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ACCESSION NR: AT4033628 principal units or elements of a typical, teaching machine are described and analyzed: 1) the information presentation unit (microfilm projector, tape-recoMer, etc.); 2) the res- ponso introduction unit (device for collecting the answers of the student; for example, a typewriter-like arrangomentonwIdeh the replies can be physically printed out); 3) the comparison tuilt (where the answer of the student is analyzed and compared with the an- swer programmed in the machine); 4) the timing unit (to measure and regulate the time intervals between the presentation of the question and a correct answer, -as well as bet%veea two successive questions); 5) the memory unit (where information on possible answers by the student is stored); 6) the evaluation unit (by means of which the student is advised of the correctness or incorrectness of his answers); 7) the information selection unit (nec- essany when operating with a ramified program, in order to select the next step of the program as a function of the student's answer to the preceding question); 8) the program itself ( the fundamental and essential part of any'teaching machine). The automatic device - called the "Ekzamenator", developed at the Institute, is described. By means of this machine, the student is given a sories of questions on current material. Each of the quo S'tiona Is accompanied byseveral mul~ually-?xcluslvo responses. Thostudentmust Cord 2/5 - provide the covt-cct auswcv to each question. The evaluaU 'on Is made according Lu Ow relative number or correct answers by the student, with consideration of tile tilne talken in replying. Ali I-lie units of the machine are designed In two versions: the first uses t telephone rolay!~ aL; logical elements; tho second - semiconductors. Both types are 0 f described on the 'basis of block djagranis accompanying tile. text. Also described fr, tile arLicle is the "Repetit-or" teaching machine., designed for foreign language instrLICU011 iti tile hig-lier instifutes of leart-Ling (the so-called "vuz") and in the lower-echelon schools. The answer is introduced into the machine by means of a keyboard arrangement. The hors (11scuss Hic difficulties created by LMs forni o' iiiachine address in terms of the auC I X ial fealhires and peculiarities of forelgil. languago teaching. Of die two types of pro- 1) (2 c U k7 grams (1hicar ati(I r-1111ifiC(l) which are commonly used. fol: teaching machines, tile ItRepetitor" employs the ramified or "expanded" t~,Te. Sequenliv.1 "blocks" of information are fed to the student, dependbig on the degree of accuracy with which he answers tile questions contained in the preceding "blocks". Two operaLing conditions arc possible: one in whIch the student sets for himself the rate or "tompoll of teaching; the other, In Card 3/6 ACCESSION MR: AT4033628 which this rate is established by the machine Itself. Work is evaluated on the basis of a four-point scale ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory!' and "poor") as a function of: 1) the number of errors made by the student in completing the exercises on a given subject theme; 2) the reaction time of the student; 3) the number of requests to the machine for "help" (this ac conipli s lied by depressing- a special button marked "assistance" on the control panel of the machine, resulting in the supplying of either a leading question or of additional information), A block diagram of the "Repetitor" teaching machine is presented -,uid the operation of the basic units of the doviceareanalyzed, along with a dis- cussion of the algorithm used. Noting that this machine is a partially self-adapting teaching device, the authors eipress the opinion that it would be expedient to construct a 'Lest model on the basis of the design described in the article, placing it into actual practice under academic conditions and then modifyingand improving it. Orig. art. has: 13 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly 9norgetichoaldy insLitut (Mbscow Power Institute) Cord 4/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4033628' SUMITTED. 03Dec63 DATE ACQ: 16AprG4 ENCL,. 00 SUB CODE: DP No REF BOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 5/5 ALEKSAI,MROV, Viktor Yevgenlyevich, podpolkovnik; _SVIRIDOCHKINP I.I'l podpolkovnik, red.; SLEPTSOVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Incident in the air) Sluchai v vozdukhe. Moskvap Voen. izd-vo M-va oborony SSM, 1961. 31 p. (14M 15:2) 1. Chlen Soyuza sovetskikh pisateley (for Aleksandrov). (Parachute troops) ,-sVIRIDOCHKTKO_I,I.-v-podpolkovnikj red.1 KRASAVINAj A.M., tekhnoreds (The law of military life; collected articles on the now regu- lations of the Armed Forces of the UoS*S,Rel Zakon zhizni voina; 0 novykh ustavakh vooruzhenzWkh sil Soiuza SSR; sbornik statei. Moskvaq Voen.izd-vo K-va obor.sssR, 1961. 84 p. (KIRA 14t6) (Russia-Armed forces-Regulationp) BAKAYEV, Nikolay Vasillyevich; SVIRIDOCHKIII, I.I, _, podpolkovn:Lk. red.; MIASLOVA, V.Ya.., tekhn. red. [Beacons are calling fonrard] Maiaki zovut vpered. Moskva., Voenizdatp 1962. 50 P. (MIRA 3-5: 8) (Russia-Armed Forces-Military construction operations) KOTYSH, N.T.; SVIRIDOCHKIN, I.I., red.; CHAPAYEVA, R.I.p tekhn, red, [Law of wings; collected essays and articles on flight safety) Zakon krylatykh;vsbornik ocherkov i statei o bezopasnosti po- letov. Moskva, oenizdat, 1962. 111 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Flight-Safety measures) VERKHOIXTOV, A.P.; SVIRIDOCHKIN, I.L., red.; CHAPAYEVAI R.L., tekhn. [Through work is man great] Trudom velik chelovek. Mo- skva, Voenizdat, 1962. 69 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Russia-Armed forceig) (work) SVIRIDOCHKIN, I., podpolkovnik "Dzhikaev's secret" by (kapitan] S. Nemtsev. Reviewed by 1. Sviridochkin. Starsh.-serzh. no.4.7 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Tanks (Military science)) MELINIKOV, Nikolay Andreyevich; SVIRIDOCHKIN, I.I., red.; SOLOMOVIK, R.L.., tekhn. red.~ - -1 ""' 2 ~:-, --, ~ -,. [At the coamodromel Na kosmodroute. Moskva, Voenizdat., 1964. 