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R%IINSKIY, I.R.; Relation glucose : (sulgars ) HKOVA# A 0 i - the quRntlitative Comodsition tose mixt . Ukr.khiin.zhur. the optical activity of no.5.'766-771 151. (MLRA 9:9) ------- ----- ROMINSKIY. I.R.; JUSHKOVA, As 0 Irse of ion-exchang ng substances In th analysis of glucose I I fructose mixtures. Uhr.khim.zhuT.17 no,5:772-776 '51- (MLRA 9:9) I.Insti ut organic eakoy khimiiIAN USSR. (ion ex~hango) (S nre) i 1 I.R. ; SUSE I.S. 2. U3311 4. Fructose Photocolorimez~"Jc tiethod for eter-inationlof fru tose and glucose, I.R. A-Y . . hkova, Ukr~khim.zhur. li no. 0'~ 1951. 'tomin3'-i , Su 9. Mon-thl List of Russi4n Accessioils, Library ot Congriss, "PRIL 1953, Uncl. - - ~ I It "Development o.:' a !'i ~itional 1-let) od for the Il i -lixt,ures in hiulin-, riict:)se Prcjuct: on." Cand T ~he 7ood !n('mstr,, Lieni '_'Jkoyz? '.:in ;`11ic.-I .1 ne No 111, A-pr 55) SO: Sur;'. No. 704, 2 "Tov ~5 Survey f Scientific T at USSR Ili'-her EducatioraT InstitutiZs (10). C_ ~ti,~ition and Analysis a' C Su[:ar Sci Kiev Technolocical Inst of uca,~io n USSR, Kiev, 19' t. (IM, and Teomical Dissertations Defended L) J~ el t/)9, S ROMINSKIY. I.R.; SUSHKOVA, U5 '~b 01 Studies on hydrolysis d chro t Biokh o sti 11 tut organiche olysis en KATOGRkM 0 inulln h, S. roducts of iinain uiing the method of paper Iia 19 no.3:261-2671XV46 154. oy khimii ANIUSSR, liev. oiducts, chromatography) rolysis pro&icts) 1! S, Ayli A-Oz/ U Biology Blochem, stry Card 1/1 Pul) 11 15125 Authors I CoilLovin, P. V. R nakiy, 1. R~; and ushkova, A.:S# I CT(lanic ru -sugar ~6ee-ti Periodical i U~=L. kh zhur. 21 1. 86-860 1~55 Abotract I The con out of org eacide contained: n.the tubers and-stalks of arti- chokes rd in suizar beet roots was sets lished through chrmatorgaphic mialysi on paper, mixture of D'-butyl: alcohol-benzyl alcohol -Isopropyl alcohol. - water wit 29 formic a6id waslused as a solvent for the obtain'., uxint of a chromato am. The typef" of or$anic and unknown acids ~a discove d in these vegetables are list1d. Eight referenees 5 USSRs I Freno end 2 USA 1947-19-53)- T-ables. I f Institution I Aead. of Se Ti&% astitute OfiOrgan Chemistry Submitted S Titly 20, 1954 0:5 USSR/ Chemistry. Analyti al-chemist ry Card 1/1 Pub. 116 23/30 Authors-~ v Rominskiy, I*-R.,- va, A. S-.,- and Golovin, P ive Title I Quantitatiie determina ion of fructo:-sans'ip Jerusalem'artichoke juice ,by the chr matographic analysis method on paper Periodical I Ukr. khim. zhuf. 21/3, 394-399) June 1955 Abstract o The chroma ographic andlysis method~on paper was applied in,determining the content of *Iini-,lin type fructosans in the j4ice of.Helianthus tuberosus (Jeru Liem artichoke). The extraction of individual carbohydrates,from-,the corre:;)ond! g sections of the chrom-aitogrami obtained during.the presence of wa an n-blatano ne- ,ter solventil-was 4.complished by.extraction with water. Qua'Ziptyratdkin d termination of carbohydrates in the extracts was carried out by the pho colerimetric' anthrone micromethad.- 'Fleven referen- ces: 10 US and 1 U (1923-1950-1 Table's, graphs.' Institution ....... f%bmitted ~2 ROHINSKIY, I.P.; SUSHKOVA,A. Illina, A.V. Stractur of trisacc rides ia Jerusalem khim. zh . 24 no. 2 236-239 156 1- Instilut organich skoy khimii iN USSR a (Polyeaccharidea) V rumalam artichoke) r artichoke juice. Ukr. (MIRA 11-.6) SUSHKOVA, A.S. `bbiermiltion of invert sugar by the lan:e-Eymon method employing potassi t farrocyaniie. Ukr. khim~. zhur.~ 24 no. 2:251-253- '58- (MIRA 11:6) 1. Inatitut organicbeskoy khimii AN USSR!, laborstortya kbimii uglevodoi. (Sugar-Lav:ersion) (potassium fer:;~Ocyanide) ROMINSKIY, I.R~; SUSHKOVA Conditions for th in the presence o zhur. ~6 no.6:753 1. Insiltut organ uglevo (Fruc A.S. by4rolysis Of frEwtosans of the intain series a cation exchanger at the catalyst. ukr. khini. 56 160. (MIRA 14:1) heskoy Ichimli AN USSR, laboratorlya khimij .F sans) (Inulin) KC]SqFVF dok Lor Chemical no.2:21-2 1. Insti Lnd. t,,khn. waik.; SMIDIRAK, I.Ye.x 'agronom; FA E STYUKOVA,, S. -P.V., Ye.P., NIFA A ~rizh. GOLOVIN, Jm. rauk [,~~ a o-,3n tied] naly-sls of sugar sorgbin, stalks. Fisheb. prom. i 165, i I (MIRA IS:11) t orgavlchc-aakoy khinii Ali UkrS8,R. S u 5 iF~ Sz S"11dy c.-f 72S-730 L. InsLi V. P. i carboh7u-rEte complex 01"! the sap c,--- L;r,-;.re--e su.gar--,ana lefirls DP pacer chromatog~,aphy. ~,r. khIM. zhur. 30 no.? ~64 t organich--skoy 1--himi-i AV Tjkrss~R. ~~S.HKOVA, .,.A.; ~ZAREV, N. +L. impossibi 0 de ct the incre4sed estrogen content by llt~ me the vag a sm:ar hod during h6rmonot6rapy. Probl. endok. ligorm. 