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STRIZHEVSKIY, S.S. Planning amd financial control should be improved in teleconamication enterprises. Vest. aviazi 23 no.3:17-19 Yx 163. (MIRL 16:3) 1. Starshiy ekonomist Ministerstya finansov RSFSR. (Telecommunication-Accoun-ting) STZIT 5. YA. Obl-!!d,!!nenie sanoletov v olt-te. (Te-?',-nika vosdushnoFo flot~a, 1~3-., no. 1:, !). 29-hL-, bibliography) TiAlt tr. : Formztion of ice on aircraft ir, f'l-iFht. 193!~ ~~-rorauticnl Sc-;,!nce--~ an(i ~,.-LGtion in th~ Soviet -nion, Librar,; of MARTYNOV, A.K.; OSTOSLAVSKIY, 1.Y., prof., retsenzent; BMGO, G.Y.. prof., retsenzent; UKS, N.A., doteent, reteenzent; STRIONSKIT, S.Ya., dotsent, retsenzent; KOTLYAR, Ta.M., red.; ZUDAXIM. I.K., [Experimental aerodynamics] Eksperimentallnaia serodinamiks. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo obor.promyshl., 1950. 475 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Aerodynamics) STRIZIIEVSKII S. Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovskii--osnovopolozhnik sovremennoi aviatsionnoi nauki. Stenogramma. publichnoi lektsii. Moskva, Pravda, 1951. 28 p. Title tr.: Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovskii, the founder of modern aeronautical sciences. TL540-z45S8 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. YURIYEV, Boris Nikolayevich, akademik; STRIZHEVSKIY, S.Ya.,,kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ZAYIMvW, rowL; FETROVA, I.A.,red.ii(d-va;ZLTDAKIN, I.M., tekhn. red. [Aerodynamic analysis of helicopters] Aerodinamicheakii raschet vertoletov. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1956. 959 p (MIRA 16:9j (Helicopters-Design and construction) ZAKH&RIN, Veniamin Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KANEVSKAYA, M.D., red.; STRIZHEVSKIY, S.Ya., red.; KOROLEV, A.V.., tekhn. red.-- (Aviation with vertical take-off) Aviatsiia vertikallnogo vzleta. Moskva,, Izd-vo DOSAAF,, 1961. 69 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Vertically rising airplanes) STRIZIIEVSKIY, Semen Yakovlevichs kand. tekhn. nauk; TURCHIN , P.Ye., red.; KFOTIMSK17, P.M., red.; ROZJIKO, K.M., red.1-leksiko- graf; PLAKSHE, L.Yu., tekJin. red. (French-flussian dictionary of aviation and technical termsj Frantsuzsko-russkii aviatsionno-tekhnicheskii slovar'. Mo- skva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 578 p. (MIRA 17:2) lzkKsol:, Alcksandr I-likliaylovich; MILI, doktor teklui. miuk, retsenzent; .133TRIZiEVSKlY, S.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, " '- -' AV? dots., retsenzent; S-11 -OV, V.13., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; GILliiERG, L.A... red. [Soviet lielicoptor industry] Sovetskoe vertoletostroenie. I-Ioskva, Mashino.Aroeriic, 1~)64- 310 P. (MIRA 17:6) STRIZHEVSKIY, Sh.P. At a leading railroad district in Transbaikalia. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no.9:21-24 S 162. OURA 15:9) 1. Nachaltnik Borzinskoy distantsii signalizatsii i svyazi Zabaykallskoy dorogi. (Tranabaikalia--Railroads--Signaling) S'ITUMETSKIY, Sh.P. Connection of se-lectl-ve networks in the automatic telephone exchanges of district-wide communication 57stew. Av-,om,., telem. i sviaz' 7 no.7:32-34 J1 1103. (MIRA 16.-10) 1. Nachaltnik Borzinskoy distantsii signalizatsii i s-w-yazi Zabaykaifskoy dorogi. SKRAMTAYEVA, G.A., lnzh., ispolnyayuahchiy obyazannosti starshego nauchnogo sotrudnika. Prinimali uchaGtiye: KLq'TANOV. A.P.; FINKELISHTHYN. Ta.B.; NOSOV, F.F.. STRIZHEVSKIT, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, xtauchnyy red.; CHABROV, I.M., red. [Method for applying cement coatings in insulating steel pipes to be used in trenchless and jacketless pipelaying; scientific report] Tekhnologiia naneseniia tsementnoi izolistaii na stallnye truby dlia bestransheinoi besfutliarnoi prokladki truboprovadov; nauchaos soobahchenie. Moskva, Otdel aauchno-tekhn.informataii Akad.koomun. khoz., 1959. 18 p. (MM 13:6) 1. Glavnyy makhanik Upravleniya po stroitel'stvu podzemnykh sooru- zheniy Glavmosstroya (for Kirlyanov). 2. Nachallnik ProizvodstvexLno- tokhnicheakogo otdals (for Finkallahteyn). 3. Glavnyy inzhener trabo- zagotovitellnogo zavoda tresta 4Mospodzemstroyanab" (for Nosov). (Protective coatings) (Pipelines) STRIZHEVSKIY, V.L. [Stryzhevalkyi, V.L.] Absorption and radiation of light by a weakly perturbed system. Ukr.fiz.zhur, 4 no.6:809-810 N-D 159. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T.G.Shevehenko. (Light) (Absorption of light) 1)OV/51-7-11-7/32 ';,U TH Oitl; Libitsa, M.P. and Strizhavskiy, V.L. TIT L F. On the Teaperature Dependence of the Vibrational -briorption Band Intansities in Gases in the ~Xse of Fenal iesonance. P?,R1ODI(;AL;Opt1ka i apelctrosicopiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, pp 478-481 (USSR) ABS -'rRhCT: Earlier studies of the tetaperature dependence of the intensities of t-wo vibrations of gaseous c.rbon tetrachloride (Raf 1) confirtued qualit;~tively the correctness of Vollicenshteyn, Yellyashevich and Stepanov's th6ary (Ref 2). Complete quantitative agreejaent was not obtained: the theory predicted a faster rise of the integral absorption with increase of temperature than Aas found experimentally. Among many factors which may be responsible for this difference between theory and'expariment the most important is the resonance interaction betwean vibrational levels SO +,., and SO (the superscript o denotes U1 V-t unnerturbed state). Transitions to these two levels produce bands of the vibrations studied. ~ -Ilorance for this interaction vas expected to produce quanti-~ative agreement between theory and experiment. This was ~;ard 1/2 found to be true .-:han the authors modified Vollkenahtayn's et al theory by inclusion of the Farmi resonance, since this led to bettar agreement 071'.511 -7 -4-7/32 On the Te2per~-ture uapenddnce of the Vibrational bsorption Band Intensities in Gases of Fox-ai -desonunce between the calculated and expariwontal vulueb of integral absorption in the resonat-ice doublet i), + -~, and -A + (-jl + -->,,) of carbon tetrachloride (table on p 481). The differences between the calculutod and oxa.-irimentul valuos lr~y :5.6 and 5.8~., i.o. ~,,ithiri the axparLuoritL1 error, which 10~- There are 1 t~4 U a and 4 Soviet references. SM:ITTED: February 17, 1959 ,ard 2/2 3/058/6P-/000/008/002/134 AO61/A1O1 AUTUOR: "jtrizheWAdy._V. L. TITLE: On one particular case of the time-dependent perturbation theory PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 10,62, 13, abstract 8A99 ("Visnyk Kylvslk. un-tu."; 1960 (1961), no". 3, ser. astron., fyz. ta khimil, no. 2, 55 - 59, Ukrainian; summary in Russian) TFXT: A particular case of the time-dependent perturbation theory is con- sidered, when the wave functions of an unperturbed system areknown only approxi- mately, and the states, to which the system can pass over directly under the action of external perturbation, form a discrete spectrum (although each of these states lies in the continuous spectrum of the Hamiltonian of an isolated system). The case of a periodic perturbation, particularly of a monochromatic light wave, is investigated. Formulas determining the transition probabilities are obtained. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 L'. FILICAR, S. I. ;, STRIZHSVSKlY, V. -- R- - Theory of the effect of temperature on the dispersion and e;dton absorption of light In crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 2 no-5:894-897 my 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. (Cr7stal Optics) !Z~1'M'6010021008101 5/045 2.41 B006/BO70 AUTHOR: Strizhevskiy, V. L. TITLE: Theory of Dispersion and Absorption of Ligh~ in Crystals. PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1806-1815 TEXT: Dispersion and absorption of light in crystals in the region of excitan absorption has been investigated many times previously. In this case the states, in which photoiransition is permitted, form a discrete spestrum, In the present work, the opposite case is investigated in N/ which such states form a continuous spectrum. Such a case is, for example, realized in the excitation of a localized exciton in a molecular crystal in which the exciton phonon coupling is not weak. In the first part of the paper, the interaction of.a monochromatic electro- magnetic wave with an ideal crystal is theoretically investigated, and some general relations are obtained. In the second part, the wave functions and the energy levels of a molecular crystal are investigated for the case of an arbitrary coupling between the lattice vibrations and Card 1/3 82996 Theory of Dispersion and Absorption of s/1e1/6o/oO2/008/015/045 Light in Crystals B006/BO70 the inner excitations of the molecules when the crystal is in thermal equilibrium. Finally, in the