155 P. (MIRA 17:2) POKRYSHKIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich., Tr1ohly Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza red. general-polkovnik aviatsii; IELRIDOCHKIN (Sky of war] Nebo voirq. Moskva., Voenizdat, 1966. 443 P. (KRA 18:12) U~04;~" ftiibii~~ SELISHCHEV, Ivan Pavlovich; SVIRIDOCHKB. I.I., podpolkovnik, red.; CHAPAYEEVA, it. 1. 0 ie-UF. -red. (Family of an officer]Semlia ofitsera. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 118 p. (Soldiers) (Family) (KIRA 15:10) MAYEVSKAYA, V.M., kand.taon.nauk; 14DROZOVj, A.D., inzh.; SVIRIDONUVI A,A., tekhaik -------------- Me ATE-1 thermoelectric anemowter. Bezop.truda v prom.6 no.11;22-23 N 162. (141HA 16.2) 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-isgledovatelfskiy institut po besopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Anemometer) SVIRID071fov) 11. G. "Study and Selection Utilization in Solection Work of Local Species of Mi-Ilet of Tubimskaya Autoramous Oblast." Cand Agr Sci,, Leningrad ACricultural Inst, Min 11i,-her Education USSR, Lenincrad, 1955. (h-L, No Apr 55) SO- Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 555 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions.(16). L ACC NRt AT6014761 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0118/0119 AUTHORS: ov? G. B.; Baranov, I. A'.j'Candidate of technical sciences); Karasik Xurran V. R.; Sviridonov, 11. N.,- Shmulevich, R.: S.- Novokreshchenova, V. B.; Se tyurina, N.N. ORG: none TITI,0: Device for investigating the critical current in superconductors and its .15t1 application for studying the effect of iron impurity on the superconductinp, properties ^W of niobium-zirconium alloy VI -VI S3U-?CE: Sdveshchaniyb po metallovedtn-i i metallofizike sverkh o odnikov Int 1964 Dr v I.Tetallovedeniye i me allofizika sverkh.-provo tallography and physics of metals in superconductors); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 118-119 YOPIC IAGS: superconductivity, critical magnetic field, superconducting alloy, ziiobium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, iron containing alloy, solenoid, ABY~,IIMCT: 1A device is described for measuring the critical current of short wire samples au a function of the ex-cernal transverse magnetic field (range 0-40 koe) (see Fig. 1). The magnetic field is a solenoid with windings of niobium- zirconium wire, whose construction was described in the preceding artidle (V. R. ~arasik, G. B. Kurganov, V. G. Yershov, I. Yu. Shebalin, B. D. Kolrjlovskiy, and V. S. Ivanov. Present compilation, p. 101). The device was used for investigatin _g the properties of 0.2-mm. diameter wire of Nb - 26% Zr alloy alloyed with iron (0-5t 0-4t L-Card - 1/2 TIMOSH=i, Valentin Dmitriyevich; KREGHKO, Andrey Yustinovich; VARYPAYEVA, Anna Grigorlyevna; SVIRIDONOV, Mikhail ~Giril o0r~Ieelvri~Cclhl,;' Uv' I . p ~'~ ed. KAZACHENOK, V., red.; KIJZCHITS,~K ~. 'I~:d [manual on sugar beet cultivation in the B.S.S.R.) Spravocbnik po vozdelyvaniiu sakharnoi svek2y v BSSR. Minsk., Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.sel'khoz.lit-r,,,ry 1961. 194 P- (MIRA 15:1) (White Russia-Sugar beets--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) IZYFWOMYA, D. I., DIOWT, D. V,, G'aT3:DTiijZ, V, P. arAl M:'C'-zIO-fA, 11. 1. "Application of mdti-cL-j=::l v,~L~m-rV up~art=.~trj In &~,UTatim vell logging." roport to be aubmitted for ' tba Comferonne on Ruclaar Goophyuics' Mmkaw, Poland, 24-30 SoPt 1962. inzh. vodnogo STANKOV, S.; TROFIVIOV, V.; VVEDENSKIY, A.; SVIRID~LV, 0 transporta; CHEfUlOV, M., inzh. vodFo-go 'Gansporta Improve the managemenb of the coris-31idated inland waterway network. Rech. transp. 24 no.10:1-3 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya rechnogo flota pri Sovete Mini'strov KazSSR (for Stankov). 2. Nachallnik Kamskogo rechnogo parokhodstva (for Trofimov). 3. Nachallnik Severnogo rechnogo parokhodstva (for Ilvedenskiy). SVIRIDOV, A. s~- ~, . " 100~- -- -----more attention to the studies of workers. Sov. profsoiuzy 6 no.6: ?0-72 Je '58,, (MIRA 11:7) l.Direktor Chelyabinskogo gornometallurgicheskogo teldmikuma. (Chelyabinsk Province-Evening and continuation schools) SVIRIDOVI A., inzh.; LUPICITY, N., inzh. Indices of the river fleet utilization. Rech. transp,. 22 no,5tl5-18 My 163, (MIRA 16:8) (Inland water transportation) AUTHOR; 3viridov, _A. 27-56-7-18/27 TITLE: Improvement of the Qualification of Personnel (Povysheniye kvalifikatsii kadrov) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Ur 7, p 26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Successful t-raining of technical personnel depends largely on the oualification of the instructors and foremen who are re- sponsible for the training of young workers at trade schools. Since many of the instructors with vast industrial experience lack technical education, the Chelyabinsk Technical School of Yining and Metallurgy, in cooperation with the principals of the FZO trade schools, have arranged technical evening courses. Foremen and instructors of the trade schools' training staff attend these courses willingly and with satisfactory results. This kind of training has already improved the teaching methods in a number of trade schools. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy gornometallurgicheskiy tekhnikum (Chelyabinsk Technical School of Mining and Metallurgy) 1. Technical personnel--Training Card 1/1 SVIRIDOV, A. inzh. WOO~~~ Improve the quality of work planning for river transportation vessels. Rech.transp. 22 no.1:16-17 Ja '0. (MIRA 1612) (Inland water transportatic~i-Cost of operation) SVIRIDOV, A.A. Combined burner. Put' i put.khoz. 4 no.1:21 Ja 160. (14IR& 13:5) (stoves) SVIRIDOV P A.A, Some aspects of favus control in Ural'sk Province. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.190-4 162. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz Ural'skogo oblastnogo veneroiogicheskogo dispansera. r SVIRIDOV, A. A. Puti uskoreanogo povysheniia proizvoditellnosti truda vo flote. L means of raising the labor productivity in the fleet-7 - (Rechnoi transuort, 1948, no.2, p. 6-0. DLC: TC601.R4 SO: Soviet Transportations a3id Communications, A Bibliography Library of Congress Waithington, 1952, Unclassified. Reference Deoartment. .. Z - SVIRIDOV, A., inzhener; SEMV, F., inzhener; RYAZ"OY, V., inzhener. Stackless loading and mechanized unloading of lumber. Mor. i rech. flot 14 no.10:5-7 0 '54. (MTRA 7:11) (lumber-Tranaportation) SVIRIDOV, A.A. Higher level operation, in river transportation. Rech.tranup. 14 no.2:3-6 F 155- (MIRA 8:5) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Glavflota, Ministerstva, Rechnogo Flota. (Inland navigation) SVIRIDOV, A.A. For continued developments and improvements in pusher tugging. Bach. transp. 14 [i.e. 151 no*3:13-16 Nr 156. (KM 9:8) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Glavnogo upravlonlys dvizheniya Ministerstva rechnogo flota. (Tugboats.) (Inland navigation.) OXHOTNIKOV. Georgiy Illich; MIRONOV, Viktor Petrovich; SHUSTROV. Dmitriy Hikiforovich; KEKMTS, Movshe Berkovich; KOMISSAROV,.N.G., 4&D !z,red.; RMUSHIIIA. retsenzent; 4y A.AN., red.izd-va; TSVETKOVA. S.Y.' [The work of river navigation districts] Rabota flots po tiagovym plecham. Moakra, lzd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1957. 76 p. (Inlaul water transportation) (MIRA 11:2) SHUSTROV, Dmitriy Nikiforovich; S V I R BEWUA.A -*VP A&*-.retSenzazxt; OMOTNIKOV, G,I,, red.; KA'MJSHINA, Atfi*, red, izd-va; SLLA2KO7, K*Po, tekhn. red, [Technical plan for the operation of river steam hip ]Auesj Tekhnicheakii plan'raboty rechny~ffi parckhodetv. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport,,"11958. 169 pi (MIR& 11:9) (Inland water transportation) I FRIKLONSKIY. V.P.; SVIRIDOVI, A.A., inzh. 1410~- Conference on the use of the pushing method of towing in steamship lines located in eastern basins. Reoh, transp. 17 no. 7:23 J1 158. (HIRA 11:8) 1. Zamestitall naahallnilm Obskogo rechnogo parokhodetva(for Priklonokiy)s (Siberia --Towing) SHA&ffOV, Zosima _Uelseyevicl. Prinimali uchastiye: ORLOV, D.A.; KARAS V. N.Yo.; RUMYhTS.BV, S.M.; SVIRIDOV, A.A.. ALEKSEYEV, V.I., red.izd-va; YMMAKOVA, T.T., (River transportation of the U.S.S.R. and prospects for its development] Rechnoi transport RSFSR i perspektivy egq~ razvitiia. Ploskya, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport,* 1959. 134 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Inland water transportation) GALKOVSKAYA, M.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; NAUMOV, A.I.; PTATLIN. A.A.; SVI- kand.yurid.uat-*~,--~-- RIDOV, A.A.; SM. F.G.; KHODUNOV, K.Ye,, s P.N., kand.takhnown ; SOTUZOV, A.A., prof., doktor takhn.nan . red.; GCLOVNIKOV, V.I.. kand.tekhn.nau , red.; ZOTOVA, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SEMOT, Tu.K., red.; A SHIN, V.I., red.izd-va; 7KWKOVA, T.T., takhn.-red. [River navigator's manuall Spravochnik shturmana rechnogo flota. Pod obahchei red. A.A.Soi-azova. Moskva, Izd-vo %chnoi transport." 196o. 631. p. (MIRA 13:7) (Inland navigation) -SVIMDOV, A.j inzh,; LAVKOVSKIYj K,y inzh. New rules for the technical operation of the inland water transportation system of the R.S.F.S.R. Rech. transp. 19 no. 6:55 Je 1,60. (MDU 14:2) (Inland water transportation) SHUSTROV Dmitriy Nikiforovich; SrIJI(OLENOV, Aleksandr Yevdol--Imovich; ,R 1, , BE14my , clap retsenzent; SVIRIDOV A A , red.; MAKiMSMIA, A.N., red. izd-va,-~'710D-ROVA, V.A., tekhn, red. [Modern methods of work organization in river transportation] Sovremenrqo metody organizatsii raboty rechnogo transporta. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1961. 88 p. (MIRA 15-W (Inland water transportation) (Industrial organization) SVIIUDOV, A. Automatic conveyer line for processing chickens. Mias. ind. SSSR 32 no.4:26-27 161. (MJRA 14:9) 1. RostovsIdy myasokombinat (Yaroslavakiy sovnarkhoz). (Rostoir--Poultry plants-Equipment and supplies) DARAMIll, .11-1 o li ~.-,and r SURIDOV, A.A., rt-d.; ILOBAN~~V, Ye.M'y [Business accountirg on river-going merchant ships] KhoziaistvenWii raschet rechnylh transportnykh sudov. Mo-sk-va, Transport, 1-96-5. lC)7 p. (Mlle 18; 5) SVIRIDOV, A.A. ~--- Combined streptomycin and sulfathiasole therapy of gonorrhea. Vest. van. i dorm. n0.3:54-53 MY-Jo 154. (MLEA 7:8) 1. Is Zapadno-kanakhatansko o oblastnogo Tendlepa"Gra, (STRIPTOkrCIN) fSULTATHIAZOLN) (GONORRRVIO SVIRIDOV, A.A. Penicillin therapy of acute gonorrhea. Sov. nod, 18 no,?.-39 n 154. (KM 7:8) 1. Is Zapadno-Kazakhatanskogo oblastnogo, venerologicheakogo dispansera. (PENICILLIN, therapeutic use ,Pgonorrhea) (GONOREHIA, therapy *Penicillin) SVIRIDOV, A.A. Synthomycin therapy for gonorrhea. Vest.ven. i derm. no.2:56 Mr-Ap '55. (KLRA 8:5) 1 1. Iz Zapadno-Kazadhatanskogo oblastnogo vendispansera. (CBLOROMYCZTIN) (GONOMUMA) SVIRIDOV, A.A., vrach No= Use of Dorogov's antiseptic-stinulator preparation (ASD) in dermatological practice. Zdrav.Kazakh. 17 no.2:25-28 '57. (HIRA 12:6) 1. Iz Zapadno-Kazakhetanskogo oblvendispansera. (SKIN--DISFASAS) (TISSUE EXTRACTS) SVI~IIDOV, A.A. .~-~---Pe-n'lc-Tlalftin~tkeatment of erythema nodosum. Zdrav.Kazakh. 17 no,3:25-26- 157. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Iz Zaptuino-Kazakhotanukogo oblastnogo venorologichookogo diapansera. Mymmh) (MINICILLIN) SYMIDOV, A.A. Treatment of gonorrheal urethritis in males with biomycin, levomyeetin, and synthomycin. Sov.mede 22 no.ll:lo6-lt)8 N '58 (MIRA 11:11) l' Iz Zapadno-Kazakhstanskogo oblastnogo venerologicheskogo d;spansera (gaivnyy vrach A.A. Sviridov, zav. oblazdravotdelom G.F. Vasillyev). (GONORRHEA, there chlortetracycline & chlorampheniol (Rua)) (CEILORTETRACYCLM, there use gonorrhea, with chloramphenicol. (.Rua)) (CELORAMPHMTICOL, ther. use gonorrhea, with chlortetracycline (Rus)) SVIRIDOV, A.A. Influence of trauma on the course of syphilis. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.1:82-83 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz Zapadno-.Kazakhstanskogo oblastnogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo dispansera. (SYPHILIS) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES) SVIRIDOV, A. A. Capt., Vet. Corps. "Etiology, Clinical Aspects, and Therapy of So-called vChronic Dermatitis' in Horses" (1) Article in the book "Bolezni Loshadey (Equine Diseases)", a collection of works on epizoot- olog,, surgery, therapy and laboratory and clinicap practice in the treatment of equine dizeaf es. In the majority of cases, previously published in the journal Veterinar&a., or in one of the manuals issued by the Veterinary Administration of the Armed F~rces USSR, Compiled by A. Yu. Branzburg and A. Ya. Shapiro, under Editorship of A. 11. Laktionova, State Press for Agric. Literature - 1947 -*-9922, 1 MAY 1950, p 3 Chap. IV - Surgical Diseases, p 173 TAB CON M SVIRIDOVJ A. A. - - - I'Preparation of anticryptococcal hyperimmune serum and its use in therapy of epizootie lym- phang6itis" - Veterinariya, 25, No. 2, 1948, pp 10-12 The serum obtained from a recovered an..mal, when used in large amounts (up to 106m1) is effective in V per cent cures in cases of medium and serious gravity. -B-18840, 2 Aug 1950 P 4 m SVIRIDOV,, A. A. I Se or Scientific Coworker, SHABALIN, N. N.,- Chief Vet. Novosibirsk Scientific Research Vet. Exptl. Station "Pine-cresol-caustic liniment for treatment and prophylaxis of mange of cattle md horses," SO: Vet. 25 (10) 19483 P., 21 Use of,Pine-Creosol Alka3J. Liniment etc. -4T-9922, 1 MY 1950, P 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 arjRIDOV, A. A., Scientific Co-worker Novosibirsk Scientific Research Veterinary Experimental Station "Early diagnosis of epizootic lymphangitis of horses." M ; Veterinarita 26 (7), 1949, P. 50 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 SVIRIDOV, A. A. Tuberkulez sellskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh i mery bor'by s nim (Tuberculosis of Farm Animals and Measures for Combatting It). Novosibirsk. Rovosibgiz. 1951. 55 pages with illustrations* U-5235 ag-__53 "Cafriers of Fnot-and~7'1cuth Dise~ksc: 7irus,11 A. A. Svirildov, Cand Vet Sci, Cei tes Vet Sta. Veterinariya, 'fol -30, No 3, pp 13,15? --eor mont'lls afte-r recovery from foot-and-mcuuth disease, cattle may be carriers of the virus -v,,hich causes irfection -amom, other -i-,zembers of -their herd. To prevent irmortation of the foot-? nd-1110-uth cliseas~,j it is necessary to treat the hide and the hoofs of con- valescent -nni-Tals ~,P_th =eat IkhorouE;h_ncss before they are allowed to ming-le with hcalth~ ;mimals. Tl-lis is recQ-mendcd especially if epidemic of fcct-and-mauth disease occurred durin,, 1,jinter months. 265 T 36 h-VIRIDOV, A.A.. kandidat veterinarnykh nauk. --AMT~~ ~-14ite vaccination of cattle against foot-and-mouth disease with a live vaccine from virus which has passed through guinea pigs. Yeterinarita 30 no.11:18-19 N '53. (MIJU 6:11) 1. Novosibirskaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya voterinarnaya opytnaya stantsiya. SVIRIDOV A.A. Imnd.veterinarnykhnauk Novosibirsk Veterinary Research Station. Trudy VIZV 23:390-394 159. (HIIU 13: 10) (Hovosibirsk-Veterinary research) CHEN SHkO-CqZHUN [Chleng Shao-chung], prof.; SVIRIDOV A.A. kand. veterin.nauk; CHEN DZYA-TSIN' [Cb le4liFra-EAL~-~n -~veterinarnyy vracb; SYU SU-LIN LHsiu Su-Iing], voterinarnyy vrach; VAN YUHI- SHI [Wang Tun-Bhih], veterinarnyy vrach; Uk I-FYT, veterinarnyy vrach Differential diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease and vesicular stomatitis. Veterinariia 36 no.6:75-77 Je 159. (MIRA 12:10) (Foot-and-mouth disease) (Stomatitis in animals) DZHUPINA, S.I.; SVIRIDOV, A.A,,., kand. veterinarnykh nauk Role of cured animals in the spreading of foot-and-mouth disease. Veterinariia 39 no.10:26-29 0 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Novosibirskove oblastnoye upravleniye proizvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykh produktor (for Dzhupina). 2. Novosibir- skaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya Veterinarnaya stantsiya'(for Sviridov). (Novosibirsk Province-Foot-and-mouth disease) SVIRIDOV, A.A., kand. vater. nauk Therapeutic and prophylactic measures against the malignant form of foot-and-mouth diseaBe in cattle. Veterinariia 40 no.3:27 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Novosibirskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya veterinarnaya stantBiya. SHUTSKAYA, Ye.I., kand. med. nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: RABINOVICH, S.Ye., prof.; SIEPTSOVA, A.I., vrach; LIVEN, K.I., vrach; SOKOLOVA, R.I., vrach; PUMLIMAN, R.M., vrach; ALITMAN, I.M., vrach; SHEPIIDV, N.S., kand. veterin. nauk; SVI4IPDV,, A.A. Epidemiological importance of tuberculosis in cattle. Veterinariia 40 no,10:19-20 0163. (NIRA 17:5) 1. Novosibirskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut tuberkuleza (all except Shepilov, Sviridov). undor t a l It, icr, a. 'P ~,L n (MI '836) y 6 ACC NRt AP6630797 (A I N) SoujtcL coin:: Ult/0346/66/000/009/0018/0020 AUTHOR: Nikitin, Ye. Ye. (Doctor of biological sciences); Kamalov, G. Kh. (Candidate of veterinary sciences); Sviridov A. A. (Candidate of veterinary ........ . sciences); Kuchmasov, I. S. (Candid`afi--oT--ve-F`er: sciences); Uzyumova, N. N.- iEerf (Veterinary doctor) ORG: All-Union Foot-and-Mouth DiseAse Research Institute (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatels'kiy yashchurnyy institut) TITLE: Protective media for drying foot-and-mouth virus strains SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 9, 1966, 18-20 TOPIC TAGS: lyophilization, foot and mouth disease, virus disease, animal disease, jlq "D ABSTRACT:: Lyophilization has been found to be the best method of pre- paring virus preparations for long-term storage. The best protective medium for this purpose is an egg-white-gelatin- peptone mixture. The article discusses the preparation and properties of this and other-mixtures. (WA-5.0;.. GBE No.. 12] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ Card I UDC: 619:616.988.43-095.162 S/166/62/000/006/015/016 B100186 AUTHOR: Sviridov, A. P. TITLE: The'amplification of electromagnetic waves in a trench positioned perpendicular to a radio station PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-, matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1962, ill - 116 TEXT: An attempt is made