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-!-.e,1.n;Auk (Lenin,
r Fid d.18,
.24) R U K 0 V V
Ind I cc.. 9-)f the ri!5,ults of prosthesis ~-.cputatl:,n~!,
dj,,iu!5,-s ard. 1-ilons of th6 loc-cmotoi eippara~u-,. Ortop.
ti-avin. 'L protez. 25 nc."2xl&.23 11 164.
T. Tz LenlnFradskrgo instituta prott.)zir,7-",LntVR
Sul)mttted Jar..iarv
,lotsrent V-". 't7l1k.07).
Ihal/ ~-'
Jo I I 1-l" -,I r) f' t I ir. I I- . I I 1_1 rl, t "; t. 4,~ 1
I I 1., 1, i 1 , I f., o
I'll" 3
. '! r. 1 , ".).14
A!, , h.vllrdpol .)f Makilig Up till! C11,317ge, IIM of chall"IfIg
with Skit) Unists. I Z 11, - h, '," 'j-d N A. "
. I,, I ". , f . " -, I " ~; , I't ". 1 :1. ~:p. J." I " 1, 1 I'l
1~! :"..; '0. lo! "''I
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1 1 "m. i , - -'- I " - , ! - 1, i , - - '
STRUKOV, N.A., inzhener.
Ailtomatic forming ot platon ring molds. Melch.trud.rab- 7 no.5.,44-45 My
'53. (KLRA 6;5)
Changes in mechanical properties and plasticity of 40M21N and
IsOn steels. Sbor.nAiic.-h.triid.Fiz.-tekh.inst.AN 3SSR no.1:26-
38 '54. (MIRA 10:1)
(Steel alloys--testi") (Metnls. Effeect of temperpture on)
Di -4 -9/26
AUTLORS: Nosenko, i3. lof., Stru.Kov, i,.A. and Y a;,
TlTLb: Luminescence of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions.
(LyuiAnestsontsiya kristallofosforov pri vozbuzhdenii
J.onaj-.11. )
Pi,H10DICAL: Uptika i Spektroskopiya, 191)"l, Voi.III, Pir.4,
'561 1)
p., -365.
A.6STRACT: This paper was read at tiie Fif th All -Union Conference
on Luminescence kTartu, June 19j6). It reports results
of the work on luminescence on excitation -with ions,
carried out in the Department of Physics in Idid-Asian
State University i~:,eni V.I. Lenin, in Tasake-nt. The
work vias partly published in the local journals (Refs.1-4).
Ions of "riledium" ener-jes employed. These "medium"
energies are defined as tne ener,
ID ~ie s at which no
ionization occurs due to the Coulomb interaction in the
motion of th,,; particles. Tne upper limit of such
inedivan" enuri,,Jz:s is of' tliie order o' j-lUU iieV, dependin-
on thu ionic mass. Only a sw&ll nwnber oi' papers nave
Card 1/6 appeared so far on luminescence due to ionic excitation
Luminescence of Crystal Pho.-piiois on Excitation wit-i ions.
a i - 4 ~-J6
(Rafs. J-U) . The prusent auttiors used comparison of
ionoiuminescence with cut nodoium [tie scence as tho basis
of' their measurement. The same place on the screan
was irradiated by an ion beam arid an eiuctron beam. One
source of ions ana electrons was used, tuiether with a
focussing system and& receiver, waich included the screen.
Tinifornity of the ionic beani was controlled by ma6netic
analysis. To avoid chvir,-inf, or cnt~ screen (on ;.,hicii
phosphor was placea) by the,ion beam, the i-)iaos~)hor was
a thin layer (0.3-0-o mijcm~-~) on an 11iL--,jiniiua base, arlu
it was excited by Ion pulses of' low ciensity. To
-'Iaprove the cor-auctivity o.L' tile P~-QS,),-01' it was heated
,iurin,;;,- measurement. The main serlus of met.3ureiaent
vas made on willemite. -Lonolumiiabcenco o-E ZnS
2-iSCdS-Cu, 09SO,,.-Mn, CalvIgSi 06-Ti, arid subilriates XI-Tl,
nd Cd Pb. The
1~t~J-Tl, GdBr2 ar 12, actyvateu .Atli hin anu
P.,osphors wore excited writh positive Ions of' aixaii
motals oi' energies from O.z)-6 iieV. Tne spectral uistri-
bi'~ion and ori,..rhtness of emission, anu tkleir dependences
ol~ tile type of' exciting ion, on its enp-rl,,y and on the
Card 2/6 de-~ree of irradiation kagein6 effect) were studieci.
ii -.1 -!V 26
T L r I J., 1 'ibution ol' e.nits.91-on i~ic- tr,t- 1,01,
r! Of
: ~' -jr S LxId e r
W ('0-3 not ena-11-0 tli.~~' '91'ect"".11 ui--tri-
brielitness ol' e;.Jssion iLi jruportion-
t densit~.r (froiu 10-10 to 10-tj A/cm'-').
t J- -i ae type of
Q-1 1 depends o-,
~t v 1,-, 1-, llnri-- o-cite tii,,~ phos,)hor le--s). Table I
1* rat 1.0 01,
the ii.;-iit -jield of iono-
1'-l 1-1 ~j C(,' jIC'j tU 14 C) Iza
i-jit -'JeJL.i Of (-3tj0[jL I in..~sc-nce
(at sa------ cnei-.-Ies) for Llie p.Iio;5piior Zn2 104-i
itzln:r Li, Ea, K nind Cs ions of 1.21-6.0 Icev. For other
:jho-ld!''Ors I ~!Ie vai.~~C'E 01 . tjj-L!j r,,jtio are of tii~~ sv-;.io ordei-.
i!ctioli )f ions p~,ios,,',ior is dccom~)Z;-'ed and
L'u; 1v--.1 Ut., 2cu ill, , ropert~.---s iAoriorntc.. Tn,-'~ ratt' of
Of !-, )hosphor 6-y variclus ions Of t-',e swae
iz3 thc~ s,; e; it rise-- .vith the ion Emerf_-T. Tiie
.L.-te, of deco~~--jjsltion of v.~PlouL I)n0siii0vo Is vt::!-:,-
I - u 0 of' a~,-qing on I.on
41chl (hc~f.g) fo rvi zi-mt tiv, r~-tt
irl'u'dis.tion in L)~,,os i) hovs btisoc on z .--nc 3u1~;-".'.*L-'."u d0eS not
Card V6 itopu'~'.! On tn,-; P-c,, Lvatoi- concoi-,tratixi. Ti, e 1) r Q s e -- i t
Ine s Co
'ard 03
0i, kl_lo,~I)Ii1ors Oil Excitation Iolm.
-A -4 -.Vk~tj
wAhovz; J'ou~icf th(-, salrw to bo tria,~ for Lila phospiior
C L, 30,i -Bln .Docomposition (aL~eiii. f) due to ba, K und ;.3
lons Is irreversible. Decomposition by Li ions is
~)artl- rav.,:i-sible Tile procoss ut' a --ein is due to
L) Z~
ctracu'ural dura-e iiroducea by tiie- ,A3v_J?_, ion in the
Tl-o reSILltS obteiliic~d in tt,e ot-t.~uy of' iono-
-, n,,neocenco :,ia-? be used to e_~plail- cort.LLI-11 asl)eCtS of'
intwaction o' I
Jons with solids. Althouji tho path o.L'
_~n ion in i crystal 1!3 much less tntin the path of an
)1cctror_ of tie za_io enorLLy, tla(, donity of lorlization
(('I-, .,loro co.-rt~ctl-i, tiae donsitv of uxcitation) due to
rift tu of ,,,i electron.
)n i~- o' t~ic sv-:,.o order as 1
.~~ecli. n-i-sm of ior,lzation proposed t'iLt on approach o1
U-1 at% r
.1 Ion. to ta ; 1, )vi ill a crystal, arl,_~ )I~ dis.,lacu,"lunt of
01,,~_.h v-n Eltoill, a dof`or,..,at-_*,,Dn Of Lile electron cloucis
In suc,*l -- px.occss trie, :)f ootontial
crior,.Y mu,i bo trL,l1sfUrr,)-* as tnt~ of' exc1tvtioll
o the.clectrors cloucis. Dcp'~: of' tae action
of tl~u ions lm ,~ c.-y:3tk,.l can a1,,;0 ole fr,)-..l iono-
Tliij was Alone L~a Zolio-.,s- First tile
was iri.-adiated ioac un~_-.l lu:.iiivLc~;,iice vius
Lu.minescence of' Crystal Pho:~pliors on Excltati,)n -jitii Ions. j 1 -4 -9/ 26
destroyed (the arein 6 effect aiscussea above) in tne
layer penetrated 'by ions. The depth of' this iayer
Yjas measured by canpwing cathofioluminescuric(~ on a fresil
and an aged phosphor; in the latter case electrons
had to traverse the layer In whIch iuiiineL3cence was
destroyea by ions before they (el~-~ctrons) coulu excite
tlit.! phosphor. Table 2 shows the*-La,-toti ul' depth
of penetration tin R) of JA, Ila, K an(i Cs Ions of'
2.4-6.0 keV in willemite. This depth of' penetration
by ions is found to increase with ion enerby. Once
again the be-Inaviour of lithium was quite different from
that of' the other three ions. A rietnod si.ailar to
that just described for measurj.-aent of the penetration
depth can be used to find thickness of' the -Layer removed
(PUIVeVized) by irradiation of' a pnospnor ..Ith ions.
Ther--, are 2 tables and 11 references, --j of wriich are
Card 5/6 Slavic.
Luminescence of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions.
ASSOCUTiOli: C11air of General Physics, Centml Asia State University,
Tashkent. (Kafedra obahchey fiziki Sreaneaziatskogo
gosudarstvenno,o universiteta, Tashkent.)
SUBMITTED: January 31, 19o7; submitted to the Editor of
"Izvestiya AN SbSR" on December b, 19i)6.
AVAILABLE: Lib:.,~ry of , on,-,rf-.;.:~.
Gerd 6/6
SUBJECTt U33R/Luminemcencd
AUTHORS. Noaeukoj B,M, Strukov, N,A, and Yagudayev, M.D.
TITLE: Luminescence of Cryatallophosphors Excited by Ions (Lyuminest-
sentaiya kristallofosforov pri vozbuzhdenii ionami)
PERIODICAL: Izvewtiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957,
Vol 21, #5, pp 701-703 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The following phosphors-. Zn 2Sio 4- 11n; ZnS-Ag; CaSO 4- Mn;
CuSl CdS-Cu, and sublimate phosphorst KJ-Tll NaJ-TI; CdBr 2;
CdJ 29 activated by Mn and Pb were investigated, The excitation
was performed by positive ions of Li, Na, K, Pb and Cs with
energies from 0.5 to 6 kev,
The basic method of investigation was comparison of ionolumi-
nescance with cathodoluminescence.
Results of this investigation are as follows:
The spectral composition of ionolumineacence does not differ
from that obtained by electro.aic excitation,
Card 1/3
TITLEx Luminescence of Crystallophosphors Excited by Ions (Lyuminest-
sentsiya kristallofoaforov pri vozbuzhdenii ionami)
The luminescence spectra of a "fresh" phosphor and a phosphor
subjected to a prolonged irradiation by an ion beam are the
same, The brightness of luminescence Is proportional to the
density of ion current and linearly depends on ion energy,
The light output of ionoluminescence depends on the mass of
ions, For willemite it amounts to 4 % of cathodoluminescence
output at excitation by Li 4- and about 0,5 % at excitation by
C91, This auantity is different for various phosphors,
The deterioration of luminescence (aging) of a phosphor is
determined by the density of irradiation, The speed of aging
is different with various phosphors and does not depend on the
concentration of actlyator, Zinc-sulfides are most liable to
aging, and alkali-haloid sublimate-phosphors are the least
A scheme of the aging process and mechanism of ionization, which
is brought about by a heavy partible in the solid body, is
suggested by thi authors,
The report was followed by a discussion,
Card 2/5
i 48--5-31/56
TITLE: Luminescence of Crystallophoaphors Excited by Ions (Lyuminest-
sentsiya kriatallofoaforoy pri vozbuzhdenii ionami)
One Russian reference is cited.
INSTITUTIONt Central-Asian State University im.Lenin
SUBMITTEDt No date indicated
AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress.
Card 3/3
STRUKOV, N.A., inzh.
Effect of temperature on changes in mechanical properties and the
deformation of alloy steels. Mash.Bel. no.6:63-77 '59. ,
(MIRA 13:6)
(Steel alloys-Testing)
S/12", ~
V j(-)/O( )0/() 11 /002/007
AUTHOR: Strukov, N.
TITLE: Mechanization and automation of foundry shops of big-lot and mass
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 11, 1960, 2 - 0
TEXT, The author 6ives a detailed description of' the various prerequisites
necessary for the mechanization and automation of foundry processes and enumerates
iber of automatic installations w1iich have been developed during the last year
in tiie Soviet. Union. fie points out that an efficient utilization of conveyer-type
lines is only possible if specialized and mechanized installations for the
preparation ano reconditioning of molding mixtures are provided for each automatic
-blasting line. During th~, last years quite a number of molding automatics have
been designed in the Soviet Union, includin6 the rotary four-position jar-raimming 1//
mach-ines of the Giproavtoproui type CJ3 (STZ), 3%4JI(ZIL '), AO)K-4-1 (AFK-4-1) and-
Aqbk-4-2 (~u-,K-4-2), thu models 94265 and ~A267 developed by NIILITMASh, intended
or, molds of medium size, the rotary six-posi'~ion jar-ramming macl,ines of
Ros~sel fm_~~sri. NIILITMASh and Orgstankiprom desii7n, rotary four-position sand-
C a rd 1/4
!,'erhaniza,.ion and au*,omallor of' -undry siiops ... AO')3/Alj-'?
blowers of NIITAvtoprom for small-sized molds, the two-position shuttle-automati-C
of tlie"Krasriaya Presnya" Plari-. and a number of other molding automatics intended
f~:,r the manufac!~urp of molds with the dimensions 1,000 x oOO mm, although it is
rie,essary to produce moldlnL automatics which are abl(~ to manufacture molds of
1,1,00 x 1.000 mi;i. -The author points out. 'hat wi+,b the urilization of multi-posi-
-i n_,#.ary aut.ormt"ct 1' nhould be ix-)*sIble !,o mol,l on each position different
cantir,gs, I.e. to mold the same number of different Items as the automatic has
cv)s L I ~,.Ons. An au~oma-,1~ shaking out of the molds will be facilitated in future
by us-ing drags without cross pieces, as they are already employed by the GAZ, ZIL,
K~M, STZ, MTZ and oTher plants. Although the use of drags with cross pieces com- V/
plicates the autorrial.ion of shaking out operations these difficulties have already
b,~,:~Yi overcome for the production of cylinder blocks at the GAZ Plant. The author
points out that ti,e further improvement of automatic shake out installations for
draj~s with cro--3s pleoes will play an important role for the -automation of shaking
aut operations. Automatics of the shuttle and rotary type are the most efficient
for the big-lo'. production of cores. Recently the madel.5 914 and 928 automatic
nandblowers have been the "Krasnaya Presnya" Plant equipped with two
t.ilting and drawing Installations each. It is necessary to equip also the 28B-3,
21""B-5, 2813-Y, 26B-9 and 2bA-10 core sandslingers with tilting mechanismis. For dry-
Car~i 2/4
1','-:-hanization and automatior. of 33/A133
-undry shops ... 110
inS purposes the mos" effL~ient, drier is of the vertical conveyer-type with auto-
matic loading and unloading. The author points out that, since every molding
line requires a special metal grade for the castings which are produced on these
lines, each casting line s!iould b6' provided with its o-O.n cupola furnace, because
this will con-,ribuI,6_`to reduce rejects, increase the casting quality, etc. 711e
.automation of moldinK and ~~ore mixture preparation and reconditioning is effected
with the aid of t.he models 115 and 116 centrifugal mixers. The author tnen gives
,i survey on the transDortation and hcisling equipment nuacessary for the automation
axid mechanization of foundry proresses and emphasizes the necessity of eliminating
as far as possible mailual work
in tlie cleanin6 sections of foundry shops in order
t,G relieve flie workers from the hard physical labor and improve the sanitary con- Z
ditions. 'P) e author ',nen enumerates the machinery necessary for the mechanization
and automation of cleariLng operations, like serni-automatic emery grinders, which
f-,)r mass production castings should be incorporated in special flow lines, electro,-
contact equipment for ~,he deburring of castings, suspension conveyers of the pus~Lr
type with progr~un (ontrol, et,~. The author then comments on the storage organi-
zation which, in mechanized and aw 'ornated foundry shops should ensure a high de-
gree of mechanization of loading and unloading operations. Despite the improve-
mients which have been ac. j14 eved in the mechanization and autcmation of foundry
Card 3/4
S/ -,
Mechanization and autoination of -,)undry shops A033/A133
production the author con-siders the present stage of automation in foundry shops
of big-lot and mass produc..-.ion as being still unsa%isfac-,ory. lip criticizes the
fa---t. that, although qui*e a number of new projects in this field have been develcp_~/
ed, 1,heir realization is lagging behind, and eltes a number of examples for an
incomplete autornation and mechanization in some foundry shops. He then touches
,,he problem of improving %he labor conditions In fcundry shops which will contri-
bu'.e to increase U,,e production and comments on some new automated and mechanized
molding and casting lines which he describes in detail. There are 7 figures.
Card 4/4
S/04 61/025/003/001/047
11391 1'3~ S-) B104YB201
AUTHORSs Nosenkov B.M.9and Strukov, N.A.
TITLEs Excitation of crystal phosphors by ions
PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya,
v. 259 no* 39 19619 314 - 31T
TEXTs This is a reproduction of a lecture delivered at the 9th Conference
on Luminescon-ce (CrTstal Phosphors), which took place in Kiyev from Juno
20 to 25, 1960. The authors examined the luminescence and the change of
properties of the following phosphors: ZnS-Ag (K-5), 55% ZnS'45% CdS-Ag
(L-4), 62%ZnS'38*dS-Ag (K-38), 90%ZnS-10%CdS-.Cu (L-10), ZnO-Zn,(K-20~9
Zn2SiO4-Mn (K-35), CaWO 4 and CaSO 4-Mn. These phosphors with Li'-q Na
K+-, Rb +_ and Cs+.-ions were excited with energies of up to 6 kev. The
brightness of luminescence was proportional to the current density
(10- 10 - 10- 8a/cm2 ). At low ion energies, the brightness E i9 a parabolic
function, while at high ion energies it is a linear function of the ion
energy. Thethreshold energy is between 1-5 and 0.7 kev. Table I gives the
Card 1/5
Excitation of crystal phosphors B100201
values B - Es.JE3 (in %) for an ion energy of 6 kev. Here, EM is the
brightness at ion excitation, Eq the one at cathode luminescence under
otherwise equal conditions. Phosphor aging caused by ion excitatt-on leads
to a drop of brightness; the individual phosphors differ by the course of
the aging process. On irradiation by a charge of q,/ F2 - 6,io-8 Coulomb/cm2
- 5`10 11 particle cm2 the brightness of the second and third abovementioned
phosphor (Group 1~ drops to 50%, while it drops to 2 - 5% at a raPation
dose of 5Q1/2. The last three phosphors possess a Q1/2 ' 4-5'101 par-
ticle/cm 2, and the aging process of these three phosphors, which form
group 2, has a hyperbolic course. The remaining phosphors form group 3-
They possess a Q,/2 ' (0-5 - 1-5)'10 12 particle/cm2 , and aging stops at
about 5Q1429 'here brightness then amounts to 15 - 30%- In ZnO-Zn and
CaWO4 pho phors, energy and mass of the ions make themselves noticeable
with aging. A study of the excitation depth o: a crystal and the depth of
crystal destruction, as a consequence of which aging occurs, showed that
Card 2/5
S/04 61/025/003/001/047
Excitation of crystal phosphors ... B104YI3201
the inequality de > dd holds, where d e is the excitation depth and d. the
destruction depth. This is explained by the fact that any luminescence va-
nishes under sufficiently long ion irradiation. Relation d od ' bVn is ob-
tained in an estimation of the depth of the complet crystal destruction.
In this relation, V is the ion energy, d od in Mg/cm b and P being given
in Table 2. This relation exhibits an error of 5 - 30~6 and is derived from
the threshold energy of cathodoluminescence. There are 2 tables and 6 re-
ferences: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The 3 references to Eng-
lish language publications read as follows: Young J.R.t J*Appl*Phys.t 27t
1 (1956), Young, J.Appl.Phys., ~2, 524 (1956), Ehrenberg W. et al., Proc.
Phys.Soc. B.t 60, 1059 (1953).
A-SSOCIATION: Kafedra optiki Tashkentokogo gos. universiteta im. V.I.
Lenina (Department of Optics of Tashkent State University
imeni V.I. Lenin)
Card 3/5
Excitation of crystal phosphors ... B104/B201
3un-mius R = B,/E, upit V = b SeV (D %)
TaGautto t
-c"3 zI)SC!zII!~.CdS -
znS nolo, CaSO, -
7 .
I zno-
". I Mn 0 Mn
Lit ''2 5 5,8 6,7
' 5 2,9 25 -
0.8 2.3 4,5
1 2 j 18 i's
l I u,7 35
0 0'1 - - 1,3 1.1 t.4
L, + 0115 u 35
: 0,1 0,95 4,0 0,8 0,7 0,8
Card 4/5
Excitation of crystal phosphors
TaGnitita 2
Na K C i
i.lis - Ag 14 0. 72 0. 5 0,65 9.5 0,57 7,5 0,5 4,1 0,68 0,64
ZnS.GIS - Ag 5 0.86 3,3 0,87 3,U 0,74 3,0 0,7 3,0 0,7 0,78
ZnS.Zj)So -Ag ;4'q 0,74 7 0, U8 7 0, 64 0,5 7 - - 79
Z11S.COS - Cit
2,8, 1.24
2, A
I,U8 3
0,93 .
ZZIO - Z11 2 1 1 1.5
' - o' m - - - (1,93
ZII-SiOI - MII -1 -
0 1,4
1,25 0 92 0,87 1 25 0 95
CO WO, (I , 921 1.( 0 '1 1
I I 0 '1
I 1 0 1.1 U. 85 0.9 0,9
Nill :"5, (1 "J5 i.G (), 95 1,2 0,95 1 f) 0,9 0, U!,
! 0'(.1" 1 18
I 0,84 - 0,81 0, 84 0,86
Legend to Table 2: 1) mean values
Card 5/5
,XCESSIG-N 1,41:
AP402-5750 S/0201/64,/ooo/ool/ol:.3/o12l
A=al: S'.z-Lzlcxw, ".1. A.
1. ITL :2- :Invost-Igation of ithe deffo--mation of alloyed steels
S07z-%0!2: ,-',T Izv. Scriya fizilco-tc',~LnichcskE~h nau1c, no. 11 1964, 118-121
-.=Lc T,~Gs: steel aefo=aticn., 40,,a,. steel, 40 Miii steel., defo=aticn
.~=TIUXT: The plzastic proparties and do-fonnation resistance of typO "T'OCh and 40
j?::cz;[;urc wor-ed steels were 4-,rreGtiFatcI. On the basis cv.,' the rc:.~ults a
::-.ct'.acd is nronzosoU" for Plottin- opt:Lm=, thorma-echanical re-mimes in tha plastic
wor'cinr- o~., me' 1z. Tension and cariprcssion =der static and clyn&uic J"orces
t Ite results slaw the effect
wore st, ed f.-cm 293 to 1-473" X at 1000 arvalS-
of 'em-rx-raturc and the rate and de-rree of defomation on the, defor-
=atica resistance, and rapture poinz; of tac alloys investiGated. Di,-Zrams
for plasticity, delo.-mability, and deformation resistL-ice are plctted for the
temperature intervals. Dia,-cms of ssy,~_.cific resistance at diff-arent
defo=ation rates show the effect of tc=pcrature and rate oa ae.lormatim resis-
Card 1/2
ACCE'SSIO',,*, 112-: Ii.P4025750
tance. 7he author concluder, that resiotance t-o deformaticr. increases -,rith in-
creases in taie rate of defoi-,ation.. erpa-cially a'. hi~~ temperatures. The method
ma:~es- it Doozible to determine the best technoloZical procer's for plastic work-
in-, of metals at given temperatuares and rates of deformaticn, and to determ, ine
the temrerature intervals which will ma maxira= use of the plastic properties
of metals .
SLZ~~Z,T 00 DAM ACQ. lakpr64 EXL: 00
SUB CCD-Z': '-M NO SOV: 002 OZM: 000
Card 2/2__
ACCESSION NR: AP4040924 S/0250/64/0081005/0304/0308
AUTHOR: Strukov, N. A.
TITLC: Effect of deformation rate on the resistance to deformation
and ductility of alloy steels at high temperntures
SOURCEs AN BSSR. Doklady*, v. 8, no. 5, 1964, 304-308
TOPIC TAGS: alloy steel, deformation rate, deformation rate effect,
deformation resistance, deformation specific work, temperature
effect, high temperature testing, tensile strength, ductility,
40Khalloy steel, 404iN alloy steel
ABSTRACT: The effect of deformation rate and temperature on the
deformntion resistance of structural steels 40Kh and 40KhM was investL-
gated. The deformation resistance was tested by the upsetting of
cylindrical specimens 9 mm in diameter and 12 mm high and by conven-
tional tensile tests, both types of tests were conducted at tempera-
tures from 20 to 1200C. The upsetting rates used were 0.117 and,
8800 mm/sec, with corresponding deformation rates of 0,01 and 136 set-1.
The tension rates were 0.083 and 6200 mm/sec, with corresponding
Card I / 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
YEGOYAH, V.L. Ltranslatorl; ZHABREV, I.P. Etranalatorj; K01MUNOV. V.P.
Ltranslatorl; MOISEYEVA, V.M.Ltranalatorl; PArRMfKO, V.S.
Ltranslatorj; PE?RENKO, I.M. [translator]; ~ ~RUKOV
(translator]; TITOVA, N.A. [translator]; KELAIN, V.Ye., red.;
[Present-day studies of the tectoniCB of foreign countriefil
Voprosy sovremennoi zarubezhnoi tektoniki-, abornik statei.
Moskva, Izd-vo inoBtr.lit-ry, 1960. 498 p. Translated articles.
(MIRA 13:12)
(Geology, Structural)
USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. L-2
Abs '.'our Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 19571
1 , 69246
Au~hor Atanasov, P.G.,
T~tle The Watering Regimen Durinl- Periodic Irrioation of Rice.
Orit- Plfo Kratkie iLogi nauch.-issled. rabot za 1955 god, Krasno-
dar, "Sov. Kuban", 19506, 112-116
Abstract Me maximum yield of rice in the lowiand_~ of Kuban
(38-9 centners/hectare) was obtained wiLh inundation.
The irrigating regimen of rice upon periodLc irrirAtion
should be based on practical utilization of water during
phases of its development. The optimal moisture of the
soil is 70 to 8C% of the field moisture capacity; the
irrl.,,-~ation norms should be fijured on humidifying the
soil to a depth of 60 to 80 cm.
Card 1/1
BELTANY, Viktor Vasil'yovich, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; I&BEDEV,
Boris Mikhaylovich, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk;3TWKOT.-#_.~.,
kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; ZHILINSKIT, Y.A., --f
kandidat takhnicheski'Kh nauk,redaetor;YEGORKINA, L.I '.,redaktor
izdatellstva; UVAROVA, A.F.,tokhnichaskiy redaktor
[Sprinkling machines;
testing] DozbdevalInye
i ispytaniia. Moskva,
lit-ry, 1957. 231
(Sprinkler irrigation)
construction. calculation, operation and
mashiny; konstruktsii, raschat, ekspluatatsiia
Gos. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo mashinostroit.
(MLRA 10:5)
L I ~6 EVP(q)/EW7(m)/]3DS A11FTC/ASD JDPWB
ACCESSION NR: AP300lhl2 S10020163115010OV085210855 '51
AUTHOR: Tomashov, N. D.; Strukov, N.. M.* Mikhaylovskiy, Yu. N.
. -.1 15-6
TTTLE'; The effect of alternating current frequ6ncy on the speed of c:QrTosion
of titanium in sulfuric acid
'.; I if
SOURCE - AN SSSR. Doklady , V. 150, no. 4, 1963, 852-855
TOPIC TAGS: electrochemical properties of titanium, corrosion propel-ties of
titanium, polarization of titanium, titanium
ABSTRACT: The investigation of the electrochemical and corrosion behavior of
titanium during its polarization with a sinusoidal variable current frequency
showed that, with an increase of frequency of the polarizing current, the
polarizing capability of the electrode in the anodic and in the cathodic half-
period is decreased, This is additionally connected with the presence of
current capacity and the explanation of easier electrochemical reactions on the
surface of the electrode in the anodic and cathodic half-periods. The corro-
sion of titanium at lower frequencies and low densities of the polarizing
current is greater than the corrosion at higher frequencies. However, a reverse
effect is observed with very high densities of the polarizing current. The
Card 1/2
L 12418-63
examination of experimenting material shows that the variable current intensifies
the process of anodic dissolution of titanium as a result of the destruction of
the passive state of the electrode in the cathodic half-period, It appears that
at high frequencies of the variable current in the anodic half-period when the
surface of metal contains mainly the adsorbed oxygen, the activation of metal in
the cathodic half-period is much greater, and thus, the dissolution of titanium
is greater. At low frequencies the metal surface is covered mainly with the
chemically bound oxygen in the form of oxide layers which is not completely re-
duced in the cathodic half-period and therefore the active surface of the metal
is smaller and the speed of dissolution of the metal is smaller. Orig. art. has:
5 graphs.
ASSOCIATION- Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Physical Chemistry of the AcodenW of Sciences SSSR)
SUBMITTED: 29Jan63 DATE AcQ: o1ja163 RICL% 00
Card 2/2
Effeet of the alternating current frequency on the p"sivation of
titanium. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no-5:1177-1180 0 '63. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Institut fizicheskoy.khimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
T CMAS ti (y," . ~j ~ r_ , -, 11 K OV , N. M,
Ff,fe -I ~-, ::I! !-'.I, It -- , -"- -- - I--- - -
.- Zhur ~ f'i Z.
,qnd corrosioll 't)tjjavicr of iron In h;d,-och-'c,, 1, - - (MT I - -
31? nc,,2-i4lil-4122 F '65. 1 1.U. 18%4)
1. fizliches'koy khimii AN
ACC NR: AP?00231)G SOURCE CODE: ~R 34111371
AUTHOR: Tomashov, N. D.; Strukovy N. M.; Vorshinina, L. P.
OiG: Institute ofi Fhysical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut fiziches-
koy khimii i~cademii nauk SSSR)
TITIE: Effect of continuous renewal of the surface of certain Tretals on the cathodicl
process of hydrogen evolution
SMICE: AN SSSI. Doklady, v. 171, no. 5, 1966, 1134-1137
NPIC 'IAGS., cathode polarization, hydrogen, metal surfacaq lead, tin, iron) nickel,
ABST,~UICT: Cathodic nolarization curves were recorded for Fb, Sn, Fe, N-L ar.-, Pd in
I ; H--)SC4 under arfon at 201C while the surface of the metal -vas being continuously
renewed by moans of an emery wheel. The electrode was cathodically polarized by an
axtornal current nource. The data indicate that on nickal, the discharCo of H+ ions
with tho ~01-.-I;Ition of' adsorbed atoms and their removal from tho oloctrodo surface take
Olace at comDarable rates, so that during continuous renewal of tho surfaco the offect
o' `*,I-o7on ova,:"ioltage drop on this metal is aT)Drociable. 0.1 lead, howol.'er, thG -,Y
'Sio;~noss o' the steo of of
droL-,on ovorvolta~~o is do-erninod solely by the L
lons, and therefore tho continuous renewal of "he surface dcos not su-stantlauy
oct ',he hydrogen overvoltago on load. From the standDoint of their behavior during
UDC: 541-13
-Card ~1/2 - - -- -- - -- -
NR; P?O02390
n -I , i r; the motals studied are divided into two groups: -ose w-cli ardsorb hydrogen
'i, Pd), and those which adsorb it poorly (Pb, Sn). in 'he latter group
oltaF~a is solely determined by the slow discharge sten. in the former
.,..,~i;rogon overv
-rout), Iriy6rogen ovorvoltage is determined not only by this step, but also by the slow--
..t,.ss of the steps involving removal oil hydrogen from the metal surface. 'L-hus, for
%11 , 2/3 of the
it was found that at the current density employed, 10 mA/CM2
ota_l ov,.-.nroltaga is determined by the slowness of the steps involving rGITIoval of hy-
fro-m the 'd surface, and only 1/3 by the slow discharge step. The paper was
Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2
prosontod by Acadai-Lician Spitsynp V. 1., 22 Mar 66.
SUB CODE.- 0?/ SUBIM DATE: 17Feb66/ O.UG REF: 006/ OTH RM 004
r_j 2/2
an-i st
gppctrfi and structure of some secondary amines, derivatives
Of cyAnuric chloride nnd substituted anilineB. Zhur. strukt. khim. 6
no.,1:218-226 Mr-Ap 065. (WRA 19:7)
CIV C. c
ti uk z
GOPTLIK, ~-~-N- , !'Alr~'Sl' --y --
k, in
l,'ln4. c,
incitli~'Ct (for
ra n*,,.,&,
T",n f
~~7an, El ny'
h- k~ r
rs T,,_.
(for S"'p"inova.
Calibration of the NW , 4,000-ton, crankshaft forging press by
means of "crashers." Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 2 no.11:35-37 11 160.
(MIRA 13:10)
(Power presses-Testing)
S! ~ /.182'/60/OCO/011,/010/016
AUTHORS, Kovalenka, V.F,. '-annikov. 9 S , Strukov, P,I.
TTTLE ~`alibrating a 4,000-Ton 'NKINIZ ^.rank Hot-Stamping Press
by the Crashers Method
PERIODICAL~ Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 11, PP-35-37
TEXT, Some foreil-n -ovell as some Soviet plants have begun
producin6 hot stampin- presses of the crank -hype fitted with effort meters
(the NKMZ in Kritmatorqk the 4ZT_'.tTP works ir Vornrit%zh) The meters have to
be calibrated on s4te after nstallation of 'he press A 4,000-ton press
produced by the NKIMZ has been calibrated at the Gor kovskiy avtozavod
(Gor k 4y AutL)mobile F-ant' w-th the ass4stance of EN:KMASh. Two NKMZ-made
effort meters are placed on the front. one on each column, They are scale
instruments 'Fig I I recoraing the strain in the press stand that is
directly proport-lonal to the applied effort The stand elongation is
determ.ined in a 466-mm 5ection by an indic--or (8~ with 0-003 mm scale
divisions and ~ O~~ mz measurament r-inge, When t1he cress is under load, the
deformutien in the st-ind rulis the rcd "-7 .'; w~-,tl'h is fixed in t*-e -.or,
Card l/ 8
1_1 029
A ~A
M~,i i t;rat 4 r~ ~~: a-ooo -,ror. wm;t (Nuz' Crark Hot - Stamping Press by the
Crashers Method
plank (',,' and slides in a bore in the frame (11' The screw stop (12) on
the rod (7) exerts pressure on the measuring leg of the indicator and makes
the hand swing The brake (9) of the leg (10" is loaded with a spring set
on the rod (ij~l -arid adjusted ty the plug The brake holds the indicator
hand on the scale division reached under load on the press- The brake
must be retra,-ted by the rod '01) to put the indicator to zero, Efforts
(-,orresF,oridiriz, to tile indicator readings are g-iven on the plate (1). As no
loading device with effort waa available at the Gor~kiy Automo-
bile Plant. the press had to be calibrated using the "metod kresherov"
(crashers method"' Abstractor~s note- The term 11krasher" suggests
English 'crjshing"_~ A 'ordsher' s i-I'lustrated in Fig. 2 and is a block
of steel of cylindrical shape Tht blocks were calculated for 500-
ton pressure They were placed or. esFeca~illy prepared die inserts (Fig. 4
The calibration results are given in Table 2 A diagram has been plotted
from these d-111-1A ~; (--t can be seen in the table that the left
indicator .-ave lower readings. which was Irobably due to uneven tightening
Card 2/16
Calibrating a 4,000-Ton KKM3 (NKMZ) Crank Hot-Stamping Press by the
Crashers Mlethod
of the tie bolts on the left and right press stand side. The diagram was
set up using- the mean readings of two indicators). The arithmetic mean.
of the indicator readings had to be taken to determine the corresponding
work ~rejsure in the diagram. The data were filled into the table M.
It is mentioned that it would be better to use a diagram engraved on a
met~_,l sheet and t'--,,t calibration must be repeated after retightening of
th,_~ '-oltj. Some desi.-n deficiencies were revealed in the N1QAZ indicators.
An improved indicator design has been developed at ENII=Sh under super-
vijicn by En-lineer L.P. Shipanov. [Abstractor's nolve: The ne-a design is
not dCZCribell. There are 5 fi-Ures.
Card 3/8
:-S "cr cleaning vessels*
t~~*, jrXorm.Str.Xashinostroi.
r3 t U
(MIRA 18:8)
Improved nethod. for the disinfection of eggs. Mias. ind. SSSR 28
no.6:25-27 157. (YIRA 11:1)
1. Voronezhskiy yaytsesushilInyy zavod.
(Disinfection and disinfectants) (Fggs, Dried)
SOV/ 137-58-8-16863
T ranslation f rorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiva, 1958, Nr 8, p 92 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Strukov, S.P.
TITLE- ----Grooving and Rolling of Nr-22 Beams with a Reduced Number
of Passes (Kalibrovka 1 prokatka balki Nr 22 s sokrashchennym
chislom prokhodov)
PE,RIO DIC jkf,: Tr. Nauchno-teklin. o-va chernoy metallurgii. Ukr. resp.
pravl., 1957, Vol 2, pp 169-172
ABSTRACT: An analysis of the groovings employed at other plants and of
the special features of the rail and structural mill at the im.
Petrovskiy Plant results in the elaboration of a system of cal-
culation of grooving for the rolling of Nr-22 beams. The result
was the elaboration and introduction of grooving for the rolling
of these beams in 7 section passes,
1. Iqo'L1In- mi-11f:-Yerforritince
S. G.
Card 1/1
2a. USSR (600)
4. Bladder - Diseases; Hernia
7. Stranaiilation of the bladder in hernia of the linea alba following Kocherts
abdominal hysteropexy, Akush. i gin., No. 1, 1952. Iz Kafedrj Akusherstva i
Ginekologii (Nach. - Chlen-Korrespondent AkademiV
9a. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. IRICLASSIFIED.
Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR Prof. K. M. Figurnov) Iz Voyenno-4,feditsinskoy A-kademii
imeni S. N. Kirova.
Subcutaneous empYiysema in labor. Akush. I pin. no.6:79 H--D 154.
(MM.k 9: 2)
1. Iz Vovenno-maditsinskoy akademil imeni S.M.Kirova.
subcutaneous, in labor)
(LABOR, complications
emphysema, subcutanooia)
STRUKOV, V.A.. kandidat maditsinakikh nauk.(Laningrad)
Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence in women and anatom-
otopographic peculiarities in the structure of the sphincter appar-
atus of the urinary bladder. Akush. i gin. no-5:45-48 S-0 '55.
(KLRA 9:1)
incontinence, surg. & Anat. of sphincter appar.)
STRUKOV, V.A., kandidat meditainakikh nauk
Cane of transfusion of Rh-Incompatible blobd. 20 no.5:
82-64 Ky 156. NLRA 9:9)
(BLOOD TRANSYUSION, complications,
Hh-incompatibility (Run))
incompatible blood transfusion (Rua))
STRUKOV, V.A.,kandidat meditBinskikh nauk.
Labor complicated by weakness of uterine contractility. Akush.
i gin. 32 no-1:13-16 Ja-F '56 (MmA 9:6)
(LAMR, compl.
weak contractility, diag. & sta.iist.)
(UTERUS. physiol.
weakness of uterine labor, diag. A:
statist. )
,T ~~ .rlll . , , - -1 o'l ..~. r, - - , , 4 ~ % ~ I , - t , ~ r 1 %n od . (I 1 1, - h by
C -. . k, - , . . . " f I
),. qqrl(,~r, f7r)T tninn!'*911ne, ln,7f~mpritible blood.
".., 4rt.Aht I , 1.
1. n7).,~.-'. '11 J 4 r,
, ,... -- -y- " ~ 4'. 11:71%
ti ,
; - .. - , , , u - I .. 1 ~
STRIJKOV, V.A.,, mayor maditainskoy sluzhby.
Intrauterine death of the fetus resulting from an umbilical
hariatoma. Akush. i gin. 34 no-3:104 My-Je 158, (MIRA 11:6)
X-ray diagnosis of tumors of the small pelvis during labor. Vest.
rent. i rad. 34 no.4:87-88 -Tl-Ag 159. (MLRA 12:12)
(LABORt compl.)
(PBLVIS neoplasms)
Antibacterial therapy in intrahoupital infection (nhospit&lispe).
Antibiotiki 10 no. 10:934-940 0 165. (MIRA 18il2)
1. Kafedra akushersLva i ginekologli (zav. - prof. G.T.Davzhenko)
Voyenno-moditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademil imeni Kirova,
Leningrad. Submitted Febr. 17, 1965.
STRUKOV, V.G., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Dolleph:Lla linenta,, varo livorniea Eep. on grapevinces. Zaahch.
rast..ot vredi bol. 5 no.2t47 F 160. (KIRA 15:12)
1. Krymskaya oblastnaya opytnaya stantaiya.
(Crimea-Cirapea-Diseases and pests)
ACCESSION NR: AP3005527 S/0115/63/000/007/0030/0031
AUTHOR: - Gorelikov, N. I., Klistorin, 1. F., Matushkin, G. G., Strukov, V. G.
TITLE: Specialized digital voltmeter
SOURCE: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 7, 1963, 30-31
TOPIC TAGS: voltmeter, digital voltmeter, voltage regulator tube
ABSTRACT: Development is described of a new digital voltmeter for precise
measurement of stabilization voltage and. temperature coefficient in the manufac.
ture of silicon voltage -regulator tubes. The new instrument, based on the digi 1
voltmeter described by I. F. Klistorin, et al. (Izvestiya VUZ9ob;
Priborostroyeniye, 1962, v. 5, no is in essence an electromechanical com-
pensator with digitwise balancing. A circuit diagram of the new voltmeter is
supplied, and its components specified. Its error ist 0. 020% or less. The volt-
meter proved to be reliable in operation under actual factory conditions and
permitted cons~.derable saving in labor.
XS9)CTATION: Inst. of Automation and Electrometry, SC AN SASSR
STRUKOV, V.H., inzh. G,. Ashkhabad)
Organization of mixed crews at washing and steaming stations.
Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.1:83-84 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1)
1.Zameatitall nachallniks. sluzhby vagonnogo khozyaystva Ashkhabad-
skoy dorogi.
(Railroads-Cars-Maintenance and repair)
62 EPF
M. Phr)/FJP(~) -Pc-4/Pf-4/1 F-r-4/Ps-h/Pt-7/Peb
ACCESSION NR: AP5019030 [JR1 6510VAOD121006510066
666.189 22.002.5
AUTHOR: Gavrilov, I. K.-,Jf~l~ppoy D. A.--Strukoy V. M.- Blatov V ' S - Shalimov.
I. IvarW' A. M. 1, Bely 6v i:' n~t"s'
A. S.; Vul, N. ~ro q ~-K~a
D., E. S.; Kupermdn. A. M.; Dobrc
Zele~j i~k My. A. K.
TITLE: Winding machine. Class 32, N
SOURCE: Byulleten' fz'obreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 12, 1965, 65-66
TOPIC TAGS: glass reinforced plastic, plastic filament, fiber glass, filament
winding, winding machine, filament wound article
ABSTRACT: This Autpo (;Artificate introduces a p
I i1 .9.chine for fabrication of glass-
reinforced plasticlWr '6fes by filament windin The machine includes a drive with
a reductor and a mandrel mounted on a rotating shaft. To fabricate spherical shapes
the machine is equipped with profiled guides transmitting to the mandrel a tilting
'motion around the vertical axis simultaneously with a rotation around th6 axis (see
7ig. 1 of the Enclosure). Orig. art. has: I figure.
(Card... la
- 627og,65,
IASSOCIATION: Organizatsiya gosudarstvennogokomiteta po aviatsionnoy te~lkhnike SSSR
~(Organization of the State Committee on Aviation Engineering SSSH
jNO REF SOV; 000
OTHER: 000
Fig. 1. Winding machine
1 Shaped guide 1 2 reductor;
3 mandrel; 4 - shaft.
L 1-1260-66 ( )'-I ) )/E~q(m-)/EWP(-W-)/EVIP(-V-)/EVIP(J)/T/EWP~(k)AVIA~h m) EM/WW/RM
ACC NRs AP5028475 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286165/0001020/00561005i----7
55--"' 1y q 5_'5~ 11q)-5- 14LIIT~
INVENTOR: Ga~rLov. I. K.: Fi PPov. D. A.: Strukdv.--V. Me: Blatov. ~. s.; ~hduvmov,
A. S. ; V-1- NtL15_1V1yanoe//AP~9._;_ Fro1_o_yY1A.!PAj>; Re Z.
3 1Khantels' W, i
-Andri evskayaW.,t5; Zelengkily, E. S.; KuRernanq A. He; Dobrovol akiyp As Ke
Dzhereliyevskiy, A. Be vit 155
ORG: none
TITLE: Method of fabricating fiberglas shells. Class 32g No. 175624
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1065, 56-57
TOPIC TAGS: shell, cylindrical shell, fiberglass shell, shell fabrication, fiber-
glass winding, solid fuel rocket, rocket case
ABSTRACT: Tdis Author Certificate introduces a method of fabricating shell from
fiberglass wound on a pattern which is then melted out or dissolved. To increase the
strength of the shell, the winding is combined with the stretching of fiber by means
of a fiber guide which rotates around the pattern. IDV]'
SUB CODE: 11,1~ SUBM DATEi 02jul64/ ATD P. S: 71
~6 U)
AUTHOR: Strukov, V.S.
TITLE: Interpretation of the short-wave wing of the 2852
resonance magnesium line
PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 14, no. 2. 1963, 184-188
TEXT: The 2852 A line has continuous wings on the short-and
long-wave sides, both in the eniiision and absorption spectrum. It
is now suggested that these two wings are due to
1~_-+. -in and I + 1- + transitions, respectively. It is
9 Z9 - ~Lu
shown that if the intensity distribution in the wing is assumed to
be of the form I(_0 - 4TrAR 2(_j )dR(-)) (1)
where A is a constant and R is the distance between the two
atoms of M92 for which the emission and absorption at frequency
is possible, then the intensity distribution in the short- and long-wave
wings is respectively given by
Card 1/2
Interpretation of ....
1 6) ) d
4,~A(C C ) 1/2
a d
W . )3/2
Sh res
4ty'A(Cb Ca) 1/2
I d-Q +- - (6)
(-.) res 3/2
where C a,b,d are the Van der Waalaconstants (the interactions
are assum d to be f the form ~- R_ 6 Experimental studies of
I/l,n 0
the 2852 excited in an AC are discharge at atmospheric pressure
show that these expressions do, in fact, hold. The slope of the
logl(-Z) versus log(V curves was found to be 1.53 + 0.02
!:and 1.52 + 0.05 for the long- and short-wave wings, respectively,
There are 2 fig~&res.
SUBMITTED: March 1, 1962
-Card 2/2
Ulaq U tbFffe grit- L
a Offifnophoretrom traces of otber metals.
A. A. MeMdg, U. S. Rdb
V. V. Ovs -TOT.".
eS2NF7o Ma-ZUG -ti pa iem a= Secu tivel
caumns.. the Ist 01-whiLch f3
cl vp 4 with AN the 2nd with a mitt. of actlvatj~
.,Q~Cond difntayI?,IyQxiMe, Qud the aid with wantedc. I
N k-A T--,C-) V -IV V
;,,~riacatfcu of t olubte ad, and
for the prepersUor, ot laminephars.
U.S.S.R. 104,440,
kk ~alte, irid CaCl, ~olns~ are h~ -7 utirifLed
1,;,,sjiig ifir thrrugh a L-ilunin t~mtg AIA and
ZnS m a wt. ratio of 20 1 mid ihe CaCl, s,,51n thmugh a
chromatographic column,chargi-il with AJA. M. lloirb
p A S. R i ti ri-D I -~T.4 t r I 1 4-
and A.
25, 1,15?-IIT.GVnn. to S.S.R. 94,924. Fv,
alts ru-e p t
phom, solns. of Zn and Cd & assed thiough u (7ation-
e-xch2,uge column and th-in through a column charp,d i-, ith
--ditnethylilyoximc and a-cLivated C. M. Hor."d)
Soviet gibberellin; Droduction methods and activity testing.
Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., geog. 14 no.3:
3-12 159. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Kafedra 1-iologii pochv Moskovsko_-o universiteta, Insti-
tut milcrohiolo.-Iii ,%N SSSP I Farmatsevticneskiy zavod im.
)MVSEYNV. SIDCROV, Aleksandr Ivanovich; ZIMAN, Yen LYovich; STRMT'Jty.
redaktor; VASIL'Y3CVA, V.I., redaktor izdatellstva; KUZIMIN, G.M.,
tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Aerial photography] Aerofotos*emica. Moskva, Izd-vo geodezichaskoi
lit-ry. 1956. 258 P. (MIRA 9:12)
(Photography, Aerial)
FOPADEYKINI, 1,111taliy Ivanovich; Vlndinar Viadindrovilch;
[On the march, friends and tourists! Oneday rGutes] V
pokhod, druzlia turisty! Odnodnev-nye marshruty. 2. dop.
iz4. Moskva, Mosk. raliochil, 1964. 494 P.
(MEU 17:11)
[Brief methodologics.1 textbook for practical studies in pathological
anatomy] Kratkes motodichemkoe posobio k prakticheskis saniatlian pe
patelegichookei aaat*mii. Hookys., Medgiz, 1956. 113 P. OURA 9:5 )
BIAGMAN, G.F., professor; DYMSHITS, R.A., professor; GRACHEYA, N.A.; ZUDIN,
V.S.; STRUNOVA, A,F, (Chelyabinsk)
Use of radioiodine in the treatment of thyrotoxicosis [with
summary in Anglish, p.124]. Probl.eadok. i gorm. 3 no.1:50-56
Ja-F '57. (MLRA 10:6)
1. Iz kefedry gospitallnoy terspii (zav. - prof. G.F.Blagman) n& base
1-y dorozhnoy bolOnitsy Yuzhno-Urallskoy zheleznoy dorogi i kafedry
patologicheBkoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. R.A.Dymehits) Chelyabinskogo
meditainakogo institute (dir. - prof. G.D.Obraztsov)
radioiodine, review (Rus))
(IO.D INX, radioactive,
ther. of hypirtbyroidism, review (Rua))
~irop~XMaxis and treatment of cracked nipples. Zdrav.Belor. 5
no.8:41-42 Ap, 159. (HIRA 12:10)
1. Iz Minakogo gorodalcogo rodillnogo doma (rlavnyy vrach -
dotgent I.S.Legenchenko).
Dir,thonn(.,mrgicpl trojad.7.nont of d3noasen rX the cervix uteri
Z(Inv.1kil. no.3:9-12 162. (m ~A
1. Iz &Icuslirrsko-girelcolo!,iclieskoy Idiniki Beloruaskogo instituta
usovershenstvowmiya vrache~ (zaveduyushchi.-y- kafedroy - dotsent
I.S. legenclierLo) i Mirskogo gorodskogo rodillnoCo doma (Clavr.-
vrach A.I. Bogdanova).
ir Puritleattoo C-1 Goluble IjaLand cadmium
Guo-n A A ",-1- *1 S
25, 195-5-~V,
din. F,,I vlcm! (if I,hi~
phors, soIns. of Zit anti Cd salts are passed thmugh a cinoi-
cubange co-lumn and theu through a colur-nn charied , i: ii
dime t hylglyozfivv~, and activat-A C. M. I !(-!I
GUREYEV, Fetr Antoiiovich; STi-WKOVA, L.G., red.; TARAWVA, N.M.,
tekhn. red,
[13enefits to i.'ersons directed to work in construction projects
through organized recruitment] Llgoty dlia lits, napravliaem-ykh
v poria6ke oE-gi-nizovtnnogo nabora na predpriiatiia (stroiki).
Mookvt'~ Gof;. izd-vo iuvid. lit-ry, 1962. 51 f). (MIRA 151: 5)
(Labor contract) (Wage.9--Construction workers)
"The trophic function of the nervous system and the nervous
dystrophic process."
Roport aub:dtted, but not presented at the 22nd Internatioral
Congress of ftsiological Sciences.
lolden, the Netherlands 10-47 Sep 2962
Neurcdystrophic process and morphological changes in the cardio-
vascular system. Trudy Inst. norm. i pat. fiziol. AMN SSSR 6:
140-142 162 (MIRA 17:1)
1. T-aboratoriya nervnoy trofiki ( zav. - doktor med. nauk
O.Ya. Ostryy) 1nsLituta normallnoy i patologichaskoy fizio-
logii AMN SSSR.
LAZHECHNIKOVA, Yelizaveta Aleksandrovna;
KHLOPOVA, L.K., tekhn. red.
[Pension insurance for servicemen ~~e-r- t-h,e law on state
pensions]Pensionnoe obespechenie voennosluzhaahchikh po
zakonu o gosudarstvennykh penaliakh. Moskva, Gosiurizdat,
1962. 65 p. (KRA 16:3)
(Pensions, Military)
S~-'IILNOV, Stanislav Aleksandrovich; STRUKOVA, L.G., red.; HLOPOVA,
L.K., tekhn. red. .... -
(In what cases government pensions are awarded to col-
lective farm members] V kakikh sluchninkh gosudarstvan-
nye penBii naznachaiutsia chlenam kolkhozov. Moskva, Gos-
iurizdat, 1963. 75 p. (KIRA 16:10)
(Collective farms--Pensions)
Y Z.
ani I r 4
ACC N: AP70055338 SOURCE CODE: UR/0075/66/021/011/1354/1357
AUT HOR: Strukova, M. P. ; Kotova, V. N.
ORG: Nloscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology im. M. V. Lomonosov
('N1oskovs1iiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii)
TITLE: Determination of phosphorus and titanium in organoclemental compounds
SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 21, no. 11, 1966, 1354-1357
TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus analysis, titanium analysis, organophosphorus
compound, photometry, organoelemental compound, organotitanium compound
ABSTRACT: A rapid method has been developed for determining phosphorus and
titanium in organophosphorotitanium compounds. The test material is d--composed;
by sodium peroxide in a calorimetric bomb, then the phosphate is titra-ed with a
lanthanum nitrate solution (titanium is masked by complexone III). Titanium is
determined photometrically in the form of a peroxide complex compound. The
absolute experimental error is + 0. 2-0. 3%. A single determination of phosphorus*:
and titanium takes about 1. 5 hr. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. [Authors' abstract]
SUB CODE: 07/SUBM DATE: 30Mar65/OR1G REF: 005/OTH REF: 016/ [KP]:
Cmd UDC: 543.80
The time of molasses production and the manufacture of citric acid.
Trudy VKNII no.16:10/*,-108 162. (MIRA 1615)
. 04olasses) (Citric acid)
Effect of urokinase on the fibrinolytic activity of the blo,A .
Biokhimiia 27 no.2:327-329 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Laboratory of Physiology and Biochemistry of Blood Cloting,
Faculty of Biology and Soil Science*x4gtate University, Moscow.
Fibrinolytic agents isolated rrom some saprophytIc fungi
cultures. Dck-2.. AN SSSR 153 nc.4:939-942 D 103.
11.14IRA 17:1)
1. Moskavsl,-'-y grsudarqt7-,nnyy jjrj4vers:*,tGt lip. 14.V. Lomonosova.
Predstavleno akademikom V.Pl. Shapo--hn`lk,~-rym.
Study of the thrombolytic activity of aspergillin M in experi-
mental thrombosis. Arkh. pat. 27 no.4j23-29 165-
MIRA 18: 5)
1. Laboratoriya fiziologii i biokhimij svertyvaniya krovi (zav. -
prof. B.A.Fudryashov) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univerniteta
imeni Lmonosova i kafedra patologicheakoy anatomii (zav. -
chlon-korreapondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Strukov) I Mookovskogo
OT-donit Lenina meditsJnskogo initituta imeni Seelienova.
Anticorrosive alkyd GF-020 priming. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim.
no.2:71-71+ 162. (MBA 15:5)
1. Kharlkovskiy lakokrasochnyy zavod "Krasnyy khiTnik".
(Protective coatings)
'; ; --, ~7' ~- ' ~---
L 446eon U11-
AP6005366 SOURCE CODE: UR/04,13/66/000/001/0115/0116
AUTHOR: Strukovskiy, S. I.
ORG: none
TITLE: Two-cycle internal combustion
177707 fan-nouncea iii-fff-yanovskiy Fac
(Ullyanovskiy zavod malolitrazhnykh d
dine with axial cylinders. Class 46, No.
of Small Displacement Engines,
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zaaki, no. 10 1966, 115-116
TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, engine piston, pump
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a two-cycle internal combustion engine
with axial cylinders, with rotating cylinders, and with a blow-through pump of
analogous construction. To simplify the mechanism of the piston drive, the cylinder
blocks of the engine and the pump are produced separately and their axes are placed
at an obtuse angle to one another (see Fig. 1). Corresponding pistons of the engine
and of the pump are rigidly attached to one another.
Card 1/2 UDC: 621-432.4--128.()
L 44689-6,;
ACC NR: AP6005366
Fig. 1. 1 - block of engine cylinders;
2 - exhaust pump,, 3 and 4 - corre-
sponding pistons of the engine and
the pump
Orig. art. hass 1 figure*
red.; ZIEVYTE, Z., red.; SADAUSKAITZ, A., red.; SARKA, S., tekhn.
[Practices in controlling plant diseases, pests, and weeda]Prak-
tiskos kovos priemones pries augalu ligas, kenkejus ir piktzoles;
straipsniu rinkinyB. Vilnius, Valstybine politines ir mokslines
literaturos leidykla, 1962. 165 P. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademija, Vilna. Botanikos Institutaa.
(Lithuania--Plant, Protection of)
PonLYUK, P.P., dots.; STRUKULEI~~O S.S.
, Wdaw-
Case of cirrhosis of the liver with fatal hemorrhage of the
esophageal veins in a 14-year-old boy. Vrach.delo no.10:100,1
0 '57. (MIRA 10:12)
1. Klini~m propedevticheskoy terapii (zav. - prof. I.T.Stukalo)
i klinikH obshchey khtrurgii (zav. - prof. A.M.Serednitskiy)
Llvovokcgo meditHinskogo institute na baze Vtoroy gorodakoy
R17,11"UNIA Or6anic- Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G
Abs Jour aef. 6-hur.- KhImIya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50312
Aut.'aor Arventlev, B.; atrul, AL 1,7exler, H. ; Cahane, D.
Title Preparation and Study of Some Aryl T.-iiouroc-s -
IV Oxy and methoxy- naphthyl Thloiirea2-
Orig Pub Studii si. cercetari Stunt. Acad. RPFL Fil. iasi.
Chim., 1956, 7, #1, 24-30.
t i a c t Oxy-, methcxy and carboxy-ethcxy of
-naphthyl thiourea (I) viere synthesized. The
toxicity of the prepared substances vas studle~'-
Heating the aolAion of I-rmiro-2 naphthol-
chlorohydrate (II) with FH4%.TC5(III) In glacial
CH3COOH (IV) yielded 2-oxy-I (V). By analogy
4-oxy-I (VI) xas obtained frcm 1-amino-4-naphthol
clilorohydrate (VII) and III, MetlWlation of V
Card 1/4
RUMANIA Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G
Abe Jour Ref. Zhur. - Khlmiya, No. 15, 1958, No. 50312
In ordev to obtain 2-methoxy-I (VIII) led to a
formation of a previously synthesized 2-amino,
naphthoxyazole (IX). The latter compound may
e- also prepared by interaction of V and CICH2-
COOH in an alkaline medium and by heating of al-
coholic solution of V with HgO. 4-methoxy
chlorohydrate (X) or 2-methoxy-l-naphthylamI-ne
chlorohydrate when reacted with III or IV yielded,
correspondingly, 4-methoxy-1 (XII) and VIII.
Reaction between III, 1-amino-4 naphthoxy
acetate (XIII) and IV yielded 1-thiouretedine-4
naphthoxy acetate (XIV), while reaction between