11 no-5;113-115 SLIO 165.: (MMA 19.1~ laborEtoriya eksparimentallnoylgormon .bteraPii (Zav. - dokto, biol. naik N.I. Lazarev) Institut4 eksper:' Onkologij (direktor - deystvitell i klinicheskoy nyy chl~n AMN SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin) AMI SSSR, M,,kva. Submitted Nov !ember 23, 1964. ZHARIKOVA, G-G-; G.V.,- S3 var. GB* 1. Labo vennogo KOVYAZINt N.V.; WKINO AI~A.; MI IOVAO T.N.; SAVCHENKO, AYEV, A.B.; SUSHKOVA, 1 n of gramic din C by the! flat form of Bacillus brevier. Ahtibiotiki~8 noJt228--;~2 WV43 (MM 1724) tori7a antibiotikov i kafedra g6netiki biologo-poch- akullteta Mmskovskogo unlversit~ta imeni lomonosova. ZHARIKOVA, G. G.; SILAYEV, A.B.; SUSHKOVA 1.7. Effect o some organLe acids and!some amino acids on the bio- synthesi of gramicilin C. Ahtib~otiki 81no.5',,425-430 Nyv63. (MIM 17 0) 1. Labor~toriya antMotikov biollo,go-pochlvennogo fakuVteta Mbskovsk4go universiteta, KUZIMINA, )[.D.;!3MCHKOVA,'T.F.; GOLOVW, A.V!; MUKHANOT, K.I., kand.*; CHERNM, V.K., otv.r6d.; arQIA~~d.; LUEASHEXICH, V., [Frouti a of the se en-year pl", 1 1959-19~. Saratov,tratovskoelkni MUSA 651 R6bezhi samiletki, izd-vo, 1960. 168 p. (MIRA 14:4) SUSHKOVA, V.D., as-Dirant Some-propertieg of pull) for the Mani:afacture of capacitor paper. Bum.prom-3, no.9.,5-7 S '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. TS-Dntrallnyy nauchn;)-issledovatellskiy institut teellyuloznoy i bumazhno~ promyshlenmosti. (Woodpu~p) SUSHINVA, N. D., Cani Tech Sci pulverized condition of sulfate den.sor paper," I,enin~~rad, 196(. HiEher and Secoridary Specialit of Lenin Forestry En ineerin6.; Aimdemy free; (KL, 23-60, 12 (diss);. Study of' tile effect of cellulo s on tile quality of con- 14 pp with grapns; (Ministry of Educatiorh RLFSR, Leningrad Order iiiiiiS. M. Kirov); 200 copies; SUSHKOVA, N.D.; AHVICH, L.L. Rvaluat:ng the quality of a bituminous oil mixture. 3un. It prom. '5 no.7:9-10 Je 160. (KMA 13: 8) 1. TSeni rallwy noLuehno-isaledovittel fakir inatitut tisellyu'oznoy i bu=Lzhnoy promvehlennosti. (Pa6per) (Bituidnous msteria~ls) (Kineral oils) SUSHKOVA, 1~7. Who. r Easicg th k of ma 1. Zaporo4hskaya lmen. Vest* sv is 2 118 'no. 8:22 Ag 158. (MIRA 11-8) skaya kontor6 svyazi. (Postal serv ice) n --I.! T n, ACCFS,;ioN NR: AP5001464 S/0075/641019/012/1503/1507 AUTHOR: Murashav:k, V. 1. Sushkova, S. G. TITLE: Extraction and photometr~c determination of small amounts of selgaium using 1, P-dipheny1hydrazine SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy chinaii, v. 19, no. 12, 1964, 1503- 1507 TOPIC TAGS: seleniuAi, diphenyl iydrazine, s' ectraphotometry extraction, pho- p tometric determination! ABSTRACT: The low s~ensitivity a d selectivitv of the existing methods for the determination cf selenium in the presence of tellurium stimulated the search for new analytical methods~ Dipheny! ydrazine (DPH) is oxidized in acid medium by selenium IV, producing a red-viol3,t color reaction product. This product is easily extractable vfith.chloroform, isoamyl alcohol and dichloroethane. It is poorly extracted with butylalcohol. and not extracted with benzene, toluene, xyllene,---, tributulphosphate, carb6n tetrachl)ride and eth6r. DPH reduced sele"nitim. to CardA t2 j L,25394-65 ACCESSION NR: AF150011464 T~ elemental state. Interfering oxidi+ts are CuU11, Te(lft), V(IV) and Tellurium (TV) roarts v~ith DPH, lp~roducing a colored prc-duct, but the rea'etion is r-nuch slow-r- tha,~ with sf-lenium Coirv4oquenk)v. a rew f-~~traction anc; photometric ioion r)f small amounts oi seienium in the presence of teh.t4rium. The precision of the method was found to be 13. .5% r-ela-Ave ecror. The :-C-sults of the raet~.od are in good agreement with t,1,0-.,,,- .,Vlg,,, lr~ Q~:prpi,:, "heir gratitude ~r, -i!-,(j Flis r fi~rnl~zhirq~ the r-acent Orig. art. has: r r. -~w I rn K if ova (T ST-IR (70F-)E: GC IN R RE F SOV: 005 OTHEP: 010 Card 2/2 F7, T~.M.; rake 1, co-per, and 1,c- ..r,-.--'Luobcrutes. iT.L, r Sohibi. 1; tg o' n L 7C no.6.- LE-1-1182 MANDRYKA, Aleksey Petrovich; OKUNEV, B.N., tI KO,-,ISCV) RII.t 0 . red.; SUSECOVA BOGBEIER, V.T.j t khn. red. [History of balli tics; to the Istor ia ballist' il do serediiy I'Naukl-." 1964. 74 P. otv. red.[deceased); T.L.1, red.izd-va; middle of the 19th century] XIX v. Moskva, Izd-vo (MIRA 17a.2) STRUMPE, P.I., k nd. .tekhn.nuk, I KHABUR, B.P41 inzh., nauchnyy red.; SUSHROV , T.I., red,; KOTLYAKOV~~ 011., TE(-,6'n,:)m0 nr-peotti ard operation ~r the more"hint marine; prevent rile 8 stnte ar trondr in the expan io6 of U,e wirino nn-P-Annger fle-f9t in capitalist countrie!] Ekonomika f ekspluatatsiia morskogo flota; sovremernoe sostoiarie i tendents'ii razvitiia morskogo passazhirskogo flota ~~pitalistichfskikh stran.,~ Lenin5rad, lzd-vo-"14orskoi transport,vt 1q61. V P. (Trudy' n0.33 (MIRA 14-8) (Sjeamboats--P~ssenger acco~nodations) (Shipbuilding) STRUMIPE P.I. kand. tekhn. otv, relf- OSMOIDVSKIY, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnn red.; SUSHK VA, T.