to investigate how the"variations in the strength of an electromagnetic field emitted from a radio station and occurring in a trench depend on the position with respect to the station. The inves-tiga-.. tions were made between Tashkent and Mirzachull using 1829 m waves. The.. field strength was measured using a transistor receiver. The results from ten experiments using various trench models show that the field strength is not attenuated noticeably by a shallow trench perpendicular to the radio station, but decreases strongly when the trench runs parallel to the direc- tion of the radio station. The presence of a half-turri'formed by the trench produces an amplification in the coil of the magnetic receiver an--,, tenna which is defined by-the author as a transformation, where K I /I 2 Card 1/2 ------- is the current generated in the an-.:: is the transformation coefficient, I tenna turning coil by the primary field strength, and I is the total 2 current generated by the strengths of the primary and of the emitted fielA6 for a, The transformation coefficient for a manhole is equal to 1, that trench perpendicular to the direction of the radio station is greater than 7 1 and that for-a trench parallel to the radio station is less than 1. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION:--Tashkentskiy gosuniversitet im. V. I. Lenina (Tashkent State University imeni V. 1. Lenin) SUBMITTED:' July lop 1962 Card 2/2 ACC N" A11501,1513 (N) Hmograph IB/ Kovalev, Feliks Ivanovich; 110stkova., GaUna, Pavlavna; ShWcalov, Vladislav Fedarovich lbrine static/semiconductor/ converters (Sudavyye staticheakiye/ poluprovodnikovy preobrazovateli) Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostrcyeniyell., 1965, 240 p, illus.., biblio, 1J.600 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: ship component., electric energy conversion$ frequency conversion, send- conduct,pr rectifier, electric filter PUIPME JUM COIERACE: This book presents rjarine static electric power coverters (rectifiersp invertersj frequency corprerters) in semiconductor valves, principles of their action, and a comparison of different bacis schems. It also includes re- co=endations fcr the selection of more optimal schemes for marine static electric power converters in semiconductor vc.1ves. According to the given design relationship it is possible to deterzrdne paramters of basic elements of converter units and .construct their operating characteristics. Also included are marine rectifier aggregates in sentEconductor valves vith regulated and stabilized output voltage and current for supplying various types of loads. External and regulating cbaracteris, tics are shown., such as the power factcr., devices protecting against overcurrents and overvoltagesS filters., structures and mans of cooling marine rectifier aggre- gates. The book 1.9 rec,li nded for engineers and technicians vorking vith the de- Card 1/2 =621-314:6291012 ACC N1, M15014513 sign and assembly of marine electric poWw units, It alao can be useful to students in ship-building institutes. TABTE CF COMEWS (abridged): Preface -- 3 Introduction Ch. I. Rectifiers 7 Ch. H. Inverters 92 Ch. III. Frequency converters 144 Ch. IV. Marine rectifier aggregates 164 Ch. V. Protection and signalling in marine converters 203 Ch. VI. Construction of marine ccnverters 2~3 Bibliograpby - 237 SO CCDE: /J 0 /Swx DATEs 22oct65/ nm. mw, cm mw: -o25/ TOLSTTAKOV, Yu.N., inzh.; SVIRIDOV, A.F., inzh.; KORTSENSHTLIN, E.Ya., kand. Marine electric discharge pumps. Sudostroenie 28 no.1-1:23-27 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Pumping machinery,, Electric) (Marine engineering) SVIRIDOV, A.F. Apparatus for observing the dependence of the density of vater on temperature, Fiz.v shkole 23 no.ls54 Ja-F 163. (M-RA 16:4) 1. 168-ya shkola, Tashkent. (Water-Density) E&WO Y r. . I . !-, ,~ a I .~ -,-d, z ;1; :,~ ;!-:', j j2c ..;- J)d .L ': - -.. .~~ ~ (I, INII rl~ ) P~l SV;/?/ Z':~O ve,A A ID P 869 Subject USSR/-Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 2/23 Author Sviridov, A. G., Eng. Title Arc welding of economizer and steam superheater joints Periodical Energetik, 10, 4-6, 0 1954 Abstract The forming of cracks in welds of economizer pipes, in particular of those working under high pressure, can be reduced by replacing gas welding by are welding. Two drawings. Institution Not given Submitted No date AU THORS i Dronov, A.P., Sviridov, A.G. anl Sobolev, N.N. SOV/51-5-5-2/23 TITLE: On Measuratnent of Flame Temparaturez by the Method, of Relative Intensities of Spectral Lines (Ob i=erenii temperatur plamen metcd= otnositeltnykh intansivuostay spelctrallnykh liniy) PERIODICAL.Optiica i 8pektroskoply&, 1958, -Vol 5, Nr 5, pp 490-499 (USSR) ABS TIUCT - In measurement of temperature by the method of relative intensities of spectral lines the following conditions must be satisfied; (1) The lines used in measurements should differ by at least 0.5 eV in the energies of their Lipper levels. (2) The lines chosen for measuremeats; sho-ld not be s-abject. to re-absorption. (3) To a-rcid self-reversal the lines used should not and at ground level. (4) The -orobabilities of transitions of -Eria lines used should be known fairly accurately. (5) The intensity of the backgroun-d near the lines used for measura2sat should be low. Freliminary experilnents shcnvsd that in acetyleng-al-r and hydro.gen-oxygen flames the following lines can be used for ii2easuramant of flame temperatars: Li at 8126, 6104, 4973, 4603, 411-32 Na at 8195-83, 6160-54, 5688-83, 5154-49, ,1983-749, -1669-55.1. Tlheae lines satisfy conditions (1), (2,1, (3) and Card 1/5 (5). To .3atisfy cor,-Aitioi (41, thr, tranaition probabilities for SOV151-5-5-2123 On Measurement of Flame Temperatares by thq "..'st'hod of Relative Intensities Cf Spectral Lines Card 2/5 these lines were delveruinw! by fi0ing their relative intensities in flames and measuring i;he flam-io -be~-,peraturs by the method using reversal of zpactral linee . Fig 1 -1-re!z the apparatus used to prod-ace controlled hydrogan-oxygen flamea; 1 and 7 ara red-acing valves, 2 and 6 are