third part, the d-ispersion and absorption. of light is investigated for the case of the occurrence of excitons whose coupling with the lattice vibrations is not weak. The author calculates the specific dipole moment of the dielectric polarization and obtains formulas for the refractive index and the absorption coefficient of light. found that the calculation of the absorption coefficient as a L,.uantity proportional to the phototransition probability, does not always lead to corrept r'esults. In the case of a molecular crystal considered, in which excitons are produced which have non-weak coupling with the phonons, the allowed phototransitions form a continuous energy spectrum, because, for every intramolecular transition lattice vibrations are simultaneously excited. The author thanks A. S. Davydov, S. I. Pekar, and M. P. Lisitsa for 'Interest and discussions. There are 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni Shevchenko) Card 2/3 82996 Theory of Dispersion and Absorption of S/.181/60/002/008/015 Light in Crystals B006/BO70 SUBMITTEb; December 26, 1959 - ;I Card 3/3 86805 3/185/60/005/001/004/018 (-/0 9 A151/AO29 Ab7'HORS- Lisitsya, M.P.; Strlzhevskiy, V.L. On the Fermi Resonance in the Case of Carbon Tetrachloride ?D~,'10DICAL% Ukrayinslkyy Fizychnyy Zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 5, No, 1, PP~ 34 - 39 TEXT~~ The paper deals with t,h"e probleil of the Fermi resonance in the case of carbon tetrachioride, Its aim it to show that for CC14 the existing theory Is in a satisfactory agreement with the experimental data referring to the Fermi resonance. A romparison is made of the theory with the e,xperiment;for three Fermi resonant doublets Of CC14. It was ascertained that in the case of gaseous CC14 the theoretical value of the splittingyand the intensity ratios of the re- sonatIng component are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data, A determination was also made of the distance Abetween the unperturbed levels, as tvell as of the unperturbed frequencies of the fundamental oscillations oil molect?m of, gaseous and liquid CC14, The result% of the experiment together with the non- perturbed levels of an is6lated molecule of CC1 are given in a table. A com- parl-zon of the-frequencies shows that in case o~ the phase transition gas - liquid i general tendency appears toward a decrease of frequencies. This result is Card 112 86805 s/185/60/005/001/00"/018 A151/AO29 On the Fernd Resonance in the Case of Carbon Tetrachloride observed as a rule in all molecular compounds. The data of the table give a qualitative proof for the assumption that the maxima of thp fundamental absorp-o-- bands shift in the case of the mentioned phase transition (see also Ref 8~ closing, the suthorF point out that the results obtained in this work prove tha, It is possible to do away with the nonharmonious members of the potential energy In the case when ~he Fermi resonant Is absent. There is I table and 9 referencei 8 Soviet and I German. ASSOCIATION:. Kyyivslkyy dershavnyy universytet im., T.H. Shevchenka (Kiyev State University imeni T.H. Shevrhenko), SUBMITTED., JulY 1, 1959 Card 2/2 86815 s/185/60/005/001/015/018 A151/AO29 A(YrHOR. Strizlievskiy, V.L. TITLE- On the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Dispersion and Light Absorption in Molecular Crystals PERIOD-7CAL., Ukrayins'kyy Fizychnyy Zhurnal, 1960, Vol, 5, No; 1, pp, 120 - 122 TEXT-. The general results pertaining to the temperature dependence of dis- persion and the exciton light absorption In crystals (Refs. 1 and 2) are applied in a concrete case of molecular crystals with a weak exciton-phonon interaction. A number of formulae are given, from which a series of conclusions can be drawn (for more detailed data see Ref. 11),. It follows, for Instance, from Formulae (7) and (8) that /i (~t is the diffraction indicator) decreases with a rise in T (T Is the temperature zone), In the case of a), which is close to coo, X (9 is ffe absorption coefficient) decreases when T is raised. Within the zone of the ab- sorption band wings (&j--5> (do) X - T. The value g which exists In (10) depends up- on 0, and therefore the shape of the absorption band is not reduced to the Lor- enz Gauz-B' shape or to any of the other widely known shapes. A complicated character of the dependence of WE upon 0, permits one to expect more than one max- Card 112 86815 s/i85/60/005/0()1/015/018 A151/AO29 On the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Dispersion and Light Absorption in Molecular Crystals imum on rhe curve Dt( for cubic crystals In the case of high temperatures the presence J at least two maxima might be expected-, at Wtjo. As to the integral absorption intensity, It might be expected that the closer the shape of the absorption curve to Lorenz' shape, the less this absorption is dependent on the temperature. In the case of oscillation excitations (since the width of the zone Is smaller than the marginal values of oscillation frequencies) the semi-widths for various absorption bands should be values of the same order. A detailed comparison of the theory with the experiment will be made In the pa- pers to follow. In closing, the author expresses his gratitude to O.S. Davidov, S,I. Pekar and M.P. Lysytsya for their critical remarks and their attention to this work, There are 11 Soviet. references, ASSOCIATIONg Kyyivs'kyy derzhavnyy *miversytet (Kiyev State University) SUBM=D, October 10, 1959 Card 2/2 KONDILEEKO, I.I.; KORCOTKOV, P.A.;STRIZIIEVSKIYO V..L. (Stryzhevslkyi, V.L.1 Indica.trix of the Raman scattering. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no.1:122-124 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Raxnan effect) 25582 S/185/60/005/002/019/022 On the theory of temperature... D274/D304 instance with excitons of large radius), a simpler expression for is obtained. In the general case, the temperdture dependence of can be found by specifying two more functions. There are 5 Sov- iet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Kyyvs1kyy derzhavnyy universytet.,(Kiyev State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: October 16, 1959 Card 3/3 25583 S/185/60/005/002/020/022 q /10 D274/D304 AUTHORS: Kondylenko, I.I., Korotkov, P.A. and Str zhevslkyy V.L. TITLE: On the intensity of lines in Raman scattering PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1960, 279-281 TEXT: The article has two objects: 1) To obtain a formula for the frequency dependence of the intensity of lines (in gases), and to transform the obtained formula by means of the adiabatic approxima- tion; 2) To experimentally study the frequency dependence of inten- sity of scattering and compare the results with theory. The author proceeds from the formula for the differential effective cross sec- tion of light quanta scattering, as given by W. Heitler (Ref. 1: Kvantovaya teoriya izlucheniya (Quantum Theory of Radiation), IIL, M., 1956) Z-Abstracter's note: Translation into Russian2. The formula for intensity obtained differs from that obtained earlier by Plachek. By taking the average with respect to the period of Card 1/3 25583 S/185/60/00.,5/002/020/022 On the intensity of lines ... D274/D304 oscillation of light wave, the intensity is given by I = ~(J4 \ I pl. 1 2 (2) where ~2__irc7) A A P - of Eo, of xy otjoil. (SY)ij(9x)jm + (Sx)ij(9y)jm (3) W (j, I 4)j t - &JO aim + Wo I where 2E0 is the amplitude of the electric wave vector. Eq. (3) can be transformed b~ the adiabatic approximation; the matrix elements of the operator with respect to electron coordinates is expanded in powers of the displacement of nuclei from their equilibrium posi- tions, whereas the frequencies are expanded in powers of ratios be- tween differences of frequency-factors. After some transformations, a simplified formula is obtained for OC. ( d was assumed to be re- duced to the principal axes). The obtained formula agrees with the results obtained by M.V. VolIkenshteyn et al., in 1948 and 1949. An experimental study was made of the intensity of two lines of Raman scattering in liquid benzol. The method of measurement is described Card 2/3 25583 S/18 60/005/002/020/022 On the intensity of lines... D274YD304 in references: I.I. Kondylenko and P.A. Korotkov (Ref. 6: UFZh, 3, 765, 1958). The results of the study are given in a table, which also contains (for comparison) theoretical data. There is good agreement between both. (A comparison with Plachek's formula shows discrepancies). A table is given which shows that intensity I vs. 4 frequency Ga might sometimes approximately be given by I a const(i Such a relationship apparently applies to the Raman spectrum of CC14, investigated by I.I. Kondylenko (Ref. 5: Naukovi zapysky Kyyvs'kogo derzh. un-tu, Zb. fiz. fak-tu, no. 10, v. 18, no. 3, 1959). There are 2 tablej and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Kyyvs'kyy derzhavnyy universytet (Kiyev State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: October 16? 