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SVETLAKOV,, M I Mechanical traunia and cancer of the ventibu3h of the larynx. Vop. onk. 6 no.3360-61+ Mr 160. (MIRA Alp:2) (4AMa-CANCER) ., - SVETLAKOV, M.I.j dotsent Outpatient treatment of patients with laryngeal cancer in Moscow Province during a fiv6-year period. Zhur. ush.v nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no. 3:18-22 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14-.4) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukhaj, gorla, i nosa (zav. - zasI. deyatell nauki prof. I.Ya. Sendullskiy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta. (MOSCOW PROVICNE-LARM-CA11CER) SVETL&KOVp M.I. Thirty extensive laryngectomies perfoxmed nnder potentiated local anesthesia ~rith neuroplegic preparations. Vest. otprin. 22 no.4: 19-23 Je-A 160 (MIRA 1j:12) f IZA-SURGEU) (ARTIFICIAL HIBERNATION) - (LOCAL ANESTHESIA) SVETLAKOV, M. 1. "Long-term results of thetreatment of patients suffering from cancerous tumours of the vestibular part of the lerynx.w report submitted for the Seventh Intl. Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Paris, 23-29 July 1961 USSR SVETLAKOVY M.I.; FRIEGINA, IT.L. Development of sonorous speech following complete laryngectomy in Patients with cancer. Vop* klin* pat. no*2:46-51 161 (MM 16:12) 1. Iz kliniki bo-lezney ukhal nosa i gorla (zav, -'.zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Prof. I.YeL. Sendullskiy) Moskovs*kogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatell'skoig kliftich"kege-Ttfti-tate. imeni Vla- dimirskogo. LIKHACM, A. G., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof.; LEONENKO, F. M.9 zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR; TJSOL'T'7,V, W. ff., prof.; SVETLAKOV M. is, dotsent --------- ~Z_ Professor Ivan IAkovievich Sendullskii., Honored Scientist of the R.S.F.S.R.; on his 80th birthday. Vest. otorin. no.3:3-5 161. (MIRA 140-11 L2/ (SENDULISKII,, IVAN IAKOVLEVICH, 1881-) I SVETL#AOV, M.I. dotsent - P Primary multiple tumors in patients with cancer of the larynx. Vest.otorin. 24 no.6:77-83 1;-D'62. (AURA 16:7) 1. 1z kliniki bolezney tkha, nosa J, gorla, (zav. - zasluzhenrQ7 deyatell nauki prof. I.Ya.Sendallskiy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta. (LARYNX-CANCER) (CANCER) SVETLAKOV, M.I., dotsent Analysis of lethality in cancer of the larynx of a primary ves- tibular localization. Zhur.ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 23. no.3317-22 My"Je 163. (MIRA, 16:7) 1~ Iz kliniki boelzney ikha, gorla i nosa (zav.-zasluzhennyy de- yatell nauki prof. I.Ya.Serdullskiy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta. (LARYNX-CAVCER) I SVETLAKOV,, M.I., dotsent Cancer in situ of the :Lar7ngea-I vestibule. Vest. Oto--Yir-* 25 no-4:12-17 JI-Ag '63- (MIRA 17:1) 1. Is kliniki bolezney ukhal nosa i gorla (say, - zaSIU- zhennyy deyatell nauki RSFSR prof. I.Ya. Sendullskiy) Moskov- skogo oblastnogo nauchno-Issledovatellskago klinicheskogo inatituta imeni M.F. Vladimirskogo. SVETLAKOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; ORLOV, R.S., red, [Ctmcerous tur-ors of the larynx; their clinical aspects and treatment] Rakovve opukholi gortani; klinika 1 1,-, chenie. Leningrad, Maditsina2 1964. 309 p. (MIRA 17-.11) ' V E "I ~, ~-;. I -AKU"J, !,L,. (Dzt-r-,hinsl) ---- - -- I--.--.-- . I P I ~0 11 3 i It'! I c I ii in - 'o cszurmd by bl~vir, wave., -*Lr-,. clrj,,,fA space, Stroi.nekli. i raf,!Ch.floor. 7 na."i-.27 P65- (MIRA 18:10) &~t-odir reaction with s-i-l-Ver salts of nit'ro a,--I-ds. 7hur, (b., R,~fmi- 34 no.12:39L.-.3966 -) '64 --8:1) 1. Kazanskly lmeni S.M.Firova. NOVIKOV, V.; RATMEV, Yu.M.; RUqIIIIf--KIY M.B.; BATIST A.!.; JOSSELI, G.; KOI-',OU-V.1 M. V. ; ARONOIJ, !. ;__PyULAKQV, -V,'.,;, ZAYONCHIK, L.Z.; RASPOPOV, I.V.; SERDYUKOV, G.V.; GRISHKW, A.i.; Kka-YEEV, I.F.; DELLO. A.A.; SHUMIYA, V.A., inzh.; SPIRYAGIN, L.P., inzh.; GRISMOV, A.I.; KARDONOV~ B.A.; BURDIN, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MOLGACIEV, D.A., inzh.; MUZAI,2-VSKIY, O.G.; RIVKIN, A.A.; KEYS, N.V.; KOMISSAROV, A.I. Hew developments in research. Stall 25 no.8:842-845 S 165. WIRA 18:9) SOV-135-58-3-5/19 !1U'M0R-. Sergeyev, I.I., Svetlakov, V.A -ngineera TITLE; Complex Mechanization of Large-Diameter '.Velded Pipe Production (Kompleksnaya mekhanizatsiya proizvodstva svarnykh trub bol'- shogo diametra) PERIODICAL: S,rarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 3, pp 17-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information is presen'Ged on the production of 'Large-diameter "WhGS" and "19G" steel pipes (426 to 820 mm in diameter, 6 to 12 mm wall thickness, 12 m length) at the electric weLd.