-I., red.; KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., tekhn. red. (Guide to the control of a ship seaworthiness by the ship's availabl's~ personnel and by me 0 n board]Rakovodstvo po, na- bliudeniiu za morekhcdnostliu suoa silami i sredstvami sudovogo sostava. Leningrad, Izd-vo I'Mors oi transport," 1962. 22 p. (MIR& 16:1) 1. LeninErad. TSentrallnyy nauchn -issledovatellskiy institut morskogo flota. 2. DJrektor Ment allnogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo, inItituta mor0ogo flota (f r Strumpe). 3. Chlen prezidiuma Leningralskogo Basse)novogo pravl niya Nauchno-tekhnichepkogo otdela V dnogo translorta (for Os olovskiy). Mip propulsion) (Stability of ships) L LEVIN, B.M., kand. teklhmn. nauk FERSHIKOVP F.; GOLIDENFON, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; ANASIYEY, K. .; STRUMPE, P.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. re .; SUSHKOVA, T.I., red.; KOTLYAKOVA, le 0.1., tekhn. re4. [Methods of t4~ting ihermodynamic processes in marine steam turbine plants] Metocika teplot icheskikb ispytanii sudovykh paroturbinnykh ustancvok. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi trans- port," 1962. 118 p. (MIRA 16;9) 1. Leninorad. TS mqrskogo Iflota. Inyy nauc turbines sledovatellskiy institut ~_Marine) ~000;06;'_0081 /027 13 35 ~OOVB007 AUTHORS,- Rogovin Z' A~' ~3_ ishlcova., Y11 P~ TITLE,-, The Frol uction of r From Solutions of Tr:!- acetyl- ellulooe A ; the Accty~ating 1, ix t u r a i PERIODICAL,-, Kh--;m-4vh) sk4.y volok~ iaj 1959; IN 6,, pp 27-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT~ The spi ning of trt acetate fl]~ers direct from the acetylating riixtula would mean a coneide_rablG shortening end simplification of pxodt ction~ The ir"r the real4zatior, of this meth- conditions 11 od are-, 11 The i-ol uc-tion of a stable nolution of triacetyl- cellulol e (TAC) In the anetyl~5~ing mixtures: 2) Determination of th- m ost suitabi .e spinning ethod and of t~e oomt)ositiop. of th,~ M I)i-n-n ing ba ~I hl A), Devalowaent , Df a method for tlie re- generati on of the ; olvent (~hi~ i)oint is -riot dealt nith by the w_-:t!k c-rq), The 3, (-,-f th~~ T-AC-:3oiution is oaxried r q out' e.8fifully br 1+ the additi-on of ba s frog, .9treng. bases and wc!a.' (sr). "kvim acetate), so that mincral ra.-.J(is Card '1/4 ~Jcf ~ ii, C, whi ch are ugel a.3 catal, ars neutralized~ The ~'roduction of Tr. )er3 From C"") 0 'C 6/0, A/0 2 7 "3 3olut ions of Tria ca ! o_,. i Irl the Acetv, ',-'1004/R007 atine Mixture Su,nh selutions )duced !at ~he Vladimirskiy .pr khimlcht -qkiv vod (Viadimir Chemical, Pactory)) in the couree 100 15w days showel no obange :Df the volecular vc.i,,h-G (f tht~ TAC Jnd their visccsit;~,- The fcllowing composi- tion war inventiga,,W as spin-qolutIq,.r,, TAC 2?,-,41., methylane cillorilc 151-1, ac:Ac acid 241~11-1 wator 13", Dry spinnirn6 re- quirpo iermetloall, olozang of the Lip ,innin,,7 machinas because of thq Eoetiic acid vapors formad, Thei authors point out that. thi_-, has nlreti,11y bwan done iii Aher during the splnn~nr of polyac ~rlonitrli_f-bera f'Tom 2~ soluticns in toxic 'in I formamide, ethy howeve. no d'&.ta v:re Available) only exre-rimenta -,Y,;,th %yet spinbing we're carried o-ut_ As methy- lene clilloride is n,:4.- soluble in waters watez cmold nc-t be used as precipitant, ThE au ors in estigaltad urecipitation by moan.3 of acetylene P,,yicol. Tab te I ohows he influence exert- ed by the com-positilo-n. of the coagulating bat'a upon the meohani- Card 2/4 achn rl t o n. i c F i b. 9 r 3 IMME ER, A.A.; IX;YURA, M.L.; BLINOV, L.F., kandidat sellakokhozyayst*ennykh nauk; BOWYREV, N.I., kandidat pelagogicheakikh nauk; GAT-GULINA, Z.S. GRUDEV, D.I., kandidit sellskokhozyavstv6nnykh nauk; HJBROV, Ta.G., professor; KOVAUNKO, V.D., ;KRTSINA, 0.1.; KURKO, V.I.; WI N.Y., kandidat sellskokhoz ystvennykh auk,- MORDKOVICH, M.S.; PPFOV, I.P. kandidat biologiches ikh nauk;SAG..IA)VICH'p Te.N4, agronom; SILIN, V.K, zootekl,!ln:k; STRUYtM Y, I.L., vrach kandidat mFeAditsinaki h nauk; SHAPIV24~,~Taja., kandidat sellsko- khozyaywvennykh na SHENDMTSK.Y. E.11 I. kandidat sellekokhozyap~- stvennftl nauk; TAV L', A.Tu., lo.ndidattmeditsinskikh naukl RODINA, P.I., re'aktor; YURUITSKIT, Ye.I , redaktor;PEVZIUM, V.I.,.tekhni- cheskijr edalctor. Dome oacnomical Domo)vodstvo. Moakva, G6s.izd-vo aellkhoz.lit-ry 1956. 47 (MTMA 10;5) pe (HTme economics bUSILKO -LYAIGIOVICH, M.L., "Ifannal for school rhysicians" by M.D.Bpllslu,.kova and others. Reviewed by 1(.L.Sushkova-Liakhov Ch. Pediatriia 37 no.6: 90-92 J 159 (14IRA 12: 9) iSCHO HYGIM) (BOLISH&KOVA, M.D.) 01 i SUSHKOVICH, A.K. ! Pissertati ne in math ti t KhaIkov University from 1805 to 1917 d - c8 a Uch.zap.Kmu 65:91-11 :1,; 6. (KM 10:7) 1 ~~(Mmrkov-Xajhematias) rv 3(5) F LASE I BOOK K (PLOITATION SOV/2154 Akademiya nm1k SSSR. Vostochno, -Sibirski-y filial Syr1yevyye resursy e lkh metaLlov Vostochnoy Sibiri, tom. 2(Light Metal Resources of Eastern Siberia, Vol 2) Moscow, 1958. 298 p, (Series: Its: Trudy, vM 13) 1,200 copies prirted. Editorial Board: N.S. Alekseyev, Ye. P. Bes blitsyn, V.S. Drachev, A.F. Li, Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sc ences, and I. Khazanov (Resp. Ed.) Candidate of Y Technical Sciences; Ed. of niblishing H epov; Tech. Ed.: P.S. Kashina. PURPOSE: This issu of the Eastern Siberian Branch Transactions is of interest to 611 structural-, explo ation and ing geolo sts, mineralogists, and metsill- gists in the light met industries. COVERAGEi This collection of a3ticles is a compilation of the reports presented at the third coordin I ed conference on "The reation of a Light Metals Industry in E tern Sibeila Based on local Ores" organized by the Laboratory of Electrometallu~gy of the Eastern Siberian Branch of the AN SSSR in October/ 1956. It met forithe purpose of promoti coordination between the activities Card 1/7 1 7 Light Metal Resourc s (Cont.) PART I. Galaburda, S.G. S Ostashkin, I.P. R Sillimanite Schist Vsh manito an sthene ts of 0 gical Pr s t osit i r54-1956 S on A R. -, B.Ye. Ritrofanov, and V.V. Deposits o Ratile-b Exing Sill-inanite Sch k Bavykina., Yu, B, ReAxIts of Geophysical P Electrical Sotm4ing) Methocl at t3.e Kyakhti Deposits Oleynikova, G.V., ana Ye. 1.r ha~anov. Ph, Composition, and Dre4sing Po lities of Kyakhtinskiye Deposits SOV/2154 THEM UTILIZATION Deposits of Eastern Siberia ting of the Kyakhtinskiye va, KyakhtinsUye Ing by the VEZ (vertical Sillimanite Schist )chemical P7.0perties, Sillimanite Ores of the 19 32 39 47 50 CarcL 3/7 Idght Metal Resourc4s (cont.) Shapiro, R.B. Dressing the line-Syenit Deposits Suslikov, G,F., Z,F, Revenko., ald A.M. Komle of the Dressing Abi of the ITzhurskiye Ne ty Khazanov, Ye, I wk, A.S. Bessc K121yupi and P.S. Men'shikov. Sintering Uzhurskiye N Idmestone in the Presence of a Reducing Agem Chizhikov, D.M., I.Iq, Kitler an(L N.A. Kovyak of Granulation in Nepheline Charges and Thei Layer" Dumskaya, A.F. Resu s of Studies Conducted Methods for Proces Uzhurski e Syenites f Oxide Plant sing Card 5/ 7 SOV/2154 Rocks of the Uzhurskoye -. Semi-industrial Testing 107 he-line Rocks 125 oval E.M, Shishlyannikova, pheline S-yenites with 134 ia. Experimental Studies Sintering in the "Boiling 144 ~tween 1952-1956 in Selecting the Achinskiy Aluminum 16o Light Metal Resources 0 - -- --- __S~V/2154 (C nt ) Avdeyeva, T.I. Decomposition o PavlovY A.V. Technological Pro PART III Bessolitsyn, Ye. P. New Data o: Orlova, P.V. Regularities in tl~ Boksonskoye Deposits Nepheline Syenites by Nitrogen Oxides ~ssing Plans for Uzhurskiye Neph6line Rocks BAUXITES AND THEIR UTILIZATION the Boksons oye Deposits Distributiln of Bauxite Ores at the Khazanov, Ye. I., A.S. Bessonova, and A.F. of High Iron Content Silicified Bauxites by Charge in the PreseLe of a Reducing Agent L lulfide-Cnal Ponomarev, V.D, an P. Ni. E Bauxites into lumi Oxide Khodsk, L.P., and A.1I * Ivano Combined Ores.-and Hig&h Iron Content B tea Card 617 Combined Treatment a Two-Component [SoQ Method of Processing of Aluminum Oxide Iron 178 185 203 207 226 232 237 SUSHON, A.R. Correla of anci, met. 5 1. Kra i isto of chemical and miner ogical. analyses in the study titanium,11acer deposits. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet .2:3-8 2. (MIRA 15:3~ arskiy inslitut tsve eskoy geollgii. (Titani4m ores--A h metallov, kafedra obshchey ) (Ore deposits) SUSHON )A Condition governing ihe formation of titaniua placern in Middle Devonian idiments in the Timan Ridge. Izv.vysouchebozav*; geol.1 razv. 5 nc.6-.87-98 Je 162. (MM 15:7) 1. TSenntralizcyvannwA eksjeditsi~ geologorazvedochnogo tresta No.l. (Tinan Ridge-Titanium) SUSHON, A.R. 2L~:err:noce lin il:nn the prognostic map of ancient coastal f i t 1m zirconium i th Timain Ridge. Geol. zh~m no 2 :'~1636- rad. mesto o 76-90 Mr-Ap (KEAA 16.6) 1. TSentra zovannaya kapeditsiya Peo:Logorazvedo6hnogo tresta No. I Mini terstva 9e ogii i akhrahv nedr SSSR, Moskva. (Tinian0 dge-Placer rposits-Maps)' DA-LITSKIY, S.-Ill., ktmd. tell,~n. Inauk; S Lithi,iii-ii c*- or-de uri -3-~9 F 1'4 no.2-. 0 for conditi V, V.S., ni-v a-r. Vod.~' '- sa-n. te". J kh. 18:2) GULIZADE, M.P.; Study of the friction into an in6lined weI1 6 na.4:1548 163. 1. Azerbalzhanskiy i Friction) (oil well. K.B.; RAPOPORT V 0 SUSHON I,,Ta. orce in 1~ring the drill colum Izvo vys, unheb, zav.; neft' i gaz (KrRA 16:7) titut nafti 11 kbimii imeni M.Azlzbekam. t and supplies) GU',,Il,,IDE, M,P~~, SHA!KHBA/,13!,,KOV, Investigatinglthe dynami a slam, wall.1 Izv.-rys.u 164. 1, Azerbaydzhl~nskiy inst B.; 11APOPOrr" V~O.; SITSHON, L.Ya. of thm mcvOent of the string in b.zav.; neft, i gaz 7 no. 1:23-28 (MA 17:7) t nefti i Oimii imeni M.Azizbekova. V. r. SO Aft'-wiA, b,a, si'all olounts Of d L Lowering th~ Sakh.prom. 1. InSitut temperat-ar~ of exb=st ste&m from a back-presm3L-e turbine. no.12:46-if? D 136. (MLRA 10:1) 1~ Akadamii ruk USSR* (StSaM) LUDSMI, S.U,3 SPSHON) S.F. Efficiendy of the ust of S017 war r heaters in the national economy 8f the Ukraiihien S.S R. bir.prats' Inst.tepl,AN URSR I no.23:92499 2610 (MIRA 15:2) i L~aine--So14 water beaters) 11. SHVETS, I.T . all, de;ik,- rtif. rea.; DAL', V.I... doktor tekhn. nauk, rcrE; ~IICI GOLE%'I (;J4,; kand. tokhni. nauk, zam. otv. red.; -Q V'-~"!' kand OSIROVSKIYi S.B.9 red., LAVROV, P.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, ~te7k - nyauk red.; LA11psym, S.U., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KURISTISOV, SUSJ_ 10 ~j S.P_ V.I., kand; khim. nauk, red.; SUSM, S.P.2 inzh., red. DAKM.10) YUJB., tekhn. ed. - [Completo *tilization ~of Ukrainian Isolid fuels ]Konpleksnoe iz- pollzovan4 tvc-dykh t pliv Ukrai Kiev, Izd-vo At' USSR 196.21. 2871 p. r I. (MIRA'15:11~ 1 Akademi a nauk- M%.S1, Kiev. Radajpo vSvchenniu nroetuktyv- n~kh s~,l SR. 2. 2. Ikaderdya Tkr.SSR (for "Jhvcts). 3. Nachall jk otdela loplivnoy yshlennosti Go.udarstven- noL~~xi p.lano roao koirdtel a So-veta r,lizn strwi Ukr. SM (for Ostrov.skiy . 4. Instilut teploener etiki Akademii nauk Ukr.SSR (for Shchegolev, aushl,n,- (Ukrai c.-Fuel) SUSHON, S.F. Session ofl he Departme~t of Technic~l Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr nian S.S.R. .n Odessa. Prykl.mekh. 8 no.3:342- 46 162. (EIRN 15:6) i lences of the Ul=ainlian S.S.R.) A ademy of I ( 4. SUSHON, S.P. Efficiency the produc Mr-Ap 164- using natwlal gas andil oxygen-enriched blow in of cast i on. M-at. ornorud. prom. no. 2115-18 1 (MA 17-9) Sushoschi, S.j Botzai., M. Merlulievg. 0. Main elements of th~ water budliet regarding Ithe ftwaidan pla.ln. p,.1122. Academia Republici IPopulare Rofine- COMUN16ARILE. Bucuresti,, Ruzaania. vol. 8, no. 4, Apr4 1956 1 Monthly list of Ea~t European accessions (EI:AI) Vol. 8, no. JuIF 1959 Unal. Nuclear icierce Al)str-act~ July 15, 1~54 VIOME (IN ~pk REDUCTI(IN TEMPURWT-URV, OF:; V(?,. Aj 'h'J" Bull' Nuclear Sch "LWJs~. -4 knb Uranium It 16mfiii aR22m--44 35C cin be ~cea ;~fully redqced fly hrdrcge~ tu V%, wher E Lhe r&h~es of a Is greater than 2-00, ahd for higher tpu - peratures I!i very close to 2.VO. The relation Q/'U = a, and the Jbild of t91rwnArt urnlum (V71VIr dOCs--7CI c07 degree. on t~e i6triperature of perid mzk-,d - - . - . I " 11 . I I -,-- o! UG,, fo~ U e temperature, rartge~ from 450 to "'50'c. f~.i- Wubillty at 113r., obtalred at the cordsponding tem. petrat.rIxin HY-ts przeti-alily ihi same. The uranluct-'- jetrintrof.746 coagulates castij, on itmat.w of Ithe solutfin 44'mn, 6 filtered: dried.'and used f6ir u U SS R -fectralytes f or ile Polar6gralphic 1- U(Ardpin tho.pco crict.of !ron and cap- i He I - * _14 r I Bull. 'In[ Ph ' fi . 1 1 ti Nn.1c,ir Sei. ~~T llowifi w 1 V - 10 - n 1 9 "ff fo q mill- l jortTo g0ectro y tes wem all suitliblO for the nilalydl of U lit dil. solias. of 1 T&SOj Imil UO, C13 t~ ollc or ill I lit ptest'lli't (if fre'(SO41, it! :1 cuso'~~ ail %vcll Ici gcLitill! 0.5N ascorbic nacid, N a ascorFinate (laff 6 .i), NH4 ascorbinatc .~pl-t 3.5); 0-2 V 7 ( H 3 t N-a phih-date (1,11 , N N' ( 7 4'1 it" Nil, I'llillillate I Nit -- . . ~ ), p be"Zoatc(PH41 I 1) . P4)jarographied~~t4r . ) inina~itsigo(-~iLfuriiniulli. Aid - 511-112.- r lie usef"!n f V foregoing milij,irting clectrolytt-ifor A iedetat.of U haq 1jecit te'sted ill thelm"Clim ----_nfmixt%.cftht-f ollowiisgi(iii%; -Ct;, F~ . Ni,Cd, Bli.So. Alo, Sl)i-V,- W-P-Cr Ag -Pd Ani-As, Ti ' Ig ' ' OrO Te Interi ~ lit aa~-orhie acid, md tvlwmis to 7 Inin, ~, different ions ix the pill cloctrolyLvs. 'I'livic , inturfervuces c( u ld lye clinjiltited by t rentillent With slicl -(or by pu!~,ing i l KM104 ;'Xitimi a it soln. thretigh -a Cd ll. reductor) followci] by. Otto 11. MijIlu- 0 F A- ON M 9, 1 ON -4 - YX RON RM"t Y u U an -T.. ,;j Ag. Pd. Au, A-i. T% ihe results were &Itwactary. Pb. and, in few cr ibutsmc-es. V, Sb, Se mnd qhtly' but interlLrence cL%n be by atidid,ja of ScCj, fjj~ratjon. of lh' le I,- Kllf, and n 'bi' A-j. or by h mctallic CA and recording the U any A the at-ove c~cctr~jjvt,j except d' th,z ut;ou zcntama'v~m, ',,f t.,e ions rl:at 1:1 le reducto! K AL r roII L~2u,t, .40 SL ioll:, s Op POLARO HAPHIC DETERIM ATION Of URANILT M ORES IN COMIC ACID SU PORUNG ELECTROLYTE. M. Z'u;1S, 1. Gut. and F. CuUai (Inst. of Nuclear Lk~.iencca Belgrade, Yugm avla) Awal, Cblm. Acta 1-1. (19 )Dee, 1-.:, -orble :AeAd as -mpp-~ tii~41 alectrolyto hA deairtbmi, lull7l rent ores -,vd, a--J the r'06U45 '-l:MP3rUJ, mvith thoac Ght3hied by otber at alytical mothoda, No pre- louti chal licat zeparatjo:v~ *~.jv- -2 nc-cciwary. The metk7d W sllllpl~~_ 1, Ae, gndseelna t-q k zalln'-de for rcsutlnomalvw~ !,1 14 L, Con- of aample; with a uram!am ent at,-m~ L'ent-.atfna OJOI to 0,03 thl., rclaz!ve ror of dkter- mil-latic-2 I, to 5%, alG*,~ S ~, U ttlQ PrOCISWA to I-wich U greater. TI, muJ Ilb lulx~rfq,c In tblo ine-thod und,~r ,h3 ccnditionu 'escrIlwd (pit 2.5 to 4.0), but Ow Wlerfereace ditc, to JIM Is ilmhulted in Innry 013 by' lowering tbe p1l of tho t o mm 1. sotuUew, f: Irth, % i7 ", . S l i 1 6 4 uffie aiii ons and-po ernical act c , ,y e enEs infasorbic acid lis suppertun! elea - , -Nue" 4ir i.' BOgn lvnko V. StaW fln.~t. am retlu-t l milil (t) OW kiltowit i , . .kL: g I 1g, Sit, 1111111 Cil v, 111cul; Cr( V ICr( I 11); Milf j -. to to TI(l); linjil) to 1`010; V( to V(IV); ap~ NID(VI) to Mo(V). ThL*following ir e re- due'd in I 4t the dropping Ili ~ ejecti, ode- U,Bi,S Cd. ' Ni 'P b'Co' Afn Zn TI Te, Is, Ti, Sn(II), Cr, N' ' V 2 1 nd Pt ri ch ! E ~ h 01 d 0 005 0 H 0 F F 1 ; . - . , vi ,., a ges t 1, . . , an % . reinovesm~x. The As(III) ~-Jve ill latpIl >9 is lr - ' 46 opor- tionA to c(jhcn. and is wen suit:Ll for quant. measure n ents. Allions m6tioned except thos! of Zn, Sn, Te, A nd Sb Lons in I: K. G. q 1.1, t vxclzn,~ mitutfou jai vaiattium in vira-murn. t" f -A - - ~j ~ . I ~ I .- - --. - - - --, - ... wI I f I I 0 I e I ~A i ~4 I.; I 7-7 'A' S, 11 3 RM-1 =11 ME IS mm "21S. IF rRiAM.M."R. 11,11M I liclay MIJ - I, V STJSIC, m.; wKSIMOVId, Z. Direct polarographicidetermi the Bor Mines p. 16% (GODETS[U LIST; VOL.!111., No. I of copperlin raw materials and products from Jan./Feb. 057, Yugoslavia.) SO: Monthly List of Eas~ European A4cessions (M,~J,) LCI Vol. 6. no. 7s Ju1Y 1957. Uncl. SUSIC, Milenko' V.,-IDURDEVIC, Potentiometric and cond arsenic. G1 Item dr 23/2 1. Faculty of Sciences, (Sele ium) ( 1' (Pote sanka, Z. !tfmetric determination of selenium and no.5/6:297-504 158159. '(EEAI 10:4) 1 histitute of I- hysical Chemistry, Beo rad. s#?nic) (Conductometric analysis~ iometer) I MMMCVIC, $ihailo Polarograpqic d termin4tion of allialine 23/24 no-5 6:30~ 11 , 8,/59. 31 1. Faculty of Science9jv Institute A (AlIaline earth ietals) ' (Po;arograph an polarograp) earth methals. GI hem dr (EEAI 10:4) Physical Chemistry, Beograd. SUSIC, Mllenko.V.; Separation 01 hem dr 2 1. Fakulty (Se (IC URDEVIC9 D*ank-a Z. selen"'m, '1111uriumj -ufd arsenic on the ion exchangers. ~'4 n..1/6. 13-~320 1581 . (EEAI 10.4) Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Beograd. nium) Telluriun) (Arsenic) exchange) (Gums and resins, Synthetic) (Dowex ~) SUSIG, M. The polarog:raphic be Bul Inat N~cl 13 no. P 1. Departnbnt of Phy of Nuclear'Scionces, Of tunglten in an oxalic acid solution. D 162. cal Chemistr of the Boris Kidrich Institute eoevrad-Vinc SUSIC M v The possibility of spictraphotome and vanadium in the o-ganic phase Bul Inst Rue 0 3141-46 0 1 13 n 1. Departm nt 0 . cal Chemist e f Fhysl 62. determination of titanium ir extraction with amines. slisict M. The extracti,bn of metal of amines; the extracti Bul Inst Nue 14 no*1:2 1. Departmen 1' of Physic Institute ofiNuclear So r W. - )mplexea vib organic acids by means of uraniim and titanium ccmplexes. ~4 Ja- OG3. I I Chemistr., r of the Boris Kidric nees. 1 IN .---SUSIC M. V. Titanium c mplexes witi ascorbic acid and their stability constants.1 Bul Inst Niel 14 no. 3: 125-133 JI 163, 1. Depart*nt of Reac or Materials~ Boris Kidric Institute of Nuc~ear Sciencet, Beograd-Vipca. SUSIC) M. V. 14AKSIIMOVIC p Z. Extractio, of 95 (Zr) of tri-iso~'octyl amin i1 163. 1. Hot Laboratory De Nuclea~r Sciences, from oxalfe acid solutions by means Bul Inst jlucl 14 no. 3: 135-141 artment, Bo#s Kidric Institute of Beograd.-Vinc~. SUSJC,M.;-. MgSIMOV~-GIZ. &tractionlof Sr and Ib oxalate c plexes~iwith tri-n-heptyl a4tne and -isc-'OcIp. I ~&mlne in ol; abstract. Olas Hem t= 91 w(u dr 27 no,~/lN4 i 1, The B4ia Kidric Tzjtitiit6 ok clear Saiences, Department of React8i Materials And Hot-Iabor tory Npartment.. Belgrade- r t Vinea. RISTIC,M.M.; SUS:' Ceramics no.9/109! 1. The Bc~is Vinca. IIM.; STEVAN)VIC,M..; JO ~ nuclear engineering; i7 t64 I Kidric Ilistitute of D, Glas Hem dr Z7 Sciencess Belgrade STJSIC, S. "Quantitative determina Vol. no, 5, 1952, Beog SO: month List of - - by mercury compounds", -D. 263 (Glasnik, on of d) Y019 9 a~~y tf congress, September Libr ' 1953, I - t m SUSIC, S. "Quantitative detormir Vol- 17, no. 6, 1952, SO: Monthly List of n of Krad) t ons in the p6sence of morcury"t p. 321 (Glamnik. Vol. 2~ No 9 /Librafy of Congress, !!E~~8r ~1953, Susic, S. The problem of waterlinihe suga industry. p 1602 1 i i Teliniks. Beograd, Y~gosla ia. r1ol 14, no.9,~Sept. 1919 Monthly List of East A4essions (EEW LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. SUSIC, �;obodan-K ; TRKULJA,lSv-etozar M. Concerning the probl+ of the quantitative precipitation of compounds of io in the pjSence 0 a of opposit,Ib effect. Quantitative determina- tion of 1,bbM4POj+.H20 the prese ce of citric acid. Glas Hem dr 25/26 no.i/2:Ul-147 ~161. 1 .1. PoJLjopTivredni fa*Jtet, Zavodlza hemiju i tehnologiju, Beograd. (Precipitation (Chemistry,)~ (Ions) SUSIG, SUSIC, Z. Capacity to make a wjll: Ability commentary of the Inh~ritance law Neuropsih~jatrija 5 *.1:1-15;con 1. Psihij~Ltrijski koseatar Zakonu qkspertize'. Opea bolnica "Brace d odjel (Sef': prof. dr. Z. Susic) (~ILIS, expert testimony on a will (Ser)) make the will: psychiatric Lth an expert~testimony. 1957. nasljedivaniu 2) u okvirm Jedne Sobel" Rijeka. Neuropsihiiatrijski capacity of testatorto make SUSICKI, !~ieczys mgr inz, i ------- -- -.1 --Iir ~ 1. 1 Cooperatibn with clitnts ordering complex machine tools. Mechanik ~6 no.6:291 Je 163. 1. Koprot~ch) Warazailao I & Y 4, CZECHOStOVAXtA/Chemi calf'Te chuology Cbemical cation. Synthetiq Po era. P1& gy,, ~ Abe Jour: Referat Zhu~-Fhimlya, N) 5, 1958, It Author Sue YAJ*l Inst Title Polyvinyl acetate Adhesives in Pei e siv Some OtherTields of ieir Utilize iel Orig Pub: Drevop 1957, 12, No 2sl 36-39. Abstract: Successful e(ts be~= imde of on vinyl aceta7te - bration ab, mwnuf~eture of ncils and Of StOP ~b qr, -Per frcan cor: fines. Card 1/1 Licts and Their Appli- H-Z) Manufacturing and eous dispersion of poly- 30%) as an adhesive in as a binder in molding Pub- Drevc, orig with the high mechanical 14-29 logy, Synthetic Poly- Techno C CZECIt)SLOVARIk i" plasticS Mer s: 51741. Abs jour: Ref i. Zhur-Kbimiyar No 14, 1959, Linharts, Le m the Author Sus ilic, g Derived fro f i -of -Fg I v e n aindin Inst Jilgh Mechanic: 1 Strength Title PolyvinylacetatG Glues 1958 13, No 99 75-278. escribed ar~ P.bstract: Dt ength birling s th use of r)lyv 11dispercoll 91 e has a !. residue of which th inj on! wear of Card 1/2 s experimen ood attained With substa,'ces for w Inylacetate dispersing glue -- d in Czechoslovakias The I cp and the dry TZ" produce 00 iscositY Of 1000-12--s were conducted ative test d layer 0%1 Compa he presence of glue eifect Of t ent was determined. tting instr' he cu H-1 -CZECHOSLOVAKIA!/ Chemicall Technolo y~ Synthetic Poly- H-Z9 mers'. Plastics'll Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhiinik No 141 1196P 51741. Abstract.- in t6se testi th,~ glued layer consisted of either caselne., bone giue,, urea-formaldehyde, or the in- vestigated polyvinylacetete glue. It has been also established -thit high mechanical binding of wood empl6ying Irdis.:)ercoll RT 11 insures hardening, high mechanical str ngth and esistance to tropical conditions . _rL. Sedov.rl' Card 2/z Use of electric devicbs in a telefy,:e maachine,j p. 2?0 SDEELVA'! PE""II'TK,'L ('jnisterstvo htrojirenstv~), Vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 195~~ F-ralia, CzechoolQva SGT~C!E: D~:st 'Eurovenln List 'EEA ) Library of 7ongress, V~I D. 1 Jauarj 195 - -- I - - I SuSICKY, Q I - Transistor series mOmory. ',D-130~ C~ (Sdelovaci Techinik', Vol. 5, 4. May 194, Praha, Czechoslovakia) 4 - -1 SO: Monthly List of Eas~ European Atcessions (EE4) LC- Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 10.57- Uncl. f i Slabcprwq.OWo r: Val Mar, VoLl(~j o 19 f 1 +25 31 r fa clepr 4r stpurgl ' y li wtrOWk device tlforlti- ne keiboird P.- 1q; mocim s rtceive The I rartimlf6ir a o!tLal,..Oaud*; soc- (1) 2~ kayb atrot CQ fitted'w" c c t u ~i ~ f3t - 6C s t a r s rr e mgc ra Cw~q sm4 (7) talcj~cti6lt. T er 2val es s he rftetv L CUIN (3) i.0 c -.(4i a u the: telegif r ar!~ dlwusi~ a*=* 4dan m Cb e grams stre ifETC(t. Tba tel a r qw;sfet OVWad, but Vi i Aw, . . . . . . . . . . . SUSICKY, S. "Electric typewriters!!Ln offices p. 203 (Sdelovaci Tecbnika, Vol. Monthly Index of Fastl European in telecc~munication.lj Plo. 6, J4 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) cessions (FE4I) W, Vol. 7, 11o. -9, September 1958. SUSICKY, S. ; STEHLiK, J. "Telegraph regenerative SLABOPROUDY OBZOR. !(MINIS VEDECKA TECHNICKA S~OLECNO Vol. 20, no. 1, Jan4 1959, Monthly List of East Eurcpean Uncl. P. 45. PRESNEHO S~ROJIRENSTVI, NINISTERSTV0 SPOJU A ELEKTROTECHN,IKU PRI CSAV.) Praha) Czechoslovskiaj sions (F.4I), LC, Vol, 8. No. 9, September 19.5Q,, SUSICKY, Stanislav;inz.; S Teletype measuring Research In:~Ititu to. 1. Vyzkumnylustav t (Teie'type) Josef t develo d by the Teleccm=ication oudy obz 22 no.5:292-298 161. (EM 10: 7) tric - I I I LEJSAL, Miloslav3, - -Zd nek -I - - -- -- - - --- -- - - - -I- Some scondmic problem* of enterpri a and labor queotions. Poz stavby Ilino.7.-369-37P ?63. 1, FasadoOtav Praha, SUSIDE0, P. 1. !r, in tilt) H1111riflij 111.1toet 4'.ILjjjjA Of WhOZIt L11 GOMIOCUOLI ',kith lrri6tAion in the Southern Steplie of the LTkxainia "SR. 11 Kharlk.)v Order of Labor Red Ep-nner Agricultural Inst iimeni V. V. Dolcuebayev, tia'rikov, 19 For the i I - _54 (Dis~iertution De_-ree of Candidate in At~,,ricuitural ciences) SO: Knizhnaya letojisl UTI Fq T-, Y o P" o ri s t L 1Z a i Lea, t.'.~ t,, a DIV , ill Lit'! r;,L - t~lj_. ,;tzjjj. , a 1) t 13 c 1 i" t f ri c 0 r; 's t a I r e,,;4 i nLit tAc I*- A ec vs-~*z a:, ;J uie a Low ex, i- r-,~ ~L oe -ieriloon', - i,. c,- . cl b A ,e oi ff)~ y - -- -------------------- 5a - Ova ,tj is I k i ;3 : t I 9 t yr a ft, L . c 1u 1 v of; o I'P 01" 15 ti-e ALA f,j,:) I l ov CAED KOKOT, O~P., kan biolog.naW ;_~USIDKO, P,I,_, kand.biolog.nauk Cultivation practicet as a control measure for the ftropean corn borer. iashch. rast.-ot vred. i bol. -6 no.7:30-31 J1 161. 1. Vseso znyy instilut kukuruzy,jDnepropetrovs7k. (MIRA 16:5) (Eu#opean corn borer-Extermination) PROKAPALO I.S., k,4nd. sellkhcz. nauk; TREqUBENKO, M.Ya. (Trehubenko, M.IA.], kand. sellkh~z. nauk; ARTYUKHOV, y K kan~d. sellk-hoz. nauk; KRYAC4KO, F.G.[Kriachko, P:H:11, st~. nauchn. sctr.; MKODZEBA, 1.0., kand. sell- khoz. nauk; SIDEMO, 1.0., kand. viol. nauk; SUSIDKO...., ,P.I.,,..-kar~d. biol. naik; REPIN A 1~,.(Riepin, A-.1'.-.j`,-kand. s~iiiho'z. nauk; LOGA(HOV, M.I:(i~~;chov, M.I.], kand. sellkhoz.~ nauk; OSTAIOV, V.I., katd. sellkhoz. nauk; ZAPOROZEC;HENKOI O.L., kand. sellk~.naukIFLYAGIII,A-*D.[Fliehin,A.D.], kand. ekJ n. nauk; M IVETS1, I.D.~ st. nauchn. sotr.; SKRIPNIK,j P.S).(Slk--ry,pi k, P.S.1, r6d.; GULENKO, 0.1. [Hulenko,l 0.1.1, teklm. red. I [Advanced practices growing co~nl Peredovi iretody vy- roshc ia kuukuru zy. 2., pere i dop. vyd.. Kyiv, Der =vl'l 7hospvVydav, ASIR, 1962* ;il P. (MIRA 17:1) BADULIN, A.V.., k and.biolog. SUSIDK6,., P.,,_kand. -ROT.-TXF.-, aspira starshly nauchnyy trudnik,; KULIKOVA, Brief 1. Kits Baduli (for S /+. Bel torfob Koblen shin). aWc; MATIS, G.., starshir nauchnyy sotrudnik; iolog.nauk., EDIKO, I., kand.biolog.nauk; RAKHI- t, SHULIGA,, G.,, aspirantka; KOBLERS, L.V.0 otrudnik; 1, IISHIN, I.V., starshiy nauchnyy so- M.T. , aspira tka; SIDOROVA, S.F.,, aspirantka ~a tion.lZashch. rant nayskaya scl'skokhozyay;tvennaya Matis), 2, Vsesoyuznlry idko, Fed' I o) - 3. SanuLr usskiy inslitut zemlede.iya otnaya opylnaya stantsia, 6. Laz evskiy insok;ariy,, Kazakhsk y institut z 8. Vsesqyuznyv, instiut ot vred. i bol. 9 no.1:52-55 164. (MIRA 17:4) opybnaya stantsiya (for institut kukiruzy, Dnepropetrovsk :andskiy universitet (for Rakhimov) . (for Shul'ga)- 5. TSentral.Inaya Dmitrov, Moskovskaya obl. (for Krasnodarskiy kray (for Pan'- zhchity rasteniy, Alma-Ata (for zashchity rasteniy (for Sidorova). Susil', M.S. (g.Dz~rzhinsk Gorlkovskoy obli I I Importahce of the time element ~. in scholl. Xhim.v shkole 14 no, (Cr3,Distl--Experimenl ti) C carrying out experiments :78 S-0 159- (MIRA 12:12) ) SUSITZKY., L. '?Effect of additives on the Elastic and plastic properties of bread crumb. 1. FXfect of mashed potatoes." In English, P. 17 PERIODICA POLITEMNICA. (Bucapesti 14uszakii Egjetem) Budapest, Hungary Vol. 3, No. 1, 19 9 Monthly List of ast Europe Accessions I'(EEAI) LC, Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. I TELE01, KOVATS Prof. (B apest); LLSZ ITY~R. (BudELP88t); SUSITZKT,L., .. 't (Budap;at- :If Iffectoi additive;f n the alastl# and plastic proportion of bread b. Ii. 'I et of milk..Periodica polytechn chem 3 no.4-,23 ~253 !59. (IMI 91'6) 3 (Illaaticityl (Plasticity) (Bread) (14ilk) SM~ i [Su'ka, Jifil Trade uni ns and you an ~ vou dvizh.-.,.no ~1:.44-47 Ja 1.zamestitell zavedA trallnogo soveta pro (Cze (Cze, workers of Ic zechoslovakin. Vaem. prof. 158. 11!1) Lshchego orgi~nizatsionnyn otdelom TSen- oyuzov. o9lovakia-Trade unions) oslovakia--iouth) I - T - FRIED, V,,; CAPKOVA~ A.; SUS!~,J~O. I I Liquid-vapo equilibri - Pt. 31. boll Cz Chem 28 no. 12: 3171-3179 ~ 163. 1 i I., Institu fur physik~lische Chemio, Technische Hochschule fur Che ie, und Inspitut fur thebretische Gin-mdlagen der chemisc en Teclmik, rschechoslow~kische Akademie der Wissensihaften, Pr ~'. I SU SKA, J . SCIENCE Periodical.: GAZETA SUSKA, J. - p. 39 P.I.H.M. V~1. 11, no. 8, Aug. 1958- Monthl,y Ust of Eas European A essions (ZE4), W, Vol, 6, No. 3, May 1959 i Unclass.