mercury monomatsrit, 3 is an atomizer, 4 Is a device for trapping of larger drops a-f LL703 and NaBr solutions, which are use! as sources of Ll and Na, 5 1& a mixing chamber, 8 is a calibrateJ capillary and 9 is a 1"rnar. The apparatus used for producing acetylene-air flames wa3 d-az~:.ri'CsJ, in Ref 9. The flame v~us measured agin-, reversal of a~ectral lines. In meaFiuranent of temperature of aaetylens-air ."s-es the authors used a lamp with a tungsten ribbon as a light %ta-riard. Temperature of hydrogen-oxyger- flames -was weasured usinZ a carbon ar,- aa an auxiliary source. The following lines were used far these measurement;; U at 6707.81 and Na at 5890-96 1. The acetylana-air flame temperature -W-2 faan! to be 242ODK and that of the hydrogsn-oxygen. flame was found to be 3060c'K. Tie flame spectra were photographed -Qain6 an ISF-51 spectrcrgraph. As a check of the reaults obtain0l,the "Line intew-sities were meaiure! also using a photoelectric ast-ap shown in Fia, 2, vhere I is a light 0 SOV/51-5-5-2/23 On Meauurement of Flame Tempera-mroli by the blethod of Relative Intensities of hpactral Lines source , 2 a modulator disk, 3 a source of reference voltage, 4 is a spactrograph, 5 a phatoolectric receiver consisting of two exit alits and 2 phot=Atipliers, 6 are amplifying cascades, 7 a synchronous date.-tor anl 8 is an and cascade. The transition probabilities of the Li and the Na lines, determined from their relative intensities anJ flame temperatures, are given in Tables 1 (11a lines) and 2 (Li liner.). Die 4982 1 Na line and the 6101.9 Li line. wore used as standards and their transition probabilities -wore taks-n to be equal to 1.00. Tables 3 and. 4 give the mean experimental values (ob-.ained by the present authors) of the transition probabilities of the Na and Li lines rsopectively. Thase values are given in the fourth columns of Tables 3 and 4 and are compared -with the experimental values of Kay (Ref 5), which are listed in the fifth columns, and with the theoretical val,-les of Refs 6, 7 and 8 which are given in the sixth aUS later columna. There seame to be no agreament between Key's resulta and those obtained by the present authors. This may be dus to the fact Card 315 that Key used aii arc as his light soc. r:!e. Th. a theoretical valuea of SOV/51-5-5-2/23 On Lleas-urement of Flame Temperatures b., th3 Eathod of Relative Intensities of Spectral Lines Ref 6-8 agroe satisfactorily with the results given in the present paper. The authors attemp-red also t3 determine transition probabilities of K, Rb and G& lines. This attempt has failed because of the strong continuous background produ-.ed near these lines when higher concentraticna of the appropriate malts are used in acetylene-air and hydroger.-oxygen flames. Tho authors usei the transition probabilities of Na lines given in Table 3, to determine the temperature of a carbon are, loadel with 50/. NaOl + 50% G powler. Simultaneously the are temperature was measured frem the relative inter-Nitiea of cyanogen lines and ty ths method of line reversal (5~88 1 117a lint). The cyanogen temperature was 46500K, the reversal tsmperature -waa '14900'DK and the tempera-bare obtained frcm ths relative Interaitiev cf various Na line pairi variel from 3000-50001K. This oicatter is ascribed to non-uniformity of the are. It is suggested that, in contrait to area, the flame temporatursa. r1ard 4/5 may be reliably measurel uqin- the method of relative intensities Lf SOV/51-5-5-2/23 Qja id-aasuraments of Flame Tamparaturas by the Method of Pelative Int nsitias of Spectral Lines spectral line3 described in the present paper. Thera are 3 figures, 4 -tables and 14 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 2 Dutch, 1 Ga:naan, 1 Sn6lish.. I translation ajad 2 kimarican. SU FL I ' .'-'VD DacaLibor 3, 1957 Card 5/5 1. Flames--Temperature 2. Temperature--Measurement 3. Flames --Spectra J(IJ -9/0q1/61./010/003/002/010 9 AUTHORS; Dronov, A. P., A. G. and Sobolev, N.N. TITLE: An Invest ign tion of the State of 1"i7ypton Behind a Shock-wave - PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1961, Vol.10, No.3, PP-312-321 TE,XT: The present worlk is concerned the spectroscopic study of krypton behind a shocl~-wavo (~,j = 10-15) and represents an extension of the work reported by V. N. Alyiatz-zovskiy and V. F. Kitayeva (Ref.10) and F. S. Fayzullov, N. N. Sobolev and Ye. M. Kudrvavtsev (Ref.11). A-a attempt has been made to investigate the state of krypton frow measurements on hydrogen line emission. The hydrogen was present in -,.he gas tinder investigation either in the forin of the natural impu:7ity or was specially added in small quantities so as not to affect the thermodynii.,iic properties of the gas. The paper begins , a brief calculation of the state-of krypton behind a shock-11rilve. The analysis is based on the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy and these are written down in the form Card 1/9 An Investigation of the State of ... S/051/61/010/003/002/010 E032/E514 P' U2)' Pl+ (Us XI + 112 + I .* The further two equations which are necessary are the equation of state of the gas P2 + (4) and the Saha equation as - K (T2). "22 p2 (5) Card 2/9 20770 An Investigation of the State of S/051/61/010/003/002/()10 E032/E514 In the above system of equations _1ff=!(t+ a) R T+ct N70 A. .2 is the enthalpy per unit mass and 3 3 K _+ - - 127cm,k (712)- Lg k )i2~:, go B.- The symbols are defined as follows: subscript 1 refers to the gas prior to the passage of the shock-wave, sub cript 2 refers ure, e the density' IX to the gas behind,the shock-irave, p is the pres: U is the velocity of the--shock-wave,'u is the velocity of the S 2 gas particles, a is the degroe of ionization,X is the ionization 0 p?tential, is the statistical weight for a neutral atom and 9 g is the st9tistical weight of an ion. Eqs. (1) to (5) are then reduced to the single equation relating the degree of Card 3/9 4;' 20770 An Investigation of the State of S/0~1/61/010/003/002/010 E032/E514 to the-temperature T: - a22 as . 4 .4 + C12) T-3 T 2. 