1959 Card 3/3 S/05J/6o/oo8/o2/005/o36 AUTHOR: Strizhevskiy, V.L. E201/E391 TITLE- The Effect of ar I teraction with the Environment oil tile .l, n Fermi Resonancel-in Multi--atomic Molecules PERIODICAI.: Optika i spektroskopiya, 196o, Val 8, Nr 2, pp 165 -- 170 (USSR) ABSTRAM The effer;t of an inteiaction with the environment on the Fermi resonance in multi--atomic molecules is discussed by the author for pure substances and weak solutions. It is shown that interaction with the environment should always lead to partial equalization of the intensities of the resonating components. If a molecule with resonating levels is non-polar, then this equalization will be greater in a pure substance than in many solutions. The latter conciusion, is well supported by experimental data, Acknowledgment is ~,iade to M.P. Lisitsa for his advice. There are 7 referencez~. of which are Soviet and I German. -~I~R&J.TTTEli, March 18, 1959 il;ord 1/1 S/051/60/008/04/007/032 ,3201/9691 AUTHORS: Kondilonico, I.I. Koroticov, ?.A. and Strizhevs1ciy,_V.L- .......... .. TITLIs The Raman Scattering Indicatrix PERIODICAL; Optika i spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 4, pp 471-476 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give a simple and clear derivation of Plachak's formulao (Ref 2) which give the dependence of the intansity of Raman lines on the angle of observation 11 and the degree of dopo.LaFi-zati-oin ~-. The authors measured the angular dependence of the Raman line intensities of carbon tetrachloride, benzene and chloroform. A cell, K, with the appropriate liquid was illuminated with two vertical mercury lamps PRK-4 (they are sham as Ll and L2 in Fig 2). Between the lamps and the call diaphragas A -were placed; each of these diaphragas consisted of a set of metallic plates lying parallel to the direction of the light beam from a lamp to the call. The scattered light was recorded by means of a photoelectric spectrometer DYS -4. The lamps, the diaphragns and the cell were fixed to the same base which could be rotated about a vertical axis. The lamp-diaphragn-cell system vas rotated and the angle of rotation measured by means of a special goniameter. Simple graphical calculations showed that in such card 1/2 S/051/60/008/04/007/032 The Raman Scattering Indicatrix 9201/3691 rotation the volume of the liquid which takes part in scattering remains practically constant. Consequently the change in the intensity of scattered light can only be due to the angular dependence suggested by Plachok. The results obtained are listed in a table on p 474 and the offset of variation of the observation angle I on the Raman spectrum of GC14 is shown in Fig 3. The results obtained agreed satisfactorily with Plachek's theory. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 1 Engliah and 1 German. SUBUTTV. June 29, 1959 Card 2/2 S/051/60/CO8/005/005/027 E201/E491 AUTHORa Strizhevskiyj_V TITLE3 The Temperature Dependence of Dispersion and .Absorption of Light%in Molecular Crystals.)\ 1. Theory 11 PERIODICAL-. Optika i spektroskopiya, ig6o, Vol.8, No-5, pp.623.-628 TEXTs Pekar (Ref.1 and 2) described a general method for ,~alculaticn of dispersion and absorption of light in crystals in the exciton.-abserption region at temperatures close to the absolute zero. This calculation was generalized by Pekar and Strizhevskiy (Ref.3) to non-zero temperatures. The present paper applies the results obtained in these three papers to a molecular crystal with weak exciton-phonon coupling and it deals chiefly with the temperature dependence of dispersion and absorption of light. Expressions are derived which give the temperature dependence of the refractive index and the absorption coefficient. Qualitative conclusions which follow from these formulae are discussed, The paper is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgments are made to A.S.Davydov, S.I.Pekar and M.P.Lisitsa for their advice. There are 9 So-iet references, SUBMITTEDI September 25, 1959 Card 1/1 KONDILENKO, I.I.; KOROTEOV, P.A.; STRIZEEVSKIY, V.L. Intensities of the lines of Raman spectra. Opt.1 spektr. 9 no.1:26-)) ii 16o. (MIRA 1):?) (Raman effect) .Oiq .14. /f. - U; ,-!L L~ STRIZHENSKIY, V. L., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- "gffect of +Ae ale 1481 9 ga"M and temperature upon the spectra of molecular compounds." Kiev, 1961 (Joint Academic Council of Tnstructors of Math, Phys, and Metal Phys, Acad Sci UkSSR). (KL, 4-61, 185) -43- 29683 S/!81/61/003/010/005/036 710 0 //1-3., // 60) B102/B108 AUTHORt Strizhevskiy, V. L. TITLE; Theory of Raman scattering of light in a crystallinemedium PERIDDICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. io, 1961, 2929-2938 TEXT: Scattering of light in a condensed medium can be studied theoretically in second-quantization representation of the electromagnetic waves by twu different methods. The one employs the direct diagonalization Qf the total Hamiltonian of the system, the other, which is used here, is based on a phenomenological description of the prODerties of the scattering medium by means of the tensor of the dielectric constant, L. Its shortcomings are due to the fact that & is an unknown function of the other parameters of the medium. The author simplif-ied this method, applying a ner procedure of quantization and a different potential calibration than usually. An anisotropic non-magnetic crystal which interacts with the electromagnetic field of light is consideredi 1 OA _4~ t. 1 f+-,, E =- H- curl A, div An 0, W.--JAdv; C (it C Card "/" 29683 S/161/61/003/010/005/036 Theory of Raman scattering of light... B102/B108 W describes the interaction between field and particles. Since the interaction problem is a self-consistent one and the field may be assumed as being smooth, W may be approximated by 71, jAdv, j - aE denotes cl I the mean field-induced current density. In this lay the exact Hamiltonian H = H 0+U+W is obtained in macroscopic approximation. For this aDprOXimate Hamiltonian the steady stal,e is described in second-quantiza- tion representation of the electromagnetic field. The terms eliminated in the transition to the approximate Hamiltonian describe the microscopic inhomogeneities due to the motion of the crystal particles, and are responsible for the scattering of light. In the second part of the paper Raman scattering of light is considered in second perturbation- theoreticai approximation. IN - 'N is the characteristic perturbation vii th Card 2/6 29683 S/181/61/003/010/005/036 Theory of Raman scattering of light ... B102/B108 W= j (r) A (r) dv, j (r) p. D,,(r-,,) P. -ihV,. (27) C -j M, AV D6V (r') equals unity when r-ends within the infinitely small volume,6v, and vanishes for all other cases. The transition prbbability per unit time is given by w = 2n JK I'Q,; V and y 0 indicate respective quantum YjYO numbers for the initial and the final statd of the system, Qgdt is the number of final states in the energy Interval dt. The matrix element KY1YO has the form %h 'k.1 -Ij IV K7 I I- k7k V Er (ki. - k,) - El. (k~) - (34) O'kiVE. OLAE, "kj Ej, (kE. - k) - Et. (kE.) P = V(j (0) ekd. S/181/61/003/010/005/036 Theory of Raman scattering of light... B102/B108 .4' where ki denotes one of the quantum numbers of the state and f the re,, maining ones. For the probability of Raman scattering of a quantuji (k i) 0 per unit time through the solid angle da, kj OL., iE'E. 00 XE' OLA.E. KIXEI WdQ = -, ki '36 Tf-,f. (kt.) - A-,.., (kF dQ. W1 ) + AWIi I I V/ is given. The transversely polarized part of the scattered light is 01"At G4 18.1 (Q -4-- ObJ)EIE. hi.L - (37). ,er-- Card 416 2W3 S/161 61/003/010/005/036 Theory of Raman scattering of light..* B102YB108 The intensity of sca'A'ered light per molecule (or per atom) is (38) V I[y W "]- (39) 1k., hj Vk) ?",kj From Eq. (37) it can be seen that the frequency dependence of the scattered light intensity is the same as that in the came of gases. These general formulas are applied to study light scattering in a molecular crystal with weak exciton-phonon coupling. The author thanks A. S. Davydov, S. I. Pekar, and 1. 1. Kondilenko for discussions. There are 9 references: 6 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The references to English-language publications read as follows: U. Pano. Phys. Rev. L03, 1202, 1956; C. A. Meed. Phys. Rev. 110, 359, 1958; J. M. Janch, K. M. Watson. PhyB, Rev., 74, 950, 1485, 194a; 75, 1249, 1949. SIIB11611003101010051036 Theory of Raman scattering of light ... B102/B108 ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. 