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USSR / Zooparasitology. Parasitic 1-Protozoa. 3porozoa. G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1959, 24209. Author Svanb * K. Inst stitute f fo-ology, Academy of Sciences KazSSR. Title On the Knowledge.of Fauna of Coccidia of the Rodents of Central Kazakhstan. Orig Pub: Tr. In-ta zool. AN KazSSR, 1958, 9, 103-186. Abstract; The intestinal content of 66 Mongolian conies and 43 Strelltsov's nice /Ricrotus7 were investigated for Coccidia according to Darling's method; of these, 26 (39.4%) conies and 4 (9.3%) a-ice were found to be infected. "'A. descri-otion and the dimen- sions are given of the oocysts of the discovered species of Coccidia, viz., 3-imeria kriy~-smanni, 3. erschovi, E. musculi, E. arvicolae ahd 7,imeria sp., are given. Card 1/1 ZooparasitOlOgY- iarasitic, Protozoa- S_)OrOzoa# G 1959, 24210. Jour: Ref Zhur-BiOl-, I\TO ro, ,,author 9varLbav_?V__ K. cademY Of Sciences KazSSR. 15S-titute of Zoology, -". ofed flnimals Of Inst The vauna,Of Cocoidia of lorild FLO Title Kazakhstan. 1. An KazSSRj 19581 9, JE37-197. Crig Pub: Tr. In-ta zoo tartarica antelope, new spe- .kbst,act: In roe deer and Saiga discovered (in the former, ies of Coccidia were 7%jmeria C a capreoli and in the latter, f ISO 'or 6 already-known species 0 Bp In :4i. deb- saiga). new hosts B. scabra and Coccidia were discovered ninae kohl--jakimov ill liecki in wild boars E B. in- a~d Central ASiaa gOatj Gazella subguttarosa tral Asian tricata in Ovis argali, E_ parva in "'Jen card 1/2 SVAN'.~AYFY) S. K. "The Cocciditu. Exchange Petween Wild and Domestic Hoffed Ani--.--Is in Kazakhstan. " Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural ile-servoirs, 222-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishin.- House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Institute of Zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Alma Ata SVAXBAYEV, S.K. New coccidian species from the roe deer (Caproolus capreolue L.) and vaiga (Saiga tatarIca L.) in Kazakhstan. Zool.zhur. 38 no.9:1419-1421 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Inatitut zoologii Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy SSR (Alma-Ata). (Kazakhstan--Coccidiosis) (Roe dear--Diseases and paste) (5aiga--Diseases and pests) SVAN.BAYEV, S.K. Materials on coccidia parasitic in the suslik Gitellus falvus Pall. in Alma-Ata Province. Trud7 Instozool*AN Kazakh.SSR 12:91-93 160. (MLRA 13:7) (Alma-Ata Province-CocCidiOSis) (Susliks as carriers of disease) SVAITBAYL?7, S.K. Coccidia infections of cattle and sheep in Dzhambul Province. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 14:29-33 16o. (MM 13:12) (Dzambul Province-Coccidiosis) (Cattle-D)oeases and posts) (Sheep-Diseases and pests) SVANBAY]OV, S. K. Coccidia found in silver foxes of Alma-AtqL Zrovince. Trudy lust. zool. AN Kazaldi. SSR 14:34-36 160. (XM 13:12) (Alma-Ata Province-Coccidiosis) (Sil7,er fox-Diseases and pests) k__SVAN1aAYEV, S.K, Chemical prophylaxis of coccidiosis in turkeys. Trudy Inst. nool. AN Kazakh. SSR 14:37-41 160. (MA 13:12) (Coacidiosis) (Turkeys-Diseases and pests) (Faenothiazine) kand. biolog. nauk ,;V Synthomycin in coccidiosis in J=bs. Voterinariia 37 no.6: 37-38 Te 160. (KrRA 16:7) 1. Institut zoololgii AN Kazakhakoy SSR. (Chloroiwcotin) (Coccidiosis) (Lamba-Diseases and pests) 3VA:,'-~UT-W, 3. K, of Diologic--! 3ciencas, Institute of Zoology, Acader%y of- Sci(mces of the Kazakh :33-1). 11rPreat-a;mt o'- Coc(Adiosls I-n Limb,; with Sodilvq Fluoride". V,A r2.ya , lovember 1Q61. . u. 36 vol. 38., no. li. N -1 SVATIBAYEV, S.K.p kand. biolog. nauk Treating coccidiosis in lambs with sodium fluoride. Veterinariia 38 no.1107-38 N 161 (MM 18-.1) 1. Institut zoologii AN KagMo SVANB.X[EVj S. K. Coccidia of wild animals in southern Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. zool. 21 Kazakh. SSR 16:23-29 '62. (MIRA 15:10) (Kazakhstan-Coccidiosis) SVANBAYEV, S. K. - Occurrence of Coccidia in muskrats acclimatized In Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 16:206-207 '62. (MIRA 15:10) (Kazakhstan-Coacidiosis) (Kazakhstan-Parasites--Muskrats) SVANBAYEV, S. K. N-- - - -, - - -- -- --- Coccidia in wolves. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 16:2(Y7-208 162, (MIRA 15:10) (Bet-Fak-Dai-Coacidiosis) (Bet-Pak-Dai-ParasiteB-Wolves) SVANBAYE-V, S.K. Coccidia in Marmota menzbieri Kaschkarov, 1925. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR l9i5l-54 163. (MA 16:9) (Coccidium) (M&mots-Diseases and pests) SVtNBAYE,V,, '-'..K. A -, I =9 cf ti 1925. Zbol. ibar. ,* '33 - - 64j-J765 ` ' ( X I P-1 - --., .. 7 ) j-o - - -W~- 1. lvsl~-Ltol AD *,','--.)y ~ 1"I, 1- . ., . P- - sli ,i T JB A, y w%, , S , I,% , ka bif-. 1cw. n, ail lk - -1 - 1.1 z F . 'C' tt n, = cccclrl'a. "est..AN Kazakh.-', 8 no. z., ?6-B7 ... -Ire,,-ie~ QI L (Ml-~A 17s-10) My 2 f-~12 c -k CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Humarl and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. V-12 Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 1., 1958, 4497 Author : Josef Svanda Inst ! Title Dynamics of Attention During the Burdening of the Visual Analyser with Monotonous Activity, Ori6; Ft, t Ceskosl. hyg., 1956, li No 3., 152-156 Abstract : Criteria for the evaluation of attention according to deletion tests given to younasters between 15 and 18. CarC- 1/1 "! __~ T~ r tA 'SY I I --*Pediatrics -Heb 59 CERFITA `)~EDICA -Sec -7 Vol - 13/2 503. SOME DYSPHATIC DISORDERS OF CIIILDREN IN' CONNECTION WITH THE I ,ROBLEMS OF FUNCTIONAL ASYAMILTRY - Ndkterd dysfatick6 poruchytid~tivsouvislostitil)robldtnyfunkentasymetrie -Avancarr. J. Dieu rol. - Psychiat. Odd. Krajskd Dt!tskd Nem., Brno 20/1 (32-38) Illus. 3 Sensitive psychological methods are described in order to establish the range (if functional disorders within the sphere of some analysors in cases of predominance of the right hemisphere. Clinical casuistics point to a neurotic superstructure in left-handed children. Personal experience shows that the majority of neurotic dis- orders are temporary and that they can be avoided or improved by proper didac- tical and paedagogical procedures. Neurotic m anifes tat ions of left-handed persons arise as a result of enforced training of the right hand. With regard to the demands of every-day life it is necessary to train left-handed persons in ambidexterity. Cases requiring individual solution in this respect are rare. (Vill, 7) SVOGARA, Josef Individual -psychotherapy of children; principals & experiences as seen from the viewpoiait of clinical psycholog7. Cesk. psychiat. 54 no.1:44-50 Feb 58. 1. ITmirologicke a. psychiatricke oddeleni Krajske detske nemocnice v Brne. (PSYCHOTR3wy of child., clin. psychol. aspects (Cz)) (CHILD PSYCHO,WTr individual psychother., clin. psychol. aspects (CZ)) SMICAU, Josef (Brno, Leninova 59) . - _ ". -1: - -, - -The factor of personal contact in psychotherapy of children. Gesk. psychiat. 54 no.4:ZSO-263 Aug 58. 1. Neurologicko-psychiatricke oddeleni Krajake detake nemocnice v Brne. (PSYCHOTHRRAYT of child., factor of personal contact (Oz)) HOIVBALa1av;SVANGARA,Josef The problem of carej--education and selection of occupations for epileptic patients. Gesk. neur. 23 no.4:258-265 Je 160. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni Krajske detske namocnice v Erne, prednosta dr. V. Holub. (APILVSY rebabil. SVANCARA, Josef Emotional problem of school children. Ceek. pediat. 16 no.102883-&4 0 '61. 1. Neur-ologicke oddeleni krajske detske nemoanice v Brne, prim. dr. V. Holub. (SCHOOLS) (CHILD PSYCHOLOGY) SUNICAPLA, Josef Q; Criteria of emotional development of children. Cesk. pediat. 17 no.V8:607-614 Ag 162. 1. Fakultni detak-a nemocnice, neurologicke oddeleni, Brno - Cerna Pole, prodnosta MUDr. V, Holub, (CHILD PSYCHOLOGY) SVANGARAV jo Restricted movement in the personality development of children with epilepsy. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.4:291-293 Ap 163. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni fakultni nemocnice v Brne, vedouci MUDr. V. Holub, (EPILEPSY) (PERSONALITY) (MOVEMENT) (FRUSTRATION) SVANCARA, J. (Brmo, Laninova, 59) Dynamics of intellectual deficit in children with localized and diffuse CNS damage. Activ. nerr. sups (Praha) 7 no.2a 145-146 165 1. PpAijitric Rpas%stroh Institutep Brno, L 12935-66 SOURCF, CODF,: CZ/0079/65/1 K)7/bo2/ol45/0M6 AUTHOR: Svancara J*.1-...- ORG: Pediatric Research Institute, Brno TITIZ: Dynamics of intellectual deficiency in children with localized and diffuse CNS damage SOURCE;: Activitas nervosa superior, v- 7. no. 2. 1965, 145-146 TOPIC TAGS: central nervous system, brain, tumor, man, behavior pattern, ence ABSTRACT: Effects of a localized organic C113 damage in children's Inotor'coordination,, intellectual performanoe,,-and personality bare discussed. 78 children aged 3-15 years with brain tumors, and 34 with subacute leukooncephalitis were examined. Intellectu&I deficiency in diffuse and localized brain damage at various age levels was studied. Mental development relating to the causes of the disease was investigated, and a mathematical model of inte'llectual deterioration in these 2 cases was si*,udied. it could not be confirmed that the intellectual deficiency increases with age, In cerebral.neoplasms mental development is below standard* No difference in the mental state was due to the supratentorial or infratentorial location of the tumor, Laukooncephalitis caus- as rapid deterioration at any age. The mathematical regression., model allows the computation of a mental age. It also 0,lows diagnostic deductio7 in some brain diseases. CJPRJS SUB CO 06, 5 SUEN DATE: none Card l Lk Jan- BLAZEJ, Antonin Polarographic. behavior of c6mplex chrome compounds. Kozarstvi 13 no.3:71-75 Mr 163. 1 1. Zavodni laborator kozeliizen., n,p, Svit., Otrokavice,- katedra chemicke technologie kuze a.vody,, Slovenska vysoka skola technicka., detasovane, pracoviste Otrokovice. i BLAZF.7, A.; SYANCER, J. S Itudy of donor power of liganis fo Qr 3+ Pt.2. Kozarstvi 13 no.121361-365' D163. 1. Katedra chemickej technologie kozeq detasavane praco- visko Otrokovice, a za,rodne laboratorium kozvluzen Svitp nq., Otrokovice. SVANCER, Jan; BLAZEJ, Anton Interoperatio-nal control of liming. Pt. 1. Kozarstvi 14 no. 3: 76--79 I-L- 164. 1. Svit NatiGnal Enterprise, Otrokovice Plant and Department of Leather Chemical Technology, Slovak Higher School of Technology, detached worksite Otrokovice. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Farm Animals. Honey Bee Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21527 Author t Svancer L. Inst : Title Winter Bees Are the Most Long-Lived Bees (Zimniye pchely-natboleye dolgovechnyye pehely) Orig Pub: Veelarstvi, 1956, 9, No 9, 131-132 Abstract: The honey bees which were receiving feed supplement of pollen lived in the cells 48-66 days (maximum ill days); and the control ones which were receiving only carbohydrate food lasted but 25-28 days (maximum 37 days). Much lesser difference in the longevity of bees in the cells could be observed when winter bees which lived in the hive for a long time were receiving the feed supplement; those receiving beebread lived 4 ~'42 (maximum 76 days), ol days and the control ones lasted for 38 days (maximum 76 days). Card 1/1 44 SO: 2ast 1kromean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress Heating ; lant or an f~l ectric-power plant for small and mediw, sized mills? p. 205 PAPIR 1*1 IS-:11MOSA. (Ifiniste! stvo lesu a drevarskeho prwmyslu) Iraha, Vol. 14, no. 9, Sept. 1.959 Monthl,,f list of' East Furopean Accessicns (MI) LC, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 uncl. S-TANDA, F. "Repairs of worn-out transmissions.n MECHANISACE 7EMEEDELSTVI, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. C, No. 18, September 1955- 1 Monthly List of &-~st European Accessions (EEAI), LC) Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Unclassified S 11 ~" ~::) ~- I -- . ~,ro vMM,,;t1n,~ corrf~ctly the meshing of gears and spiral -ears? (To be contd.) p . V, 4-cchanisace zelmedelstvi Vol. (1, tio. 1, jan. 'Fraha) SO: I'mt1ily Li st of :E'ast European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no - 7, Julv, 1957. Tincl. SVA-DA, F. S7A'AMA, F. Are you adjusting correctly the meshing of Fears and spiral gears? (Conclusion) P. 35. Vol. 6. no. 2, Jan. 1956 M-PCHA!,ISACE ZET-IEKKSTJrI AGRICULIURE Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, Io. 5, May 1957 SVANIIA, J - "Axial Bearings of Steam Turbines." p. 170, Praha, Vol. 4, no. 3, Mar. 1954. SO: East Faropean Accessions List, Vol- 3, No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress SVANDAP J., AND OTHPIRS 5VANDA, J., AND OTHERS. Parni turbin-T (Steam Turbines)by Ambroz and others; a book review. P. 502. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1956 ENERGE'rIKA TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessionp Vol. 6. No. 5. May 1957 C' G t 3 1,; T F, Ozech -,)51()va-4la ABS. JOU'li, 30. .41TTF Svanda, jar. . I.J OR 1 N", T '~"L. ~, A I-leter of a Novel Desigil- 1 (-'- .PUBI Jerma mech. a optu. 'No 5 145-1147 A ES q,,T RA 0 T Desc.-iption of ar. meter of --Lr.'10unt of licold in a tank, and of the des-ign of the -1" 4 on a upon the flow of c c ;)o-T',- cC t.,,,e meteA- depending qui 1 dthrough t-Vie regulation coutponent. Factors, affectIng :~cc--,Aracy of meterii--g, data are cons-Ldered. Fro7-,~, autt~h-or Is summary CA RD SVANDA, J. "New design for a counter." JEMA MECHOTIKA A OPTIKA. Praha., Czechoslovakiap Vol. 4,, mw 1959- Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EW), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, September 1959. Unclas. ffiwiwffii~ ~,Ml SVANDA, J. Fuel oil in cement rotary kilns. Ropa. a uhlie 6 no.q:276-277 s 6,.,,. 1. Tia-03140, BrnG. -SYANPA,..4Pe-fj,-..inz.,, HUNPOLA, Habert,, inz, Experience of the Rrmo Research Worksite of the Branch Union of Mortar and Asbestos Cement Producing Vational Enterprises in improving the economical use of fuels and electric power According to Government Decision No.256/63. Ehergetilca Ca 13 no.11:581-585 N163, 1. Oborove sdrumeni narodnich podnika pro vyrobu maltovin a osinkocementa, Vyzkumne pracdviste, Brmo. JEZF.K, Z.; SERY,V.; HEBEIYA,M.; ~Y~IR2VAI_Et. The ve'lue of simultaneous application of human and bovine tuberculin. Cesk. epidem. 14 no.3.o143-148 My '65 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha, Katedra nemocl tropu a subtropu, UDL, Praha. RADKOVSKY) J.; SVANDOVA E. Statistical evaluation of tuberculin tests. Cesk. epidem. 12 no. 6:328-351 N 163. ~ 1. Ustav apidemiologis a mikrobiologle) Praha. ,;r RADOCHOVA,D.; CIIRORAK,L.; SMID,.A.; SVAITDA,J. Survival of Cr5l-labelled eryth-rocytes in pernicious anemia with positive direct CoombO test, Vnitmi lek, 11 noolas 37-40 Ja 165 1. 1. Vnitrni klinika LFRU v Hradci Kralove (prednosta- prof. MUDr. Frant. Cernik, VI, VVIJ J.E.Parkyne v Hradei Kralove). Inntitute of Epidemiolo_-l and lftcriDbloloSy (Ustsv *P:L- demiolog-le a mik"blolagie), (for ali) IT~ 6-7. 1963, pp 454- SERY, V.; JEZEK, Z.; SVANDOVA., E.; FUCHSOVA, M.; HEBELK14 Me Use of tuberculin tests in the study of Yqcobacterim bovis. II. Analysis of allergy to tuberculin in children and adolescents in relation to Mtcobacterium bovis infection, Ceek. epidem. 12 no.5:262-267 S 163. 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie v Praze - Tubarkulozni oddeleni OUNZ v ILitomericich., (TUBERCULIN REACTION) (TUBERCULOSIS, BOVINE) (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (MYCOBACTERIUM BOVIS) ;FLrcslav, inz. SVAIRCOV,~, J,~r-wila Determining the contend of chloroprene lgtf3x 'In piper. Papir a celalosa 20 no.2:60 F 165. 1. Research institute of Pap-)r and Cellalose, Vorksite 'Prape. C ZEC OSLO VA:__ I A SIR7 S; G2i.-LiLILOVA, J; CEjYllkl~OVA, 111; SVA-';DOVA, X. 1 I,es-iaarch lnutitut-e of Tuberculosis (Vyz'l,.u-.My ustav 4- 2:y) Pra-ue ~l TnZ;`tUte of E-pidemiolo~ry arv,-, U~ -o -y (Ustlav e-_.,,JLderiolo--ic a milcrobiolocrie), c a. biolo. ra ju 0 PraTui:~,, 'Ilo:Liledy v -Uul)erl,4:ulose, 7T0 9, '963, 1)p 605-611 llCo.-.1,;_,a-_,iso-;a o-t* 1'esoTubercul-L.-I Tosts after Llantoux anu aftev T.,,.onrau in Studics on Postvaccination Aller.y I - _o.Llovdnr~- -_-l(;G and Dubos Vaccine." CD L HRUEY,M.; SVADIHAIDVA, Vl. At*mpt at determining the effect of urban air pollution m the consumption of antiasthmatic drugs. Cesk. hyg. 9 no.2: 65-72 Mrt64 1. Krajska hygienicko-epidemiologicks, stanice Jihomoravskeh~-, KNV, Brno. SUN71) 13. F. SVANI, B. F. -- "Material on the History of Psychiatric Expertise in Georgia." Georgian State Publishing House for Medical Liierature. Tbilisi State Medical Inst. Tbilisi, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.) SO; KrLtzhnaya Letopis') No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956 0001-TCHEDLIDZE, D.P.; SVANI, M.N. Stratigraphy of the Yalkop aeries of Guria. Sooh. AN Gruz. SSR 38 no.2;337-342 My 165. (MIRA 18:9) aVANIDZE, A. I. Cand Ifed Sci -- (diss) "Indexes of peripheral blood circulation during the application of various methods of treatment of brucellosis4 patients." Mos, 1957. 15 pp (Ifin vZ Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians), 200 copies (KL, 43-57, 91) -60- S /Y J"D ZIF Auj, 58 , __a (~~ ITEDICA Sr%c 10 V01,11/ 1294. GRAMICIDIN TREATMENT OF CRACKED NIPPLES (Russian text) Us - tlaghvili A. D. . �vanidze A.Y-u.fandGridneva V. M. - SBORN. TRUb, INST. OKHR. &ATEIR. I -DETS. 1956, 7 (49-~32) Cracked nipples occur in 2076 of puerpertil women. Freshly prepared gramicidin ointment in lanolin (5 ml. per 100) was used for treatment of 260 cases. Rapid healing of fissures was noted; at the time of discharge the fissures had completely healed in 254 patients (90.6%). Parallelly, material from the cracks was cultured (46). Beginning from the 3rd or 4th day of treatment the cultures remained storUe in 89.2% of cases. 5VARIDUI D. P.. 21006 Svanidze, D. P. i Dzhinoridze, T. A. Rasprostraneaiye kishechnykl prosteyahW spedi naselenilra Kakhefi. Byulleten' (Nauch-issled. in-T malyp-.Ii i med. /+8 ;:az. yaz. - Rezyume NA parazitologii im. virsaladze), No. 1, 19 , s. 13-24. - NA p rus. yaz. - Bibliogr: 6 NA2;V. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, ~bskva, 1949 SUNIXII, D.P. Now experimental and biological model of amosbiasig. Ned. paras. I paras. bol. no.2:138-141 Ap-Je 154. (KLRA 7:8) 1. Iz laboratoril patofisiologit infektaii i Imamitata Instituta obshchey patofiziologii I ekspertmentallnoy terapii AM SSSR (dir, inotituta akad. A.D.Sperawkir. zar. laboratortray prof. A.Ta. Alyiaov) I kafedry infektsiowykh bolesney Thiliss1mgo meditelaskogo inafttuta. (zav. kafedroy prof. M.Kandelaki) (AMKBIASIS, experimental, *technic of infect. & observation in rabbit) ZASUKHIN, D.N.; SVANIDZE, D.P. HiADr7 of aiscovez7 and first descriptions of parasitic Amoeba, Iflagellata. and Infusoria. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. no.12: 83-88 D 154. (MLRA 8:2) (AMOEBA, Mat. of research) (MASTICOPHORAS' elagellata, hist. of research) (PROTOZOA, ' Infusoria. hist. of re'nearch) SVANIDZE, Damian Petrovich Academic degree of Doctor oL-M9dica3-2gjgnj:as, based on his defense, 29 March 1~55, in the CouncAl of Tbilisi State Medical Institute, of his dissertation entVaed: "Cl-inical-epidemio- logical characteristics of amoebiasis in Georgia." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAX, List no. 222, 12 Nov 53, Byulleten' MV0 SS-R, No. 19, Oct 56, Moscow, !p. 13-24, Uncl. JPRS/-Nr-536 P SVARIDZI.D.P. [History-of research u.. --nablasis ancl its control in the U.S.S.R.; brief outline.] Istorlia Isucheinits, amobiaza bor'by a alm v SSSR: kratkil ocherk, -'aftiz, 1955. 130 P. (NLRA 8:6) (Amebiasis) STANIDZE, Domian Petrovich [Amebiasis and balantidiasial Amebiaz i balantidiaz. Koskva. Medgiz, 1959. 203 p. (MMA 13:2) (BALANTIDIUM COLI) (AMEBIASIS) SVAITIDZE. G.G. design of irrigation systems. Trudy Xnerg. inst. AN Gruz. SSR 8:65-75 153 (14IRA 11:10) (Ir;igation) I c -)2z t G. G,, ~,V4 A) //_ 98-58-5-11/33 AUTHOR: Svanidze, G.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: A Diagram of Water P3-ijr Balance in the Complex Utili- zation of Discharge (k;pyura -.odnoenergeticheskogo balansa pri komplekanom ispollzovanii stoka) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1958, Nr 5, PP 41-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As hydrotechnical constructions grow and the utilization of water resources increase, the more complicated becomes the interrelation between separate water engineering ob- jects. Under these conditions, it is therefore very im- portant to study the water balance of every construction phase in the whole territory which belongs to a certain water economy oystem. The following Soviet scientists worked out a diagram on the problem of water power and water supply: R.Zh. Zhulayev, N.S. Kalachev, N.N. Abra- mov, M.A. Mostkov, O.Sh. Kokochashvila and others. The recommended water power diagram illustrates the utili- zation conditions of water and water power resources for a separate water-eccnomy object or for a water economy Card 1/2 system as a whole. The diagram gives a comparison of the 98-58-5-11/33 A Diagram of Water a-r-7er Balance in the Complex Utilization of Dis- charge existing water resources with the water resources already exploited. The preparation and analysis.of a diagram aids in composing a general scheme of water utilization and con- tains helpful hints to be used in hydraulic engineering projects. There are 2 diagrams, and 3 Soviet references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SVANIDZE, G.G. Model s dy of a theoretical hydrolovical series by the Monte Carlo L+S~y method.:":Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 26 no.5:565-572 My '61. (MIRA 14.8) 1'. Institut energetiki imeni A.I.Didebulidze AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. .Predst lleno chlenom-karrespordentom AN GruzSSR 0-.D. Oniashvili. (Hydrology) SVANIDZE, G.G. Application of the Monte Carlo method to problems in streamflow regulation. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.6:1394-1396 o 61. (HIRA 14:11) 1. Institut energetiki im. A.I.Didebulidze AN Gruzinskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Dorodnitsynym. (Rivers--Regulation) S UDZE, G.G.; MECHITOV., I.I. Methodology for formulating future water supply balances based on the example of the Kura River. Trudy Inst.energ AN Gruz.SSR 16:31~46 162. iMIRA 16:4), (Kura River) (Water supply) SIIAI,IID7,1-1,. G.G.; TOFDIrfZH.ILDZE, A.F. Calculation of the capacity of a regulatrr-'r ri-,,narvoir ovor a period of yearS Using functional equations. Truct,, Irst. energ. All Gruz. SSH 17:39-50 163. (MIRA 17:7) SVANIDZE, G.G. Use of a fragment tecIL-dque in m-dalirg hydrological series taking into account annual runoff distribution. Trudy Inst. energ. Ali Gruz. SSR 17:273-2132 163. (MIRA 17:7) ~il SVp,IIDZE, G.G.; A..Sh.: ZUBAIREV, M. ------ -I - - . . Graphs for designing impounding reservoirs for flow regulation 0 over a period of years. Trudy Inst. energ. Ali Gruz, SSR 17: 287-296 163. (MIRA 17-7) SVANIDZR, Givi Gedeonovic [Svanidze, Givi Gedeonovich), inz. GSc. Dzubak,*~., inz. [translator] Mathematical modeling of hydrologic series with respect to the flow distribution a year (theory of fragments). Vodohosp cas U no.2:138-149 163. 1. Institut energetiki Akademia nauk Gruzinskiy SSR, Tbbilisi (for Svanidze). VASILIYEV, Yu.S., dots., kand. tekhn. fiauk; VELINER, Kh.A.p dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; GINDUS, D.O., inzh.; GOLOVACHEVSKIY, N.I., dots., kand. tekhn. naxik; GROWV, A.I., inzh.; DOMANSKIY, L.K., inzh.; ISAYEV, Yu.M., inzh.; XULESH, N.P., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKIIAIZV, B.N., dots., kand. tekhn. nailk; WROZOV, A.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk [deceased]; NALIMOV, S.M., at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; REZNIKOVSKIY, A.Sh. , kand. tekhn. nauk; doktor tekhn. nauk; TANANAYEV., A.V., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KRAZANOVAI A.Z., inzh.; CHERPYATIN, I.A., at. nauchn. sotr.., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHCHAVELEV, D.S., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; YAGODIN, N.N., at. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. nauk; LEONOVA, B.I., red. [Utilization of water power] Ispolizovanie vodnoi energii. Moskva, Energiia, !965. 563 p. (MIRA 19:1)' P, T SVANIDZE, G.G.; FIEZ1,1KOVSKU, A. Sh.; ZUBAH1',V, V.V. Cunr&-3 F(Cvj1r1,a, ~ It) :: 0 foi, calculating the several-year l ' --apa-7ity of a water reservoir. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 34 noo3z - 821-628 J9 164 (MIRA 18a1) 1. Gmzin:3k!y na-achnc-..,Assled(,vatr.,llskiy institut eriergetLki imeni A.I. Didelyi-lidze, Tbills-1. SaUTtit-ted Marc;h 12n 1964. GONCHAROV, L.V., otv. red.; MARTYEOV V.A., red. 5VA4 2 , A. p red.; KARTUZOV, S.P.., red.j KOZWVSKAYA, G.M., red. [Economics of Africa] Ekonondka Afriki; sbornik statei. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 174 P. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut Afriki. SVANIDZ..E, Ivan Aleksqndrovich- YASTREBOVA, I.P., otv. red.; FAVLOV, W A.G., red.; ~N~Zi A, L.T., tekhn. red. [Agriculture of Northern Rhodesia) Sellskoe khoziaistvo Severnoi Rodezii. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1963. 259 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Rhodesia, Northern-Agriculture-EconoAc aspects) SVANIDZZ, I.K.; YMISTAVI. K.D., deyatvitellnyy chlen. -, Changes, according to age, in the macous membrane of the gall bladder of a bull (Boa taurus). Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 13 no.10:617-621 152. Off-RA 6:5) 1. Thilisskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet im.Stalina (for Svaaidze). 2. Akademiya Rauk Gruzinakoy SSR (for Eristavi). (Muc6us membrane) (Gall bladder) wvf d .11. or IC61 ""d '-* 6st vtbt A-VA.V -.9 oc -,.d CZ A 'r '0961 90--"9v ~ --ft .... 9onm...r -..sodra..t .9sol ...vV q.dAC -esol '1799 '01061 lb-C 6C Ut '116T ......... C.o dmAn 'iC6T U-N." ._._ I ff.-.ft~ ............. . do . .*go. -.~Av do ow~-&U -ba. '"61 'O.E." ..jd..j d,.Lj" -1col -9,6r *CV61 -b-C 1 16 'C"T ""-43 '11" a orox.6"4, ov. Vd.9 o-. ~ ... --9 o,o. d Y.* ......... ..... "o-.a.4U o,oloqd: --Q 2 ..A. Wo ..... ': lrwd~yj ..p.g -0gol oo-Avo --..j od. -do" Ada.o..:) ..Z..dv:) -,got w0c 'CS61 'Ole *V61 '~W 9f.1 T561 ..r WA.I.. . 'n SVANIDZE, 1. K. "Comparative Histology of the Mucous Membrane of the Gall Bladder of Vertebrates." Cand Biol Sci, Tbilisi State U imeni 1. V. Stalin) Tbilisi, 1955. (KL, No 8, Feb 55) SO: Sum. No 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical, DessertatiorLs Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (14) SVANIDZE, I.K. . ... ... Using paper negatives in photomicrography. Oriroda. 44 no.12:107-108 D 155. (KRA 9:1) l.Kafedra gigtologii Tbilisokogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta imeni I.V.Stalina. (.Photomicrography) TUMANISHVILI, G.D.; DZHANDIYERI, K.H.; SWIDZB, I.K.. . . " m9m t ow Specific growth stimulatioit of the organs of chicken embryos by means of tissue extracts. Dokl.Aff SSSR 106 no.6:1107-1109 7 156. O(TRA 9:7) l.Predstayleno akademikom I.I.Shmallgauzenem, (EMBRYOLOGY) (GFtOWM PROMOTING SUBSTANCES) C1 Z dfic stimulation of growth oforgq%9f chick embryq 11(sp.,ae action of tissue extracts. 0., . Tumanish'vio, K. INI. Mhandieri, and 1. K. byanidze, Doklady'M4,1: Nauk O.S.S.R. 106, i6: of livLr and 4 --af tissues of immmure chicks'wrre made wit4 P-9% N4(:I. a~d~ theexts. ivere introduced into the evnbrvc~s near the rw. area. After 1-3 days the tinbryw. were exAtIld. fCq vqt.,bl- the respective organs. I'lie.embruds ranged from,d'?6-15 days. The results with liver growth were consistently pos., n1though weak with older specimen% Apos.effectwasaLso! obtairsed with M-15--dayspedmens in case of heart ext. The stimulating eff"t of the ext. vanished on heating the ext. to W-00' or. on keeping several lirs. at VHS* or in the cold 3-5 days. The effect is thus connected with thermo-- labile protein matter. V tj L USSR General Biology. Individual Development. B-4 Regeneration. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958, 81037. Author : Tumanishvili, G. D. , Dzhandieri, K. U., SvanRze, Inst :Not given. Title :Stimulation of the Regeneration rrocess by thE Aotion of Tissue Extracts. Orig Pub: Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 107, No 1, 162-184. Abstract: :n the wintertime through incisions made on thi liver (L) of the frogs, Rana ridibunda. Di su .ise- quent subcutaneous injecTI-3-n-s"I --- of the L ext.,act of rabbits and hens, the damage, in the courseof 10 days, was filled in with a newly formed live- tissue. With the I of the extract of a hen mustle, a plug was formed from a cellular detritus at t,e place of the wound. The introduction of the extract Card 1/2 15 5VARINS, I.K. (Tbilisi, ul. Dzhanaridse, d.10) Comparative histology of the macosa of the gall bladder in vertebrates (with summary, in Anglishl. Arkh.anat.--ist. i 6mbr. 34 no.5:74-79 S-0 '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz kafedry gistologii i anatomii (zav. - prof. A.S.Ieshava) Tbillaskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (*LL BIADDSR, anst. and histol. comparative histol. of mucosa in vertebrates) (MUCOUS HIMBRAM5, anat. and bistol. . comparative histol. of gallbladder mucosa in vertebrates) XOBAKHIDZD, D.N.; SIKUJZULIDZB, T.j1.;-SVANIDZB0 I.K. Material on the effect of the ecological enviro=ent on the structure of the visual apparatus in some of the saltatorial orthopters. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 22 no-5.569-572 MY '59- (MIRA 12:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinakoy SSR, Institut zoologii, Tbilisi. Predatavleno akademikom X.N.Ketakhoveli. (W, ) (SALTATORIA) 1'1(1,4) SOV/2o-126-3-68/69 AUTHOR: Svanidze, 1. K. TITLE: Peculiarities in the Development of the Optic Nerve and of the Retina of the Rook Lizard (Osobennosti razvitiya zritell- nogo nerva i setchatki skalistoy yashcheritsy) P&RIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSH, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3, Pp 7o3 - 7o4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the material concerning the histogenesis of the eye of the rock lizard (Lacerta saxicola). The differ- entiation ok the inner germ of the embryoial eye of this lizard proceeds irregularly. This differentiation described here in detail determines the character of development of the optic nerve. The data found by the author let suppose that the mentioned heterochrony in the differentiation of the inner germ gives proof of the phylogenetic ancientness of this field of receivers. The participation of the cells of the area of the inner germ near the pedicellus in the formation of the glial basis of the optic nerve is evidently explained by a com:,ion formation source of the astrocyt glia, and of the oligo- Card 1/2 dendroglis, of the optic nerve and of the MUller fiber of the Peculiarities in the Development of the Optic Nerve and SOV/2o-126-3-68/69 of the Retina of the Rock Lizard retina. There are 1 figure and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut zoologii Akademii nauk GruzSSR (Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Grwihskaya SSR) PRESENTED: February 23, 1959, by I. I. Shmallgauzen, Academician PRESENTEDi February 2o, 1939 Card 2/2 .SVM,'jDZE, T. K. "On the Problem of the Histochemical Characteristics of Neurons of the Cortical Section of the Visual Analyzer of a Number of Mammals." report submitted for the First Conference on the problems of Cyto and Histochemistry, Moscow, 19-21 Dee 1960. Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. KOBMIDZE, D.H.; SIXMULIMB, T.A,.; SVANIDZI, I.K. Material on the effect of different lengths of daily activity on the structure of the visual organ in certain lepidoptera. Soob.AN Grus. Sfik- 24 no.6:723-726 Je 1606' (MIRA 13:9) 1. Al[ GruzSSR, Institut zoologii, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom N.N. Ketakhoveli. (lopidoptera) (I~re) SVANrDZEO L.K. Embryonal and postembryonal development of the crystalline lens in some reptiles. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Gruz. SSK 18:3.13-128 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Crystalline lens) (Sense organs--Reptiles) SVANIDZE, I.K. (Tbilisi,, u-1-.-Dzhaparidze-,--l0) Microvascularization and the relationship between nerve cells and capillaries of the brain in frogs and Agamae. Arkh.anat.gist.i embr. 40 no.4:99-105 Ap 161. M14 14:5) 1. Kafedra gistologii i genetiki (zav. - prof. A.S.Lezhava) Thiliasko gosudarstvennogo universi~eta imeni I.V.Stalima. NORAIN-BLOOD SUPPLY) AERAIN-MMATICIV)- SVANIDZE, I,K, Cytophotometry of deox7ribonucleic acid in the nuclei of retinal neurons under various conditions of the illumina- tion of the eyes Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Gruz. SSR 13:169- 171 163, (MM 17:6) SVANIDZE, I.K. (Thilisi, ul. Dzhaparidze, .10) Comparative histochemistry of the cortical segment of the optic ana2yzor in some mammals. Arkh. anat.l'gilst.-~,iembr. 44 no.2:18-L25 F 16?9 KMA~'.'17:2) 16 Otdel obshchey fiziologii (zav, akademik I.S. Beritashvili) Instituta fiziologli AN Grusinskoy- SSR, Tbilisi. SVANIDZE, I.K. Structural changes in the optical analysor of white rats foll7..jing enucleation. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no-3:743-744 S 1014. (M1RA 17:10) 1. Institut fiziologii AN GruzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.S.Beritash- vili. SVANIMEY I.K. Morphological and cytochemical-,--hp-raotoristies *," the calla of the retina and viaual-cortex during-the early postnatal period of the opening of the animal's eyes. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Gruz. SSR 14?199-211 165. (MIRA M10) 3VMIIDZE, I.R.1 GVADZE, I.A, Dynamics of sulfhydryl groups in glial cells of the visual cortex in tissue cultures. TSitologiia 7 no.5s.628-633 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Otdel obahchey fiziologii Instituts, fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. Submitted Jan. 24, 1961+. SIIANID7E, I.K. Dynamics of DNA synthesis in the glia cells of the cerebral cortex in an extraorganismal cultivation. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 49 no.11:42-47 N 165. (MIRA 19.1) 1. Otdel obahcbey fiziologii (zav. - akademik I.S. Berita- shvili) Instituta fiziologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR. NEW t 22210-66 ACC NR: AT5024239-- SOURCE.CODE: IJR/3167/65/014/000/0199/0',Ill- AUTHOR: Svan,idme, I*. Ke 84 ORG: TITLE: Morphological and cytochemical characteristics of retinal and.~- visual cortex cells at the time of postnatal opening of the eyes in mammals SOURCE: AN Gru-,P.SSR. Institut fiziologii Trudy, v. 14, 1965. Sovremennyye problemy deyatellaosti i str;yeniya tsentral~noy nervnoy sistemy (Present problems of the activity and structure of the central nervous system), 199-211. TOPIC TAGS: retina.. visual cortex, rod, cone, visual rod# visus_'_,cone~# retinal rod, retinal-cone, visual analyzer, visual physiology, visual pigment, photoreceptor ABSTRACT: The structural characteristics of the retina and visual cor-P tex were studied in the nevborn of several mammals (rata. rabbits 9 cat0:9 -,-----.and -dogs)--2-4--hr before and 24 hr after. opening of the eyes, The re- sults shov that* opening of fhe__ey-e~_kay6c-cur--vhile =the--procesa- of -dlf-~-. ferentiation of the-various parts of the retina is still going ~on, At", a point when the cell mass isatill -not completely differentiated into',~_,_ Card 1 / 2 L 222io-66 ACC NRt AT502 Q-3iF- - ------ the inner and outer layers of the nucleus and while the cambium cells: of the retina art: still dividing. The visual cortex at the moment of opening of the eyes is characterized by incomplete development of pyramidal and stellate dendrites., Cytophotometric data show the. SH_' groups of the retina and'visual cortex to be concentrated In the rods- and cones 24 hr before opening of the eyes. After the opening of the eyes, light stimulation causes a sharp increase in the number of-SH- groups in all retinal and cortical elements of the visual analyzer (differentiated photoreceptors, bipolar and ganglion cells of the retina- and individual pyramidal neurons of the 4th,,layer of the visual cortqx)., This increase In the numb .er.of Eff4groups in the visual analyzer but.outi..;~- side the rods and cones during the after opening of the eyes-muit be accomplished with the help of SH-groups not bound to visual plgments*-~ 1160 SUB CODE:, 061 SUBM DATE: 'none/ OTH REF.* 004/ SOV REF: 024 ATD PRESS- Card 2/2 nat DAVIDSOR, A.G.; DATLIN, S.V.; KIRICMKO, G.A.; KOiIOTKOVA, Ye.N.; Y.AAVCHENKO, D.V.; ORLOVA, A.S.; ADADUROVA, A.A.; ARICADOYEV, V.G.; BARDINA) Yu.Ya.; BODYANSKIY, V.L.; BOUDAREV, S.N.; GLAZACHEV, 14.V.; DAVYDOVA, E.A.; rVAROV, V.N.; KA-RMSHRIA, V.Ya.; KREKOTEIII, L.P.; LANDA, R.G.; LEVITSKAYA, G.O.; LIPETS, Yu.G.; LOGIIIOVA, V.P.; ONAR, E.S.; FEGUSHEV, A.M.; PYKETUNOV, N.V.; TOY"VA, Z.I.; KHUDOLEY, V.F.; MILOVANOV, I.V., red.; MIKAELYAII, E., red.,- VIUKHM, R.,, red.IIVANIDZE,_K._, red.; KL3MUVAf To# tekbac redo (Africs. today; concise reference book on politics and economic conditions] Afrika, segodnia; kratkii politiko-ekonomicheskii spravochnik. I-'.oskva) Gos izd-vo, polit. lit-ry,, 1962. 326 p. 4frica-Folitics) (Africa-Economic conditions) -- -SVANIDZE-0-L. P-. - - ---- --- ---- - - --- - -- --- Svanidze, L. P. 'A now form of Lamblia kandelakii n. a . 1940 in the trans- Gaucasian khomyak". (In index: Svanldze D. P. and Mikeltadze, M. I.), 13yalleten' Much.-issled. in-t malyarii i mod. parazitologii im. Virealadze), No 2. 1948. P. 33-43, (In Gnorglan, rosume-in Russian), - Bibliog: 7 items. SO: U-4392, 19 August 53, (Letopis lZhurnal 'nyL-h Statey, No 21, 1949). SVANIDZE, M.A. Interrelationships between the thin forests and the oak and oak- hornbeam forests of the lower mountain slopes in eastern Georgia. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 27 no-4:463-470 0 161. (14IRA 15:1) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut lesa, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom N.N. Ketskhoveli. (Georgia--Forest ecology) SVANIDZEp aauchayy sotradnik Sphinx moth Protoparce convolruli, post of the Indian kidney tea. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no. 8:57.Ag '60. (MIRA 13:12) 1. ZakEL'ykazekaya zonalluaya opytnaya, staatsiya Vaeoqyuznogo instituta, lekarstvearAykh i aromaticheskikh trav. (Tea--Diseases and pests) MARKOSYAN, A.A.; KUWZRANYANI, G.M., kand. biolog. nauk; KARYAN, A.A., aspirant; SHARAFUTDINOV, Sh.A.; RASULOV, F.K.L SVANIDZE N V starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik ; RABINOVIGH, I.M., stars~T'16~W~ffi so) dnik; DERYABIN, V.I.; SULEYWOV, 1 *1 m1adshiy hauchnyy sotrudnik.-, SHE;VTSOV, S.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik (TSelinnyy kray) From the practices in the use of poisonous chemicals. Zashch.-rast. ot vred.. i bol. 9 no.gs2l-23 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Arwyansldy inatitut zemledeliya (for Markosyan., Mardzhanyan, Xaryan). 2. Sredneaziatskiy institut zashchity rasteniy (for Shara- futdinov, Rasulov). 3. Zakavkazskaya opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuz- nogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta lekarstvennykh i aroma- ticheskikh rasteniy (for SvarLidze, Rabinovich). 4. Zavdduyushchiy otdelom zashchity rasteniy Samarkandskoy opytnoy stantsii (for Deryabin). 5. Samarkandskaya opy-tnaya stantsiya (for Suleymanov).