2a2. VXo + 5.B71 0. where N is the Avogadro number-and Ii is the molcular weight. of ionization -a can thus be computed for various assumed values.o.f 'T Knoowin.g T2 and a2 - itis then possible to Calcu late and U from the formulae 2 1 P2 7s. V) P2 P2= T2 as) PI-Pi .Card,,4/9 Is -?I F1 Is 20770 An Investigation of the State of S/051/61/010/003/002/010 E032/E5i4 Having determined a2l P21 e2 and U S as functions of T 21 one can plot graphs of T 21 a2' P2 and P2 as functions of U S or M = U S/ell where c is the velocity of sound in krypton (218 m/sec). The present uthors have carried out such calculations using the "Ural" computer and some of the results are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig.1 gives the temperature of the plasma T behind the front of the shock-wave as a function of M for vario0us values of the initial pressure p,. Curves I to 6 correspond to the following values of p,, respectively: 1.0, 2.0, 5.2, 7.0, 10.0 and 15.0 mm Hg. Fig.2 shows the degree of ionization, the density and the pressure behind the shock-wave front as functions of M for different values of Pl. The curves marked 1 to 6 correspond to the same values of p, as quoted for F1g.l. In the second part of this work a description is given of the apparatus employed to verify this theory. The apparatus is shown schematically in Fig.3. The temperature was determined from the relative intensity of the H a and H lines,and the concentration of charged particles-was determined from the broadening of these lines. The Card 5/9 20770 An Investigation of the State of ... S/051/61/010/003/002/010 E032/E5i4 concentration was calculated from the formula 3 Ni = 3.4-10 14 ('Ah ), (11) where Ak is the half-width in angstroms. The experiments showed that the determination of the temperature from the relative width of H and H in krypton behind a shock-wave is difficult because of the targe width of the H line and the presence of a continuous spectrum surrounding thil line. Fig.8 shows the experimental points obtained for 1g Ni as a function of M (1 - H as 2 - HPt 3 - Ha with addition of H29 4 - H0 with addition of H2; continuous curve - theoretical). As can be seen from Fig.8, the agreement between experiment and theory is satisfactory. The experimental data do not differ from the theoretical values by a factor greater than 1-5 to 2- However, most of the experimental points lie below the theoretical curve. This may be due tot a) reduced gas temperature due to the presence of hydrogen and other impurities in krypton and b) neglect of losses by radiation. Acknowledgments Card 6/9 zu'170 An Investigation of the State of ... s/051/61/010/003/002/010 E032/E514 are expressed to G. V. Kazak ova for assistance. There are 3 tables, 8 figures and 14 references: 5 Soviet and 9 non-Soviet.., SUDMITTED: May 13, 1960 Fig.1 Card 7/9 -41 QJ M19FA L 157~2-63 (b Z EP FSD AY 3 ,- JD / ACCESSION M: AR3oo2666 8/0124/63/000/00~/W94/B02 SOURCE: Rzh. Wkhanika, Abe. 5D121 AUMOR: Alyamovskiy) VtN.; onov, ;A.- P,; KiLaZova, V. F. ISYirido*z,A,,G, Sob N. N. olev. TIT . LE: Experimental determination Of the concentration of.charge4 particles In argon and krypton behind a shock wave i ---- 7V-j -2 Sb m di CITED 11CE it id tki i dl Rt iki l . . r. : ro nam agn nam stm 6 n. g y. v* gap p AN LetvSSR., 1962, 379-386 TOPIC TAGS: argonp krypton, shock vave.,.spectroscopy,,~contour line, electron temperature TRANSLATION: Spectroscopic studies of the- states of-the Inert gases argon and krypton behind dhock waves were made* The contdtw,llaes of hydrogen In- krypton were studied behind the incident wave; In argon, behind the.reflected The hydrogen admixture was about 1-5%. The Initial pressure was of the order of 0.2-1 am of mercury. In the argon behind the reflected wave, tho'calculated LCord ".7 V L h6301-65 EWr (1) IJP(c) 1OOESSION 21R: AR5012225 mVO058/65/000/003/DO13/DO13 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 3D81 AUTHOR: Sobolov, N.N'.; Antronav, YO.T.1 K, 9 Avi el do Eu~ilskfy, LA; Fxyjuj~ovFj.; theroisinov, V, P. TITLE: Experimental determination of electronic oscillator strengths of diatomic molecules CITED SOURM Tr. yyp. 10 19649 64-81 TOPIC TAGS: oscillator strength, electron oscillator, diatomic molecule, shook wave, oxyger., nitric oxide, cyan, electronic spectrus TRANSLATIONi To determine the oscillator strengths of electronic transitions of diatomic molecules, an experimental method was devel- oped, based on the measurement of the absorption of gas behind a shook wave reflected from the and of a shook tube. By vu7ing the velocity of the Incident shook wave and by caloulating the.state of the gas behind the shook wave, it is possible to determine the temp- erature and the concentration that the molecules behind the reflecteA, C.,d 1/2 L h6301-65 .ACCESSION NR: AR5012225 B ock wave must have to.permit deteiidination.of-the osoi3-l&tdr strongths from the measured absorption. The theoretically oVtali4d 1 tomporature was monitored by two experimental methods. A method was also developed for determining the oscillator strength@ from the' study of the gas behind the shock wave; these strengths were deter- minad for the Bahumann-Runge bands of oxygen, the b*ta and am systems of nitric oxid*, the violet bane system of ON, wA thas. N. Swazi bands. SUB COM UQL 1 00 SVIRibov, 21-4-2o/24 AUTHORi Svyrydov, 0,1. (Russian Equivalent Sviridov, A.I. ) TITLE: Distribution and Architectonics of the Lymphatic Networks of Diaphragmatic Pleura in Man and Mammals (Rozpodil i arkhitekto- nike. limfatychnykh aitok diafrah-mallnoi plevry u lyudyny ta u ssavteiv) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1957, #4# PP 394-397 (USSR) ABSTRAM The lymphatic vessels of diaphragmatic pleura in man and in mammals are distributed unevely. Within the limits of the mus- cular partjthey are developed more considerably than in the sphere of the tendon center. The architectonics of the lymphatic networks of the diaphragm&- tic pleura varies, and is determined by a number of factorsi 1. The degree of pleura inosculation with the muscle and ten- don bundlesq 2. The development and direction of the fibrous structures (ela Card 1/2 tic and collagenic fibres) of the tunicae propriae. 