0. She~chenko (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko) SUBMITTED: February 13, 1961 (initially) March 27, 1961 (after revision) 3h436 S/185/61/006/006/014/030 q, D299/D304 Yonailenklo, I.I., Pohoryelov, V-Ye., and Stryzhevs1kyy, V.L. TI-L'.."LEZ Study of intensity of overtone lines of Ranan scatter- in PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 6, 1961, 785 - 788 TE'~','T: Tileoretical and e.--nerimental studies are described of the in- ~ ~ "Y of ',Z-man 1-nes, c Biers_- U orres~jondinG to the first overtones of -in- trar.-.olecular vibrations. Particular attention is given to t.^.e de- pendence of the intensity of the scattered ligIlt, on the frequency of" the excitim- light. First, the oroblem is considered theoreti- cally. The ten--or a ILor the intensity of the lines which correspond to t-he-first overtores, isex,)ressed by _2 e2 + 2 (2xy)vt,�2 A"' 2 w BI-11 + f _D_:1 .0) ) ~, ] Q2 Card 1/3 S/185/61/006/CO6/014/030 0 A Study of intensity of overtone ... D299/D3 r (where A, 3, C, 6 and d are given by formulas; the notations are from t'ie references). A comparison between formula (1) and U t1le corresiondirl:17 'Lormula for the fundamental tones, shows that the -requency de-)e-.,11dence of the overtone lines -Js greater than that of the _-~'undaizental lines. If the frequency of the exciting light app- roaches the absorption-band frequency, the intensity of the over- tone lines increases ir. a :rreater measure than that of the :'Unda- U -dental lines. T.his was confirmed experimertally. it is noted -hat U-1-e stron-er i'requency-dependence of the intensity of overtone li- nes, is related to the quantity w0 (as com-oared to w~o ) in the j brackets of formula (1). Experimental results showed that w0 cannot be nel-lected. A' formula. is obtained for the ratio between t1ae int-en- si Iuies of the overtone- and fundamental lines. The experimentual in- vest.-I.L.-ations were conducted by a method, described in the refere'r.- ces. The apparatus included an automatic specturoneter (de ed by the aut'liors), a photomultiplier and the recording device (PERI-02). The integrated intensities of the overtone lines 1550c.-,1 Cci 41 7.06 cm-1 CS2 and 1520 CM-1 CHU 3 were determined. The results Card 2/3 S/1 8 61/006./ 06 '014/030 Study of intensity of overtone D299YD304 '0 / are listed in a table, together with the value-i fox 'k~'he fundamental lines. From the table it is evident that the theo- retical predictions were corroborated by experiment, In the case of CC1 -and CHC'L-,, agreement between theory and experiment was both 4 qti-Ll i1 ve and quanti tative, whereas in the cage of CS 2 #agrej~'!nelit was leso satisfactory. There are 2 tables and 6 references-. 5 S-D- viF,t bloc and 1 non-Soviet.-bloc. The reference to the Engli-zh--lan- guage publication reads as follows: E.D. Wilson, As-Uophys, Journ. 69., '34, 1929. A6SOCIATION: Kyyivslkyy derzhuniversytet im, T.H. Shevchenka (KyyA'..- State University im~ T.H. Shevchenko) Card '~/3 S/051/61/010/001/004/017 E201/E49i AUTHORS: Lisit5a, M.P. and Strizhevskiy. V.L. TITLE; The Temperature Dependence of the Intensities of Vibrational Absorption Bands in Gazes PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1961, Vol.10, No.1, pp.48-54 TEXT: The authors consider theoretical aspects of the temperature dependence of the integrated intensities of vibrational absorption bands of gases. Apart from the "Boltsmann factor" (Ref.4), the authors consider the effect of anharmonicity of internal molecular vibrations and the effect of light emission on the intensity of vibrational bands. Formulae are derived which give the temperature dependence of the integrated absorption. The new formulae differ somewhat from the usual expression. Comparison of the available experimental data on carbon tetrachloride, bromoform, chloroform and other molecules (Ref.1 to 3) with the new formulae showed fairly good agreement but further work is necessary for reliable conclusions. There are 15 references: 14 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet (translated Card 1/2 S/051/61/010/001/004/017 E201/E49i The Temperature Dependence of the Intensities of Vibrational / . Absorption Bands in Gases into Russian). SUBMITTED: March 30, 1960 Card 2/2 KONDIaNKO, 1.1,j; KOROTKOV, P.A.; STRIZHEVSKIY, V.L. Studying the indicatrix of the Raman affect. 2-1 no.2:169-.171+ Ag 161v (Raman effect) Opt. i spektr. (MIRA 14:8) I c-1--en de, ~,y tl-le -nt-en 3 it i-o In Ra.-umn sps, c','r a. ;1) k-r - OpL. i opcktr. 11 no~2 *2E"2-26-3 Ap 161. LA 1,4 C, I ~RaL~ian effect) AUTHOR: 38910 S/181/62/004/006/016/051 B125/B104 Strizhevski-v TITLE: quantization of an electromagnetic field in a crystal medium with dispersion PE'RIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V, 4, no. 6, 19629 1492-1495 TEXT: The author Ceneralizes his method of quantizing an electromagnetic field in a non-Eyrotropic crystal medium (V. L. Strizhevskiy, FTT, 39 29379 1961) for the case of spatial and frequency dispersion of the real dielectric constant tensor. Absorption is neElected. Diagonalization of the Hamiltonian HO = Ho + U + 71 and expansion of the -vector potential into Fourier series leads to the Fresnel equation of crystal optics. When dispersion of the dielectric constant tensor is taken into account, solution of the Fresnel equation yields several values oq, (i ~ 1,2#..*) for each, wave vector k. After the respective Fourier expansion is substituted in'. U-4-- -Lj j E,,E,,ddt-#- H'dv, (3) 47c 8n Card 1/3 quantization of an... S/18 62100410061016105'1 B125XB104 and integration is accomplished over space and time, new harmonic variables give the expression A i~~ (2wL '). Vk A (12) for the vector potential. -hhen there is no dispersion thii expression will. coincide ~;ith that obtained by the author's previous method. The vector potential (12) implIes the generalized formulas 4 .kj V9-.j Pi P aEo,.L, (13) j L 2ne3 V'/I uwl, MXE, N PIK-1 _dh and axy lylk/ (d ').j :E[ (j, (0)),X (it (%'t -4- E (14) .pl. (kE.) - Awkj for the intensity of scattered light witi.a. given,polarization per molecule or per atom. Card 2/3 ~~uantizat'.cn C." S/181/62/004/006/016/051 B125/BlO4 A~530 CIAT! C:-. :Kiyevskiy :-o3u'arstvenny.; universitet im. T.G. Shevchenko . r I State University imeni'l T. G. Shevchenko) SUB.'ITTED: January 22, 1962 f Card 3/3 S/185/62/007/007/005/010 1048/1248 Ii-bich, 1.L., j",ondilenko, I.I., and Stri7,hevskiy,V.L. T ITI, 6: tho nentterin,; power of v) 1 P 0, 11 F" ~rj Wl" liquid sitol,t) during 10mrian of li,-ht -hirnal, v.7, no.7, J~~ LLODI'~'AL: Ukr .ri,;Ikyy ;Jzychny_y 19621, 742-748 T Z'X T ;Iip rela-Lioitiship K where I is the intensity- C of the ,;cPtte.-,d li,- _,ht alid C the molar concentration f the c t- terin- jubstnnce in th, -iedium was studied using CC14, toluene, t' meth-inol, 1,2-dichloroethanc, nnd the methyl esters of boric, C-rd 1/3 S/185/62/007/007/005/010 1048/1248 IV es ti~,71tion of acf~bio, 11,,ci i.,orm,~c a;; tli4~ .;c-tterinl 3ubst,--~nces Ind v.-!ri,,)us ~.,)1%,r:nt medium-. Permi-resonrince nnd reoonflnce-fro:~(,, iines ~;'V- idind by I.L. Babich et al,'s mpthod 141 (Opt _J ~3~,ektr, 9, 677, 1962). K decreased with increasing C in the systcris- CC14-ben,~-ene (459 cm-1), CC14-toluene (459 cm-l~, (2994 cm-.1 and 2832 112 ("~957 cm-1 ind 2870 cm-1); K w--is pr,-cti- cally independent of C ;n the systems: CC14-chloroform (459 cm-1) id toluene -3 -sed vr' th a i -ben7, e r i eC48 ,oles/l., 786 cm. -); K incre,-, L incre~,.sin6 in -the syzter,s CC14 -CC14 -methanol (459 cm-1), toluene (1004 cm-1). is indeD,:-ndent of C when both components have simi- lf,r molecitlir structur.-~;. The ratio Il/I21 where 11 is the over- LO','(? ~-'Ici 12 tile 'Intensity in the Fermi resonance lines Card 2/3 S118 5/6 2/C,07/0107/00, 5/010 1048/1248 meth-.nol- t. in meth-.nol-CC14, H,:)O wi(i'm~,Ahyl bor-te-CC14 uy:~'telas- Here -I/IL (12n)8/I2838) > 1 Nsiihin ~h.~ C, r.-nl-,e - 2 - 12 m-).les/1L, c 11 ij T11' ! -,rst stAcl, cas!~ reported. Il/I2 increpses ster~dily ;.,ic in nil, 'n the pu e oubst-nces, the components of Lii.. rt~,I~on-nce -;plittlng Ibecome almost identic-1. 'he ratio Il/I2 dIcre-.sed with ;ncr~:as~n- 3 in solutir)kis methyl. fo-_rn-.te, Inethyl qCet~lLe, ;~nd l,-'-'-uIi,-iiloroethpne. are 5 fic-,ares. (rn ,,3'0 C I A'--' I ON: ?,i:iv-ikiy uniw-r-:itet he University of Kiev) C-4rd 3/3 42766 S/185/'2/007/010/00b/020 :)234/-)308 A'JTH'0Hj: IYsytL3ya, ~1. 5-!,ryzhevsl~Yy, V. L~- and Khalimonova, 1. ~i. --- e 1T L Tempera-.ure dependence of the.intensities of v--'bra- tiumil absorition bands of mo-Lecular liquids Ukrayino'kYY fizyc'hnyy zhurnal, V. 7, no. 10', -,302, JI- 1U90-1099 1,*eai3ureuoli!.'Li wer~j muCe 11i t.,,e whole zuemperature range where iiquid pllaz-ie cxi.;to, fir fulldu:,iontal vibrational bands tl-.eir The JiLjuid~; were (;C1 , liexaethyldisiloxane, oczu.- ,~.e'u-I',y1tri:jiloxane, toluene, chioroienaene, nitrobenzene, aniline and bromobenzene. The intensity of any absorption band varies'ac- cordin,~ to T = 4;0 + q(T - T O)l Card 112 Temperature dependence Df ... 6/185/62/007/010/00b/020 D234/D303 -Ul.e IempOrature coefficient L)ein- ne-at-;*ve. For the first overtones tiie vibrations, the 4nte6ral absorition does not depend on tem- ol . I - derazure. Theoretical cuiculation (using the Frank-Condon principle) -ives l )16(o) c~ ;:~~ :~ 2 2 \ 2 qJ cl) OQ qj and the sLSn of o( is est-imated to be negative. '."here are 4 figures. zl.~66C!~TION: 1".yyivs ',-yy ~~erzhuniversytet; Ii-,.s-.ytut napivprovidny- Aiv AN U116111 (Kiev 6tate Ulliversity; Institute of 6emiconductors, 113 Urr66R) "'-dB-A,-LITUD: February 24, 1962 Card 2/2 S/051/62/013/005/co4/017 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Babich, I.L., Kondilenko, I.I., Strizhevakiy, V.L. TITLE: Intermolecular interaction and Fermi resonance in Haitian spectra PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v-13,'n.0.5, 1962, 642-648 TLXT: There has been no systematic study of this problem to date; hence a theoretical study is made and compared with experimental data. The effect of the interaction of molecules with the surrounding medium is investigated by examining the Fermi resonance lines in Haitian spectra of different concentrations of niethanol in water, chloroform and carbon"tetrachloride. As CC14 has resonance lines these are also studied. It is shown that the concentration dependence of Lhe intensities of the components of the Fermi resonance doublet are diffTrent. The ratio of intensities of the 2944 and 2832 cm- lines increases with concentration up to - 5 to 10 moles/litre and then remains substantially constant. The potential energy of interacting molecules is examined assuming dipole-dipole interactions (valid only if.size of molecules is small compared with distance between Card 1/2 S/051/62/013/005/oo4/o17 Intermolecular interaction.... 6039/E420 them). A divergence from-this approximation is expected when the interaction of separate elements of a molecule begin to play a significant role. The magnitude of this effect is indicated by the change in optical activity of the molecules when in solution due to strong interactions and the formation of associations. In the case'when intermolecular interactions are absent resonance still occurs due to intramolecular effects. This effect contributes to the levelling off of the intensity ratio of the Fermi lines. As'this ratio is shown to be 0.4 to 0.8 experimentally the resonance of isolated molecules is not small. In view of the simplifying assumptions made in the theory the agreement with experiment is only qualitative. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: September 21, 1961 Card 2/2 S/051/62/013/005/005/017 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Kondilenko, I.I., Pogorelov, V.Ye., Strizhevskiy, V.L. TITLE: Intensity of harmonics of Raman PER1001CAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v-13, no.5, 1962, 649-654 TEXT: This subject has received little attention in the past and the aim of this work is to make a theoretical and experimental study of second order lines corresponding to the first harmonic of V- intramolecular oscillations. In the first part of the paper general questions on the theory of combination scattering are answered; in the second and third parts the theory of the intensity of the harmonic lines and the comparison of theory and experiment are given. Experimental results are obtained showing the dependence of the intensity of thd harmonic lines on the frequency of the exciting light. The experimental method, which involves the use of an automatic spectrometer, is as described in an earlier paper (I.1. Kondilenko and I.L. Babich. Mater. X Vsesoyuzn. Soveshch. po spektrosk. (Data of the 10th All-Union Conference on Spectroscopy) v.1, 218. Izd. Llvovsk. un-ta 1957). The harmonic lines examined are 1550 cm I CC14, 1520 cm -1 C"C13 Card 1/2 S/051/62/013/005/005/017 Intensity of hari;ionics E039/E420 and 769 cm-, C.,;-). For coin'parison the intensities of the NndamentaL lines 313 C111-1 CC14, 762-1 C11Cf- and 656 cM-1 CS2 are given. It is shown that the harmonic ?ines exhibit a much faster increase in intensity with the frequency of the exciting light than the correspond ing fundamental lines. This fact is in agreement with the theor *.' In the case of CC14 and CHCl the Y. agreement is quantitative as well as qualitative. with 252 the I . agreement is not good because the frequency of the exciting light is near the CS2 absorption band. There are 2 tables. SUBMITTED: September 21, 1961 Card 2/2 S/02 62/145/006/008/015 B181YJ3102 AUTHORS: Lisitsa, YI.-P., Strizhevskiy, V. L., and Khalimonova, 1. N. TITLEt Anomalous intensity-distribution of vibration bands from Fermi resonance Pi,RIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 6, 1962, 1262-1264 TEXT: The Fermi resonance in absorption spectra of multiatomic molecules was studied theoretigally, paying special attention to intermolecular interaction (A. S. Da--vydov, Teoriya pogloshcheniya sveta v molekulyarny'kh kristallakh - Theory of light absorption in molecular crystals - Kiyev, 1951). It has been found that the doublet lines polarized at ri&ht angles to one another. Measurements made in polycrystalline layers of CCI4 showed that both lines are polarized equally. Absorption in the' region of vibration from plane deformation of the symmetry B 1 with the complex term of the same symmetry were 5tudied in the case of liquid and crystalline iodobenzene and chlorobenzene. The intensity ratio of the two doublet'lines Iv1/Iv is almost I for CCI 41 for the liquid benzenes < 0.1, Card 1/3 S/020/62/145/006/008/015 Anomalous intensity-distribution... B181/B102 for iodobenzene crystal (T - -55 to -1670) about 10, and for crystallized chlorobenzene about 1. The anomalous intensity ratio can be explained by the results arrived at in an earlier paper (V. L. Strizhevskiy, Optika i opektroakopiya, 8, 165, 196o). If v and v, are resonance terms and if 'L,v- < k'-1 6 IVI/Iv,'l, then the condition 6 k 161 k ;/> 1 ;(1) is obtained where LVVI is the matrix element of the vibration energy transfer from molecule to molecule, 6 is the "natural" distance of the splitting com- ponents k - p0 /pov,1 P 0 and p 0 are the matrix elements of the dipole 0v 0 ov ovo moment for th6 corresponding transitions. If L VVI < 0 and 6> 0, then k2_ 1 (2) is obtained from (1) where x is the distance*of the k doublet maxima. From (1) and (2) it follows that a migration 'of the vibration excitation in the crystal, which makes intermolecular resonance possible, is the cause of the anomalous intensity ratio. There are 5 figures. Card 2/3 5/020/62/145/006/008/015 Anomalous intensity-distribution ... B181/B102 ASSOCIATIONs Kiyevskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet*im. T. G. Shevchenko . ~nyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko) PAL3LNTi:,Ds April 13, 1962, by 1. V. Obreimov, Academician SUBMITTbDi April 10, 1962 I Card 3/3 1 0: AP4002 2 7 6 S/0139/63/000/005/0113/0117 '6~S: Verian, E. IMI.; Strizhevskiy, V. L. TriT)le Fermi resonance in a carbon tetrachloride molecule PITJZ. Fizi-Ica, no 1963, 113-117 5, T.-IGS- carbon tetrachloride, Fermi resonance, oscillatory ener,-j level resonance interaction, Pmqdamaental Fermi resonance doublet, degenerate resonance level, ulysorption band, oscillatory absorption band A theoretical study has been made of the Fermi triple levels in carbon -~trachloride represented by 2 Ll + Ll + v and 2( Z/ + ij ). Of these// is fully 3 3 4 1 4 1 oyn-ietric, -.vhereas V and -z/ are triply degenerate. The wave function of the 3 4 perturbation system is Yrritten as q,-=CT?-+CQ27*+0,, The Potential enerMr term is represented by a cubical function of the normal coordinatcs, and the system of linear homogeneous equations is given by Card 1/2 ACC-'SSIO'N 270: -1,134002276 3 'Y I (E- - L-,o VIIJ C.- 0; i 1, 2, 3 a = A, E, F2 The solution of the characteristic equation then yields respectively 1590, 1566, and 1534 for the three enerMr levels considered. These results show reasonably -r-ood a,~,reenent .-iith the experimental values reported by M. P. Lisitsa, V. N. ..,linko (ODt. i spektr., 4, 455, 1958). "The authors are grateful to M. P. Lisitsa for e-aluating the analysis." Orig. art. has: 11 equations and 1 table. ,SS0CLkTION: Kiyevskiy gosuniversitet imeni T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State iniversity) I JB,,IIITTLD-. 28Feb062 DATE ACQ: 02Dec63 ST 121CL: 00 6UB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 008 OTEER: 001 L 13355-63 EWT(l-i/BDS/-EEC(b)-2 AFMAsD !JP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP3001265 s/6l8l/63/oo5/c66A54A5l3 AUTHOR: Strizhevski7-,-y-.--;t!- TITLE: Approximation of the polarizability theory during examination of combination -scatt~Lr~~of 1~ght in_qrTgt~~js SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 5, no. 6, 1963, 1511-1513 TOPIC TAGS: combination scattering, wave function, tensor of polarizability ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of previous work (FTT, 3, 2929, 1961; 4, 1492 1962). The tensor of combined scattering of light in a crystal derived in tfiis previous wor!~ is here Presented as a matrix element between initial and final vibration states, on the one hand, and some.tensor depending only on the vibration coordinates, on the other. These ten5ors are represented in fomulas (1) and (2),, The author finds an analysis of the tensor of polari- zability similar to that for gases. "S. 11. Verlan participated in making the analyses of the present paper." Orig. L,*t. has: 6 formulas. Association: Kiev State University Card L 185"()-63 EWT(1)/BDS AFFTCASD/S5D ACCESSION NRz AP3001277 S10181163100510061159511600,-'II AUTHORSt Kondile4q, I.I.; Verlan, E.Mol Xorotkov, P.A.j Strizherskivp V. TITLE: Indicatrix of the combination scattering of ligh-t in a crystalline medium SOUIRCEi Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 6., 1963v 1595-1600 TOPIC TAGS; combination scatteringp. indicatrix,, Si,, 0, optic axis., crystalline material :ABSTRACT: The authors have studied the conditions of dependence (of the indicatrix) of combination scattering of light in crystalline material both in theory and in experimental work. The theoretical expressions are derived from previous works (V. L. Strizhevskiy, FTT, 3, 2929, 1961., and FTT, 4, 1492P 1962). The experimental work is basically similar to previous work an liquids (I. I. Kondilenko., P.A. Korotkov, and V.L. Strizhevskiy,, Opt. i. spektr., 11, 169, 1961). The authors obtained general formulas determining the indicatrix in any arbitrary crystal. Vibrations of h66 cm-1 in quartz were first used in experimental investi- gation of the indicatrix in a crystal :in the angular interval of 40-1400. The experimental data agree with theory. The authors show that a study of the indic- atrix of combination scattering may serve as a method of investigating oriented Card 1/2 L 18580-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3001277 systems. To illustrate the method (with a few simplifying assumptions) they determined the angle formed by the Si-O bond with the optic axis. This value proved to be 550, which corresponds satisfactorily with the actual value of 540441. There are disadvantages to the system, however,, limiting its usefulness. Chief of these is the presence of parameters in the formulas that are unknowns- components of the tensor of combination scattering@ Furthermorep the spectrum of combination scattering is not always capable of experimental observation. Orig. art. hasi 1 figure, 1 table, and 13 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt Kiyevskiy gosudarstvenyW*y universitet im. T.G. Shevchenko (Kiev' State University) SUBMITTEM llJan63 DATE AGQ: owu163 M: 00 SUB COM PH NO REF SOVt 009 OTHERt 001 Card 2/2 L 3,A17i 66 _ EwZ(l) NEW- VVIV/00- ACC NRt AR6ol6218 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo58/65/OOO/O11/DO72/DO72 AU7HOR: Strizhevskiy, V. L. _P1 j- 7 TITLE: -Contribution ~o the theory of nonlinear transformation of light by a medium SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 11D563 P.EF SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopii. AN Lqq~, t- 3, vYP- 1, 1964, 4oo-4o4 TOPIC TAGS: light dispersion, piezoelectric property, tensor, light transmission, optic property, optic crystal ABSTRACT: A theory is developed of nonlinear optical effects in a medium in which, under the influence of a monochromatic light wave of frequency W1, 0~2, ... pcnctratin from the outside, harmonies au.1, w, � a32, ... are produced. In a phenomenological analysis the phenomenon is described by a third-rank tensor 0, with symmetrj proper- ties similar to those of the piezoelectric tensor. General formulas are obtained, which make it possible to calculate the intensities of the harmonies for an arlbitrary crystal in the propagation direction of the light waves. A theory is also developed which makes it possible to relate the properties of the tensor 0 with the micropara- meters of this medium. The theory shows good agreement with the experimental data. (Translation of abstracil SUB CODE: 20 Lr~j Co rd AGUSSION NRt AP4013494 s/m8l/64/006/002/0393/04M AUTHORI Strizhevaklyp V. L. TITLE; TheorY of nonlinoar transformation of light by matter SOURCEi Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6. no, 2. 1964j 393-401 TOPIG UDSt light, light transformation, nonlinear light transformation., incident angle, dispersion., dispersion ratio, dielectric constant, anisotropic nonmagnetic dielectric, cv1stallographic analysis ABWRACT: The author has made a theoretical study of scme aspects of nonlinear tr~.,.nsformation of light by matter (such as ratio Of the inteinsity of hairapnicstothe incident angle, ratio of the intensity to the crystAl cdmtatjon. In a phenomenolor.- ical examination, he has shown the general dispersion ratio for the tensor of nonlinear dielectric constant for any order. His theory applies to an anisotropio nonmagnetic dielectric mediume A general method for finding the amplitude or the harmonics in a crystal arxi in a vacuum under conditions of first-order effects is presented. As an exairple,. he examines the transmission of ordinw7 light through a plane-parallel plate of a class D3 crystal with nonli-ear properties. A Card 1/2 .' 1 0 Acc&q.sioN NRs AW13494 conparison of theory with experiment la favorable for the theory. The author also makes a microthooretical evaluation of the first-order nonlinear effects for any crystalline medium. The presence of angular dependence and other dependent relations in nonlinear effects leads to the belief chat in the near future the study of these effects will become one of the important sources of information on the structures and properties of'mat-ter, fcrwdApleqa method of crystallographic analysis. 7hesn effects may also be 'used for mWulating and detecting light beams* Orig. art..has: 2 figures, 1 table', and 27 formulaso AS5WIATION: Kiyevskly goaudaraty6nnyn universitet, iDt, To G., Shevchenko (Adev State University) SUBMITTEDs 22Jul63 SUB COM PH DATE AGQt Q3Kar64 NO REF SOVI 008 ENCLt 00 OTHER: 009 C,,d 2/2 KONDILE!,'KO, I.I.; POGORELOV, V.Ye.; STRIZI[EVSKIY, V.L. Frequency dependence of the intensity of Raman scattering of li:!,ht in crystalline qiiartz and calcite. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.2.-533-538 F 164, (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kiyevskiy gos,idarstvennyy universitet imeni Shevchenko. ACCESSION KR: AP4011505 S/0031/64/016/01/0169/0171 Avmm Strizhevskiy, V.L. TITLE% On interference effects in laser system SOURCE: Optilca I spoktrookopiya, v.16, no.1, 1964, 169-171 TOPIC TAGS: laser, interference, laser oscillation,*interforence rings ABSTRACT: Some of the features of interference effects that may obtain in laser systems are considered in this paper. For simplicity it is assumed that the excess population of the upper levels remains constant, an assumption justified by the fact that in many cases the excess population is a relatively slowly varying function of time. The specific case analyzed is a lase- system with the active me- dium in the forta of an isotropic rod with mirrored ends. one of which is partially transparent, and transparent aide walls. It is demonstrated that under certain conditions, in addition to the Intense central spot, interference rings may appear. It is noted that interference rings have actually, been observed by some experimen-!- ters. Some factors that may be responsible for broadening of the rings are considered briefly. "The authors thank I.I.Rondilenk and I.S.Gorban' for useful discussions&W 22 formulas* Card 1/2 ACC.NR: AP4011505 useful discussions." 22 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITI 23May63 DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NR REF SOV: 008. OMR: 008. AC-CTj-R---n6o2 7-5 SOURCE CODE: I 5 A/0058/66/ooo/oo14/DoG8/N68 AUTHOR: Kondilenko., I. I. Korotkov,, P. A.; Strizhevskiy, V. L. TITLE: On the use of Rama spectra for the study of oriented systems SOURCE: 'Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4D5-,,6 RF,r SOURCE: Tr. -Komis. po- spektroskopiJ... All $S'SP-1. t. 3, vYI). 1, 1964, 574-581 TOPIC Rainan spectruin, optic crystal, light polarization, quartz crystal ABSTRACT: A theoretical study was made of the indicatrix and of -the polarization effects in Raman spectra In arbitrary anisotropic crystals. General formulas are obtained for the intensity of the scattered light as a Paiction of the scattering angle, polarization, and the macroparameters (dielectric constant) and micropara- meters of the medium. It is shown that it is possible to determine the orientation of the bonds, inside the crystal. An experimental study was made of the indicatrix in a Experiment and theory are in satisfactory agreement. [Trans- lation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 Card 1/1 pir, L P12902.:.65 9W1T(l)/EW-T(m)/EPF(c)/EEG(t) Pr-4 iJP(c)AS(mp)-2An1L/ RA-P,71 )/ESD(t) GGIRM 7 a 3 /EM g s ACCESSION UR: AP4047174 S/0051/64/017/004/0528/0531 AUTHORS- Strizhevskiv. V. L. TITLE: Vibration symmetry and intensity in Raman spectra SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 4, 1964, 528-531 TOPIC TAGS: Raman spectrum, vibration symmetry, light intensity, toluol, benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper was to obtain a qualitative interpretation of some features of the intensity distribution of allowed Raman-scattering lines, by taking account of the symmetry properties of the molecules. The Raman-scattering-tensor is used in the form derived by the authors previously (with P. A. Korotkov,_ Opt. i spektr. v. 9, 26, 1960). The stable configurations are dis- tinguished from the unstable ones with the aid of the Jahn-Teller rule. The conditions under which the fully symmetrical vibrations Card 1/2 MR: AP4047174 -3 predominate over the non-fully-symmetrical ones are qualitatively analyzed. These make it possible to ascertain when the diagonal elements of the Raman-scattering tensor increase or decrease, de- pending whether the minima of the first and excited electronic states appear in the same point or in different points of 0-space. The theoretical predictions are ompared with the experimental data for toluol benzene,richloroform,land carbon tetrachloride, and are found to be ii~ -qual7itWt-iveagreement. Orig. art. has: I figure, 1 formula, and 5 tables ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 06Nov63 SUB CODE: OP MR REF SOV: 008 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 Card - 2/2 T, 0921-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5007306 9/0057/65/035/003/0546/0556 33 AUrHOR: DeMMIn, I.A.; Strlzbevskly, V.L.; Kuts, P.S. TITLE: Investigation of the operation of ultrahigh frequency Faraday effect do- I vices under conditions of variable magnetization SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fialki, v.35, no.3, 1965, 546-556 iTOPIC TAGS: Faraday effect modulator, ferrite, pulsed magnetic field, relaxation process, relaxation time ABSTRACT: This paper Is concerned with pulsed operation of uht Faraday u"fect do- vices, in particular 6f uhf modulatorsuonsisting of a ferrite rod within -ind co- axial to a cylindrical waveguide and magnetized by an external solenotd. Tile auth- ors have previously discussed the distortion of the magnetic field prilse shape due to the skin effect in the waveguide wall (Visnyk Nyivalkogo derzh.un1versytetu,ser. f1zyky,kh1=yii, matematyky ta astranomli,1963). In the theoretical part of the pre-,-~- sent paper they calculate the time dependence of the magnetization Induced in the ferrite by the distorted magmt1o field pulse by solving rho relevant Bloch equa- tion (F.Blech,Voys.Rev.M,460,1946).and present the results graphically. Ferrite Card 1/2 L 40921-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5007306 modulators were constructed in silver and lanthany- waveguldes of various sizes gtd wall thicknesses with ferrites of different grades; these were operated with (ap- proximately) squar magnetic field pulses of various lengths, and the shapes of the corresponding output pulses were determined. The results are presented graphically and are discussed at some length, although a quantitative comparison with the the- ory was not possible because the relaxation times of the ferrites used were not known. It is concluded that uhf Faraday effect devices can be successfully operated:' with magnetizing pulses as short as I microsec. '~Student XIK~~~rticipated in the present work." 8 formulas, 10 f4pma and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskly goaudars-tvemyy universitet In.T.0.8havchanko (Klav State University) SUBAII 12Jun64 ZWL: 00 "Sun CCUE.0 EC'EM HR REP SOV: OCS 01M., 006 Card 2/2 DERYUGINP I.A..~_,STRIZHEVSK.I.YJI~.L.; KUTS, P.S. Superhigh-frequency Faraday devices under variable ma netization. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 35 no.3%546-556 mr 165. &IRA 18%6) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universAtet Imeni Shevchenko. LISITSA, IM.P.; STRIZIIIEVSKIY, V.L.; SUGAKOVA, N.A.; TSYASHCHENKO, Yu.P. Verification of the Kramers-Kronig relations in the vibrational part 0 of the srectrum. Dokl. VT ESEP V3 no.6:1361-1362 Ag 165. (MIRA 1828) 1. Yd.yevsk-iy gosudarstvennyy univerisitet. Submitted February 5, 1965. L 25952-66 EwT (i) ACC NJL- AF60.U5-16 sOtME ME: UP/0053/66/020/003/0516/0519 AUTHOR: Strizhevskiyo V.*L. 3? OW: none TITLE: On the speotral coWosition of generation in the case of nonlinear optiaa e7ffectsn,-- SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no, 3., 1966., 516-519 TOpIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, laser, lasevheory,isecond harmonic ABSTRACT: The author first writes down an~equation for the intensities of the elec-.. tric and magnetic fi-elds-of exciting radiation in terms of the Fourier components of the electric and magnetic fields, when the radiation penetrates a medium with weakly nonlinear optical properties. The spectral components of tS6 resultant har- monies are expressed in terms of products of coefficients determined Irf the specific parameters of the problem and the Fourier components of the induction. The analysis is then confined to the case of noise-Iike sources, in which the fields at different instants of time have a Gaussian or normal distr3bution. 'Ibis approximation is valid for the case of laser emission. The intensity Is then obtained with the aid of the appropriate correlation functions. In the case of the second harmonic, the results .obtained agree with those given by R. H. PanteU (Proc. IM v. 52, 607, 1964). The presently available experimental data are not yet reliable enough to permit a comparil son with the theory. The author thanks S. A. Akhmanov for fruitful discussions. Origj art. has;. 13 formulas. (021 SUB COD&: 20i SUBM DATE: 20Aug65/ ORIG REF:. 005/ OTH R&F: 0061 ATD PRESS:Z/;Z5-'7 Card lil r-0 UDC: 621. 375-9: 535-001-1 L 22622-66 AP6004931 AU'ri MRS; _ObukhovsLcjy, _ V. V. Strizhevsk&L V. L. ORG: Kiev State University (Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Relation between the nonlinear dielectric constant and the Green's functions for electraragnetic rediation %.h q-q, 9-~~ SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 1, 19669 135- 139 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric constant, Green function, electromagnetic radiation) tensors nonlinear effect, electromagaetic wave dispersion, quantm field theory, anisotropic medium I I ABSTRACT: The relation between the Green's functions for electromagnetic radiation in a medium and its dielectric constant are derived for the case of an anisatropic medium whose interaction with the electromagnetic radiation is weakly nonlinear. The analysis is confiued to effects whose nonlinearity in terms of the field is of second order. The medium is assumed to be homogeneous and nonmagietic. The forTmila ex- presses the dielectric constant tensor in term of triple-time retarded Green's func- tions, and is derived on the basis of an application of the method of external cur- rents and perturbation theory for the density matrix of the system. While spat dispersion of the dielectric constant is disregarded, generelization of the t=~ to include dispersion is not difficult. The results make it possible to enploy methods Card 1/2 L 220'22-66 ACC NR, AP6004931 mve of quantun field theory to study the propagation of electmmam*tic s in media possessing nonlinear properties. Orig. art. has: 24 fommlas. SUB COW: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3Wun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OM IEF: 002/ 2/2 Card L-4 521 E.IT(l) ACC NR: AP6027904 SOURCE CODE: UR/0369/66/005/001/0119/0122 AUTHOR: Korsak, K. V.; Strizhevskiy, V. L. ORG: none TITLL, Microtheory of producing a difference frequency based on the nonlinear photoconductivity effect of semiconductors during excitation by two laser sources with close frequencies SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 5, no. 1, 1966, 119-122 TOPIC TAGS: photoconductivity, difference frequency, laser excitation ABSTRACT: The problem of 2hotocond ctivit. to a continuous spectrum under the effect of two monochromatic electromagnetic waves with near frequencies is solved .by methods of microscopic theory. It is shown that the probability of finding the system in an excited state and the concentration of excited electrons in the irradiated, medium contains, besides the usual constant term, interference terms changing with Cord 1/2 UDC: 535. 14 ACC 14R-. AP6027904 the difference frequency r,) With increasing G) the relative contribution of these terms decreases as /W where F is the inverse lifetime of the excited state. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas. [DW] ,SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03May65/ ORIG REF- 001/ OTH REF: 014 hs CaFd 2/2 Arr- 11". 1 - - - -, !,,nr_n r A P IU J, 1.) 0 1 S 0 U 'R 17 E C o D E ri r, f U n r: r n n,,z I n k Aq i niAl AUTHORi Gtrizheyekiy, V. L. ORG: none TITLE: Special features of the difference frequency generation based on nonlinear optical effects SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy opektroakopii, v. 5, no. 5, 1966, 685-68T' TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, frequency generation, harmonic generations ABSTRACT: Certain special features of the difference frequency (sub- harmonic) generation are discussed theoretically in terms of the non- linear polarization effect in a dielectric or semiconductor crystal. A-- formula is given for the intensity of radiation at a subharmonic fre- quency which can be used to calculate the genera ion power of a laser (e.g., two ~.10-kv ruby lasers operating at 6934 ~ and 6943 X at room and liquid N temperaturesrespectively, with beam croon sections of '0.5 CM2 and a yield a10-3 w). The possibility of increasing the gen- eration level when the pumping,frequencies approach the absorption bands is discussed. If a crystal absorbs at the difference frequency, genera- 1/2 UDC:535.i4 ACC W AP6036815 tion of subhurmonica can be obeerved in the reflected light. The aub- harmonic yield depends on the real value of the nonlinear permittivity, .Ho experimental vorks have confirmed this thus far. Origo art* ban: 1 formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEs 29Jun65/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REF: oo4/ ATD PRESSI. 5107- -L. 4A748-66 - Eg Ijp~c.) SOURCE C( d(~~f-/66-id~-f/ob3/o~47-/0356-'- :~'-Act;- ~--~60319 0 ~DE: UR7 :AUTHOR: Strizhevskiy, V. L. iORG: none MME: A practical method of computing the nonlinear optical effects in a plane parallel plate SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 3, 1966, 347-356 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, laser induced effect, nonlinear effect, plane parallel `-JX~94 OP7'-*C PR01-7e-oefl' 'j r plate, resonator theory, laser theory,~ 0*'i R n 0 1/) 7-/ C) A_ i ABSTRACT: Within the framework of phenomenological theory, an investigation was made of the generation of optical harmonies (sum and difference frequencies of the first order) in a plane-parallel crystal plate with nonlinear optical properties which were induced by high-intensity monochromatic radiation. Expressions were obtained for the intensity of radiation in a vacuum for the case of an arbitrary orientation of crystall axes and wave vectors of the exciting radiation. The expressions derived can be used to solve the problems in terms of simple algebraic operations. A detailed analysis was made of the synchronism case, i.e., when the wave vector of the stimulated and natural waves approach each other, for which the general formulas were transformed and! further simplified. As an example, the results were applied to the case of generations of the first harmonic in a class C6v crystal. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 41 formulas. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 13Feb65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: 5089 [YKI -Card 1/1-Lift-, UDC: 621-375-9:535-01 ~ -D 7- /7- /1 f- V-51T / )1-i Y - /K, STRIZHICVSKIY, T.M., inzhener. Industrial production and installation of wooden construction parts. Biul.strol.tekh. 10 no.10:25-28 My '53. (WAL 6:8) (Woodworking industries) (Building) on r, c, he d re n t a n,,. t L Lu ono V'S fnt~ d v " I n o 9 192 19 4 . I - -1-1-li-L, JA S- 11 V.:; i", '% Y.". II . - , ; - ; .- ~ A , A . ~ 1 ' 'Z) 1 1'. L., I N! , 3ignificance of of e:-idemic ht-q-11titi.s. Lab. delo no.2:87-90 165. (%-~LPA 16-:2) 1. Vinisologiche-skoye ot:'elc-.n,.yQ 1--borat,orii (zaveduyuohchiy I.1 eocyiskoy (giavwyy vrach Gu aid f-iy~ yc A V (I 4~ -S Z M.0 0 0 0 #-4-4vo b to ft ' ~ I. " J, a 4 , 0 b v a f' A 1. ,- 1 '. AA W -11 41 V IKC ) : 00 .-Oo Amodic oxidation of alwnimurn and its alloys, t o -00 U.S.S.R. 67.134, Sept. 30. 1916. Ais .41. 0 8 Strishikov. -as tangrmrnt is dr.4-i alwJ. -00 00 00 zoo zoo a96 zoo so 0 30 tat 0 v tjoe AS&, %L A NIIAL11~9fkAt L17INATURI CtASIWKAI,cb a ties 008 o Joe Mg'L foe 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000000,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 so* 06 0 : : : : : 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 *!A v M. OBRAZTSOV, A.L.; STRIMIKOZA, f.I.; CIV%ZOV, VZ. Experimentil burhing of natural gas without sufficient air supply. Gaz. pron. 6 no.12:27-28 161. OMIRA 15:2) (Gas, Patural) (Gas burners) j9926 00 S/226/62/(X)0/003/004/014 1003/1203 ALI MOR Aksenov, G. I., Minayev, Ye. M. and Strizhikova? Z. L F1 I'LL Microstructural investigation of metal powder particles PFRIODICAL Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 24-30 TEX I A new method of preparation of samples for a microstructure study of single grains of powders ~.-itnit- the investigation of their dimensions, shape and structure, in a condition unaltered by the process ,~( prLparation of tire cross-section, using epoxide resins with hardeners of the polyethylene-polyamine t~,pe which can be hardened at room temperature. The structure of the powders is affected by the methods M their preparation and subsequent treatment. Microstructures, of iron and stainless steel powders, after vat ious pi ocesses are shown There arc 5 figures. ASSOCIATION Kuibyshevskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kuibyshev Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED November 9, 1961 Ca ('! I " OBRAZTS(JV, A.L., inzh.; STRIZHIKOZA, S.-I-., inzh.; CHAZOV, V.N., inah, Roasting to magnetize bog iron ores in a fluidized bed with products from the incomplete comWstion of natural gas. Gor. zhur. no.8:63-65 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Krasnodarskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta (VNIINeft'). (Iron ores) (Magnetic separation of ores) 3, Z, L 17 D '~;2 15 SOUI~CE Cow-.: UiIz/0020!66/171/006/1348/135l I n, (Corro:--,pnndin7 Member AN SSSF); Scrizhj~o, V. S.; L ---ect o~- diluents on the oxtraction of rare-earth elements by L c~ir:jo:..ylic acids AN SSSR. DoIclady, v. 171, no. 6, 1966, 1343-1351 T 0' , I Cr,;: lanthanum, praseodymium, noodymium, gadolinium, carboxylic acid, 'I i a~ phatic alcohol Scu" Ck'D--'-. 11 07 .A 2~~ T ~v% CT: The authors studied some peculiarities in the reaction of diluents vith alipliall-ic synthetic acids of the C7 - C9 fraction in the extraction of lant'hanuzi, prascod,,"iun, neodymium and -adoliniun. The role of the dilucnts 6opeads essentially on the proton affinity, as well as the ability to form nci6ition cozipounds with the acid molecules through hydrogen bonds of varying n,-,tii and polarity. Carboxylic acids and alcohols posses donor-acceptor -)roporties with respect to hydrogen. Extraction is considerably less affected by dI.-Iii-rits wllnich are only proton acceptors in an acid-base reaction. Nonpolar llili;~_,pts have the least effect. The diluents studied are lisste~ in the C.rd 1/ Z UDC: 542.61 ACC AI'7010715 following, order as to their effect on extraction equilibritz-1 and their ,i' ~ I i IL - ,',' y to form. hydrogen bonds: hoptyl alcohol, decyl alcohol, Isoamyl .1c,~IL:a'*(.,, meua;tylene, dichlorodiothyl other, carbon totrachloride, kerosene. art:' nas: 3 figurcs, 11 formulas and I table. IJPI?S: 40,30, Cord 2/2 MIRYULOVA, M.S.; MgLIKIIOV. I.V.; MULTAROVA, I.G.; STRIZHKOV, B.V. Distribution of lead and bismuth isotopes between solution and crystals of sodium chloride. Trady kom.analikhim. 9:115-120 '58- (MM U:U) (Lead--Ieotopes) (Bismuth-Isotopes) (Salt) LAPITSKIY, A.V.; STRIZKKOV, B.V.; VIASOV, L.G. Some thermodynamic constmts of alkali metal metantobates and metatan- talates. Vest. 14osk an. Ser. 2:Khim. 15 no.4:25-27 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra radiokhimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Alkali metal niobates) (Alkali metal tantalates)