- ing shop of the Chelyabinsk pipe-roll-ing plant. A detailed description of production technology is given including new methods such as blank forming on presses with mechanized feed of blanks, new technology of two-arc welding with a ratte of 120 m/hrs and the expanding of ' pipes on a hydraulic ex- pander press. A particular feature of the new technology is that the pipe blanks are made with a diameter of 1~8 to 2.5 % less than the final and are subseauently expanded. The ex- panding process increases the mechanical strength of the p7-pe metal and reduces its plasticity. Card 1/2 There are 3 tables,. SOT-135-58-3-5/19 Complex Mechanization of Large-Diameter Welded Pipe Production ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy truboprokatnyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant) 1. Plipes--Welding 2. Pipes--Pi-oduction 3. Are wellding--Equipment 4. Are welding--Applications Card 212 KUKHARSKIY, M.P.; -11YET UWY---YU-V. Gas removal from seams above which mining operations separated by thick interlayers~ are 6apried on. Ugoll 36 no./+:43-44 Ap 161. (MIRA 24- 5) (Ku=etsk Basin-Mine gases) TAB,` K OV ~ 'AA.G.; SVETLAKOV. Yu.V.4 MJRONOV, DI.P. (aL -culation of pl-ping In rilne degasification wi tb vacuum-operated equipment. '7op.b--zop.v ugoll.shakb. 4*50-r.8 164. (MIR.~. 18:1) .11 - i Ab.A~ Ki ~ ', :... ~ -1 ~ . - ~J)Vf"'-'TL.kKOV, fu.V. p; -V.N. : ; 0 ' -a U on o~' worked,-~,jt arean in Kuznf- tsk Basin mines, Vop. ul!oll,,-hakh~ 4:69-75 it) ~4, (MIRA 18:1) T_T_L_ MYA -A I -A-,- Effectiveness of leaf functions in various varieties of corn in NoOoibirsk Province. Trudy TSSBS no.5:1'13-127' '61. (MIRA 15$3) (Novosibirsk Province--corn (MAze)) GORBATSEV IGH S. LCI`~--ATNT KIWA, Trudy inst. Foin. s-~~nd. mer. i izin. prib. no.61:i5-11 162. UK:RA 171.i1) I .I.. Vee,--o-.vuznyy nau-;Iwo-is3liadova L61 *aid y inatLtut metz-OL,'gii imeni Mendgleyeva. STETLAKGVA, 11. 11. "Elimination of Cdors From. Drinking '.,~-ter in the Process of Its Disinfection.11 Sub 15 Jan 51, First Moncow Order of Lenin Medical Inst. Dissertations presonted for science and engint~ering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 MaY 55. SVITLAKOVA. U.N. Removal of odor from drinking water In disinfection. No.3, 14-16. (CA 47 no.20:10778 153) Gigiana i Sanit, '53, O(LRA 6*.-4) 1. lot Roacow Had. Inst. min -V~ TIJ Use pf chlorine uioiide in purificatiot; of %rater, T, S. 10hemical Abetracts BedufMcb, M, N. K-i:tbkm, and N. N, Trakhtmn Vol.. - 49 No. 5 jt i Sanit. 1953, No. 10, 14-17.-The bacterk-MA. - Her. 10, 1954 of ClOz against Escherichia cori, Salmomdu typhosa i'. 0mvparatyphi exceeds or at least equals amt of ch:F-~- Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Its stabilit3r Is greater than thaf ofm. iduai Ch r in treated waters, ClOs has no advants SVET.IAKOV, S.; NAUMOV; A., kapitan-nastavnik Prevention of ship collisions. Rech. transp. 21 no.6:42-1+4 Je 162. (MM 15:7) 1. Zameatitall nachallnika sudokhodnoy inspektaii Vostochno- Sibirskogo bmsseyna (for Svetlakov). 2. Veptochno-Sibirskoye parokhodstva (for Wauuov). (Collisions at seaPrevention) SVETLWIN, B. Serpeiskoe otdelenie sviazi K;31uzhskoi oblasti. ffhe Serpeysk communication department in Kaluga Provincel. (vestnik sviazi. Pochta. 1947, no. 12, D. 12). DLC: Hs7.v44 SOt SOVIEr TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS, A BIBLIOGRAPHY, Library of Congress Re-fe-rence Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. 1. SIPETLAITIN, a. 2. USSR (0660) 4. Telecormunication 7- In a backward comunications office, 3, No- 4, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. s/6631 044/60/000/003/003/012 Cill/C222 AUTHORi Svetlanovi A.V. TITM ~integv~t~ion oFlinear differential,:36quations of second order of the hypergeometric type I PERIODICALs Referativn~iry zhurnal. Matematika, no-39 19609 49, abstract 2889. (Tr. Dallnevost. politekhn. in-ta, 1958, 50P 19-35) TEXTs A method of integration which is based on the means of the generalized differentiiLl-integral-calculue is applied to the equation 2 (a x +b x+o )y"+I*blx+el)yl+c y = 0. A. 2 2 2 0 The solutiona of (1) are represented in the form: Yj(x) = D n-IUa x 12 +b X+o )ne-Y(x)] 2 2 2 I(X) n-1 y n-1[(a xI"! +b X+c )n e- V(X)e x dx 2(x) = D 2 2 2 2 n+1 J (a 2x +b2X+02) ~". n-1 ";.tor of the where D is the geneMlized differential-integral opeve, Card 1/2 16(1) AUTHORs Svetlanov, A.V. SOT/20-123-6-7/30 TITLE: FoAndationj of a Generalized Differential-Integral Calculus (Osnovy obobshchennogo differentsiallno-integrallnogo ischisleniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akade:nii nauk SSSR, 1958,V01 123,Nr 6,pp 981-983 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let u(x) be cDntinuous and infinitely differentiable on the interval I. The series (1) nu(X) _ OD P(n+l)x k-n U(k)W Z - k o ki r(n-k+l) r(k-n+l) ia denoted a* the generalized differential-intogral opor%tioa of n-th order if it converges. The application of rin is donotad *a the generalized differentiation of n-th order. The number n is an arbitrary constant (also a complex one). Principal lemmas A function, the generalized derivative of n-th order of which vanishes identically, has the form (2) F(n,x) - 00 ckx n-k n-k ~ -N, N - natural. Z Card 1/2 The series.(2) is assumed to be con-vergavat ama Foundations of a Generaliaed Diffferential-Integral Calculus SOY/20-123-6-7/50 differentiablo; otherwise the constants ck are arbitrary. The function ]?(n,x) is called a complement function; its introduction is the most essential step of the theory proposed by the author. The author considers some properties of the defined generalized differential-integral calculus and it is hinted to the connections with the theory of groups and semigroups. There are 10 references, 2 of which are Soviet, I German, 1 English, 1 French, 2 Siriss, and 2 Italian. ASSOCIATION:Dallnevostochtlvv politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.V.Kuybysheva (Dal Inevostochnyy Polytechnical Institute imeni V-V. Kuybyshev) PRESENTED: August 6, 1958, by S.L.Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: October 1, 1957 Card 2/2 thermometers. Pa--14c mno.`?t-75-27o Oou Ye.V. (D2-v-jmhjnrk); SV:--Jj~-NOV, N.D. (DzexshL-,Sk) IVA L*. 0 v p Uoing reinforced %onto in 08 fOwIdAUO" "4 I'll' of atone Imald-ing" built on a Peat bog, 00A., rund.i m6kh.grun. /01 (14TIth 150 a) nv.4tj,2-1J 162i (MA gtonn) If'jDEBSKIY. A.M.; VAR VJLYSKAYA, Kh.A.; SVBTIAYA, Ye.N.; TSMKOVA, I.M. Hygienic requi:rements for natural-- ITjjh-YI-nj--of residential structures in climatic zones of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Gig. i san. 24 no,.6:70-71 Je 159. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo instituts, kommunal'noy gigivany. (MOHIMATION hyg. requirements for natural lighting of residential structures in Ukraine Nus)) MQBR&ZBNI1SXIY, If-A., (Moskva); b-rffT1AW, A-P- (HOQ-k-v&) 4 Ituthod for 3tapas -mobilization in otoeclarosis and adhesive otitis. Vest.otorin. 21 no.4:48-59 JI-Ag '59. OCIR& 12: 10) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (dir. - prof.A-G. Likliachev) I Moukovskogo ordena lenina needitgins~kogu instituta imont I.H.Sechenova. (OTOSC=OSIS surg.) (OTITTIS K&DIA surg.) -SVET145TI-r -A. IF. Use of a laryngeal mirror for observation of endoaurall cperations. Vest. otorin. 22 no.1:81-,92 Ja-F 160. (MM 14:5) 1. Is kliniki bolezney uldws, gorla. i nosa (dir. - prof. A.G. Likhachav) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina medLitsinskogo instituta imeni I.R.Sechenova. (OTOLUMOLOGY-EQUMM A]ND SUPPIM) jTUMBRAZIMNISM, N.A.,; SVETIA M, A.P. Mobilization of the stapes by -the surgical ahd vibmtional -method. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.1;48-55 Ta-.F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zair.' - zasluzhen-.iyy deyatell nauki prof. A.G.Likhachev) I Moskovskogo ord6na Lenina instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (OTOSCIL-aOSIS) (EAR--SURGERY) PREOBRAZHENSKIY, N.A.; SVETLAYEV, A.P.; SOKOLOV, M.M. [deceased); BYKOVA,G.P. Vibrator for mobilizing the stapes and its use in the clinic. Trudy NIIEKHAI,Tk,o.5:288-295 161. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kliniki bolemey ukha, nosa i gorls. 1-go Moskovskogo ordens. Lenina meditsinskogo instituta. im. I.M.Sechenova i Hauchno-issledo- vatellskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatu'7 i instrumentov. (TYMPANAL ORGAN--SURGERY) (VIBRATORS) SVETLAY~~V.A!P. Use of lidase in adhesive otitis media in combinlition with vibration and pnewiatic massage. Vestn. otorinolaring. 25 no.3a.34-39 163 (14M 17 -.1) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa ( dir. - prof. A.G. Likhache-7) I Moskovskogo ordena Ioenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. VORONINJI Ivan Vasillyevich, prof.; ZDRXKOVSKIY, Dionis Iosifovich; KOZLOV, Nikolay Andreyevich; LEBEDEV, Arseniy Andreyevich; SEMEZIOVO Izosim Alekseyevich; SUDACHKOV, Yevgeniy Yakovlevich; VASILIYEV, P.V., doktor ekon. nauk, retsenzent; KARASIKOV, S.A., retsenzent; MOTOVILOV, G.P., red.; SVETLAYEVA, A.S., red. izd-va; POPOVA, V.V.0 tekhn. red. [Economics, organization and planning of lumbering production in lumbering camps] Ekonomika, organizatsiia i planirovania leso- khoziaistvennogo proizvodstva v leskhozakh i lespromkhozakh. Izd.2, dop. i perer. (By] I.V.Voronin i dr. Moskva, Goslesbum- izdat, 1963. 299 p. (14IRA 17:2) REUTOV, O.A.; UGLOVA, E.V.; MUMMA, I.P.; SVETLANOVA, T.B. Reactions of substitution by halogen of a mercury atom combined t'o saturated carbon atom. Report No.7: Kinetics and stereochemintry of the reaction of sec. butylmercury bromide In carbon tetrachloride. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8:1383-1387 Ag 164. (MIRA 17t9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univerBitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. SILAYEV, A.B.; SVETLAYEVA, T.M.; TMNT'n'V, AoF. N-allcyl derivatives of ae-ramine acid. Part 1. Test.Mosk.un. 10 ne.10:115-121 0 155- (PTAA-9:4) l.Lab*rateriy,a khimil. belka imeni akademika M.D.Zelinskago. (Amin* acids) SIIAYNV. A.B.; MTIAYZVA, VJI.; TFMNT' UV, A.P. H-alkyl substituted oramino acids. Part 2. Cyanohydrin synthesis with Y-alkoxyprOpYlaMitLOs and aliphatic aldshydes. Vest.Mosk. un.10 no.12:109-113 D '55. (MLRA 9:5) 1. Kafedra organicheskcq khimii. (Propionic acid) (Isocaproic acid) (Cyanohydrins) aVETLAYEVA., V.M. , Determination of the molecular veight of antibiotics by means of the~-ivopiestic method. Antibioti-ki 5 no.3s63-68 My;7Je 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iaboratoriya vyde:Leniya i ochistki novykh antibiotikov Institute. po izyskariyu nov7kh antibiotikov AMN SSSR. (PTIBIOTICS) (MOIECUIAR 'WEIGHTS) SVETIAYEVA, V.M.; KU214T-:TSCVA, Ye.A.; ZHU.WiVLEV, S.V. Synthesis and prop3rties of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole derivatives. Part 3: Benzothiazolyl-2-mercaptoacetic acid. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:9E3-986 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii AMN SSSH. SHAPIRO, Ye.; SVETLICRKO, - Ip Importance of ophthalmodynamometric studies in insufficiency of cerebral eirculation.'Zhur-. nevr. i psikh 63 no-4:517- 525 163. WRA 17:2) 1. Klinika neyrokhlrurgii (zav.-- prof. Yo. Shapiro) i Klinika glaznykh bolezney (zav.-- prof. Ya. Sobanskiy) Meditsinskoy akademii, Lodz'. USSR /themical Technology, Chemical Products IL-16 and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum, Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9. 1957, 31898 Author : Kovalenko N. I., Svetlichnaya G. Inst : Saratov University Title : Optical Activity, Density and Molecular Weight of Oil Fractions of Petroleum of the Saratov Deposit. Communication 2. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Sarat. un-ta, 1954, 36, 67-72 Abstract: A study was made of the optical activity, density, molecular weight and molecular rotation of narrow oil fractions of one of the lightest petroleum Card 1/2 SHTALIMAN, M.V.,- SVETLICHNAYA, S.S. Investigating the phase composition of open-hearth furnace hearth bottoms by X rays. Ogneupor 27 no.7023-327 162. (NMA, 15: 8) 1. Makeyevskiy metaUurgicheskiy zavod. (Open-hearth furnaces-Maintenance and repair) (X rays-Industrial appUcations) ALFEROV, K.S.; SHTALIMAN, M.V.; SVETLICHNAYA, S.S. X-ray diffraction study of steel for reinforcements. Metalloved. i term.obr.met, no.1:28-32 Ja 165. (MIRA _180) 1. 14akeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. I . t, - . 1 -% , 1 ~ q ;71 : , - I 'd" d., ".13 6 ., Ja"jkhjye.vjch;, MMM# Pavel Ivanovich; -, PLORINSKIY.J. I. red. Izd-va; GRWHANINOVA, AA* tokhn. red. Stalinsk. Red.-kollegiiat P.V. Abrosimov i dr. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958. 28 ps' OKIR& 11$7.) 1. Soyuz arkhitektorov SSISR. (Stalinsk-Descript ion) SVWLIC7.qNTY, 'B.. arkhitektor Modern city. Stroitel' no.10:21-22 0 '58. (baRA 11:11) 1. Zamestitell nacballnika Otdela planirovki 1 zastr07ki gorodov Goestroya SSSR. (City planning) SVETLICHNYY, V.I. red.; RABUROV, V.V., red.; DESTATKOV. G J., red.; KRASILIHIKOV, P.A., red.; KUDRTAVTSEV, A.O.,red.; SVMICHM, B.Te., red.; WIRNOT. N.S., red.; SHKVARIKOV, V.A., idde-1 PRUNER, A.S., red.izd-va; GILUS01, P.G.-, (Ragulations and norms for city planning and construction (31 41-58)] Pravila i norny planiroyki i zastroiki gorodoy, SK 41-58. Izdanle ofitsiallnoe. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-17 PO strait., arkh1t. i stroit.materialam, 1959, 178 P. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Russia 6923-- U.2"S.S.Re) Gosudarstvannyy koidtot po delex stroitellatva. (City planning) SVETLICIRTYY, B.Ye.. arkhitektor Cities and health. 7-dorov'e 5 no.7:28-29 J1 159. (MIRA 12:11) (CITT FLUNING-HYGIENIC ASnCTS) SVF,TLICHNYY, B. Important source of econoP7 in construction. Yop.ekon. no.6: IW-49 je 159. (City planning) (141RA 12:9) STBTLICHNTY, B., arkhitektor New progress in Soviet urban development. Zhil.stroi. no.6:1-3 Je '160. (14M 13:7) (Cit7 planning) ~k 1. SVETLICHNYY, B. Soviet city plannipgg at the present stage. Top.eLzon. no-7: 48-6o il 160. (MM 13:5) (City planning) BAR OV. I.M., red.; BYLINKIN, X.P., red,; ILMSHffp S.D., red.; .,B,Y.e, red.; XOROZOU, G.T., red.lzd-~va; FAVL=Oj K.V., red.izd-va; GILOSON, P.G.,; RYA74W, P.Te., [All-Union Conference on Urban Development] Vaesoiuznoe eoveshchs- nie po gradostroitelletvu. Sokrsshc~ennyi stenograficheskii otchat. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 196o. 507 p. (KMA 14:4) 1. Voesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po gradoetroitelletvu. Moscow, 1960. (City planning--Congresses) (construction industry--Congresses) -SM,LICMWf, B.Te., arkhitektor Cities should be beautiful. Hauka i zhizn' 2? no.9:12-16 s 16o. (MI-U 13:9) 1. Zamestitell nachalinika otdela planirovki i zastroyki gorodov GosBtroya SSSR. (City planning) RW '-- SVETLICIINYY.. B.Ye.,, arkhitektor I organize our villages well in the new fashion. Zdarov e 8 no-5:4~5 My 162. (FAM BUILDINGS) (MIRA 15:5) I zr I, - SVETLICIM, Boris Yevtikhiyevich Development of the municipal economy in the light of the Program of the CPSU. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no.1:5-7 -T& 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Vachallnik otdola perspektivnogo razvitiya gorodov Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-6kohmichask6go soveta. Soyuza Ministrov. (City planning) SVP-,TLICHNYY Some problems in the future development of cities. Vop. ekon. no.3t57-69 Mr 162. (KRA 150) (City planning) VODOPtYANOV, V.L.; LAPIN, G.L.; SVETLICHNYY, D.M. Selection and technical and economic bases for using self-propelled heading equipment in Upper Kama potash mines. Nauch. trudy Perm NIUI ho.3:81-98 163. (MMA 17:3) OBUNPOV, N.N.; SVETLICHNYY, D.M.; TIKHOMIROV, R.Ye. Potash mining machine for sinking 14 mm ore chute winzes with a front apperture. Nauch. trudy Perm NIUI no-3.:128-132 163. 041RA 17:3) I SVETLICIMYY , G.- Chanving procedures for compiling the consolidated balance sheet schedule No.1 by State Bank branches* Der..-i kred. 20 no.2:82-81+ F 162. (VIRA, 15:2) 1. Glavr*,y bukhgalter Samarkandskoy oblastnoy kontory Gosbanka. (Banks and banking-Accounting) SVL'TLIGHNYY, I., nuchallnik. Improvements in woodwork operations at the Riga shipbuilding and ship repair yard. gor.i rech.flot 13 n0-3:30 JY '53. (MLH& 6:8) 1. DereToobdelochny7 taekh Rizhskogo sudoetroitellno-sudoremontnogo savoda. (Riga--Shipbuilding) (Shipbuilding--Riga) KOTROVSKIY, M.; SVETLICHNYY, 16 Automation of the gas mixing station of the 850 mill. MetallLrg 9 no.11:31 N 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Makeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. SVETLICIUfYY, N. Fastening wooden sheathing planks to welded rag pins; Riga Ship Repair Yard. Inform.Bbor.TSIIII14F no.26:82-83 '58. MRA 13-.4) 1. Rizbskly sudoramontnyy zavod. (Riga,-Shipyards--Equipment and supplies) SMLIOHNYY9 N.Ye. Dontit divert your attention from breeding grounds of the Italian locust. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 3 no,3:16-17 MY-Je 158* (MIRA 11:6) 1. Nachallnik Karagandinskoy ekspeditsii. (IOCUStG) SV~'TLICTIMTY, P. L. T-.clinr)IoFj, Utilizing the electrical equipment of cutter-loaders a-,d high-power cutting machines in coal mines. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat., ',L951. 9. Monthl List of 'Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Octob-ar 1952 JY~Y, Uncl. PZODOROVIGH, G., radaktor; VUY3K, M., teldmicheskiy redaktor. [Manual for coal mine mechanics] Spravochnik- mekbanika uchastka ugollnoi shakhty. Kiev, Gos. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1953. 312 P. (MLRA 8:2) (Coal-mining machinery) AIM? ~Hffyy, Pavel. Luklyanovich; KOTLYARSKIT,A.H., redaktor; ZAPZMVA,KAI, ,to.-L, tekhnichaskiF redaktor le [Operation of the electrical equipment of a coal mine; a reference manual] likspluatataiia ele~trooborudoyaniia uchastka ugollnot shakhty; spravochnik. Noskwa, Ugletakh:Lzdat, 1955. 591 P. (Alectricity ip mining) (NTRA 9:3) SVE,TLICMTYY, Pavel Luklyanovich; flIKHEYEV,Yu.A., redaktor; HMMINSKAYAs . - ":~ --, -~Ah~lcheskiy redaktor [Remote control of mining machinery] Distantsionnoe upravlenie zaboinymi mashinami. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1956. 18 p. (mIRA 9:4) (Coal mining machinery) (Remote control) .SVETI-TOMY,-PaYel-1-4-~Y!~~ V~ch- GLUSHKO, Vladimir Vasillyevich; BURLYGA) F.I., red.; SAMOLETOVA, A.V., (Using nomograms to -calculate cpLble networks for mines] Raschet shakhtnoi kabellnoi seti po nomagrammam. Stalino, Kvizhnoe izd-vo Stalino-Donbass, 1956. 29 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Electricity in mining) 4 PIME I BOOK EXPLOITATION 595 Kogan, Kope-11 Borisovich; Kaqrsheva, Nina Konstantinovna; Reka, Mikhail Dultriye-Ach; Sukachn, Vlad1mir Davydovich; Svetlichnyy Pavel Luktywovich; and Shve-449) Vladimir Vasil"Yevich ------ Ekspe=lme~atsllnyy prokhodaheoldy kambayn KP (The KP Experimental Continuous M4-YL!2z ME-_hlne). Moscow, u4etekh'zdAt, 195T. 50 P,..5,000 copies printed* Resp. Ed.: Arkhangeliskiy, As So; Ed* of Publishing House: Astakhov, As Ve, Tech. Ed*: Illinskaya, G.. M. PURPOSE: T'Iiis pexiPhlet deaL3 with the selection method for a drift-cutting mach1ne. It should be of interest to mining engineers and tech- r_4ciana in the coal-mining industry. COVR~ME: In this lxmphlet the a4thors briefly describe the design, method of selection of b&3ic parameters, and the organization of field ests for the KP continuous mining machine operating conditions. This machLne, to be used in soft rock for cutting drifts and cross- cuts in coal mines, was built at the Kopeyskiy mashinootroitelInyy zavod imeni S. M. Kirova (Kopeysk Machine-building Plant imeni Card 1/2 S. M. Kirov). A description is given of the planetary cutting The KP Experimental Continuous (Cont.) 595 inechanism and the drive system. Nunerous. perfortaance data collected during the test are also given. No personalities are mentioned. There are no reftrences. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 1. Selection of Type and of 'Baoic Parameters of Cutting Mechanism for the Continuous Mining Machine 4 Cutting mechsnizm 7 Construction features 17 2. organization of Field Tests for the Machine Under Operating Conations 26 Test Measurements 27 Field Tests Under Actual Work Conditions 34 Test Results 46 Conclusions 49 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (01813-K59) GO/gmp Ca;rd 2/2 August 28, 1958 ff-r- _ HIRSKATA. V.V.. otvetstvennyy red.; SVETLIP-M _-;!avgl KCIROVEMKOVA,"Z.A., [Handbook of the coal mine pover engineer] Spravochnik energetika ugollnoi shakhty. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. Pt.2. 1958. 564 p. (HIU 11:6) (Xectrie engineering) (Electricity in mining) SVF,TLIGHNYY,,-Pavel.Luklyanovich; ZAPRMWA. X.A., otvetstvennyy redo; AiMSKAYA, V.V.., otvotstvennyy red.; KOROVMOVA, Z.A., CHandbook of the coal mine tower engineer] Spravochnik energetike ugollaoi shakhty. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, Ft.l. 1958. 615 P- (Blectric engineering) (MIU-11:5) SVETLICHNYY,,P.L., inzh,,jjj!j-LTOV L.P., inzb. load standards for flexible cables in Mines Ugol',Ukr- 3 no.12:23-24 D 159. iMIRA 13:4) (Electricity in mining) SVMLICHYff , P. L. . inzh. Basic parameters of electric motors for coal cutter-loader and cutting machine drives. Ugol' 34 no.4:41-42 Ap '59. (MIRA 12'-7) 1. Dongiprouglemash. (Coal mining machinex7--Zlectric driving) SVETLICfH4YY, P.L., inzh. Readers' response to E.V.Aleksandrov's and IU.Y.Flavitskii's article "Determining the parameters of electric motors for coal cutter-loaders ancl cutting machines." Ugolt 34 no.12:53 D '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Coal mining machinery--glectricclriving) (Alsksandrov, B.V.) (Flavitsldi, IU.V.) SVE~IkQ=. F.L.; AZA . V. L. New method, of checking the state of operating rotor cages In asyn- chronoas motorse Nom. energ. 15 no.10:30-33 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Zlectric motors, IrAuction) KUKHTMOj Aleks&ndr Ivanovich; BVETLICHms-Pavel Luklyanovich; SHOYKHET, Lev Abramovich; SHURIS, Naum Aronovi ch MIRSKAY izd-val- BOIDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Automatian of mining operations] Avtomatizatsiia ochistriykh i pro- khodaheskikh rabot. Moskvaq Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo 3-it-ry po gornomu delu 1961. 274 p. (MIRA 14:6) Wtomation) (Coal mining machinery) SVE,TLIGBNYY-:-P,,L..!, GLUSIJKOP V.V. Conaerning-L.F4 Dudarev's article "Study of the engaging process of a button controlled magwtla st4rter." Pr6m. ererg. 16 nc.,4:*28-30 Ap(i6l, (MIRA 14:9) rueetric motors--Starting Apvices) (Dudarevp L.E.) SVETLICHNYY,, F.L.; GLUSHKO, V.V. New system for connecting magnetic starters and contactors. Prom. energ. 16 no.5s42-46 W 161. (K= 14 3 7) (F,le#,ricity in mini n ) SVET~~~L,,-ix-zh.~ GLUSFY.0, V.V,, inz-ah. Protect*Lon of electri-- power distribution networks in min s against short-circuits to ground, Prom.energ. 17 no*706-39 J1 162. ODA 15:7) (Electricity in miaing) (Electric protection) SVETLICHNIL-Rampl Talk!XQ2-viah; MIRSKAYA, V.V., red. izd-va; -----PRO,ZOFDVSKAYA, V.L., teRlm. red. (Selection and use of electric equipment in a coal mine sec- tion]N'ybor i ekspluatatsiia elektrooborudovaniia uchastka ugoll- noi shakhty; spravochnik. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 426 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. (Coal mining machinery-Electric driving) (Electricity in mining) KOTLYARSKIY, A.M.p kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVALEV, P.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; SUMIN, I.F., kand.tekhri.nauk; BASHKOV, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; SVETLICH- NIYI P.La, inzh. UEing pneumatic power in coal mines. Ugol' 39 no.1:29-31 Ja '64. (MIRA 17-3) I., Makeyevskiy iiauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti (for Kotlyarskiy, Kovalev, Sumin). 2,, Dongiprouglejaash (for Bashkov, Svetlichnyy). ACC NRs AR70-04319 location is free. Aclrauit diagram of the number storage location and a functional diagram of the device are ahown;.their operation is desextibed. Two figures. Bibliography of 4 titles. A. S. [Translation of abstract] SUB GCDSt 09 NELYUBOV, Yu.v... inzh.; IIAZHIN, Ye.I., inzh.; SVETLIGHNYY, S..-I-., tekhnik VIbrations of the reinforced concrete tower headframf under the seiamic effect of open pit blasting. Shakht. strai. 9 no.7:20-22 '-1 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy itauchno-issledovatellskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut tsvetnirkh metallov. NAZARCV) V.; SVETLICNY, V., Hrdina aocialistiolm praae Use of airplanes In agriculture. Letecky obzor 7 no.6:173 is 163, I* Vedoual Spravy speeialniho leteatvi a leteckeho sfiz*ovwd, Glavnoe upravleni" Grazhdanckogo Vbzdushnogo flota (fot Nazarov). 2. Mechanizator slupiny (for Svetliany). Regulation of I;he centrifugal pump capacity by the admission of air into the suction pipe. Sakh. prom. 34 no. 12:57-6o D 16o. (MM 13:12) 1. Beslanovski,,r maisovyy kombinat. (Beslan--!Starch industry) (Centrifugal pumps) .~~,-V..,.[Svitljvahrqi, V.], zvenevoy, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda Way to the future of sugar beets. Nauka i zhvttia 12 no.4:43 Ap 162. (KM 15:8) 1. Zveno maktanizatorov tubanskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta ispytanlya traktorov i sellskokhozyaystvennvkh mashin, Novokubanskij- rayon KrABnodarskogo draya. (Sugar be6ts) SVETLICIDM.. V.A.p Geroy Sotsialiatichaskogo Truda, zventyevoy; PERVIMM, V.YPL., Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda,, zvenlyevoy; EELOUSOV., V.K. Collective and state farms need such a machine. Zashch.rast.ot vredA bol. 7 no.6.13.4 Ja 162. (MMA 15:12) 1. Kubanskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut ispytaniya tIit-d,'-tOrOV i se1'skokhozyaystvennykh mashin (for Svetlicbnyy.. Per7itski:y)a 2. CLIavnyy agronan kolkhoza imeni Lenina, Novo-Kubanskiy rayon, Krasnodarskogo kraya (for Relousov). (Huban-Zpraying and dusting equipment) SVETLICBNYY, Vladimir Andreyevichp Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; BUDKO, A LEBEDIK, A.I.; VINOKUi, I.Ye.., red.; NEWYSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [Over-all mechanization of sugar-beet growing and harvesting] Kompleksnala mekbanizatsiia vozdelyvaniia, i uborki sakharnoi svekly. Moskva., Proftekhizdat, 1962. 51 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Sxzar beets) (Farm mechanization) PMIJCIDII'Y, Vladimir Andreyevich, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; RWTW-,TT.T.-,red.; KF1D)BCF1.MV, V.I., tekhn. red. [Least expensive sugar beet] Samaia deshevaia, svekla. Krasno- dar, Krasnodaralcoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1962. 63 p. MM 15:3) 1. Zvenlyevoy Miftanicircyannogo, zvena sveklovodov Kubanskogo nauchno-isoledo-ratellskogo instituta ispytaniya traktorov i sellkhozmashin (for SvetlicluWy). (Kuban-Sugar beets) SVETLICHM I V]LjL- n1yevoy-melrbanizator,, geroy Sotsialistioheakogo 11;wi ---.Fve A stuAbling blook. Grazhd. av. 20 no.1:9 -Ta 163. - (MM 16:4) (Aeronautics in agriculture) .SVE7LICHNYY,_L,l., zvenlyevoy mek4pLnizirovannogo zvena po vozdelybanivu sakharnoy avekl..r, Geroy Sotsialistichaskogo truda; LEBEDIK, A.I. Growing peas and sugar beets by the use of mechanized te+8. Zemledelie 25 no.4:33-42 Ap 163. -(NIRA 16:5) 1. Kubanskiy n&ichno-issledovatel'skiy institut ispytaniy traktorov i sellskokhozyaystvennykh mashin. (Kuban-Peas) (Kuban--Sugar beets) (Farm mechanization) 3VEI'LIGATY"Y ;L. 11. A. IT-later-lal on t,.c Clinical Aspects zuld Treatment of llon-PenetratiftC Skull 'ilound3 ('Tle Dmerience c;f the Great Patriotic War." Acad Yed Sci U-)'-'R. Joint Comcil of the Group of LeninCrad Institutes. Leningrad, 1955 (Dissertation for the DeErce of Candidate in Med-ical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 10, 19,56, p 1i6-127 BELIM&N, Kh.L.; LEVIN, G.Z.; BELEN'KAYLt R.M.; SVETLICIJM, V.A.; FRENMI, V. I. Some pur-rent data on the di4gwsis of various forms of cat!ebral vascuUr diseases. Trudy Gos. nauch--issil. poikhonevr. inst. no.20: 311-320 '59., 14:1) 1. Gosudaistvennyy riauchno,-issledovatellskiy psikhonevrologicheskiy institut imeni V.M. Bekhtereva, Leningrad. (BRAIN--DISFASES) SVETJACHNYY' V'j.' Pathogenetic truatment of vascular diseases of the brain and extremities. Trudy Goo. nauch.-isol. paikhonovr. inst* no,20: 321-322 159. 1~ (MIRA 141~) 1. Gosudarstvenrory nauahnb-isoledovatellskiy psikhonevrologiolheakiy inBtitut imeni V,M. Bekhterevap Leningrad, (BRA.IN-DISEASES) (EXTRM-.TIES(ANATCHY)~-DISEASES)