21-4-2o/24 TITLE: Distribution and Architectonics of the Lymphatic Networks of Diaphragmatic Pleura in Man and Vamals (Rozpodil i arkhitekto- nika limfatychnykh sitok diafrahmallnoi plevry u lyudyny ta u ssavtaiv) 3. The disposition of the pleural blood vessels. The lymphatic vessels which are remote from the dynamic struc- tures determining the normal current of the lymph show signs of destruction, which indicates the slow movement of the lymph in these vessels. There are 7 references, 5 of which are Slavic. INSTITUTION: Kiyev Medical Institute PRESENTED BY:Kaslyanenko, V.H., Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: 14 November 1956 AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 SVIRIDOV, A.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Initial lymphatic vessels of the diaphragmal section of the human pericardium. Vrach.delo no.5:509-511 Xv '57. WaA 10:8) 1. Kafedra normallnor anatomii (zav. - zasl. deyatell nauki, prof. M-S-Spirov) Kiyevskogo maditsinskogo institute (LYMPHATICS) (FMICARDIUM) SVIRIDOV,.A.I., -;.- ~ Now data from a study of the lymphatics of the human diaphragm. Vrach.dalo no.10:1055-1056 0 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Kafedre normallnoy anatomii (zav. - zeal. deyat.nauk, prof. M.S.Spirov) (DIPHRAGM) (LYMPHATICS) AUTHOR: Sviridovp A.I. (Svyrydov, 0. 1. 21-1-24/26 TITLE: On the Lymph Ducts of the Muscular Layer of the Diaphragm (O.limfaticheskikh sosudakh myshechnogo sloya diafragmy) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, # 1, pp 105-107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem of the lymph ducts of the muscular tissues, and in particular the muscular layer of the diaphragma, has not been studied sufficiently. The author carried out a morpholo- gical investigation on 362 human corpses of the intrauterine and extrauterine periods. This investigation, conducted by the injection method, established the existence of the following lymph ducts in the muscular layer of the diaphragma: 1. inter- fascicular, which follow the course of the muscle bundles; 2. perivascular, which are contained in the-connective tissue surrounding the blood vessels, and 3. perforating, which con- nect the peritoneal and pleural lymph networks. These ducts are subject to considerable changes with age. The interfascicular ducts are fairly well developed during the first half of the intrauterine period, but vanish in later life. The Card 112 perivascular ducts,on the contrary, are most pronounced in ex- On the Lymph Ducts of the Muscular Layer of the Diaphragm 21-1-24/26 trauterine life, especially in children. The quantity of the phra arEtL decreases with perforating ducts per unit of dia gm- age. The article contains 3 Russian and 1 German references. ASSOCIATION; Kiyev Medical Institute (Kyivs,kyy medychnyy instytut) PRESENTED; By Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences V.G.(V.H.) Kas, yanenko SUBMITTED: 5 April 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Man 2. Medical research 3. lymph ducts 4. Muscle-Tissue culture SVMI OVt-A.I., (11yev, ul. Kalo-Zhitomirokaya, d016. kv.4) -T__ Intraorgnnic lymphatic vessels of the human gall gladder Nor kbir. arkh. no-3:54-59 My-Je 158- jMMA 11:9) 1. Kafedra normalluoy anatomii (zav. - zaal. deyste.V nauki prof. M.3. Opitov) Ki evskogo meditsinskogo iustituta, (LYMPHATICS3 (GALL NO, M) SVIRIDOV, A. 1. Doo Mod Soi -- (diss) "I~ymphatio vessels of the himen diaphragm." Kiev, 1959. 36 pp (Kie-g Order of Labor Red Banner Ned Inst in Academician A. A. Bogamolets), 250 copies (KL, 47-69, 116) -40- - SVIRIDOV. A.I. --- ~ -- --r---- --- Irmphatic vessels in the wall of the inferior vena, cava in man and animals. DoklJX S5SR 132 no,6:14'52-1453 Je 960, (MIR& 13:6) 1. Kiyevskiy meditsinskiy institut im. akade A.A. Bogomolltea. Predetavleno akademikom I.I.Shmallgauzenom. (VUA CAVA) (LYMPHATICS) SPIROV, Mikhail Sergeyevich, prof.- SVIRIDOV Aleksandr Ivanovich. doktor med. nauk; ANDRIYEVSKIY , Bor~iu--e~o;-~cs,'7ms stent; BESPALOVA, L.S., red.; BYKOV, N.M., tekhn. red. [Lymphatic vessels of the respiratory organs] Lir~Xaticheskie sosudy organov dykhaniia. Kievp Gos. med.izd-vo USSRj 1961.(m161 p. IRA 1/,.- 2-1) (LYMMTICS) (RESPIRATOU ORGANS) SVIRIDOV, A.I. (Kiyev, 1. Mal.Zhitomirskaya ul., 16, kv-4) Functional morphology of the perivascular lymphatic vessels in vertebrates. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 42 no-5:83-88 My 162. OMM 15:6) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. - zuluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. M.S. Spirov) Kiyevskogo meditsinelcogo instituta. (LIMPHATICS) (VERTEBRATES-AIWOMY) SVIRIDOV, A.I. (svyrydov, G.I.] Initial networks of lymphatic capillaries of the mucous membrane and of the submucous layer of the A-omach in vertebrates. Dop. AN UFSR no.2:264-266 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kiyevskiy meditsinskiy institut . Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR V.G.Kaslyanenko LKa8tianenko, V.H.]. KABAINOV., A.N.; MII-,HP-YL()VSKIY, G.A.; SVTRIDOV, A.M. Features of using electron pns of electron mlercscopes at- high currents. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.8:1.470-1475 Ag 164. (AURA 17.-.10) N, V.I. ; cl-,~,,-jRjDOV A. N. ; "dif,~'7P, * ~!, Y-.- -0 KOfU,!,Hl!U . --l -L I I r .. ~. -a- * il i. - 36 no.80-12 Attachaents -for hf:,n,n,7 ~:!ear ;, I -' " - (HipA :Ls:gl) Ag 165, SVIRTLDOV, A.P. Eradication of hog cholera in the district. Vaterinariia 38 no.9:20 S 161. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy ve-terinarnyy vTach Kolkhoznogo rayona, Chelyabinskay oblasti. SVIUDOV, A. P. Dredges and dredging. Moskva, Gos nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry, po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1952. 47 p. (54-16948) TC187-S89 SVIRIDOV, A.P., inzh. ",%', _ t~, lr~miautomatlc ultrasonic machine. Izv. vys. Icheb.zav.; prib. no.2-159-1163 158. (MIRA 11:7) l.TSentraltnaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya laboratoriya. (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications)