOVP S.M.; ':;VISTUNOV,p N.V.1 ASTAKIIOVA, Ye.P. Gold flotation out of pure qvArtz placer ores. TSveto met@ 38 no.11.45-50 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) NOVOSHLOVP R. D., kand. med, nauky-tll~TUNOV, 0. A.,'assistent Anatomical and functional (speech) results ot radical uranoplasty in congenitA!Ll cleft palate. Trudy, K(24I no.2'123-128 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz kafedl'7 khirurgicheskoy stomatologii - zav. kmfedroy dotsent P. V. Naimov. (PAIATE, CLEI~~--.- SVISTUNOVI O.A., assigitent Use of a lonaiiuclinal osteotomy in treating a unilateral m-icr-c- genia. Trudy MIKE no,10-.429-431 163, (MIF-.11 1,8:1) 3 Iz kafedry R:hirurgicheskoy storratolcgii (zav. kafedroy dotsent F.V.1-luumov') Kalininukogo gosudarst."rermcgo meditsinskogo instituta. GIJBUOV, A.; IISTZJBAYLY, K.; GROKIDGIMKO, A. (stantelya Shaktnaya); VOLOSOVIGH, A., b.-rigadir; MASLOV. T.; TWTSOVA, A. (g.lvanovo); SYjSTUNOV.-_T--,-R,VALET, V.; KISROV, V. (g.Priozersk, Leningradgkoy oblasti); .UIISIHCiV, P.; ILUTAYTSEV, Ye. Editor's mxil. Elov.profsoiusy 16 no.17:44-50 8 l6o. (MIRA U:8) 1. Predeedatell nestaogo komiteta upravleniya sovkhoza imeni Stalina, Eras nodzrs kogo L-raya (for Gubanov). 2. Zaveduyushch-Ly avtoklubom Twhac)-lazakhetanskogo obkoma profsoyuza rabochikh i sluzhashchikh njellskogo khozyaystva i zagotovok, g.Nallchik (for Kistaubayev). 3. Chlea komiteta profsoyuza gillsonablvaogo tsekha fabriki O,Duka~," Moskva (for Voloaovich). 4. Predsedatell mestkoma passazb.Irskogo avtotransportnogo transporta, g. liallchik (for Maslov). 5. Instraktor,kuliturno-massovogo otdela Leningradsko,go (:blaovprofa (for Svistunov). 6. Redaktor gazetty "Azovetallstroyc'vets,m g. Zhdanov (for Kovalev). 7. Nachal'ILik otdela kadro~'Ullyanovskogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo instituta (for Katairtsev). .8. Starshty Instruktor Tyumenskogo oblastnogo soveta profsoywov (for Anisimov). (Trade unions) SVISIMLQY,V., assiritent; TSYGANOV, S. Expand and #I)rove food supply to the fields. Obshchestv. pit. no.7:27-28 J:L 162. (MIPLA 15: 10) 1. Llvov-skiy torgovo-ekonomicheskiy institut (for Svistunov). 2. Starshiy Iastruktor otdela obshchestvennogo pitaniya Vinnitskogo .. oblastnogo sayuza potrebitellskikh kooperativor (for TSyganov). (AFinnitsa Province-Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) KOGARKO, S.M., doktor I t,ekhn.nauk; BORODULIN, A.A.; BOXHON, Yu.A.; KOMAROV, V.N.; LYABIN, A.G.; NIKHAYLOV, Propagation of the chemical reaction zone in acetylene in large diameter pipes. Khim.prom. no.7:496-501 Jl 162. (KM 15:9) 1. Institut khimicheskok fiziki AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniye zavodov kauahtilcovoy promyshlennosti. (Acety-lene) (Gas pipes) (Combustion) or r masinakay oaf Ingititute or.-TA.W-Temjmvtmlc4, L 4885-66 !ACCESSION NA: AP502r149-.1 ENCDDSURE: 01, F7 A iw, t -e ge..; Tig lt V61 a' charlac istics of Sn-I-Sn tunriel: junction.-. section 1 initial (H 1.12 Oe); 2 y 3j, numbers of steps: -;~- - .-,, -- - --- - t Vojt~~ JI total amp-ere -acteris. o) III iw':th' t P7 7 IL -,.Th scale for.. e current Ir., creased: dr, M - o - of :i bo uv~ card 4/4 I'MU Z.1 no: 196 jk U, v t' ~ . -., -- paixjf,~. c J- oope e -j -cur o 0 ujj~ rent osep. thin'' -Alb14 Wd 4v Ote ;!`theoreticalljy.~b -D ;T YTI b Ved to-f: fl d 2 ser, owbetwdeh o 1~idd ~ ~f --an abou A-ay-ef r aiivvi -u- a. %,Ih and stopped en I s m th pended on the maelnetic field, ~empera-turaj arid- 7' Cajr%i 1/3 meffagERNM now, mm . ...... ... L 23084-65 ACCESSION RR: AP500183 2 tion. Observation of the effect was made possible by the attain- ak~ - I v e rv arid verv oxide layers, making a 2 (11 ori'm- MP, at 4.2K feasible. 4. K. .';i.,2n-~ver the field b-- 1 t I C)e 7 1 AX LM a tri at de crease monotonically wi a v)eria- corresponding tot~evaluc. '--af th& % qucant~uffl Qf mb'-nt! Gic i: The e t e d:apendenl-e of the STC and the singularitieS of the curr nt~voi A r r~:; t 1-' r--i ~ t u _- r to the tunnelinq of the super- 1-Unneling. 1'ne de- jDme of the ariumaii-es 7,1n u-1clear. "The au-:hors triwik Yu. F. Komnak s 1: 7'_-~ si- 1 oris ~,u r 1 -7 ttlie pre-Daration of the f)-Lm struc- A fi,v ires. [021 as Card 2/3 -i'al 'Jis- ED* -- ITF99mra W I z SUBMIT-ED: 24Jul,54 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE, SS I I Gr 'il L 473501- i5 EWT( 1 EWT (M),/NP(b)~ jP C r ACCMSI 0 1MR: APSGO8760 SIOMM/0481003/09WO979- AMOR: Yanson, 1. K.; syjjt=crr Dcda-,m*o'Lj, 14. TME- Cxperin-ental ottservation of the tural effect for Ccoper pairs with SO'-P,CE!- Zhumal. ei-..TwqJmnta1'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 48j 3, 3.96,59 976-979 MPIC ILGS- _qu2erri~x_tz ttmel effectl. CooNr pair, photon: ert4spions tins tin oxii Le ABSTMZN The article describes an experim-ent aimed at observing photon emissicn Lq= C-CurTencq, of* alteritting supercamhmb-m ctrzent in a stTwture of the -bype Sn--Sno2,". -/!j; _fjIm*k6f width 1.3-7 mn mid thidciess -2000 A were evaporated M a -L-Lass 5ubstnite aLt E right angle, and a t1un oxi-l-- layer was formed betweert the film. The st~iiv_aa-e w~aa placed in a reat&--gular !ave-paide parallel 'zo its side wall, cne of tie Film! being parallel to tlia wave propagaticn vector in the Ada 0 Va - I- . A s-yrall --cristant w-!Plutic field was applied in the swe directicn. The entire s,..-stem. ;.as placed :-n a liquid-teliun cxyoste., anc the volt-arqemrhareateriutic -r-nx-ti --v -)Ictted ar. an autcmat,_c pcterticireter at 1. 57K for varicus Lcqd iB! ILZ NESVIT, S.M.; NYUNIKO) O.I.;,j9VISTUNOV) iuzh., retsenzent; SYTNIK, N.A.,, inzh...r [Horizontal forging machines and their automation] Gorizontallno- kovochrqe mashiM, i ikh avtomatizatsiia. Moskva., Mashinostro- enie, 1964- 322 p. (MIRA 17:10) 20256 S/148/60/000/011/013/015 ()C) a", 104-1 A161/AO30 AUTHORSr Bernshteyn, M. L.; Tung Su-I..-.Uei, Svistunov, Z.V. TITLE- The effect of workhardening on the fine structure of the E1437 alloy PERIODICAtz Izve3tiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya me4vallurgiya, no,11, 1,960, 125 - '32 TEXT; The Moscow Steel Institute has studied the effect of work- hardening on the heat-resistant A437 (E1437) alloy. The composition of the specimen's was; M 0.05 C-Y 0.04 Mn; C.46 Si; 20.8 Cr; 2.A Ti; 0.8 Al; 0.004 S; 0.007 P; M5 Ce; 0- 05 Fe; 0.04 0u; the content of harmful imDuri- ties (Pb, Sb, As, Bi and other) was not beyond the amount permissible. Work- hardening was applied to blanks out from rolled 35 mm diameter rods, quenched from !OeOOC (and soaked for 8 hours) and cooled in air, then aged at 7000C --:'Or 530, 500, 5000 and 50,000 minutes. One part of the blanks was cold rolled with 25 - c50 % reduction)one part cold drawn with the same re- iuction, and one par, left unworkhardened. The structure was studied with L v Card 116 20256 B/148/60/000/011/013/015 The effect of workhardening on the . . . A161/AO30 an optic and an electronic microscope, and with an X-ray camera. The ar- ticle includes photo micrographs and graphs showing the measured variations of hardness and electric resistance, and of the structure block dimensions and mictrostress6s. It wag stated that the workhardened metal was not homo- geneous. [Abstractor's notat Pho tomi cro graphs in the abstract a-e cuts from the original in the article] The numerical data obtained are the follow-'ngi Hardness Blocks size Distortions of The working 11V 1) 10-8, CM2 2nd order 1o-3 Quenching only i5o 1500 0088 Quenching + rolling 267 670 1.40 (with 25% reduction) Quench-4'ng + rolling (with 50% reduction) 340 220 1.64 Quenching + drawing wi th 5017/c 6 reduction) 380 370 2.18 ard 2/6